Christmas is Racist People get emotional about the public display of the Nativity Scene. Maybe the real reason it is so emotionally charged is not that it is sectarian but racist. 7000 years ago the largest free standing structures in the world were the longhouses of the LBK culture of the Danube basin. This was temporally and spatially in close proximity to the Black Sea flood, which may have caused the Indoeuropean dispersion. During winter, families lived in these longhouse structures with their cattle for mutual warmth. Children born during the winter months would literally have been born in a barn because there was no distinction between the barn and the house. The cattle would have been an essential part of the scene providing, as they did, milk for the entire family converting precious food calories in the form of grasses otherwise not consumable by humans, into a human consumable form. This gave rise to the genetic adaptation for lactose tolerance which rarely occurs outside of regions population by those descended from north Western Europe but predominates within those areas. Strong feelings toward ancestral scenes—scenes so ancient and vital that they resulted in genetic adaptation—is racist. This is why the scene and song where “cattle are lowing, the poor baby wakes” is so emotive for us all. Christmas is racist. Comments:3
Posted by Andrew on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 00:19 | # Good question Friedrich, but Racist is probably a bad terminology, perhaps a Pathological hatred of people that did not (do not) conform to what they perceived to be Surreal-(Real). Ramping up Investigations to the next stage of Psychology to Neurology and what happens would best explain these people, and others, I would personally suggest that Tribal norms, i.e. Hanging out with your own race and Intellect is more comforting than accepting the way of some psychopath intent on destroying you, I think that is where the commonality of Anglo- Aryan- Genetic structure will kick in survival mode , unless the Psychopaths administer new drug’s to the rest of us, but even if that was to happen, we are all dead. So we will fight to survive against our aggressors in all shapes and forms. 4
Posted by Matt on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 11:33 | # The amazing part is that you believe in our existance
. 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 14:33 | #
Matt, you misunderstood the log entry: James Bowery wasn’t referring to Christians being around 7K years ago, but Euros. 6
Posted by Matt on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 02:13 | # But the bible and torah tell us that the world was only created 5000 years ago. The Bible is a flawless document, one that our entire civilisation has been built upon. 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 04:57 | # Matt apparently thinks he’s being clever. He’s decided to try sarcasm in order to get noticed since nothing else has worked. It’s a relief to be able to say I’m ignoring the guy from now on. 8
Posted by Matt on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 07:14 | # I fail to see what is sarcastic about ” The Bible is a flawless document, one that our entire civilisation has been built upon.” 9
Posted by Igaz Mockingbird on Sun, 29 Jan 2006 22:17 | # “Strong feelings toward ancestral scenes—scenes so ancient and vital that they resulted in genetic adaptation—is racist.” Please explain this statement rather than presenting it as fact. 10
Posted by Igaz Mockingbird on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 19:24 | # Thanks Scrooby Doo for the clarification. Being new to the existence of this site, I’m afraid I leaped before I looked. From what you are saying anyone who is contact with others of a different genetic background is guilty of “racism” just by condition of being alive. That what is called racism by the PC Police is actually an inherent trait of the human animal. And that whites are the only ones who get called out by the PC Police for this. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 22:28 | #
Igaz, yes, you’ve got it. You’ve really got it down. Those are the rules and that’s exactly how the game is played. Of course there are additional nuances, hundreds of them, but what you’ve cited in that comment are a good chunk of the basics. Congratulations! 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 01 Feb 2006 22:54 | #
Posted by Kate the Saxon on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 08:24 | # Oh! You mean I shouldda married a very brown Abo instead of that Scots/Irish/Danish fellow? Pardonnez-moi! If only I’d known: my lovely little Vegemites would now own half of Australia and be allowed to stroll about naked and carrying large, sharp spears. Instead, they live in well-constructed houses and buy their food at the shop. Silly me. 15
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 13:16 | # Fred isnt a racist. He is. I believe, a racialist. Visit some rather amusing racists with very strict views on the necessity of avoiding the Jewish Question at : 16
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 13:17 | # Better Than You - Pardon me, who you are addressing your remark to? 17
Posted by Wolf Hubler on Sun, 17 Dec 2006 09:31 | # I have read Mr. Scrooby’s remarks in regard to race and developmental necessity, I agree fully with what he states. Our problem (I state “our problem” because, I am of Alpine German decent, white, and targeted by the racist minority.) 18
Posted by ja on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 04:26 | # mr.scrooby i see your writings is constantly calling blacks negroes..first of all, blacks aren’t negroes..negroes is a hate word that whites and others call them…blacks are nubians, if you were so intelligent like you think you are, you would’ve known that…you’re a coward and an ignorant bastard, you wouldn’t have the balls to call blacks negroes in their faces that’s why you’re hiding behind a computer monitor and write dumb stuff like that…you’re what’s wrong with white americans… when a white man is called a devil, he gets mad and he really gets to transforming into a red being, and when you’re looking at a full-blooded white person’s home-pictures, their eyes is usually red. maybe the myth is true…the myth is about the devil-being on planet earth…a lot of them run from truth, and most of them ignores the truth about the injustice on minorities that is going on in their society… uhhhmm maybe a full-blooded caucasian is the devil being… 19
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 18 Feb 2007 08:19 | # There is, naturally, some entertainment value to be derived from Niggerbabble such as JA’s Chimp-logic. It is vaguely reminiscent of the puerile fairy-tales with which the Nigger nonsense-peddlers of the Nation of Islam beguile their dangerously cretinous African-descended converts. 20
Posted by gagoonies on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 20:01 | # You dumb NIGGER…. Negroes is a scientific term. I am a Caucasoid. That asian guy over there is a Mongoloid. Those three applied definitions represent descriptions for the supposed main racial subspecies of man. There are more. Why do you mentally ill, haha, multicults want to destroy the biodiversity of man. Dont you know over specialization is a bad idea when the environmental factors change. You do not dictate the factors unto us. We will decide for ourselves, if you dont like that, well we invented planes to assist you in your travels back to da muddaland where the lion king type shit goes down. The term negroes is not derogatory for blacks, it just so happens that blacks are easy to hate because of their behavior which is an issue of intelligence. Something you filthy dirty muggles lack. So basically anything associated with blacks including the terminology is generally viewed by the rest of us as something undesirable. Because blacks in truth represent an evolutionary back step for the rest of humanity. I pity you NIGGER. Islam has probably killed more negroes than the rest. At least those filthy arab semites had the common sense to castrate them. Muhammad smokes sausage! Do we as individuals not have a natural right to self determination? May we not decide for ourselves? Who are you to tell us what to do? We will say what we please. Fuck censorship! 21
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 20:57 | #
Perhaps. But not self-control. Would you please recognise the fact that you are in somone else’s house, and behave as others behave. Thank you. 22
Posted by gagoonies on Sun, 25 Jul 2010 07:44 | # No, I am not in your house. I will rob you & burn the house down if I please. Though I do not have any desire to do so. If you don’t like my comments, tough shit. If your online, your online. If you don’t like people showing up and commenting then you may go OFFLINE if you choose. It is your decision. However, you do not decide for me as you are neither my superior or my equal regardless of how confused you are on the subject. I’ll speak any damn way I please sir. What of net neutrality? Should information not be free? We are exchanging information, with acts of communication on subjects of interest. Bottom line is, if you don’t like my speech, you can get fucked. I am not totally sure what website I am on right now but I enjoy reading the thoughts of other white nationalists and I think I see a few so so I am naturally attracted to coming where they may congregate. Makes sense does it not? Yes, it does. You may not dictate my behavior, Ive done nothing wrong haha. I am not in error. You are however, by being so confused as to think you may determine what is acceptable behavior for me, I am a sovereign individual. I commented & shall continue to do so regardless of how you feel about it. I can according to the laws of physics in this universe according to natural law. Then you posture the notion of might making right on the subject, well good. Because I am mighty. You do not determine the behavior of others, because you are not qualified to. Hypocrite… You echo the noble phrase of “FUCK CENSORSHIP”, then declare that one’s behavior should be censored. I do not care what language you use, why do you care what language I use? You do not dictate the language I use, ever. I DO NOT REQUIRE YOUR “SELF CONTROL”, AS I AM IN CONTROL OF MYSELF. Well beyond the track you are evidently tied down to. Your life model is going into the dump where it belongs. People like me are sending it there, good riddance to spinelessness. May we speak our minds freely as is western tradition. Our collective philosophies are enriched for such friend. Tell me fool, what exactly about my statements require, “control”. You do not determine how I shall be controlled. You are suffering from faulty mental programming. Perhaps if you ate some psilocybin mushrooms it could help. If you are going to make arrangements at some point to do away with my speech, then do so now as I will continue to do the thing you don’t like, I assure you. However, such a policy is self defeating. 23
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 Jul 2010 09:29 | # gagoonies, First, this IS my house and on behalf of all those associated with it, as contributors and regular commenters, I do demand certain standards of behaviour from those who enter. From our own people we encourage civility and intellect and discourage indiscipline and stupidity. Second, we are political dissidents. For us, when we encounter censorship it is because of the political content of our speech and writing, not because we run off at the lip like an 80 IQ Klansman in his cups. Third, there is, actually, no triumph for free speech in bawling “nigger”. You are completely dilluded. Free speech itself is noble only when it is content-related. To get Solzhetnisyn’s 200 Years published in England would be a triumph for free speech. To get CoC its proper recognition would be a triumph for free speech. Fourth, I happen to be English, living in England under English law. I am not legally free to extend to you the “right” to indiscipline and stupidity. Now, if you would, for all the above reasons, kindly make a serious effort to offer thought here rather than boorishness I would be grateful. If you can’t or won’t I will ask you to post elsewhere. If that doesn’t produce the desired change we will IP ban you. If that doesn’t work we will delete every entry you make, one by one. 24
Posted by John on Sun, 25 Jul 2010 14:16 | # GW: After admonishing him, you nonetheless let gagoonie’s crude, drunken ramblings stand and yet deleted forthwith the graphic I posted in visceral reaction (admittedly juvenile—deletion deserved) to incitement to recreational miscegenation from an ostensible white nationalist (which btw, no one else here challenged or even answered). 26
Posted by gagoonies on Mon, 04 Oct 2010 05:44 | # Why did you delete forthwith the graphic John posted? Thats censorship guessed worker… What about the graphic warranted it being disposed of? explain it to the layman. Post a comment:
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Posted by Andrew on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 22:58 | #
It is a good report, and displays the consciousness and Knowledge of people even 7000 years ago, and their ability to learn the basic’s of survival, obviously Islam and Liberalism did not exist then , so the only fear of enemy reprisals were tribal, Yes the picture is becoming a little clearer.
But if Christmas is Racist, then I am an outrageous racist bigot, of Hitler type proportions, or even Muhammad proportions, hmmmm , or Karl Marx Proportions. NUHHH, I don’t fit that bill, only the Anglo co-operation bill proportions; which indicate to me a genetic link to what our ancestors used to protect and preserve themselves in consciousness on what was a danger to them and the need to survive. Would that be Tribal co-operation and skills learnt by reasoning and knowledge?
So what happened to that Consciousness now days?