The virtue of Italian cardinals I am not sure how to interpret the tale of two not particularly current documents circulated by the Church in Italy, and both disapproving of mixed marriages between Italian women and Muslim immigrants to Italy. Yes, it’s extremely heartening that this message is being spoken. But I am puzzled why the BBC’s Rome correspondent should file this article at all. This is what he says:-
Usually with the BBC, of course, a less than progressive development like this will be presented with carefully contrived wording to make it clear that right-thinkers do not agree. Usually, a right-thinker or two will be wheeled on to offer a direct, confrontational criticism. But this time there is only mention of unquoted (ie, safely ignored) objections from “Muslim scholars” and “Italian liberal groups”. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 15:51 | #
Yes and the “right thinkers” they trot out are usually men like Johan Hari, David Aronowitz, or someone else of that force.
It almost never happens because Moslems never let their women out of their sight pending an arranged cousin-marriage to a relative back home who can then be brought here thanks to family-reunification rules, and if one is caught going out on a date with an Italian man she’ll have her throat slit by her own brothers on orders of her own father with the acquiescence of her own mother. Of course, all the time this is going on they’re out in the streets gang-raping all the white Christian females on grounds that they’re whores and deserve it. OK, OK, OK, I’m exaggerating—but there’s more than a grain of truth in it, no? Yes! 3
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 20:43 | # A blinding flash of the obvious from His Holiness. According to the Organisation of Islamic Conference, 58% of the world’s Muslims are illiterate and, as this Islamic talking-shop has a vested interest in burnishing the malodorous image of that baneful religion, we may presume that their figure errs on the side of self-flattery. If some unfortunate White female one-worldist liberals (in the corrupted sense of the political term) wish to condent with the laws of nature and offer themselves to the dusky adherents of the world’s most innately backward and disgustingly primitive religion then, as we say in my native Scotland,“Hell Mend Them”. 5
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 20:50 | # Al Ross - “some unfortunate White female one-worldist liberals” Some of them might fit the description but many more are lower class, not too sharp, mainly quite young. 6
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 20:56 | # Lurker - You may well correct. All I can say is that there is no cure for stupidity. 8
Posted by Calvin on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 21:54 | # My unscientific observations tend to indicate that the thickos tend to go for the Africoids. It seems to be self-loathing, pasty-faced misfits that go for the Muslims. I would also reckon that the Stockholm syndrome is at play. In a primate troop an out-group male would have to be very powerful for his presence to be tolerated by in group males. In humans the fact that the natural instincts (with regard to out-group males) of the troop are suppressed by an elite, lends a subliminal impression of power to non-European males in European societies. Women are programmed to respond to male power by submission. There is also the rather obvious promotion of the Black male in the media. The media tends to be a sector of society that has exchanged its masculinity for a pretense of intellectual superiority. Its lost masculinity is projected onto the Black male, made most obviously manifest in the hyper masculine form of the Black rap artist. A pea-brained misogynist brute who in any other colour way would be despised by the very people who venerate him. Homosexuality is another destination for this sorry group, although I hesitate to denigrate genuine homosexuals by comparing them to the intelligentsia. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 22:40 | #
These are extremely astute observations and one-hundred percent on the mark. 11
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 01:40 | #
Lol. Is that another Scottish saying? We have a (perhaps transplanted?) version here in the American south, “ain’t no cure for stupid.” 12
Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 02:11 | # Excuse me, my compliments should have gone to Calvin for that astute point. 13
Posted by Steve Edwards on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 07:40 | # “...who can then be brought here thanks to family-reunification rules…” I simply cannot understand why family-reunionification is promoted under any immigration policy… It’s madness. 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 15:21 | #
If the élites’ goal is race-replacement—which it most definitely is—it would be madness on their part not to promote it. 15
Posted by Matra on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 16:18 | # I simply cannot understand why family-reunionification is promoted under any immigration policy… It’s madness. Initially it was meant to make new immigrants feel more at home in their new country and to keep them there when their parents got old. When Canada first introduced family reunification the parents had to be over 60 or maybe it was 65. When age was eliminated as a category and all that mattered was the relationship between the accepted immigrant and his parents it set off the chain migration of entire families, indeed entire villages from India and other Third World countries, as the parents could now sponsor their less qualified children. As you know extended families are the norm in many backward countries so to these newcomers family reunification meant more than just their parents. Of course, if family reunification meant so much to them they would not have voluntarily left the old country. But since our system (no doubt similar to most Western countries) allows for the newcomers to have it all, naturally, that is what they opt for. 16
Posted by Calvin on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 16:42 | # This esay is instructive in identifying the sector of society responsible for the destruction of traditional forms of social organization and values in Western European civilisations. New technology has devolved massive power to the organs of mass information, the media. The power of the media over information lends an advantage to skilled communicators and mediators. Skilled communicators and mediators are natural bureaucrats. One only needs to observe the massive growth of the public sector and the proliferation of petty government at both regional and European levels, to realise that this class is extending its opportunities and power. Using Nozick’s analysis it becomes obvious that non-European immigration is being used as a means to destroy cohesive opposition to the ascent of this class. The analogy I would draw would be of the Protestant plantations in Ireland, used to quell the opposition of Irishmen to English rule. In the one case a relgious division was used to distract from an issue of political dominance, in the other race is being exploited to disguise the grasping bid for power of a cryptocracy. Western Europes new elite don’t care who they rule, they just care that they rule. 17
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 18:07 | # As Sailer has so aptly pointed out, if family unification is a goal then it is best pursued in one’s native country, and more easily achieved by repatriation, not more immigration. 18
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 27 Dec 2005 18:09 | # And I agree with Calvin, the so-called Fourth Estated is best described as the First. 19
Posted by Calvin on Wed, 28 Dec 2005 23:43 | # I don’t like poodles. If I had a gun with only one bullet and I was attacked similtaneously by a poodle and a pit-bull, I’d still shoot the pit-bull. 20
Posted by allen on Wed, 07 Dec 2011 12:45 | # thanks for the full of wisdom posts for the readers like me who really likes it to read and keep it going that’s a noble work that you are doing Post a comment:
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Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 Dec 2005 15:23 | #
Needless to say Italian men marrying muslim women is not an issue - as it (almost) never happens. Perhaps “Italian liberal groups” would like to reflect on that as well. No? Oh well then.