Posted by Atzmon promotes liberalism/ kisses right-wing ass on Wed, 20 May 2015 16:53 | #
Worse than I thought: The right would fall for this guy Gilad Atzmon. And why do they fall for his trick? Because he kisses the ass* of Nazis / Nazism, knowing that it is the perfect divide and conquer tactic against Whites, while preaching all the while that he is against divide and conquer - what divide and conquer is he against? All people as brothers in universal liberalism are not to be divided by the Jews.
Although various theories have been forwarded about Nazi Germany’s ultimate plans for Leningrad, including renaming the city Adolfsburg (as claimed by Soviet journalist Lev Bezymenski) and making it the capital of the new Ingermanland province of the Reich in Generalplan Ost, it is clear that Hitler’s intention was to utterly destroy the city and its population. According to a directive sent to Army Group North on 29 September, “After the defeat of Soviet Russia there can be no interest in the continued existence of this large urban center.
By 8 September, German forces had largely surrounded the city, cutting off all supply routes to Leningrad and its suburbs. Unable to press home their offensive, and facing defences of the city organised by Marshal Zhukov, the Axis armies laid siege to the city for 872 days.
The air attack of 19 September was particularly brutal. It was the heaviest air raid Leningrad would suffer during the war, as 276 German bombers hit the city killing 1,000 civilians
Artillery bombardment of Leningrad began in August 1941, increasing in intensity during 1942 with the arrival of new equipment. It was stepped up further during 1943, when several times as many shells and bombs were used as in the year before. Torpedoes were often used for night bombings by the Luftwaffe. Against this, the Soviet Baltic Fleet Navy aviation made over 100,000 air missions to support their military operations during the siege. German shelling and bombing killed 5,723 and wounded 20,507 civilians in Leningrad during the siege
The two-and-a-half year siege caused the greatest destruction and the largest loss of life ever known in a modern city. On Hitler’s express orders, most palaces of Tsars, such as the Catherine Palace, Peterhof Palace, Ropsha, Strelna, Gatchina, and other historic landmarks located outside the city’s defensive perimeter were looted and then destroyed; many art collections transported to Nazi Germany. A number of factories, schools, hospitals and other civil infrastructure were destroyed by air raids and long range artillery bombardment.
The diary of Tanya Savicheva, a girl of 11, her notes about starvation and deaths of her sister, then grandmother, then brother, then uncle, then another uncle, then mother. The last three notes say “Savichevs died”, “Everyone died” and “Only Tanya is left.” She died of progressive dystrophy shortly after the siege. Her diary was shown at the Nuremberg trials.
The 872 days of the siege caused unparalleled famine in the Leningrad region through disruption of utilities, water, energy and food supplies. This resulted in the deaths of up to 1,500,000 soldiers and civilians and the evacuation of 1,400,000 more, mainly women and children, many of whom died during evacuation due to starvation and bombardment. Piskaryovskoye Memorial Cemetery alone in Leningrad holds half a million civilian victims of the siege
Some dubious positions: e.g., White natalism to compete with non-White natalism; cooperation with people who have platforms at odds with the biology of race, such as TradYouth and Giacomo Vallone of the European Knights Project..
However, there is value in this discussion to look at what purported native nationalists have been up against, what they have done wrong and right.
Posted by Jack Sen goes to Leicester Square on Wed, 20 May 2015 16:51 | #
Jack Sen goes to Leicester Square: