That word again Comments:3
Posted by Gorboduc on Tue, 20 Apr 2010 18:28 | # Election bumf delivered to me in last week on behalf of my local 1) Labour candidate (a foreigner) 2) Lib. Dem. (a foreigner: a Muslim.) 3) Green (indigenous white, but loony) ALL have Education, Health, Tax as main topics. NONE of them mentions RACE. My local hospital is a cess-pit: that’s great, says the Lib. Dem muslim, who’d be happy to see flies crawling on the eyes of white patients: The Tory bumf will be just the same. 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 20 Apr 2010 21:45 | # Here is another BNP video on replacement, this time the mechanics of social housing alocation: 5
Posted by Is someone impersonating Fred Scrooby? on Wed, 21 Apr 2010 08:42 | # Is this comment really by Fred Scrooby or is someone impersonating him?
Posted by Silver on Wed, 21 Apr 2010 19:27 | # If anyone can think of a legitimate defense the other side can resort to when confronted by us with the “forced race-replacement” grievance I’d like to hear it. Sure: “Who cares?” You walk into that one every time. Race-replacement is only a concern for racial obssessives (like you). While the average person clearly wasn’t aching to be “replaced” he doesn’t seem to mind too much that he is being. The resistance witnessed in the early years has to be interpreted as cultural rather than racial, which stands to reason since “the new people” are almost universally at best tentatively greeted, be it at work, at school, in a new town, a new part of the country etc. So why be a racial obssessive? Your answer, though you rarely state it as such, is because whites are the greatest and everyone else is rubbish, the purest rubbish, particularly niggers—they are just such complete rubbish it forces one to contemplate the nature of a God so cruel he could have created them. The trouble is, that’s just one point of view. And the reason is it’s considered so toxic is because it becomes a state of mind that takes over one’s entire being; you can’t eat, you can’t sleep, you can’t make merry, you can’t do anything without feeling the weight of “impending doom” on your shoulders. Other points of view, however, are at least as equally plausible. One has the option of reorienting his view towards experiencing the presence of The Other positively. If you’re a racial obssessive—or more precisely, a revulsionist—that’ll strike you as absurd. Yet countless millions around the world manage to experience race that way, and for them it’s your point of view that is absurd. Now you might point out that but, but Silver, fair skin and light hair is prized the world over; just look at South America!!! To which I’ll answer, sure, that’s a common perception in those parts, but it’s by no means shared by all (else how did the races ever mix?); secondly, it hardly means that the people there hate, mistreat, or even so much as look down on those “less white” than themselves (that’s just something the stormfront S.America set likes to pretend, probably as a way to boost themselves up, in the typical way racist losers do). In fact, all my reading suggests (to my suprise, it must be said) that the number of people in Brazil (as but one example) who value the genetic contribution of African ancestors dwarfs that of those who are repulsed by it. One of the enemy’s strategies in fact is to brainwash the populace with a constant barrage of propaganda to the effect it’s happening by itself, People throughout history have sought to emigrate and have done so. Immigration, you could quite fairly argue, is part and parcel of civilization itself. So is resisting the immigration of newcomers. But historically those who have welcomed or tolerated the newcomers have always overcome those who resisted. One doesn’t have to like that historical record but it’s impossible to deny that it is the historical record. In this sense what is happening is “natural,” only that fact is obscured by the rather unnatural lengths authorities are going to to encourage it. 8
Posted by PF on Wed, 21 Apr 2010 20:32 | # Silver wrote:
Not sincerely though. Nobody who comes from an impact zone - say Cleveland or Detroit, or London - can mention the topic without their face darkening with suspicion/anticipation/not-being-able-to-say-whats-on-their-mind. Only facile people who aren’t acquainted with the changes have this nonchalance, in my experience.
Race replacement impacts everyone in a community. “Racial obsessives” are people who speak openly about it on the internet.
This is false. Its not considered “toxic” from an analysis of its psychological effects, its premises are denied at the outset by the “race is a social construct”/peoples-dont-exist crowd. The viewpoint doesnt have to be diagnosed in popular culture because it is never allowed to arise. I also disagree with your portrayal of racialism. Like anything compelling and forbidden, zero-sum perspectives can engender obsession.
Countless millions around the world consciously manage their viewpoint vis-a-vis race in an act of mental reframing to focus on the positive? Surely, your case is overstated again to the point of being outright wrong.
Its a far-fetched assertion to say the least. But even granting it to be true - do we have to follow their example? Why, because else we’ll be classed in your book as “obsessives”?
The nebulousness of the words ‘immigration’ and ‘civilization’ has you pretty well covered in this assertion. People move around, essentially. The argument is that we should accept this because it has happened before? Immigration in prior epoches tended to result in wars and genocides. So one could equally well infer from the historical record that these things must naturally come now as a result of what has happened. Its not a point I’m interested in pursuing, merely put it in here to point out what kind of conclusions can be reached with your facile reasoning process.
You are confusing several things here. Invasion, migration of peoples, and modern mass immigration. They are all different and only have similarities in the sense that people are moving. The means and results of each were quite different. There is no fully matching historical precedent for what is happening today - and thus no perfect past model from which to base our calculations of ‘what we should do’ off of. Isn’t that the implication of your survey-of-history, just like the implication of your survey-of-the-world above was to advise us about which viewpoints are mentally healthy and which are not? 9
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:17 | # Now, more than ever, Nordicism is needed. Wogs out! 10
Posted by PF on Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:31 | # I wish to make clear to everyone reading this that a fundamental difference exists in the psychological critique posited by myself of Palingenesis and that posited by Silver. They can sound deceptively similar, especially when I am exhausted in debate and scarcely give two thoughts to the choice of words. My critique of Palingenesis and the psychological dynamics it engenders stems from the desire to secure an existence for our people. I saw advocates of this religion spinning their wheels, and for *years* saw the same trust-falls into the same imaginary ideological mattress, which I knew from experience of my fellow whites that the matress was not there to fall back on. My critique was not because I care about mental health, nor that I want to put people down and make myself better, but it was launched in order to win us the inner freedom to philosophize and face reality for what it is. So that we could better help the survival of our people. Silver allocates no such high priority to the survival of whites, and there is no reason why he should. He rejoices in the sleepwalking of our people and rubs our noses in it constantly. We mourn the sleepwalking of our people and feel - and know - that there are unspoken feelings concealed beneath the silence. Just to make clear that being obsessive or non-obsessive to me is a non-issue compared with the survival of our people. We all experience traumatizing things, such as being uprooted from our home areas where we were replaced, beaten up or accosted by foreigners and being punished for speaking our minds about them - having to live in a culture that lies to itself about essential issues is a mindfuck in itself. I dont expect anyone to escape from this with a pretty interior. Its asking more than a man can give. Territorial expulsion and the uprooting of your roots makes you radical. Even neurosis is preferable to Silver’s make-believe “brotherhood of reasonableness”. 11
Posted by Silver on Wed, 21 Apr 2010 21:45 | # PF, you’re reading far too much into my reply to Scrooby. Scrooby claims that the other side has no response to “forced race-replacement” and it’s just not true. You don’t have to like what that response is, and I’m not here requesting that you like it, but you do need to admit that one exists. Race replacement impacts everyone in a community. “Racial obsessives” are people who speak openly about it on the internet. Wait, I wasn’t claiming race-replacement doesn’t have a tremendous social impact. Of course it does. I was responding to the “forced race-replacement” argument. The forced race-replacement argument doesn’t consider social impact. It simply says that as long as the other group/s look different it means they’ll replace the native group and that pointing that fact out is enough to engender resistance to it. What Scrooby is trying to do or thinks he is doing with “forced race-replacement” is taking a “short cut” to fomenting a pro-white political position; even if there were no (negative) social impact, he is saying, there is still race-replacement—forced, no less—and that is reason enough to resist multi-racialism. My point is that very few people care enough about race qua race to resist racial replacement (via mixing, which is how it would be accomplished if the immigration flow were cut). This is false. Its not considered “toxic” from an analysis of its psychological effects, its premises are denied at the outset by the “race is a social construct”/peoples-dont-exist crowd. That’s because that’s the easier route. You can rest assured that the people who came up with “social construct” and “doesn’t exist” don’t actually believe that race isn’t real; sure, it’s “unreal” enough that one can imagine it’s not real and almost even come to beleive it, but the desire to disbelieve precedes the act—and I would estimate that more often than it does to in order to enable one to evade feeling miserable about racial reality or his own kind’s racial prospects (displacement/extinction if he is white; underperformance if he is black). Countless millions around the world consciously manage their viewpoint vis-a-vis race in an act of mental reframing to focus on the positive? No, they’re positive-focused from the outset; no reframing is required. Maybe “countless” millions is an exaggeration, if you took it literally,because the number is not in fact so high as to be uncountable, but a couple or few billion people do live in multiracial environs and though there is some racial “jousting” going on there within those ethnicities—ie between people of the same ethnicity—the ethnicity itself, along with its multiple racial variations, is experienced positively. That view stands in stark contrast to the WN mindset which considers the slightest deviation from whatever picture of racial perfection one has in one’s mind a cause for outrage and revulsion. Its a far-fetched assertion to say the least. But even granting it to be true - do we have to follow their example? Why, because else we’ll be classed in your book as “obsessives”? Well, PF, how many hours have you spent on their blogs, how many of their authors’ books have you read? I’m a long way from an expert, but I can certainly say I’ve done my homework. I don’t consider my assertion far-fetched at all; revulsionists who abhor the genetic contributions of Africans and Indios certainly exist, but the vast majority are, at minimum, at peace with it, and far more often than not manage to value it and look favorably on it. And who can blame them? That’s what they are. They have every right to formulate a view of their racial existencee favorable to that existence. I don’t say you “have to” follow their example, nor do I recommend you “should.” In fact, I’ve stated quite the opposite on this very blog on numerous occasions. But if you don’t want to follow their example I recommend you don’t base your opposition to it on the “fact” that non-whites “are” repulsive (as opposed to it merely being your opinion) because the number of takers for that line of argument is not particularly large. People move around, essentially. The argument is that we should accept this because it has happened before? No, but resistance to it based on the claim that it is “unnatural” is likely to founder. You are confusing several things here. Invasion, migration of peoples, and modern mass immigration. They are all different and only have similarities in the sense that people are moving. The means and results of each were quite different. There is no fully matching historical precedent for what is happening today - and thus no perfect past model from which to base our calculations of ‘what we should do’ off of. The fact that “means and results” of each were quite different only adds further support to my position—as different as each instance was, they all had the same end in that the newcomers established themselves and remained (and eventually amalgamated). Again, resistance based on it “unnatural” is likely to founder. (What resistance based on “it’s unnatural!” is calculated to do is inspire righteous indignation; but it won’t take if it’s discovered that it isn’t as unnatural as is being claimed; I suspect that often the individual who comes to understand it’s not all that unnatural feels manipulated, and this risks turning him against you.) PF, I wish it were easier. If I had my magic wand I’d have generally racially homogeneous territories based on groups that are alike and have a history of liking and getting along with each other; in-group-centered, but non-nationalistic politics; eugenics, both positive and negative; and co-operation across historically linked but racially unlike lines in order to facilitate trade and defense pacts. It’s how to get people in the frame of mind to want similar sorts of things (I’m very flexible on what I’d settle for, for what it’s worth) that concerns me. There’s a good bit of overlap with what you folks discuss, which is why I find myself reading and offering my thoughts, but the hardline mindset and the hardline approach is not something I agree with, nor, to my delight (or at least relief), is it something I think the majority is likely to ever appreciate (much). 12
Posted by Armor on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 02:00 | # Silver: “Race-replacement is only a concern for racial obssessives (like you). While the average person clearly wasn’t aching to be “replaced” he doesn’t seem to mind too much that he is being.” Along with race-replacement comes the destruction of white society, as well as muggings, poverty, childless white homes… So, you could say that the average white man doesn’t seem to mind that his life is going down the drain. By contrast, non-whites usually show some racial awareness, and they like to improve their comfort by moving to a Western country. I think they would strongly resent being race-replaced in their home countries, but I’m not sure if they think that other races are rubbish. The obvious conclusion is that the white man is the best choice for being exploited, mugged, and race-replaced, since he doesn’t seem to mind. 13
Posted by Armor on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 02:03 | #
No. Hang them! 14
Posted by Armor on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 02:08 | # The white man doesn’t behave rationally. He will grin and bear it for decades, leading wogs to opine that he doesn’t mind what is being done to him. Then, he will suddenly explode and kill all wogs. 15
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 04:03 | #
There is obvious truth in this observation. Unfortunately. It’s hardly surprising of course given the social conditioning that has the norm in western society since the 1950s, as experienced through the ‘educational system’ and the media. What is remarkable under the circumstances is how many renegades (Silver’s ‘obsessives’) have managed to evade the process or otherwise transcend it. In my view the way to slice through the Gordian knot of mainstream apathy and denial is not by focusing on the racial composition of the disposessers but instead upon the act itself, and its likely consequences for resource allocation. Neo-malthusianism not cornucopianism (a difficult concept for New Worlders to embrace with their unlimited vistas and boundless resources). Festung Europa. Us or them. Numbers are of the Essence. Gaia. Pipe down about how undesirable wogs are and focus instead than how many of them there are. That sort of thing. 16
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 06:57 | #
The genocide doesn’t happen everywhere at once. It is concentrated one area at a time. It is initially confined to unskilled working class areas because they have the least voice. This slow genocide involves flooding a localized area with young males. The local population is deliberately outnumbered in that key demographic. Tribal human nature does the rest. The people in the areas concerned mind very much that they are being ethnically cleansed. However most of them do give up hope after a tipping point is reached and they know it’s too late. People outside the localized areas being cleansed of white people don’t know what is happening because the media censors it. If the media wasn’t censored then people outside the areas being cleansed would mind very much too. Once the first area is cleansed the enemy directs further immigrants to the next location. In leftist circles you will occasionally hear an ethnic minority activist complain at the way immigrants are always sent to one particular estate. They call it racism. They don’t realise their role is to be human ferrets. The key points are The average person doesn’t realise he is in the middle of an ongoing slow genocide until it is his turn. 17
Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 08:45 | # It is too late and there are too many words in this thread for me to comment on or understand comprehensively. But Silver I think makes a point many would prefer not to contemplate… hatred of other races undermines us. Hatred in itself is blindness and impotence. Some may say “we need to hate them so we can easily kill them or likewise them out….”. Yet It is this hate that makes this movement unpalatable to the masses. It is this hate, that those who engineer mass immigration use as a most effective weapon against people putting a stop to this madness. As for Silver’s suggestion we relax and race-mix….for an immigrant from Pakistan this makes perfect sense, I will grant. I suspect however, that Silver knows perfectly well why we object. In truth, by virtue of his status, I suspect he knows better than a lot of us - which draws him to this blog. 19
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:28 | # I would have thought that, after all this time, we would be ignoring Silver. 20
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 11:35 | # Silver is not IP-banned, which is a less than effective ploy. He has been asked to cease commenting. I hope he will abide by that request. 21
Posted by Few more comments on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:03 | # Armor, Along with race-replacement comes the destruction of white society, as well as muggings, poverty, childless white homes… So, you could say that the average white man doesn’t seem to mind that his life is going down the drain. Well, yes, you could say that. Incredible as it seems, it seems to be true. By contrast, non-whites usually show some racial awareness, and they like to improve their comfort by moving to a Western country. There’s an obvious difference in degree, but no small number of whites are improving their comfort—based on a different set of standards—by moving to non-white countries. As an example from first hand experience, there are what could be called thriving British and German colonies in Thailand, and I’ve heard tell of similar things in Brazil and Colombia. C’est la meme chose mon ami. I think they would strongly resent being race-replaced in their home countries, but I’m not sure if they think that other races are rubbish. You would think so, yes, yet there is evidence that they too are succombing to these trends, which shouldn’t be as surprising as it sounds, being that they are, after all, human beings like the rest of us—a fact too often obscured in racialist discourse. The white man doesn’t behave rationally. He will grin and bear it for decades, leading wogs to opine that he doesn’t mind what is being done to him. Then, he will suddenly explode and kill all wogs. That’s not an unrealistic possibility. Of course, the white man acting irrationally is no different to any other man when he feels himself threatened. Look at the Jew. It’s insanely irrational for the Jew to support the importation of Islamics, and certianly insane for him to encourage their cultural-religious mores once they arrive, yet so overwhelming is his fear of white resurgence he does it anyway—and even manages to remain blind to the evidence that immigration itself is the leading factor in white resurgence.
What is remarkable under the circumstances is how many renegades (Silver’s ‘obsessives’) have managed to evade the process or otherwise transcend it. I don’t know that it’s “remarkable”; “encouraging” is the adjective I’d use. What I find “remarkable” is that so little has been accomplished with respect to curtailing immigration. Even decades after it became apparent that there is a “real issue” with immigration—ie that it was not something could be ignored or swept under the rug—debate was contained to the rate of immigration rather than the very fact of it. It’s really only in recent years that the ongoing fact of it has been able to be publicly challeneged. I need to clarify my use of “obssessives.” Nationalists are correct that humans are “tribal,” or “groupist,” as I prefer to put it—they prefer people like themselves, people in their in-group, people they share important characteristics in common with—but “racial obssessives” raise the bar for inclusion to an impossible level, certainly an ahistorical level, one that bears little resemblance to the way human tribes have historically comprehended themselves. I don’t have in mind here merely the nordic; the racial obssessive acts the same way wherever he is found. So for example you’ll have a Croatian nationalist from one part of the country where, in his estimate, the people are “whiter,” seizing upon any pretext whatsoever to exclude people from a part of the country he (probably incorrectly) considers “less white,” and if he can he’ll claim that his kind are the “real” Croats, while those other poor saps are to perhaps be, or to at best be, tolerated, and he’ll shake his head in sympathy with his more northerly neighbor across the border and sighing, Well, you see what we have to put up with? But what can you do? Is that not, Dan Dare, just a tad, say, obssessive? And of course it’s the source of the infamous “racial insecurity” that causes people to clam up and not even discuss this most important topic. It’s probably not the sort of question that a good Englishman like yourself has ever had to trouble himself with, but if you want to “win,” rather than merely “be right,” it’s the sort of thing I recommend you do take the trouble to trouble yourself with because anything that can lessen opposition to your objectives, while itself falling short of your objectives, is beneficial to your cause. (Take Peter Hitchens for instance. Color me skeptical but I somehow doubt his disdain for all the “nose measurers” has as much to do with his feelings about some Carribean negro as it does with his feelings about his own good self.) Wandrin, I don’t think that fully explains it. What I suppose you’re saying is that the people who live in areas most inundated with foreigners are the most likely to come to despise them and that the reason more people don’t despise them is because they don’t live in close enough proximity to them. While there’s obviously some truth to this, most people are still forced to interact with foreigners in their daily lives; I’ve long found it impossible to believe that those interactions ever inspire the feeling that “Hey, these guys are just like us! What a great thing we’ve got ‘em ‘ere in our country!” So I’ve long been left wondering why so few manage to make the calculation, hmm, their numbers going up, ours going down, can’t be a good thing, can it? And I can only conclude that I’ve been wrong, that far more people than I ever thought do find interaction with the unlike sufficiently tolerable than I had imagined even possible. And that’s why I say not too many people appear to mind being replaced too much. Of course, as you say, they’re not really aware that are being replaced. But it seems one first has to mind being replaced before he actually realizes he is being replaced, otherwise even your informing him of the fact that he is being replaced does not seem to register with him. I’ll give you one example. My cousin, who, to my erstwhile consternation, is a “casual racist” (he isn’t aware of all the implications), related to me a conversation he had with a former colleague, a plumber of Anglo-Saxon extraction. They were discussing what approach to take in regard to the influx of “asylum seekers.” The plumber apparently recommended processing them as legal immigrants and building them council estates—in preference to the “lazy bums” who at present stood line for them. My cousin relates that he looke at him aghast and protested vehemently. In return the plumber accused him of being a racist. All sadly rather unsurprising. The interesting thing is this chap grew up in one of the most, well, it has to be said, fuxxated parts of the city where, he proudly claims, he was “the only Aussie,” meaning, I suppose, he possesses a rare insight into the common humanity we all share. I can only imagine his spouse is of foreign provenance. That’s usually the case with these types. Personally, I find it beyond difficult to believe an Anglo kid could really get the most out of his schooling, or even really be able to claim to have enjoyed the experience of it, even if he attended an intsitution indundated with relatively more civilized types, and relatively far less anti-Anglo prejudiced types, like, say, your average Greek. But to go to a school packed with all manner of low-rent gooks, indians and niggers and to come out of it thinking the one thing this country needs more of is these kinds of people, well, fuck me drunk, I’m lost for words when it comes to this sort of stupidity. Grimoire, You’re wrong. I’m not opposed to your existence. What I’m most opposed to is the manner by which you—people like you, like the hardline readers of this blog—wish to extricate yourselves from this tangle, both the phsyical actions themselves, and the political-philosophical views you adhere to and espouse. But I’m not opposed to you wishing to extricate yourselves from it per se. In fact, I look at your kind as an ‘engine for change.’ The impetus must come from somewhere and I think, really, at bottom, it can only come from you. I can’t rouse a racial rebellion here. It’s not for me to do that. That’s for you. But with the two-pronged attack I envision, you can push, and rather than be met with stiffest resistance you can be met with cautious accomodation. 22
Posted by And a few more on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 14:22 | # Not sure what a racial variation of an ethnic group looks like. Sounds like another planet I’m not aware of. I certainly don’t know of any planet “where a couple or few billion people do live in multiracial environs,” let alone experience it positively. The Arab world, the Indian subcontinent, and all of Latin America are all, to lesser or greater degrees, significantly racially variegated. Naturally the greater the variegation the looser the ethnic bonds but all of those places enjoy some sense of ethnic infeeling, and in not a single one of them is the progeny of an ingroup member and an outgroup member considered an outsider—in complete contradistinction to anything inherent in your worldview. The hater hates. Hates what? The object is ignored (hush crimes), or made to disappear (race-denial). The problem is not with us. We are largely powerless, at this moment, to alter the image fed to the masses. Silver is deluded on this point. The hater hates the other race. It’s not difficult, Das. You hate the member of the other race for simply being near you, regardless of what he does or doesn’t do. It’s fundamental to your worldview. For God’s sake, just look at the strained and feeble denial you put up! You can’t so much as pretend (not Aryan enough, I guess) that you don’t hate the other guy. You see, if this wasn’t the case then you’d think somewhere at some point I’d come across one of you saying something like, hang on, sure, Ryan Giggs is a bit mixed, but we’re still of related blood, and by God he’s done great things for us, there’s no question he isn’t one of us. Well dream on. That hasn’t been said and not only will it not be said the very thought to say it won’t even enter your minds. Okay then, so this isn’t “hate.” Fine, describe it, then. Go on. And not cryptically, a la GW, for whom this blog, if he’ll pardon me saying (but I’m sure he won’t), seems like some sort of philosophical fantasy camp; what is the reason why the idea of exogenous genes is so appalling? Here’s my answer: because they can’t give me Claudia Schiffer! I want my Claudia Schiffer!. That’s about the size of it, isn’t it? Now, am I really an idiot for recommending that that’s the sort of thing best arrived at obliquely? You’ll not only not arrive at it obliquely, you won’t arrive at it at all with your approach. 23
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 15:51 | # Grimoire, Is there some causality between feelings of self-love and feelings of hatred of the Other? You seem to accept that there is, but I see none. There are races who hate Europeans. The European left hates Europeans. But then the left’s game is to obediently project (an externally cultured) self-hatred onto the Jewish hate object of the healthy, normal, self-loving European mind. Our answer should always be to point out that self-hatred and projection are pathologies in Europeans, and the pathological left is wrong about us and wrong about our feelings. 24
Posted by PF on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 16:41 | # Silver
This whole argument turns on a rather fine psychological distinction which I’m not convinced can be consistently applied outside of examples like the cartoonish and self-serving ones supplied. Silver seems to wish that nationalist sentiment never be taken to excess without the doer being rigorously called to account, and blame for our lack of mass appeal placed at his doorstep - this rigorous control of our impulses is sold as being necessary to win. If we just despise and knock-down Stormfronters enough, we will prevail on the Herd. As Dasein pointed out, our lack of mass appeal has other causes and all powers-that-be address us with a derivative of this rhetoric - the urge to white ethnic self defense is only considered admissible when.... and then they qualify. When it behaves itself, when it makes modest claims, when its nice and harmless. If we wished to apply the critique with the thoroughgoingness suggested, we would split our own camp. Its being suggested by a foreigner: dux wogus facti. As far as content, its a very overgeneralized and basic psychological critique which isn’t honest about its motivations - which is to kick whites in a highly refined way while pretending to offer us a strategy-that-will-work. The malice used towards “racialists” in previous posts confirms that this critique doesnt spring from a desire for white survival. Its a clever trick, coming in here, viciously kicking our ‘guard dogs’, pumping bizarre Brazilian race relations theory as a counterexample to racialist argument generally, and then retreating into a nuanced Actually-we-want-the-same-thing compromise solution. Is that his only trick, one wonders? Because in the 30+ comments I’ve read of Silver’s, I never saw any original thought content explicated. Its basically the above, cycled over and over again. Apologies to those who already knew all this, I hadn’t read S.‘s output before and wasn’t aware of the elaborate shell-game. Long live racialism in all its forms, including snobby, obsessive, cartoonish, physiognomy-based racialism! Ethnic self defense is legitimate irrespective of implied motive. 25
Posted by PF on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 16:49 | #
Caveat: but may they have the good fortune to come to the deeper understanding. 26
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 21:28 | #
No they’re not or more accurately no they weren’t. The slow, localized, step by step genocide i described above worked for decades precisely because the vast majority of people had no interaction with invaders at all. In parts of inner London in the 50s and 60s small areas were swamped with large numbers of young male invaders to the point where they greatly outnumbered the natives in that key demographic. There was a lot of bloodshed and violence that eventually led to those areas being ethnically cleansed - a very localized mini-genocide. 99% of the British population hadn’t the faintest idea this was happening because immigration was concentrated in tiny areas and the deliberate, targeted genocidal consequences of that immigration was censored from the news. This process was repeated through the 70s and 80s over a gradually wider geographical area. At every step of the way the vast majority of the population had no idea what was going on because the media censored it. One of the reasons people in the UK have started to wake up now is precisely because so many of them can now see what is happening with their own eyes because the current government opened the flood gates much faster and further than in the past. 27
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 22:26 | # Most people are and were not bothered about a few non-white foreigners scattered about here and there, strict EGI notwithstanding. Thats quite different from wholesale race replacement. However the race replacers - and well meaning but deluded liberals - are focused entirely on those scattered, anecdotal examples as models for a whole society. Furthermore other groups can be held up as moral examples of non-racism, yet all they are doing is assimilating small numbers of incomers. 28
Posted by Last word on Thu, 22 Apr 2010 22:52 | # Dasein, Why is it impossible to have a straightforward discussion with you without accusations of “dishonesty” or the like? I’ve made my position rather clear. My position isn’t yours but it’s close enough to warrant cooperation. And forget about me, Silver. Consider me representative of rational liberal whose mind has been turned on to racialism-as-societal-organization-principle—that’s a pretty hefty potential consituency. That rational factor is going to remain a formidable mental roadblock to the sort of complete embrace you prefer for quite some time yet. It’s not at all “antagonism” to present your case in such a way that aligns itself with the facts the rational liberal has discerned about human existence over the past century. It’s not only a matter of being a ‘good cop’; it’s adhering to a set of principles. You can accuse me of dissimulating or watering down my real feelings (“we both know it’s an act”) because I’m speaking as an outsider here, but the fact is I would not advocate anything like the ‘total solution’ with respect to my ancestral realm that people like you and Robert Campbell at OD or Greg Johnson at TOO are partial to, eg “Your days here are numbered; a ticket back to India awaits you, Gypsy.” I’d be implaccably opposed to anything like that. And I have to believe that a vast number of rational liberal sympathizers would be similarly opposed (at least initially, and, as I said, for quite some time yet) with respect to your own country. PF, I waded into the discussion here to answer Scrooby’s point about “forced race-replacement,” saying that it’s not so straightforward. It’s only natural I’d invoke “bizarre” points of reference like “Brazil” etc. If we don’t have anything to say to each other beyond that, fine. Wandrin, You’re right, I shouldn’t have said that “most people” are forced to interact. Still, by the 1980s millions upon millions of Britons who lived in the larger cities would have had some level of regular interaction with immigrants and discerned the rather underwhelming quality of those interactions yet apparently considered them sufficiently tolerable that other political grievances could be given precedence. 29
Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 01:43 | #
Yes, but we’re not talking about some level of regular interaction we’re talking about people recognizing and then not minding race-replacement. For people to recognize it as race-replacement it has to be happening in their own living space. By the 80s the areas of first colonization were done and the white minority left inside had given up and in some case assimilated into the invader culture. In the next areas targeted for ethnic cleansing the white population also very much minded being race-replaced but as before the media lock-down on the truth kept it within localized boundaries. So the only people who ever have to face the reality of race-replacement in their living space and decide if they mind or not are the people currently being ethnically cleansed who don’t have the money to move away. Which brings us to the white flight. The tolerance among white people for sharing their living space with non-whites is zero. The proof is white flight. If white people have a choice they move away. The only ones who don’t are those who are too poor and they’d go too if they had a chance. White people only don’t mind race-replacement when they can’t see it in front of them. In a way the zero tolerance for living among non-whites of middle class and skilled working class white people is the nationalist’s biggest problem. They move instantly if they can and then once they are no longer threatened in their living space where their children are they go back to sleep again. They mind the slightest threat of being race-replaced so much they move where they can’t see it with their own eyes and behind the media wall of censorship that lets them forget. There’s maybe 5% of white people who are different. Non-whites are similar in that given a choice they will all either move to live among their own people or move to white areas. In a way it’s non-white flight because what it really is is *all* ethnic groups in flight from majority non-white areas to majority white areas (with the exception of some south-east asians). The unanswered question is if this true why have the nationalist parties been so unsuccessful so far? I think there are multiple reasons but i believe you do have a point in regards to at least one of them. In practical politics if your position is too far from someone you’ll repel them not attract. You have to move one step away from where they are and coax them forward one step at a time. It’s not so much about being too extreme, as nothing is too extreme when faced with a deliberate genocide, but it is about avoiding being seen as too extreme by the person you are talking to at that moment. As you say most people have a reasonable tolerance for foreigners and non-whites as long as it doesn’t require them to share living space. However it does seem many WNs are different and have a much lower level of tolerance or even blanket repulsion. This is most obvious when talking about miscegenation. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that in itself but if they don’t realise they are different then it means they are less able to moderate themselves to suit the radicalism (or lack of it) of their current audience. 30
Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 06:25 | # @Guessed Worker Fred Scrooby: I’m not confused Fred - hatred is weakness and admission of impotence. Weak people need to hate,... as we need all our people, I don’t blame people for hating. Emotionalism is normal. and ineffective. Don’t confuse hatred with intention. Those with intention have graduated from emotionalism such as hatred.. Dasein: I was unaware it’s a common meme. But like the impression that ‘what everyone thinks’ is not malleable, hatred is an immature and irrational matter that should be kept private. I realize people need their emotional release… but for those considering effective outlets perhaps the suggestion they put a cork on the hate is not too bad an idea. Working brains tune out hate as noise…and replace it with the intention to find solutions. 31
Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 06:45 | # Guessedworker Is there some causality between feelings of self-love and feelings of hatred of the Other? You seem to accept that there is, but I see none. There are races who hate Europeans. The European left hates Europeans. But then the left’s game is to obediently project (an externally cultured) self-hatred onto the Jewish hate object of the healthy, normal, self-loving European mind. Our answer should always be to point out that self-hatred and projection are pathologies in Europeans, and the pathological left is wrong about us and wrong about our feelings. ————————————————————- GW, the left and the in-thrall-of-the-left masse are hypnotized sheep and we will get nowhere pointing things out, rationalizing, hating or anything but a form of counter hypnosis. These are the nuts and bolts you have so far omitted in your thesis of ‘an ontological approach to the politics of European nationalism in the 21st Century’. 32
Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:15 | # I just had a massive argument with some one in a pub about the movie ‘the matrix’ ....and I get home to find out Silver is no longer a Paki. 33
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 11:41 | # We can longer be sure what Silver’s background is. He changes his ethnicity/location more regularly than his underpants. Off the top of my head; he’s been a Greek or Serb living in Australia, an Asian living in the UK. An Asian in the US. I think Thailand has been mentioned as a residence as well. I don’t suppose he can call me on this because he wont be able to remember all the variations himself. 34
Posted by Armor on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:28 | #
Silver should be banned from the internet, and more generally, from the planet. But still, because so many people make the same point, it is useful to answer his claim that white people don’t (seem to) mind being race-replaced. I think we should keep answering that question continually.
I was trying to use reductio ad absurdum. It is absurd to claim that white people do not mind getting mugged. The idea that white people are okay with race-replacement sounds absurd too. If race-replacement is okay, it means that nothing matters anymore. In that case, I for one, am okay with mass-murder. Why not? I’m not sure why I am on the earth, but the idea that the purpose of white people’s lives is to breed non-whites and get race-replaced by them strikes me as more absurd than the idea of living peacefully in a more or less idyllic white society. Phony humanists will say that the white race cannot be saved, because having to relocate elsewhere would be too much of a hassle for non-whites. But a quick death would eliminate all that. Life is a valley of tears. If the humanist idea is to eliminate suffering, I suggest we eliminate the sufferers. How come people do not fight more for their collective existence? A lot has been written on this website to answer that question. Silver just ignores it. He takes a fresh, naive look at the question, and it seems to him that people simply do not mind being race-replaced. I agree it looks like that. In the same way that a man who stands in a river with water up to his hips looks like he has no legs. How incredible! The obvious explanation is that people are afraid to speak up and take the lead against the third-world invasion. The mass media try to demoralize us by making us believe that most whites don’t care. The propaganda can be misperceived as peer pressure. As a result, more people feel isolated and remain silent. Also, people are intimidated into accepting the idea that expulsion would be terribly harsh for immigrants. In fact, it wouldn’t be very harsh in most cases. After giving or receiving such explanations, I’m still somewhat baffled at white people’s behavior and their seeming lack of alarm. But after all, even at the individual level, we do not always take every step we should to remain alive. For example, when a building gets hit by a plane, many people inside will not flee immediately to safety. At a collective level, if most attempts at collective action are blocked by government and the anti-white forces, we should not expect individuals to revolt en masse. Me: “The white man doesn’t behave rationally. He will grin and bear it for decades / Then, he will suddenly explode” What I mean by that is that people are not rational machines. Under pressure, their behavior becomes less than coherent. Today I checked what wikipedia had to say about social psychology. It isn’t terribly interesting. Wikipedia is clearly anti-white. But when psychologists explain things like cognitive bias, they make clear that the human mind doesn’t work like a faultless logical machine. There is a famous psychological experiment which attempted to prove that under pressure, a normal person is able to act as a torturer against a human guinea pig in a lab. Similarly, today’s Western governments have brought proof that under pressure, normal people start to ignore some of their collective survival instincts. Up to a point.
We should split into two groups. Silver and Dan Dare will concentrate on resource allocation, while the rest of us will explicitly defend the right of white people to exist. 35
Posted by danielj on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 18:17 | # What I mean by that is that people are not rational machines. Indeed! Reason is, as they say, the slave of the passions. Sentiment is anterior to reason. 36
Posted by danielj on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 18:19 | # Consider me representative of rational liberal No such duck brah. 37
Posted by Dan Dare on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 19:07 | #
Winning the war on resource allocation is the one sure way to guarantee the survival of European Man. 38
Posted by IAE on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 20:21 | # OT: Hey Dan, IAE here; just wanted to say ‘hi’ and nice site. It just all got a little too much for them at Pickled Politics didn’t it?! They just hate it when they encounter nationalists that are able to use calm reason and evidence to pull down their house of cards and prove that the truth is their enemy. But I think my main offence for banning was exposing these corrupt fools for the liars that they are; with a few notable exceptions, the left are invariably deeply dishonest as a result of their entire ideology not being able to withstand the truth and if there is nothing these aggressive air heads hate more then having their ideology dissected it is their patent dishonesty being revealed amongst to another and the world at large. I did the same at HP and when they pulled the same underhanded banning stunt, I pulled the site down a couple of months down the line using their own dishonesty against them with ICANN. It was always coming back up, but the sheer expense and trouble hit home. Anyway, I enjoyed that little battle and I will see you around the blogs and here too. Happy St Georges day, Dan. 39
Posted by Dan Dare on Fri, 23 Apr 2010 21:11 | # Hello IAE and welcome. I think you’ll find these parts much more congenial than some of the other places we’ve been strafing recently. Looking forward to your contributions. 40
Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 06:45 | #
I think you can do it with inconsistency. You put a pebble in a trance-person’s shoe through an inconsistency in the trance. - not how much black crime there is but why isn’t it reported - why does the media attack white politicians for homophobia while muslim ones are ignored - in teaching children about slavery why are black and arab slavers ignored - if it’s vital to teach the holocaust to stop it happening again why isn’t the Bolshevik holocaust taught Try and put a question in people’s heads which can’t be answered within the confines of the trance and can only be answered outside of it. It won’t work straight away but it niggles at them.
I think hate is a natural reaction to our current situation. It’s important to be able to mask it if engaged in dealing with people who aren’t radicalized yet however if a person can’t do that then there’s plenty of other things they can do. Silver has a point on that tactical issue but then he extends it from “WNs have been politically unsuccessful because they don’t tailor their message to their audience” to “WNs are weird and different and normal white people don’t really mind being erased from the planet.” I think the scale and implication of that extension implies extreme bad faith. 41
Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 14:01 | # Yes Wandrin. hate is natural and to be expected, so is crying and complaining. I consider myself a student of human nature under pressure, I have seen consistently that while hate is natural - those naturals that express hate through threats, curses, etc, are weakened by it. The mind doesn’t work nor does the eye see while the mouth labours. Those who can contain their hate…put it aside, or hide it, can concentrate - and focus intention into the state of awareness into action which brings out one’s best, instead of one’s worst. No Mr. Scrooby, I’m not confused on this issue . An issue of which it has been apparent you are ignorant. If I were you, I’d consider skipping ‘hate’ also, or at least to sublimate it to some degree. Perhaps just to measure the effect on your thought and take stock on what you’ve accomplished outside of identifying yourself as an insubstantial ranter. Not that this has no value. But I think you may agree we have a surplus of insubstantial ranters and it would be good if a few of them acquired the discipline to transition over to substantial thinkers and actors. 42
Posted by re: Wandrin on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 14:38 | # “WNs are weird and different and normal white people don’t really mind being erased from the planet.” I think the scale and implication of that extension implies extreme bad faith. I can see how you’d get that impression. But you’ve misread me. It’s not so much that WNs are “weird and different,” it’s that aracial people who are indifferent to (long-term) racial change/erasure (qua long-term racial change/erasure, ie completely aside from its civilizational impact) are not remotely as “weird and different” as WNs portray them. It’s just not the case that multi-whatever is a “lie” and WN is “true,” such that it’s only necessary to expose the lies of the multicult, WN then being the default alternative. WN obviously has a far firmer grounding in reality than loonie leftism, but you have your own obssessions (as I’ve called them) that likewise set you apart from the crowd and really only serve to turn people off (including, and at the more intellectual level, particularly, your own people). Ultimately, WN is just another competing ideology, and it’s going to have to compete against aracial ideologies who readily accept the facts of racial reality as well as against those who readily deny them. 43
Posted by re: Armor on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 18:04 | # Silver should be banned from the internet, and more generally, from the planet. Armor, armor, armor, that word so sweet, that I repeat, means I abhor you. Yes, I’ve said many things that I accept have upset you tremendously, so it’s no shock to me at all you’d feel that way. It’s the nature of the game, I suppose. You push, they (we) push back, you’re outraged, they’re (we’re) outraged, so on, so forth. It’s no wonder so many opt to dispense with all the talk and instead declare rahowa. But bear with me, my man, and you’ll see that there’s a good deal to what I’m saying that’d make even the heart of a good colonial Frenchman, with his kepi and his colonial moustache, flutter with delight. Phony humanists will say that the white race cannot be saved, because having to relocate elsewhere would be too much of a hassle for non-whites. No, I don’t say it would be too much of a hassle, or too difficult, or too inhumane, or too anything. The great difference is this: while you’d regard the measure as punitive (even if you don’t say so), an action you undertake and then wash your hands of and wipe your brow with relief that it’s all over, I regard it as something far grander; I see the beginning of a new order, a new conception of what it means to live, a new conception of relating to ourselves, as individuals and members of groups, and to the groups we share our parts of the planet with. That may sound like a mere semantic difference, the substance of what it it’s ‘all about’ remaining unchanged, and you can be sure no end of lefties will make precisely that accusation. But I believe the leftie can be made to understand. IAE, above, complains that the leftie detests have his lies exposed. But what the leftie despises most is the ivalidation of his reasons for “lying” (subscribing to and propagating a set of beliefs); yes, maybe it is all “bullshit,” he’ll claim, but in a world of lies, in a world of deceit, in a world in which we can never really be sure just what the “truth” is, whose “lies” do the least harm? Whose “lies” ensure we take care of the least among us? Whose “lies” create—socially construct—a “reality” in which each is free to live his life as he chooses, suffering from neither actual oppression nor so much as even fear of oppression? Certain that his heart is in the right place, in short, the leftie despises you for accusing him of giving a damn. But why should, why must, the facts of reality prevent us from caring? Why must the realization of racial mortality, and the subsequent yearning for survival it arouses among those most threatened, whose group sense requires such an unusual degree of racial discernment, require or inevitably lead to the abondonment or invalidation of ties that have been forged through decades of co-existence? Is there any good reason that this must be the case? I reply in the negative: it is assuredly not the case. And if it’s not the case, then let the accuser hurl whatever accusations he will; they’ll be as water off a duck’s back and none of them will hit home. The last paragraph of the blurb to Richard McCulloch’s Destiny of Angels reads: Does a race—specifically, does Northernkind—have a right to exist, a right to live? Does it have a right to the conditions it requires for its existence? Does it have a right to self-preservation, a right to defend its vital, life-essential interests, the conditions required for its continued life? Does it have a right to be informed, knowing and consciously aware of the conditions required for its existence, and the effects of different ideologies upon those conditions? Does it have a right to be aware of the racially unique traits, [physical and spiritual beauty] that would be lost, forever, with awesome finality, if deprived of the conditions required for their continued existence? This book answers yes to all these questions in the midst of a culture and dominant morality that says no. The reader can say yea or nay, affirm or deny, but cannot evade the responsibility of choice. I, too, after considerable soul-searching, answer yes to all these questions. My reasons, of course, vary substantially; indeed, they have little to do with anything that tugs at McCulloch’s hearstrings, aside from some residual sympathy with his cause that prompted me to famialrize myself with his body of work in the first place; I just need the northern man to be the motor behind the kind of change I’d like to see. (I considered omitting the paranthetical phrase because even here, among, er, “friends,” the schemer, the plotter in me continues to tick, and there is no surer way of reigniting the fires of obstruction than to premise the project on phsyical and spiritual beauty; however much it floats your boat, it will not, under any circumstances, resonate with any Others whose cooperation, active or passive, you desire—and with time, require.) 44
Posted by re: Dasein on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 18:26 | # But then, a few weeks later, your landlord lets in another cat. You’re really annoyed, but you can’t move out (you’ve signed a mortgage to buy the place), so you decide to make the best of it. Over the next few months, the landlord does this a few more times, and the ones who were already there start to breed. Oh, you don’t have to explain that to me. I understand it very well. It’s always difficult when you’re one of the “good cats,” one of the early ones. But oh well, that’s life, and anyway, I’m not kidding that there’s something to look forward to; I really do believe there is. This, here, what people came and what they stay for, this is just material comfort. It’s nice, but it’s also rather deadening—people can ‘get along,’ but no one really, imo, gets along well (which isn’t to say it never occurs). And against the background of a decadent, degenerate culture, meh, screw it. Clear the slate and start the whole thing over. Give people something to live for over and above base consumption once again. Personally, I think Africa’s pefect or ripe for recolonizing, or ‘neo-colonizing’ for those who don’t wish to (or can’t) ‘go back home.’ Europe’s been the civilizational ‘training ground,’ and they can transition to a fresh start in Africa in cooperation with sympathetic African realists (‘neo-apartheid’). Much more to be said about this. Anyway, this clip demonstrates very well the effect you’re describing—the few, interesting and delightful, so easily become the many. 45
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 19:46 | # Silver is committed to Nordic preservation, except when he’s not. Silver is filled with love, and not hate, except when he’s not. LOL! Glad you straigtened that out for me, Silv, oh King of All Wogs. 46
Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 20:29 | # @Grimoire I agree with you except i think WNs need both (but not neccessarily at the same time). In terms of practical politics i.e talking to people, being seen as within the range of moderation relative to the person one is speaking to is critical. However at the same time there’ll always be enemies using the siren song of moderation to weaken and dilute the resistance to our genocide. So there are two messages which sound almost identical but have completely different motives. I think “haters” act as sniffer dogs for that. It’s a bit like that scene in Terminator where a terminator enters an underground human bunker and the guard dogs start barking. In the context of moderate nationalist organisations it’s important for the happy haters to be dominant and in the front row but i think it’s important to have haters in the second row for when it gets ugly. 47
Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 21:37 | #
These people don’t exist. When white people are faced with that prospect in their own living space in front of their own eyes 95% of them will white flight instantly if they have the money. I used to be an ultra liberal anti-racist who lived in a very mixed area by choice but i instinctively moved to an ultra white area when i had kids. White people are only indifferent when it’s not in front of their face. This is why the media censorship of the reality of ethnic cleansing in the west is so critical and why the people responsible for that censorship are the most culpable. There is also a minority of white people who are anti-white and pro everyone else. The only (honest) neutrals are mixed race.
I agree sheep are the norm and a large majority. If they see a threat in their own field they move instantly to a different field. Once the threat is out of sight they forget about it and go back to eating grass. If they see a threat in their own field but can’t move away instead of fighting it they freeze in indecision. This is normal. The problem for WNs is not how to turn sheep into sheepdogs. The primary problem is how to collect 2/3 of the sheepdogs into the WN movement. If we get our tactics right such that 2/3 of the sheepdogs are joining us then the sheep will automatically follow. In terms of how to achieve this i do see the points you make however there are two (or three) motives for making those points and only one of them is pro-WN. 48
Posted by Q on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 23:51 | # No Mr. Scrooby, I’m not confused on this issue . An issue of which it has been apparent you are ignorant. If I were you, I’d consider skipping ‘hate’ also, or at least to sublimate it to some degree. Perhaps just to measure the effect on your thought and take stock on what you’ve accomplished outside of identifying yourself as an insubstantial ranter. Not that this has no value. But I think you may agree we have a surplus of insubstantial ranters and it would be good if a few of them acquired the discipline to transition over to substantial thinkers and actors.
Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 01:13 | # I’m not suggesting we don’t need Scrooby, nor am I against or dislike him. As for him being more in touch with reality than I….. those who model themselves on hating / pseudo-nazis should recall that last time someone tried to clean the house - their contribution, although seemingly useful at first - cost the game in the end. It was decent and moral men who made it happen, and it was the haters and the self obsessed who brought it down in ruins. This is history, look it up. I’m not trying to put the claw on Scrooby. If I was, he would know it. I made a comment that he took as a personal affront. This is idiotic. I like aggressiveness - when it has content or humour, or skill. When it’s not I’ll try to help. Scrooby needs to get ahold of himself….as evidenced by his unskilled tirade attacking my comment. He shouldn’t feel automatically threatened and begin attacking people who mean him no ill. Who just say generally… we need to tone up and encourage maturity. As example - Silver is not our friend, he is a excellent example of the mentality we face. Plus he’s also a Pakistani immigrant needing deportation. Some say he is not a Pakistani. I think the truth is that he is. As the saying goes ‘ keep your friends close, but your enemies closer’.....I think we should adopt him as the blog’s personal wog. 50
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 01:27 | # For a Paki, Grimoire, he speaks pretty good Serbian. However, he has demonstrated a remarkable facility for self-authorship, so irrespective of the actual circumstances of his birth I’m sure he could produce the required Paki for our experiment out of thin air, like a Jewish banker conjuring up money to loan our governments at interest. The question then comes down to how we could design the experiment. Any thoughts about that? 51
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 01:57 | # He might simply be a jew playing word games because that’s what they like doing. However my guess is mixed race either in reality, in his own head, or in the eyes of others. He might be on our side in theory but knowing that WNs might not be on his side he’s caught between two stools. There was someone else similar who claimed to be something or other but sounded to me like an Indian who was rooted in the aryan history and saw himself as part of that and therefore connected to WNs but at the same time knowing it probably wouldn’t be reciprocated. This creates a kind of love/hate reaction. 52
Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 02:04 | # The ability to change from Paki to Serb and back again is an important observation,,, you make a eureka analogy to the Jewish bankers loans. In a sense, the data we have now is informative on not just Pakistani Serbs, but insightful also on Jewish bankers and their methods. We need input from the other deep thinkers here…. but I think the ultimate outcome is that we need to synthesize a method or compound that causes the subject to send his entire family and aracial friends on vacation to Karachi, liquidizes assets and then voluntarily deports himself. 53
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 03:01 | #
Not much of a student if you believe hate and complaining are both natural. Hate is an evolutionary trait not doubt evolved to enhance survival. It is a trait that appears in animals.
Complaint and mendacity are acquired through language and instruction and thus are not “natural”.
Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 03:42 | # Desmond: At any rate Desmond, we need bring all of our pseudo-science to bear on cracking the code of the MR Laboratory Wog. We need to develop control words and methods. We have much to do! 55
Posted by re: Grimoire, wandrin on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 04:04 | # Grimoire, it’s interesting that you correctly call out Fred Scrooby as insubstantial ranter and then go on to produce this…this… I’m not sure what to call it…horseshit. Quite remarkable. And yet so typical of the whole eerie tone of discussion your despairing, tortured souls produce. Indeed, there is no discussion; merely third person deliberations about my identity, character and designs. Consider this: I made a pretense of being a Paki that lasted for no more than one or two posts three years ago and yet the legend refuses to die. On this very thread I was accused of disguising myself as an Asian even, yet I’ve never so much as hinted at it (unless having spoken of living in Thailand for a couple of years is considered “hinting”). Sigh. Now, look here, you aging Junker, I’m not interesting in your opinion—on anything. You’ve demonstrated to me well beyond any necessity to doubt it that you’re an inconsequential thinker, and that is all that I need to know about you. And if anybody reading the posts in this thread in sequence does not consider the replies to what I contributed above perfectly absurd and symptomatic of some very troubled minds then his opinion is as inconsequential as yours. (I mean, Christ, “things can change!”, no shit, Sherlock. That’s what we’re all counting on. It’s the question of “to what?” I’m interested in.) Wandrin, you must have me confused with someone else. I’ve always considered your folks and mine to be of well and truly different stock (and southern and northern Europe in general, not that I’m claiming uniformity for the south—or the north, for that matter). No conflict or identity crisis there. The only question that has ever arisen for me is if all this race stuff matters as much as you claim it does what to do about it. Well, I think it matters enough to act on it; in fact, as I’ve said umpteen times by now, I thought it mattered enough that I made a go of “repatriating” myself of my own accord, well before I even understood anything “statistical” about race (but found the experience underwhelming). Occasionally your side recognizes the value in cooperating with others but I’ve never seen any follow through in that; your sullen, despairing moods get the better of you and you just call people names and issue threats and muse about the appropriate political philosophy for the coming restoration. Pity, really, but it is what it is. 56
Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 05:27 | # Silver: 57
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 05:46 | # O/T No. 2 in an occaisional series: Majorityrights should link to 59
Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 05:58 | # Wandrin: 60
Posted by Silver in his own words on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 09:36 | # Can I heap it on or would that be in bad taste? Ah, why not: your own women are lost to you, you know that, don’t you? Even now. Especially now. They’ve always preferred the duskier man, though they’ve preferred him to have Caucasian features along with the dusky skin. Even though the swarthies of today don’t always precisely fit the bill, they do possess enough “mystique” to steal away the white girl. But think of the progeny of such unions. Darker skin AND more caucasian features. Subsequent generations of white girls will MELT. Face it white boy, your end is nigh. Here’s to keeping you awake at night. (Link) I *am* heartened that their [white nationalists] efforts—*your* efforts*—are coming to naught and I am determined to do my best to ensure that they do. (Link) Yes, let’s cut to the chase here. I’m a Paki British citizen. (Link) And you can bet I’ll join forces with the Jew boys to carry you fellows beyond the point of no return. In fact, verily I believe you’re almost there and that I couldn’t prevent it even I wished to. (Link) If I were to impregnate a white girl (which I will, be sure of it…more if I can, now that I have added incentive) (Link) My liberal credentials are, I would think, quite impeccable. (Link) I am of the opinion that miscegenation is set to gather steam. I have no doubt, actually. “Race-replacement” is a non-issue for me. I came on here to goad, not because I “hate Anglos”, simply because I detest the views sites like this propound. (Link) I intend to see to it that WN fails. (Link) Now, I myself? In the interests of full disclosure, no, I doubt I would ever find myself betrothed to a Negro or an Asian. I’ve had short term relationships with both, including with one rather stunning South African “colored”. I was never particularly interested in Nordic girls. I never raved about or craved “blonds”. But now, I think in the interests of fighting WN, I’m simply going to have to procreate with a Nordic blond. Pardon the immodesty, but I’m a rather attractive male specimen, so the one I ultimately select will be a hot little number—the kind I’m sure will make WNs puke at seeing such a beauty with “that wog”. (Link) I suppose I’m not too different to Alon Ziv, then: no, I’d never take one for myself, but it’s nice that some whites do. (Link) 61
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 10:58 | #
I wasn’t intending to be specific about you - just trying to illustrate the idea of a type of person who doesn’t quite fit. I’m not trying to be deliberately offensive as i can’t tell if you’re consciously hostile and playing games or something else.
There are some - “Europe of the Nations” as Jobbik would say
They’re not going to stop until we’re all wiped out so those children will still be too white to live. You might not be white enough for the Nordics but if you’re a Serb you’re still too white for them. “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white(r) children” 62
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 14:59 | # Silver in his own words - thanks for going through that lot. I think his reference to living in Thailand was on another site. 63
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 15:45 | #
Blind, irrational, all consuming hatred of the greasy wog. Wogs…the only thing lower than a nigger. 64
Posted by re: something on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 19:08 | # Grimoire, this is the takeaway point for you. You may think you can talk up a storm here in front of your pals, but where it matters, out there, your view of life, of race, of pretty much everything (so far as I can tell), is so far divorced from what average person experiences and, imo, can be ever be brought to experience that I think we can safely regard your crazed nationalist project a non-starter. Yes, race matters much more than what people have been led to believe, but there’s certainly nothing like the need for your crazed nationalist project to set things right. If you’re dense to understand that, well, I suppose that works to the moderates’ advantage, because given the choice I haven’t the slightest doubt people will opt for the moderate solution. Actually, no, I do have a ‘slight’ doubt. So in order to allay that slight doubt, it’s necessary to thoroughly nip the crazed nationalist crap right in the bud. I mean, look at your friend Fred Scrooby the halbjude here, he’s so intensely racially identified you figure part of him is bound to wish that when his grandmamma Miriam arrived on American shores she surveyed the surrounds and promptly fell on her sword, declaring, “Turn back! Turn back at once! By alighting here we risk setting into motion a chain of events that cannot but eventually lead to the extinction of this Great People! Oh woe is me, woe is me!” I feel the same way. Nip it in the bud. As for who is “European,” well, juding by the standards typically held in these parts certainly more than a few of the people in regions southern and eastern qualify. But by no means all. That’s never been a problem for them and I most heartily resent you miserable wretches’ attempt to make it one. I mean, lol, Tom Sunic? Oh yes, Good White Man right there. Goes without saying, of course, GW would demur in his svelte Martin Tyler accent that should his daughter so much as touch him with a barge pole he’ll disown the wench, concentricity and all that, you understand. Regarding the Alon Ziv comment. How should I know how Alon Ziv feels? That was Fred Scrooby’s lunatic (as always) characterization. I don’t Ziv’s racial tastes. Maybe he feels much as former Defense Secretary William Cohen. That happens in life, you know. Not everyone adheres to Scrooby’s lunatic, arbitrary standards. You wanna know how much of a lunatic this man is? Why it is was simply delightful, the lunatic informed us, simply splendid to observe war returning to the balkans (in the 90s). Mother Nature, you see, she snapped the commies’ pitchfork over her knee and came rushing back with a vengeance. A real thing of beauty, that was. So, yeah, should be clear why I just can’t wait till you gents are running things again. :-wink 66
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 22:33 | # When I see a man lacing so much of his comments about the Other with insult, and taking such evident pleasure in heaping what he imagines is humiliation upon him, the thought always comes to me, “Who, really, does he hate?” We are all very used to being objects of hatred. Happens every time we challenge the liberal-minded in their own house. But we know that we harbour no hatred for them. For their words, yes. For their ideas even. But not for them, even the most contrarian among them. Pity gets closest to it. In any case, it is all too clear where the hatred really belongs. I am saddened that Silver has finally come to this, there being little value in his continued presence here. But others have declared a preference for debating him, so I will leave the matter open. 67
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 23:16 | #
Seriously. Get a job that takes you into the kind of area where localized ethnic cleansing has just started i.e an area where a non-white colony has recently been planted in a previously white working class area where because of differential demographics that colony is a minority of the local population but contains a majority of the young males. What happens next is relentless racist violence directed at the white population. Those who can leave, leave. The rest are even more outnumbered and come under even more relentless attack. The invaders become the dominant males in that area, the girls give in, some voluntary, some out of fear and the following generations are 80% invader. In the first areas colonized in London 60 years ago the process is almost complete with only a handful of elderly white people left and maybe one hunted looking white couple with hunted looking white children. The rest have all been swamped and absorbed into the invaders. Working class white minority areas are open season for anti-white racist violence all year every year. If the police try and do anything about it they’re hounded back by the media. If the media had reported all this honestly then the pressure to stop mass immigration into England would have built up to unstoppable levels by the 80s at the very latest, probably sooner. Individuals in the media flicked a switch to keep this information hidden from the mass of the public so the genocide could be completed in stealth one area at a time. When i use the words ethnic cleansing and genocide i use them literally. The poorer working class areas of the western world have been in the middle of a deliberate ongoing genocide since 1945. Hostile elites have engaged in a process of placing an overwhelming number of non-white young males into those types of areas one section at a time and then letting nature take its course while censoring the news to prevent people outside realising what is going on. I’ve seen this. Once the working class areas have all been destroyed the surviving middle class population will suddenly find themselves a minority surrounded by a hostile non-white majority. As i guess i’d say the mechanism at this point would be using affirmative action to tip segments of the middle class into poverty so they’d fall into non-white majority working class areas and suffer the same fate. Step by step it will eventually end up like the white farmers in Rhodesia. It’s a deliberate, planned, targeted stealth genocide. A crazed nationalist project is precisely what’s needed (although the crazed part needs to be stealthed in public). 68
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 23:23 | # What this argument does highlight is the conflicts between race and tribe and how these two get jumbled up inside WN and need to be resolved somehow. 69
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 25 Apr 2010 23:27 | #
I meant to add America is very close to this point already in certain areas. 70
Posted by Dan Dare on Mon, 26 Apr 2010 02:16 | #
I think I may have been one of those GW, but being one of the newer boys I was not aware of much of the history of Silver’s participation. If what is posted above at 8:36 is representative then I no longer have any interest in engaging this individual and far as I am concerned you can see him off. He is not simply hateful he is demented. 71
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 26 Apr 2010 02:25 | #
If Silver wants love from Nordics (I know, we’re not supposed to talk about Nordics) he’s got to show love to Nordics. Also, Silver’s presence always provides the opportunity to reiforce Nordicism, which is never redundant or unnecessary. 72
Posted by Grimoire on Mon, 26 Apr 2010 02:58 | # The housewog experiment has already become tedious. Shame, it was pioneering for it’s time. 73
Posted by Demented idiot on Mon, 26 Apr 2010 23:58 | # Dan Dare, calling me demented when you belong to a group that is as repulsive to the vast majority of your own people as yours is is a bit demented itself, wouldn’t you say? Dyslexic and generally retarded commenter Jupiter inadvertently got the right idea with this gem of what I hope was a Freudian slip (scroll down): If there is a will….thre is a way to revere the demographic tranformation taking place before our eyes. Exactly. Most people don’t want to hate other kinds enough to do what you want to them and even many of those who have misgivings will find a way to see the other in a positive light. Frankly, if that occurs, you may as well cancel the whole little hate project you’re cooking up and concentrate on simple, yet effective measures that will resonate with a majority that feels that way; none of the rubbish you’ve served up over the last fifty years does, that much is clear. GW, hatred, to be valid, needs expressed in some manner, and the object of the hatred needs to suffer some disadvantage as a direct result of it. Who suffers under my paradigm? Not you or your kind, certainly. CC, I already have your love, in spades. If you mean your love, specifically, that of the deranged, tortured nutzi, pfft, that’s about the last thing I need or want. I hope you eventually learn to get out of your own way. 74
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 02:59 | #
Where the wonkish esoterica of EGI failed to ignite the passions of the lemmings Dare’s substitute of carrying capacity wonkery may do the trick. They’ll be turning off the soccer games and tuning in to statistical tables, any day now. 75
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 06:03 | #
Yeah, it’s called freedom, the right to discriminate. 76
Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 27 Apr 2010 06:22 | #
I know you’re only being ironic Cap’n, but I can see where you’re coming from on this. The movement’s focus on EGI and RR has been such a resounding success that it would be folly to even consider any alternative approach. Why change a winning formula, that’s what you’re saying right? Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time by James Bowery on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 15:26. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View) |
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:52 | #
A worm in the gut of British politics attacks the BNP: