From today’s papers ... The Bishop and the gas man Rumours that the Pope has signed the withdrawals of excommunication of four “Lefebvrist” bishops of the Society of St Pius X have made news in The Times and caused its religious correspondent to suffer a fit of the vapours. The reason? One of the four, Bishop Richard Williamson, is something of a stickler for the historical record of the Holocaust. As a result of his outspokenness he faces, Gledhill says, ...
Here’s what she means by “gone too far”. Incidentally, the Bishop has expressed other interesting opinions.
Geert Wilders, leader of the People’s Party for Freedom and Democracy, which has nine parliamentary seats, has another big day coming up. From Al-Jezeera:-
One can’t entirely rule out the possibility that Wilders, an inveterate self-publicist and courter of controversy, will quietly thank his persecutor, Spong, for the opportunity to represent victimised Holland in court. Here is a picture of Mr Spong, in whose law practise the other senior partner is one Oscar Hammerstein. So perhaps this is really just about the bad guys in The Sound of Music.
And here are two or three generations of Candido Godoi’s fine residents. Comments:2
Posted by Homelander on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 00:24 | # So the Bishop is channeling Mel Gibson…w/ similar cnsequences for Trads and WN’s? So the Hate Crimes laws are used to persecute the Dutch Freedom Party, Vlamms Belang and the BNP…which support Israel (some Jewish plot, huh?) Some of those twins look hot! 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 02:31 | #
How many of Jewry’s utterances have caused repeated deep offense to the Euro community? How many? How many for the past forty-five years non-stop? How many? How many Jews have listened when Euros have told them so? How many ceased and desisted as a result? How many? You know something? I’m no longer interested in their complaints. Not in the slightest. Bishop Williamson: keep right on doing whatever you’re doing. We can turn a deaf ear too — we’ve been taught by masters. 4
Posted by Dasein on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 22:07 | # How long until the twins of Candido Godoi are used by the media and academia to shoddily refute Rushton’s r-K theory? Oh wait, no need; they simply ignore it instead. 5
Posted by UsefulIdiotfortheZionists on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 16:33 | # “So the Hate Crimes laws are used to persecute the Dutch Freedom Party, Vlamms Belang and the BNP…which support Israel (some Jewish plot, huh?)” You’ve heard of the law of unintended consequences? Can you name the community that was lobbying for all those “hate” laws? Who set up the plethora of “anti-racist” organisations, leagues, institutions, etc. now a permanent [?] fixture in our societies? “Some of those twins look hot!” Are 10-year-olds just about the right age for you? As to flamboyant anti-Islamic tool of Zionists Wilders. He’s part of the false opposition. They can lock him up for the next 10 years if they want and it would be a good thing for Whites. 6
Posted by Homelander on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 16:59 | # UselessIdiotfortheIslamists So how come the iron Law of Unintended Consequences hasn’t “compelled” the EU to prosecute half the Immams in Europe for routinely spewing out rhetoric far more violent than Wilders’? How does persecuting an immigration critic “help” whites? As for ten-year-olds…too young for me - too old for you. 7
Posted by UsefulIdiotforthZionists on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 20:30 | # Thank you for not answering any of my questions. I hope you don’t mind if I show you the same courtesy. 8
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 23:37 | # Here is John Zmirak’s take on Richard Williamson at Takimag: “...Richard Williamson, is an unspeakable horse’s ass.” And here is Razib Khan of GNXP fame, now writing at Takimag, telling White folks about their genetic history: Takimag is a sewer. Faileoconservatism is a false opposition that drains off real struggle for our people into impotence. 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 23:38 | # This Bishop Williamson looks like a good man. I’ve just realized over the past couple of weeks or so that my religion is Catholic Sedevacantist. Not just any variety of Catholic Sedevacantist, though: it’s only the variety that allows Catholics to keep their communal race provided that can be done humanely (which it always can). I don’t know whether that specific variety of Catholic Sedevacantism officially exists. I would imagine it doesn’t. If it doesn’t, it does now with this announcement of mine: I’m announcing that, if it doesn’t, I’m bringing it into existence by being its first member. With me, it now exists and has a worldwide membership of at least one. 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 23:45 | # I’m not clicking on either link in CC’s comment just above mine, because I fear the worst and don’t want to be thrust into an appallingly bad mood for the next week or so. Taki is too much of a superficial snob and high-society name-dropper to ever commit solidly to the truth on these matters. He’ll always remain a lightweight. 11
Posted by Guest on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 00:51 | #
Yes, and the magazine Taki founded with Pat Buchanan is now in the hands of the Jews. Fred I agree with you on the SRC. What Mel Gibson went through we had no idea. The following was penned by someone who knows him, well worth a read in its entirety:
Posted by J Richards on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 03:30 | # Richard Williamson Geert Wilders Homelander questioned whether the Wilders saga is a Jewish plot by noting that pro-Israel Nationalist parties in Europe are being prosecuted for hate speech. A reader responded by mentioning unintended consequences. Not quite. Jews play both sides of the fence. Wilders is a Jew tool. Jews are behind the promotion of Fitna, but have a gentile in the lead role to take all the blame. Wilders is supposedly a marked man, but it’s a safe bet that if he’s shot, the shooters would be assassins employed by the Jewish Crime Network. Wilder’s assassination or prosecution will serve to engender greater discord between whites and Muslims. Jews have been at this game for a long time – pit people against each others to focus attention away from themselves; loot while others are fighting each other; scavenge after wreaking havoc, etc. The success of Nationalist parties in Europe would be a nightmare for Jews, and undermining this nightmare is a much more high priority matter for Jews than to avoid prosecuting pro-Israel groups. Also, some or many of these Pro-Israel Nationalists are surely crypto-Jews or agents of the Jews. Josef Mengele The story sounds like a hoax. Most adults shown are dark-haired, and only the children are blond in significant numbers. This is hardly different from many European populations north of the Alps but south of Scandinavia. They don’t look Nordic as a group. Mengele had been in hiding for a couple of years before the structure of DNA was discovered and surely didn’t have access to research facilities to do any genetics research. It’s unlikely Mengele messed around with genetics. Tweaking some of the hormones involved in the menstrual cycle can alter the rates of fraternal twin births (but not identical twin births), but I doubt Mengele did any such thing, and these changes couldn’t have been made genetic by Mengele but we are told that the high frequency of twins is being observed decades after Mengele’s death of natural causes. Mengele is the epitome of the evil Nazi scientist. With more people waking up to the Holocaust being a Holohoax, Jews are increasing their silly Holocaust-related propaganda, and how many silly tales beat Mengele’s alleged antics? A few items from recent Holocaust propaganda
Posted by Svigor on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 04:29 | #
Not touching the Jewish plot thing, but supporting Israel’s got nothing to do with it. We can tongue Israel’s bung dawn to dusk and it isn’t going to make Jews love us. 14
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 10:17 | # From BBC News:-
Posted by flemmard on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 14:27 | # Brazil, what a great country! Where else can White folks have ALL WHITE enclaves without hassle? You really need to stop romanticizing it. Southern Brazil is no more ripe for “White Nationalist enclaves”, or any such thing, than Russia or British Columbia, despite being majority white (though even southern Brazil is best described as “lightly peppered”). This is a question of quality, not quantity: those Brazilians in the photos are very far removed from everything we know. They are “regular people”. Look at their clothing, their postures. They don’t care about living in an “all White enclave” because they already do, and the darker skin of the Portuguese-descended people among them is part of their natural environment. They’d laugh at you, and anyone else, preaching to them about “preserving whiteness” and so on. All these people want from life is beer, dancing and education. But hey — go to Brazil sometime and see how far it aligns with your romantic notions. I’d be willing to bet just about anything you’ll find these remote all-white enclaves incredibly boring and closed to you. 16
Posted by flemmard on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 14:31 | # And no, the blond Brazilian girls won’t date you and fulfill your wet-dream of a traditional Aryan family. They’re as mindless and vulgar as American girls, and what’s worse: Lutheran. Have a look at Orkut sometime to see what I mean, you will be very disappointed. 17
Posted by flemmard on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 14:36 | # As for the story itself ..... pure romanticism, like all WN / mainstreaming speculation about the existence of blond heads in South America. Fact is that they’re all the straightforward descendants of German, Austrian and Swiss colonists from mid-19thC. I don’t know why that is so hard to accept and people need to mythologize isolated communities like Candido Godoi and Nueva Germania rather than focus on large Brazilian cities (Porto Alegre, Joinville) with thousands and thousands of fully socialized people of German descent. I guess it’s “cooler” that way, though; keeping alive somewhat the thrill of the old colonial-explorers in discovering “lost tribes”. 18
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 15:24 | # flemmard: “As for the story itself ..... pure romanticism, like all WN / mainstreaming speculation about the existence of blond heads in South America.” What is your ancestry? Are you afraid answering that question honestly will interfere with your ability to hurl infantile taunts consisting of straw men? Do you think the current state of deracination and self-absorption of White people is good or bad for them from the standpoint of their true interests - their genetic interests? Will the ability of White people to “indulge” be helped or hindered under non-White rule? Why is the idea of Whites living and working for the benefit of their own people personally a threat to you? 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 16:19 | #
Shouldn’t Jews be glad they didn’t exist? Or do they prefer to have lost “six million” of their brethren “in gas chambers”? Shouldn’t the non-existence of the “gas chambers” come as a huge relief to them?
The shadow cast on relationships with Jews is entirely the Jews’ doing, being the direct result of their never-ending efforts to destroy all Euro societies and eradicate the Euro race from the face of the Earth. It’s normal and natural for Euros to get more than a little annoyed at this Jewish behavior.
Not true, as the Jews have been aggressively trying to interfere with the internal workings of the Catholic Church for most of the past hundred years. And that’s the internal workings of the Catholic Church. I won’t even get into what they did to the internal workings of the Russian Orthodox Church (hint: look up what they did to it when they ran the Soviet Union: banning of the religion, wholesale imprisonments and massacres of priests and of faithful parishioners, and confiscations and destruction of Church property for starters, and it gets worse from there ...).
If that’s true it’s wholly the Jews’ fault through their mendacious attacks on Pope Pius XII and incessant general casting of aspersions, anti-Catholic slanders and libels, and aggresssive and highly obnoxious and unwanted meddling.
The Jews were rounded up and put in camps the way Americans of Jap ancestry, mainly, but also plenty of Americans of Italian and German ancestry, were in the U.S. during that war. Because of the hardships, dire shortages, and devastations of war visited upon Central Europe where rhe camps were, something like 280,000 camp inmates perished, most of them Jews. There were no gas chambers and no Jew was gassed. The gas chambers were used to fumigate clothing and so on precisely in an effort to eradicate the typhus which was what was killing so many. Starvation and other disease which the Germans had no control over (except, in theory, to close all camps and let the people out to fend for themselves which, one might say, ought to have been done) did the rest. On the Eastern Front many Jews, both many who were innocent unfortunately, and many who were communist murderers and guilty-as-sin, were caught up in payback meted out by the local Eastern European allies of the Nazis in reprisal for decades of atrocities committed by extensive networks of sadistic Jewish communists against the good Christian folk there, and lots of Jews got summarily shot or hanged as the Germans advanced eastward, liberating the local Christian folk who for decades had been abused, expropriated, deliberately starved, terrorized, tortured, raped, robbed, plundered, and horrifically killed by local Jewish communists in places like Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Byelorussia, the Ukraine, and Russia itself, Christian victims of Jewish evil who were now determined to mete out rough justice to their Jewish tormentors without trials. Add in an estimate of those figures of Jews killed in that way and a fairly accurate estimate of Jews who perished is, as this priest said in the video, somewhere around 300,000 or so. I myself accept an upper limit of 350,000 Jewish deaths. A holocaust indeed, no question. The Jews suffered a holocaust at the hands of the Germans by getting shot in their thousands along the Eastern Front and locked up in camps they couldn’t escape from when they started being ravaged by typhus and starvation. But the “six million” figure is a Jewish lie, and the “gas chambers” are a Jewish lie. Now, while we’re on the subject of “turning a blind eye,” is that what world Jewry turned, a blind eye, to the Jewish genocide of somewhere between three point five and fifteen million Ukrainians in the Holodomor? (Just wondering ....)
So is the Jewish role in the 1965 U.S. immigration law. I guess they didn’t have enough space in this article to mention that ... That must be what happened, not enough space ....
Right the Vatican distanced itself from Galileo’s remarks about the sun and the Earth as well. So we can get an idea of what the Vatican “distancing itself” sometimes means ....
He should’ve added, “You can Drop Dead.” 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 16:22 | # CC, isn’t “Flemmard” the one Lurker identified the other day as Silver posting under a new pen name? 21
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 16:28 | # I dont know if it is Silver or just someone with the same strategy. 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 16:29 | # Fred” isn’t “Flemmard” the one Lurker identified the other day as Silver posting under a new pen name? I would like to think not. 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 16:37 | # 24
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 16:53 | # Fred: “CC, isn’t “Flemmard” the one Lurker identified the other day as Silver posting under a new pen name?” I saw that Lurker pointed out the possibility. My perspective: If it is silver or is not, doesn’t matter. If that kind of drivel is allowed to be posted here - and for the sake of credibility and principle it has to be, we cannot engage in censorship like our censorious enemies - it has to be addressed and countered some of the time. Not really hard to do. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:09 | # Silver comes here to needle “WNs” and for no other reason. I say again as I’ve said previously: taking the totality of what he’s posted here and elsewhere into account, there’s no evidence he’s on our side, certainly not a shred of evidence he’d support our side if ever things got ugly. I contend if things ever got ugly Silver would join the other side against us with sadistic gusto and impressive anti-WN zeal. This individual is not our friend. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:22 | # There’s some discussion in this readers’ comments thread over at Friedrich’s, as to whether or not Bishop Williamson opposes the current official policy of government-enforced genocide of whites. That, of course, is the all-important question (although a commitment to truth-telling in regard to the standard “Holocaust” lies is also highly relevant and extremely important). I haven’t looked at the links posted there yet (have to go out to run an errand just at the moment). I’ll look at them later. 28
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 18:18 | # Fred: “I contend if things ever got ugly Silver would join the other side against us with sadistic gusto and impressive anti-WN zeal.” Silver has stated that if we implemented what he thinks we would, then he would be with the other side. He is either a non-White or a hopelessly deracinated “Serb-Greek” who has next to no solidarity with Greeks or Serbs. He is, as you say, a zero. 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:52 | # Catholics despairing of ever finding a non-race-replacing Catholicism please read this sermon by Bishop Williamson: And yes, I did see its closing paragraph — that closing paragraph means nothing; it requires interpretation, and in my view its correct interpretation does not negate any of the text that preceded it. I now realize there’s a possibility I’ll be able to remain in the Catholic Church, something I didn’t know two weeks ago. (Hat tip goes to that same readers’ comments thread I linked earlier, at 30
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 23:09 | # Discussion of Bishop Williamson at Wikipedia: 31
Posted by flemmard on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 00:29 | # Why is the idea of Whites living and working for the benefit of their own people personally a threat to you? You wind yourself up for nothing — really, nothing. Recall that this is a public website and so is bound to attract a few needlers. Yet I was only needling Al Spanker for his romanticism. The question is then: Why do you create threats for yourself? But I’ll toss you a bone — if, in your Impossible Scenario, I were forced to side with you lot or the Jews, I might consider running away into the woods (maaybe the Brazilian backlands after all?) before having to choose between such thickheaded ill-minded allies. Despite your earnest passions, some of those who agree with you, and would very much like to be first in line to string up some yidlsteins, are just bored and a little frightened by your paranoiac posturing. 33
Posted by Guest on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 03:17 | # To think he was once in the CofE, what a loss to the Anglicans! From the link Posted by Fred Scrooby on January 25, 2009, 07:52 PM one reads: “This immigration has taken place in France, Great Britain, Germany and also the USA, amongst other countries, especially since World War Two, for two main reasons. Firstly, the Europeans in these countries wanted to enjoy the conveniences of materialism without the inconvenience of having babies. So there were not enough workers for their factories or for all the menial tasks henceforth beneath their dignity as university graduates, university degrees having become as common as daisies. Secondly the enemies of God, seeing as usual farther ahead than His friends, foresaw in the immigration of an alien population a great means of diluting the national identity of countries which by their long and proud history risked not easily being absorbed into the Antichrist’s New World Order.” Someone has read the review of CoC: 34
Posted by the sangha on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 07:27 | # I contend if things ever got ugly Silver would join the other side against us with sadistic gusto and impressive anti-WN zeal. Silver seems to be among the few level-headed posters here. At least, he is willing to consider the point of view of an opponent. Speaking hypothetically about who will or will not be “against us” if some hypothetical events are to take place is pointless anyway. When your life is in danger you are likely to do things you never imagined. By the way, I have tended to think that if a White Nationalist state were to be established, the most intelligent and socially savvy would rise to the top—as in any form of government or large institution.* Social networks and cronyism would be factors as well. In addition, ideological competitors, even who profess to be White Nationalists, would likely be eliminated or suppressed. All of these factors would mean that many of the loudest WN ideologues who post on the Internet might be killed off, enslaved, or, what amounts to the same thing, sent off to the front lines as cannon fodder.
I also do not understand how a Southern European could try to ally himself with people who hate his ethnic background. Still, he is willing to defend the Nordicists despite their relentless attacks against Greeks and Serbs. That he is attacked despite this monumental show of political and racial empathy is a statement in itself. I wouldn’t go so far as to say he is a zero, though. You and Silver have more in common with each other than you are willing to accept: you both share humanity and mortality. So what if he said something that at some point struck you as peculiar or offensive? Lighten up. I must admit that though I find something about him detestable at some level, he seems to be a talented writer. As for Geert Wilders, his predicament shows us the extent to which Northern Europeans are willing to suppress themselves for the benefit of hostile immigrant groups who engage in the pimping of their women in their ultra-liberal nations. His case has not been given enough attention among Jew-hating WN Web sites—apparently some WNs are under the impression that low-IQ Islamists who defile White women and engage in terrorism make wonderful allies… because… they don’t like Jews!
Posted by flemmard on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 09:35 | # Social networks and cronyism would be factors as well. One appreciates your realism but this glosses over so much of the unpleasantness that would be found in the realization of their Impossible Scenario. I don’t just say these people, empowered, would be as trigger-happy and sadistic as Soviet Kommissars; in any case they would be boring. Imagine having to answer to someone named Desmond Jones or the like. Dreadful! They’re not a long way from the mentality obtaining at VNNF, ultimately. Escalation scenarios — threats — already demanding one “choose a side”, that is to say submit to their will, having quite lost themselves in extremist feelings and daydreams, unable to grasp humor outside their little internet circle. Really, such people as these lose their humanity. They are uncomfortable. They could not inspire confidence or allegiance even in the fullest realization of the Impossible Scenario. When a character like Captainchaos comes at you with his hotheaded prejudices, what is inspired is a roll of the eyes. Now, I’m not Silver, so I don’t care for the “opponent’s” opinion — and I recognize no opponent as the quotes indicate. There’s no struggle going on. WNs want there to be, but really it’s just a pack of Jews continually stoking the fire of idiocy in goyish heads. Foucault would say power is not something possessed by one group of people and driven downward onto a submerged class; it is diffused throughout the population in discourse and resistance, comes from below as much as from the top. Nothing short of intense psychotherapy coupled with physical punishments can bring people round to the WN point of view, which is why they rely on escalation scenarios — even old GW with his cautious invocations of “power” to come. All of these factors would mean that many of the loudest WN ideologues who post on the Internet might be killed off, enslaved, or, what amounts to the same thing, sent off to the front lines as cannon fodder. Bearing in mind that we are speaking in terms of an Impossible Scenario, of role-play, of the application of a traditional model of ethnic struggle to a situation which will never see “front lines” or the need for “cannon fodder”, nor even “boots on the ground”, yes, that would be a desirable outcome: but what we’re talking about could be found on any other forum dedicated to any other impotent cause, it is simply how humans behave, rile themselves up, become purblind to satisfy perceptual simplification. And of all things White Nationalism is bound to produce an excess of that type owing to our undeniably grim circumstances. They can’t be faulted for being this way, but I can’t help finding it tiresome. I also do not understand how a Southern European could try to ally himself with people who hate his ethnic background. By the grace of the superior, godlike, magnanimous Northern European — of course. That is, as a second-class entity, a half-caste, a tolerated untermensch. Such is the life awaiting Southern Europeans — who don’t happen to be blond and not too loud about their geographical origins — in the White Nationalist Reich. While I believe their physical safety would be assured, certainly not their expectation of a life fully enfranchised (wife, children, work); and even granted all that, who else but a born second-class man wants to live as second-class? That’s why we’re here, after all. We are none of us second-class, but that is the position into which we are forced by Jews and the times. Anyway, most Southern Europeans are trash and it’s hardly worth defending them en masse; I refer only to those born in America, for example, with exactly the same experience as someone of “German” descent. A question of culture. You’ll find the only Southern Europeans who would want to be included in the Impossible White Nationalist Reich are probably already here, or hanging around such sites as this. The national reactionaries, taking Greece for example, are hardly different in kind from the anarchists. Do you think German skinheads could understand anything these fellows talk about even if translated into the very best German? But obviously Greeks and Germans are irrelevant, as this blog is quite rarefied and bounded by its Anglo-American concerns. So even the Impossible Scenario comes out looking like Nineteen Eighty-Four and those zombie / alien invasion flicks which are forced to account for the presence of billions of other humans not in its purview through five-second news anecdotes. Still, he is willing to defend the Nordicists despite their relentless attacks against Greeks and Serbs. That he is attacked despite this monumental show of political and racial empathy is a statement in itself. And obviously gets him nowhere. I’m not saying he should give up and hate on Nordics or their cheerleaders. But it should give a decent man pause. His primary fault is obviously not being enough of a crony, like Scrooby. The kind of fellow you’d expect to live up to what they used to say about Goebbels, or whomever, that he’d shoot his mother if the Führer demanded it. I wouldn’t go so far as to say he is a zero, though. You and Silver have more in common with each other than you are willing to accept: you both share humanity and mortality. I believe the divide is precisely that these others lack a little humanity. I don’t mean morally, you know, like oh they’re so beastly in their ideations, but there’s something too rigid about them to be comfortable with a drop-in, dégagé critics. In simplest terms one could say they’re incapable of processing the existence of what used to be called “free spirits”, and they are not wrong in this, free spirits having no place in the kind of power politics in which they imagine they’re embroiled. In the roles they’ve adopted, the lines must be drawn so uncomfortably, the issue must be forced in the face of whatever harmless bagatelles or “constructive criticisms” are on offer: that anyway is the psychology the type and the circumstance. They paint themselves into a corner, where they rage and demand you do the same. 36
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 10:48 | # Of course Silver wouldn’t join the other side - he’s already on the other side.
A complete crock, Silver does not post in good faith. Silver’s MO is to post just enough that sounds sympathetic whilst actually sowing dissent and picking pointless arguments.
All the same straw man arguments about North vs South. Where are all these Nordicists on MR, I keep hearing about them but hardly ever from them? And we don’t really know what Silver’s origins are, he’s changed his story on that more than once. A Serb, Greek, Indian or…what? He’s in Australia, now he’s in America, no wait, he’s in Britain! Either very confused, got a very bad memory or is a liar, but you think he’s some shining example - crap. The fact you are even bothering to mount a defence along these lines only shows you have the same intent. Phlegmard - pretty much the same dross from you. Lets have a pretend serious debate about the merits of Silver, clearly a pointless exercise - he doesn’t have any. 37
Posted by flemmard on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 13:19 | # Silver’s MO is to post just enough that sounds sympathetic whilst actually sowing dissent and picking pointless arguments. Sewing dissent among whom? You boys present a fairly unified front of bitchy intellectualism. Is silver, think you, scaring off the legions of innocent, open-minded, curious whites tripping over themselves to access this blog? Well, we all know that’s not the case. So if there’s no one among dissent can be sewn, and as are there are no stakes anyway, this is what you all have been calling a “straw man” lately. You’re not changing the world. And silver — who is obviously somewhat shady — is not sabotaging anything by criticizing — er, sorry: critiquing you. 39
Posted by the sangha on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 15:15 | # They’re not a long way from the mentality obtaining at VNNF, ultimately. Escalation scenarios — threats — already demanding one “choose a side”, that is to say submit to their will, having quite lost themselves in extremist feelings and daydreams, unable to grasp humor outside their little internet circle. Yeah, the more I get involved here the more I realize that this is just another VNNF. The image of the paranoid and rabid WN is thus further reinforced. The difference is that the intellectual level here is slightly higher. It’s all the same. It’s a shame that we just can’t have a racialist forum where people don’t constantly act like crabs fighting each other. Perhaps such behavior is inherent in the mentality of those attracted to these forums and is unavoidable… Such a shame for those who want an intelligent and morally uplifting alternative to multiracialism. 40
Posted by flemmard on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 17:41 | # I would say an intense clannish mentality — what they would probably call in-group strategizing — with the attendant prejudices and smug attitudes is inevitable when any number of people come together under a certain idea, identifying their egos with the group illusion. Pretty basic group psychology at work, here. Fortunately this is probably the last significant (at least for the internet!) mutation of White Nationalism. GW’s imitation of structuralist vagueness is interesting, actually a wonder of discursive morphology and the lengths to which believers will go to write their desires into fate, but he comes up against the great inner wall of all online subpolitics: there is no going beyond the limitations of White Nationalism because all White Nationalism is a discursive reflex of political (bodily, communal) oppression. Speaking as though one is “transcending” the nature of White Nationalism, finding “new strategies” and other such vague expressions — I don’t say drawn, but certainly a rhetorical style (which poses as a “toolkit” in “dismantling power”, you know) absorbed from the academic Left — is the outer limit of the wrigglings of the believers in their cyber-cage. 41
Posted by flemmard on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 18:02 | # You seem to think everyone here is selfishly, individualistically motivated. that if we learned white nationalism would result in our execution, or our peonage, we’d give it up. Rather: you are selfish top-down racialists, and fear we ourselves — or someone else basically undeserving — would be executed in your Impossible Scenario. Because you’re a mess of preachy, stodgy nordomaniacs at heart, yes. Not that I would see Sweden deluged with Greeks ..... but may we see Greece free again of thick-limbed, finn-faced, sunburnt Swedish girls in their tacky flip-flops and sunglasses at Summer? And I know, you’re free to your preference for Nordic girls, but I’m a heinous sinner for suggesting the opposite. 42
Posted by the sangha on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 18:22 | # Thanks for your thoughtful response, Diamed. Right now I am pressed for time and cannot respond to you in depth on your many points. But I will give you a curt reply that covers some basic points. The Sangha, you’ve got it all wrong. Silver wasn’t interested in making arguments. He spent his whole time calling us ‘vile’ ‘assholes’, ‘drivel’ etc, and continuously gloated over white nationalism’s gloomy prospects. Well, I haven’t read every one of his posts, but of those I have read he seems sensible. I’ll reserve judgment for the time being until I see more evidence of what he’s about. In the meantime, his detractors could show more civility. As for the North-South divide, it is real, the genetic tests convincingly show there is a distance between the two groups. On top of the genetic differences, there are real differences in performance. For instance, human accomplishment shows that virtually all white achievements are in fact nordic achievement, in a narrow band of England, northern france, northern italy, benelux, and germany. The rest of europe is somewhat of a sideshow, except for the exceptional abilities of Greece and Rome in the past. It’s interesting that the North-South “divide” is often framed with northern Italy as part of the North. Now, I don’t deny that northern Italians have Celtic and Germanic mixture, just as I have Keltic Nordic mixture (though I am not subracially Nordic). However, exaggerating the Lombardic character of northern Italy strikes me as a way to smooth out an apparent anomaly in the picture of subracial achievements. Additionally, the genetic distance between Nordic peoples can be significant. For example, Spaniards are more closely related to the Irish and Brits than Brits are to Russians. Spaniards are also related more closely to the French than the French are to Swedes. As for Nordic achievements, they are real, and I acknowledge them. I am admirer of Nordic civilization. But I believe the same traits that have led to these achievements contribute to the greater liberalism and Black-White miscegenation of Northern Europeans in modern times. I also think nordic whites are flat out prettier than southern whites. I like fair skin, fair hair, and blue/green eyes, as well as their being taller and in a sense more regal in their deportment. This is a view not shared by many Northern Europeans I know, but it is a common view in race forums.
Have you been to Europe? There are hundreds of thousands of Brits in Spain and France. As for whether Northern Europeans should have their own homeland, I fully support the idea. I hope Richard McCulloch gains a greater following. The last thing I want to see is more Nordic girls paired with Negroids. 43
Posted by Darren on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 18:51 | #
I guess all those brown-haired and brown-eyed leaders, scientists, philosophers, writers, artists, were all just a figment of my imagination. Do we really need to start up this discussion again? I believe and accept the idea that much that was important in European history has a significant Nordic/IE influence, but the science to show that it has some sort of racial/genetic component beyond a small difference in IQ and behavior isn’t there. 44
Posted by Ghandi on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 19:01 | # Brothers, do not feed the TROLLS Typical GOOD COP BAD COP routine. Two sowing dissension, getting MR off topic. 46
Posted by flemmard on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 21:58 | # From the highest dictator to the lowest peon. So back in your Impossible Scenario — Whitelandia, as someone dubbed it (and was serious) — I go from peon under the Jews / white bourgeois snobbery / multiculturalism to peon under White Nationalist dictatorship / Nordic snobbery. Well now, there’s something worth risking my skin for. Let me lose myself in this grand selfless racial endeavor to the secure the existence of a whiter homeland for people who already have enough money to live in white neighborhoods. Or is money not a factor in the Scenario? If there’s a dictator and peons, there must be money, and if all we know about money continues to be true, the people who already have money will have it after the Guessworkerian Advent, and I won’t. In other words I go from being penniless and a peon under real conditions to being penniless and a peon under your imaginary conditions, and am expected to feel rapturously rewarded for other people’s good fortune. Oh the race‘s victory is your victory. Right. Therefore, whatever happens to you, good or bad, is meaningless. If the race is better off in the end, everyone has won. Collectivist abstraction at its most callous and vapid. You’re a bunch of fucking punks though, seriously. 47
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 22:52 | # flemmard: “So back in your Impossible Scenario — Whitelandia, as someone dubbed it (and was serious) — I go from peon under the Jews / white bourgeois snobbery / multiculturalism to peon under White Nationalist dictatorship / Nordic snobbery.” You mean that to do what is necessary to secure the existence of our race is impossible; if so, why waste your time railing against unrealizable? No, it is that you prefer that we not secure the existence of our people. Or have you confused your glib, taunting assertions with facts? 48
Posted by danielj on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:02 | #
If you don’t live in a Nordic country that won’t be a problem. 49
Posted by Dasein on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:02 | # Thanks for those links, Fred. I like the good bishop’s interpretation of that oft-quoted passage, used by many Christians to suggest Biblical support for miscegenation and mass immigration:
Bishop Williamson also blogs at: 50
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 00:15 | # Thank you for linking to Bishop Williamson’s blog, Dasein. I’ve just spent a half-hour reading entries there. This priest is very close to what I’ve been looking for — maybe exactly what I’ve been looking for. I’m very glad to have discovered him. I have GW to thank for that. 51
Posted by Goyim on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 18:41 | # It appears that the silver lining to the global financial mess is that the world will see whose hands have been in the cookie jar all along. This one, Nadel, is another to be outed. Somebody needs to keep track of all of them so far, with Madoff being the big cheese. 52
Posted by Dasein on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 19:59 | # Fred, the SPXX (and Bishop Williamson in particular) remind me of the positive role the Church has played throughout our people’s history. Like the clergymen who supported the peasants against Jewish usurers in the Middle Ages. They are not trying to upset natural hierarchy, rather opposing Evil. Someone, perhaps it was you, said that our position towards something should be made with consideration of Jewish attitudes towards it. That Jews have been such strong opponents of the Catholic Church tells me that they are doing something right! I believe the SSPX is correct that the modern Church has been corrupted, but even now it has the balls to stand up to Jewish and liberal groups. In Germany the Zentralrat der Juden are often criticising members of the Catholic Church. There was a big fiasco a couple of years back where a TV moderator was misquoted in a paper and painted as an NS sympathizer. She lost her job and got trashed in the press. But the Catholic Church refused to withdraw an invitation for her to speak at a conference on the family. That’s the sort of focus and backbone most Christian groups are lacking; they have mistaken tolerance for godliness. 53
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 06:30 | # The Bishop apologizes for the remarks he made in the video and calls them “imprudent” but doesn’t recant. He expresses only regret for any distress/embarrassment the remarks might have caused the Vatican and the Pope. That he doesn’t recant is made crystal-clear in the following qualification with which he introduced his log entry:
Though he espouses what he deems “God’s Truth” (in so labeling it, it’s clear he recants nothing: one doesn’t recant “God’s Truth”) he regrets his remarks if they amounted to a lack respect for Church authorities by being an embarrassment to them (they certainly weren’t an embarrassment to himself whatsoever, as was clear from the video). In other words, he regrets causing embarrassment and implies that perhaps he should have kept those particular opinions to himself on the occasion of that particular interview, as they now seem “imprudent.” The Gates of Hell cannot make this priest vacillate in his inner convictions. 54
Posted by Bill on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 06:37 | # Fleeing policemen Remember that footage of pc pc’s in retreat I posted a little while back? well, it’s up on today’s Mail on Sunday. A bit behind the curve you might say, still, better late than never. 55
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 13:55 | # By the way, one cannot imagine the magnitude of the pressure the Jews will certainly have brought to bear behind the scenes on the Vatican over its move to undo Bishop Williamson’s excommunication. They’ll have brought this pressure to bear both by acting directly as Jews and by acting indirectly through the stable of Eurochristian stooges they maintain — confused, weak-minded, or blackmailed stooges they keep on a leash and trot out when they need camouflage for their evil machinations so people will think it’s coming from Euros instead of you-know-who. There’s that Catholic woman the Jews always trot out for this purpose, someone with the World Council of Churches or whatever it is, I can’t remember now — there’s she and a couple of dozen others kept in the Jews’ stable for this purpose, whom the Jews notify when they have to go out before the cameras and perform their scripted song-and-dance. The sum-total of this pressure must be immense — can one imagine, a bishop of the Catholic Church who openly doubts the veracity of the standard ©Ho£o€au$t®™ fantasy!!! This has thermonuclear potential and the Jews simply cannot allow it. The press has been relatively quiet on this but one can be completely certain all hell is breaking loose behind the scenes as the Jews try to force the Vatican to deep-six this man. But, as when immense pressure is brought to bear on coal we are left with diamonds, so are we left in this case with diamonds among men. Like this bishop. 56
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 14:04 | #
I forgot, of course, bought: confused, weak-minded, bought, or blackmailed stooges they keep on a leash and trot out ... Most of these stooges know very well which Jewish-controlled organization their next paycheck is coming from ... provided they recite their lines on cue when called upon to do so by their paymasters .... 57
Posted by Armor on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 14:43 | # Some critics of Williamson have said that bishops should stay away from politics. But the same critics will say nothing about race replacement activism by leftist bishops, even though it is much more common than the denunciation of Jewish propaganda. For some reason, the media do not think that race replacement is a problem, even though 90% of white people oppose it viscerally. By contrast, most people don’t care how many Jews died in WW2, but the media think it is a matter of paramount importance, although they also think that any discussion of it should be forbidden, preferably by law. The only explanation I can find is that the media and the laws are under Jewish control. 58
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 20:58 | # Further to my “Holocaust” comments above (Jan. 25, 3:19 PM), for those who want to learn more about the subject, one place to look is: Go there, browse, and explore the links. Do that over a few weeks or months and you will get an eye-opening education. I got into this subject matter during the second half of 2005 without intending to: I frequented, for unrelated reasons, a forum where it was posted a lot, and came to know quite a bit of it by the time I got kicked out several months after joining. There’s tons of this information out there. There is no evidence Jews were gassed in gas chambers or that the number of Jews killed from all causes exceeded around 300,000. I fully accept that there were no gas chambers for killing and no Jew or anyone else was gassed. 59
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 00:32 | # To put that 300,000 figure of Jewish dead in perspective, the number of Germans deliberately genocided by the Allies AFTER THE WAR WAS OVER, THE GERMAN ARMIES HAD SURRENDERED AND THE SOLDIERS BEEN DISARMED, has been estimated at FOURTEEN MILLION. Let’s not even talk about wartime atrocities committed by the Allied armies. Let’s not talk about the communist atrocities and multiple genocides committed during the 1920s and ‘30s BY THE JEWS TARGETING CHRISTIANS, which run into TENS OF MILLIONS. AS YE SOW, SO SHALL YE REAP, and HE WHO SOWS THE WIND SHALL REAP THE WHIRLWIND. The Germans didn’t start it. They didn’t start the killings, they didn’t start the concentration camps, they didn’t start the genocides. All of that was started in the teens, twenties, and thirties by Jewish communists before the Nazis came to power. All of that had a lot to do with WHY the Nazis came to power. Compared to the Jewish communists and Jerwish Eurochristian haters the Nazis were Mary Poppins. 60
Posted by q on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 00:46 | # Let’s not forget, Mary Poppins had a very, very, dark side nobody seems to want to acknowledge ... not in this current “PC” environment, anyway. Perhaps because Ms. Poppins was a Jewess? 61
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 00:56 | #
Jewish groups should be told to stick their nose out of Catholic theological matters. Furthermore, any German Jews who still don’t know how to behave in Euro society after all that happened last century should be humanely but firmly expelled from Germany with compensation for any property forfeited. Enough is enough. Comparable Eurochristian meddlers in Israel wouldn’t be tolerated five minutes before being shown the door. That’s exactly as it should be — both for Eurochristians who don’t know how to behave in Israel and Jews who still don’t know how to behave, haven’t a clue, in Germany. 62
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 04 Feb 2009 06:28 | # Professor Kevin MacDonald:
Posted by Armor on Fri, 13 Mar 2009 22:38 | # I have read the Pope’s letter about Williamson.
This affair makes me think that the whole idea of a “religious dialogue” between Catholics and Jews is ridiculous. The Jews are only a small minority in the world, and most of them do not believe in God. I think the quarrel about Williamson is probably a good example of “inter-religious dialogue” between Jews and Christians: it has nothing at all to do with religion ! 64
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 00:13 | #
One hopes His Holiness, in henceforth paying “greater attention to that source of news [i.e., the internet],” will not fail to log onto daily for careful perusal. I read the letter and am pleased that it did not appear in any way whatsoever to capitulate to the Jews, Marranos, communists, and Judaïzers. I was afraid — and still am — that the Jews were going to succeed in forcing the rescinding of Williamson’s rehabilitation. So far, so good: they haven’t — but stay tuned: the Jews are patient, persistent, and very serious, and they never forget.
I agree, but of course we all know why this dialogue is taking place: the Jews have an immense amount of clout in the world (which it’s very anti-Semitic to point out, by the way). (Oh, and truth is no defense in case you were wondering, so forget about wiggling out of the anti-Semitism charge: you can’t; it’s impossible.) Those aspects cited by Armor as rendering this dialogue ridiculous do indeed have that effect, and there’s yet another: the Jews never cede anything to Christians in these dialogues. It’s always solely the Christians who end up making very important concessions to Jewry while getting nothing in return: the Jews get to stay the same, giving up nothing, compromising on nothing, making not a single concession. That right there is wrong and makes the whole process into something fundamentally ridiculous. Let’s take one concrete example, one of dozens I can think of: the Catholics are always being called upon in one way or another by the Jews to apologize for or to condemn Catholic anti-Semitism. And they go around doing it from the highest levels to the lowest. First of all, the major part of what is referred to as “anti-Semitism” it isn’t what the Jews mean by “anti-Semitism” but is instead the normal human reaction to seeing how Jews behave. Second, and more important: What about Jewish anti-Eurochristianism? Why aren’t the Jews out there apologizing, from the top levels to the bottom levels of Jewry, for their centuries nay millennia of genocidal Eurochristian hatred, displayed by every generation of Jews since Christ was crucified? Where is the Vatican extracting contrition from Jews on that score? Where? Nowhere. And it’s completely, utterly ridiculous. 65
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 00:27 | #
“They” there meant the Catholics. The Catholics go around apologizing for “anti-Semitism” at every level from highest to lowest and make themselves look foolish in so doing. At the very LEAST, if they’re going to play that game (which they shouldn’t be playing at all: it’s not legitimate to presume to apologize for history, as if that were even possible, which it isn’t!) — if they’re going to presume to play that game they, the Vatican, need to extract an apology from the Jews for their centuries’ worth of behavior so bad, it understandably has the potential to make normal folk dislike them. Has anyone since the world began ever seen or remotely heard of the Jews apologizing for bad Jewish group behavior? Appallingly bad Jewish group behavior, in fact? Anyone seen it? Anyone? (Suddenly it’s gone very quiet in here .... you could hear a pin drop all of a sudden ......) 66
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 00:44 | # What does Bishop Williamson have to say? At present, given this exceedinly delicate moment for the Vatican, in which damage-control is necessarily a top priority, the Bishop is of course forbidden by the Catholic higher-ups to say anything very specific so he limits himself to somewhat imprecise generalities but, as regards the portent of the near-wreck of Western societies today coupled with the financial crisis and a drift toward totalitarianism, the Bishop does not wax particularly optimistic. From his blog: 67
Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 14 Mar 2009 03:05 | # Jewry is the most notorious pack of murderers and crooks in recorded history. Anyone who says otherwise is an enabler and an enemy. 68
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 28 Oct 2009 05:18 | # A Regensburg district court has fined Bishop Williamson for saying he doubted there was solid evidence that 6 million Jews were gassed. It’s against the law to say that in Jewrmany. The Jerusalem Post says the amount he must pay is 120,000 euros but Junge Freiheit seems to say it’s 12,000: Notice in the Jerusalem Post article how the Jews are controlling the Vatican, having evidently inserted a ring in its nose by which they are now leading it around. Note also that the general view as reflected in the Jerusalem Post article, that the Society of St. Pius X, the group Williamson belongs to, seeks to rejoin the Catholic Church, is erroneous: the Society of St. Pius X is the Catholic Church. If the Society of St. Pius X and the Vatican reunite, it will be the Vatican, not the Society of St. Pius X, that is rejoining the Catholic Church. The Vatican left the Catholic Church and needs to return to it. The Society of St. Pius X has already returned to it. What you have in these negotiations between the Vatican and the Society of St. Pius X is the Vatican trying to get back into the Catholic Church. Of course the Jews have ordered the Vatican not to rejoin the Catholic Church (as is indirectly referred to in the Jerusalem Post article) so it appears the Society of St. Pius X will continue alone to represent the Catholic Church. 69
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 28 Oct 2009 17:56 | # Rob Misek I don’t follow your point: are you saying, in your last sentence, that you agree with placing legal restrictions on which views can be expressed in regard to the so-called “Holocaust”? 70
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 28 Oct 2009 18:35 | #
No, Rob Misek labors under a fundamental misunderstanding: as John Hus, the Czech reformer of the 1300s, said (before he was burned at the stake), it’s only by letting each person express his version of the truth that the real truth can come out. If you go around “criminalizing lies” you’ll never find out what the truth is in the first place, and thus never be in a position to know what the lies are. 71
Posted by dodheim on Wed, 28 Oct 2009 19:16 | # “We are fighting for our Race’s future not our own. If white children can grow up safe and undisturbed, untroubled by the predatory outside world, we’ve won. Who the fuck cares after that? Do you think any of us chose white nationalism for all the money, women, and power it so liberally blesses us with? Are you insane? It’s the least popular and least rewarding view on earth. We did it for the race! We’d do anything for the race, and we’re prepared to lose everything in the struggle, or after the struggle, all that matters is the white race is saved and allowed to develop its own particular soul and destiny. Who are we in the face of the future? “ Who is we? Whites will always prey on whites in any culture, subculture, counterculture, etc. To be criminal is to be human and so is the law. I would posit it is truth that is criminalized because as Aristotle put it, the person that does not recognize folly in the denial of truth would just as soon turn his back on what is false as well. So how about that door number three? Who knows what will happen in 1000 more years? Maybe the sun will grow angry and curse the northern whites with even higher rates of skin cancer than now. Wouldn’t you say in a world with a mollified ozone layer, increased radiation and megacorporations destroying the earth one white CEO at a time that that you are probably not fit to live? Afterall, if you can’t stand the heat then get out of the condition. To let the white race endure, following your argument, would mean letting a physically defective race breed. I doubt Sir Francis Galton would concede this for the Ubermenscht follows an essentialist description related to being white (which is usually defined against the other…the darker skin). We know intelligence and IQ are the result of environment - there is research - and that passing genes defective for cancer is a documented (german rates of skin cancer are growing at 5 to 10% increases anually) and that both influenced but do not determine anything. Other cancers follow a Caucasian-linked pattern (such as Breast Cancer and Lung Cancer). So what is your soul and destiny? Where is your destiny? Is it reactionary or one based on genuine love and understanding? Are you doomed to live in a world of contrived culture? As an American you get the make up the rules but only as they apply to you. Of what kings and holy men say one can take heed, but only a fool believes that they speak for generations and populations. What is your white culture and what defines you in terms of white culture besides your skin and ethnography (you can lie if you want to)? What will you do when your white children yell at you when they want to date a Mexican? If you believe in anything besides free-will, then you already know your “race” is doomed because race as a construct is doomed. Does this scare you? I know many white nationalists who are scared. And that’s okay. You want to be with your own kind and maybe you want a viking funeral. No amount of pseudoscience can deny you that viking funeral. And most white people do not want your help, anyway. So why don’t you relax and go have a burrito? The earth ITSELF is predatory. The earth cares little what flag you wave. You will be swallowed up. I leave you with a selection from the Poetic Edda as spoken by Sigurd to Fafnir (as you know turned into a dragon following his greed)- “Thou blamest me, Fafnir, / that I see from afar and later Sigurd tells Reginn later: “Better is heart than a mighty blade And so it may be with you. Only you control your destiny, not the destiny of the non-existant, the abstract, race. 72
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 28 Oct 2009 20:28 | # That’s what I get for bandying words with a complete moron. 73
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 28 Oct 2009 20:41 | # Oh I didn’t see Dodheim’s thing above. We’ve got a pair of morons, looks like. Go pollute someone else’s threads please, Dodheim and Misek. All “comments” by both these ‘tards really ought to be zapped by GW. 74
Posted by Agent provocateur on Thu, 29 Oct 2009 00:10 | # “I have not passed through fire and death to bandy crooked words with a serving-man till the lightning falls.” Very apt for the both of you. Post a comment:
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Posted by Al Spanker on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 22:40 | #
Well NS and Islam got along very well. SS group was made up of Bosnian Muslims.
Then there was the Grand Mufti and so on.
Both the NS and the Islamic warriors of yesteryear and in the case of Hezbollah and the Chechens today, demonstrated real courage and fighting skill.
So while Geert is a semitic pawn he did, inadvertently, speak the truth.
Brazil, what a great country! Where else can White folks have ALL WHITE enclaves without hassle?