Prindle on Freud, Part I While reading a review by E Michael Jones of Roy Schoeman’s book Salvation is from the Jews on Jones’ Culture Wars website I was taken aback by this:
I already knew that Hans Israel had proved that Freud was an inveterate liar in his Der Fall Freud: Die Geburt der Psychoanalyse aus der Lüge. But the suggestion that Freud may have been a Satanist as well as a habitual liar looked well worth investigating. I searched the terms “Freud”, “Satanist” and “Bakan” and I discovered that articles written by an R. E. Prindle containing these terms had appeared in an ezine dedicated to Edgar Rice Burroughs, the author of the Tarzan novels. I was so uninformed that I did not know that Edgar Rice Burroughs had been a novelist. To me Tarzan meant comic books and movies. I had no idea that Joseph Stalin had found ERB (Edgar Rice Burroughs) sufficiently dangerous to assign Soviet agents to sabotage his writing career. I have read five major articles by Mr. Prindle: Something of Value I, Something of Value II, Something of Value III, Freud and His Unconscious, and The Deconstruction of Edgar Rice Burroughs’ America, Part 1. I shall refer to these articles using the following abbreviations. SOV1, SOV2, SOV3, FAHU, and DOERBA. My first appreciation of this astoundingly illuminating thinker will concentrate on Prindle’s insights about Freud and the death of the West. I hope that it will encourage others to read deeply in the Corpus Prindeliana. To understand Freud’s role in the intentional subversion of Western civilization one has to understand the historical processes at work on the eve of the First World War. Prindle reminds us that events can have remote roots that are ignored by people too focused on the short-term and the immediate. Now Prindle has described one stream of destructive thought that has flowed from Medieval France into the revolutionary turmoil of the world since 1789. The Jewish Role This would not be important or relevant to an understanding of the historical role of Freud if Freud had been the honest scientist searching for truth that he claimed to be. But Freud habitually lied. [See: Mikkel Borch-Jacobsen, How Fabrications Differ from a Lie, available on the internet.] Most nonJews are ignorant of the role of “messiahs” in history of Judaism since the crucifixion of Jesus. Rabbi Moshe Yoseph Koniuchowsky points out that over the past two thousand years rabbinical authorities have made “at least 68 official declarations that Messiah had arrived. [The Messianic Believer’s First Response Handbook, , 2003, p.19] Wikipedia gives a list of the most important among these failed messiahs: Judas son of Hezekiah (Ezekias) (c. 4 BCE), Simon (c. 4 BCE), Athronges (c. 4-2? BCE), Honi the circle drawer, Theudas (44-46), Menahem ben Judah, Simon bar Kokhba (died c. 135), Moses of Crete (5th century), Is?a? ben Ya’?ub Obadiah Abu ‘Isa al-Isfahani of Ispahan lived in Persia (684-705), Yudghan, Persia in the early eighth century, Serene (c. 720), David Alroy (c. 1160), Abraham Abulafia (b. 1240), Nissim ben Abraham (c. 1295), Moses Botarel of Cisneros (c. 1413), Asher Kay (1502), David Reubeni (early sixteenth century), Solomon Molcho (early sixteenth century), Hayim Vital (1542-1620), Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676), Barukhia Russo (Osman Baba), successor of Sabbatai Zevi, Miguel (Abraham) Cardoso (b. 1630), Mordecai Mokiakh (“the Rebuker”) of Eisenstadt (active 1678-1683), Jacob Querido (d. 1690), said to be the reincarnation of Shabbetai Zevi, Löbele Prossnitz (Joseph ben Jacob), early eighteenth century, Jacob Joseph Frank (1726-1791), founder of the Frankist movement, Shukr Kuhayl I, 19th-century Yemenite pseudo-messiah, Judah ben Shalom (Shukr Kuhayl II), 19th-century Yemenite pseudo-messiah, Menachem Mendel Schneerson (1902-1994). “While Schneerson never claimed to be the messiah explicitly, some say that he hinted at the possibility on a number of occasions, and many followers maintain his status as the messiah to this day.” “The Jews themselves recognize these individuals as false messiahs. One might think that this would be an embarrassing admission for the them. But that is, again, based on the Christian notion of the messiah rather than the Jewish notion. Among Jews these individuals are not thought of as heretics or demonic agents, although some of them exhibited some rather bizarre behavior. They are simply would-be deliverers of Israel who failed to achieve what they aspired to.” [Ten False Messiahs (c) Copyright 2000 by Wayne Simpson Biblical Research Foundation 629 Lexington Road, Sapulpa, OK 74066] Originally the Messiah was understood to be merely a nationalist savior, a great and literal king of the Israelite people; later He was reconfigured as an expression of the one God of the Universe who would lord – physically and spiritually – over the earth, not in an after-life, but in the here-and-now. Prindle is not alone in observing that a major theme in the Jewish conception of the messiah and his kingdom is and always has been vengeance. Abraham Grossman concluded “that a link exists between vengeance to be carried out against the enemies of Israel and redemption, and that vengeance is a forerunner to redemption, can be found in the Bible, the Talmud, and in apocalyptic literature, and should not be viewed as uniquely Ashkenazi.” [REL&THEO, 38:1, 859] The renowned sociologist Max Weber once noted: “In the mind of the pious Jew the moralism of the law was inevitably combined with the aforementioned hope for revenge, which suffused practically all the exile and postexilic sacred scriptures. Moreover, through two and a half millennium this hope appeared in virtually every divine service of the Jewish people… one finds that in Judaism the doctrine of religious resentment has an idiosyncratic quality and plays a unique role not found among the disprivileged classes of any other religion.” The Mishneh Torah of Maimonides (Rambam) - that most famous of Jewish theologians - deals with the commandments enjoined upon the children of Israel when their entry to the land of Israel coincides with the arrival of the Messiah. He taught that ‘any Gentile not upholding the Noachic commandments is to be killed if under our rule.’ The Rambam went even further and concluded that all living beings must uphold the Noachic commandments or else be put to death”. [Huppert, Uri. Back to the Ghetto.Zionism in Retreat, Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY, 1988, p.38] Prindle describes Sabbatai Zevi [Many alternative spellings.] as ‘the last great messianic impostor. SOV1 Shabbatai Zevi (1626-1676) Shabbatai Zevi was the son of a wealthy merchant from Smyrna. He gave the boy the best Jewish education possible. He became obsessed with the precepts of the Lurianic Kabbalah. Shabbatai was a prize pupil of the Talmud and became a rabbi by eighteen. But he displayed of an uncontrollable sex drive. A major area of talmudic law that his radical doctrine was to reverse were the laws governing sexual morality, nudity, and forbidden relations. During one of his fits of elation he proclaimed himself to be the Messiah. He offended some who heard him, but others listened and were persuaded. He was finally banished from his hometown in 1651. He settled in Salonika. Before long he was made unwelcome in that city too. This crisis was precipitated by his marriage-in public - to a Torah Scroll. Shabbatai then settled in Constantinople for nine months. In 1658 he proclaimed the “essence of the new law is to be found in the sanctification of transgressions and their elevation to the level of positive religious rules needing a formal ritual blessing.” He began systematically teaching the paradoxical doctrine of holy deeds through sinning. He sought out Nathan of Gaza, who claimed to have the key to restore peace to the soul. Nathan was aware of Shabbatai’s reputation for ecstatic insights. Nathan had plans for Shabbatai. Rather than “cure” him, Nathan set about to convince Shabbatai that he was indeed the Messiah. The two traveled the Holy Land together teaching the Kabbalah and its messianic message. One night Nathan went into a trance and proclaimed that Shabbatai was the messiah in the presence of a large group of people. The news of Shabbatai’s messianic role spread like wildfire. He rode triumphantly to Jerusalem on a white horse. He circled the city seven times, increasing his following with each circuit, including many of the rabbis there. The movement spread throughout the Mideast and in Europe as well. In 1665, Nathan drafted a letter touting Shabbatai’s persuasive powers. The letter included Shabbatai’s plan to take Turkey in a bloodless coup. He would gather the Ten Lost Tribes. The response was astonishing. Jews, from the least to the greatest, all over Europe were swept up in the messianic fervor. Some rabbis opposed him, but they were ineffective. The masses believed wholeheartedly that Shabbatai was the messiah. The purported Messiah set out on a misguided attempt to capture Turkey. The Jews there awaited his arrival excitedly. The Turks arrested him immediately. Remarkably, however, he somehow escaped death and was treated quite well thanks to huge bribes from his disciples. This favor by Turks only fanned the flame of enthusiasm further. People sold all their property, they lay naked in the snow and starved in penance. They indulged themselves in an orgy of sexuality to fulfill Shabbatai’s commandments. Jewish communities all over the world sent emissaries with proclamations of Shabbatai’s messiahship.[It is important to realize that the entire Jewish world of 1665-66 believed that Sabbatai was no mere “prophet” or “teacher” but the Promised Messiah and a living incarnation of God. It was the only messianic movement to engult the whole of Jewry; from England to Persia, from Germany to Morocco, from Poland to the Yemen.] Shabbatai was taken to the Sultan and he was given the choice of death or conversion to Islam. On September 15, 1666, Shabbatai, the messiah, picked up a turban and became a Moslem. Shabbatai was later exiled to Albania after being caught in sexual extravaganzas. He died on Yom Kippur of 1676. Secret cells of Sabbateans continued throughout Europe - and still do to this day. [Ten False Messiahs (c) Copyright 2000 by Wayne Simpson Biblical Research Foundation 629 Lexington Road, Sapulpa, OK 74066] Out of the wreckage of the Zevi movement a man named Jacob Frank devised another strain of Judaism in which he taught “that the age of the millennium would never appear until the Jews had exhausted their proclivity for evil. It was therefore necessary for Jews to indulge in whatever evil impulses they had in order to make way for the good.” SOV1 [Prometheus Books, Buffalo, NY, 1988, p.38] Prindle describes Sabbatai Zevi [Many alternative spellings.] as ‘the last great messianic impostor. SOV1 His teaching emphasized the acquisition of wealth and riches, even if by the most fraudulent means. In 1756 rabbis discovered Frank and twenty of his followers conducting a heretical religious orgy. He and his disciples were excommunicated by rabbinical courts everywhere. The Frankists were denounced to the authorities and eventually Frank was again arrested. To gain his freedom, Frank agreed to convert to Islam. Frank persisted in making secret visits to Poland to confer with his disciples. He remained the leader of most of Sabbateans in Galicia, the Ukraine, and Hungary. They were outwardly Jewish but secretly offended all the Torah prohibitions, especially those about fornication, adultery, and incest. Frank and his followers appealed to Dembrowsky, the Catholic Bishop of Kamenetz-Podolsk, for protection and told the bishop that the Jewish sect to which they belonged rejected the Talmud and recognized only the sacred book of Kabbalah, the Zohar, which they alleged admitted the truth of the Christian doctrine of the Trinity. The Frankists, issued a proclamation that they were “almost” Christians, though they did not fully embrace Christianity. They asked for a public debate against the rabbis. The public debate that followed spawned public burnings of the Talmud. These continued until the sudden death of the bishop. Persecutions of Frankists again increased. Many Frankists, including Frank himself, fled Poland. Frank next asked for protection from the king of Poland, citing his past relationship with Bishop Dmbrowsky. When he returned to Poland, Frank proclaimed himself as the living embodiment of God. He appointed twelve apostles and twelve female concubines to serve him. Frank asked for another public debate. His stated purpose this time was to prove Christianity and to prove the blood libel (the supposed need for Christian blood to make matzah, the brittle flat bread eaten by Jews at Passover. The public debates took place in 1759. Many of the Frankists agreed to be baptized, including Frank himself. Word got out that some of the Frankists saw Frank as God. Frank was arrested, tried, and exiled to a fortress, where he was confined for thirteen years. His final years were spent living like a king in a luxurious mansion near Frankfort. He was supported by huge gifts from followers around the world. He died suddenly in 1791. Frank’s work Words of the Master were still being published in the 1820’s. Adam Mickiewicz, the famous Polish poet, was a Frankist. Likewise, many in the Polish nobility were Frankists well into the nineteenth century. Clandestine communities of Frankists are still thought to exist to this day. [Ten False Messiahs (c) Copyright 2000 by Wayne Simpson Biblical Research Foundation 629 Lexington Road, Sapulpa, OK 74066] Frankist agents acted in times of French Revolution, like Moses Dobruchka who entered the Jacobins as Junius Frey and ascended to the top of Freemasonry. Many of the Frankist saw Napoleon Bonaparte as a potential Messiah. [Source: Wikipedia.] Prindle believes that sufficient evidence exists to show that for two millennia Jewish activities have been grounded on an inviolable ideology, tight organization and precise coordination. He claims that after the catastrophic failure of Sabbatai Zevi the “wisemen” of Judaism devised a new strategy. In the future they would never again recognize a human messiah as so many rabbis had done with previous messianic claimants, but instead they would place their hopes in their whole people in the form of a revolution. Moreover, Prindle says that a clear explication of the plan and its objectives are found in Rabbi Abba Hillel Silver’s, A History Of Messianic Speculation In Israel, 1927. [Reprinted in 1978 reprinting by Peter Smith, Gloucester, Mass.] DOERBA Prindle argues that Freud consciously manipulated his psychoanalytic doctrines as part of program of subversion and revenge aimed at destroying Western Civilization insofar as it was based on Christianity and especially Catholic Christianity. Freud did not discover the Unconscious.(The Englishman, F. W. H. Myers isolated or identified the subconscious by the name of the unconscious in 1886.) “One has the feeling that Freud leaned much more about the human psyche than he told and that he told what he did with ulterior motives in mind. Those ulterior motives did not go unnoticed at the time. As D. H. Lawrence expressed it in his Psychoanalysis and the Unconscious of 1911:-
“Lawrence put his finger on the criminal intent. Freud was in fact running an Order in which one learned the true intent as one moved from initiate to adept. Freud in fact did wish to destroy the concept of morality and he had his reasons.” SOV1 What were Freud’s reasons for wanting to destroy the concept of morality?
Posted by Off-topic post on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 08:57 | # After finishing reading the article, one can’t help but think these people ARE a state-within-a-state, a nest of eager liars, spies and saboteurs. Post a comment:
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Posted by Off-topic post on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 08:39 | # &em;=&en=4f9d372ba8aa7e8a&ex=1185336000&pagewanted=all
The sermons they hear every week: