Reich and Rangel reveal the new anti-white, anti-middle-class agenda

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 22 January 2009 22:19.

Thanks to Bo for this video of Robert Reich and Charles Rangel at an Economic Recovery Plan meeting on 7th January.

Today the $825 billion economic stimulus package was marked up by the House Ways & Means Committee.  It includes money for infrastructure, health care and education projects.  But little to none of it will be coming your way if you are white or middle-class.



Posted by zuwr on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 23:48 | #

Speaking of “Bo Sears”, I was wondering if he could comment about his experiences as an immigration lawyer.  I’d love to hear a story or two.


Posted by Observing Hermit on Thu, 22 Jan 2009 23:59 | #

I shall be proud to be in the category of “white” and “middle class.”  Of course, we don’t GET anything.  We GIVE almost half of everything we make to those others, “black” and “low class.”  However, I’d prefer to give up everything I have rather than be black.  Give me nothing more than my proud European heritage and I’ll be satisfied.


Posted by Guest on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 00:14 | #

Kevin was right on the money wasn’t he?

The difference from the Soviet Union may well be that in white-minority America it will not be workers and Israelites who are favored, but non-whites and Israelites. Whites may dream that they are entering the post-racial utopia imagined by their erstwhile intellectual superiors. But it is quite possible that they are entering into a racial dystopia of unimaginable cruelty in which whites will be systematically excluded in favor of the new elites recruited from the soon-to-be majority. It’s happened before.


Posted by Homelander on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 00:28 | #

Needless to sy, the infrastructure spending will contain no safeguards against hiring illegals - although the original WPA was quite strict about this.


Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 04:26 | #

Speaking of the anti-White agenda, if you really want to see a nauseating crypto-Yid monstrosity, go here.

I nearly vomited reading this monkey’s sanctimonious prose.


Posted by White male worker on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 06:40 | #

Here’s a link to Reich’s anti-White male worker screed:

And check out how the comments to that post get progressively angrier, until at the end Reich’s anti-White male bigotry is blatantly pointed out.

Whites are waking up to their dispossession and displacement in America, slowly but surely…


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 10:26 | #

Every ounce of suffering and anti-White invidiousness they heap upon the shoulders of our people is a gift.

balkanization—> revolution

With enough of our people in a revolutionary frame of mind, because they have to be, because they have no other choice, we will be in a position to steamroll our enemies and take it all back.


Posted by Alf Tupper on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 11:01 | #

this is aready happening in Britain thanks to the EU.


“BRITISH workers are furious that a floating
hotel has been moored off the UK coast to
house foreign labourers.

They claim that skilled local men are being
laid off and replaced with cheap labour from

The giant accommodation barge, moored in
Grimsby docks, will house hundreds of Italian

A second barge is expected at the Humberside
port next week.”

But the good news is that the British workers are turning to the British National Party for help. No wonder Obongo’s lending his support to try to stop the BNP.

We just lost out on beating the CONservatives by a mere 8 votes in a south London by-election yesterday. We are snapping at their heels.


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 13:17 | #

Alf Tupper - The Tough of the Track!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 15:17 | #

“Reich’s anti-White male bigotry”  (—white male worker)

Reich’s anti-white-male bigotry, yes, but whence comes it?  It comes from his Jewish anti-Eurochristian bigotry.  Reich’s comment is a Jewish tribal attack on what Jews see as an enemy tribe, Euros.

About a year ago I happened to be listening to National Public Radio interviewing a young labor organizer who was obviously Jewish, judging by his name, ideas, and way of speaking.  He came across as “lefty” but the proper way to view this sort of thing is he was Jewish, fighting Jewish tribal wars, as simple as that.  That’s the way I now view these things, and with good reason.

Anyway, I’ll never forget a little catch-phrase he repeated a number of times in the course of the interview, seeming very pleased with it, as if he’d made it up (maybe he did):  he said organized labor in the U.S. today is “too male, pale, and stale.”  He kept saying that had to change. 

This labor organizer was a Jew attacking whites, mainly white men, on a Jewish anti-Eurochristian tribal-war basis.  So is Reich.  It’s that simple.  There’s nothing else going on with crap like this.


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 17:48 | #

I’ve been along to the Reich thread and chipped in a couple of comments.


Posted by bongoparty5 on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 19:01 | #

Yes, you’re right Fred Scrooby. I was reading some of the posts about this video on freerepublic and on the comments of the youtube video. A few of them said he was white, and working against his own people! A real problem with so many conservatives is that they have no understanding of race. They think the enemy are “liberals,” and there’s no other reason someone would do something outside of an attachment to their ideology.


Posted by Diamed on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 19:23 | #

Gates of Vienna is equally clueless.  They keep calling Reich a ‘white male’ denouncing ‘white males.’  Saying he’s a hypocrite for attacking ‘white males’ in skilled and powerful professions when he’s a ‘white male’ himself.  These impossibly dense philo-semites cannot fathom that Reich has never in his life considered himself White and NEITHER SHOULD WE.  Reich’s a jew!  Get a clue!


Posted by bongoparty5 on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 19:27 | #

You’ll just as often see conservatives talk about race as if it just means skin color. He has light or white colored skin, so he’s “white.” Race only exists in that context to most.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 19:28 | #

Lurker I scanned down the comments but didn’t see anyone signing as “Lurker.”  How did you sign?

Notice, by the way, how Reich stresses he wants none of the money going to white men — stresses how white men are to get ZIP, NADA, ZERO, NOTHING AS LONG AS JEWS AND NEGROES ARE IN CONTROL — by choosing to put that detail in his entry’s headline.  No, it makes no difference, as one woman commenter pointed out in that thread, that those white men have wives and children depending on their wages to pay the rent and bills and put food on the table:  AS LONG AS JEWS ARE IN CONTROL WHITE [EURO] MEN ARE TO GET NOTHING.  IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?  NOTHING.  JEWS AND THEIR NEGRO ALLIES ARE NOW GOING TO GET REVENGE AND METE OUT TO WHITE MEN THE PUNISHMENT THEY DESERVE.  PAYBACK’S A BITCH ISN’T IT, WHITE MEN!  LEARN TO LOVE IT BECAUSE THERE’S MORE JEWISH PAYBACK WHERE THAT CAME FROM, WHICH WILL BE COMING DOWN THE PIKE VERY SHORTLY.  “But what did we white men do, that Jews hate us so much?  We saved them from the Nazis, we welcomed them to our country.  Why are we being punished by them?”  Simple:  they just don’t like you.  You’re a different race, a different religion, and they’re jealous of you, irritated by you, and scared of you.  They’ll try to harm you if they can.  And at present they can.  By the way, Jews don’t like how you white men have white wives.  They want to take away your money and give it all to Negroes so white women will marry Negroes instead.  You see what’s happening in South Africa, with its “no jobs for whites” policy?  That’s what Jews like this specimen want for every Euro country:  NO JOBS FOR WHITE MEN. 

The Jews simply don’t care who sees their Euro hatred now:  they shove it right in our faces, constantly, every time you turn around.  That they’re unafraid to do this is a sign of the power they wield.  Furthermore, they will not stop until whites are completely genocided. 

This on Reich’s part is not “economics.”  It’s a tribal vendetta.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 19:32 | #

Jews aren’t construction workers:  in no way is Reich harming Jews here.  Furthermore, Jews HATE white construction workers.  They view them as rednecks and, of course, as goes without saying, they view their class of white as prejudiced against Negroes and Jews.  They LOVE the opportunity to harm white construction workers.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 19:41 | #

They love the opportunity to harm white (Euro) men in general, and they love the opportunity to decrease the attraction white women feel for white men by taking jobs and wages away from them and giving them instead to Negro men, hoping that’ll shift that white women’s attraction from white men and over to Negro men.  Jews want to take white women away from white men and want to see them marry Negroes (or be the girlfriends of Jews, as regards the prettier and blonder ones, whom Jewish men covet for themselves — usually as girlfriends though, less so as wives though there’s that too, provided, in most cases, they convert and promise to raise the kids as Jews), with white men totally out of the picture.


Posted by torgrim on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 20:39 | #

Would someone at least get a booster chair for Robert Reich, so he can see over the table?

No construction job for you White Man… guess who they have in mind for building the bridges, etc., why it’s, Juan and his tribe. You don’t see Jews in the Trades not many Blacks either, so next we will see the immigration legislation granting some sort of “citizenship” for the 30 to 50 million already here working under the table for about half of what a White Man in the Trades makes….
You just don’t hand someone a shovel or hammer etc. and say, here go build a bridge….not someone from the innercity, that just doesn’t have the skills or work habits to go and do hard and dangerous work five or six days a week. No, the only group that has those skills are the underclass of illegals.
So, expect it, we are going to see some sort of immigration legislation, farce, and soon.


Posted by Al Spanker on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 21:17 | #

This should nicely complement the topic


Posted by Al Spanker on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 21:21 | #



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 22:45 | #

I just read the Occidental Observer piece linked (a couple of comments above) by Al Spanker. 

I can’t recommend it too highly.  That’s all I can say.

We are watching the isolated fragments of a coherent explanation of what’s going on, we are watching the scattered pieces of the deepest puzzle any of us has ever pondered in his entire life, slowly bit by bit, piece by piece, come together until they start to fit as perfectly as those flawlessly hand-in-glove-matched stones you marvel at in Inca stone walls.

Let me say that piece — I don’t know how others’ brains around here work, each of us has his preferences — but for me that piece is the most important single essay I’ve read, bar none, since I first began thinking about this stuff some eight years ago.

The Occidental Observer blog is a very important place, by the way.  People on our side should be visiting it regularly.  It’s


Posted by torgrim on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 22:53 | #

“What about the THREE TRILLION DOLLARS from the Pentagon under Rabbi Dov Zakheim’s watch?”
—Al Spanker—

No story here, move along, now, move along…..just keep looking at the hole in the building and the implosions of the Towers.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 00:03 | #

Fred wrote: Notice, by the way, how Reich stresses he wants none of the money going to white men — stresses how white men are to get ZIP, NADA, ZERO, NOTHING AS LONG AS JEWS AND NEGROES ARE IN CONTROL — by choosing to put that detail in his entry’s headline.

Fred, here is Reich’s current headline: The Stimulus: How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers.

Did he change it or did you misread it?

I’m not denying your interpretation is a reasonable approximation of his subtext, but it is important to be formally correct when citing his exact words.


Posted by Dazedinn on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 00:28 | #

“The Stimulus: How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers.”

In reality: The money that goes to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers will be well spent.

The rest will be wasted by throwing it down a PC rat-hole.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 00:34 | #

Let me say that piece — I don’t know how others’ brains around here work, each of us has his preferences — but for me that piece is the most important single essay I’ve read, bar none, since I first began thinking about this stuff some eight years ago.

It’s well written, however, its dependence on Shamir, (who is enjoyable to read) almost exclusively, makes it weak. The transition from Robertson (the decline of Northern Europeans in the US) to Shamir’s “white American Christians” (an imperative for Shamir, otherwise he faces exclusion) is clumsy. It doesn’t address Lincoln’s Electric Cord Speech and its clear intent of separating blood from soil. It also follows Shamir to the Ukraine and the assertions that Jews suddenly appeared on the scene and began immediately out competing Gentile landlords. It just wasn’t the case. Jews were highly protected by the Polish elite/aristocracy for whom they worked.

Very entertaining, however, a disappointing effort.

With respect, Svi holds the Hebrews in too high an esteem. It’s “doubt[ful] human beings, Jews or English, Russians or Chinese are able to form long-standing plans spanning centuries and continents.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 00:36 | #

James I’m sure he didn’t change it — I must have either 1) misread it or 2) not cared about his exact wording because — and I remember vaguely thinking this as I typed (vaguely being aware I risked being inexact or hyperbolic if I didn’t go back and check) — because even what seems hyperbole in this case will come true and, ultimately, not have been hyperbole:  if the Jewish-and-non-white alliance can manage to withhold benefits — completely withhold them — from white tradesmen and workingmen they will.  So I plowed ahead, typing my hyperbolic-seeming comment, not caring because having every confidence it would in the end not have been hyperbolic at all but true.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 00:44 | #

In other words, I believe Reich doesn’t want Euro workingmen and tradesmen to get a dime but didn’t dare be that bold, so he deceptively softened it a little.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 00:52 | #

If Reich gets his druthers this thing’ll be set up so white workers won’t get a cent.  I simply told the outcome in advance.  I “read his mind,” if you will.


Posted by Dazedinn on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 00:57 | #


Affirmative action back in the early1970’s started out as a remedy for negroes who were descendants of slaves. I was okay with that, as were most fair-minded people. But the LEFT, (especially Jews), wanted more. Much more. So they included every group except white-males as a protected group: therefore, everyone was included in the AA umbrella EXCEPT white-males. Only white-males are left out. Robert Reicccccccccch, by his words, is just reinvigorating that belabored sentiment.



Posted by Dazedinn on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 01:17 | #

Fred, you get it. It’s others here that don’t quite get it.


Posted by Al Spanker on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 01:31 | #

Fred you get it. Torgrim you made me laugh.

For a long time I’ve talked about this and yet to see it happening, before one’s very eyes is disturbing. We need a Rockwell, someone like that, of course a man of the caliber of Hitler, I realize many here are uncomfortable with him, nevertheless that strength, is the only hope for survival, I mean that literally.

This is the approaching the End Game and, as Fred so illustratively described, the fitting in of the final pieces of the plan.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 01:54 | #

“Affirmative action back in the early 1970’s started out as a remedy for negroes who were descendants of slaves.  I was okay with that, as were most fair-minded people.  But the LEFT (especially Jews) wanted more.  Much more.  So they included every group except white males as a protected group:  therefore, everyone was included in the AA umbrella EXCEPT white males.”  (—Dazedinn)

And to top it off, the Jews made it so it included Negroes newly arrived, whose ancestors therefore weren’t affected by U.S. slavery.  Maybe their ancestors were even African slave catchers for all we know, or slave drivers themselves, or slave traders.  No matter:  they get AA.  So have the Jews decided, and so it is.


Posted by Armor on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 01:59 | #

How to Create Jobs Without Them All Going to Skilled Professionals and White Male Construction Workers. (—Reich)

Reich says two things in one sentence :

1. White people have been oppressing non-whites by keeping jobs for themselves.
2. He plans to change that and specifically help non-whites.

He forgets to say that most non-whites living in the USA are foreigners living in someone else’s country. They should be repatriated and given jobs in their own countries.

In a place where whites naturally coexist with non-whites, it could be argued that it is better to have jobs evenly distributed between both groups, although a better plan would be racial separation. But the coexistence of different races in the West is not a natural situation, it is the result of recent and continuing mass immigration, promoted by Reich and his friends. As a result of this policy, what we have is not a white population and a non-white population living off the same land. What we have is a white society trying to maintain its own life, and a third-world population living off white society. Non-whites do not have a claim on western lands and natural resources, they have a claim on white people and white society.

American jobs are made available by white Americans and should go to their children. Giving those jobs to third-world immigrants amounts to a race replacement policy, which is the real policy pursued by Reich. He doesn’t care about the well-being of Mexicans.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 02:33 | #

“most non-whites living in the USA are foreigners living in someone else’s country. They should be repatriated”  (—Armor)

... repatriated to Israel.  Then let’s laugh ourselves silly at the look on Abe Foxman’s face.

“American jobs are made available by white Americans and should go to their children.  Giving those jobs to third-world immigrants amounts to a race replacement policy, which is the real policy pursued by Reich.  He doesn’t care about the well-being of Mexicans.”

Bullseye!  Dead-center!  Well done by Armor, as usual!


Posted by one salty cracker on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 02:35 | #

This is an outrage!!!!

I smell a revolution!


Posted by Al Spanker on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 03:32 | #

In Southern Brazil, the prosperous White part, they have been talking about secession.

Some of the towns in that part of Brazil the first language you encounter may be Italian or German.

NS enclaves thrive there.

I don’t see how the same could happen in America.

If anyone thinks it could please explain.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 03:37 | #

Fred - I was just one of the numberless anons there. People seem to be piling in there so fast, the thread is getting very long.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 03:43 | #

Can’t seem to find my comments there anymore. Ah well…


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 06:20 | #

Patrick Cleburne blogs on the Rangel/Reich video:

Large amounts of money passing through Congress tend to get hijacked by all kinds of political bandits [...]. A website called Naked Emperor has excerpted the video of part of the testimony of Robert Reich, the evil dwarf of the Clinton era, before Representative Charles Rangel’s Ways and Means Committee on January 7th [...]. This [...] turned into a conspiratorial discussion about how to:

—Keep the loot from benefiting “highly skilled … professionals or … white male
construction workers”;

—Direct it mainly to Minorities;

—Keep this as quiet as possible;

—Eliminate any local political input.

[...] [In the video] the porcine Rangel scrabbling to get his snout in the trough is what I suppose you would expect – although the greed shines through impressively.  Far more sinister is the cold-eyed ferocity of Reich’s face, bobbing down at the bottom of the screen, almost eerily disembodied.  This is a different, and far more dangerous political tradition.  And apparently he [Reich] is really serious about harming whites.

Those whom this pair is conspiring to plunder and deprive had better wake up and notice what is going on.  We are going to see a lot of this in the Obama regime.

( )


Posted by Unemployed Poor White on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 07:23 | #

Crazy. I’m poor and unemployed in need of work and they won’t give it to me because I’m white. What do you call that if not government sponsored discrimination?


Posted by Revolutionary on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 09:24 | #

After watching that disgusting video, and knowing enough about some of the background issues involved, can anyone now deny that the present occupational regime called “the United States of America”, despite all we’ve been told about our “democracy” and “freedom”, is in fact one of the least legitimate authorities on the planet?

The People’s Republic of China, the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, North Korea, Cuba; all of these “communist” countries are more democratic, popularly acclaimed, and less genocidal and corrupt than the United States regime; China and Vietnam are models of freedom and benevolence compared to America.

Only a few scattered tyrannies such as Burma and Zimbabwe are arguably more hostile to their founding people than the US is to the majority of its population. Even then, at least Zimbabwe pays lip-service to the interests of its citizens.  So we’re left with Burma, and…who else? Name one other country that is less democratic than the US. Just one.


Posted by Revolutionary on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 10:37 | #

Before anyone suggests the “EU” or “Britain” or “France” (etc) in answer to my previous question as to which regime in the world (including the third world) is less legitimate than the US, it’s worth bearing in mind that these European countries are all under US military occupation and thus haven’t been given a free choice in their own affairs - they are really extensions of the US. All governments that are under foreign occupation (which means most of the EU) are by definition illegitimate.

Notice how Geert Wilders (coming after countless others) is now being prosecuted by Dutch authorities for “hate speech”, the day after Obama’s inauguration? Does anyone think this kind of anti-national repression would be likely or even possible if the US were not occupying and exercising behind-the-scenes pressure on these countries, forcing them to lock up dissidents and ban all genuine political opposition? What are the chances that this arrest was suggested by the State Department itself?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 16:03 | #

Excellent pair of letters by Revolutionary.

One might counter his suspicion that the U.S. government exerts pressure on European countries to do things like put Wilders on trial for “hate speech”( * ), on grounds that Jews run the State Department bureaucracy and they’d rather protect than hunt down a critic of Israel’s enemy, Islam.  You’d be wrong in this sense:  yes Jews run the State Department bureaucracy but Jews view a Europe inhabited by Eurochristians as even less desirable than one inhabited by Euros who’ve been forcibly converted to Islam or, the ideal situation for Jews, by Negro and mulatto Moslems, all those of Euro race having been extinguished. 

One has to understand that the worst thing a Jew can even imagine is a Eurochristian. The Jew sees the Eurochristian as his worst enemy on Earth — far worse than Moslems, far worse than Islam, far worse than Negroes or mulattoes, far worse than anything.  The main goal of the Jews is always, always, always to eliminate the Eurochristian before all other considerations whatsoever. 

The Jews loved communism.  In the 1930s 98.8% of Jews worldwide were active card-carrying communists.  Judaïsm and communism were essentially one and the same.  Doesn’t that mean there’s at least one thing Jews love more than their hatred of the Eurochristian?  Namely communism?  No.  The Jewish love of communism stemmed from the Jewish loathing of the Eurochristian.  Communism held out hope to the Jew that he would be able to eliminate the Eurochristian.  That’s why he loved it so much.

Is communism dead today?  Is that a dead issue in today’s world?  Why bring up what the Jews did in the 1930s? 

The answer is no, communism isn’t dead today, as you can see for yourself by merely remembering that which was, to the Jewish mind, communism’s essence:  its essence was white-hot Jewish Eurochristian hatred.  All the rest was window-dressing.  All the rest was negotiable.  The Jew might compromise on all the rest but not on that, not on the essence. 

So, phrase the same question as above, the exact same quesiton, in a slightly different way:  “Is the essence of commuism dead today?  Is communism’s underlying essence, the thing it really represented underneath all the obfuscatory wrappings, namely white-hot Jewish Eurochristian hatred, dead today?” 

To ask the question is to answer it. 

Likewise to ask the other questions:  “Is white-hot Jewish Eurochristian hatred a dead issue in today’s world?”  “Why bring up the white-hot Jewish Eurochristian hatred of the 1930s today?  What is the relevance?” 

The relevance is that’s why the Jews are trying to genocide us with race-replacement immigration and all the Euro-race-disadvantaging-and-extinguishing rules they’ve erected to go along with it.

The relevance is that’s why Jewish Eurochristian-hating Professor Reich teamed up with Euro-hating Negro Rangel to say what was said at that hearing.

So no, communism’s essence isn’t dead.  Look around you in the U.S. or anywhere that’s controlled or heavily influenced by the U.S.  It’s blindingly present, so blinding that you can easier stare at the sun. 

That’s how undead the essence of communism is today.  Never was anything more alive and white-hot since the world began.

That’s what Euros are up against.   

So yes, the Jews who run the State Department bureaucracy would certainly push countries like Holland to hunt down and punish men like Wilders who criticise Islam:  between the Moslem and the Eurochristian the former is by far the worst, in Jewish eyes.  Which is why Jews want Europe flooded with Moslems.

Now, Jews do criticise Islam but it’s OK for a Jew to criticise Islam because Jews are the master race and enjoy rights the inferior races don’t.  It’s forbidden for Euros to criticise Islam because Euros simply don’t enjoy that right Jews enjoy, and furthermore Jews don’t like Euros, they dislike them even more than they dislike Islam, and Europe’s Euros are to be phased out with the help of Islam used as a tool against them (exactly as North America’s Euros are to be phased out with the help of Mexican and Negro immigration used as a tool against them), and it’s forbidden for the targeted group to criticise any aspect of their phasing-out.  That’s just not permitted, you understand.  One can’t have that, it looks bad for one thing.  We want this genocide to go smoothly and seamlessly to completion:  no boat-rocking!

( *  In this day and age the legal concept of “hate speech” is a one-hundred-percent Jewish legal concept, by the way — so you know immediately which ethnic group is influencing things when any modern Euro country adopts laws against “hate speech”:  the Jews, whether home-grown as in the U.K. and France, or U.S.-grown, via the D.C. Jewish proxy exerting its massive influence, nay frank coercion, exactly the way Moscow did pre-1989 vis-à-vis its “satellites.”)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 16:09 | #


“between the Moslem and the Eurochristian the former is by far the worst, in Jewish eyes.  Which is why Jews want Europe flooded with Moslems.”

“the latter”


Posted by Revolutionary on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 17:29 | #

In the early 90s, 59% of Californians voted to take welfare benefits away from illegal aliens. 59%. Now that would seem to be a “democratic mandate”, wouldn’t it? Doesn’t get much clearer than that, does it? Californians vote 6 to 4 in favour, so you’d think the American authorities, being the “world’s greatest democracy” an’ all would say, “Ok, that’s democracy. Californians have decided to take away welfare benefits from non-citizen law-breakers. We’ll implement this democratic mandate starting right now.” And given California’s future financial problems, surely reducing welfare benefits to illegal aliens would be a fiscally prudent measure to begin with.

Oh, no! That’s where you’re wrong. Democracy doesn’t really mean that the overwhelming majority of people have the right to vote in a peaceful, lawful ballot to stop themselves being invaded and mulcted for every last penny. Not in the good ol’ US of A. No, “democracy” means that Americans must lie prostrate while they are walked over by illegal aliens. And anyone who speaks up about that will be fired from their job and perhaps arrested for “hate crimes”. That’s what real “freedom” is really all about, dontcha know?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 17:51 | #

That’s because “Americans” — or what used to be known as “Americans” till the régime change the country underwent in the mid-to-late ‘60s —no longer run the country.  Another ethnicity runs it now. 

Deal with it.  Get over it.  Learn to love it.  That’s are option 1. 

Option 2?  Option 2 is:  learn to vote more intelligently in future elections, learn to boycott your oppressor-ethnicity, learn not to read his print media or watch his Hollywood films, etc., learn to recognize his sheer brazen lies for the filth they are and ignore them, and so on.

Ummm ..... it’s close but ..... uhhhh .......... I think I’ll go with ..... Option 2.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 17:53 | #

(My comment just above was in reply to Revolutionary’s follow-up above it.)


Posted by bongoparty5 on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 18:27 | #

I know Macdonald has written about how Jews remember so far back, he wrote about some Jewish CEO walking through a city in Berlin, and the Jew was startled by it and had haunting thoughts about the Nazis and had to get out of there in a fit of paranoia.  When Jews look back at their history, they see Europe and Christianity as being far worse than the Muslims were. Even the Jewish golden age as they call it was under Islamic rule of Spain. The Muslims were never really that bad to Jews outside of some “pogroms” here and there, and the recent conflict is just about Israel. The Muslims never came close to something like the Nazis, I doubt the Muslims would try to wipe Jews out totally. They’d just subjugate them, but Jewish business could prosper under that. To Jews, it’s either that option or risk “another Hitler,” so allowing whites to exist is not acceptable in their eyes.


Posted by Rich White on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 19:00 | #

Just another filthy form of welfare to those who refuse to do an honest day’s work but insist they are entitled to the American Dream at others expense.  So what is new??  What did you expect from a black president??  Reparations are just around the corner.


Posted by Evil Atheist on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 19:13 | #

So Reich and Rangel are crapping on us?  Nothing new there.  More important than Rangel are the much more numerous facilitators and enforcers amongst our people.

In multiracial America the privileged non-white elevates underclass members of his ethnicity/race in relation to underclass white Europids.  This behavior is historically contrary to that of privileged whites.  The exception was Jim Crow, a historically temporary measure where the preservation of monetary and political advantage in the face of European immigration and labor competition required that action be taken to promote the interests of the native white underclass. 

The privileged white is “Homo Europaeus Albus Monetarus,” a historically unique form of traitor.

Homo Europaeus Albus Monetarus

Race:  Homo Europaeus Albus.

Class:  Upper.  Includes middle-class aspirants to the upper-class.

Morality:  Dual.  Ego- and class-centric.  Shuns physical work and risk.  The physically “bravest” members of this class died during the intra-Europid wars of the 19th and 20th centuries, leaving few descendants. 

Out-group:  Underclass whites.

1.  Class- and race-based.
2.  Religion/ethnicity/race incidental to interclass economic and political alliances.

1.  Monetarist – Equates money with wealth and regards them as coeval.
2.  Personal money preservation and accumulation.
3.  Speculator – Minimum monetary risk, maximum monetary return.
4.  Advancing the political power necessary to preserve and extend items 1-3.
5.  Class interests outweigh religion/ethnic/race interests.
6.  Noblesse oblige extended to less privileged members of allied groups.
7.  Underclass whites scapegoated to justify out-Europid alliances.

Is class warfare wrong?  No.  All obstacles to the preservation of Homo Europaeus Albus, including the morally defective members of our own race, must be removed.


Posted by flemmard on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 21:42 | #

Al Spanker -

In Southern Brazil, the prosperous White part, they have been talking about secession.

Some of the towns in that part of Brazil the first language you encounter may be Italian or German.

NS enclaves thrive there.

This is all rumor / romanticism. Having lived in both Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul, the two southernmost and ‘whitest’ states in Brasil (outside two or three mid-country, exceedingly rich enclaves), I can tell you with absolute certainty that:

-There is no separatist movement. There is separatist sentiment in São Paulo (mostly of the soccer-fan type), and like separatist sentiment in Vermont and Belgium, it amounts to nothing.
-I deliberately travelled to just the towns & cities where it is rumored that “one hears as much German as Portuguese” (ex: Pomerode—“the most German city in Brazil”); pure myth. I did hear German spoken by old ladies. Racially there are, of course, quite literally millions of Germans and (northern) Italians as pure as you please, but their culture is uniformly ‘latino’-brazilian. All those blond heads amount to little when seen on the ground in a thoroughly modern setting.
-NS does not thrive anywhere in Brasil and, as in Europe, Nazi imagery / racism are technically illegal. I hung out with a gang of skinheads in Porto Alegre; most of them were krauts, a few were obviously Portuguese, a few spoke broken German and none of them would have any interest in or idea of what guys like us talk about on the internet. They like to drink and watch soccer. Good people, but rather far from the thriving “NS” community which White Nationalists are still flattered to imagine growing down there.

Conclusion: South America is no refuge, at least not in the idealistic communitarian sense. If one on the other hand desires to escape “the West”, one could do worse than Chile, southern Brasil or Uruguay as personal refuge.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 23:16 | #

The first thing I noticed about Reich’s post was how utterly disconnected from reality it was.

Women in construction?  Are you frickin’ kidding me?  Women avoid labor, especially outdoor labor, the way oil avoids water.

“Equal rights” in this context is code for “more outside jobs for men so they’ll leave all the office air conditioning to us.”

I want to slap men when they start talking about stuff like this.  Has a woman, even a feminist, ever displayed such stupidity?


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 23:20 | #

Hairdressing.  That’s “labor” to a woman.  Retail.  That’s “labor” to a woman.  Light industrial (e.g., textiles), that’s “hard labor” to a woman.

Carrying heavy materials, walking roofs, digging, etc?

You’ve got to be out of your ****ing mind.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 24 Jan 2009 23:43 | #


With respect, Svi holds the Hebrews in too high an esteem. It’s “doubt[ful] human beings, Jews or English, Russians or Chinese are able to form long-standing plans spanning centuries and continents.”

No disrespect taken.  I knew I’d get shit for saying it.  I’ll probably be getting shit for saying it for a while.  But it makes sense to me.  I probably should have qualified it somewhat, because I didn’t give even a moment’s thought for peoples who contend for the spot in other ways, like innovation (e.g., the English).

I don’t see how they have to make century- or continent-spanning plans for what I said to be true.  The Mongols probably didn’t plan the specifics of their success, but their decision to start kicking people’s asses was definitely its seed.


The Muslims were never really that bad to Jews outside of some “pogroms” here and there, and the recent conflict is just about Israel. The Muslims never came close to something like the Nazis, I doubt the Muslims would try to wipe Jews out totally. They’d just subjugate them, but Jewish business could prosper under that. To Jews, it’s either that option or risk “another Hitler,” so allowing whites to exist is not acceptable in their eyes.

No.  Islam puts Jews in their place and keeps them there, generally.  That’s why Jews avoid Islam.  They don’t want to live in peace (which they can have under Islam), they want to rule.


Posted by flemmard on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 00:31 | #

Carrying heavy materials, walking roofs, digging, etc?

Man’s duties according to modern woman: cart Me around in as expensive a car as possible, identify with My taste in music, be sensitive or shut up, and carry heavy objects for Me.

Some eccentric types still require us for reproduction. After this we are usually jettisoned to make way for the illusion of ‘independence’ under the auspice of State subsidy. And of course black babydaddies.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 00:42 | #

flemmard: “And of course black babydaddies.”

What is your ancestry?


Posted by Albus Presley on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 02:28 | #

Evil Atheist writes: “Is class warfare wrong?  No.  All obstacles to the preservation of Homo Europaeus Albus, including the morally defective members of our own race, must be removed.”

Hahahahahah! Some of the crap CERTAIN characters propose here is really, really, funny.

Question to Evil Atheist: Just how are you going to go about removing the “defective members of our race”?

BTW, are you that guy on the “SHAMWOW” commercials?


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 03:21 | #

Albus Presley: “Hahahahahah! Some of the crap CERTAIN characters propose here is really, really, funny.”

Evil Atheist means a pro-White revolution will necessarily be populist in character.  Revolutionaries seek to remove those who occupy the power structure from positions of power.

Evil Atheist is guilty of a tad of religious feeling in that he experiences his efforts to secure the existence of his people as if something of himself will live on through the continued existence of his people; therein lies his “immortality”.  Seems perfectly wholesome to me.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 03:42 | #

No.  Islam puts Jews in their place and keeps them there, generally.  That’s why Jews avoid Islam.  They don’t want to live in peace (which they can have under Islam), they want to rule.

Golden Age


Posted by danielj on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 03:51 | #

Anyway, I’ll never forget a little catch-phrase he repeated a number of times in the course of the interview, seeming very pleased with it, as if he’d made it up (maybe he did):  he said organized labor in the U.S. today is “too male, pale, and stale.” He kept saying that had to change.

This labor organizer was a Jew attacking whites, mainly white men, on a Jewish anti-Eurochristian tribal-war basis.  So is Reich.  It’s that simple.  There’s nothing else going on with crap like this.

Susan Faludi is a feminist Jew on our side! Siffed: The Betrayal of the American Working Man.

I promise you, lot, that all the money spent on the electrical grid will wind up going to skilled White males (and a few skilled Mexicans in California). There is nobody else that is capable of doing the work without dying in droves.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 05:41 | #

“all the money spent on the electrical grid will wind up going to skilled White males (and a few skilled Mexicans in California). There is nobody else that is capable of doing the work without dying in droves.”  (—DanielJ)

If Reich and Rangel do try to send only non-whites up on those poles to do that work, somebody be sure to turn the voltage on those things way up.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 06:06 | #

Everybody I know already has a plan.

Nobody in my hall (save the bloated and top-heavy “leadership”) voted for the brother.

There is bubbling resentment everywhere.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 07:09 | #

“Everybody I know already has a plan.”  (—DanielJ)

Good.  Our non-Euro usurper-overlords can’t succeed in ramming shit, misery, destruction, and extinction down Euro throats if ordinary Euros “on the ground,” including Euro workingmen, are determined to sabotage it.  I hope all white workingmen and tradesmen everywhere likewise “have a plan,” to be implemented the minute it becomes apparent that gross injustice against whites is indeed what hate-filled race-alien Robert Reich intends to mete out.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 07:34 | #

People are talking about it Fred.

I heard the Reich story from my “non-racialist” friends before I read it here.

We at IBEW Local 104 are on top of it.

On a sad note, Southern California Edison (according to my inside sources) stopped ALL outages on Inauguration Day to ensure that nobody missed the televised event.


Posted by torgrim on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:20 | #

“Women in construction? Are you frickin kidding me”....Svigor

Well actually, in the pc capital of California, Santa Cruz,  believe it or not, the Carpenters Union actually had women carpenters on jobs. It was a joke of course, and they only lasted for a few years. But look at the fire dept. in San Francisco, asian women, small, maybe a 100 pounds soaking wet, even the fire hats spin on their heads, because the hats are all to large to fit properly….Imagine, having someone that small trying to lift a beam off of another firefighter….it used to be, when my father was a fireman, the requirement was being able to dead lift 200 pounds. What happened to that requirement, oh, that’s right, we just give ‘em a pass, got to be fair, right? Oh, btw, my father, passed his physical dead lift, test when they said, stop lifting, when he dead lifted 700 pounds and no, he was not a card carrying Gold’s gym member. That is just an object lesson in the difference between men and women.


Posted by Svigor on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 23:02 | #

Oh I don’t doubt you can get a few intrepid females to don a hat, belt, and boots and saunter around for a while.  But they’re an AA freak show.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 23:45 | #

“look at the fire dept. in San Francisco, asian women, small, maybe a 100 pounds soaking wet, even the fire hats spin on their heads, because the hats are all to large to fit properly….Imagine, having someone that small trying to lift a beam off of another firefighter….it used to be, when my father was a fireman, the requirement was being able to dead lift 200 pounds. What happened to that requirement?”  (—Torgrim)

What happened to that requirement was the Jews rightly saw that getting rid of it would help to accelerate the twisting, the perversion, the weakening, the degradation, and the destruction and utter collapse of Euro society, a society they loathe, then they used their considerable influence to do exactly that, and get rid of it.  Nothing new here — the Jews placed their collective wealth and talent in the service of evil.  It’s an age-old story.  San Francisco happens to be one of the newest victims of Jewish evil but this Jewish modus operandi extends back over a thousand years.  They did it to the Visigoths in the 700s by helping the Moslems conquer Iberia; they did it to the Byzantines in the 1400s by helping the Moslems conquer Constantinople; this behavior on their part, devoting themselves to the service of evil, is nothing new.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 Jan 2009 23:52 | #

By the way, I defy anyone on the planet to come here to this thread and tell me the Jews weren’t in the forefront of forcing fire departments to hire women as firemen and weren’t doing purest evil thereby.  Sorry, the Jews stand convicted.  They’re diabolical and any country unfortunate enough to have large numbers of them among its population perishes.  They’re society-killers, nation-murderers.


Posted by torgrim on Mon, 02 Feb 2009 23:41 | #

“They’re society-killers, nation murders.”——Fred

Anyone have any doubts now, will be convinced with the latest ‘control freak’, statement by Pres. Sarkozy of France….
“In his message Sarkozy insisted that the French people must change, that there will be dire consequences if they don’t, and that not to intermarry racially is bad for the survival of the Country.”

I wonder, what does Sarkozy mean by his threat?....maybe something like this…..?;


Posted by did we not lower the scores enough ? on Sat, 10 Oct 2009 02:59 | #


Now is the time now is the place. The way the two people carry on about shutting the middle class and white men out. the race war has begun and will not end anytime soon. Digg in and keep a stink eye on the the rats in the corner; THEY BITE !....................


Posted by Colony14 on Wed, 24 Feb 2010 09:42 | #

I don’t think I’ve ever read a Thread on any other website that gave more insight and information than this one.
It’s clearified many suspicions I’ve had for a very long time.
It’s solidified my thoughts so I can understand their reality.
I’ve watched anti-White racism all my life.  I grew up in the “streets”, yes the streets of Los Angeles county as a “to pale” American Citizen to live there.
I lived a hell on earth.
Now, that I am old enough to leave that THING of a place and move to E.Oregon to a White peaceful area, with actual other White people and not have to look over my shoulder or run to my car, I seemed to come here at just the WRONG moment!
Talk about off timing…Some White group supposedly came to a little E.Oregon town called, John Day, OR, something like a week ago and supposedly said they were considering buying a commercial building to live in. SO WHAT!
But, the Pro-Multi-Culturalists that run the local newspaper, as this person is from, I believe I read, Berkley, wants to raise Cain to get all the Pro-Multi-Culturalist-ANTFAs from Portland over here to Protest them and has started all this protesting on the street corner, and has a SPLC big wig attorney coming on Friday, Feb.,26th, 2010 to tell everybody how horrific these White people are.
Anyways, what’s happened to this quiet little community is hundreds of ANTIFAs have decended upon it as well as Gangstas, and they keep arriving in their low-riders…Like I said, what’s with my timing!!
There’s a youtube video of the original protest that was this past Saturday in Feb, 2010.
I went down there to look around and there was only about 10 or 15 REAL residents there and the rest was, you guessed it, ANTIFAs from Portland and the larger cities around.
Well, they will be back this Friday, for their Anti-White big meeting in John Day.
Thing is, these poor misguided Whites here don’t have a CLUE what’s happening to them.
This is the way it was a very long time ago in Kalifornia.  The White’s down in So Cal, were just as blind and air-headed as these people here are.
Not all of them are blind and unAwake though.  However, it’s frustrating that they keep their opinions to themselves.  And, I know how many of them feel about all this Pro-Multi Cult stuff and anti-White ideology, they don’t agree with it at all.  Yet they remain silent..
I can see the relationship of these people to this thread.  Because the Jews have such a Media and News hold, they believe everything they read or watch or hear, and that’s pitiful they don’t realize they are being lead around like a bull with a ring thru it’s nose.
The GREEN AGENDA has all but destroyed this region for all these decendents of pioneers, miners, loggers and ranchers.  They just are not ready to stand up for themselves yet, and are going to allow the media/newspaper to tell them what to do and what not to do.
I really enjoyed this thread, and I like the others too.  This is a great site man.
According to the UN’s Agenda 21, from Rio, Brazil, 1992, there has to be a “trained facilitator” in every square inch of this planet to push and force people into this plan.  Well, this has happened here in this region of E.Oregon in full force.
The newspaper, the only little one is sacrificed too.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 24 Feb 2010 10:50 | #

The links in Colony14’s post should point here:

You’ll see where to go after that.


Posted by Colony14 on Thu, 25 Feb 2010 01:10 | #

Man, thankx Lurker for fixing my links for me.  I posted really super late in the night and was really tired, but had to comment on the really great thread here.
I remember when Reich made that statement and saw a video of it. I am one of the posters in the comments section from wayyy back.
I grew up in LA County and never remember seeing very many “white” construction workers. I don’t really remembering seeing ANY except in maybe a construction site mobile building, inside doing Engineering work.  The Mestizo cannot do a job like heavy engineering construction.
Look what happens when they become semi-truck haulers, or bullet train/max transit train drivers!
They take out whole freeway systems or crash the whole train line.
It’s because they are always too worried about their prostates.
I know alot about what happens to a former white region, growing up and having to start working at 15 in downtown McArthur Park area and Lynwood/Compton, as well I worked in Bell Gardens too.  So, I’ve had my share of learning experiences in LA County, and this region is going to head straight into a Multi-Cult spiril.
The bluemountaineagle won’t post any of my comments like this: Will you be protesting if/when the Black Hebrew Israelites, Bloodz, Cripz or MS-13 move into John Day/Grant County, OR?
Nope, they won’t post a single thing unless it sounds LOOPEY rightist to them.
They also have a video of this so called Protest on their bluemountaineagle youtube channel..
20% was Antifas from Portland.  On Friday there’s 2 meetings in JD. One at 9am and another at 6pm.
It’s to give all the Antifa from Portland to have time to travel thru the twisting, winding two lane small highways to get all the way across the state to attend.
There seriously was only about 10 locals there, most were the very wealthy that have family that has been educated at the leftist/liberal/progressive White hating Oregon State University and has decided to mate with a Jew or Negroid.  So, the old bat in the video is complaining that she has a “mixed race grandbaby” and that’s why we should ALL join in!


Posted by Colony14 on Thu, 25 Feb 2010 01:43 | #

Now, because of the Leftist-Liberal-Progressive newspaper editor, publisher and staff at the bluemountaineagle the two guys that vaugely knew (I know them and they don’t know these White Group people very well) have had Antifas from Portland “vulgar”(ly) and “terrifyingly” threaten them and their young families.  This is per the very new paper’s ongoing harassment of these people, “I’m Not One!”.
You see, that’s what happens to small White pacific northwestern communities. They hire the person with the educational credentials, but that person’s goal is to CRUSH and DESTROY that Whiteness of that community, and that’s exactly what the staff of this paper is doing.
They have been relentless in non-stop stories and exaggerations of this whole situation.
First off, nobody even SAW these White group guys.  Secondly, the paper claims to have Facebook accounts, as on last night which has only 2 members, because I went there and checked.
I also went to their youtube video and posted and it was immediately deleted.
These so called, 1,600 anti-White group people/members are almost exclusively anti-White hating ANTIFAs from Portland and Eugene, OR areas.
This is what they do.  They get off on beating up Whites in Portland, and their Jewish big shot family members see to it they NEVER get arrested or prosecuted for anything and they have shot and killed and put a White boy into a coma with permenant brain damage.
But, Portland loves their little White Antifa ‘Rose City Antifas’ group.  And, this is WHO is coming around here and already stealing some very long time Landmark statuary, as well as their Gangsta buddies that keep crusing thru John Day now, and scoping things out.
Guess I will have to up-root yet again! I’m tired of moving…But, I won’t go thru what I lived thru growing up ever again”(


Posted by Fred Banks on Sat, 04 Jun 2016 05:35 | #

This article is somewhat compelling; I saw piles of points to weigh in on this post. I’m seeking out water damage restoration posts though.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 04 Jun 2016 07:27 | #

“Fred Banks 88”  ...looking to recreate Majorityrights + Hitler, Jesus and Jews, are you Fred? You are a humongous asshole, and so is Daniel A


Posted by A network for you, Fred on Sat, 04 Jun 2016 09:33 | #

Here you go, Fred - a network for you - Red Ice - where Hitler is upheld as a guy who was totally misunderstood, totally wronged, him and his regime completely defamed - it was all lies.

You can pretend that Lana is lovely too, even though she’s a Russian advocate of Hitler

- a Russian advocate of Hitler lol.

....meanwhile at Red Ice .... Henrik interviews Dr. Andrew Joyce, who maintains great optimism for Jack Sen’s party - Jack Sen

The right-wing and its tentosphere - sheesh!


Posted by Phil on Tue, 24 Sep 2024 12:31 | #

“Here you go, Fred - a network for you - Red Ice - where Hitler is upheld as a guy who was totally misunderstood, totally wronged, him and his regime completely defamed - it was all lies.”

That statement showcases your sheer ignorance about the Man, his political party and history of that era—TRUE history.

RedIce is right. Virtually everything you know about Hitler are all half-truths, lies and misrepresentation, you sarcastic oaf.

“Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain said to U.S. ambassador Joseph Kennedy that the reason why he had made war against Germany was that “America [Jewish controlled] and the World Jews” had pressured him. Kennedy later told this to Admiral James Forrestal, who recorded it in his diary; “neither the French nor the British would have made Poland a cause of war if it had not been for the constant needling from Washington,” is how Forrestal summarized Kennedy’s recollection.”

—The Forrestal Diaries, entry of 27 December 1945


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 25 Sep 2024 14:49 | #


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 28 Sep 2024 10:26 | #

What causes whites to shy away from this fact? Jewish intimidation?


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 29 Sep 2024 05:28 | #

Stop shouting about things of which we have superior knowledge .  It’s like spraying Holy Water on a Jesuit.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 29 Sep 2024 11:46 | #

“we have superior knowledge .”

LOLOLOLOLOLOL!!!! Now that’s rich!

The truth is you have the knowledge of a reprobate. F’ing degenerate.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Fri, 28 Feb 2025 00:57. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 23:06. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Thu, 27 Feb 2025 12:39. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 10:40. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 23:19. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)
