Sarkozy: Friend of North African Muslims Nicolas Sarkozy is a friend of the north African Muslims. Sarkozy is simply a slave trader in the old tradition of the Marrano Jews. The slave game gets played by the slave-providing society (frequently African) with the slave-trading society (frequently Jewish) against the target territory (frequently European-controlled): 1. Get the elites of the target territory addicted to cheap labor. The only thing that staved off utter disaster for the US during the 1800s was the fact that the yeoman class had a frontier to which they could escape—an “error” that was “corrected” with JFK’s phoney “New Frontier” and the subsequent land grab. French yeomen have no such option provided them. They’re f*cked—sometimes quite literally—by the multi-pronged attack against them by their elites, quasi-Marrano Jews (like Sarkozy) and Africans. Comments:2
Posted by Joel Godfrey on Mon, 07 May 2007 02:29 | # Majorit Rights is an excellent site, Sarkozy is a joke. 3
Posted by Might makes Right on Mon, 07 May 2007 03:18 | # One wonders how socially diseased the situation in France is that they would elect a US/Zionist puppet as ruler… What is the extent of Zionist media and political control in France? The rot must be quite deep and long-developing. 4
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 07 May 2007 13:00 | # Sarkozy has one political position with which MR supporters might wholeheartedly agree, viz., his oft-stated opposition to Turkey’s joining the EU. A French veto would scupper the Turks and save the EU from the ignominy of a) having its poorest country as its largest member and b) a Muslim invasion. 5
Posted by Proofreader on Mon, 07 May 2007 13:14 | # I agree with the analysis, and also with the “quasi-marrano” bit qualification, because Sarkozy is only a quarter Jewish. There’s something evil in this man. You can feel it. I figure he ‘s a high-ranking freemason, just like Miterrand. 6
Posted by Might makes Right on Mon, 07 May 2007 13:32 | # There’s something evil in this man. You can feel it. I couldn’t pinpoint that thought until Proofreader expressed it. Probably because I take it for granted that many Jews naturally look a bit devious. I figure he ‘s a high-ranking freemason, just like Miterrand. Any high-ranking freemasons can share as to the setup? Freemasonry appears to be another highly effective universalistic-guise, elite-coopting setup. 7
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 07 May 2007 16:21 | # Fred, the thing that tipped me off about Sarkozy was the fact that he was a politically successful “conservative”. As I’ve been saying since the mid 1990s, by importing the world to Euroman territories, the Jews have put themselves in a position similar to that experienced by Europeans with respect to the Jews—so they’re going to have to start being “fascist” and “racist” and all those mean nasty awful things that are necessary for the maintenance of civilization. But they’ve reserved the “right” to be those things to themselves through subversion of Western civilization’s immune system. Therefore so we can presume, until otherwise informed, that politically successful “conservatives” are Jewish or Jewish extended phenotypes, as are Bush, etc. Once prepared to accept this possibility with Sarkozy, the next thing to look for is the hubristic mentality of a slave trader. By concentrating more on putting “guest” workers “in their place” within French society, than on repatriating them, we have the makings of a “fascist”, “racist” slave trading mind. This is additional information supporting the quasi-Marrano mindset. His minority Jewish ancestry is supportive but not essential to the hypothesis. He could just as easily have ended as the French version of George Bush. The only thing that is really interesting about his fractional Sephardic ancestry is that Jews avoid putting “their own” into positions of public accountability unless forced to by extreme circumstances—they know it is dangerous. 8
Posted by Hincha on Mon, 07 May 2007 16:36 | # He is enough of a Jew. “Sarkozy, whose father is Hungarian, has been something of an adopted son here (especially in Netanya) due to his Jewish background: His mother had a Jewish father. Sarko, as his supporters call him, has openly and repeatedly called himself a friend of Israel in good times and in bad.” 9
Posted by Bo Sears on Mon, 07 May 2007 17:08 | # Joel Godfrey at the top says, “We are all dealing with a potential for a future slave economy for our united inheritance if we let our internationalists continue to have their ways and degrade our societies and people of their worth. We in a sense are being sold or sold out anyway to those whom want our women, money, possessions and future and we all know who is behind most of this…” Resisting Defamation states this probable outcome in this way: “It is likely that the global monoculture that universalists have in mind is one that will treat most ordinary European Americans much the way that the minority slave-taking Turkish peoples in their Ottoman empire treated the majority European Slavic peoples for 500 years, and the way that the minority slave-taking Arab peoples in their Iberian empire treated the majority European Spanish and Portuguese peoples for 700 years, that is, as serfs, soldiers, and silenced taxpayers. The ancestors of European Americans have a great deal of experience with being a majority population dominated by market dominant minorities, not to mention tyrannical dominant minorities.” We hope these warnings about a most dystopian future for our kin can awaken some of them. 10
Posted by second class citizen on Mon, 07 May 2007 17:59 | # Thanks Hincha. The way the Jewish papers are crowing right now, you’d think Sarkozy was the second coming of Moses. He broke with Chirac in 1995, by backing Balladur for a president, who had support of “influential media”. 1995 would have been the very early stages of preparations for the Iraq war #2. PNAC was formed in 1997, so chances are the ideas were around at least informally for a few years earlier. Getting someone besides Chirac in would have helped the cause immensely, because he was one of the most vociferous opponents when the time came (France also being a member of the UN security council) and would have surely been felt out in advance. Whether or not the above musing is correct, I suspect that’s why the Jewish community have so much trust in Sarkozy - he’s known as a “friend of the US” and has had his loyalty tested. 11
Posted by calvin on Mon, 07 May 2007 23:21 | # Sarkozy is a Judas Goat. There are no political parties in Europe anymore, there are only liberals dressed in their political grandparents hand me downs. Sarkozy is regarded as extreme merely for calling violent rioting scum, “scum”. Bravo Mr Sarkozy! No tell us what you actually propose to do with the scum? Sarkozy will do precisely nothing about the scum. Sarkozy’s political role is, in fact, precisely to do nothing to prevent further immigrant depredations. Sarkozy will talk tough, do nothing and cause even more trouble, the French people will then turn against the so-called “right-wing” policies that Sarkozy is supposed to represent and return to an understanding that they must “embrace” the changes that are engulfing them, however painful these changes may be. Sarkozy will bring them neatly back to the fold of the liberal mainstream without any real danger ever having being posed to the elite. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 07 May 2007 23:37 | # Excellent analysis above by Calvin: one-hundred-percent correct. 13
Posted by Matra on Tue, 08 May 2007 00:11 | # Notable excerpts from Sarkozy’s victory speech:
That is followed by a call to work with Africa on aid and “controlled immigration”. The language used was clearly that of the Left:
More disturbing to me Sarko has been quoted as saying he hopes for the day when the expression “Français de souche” no longer exists. 14
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 08 May 2007 00:46 | # Chirac had mentioned the migrant threat Africa posed to not only Europe but the world. The question is, how do you bring about the development of a people with a mean IQ often below 70? 15
Posted by second class citizen on Tue, 08 May 2007 02:52 | # Calvin, that was excellent. He sounds… not unlike Bush. They always pick the “right” to be the executor of their most pernicious, tar baby-like proposals. That way everyone ends up hating the right and associating it not with those who fund and design the programs of the figurehead, but with the figurehead himself. 16
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Tue, 08 May 2007 06:03 | # Sarkozy’s mother is half Sephardic. As an aside, I went on GRECE’s forum to ask some members of the French New Right how they felt about Sarkozy’s cosmopolitan background and about his wife’s (Romanian) Gypsy grandfather and the fact that she proudly boasted that she didn’t have a drop of French blood flowing in her vein. (This is no joke.) My username was promptly deleted. GRECE’s is basically a Benoist cult and it has been thus for a long time. All his best contributors (Vial, Faye, Steukers, etc.) have left Elements (his periodical) one really knows why. As long as Benoist refuses to give race and race realism centre stage, he’ll remain of only marginal use. 17
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Tue, 08 May 2007 06:20 | # Anti-German: “(France) has not carried out a genocide. It did not invent the final solution,” he said. (What would be a French presidential campaign without an obligatory incantation and dance to the holocau$t state religion?) Pro-American: “Sarkozy added that he wanted to tell his “American friends that they can rely on our friendship ... France will always be next to them when they need us.” Hmmm…very, very kosher, indeed. Maybe those who portray him as an anti-Muslim neo-con have a point? You think? Eh? 18
Posted by VanSpeyk on Tue, 08 May 2007 10:22 | # “More disturbing to me Sarko has been quoted as saying he hopes for the day when the expression “Français de souche” no longer exists.” - Matra Found the quote - in French - for that. What does “Francais de souche” mean, something like “of French stock” right? * One phrase that has caused immense damage. Ignorant people are always found to babble about this when quizzed about immigration. “But America is a melting pot” they say. Thanks Israel Zangwill. By the way there was report on Dutch television how people of Darfur (who are suffering a genocide it is agreed) were being refused by Israel because they only accept Jews! Hah, I love it when their hypocrisy is shown. 19
Posted by archimedes on Tue, 08 May 2007 11:32 | # The Jews in Israel don’t care about whether people in the US or Europe accept immigrants. I think they would prefer that those countries accepted fewer Muslim immigrants because Pakistanis, Turks, and Algerians are unlikely to support a pro-Israel foreign policy. I am not Jewish, by the way. I do not have horns, nor do I cause all the wars or control all the banks and media in the world. Even if I was a Jew, I would hope that you guys would let my comment stay up and not throw it down the well. 20
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 08 May 2007 13:20 | # I must remind you that Israel defines itself as an ethnic/religious entity whereas the US, like it or not, defines itself as the opposite. Incorrect. The Jewish community defines the U.S.A. as “the opposite” of an ethnic/religious entity. 21
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 08 May 2007 13:30 | # Archimedes, We practise equality at MR. Providing one is civil and articulate. As regards your comment, New York is the fraternal twin of Israel. The difference is obviously not in ethnocentricity or in nationalism of outlook or that they do not share the same interests or agree with one another, but in the fact that they mirror, not replicate, one another. Jewish ethnocentrism in NY is anti-goy within the goy’s borders. Jewish ethnocentrism in Israel is anti-goy without Israel’s borders. If you don’t understand that you haven’t reached first base. 22
Posted by second class citizen on Tue, 08 May 2007 16:39 | # Friedrich Braun: Anti-Muslim so long as it concerns Muslims without. However, it is imperative that Muslims remain inside France and be further imported to continue to raise French ire. It’s all standard problem-reaction-solution. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 08 May 2007 17:19 | # To the same old Arcane clone (who’s lately been signing as “archimedes”):
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 08 May 2007 17:31 | #
Was it because of letting in Russian non-Jews that Israel is having a problem with crime or letting in Russian Jews? 25
Posted by VanSpeyk on Wed, 09 May 2007 18:06 | # Remember how Sarkozy during the campaign called for a ministry of “Immigration and national identity”? Look who appears to be his choice to lead that deparment. Now, I´m not so sure myself which is worse; appointing a foreign national, and an Israeli at that, for minister of immigraton (and national identity) or a Swedish woman as the Finns recently did. Probably the latter though the former is more nauseating. 26
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 10 May 2007 20:35 | # A very interesting and revealing piece on Sarkozy’s Jewishness from and Israeli source: France elects Jew as president: 27
Posted by Bill on Thu, 10 May 2007 21:18 | # The web site provided by Friedrich Braun is very interesting, especially linking Sarkozy to Salonika which was the hotbed for Donmehs (converts from Judaism to Islam, much like Marranos were converts from Judaism to Christianity in Spain) who largely spearheaded the Turkish revolution which was designed to put the Palestine Province of the Ottoman Empire into play in the early 1920s, an essential step in establishing Israel in that province. The Donmehs were as influential in establishing the military-controlled government of Turkey as the atheist Jews from New York City were in establishing the Communist-controlled government of Russia. This is a little known chapter in regime change by this bunch, so whenever you see Salonika in discussions about the Ottoman Empire’s last days, keep an eye open for any information revealed that shows how the Donmehs were undermining the Sultan at the same time English Jews were getting the scrap of paper known as the Balfour Declaration. And who knows what role this bunch played in the Armenian genocide? Most histories seek to palm off the destruction of hundreds of thousands of Christian Armenian lives, homes, and hopes on the Turks. But the more we understand the real history of the Ottoman collapse, the more we wonder about the contemporaneous slaughter of Armenian Christians, especially in the light of current hostility to recognition of the massacre by Israeli forces here and abroad. There’s a rat’s nest of tangled information that badly needs explanation and examination that ties the establishment of Israel with the massacres of Armenians and the undermining of the Ottoman regime. 28
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Fri, 11 May 2007 03:02 | # Why is it that whenever there seems to be big trouble brewing in Europe; the Jews are always involved somewhere along the line? I wish that these people would just leave us alone. 29
Posted by question for FB on Tue, 15 May 2007 15:56 | # Friedrich, “By the way, friedrich braun, your pathetic scam is totally transparent. friedrich braun: The scientific studies done on the Ashkenazi Jews indicate that their overall genetic make-up is about 80 percent Middle Eastern. I’ll try to found a source for you soon. “I’ll try to found a source for you soon”. Right! Confident you are that it is a “silly legend”, with your vast expertise. What has the white race come to when it has to rely on a “mud” site for information? What is the future coming to when its self appointed Prusso-Baltic defender against the horror of “race-mixing” gets caught citing Jerry’s Aryan Battle Page as a technical reference? [1] What is the fate of the Volk when its most “able, urbane sophisticates” get mercilessly crushed because they don’t know what they’re talking about? You know, it seems like you pulled the same “I’ll look it up later” tactic over there too…embarrassing, isn’t it? Pity the fate of the “blond beast”, friedrich, when you make lifelong enemies of dangerous “subhuman” sons of “low born” South Asian immigrants. [1] Please ctrl-f for heterosis to laugh and laugh… Posted by: godlesscapitalist at July 23, 2003 02:50 AM” 30
Posted by FB Question on Tue, 15 May 2007 18:20 | # This is also of relevance: 31
Posted by gc expresses himself on Tue, 15 May 2007 22:22 | # “Foah real. By the way, I don’t know if any of you remember that study Tierney quoted from a while back which quoted some huge numbers for how much more money an Asian guy would need to make to date a white woman than a white guy of comparable means (it was $247000). The figures quoted for blacks and Hispanics were $154000 and $77000 respectively.…mf2006/ Hort.pdf It sounded highly unlikely to me at the time, and then I dug into the study. It was completely bogus statistically. In retrospect, there are obviously not many black males in the US making $154000 *at all*, let alone multiple such individuals making $154000 + white baseline salary in their sample. The numbers were total extrapolations from a small set of data points. The real lesson is not “encouraging” for minority playahs, however…what it means is that for a large fraction of women, *it doesn’t matter* how rich you are—if you are not of the same ethnicity they will not even consider you as a date. Technically speaking, they have a model for the conditional probability of a hookup given that the male is Asian and the female is white. This conditional probability is constrained to increase nonnegatively with increasing income (they use a probit model). I may have missed it, but I didn’t see an explicit test of whether the coefficient for this increase is significantly different from zero, and I would bet my bottom dollar that it is not.” 32
Posted by question for FB on Tue, 15 May 2007 23:19 | # In case there is any confusion, the 2:56 PM post was NOT anti-FB and pro-GC (as some have suggested elsewhere), but exactly the opposite. I want to give FB a chance to answer gc’s hysterical attack, and express an opinion about it. That’s all. 33
Posted by Daedalus on Tue, 15 May 2007 23:57 | # How many of these are entertainers and athletes? 34
Posted by Question FB on Wed, 16 May 2007 13:54 | # Daedalus - I assume you refer to the study cited by GC. I do not know the answer; actually, I am relatively uninterested in the study itself and more interested in GC’s own focus on that study. GC’s latest comments on GNXP, which mirrors well many previous posts, emphasize his heightened personal interest in the following two connected topics: 1. male-male sexual competition This interest is particularly fascinating considering the problems that James Bowery had with GC when James attempted to discuss his theories of autism, in the context of the South Asian connection, on GNXP. After all, heightened levels of autism (and the resultant parastitic castration of White males, coupled with the devastation of the families) can be another weapon in the devastation of the native White American technologist class, along with insourcing of low wage immigrants and targeted outsourcing of White technologist employment. We cannot forget these other factors as well: Indeed, despite the expected protestations to the contrary, one wonders how much “desi accomplishment” can actually be chalked up to individual ability and work and how much to the structural advantages described above (“brown privelage?”)? And then we have this older White who thinks nothing of outsourcing local journalism (!) to India: Be assured, of course, that local issues dealing with immigration, outsourcing, H1B visas, autism, etc. will be reported “objectively” and “fairly.” 35
Posted by ben tillman on Wed, 16 May 2007 15:17 | # The job posting was a head-scratcher: “We seek a newspaper journalist based in India to report on the city government and political scene of Pasadena, California, USA.” Um, I believe this is a rather egregious violation of U.S. employment-discrimination “laws”. 36
Posted by NEC Watch on Wed, 16 May 2007 15:37 | # Ben, you must realize that such laws will never be interpreted in favor of white interests. After all, the _very_ definition of “fair competition” is the a priori assumption that the Asian will always outcompete the White. Any possibility of the reverse taking place is the precise definition of “unfair competition.” 37
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 16 May 2007 16:05 | # Boy, that was indeed an old post. As to your question, Ashkenazi Jews are mostly Middle Eastern genetically. Are Jews white? Jews are genetically distinct from Europeans Y DNA admixture analysis . . . suggests that 5%–8% of the Ashkenazi gene pool is . . . comprised of Y chromosomes that may have introgressed from non-Jewish European populations (Behar et al. Contrasting patterns of Y chromosome variation in Ashkenazi Jewish and host non-Jewish European populations. Hum Genet. 2004 Mar;114(4):354-65. Epub 2004 Jan 22.) mtDNA While several Ashkenazi Jewish mtDNA Hgs appear to derive from the Near East, there is also evidence for a low level of introgression from host European non-Jewish populations. . . . diversity patterns provide evidence for a prolonged period of low effective size in the history of the Ashkenazi population. The data best fit a model of an early bottleneck (~100 generations ago), perhaps corresponding to initial migrations of ancestral Ashkenazim in the Near East or to Europe. . . . The observed mutational frequency peak for the Ashkenazi and Near Eastern non-Jewish populations is similar and consistent with the age of the Pleistocene expansion, which is older than that inferred from the mutational frequency peak for European non- Jews. This is consistent with a Near East origin for a major portion of the Ashkenazi Jewish mtDNA pool. (Behar et al. MtDNA evidence for a genetic bottleneck in the early history of the Ashkenazi Jewish population. Eur J Hum Genet. 2004 Jan 14 [Epub ahead of print]. ) Autosomal markers A wide scatter of the Jews was observed among clusters of non-Jews, probably due to drift [Note: Ashkenazis fall squarely within the Near Eastern cluster, with various Jewish isolates being the outliers]. However, the centroid of the Jewish populations mapped in the Middle East cluster. . . . We can conclude by using Rh and Hp frequencies that the Jewish populations show a greater similarity to their ancestral origin. According to Mourant et al. (1976), “Jews from Europe, almost indistinguishable from their European non-Jewish neighbors by their ABO and MN groups, show by their Rh groups that physically they are more nearly related to their Mediterranean ancestors.” Carmelli and Cavalli-Sforza did conclude that Ashkenazi have “significant” European admixture, but it should be understood that half the markers in this study involved the ABO and MN blood groups. The ABO system in particular is thought to respond selectively to epidemic disease. The authors even mention that “it should also be noted that if genetic similarity between a Jewish group and non-Jewish groups living in the same geographic area is restricted to one or a few loci, it is not observed at most other loci; the more likely interpretation calls for convergent selection at that locus rather than for admixture. Thus, single locus studes are potentially misleading. Unfortunately, the number of loci studied here is not large.” Motulsky (1980), using a larger number of markers, estimated that Ashkenazi have only 12.5% European admixture; and, since it’s also likely that some of the loci used here were subject to selection, even this lower estimate may overstate the actual level of European admixture. 38
Posted by FB Question on Wed, 16 May 2007 16:37 | # Friedrich, I meant more specifically, if you had an answer to GC’s attack on you, and, in general, GC’s entire worldview and “modus operandi’ in attacking WN and promoting multiracialism in the West. As to the Jews, yes, of course, they are not Europeans. 39
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 16 May 2007 23:20 | # Well, I haven’t had any sort of contact with gene_expression in approximately five years. However, I’ll say this about the individual known as godlesscapitalist, he made several long posts attacking me *after* banning me from his blog. Hence, he made certain that I wouldn’t respond. What does that tell you about the individual? Additionally, he made public our private correspondence on a paleoconservative forum Original Dissent. I thought at the time, and still do, that both actions were dishonourable. Especially the one making our correspondence public, but within character. I spend little time thinking about godlesscapitalist or his fellow South Asian Razib. They’re irrelevant to White Nationalism or to the genetic interests of Whites. If you read their blog with any consistency you’re bound to realize that both godlesscapitalist and Razib argue, albeit obliquely, for the genetic interests of South Asians, all the while vociferously pretending “not to care what race they are”. It’s this type of in your face dishonestly that bothered me more than anything; even more than their hysterical opposition to White Nationalism. Deep down both Jews and Asians know that we don’t need them but that they need us. I think that this is the key to understand their very emotional antagonism to any stirrings of White racialism. 40
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 21:14 | #
See also this (linked by JB the other day in I forget which thread). 41
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 21:16 | # Good comment by Friedrich Braun just above, incidentally. 42
Posted by wintermute on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 22:03 | # They’re irrelevant to White Nationalism or to the genetic interests of Whites. Not really. They are extremely intelligent strategizers against white interests, and they personally experience both fear and envy towards our race. GC appeared on Original Dissent years ago as an ‘immigration reformer’. Even then he knew that immigration was the number one problem - for nonwhites. More illegals = more gentile group consciousness, and equation that is working out exactly as he foresaw. To be strategizing against us at that level, and so early, indicates a real capacity for foresight, one that is too often lacking on our side. In a move that may prove either very wise or very foolish, I personally ‘converted’ GC to the MacDonald-Benjamin Ginsberg scheme of things. He was very resistant. He even said that I was insane and wouldn’t talk to me for a while. But he came back. When he finally ‘got it’ he said the most extraordinary thing: “This is just like castes in Indian politics. Unless you know what you are looking for beforehand, you will never see it.” For the record, that was at least three or four years ago. He is very probably now strategizing with a wholly different crowd now. For the record, the camel that broke his back (it’s different for everyone) was a full retelling of the Harvard Economic Dept. > Clinton State Dept. > Yeltsin > Oligarchs thing that turned him. When I passed him a news item regarding Edgar Bronfman (head at the time of the WJC, I think) flying out to Spain to negotiate successfully on behalf of an intercepted oligarch, his operating system crashed. I’m still proud of my work, but having given one of our more intelligent opponents a real look at the architecture of world power may or may not prove to be a mistake. It’s like Frodo sparing Gollum: who can say what will come of it? Even the wise cannot see the ends of all things. 43
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 12 Nov 2007 04:50 | # Sarkozy, as predicted, is proving a disappointment. Post a comment:
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Posted by Joel Godfrey on Mon, 07 May 2007 02:25 | #
I couldn’t agree more. We are all dealing with a potential for a future slave economy for our united inheritance if we let our internationalists continue to have their ways and degrade our societies and people of their worth. We in a sense are being sold or sold out anyway to those whom want our women, money, possessions and future and we all know who is behind most of this, namely our traitorous leaders of the establishment and their wealthy money lender society that seems to accompany them, wealthy anti-white Jewish people of either high society or high fashion. Personally I can’t get over how so many just sit back and do the same things over and over again thinking traditional politicians will actually represent them? Maybe their truly are only a few in this world that notice the man behind the curtain. As loud as I shout, ‘look there’s a man behind the curtain, people still think that the wizard is real and I should just relax, it is frusterating to say the least.
So for me, Sarkozy is not the man for the French he is nothing less than a puppet for those that control the results of democracy, just like Bush, Hillary, Obama, and much of our false leaders are. We really need to re-educate our people in as many ways as possible to get them to try to think again or we truly won’t have much of a future. I suggest and hope that we all be prepared for what might need to be done in say six, ten or fifteen years more or less. Hopefully we will all start to act on our thoughts a bit more to at least show some force to counter what awaits us. I’ve been e-mailing my Reps , the president and my Senators lately on several issues and I can’t see it doing much but I also can’t see it hurting.
Also, as many here might know I’ve also tried to spread some common sense through a book, I’ve mailed over 120 to several different types of magazines, websites, newspapers and periodicals, so some people have at least viewed some different facts then what they’re used to and at least have to discus things amongst themselves as to what things we’re dealing with today. Liberals, conservatives, lodge members, Catholics and evangelicals as well as Buddhists, Nationalists, veterans and mainstream magazine writers and editors have received copies and weather or not they’re viewed or read, someone somewhere will have to at least acknowledged perspectives of a different hue, and isn’t that a beginning?
For me, we make differences on our own levels slowly but surely, not by believing in Sarkozy types, and when ever there is a resistance moment that comes about and seems to work we should try to mirror it where ever we are. Results are what life is all about. Our ancestors knew this and many of our disillusioned liberals and conservatives will figure this out sooner than later, simply because it is essential for us to survive our epidemic of mass reality denial. We need to teach and be patient with those that fear the evil of two lessers, many do listen to us, but in the future they will follow us.