Ron Paul Demolishes Other Republicans In Online Polls

Posted by James Bowery on Sunday, 06 May 2007 00:38.

The mismatch between “Post-ABC News poll, those more tuned into the ‘08 race” and the post-Republican Candidate debate online polls of ABC and MSNBC goes well beyond normal disparities between “scientific” polling and online polling.  Ron Paul leads all other candidates by a more than comfortable margin in the online polls and is hardly even considered a “dark horse” candidate by the offline “scientific” polls.  This is made even more interesting if, as has been reported here the MSNBC online poll prior to the debates had Ron Paul with only about 9% vs its present 34%.

Glib explanations that “Ron Paul’s supporters are internet addicts…”, as have been advanced on neocon sites such as, while very unsatisfying, are at least better than the utter silence regarding the glaring disparity from the mainstream media whose own online polls so drastically depart from their “scientific” polls.

Moreover, at present it appears that FOX News is excluding Ron Paul from the upcoming South Carolina debate because:

“the public is better served when serious candidates speak on the issues”

One can’t help but entertain the possibility that perhaps some of the disparity is due to Ron Paul’s consistent opposition to Neocon “invade the world, invite the world” policy that has taken hold of the mainstream media… that plus the fact that—rare among self-described “libertarians”—he doesn’t seem very hypocritical when it comes to recognizing the asset known as national citizenship.  (His immigration report card is an astounding B+.)

A quantitative estimate of approximately how far off we can expect these online polls to be is called for…


MSNBC’s online poll as of 4:30PM:

ABC’s online poll as of 4:30PM:

Washington Post/ABC’s offline “scientific” poll conducted prior to the debates:




Posted by Ashke-Nazi Rabbi Rothstein on Sun, 06 May 2007 05:18 | #

One can’t help but entertain the possibility that perhaps…

Possibility?  Perhaps?  LOL!!!  Do you expect the Jewsmedia to admit that a person who would be difficult to turn into a puppet of the Zionists is leading others in the opinion polls?

Zionists have used the Jewsmedia to raise to prominence worthless and incompetent Negro Obama in the hope of having him win the Democratic nomination, only to be routed by negrophobes in the Presidential elections, thereby ensuring that a Republican patsy like McCain be elected President, which in turn will maintain U.S. presence in Iraq, allowing the Mossad to continue to commit terrorist killings of Iraqi civilians and U.S. military personnel and hence drive up more anti-Moslem hatred, kill as many Moslems as possible, attack Iran and finally have the Zionists end up acquiring full control of Middle Eastern oil.

Do you expect these Zionists to tell the truth?  Please!


Posted by RuinedPlans on Sun, 06 May 2007 05:50 | #

I cant thank you enough Rothstein (dont get why youd pick a jewish name). We were all set to put our plan into action but now that we know the truth is out there we are quickly changing gears and redrawing the entire world domination plan. Thanks again, it would have been real embarrassing if we went ahead with our plan as is only to have you expose us for the manipulating money hungry worms we are.

The International Jewish Conspiracy

P.S. A free coffee mug is on its way to you, as a small token of our appreciation.


Posted by Robert Hopt on Sun, 06 May 2007 05:51 | #

Re: ‘Rabbi’ Rothstein

Do not feed the trolls.


Posted by Might makes Right on Sun, 06 May 2007 06:22 | #

The International Jewish Conspiracy

Gee, you mean Jews are capable of creating a government just as every single lower-IQ race of the planet have?


Posted by State Of Brain on Sun, 06 May 2007 06:46 | #

Go ron paul!  I knew he was strong on immigration, but I had never seen that report card site.  Pretty cool stuff.  I know that he has my vote come 2008.


Posted by moo on Sun, 06 May 2007 06:49 | #

ron paul <3


Posted by shoejunk on Sun, 06 May 2007 07:03 | #

Looks like the first two polls, in which he came out on top, are about Ron Paul’s performance in the debate, whereas the last poll is about whether people would vote for him.  People don’t always vote for the winners of debates.


Posted by Llamaology on Sun, 06 May 2007 07:24 | #

The lesson to be learned here is one we should have learned from Howard Dean:  it’s a lot easier to click a mouse than to check a poll.  Just because you have thousands of internet supporters doesn’t mean that any of them are going to get out from in front of the keyboard to actually VOTE for you. 

I hope that the Internet Polling Demographic learned from Howard Dean, so that the actual race will give Ron Paul a fraction of the votes he garners online.


Posted by assface on Sun, 06 May 2007 07:37 | #

The polls were done before the debate - although they are still fairly accurate, probably.  The online polls are about as biased as possible, e.g. digg and other such sites are linking to them directly and distorting any “possible” sense of accuracy you could acquire from them.  Ron Paul is currently only a credible candidate to the online world, and until enough news-sites are bombarded with disapproval as to their omission of him as being a candidate entirely, it’s unlikely that the general public would consider him to even have a chance in hell.  His only chance lies in the ability of his supporters to challenge mainstream media into actually doing a piece about him - more likely a piece about how they’ve essentially skewed any sense of legitimacy of online polls to nil.  But even that’s a step in the right direction towards him gaining any sense of credibility to the nation.


Posted by tom on Sun, 06 May 2007 07:44 | #

Ron Paul is the only honest politician around. I will be voting for him no matter what even if i have to pencil his name in.


Posted by Ashke-Nazi Rabbi Rothstein on Sun, 06 May 2007 07:48 | #


Either you are part of the Zionist cabal or have been fooled by it.  Howard Dean was a big problem for the Zionists because he was largely a grassroots fundraiser whereas someone like Kerry was the typical candidate funded and effectively bought by Jew-owned big corporations and special interest groups.  Therefore, Dean had to be gotten rid of, and only the ignorant believe that his scream sealed his fate.  The Zionists indulged in massive vote fraud to get Kerry the nomination.  It is another matter that the Zionists subsequently indulged in massive vote fraud to give the presidency to Bush, and Kerry couldn’t do much about this because he knew how he managed to get the Democratic nomination in the first place.


Posted by Might makes Right on Sun, 06 May 2007 08:09 | #

Howard Dean was a big problem for the Zionists because he was largely a grassroots fundraiser whereas someone like Kerry was the typical candidate funded and effectively bought by Jew-owned big corporations and special interest groups.  Therefore, Dean had to be gotten rid of

To the crypto-gentile Ashke-Nazi Rabbi Rothstein:

Howard Dean is very much Jew-approved (how do you think he heads the Democratic Party, which has been directly Jew-controlled for at least a century?). He was their man and leading in the presidential primaries until he said the US should even-handedly mediate between Israel and the ragheads. That’s when the kikes installed Kerry. (The grassroots campaign is b.s.; who do you think created that perception?)


Posted by IrrigatedPancake on Sun, 06 May 2007 08:44 | #

The MSNBC online poll taken BEFORE the debate showed Ron Paul with only about 9% positive responses given the options positive, neutral, or negative for each candidate after about 73,000 votes.

The MSNBC online poll take AFTER the debate showed Ron Paul with 34% positive votes as of the evening the day after the debate out of 75,000 votes.

I don’t know if the people who voted before were the same as the people who voted after, but the fact that the initial poll reflected something closer to offline polls before the debate, and had a drastic change after the debate with about the same number of people voting is interesting.


Posted by WAR on Sun, 06 May 2007 10:56 | #

Ron Paul is interesting but he apparently want’s to allow guns on planes (as evidenced on Bill Maure)..
Talk about worst idea of the decade..


Posted by Might makes Right on Sun, 06 May 2007 11:35 | #

Ron Paul is interesting but he apparently want’s to allow guns on planes (as evidenced on Bill Maure)..
Talk about worst idea of the decade..

Amen to that. Weaponry consisted of muskets and immobile cannon in the days the second amendment was passed. An unconditional right to bear arms made perfect sense then.


Posted by roman on Sun, 06 May 2007 14:10 | #

You’ve been dugg wink


Posted by Might makes Right on Sun, 06 May 2007 15:40 | #

I stand by my statement on Howard Dean. As a matter of fact, I was watching this primary particularly carefully back in 2003/2004 to translate my insider knowledge of Jews into cash at and other gambling sites.

Basically, the trick is to figure out who the big jews have annointed as heir apparent. In Dean’s case, you would’ve been smart to cash out immediately after he made the speech calling for a neutral poisition in the ME.

This year, it looks as though they’ve picked Hillary for the next prez, with maybe Obama as VP. That’s the most likely combo by far at this point.


Posted by Might makes Right on Sun, 06 May 2007 15:50 | #

Bush and, especially, Iraq have split the Jews wide-open.

Bush has only superficially split lib and little jews—the jews too dumb to understand what the big jews are doing—apart from the big jews themselves. Actual unity on key political issues will remain—the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations and like will guarantee it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 06 May 2007 17:09 | #

OK, interesting.  Sort of along the lines of the suggestion I made in mid-March.


Posted by Les on Sun, 06 May 2007 17:47 | #

I would support Paul over anybody given the chance.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 06 May 2007 17:54 | #

From the digg site about this one:-

What the hell? It sounds like a racist website cloaked in political correctness

What can one do with these uninquisitive, unimaginative, unexamined minds?  I suppose the only positive thing to be said for them is that if the zeitgeist was to be replaced by one focussed on the rights and interests of European Man, these average little critters would obediently make all the right noises.


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 06 May 2007 19:35 | #

Soros is a billionaire, big or little he can bark and bite.

Anyhow I thought the general idea was the two front theory. Soros appears to champion the third way and opposition to Bush and the neo-cons while actually advancing globalisation etc


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 06 May 2007 19:44 | #

Right.  Soros is actually more of a danger than any Zionist:  He’s a vectorist‘s vectorist.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 06 May 2007 20:21 | #

Well, Fred, perhaps so but has now “buried” the story despite several hundred “diggs”.  You can’t find it unless you check “include buried stories” in your search criteria.


Posted by second class citizen on Sun, 06 May 2007 21:01 | #

“What the hell? It sounds like a racist website cloaked in political correctness”

Yep, it’s not unlike the ADL, except a person tends to find truth here instead of just half truths and fabrications.


Posted by Ashke-Nazi Rabbi Rothstein on Mon, 07 May 2007 06:21 | #

Might makes Right,

Silly goy, Obama is officially anti-war and wants the Iraq occupation to end quickly, yet why have the Zionists promoted him, and why has even neo-CON Robert Kagan (co-founder of the Zionist group PNAC) recently been praising Obama? 

Making statements to appease gullible goyim who do not want war and want prosperity for Palestinians—and obtaining their votes in the process—is not a problem for the Zionists. Their interest is in controllability. Jew-funded incompetent Negro Obama is being used to prevent a decent Democratic candidate from running for President, and Obama will be fully under their control if he wins the presidency (which he won’t), but a largely grassroots funded Dean would have been more difficult to control. 

Fred Scrooby,

I ain’t talking about activist Jews per se, but Zionists. Besides, a number of anti-war Jews are shysters whose job is to ensure that the blame for the IRAQ war is not ascribed to Zionists. There are also numerous malicious Jews whose dispute with the Zionists in charge is over the methodology and lack of subtlety in implementing Zionist plans, not over the merits of Zionist goals.


Posted by Might makes Right on Mon, 07 May 2007 08:44 | #

Jew-funded incompetent Negro Obama is being used to prevent a decent Democratic candidate from running for President, and Obama will be fully under their control if he wins the presidency (which he won’t)

I agree Obama can’t win the presidency. But why then the preparatory Judenpresse-fawning that always signals the impending ascendency of one of their puppets? This one’s simple: after a love-touch show-battle concludes early in primary season, Clinton will select him as Vice President.

So, it’s easily deduced that Judah’s tentatively scheduled Clinton/Obama for 2009.

but a largely grassroots funded Dean would have been more difficult to control

Yet more marrionet than man. Dean has a Jewish wife, two religiously-Jewish children, and is sufficiently trusted by the tribe to front the Democratic party—‘nuff said?


Posted by SillyRabt on Mon, 07 May 2007 08:50 | #

Wow, Fox is really blowing it bad.  I Never realised the media was this… bad.  Ron Paul is clearly getting the most votes in polls yet the media is dismissing him, totally unbelieveable…


Posted by JB on Mon, 07 May 2007 22:50 | #

Congressman Ron Paul at the GOP Presidential Debate


Posted by Ashke-Nazi Rabbi Rothstein on Wed, 09 May 2007 08:13 | #

Might makes Right,

Foolish goy, so what if Dean is married to a Jewess? Marriage to a Jewess does not make a goy kosher. For instance, haven’t you come across white nationalists married to Asians? Big deal that Dean is a prominent Democrat! He is in a relatively harmless position compared to what he would have been as President.

I have already explained why Obama is the jewsmedia’s darling, and I will address it it in a slightly different way. Consider two possible situations in the 2008 Presidential elections: 1) Democrat (51%), McCain (47%), other (2%) and 2) Democrat (57%), McCain (41%), other (2%). Which of these scenarios will be easier for vote fraud to give the Presidency to McCain? The answer is obvious. Having Obama run for the Presidency/VP will increase the likelihood that the former scenario is realized, thereby requiring minimal vote fraud on the part of Zionists.


Posted by Might makes Right on Wed, 09 May 2007 09:05 | #

Rabbi Rothstein,

If a world championship for Jdar accuracy existed, I would win first prize in the goys-only section. You are no jew; I can smell your goyische DNA through the internet ether, because a true Jew would have deduced:

That an apparent regime change (Republican to Democratic) will dissipate US and world anger at Bush and maintain the illusion of democracy as opposed to Jew colonial territory; 

That inserting BM-WF mulatto Obama into the Vice Presidency promotes the universalistic illusion of a color-blind JEWSA and BM-WF sexual pairings; 

That Hillary Clinton has agreed in principle to all of AIPAC and CFR’s agenda;

That John McCain has backbone; (oh yes he does—somewhere beneath his rabid ambition is a firm, Aryan backbone and the jews know this).


Posted by jlh on Wed, 09 May 2007 14:54 | #

Fred at 1:13 PM, that’s the bazillion $ question, and finding a way to short-circuit it is the bazillion $ answer.


Posted by Might makes Right on Wed, 09 May 2007 15:48 | #

The full answer to that requires more than two paragraphs, unfortunately. Maybe more like a hundred pages (the absolute minimum) explaining the key social mechanisms and artifacts in full exactness. I’m still waiting for someone to write it…  (the works that are publicly available obviously arent anywhere close to satisfactory in this regard, not even Dr. MacDonald’s writings which are only partial.)


Posted by jlh on Wed, 09 May 2007 19:41 | #

On second thought, Fred supplies a lot of the answer right here:

There’s a lot of money behind it, and a lot of gentiles are getting rich, fat and happy as front men for it.


Posted by Super-Jew on Wed, 09 May 2007 21:44 | #

Those Jews seem pretty smart. I mean they seemed to have rigged every election in the world, control all the media, all the corporations, started and won all the wars, revolutionised society as they felt like ETC!

For approx. 16 million people, of whom many are babies or senile, and without even most of them knowing….wow….I mean THAT is impressive. To do it all without any complete evidence emerging…I mean I know parted the Red Sea…but really they must be Gods!

...of course I know a Jewish guy. He teaches music. Before I just thought he was nice and quiet with few ambitions, next time I’ll give this emperor of the universe the respect he purportedly deserves.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 09 May 2007 23:23 | #

Those Human Immunodeficiency Viruses seem pretty smart. I mean they seemed to have subverted immune systems in every country in the world, control sexual behavior in all the major cities, make even fortune 100 CEOs scared to screw their secretaries without condoms, depopulate subsaharan Africa, ETC!

For tiny little packages of RNA, of whom the vast majority are discarded in dead bodies, and without even most of them knowing….wow….I mean THAT is impressive.

blah blah de woof woof


Posted by second class citizen on Thu, 10 May 2007 10:41 | #

Fred Scrooby:
Two words: Henry Ford.

He had means, understanding and motivation enough to produce “The International Jew”. What happened after that?

The power structure has only gotten more entrenched since.


Posted by gongstar on Thu, 10 May 2007 20:06 | #

James Bowery wrote:

Those Human Immunodeficiency Viruses seem pretty smart. I mean they seemed to have subverted immune systems in every country in the world, control sexual behavior in all the major cities, make even fortune 100 CEOs scared to screw their secretaries without condoms, depopulate subsaharan Africa, ETC!

For tiny little packages of RNA, of whom the vast majority are discarded in dead bodies, and without even most of them knowing….wow….I mean THAT is impressive.

Excellent response, JB. I wonder if Super-Jew has ever heard of the fallacy known as the argument from personal incredulity?


Posted by President Polls 2008 on Sat, 12 May 2007 13:44 | #

It is true that the republican party is getting swayed away from its ideals. Ron Paul’s popularity is due to the empassioned responses of people wishing to have less government and more freedom. And that can only be good for our democracy.


Posted by jesse treadaway on Fri, 18 May 2007 17:56 | #

As far as I can tell from my extensive research, Ron Paul is the ONLY presidential candidate from either party that is NOT in a Globalist’s back pocket, as are Giullianni, Billary, Barack Osama. These people are all controlled puppets who are willing to sacrifice US soverignty and individual liberties for UN policy, and a regionistic then globalistic rule. Paul’s prior profession was as a doctor, OB-GYn, which to me is better than the b.s.-artist lawyers that have predominated politics for quite some time. (I work in the legal field so I know that they aren’t all bad, but let’s be honest, lawyers have a repetation for a reason).
Paul is a true conservative, which for those of you that do not know, means limited government involvement in all areas of our lives, limited tax breaks/hikes,and limited foreign imperial military involvement. We all know that we have not seen this with the current NEO-Conservative movement led by Bush Sr., Cheney, and Leo Strauss (Bush Jr. is only a talking head).
So for those of you that believe that the US government owes you a living, protection, entertainment, and bureaucratic policy to keep us safe and herded, Ron Paul os not for you. Personally, I love having a sense of INDEPENDECE, and NOT having to rely on the Feds for anything. Reliance on any entity or individual for that matter, equates into control by that entity or individual. Then again, maybe I am just old-fashioned like that. 
Nikita Kruschev once said in the 1950’s that he promises communism will be in America. If Billary or Obama get elected, Kruschev’s dream will be realized. After the policy and “protection” that I have witnessed in this country, he may be right. So many “victims” are standing in line to get handouts that come from taxes of the independent, hard-working people in this country, and that to me, appears to be a wide road to communism.
Ron Paul is the only obvious choice in this race. He is the only one that listens to the people. He in the only one that casts his Congressional votes according to the US Constitution rather than what he has been told, promised in pay-offs, or just because a particular party supports a given position in general (Constitution? what a concept!) He is the only one that is not a LAWYER. Look at his voting record on He has integrity to not back down in the face of adversity, and that is true integrity.


Posted by Tavius Sims on Sun, 20 May 2007 20:12 | #

I’m a patriot and as a patriot I will do what a responsible citizen would do to help our republic.  That is simply to vote for Ron Paul in every arena.  If he is not the republican candidate then my vote will go to an indepedent or no vote at all.  I will not support the democrats nor any republican outside of Paul.  Case closed.  Thank you


Posted by Robert on Sun, 27 May 2007 17:33 | #

The Ron Paul Revolution is on. 

Ron Paul’s courage to break with the flawed and dangerous foreign policy premises that dominate both the left and right wing of the Washington Party demonstrate something. The character of a true leader willing to take political risks to level with the American people. There has been more debate regarding US middle east policy in the last few weeks then in the last 5 years thanks to Ron Paul.

Orwell has said “During times of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act.” Ron Paul is the revolutionary candidate.
Ron Paul 2008


Posted by Dillon Schroeder on Mon, 28 May 2007 18:10 | #

I’ve heard since these polls started that Mormons in Utah are encouraging each other to vote for Romeny.


But if Ron Paul people encourage each other to vote for RON PAUL…


If Fox is gonna exclude RON PAUL, please exclude Romney as well!


Posted by Harper on Sun, 09 Sep 2007 00:23 | #

It makes sense that liberals would dislike Ron Paul. He is the only true conservative in the race. Go to DailyKos and try to promote Ron Paul and see what happens to you.

Ron Paul is for the Constitution, for sovereignty, for less government, and for states’ rights. The NeoCon crowd (which is every other GOP candidate) is for turning the US into a clone of the USSR. The Dems are all wimps except Wes Clark (who is too wimpy to run), Kucinich, who is too ‘out there,’ and Edwards, who is getting trammelled by the lapdog media, just like Ron Paul.

Every true conservative out there should be busting their tails for Ron Paul. He is the only GOP candidate that is not bought and paid for. He is the only uncompromising American for Americans. He has perfect credentials on every single conservative issue including immigration.

FOX News and Clear Channel and Rush and the corporate media are dissing Ron because Ron Paul would take them off the crony gravy train and demand that the press start acting like a free press and less like the sad corporate biatches they’ve become.


Posted by Steve on Sat, 29 Sep 2007 18:39 | #

If Americans don’t wake up their will be nothing left, our Nation is broke and Wall Street is the only people making a profit. While the Hidden inflation tax continues to rise and the value of the dollar declines. Ron Paul is the only one who truely understands this, and honestly if he is not elected America should be prepared for a real economic depression like it has never seen before.

Unless you want a North American Union and a new currency the “Amero” split with Canada and Mexico. And lose all your rights and freedom. Vote For Ron Paul 2008!

So my advice is to bypass the media and spread the word to your family and friends about him. The power of the People is far greater than a campaign spending 10’s of million to buy an image. Because this man is a real American Hero. He has dedicated his life to this country and everyone in it, and now he is trying to save it from disaster.

Spread The Word! Go Ron Paul 2008!

Ron Paul Has Raised $838,000 in 5 Days from people who really love this country and their freedom!

Join The ReVoLuTiOn:


Posted by fox hunter on Fri, 05 Oct 2007 01:31 | #

“the public is better served when serious news networks broadcast the truth”


Posted by Restore America 2008 on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 01:24 | #

Ron Paul supports the Constitution.  Ron Paul has a 30 year track record of voting against anything that would be Unconstitutional.  All the Dems and Reps being artificially promoted in the mainstream media are members of the CFR and other elitist organizations that work towards eliminating marginalizing The Constitution and local government authority.  Power belongs in the local governments.  The founders set-up the federal government to have very limited powers.  The states do not need to follow the federal government.  Today, financial elites seek to centralize power behind men/women that they control.  The media has been merged into 5 mega media outlets, which creates a controlled monopoly and presents only the illusion of competition.  Ron Paul has intense Internet support.  Ron Paul might not be well know among the illiterate brain-dead, brain-washed masses, but that is because the mainstream media works to keep Ron Paul marginalized.  Ironic, because this is the type of control and manipulation that Ron Paul stands to fight.  FIGHT THE POWER - VOTE RON PAUL.  The more you know about Ron Paul, the more likely you are to vote for Ron Paul.  The more you know about the other candidates, the more likely you are to vote for Ron Paul.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 02:06 | #

“Restore America,” what’s your take on 1) forced race-replacement and 2) the Brimelow Ron Paul interview?

The only palatable candidates are Ron Paul, Tom Tancredo, and Duncan Hunter.  Leviathan’s got every other candidate’s pecker in his pocket.  I only wish Ron Paul had come across a little differently in that interview.  He did not help his chances for success in that, which is a pity because with a minimum of the simplist most elementary coaching beforehand (coaching by any blogger or regular commenter would have done nicely) he could have enormously augmented his chances.  A hitherto marginal candidate like Paul simply cannot affort to be cavalierly indifferent to the race-replacement concerns of a HUMUNGOUS AND GROWING MASS OF AMERICANS OUT HERE WHO ARE GOD DAMN MAD AND AIN’T GONNA TAKE IT ANY MORE.  Again, Paul has a chance to pull his chestnuts out of the fire but if he wants to cater mostly to the libertarian marijuana/erase-the-borders crowd his campaign might as well be pronounced dead on arrival right now and save everyone a lot of trouble.  PAUL’S GOING STRICTLY NOWHERE IF HIS HANDLERS PROVE UNWILLING OR UNABLE TO COACH THE RIGHT ANSWERS ON RACE-REPLACEMENT INTO HIM.  If on the other hand someone managed to straighten out his message on race-replacement the guy’s campaign would take off like rocket exactly the way Perot’s did.


Posted by Rich Napoleon on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 10:38 | #

Fred Scrooby: I figured out your concern this election by your insistance that Tancredo is a viable candidate, “race-replacement”, and your critical view of Ron Paul as a libertarian. I found a transcript of the interview you described, and it’s blatantly obvious that Ron Paul is not in favor of “invisible borders”. Perhaps what confused you is when he discussed the differences between the Canadian border and the Mexican border.

Also, as for your arguments concerning race-replacement, I think it’s laughable for Americans to be so in arms about the growing hispanic population. After all, it was the Americans that wiped out the Native American population and forced them into a lifestyle of poverty and alcohol abuse. It was also the Americans that forced out Mexican nationals after their takeover of Texas and portions of the Southwest. Let’s be sure not to curse today’s events and forget about one’s participation in the events leading up to them.

Ron Paul may very well not attain the mantle of President-Elect or even Republican Candidate for President. However, what is important is that the message he is spreading get out there. Globalisation is too much of a problem for the USA, and many other nations. It erases natural sovereignty, and quite honestly it is sending the US’s real power down the drain as we are running around policing the world and acting as an imperial power. Our international treaties are leading to a decreased quality of life in the US, and a larger seperation between have and have-nots. It’s easy to see. The situation was not nearly as bad before the US made it’s appearance as a “world power” in the early 1900s. Ah well, we shall see. As has been pointed out in other political articles, “Money is the mother-milk of politics.” Only 1% of Americans can actually influence the elections anymore.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 13:50 | #

The commenter signing as Rich Napoleon shows clearly he hasn’t a clue about race-replacement.  He simply can’t see it.  It may well turn out that some sort of special intelligence is needed to see race-replacement and that this explains why so many who are otherwise intelligent can’t perceive its outlines even when it’s staring them right in the face in the most blatant way imaginable — as it is doing right now to everyone, of course.  It will be too bad if the people closest to Ron Paul are like Rich Napoleon in this regard, because as of this moment Ron Paul has a chance of pulling it off and being the next president.  But he and his handlers had better get on the ball as to race-replacement, or call it what they will, choose any other name for it if they don’t like that one, but they had better figure it out, and quick, because there’s only going to be one chance at this and time’s running very short. 

On the other hand, Rich Napoleon is not one of these libertardian losers who are motivated purely by a desire to get marijuana legalized — he has additional ideas, right ones, and I agree with every one of the points he makes in his final paragraph, to wit:  1) globalisation is “a problem for the U.S.A. and many other nations” and should be opposed; 2) globalization “erases national sovereignty”; 3) globalization “is sending the U.S.’s real power down the drain”; 4) it’s wrong for the U.S. to be “running around policing the world and acting as an imperial power” (which is not, strictly speaking, a part of economic globalisation though it’s of course wrong for a billion other reasons); 5) “our international treaties are leading to a decreased quality of life in the U.S. and a larger separation between have and have-nots” (actually, open borders with the Third World and the resulting population-culture-replacement are an additional major factor in this last effect of present U.S. policy, besides “our international treaties”); 6) “it’s easy to see” (damn straight it is, the other side sees it plain as day but is holding on by squelching opposition as long as it can; the Jewish fraction of those with their paws on the levers of U.S. power, incidentally, have exactly the same disregard for the survival of the U.S. as Ruth Dreifuss has for the survival of Switzerland, and Jews are a sizable fraction among those with their paws on those levers); 7) “the situation was not nearly as bad before the US made its appearance as a ‘world power’ in the early 1900s” (never truer words were written); 8) “Ah well, we shall see” (yes, we will:  a huge debt is being incurred which is going to come due and I’m not talking about a financial debt — a financial debt is tiddlywinks compared to this one); 9) “Money is the mother’s milk of politics” (right again but not the whole picture:  money is the milk flowing from one breast; tribe is the milk flowing from the other:  those are the two milks); 10) “Only 1% of Americans can actually influence the elections anymore” (sounds right but more important is the percent of legislators that actually influences votes in Congress, which is the number of legislators Jews must control in order to get anti-Euro laws passed such as the 1965 It’s Good For The Jews Immigration Bill, hate crimes bills, and so on.  One Jewish rejoinder to the claim that the Jews were a decisive influence on the passage of the 1965 Jewish Payback-For-The-Holocaust Immigration Bill is that Jews couldn’t possibly have bought, blackmailed, or intimidated 435 U.S. Representatives plus 100 U.S. Senators, but they didn’t have to:  no law passes 535 to zip.  They only had to buy, blackmail, or intimidate a small number, the number the bill otherwise would have been defeated by, usually a small number.  And not only is that doable for them, but that’s exactly the way they did it and continue to do it.)


Posted by GT on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 14:37 | #

Scroob writes: “The commenter signing as Rich Napoleon shows clearly he hasn’t a clue about race-replacement.”

RN has a clue.  He thinks we deserve to be replaced:

“I think it’s laughable for Americans to be so in arms about the growing Hispanic population. After all, it was the Americans that wiped out the Native American population and forced them into a lifestyle of poverty and alcohol abuse.  It was also the Americans that forced out Mexican nationals after their takeover of Texas and portions of the Southwest. Let’s be sure not to curse today’s events and forget about one’s participation in the events leading up to them.”

Why are you going easy on him?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 15:02 | #

GT, you’re right, of course.  I guess I meant if he had a clue he wouldn’t think we deserved to be replaced. 

But the main thing isn’t Mr. Napoleon, it’s the Ron Paul campaign — the honchos there can’t afford to get this wrong.  They should’ve gotten the right position on it mapped out long ago but didn’t.  They have one more chance.  As the saying goes, it’s not often in this life we’re given a second chance.  When one comes along, we’d better grab it with both hands and hold on.  I don’t know that I see the Paul campaign doing this.  They need to understand they’re not going to go anywhere by appeasing La Raza.  Get a clue, please:  nowhere.  If any of them happens to read this:  The biggest mistake you ever made in your life is ignoring the white grass roots in this regard.  If you haven’t figured that out by now you’re a lost cause.  Tancredo and Hunter have it figured out.  You’d do well to study them.  And be quick about it.  You don’t have to change anything you’re doing.  Not a thing.  Simply add this dimension to it.  You do that, you’ll be unstoppable.  You don’t, and politically you’re all dead men walking, everyone of you.


Posted by GT on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 15:07 | #

Re: Globalism,

“It erases natural sovereignty,...”

No shit?  I find that laughable.  Perhaps we deserve to have our socially-constructed sovereignty erased for wiping out the Native American population and forcing Mexican nationals out of Tejas, not to mention all the other acts genocide and regime replacement we’ve had our hand in since the Founding?


Posted by GT on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 15:28 | #

You’re right about race-replacement and the Paul campaign, Fred.  The point I want to make to RN and others like him is that if race is meaningless, then sovereignty is entirely propositional and can be altered by whatever group of thugs finds it in their interest to do so.


Posted by Voice on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 16:20 | #

Vote Ron Paul as a WN for no other reason than to regain Freedom of Association and many other constitutionally guaranteed rights we have lost. 

This will allow us to regain individual freedom, so we are able to act collectively as whites. This is first step we need to take on our path freedom.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 17:46 | #

Voice you’re right too, of course, and even if Ron Paul remained vague and possibly a little questionable about immigration he’d be the right candidate for us, for the reason you cite and others like it.  But the members of the voting public who realize that, who understand it and are able to take the extra step of making allowances for his vagueness, are not numerous enough, and won’t be enough to put him over the top whether by capturing the GOP nomination or by running successfully as a Third Party candidate.  If he plays his cards right, on the other hand, and taps into this ENORMOUS discontent over race-replacement out here — or if you prefer another term for it, call it whatever you want, as long as you’re addressing it — he’s got the potential to actually win the presidency, as a Third Party candidate if need be.  I believe he has the same potential Perot had, and all experts agree Perot would have been president on a Third Party ticket if he hadn’t cracked and torpedoed his own campaign.  Paul has the same potential Perot had to become president.  (It’s not by accident that that Frank Luntz operative in that focus group Soren posted resorted to call him “certifiably insane”:  the GOP whom Luntz works for realizes Ron Paul’s potential and wants him out of the picture.)  I’d love to see him realize that potential but I don’t believe he will if he remains coy on race-replacement (or whatever you want to call it if you, the one reading this, are a Ron Paul operative and don’t like that term — call it whatever you like but get hip to it, because it’s going to make or break your guy’s campaign).


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 19:53 | #

Rich Napoleon is a drive by troll, never having posted to MR before nor since and he has nothing but snark to offer—typical of trolls.  Ignore him.


Posted by Voice on Tue, 30 Oct 2007 19:56 | #


The real concern I have is him slipping up on the race question and being branded a racist.  We haven’t gotten to the point in the internet revolution where Amren or Cofcc are mainstream and developed enough where a candidate can openly speak in racial terms.  The media will bash him into oblivion and all the sheeple that are subconsciously backing Ron Paul over the racial question will go running for cover.  As you well know, especially our hyper altruistic women.

If he is branded a racist, many WN will be cheering but I have realized that we are only 1% of the electorate.  Because when you get into a political discussion with a subconsciously racialist white, they will rarely(except 1%) take racialist viewpoint.
The reason for this as they don’t have the knowledge(and it is formidable to make reasoned argument based on Science, human nature etc) to morally state their position so the sheeple aren’t horrified.

I know you have simplified this by rightly stating, “we don’t need Science, IQ testing” to justify our own race replacement but this Occam’s Razor argument is not mainstream, and still if people had this they may need an understanding of EGI, behavioral difference etc before feeling comfortable discussing this perspective with the masses of simpletons who have internalized their own peoples destruction.

Now back to Ron Paul not taking a racialist position.  We get Freedom of Association, 4th amendment, 2nd Amendment, 1st amendment and the rest and we can begin to behave collectively. Private white business associations where private citizens begin to fund white entrepreneurs which start businesses in white areas and hire white employees.  These profits are used privately but politically to fund secessionist movement based on the constitutionally right of secession!!!

That isn’t that many steps and that is why our Elites(led by the usual Globalists and left wing world governance) are scared as hell because we would very quickly control our own media, local economy , education and government!!  Yes, a few white concubines and usual white male idiots would be left behind but in the long run we ensure our genetic destiny in our living space(which if we succeed will become their own sovereign nations)

That is where the constitution will take us.  And when we encounter resistance, we will say to the black/Asian/Hispanic Ron Paul supporters, “Go Ahead form you own individual/private living areas because you are FREE as an individual to this as guaranteed by the constitution!”  Hell, we can start these organizations like the Jews started the NAACP by taking funding out of our Foundations so it looks like all people want to do it!  Because we know they don’t want Freedom , they want to live around Whites because we build great and interesting culture.

Ron Paul provides the spark when as white private citizens we can begin to act collectively..


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 01 Nov 2007 03:37 | #

Ron Paul on the Jay Leno Show 23 hours ago.


Posted by Marge O'Brien on Wed, 14 Nov 2007 21:38 | #

Schieffer’s Face the Nation side-by-side comparison lifting up Huckabee and pushing down Paul was just the beginning, and the ensuing spike in Huckabee donations can be seen here: .

Here are CBS, NYT, Boston Globe and Haaretz, all of which give Huckabee high points; Haaretz doesn’t even name Ron Paul.;=slogin

Today someone posted this to my state Ron Paul list: - (the Eric Dondero quoted is Eric Dondero Rittberg

Why The Ron Paul Campaign Is Dangerous
By J. B. Williams
November 12, 2007

. . . At first, I assumed, and had even written, that Ron Paul’s financial support was coming from the Libertarian wing of the Republican Party. Then I was corrected by former Ron Paul aide and founder of the Libertarian Republican Caucus, Eric Dondero, who also founded and hosts blogtalk radio show Libertarian Politics Live.

In an interview with Dondero, he emphatically complained; “Please refrain in the future from using the label “Libertarian Republican” in describing Ron Paul. Call him what he is: Some sort of populist leftwinger.”

Dondero continued, “Since 9/11 Paul has become a complete nutcase conspiratorialist quasi-Anti-Semitic leftwing American-hating nutball.”

These were strong words from a former aide to Mr. Paul (from 1997—2003) and words worthy of investigation in my mind. So I decided to investigate, which in politics always means, follow the money.

Where is all that money coming from?  Upon investigation, it appears that Mr. Dondero is exactly right. Much of Ron Paul’s money is not coming from mainstream Libertarians or Republicans.

Although he is running as a Republican, he actually has very little support from rank and file Republicans, as every national Republican poll confirms. But it turns out that he has very little support from mainstream Libertarians either. As Dondero pointed out, “Ron Paul is only attracting support from the leftwing side of the libertarian spectrum, virtually none of whom are Republicans.” . . .


Posted by Bahhhh!!!! on Thu, 15 Nov 2007 23:58 | #

I’ve got news for you. If you’re a conservative christian, then you are already putty in the zionists hands. The jews created this phony-baloney religion, then used it as secret weapon against the Romans. They use this same weapon to this day. If your’re a liberal democrat they own you too. They invented communism, so they know the leftist game really well. So the jews are very comfortable on both sides of our political scheme. If you are a Republican or Democrat, they already own you. I belong to neither.


Posted by Marge O'Brien on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 08:45 | #

The URL I gave in my earlier post was incorrect (it had a 7 at the end that didn’t belong there).  You’ll note on this web page that Ron Paul is missing.

Should there be a White National web page corresponding to this one?


Posted by Tommy G on Sat, 17 Nov 2007 15:36 | #

“If you’re a conservative christian, then you are already putty in the zionists hands. The jews created this phony-baloney religion, then used it as secret weapon against the Romans.”

One of the worse things that happened in the last thirty years was to allow mental patients to voluntarily leave the luny-bin in hopes they’ll take their antipsychotic medicine as prescribed.

Bahhhh!!!!, Either you’re a Christian hating Jew, or a mental patient who refuses to take his medication.


Posted by James on Tue, 20 Nov 2007 17:19 | #

Boy, you big government types have succeeded in hijacking this story.

Ron Paul for President, 2008.


Posted by Daryl on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 01:46 | #

Regarding the Second Amendment and “muskets”...

Does the First Amendment freedom of speech only apply to hand-operated printing presses and soap boxes?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 03:05 | #

Excellent point by Daryl just above.


Posted by tito8 on Thu, 06 Dec 2007 22:05 | #

Let’s abolish the Empire and Restore the Republic! GO Ron Paul! GO!

Join the Tea Party 12/16/07

and make FOX’s execs eat their shorts!


Posted by Ron Paul Voter on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 03:22 | #

I’m voting for Ron Paul.  I don’t care what the MSM or the Republican Party says.  I don’t care what the arm chair quarterbacks on this forum say.  I know there are many, many ,many people just like me who are doing the same thing.  We’re sick of the BS in gov’t and the BS in the media.  Ron Paul will win.


Posted by Maguire on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 15:46 | #

“Ron Paul will win.”

The GOP cadre will not support RP if he wins the nomination, not that it would matter if they did.  At best it would be a repeat of 1964 when the Goldwaterites superficially redefined the GOP. 

There are other ways to get on the Presidential ballot, and RP is currently very well positioned to use them.  The ‘Republican’ nomination is not worth having because ‘Republican’ has a negative marketing value in this environment.

“Nevada, Florida and Ohio had the highest foreclosure filing rates in the country last month, RealtyTrac said.”

It is arithmetically impossible for any Republican to win the Presidency without carrying all three of these states.  Period.  Anyone who thinks otherwise is not paying attention to the electoral college.  Bush barely carried Ohio in 2004 against Kerry as it was.  And Bush was running as an incumbent. 

R-P is becoming a waste of time and resources unless he declares independence, soon.


Posted by GT on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 21:39 | #


Nearly every leader in the non-movement is on the “Ron Paul can win” bandwagon.  Expressions of doubt regarding RP’s likely success in his nomination or presidential bid, regardless of how well supported, are “proof” to many that we’re idiots or incurable defeatists at best or “kikenvermin” at worst. 

Interesting is the fact that the leadership riding this bandwagon were, only three months ago, convinced that there was no political solution at any level whatsoever – not at lower levels where mass advertising has less effect; not even as one tool of several to acquire local civil legitimacy.  For some reason they have flip-flopped to supporting the GOP presidential primary candidacy of a semitically-correct, racially egalitarian, neo-constitutionalist

Now I certainly haven’t a problem with this flip-flop if the goal of these racial nationalist leaders is to acquaint/reacquaint the “membership” with positive human interactions on the street.  That’s a damn good thing, especially if the mini-organizations (Meetup groups) which have been created are permanent and continue to grow –along with the influence of racial nationalism from within.

Why? Assuming our influence grows a nationwide political infrastructure comprised of permanent groups supporting local, state, and congressional campaigns is very much to our purpose:

1.  Alternative systems.
2.  Local political engagement and local campaigns.
3.  Rural and suburban political empowerment.
4.  Secession.

One question is, will the RP infrastructure outlast his candidacy? Or will it disappear in the aftermath of his campaign getting Suckabeed or Duked?  Another question is, can racial nationalism take hold of these groups from within?  Or will they be routed once more?


Posted by GT on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 21:48 | #

Should the RP infrastructure outlast his campaign but racial nationalists routed, the jews will use it to control the opposition of the gentile “fringe.”


Posted by VLC on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 22:33 | #

“Bush barely carried Ohio in 2004 against Kerry as it was.”

he probably cheated

“It is arithmetically impossible for any Republican to win the Presidency without carrying all three of these states.”

Paul isn’t just another Republican. He’s the only anti-war candidate remember? Anyway he would easily win Nevada, I’m not sure for the two others


Posted by Maguire on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 23:06 | #


“Anyway he would easily win Nevada, I’m not sure for the two others”

I live in Judeo-Florida.  The GOP infrastructure here will not support RP.  Their core issues are Israel, Free Trade, cheap labor and real estate.  RP is wrong on the first, nebulous on the second, leans towards Enforcement on the third and is a hard money man on the fourth.  This leaves Paul alone facing the well-heeled east side Blue Jews leading their non-white rabble.

This is all academic because RP, as a Republican, can’t win Ohio under any conceivable circumstances in 2008 in a straight up GOP vs Dems race.  No Republican can.  There were two systemic reasons the GOP lost their Congressional majority in 2006.  The first reason was Zionist Jewry in the form of the Jack Abramowitz bribery scandal.  The second reason was Free Trade.  And that rub-out came in the Ohio River Valley starting in Pennsylvania and progressing west to Iowa.

The loss of the Senate is more reasonably related to the Bush-McCain Amnesty attempt.

I spent a fair amount of time a year ago looking up each and every GOP ‘accident’.  Abramowitz and his casualties were very diverse geographically.  The losing non-Abramowitz Republicans were highly focused in the above Midwest (de)industrial belt.  A metro Indianapolis Democratic House incumbent nearly went down for the same reason.

Since that time conditions in Ohio and the Great Lakes/Ohio River Valley manufacturing belt have gotten much worse.



Posted by TmG on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 23:17 | #

“It’s not who votes that counts, it’s who counts the votes,” Joseph Stalin.

Three words why Ron Paul will never get elected:  Diebold voting machine.


Posted by VLC on Thu, 20 Dec 2007 06:45 | #

“The GOP infrastructure here will not support RP.”

if he gets the nomination he probably won’t need them. He’s raising more money than the other candidates without the help of the GOP infrastructure and he has won a majority of the GOP straw polls already.

“Diebold voting machine.”

if the RP campaign doesn’t do something about that I agree he doesn’t have a chance.

It’s funny we have paper ballots here in Canada and we never have voting problems and it takes only a few hours to count everything.


Posted by Nuhnuv Yurbiznich on Thu, 17 Jan 2008 01:21 | #

Here’s my take on what will happen:

Clinton not only has ties to zionists, she also has ties to the mob.  Obama will run for prez with Hillary as vp.  Obama will win, gaining the liberal dems the rep of having the first black prez.  There will be an inside job, someone paid off by Hillary will take out Obama but the blame will be put on some neo-nazi or kkk group, thus paving the way for the zogs to flog those groups even more than they do now while Hillary rises to power. 

Obama, being the kindhearted stooge that he is, will not see this coming and will take the fall just as he is expected to.


Posted by thinkaboutit on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 02:44 | #

to all of you Jew haters who are posting here, I feel i must warn you about Ron Paul.
At his own admission, he has pictures of at least Three Jews on the walls of his office. These are men whom he greatly admires and whose views he holds close to his heart.

Ludwig Heinrich Edler von Mises: The Austrian Jew who emigrated to New York and taught at NYU. The uncontested “dean” of the “Austrian” School of Economics.

Murray Newton Rothbard: The founding president of the John Randolph Club, Rothbard also edited ‘The Libertarian Forum’ and established & edited ‘the Journal of Libertarian Studies’. He wrote prolifically on Economic and Political thought as well as economic history.

The last Jew on Ron Paul’s office wall is of course:

Thank you,
You can all kiss my ass now


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 03:03 | #

“Thinkaboutit” is apparently an example of your ultra-low-IQ Jew.


Posted by Jean West on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 12:25 | #

In fact, I’ve been having a Jew-related problem regarding the Ron Paul campaign for the last week.  I haven’t been able to rise above his appointment of Peter Schiff as his economic advisor, joining Donald Luskin, his other Jewish economic advisor.

On Nov. 8, three days after thousands of small contributors produced the Nov. 5 money bomb, Big Man Schiff writes this to his 60,000 newletter subscribers:

“If you are fortunate enough to be one of my clients, writing a $2,300 check should not be a problem. As I have likely made you tons of money over the years, here is an opportunity to donate some of it to a worthy cause. We have made our money by betting against the U.S and betting against the dollar. Giving $2,300 of our winnings to Ron Paul gives us the opportunity to bet ON America for a change.

Why not contribute to the Nov. 5 bomb?  And I don’t know the answer to this, but were a significant number of these fat cats at the Tea Party a month later?  The article mentions that if even one-tenth contribute, that’s $23 million.  But the bomb was only $6 million, again with many thousands of small contributors.

There are many economists out there.  Choosing one with the name “Schiff” strikes me as unnecessarily insensitive.  I’m well aware that I’m a minority of ONE in this matter.  Even visiting a few web forums where I thought similar disappointment might be being expressed, it isn’t.  And I know the much larger picture needs to be kept in focus.  But as I put it in a post to a RP forum, more goy front men with Jewish controllers, no thanks.

I’ll donate again today. But the amount will be less than half of what I planned to give today.



Posted by mediawhore on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 15:07 | #

Forget about Ron Paul. You will vote for who we show you on your T.V. Drink your morning coffee, watch our puppet show and let all sink in. Forget Ron Paul. Who’s Ron Paul? Never heard of him. FORGET,FORGET,FORGET!!!! You will vote for who we say you will vote for and if you don’t vote, they will win anyway! You might as well vote for who we recommend. It’s so easy and convenient. Just let us make the decision for you. Trust us. - Your friendly, neighborhood mediawhore


Posted by fran vander weyst on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 07:48 | #

is this still the peaple or we the peaple with nbig money?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 13:17 | #

Is this still “the people,” or “we, the people with big money”?  (—Fran)

Three guesses, Fran.


Posted by Rusty Mason on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 14:26 | #

I know how many of you feel seeing the world go to Hell and not much being done about it.  You want to actively work to change things, even if only in a small way.  I understand this feeling completely.  If you are open to some advice, I’d like to suggest a suggest a few things you can do:

Super-simple and pretty easy:

* Cancel all television subscriptions and stop watching or talking about television completely; stop listening to regular radio completely; stop taking the newspaper and every magazine that is even remotely liberal.  Today’s media is filled little more than useless trivia, lies, and filth.  Every dollar you send enriches the enemy.  Every dollar you send is a vote for more of the same.

Simple, with a light-moderate time commitment and a steady workload:

* Join organizations such as the EagleForum, The Sons of the American Revolution, Lions Club, Rotary, The Sons of the Confederacy, or your local historical society
* Join organizations that promote history and pride in one’s ancestors
* Take a leadership position in one or two of these orgs, as well as in your local church.  Spread your knowledge and opinion.

Note Bene: The purpose of joining is not to get something out of the org, or to “change the world.”  The purpose is to help others and to be there for those who are looking for fellowship.  The older people are looking to help you and pass the torch.  The young are looking for leadership and something true and good to believe in.

Long-term, difficult, time-consuming, but maximum-effect:

* Start your own business doing work you believe to be important, regardless of the prestige or odds of becoming rich.
* Homeschool your children or someone else’s children in order to free their minds and maintain their liberty
* Become or raise your own doctors, lawyers, bankers, engineers, mechanics, farmers, and indian chiefs
* Start an aristocratic (in the Jeffersonian sense) family tradition of integrity, honesty, and leadership

I am doing several of these things and know that I should do a couple more.  I will.  But I know almost no one else who is doing more than one or two of these things, but not for the same reasons.  I’m sure that on this blog are posters who are but I don’t know them personally. 

We could use some company, Gentlemen.  There is a leadership vacuum.  If you are looking for a leader elsewhere, you will not find him—unless you look into a mirror.  Valete.


Posted by bert301 on Fri, 25 Jul 2008 12:36 | #

There is a “Cyber Law Department” which can easily trace hackers who illegally indulge in unfair activities. Hacking into polls should be banned.

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