The Moral high ground?

Posted by Guest Blogger on Sunday, 28 June 2009 00:24.

by David Hamilton

Conservative philosopher Roger Scruton has written that “ an ideology needs an enemy”.  In the West that is us - “whites”.  The chosen method is to dehumanise the enemy so that it can be persecuted or even assassinated without conscience.  They think it will fool the public when they try to outlaw the BNP’s racial admission rules, despite leaving the various black and Asian groups to operate their own racial membership policies.

These comments show the Ideological Caste’s dehumanisation of its enemies in language they would otherwise eagerly attribute to Nazis:

Trevor Phillips: “The BNP should be treated as less than human”.
Nick Bourne - Welsh Tory MP: “The BNP are subhuman”

The voice of whites in Britain is the BNP and the whole establishment is conspiring to de-humanise them with a level of incitement that is unprecedented.  If this type of hate campaign was against another ethnic group they would be facing a seven year jail sentence.  The whole Establishment has shown itself to be the same type of hate-filled ideologues that dehumanised Jews in Nazi Germany.  It is an ideology of hate like those in Soviet Russia, Mao’s China and Cambodia against a particular group.

After a recent article I received this observation from an NHS employee.

“It reminds me of anti-aggression training in the NHS.  Things to watch for before you get thumped:

You nurses are all the same! All you nurses are *******s, you go from being an individual person (which it is not okay to hurt), to a group of people, to a non-human that it is okay to hurt. Once you are not human watch for the thump.  It’s coming very soon.  Changenursesto BNP and the swear words to thug, knuckle-dragger, Nazi and racist.”

If a BNPer does something wrong or says something naughty the Caste generalise, and the whole party is blamed.  But the Caste present themselves as individuals when they are exposed for breaking the rules and thieving from the public.

It has been reported that the Met will question some MP’s and Peers about their expenses.  But the newspapers, the Met and the government and most of the public all know it will be whitewashed.  Even so, public opinion will be manipulated to deceive people into thinking our ruling elite are subject to the law.

The Establishment smear campaigns contain some ‘facts’ but are mainly half-truths and downright lies because, as have I said, they can not counter the new arguments. What they use to dehumanise their targets they ignore in their favoured groups.

The Sunday Times of 14th June showed that underneath the veneer of respectability and intellectual competence the Times’ journalists are cheap liars like The Sun and Mirror - Nick Griffin does not have dogs called Anne and Frank; he did not loose an eye during paramilitary manoeuvres, but when a discarded shotgun cartridge hidden in household waste exploded in a fire; MEP Robert Fiore, a friend of Griffin’s, was not implicated in a terrorist bombing in Italy. That is another lie and Fiore has sued several papers for reprinting that lie started by a Communist front organisation.  Both the Sunday Times and Searchlight share a political outlook.

Promoting the same ideology of hate are the less literate gutter press: The Sun and Daily Mail lied that the BNP put out leaflets during the EU elections calling for the Gurkhas to be sent home.  That was done by an anti-Fascist group who illegally put the BNP’s name to it.

But these journalists don’t let honesty stand in the way of good propaganda. They expose Griffin’s past sins against convention but cover up all the much more serious sins of the politicians on their own side.  The Caste accuse Griffin and his party of hating, but their hatred for their own people is perverse and unnatural.  Somewhere deep in their psyches, one suspects, these creatures fear and respect Griffin’s honesty and courage.

We are taken us on countless TV documentary journeys into tribes and tribal cultures around the developing world and shown stomach-churning sights of animal sacrifice and initiation rites, and never do they tell us that to preserve these people is Nazi or racist or thuggish.  Try and say that Europe has ethnic people and traditions that must be preserved too and you will run into a wall of hostility.  Marxists have managed to bully people of the north European cultures into accepting that they have no racial identification and, therefore, do not really exist, and they have no right to even murmur about self-preservation.  To do this would be evil and selfish, and re-connect to all those too awful symbols of European supremacy: slavery and Adolf Hitler.

BBC Wales aired a programme just after the EU elections to expose Arthur Kemp, and it was an excellent example of the genre.  It started with a pre-judgement or prejudice against not just Kemp but those sin-filled people they call “white”.  By selecting evidence on them that ignores all other ethnic groups it proceeds to discriminate against them.  It also left out what is really happening in South Africa like the genocide of white African farmers by blacks to create the impression that the change over was successful.

BBC programme-makers typically wait for months until they get something on their prey, then they present it purely according to their ideology (which, of course, enables them to pose as tolerant and so very morally superior to their “Nazi” prey).  The blatant immorality of this behaviour is never allowed to intrude.  When the BBC acted in concert with the legal system to prosecute Griffin what was over looked was that he did not make the speech to the public.  It was the BBC who broadcast it to the public.

All this takes place within an extreme ideological world view that uses modern multiracial myths like “They seek to divide communities”.  That one depends on the false notion that multiracial communities are melding together.  But the whole thing is shot through with bare-faced lies like that.

One of the subtler tricks is to describe their activists as “anti-racists”, thus sanitising them and by implication demonising the other.  It also hides the fact that these anti-fascist groups are the ones involved in street thuggery.  For the elites are in league with the street thugs and use deceitful photographs that were set up by them.  In one case Searchlight agents flew to Italy to be photographed making Nazi salutes to BNP deputy chairman Simon Darby as he entered a building so that the media could publicise it to put people off voting for them.  Or worse!

This Ideological Caste cover up for each right up to the point where someone oversteps the rules of public acceptability.  Even then, the programme will describe, say, the BNP’s attacks on the expenses scandal as a “toxic cocktail”.  Everything is manipulated.  The public is provided with no material that has not been ideologically filtered.

Even before this month’s EU Parliament elections the gutter-press Guardian was working overtime to stop the public voting for the BNP.  When that failed they carried straight on with the attack:

It was on Hitler’s birthday, deliberately chosen, that the National Socialist Movement was formed in Britain in the 1960s. It was the first political organisation of the far right that Andrew Brons, the newly-elected British National party MEP for Yorkshire and Humberside, was to join – but not the last.

On the 10th of June 2009, The Metro and The Sun set up a target for violence or worse.  John Higginson chief political correspondent of The Metro showed his intellectual grasp of political ideas by writing in mindless cliches:

“Far-right leader Griffen is splattered as anti-fascists protest over poll victory.”

What really happened – an organised and fascistic, physical assault on Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons at a press conference they had called - is distorted by the code-words.  Thus, the morally undeserving “far right” Griffin is justly humiliated by (merely) protesting “anti-fascists”.

The Daily Star went further and incited its readers to throw chapattis at Griffin.  This is simply hate-speech and can only serve to inflame the racial situation as chapattis are ethnic food.

Over at arch-Globalist Rupert Murdoch’s The Sun, Graeme Wilson devalued an elected British politician thus:

“Bad egg hit by good egg.”

Then the common language again:

“Griffin- his fascist party’s first MEP.”

A less measured variation on the theme from Weyman Bennett:

“We came here to stand up for the people who have faced the intimidation of violence of racist thugs.”

UAF supporter David Cameron used the same language when he called the BNP “Nazis and thugs.”

The cheap papers have for years told their readers who to vote for now they are actually inciting violence against a legal political party.  The owners of these papers are foreigners, and this is outside intervention in our internal politics.  Never again must foreigners be allowed to own our newspapers.

Both Establishment and apparatchiks use a common language.  The “anti-fascists” commonly describe the BNP as fascists and the apparently respectable opinion-formers have adopted this.  In his interview with Griffin, David Dimbleby used the word fascist.  Dimbleby would not invite SWP leaders like Martin Smith and Weyman Bennett to dinner because they are the wrong class.  But when it comes to defending the elites’ way of life they share the same prejudices.

Like the Guardian, The Daily Telegraph used its “Profile” to besmirch Andrew Brons.  They have to as they have no rational arguments to deploy.  So we get:

Colleagues say he loves his image as a posh-talking professor and certainly his appearance and accent are well-removed from the BNP stereotype.”

Who created the stereotype?

The Caste usually incite violence indirectly so they can keep up the appearance of respectability.  But Peter Hain, who did so much to bring about the genocide of whites in South Africa and has never apologised for it, has now called for violent confrontation with the BNP.  He is trying to do the same thing here -  while he makes himself rich by corruptly trousering £130 grand.  The language is the same as with the others:

It is vital that everyone now isolates and confronts the BNP and works with United Against Fascism to defeat them. The gang of UAF thugs attack Nick Griffin everyone can see ...

The Sun are now encouraging more attacks, and this in a country with hundreds of Muslim extremists and terrorists.  They are actually encouraging assassination.  If anything happens again remember that and get the evidence from the newspaper reports of how they lead people on.

An openly illegal incitement to violence against a democratically elected politician was published by London media:

I’m so disappointed with the people that threw eggs at BNP leader Nick Griffin yesterday when he attempted to hold a victory press conference…come on people…we live in a multi cultural democracy…so next time please FOR THE SAKE OF THIS DEMOCRACY can you chuck BRICKS at the racist instead???...much more effective, n’est pas?

Ali Sichilongo, London

So why are such wild and hateful words employed in the media?  Possibly because of something Griffin has in mind for the elites.  He told the BNP conference in Blackpool:

“We all know that they have announced that there will now be another inquiry into the Iraq War.  Of course there should not be an inquiry, but rather a war crimes trial, based on the principles established during the Nuremburg Trial.

“The accused must include the politicians and the propagandists who generated the background to the war.  This will include the newspaper editors and media owners who are just as responsible for the lies which led to that war.

“However, we have enough evidence right now to make a case against Geoff Hoon and Tony Blair for an incident during the Balkans War when a Serbian TV station was bombed.  I will be laying a charge with a central London police station very soon over this matter.”

This is why the corrupt thieves and liars of the caste have to try and silence those who threaten them.  Presumably it’s also why Griffin does not have state security like Geert Wilders in the Netherlands and Salman Rushdie did here.  His protection, then, rests in part, at least, in the public knowing that powerful forces are conspiring against him - and that’s a message we can all do something to try to get out.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 01:08 | #

Good entry with lots of possible things to comment on, but I just want to quickly remind everyone of the central thing here:  we are in almost as bad shape now with the new BNP successes as we were before, and we HAVE TO WORK NOT ONLY AS HARD BUT HARDER, TO MAKE SURE THE BNP’S REPRESENTATION INCREASES WITH EVERY ELECTION FROM NOW ON, be it for council seats, MEPs, MPs, or whatever other elective office.  THE WORST THING WE COULD DO RIGHT NOW WOULD BE TO REST ON OUR LAURELS.  The fight is not over.  IT HAS ONLY JUST BEGUN.  If we rest even a little, if we take our ease even a little, the other side, which toils night and day without ever resting, will have us back where we started in no time.  When can we rest?  We can’t.  There’s no rest for us.  Work till you drop!


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 02:51 | #

The whole Establishment has shown itself to be the same type of hate-filled ideologues that dehumanised Jews in Nazi Germany.

LOL!  Can Hamilton see the sun from where his head is positioned?  Triangulate to fool the lemmings I guess okay, actually buy into the bullshit not so great.  Yet and still, there is just something about licking the collective scrotum of the Jews that tends to leave a bitter taste in one’s mouth.  No?


Posted by G.Hunt on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 03:25 | #

Where are your articles hero who hides behind a screen name?


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 03:51 | #

Where are your articles hero who hides behind a screen name?

Sorry Mr. Hunt, you are too clever for me, you will have to explain.


Posted by Fr. John on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 05:01 | #

Excellent article. The mask is stripped from the faces of the bloody liberals, and with good reason, too!

No ONE is as HATE FILLED as a theological or political liberal.
Hitler and Stalin pale in comparison….well, just about!

Isn’t is amazing that those who ARE white, and yet who hate their fellow Englishman, don’t seem to realize that one cannot maintain such a charade of ‘tolerance’ forever. Sooner or later, the “Saxon will learn to hate,” and THEN.

God’s will be done, I say.

Amen, and Amen.

For they are the modern Amalek.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 05:46 | #

Wilders has wisely chosen a different path from Griffin. The charges of being a crypto-Nazi don’t stick against Wilders (although they’ve been tried) because he has stuck to the message and never got side-tracked by irrelevant issues (Revisionism, Third Reich nostalgia, J.Q., Arthur Kemp’s Nordicism, etc.). In some instances he’s more radical than Griffin (for example, in his stance regarding deportation/repatriation of aliens), but he doesn’t carry Griffin’s (or Le Pen’s) baggage. He has made allies among Israel’s racialist far-right and is regularly feted by segments of international Jewry. In my view Wilders is brilliant, and a first-rate strategist. Wilders doesn’t want to have anything to do with beautiful losers like Griffin and Le Pen, and rightly so. He plays to win. He has become my model of a an ideal ethno-nationalist.


Posted by Svigor on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 06:27 | #

Friedrich, is there something in the air?  The water?  Because I’ve independently come to the same conclusion as you, more or less, at the same time.

I’m still mulling things over, but I think the way to go is to reach out our hand to Jews in friendship.

Let our people watch the Jews slap that hand away, over and over and over and over until it starts to sink in (which is not to say I intend the offering as a deception; nothing would make me happier than Jews taking that hand).

The problem with the JQ is that it ignores what’s important - our people.  Our people are repelled by it (as by nothing else, nothing else even comes close), and that’s what matters.

But as I said, I’m still mulling things over.


Posted by Svigor on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 06:29 | #

P.S., where do I read more about Wilders?


Posted by Bill on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 06:43 | #

It doesn’t matter any more, this labelling technique is exhausting itself,  It has been sussed.

Those nearly million people who voted for the BNP look very human to most sane folk.

Liberal tactics have to escalate incrementally by several fold yet, at each stage they will be sussed by the ordinary folk of this country.

The oncoming crucifying of the BNP will reach a crescendo by the time of the next election, it could even be, Griffin and others could be languishing in jail.  Could even be the BNP are outlawed.

By this time Cameron will be at the helm and he will have become exposed for what he is, he cannot square this circle.

Cameron is already making noises he will repeal anti civil liberty legislation introduced by Blair and Brown thru the EU.  Cameron is making great play of giving power back to the people, he is already out Sarkozying Sarkozy.

The liberal juggernaut will just keep ploughing on ‘till you know what.

We must not lose sight that the tail is wagging the dog here, we must outnumber them by a factor of hundreds of thousands if not millions.

OT but I thought I would pass this on.

California here I come….

When the wintry winds are blowing and the snow is starting in to fall,
then my eyes turn west-ward, knowing that’s the place I love the best of all.
California , I’ve been blue, since I’ve been away from you.
I can’t wait ‘til I get going.
Even now I’m starting in to call, Oh…

California, here I come right back where I started from.
Where Bowers of flowers bloom in the spring.
Each morning at dawning, birdies sing an’ everything.
A sunkist miss said, “Don’t be late” that’s why I can hardly wait.
Open up that Golden Gate,
California here I come.

Any one who likes to wander ought to keep this saying in his mind,
“Absence makes the heart grow fonder” of the good old place you leave behind.
When you’ve hit the train awhile, seems you rarely see a smile;
that’s why I must fly out yonder, where a frown is mighty hard to find! Oh….

California, here I come right back where I started from.
Where Bowers of flowers bloom in the spring.
Each morning at dawning, birdies sing an’ everything.
A sunkist miss said, “Don’t be late” that’s why I can hardly wait.
Open up that Golden Gate.
California here I come.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 07:11 | #

Here’s how a serious man talks about serious things:

Dutch anti-Islam MP: ‘Israel is West’s first line of defense’ 

By Cnaan Liphshiz, Haaretz Correspondent

Israel will be a major part of Geert Wilders’ next film on Islam, the rightist Dutch legislator said last week in an interview for Haaretz. He praised Avigdor Lieberman, observing “similarities” between Yisrael Beiteinu and the Party for Freedom - a small movement which has grown to become Holland’s second most popular.

Wilders, a controversial anti-immigration politician, rose to international fame last year when he released a 14-minute film entitled Fitna, which attempts to portray what he considers as Islam’s “violent nature.” The film, which has been viewed by millions online, provoked mass protests throughout the Muslim world.

In April Wilders announced he was working on a sequel. Just as Fitna focused on genocidal anti-Semitism in the Muslim world, Wilders said that the sequel - which focuses on “Islamization in the West” - will show “how the forces of Islamization are specifically targeting Israel in a fight against all free societies.”

He added: “The film will demonstrate that the fight against Israel is not territorial, and hence Israel is only the first line of defense for the West. Now it’s Israel but we are next. That’s why beyond solidarity, it is in Europe’s interest to stand by Israel.”

Wilders is facing criminal charges for allegedly inciting hate by comparing the Koran to Adolf Hitler’s Mein Kampf in the original Fitna film. His party’s dark horse achievement in the European Parliament elections earlier this month, he said, is connected to the judicial system’s decision to prosecute him.

The Party for Freedom - which has only nine seats in Dutch parliament - won five seats in the June 4 European elections, making it the second largest of all Dutch parties in Brussels. A recent poll shows that if elections were held now, the Party would become the country’s largest or second largest.

“The appeals court’s decision in January to prosecute me angered many people, as did the decision by the government of the U.K. not to let me enter Britain,” Wilders told Haaretz. He added some of the anger manifested itself in the European Parliament election.

According to Wilders, his party’s rise in popularity is reminiscent of how Lieberman’s party grew to become Israel’s third largest. “Our parties may not be identical, but there are certainly more similarities than dissimilarities, and I am proud of that,” Wilders said about Yisrael Beiteinu.

“I’ve met Liebrman and called to congratulate him after the Israeli elections,” said Wilders, who visits Israel frequently to meet with leading Israeli politicians, defense officials and opinion-shapers. “Lieberman’s an intelligent, strong and clever politician and I understand why his party grew in popularity.”

Israel under Benjamin Netanyahu is, according to Wilders, safer because it doesn’t automatically accept the two-state solution. But he added: “I am more concerned now about Israel’s situation because of the positions of U.S. President Barack Obama.”

The president’s speech in Cairo “shocked” Wilders, he says. “Until now Israel could rely on the U.S. for support even when the Europeans failed to offer it. Now Israel will have a tougher time,” he added.

“The two-state solution is an internal Israeli matter and I hesitate to interfere. But my personal belief is that there is a two state solution for the Palestinians. One of those states is called Jordan,” he added.
Wilders also said that Obama’s preference for dialogue with Iran despite its ongoing drive to obtain nuclear weapons - according to Western intelligence reports - is “intolerable.”

The Party for Freedom will not join any bloc at the European Parliament, Wilders said. “We will not join an rightist party with anti-Semitic or xenophobic inclinations,” he explained. “The attempts to classify us as such are the result of our rivals’ panic.”

Wilders’ party believes in halting immigration to the Netherlands, and banning the construction of mosques in that country. While defending gay rights and supporting animal welfare bills, the Party holds a hardliner assimilations stance on the integration of existing immigrants into Dutch society, and is consistently Eurosceptic.

“Our achievement in the European Parliament owed partly to a protest vote by people who do not accept that their tax monies are funding highways in Portugal and subsidizing Polish farmers. They want their money back - approximately five billion euros.”

Described by some as “fascist” and “ultra-nationalist,” other Dutch parties have shunned the Party for Freedom, treating it as a pariah movement. However, as its political power climbs, leading centrist politicians are advocating an alliance with Wilders, touching off a heated debate in their parties’ ranks.

“We have no power but a lot of influence, and are now a serious force which cannot be ignored,” Wilders said. “I think the stale political establishment of the Netherlands doesn’t quite know how to close the window that let in our party, like a cool draft of wind.”

Geert Wilders, well-known for his anti-Islam stance, spoke to a packed gathering at parliament

Outspoken Dutch politician Geert Wilders spoke at the city’s Free Speech and Islam Conference at Christiansborg Palace amid high security in the parliament buildings on Sunday.

The conference was organised by the Danish Free Press Society after the government’s own free speech and anti-racism conference was repeatedly delayed until this autumn.

Prime Minister Lars Løkke Rasmussen had previously said that Wilders, who heads the Dutch right-wing Party for Freedom, was not welcome at the autumn conference as he ‘associates an entire religion with hatred’.
Accompanied by a large number of Danish intelligence service agents, Wilders did not mince his words on the topic of the day.

‘Islam is not a religion, it’s a threat against everything we stand for,’ said Wilders, pointing to the spread of Islam in other countries to back up his argument.

According to Wilders, 40 percent of British Muslims want to introduce Sharia law, while half of all Dutch Muslim students look favourably upon the terror attacks of 9/11 in the US.

Wilders said the essence of Islam is a ‘totalitarian ideology’ and that there is no such thing as moderate Islam. He urged attendees to adhere to a number of proposals, including boycotting the UN’s human rights council and abolishing all hate speech laws in Europe.

In addition, Wilders said he wants to see all Muslim schools and mosques closed, as well as any future mosque building outlawed.

Naser Khader, founder of the Democratic Muslims political movement and current Conservative MP, said that Wilders’ speech painted a bleak picture for the future.

‘It’s important to make a distinction between Islam as a religion and Islamism as a political ideology. He’s not the only one who sees there is a problem. But I believe his solutions are far too narrow-minded. I completely disagree that the Koran should be banned – that is not consistent with freedom of speech,’ said Khader to Berlingske Tidende newspaper.

The Party for Freedom was founded just three years ago and has since become the second largest Dutch party in the European Parliament. Wilders said that the rise in popularity of his party could result in his becoming prime minister within two years.

‘Then your prime minister can no longer avoid meeting with me,’ said Wilders.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 07:14 | #

I don’t even mind his gay-rights advocacy. Maybe gay marriage will stabilize homosexual relationships. And in any case, since I’m not a Christian it’s the epitome of an irrelevant side-issue for me.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 07:32 | #

California is not being transformed by Muslims. What has Wilders actually accomplished vis-a-vis Muslim immigration to Holland?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 07:54 | #

I strongly support Wilders of course, but I strongly dislike his plan to triangulate against the other centrist parties, such as the BNP, who will be fighting EU-style Eurocide right alongside him:

“The Party for Freedom will not join any bloc at the European Parliament, Wilders said.  ‘We will not join any rightist party with anti-Semitic or xenophobic inclinations,’ he explained.  ‘The attempts to classify us as such are the result of our rivals’ panic.’ “

Triangulation by Wilders in this way is WRONG.  It could also end up being a tactical miscalculation and backfiring, weakening him.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 09:28 | #

Any dissenting white will be labelled extremist.

The overwhelming majority of British people will not accept mass immigration (multiculturalism) at any price short of direct threat to life and liberty.

Therefore the overwhelming majority will be seen by the political class as extremist.

The people will see this for themselves, that it is indeed the case, it is themselves who are seen as the enemy.

Now we know why there is such a reliance upon anti terrorist laws to deal with the (white) terrorist threat.

Dissenting whites are the terrorists.

I’ve always guessed as much.

Did I read somewhere that the super Titan jail project had been scrapped?  Rather odd that.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 09:49 | #

Titan Jails

Re above.  Decided to do a Google search - This explains everything.


Posted by VanSpeyk on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 11:13 | #

It certainly surprises me to read Friedrich Braun these days and I think I’m not alone in this. You’ve come a long way, Friedrich.

I do not share your enthusiasm for Mr. Wilders, despite the fact that I voted for him twice (general and European elections). In fact, I dislike pretty much everything about him; his style (hysterical, rabble rousing), his sole focus on religious matters instead of ethnic and/or racial ones, his over-the-top friendly attitude to Jews, Israelis. I would rather we, in the Netherlands, had someone like Nick Griffin - someone who participates in American Renaissance activities. Griffin is obviously an ethnic-nationalist who cares deeply about his kinsmen. I have not seen evidence of similar feelings in Wilders’ public pronouncements.

The difference can also be seen in their respective backgrounds. Griffin, I believe, has been active for many years in the nativist movement in his country. Wilders was a Liberal MP (in Holland, the Liberals are the Right, versus the social-democrats on the Left) for many years who got kicked out of his party over his objection to Turkey’s entry to the EU. After that he radicalized.

I would take a genuine ethnic nationalist like Taylor or Griffin over a radical neo-con like Wilders any day of the week.


Posted by Armor on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 11:46 | #

[Geert Wilders] has stuck to the message and never got side-tracked by irrelevant issues (Revisionism, Third Reich nostalgia, J.Q., Arthur Kemp’s Nordicism, etc.). (—Friedrich Braun)

It is interesting to learn that the Jewish Question has nothing to do with the race replacement crisis!

Wilders has wisely chosen a different path from Griffin.

Lying may be a good political strategy for Wilders, but it can not be a good strategy for F.Braun in an intellectual debate. Lying kills any intellectual debate.
You should say that Wilders is lying and that he is right to do so. You shouldn’t say yourself that the JQ is irrelevant to the race replacement crisis.


Posted by Dasein on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 11:57 | #


Desmond’s point is an achilles heel for a Geert Wilders approach in any country where the immigration is not Muslim.  Does Wilders oppose Negro immigration?

You said that the Freedom Party’s immigration platform was better than the BNPs.  Could you provide a link?  From the article you quoted, it looks like they favour total miscegenation:

While defending gay rights and supporting animal welfare bills, the Party holds a hardliner assimilations stance on the integration of existing immigrants into Dutch society, and is consistently Eurosceptic.

In Hungary, Jobbik (whose leader basically told the Zentralrat to go f*** itself) got about the same percentage of the vote as Wilder’s party.  Different country, different situation, of course.  But in a poll, something like 70% of Hollanders said that 3rd World immigration was the biggest mistake in the country’s history.  What percentage of Britons would say that?  I know liberal Dutch people (some race mixers) and they are very open about their dislike of Muslim immigration.  My point is that I don’t think that Wilders’ message needs to be wrapped in philo-Semitism in order to sell in Holland.  Could you tell me how you think it helps?


Posted by Dasein on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 13:35 | #

I was off on the ~70% figure.  It was 57%.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 15:02 | #

The BNP could destroy all political opposition by talking about nothing but one simple policy:

Replace all government transfer programs (subsidies to individuals and businesses) with a citizen’s dividend.

The entire government bureaucracy has grown up to service a traitorous elite and their imported slaves—leaving the natural born citizens to grovel for forgiveness for their “racism” in order to get a place to live and food to eat.

The BNP, on the other hand, has no stake at all in maintaining this con game because they don’t have rentiers stationed all over the government, its corporate clients or the slave market.  They can call the bluff of the traitors and the traitors will fold.

This is so simple a strategy and so obviously will work, one wonders what it will take to get the BNP leadership to wake up and focus on it.

Maybe another political party with a much simpler and clearer message unencumbered by the BNP’s history?


Posted by Q on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 15:42 | #

The Jews are NOT friends with Geert Wilders as some here are suggesting. Let’s get real!

European Jewish group alarmed by far-right gains

BRUSSELS (AP)—Jewish groups across Europe reacted to far-right gains in the European parliamentary elections by urging the EU on Tuesday to do more to tackle racism and intolerance.

The European Jewish Congress, which represents Jewish communities across Europe, said winning seats in the European Parliament based on “racist, anti-Semitic and xenophobic platforms” pointed to an erosion of tolerance.

Results of voting for a new European Union assembly showed that far-right parties in the Netherlands, Britain, Austria, Hungary, Denmark and Romania posted significant victories.

In a statement, the Paris-based Jewish Congress called that a “clarion call” for the EU to tackle racism and intolerance through legislation and dialogue.

“Europeans of all backgrounds, ethnicities and religions are looking to our elected officials to unite, rather than divide us,” it said.

The congress also said the victory of groups using racist and xenophobic platforms “belies a disturbing acquiescence of government to this type of incitement and a need for immediate action and education.”

It said it was troubled by the fact that far-right forces did better than in the last EU assembly elections in 2004 and that they were scattered across the 27-nation EU.

The success of such rabid groups as The Freedom Party in the Netherlands, the Freedom Party in Austria, the Danish People’s Party, the British National Party, and Jobbik in Hungary, among others, will sadly only serve to embolden those who espouse the dangerous concepts of extreme nationalism, racism, anti-Semitism and xenophobia,” the congress said.

It urged the European Parliament and the European Commission, the EU executive, to work for effective anti-racism legislation.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 15:56 | #


Maybe you could post a suitably explanatory comment on the EU blogs of Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons:


Why don’t you write a post for the blog setting-out those features of National Socialism that you consider would be acceptable and executable in the conditions of today, and those that would not.  My judgement is that the positives are economics (executable) and racial consciousness (probably executable only in Germany).  But I am open to argument.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 16:24 | #

”The entire government bureaucracy has grown up to service a traitorous elite and their imported slaves — leaving the natural born citizens to grovel for forgiveness for their ‘racism’ in order to get a place to live and food to eat.  The BNP, on the other hand, has no stake at all in maintaining this con game because they don’t have rentiers stationed all over the government, its corporate clients or the slave market.”  (—James B.)

Very well said.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 16:28 | #

It doesn`t matter why he says he wants to repatriate Muslims, the result for Dutch ethnic genetic interests is the same. And it’s much easier to claim to do it on religious than on racial grounds. I wish there was a Wilders I could vote for, consider yourself lucky.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 16:48 | #

VS, why would you want Wilders to attend AmRen gabfests? So he could marginalize himself in Euro politics by hobnobbing with Holocaust-deniers and freaks like Kevin Strom?

I add that I have a great deal of respect and admiration for Mr. Taylor but I wouldn’t attend his conferences either.

GW, why ask CC (a Brit) to tell foreigners (Germans) how they should run their own affairs? Is everything swimming now in Britain that you ask non-Germans for unsollicted advice on Germany? CC should tend to his own house and leave Germany to Germans.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 16:55 | #


CC is a white American professing National Socialism as a political condition for the reclamation of America in toto.  I’m not asking him to advise Germans how to pursue their own affairs (I am well aware of your own view on the particularity of NS in that respect).  I would like to see him unpick the difficulties that NS presents in America and draw up a political balance sheet for it, essentially.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 17:50 | #

I am not convinced NS can be precisely recapitulated here or anywhere.  Certainly some of it was time-bound, and the product of the peculiarities of the men and circumstances that brought it into being.  My concern with it is to do with a muscular aesthetic that affirms our being in the universe, before the universe, before entropy, before our competitors who fight with us over who is to be master of ourselves, before death.  Whatever else that ever was which had its consciousness and conviction to affirm our lives before all the above arrayed hostilities I know not of.  Love it, hate it, respond with puzzled indifference, one must concede, to hand it as whip to our enemies to flog us with is for fools.  They have not one ounce of concern for our people anyway, they hate us, they love to see us grovel and give to them the last bit of blood we have.  That is the truth as I understand it.


Posted by james on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 18:25 | #

How can the enemy be “whites” when it is the Jewish white establishment that owns the media and government along with there most verment supporters white gentils?

People hear also like the former trotskyite commmunists turned conservative Jew Peter Hitchens and his views who saids a few empty words about the EU.

And support the Rothschild British empire where the concept of globalisation comes from.

And you still haven’t answsered my question?

How come when I metiioned about contacting someone at Alexander Dugins Eurasia movement for a Majority Rights interview I never got a responce?

Are you going to interview Norman Lowell again in the future anytime soon?


Posted by Bill on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 21:32 | #

Spectator Magazine 28 06 2009

Immigration facts and figures.

Well worth a read.  As usual, it’s the comments that provide most interest.

These commentors are intelligent but naive beyond belief.

This is mainstream stuff, it can only do the BNP good.  Wait till these people get it - as they will in their millions.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 21:54 | #

GW: “Maybe you could post a suitably explanatory comment on the EU blogs of Nick Griffin and Andrew Brons”


I challenged the leaders of the BNP to promote a citizens dividend ala Charles Murray.  It may be too much to ask them to promote a land value or net asset tax as a replacement for taxes on economic activites.“endemic-treason”-says-bnp-mep-andrew-brons/#idc-container

I have to focus my message just as they must.


Posted by Jupiter on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 22:06 | #

There are irreconcilable differences between Native English and the foriegn darkies and their Treasonous liberal supporters. This makes it inevitable that there will be a violent race war on English soil. Or the Native English can do nothing and be enslaved and exterminated and the English Women will be sold of sex slaves.

If the Native English do decide to fight back, they must cleanse England of the cultural scum such as Billy Bragg, pedaphile Pete Townsend and Cat Stevens. I consider these them to be lower than cockroaches.


Posted by Dasein on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 22:37 | #

James, it looks like your comment is still awaiting moderation.  Quick question in the meantime: is what you’re proposing similar/same to what Murray recommends in ‘In Our Hands’?  I haven’t read the book, but I heard a few talks he gave promoting it.  It was very convincing.  I think it would also appeal to those people the BNP probably considers its natural constituency, namely lower working-class Whites on the front lines of race replacement.  I would imagine that those paid to shuffle money around are predominantly lower-middle class and liberal, many of them non-White.

I like Murray, it’s a shame he’s at AEI.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 28 Jun 2009 23:04 | #

Dasein, yes.  My reference to “Charles Murray” above was due to the fact that I linked the phrase “citizen’s dividend” to “In Our Hands” by Murray, which is now available free on line from the AEI website.

Charles Murray can’t admit it, but the real reason a citizen’s dividend is a good idea is because the economic collapse was caused by a centralization of net assets due to government subsidy of wealth.  That’s why I recommend funding it with a shift of taxes from economic activities to net assets (other than homestead assets). 

However, I’ve come to the conclusion that it is more politically efficient to promote a citizen’s dividend, regardless of source.  Once established, the principle of treating the populous as equal shareholders in the land trust called the “nation” will including finding the optimum tax system—just as stockholders in a corporation will attempt to get the management in place that will maximize their dividends.  Since the only sensible economic policy is to cease taxing economic activity and instead charge a use fee for the main function of government—protection of property rights in support of a robust economy—the citizens as share holders will serve their interests optimally by demanding that reform as well. 

PS:  Murray’s means-testing for eligibility for the dividend is wrong-headed even though he places it comfortably in the middle class—it should be an entitlement of all regardless of income or wealth—it should not be means-tested.  The elites will inevitably attempt to shift the means test to exclude the middle class and support only their slaves at the expense of the middle class.  Even though I was shopping the citizen’s divdend idea around Washington DC years before Murray, I don’t have the name recognition that Murray has.  I’ll just have to try to forewarn the few who can read beyond the name recognition.  Perhaps the elimination of all means-testing has to wait until the shift of tax from economic activity to nonhomestead net assets.  The important thing is that the BNP leadership understand that there is “respectable conservative” support for the general idea of the “citizen’s dividend”.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 01:04 | #

Further to my comment above in which I ask what group the BNP will be joining, this reassuring article answers my question — actually I had seen it ten days ago but completely forgotten: .

The BNP MEPs have already met with like-minded MEPs from France, Belgium, Austria, Hungary, and Bulgaria, like-minded meaning they question, among other things, the wisdom/desirability of the EU’s current policy of forcing the change of every Euro-race man, woman, child, and old person on the Continent of Europe into a Sub-Saharan African Negro — these men and women feel that policy deserves a second look and possibly needs to be reconsidered — and although too few to form their own official “group” these MEPs have agreed to work together on their own in apportioning legislative research among themselves, etc., and have made a pact not to be split apart through other groups recruiting some and not others:  they’ve decided if any group wants any of them, it must take all or none.

Good work, BNP!  Now compare in your mind this true party of the people with that party of the race-replacing élites who oppose the people and want them literally wiped out, the Tories.  Enough said.

Our side has momentum now.  Let’s keep it going!


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 03:00 | #

Blogger dumbjon quotes from this Guardian piece, by Polly Toynbee no less:

Most depressing for councils, satisfaction mostly depends on something they cannot change – the population: happiest places have most graduates, fewest children, least ethnic diversity, least population churn, most private housing. Badly run areas (like Surrey) that are posh places will always score higher satisfaction than good councils (like Blackburn) with four-star ratings and a miserable populace. Where is the political justice in that?

Thats a staggering statement from a die-hard like Toynbee.


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 03:40 | #

I don’t even mind his gay-rights advocacy. Maybe gay marriage will stabilize homosexual relationships. And in any case, since I’m not a Christian it’s the epitome of an irrelevant side-issue for me.

The issue for me is the opprobrium he hurled at BNP for their “disgusting” (do I have that right?) talk of black and white.

If one is a true Euro ethnic nationalist, such talk is inconsistent.

He seems to put Jews way ahead of fellow Europeans.  I understand that he’s a politician, but he doesn’t have to put OBVIOUSLY BAD ideas into European heads.  He can just keep his mouth shut if he can’t say anything good in a given context.


California is not being transformed by Muslims. What has Wilders actually accomplished vis-a-vis Muslim immigration to Holland?

Yes.  It seems as though Wilder’s schtick is exclusive to Europe and Islam.  Flood his country with Bantus and he’s got no objection.  He seems not to be a racialist at all.

I’d like to be proven wrong.  And I’m not saying he’s not a good thing for Europe, either - an intermediate step between us and the madness.


I would take a genuine ethnic nationalist like Taylor or Griffin over a radical neo-con like Wilders any day of the week.

Your comment does a decent job of summing up my feelings on the matter.  Except, I have this tantalizing notion that Griffin and the rest could learn something from Wilders’ amity with the Israeli right.


It is interesting to learn that the Jewish Question has nothing to do with the race replacement crisis!

It’s the difference between politics and the rest (science, philosophy).  The question isn’t whether the JQ is central to the genocide of Europeans, the question is whether the JQ is central to the politics (not science or philosophy) of saving Europeans from genocide.


My point is that I don’t think that Wilders’ message needs to be wrapped in philo-Semitism in order to sell in Holland.  Could you tell me how you think it helps?

I don’t know about Holland in particular, but my feeling is that it could help by giving the right-wing Jews an escape route.  Through that route can come Jewish money and influence, but more importantly, it defangs the rest of Jewry.  How can the spectres of the Jewish holocaust or Nazism be used effectively against Wilders?  Consequently, it bypasses ingrained western “defense mechanisms” (defense against stopping genocide, that is).


The Jews are NOT friends with Geert Wilders as some here are suggesting. Let’s get real!

Without questioning the accuracy of the article, one wonders, WTF else is the establishment going to say?  “Golly, tons of Israeli support for Wilders out there!”


([...]did everyone see what their MEP told the Jews they could go and do?)

No, enlighten me.  smile


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 03:58 | #

”No, enlighten me.”  (—Svigor)

Check out the third question in my “Today’s Quiz” post, here: .

(I neglected to add the source:  it was the Sunic piece linked in the first question, same post.)


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 04:14 | #

Thanks Fred.

Krisztina Morvai, the attractive Christian nationalist lawyer and head of the Hungarian Jobbik,  did not hesitate to reply to a comment by a “proud Hungarian Jew” that she fomented hatred and should be banned from politics:

I would be greatly pleased if those who call themselves proud Hungarian Jews played in their leisure with their tiny circumcised dicks, instead of besmirching me. Your kind of people are used to seeing all of our kind of people stand to attention and adjust to you every time you fart. Would you kindly acknowledge this is now OVER. We have raised our head up high and we shall no longer tolerate your kind of terror. We shall take back our country.

What a woman!

What happens if east-central and eastern Europe go nativist?  What if Russia gives over some of its vast spaces to warding exiled Europeans from the rest of Europe?  I don’t know that the Genocide Regime could withstand that kind of competition.  Scratch that, I KNOW it couldn’t.  If for Euros it comes down to an ability to make a ceteris paribus choice, the Regime is totally screwed.  The real questions precede this choice (i.e., how to make the choice available).


Posted by Svigor on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 04:16 | #

Gods, to have the ability for all of us to escape and leave the group formerly known as our elite with the hordes they champion!  Wouldn’t that be a sweet sight, looking back, as our ship sails away?

Now there’s a founding myth.  smile


Posted by Culnchair on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 05:01 | #

What happens if east-central and eastern Europe go nativist?  What if Russia gives over some of its vast spaces to warding exiled Europeans from the rest of Europe?

There is no doubt in my mind that the negro Obama would order a full on assault on this last White Redoubt! 

It is the work of Whites in the Zionist Occupied Government USA to weaken this current regime so that it can not harm Whites in Europa!


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 05:28 | #

A citizen’s dividend would provide an economic advantage to the British worker competing against the Pole who is willing to work for minimum wage, but does it not seriously undermine any monetary incentive proposed for repatriation? In addition, an immigration system like Canada’s that is fundamentally a self-select system through the family re-unification programme, would inevitably be crushed by a citizen’s dividend programme. How does it effect the Citizenship clause of the 14th Amendment? Will a citizen’s dividend be enough to “demonstrate the financial ability” to provide for parents seeking to enter the U.S.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 06:27 | #

In general what the citizen’s dividend does is blow the cover of the elite’s rhetoric about immigration being “good for the economy”.  What they really mean is that immigration is good for the elite from their position as rentiers and if it isn’t good for you, well, then that just means you are a “loser” (ie: middle class). 

The definition of “citizen” then becomes obviously the vital thing that it really is:  A fellow occupant of ancestral land.  Idiocy like the anchor baby interpretation of the 14th Amendment, or “family reunification” is exposed as theft of land.  It will be terminated by the people-as-rentiers because they have to actually live among the immigrants—unlike the elites who can hypocritically shield their moral vanity from their pollution of the surrounding human ecology.

PS: It may be that in the case of Poles, there will be a lot less pressure to repatriate because the main objection to living around Poles is that they are taking jobs.  Under a citizen’s dividend system, that would be far less of an issue.  If they genuinely contribute to the economy then they’ll be contributing to the citizen’s dividends.  If they do so without degrading the environment of the people, they’ll probably be welcome to stay.  Are Polish men known for spreading AIDS around to British women?  Raping them?  etc?  That would be news to me.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 06:29 | #

For what it’s worth Morvai is married to a Jewish Hungarian.


Posted by Dasein on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 12:17 | #

What if Russia gives over some of its vast spaces to warding exiled Europeans from the rest of Europe?—Svigor

I’ve also wondered about this (as well as whether foreign governments would support the pro-White movement to destabilize the regime).  WNs in Siberia would counter Chinese designs on the land.  You’d have an irredentist movement, a diaspora people dreaming of its return (DC as Jerusalem).  Lots of material for founding myths (a fitting name for the territory would be Hyperborea).  Of course, the issue for the Russians would be whether they could keep such a movement under control.  It has parallels to how the Jews were invited into countries.

With regards to FB’s new philosophy, I would be very interested to see him post something.  There are a lot of cons to what he’s proposing.  For example, he says:

I wish there was a Wilders I could vote for, consider yourself lucky.

It almost sounds as if he’s given up on his own country.  Or perhaps he thinks that Canada and the US need to import more Muslims so that a politician could appear that Jews would support.  Then maybe once the Muslims are repatriated, Jews will go along with repatriating other non-Whites.  Or maybe once Whites get a taste for repatriation, they will become resistant to the multicult.  I don’t know, I’m very curious to see how he deals with these issues.  He’s been in this a lot longer than many (at least me), so he must have good reasons. 

I have to wonder though if maybe there’s motivation from seeing a lack of success for pro-White politics (make that complete failure, at least in NA).  But maybe we should think about support for pro-White politics as another trait that is Normally distributed.  We here are like callers in bird flocks.  We see a predator and warn the flock.  We’re much more sensitive to danger than the average person.  But the average person will eventually feel the danger and react, even if it’s only to say “please don’t kill me” (these are the outliers on the curve for political will).  The danger just needs to become more apparent.  I’m relatively new to the pro-White movement, but those who have been around longer say that they notice a shift in public opinion (GW here and Kievsky at VNN both give the example of the comments section of online papers).  Every day the danger line shifts into the denser regions of the curve.  Our time is coming.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 12:33 | #

Friedrich knows he can post a main article to MR if he wants to.

Dasien, something that might interest you:


Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 13:21 | #


What happens when Whitey can no longer afford the social welfare state for the darkies? This is very likely to happen first before the implementation of Murray’s transfer payment program.

I believe that England and America are beyond the point of rational policies and rational planning. Things will just evolve and happen…according to the blueprint that was laid out and implemented during the “fuick your brains out,drugs and tinnitis roll” years. This was the intial condition for the montrosity that has evolved over the years.

I hate the sixties. I hate the woodstock generation. I hate the hippies and yippies. You fuckers gave America the rapist,war criminal, money grubber and all around cockroach Bill Clinton. Bill Clinton, now thats a subhuman.

Also James. I do not bleive full-blown Libertarianism is compatible with the necessary degree of racial soldarity required to disinfect America of the degenerate race-traitors and darkies.

I think the situation may be far worse than anybody realizes…but this may the crucial stage necessary for European people to start reclaimmig their lands from the darkies and the filthy,stinking,rotten degenerates.


Posted by Q on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 14:34 | #

Q: The Jews are NOT friends with Geert Wilders as some here are suggesting. Let’s get real!

Svigor: Without questioning the accuracy of the article, one wonders, WTF else is the establishment going to say?  “Golly, tons of Israeli support for Wilders out there!”

My point is: even though Geert Wilders is philo-“Semitic”, he is considered the embodiment of evil by Jewish groups. In this case, its the European Jewish Congress. As Fred Scrooby so accurately and consistently points out: Jews’ (Jewish supremacists) most prized agenda is to pry open the boarders of white nations so non-white hoards can flood in .... Geert Wilders is contrary their agenda; he opposes the takeover of Europe by Muslims, hence, their [Jews] foaming at the mouth hostility towards him.


Posted by Q on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 15:18 | #

To supplement David Hamilton’s excellent insightful essay, here is a worthwhile read:

Barack Obama and Alinsky’s Rules for Psychopaths


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 15:31 | #

Jupiter writes: What happens when Whitey can no longer afford the social welfare state for the darkies? This is very likely to happen first before the implementation of Murray’s transfer payment program.

You’re confused about the structure of the economic crisis.  The proximate cause is Jewish virulence transferring wealth from the middle class to the upper class in preparation for the horizontal transmission phase.  The sub-prime lending scam was part of the smoke screen.  “The social welfare state for the darkies” could actually be maintained for a longer time under a middle class that took it back “in our hands” from the government transfer program bureaucrats (who hate the middle class).  This breathing room coupled with the explicit, monthly check, that ties every household’s income to the human ecology making up the economy would very quickly expose the parasites in the human ecology.  Appropriate policies would ensue.

Perhaps you missed the subtitle to Murray’s book:  “A Plan To Replace The Welfare State”

I provided the link to the whole online book.  Read it.

PS: I do think that the ultimate cause is extended genetic dominance—and that Jewish instincts for wealth centralization and horizontal transmission are being “played” here—but the time constants on that game are much longer.  By that I mean long enough that scientific advances under a properly incentivised regime (citizen’s dividend replacing government transfer program public sector rent-seeking) may well uncover them in time to save us.


Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 16:14 | #


I think I could go along with what your saying. But to pull it off, you would have to have a large population of White Americans who took the idea of hard core viglence and ordinary man and women paticipatory democracy much more seriously than watching ESPN.

Yeah, I would prefer ordinary White Americans making decisions about where the money should be spent than a bureacrat. At the present time, Native Born White Americans Men are infantile in the after work interests and pursuits. For them, the Goverment runs on auto-pilot.

How the resources of the society are spent is a fundamental issue in every society.
right after that its who is makining these decision about how and what to spend on.

I am not enthusiastic about a privatized space program because I do not trust the characters behind it. This is not NASA worshipping on my part. But NASA and the European space agency I trust far more when it comes to an extremely   serious issue such as earth crossing comets and asteroids organization.

Also, the billoniares behind privatized space exploration made their $$$$ through the massive wealth transfer from ordinary Native Born White Americans to themselves through the use of foriegn scab labor.

I’m not for less democracy. I’m for more democracy. Privatized concentrated wealth is incompatible with this. This is one of the problems I have with the Libertarian appoach to technological developement.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 17:23 | #

Jupiter writes: At the present time, Native Born White Americans Men are infantile in the after work interests and pursuits.

That’s because they are slaves to the current regime’s rentiers:  women, minorities, bureaucrats and the wealthy.  Their work pays the rentiers to be politically vigilant in further enslaving white men, and if white men rebel they are thrown in prison to be “ushered, guided to sexual awakening” (actual quote from a US government study of prisoner rape) by “oppressed minority” gangs.  Watching sports and drinking beer is the closest thing they have to heroin.

Under a citizen’s dividend, there is no struggle over who gets what piece of the pie—the current regime’s rentiers are relegated to an equal rentier status to white men which means they get less than they currently do and white men get more than they currently do.  So then, white men will be among those being paid to be politically vigilant, equally with “the worst” who “are full of passionate intensity” and “the worst” have less with which to be so “full of passionate intensity” in their quest to eat out the substance of white men.

So the game changes in 2 fundamental ways:

1) It isn’t over who gets the biggest piece of the pie anymore.
2) It becomes over how to make the pie bigger in relation to the number of citizens.

This clarifies and focuses the mind wonderfully—especially for the white man.

With it we take the moral high ground.


Posted by Valerian on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 18:01 | #


Pat Buchanan is right in everything about that article and I actually fear that the situation is far more abhorrent then a lot of people realize. California, for the most part the southern portion, is going to be a bloodier affair then Yugoslavia ever was. Croats and Serbs have a long history in the Balkans and are peoples that are united to each other; SoCal is like a conglomerate of atoms bouncing off each other and hardly ever making compounds. Most of the compounds are the non-whites which leave Whites at a sever disadvantage. There is like-minded people like us here in SoCal but organization is lacking and those like-minded people are swallowed up in a sea of Liberalism; the sea is already contaminated and the better option is to flee the waters. That’s my hope; I don’t feel me or my dad are safe here anymore in the long run and I want to go to a place that has advantages in geography and demographics. At my work, I recently met exiles from California that live in Boise and they had a lot of great things to say. So I am keeping my options open which I also hope most Californians do as well.,_Idaho


Posted by Jupiter on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 19:01 | #


I’d like to see a brain scan of the average White Guy watching a ball game and compare it to a brain scan of a heroin addict. Unfortunately, I thing you are dead on accurate about with the heroin analogy. Try taking their Yankees package away. Psychiatric hospitalizations would spike.

John Gerdy who played on the 1972 US olympic team that lost to the Russkies has written some interesting things about sports addcition.

One former sports addict wrote about his sports addiction. His wife had an afffair with another man while he was cheering on the Yankees.

I used to take my late brother to physical therapy for his neurological condition. The physical therapists-White Males in their early twenties-would yap away all the time about their fantasy football leagues. I rember saying to myself one time at the PT clinic:holy shit is this for real, fantasy football!!!


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 20:15 | #

Every day the danger line shifts into the denser regions of the curve.  Our time is coming.

Possibly. However, if you were a Klan member in the late twenties such activity would pale in comparison. With the possible exception of the resistance to forced Southern integration or the Boston busing riots in the earlier seventies, nothing reaches the level of Klan activity. And, sadly, in the end, all those efforts were defeated. FB’s malaise is understandable.


Posted by Yaputya Leflegin on Mon, 29 Jun 2009 22:32 | #

Really can’t be bothered to read through all this lot,  but someone somewhere in the above 60-odd comments MUST be making the point that the BNP quite openly states that it’s a pro-Zionist party - no , hold on, Svigor seems to be debating the point with someone. And there’s Braun on Wilders.

  Odd, really- when you look at something like “The Gates of Vienna”  - which is all very inspiring, no doubt -

you find out all about Counterjihad but you also find “We support Israel” messages, complete with starry flags. So: my enemy’s enemy is automatically my friend,  and the old “A plague on both your houses!” stance is unwelcome.
    The BNP seems to be quite happy about recent events in Gaza: and although Mr Griffin once sponsored articles denying the reality of the Holocaust, he now gets hot under the collar when questioned about it. Is he really matey with Barbara Amiel?

    So, few of his supporters are likely be seen at an Irving meeting then, except under face-shading hats: and Richard Harwood has probably been dropped from the BNP booklist, and, as NG and Brons and Co. are all happy to be dismissively labelled as Goyim, they’ll be shouting “Again! Again!” if anyone mentions the affair of the USS “Liberty”:,won’t be researching Higger’s “Jewish Utopia”,  and won’t be pushing Koestler’s “Thirteenth Tribe”. Just fancy! Kosher sandwiches at BNP socials!

    I suppose there’s always a chance that beneath all the Zionist-friendly stuff there’s a possibility that there’s lurking a trace of the old agenda that used to inspire certain elements in the old right to attempt to form friendly alliances with some of the far-left and Anarchist groups: “We’ll collaborate to smash the system and having done that with our new friends’ help, we’ll turn and smash THEM” but I should like to see them taking on Israel.

    Come on Nick Griffin, what do you really think about the treatment of Vanunu? What’s your stance on Jonathan Pollard?

    Well, it’s happened before. Seems like a visit from a few Talmudists changed Henry Ford’s views in a single afternoon - what was it, hypnotism, frightening Kabbalistic magic or a great big van-load of dollar bills?

    As there’s always a lot of “When-we-come-to-power” postings here*),  perhaps the Powers That Be could offer a small prize to the regular contributor who can produce the most attractive and compelling election pamphlet for the BNP.
      It should contain at least one genuflection in the direction of all of the following: Kant, Thor, Destiny, Europa, van Creveld**), Eugenics, Netanyahu, Western Man, Evolution, Spengler, Imperium, Brain Size and IQ, and it should address itself to the mental capacity of Sid and Mavis Wotsit of Neasden. well, you’ll need their votes. This will, I hope, ensure that some of the local presiding geniuses should start getting some experience of practical politics.

    *) I just loved A.Claymore’s wonderful suggestion, chivalrous but militant and utterly convincing, - was he a mercenary somewhere? - of 17 June in the “Get back!” Poetry Corner.

    **) And in case anyone’s forgotten just how Europe-friendly Israel can get, there’s this:


Posted by sk on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 00:54 | #

nothing is hopless!! “Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.”

“The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.”

“Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

“What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?”

“How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?”

“And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?”

“But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

“They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.”

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 01:21 | #

I’ve seen sk’s comment before (I forget where).  Good comment.  (Just above.)  As the saying goes, “A good comment is worth a thousand words.”


Posted by Q on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 03:52 | #

Charles Murray’s’ ideas are great, but they are nothing but conversation points debated within the intelligentsias’ think-tanks like AEI. They will never translate into the real world.

The welfare-state, and its bureaucracy, is the foundation that supports the structure of the Lefts’ power structure. Since the Left is firmly in power, they will never agree to a proposition that would undermine their upper-hand.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 03:56 | #

The left is firmly in power in Parliamentary systems only so long as the new right doesn’t promote the citizen’s dividend.  Once they do, the left’s very intransigence toward the reform will spell its doom and the new right’s victory.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 04:32 | #

Not quite sure how ‘left’ England’s Green Party is, however, they proposed a “Citizen’s Income” a number of years ago.


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:31 | #

I’ve seen sk’s comment before (I forget where).

I think it’s Bob Whittaker’s Mantra.


Posted by Dasein on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 12:43 | #

Thanks for the link, GW.  I like the following, from the comments thread:

Nice clear exposition. Give the guy a proper hearing, if for no other reason than to get to know the enemy.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 13:04 | #

And talking of the mantra, what happened to Steven Palese? He had something to do with that, he was here on MR a couple of years ago and then nothing, dropped off the edge of the internet.


Posted by Yaputya Leflegin on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 14:16 | #

Is the ‘citizen’s income/dividend’ related to Major Douglas’s Social Credit theories?

Pretty old-fashioned then. AND it’s capable of a Catholic twist. Gall and wormwood!


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 15:25 | #

It is older than that.  It is older, even, than Thomas Paine’s essay “Agrarian Justice”.

I would assert it is at the very foundation of civilization as a social contract:

Why would a man give up his natural right to his subsistence territory, won red in tooth and claw, without some sort of compensating security?

To a man deprived of his subsistence by “law”, civilization is gall and wormwood, indeed!


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 17:31 | #

Why would a man give up his natural right to his subsistence territory, won red in tooth and claw, without some sort of compensating security?

I think the “progressives” sorted that out a long time ago:

Freedom from a dirt nap.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 18:01 | #

Give up subsistence to avoid death?  Do you know what subsistence is?


Posted by Selous Scout (in Southern California) on Tue, 30 Jun 2009 21:36 | #

California, for the most part the southern portion, is going to be a bloodier affair then Yugoslavia ever was.

God, I hope you’re right. I’ve recently made contact with a couple dozen like-minded WNs in the region, courtesy of Stormfront, and we’re thinking the same way. The winds are shifting. It won’t take much to attract attention to the matter and bring the Multi-Cult security apparatus fumbling about the area. Any direct action undertaken, of course, must be surgical (with propaganda/PR effect in mind) and not blind.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 01:06 | #

If we are to move beyond Internet gabfests we must abandon revisionism, the J.Q., Nordicist phantasmagoria, Pagan folkways, and all that stands in in our way to come out of obscurity. All that matters is out ethnic genetic interests, our survival as a distinct people. Hence, our ontological foe is liberalism. In order to stand a chance against our decay and imminent disappearance from history, we must focus on exiting the liberal ideological paradigm and its handmaiden the multicultural religion.

We will never have mass appeal while talking about Jews and other shibboleths that instinctively disgust and repel that vast majority of our people. The moment you raise the J.Q. or revisionism you have painted yourself in the minds of your interlocutors as a crazed Nazi out to exterminate the Jews; and your audience will undoubtedly have none of it, besides the token delusional, marginal sociopaths. 

The watchwords must be moderation and normalcy. That’s why I bring up Geert Wilders these days. He impresses me like nobody else on the scene. He doesn’t get lost in a labyrinth of irrelevant and counterproductive side-issues. I would prefer if he added some discussion of race/ethnicity to his repertoire, but I understand why he’s not doing it. Let’s not forget that the Nazi experience has effectively precluded any sane and rational discussion of race for at least three generations. In politics, if you need more than 5 minutes to define an issue for an audience, you lost their attention. That’s why the J.Q. is a political loser and even more so revisionism. Must White gentiles only have a vague idea about the Jewish role in Western societies; and a nationalist speaking negatively about them will produce in a Pavlovian way images of wicked Nazis taking poor innocent Jews to concentration camps to be gassed. Revisionist arguments are much too much technical and intricate to make sense to most.  I’ve forced myself in the past to study them and it was like watching paint dry, so imagine what it’s like for the average slob. In any case, we’ve been programmed since our infancy to believe in the 6 000 000 figure. The vast majority cannot and won’t let go of it no matter what. I’ve had revisionists tell me in private correspondence that they became physically ill after studying revisionist literature, it was just so hard to accept that what they’ve always believed and held as sacred was false. I guess one could compare the feeling to religious disillusionment of the Victorians on their road to atheism. But all that is beside the point. Neither revisionism nor the J.Q. is necessary for our survival. On the contrary, I view them as hindrances. to those who stubbornly want to stick to the losing formula, I say what has radicalism on the J.Q. produced in post-World War II West? It’s anathema to the people you’re trying to reach. Every time some nutbar pops up and begins ranting about Jews it has set us back in all sorts of ways and created further barriers in its wake like anti-free speech laws. Actually, whenever I hear someone spouting off about Jews nowadays I view him as a probable agent provocateur working for Jewish organizations. If I’m proven wrong, we’re invariably in the presence of a misfit ike Bill White on his way to a prison cell. What has Alex Linder’s radicalism, for example, produced in at least 10 years of activity? To ask the question is to answer it.


Posted by Q on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 01:38 | #

So, let me get this straight, we have to pretend to be oblivious to the source of our demise in order to defeat those that wish our demise?


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 01:49 | #

The Jews are not the source of our demise. I thought that I was clear.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 01:55 | #

The Jews are the source of our demise only serves to breed irresponsibility among Whites. “It’s not us, it’s the Jews!” A variant of “the Devil made me do it!” Com’on, stop whining and scapegoating! What was the ethnic makeup of the Congress and Senate in 1965? This is what I mean. Kevin MacDonald is to blame in large measure for this infantilization of Whites. I wish anti-Semites would stop blaming the Jews for their demise and clean their own house first. Additionally, all this talk about the wealth and power of Jews breeds defeatism. Well, if they’re so rich and powerful, what can we do? I find this focus on Jews increasing disgusting.


Posted by Q on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 02:33 | #

The Jews are not the source of our demise.

Okay, but can you agree it is - in large part - sinful behavior (i.e. the rejection of traditional Christian morals) that is the source of our demise?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 04:15 | #

The ontological foe is not liberalism. It’s a philosophy of non-discrimination lead, financed and organised by official Jewry in a tactical alliance with minorities and special interests. It framed normal discriminatory behavior (i.e anti-Semitic, racist, homophobic) as pathological. Since such behavior was a sickness (i.e. abnormal), the proposed remedy was to restrict natural voluntary interactions through the force of law. As Mr. Bowery as rightly asserted before, it is the group who will determine how free or restricted speech will be.

How do you attack the non-discrimination doctrine and shift the force of law back again to its natural position of protecting voluntary interaction and then entrench that position?


Posted by jewish supremacism on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 05:24 | #

Braun’s gone el stupido. He mistakes tactics (let’s pretend it’s not Jews to attract the 95% morons) for reality (it’s jews genociding us.)

Becuz he wants to use this tactic, cognitive dissonance forces the change of his understanding of reality. He’s too stupid to hold two thoughts in his head.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 06:17 | #

At least sophisticated intellectuals such as jewish supremacism will show us the way. You might think that all the Jews are out to get you, but I doubt it. You’re not that important. You erroneously view this as mere tactics, while I’d like to build aliances with segments of the Jewish community. It can be done and it has been done.


Posted by jewish supremacism on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 07:45 | #


What’s gotten to you? You know the World Jewish Congress-style Big Jews mean to finish us off. You understand that 100% clear.

If you intend to form strategic coalitions with isolated Jews against the WCC you’re stupid. STUPID.

90% of individual Jews may not mean to genocide you, but they won’t ever do battle against their own.


Posted by EA Steve on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 08:27 | #

Apparently, some claim Jews will never work with White Gentiles.

My response is, What if the Nation of Islam and the New Black Panthers send brigades to conquer and oppress Crown Heights and other Jewish neighborhoods throughout the country? Likewise when, Hispanic gangs invade, pillage, and rape in Jewish neighborhoods in South Florida and California?

Political-racial coalitions change very quickly!

Friedrich Braun is correct! Excessive anti-Semitism will do more harm than good, for our movement. Also, the Jews are not the ones we must focus on. We, White Gentiles, are responsible for ourselves. If we, at 64% of the population, started promoting our interests, there is nothing the Jews (at a mere 2%) could do to increase non-White immigration.

On the race issue, modernity must be dealt with!


Posted by John on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 10:20 | #

Okay, but can you agree it is - in large part - sinful behavior (i.e. the rejection of traditional Christian morals) that is the source of our demise?

If you consider mass immigration of racial aliens and restrictions on freedom of association and contract “sins”, yes. Otherwise, no.


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 11:17 | #

Okay, but can you agree it is - in large part - sinful behavior (i.e. the rejection of traditional Christian morals) that is the source of our demise?—Q

FB’s just back on the market and already he has courters.


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 11:40 | #

You erroneously view this as mere tactics, while I’d like to build aliances with segments of the Jewish community.—FB

So if it’s not merely tactical, what else is it then?  You haven’t really made it clear what you actually believe.  Let’s take one big issue as a starter, the one that will put you in the bad books with almost any Jew.  Were your opinions on the Holocaust factually incorrect, or are they merely counter-productive and best ignored/forgotten?


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 12:05 | #

Give up subsistence to avoid death?  Do you know what subsistence is?

A prisoner has no right to subsistence territory, won with red claws and teeth or otherwise, but he does have his life.

Not exactly breaking new ground here; life as a slave vs. death as a free man has been an essential human dilemma from day one.


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 12:18 | #

As for my tentative position on the JQ, look at it this way:

Pretend for a moment our people are not a people, but a person you want to save from a delusional pathology.  This pathology’s ultimate source is a malevolent shrink who’s managed to induce Stockholm Syndrome, or something very like it, in your friend.  Every time you criticize the shrink’s behavior, your friend shuts down completely for days.  Otherwise, he seems somewhat amenable to treatment, and you suspect that if you can rebuild rapport, you might be able to cure him.

Do you start screaming at him about the shrink every time you see him?  If so, do you really give a shit about him at all?  Is the shrink who’s really important to you?  I think the answers to the the first and third questions might necessarily be the same.

This isn’t a movie.  We can’t just throw our friend into a cold/hot/cold/hot shower and expect him to snap out of it; he needs a lot of help.


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 12:23 | #

Another analogy, imagine a guy who thinks he’s Napoleon and flies into a psychotic rage if anyone doesn’t address him as such, with the proper courtesies.  If you want to help him, do you kick open the door to his cell and start screaming at him that he’s bloody well NOT Napoleon and needs to snap out of it?  Or do you maybe try going along with his psychosis long enough to at least establish rapport and see if you can’t get inside his head?

Who gives a shit that the guy’s not really Napoleon?  YOU ARE NOT WHAT’S IMPORTANT HERE.  YOUR COMPUNCTIONS ABOUT “LYING” TO THIS MAN DON’T AMOUNT TO A DINGLEBERRY ON A FLY’S ASS.  Getting him well is what matters.


Posted by Svigor on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 12:29 | #

Were your opinions on the Holocaust factually incorrect, or are they merely counter-productive and best ignored/forgotten?

A question perhaps best left to email, given the possibility that our patient is listening at the moment.


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 13:16 | #

These are good analogies, Svigor.  I’m not sure I agree 100%, but I see your point.  Maybe we need to start playing our own mind games.

A question perhaps best left to email, given the possibility that our patient is listening at the moment.

Does this mean FB will be running for office?  smile

Fair enough, I don’t mean to put anyone on the spot.  Merely curious.


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:00 | #

Although I know many here can’t stand him, I think Silver is a good example of someone who’s successfully using mind games.  His schtick (deploring perceived hatred among WNs while conceding their points) makes him respectable to some who accept HBD but are afraid of WN (whatever his other faults, he’s a good writer and has a sense of humour).  This is his niche, and there are all sorts of variations on it and novel ones that could be occupied by other WNs.  Not all, of course, but some.  A more diverse WN ecology might not be a bad thing.  In the end, the strongest position is going to win, and I imagine it will be one that we can accept (I don’t think it will be the Wilders position).


Posted by Q on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:39 | #

FB’s just back on the market and already he has courters.—Dasein

I’m for a workable strategy that will attract the white-masses over to our side of the ledger. Right now LIEberals have them held hostage in their anti-White group-think prison. The thing I agree with FB is the fact that we aren’t going to sell pro-white ideas to brainwashed lemmings by starting our sales pitch with: It’s them damn Jews that are the cause of our problems! That doesn’t attract, it repels.

Equally unattractive to the masses of whites is condescension towards the Christian faith. Remember, the majority of whites still profess to be Christian in one form or another.

Then there is the wedge some try to drive between Nords and Meds (silver being one). That too is a self defeating strategy.

The battle line should be drawn between those that support white preservation and those that support white destruction or annihilation; i.e. white preservationists v. white destructionists.

P.S. I think we should drop the term White Nationalism. It has too many negative connotations attached to it.


Posted by DavidR on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 14:41 | #

MOST white people want to live in an all white country (as we have done for over 10,000 years).
I can prove it unequivocally, without even asking any of them their opinions, by using scientific facts, otherwise known as ‘Revealed Preference’.
In the 1950s, when the first black families came over here to live, they moved into certain areas. Those areas rapidly became ‘ghettos’ and experienced an increase in non-whites, and a decrease in whites.
As soon as a house went up for sale in one of those areas, in the 1960s and 1970s, there would have been at least twenty times as many potential WHITE buyers as non-white. Yet somehow, those areas became more and more non-white. The ONLY scientific explanation for this is if the vast majority of potential white buyers did not want to live around non-whites. This is a hypothesis which is proved correct by the actions of literally MILLIONS of white house buyers, over the past fifty years. It cannot be refuted, or argued against. It is the ONLY explanation.
So the next time a leftie tries to tell you that ‘most’ white people just love ‘diversity’ and ‘multiculturalism’, ask them about them house buying choices…


Posted by Dasein on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:12 | #


I agree with most of what you’re saying (that comment of mine was meant more as a joke).  Explaining what’s going on (has happened) in the West is like building any statistical model.  There are certain variables that can be used.  Some will explain more of what’s observed, some less.  A single variable might explain much of what’s seen, but it will never explain all of it.  If FB wants to add the Enlightenment and other things to his model, I say good for him. There’s no single cause.  There can be honest debate about how much weight should be assigned to certain variables.  That Jewish influence is a part of that model is hard to deny with a straight face.  But sometimes the customer may tell you that certain variables have to be left out, for whatever reason.  I like Taylor’s approach.  If you don’t want to address it, just don’t mention it.  And don’t attack thoughtful people who do (I’m not saying FB is doing this).

I’ve become more enamoured of the term WN of late (maybe influenced by going back and reading some of JWH’s later posts).  But pro-White is perhaps a better sell.  In Germany there are all sorts of local political movements starting up which call themselves pro-Whatever (e.g. pro-Cologne, perhaps the most famous example).  They’ve been somewhat successful at distancing themselves from extremist labels.  It’s not a bad brand.  He who is not pro is anti.  Force the enemy to acknowledge their true agenda.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 15:20 | #

Svigor writes:

A prisoner has no right to subsistence territory, won with red claws and teeth or otherwise, but he does have his life.

Ah, I see where you’re coming from now.  My obtuse question paid off.

So now the next obtuse question is, “In what sense does a prisoner actually ‘have his life’?”

We are about to see your answer:

Not exactly breaking new ground here; life as a slave vs. death as a free man has been an essential human dilemma from day one.

In other words, the prisoner has his life in the same sense that a slave has his life.

This is all academic, except for the ‘day one’ assertion, which I question.

For example, what is the evidence that slavery was practiced during the paleolithic?


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 16:55 | #

Actually, one thing is not academic in this dialogue with Svigor, give the context of “The Moral High Ground”:

Svigor, are you saying that Euromen chose “life” as a slave rather than freedom and hence the current regime therefore, in some Darwinian sense, has “The Moral High Ground”?


Posted by Krys on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 19:21 | #

James, you wrote:

Svigor, are you saying that Euromen chose “life” as a slave rather than freedom and hence the current regime therefore, in some Darwinian sense, has “The Moral High Ground”?

It is far more likely that Euro-goyim were never informed as to their servitude.

This article may clarify things.

Certainly Eric Thomson’s opinion is that today’s elite has anything but the high ground, morally.  There was no informed consent and therefore no moral high ground.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 01 Jul 2009 20:00 | #

I think Silver is a good example of someone who’s successfully using mind games.

He can barely contain the seething contempt he has for people. He does not love.


Posted by Q on Thu, 02 Jul 2009 01:40 | #

I’ve become more enamoured of the term WN of late (maybe influenced by going back and reading some of JWH’s later posts).  But pro-White is perhaps a better sell.—Dasein

No, Dasein, white-preservationist is a better sell. When a white-man utters the words, pro-White, people hear anti-“people of color.” That scares and disorients the potential convert away from your message.

White preservationists v. white genocidalists (or what ever we should label our enemies) is definitely how we MUST frame the debate.

We need to teach our white brethren that whites are NOW the oppressed, not the oppressors!


Posted by Steven E. Romer on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 08:49 | #

The BNP is becoming well-known, and the frantic opposition tactics are going to backfire. Whites WORLDWIDE are getting sick of all the crap we have had to eat. We will not die. No pussyfooting around, we who understand what is at stake and why are on the rise and they are afraid. We have morality, truth, and right on our side. They have idiots, fearful liars, and violence on theirs.

  I like to say to people that “racism” is a myth. It truly is. Anything that marks a person as “racist” is not an “ism” it is truth, FACT. There is no “ism” about it. From IQ differences to the fact that blacks DO want to rape our white women (on the order of 80,000 rapes a year, 37,000 reported, in the USA—even though black males are just 6% of the population, compared to ZERO rapes of blacks by whites…). Everything you can think of, our ideas about blacks that are supposed to be “isms” are actually FACT. There is quite literally NO SUCH THING AS RACISM.


Posted by Svigor on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 16:58 | #

His schtick (deploring perceived hatred among WNs while conceding their points) makes him respectable to some who accept HBD but are afraid of WN (whatever his other faults, he’s a good writer and has a sense of humour).  This is his niche

Silver bugs me so I stopped reading his posts some time ago.  But if you’re right, yes, that’s an excellent strategy, if one has the knack.


Posted by Svigor on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 17:10 | #

In other words, the prisoner has his life in the same sense that a slave has his life.

This is all academic, except for the ‘day one’ assertion, which I question.

For example, what is the evidence that slavery was practiced during the paleolithic?

I wasn’t being so precise in terms of chronology.  I suppose I was thinking of the beginning of history, or perhaps from whenever man began to really think about the matter.

Svigor, are you saying that Euromen chose “life” as a slave rather than freedom and hence the current regime therefore, in some Darwinian sense, has “The Moral High Ground”?

No.  As Krys notes, morality must be informed.

But I am saying that man has ever given up his freedom in exchange for continued respiratory function.  It goes in cycles.

White preservationists v. white genocidalists (or what ever we should label our enemies) is definitely how we MUST frame the debate.

Persuasive argument.  My tuppence is that we could actually frame the whole thing as Human Preservationists vs. Human Destroyers.

White folks love shit like that - defending all of humanity.


Posted by Svigor on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 17:12 | #

Humanitarians vs. anti-humans?


Posted by Svigor on Fri, 03 Jul 2009 17:18 | #

I like to say to people that “racism” is a myth. It truly is. Anything that marks a person as “racist” is not an “ism” it is truth, FACT. There is no “ism” about it. From IQ differences to the fact that blacks DO want to rape our white women (on the order of 80,000 rapes a year, 37,000 reported, in the USA—even though black males are just 6% of the population, compared to ZERO rapes of blacks by whites…). Everything you can think of, our ideas about blacks that are supposed to be “isms” are actually FACT. There is quite literally NO SUCH THING AS RACISM.

Nicely put, and true.

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