White American Identity Politics

Posted by Guest Blogger on Monday, 30 August 2010 00:20.

by Christian Miller

The American political arena and mainstream media is rigged against White American solidarity.  Almost every single race or ethnicity has a political organization to serve its specific racial or ethnic interests.  The glaring exception is a mainstream-credited or nationally-recognized political group dedicated to White American interests.  There are groups dedicated to White advocacy, but they are invariably plagued by accusations of “extremism” or “hate” or “bigotry.”

The Preamble to the United States Constitution lists one of its purposes as to “secure the blessing of liberty to ourselves and our posterity.”  Perhaps this explicit dedication to the interests of the White founding stock means that no White advocacy groups are needed.  Maybe the explicit mandate of the Constitution demands the protection of liberty for the posterity of the White race, so White advocacy groups are superfluous. Until the middle of the twentieth century, this view might hold water.  In light of the onslaught of anti-White propaganda, legislation, indoctrination, and social policy that has since followed, this explanation is a recipe for White political suicide.

Under oppressive legislation, a hostile media, and an anti-White educational system, the interests of White people have been subverted in favor of a cacophony of minority voices, all of which are alien to the original aims of the Founding Fathers.  White Americans can no longer rest assured that the Constitution means what it says, or that the United States exists to preserve the interests of its White founding stock and their progeny.  Instead, White Americans must organize specifically and purposefully on racial grounds, realizing that all other groups are slowly destroying each liberty and privilege that White Americans used to take for granted.

White Americans have no choice but to participate in racial identity politics.  If White Americans remain unorganized and without a unified voice of advocacy, they will eventually succumb to being nothing more than demoralized tax-producers for the growing entitlement class.  Even worse, White Americans will face a perfect storm of skyrocketing entitlements, smoldering racial grievances, and violent uprisings emanating from the non-White racial groups.  This will not be a safe or secure future for White Americans.  Look to the fates of Whites in the formerly productive countries of South Africa or Zimbabwe for examples of what happens when Whites are subject to a ruling majority of non-Whites.  South Africa used to be the jewel of Africa.  Rhodesia (the predecessor to the failed state of Zimbabwe) was the breadbasket of Africa, exporting food to its neighbors.  Now, South Africa and Zimbabwe are the rape and murder capitols of the world, and Zimbabwe cannot even feed itself, let alone its neighbors.  More than five thousand Whites have been murdered since the transition to a black government in South Africa, and the numbers of rapes and robberies are too many to accurately list.  American Whites need to take decisive and organized political action before they become a hated minority in their own nation.

Latinos, Hispanics, and mestizos - whatever the gatekeepers of morality decide to call them - are free to organize, protest, and advance political goals strictly on the basis of race or ethnicity.  Consider some of the mission statements of these advocacy groups: The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) is busy:

[a]dvancing the economic condition, educational attainment, political influence, health, and civil rights of the Hispanic population in the United States.

The National Council of La Raza:

is the largest national Hispanic civil rights and advocacy organization in the United States

... and:

works to improve opportunities for Hispanic Americans.

Note that the translation of “la raza” into English is “the race.”

Jews are free to advocate specifically and exclusively for other Jewish people.  Among other goals, the Anti-Defamation League:

defends the security of Israel and Jews worldwide.

The American Jewish Congress is:

organized to defend Jewish interests at home and abroad through public policy advocacy - using diplomacy, legislation and the courts.

Similarly, Asians are free to rally around race:

The Asian American Justice Center exists “to advance civil and human rights for Asian Americans.

Blacks have a multitude of race-based advocacy groups.  A special group for black practitioners exists for almost every professional occupation.  Furthermore, the Congressional Black Caucus exists as an exclusively black organization and is comprised of exclusively black Congressmen advancing exclusively black interests.

In fact, all “people of color” (meaning all non-White people) have an implicit license to politically organize according to racial identity.  The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) states:

The NAACP’s principal objective is to ensure the political, educational, social and economic equality of minority group citizens of United States.

Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, “people of color” - all of these groups advocate and organize on the basis of race or ethnicity.  Yet White Americans may do no such thing without an onslaught of defamatory remarks, negative press coverage, and accusations of “hate” or “extremism.”

The knee-jerk negative reaction to a White identity organization is not natural.  Suspicion regarding an explicitly White political group is the product of intense conditioning from a very young age.  The origin and methodology of this conditioning is too complicated to adequately explain herein, but much of it stems from public education, globalist elites, and the corporate media.  In short, from a very young age, White Americans are taught that love and admiration for the race and ethnicity of non-Whites is a healthy and sociable trait, but love and admiration for Whites by Whites is strictly forbidden.  White Americans are conditioned to scorn their own heritage and to fawn over all other races.  According to the ruling orthodoxy, admiration of non-Whites is tolerance and love but admiration of Whites is hate and bigotry.

No other group in America is taught or conditioned to have the same amount of self-sacrificial aims or self-loathing emotions.  In fact, most other ethnic groups are encouraged to have a deep and profound sense of heritage and ethnic identity.  Perversely, Whites are expected to enthusiastically jump on the non-White bandwagon while abandoning their own families.  Whites must celebrate the achievements of every other race and ethnicity.  Only Whites are forbidden from celebrating their own extended family, heritage, and history.  Any sense of pride or identity stemming from a genetic origin must only be experienced vicariously for White Americans.  An entire month has been dedicated to a celebration of the contributions to high culture, technology, art, philosophy, and civilization produced by black Americans.  If someone protests that an entire month seems like immense favoritism towards blacks, then calls of “racism” are certain.  Any opposition to the politically correct viewpoint is met with swift “justice” and the punishment is summary social execution.

The mere accusation of “racism” is enough to ruin a career, sink a political campaign, cancel an entertainment show, or alienate an individual.  Perhaps this is a better explanation for the dearth of White political groups.  Most of the nonsensical “truths” that modern Americans are forced to swallow are nothing more than shibboleths.  If the shibboleth is met with anything other than the proper response, the “outsider” has been successfully identified, and swift countermeasures will be undertaken.

Instead of American spies inside Germany’s Third Reich being discovered by holding up the pointer, middle, and ring fingers to signify the number three, American citizens within the border are identified as racist outcasts by merely questioning the dubious notion that “diversity is our greatest strength.”  Instead of asking a gringo to pronounce a Spanish word with a rolling ‘r’, ask the sociology professor who is up for tenure about her thoughts about the long-term viability of an increasingly diverse America.  She had better work on her “accent” and toe the party line if she wants to have a successful academic career.  Otherwise, she may infect future legions with the disease of critical thought, healthy dissent, or individuality.  Heaven forbid, she may even fail in her greatest duty - to indoctrinate her pupils with the glorious fonts of wisdom which are Political Correctness and Tolerance for Diversity.  Joseph Goebbels would be proud of this efficient method for political cleansing.  A Soviet apparatchik would shriek with joy at the simplicity of this plan for purging the undesirables from the New Plan for Humanity.

As non-White Americans are free to create political organizations for the sole purpose of advancing the interests of a specific ethnicity, and White Americans are forbidden to do so, non-Whites enjoy fundamental rights and benefits which are denied to Whites.  The logical implications of these thoughts and observations are non-controversial, but the act of drawing attention to it is definitely controversial.  It might even be . . . “racist.”

As White Americans are prevented from organizing, thinking, or acting in a unified manner, and yet all other non-White groups are permitted and encouraged to do so, White Americans are at a distinct political disadvantage.  Social pressure, media influence, legislation, and educational indoctrination combine to influence Whites against organizing or even thinking on the basis of race.  This injustice must not stand.  White Americans must organize to advance their own interests or they will fade into a dispossessed minority in the nation their forefathers carved from the unforgiving wilderness.  White Americans must regain the political power they have implicitly relinquished.  White Americans need not fear their own shadows any longer.  Instead, White Americans must take back the reins and restore the conditions that made the United States of America into an exemplary society and a first-order civilization.



Posted by one on Mon, 30 Aug 2010 05:40 | #

The latest news regarding White American identity politics is Glenn Beck’s “Restoring Honor” rally. 

Hunter Wallace believes Beck is “striking the right chord” and “can now speak with authority for the White majority” and thinks the Tea Party is “Sarah Palin-style ‘implicit White Nationalism.’”

Vanishing American, on the other hand, had a very dim view of the rally.  She said, “Beck seems to be shilling for a new religion, sort of a Politically Correct cult where MLK and the Founding Fathers are co-venerated.”

One of the speakers at Beck’s rally was Alveda King, the niece of Martin Luther King.  ABC News reports, “While speaking in front of tens of thousands today in DC, King said that she hopes that white privilege will become human privilege and that America will soon repent of the sin of racism and return itself to honor.”

Here’s a photo from the rally


Posted by majix on Mon, 30 Aug 2010 15:22 | #

“As non-White Americans are free to create political organizations for the sole purpose of advancing the interests of a specific ethnicity, and White Americans are forbidden to do so, non-Whites enjoy fundamental rights and benefits which are denied to Whites.”

Another fine post from C Miller. It seems all non-whites in America enjoy a fundamental constitutional right, the right to organize, that white American citizens are denied. Non-whites enjoy these rights even if they are recent legal or illegal immigrants!

Why can’t this be challenged legally: that white Americans have the same constitutional right to organize and defend our interests as every other race. Considering the decayed state of the judicial system we might not win but it would be worth it to hear them tying themselves in legal knots in an attempt to justify such blatant anti-white racism.

“King said that she hopes that white privilege will become human privilege and that America will soon repent of the sin of racism and return itself to honor.”  Alveda King

I wonder how much they had to pay for her insults. 5 cents is too much.

The myth of White privilege is another color-coded word game like “racist” and “anti-semite” that needs to be challenged and destroyed.


Posted by BOMBkangaroo on Mon, 30 Aug 2010 16:11 | #

Why can’t this be challenged legally

Probably because most of it doesn’t happen in the courts or on Capitol Hill.
It’s mostly the indoctrination and media attacks and smears that make it difficult to grant people a balanced perspective on white advocacy. Their CNNs, BBCs and their NBCs feed them a constant drip feed of the R-word, and throw out their magic words while denying these individuals or groups anything resembling a platform, meaning most people will stick to satisfying their immediate needs for social acceptance, career progression, etc, rather than take the time to understand that they have longer-term interests at stake.

Strictly speaking they’re not doing anything unconstitutional or illegal. They’re free to continue to sensationalise and defame white advocates until we can afford the prohibitively expensive campaign of litigation necessary to make them think twice. (which will probably never happen)


Posted by majix on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 00:01 | #

“Probably because most of it doesn’t happen in the courts or on Capitol Hill.”

Right. But a legal challenge would force the issue into the courts, the official public forum of debate.
It would also be useful as an educational tool to wake up more braindead whites, who as you point out haven’t taken the time to understand their “longer-term interests at stake.”

Funding is always a problem but not necessarily prohibitive. Cost could be kept down by using pro-white lawyers willing to work for the cause either pro bono or at low-cost and possibly making a name for themselves. Have they all been murdered by blacks or rotting in jail? (Richard Barrett, Edgar Steele)

The mission statements posted on the internet could be used as a template by substituting the word white for hispanic, black, or jewish. The pro-white organization would have to be careful to limit themselves to the same kinds of activities and policies as other race groups, document every instance of abuse and harrassment directed against them, apply for funding from big money foundations like the Ford Foundation that we already know funds La Raza. If they refuse funding sue them for racial discrimination. The point would be to get official on-the-record statements and force the debate into public awareness that the official policy of US ruling elites is dicrimination against white Americans.


Posted by one on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 01:27 | #

Rusty Mason is on fire at OD.  He’s tearing Hunter Wallace’s nonsense apart.

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 4:26 pm

White “conservatives” now embrace social Marxism/race-mixing openly and proudly, if only ideologically. Not what I would call progress. Looks like the broken Titanic righting itself just before it goes completely under.

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 5:47 pm

“Judge people by their actions, not their words. In this case, Beck’s actions has created more polarization, not less, even if his rhetoric was inclusive.”

There was no movement forward at all for tradition Europeans. The divisions were already there, thanks to the economic downturn and Obama’s blatant anti-racism. Beck merely tapped into it. The “civil rights movemen,” a singular catastrophe in American history, has now become even more exhalted, more deeply entrenched, thanks to Beck. Race mixing has been moved a little deeper in the sheeple’s understanding about being Americanism. The White guilt was brought to new heights by conservatives. Grovel, grovel, backslide. William Saletan, here at Slate (http://www.slate.com/id/2265483) is right about conservatives. They resist at first, but always eventually come around to the liberal view of the world.

You are here being like the conservatives — so eager for any tiny sliver of victory, you imagine it where it does not exist. You have forgotten that we have no leaders or even friends in the MSM.

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 6:15 pm

The white sheeple newly awakened , thanks to Beck, are more sure than ever that “It is those leftists who are racists. WE are not racist like they are. WE believe more strongly than they do in the Civil Rights movements, for it is a natural extension of all America was meant to be. They are phonies, we are the real deal. There are no blacks, whites, or Mexicans, only real, God-Loving Americans like us.”

I have no idea what Hunter is on about. Conservatives have become proud that they are not hateful, racist bigots. They think themselves to be the good guys, the anti-racists. I mean, really, do you actually think that the MSM has messed up here by letting Beck lead the conservatives into believing the opposite of real European conservatism? Most of these conservatives are now, thanks to Beck, more sure than ever that they are not and should not be racists, and will work even harder to support the MLK/Marxist version of the American Dream. Any good which might come will come despite Beck’s rally, not because of it.

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 6:18 pm

“With our circumstances, the best pro-Whites could do is play the Civil Rights Card, and turn it against those who want to eventually exterminate Whites. Right now, Whites do not want to lose a comfortable standard of living.” Out-liberal the liberals? A very good strategy, indeed. It has worked wonders over the last couple of decades.

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 6:22 pm

“Judge people by their actions, not their words. In this case, Beck’s actions has created more polarization, not less, even if his rhetoric was inclusive.”

Judging by the massive amount of race-mixing among the young in my most conservative of locations, and their parents’s approval of it, I’d say there is less polarization than ever between the races, as much as ever between the RedTeam and the BlueTeam. The RecTeamers are prouder than ever of their open-mindedness and their love of freedom above all things, and their actions show it loud and clear.

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 6:26 pm

The only way that conservatives will nullify the idea of social Marxism/MLK is to make a mockery of it, in the most serious and accidental way. The opposite happened here. Conservatives took up another flag of the liberals, as they always do; and the liberals sneered at them for doing it wrong, for being late to the party, and for not really believing in the cause. Same as it ever was.

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 6:46 pm

The polarization is between the RedTeam and the BlueTeam, FauxNews style, same as it ever was. Mainstream conservatives have picked up the racial liberal banner publicly, once and for all. They have publicly embraced racial universalism as an American ideal, something they had already begun to practice with their own children.

What white, conservative/traditionalist principles were advanced at Beck’s rally?

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 7:03 pm

Conservatives were more than eager that minorities should attend their freedom rallies, tea parties, etc., despite the thing of minority turnout. Whites are obsessed with universal equality, they cannot stand being called racists, they fear it worse than the plague. They are not sick of race-mixing, they want ever more of it, as James Edwards chronicles. The whites did nothing to keep the minorities away at the Beck rally, the left did that for them. The conservative white sheeple there were doing what they always do, following the left down dark alleys.

The conservatives there celebrated universalism, anti-racism, and social Marxism as being pure American patriotism. They were not angry at blacks per se, but at the evil race hustlers, who hurt equality. They were angry not at any minorities, but at the BlueTeam.

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 7:20 pm

Hunter wrote:
“So yeah, the White team is backed up on the 5 yard line, down by 4 touchdowns, with 1 quarter left in the game. When you go for the hail mary pass instead of the first down every single time, you tend to lose.”

So, instead, we fake the other team out by running into their end zone. Brilliant strategy. Beck is a terrific rouser, an awful strategist.

Hunter wrote:
“Dislike reality? Is it not to your tastes?”
You guys are the ones that think it’s great that conservative whites are proudly celebrating MLK, promoting a multi-racial USA, grovelling for past prejudices, and raising anti-racism to a supreme American ideal. You are the ones that imagine that a typical RedTeam-BlueTeam split is a racial one.

Rusty says:
August 30, 2010 at 8:07 pm

“You advocate a hopelessly impractical course of action, which is throwing credibility and the chance to lead the White masses out the window”

Beck’s approach to credibility is the RedTeam’s approach, although executed much better: try to prove that they are just as liberal as the liberals, while trying to salvage some conservatism. It continues to be a disastrous one. No amount of optimism will change the fact that conservatives lose ground every time, gain nothing, and adopt ever more liberal, universalists beliefs. They have become so much like the liberals they fight that now there are only a tiny, shrinking percentage of true conservatives left.

“for the mere individual emotional satisfaction of engaging in worthless rhetorical posturing”

Oh, please. Wake up. You are seeing mirages of victory where there are only blooodied, formerly conservative bodies.

Liberalism may take another few hundred years until it plays out. Nothing you say here will change that one bit. It is a crumbling empire, beyond anyone’s power to stop it. It will be exhausted — we will finally be tired of liberalism — once we all reach that longed for state of Rousseau’s noble savage. Right now, we are still sucking in millions of new victims, real conservatives among them, so the liberal ponzi scheme has a long way to go. We and our grandchildren will witness a slide into degradation we can hardly imagine now.

Beck is a pied-piper, like Limbaugh, Hannity, et alii. We have no friends in the foreign-owned MSM.

Some good comments by Celestial Time also

Celestial Time says:
August 30, 2010 at 4:15 am

“Since returning to Alabama, I have found that Glenn Beck has reached into my own circles. My grandmother, a lifelong Democrat, has joined the Tea Party. My best friend, who was apolitical for years, has become a devoted fan of his show.”

I think if you had a better understanding of human nature, then you would see that the kind of people swayed by Beck and Palin rhetoric are no less laughable and useless than the “rhetorical radicals” that you speak of.

The increasing negative attitudes about government were gaining momentum well before Beck introduced his shtick. The only thing that Beck, Palin, and the FOX Crew happened to do was come along and cash in on that momentum. Sure, they made it more polished and shiny(which is only possible when major media backs you), but they also made sure that the same snakes that control “the news via DC” are the same snakes that control the illusion of public opinion. The illusion that the people now have a voice is exactly that, an Illusion.

Any kind of real change is not coming from costume clowns, and it’s not coming from grandma tuning in to listen to that honest and patriotic Beck tell us what’s wrong with the country. We already F’ing know what’s wrong with the damn country. Guess what? Beck and his extremely multiracial Utopian dogma is a perfect example of why grandma and friends are having to tune in to watch a show about the downward spiraling craphole known as the USA. Ironic, isn’t it?

You actually have a best friend that is a fan of a show where the host devotes million dollar airtime to something as idiotic as America’s Black Founding Fathers? It’s one thing to chastise beer-bellied Nazi wannabes parading around like it’s 1939, but it’s a little moronic to sit here and claim your circle consists of people that are fans of a multiracial promoting, MSM mouthpiece.

Celestial Time says:
August 30, 2010 at 5:52 am

White Nationalism as a movement wouldn’t register as a fart on the Richter scale. There’s no solution to that until it becomes centrally defined and works to root out undesirables. But this isn’t really about the fantasy world played out by online commandos and social misfits. It’s about the ridiculous notion that a movement headed by Beck, Palin, and FOX News is capable of “moving the goalposts” to a place that isn’t predetermined, and somewhere that it hasn’t already been before.

Do you actually believe that some of the main architects and proponents of the whole Iraq war fiasco and War on Terror would promote something that they don’t consider an investment that will keep them operating business as usual? The whole premise now of the goofy Tea Party is to serve as nothing more than an extension of the exact same two-party system that put everyone in this mess.

Honestly, your methods are no more conducive to living in a society based on Race Realism than those morons that marched in Knoxville. The biggest difference is that they supply their own buffoonery and rhetoric, whereas you seem to have been relegated to pumping out Glenn Beck promotional pieces. Yeah, the same Beck that has bashed the South countless times for being racist; the same Beck that has declared countless times that the strength of this country is it’s racial diversity; the same Beck that has no problem distorting history so that he can bring all of Tea Party White Americans the “truth” about America’s Black Founding Fathers.

I can honestly say that I never needed someone like Beck in order to talk to my friends about race or politics. Maybe I’m just lucky, or maybe I’m just a little better at the whole people skills thing.

Celestial Time says:
August 30, 2010 at 1:31 pm

Hey, I’ve got a great idea: How about getting Oprah and Heidi Klum to head up a movement to rally a bunch of White women? They could march on DC and call it the What Women Really Want in a Man Movement. Lots of White women that were looking for something new would certainly be involved.

Millions of White women + radicalizing rhetoric + self-anointed leaders declaring their devotion to anti-racism = success

Might sound insane, but it makes just as much sense as having multiracial proponents and rabidly anti-racist “leaders” head up a movement that is supposed to be “moving the goalposts” for White America.


Posted by one on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 01:39 | #

James Edwards: Glenn Beck 8/28 rally – the death rattle of mainstream conservatism

Glenn Beck’s big rally at the Lincoln Memorial a couple days ago is the talk of the news media and the internet. Liberals are denouncing it, conservatives are walking on air, while tens of millions of people are completely mystified. And with good reason – if Seinfeld was a show about nothing, this massive gathering was a rally about nothing. And while it may have looked impressive, in reality it shows just how impotent and adrift the mainstream conservative movement has become.

Nobody is really sure what it was even about. Beck, who is only famous because he has spent hours a day for the last decade ranting about politics, says it had nothing to do with politics, even though Sarah Palin was the keynote speaker.

It was about “restoring honor” or something, whatever that’s supposed to mean.
Or it was a way of supporting the troops, depending on which day you talked to Beck.

Then it turned into a rally to reclaim the Civil Rights movement, and give it back to the people who Beck swears pioneered the Civil Rights movement, right wing conservatives. Yes, that’s what Beck actually claims to believe. Leave it to Glenn Beck to make white-hating black columnist Leonard Pitts look sane and reasonable.

It also has something do with honoring all those unsung heroes of the American Revolution, the numerous black Founding Fathers, whose existence (until Beck came along to set the record straight) has been covered up by “liberals” who are trying to divide us by race. Yes, Beck actually says this, too.

And Palin? She was asked what Martin Luther King would’ve thought of the rally. This was a great opportunity to tell it like it is for all of America to hear. She could’ve said something like: “Martin Luther King? I’m white – why would I give a damn what Martin Luther King would’ve thought about this rally? At any rate, he no doubt would have disapproved, as he was a radical left wing socialist whose movement was all about increasing the size and power of the federal government, and using it to take rights and resources from white people and give them to non-whites. Hell no he wouldn’t have approved, and I couldn’t be more proud of that fact.”

But did she say anything like that? Of course not. Instead, she talked about how she could “feel his spirit” in this place that MLK’s presence had turned into “sacred ground” and that he would’ve heartily approved because the rally was all about “equality”, which is what he stood for. And “conservative” National Review was so proud of her words they posted the video.

(Of course, none of this idiotic pandering did anything to convince liberals and non-whites that Beck, Palin, and the hundreds of thousands of white people who showed up at the rally are anything but despicable racists and Nazis.)

As it turned out, the rally was actually a huge revival meeting, in which Beck implored America to turn back to the god(s) of our Jewish-Christian-Muslim-Hindu-Mormon-Sikh-Zoroastrian heritage that made America great. He had over 200 members of the clergy on the podium, and he stressed that they were from “all faiths” and it didn’t matter which god we pray to, as long as we pray to something or someone, singular or plural. Just pick a higher power and go with it. In other words, it was the largest Alcoholics Anonymous meeting in history. Listen as Beck tells the crowd to “go back to your church, your synagogue, your mosque” and get to work on “refounding America.” ...

Clearly, Beck’s rally was a vague, confused jumble of meaninglessness. Or, if you prefer, a hot ghetto mess. Yet many conservatives are excited and thrilled, and think that 8/28/10 will forever be remembered as some kind of turning point, as the day when the huge task of “taking America back” formally got underway. In reality, it was the exact opposite. I’m convinced that one of these days, we’ll look back on this as the nadir of the mainstream conservative movement, as its death rattle, as the day the conservative movement gave up the ghost. Hundreds of thousands of white conservatives spent millions of dollars to travel to DC, to stand around and do nothing, after being ordered not to bring any signs to express themselves, while Beck and Palin lectured them on the glories of The Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr., and the importance of getting back to the fundamentals of the Christian-Jewish-Muslim-Hindu-Sikh-Mormon faiths.

Meanwhile, back in reality, the world they’re desperately trying to preserve, but can’t, because they’re desperately afraid to even name it, just keeps disappearing. In fact, the very next day the New York Times published an article about the death of conservatism in Orange County, California, which used to be the epicenter of political conservatism in America. ...

The demographic changes that have transformed Orange County are also transforming the rest of America. The process may be further along in Orange County, but it’s happening everywhere. Thanks to immigration, sixty percent of the babies being born in Texas are non-white, and it’s only a matter of a few more elections before Texas’s electoral votes go to the Democrats, and when that happens, the GOP can forget about putting one of their own in the White House ever again. And there are many other cities and states that are right behind Texas, and lots more where the process will take a few more decades to have the same effect, but all of America is on its way to turning into Orange County, California.

That’s why the Beck Heads and Tea Partiers are losing their country. Not because they don’t attend their local mosque often enough. But they can’t admit that, because that would be “racist”, and losing your country is a lot better than being called “racist.”

But a conservative movement as willingly impotent as the crowd that came to DC on Saturday can’t go on much longer. At some point it’s going to dawn on them that no matter how much they grovel to MLK and praise his holy name, or how many “conservative” imams they pack their podium with, they still get called racists and Nazis, and their country just keeps slipping further down the tubes.

When that finally sinks in with conservatives, and it may be sooner than we think, things will start to get interesting.


Posted by John on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 06:14 | #

“Here’s a photo from the rally”

To answer their quesiton, no you don’t look racist. You look like People of Wal-Mart.


Posted by Lena on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 08:08 | #


Every January, the media go into a kind of almost spastic frenzy of adulation for the so-called “Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King, Jr.” King has even had a national holiday declared in his honor, an honor accorded to no other American, not Washington, not Jefferson, not Lincoln. (Washington and Lincoln no longer have holidays—they share the generic-sounding “President’s Day.”) A liberal judge has sealed the FBI files on King until the year 2027. What are they hiding? Let’s take a look at this modern-day plastic god.

Born in 1929, King was the son of a Black preacher known at the time only as “Daddy King.” “Daddy King” named his son Michael. In 1935, “Daddy King” had an inspiration to name himself after the Protestant reformer Martin Luther. He declared to his congregation that henceforth they were to refer to him as “Martin Luther King” and to his son as “Martin Luther King, Jr.” None of this name changing was ever legalized in court. “Daddy” King’s son’s real name is to this day Michael King.

King’s Brazen Cheating

We read in Michael Hoffman’s “Holiday for a Cheater”:

The first public sermon that King ever gave, in 1947 at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, was plagiarized from a homily by Protestant clergyman Harry Emerson Fosdick entitled “Life is What You Make It,” according to the testimony of King’s best friend of that time, Reverend Larry H. Williams.

The first book that King wrote, “Stride Toward Freedom, - -was plagiarized from numerous sources, all unattributed, according to documentation recently assembled by sympathetic King scholars Keith D. Miller, Ira G. Zepp, Jr., and David J. Garrow.

And no less an authoritative source than the four senior editors of “The Papers of Martin Luther King, Jr.- - (an official publication of the Martin Luther King Center for Nonviolent Social Change, Inc., whose staff includes King’s widow Coretta), stated of King’s writings at both Boston University and Crozer Theological Seminary: “Judged retroactively by the standards of academic scholarship, [his writings] are tragically flawed by numerous instances of plagiarism…. Appropriated passages are particularly evident in his writings in his major field of graduate study, systematic theology.”

King’s essay, “The Place of Reason and Experience in Finding God,” written at Crozer, pirated passages from the work of theologian Edgar S. Brightman, author of “The Finding of God.”

Another of King’s theses, “Contemporary Continental Theology,” written shortly after he entered Boston University, was largely stolen from a book by Walter Marshall Horton.

King’s doctoral dissertation, “A Comparison of the Conceptions of God in the Thinking of Paul Tillich and Harry Nelson Wieman,” for which he was awarded a PhD in theology, contains more than fifty complete sentences plagiarized from the PhD dissertation of Dr. Jack Boozer, “The Place of Reason in Paul Tillich’s Concept of God.”

According to “The Martin Luther King Papers”, in King’s dissertation “only 49 per cent of sentences in the section on Tillich contain five or more words that were King’s own….”!

In “The Journal of American History”, June 1991, page 87, David J. Garrow, a leftist academic who is sympathetic to King, says that King’s wife, Coretta Scott King, who also served as his secretary, was an accomplice in his repeated cheating. (“King’s Plagiarism: Imitation, Insecurity and Transformation,” The Journal of American History, June 1991, p. 87)

Reading Garrow’s article, one is led to the inescapable conclusion that King cheated because he had chosen for himself a political role in which a PhD would be useful, and, lacking the intellectual ability to obtain the title fairly, went after it by any means necessary. Why, then, one might ask, did the professors at Crozer Theological Seminary and Boston University grant him passing grades and a PhD? Garrow states on page 89: “King’s academic compositions, especially at Boston University, were almost without exception little more than summary descriptions… and comparisons of other’s writings. Nonetheless, the papers almost always received desirable letter grades, strongly suggesting that King’s professors did not expect more….” The editors of “The Martin Luther King Jr. Papers” state that “...the failure of King’s teachers to notice his pattern of textual appropriation is somewhat remarkable….”

Communist Beliefs and Connections

Well friends, he is not a legitimate reverend, he is not a bona fide PhD, and his name isn’t really “Martin Luther King, Jr.” What’s left? Just a sexual degenerate, an America-hating Communist, and a criminal betrayer of even the interests of his own people.

On Labor Day, 1957, a special meeting was attended by Martin Luther King and four others at a strange institution called the Highlander Folk School in Monteagle, Tennessee. The Highlander Folk School was a Communist front, having been founded by Myles Horton (Communist Party organizer for Tennessee) and Don West (Communist Party organizer for North Carolina). The leaders of this meeting with King were the aforementioned Horton and West, along with Abner Berry and James Dumbrowski, all open and acknowledged members of the Communist Party, USA. The agenda of the meeting was a plan to tour the Southern states to initiate demonstrations and riots.

From 1955 to 1960, Martin Luther King’s associate, advisor, and personal secretary was one Bayard Rustin. In 1936 Rustin joined the Young Communist League at New York City College. Convicted of draft-dodging, he went to prison for two years in 1944. On January 23, 1953 the “Los Angeles Times” reported his conviction and sentencing to jail for 60 days for lewd vagrancy and homosexual perversion. Rustin attended the 16th Convention of the Communist Party, USA in February, 1957. One month later, he and King founded the Southern Christian Leadership Conference, or SCLC for short. The president of the SCLC was Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. The vice-president of the SCLC was the Reverend Fred Shuttlesworth, who was also the president of an identified Communist front known as the Southern Conference Educational Fund, an organization whose field director, a Mr. Carl Braden, was simultaneously a national sponsor of the Fair Play for Cuba Committee, of which you may have heard. The program director of the SCLC was the Reverend Andrew Young, in more recent years Jimmy Carter’s ambassador to the UN and mayor of Atlanta. Young, by the way, was trained at the Highlander Folk School, previously mentioned.

Soon after returning from a trip to Moscow in 1958, Rustin organized the first of King’s famous marches on Washington. The official organ of the Communist Party, “The Worker,- - openly declared the march to be a Communist project. Although he left King’s employ as secretary in 1961, Rustin was called upon by King to be second in command of the much larger march on Washington which took place on August 28, 1963.

Bayard Rustin’s replacement in 1961 as secretary and advisor to King was Jack O’Dell, also known as Hunter Pitts O’Dell. According to official records, in 1962 Jack O’Dell was a member of the National Committee of the Communist Party, USA. He had been listed as a Communist Party member as early as 1956. O’Dell was also given the job of acting executive director for SCLC activities for the entire Southeast, according to the St. Louis “Globe-Democrat - -of October 26, 1962. At that time, there were still some patriots in the press corps, and word of O’Dell’s party membership became known.

What did King do? Shortly after the negative news reports, King fired O’Dell with much fanfare. And he then, without the fanfare, “immediately hired him again- - as director of the New York office of the SCLC, as confirmed by the “Richmond News-Leader - -of September 27, 1963. In 1963 a Black man from Monroe, North Carolina named Robert Williams made a trip to Peking, China. Exactly 20 days before King’s 1963 march on Washington, Williams successfully urged Mao Tse-Tung to speak out on behalf of King’s movement. Mr. Williams was also around this time maintaining his primary residence in Cuba, from which he made regular broadcasts to the southern US, three times a week, from high-power AM transmitters in Havana under the title “Radio Free Dixie.” In these broadcasts, he urged violent attacks by Blacks against White Americans.

During this period, Williams wrote a book entitled “Negroes With Guns.” The writer of the foreword for this book? None other than Martin Luther King, Jr. It is also interesting to note that the editors and publishers of this book were to a man all supporters of the infamous Fair Play for Cuba Committee.

According to King’s biographer and sympathizer David J. Garrow, “King privately described himself as a Marxist.” In his 1981 book, “The FBI and Martin Luther King, Jr.”, Garrow quotes King as saying in SCLC staff meetings, “...we have moved into a new era, which must be an era of revolution…. The whole structure of American life must be changed…. We are engaged in the class struggle.”

Jewish Communist Stanley Levison can best be described as King’s behind-the-scenes “handler.” Levison, who had for years been in charge of the secret funnelling of Soviet funds to the Communist Party, USA, was King’s mentor and was actually the brains behind many of King’s more successful ploys. It was Levison who edited King’s book, “Stride Toward Freedom.” It was Levison who arranged for a publisher. Levison even prepared King’s income tax returns! It was Levison who really controlled the fund-raising and agitation activities of the SCLC. Levison wrote many of King’s speeches. King described Levison as one of his “closest friends.”

FBI: King Bought Sex With SCLC Money .....


Ladies and gentlemen, the purpose of this radio program is far greater than to prove to you the immorality and subversion of this man called King. I want you to start to think for yourselves. I want you to consider this: What are the forces and motivation behind the controlled media’s active promotion of King? What does it tell you about our politicians when you see them, almost without exception, falling all over themselves to honor King as a national hero? What does it tell you about our society when any public criticism of this moral leper and Communist functionary is considered grounds for dismissal? What does it tell you about the controlled media when you see how they have successfully suppressed the truth and held out a picture of King that can only be described as a colossal lie? You need to think, my fellow Americans. You desperately need to wake up.



Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 12:17 | #

I have a mixed reaction to Mr. Miller. I agree with everything he has written. I, and lots of others, have also felt this way, and talked this way, for at least 20+ years. The first issue of American Renaissance plaintively asked “who speaks for us”. There is literally nothing in this post that hasn’t been said, including here at MR. What’s new or original?

Indeed, even recently, per the perennial question of WN strategy, I have argued that, propagandistically, we should be ‘pure anti-immigrationists’, focusing on the (non-racial) problems of immigration, but also future security concerns of whites (as eg in Rhodesia, and as Sam Francis argued for decades).

So, yes, you’re a good man, Miller, keep it up. But you might want to write less like a campaign speech, and try for a pithier approach, highlighting new ideas per strategy or whatnot, as opposed to regurgitations re ‘our plight’.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 13:50 | #

Matt Parrott’s take on the Tea Party movement:  it’s The American Revolutionary Cargo Cult:  hoping that engaging in some symbolic gestures in imitation of what they saw produce a good outcome before, without any understanding of the underlying mechanisms then or now, or what they really have to oppose and aim at, they’ll be exploited to the hilt by the other side and finally rolled up and disposed of without seeing a single one of their goals achieved, not one:

http://www.counter-currents.com/2010/08/the-american-revolutionary-cargo-cult/ .

We can’t get where we have to go without frank talk about race.  The word “racist” as used today is meaningless yet the Tea Party is enslaved to it and is going to flush itself down the toilet as a result.

Sarah Palin is a very nice lady whom I adore.  But where politics are concerned she’s an air-headed neocon creation and puppet.  Listen to her, you might as well be listening to Bill Kristol or even David Frum.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 15:03 | #

“As non-White Americans are free to create political organizations for the sole purpose of advancing the interests of a specific ethnicity, and White Americans are forbidden to do so, non-Whites enjoy fundamental rights and benefits which are denied to Whites.”

Who or what law or legal body has said whites cannot form pro-white groups?


Posted by Notus Wind on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 15:06 | #

Hitchens has the best take on the most recent Tea Party rally.

One crucial element of the American subconscious is about to become salient and explicit and highly volatile. It is the realization that white America is within thinkable distance of a moment when it will no longer be the majority. This awareness already exists in places like New York and Texas and California, and there have even been projections of the time(s) at which it will occur and when different nonwhite populations will collectively outnumber the former white majority. But it also exerts a strong subliminal effect in states like Alaska that have an overwhelming white preponderance.

Until recently, the tendency has been to think of this rather than to speak of it—or to speak of it very delicately, lest the hard-won ideal of diversity be imperiled. But nobody with any feeling for the zeitgeist can avoid noticing the symptoms of white unease and the additionally uneasy forms that its expression is beginning to take.
Beck’s event was tepid by comparison: a call to sink to the knees rather than rise from them…The numbers were impressive enough on their own, but the overall effect was large, vague, moist, and undirected: the Waterworld of white self-pity. 
In a rather curious and confused way, some white people are starting almost to think like a minority, even like a persecuted one.  What does it take to believe that Christianity is an endangered religion in America or that the name of Jesus is insufficiently spoken or appreciated?
It’s not unfair to say that such grievances are purely and simply imaginary, which in turn leads one to ask what the real ones can be. The clue, surely, is furnished by the remainder of the speeches, which deny racial feeling so monotonously and vehemently as to draw attention.
Saturday’s rally was quite largely confined to expressions of pathos and insecurity, voiced in a sickly and pious tone. The emotions that underlay it, however, may not be uttered that way indefinitely.

The mainstream Right in America is like that of a body that has an immune system but no head.  The people that attend these rallies don’t consciously understand the sociological forces that are fueling their movement.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 15:23 | #

We can’t get where we have to go without frank talk about race.  The word “racist” as used today is meaningless yet the Tea Party is enslaved to it and is going to flush itself down the toilet as a result.
(Fred Scrooby)

A violent yes and a violent no.

Ultimately, the first sentence is correct. Ultimately. And yes the TP is worthless, though its grassroots isn’t. Those are mostly our people. Who are we trying to save?

But, Fred, a frank racial talk at this stage in our people’s consciousness raising will simply send the TPers scurrying for cover! Those left will be the same old WNs.

What is needed is a practical organization containing the TPers, but oriented towards WN concerns (not this appalling MLK asskissing - Beck is a worthless - and stupid - neocon). Do you think the TPers would have gotten offended if an intelligent person had spoken of the need to secure the border, stabilize the US population by ending artificial immigration, and abolish unjust affirmative action, along with lots of other standard conservative fare? Of course not! They would have cheered.

Candidates advocating policies which protect whites do well. Candidates advocating openly pro-white policies go nowhere. Logical? No. Reality? Yeah.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 15:33 | #

Notus Wind,

But you omitted the most interesting paragraph (the filthy rats smell the Middle American Revolution coming!):

“Concerns of this kind are not confined to the Tea Party belt. Late professors Arthur Schlesinger and Samuel Huntington both published books expressing misgivings about, respectively, multiculturalism and rapid demographic change. But these were phrased so carefully as almost to avoid starting the argument they flirted with. More recently, almost every European country has seen the emergence of populist parties that call upon nativism and give vent to the idea that the majority population now feels itself unwelcome in its own country. [Haller: its own planet!] The ugliness of Islamic fundamentalism in particular has given energy and direction to such movements. It will be astonishing if the United States is not faced, in the very near future, with a similar phenomenon. Quite a lot will depend on what kind of politicians emerge to put themselves at the head of it. Saturday’s rally was quite largely confined to expressions of pathos and insecurity, voiced in a sickly and pious tone. The emotions that underlay it, however, may not be uttered that way indefinitely.”

Exactly why I wanted Obongo to beat McAmnesty.

Get ready for the whirlwind awakening of our people, Hitchshit!


Posted by Notus Wind on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 15:37 | #


What is needed is a practical organization containing the TPers…

I would like to see the TP types spend their energy advancing a Tenth Amendment (or state sovereignty) movement that seeks to force a showdown between a subset of the White American people and their federal government.  Imagine, for a moment, the possibilities that would be available to us if just a handful of states were able to secure their independence to the point where the local population had the freedom to pass and enforce laws without fear of some federal authority declaring them unconstitutional.

In my opinion, the politics of immigration and population stabilization are too limited.  Even if all the TP types were to secure “conservative” majorities in Congress do you seriously believe that they would pass (and enforce) the legislation needed to secure our borders and stabilize the population?  Our real solution lies in securing our independence from the federal beast and not the stopgap politics of immigration.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 16:10 | #

I would like to see the TP types spend their energy advancing a Tenth Amendment (or state sovereignty) movement that seeks to force a showdown between a subset of the White American people and their federal government.  Imagine, for a moment, the possibilities that would be available to us if just a handful of states were able to secure their independence to the point where the local population had the freedom to pass and enforce laws without fear of some federal authority declaring them unconstitutional.

In my opinion, the politics of immigration and population stabilization are too limited.  Even if all the TP types were to secure “conservative” majorities in Congress do you seriously believe that they would pass (and enforce) the legislation needed to secure our borders and stabilize the population?  Our real solution lies in securing our independence from the federal beast and not the stopgap politics of immigration.(Notus Wind)


I fear you are regressing, sir. Bit early in the morn? This is the first commentary from you on this site that has caused me to hoot in derision.

I support states’ rights as a conservative, not just WN. But what world are you living in - politically or constitutionally? The Constitution died in ‘the late unpleasantness’; states’ rights when the by then lesser South capitulated to school integration. The South in the 50s-60s was a more ‘integral national’ place than anywhere today. Its whites (as everywhere else) were much tougher than today’s. The South collapsed when federal troops (far whiter than in today’s military) were brought in. How will a handful of states (with hands full of desperately pleaded for federal largesse) secure any independence to pass laws without fear of federal authority? Why would they? How would they? Which handful? And what possibilities? To declare the Ethnostate?!

Our only hope of securing our independence from the Federal beast is to STOP IMMIGRATION NOW! Immigrants from the Mud World are increasingly interpenetrating the entirety of the US. If we don’t end the deluge (as I said to a teacher in 1982), we lose everything - and the possibility of anything.

The beauty of making immigration cessation our signature (non-radical) issue is that it is the issue that best advances white EGI, while also being justifiable in totally race-neutral terms (see Roy Beck’s and Mark Krikorian’s books), so that frightened and confused little TPers don’t scamper off. But the bigger bounty is that an America First immigration policy can bring (white) Americans together. It represents the best way to develop implicit whiteness. Toughen the spines of conservatives on job-taking immigration (20% real unemployment - we heard of our present predicament, right?), and a world of real possibilities can start to be not only imagined, but pursued ...


Posted by Notus Wind on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 16:44 | #


Why would they? How would they? Which handful? And what possibilities?  To declare the Ethnostate?!

Presumably, they would want to get out from under the federal thumb, that’s why.

How will this happen.  It could start with a simple act of defiance where some state passes a popular law that is then declared unconstitutional by a federal judge but instead of respecting the federal ruling the state government decides to enforce the law anyway.  At that moment the federal government has a decision to make, either coerce the state government through force and risk the national consequences that would follow or allow the state to go its own way on this matter so long as other aspects of American life remain unaffected.  Is this really so hard to imagine?

If there was a movement in place to prepare the popular imagination for such an event I don’t think that we’d see a repeat of what happened to the South in the 50s and 60s.  Furthermore, all of this is in line with current trends as White Americans are more alienated from their federal government then ever before in the post-War era (and possibly earlier).

Unfortunately, the ethnostate would have to come later.  We’re not going to get to where we need to be in one fell swoop.

The Constitution died in ‘the late unpleasantness

The Constitution may be dead as a body of law but it’s very much alive as a political force.  It remains a powerful symbol in the minds of White conservatives and could easily be used as a rallying point for declaring independence from the federal government.

Our only hope of securing our independence from the Federal beast is to STOP IMMIGRATION NOW!

I’ve been involved in the immigration restriction movement longer than I’ve thought about nationalist politics and I don’t see how we’ll ever meaningfully restrict immigration or close the Southern border under the current political setup.  The political establishment is completely unwilling to do any of this and the regionally concentrated segments of the population that agree with us on these issues are powerless to do anything through local politics.  Yes, the message of immigration restriction can be communicated to TP types, but to what effect other than blocking future amnesties?


Posted by PF on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 17:08 | #

Thanks for interesting paragraphs Notus and one.

I for one am content with what has happened. Given the status of our people - still indoctrinated, still believing - Glenn Beck and TP is all we can have. I know it won’t work, but imagine what beast of a carefully-laid plan would work. Then look at our people and realize, they just aren’t ready for work of that kind. They aren’t hungry enough, they don’t yet want it enough. In the main. People have not really begun to understand what this struggle means or is about, and just looking at them reveals their lack of seriousness.

You’ve seen how fitness experts draw up the most meticulous, specific plans of diet and exercise for their clients. The internet is alive with 100,000 different suggested workout routines and schedules - just go to a bodybuilding site, and there are a thousand plans about which day to do arms, legs and back. Yet we’re all aware that a man who was motivated to lose weight and gain muscle, and understood some general principles of how it was effected, could take any one of these plans or indeed no proper plan at all, and begin to lose weight and gain muscle. Reversing the situation, how many times have you seen or known someone with a meticulously crafted workout plan - how did they look after 6 months? They should have looked like a greek god, but they look the same, or worse. Crafting a beautiful strategy for an absent will is not useful.

I take comfort in knowing that none of this noise was very much tolerated in the public discourse of the 90s. Having an angry blonde man on the air with the face-time Beck is getting was unthinkable. I walk into a bookstore and see on the ‘Popular Suggestions’ rack two books about surviving armaggedon and one book supposedly by Glenn Beck himself, called the Overton Window. The first paragraph explains how shifts in discourse can make ideas that once appeared radical become mainstream. Even if the man is a puppet, the paragraph in question read like something from a Soren Renner speech. It proves that something is happening, even if things aren’t going as fast as we want.


Posted by Notus Wind on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 18:29 | #


I agree, there are a number of encouraging signs and while many of our people are not where we would like them to be they have nevertheless started along a path that will lead them to more radical considerations in time.


Posted by one on Tue, 31 Aug 2010 23:44 | #

The apologies continue:

Glenn Beck regrets calling Obama a ‘racist’

Fox News host Glenn Beck said Sunday that he misspoke last year when he characterized President Obama as a racist.

“I have a big fat mouth sometimes and I say things,” Beck said during an interview with Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace.

Beck last year accused the president of possessing a “deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture,” during an appearance on Fox News, adding, “this guy is, I believe, a racist.”

But this Sunday, when Wallace asked Beck if he regretted making those comments, Beck responded: “Of course I do.”

“I don’t want to retract… I want to amend that I think it is much more of a theological question,” Beck said. “He is a guy who understands the world through liberation theology—which is oppressor and victim. Racist was, first of all, shouldn’t have been said. It was poorly said.” After referencing his “big fat mouth,” Beck acknowledged “that’s just not the way people should behave. And it’s not accurate.”

Beck noted that, in contrast to the liberation-theology views he ascribed to Obama, he’s a Mormon. It was one of Beck’s rare public mentions of his faith.

Beck’s Sunday interview followed his “Restoring Honor” rally held Saturday in Washington, D.C.


Posted by For:GW on Wed, 01 Sep 2010 00:06 | #

Gaddafi wants EU cash to stop African migrants

Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi (left) in Rome with Italian PM Silvio Berlusconi, 30 Aug 10

Despite historical tensions Col Gaddafi has forged friendlier relations with Italy

Libyan leader Col Muammar Gaddafi says the EU should pay Libya at least 5bn euros (£4bn; $6.3bn) a year to stop illegal African immigration and avoid a “black Europe”.

Speaking on a visit to Italy, Col Gaddafi said Europe “could turn into Africa” as “there are millions of Africans who want to come in”.

Italy has drawn criticism for handing over to Libya migrants it intercepts at sea, without screening them first.

Far fewer now reach Italy from Libya.

We don’t know… what will be the reaction of the white and Christian Europeans faced with this influx of starving and ignorant Africans”

European Commission figures show that in 2009 the number of people caught trying to enter Italy illegally fell to 7,300, from 32,052 in 2008. The data was collected under the EU’s Eurodac fingerprinting system.

Col Gaddafi has forged close ties with Italy since a friendship treaty was signed two years ago. It sought to draw a line under historic bitterness between Libya and Italy, its former colonial master.

“Tomorrow Europe might no longer be European, and even black, as there are millions who want to come in,” said Col Gaddafi, quoted by the AFP news agency.

- http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-11139345


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 01 Sep 2010 00:50 | #

Geopolitics in North Africa, I imagine.  The fact that the influx of SSAs can be turned off suggests that they were always tools for Libya to use to get something it wanted from the EU.  Now we know what it was.


Posted by majix on Wed, 01 Sep 2010 05:55 | #

It’s not Libya or Africans causing Europe’s immigration problems. It’s the leadership of the EU.

Last week I read an article (sorry I don’t have the link) an EU minister issued an official report that Europe will need at least 56 million more African immigrants in the next decade because of the declining birthrate of native white Europeans.

56 million MORE uneducated African “workers” when Europe is already being overwhelmed with non-white immigrants dependent on government handouts during a time European unemployment is rising.

It seems to me what Gadaffi, who is often described as “shrewd,” is saying is that the Libyan government won’t cooperate in reclaiming it’s citizens unless he’s paid billions of dollars. In other words, extortion.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 01 Sep 2010 11:18 | #

This is some rabbit hole.

The New Yorker.  Jane Mayers’  Covert Operations.


H/T linked by Justin Raimondo.  In Defense of the Kochtopus.  Justin Raimondo antiwar.com   30.8.2010


It’s lengthy but well worth the time spent.


Posted by BGD on Wed, 01 Sep 2010 12:13 | #

Notus Wind

I would like to see the TP types spend their energy advancing a Tenth Amendment (or state sovereignty) movement that seeks to force a showdown between a subset of the White American people and their federal government.  Imagine, for a moment, the possibilities that would be available to us if just a handful of states were able to secure their independence to the point where the local population had the freedom to pass and enforce laws without fear of some federal authority declaring them unconstitutional.

One of the main psychological hurdles for the unenlightened Europeans among whom we live is conceiving exactly how to reverse race replacement. Many are not willing to do what would need to be done to accomplish this. They picture Third World hell holes remembered from crisis laden news programmes in their mind’s eye and can’t bring themselves to pull the lever. They would rather their own family tree become a thing of history than cause temporary discomfort to non-Euro populations.

The appeal of the ideas above is that if something like this could be effected in the US and in tandem with this a group of laws put in place that ended positive discrimination, some types of welfare, Medicaid and so forth then just like the illegals in Arizona, many of these non European populations would vacate the state(s) in question without any coercion and go to a more conducive environment within the US itself (or Mexico). That would of course increase the burdens on those localities and encourage other states to take similar steps.

As LH said above southern states were more hardened at the time of forced integration and are weaker now. But so is the general culture and one would assume the tolerance for a militarised society on their own doorstep.

Which to me seems to suggest that the Federal Government would not be sending their Iraq and Afghanistan blooded warriors in to force lockdown. Any supposed use of such a tool by the government would potentially hasten the demise of the US as currently constituted.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 01 Sep 2010 15:23 | #

”I read an article (sorry I don’t have the link) an EU minister issued an official report that Europe will need at least 56 million more African immigrants in the next decade”  (—Majix)

That did happen and that is the EU’s plan, to import at least 56 million more African Negroes into the EU (I’d say more like triple that number) and force them down whites’ throats — they’re implementing it right now as we speak — but even if you had the link Dan Dare would be on here requiring the official documents in black and white, duly notarized, signed, sealed, and delivered complete with the Pope’s imprimatur and ten European monarchs co-signing in blood.  Otherwise, according to Dan “We’re Doing It To Ourselves” Dare it’s just rumors, worthless lies spread by alarmists, ain’t gonna happen, ever.  So watch out when you cite that sort of news here, DD is watching and he’s gonna call you to account.  Call the ones doing it to account?  Never.  But he’ll call you to account for connecting the dots and sounding the alarm.  No one’s allowed to connect the dots around here, you see.  So watch out next time you post anything like that here:  according to Double-D it’s false and you’re a troublemaker for repeating it.  Come back in fifteen years though, and take a look at the 150 million additional African Negroes all over Europe fathering mulatto babies, additional over and above what we have in the year 2010, and ask DD how that happened if it wasn’t a plan, and he’ll scratch his head and say “I dunno but since we never had a black and white document duly notarized with the King’s and the Pope’s official seals on it, we can’t say it was intended.  It must have just happened .... or .... wait, I know ....... We did it to ourselves!  That’s it!  We simply must have done it to ourselves!  In the absence of duly notarized documents that’s the only explanation possible.”

Now excuse me while I resume Dot-Connecting Patrol. 

Hey you!  You, over there, yes you!  Quit connecting those dots or you’ll find yourself in big trouble around here!  No dot-connecting allowed at this blog!


Posted by Fr. John on Mon, 06 Sep 2010 13:46 | #

All good observations,but they merely re-hash what we:

a) already know
b) have heard other say for years (decades?)
c) don’t cause us to DO anything.

I, for one, care for Europe, her children, and her ancestral faith (Conciliar, Trinitarian Christianity).
To that end, I am trying in my own way, to delineate:
a) who Europe is/was
b) who God’s ‘Israel’ is [Gal. 6:16]
c) offer theological (or ideological, if you prefer) planks of commitment

to my readers.

Some of them are:

a) Rome (and post-schism Roman Catholi-‘schism’) are severely marred by the philosophical error of the Filioque, which has detrimentally influenced all of European thought, since at least 1100. We need to look to our roots, and not the perverted fruit of a post-Vatican II’ized sodomized cult, frankly. Rome is dead- ‘Let the dead bury the dead.’
b) Christianity, and ONLY Christianity- trinitarian, episcopal, conciliar, patristic Christianty- can save the White Race, as we are both the originators/recipients of same.
c) Any and ALL ‘Jewish’ involvement in our lands, our organs of society, our seminaries, media, banks, and governments are ANATHEMA to the continued existence of Whites - I would even go so far as to quote Christ’s words, that such a race, are ‘sons of their Father, the Devil [John 8:44] and THERERFORE, are to be cordoned off, shunned, deported, etc. - in just such a manner as they have been in the past, and almost were during WWII.
d) The desire for anarchy, and lawlessness (‘sin IS lawlessness’ - I John) must be ripped out of the body politic of all European/Caucasian nations; from the speciousness of ‘keep your laws off my body’ (abortion) to ‘alternative lifestyles’ (sodomy/adultery, etc.). An enactment of the public stoning laws, the stock, and other measures that curbed public lawlessness must be restored- what else is growing acceptance of ‘Shari’a [sic] Law’ in much of the West, other than a cowardly means to enact social legislation that will restore (at the very least) ‘Public righteousness’ if not private righteousness? But why must we resort to non-Christian, cultic forms of law, when the Justinian law codes used to be the basis for our own Laws? (Absolving ourselves of ‘turning the clock back’ from those who would most likely be stoned first- Elton John, for example)
e) the repatriation/removal of ALL non-white, non-Europeans from our shores. This is the physical corollary of ‘d’ above.  Why should we do that?
  1) Because nobody I know, who gives a rip for their culture, and their race, REALLY wants them around.
  2) Statistics of crime, violence, rape, murder, etc. all CORROBORATE the complicity of the non-White beyond a shadow of a doubt, in percentages FAR beyond their numbers.
  3) We don’t NEED them. If we stopped believing in the fallacy of UTTER Equality, and realized that a working White man in a menial position, with decent hours, and Christian compassion (in the manner of a valid retirement plan, and medical plan, for instance) may just be necessary for him, and for society. The stratification of the medieval model - guilds, social class, etc. are NOT evils- they actually help society work more efficiently. The only ones who hate Class status, are those who don’t DESERVE to rise up- from the dens of iniquity, the shtetl, or the comintern anarchist class.
  4) Which was a better, more stable society- today’s, or that of 70-100 years ago? Discounting advances by Whites in fields such as medicine, and other technologies, look at the RACIAL demographics. Which world was safer, more orderly, more EUROPEAN/Christian?

Well, that’s my take.
You may disagree, may find it repulsive, and even may find it ‘hateful’ and ‘demeaning of the memory of the dead.’ So be it. I would prefer a righteous society, to one that is merely ‘right’ - especially when it is so ‘wrong.’

But it sure as hell beats out the eternal talking AROUND the issues.
There are those ‘Others’ who want to ‘change society,’ with whom I disagree, for the simple reason that they are antichrists-
the ADL, B’nai B’rith, AIPAC, the Sodomite Lobby, the NAACP, and all the ‘hangers-on’ in the toilet bowl of American society.
I am perpetually, irrevocably against them.

But THEY have agendas. What about us?

But then, there are others- with whom I am in disagreement as well, who are on the ‘other side:’

But at least they see the enemy, and we are in agreement as to WHO that is. And that old saying, ‘The enemy of my enemy has become my friend’ begins to take on far greater import, if the ‘friends’  on sites such as this, can only sit and ‘piddle, twiddle, and resolve, not one damn thing do we solve,’ - as John Adams sings in the musical 1776.

Gentlemen, it is time to act. The time for words is over. Perhaps you all should read Alinsky’s book, and see what the Obamanation is doing, whether the entire nation of the USA wants him to, or not….

And then ACT in our own way, to TAKE OUR CIVILIZATION BACK.
And be prepared to become martyrs in the process.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Sep 2010 04:46 | #

Has Steve Sailer been reading MR.com?  (—this entry for example; also, long a frequent theme in James Bowery’s thread commentary):

Instead, American patriots could begin to unite around American government’s fundamental proposition — a proposition that has, however, been mostly ignored in recent decades — that U.S. government exists, in the words of the Preamble to the Constitution, “to promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity …”

[ http://www.vdare.com/sailer/100912_new_synthesis.htm ]


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 00:06 | #

Matt Parrott got an e-mail from a typical anti-racist nincompoop who happened to see his blog.  Instead of treating the imbecile the way I would have, he actually responded in a serious, respectful way (e-mail your nominations of Matt for canonization to:  the Pope care of Vatican City, Italy).  After performing that saintly act, Matt wondered if his reply to the creep had been too soft and conciliatory, and he invites criticisms.  See what you think:

http://delightsome.wordpress.com/2010/09/16/mailbag-standing-up-to-evil/ .


Posted by Notus Wind on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 02:39 | #


Did you not see Matt slander GW in the same article?


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 02:55 | #


Did you not see Matt slander GW in the same article?

But that was so obviously a joke. Or ar you joking too?


Posted by Notus Wind on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 03:45 | #


But that was so obviously a joke. Or ar you joking too?

I wasn’t joking and I don’t think Matt was either.  But, at the same time, you could be right and I’m just wildly off the mark on this.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 04:10 | #


For those of us in the States, who are constantly plagued by crank calls from rude Englishmen, this is no laughing matter.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 04:14 | #

We can always expect a rash of these incidents whenever the Captain has been on a roll.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 04:16 | #

Notus, Lurker’s right, clearly Matt was joking there.  Sheeesh!  I’d have thought it was obvious!


Posted by Notus Wind on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 04:35 | #


Alright, I give.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 04:54 | #

Stick to your guns, Notus. I think you may be on to something.

Often when I get these calls, there’s classical music blaring in the background.

One time the caller referred to me as a filthy palengenicist.

I’m relieved Matt has had the courage to pierce the veil of silence that has long shrouded this mystery.

I thought I was the only one.


Posted by Notus Wind on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 05:09 | #

Often when I get these calls, there’s classical music blaring in the background.

One time the caller referred to me as a filthy palengenicist.

I’m relieved Matt has had the courage to pierce the veil of silence that has long shrouded this mystery.

No one makes me laugh like you Jimmy.


Posted by Matt Parrott on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 11:17 | #

Notus Wind,

The incident itself definitely did happen, but I was joking about it being GuessedWorker.


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 17 Sep 2010 11:48 | #

For those of us in the States, who are constantly plagued by crank calls from rude Englishmen, this is no laughing matter.

What can I say, its a compulsion. The domestic authorities are starting to complain about the size of the phone bill though.


Posted by invisible on Thu, 03 Feb 2011 22:35 | #

The sad news is thzt the tea party movement is years behind and that a large reason why the white conservative christian man is being pushed out is due to the unfortunate treasonous back stabbing by white polititions and the re education of our youth by the marxist hippie minority that has overtaken our education system. The media continues to flaunt the rediculous ideas that revolve around white guilt and whites continue to allow themselves to fall for it. These small minority of super rich ruling class whites who swindled the masses durring reconstruction and still swindle today need to be whiped from the slate of washington, followed by the overwhelming majority of blacks, hispanics, and miiddle easterners who poison this country. Oh, and let’s not forget the asians, ie, china. Did you like growing up in america? Well, if we can’t come togeather and put some boots to asses our kids will never understand that feeling.

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Of Note


Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)
