A question of repatriation

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 14 March 2009 00:22.

A Guardian thread I was patronising today threw up a very premature but always interesting question from a serial CiF commenter and (I think) BNP member:-


13 Mar 09, 9:02pm (about 2 hours ago)


Could you please lay out a working model for fair and humane repatriation with regard to this issue. I don’t think this has ever been done before on CiF. I think it is time to debate this because of the approaching conditions.

( I used to get censored for suggesting a relationship between gobalism- immigration and pending economic collapse, and, why we should be digging our back gardens up- that was a while before any of the current economic chaos began - seems quite relevant now, just as some form of repatriation will become when they fully grasp the situation that is developing.)

A few moments later he spoiled things a little with this rider:-


13 Mar 09, 9:14pm (about 2 hours ago)

Also, can someone please suggest how we can start ot reassure, further integrate and begin reward those groups who have settled here and made a positive contribution to this country. Their last images of our country are certainly not going to be through the closing tailgates of Hercules transport planes.

Of course, it’s too early for working models.  The data required to build a model to include political matters such as possible strategies, and budgetary matters such the number of movements involved, the costs of those movements, available finance, social cost reductions, and so on, is nowhere near assessible on the spur of the moment!  To put such a model together will surely take a Commission sitting for many months and comprising the most competent political strategists, demographers, Treasury auditors and foreign affairs specialists available.

So, given my profound limitations, this was what I could say to Skimmer:-


13 Mar 09, 11:15pm (1 minute ago)


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Anyhow, to answer your question, the first thing you have to understand is that nationalism is the politics of genetic interest. It recognises and issues from the same ultimate good as Life itself. In normal political ages, this value is quietly operative in the background. However, when politicians no longer instinctively comprehend that the rights and interests of their own people are paramount but, on the contrary, force their own or their class’s interests to the fore, then we are bound to see a resurgence of nationalist thought and feeling.

We are entering that time at this very moment. The proponents of abstract individualism are no longer able to defend their worldview against nationalist argument - even in the preliminary forms in which it appears today.

So ... in this new world, ideas expressive of completely unfamiliar values will come forward. What you see today in the electoral maneuverings of the BNP is not what will be discussed later. In revolutionary times, power always moves towards the radicals, and so it will be again.

For that reason, your sentiments about how we can “reassure, further integrate and begin reward those groups who have settled here and made a positive contribution to this country” are completely irrelevant and off-target. The target, you see, will be established by the fearless and the radical:-


It is much too early to talk about strategies to quickly return England and Wales and, maybe, Scotland to the peoples from whom these lands take their names. Maybe in five to seven years, when the electorate has tumbled to the fact that Cameron’s Conservatives are the same political class as Blair/Brown - that is a gate the public must pass through.

My own feeling is that several repatriative strategies will have to be pursued. These will involve carrots and sticks, of course. The carrots (training programmes where applicable, and financial assistance to the person in the new land of abode) will decline in use/value over a period of up to ten years. At the same time the sticks (for example, rising property and personal taxation, disincentives to employers, withdrawal of benefits) will steadily ratchet up, penalising delay and producing the required push and pull effect. Animal cruelty legislation, prohibition of religious worship, instant deportation for criminal acts ... there are all manner of ways to get the message across that it is time to leave. “Imaginative” investment in overseas government programmes and, if necessary, government officials will no doubt have to be instituted - headcount bounties being one example.

Of course, it’s enough to give CiF readers conniptions. But we did not ask for this problem. It was forced upon us. We are not obliged to accept any part of it in perpetuity. On the contrary, like any other people anywhere, we are only obliged to secure our future for ourselves and our children, and we will.

So, then, repatriation.  What more should I have said?

Tags: Awakenings



Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 06:15 | #

It appears the operative words, in the request, are ‘fair and humane’. Perhaps s/he should be told that fair and humane combined with repatriation, is an oxymoron. Ultimately, there will be more stick than carrot. The Voluntary Repatriation Encouragement Act passed by the Kohl Government in 1983, returned ~250,000, mostly Turks, (about a quarter of the foreign Turkish population in Germany at that time), to their homeland. A similar success rate in the UK moves 1.5 million home, (assuming a 10% foreign population, mostly in England) although that number probably will include Polish and possibly even Irish nationals. The remainder, ~4.5 million will need further encouragement, i.e. the stick. What then qualifies as a ‘fair and humane’ use of the stick? Or does it even matter if “...we shall not compromise on leaving nothing of the devil’s handiwork in place … on doing whatever we must to remain forever who we are.” Does the end now justify the means…that is as long as we don’t invade Poland? wink


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 07:09 | #

Desmond, how much money did it cost to fight WW II?  Spend today’s equivalent on paying them to leave.  That will certainly result in more carrot-takers than stick-requirers.  Can’t afford it?  Go into hock.  When was the U.K.‘s final payment made on their WW II debt to the U.S. — somewhere in the 1980s?  1990s?  OK, do it again:  go into hock for the next fifty years.  As for the stick being inhumane, that’s wrong:  reserving all social welfare for the original white population isn’t cruel.  Dismantling all affirmative action rules isn’t cruel.  Restoring full freedom of association to whites (freedom of association in hiring, promoting, selling, renting, and so forth) isn’t cruel.  And so on.  That list of steps you posted the other day, steps compiled by Robert Locke for making them simply deport themselves with not a finger lifted to “round them up and put them on planes,” was for the most part acceptable and not unduly cruel.  There are many varieties of lists like that which I’ve seen over the years.  Locke there was talking about getting the Palestinians to leave Israel but the same sort of thing will get Mexicans to leave the U.S., Moslems and Negroes to leave Europe, anyone to leave anywhere.  In fact, intelligent implementation of such a list would almost certainly reduce the need for bribe payments to a tiny minimum.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 08:37 | #

Depends on whose got their hands on the levers of power in America.  Can you imagine the incumbent lot allowing us to get away with repatriation?  Clinton and the Balkans spring to mind.

I can just see a carrier force parked in the Irish sea.

Would they bomb the special relationship?  You bet they would.


Posted by Englander on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 13:57 | #

Now that national roots are said to mean nothing, and we’re all just workers/consumers who can be moved around the globe to wherever there is work, then there has never been a more humane time for repatriation.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 15:35 | #

Bill is completely right and it’s the behind-the-scenes Jewish influence on D.C. that would make America take that attitude, exactly as it’s the behind-the-scenes Jewish influence that pried the borders open in 1965 and has hysterically refused to let anyone close them again ever since.  Everyone saw what happened to Belgrade.  No one in Europe wants to be next.  Everyone in Europe knows the sort of behavior that will make his country be next.  This right here means elections aren’t free in Europe, since there is the fear of being bombed by the Jewnited States if any opponent of race-replacement gets too close to victory.

The way it works isn’t simply the BNP gets too much power and the bombs start falling five minutes later.  The way it works is the BNP or Haider’s party or whoever gets power and the U.S. Jews both in front of and behind the scenes start making sure they’re demonized as haters, Nazis, grave threats to civilization, oppressors, torturers, genocidalists, etc., then after several months of a few years of this all-fronts Jewish media propaganda barrage a series of provocations are delibertately engineered forcing the target country to defend itself, and then war the Jews sought is on, and the bombs start falling from the skies including nukes:  if the Jews feel threatened by what they consider “Nazis” (translation:  anyone who questions his own nation’s forced race-replacement) they’ll not hesitate one second to use thermonuclear, biological, and chemical weapons or to continue the slaughter after the surrender, next time likely taking it all the way to the full-monte Kaufman-Morgenthau Plan with total genocide of the target Euro populations that dared to oppose Jewish-enforced race-replacment.

That’s how it works.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 15:56 | #

Here’s Robert Locke’s plan as posted by Desmond in the Peter Hitchens thread:

Robert Locke’s transfer plan:
1.  As soon as the repatriation policy is credibly announced, X% of the non-whites see the writing on the wall and leave.
2. When a cash bribe is offered, another X% go.
3. When stiff taxes are imposed, another X%.
4. When arrangements for compensation for lost property are put on a sliding scale rewarding those who leave soonest, another X%.
5. When non-whites are fired from their jobs, another X%.
6. When they only receive an unemployment check if mailed to an address outside the UK, another X%.
7. When non-whites are expelled from schools and universities, another X%.
8. When certain parts of Britain are declared “non-white-free zones,” another X%.
9. When the electricity is turned off, X%.
10. When the water is turned off, X%.
11. When sale of gasoline to non-whites is prohibited, X%.
12. When sale of food to non-whites is prohibited, X%.
13. When a 24-hr curfew is imposed, X%.
14.  Arrest non-whites on the street and deport them.
15. Have the police physically drag non-whites from their homes.
16. Have the army physically drag non-whites from their homes.
17. Warn people their homes will be blown up with them inside them if they don’t leave.
18. Carry out threat 17.

Clearly most of the steps on this list are inhumane and I wouldn’t support those — firing them from their jobs for no reason, for example, or expelling them from schools or universities, and so on.  But lots are perfectly humane and are exactly the sort of thing that can be humanely implemented to make them self-deport back to the homelands whence they came and where they will be happier in the long run anyway, much happier.  If the shoe doesn’t fit, don’t wear it, and the English or French or Dutch or German or Swedish shoe doesn’t fit the Moslem or the Maghrebian or the Sub-Saharan, any more then the U.S. shoe fits the Mexican. 

I’ve seen many lists of simple, perfectly humane steps that could be taken tomorrow to get the Mexicans to self-deport from the U.S. without having to round up a single one of them and put him on a bus to the border.  There was an excellent one consisting of eighteen simple, easy steps posted a few years ago by a Freeper signing as “Sabretooth” over at FreeRepublic, guaranteed to get the Mexes to self-deport through the same door they entered by.  I’ve got it saved somewhere on my computer.

It’s easy to get them to self-deport.  It’s also humane if reasonably done.  The question is why won’t political forces permit it to be undertaken?  Why was the German repatriation program for paying Turks generously to go back to Turkey ended right in the middle when it was going great guns and headed for complete success? 

I strongly suspect the influence of you-know-who in the U.S. government in the case of Germany and maybe also of France which also had a paid repatriation program that was kept deliberately underfunded and STILL had success before it was terminated without even giving it a fair try (this was in the 1970s under Giscard no less!!!).  Did Jews in the U.S. government lean hard on the Germans to stop their highly successful repatriation project for Turks in the early ‘80s?  I demand to know the truth of why that program was terminated.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 15:59 | #

I’ve got it saved somewhere on my computer.

I’d like to see that Fred, if you can find it.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 16:02 | #

The thing is people don’t commit national suicide.  Someone else, someone alien to the people, are committing natiocide.  Don’t look for miasmas as the explanation, look for specific agents.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 16:03 | #

I’ll see if I can dig it up, GW.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 18:33 | #

skimmer from the Guardian thread:  “None of this can be started without a radical shift in other fields. For example: we need to develop and create the production facillities for the energy technologies the bio-technologies the repatraites are going to need.”

Oy vey!  Skimmer is still in lemming land.  Just where is it inscribed in the fabric of the cosmos that the repatriated third-worlders are entitled to the standard of living they could only have in a White context? 

Get this, skimmster: If ALL of Gaia’s Children were to enjoy a first world standard of living with its attendant consumption of natural resources and rise in population Starship Earth would be wrecked in no time flat, capische? 

You are still putting the needs of racial aliens before your own people, OVERCOME THE BRAINWASHING!


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 19:03 | #

Bill: “I can just see a carrier force parked in the Irish sea.

Would they bomb the special relationship?  You bet they would.”

The “special relationship” is in fact bound in a common language, culture, and most importantly Northern European blood.  What we need out of Brits is to keep striving peacefully for political power and our POV in the media.  Get enough of it and it will break through to MSM in America.  That, in turn, will help to galvanize WN in America.  America is the Big Domino we NEED to fall in order for all of European descent to be saved globally.  It is my hope that it will be the Big Idea (taking it all back, a complete Reconquest of North America) that is the driving force behind toppling the Big Domino.

(Someone get silver a sedative.)


Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 19:03 | #

@ CC,

Very true.  Resources are scarce and there is no obligation for us to provide for them.  In fact, it is their obligation to get the hell out of our living space and quit bitching for handouts.


Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 19:06 | #

America is the Big Domino we NEED to fall in order for all of European descent to be saved globally.  It is my hope that it will be the Big Idea (taking it all back, a complete Reconquest of North America) that is the driving force behind toppling the Big Domino.

I tried to shop this idea over at VNN Forum and got attacked as a troll, anti, provocateur, sock puppet, etc.  They really are a paranoid lot over there.  Alex Linder needs to take back control of his forum - it’s been infested by bickering children and we need adults to lead us.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 19:34 | #


Keep plugging away at it.  I feel the winds-o-change and they are a blowin’.  Linder Radio/Radio Istina was one of the corner pieces of my awakening.  All the best of luck to Linder in doing what he needs to do.

One thing I find that works to draw reasonably intelligent Whites out of their shells to discuss racial consciousness is discussing something related to European history or culture with them.  There is genuine interest on their part in their ancestry, in my experience.  Of course I always qualify that with a positive sense of our European selves contrasted with hatred for the other.  Give it a try if you like.

P.S. Kudos to GW for putting in all the grunt work on London fish-wrap threads; finally seems to be paying some dividends.  Guiding the lemmings oh so gently, and sometimes not, as needed.


Posted by They Hate You Anyway on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 20:02 | #

There is no basis in recent history to support the notion that the USA would bomb the UK with weapons of mass destruction.  Providing the UK achieves and/or maintains stability of purpose and governance, even with the howling of the hate banshees, the USA wouldn’t dare seriously treat the UK as it treated Serbia.

One thing posters here may not truly understand in their guts is that Jews hate ALL other nations, but generally focus on only two or three at a time.  That they would change their attitude toward UK for a political policy of restoring the UK to the English, Welsh, Scots, Manx, and Irish is kind of beside the point.  They hate you for your loving them, for your hating them, for your ignoring them, for your fearing them.  They hate philo-semites as much as they hate anti-semites.  They really seriously hate the UK population on a daily basis, similar to their feelings toward Russia and Germany, not to mention the pitiful Palestinians.

But they are a little careful at unleashing grown-up weapons on countries that have grown-up weapons.  Do not think that a nuclear-armed Serbia would have been attacked on the level and by the means that the loathsome Clinton was able to do.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 21:41 | #

Captainchaos 06.03pm.

I am of a generation who has every reason to admire and be extremely grateful to the American people of yesteryear.  Their commitment and generosity to Britain in its hour of need knew no bounds.

My generation will be forever grateful.

Alas, this America has slipped away, I know not where.  I no longer recognise the America as it is, it took me a long time to discover and come to terms that it was a postmodern America who exported to my country what I can only describe as an evil regime.

The Britain I knew and loved has been taken from us by the same forces of hate, it saddens me to think of what lies ahead for my children and grandchildren, as I suspect it does for all regulars here.

Personally, I alternate between bouts of despair and quiet confidence, one thing’s for sure, the real America must regain its confidence to emerge once more as a truly great nation. 

We are all counting on you,  Our people won’t let you down.

The good people of the West want their countries back.

Ps.  This lifted my spirits.



Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 22:07 | #

You cannot be faulted for having a love for the country of your youth, as old Americans do for theirs - but that world died before we were born.  All we can do is look toward the new order and fight the good fight today.


Posted by cold equation on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 03:36 | #

If things ever go far enough that we’re actually repatriating foreigners, we probably won’t be too worried about doing it gently.  When has any serious ethnic cleansing ever not involved violence, or at least the threat of violence?  When has any country ever ethnically cleansed itself by paying people to leave?  Why would anybody start now, especially in the UK, which is economically essentially a bigger version of Iceland, already buried in debt?  Historically, ethnic groups who are kicked out of a country are lucky if they manage to keep some liquid assets.

If it happens, it’s more likely to be the tried and true “suitcase or coffin” rather than any generous bribes.  If we’re still thinking in terms of social justice for minorities, or whatever, we probably won’t be kicking them out in the first place.


Posted by Svigor on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 05:12 | #

Cold equation is right.  But, laying out in detail how to achieve repatriation humanely is part and parcel of convincing people to repatriate.  And if that’s what it takes to sell the idea, so be it.  And if that’s what it takes to carry it out, so be it.  I’d prefer that they left with a smile and a complimentary mint, personally.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 07:43 | #

“I can just see a carrier force parked in the Irish sea.”

Not necessary. The USAF maintains a significant commitment at Lakenheath and Mildenhall.

Royal Air Force Lakenheath, United Kingdom, is located 70 miles northeast of London and 25 miles from Cambridge. As the host wing, the 48th Fighter Wing is also designated the Air Force’s Statue of Liberty Wing - making it the only wing with both a numerical designation and an official name. The Liberty Wing has nearly 5,700 active-duty military members, 2,000 British and U.S. civilians, and includes a geographically separated unit at nearby RAF Feltwell. In addition to supporting three combat-ready squadrons of F-15E Strike Eagle and F-15C Eagle fighter aircraft, the Liberty Wing houses the 56th Rescue Squadron’s HH-60G Combat Search and Rescue helicopters. RAF Lakenheath is the largest U.S. Air Force-operated base in England and the only U.S. Air Forces in Europe (USAFE) F-15 fighter wing.

As the U.S. Air Forces in Europe’s only F-15 fighter wing, RAF Lakenheath brings unique air combat capabilities to the fight, such as the most advanced Joint Direct Attack Munitions used by the F-15E. RAF Lakenheath provides all-weather, day or night air superiority and air-to-ground precision combat capability and multi-staged improvement program avionics. When teamed together, the F-15E and F-15C provide an air combat capability never before seen in the history of airpower.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 18:39 | #

Fred Scrooby writes:

The way it works isn’t simply the BNP gets too much power and the bombs start falling five minutes later.  The way it works is the BNP or Haider’s party or whoever gets power and the U.S. Jews both in front of and behind the scenes start making sure they’re demonized as haters, Nazis, grave threats to civilization, oppressors, torturers, genocidalists, etc., then after several months of a few years of this all-fronts Jewish media propaganda barrage a series of provocations are delibertately engineered forcing the target country to defend itself, and then war the Jews sought is on, and the bombs start falling from the skies including nukes:  if the Jews feel threatened by what they consider “Nazis” (translation:  anyone who questions his own nation’s forced race-replacement) they’ll not hesitate one second to use thermonuclear, biological, and chemical weapons or to continue the slaughter after the surrender, next time likely taking it all the way to the full-monte Kaufman-Morgenthau Plan with total genocide of the target Euro populations that dared to oppose Jewish-enforced race-replacment.

The far right is on the march again: the rise of fascism in Austria | Mail Online


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 20:07 | #

GW, I searched in my computer and couldn’t find it so I went on Google and found it there, still posted at FreeKoolAid (FreeRepublic).  It is by “Sabretooth” but it can’t be the one I was thinking of because the only ones in whom it aims to induce a widespread spasm of self-deportion are Mexican illegals, not legals (legals of whatever racial incompatibility who are here in inappropriate numbers:  these also, of course, must be humanely induced to self-deport, and can be with a little imagination).  Also, it does partly involve actually rounding them up and putting them on buses back to Mexico, so it was a different one I was thinking of, one from around the same period (a few years ago), but I didn’t see it stored on my computer. 

Nevertheless I’m posting this one by Sabertooth to illustrate what can be done along these lines:  plenty.  One only has to use one’s imagination. 

Over the past few years on the internet I’ve seen certainly some dozen or dozen-and-a-half different lists posted of this type, of measures one could easily implement for getting racial/ethnocultural incompatibles present in the West in wholly inappropriate numbers to start a gradual process of self-deportation.  Simply cutting off all welfare and public assistance for them would go a very long way, all by itself, toward accomplishing it.  And that’s just one of many simple measures one can imagine. 


If there is a genuine need for additional workers due to some sudden surge in some sector of the economy, or some imbalance between native birth rates and national economics, there are many perfectly humane schemes that have been proposed for filling the need without permanent importation of race-changing alien populations. 

For example, if this country genuinely needs Mexican laborers for some reason, a need which simply upping the wage offer on this side of the border won’t obviate by attracting more native whites (hard to imagine that simply upping the wage offer won’t attract sufficient whites but let’s imagine it for the sake of illustration), Mexicans could be brought into the country in an orderly way (no gang members, drug peddlars, murderers, rapists, pimps, habitual drunk drivers, or other criminals for example, just honest peasant folk looking for work), given work permits lapsing after one, two, three years or what-have-you, guaranteed decent working and living conditions while here, have the U.S. government require that 15% of their wages each payday be held back in an interest-accumulating escrow account in each worker’s name, the sum-total accumulated, including interest, redeemable by the worker only at the expiration of the work permit and only through his actual physical presence in Mexico as near as possible to his home town or village; no anchor-baby nonsense; all criminal behavior gets instant deportation or prosecution here as the case may call for; no more porous borders; etc. 

THIS STUFF IS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE.  If simple and elemenary stuff like the above is not being done it’s because certain behind-the-scenes interests in control DON’T WANT IT TO BE DONE, not because “it can’t be done.”  Why wouldn’t they want it to be done?  Only one reason is conceivable:  they want the race to change.  (Anyone know any other conceivable explanations?  I’m all ears.)

Now, the following list is from five years ago and a number of the proposals are now irrelevant or outdated.  Also, this guy has nothing against immigration of the unlike as long as they’re here legally and as long as they “assimilate,” which of course is wrong.  But the principle holds:  they can be gotten to self-deport, to a large extent.


Eighteen Illegal Alien solutions that are better than any Amnesty

Posted on Wednesday, January 07, 2004 11:25:32 AM by Sabertooth

[...] We’re told by handwringers and the political and media elites that there is really no workable solution to the Illegal Alien problem, so we might as well legalize them so we can get track of them.  [...] There is a great disconnect when people claim that while we can put men on the moon, or win the Cold War and the War on Terror, there is no reasonable or cost effective means of solving the Illegal Alien problem without infringing on the civil liberties of all Americans.

Nonsense, this nation is plenty capable of solving any problem we decide to solve, and poll after poll shows that the American people want the problem of Illegal Aliens solved, and that Amnesty isn’t a solution to us.

Dealing with Illegals doesn’t have to be the enormous burden on resources many imagine, not would it have to infringe on civil liberties.  [...] This problem is no harder to solve than wanting to solve it.  We can get rid of Illegals rather effectively, by rolling up our sleeves and getting the Illegals to get rid of themselves.

The first order of business, of course, is to enforce existing laws on the books against Illegals and those who employ them.  Also, politicians must be held to account when they pander otherwise.


1:  Eliminate all mention of Section 245(i), even if expired, from the US Immigration and Naturalization Code.  No more Amnesty, ever.

2:  Get legislation through Congress that would enable States to deny goodies [welfare, public assistance, etc.] to Illegals, a la Prop #187.

3:  Outlaw Mexican matricula consular IDs, and kick banks accepting them out of the FDIC.  Legal depositors will withdraw from recalcitrant banks.

4:  Beef up Border Security with manpower, resources, and a Volunteer Reserve, if necessary.  No troops, and no messing with posse comitatus, this should be a civilian effort.

5:  Beef up the immigration courts and set deportation hearings for two weeks after apprehension, with no bail.

6:  Run sting operations at day laborer sites.

7:  Establish two-way communication between the IRS and Border Security, and start apprehending and deporting Illegals using false SS numbers (no, the current overhyped voluntary program doesn’t count).

8:  Seize the assets of businesses knowingly hiring Illegals under the RICO Act, as they are ongoing criminal enterprises.  Prosecute executives who knowingly hire Illegals.

9:  Compile biometric information on Illegals, and declare that they will be permanently ineligible for immigration and citizenship.

10:  If the United States declares that the above proposals against Illegals will be diligently enforced after a certain date, many Illegals will leave beforehand, and a relatively small number of well-publicized cases of enforcement throughout the Lower 48 will result in millions of Illegals deporting themselves.

11:  End the busting of immigration caps by limiting family reunification to spouses and dependent children, and counting them against the caps when they are brought in.  Require all future immigrants to declare their future intent to bring in family upon arrival.  This way, families can immigrate in a controlled, orderly fashion without the current deceptions being used against the American public.  We must have truth in immigration.

12:  Outlaw anchor babies, and give the option to the Illegal parent of taking the child with them upon deportation, or putting them up for adoption.

13:  Outlaw bilingual ballots, and resume the English-speaking requirements for citizenship.

14:  Establish English skills as a prerequisite for future immigrants.  Let’s start admitting folks who will hit the ground running toward assimilation.

15:  Shut off new immigration to nations that offer dual citizenship.  Disqualify current immigrants from those nations from future American citizenship.

16:  Make Mexico and Central America our cheap import sources of choice with tariffs on manufacturing from other sources, especially China.

17:  In return, Mexico must open up to American investment by allowing the sale of real estate to us and guaranteeing our property rights.  Getting Mexico to fix its economy is crucial.

18:  Establish a guest worker program where an initial bond is posted by the guest worker and his employer, say $500 each, with more withheld from the guest worker’s earnings, as security for his departure from the US by the specified date.  Guest worker visas must be applied for in the workers’ countries of origin, and participants are only eligible to be employed by their sponsoring employer.  Violation of these terms will render the worker ineligible for any future visas or residence in the US.  Any guest worker program can only come after anti-Illegal measures are in place.  Handshake promises of future diligence will not be trusted from any politician of either party, including President Bush.

The list above is by no means comprehensive, and can be adopted piecemeal or in a single package.  That said, incrementalism is probably going to be the way to go, especially politically.

These measures would provide a little carrot and lots of stick for Illegals already here to get themselves out.  Some of them will need to be tested in the courts, which is another reason to adopt them piecemeal, so that an injunction against omnibus legislation can’t stall the whole effort.

We ought to be looking initially at easy, politically safe legislation, like the new accounting for family reunification, Border Security/IRS cooperation, English speaking citizenship requirements, and a few others.  Our politicians are a trembling, timid bunch, and need to gain a little self-confidence before they’ll tackle more difficult issues.

Note a few things that aren’t on my list:  troops or walls on the border.  I think they are a futile diversion from cost effective solutions. The best possible wall at the border is to let foreigners know that we respect our sovereignty, and they had best do the same.

Note that there are no house-to-house searches. [...]


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 20:22 | #

Are things like cutting off all welfare for immigrants inhumane?  NO.  Immigrants are expected NOT to become public charges shortly after their arrival.  They have no business coming if they can’t be self-supporting.  Denying them welfare is PERFECTLY HUMANE AND MORAL.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 20:45 | #

I would never fire any immigrant from a job he’s already got, or evict any immigrant from lodgings he’s already in, or expel any immigrant student from a school or university he’s already enrolled in, and so on.  That would be immoral, as I see things, and I would never do it, but would let all such immigrants carry on just as they are.  BUT:  it certainly would NOT be immoral to favor native whites in the next round of hiring or promotions or in renting lodgings or selling real estate.  With the passage of time the non-natives will find it harder and harder to make a go of it here and will start leaving for greener pastures elsewhere. 

As for school-age children up to age 18, my position is they must be in school learning no matter what their race is or their parents’ immigration status is:  pending their parents making arrangements to depart for back home, or pending their parents’ attempts to be permitted to stay and apply for citizenship, or pending whatever may be going on with respect to the childrens’ status, they have to be in school and getting educated if they’re not older than 18, and this no matter their race, religion, cultural background, etc.  Pulling a child out of school for any immigration-related reason cannot be justified.  All immigrant children whether Polish, Albanian, Chinese, Subcon, Mexican, Maghrebian, Negro, mulatto, legal, illegal, here to stay, soon to be deported, or what-have-you, if they’re 18 or younger they are to be in school learning until such time as their status is worked out in whatever way and they are no longer present on Eurosphere soil.  No child shall be yanked out of school for being illegal, or for being of any race, as long as that child is physically present in any Eurosphere country.  Whether or not he will continue to be present may yet have to be determined through whatever process may be underway.  But as long as he still is present he attends school and gets educated.  His immigration status and whether he leaves or not are not his affair, they’re his parents’ affair.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 15 Mar 2009 20:48 | #

“I would never fire any immigrant from a job he’s already got, or evict any immigrant from lodgings he’s already in”

I’m talking there about immigrants here legally.  Illegals of course are to be sent home the minute they’re discovered.

(Regarding children here illegally, as I said above, pending being sent home with their parents they continue to go to school.  Schooling for children never changes.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 04:00 | #

See also these articles by Steve Sailer on the subject of getting people to move from where it’s not so good for them to be, to where it’s better for them to be, better for all concerned:





Posted by reply only on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 18:45 | #

(Someone get silver a sedative.)

Sigh.  Please pay attention to the following Cap:

Cold equation is right.  But, laying out in detail how to achieve repatriation humanely is part and parcel of convincing people to repatriate.  And if that’s what it takes to sell the idea, so be it.  And if that’s what it takes to carry it out, so be it.

That’s pretty much all I’ve suggested.  Go through the motions of presenting people with some sort of plan.  Let them debate its merits and its shortcomings.  Newcomers to any sort of debate along these lines get caught up in a whole host of presuppositions that require only minimal (or no) explication or justification (race exists; it’s meaningful; this is how to preserve it; this is why preserving it is better than not doing so); your opponents are reduced to defending decent treatment of peoples selected for separation/expulsion/resettlement.  I agree that the future looks pretty rough and that even though I like to believe a separation could be achieved peacefully, even amicably, preferably over time and thus reducing or minimizing economic dislocation (though I doubt any tough old MRite would be sympathetic to this view, not when Home, and European Man, and Other Important Stuff like that is in play), there’s every chance it’ll be a bloody, messy affair, particularly if the likes of “you people” ever play much of a prominent role. 

I’d prefer that they left with a smile and a complimentary mint, personally

A couple of years ago when I realized there wasn’t any other alternative, I pictured parting ways with a handshake and an exchange of farewells, only to hear the bastards cackling with delight before I was even out of earshot.  The imagery is obviously contrived and surreal, but it captures a rather nasty sort of sentiment that I, personally, would not enjoy putting others through (though I myself am now rather immune to it).  So my efforts are geared toward aiming separationsim as being towards something, rather than away from something; moving to, rather than leaving behind.  Soft, sentimental stuff for people with a Home and an Identity to protect and the Destiny of European Man to consider, I know.  Liberal sympathies die hard, I spose.  Still, the more bases you have covered, the better the odds, so maybe there’s something to say for not invalidating the feelings of the liberal masses, especially considering how many of them are women.

That, in turn, will help to galvanize WN in America.  America is the Big Domino we NEED to fall in order for all of European descent to be saved globally.  It is my hope that it will be the Big Idea (taking it all back, a complete Reconquest of North America) that is the driving force behind toppling the Big Domino.

Not sure what you mean by “complete reconquest”—just taking power over it or all of it racially pure?  The latter might be harder than you think.  I could be wrong, but I think it requires an awful amount of hatred to gun for that, certainly much more than I could ever muster were it my territory and my people.  (Of course, you—many of you—still need to a get a better grip on what “all of European descent” refers to before you get busy reconquering.  Here’s a neat little site that should aid that process: http://www.anthroforum.com/forumdisplay.php?f=20)  You’ll still have to compete against alternative visions like mine, mind you.  Sorry to interfere, Cap.  I don’t deny the rightness of your cause, but I just can’t concede every inch to nutters like you. (I mean, I really find it hard to believe that your happiness in life could hinge on the knowledge that Russians are, they really are, in firm control of Siberia.  Heck, I even honestly have trouble believing you could seriously prefer some Russian “I em whyit neshenlist” for neighbour than some greasy fourth gen dago—even though I accept the position that the latter is the genetically correct preference, life is also lived in the moment and if things aren’t cooking just yet then what the hell, live it up a bit.)


Posted by Gudmund on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 19:02 | #

That’s right, “reply only”.  Any White who wants the complete extirpation of the Untermenschen from White lands is a “nutter.”  I suppose anyone who opposes White genocide in any way is a nutter?  When will you understand that we will win the Big Victory or not win at all?

You and Homolander, the defeatists and possibly agents provocateur, can revel in your philosemitic filth all you want.  But the true WN keep their eyes on the prize and you “voices of moderation” will fade into obscurity.

Fuck off.


Posted by reply2 on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 19:21 | #

Any White who wants the complete extirpation of the Untermenschen from White lands is a “nutter.”

Basically, yeah. 

I suppose anyone who opposes White genocide in any way is a nutter?

Why would you think that?

When will you understand that we will win the Big Victory or not win at all?

Probably a lot sooner than you’ll understand that either you won’t or you won’t win at all.

But the true WN keep their eyes on the prize and you “voices of moderation” will fade into obscurity.

I doubt it.

Fuck off.

Grow up.  I mean it.


Posted by Gudmund on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 19:56 | #


In times of extreme hardship people don’t listen to “moderates” like you and Homolander.  They listen to the people who call out the enemy and propose to give said enemy comeuppance.

Your obstinate inability to name the Jew shows that you are either deluded or a friend of theirs.  What value could someone like you bring to our cause?  And that’s assuming you aren’t an enemy, an assumption I won’t make.

Just for the record, grassroots support for pro-White organizations has increased vastly in the last 8 years.  Whites are waking up to their disenfranchisement.  Just because the media doesn’t report this doesn’t mean it isn’t so.

You will fade into obscurity as White people begin to understand that they are a targeted group.  Your solutions of moderation and compromise will be moot by that time.

I grew up long ago.  It must pain your diseased mind to see that there are those Whites who will not go quietly into the night.  And the example we set, will be followed.

Your counsel notwithstanding.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 20:31 | #

your opponents are reduced to defending decent treatment of peoples

Not just the opponents but the proponents as well. Frank Ellis supports repatriation if it is done as “humanely” as possible. Who knows what Ellis means by humane? Possibly shifting the definition is a viable solution. It’s not about “showing kindness and sympathy” but about “inflicting as little pain as possible”. In an eighteen step plan progression is justified by suggesting it could be worse. Possibly that will soften the moral horror proponents might display.

However, no matter what is done it must be assumed that civil unrest will be substantial. Antifa groups like ‘Unite Against Fascism’ will resist. Civil unrest, at least at the level of the Brixton riot, must be a given. Possibly that’s a good thing. It might soften the demand for a “humane” policy. Currently, there is little or no Nationalist force in the street. Trusting that police and military forces will automatically shift their alliance to a nationalist cause is a tad naive. Where does the muscle come from? Are there really enough Britons with the resolve to go this distance? What other solutions are there? A monetary incentive and then settling for freedom of association? An ERA, English Republican Army? Is that a gang? Is gangsterism desirable?

Hitler was still hopeful that the elections, the first elections for the Reichstag since September 1930, might bring him an outright majority. At the Mecklenburg provincial elections on 5 June the Nazis polled forty-nine per cent of the votes, and in Hesse, later in the month, forty-four per cent. The tide still appeared to be running in their favour.

Papen dissolved the Reichstag on 4 June, and fixed the new elections for the last day of July. Even this brief delay aroused Nazi suspicions; and when the lifting of the S.A. ban was postponed until the middle of the month, relations between Hitler and the new Government became strained. On 5 June Goebbels wrote in his diary: ‘We must disassociate ourselves at the earliest possible moment from the temporary bourgeois Cabinet.’ When Hitler saw Papen on the 9th, he made no pretence of his attitude. ‘I regard your Cabinet,’ he told the Chancellor, ‘only as a temporary solution and will continue my efforts to make my party the strongest in the country. The Chancellorship will then devolve on me.’ 1 There was considerable grumbling in the Party at a ‘compromise with Reaction’. Unless the Nazis were to be tarred with the same brush, and to leave to the parties of the Left a monopoly of attacking the ‘Cabinet of Barons’, they had to assert their independence.

When the ban on the S.A. was lifted, Thaelmann, the Communist leader, described it as an open provocation to murder. This proved to be literally true, for, in the weeks which followed, murder and violence became everyday occurrences in the streets of the big German cities. According to Grzesinski, the Police President of Berlin at the time, there were 461 political riots in Prussia alone between 1 June and 20 July 1932, in which eighty-two people were killed and four hundred seriously wounded. 2 The fiercest fighting was between the Nazis and the Communists; of eighty-six people killed in July 1932, thirty were Communists and thirty-eight Nazis. Provocation was certainly not confined to one side: on an election visit to the Ruhr in July, Goebbels was given a rough reception, and the funerals of S.A. men became the occasion of big Nazi demonstrations. Pitched battles took place on Sunday 10 July in which eighteen people were killed. The next Sunday, the 17th, saw the worst riot of the summer, at Altona, near ‘Red’ Hamburg, where the Nazis under police escort staged a march through the working-class districts of the town, and were met by a fusillade of shots from the roofs and windows, which they immediately returned. Nineteen people were reported to have been killed and two hundred and eighty-five wounded on that day alone.

Hitler: A Study in Tyranny

Book by Alan Bullock; Harper & Row, 1962 p. 213, 214


Posted by Wog Watch on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 20:33 | #


“In fact, in Australia, the word [“wog”] is still used in that way if someone wants to insult someone of Greek, Italian, Arabic etc origin. For example, preceding the Sydney race riots of December 2005 text messages were sent that said things like, “Tomorrow is bash a wog day”.”


Posted by reply3 on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 21:12 | #

In times of extreme hardship people don’t listen to “moderates” like you and Homolander.  They listen to the people who call out the enemy and propose to give said enemy comeuppance.

I don’t think either of us have ever seen extreme hardship, so I’m not sure either of our pronouncements on who people will or won’t listen to count for that much.  I could be wrong, but I think it’s questionable that giving “the enemy” his comeuppance will be foremost.  There’s still a lot hard-hitting leadership “moderates” are capable of, and given what I’ve seen it will probably resonate with people better than neo-nazi crapola.  (No offense, just my take on it.)

Your obstinate inability to name the Jew shows that you are either deluded or a friend of theirs.

Well, when you get down to it, I’m both. I haven’t held off criticizing them explicitly, I don’t know where you get that idea from (holocaust rev not enough for you?).  But I’m not about to call for their murder or even “punishment”, so if that’s your standard for “naming the Jew” then I fail.  Moreover, I happen to like them (when they’re not being religious nutjobs or commies or Israel-firsters) and I understand why they do what they do, which is something I have benefited from, but they’re going too far and it needs to stop.

What value could someone like you bring to our cause?  And that’s assuming you aren’t an enemy, an assumption I won’t make.

What makes a person your “enemy”?  As I see it, someone who is not you and is living around you (or insists on it) and preventing you from doing (or even talking) anything about it.  Well, that doesn’t apply to me, so how could I be an “enemy”?  Only way I can see is the “moderate” approach to it all that I take.  And even that is hardly the stuff of “enemies,” since the Nazi rally approach doesn’t appear to have yielded much, so I’m helping you even if my “real” intention is to hurt you. 

You will fade into obscurity as White people begin to understand that they are a targeted group.  Your solutions of moderation and compromise will be moot by that time.

Well, anything can happen.  We’ll just have to see.

I grew up long ago.  It must pain your diseased mind to see that there are those Whites who will not go quietly into the night.  And the example we set, will be followed.

Oh I think it’s pretty clear who’s minds are diseased.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 21:40 | #

I understand why they do what they do,

Possibly, you can explain it because it makes no sense.

The question of course is why? Why bother to live amongst those who you consider inferior, despicable and dangerous?

Re: Postville

Bloom does his best to be fair to the Hasidim as he explores their hermetically sealed world. He notes his relief at the familiar speech rhythms, the questions upon questions. He accepts an invitation for a Shabbat stay with a Hasidic family, revels in the food, and prays with his hosts on command. But finally, Bloom is a liberal, not a fundamentalist: He’s repelled by their intolerance, their insularity, their open delight in cheating “the goyim,” and their manipulative arguments. He quotes one Hasid as saying proudly: “I am a racist… . Why haven’t the Jews been extinguished after scores of attempts throughout history? That we are still here defies logic. There is only one answer. We are better and smarter. That’s why!”

It appears “their open delight in cheating “the goyim,” is so great and such a visceral ecstasy is gained from their (the goyims) destruction, that they are willing to risk all to revel in it. Is there other evidence in nature of ‘delight’ gained from such a malicious desire to destroy? Isn’t it like swimming with sharks where the gleeful high gained from poisoning them is so intoxicating that the fear of being ripped apart is negated? It’s bizarre behaviour.


Posted by Gudmund on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 21:43 | #

This is the problem I’ve always had with you, shillver.  Where the hell do you stand?  Do you even know?  How can we tell with your deceptive, dodgy way of answering your critics?

I’m no Nazi by the way.  But I don’t care for Hispanics and Kaffirs in my lands, just like Euro nationalists don’t care for Islamics and such in theirs.  Need we anything other than a love of our own kind to justify the exportation of all other races from our land?  In your world, it seems that we do.  We have to be judged by some universal moral standard or categorical imperative that doesn’t exist - according to you.

If you truly cared about Whites then why do you so commonly take the “anti” side against ours?  And don’t give me that “crazy” nonsense.  Anyone is bound to become crazy when their children are raped and murdered by savages and when they can’t get a job because of the color of their skin.  You know very well who the oppressed and the oppressors are.

No sympathy for anti-Whites or their allies, I say.  Enough is enough!


Posted by exPF on Mon, 16 Mar 2009 22:22 | #

Man I’m tired of you, He Who Cannot Decide Upon a Pseudonym.  Reply2 Reply3…

You aren’t interested in a discussion of issues, but simply parading the manifest decency
of your viewpoint and lampooning the excesses of WN sentiment. Are you the same wretch
that was showing how superior your resigned fatalism was to our ardent wishing for change-
all the while explaining that we might as well not write at all, given that we don’t actually
wield political power? Hedging your position with some discussion of “Brazilian mystery meat”
and how whites continue to exist, yet are ‘culturally’ Brazilian, or some such nonsense?

And your ironic capitalization of Home and European Man and Other Important Things -
I seriously doubt this sentiment is very much different from the irony-loving softheads
who I knew in college who also ridiculed such things. Its somehow related to the power
of snarky critiques, and in my experience it stems from exhausted people who believe
in nothing - or very little - earnestly. There is nothing deeper to draw their spirit except
the flash of an (apparently) superior critique, which simply justifies more non-exertion
and revelling in that which is. After all, everything can ultimately be deconstructed, right?

If you’re the same person that alledged your friend ascended to a glorified spiritual status
as Poet after accepting the negrification of culture - while also revealing that you haven’t
the social status to get a girlfriend - if you are not that person, than you risk being confused
for him by refusing to commit to a pseudonym.

If you are that person, well…


Posted by SM on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 00:15 | #

>Still, the more bases you have covered, the better the odds, so maybe there’s something to say for not invalidating the feelings of the liberal masses, especially considering how many of them are women.

females need to be massively disenfranchised. Permanently. [Then internal human reproduction needs to be replaced with ‘external womb incubators’. Not fish tank incubators that allow abortion to be more easily outlawed (death to jebus cult); But external wombs that allow consistently controled, always pre-planned human procreation to occur. Also cloning techno and genetic health and disease techno needs to be mastered.)]

Either female liberalism will be nullified and therefore race replacement will stop. OR “race replacement” will occur and then the Euro-sphere females will get what they have coming.

...A new chimaera breed will form from the enslaved loins of these remaining Euro females.

Either way the human female will be segregated from political life or there won’t be any liberal’s left to think about how “immoral” this gender segregation is.

A grand cosmic irony befitting the make-believe Great Savant in the Sky.

As the wind laughs…


Posted by Armor on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 00:56 | #

I agree that the future looks pretty rough /.../ there’s every chance it’ll be a bloody, messy affair (—Silver?)

I think life today is rough, compared to western life 50 years ago. There is already too much violence in the streets. The obvious way to stop that is to stop immigration and start the repatriation process. The worst aspect of having to share our countries with third-world immigrants is not violence, but the loss of our future. As long as the non-white population keeps growing, it will remain pointless to try to improve our society. Life has lost some of its meaning for the whites.
I have no idea how a white nationalist government could seize power in a western country. It could involve some violence. But once white nationalists are in power, the process of expelling immigrants doesn’t need to be violent at all. On the other hand, if the whites eventually shrink to 10% of the population, living in separate communities, I think we can expect a number of massacres.

Not sure what you mean by “complete reconquest”—just taking power over it or all of it racially pure?  The latter might be harder than you think.  I could be wrong, but I think it requires an awful amount of hatred to gun for that,

Not sure what you mean by racially pure. Is it a reference to the case of mixed-race people? I think we should aim at something CLOSE TO “complete reconquest”. It isn’t something we can get now, but that is what we want in the future. I am in favor of separation along racial lines: Mexicans back to Mexico, Algerians back to Algeria… I think reserving a part of Mexico or some other country for mixed-race people would be acceptable. It is impossible to do so today, but it would suit me.

(I mean, I really find it hard to believe that your happiness in life could hinge on the knowledge that Russians are, they really are, in firm control of Siberia.

My happiness depends partly on my own country being saved, but I still hope Russia will not go down the tube. My view makes more sense than what the television says: they want me to care about Arabs and Blacks and not about my own people.

But I’m not about to call for their murder or even “punishment”, so if that’s your standard for “naming the Jew” then I fail.

“Naming the Jew” means mentioning the crucial role of Jewish organizations in our current troubles. We hesitate to do so because of Jewish intimidation and because we don’t want to hurt their feelings. But they won’t behave if we do not call attention to their activities. It is like the crime rate of third world immigrants. People underestimate the problem because the media try to keep us in the dark. Otherwise, opposition to immigration would be even stronger. Similarly, most people are not aware of the central role of the Jews in the race replacement policy, because the newspapers never mention it, and because the Jews usually try to pass themselves off as loyal Europeans, so we won’t expect they have any racial animus against us. The media are under Jewish influence and will have us believe that our fellow whites are delighted to be race-replaced, which is not true at all. If white people realized that the ongoing race replacement is largely due to the activism of a small Jewish minority, they would be more likely to rebel.

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