An initial stream of exposure of Giacomo Vallone & The European Knights Project points to Jack Sen ![]() Senscreen: “What are your thoughts regarding nationalists today [...] groups like National Action, even London Forum’s Jez Turner? They seem quite fixated on the Jews to an extent that, it seems to be harming our efforts, I think.” Nick Griffin: “Yes, I think it does.” Particularly as I was the instigator of the original phase of skepticism with regard to “Giacomo Vallone”, with critical remarks in regard to the positions he espoused in an interview with “Dana Antiochus” at Renegade Broadcasting, it is relevant to weigh-in on this matter. While that exchange quickly exposed him in a lowly and amateurish sock-puppetting effort at dividing Europeans against each other, the combination of that amateurishness and the obvious anti-racial nature of his position caused me to not take him, or his associated “European Knights Project”, too seriously. Still, his motives were of the worst kind. It has more serious implications as that project has germinated into controversial engagement with prominent ranks of White advocacy. Is he the same person as Jack Sen? Well, both Sen and Vallone are associated with the European Knights Project. That’s enough for me to dismiss them both. That is why I will only belatedly confirm together with you as to whether or not it is indeed the case that they are one and the same; though a cursory comparison of Sen and Vallone discussions seem to indicate one identity, we know enough about both of them already to dismiss them. My run-in with Giacomo Vallone wasn’t the first time that I had to take serious issue with a guest at another network - I took issue with Mark Dyal at Counter-Currents, and I still believe that I was right to do that as well: The thanks I got for that was being banned from Counter-Currents (oh well). Mark Dyal showed up as a guest of Dana Antiochus with the same kind of bullshit and I had another run-in with him there: Renegade should have appreciated that bit of critique also. However, I’ve also had reservations about Dana Antiochus - though I might be unfair to him. While I tried to be friends with Renegade, as you’ll see, they turned out to be too right-wing in the end. I tell you this - that Metzger is right about right-wingers. They are disingenuous and/or naive and their tentosphere is always ripe for infiltration. Anyway, the scandal in the tentosphere now is not only to see Giacomo Vallone as a fraud who has made his way into conversation with White Nationalism, but that he’s actually the same person as Jack Sen - also having made his way into conversation with WN. I was repulsed by Giacomo Vallone for a number of reasons from the onset, but he and his “European Knights Project” not only managed to get interviews with Renegade et al., but notably with Professor MacDonald. MacDonald is a bit too open to those with advanced academic pedigrees (Vallone claims to have graduated Princeton) and demeanor and a bit too closed to those without that. But that’s another matter and not a major point here; MacDonald is a wonderful scholar despite sometimes not being the best judge of character. In general, it is right-wingishness and desperation for social prosthesis to compensate for their anti-social positions that creates this vulnerability; a tentosphere trap that Jews maintain - a key objective being to keep us as right-wingers and “THE Left” as the enemy. Now then, I was a bit skeptical (and couldn’t be bothered since he is out of the ballpark) about the possibility that Vallone was the same person as Sen. Nevertheless, I already had sufficient evidence that Vallone and The European Knights Project are bad news: promoting civic nationalism, promoting black and mixed race people (e.g., “part black people are OK”) and for some reason, inciting strident hatred between Germans and Poles; and apparently anybody and Poles; not only that, but using sock-puppets to instigate that divisiveness. There was no reason to doubt that his dealings with White Nationalism were disingenuous and it was disappointing that MacDonald, et al., would entertain him. Mike Delaney also spoke with Vallone not long ago - an interview posted by Anglin - but these latter two are middle brow right-wingers, so their rubbing elbows with Vallone did not pique my attention in the sense that one of “ours” was being infiltrated. I would be quite happy for the Daily Stormer to crash and burn. It deserves to. Then Jack Sen came onto the radar screen of WN, appearing at Jez Turner’s London Forum and on Kevin MacDonald’s site. These are people that I like, even if their right-wingishness causes them problems. I even posted the talk Sen gave to London Forum here at Majorityrights - it was about UKIP being controlled opposition, infiltrated by Jewish interests and so on. That didn’t raise red flags for me - if he, KM and Jez suddenly liked each other, it seemed that he might indeed be a guy coming to his senses. What was curious, however, was his association with The European Knights Project, and Vallone, as I already knew that they were colossal bullshit. Still, I’m not regularly following the goings-on of every right-winger as I already have their perfidy conceptually circumscribed. I might look at what they are up to, as they are engaged on the same turf, consider what is useful and reject what is not; but I’m not letting them dictate my terms, any more than I’d let Jews do it. So, if they want to rub elbows with Giacomo Vallone and the European Knights Project, it’s their ship that’s going down. I advise White advocates not to be right-wingers, but that’s all I can do. KM, Greg Johnson and the rest of those among what I’ve taken to calling the tentosphere have tended to double-down in their position that “The Left” is the enemy. Matt Heimbach is also cooperating with Sen and The European Knights Project - it seems as if there might be a corollary there, probably unbeknownst to Heimbach, to his being banned from The U.K. Sen was so disappointed about the ban? Coming back to the show that has taken center ring for now, it is clear that “Giacomo Vallone” is bad news, but is he also the same person as Jack Sen? That really would be something as we will see in a moment by some of the implications. But even if they are not the same person, the very fact that Sen would be associated with Vallone and the The European Knights Project is damning enough. Lets set out the thread beneath the 2013 interview of Giacomo Vallone by Dana Antiochus at Renegade. If it’s Jack Sen doing this sock puppetry then that really would be something. We’ll come to what Jack Sen might be up to after I set out this thread where I started the fight which initiated the awareness that Giacomo Vallone might be something more negative than just an ignorant newby. I begin with the first comment and before long, you’ll see what will be shown to be Vallone using sock puppets to instigate German-Polish animus.
2) Giacomo Vallone interviews Kevin MacDonald 4) Giacomo Vallone and European Knights Project Advocate civic N/WEuropean nationalism and not, say, condemning people who are 1/8 black. They “won’t be discussing whether Jimmy Page passes the one drop test or degenerating into topics that you might hear on the ‘Philistine’ Renegade Broadcasting or Stormfront.” 5) Vallone interviewed by Mike Delaney
Vallone came and posted several antagonistic comments; I now regret having deleted most of them. But I did leave a few, and this one under his name, “Gio”, with an interesting email address and location:
Yeager’s post that Sen and Vallone are the same person includes the accusation from commentariat that Sen is working for the Russians:
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 31 Mar 2016 14:24 | # I try to post valid perspectives, but will sometimes make posts the content of which I am myself uncertain so that we can look at it together - are the ideas of a given post good for us, well proposed, or deleterious? We have a comment section to help criticize defective views and flag imposters. That’s a large part of the reason to post ideas and people’s views, so that they can be tested, challenged and corrected - particularly if it is deleterious. When both MacDonald and Turner were giving Sen a platform, it was clear to me that he should be considered - and that remains true, but apparently in the negative sense. As for his genius, I doubt it. I almost considered the idea that he got where he has by being a “Russian spy” until I thought for a second of just how stupid Giacomo Vallone’s sock puppetting efforts were; if Sen would be associated with such foolishness in any way, it would not reflect anything like “genius.” Even in cursory inspection of Sen’s rhetoric, it’s apparent that he’s proposing an easily manipulable Christian, anti-racist, propositional slant and his “anti-Jewish” angle is a ruse - he is “anti-Zionist”, “anti-Marxist” (Gilad Atzmon type liberalism), he will take limited angles on the Jews (maybe the bad Jews will be Jewish “bankers” another time), but he’ll basically leave them an out - he is controlled opposition. As such, he throws standard anti-“PC” bones to the tentophere; assimilating anti PC angles - some facts about Jews, Muslims and black crime - assimilating White reaction enough to propose Noahide “solutions” now that they’ve made a problem and Whites are reacting. A genius he is definitely not. He has gotten where he has by heavy backing - maybe Russian Jewish money - that’s very different from being an “agent” whose gotten where he has by genius. There is more on this to come. 3
Posted by Morgoth on Thu, 31 Mar 2016 16:10 | # I have an extensive collection of threatening mails from Sen, and his various aliases. I can vouch that everything which is said about what has been happening at my blog in the above post is true. This is one of the more recent ones, send on March 17th, the mail on Google+ leads directly back to Sen’s BritRen racket: ‘‘concern over your online antics
And this was my (short) reply:
Go fuck yourself you greasy little cunt.’‘ I actually have a post ready to go but I’m pretty Sure Sen would try and have my blog shut down, his MO is, as is reported here, to make up claims that his family have been threatened, and that he’s been slandered. But I suspect he’d report the blog on the basis of ‘‘Hate Speech’‘. I have also been contacted by various people, all of whom claim Sen is threatening them and blackmailing them. 4
Posted by Russian money on Thu, 31 Mar 2016 19:12 | # I can assure you that it is Russian money. Everything he does ends up in a bloody RT story. The man speaks Russian and is married to a Russian. 5
Posted by European Knights Project = Noahide Law on Thu, 31 Mar 2016 19:15 | # Here is the “About Page” for “The European Knights Project” - i.e., a project to bring European peoples under Noahide law:
Posted by European K Project on Thu, 31 Mar 2016 21:20 | # “Kike” derives from a Yiddish word, “kikel”, meaning “circle” - the source of its derogatory short-hand designation for a Jewish person is said to have come from a circle being used as opposed to an “X” (for/by?) illiterate Jews entering Ellis Island, because they felt the circle should distinguish them from an X, which they thought to be too much like a Christian cross. 7
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 01 Apr 2016 03:46 | # It seems clear to me that Jack Sen and Giacomo Vallone are the same person. From the time you start listening to the two voices, it’s basically the same person, same intonation, same everything. It’s actually stunning how he thinks he’s getting away with it. 8
Posted by "Combating Racism", The EKP is a "Hate-Free Zone" on Fri, 01 Apr 2016 12:59 | # The quote on alienation (“I only know that I am alone”) is a typical Jewish psych-out strategy to discourage White collective action. 9
Posted by "No Philistines Allowed" on Fri, 01 Apr 2016 13:37 | # No “Philistines” allowed in the EKP One might see Hunt’s unanimity with the Third Reich as significantly counter-productive, but to post an article charging that he is responsible for facilitating Muslim pedophilia is totally ridiculous. A Jack Sen article proudly runs right along side the article where that is alleged. Sen’s article is on a similar theme, citing the promotion of destructive sexual behavior - “Zionist’ Jewish Professor Boasts Jews use Pornography as a Weapon Against Gentiles/Interracial Porn Facilitating Black on White Rape.”
Posted by The European Knights infiltration OP on Fri, 01 Apr 2016 18:24 | #
Posted by Vallone's covering story on Fri, 01 Apr 2016 19:05 | # Listening again to the interview of Giacomo Vallone by Dana Antiochus, it is more clear, transparent in fact, that he is using covering stories for his biographical information. There are too many things Vallone says that are obviously fabricated to cover biographical facts, angles that don’t correspond with the way things are: he claims that his father came to America from England with dreams of setting his family up in a “Norman Rockwell America” and was disappointed by how decadent it was (setting the audience up to preach civil, traditional, Abrahamic values); that “his father didn’t like Jews but he had to adjust as one of the few non-Jewish families in a Long Island community that was very Jewish. He and his family were very dismayed when Christmas was not allowed to be celebrated in the public schools.”...“The public school teachers all hated the Jews but couldn’t do anything about it…and in addition to being forced to do away with Christmas celebration, they were forced to teach strange sex education to children.” This is NOT American reality. Public school teachers would not be able to express the least hatred for Jews even if they did harbor any - Vallone would have to be looking for “antisemitism” and perceiving it where it does not exist, in a way that only a Jew would. Nobody in post war generations comes to America hating Jews and expecting to make it there among a ‘Norman Rockwell’ America White Americans are not preoccupied with the teaching of sex education (which is not all that risque) in the public schools or the inability to celebrate Christmas in public spaces - which are concerns that Vallone claims pre-occupied him and his father. These are the kinds of bones that Jewish advisers would throw to a FOX News audience in an effort to placate demoralized Whites. His covering story doesn’t ring the least bit true as the experience of a White American with genuine concern for White people - things that Vallone doesn’t show care about in this and other conversations. Kumiko has further insights into his suspicious concern and detailed knowledge of Rhodesia and South Africa (also non-issues for the typical White American of those times). 12
Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Fri, 01 Apr 2016 20:53 | # Yes, it seems interesting to me that Giacomo Vallone is concerned about the plight of South Asian (who were basically serving the British Raj) in Rhodesia, South Africa, Uganda, and so on, in the same exact words that Jack Sen uses to express his concern about it, and that he never refers to the person of Jack Sen while voicing those concerns. They sound like the same person, they never appear in a radio show together, and Giacomo Vallone holds all of Jack Sen’s racial concerns. It’s all indicators of the fact that they are the same person.. 13
Posted by Mancon on Sat, 02 Apr 2016 02:04 | # Al these so called projects are puff of smoke, gas, and vitiated air. The crucible of the European will only be solved with racial militancy, of the extreme kind. Intellectuals like McDonald will not save anyone. Macdonald simply points the problem and it’s source. Macdonald’s and his ilk refrain from propounding solutions. The intellectual class reminds me of the function of an undertaker. That is their role, it is a key role, at least you have someone articulating the death rattle of the race, from there on it is up to the militants to lead the charge. We live in unprecedented extreme conditions of genocide in progress. Mellifluous sounds and prolific exposure by the Macdonald’s repartees and writings only serves to stir the awakening, but without a militant and assertive follow up ,to provide extreme solutions , it is for whom the bells toll, they toll for thee. 14
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 02 Apr 2016 12:29 | # This part of my expository critique of Vallone’s covering story (comment # 11) is better phrased like this: White Americans are not preoccupied with the teaching of sex education (which is not all that risque) in the public schools or the inability to celebrate Christmas in public spaces - which are concerns that Vallone claims preoccupied him and his father. These are the kinds of bones, like anti-abortion, that Jewish advisers throw to a Fox news audience in an effort to placate demoralized Whites. 15
Posted by Sen pulling-up the ladder on Sun, 03 Apr 2016 22:40 | # Carolyn Yeager observes that Faye Lowley Sen is likely to be Jack Sen’s mother. Faye Lowley is a contributing writer to EKP and registrant for Jack Sen related websites: The Domain for European Knights was registered by F. Lowley Sen. F. Lowley Sen also registered the domain of Sen’s campaign website - ukipwestlancs. Faye Lowley, listed as a contributing writer for the EKP: Jack Sen (UKIP ppc, former BNP spokesman, Front Nasionaal)
If Jack Sen is half Indian, as the facts are indicating, with a family that had lived in colonial Africa, this would corroborate Kumiko’s suggestion as to Sen’s motivation - i.e., that he would want “to pull up the ladder to other immigrants to Britain” and reserve a kind of civic nationalism in Britain for those who had served the British Empire - particularly those looking to escape post colonial Africa. 16
Posted by Brons interviewed by Sen, 20 Mar 2016 on Mon, 04 Apr 2016 00:50 | # Andrew Brons interviewed by Jack Sen, 20 Mar 2016 17
Posted by Sen's Indian and African concerns on Mon, 04 Apr 2016 08:13 | #
Posted by Another hole in Blackburn, Lancashire on Thu, 07 Apr 2016 10:11 | # A Day in the Life of Jack Sen/Vallone: now they know how many holes there are in White nationalism. Vallone came and posted several antagonistic comments; I now regret having deleted most of them. But I did leave a few, and this one under his name, “Gio”, with an interesting email address and location:
Posted by Ryan on Wed, 13 Apr 2016 19:58 | # Russia’s training of undercover agents really must have really taken a nose dive if Jack Sen is an operative. His own Mother, I recall from a source provided, wrote that Jack worked as a journalist. Jack also mentioned in the first Red Ice Interview (I recall) that he has written books. If he has written books then what are they? In fact what has been Jack, a man in his mid 30’s career been? Based on the amateurish nature of his behaviour over the years my view is that ‘Jack Sen’ is an independent writer who intends to write a tell all book that will be released in a few years time how he, a Half-Indian, was able to rub shoulders with the most prominent far right ‘thought criminals’. Some titles: 20
Posted by Julie Lake on the BNP & Jack Sen on Mon, 23 May 2016 20:41 | # Julie Lake of The BNP talks about the BNP and the denouement of Jack Sen’s antics: 21
Posted by Hugh Dunnitt on Sat, 28 May 2016 09:35 | # You really need to speak to Julie Lake. She’s just done an interview with Kyle Hunt. It’s a long interview but scroll to around the last 20 minutes where she blows the lid on Sen/Vallone. 22
Posted by Giacomo Balone on Wed, 20 Jul 2016 17:13 | # Morgoth exposes more of Jack Sen’s fraudulence 23
Posted by Hugh Jampton on Sat, 23 Jul 2016 08:36 | # Jack’s real name is Dilip Sen Gupta, his birth was registered in Hackney London Q2 1974 mother’s maiden name Lowley. US records give his dob as 17/06/1974. His parents Shyamal Kumar Sen Gupta and Faye D. Lowley married Q3 1971 in Ormskirk RD Lancashire. A daughter Anita Sen Gupta’s birth was registered in Scotland in 1977. Shyamal K Sengupta died in NY state 21/06/2011 dob given as 01/07/1942. The last address for the family was in Bovina Centre NY. Faye Sen Gupta/Lowley now lives in Hampshire, she has a family tree on 24
Posted by Alan McBoston on Tue, 13 Dec 2016 20:17 | # What kind of merde is this? The fact you are spending so much time and effort discussing a man you claim you’ve outsmarted says a lot more about you than him. People like you are the reason our movement is doomed. 25
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 14 Dec 2016 01:17 | # Judging by the fact that yours is the first comment on this thread since July - on an issue thrown directly in our lap by the utterly tactless sock puppetry of Jack Sen, who, contrary to our effort to coordinate European nationalism, tried to stir up animus toward Poles/ by Germans, toward Poles/ by English, toward Poles on behalf of Russian Jews, apparently - it cannot exactly be said that we’ve obsessed over the issue. You should consult Julie Lake and several other honorable people who have been harassed by Jack Sen before suggesting that we’ve given this matter undue attention. 26
Posted by Entrap the Right, UK on Mon, 04 Sep 2017 15:57 | # Phantom meeting organized by Sen and Mason All, Not that any of you are stupid enough that any of the listed speakers would appear on the same bill as Jack Sen or Carl Mason, nevertheless you may have friends on the fringes who may have been taken in by this flyer. Please inform them not to trust anything Sen and Mason put their names to. Kind Regards 27
Posted by Julie Lake on Sun, 24 Sep 2017 23:29 | # The giveaway of this fake meeting flyer is at the top and those with tape across their mouths. Only a civic nationalist would include a black child. No British nationalist party or Org. would ever include that black child. The warnings about this fake flyer have gone nationwide via e mail and social media. This is Sen trying to get himself some new contacts after the entire London Forum refused to ever have anything to do with him. No Party or Org in the UK will touch Sen. Certainly there is no way on gods earth that any of those so called speakers would appear alongside this stalker. 28
Posted by Jez responds to Nick Griffin's book on Wed, 22 Nov 2017 15:16 | # Jez Turner responds to Nick Griffin’s new “book”, in which everyone is a homosexual or an agent, except for his friend Jack Sen of the European Knights project, lol: Jack and Nick are “good Christian leaders of the true, eternal right” against all this degeneracy (lol). Unfortunately, and of course the equally dubious Sven Longshanks chimes in at the end with the utter bum steer for ethno nationalists to get behind and identify with the swastika symbol and its Nazi ideology (a student at the London Art college had draped a large swastika banner over a balcony; Sven suggests this is wonderful; this, along with Christianity, is Sven’s prescription against “all this degeneracy”. ... of course, Sven isn’t guilty of any degenerate mischief). 29
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 22 Nov 2017 23:23 | # I remember the very entertaining Lee John Barnes saying eight or nine years ago right here at MR that English working people have always enjoyed a bit of degeneracy. Lee seems to have gone a bit flakey politically but something tells me he will never become “a good Christian of the eternal right”. Much, much too boring. 30
Posted by Giocomo Bologna on Sun, 03 Mar 2019 14:36 | #
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Posted by Brit Pat on Thu, 31 Mar 2016 12:07 | #
Give the man is due-he has been quite successful, must be a bloody genius to have gotten so far all by his wits. Think about it. No one knows who you are, but he’s reached everyone with his msg-whatever that might be. You yourself even said you shared his LF video. I personally think he is a state agent, for the Russians, possibly the yanks. He is not working for the Brits as Turner is