More tales from the mainstream media ... HOW BOAT PEOPLE ARE WELCOMED ... ... in Italy:-
... and in Thailand:-
And from The Independent we learn that a computer hacker is fighting against the Home Office’s attempt to extradite him to America.
Meanwhile, on Wall Street ... MADOFF SCHMADOFF From Reuters
And here’s another reputation about to take a most unnecessary hit. BETCHA THOUGHT DARWIN WAS A SCIENTIST But liberal science writers know better, and now you’ve got to make that a social scientist. From Reuters:-
Brotherhood science? Like the man says at the end of one of my favourite films, “Forget it, Jake ... it’s the Obamanation.” Except this story is out of England. Liberalism is clearly in its cups. OK, well let’s finish on a note of understanding for our marvellously vibrant and, of course, diverse brothers across the world. How will our lives be when these unique and miraculous human beings bless us, finally, with a mega-happy, culturally stunning and entirely hate- and crime-free, really, really equal society? Well, for some lucky folks funerals will be completely free:-
... and for the rest of us the magic negro will become a reality:-
What is it with Africans and goats anyway? Comments:2
Posted by Diamed on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 14:55 | # The goat story is classic. What better proof that we are not equal? They’re holding a goat in jail on suspicion of armed car robbery. These are hominids, not humans. They’re like homo habilus emerging from a lost island hidden since the last ice age, only there are more of them on earth than the entire white race, and 50 million more are being imported into Europe. It is the night of the living dead. 3
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 16:11 | # As this post from GW is a sort of grab bag, and appropos of nothing (I couldn’t find a relevant recent post, but what the hell) ... I posted the following comment in response to another interminable discussion of ” racial strategy” over at one of your competitor sites, WHITE AMERICA. It’s a mite confused, stream of consciousness, work-in-progress sort of thing. Thoughts? Here is a possibly stupid suggestion: why don’t we stop having discussions of meta-strategy, and just all focus on increasing awareness of white dispossession and promoting defensive white preservationism in every venue, with every white person, in every way possible? These chat boards always remind me of a bunch of pre-Revolutionary Russian cafe-radicals, endlessly debating evolutionary vs revolutionary strategies for achieving socialism. What put those malign utopians over the top was not their precious theorizing, but the communistic consciousness that they had sown in certain sectors of Russian society, combined with the unforeseen circumstances of the First World War. Let us see how our future unfolds… Whatever we want is less relevant than what we will be able to get, which will evolve with shifting physical realities. Secession? Reconquest of America? Re-segregation? Restoration of freedom of association? (I’ve yet to meet a racialist who wants to restore slavery, though I know one, and met another, who want to exterminate all non-“Aryans”, planet-wide.) Mere immigration moratorium plus abolition of affirmative racism? Circumstances will determine not only what we can get, but also what we should advocate at any time. I suggest we recognize that: 1. Western civilization (WC) is what we wish to preserve. This is what I would like to see. WRT my nation, America, racialists must focus on increasing awareness among the indoctrinated white masses of the disagreeableness and dangers of allowing our country to be racially diversified through immigration, as well as of the sociobiology of interracial differences in ability, temperament and behavior. Politically, we must be shrewd, as minorities have been, making the most effective initial demands for seemingly race-neutral policies that, however, benefit our race disproportionately (eg, protecting gun rights, sealing the border with Mexico), while constantly issuing other demands, like stopping all immigration, with greater intensity after initial victories. My point, I guess, is really rather simple. There is no right strategy now that will necessarily still be correct in the future, so excessive theorizing about strategy is a waste of energy. Our energies should be concentrated on what is most feasible, which right now means 1) sealing the border; 2) reducing (eventually abolishing) legal immigration; 3) deporting all 20 million illegals (though not all at once, or in one area); 4) abolishing affirmative action; 5) maintaining firearms freedom; 6) granting tuition tax credits for parents who send their kids to private or parochial schools, or who homeschool; 7) defending and increasing/routinizing the use of the death penalty; 8) protecting the traditional Constitution, which slows the growth of the anti-white dispossessionist regime’s power; 9) opposing all new welfare spending, which disproportionately benefits non-whites at the expense of whites. If we focus on these things, which together comprise a kind of “lowest common denominator” white nationalism, and which are also vital for the ultimate goal of securing a future for white children, we have our work cut out for the foreseeable future. Once we achieve some things (most importantly on immigration), we’ll proceed to make new demands, as circumstances dictate. 4
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 16:26 | # Leon - great post there! I think the greatest problem is waking enough whites - to the problem facing them. Once thats acheived all else will follow. Any strategy should be increase the rate at which that happens. 5
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:30 | # Leon, Western civilization (WC) is what we wish to preserve. No. The distinctive gene frequencies of the European peoples is what we seek to preserve. This is about race, not civilisation, as Sam Francis understood. excessive theorizing about strategy is a waste of energy. We haven’t done any theorizing of substance, Leon. That’s the problem. It’s one thing to say “We must preserve our people”. It is another to imbue the beliefs and tennets of the age with that nostrum, which is what has to happen. At the moment, all the ideological seats in the house are occupied with neoliberal and neo-Marxist nostrums, plus a few Christian universalist nostrums. They all have to go. That won’t happen just by talking to people, because their life posture is dictated by the aforementioned nostrums and they can’t change that. Change, if it is to be effected at all and sustained, has to be thoroughgoing ... a revolution at the level of core ideas. These ideas have to be identified, and out of them a meta-language by which we can communicate them to our peoples has to be constructed. If you don’t do this you won’t change anything, or you will change a few things for a short while. Real change is philosophical. The rest follows. 6
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 17:57 | # Leon Haller: “As this post from GW is a sort of grab bag, and appropos of nothing…” It’s apropos of monitoring mainstream media publications for signs of an uptick in White racial consciousness. “why don’t we stop having discussions of meta-strategy, and just all focus on increasing awareness of white dispossession and promoting defensive white preservationism in every venue, with every white person, in every way possible?” Waking White people up to the negative consequences they will personally experience in the coming multiracial dystopia and to a positive affirmation of their peoplehood are important undertakings concerning the masses. “What put those malign utopians over the top was not their precious theorizing, but the communistic consciousness that they had sown in certain sectors of Russian society, combined with the unforeseen circumstances of the First World War.” We need the White leaders that will arise in the coming disintegration of the West to have a intellectually coherent vision of what will follow our Revolution. We need these new elites to be able to instruct the people in the correct ways to see the outcomes we desire come to fruition - we need a game plan. That is what the Nazis and the Bolsheviks did. “Whatever we want is less relevant than what we will be able to get, which will evolve with shifting physical realities.” That is not revolutionary thinking. Bold ideas and the personal heroism of our people can get us all that we want. What do we want? To take back all that has been stolen from us: Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, Russian Siberia and southern Africa. If we want it bad enough, if our will is strong enough, we can have it. Why settle for less? “(I’ve yet to meet a racialist who wants to restore slavery, though I know one, and met another, who want to exterminate all non-“Aryans”, planet-wide.)” That kind of thinking is the province of fantasists and psychopaths. “Our energies should be concentrated on what is most feasible, which right now means 1) sealing the border; 2) reducing (eventually abolishing) legal immigration; 3) deporting all 20 million illegals (though not all at once, or in one area); 4) abolishing affirmative action; 5) maintaining firearms freedom; 6) granting tuition tax credits for parents who send their kids to private or parochial schools, or who homeschool; 7) defending and increasing/routinizing the use of the death penalty; 8) protecting the traditional Constitution, which slows the growth of the anti-white dispossessionist regime’s power; 9) opposing all new welfare spending, which disproportionately benefits non-whites at the expense of whites.” All these things will never come to pass so long as the current regime which in fact HAS historical continuity with America of the past. As Michael O’Meara hints at in his new editorial at the Occidental Quarterly: the current trends of American political life are structural. It is the American experiment taken to its logical conclusion. Look at the monstrosity that is Takimag. Conservatism is dead, long may it rot. There is now only White Nationalism to stand between the forces of genocide and our people. White Nationalism is revolutionary - let us gird ourselves for Revolution! P.S. So long as the America regime commands enough loyalty from White Americans that it can field an army of 10 million White men to crush its enemies, our White brothers in Europe will know no peace. They will NEVER be able to do the things you suggest so long as the American regime stands. To win everywhere, we must win here. There is no way around that. We must reclaim decisive control of North America or our people will perish, globally. 7
Posted by Armor on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 19:39 | #
What would be the moral justification for not expelling them ? Here is the alternative : 1. They are allowed to stay: society declines further, the white race dies out. Immigrants no longer care whether they live in the USA or in Mexico, as it has become the same lousy society. 2. They are expelled: they hate the hassle of having to move to a new home, they miss the Western comfort, but they begin new lives among their own people. Western society and the white race are allowed to thrive again. It would be immoral to choose #1. It would mean that you think the lives of your own people are of no value, compared to the comfort of third-world immigrants. As if your children’s lives were a mere commodity for immigrant consumers.
We are not going to get anti-miscegenation laws for the moment. But we should make clear our contempt for people who marry non-whites, and our intention to expel them if it can be done in the future. Moral condemnation is important. 8
Posted by Armor on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 19:45 | # When I try to distinguish between principles and practicality, I come up with this: 1. Principles 2. Practical things we can push for right away: 3. Things we plan to do later, if we can: 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:37 | # This,
will, all by itself, considerably take away the need for this,
as it will induce a great many to leave of their own accord, departing for home by the same portal through which they entered. Combine the above measure with an end to <strike>affimative action</strike> affirmative genocide, a re-affirmation of freedom of association for whites, and a number of other reforms, and most of those incompatibles who hadn’t already left of their own accord will now do so. If this phase of What Needs To Be Done be done right, incompatibles won’t have to be “rounded up and shown the door”: they’ll simply deport themselves once they realize that with the new rules in place they and their children will have diminished prospects for a happy future here, something they’ll find with greater likelihood back home. 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:39 | # There are many, many, many, many, many ways to skin this cat, all of them humane. 11
Posted by pasta on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:42 | # An alternative to expulsion might be to let the unwanted aliens live in our lands until they die naturally, but forbid them to reproduce (forced sterilization?) and to exercise any subversive political influence. That way we would eventually get rid of them, too. 12
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 20:55 | # Pasta, Would you accept a swift bit of surgery “down there” so you could carry on cleaning pools in Carmel? Maybe you would just scoot on back to Tlacoachistlahuaca with your manhood in tact. 13
Posted by pasta on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 21:36 | # @Guessedworker Why not just let them choose? We live in a decadent age, many people care only about living as comfortably as possible during their lifetime. Many people abstain from reproducing voluntarily, in fact, many people even choose to undergo vasectomy voluntarily. I don’t know what Hispanics in the US would prefer, but why not let them choose? 14
Posted by Homelander on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 21:44 | # GuessedWorker I don’t think you should dismiss the civilzational argument so quickly. Personally although I hale from a large family and have more near-kin than I can count, I haven’t actually had any children, and am well in my fifties. At the same time, on days when it feels like most white kids are becoming Whiggers, I wonder whether - if we can’t free OUR race from this degenerate post-Modern Pop Culture - I wouldn’t rather that the People’s Republic of China came up with some super-virus, and started the human race over with Asians. I doubt if I really believe that last…but it sure can feel that way. As a practical matter, there’s no content to rescuing white numbers, unless we will also redeem our culture. 15
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 22:42 | # There is certainly something comedic about a criminal with magic powers acting in this way. He could be something cool like a bear or a tiger or even just a wolf but no he chooses…a goat. 16
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 22:57 | # After reading some of Darwin Online, it is apparent that Darwin’s moral opposition to slavery overshadowed his “anthropology” which was, after all, not his specialty as a naturalist. Then the preemption of anthropology by Boas led the field to swim about in the stagnant waters of cultural determinism for a century. 17
Posted by danielj on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 23:27 | # At the same time, on days when it feels like most white kids are becoming Whiggers I think people jump too swiftly to conclusions when accusing the younger generation of “wiggerdom.” Part of the behavior is simply adaptive - gotta get pussy after all and we must emulate them to a certain extent to achieve that goal. 18
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 23:30 | # Daniel: Whiggers or wiggers? The one eventually begat the other. 19
Posted by danielj on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 23:55 | # True. Sorry my Protestant forebearers were so violent and in such a hurry. Clearer heads didn’t prevail. As for Cromwell, I’ll blame it on his *Englishness* and not his Puritanism Perhaps we will dig up and behead the corpse of Voltaire together someday GW? 20
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 07:24 | # “We can’t figure out where else he got it from.” WTF? His grandfather!
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 20:34 | # Correction According to the Autobiography of Charles Darwin, (p.48) he claims his grandfather’s work made little impact upon him.
Darwin claims common descent was an original idea or at least one he shared with only one other, Wallace.
Posted by Svigor on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 21:46 | #
Yeah I saw a scrum (what do you call a group of goats? Herd?) of goats for the first time about a year ago and I found them highly amusing. Maybe it’s because they’re domesticated, but not boring. Cows are boring. Goats make a lot of funny noises and look around a lot, with their beards a-swinging. The fact that they’re randy omnivores doesn’t hurt.
Lol. Protestant vs. Jew is a false distinction here. Even if it wasn’t, Protestantism isn’t salient, Jewishness is. Sucker argument. Serbian-American is a qualified comparison. Serbian-Americans aren’t established enough yet to be big news, the way Jews manifestly are, so the comparison breaks down. You can bet your ass Serbian-Americans refer to or think of him as Serbian-American. If Serbian-Americans come to dominate American finance, media, academe, and foreign policy, expect the public to catch on eventually. Sucker argument. The implication is that Jews are singled out because of anti-Semitism; the term for this behavior is “chutzpah,” that charming Jewish trait of pissing down your back and telling you it’s raining. Jews are highly ethnocentric, so they behave badly toward outgroups. Then they cry racism against these outgroups when they complain. Super-duper sucker argument.
Bury him in discovery, as the teevee lawyers say. They’re playing with fire, so it will be a group effort. Make it so it’s impossible for a moron to tell where Darwin ends and the manure begins. Leon Haller:
“Legal” doesn’t mean legitimate. We don’t let people commit suicide. Why should we let peoples commit suicide? Even if we accepted the concept of racial suicide as legitimate, our race hasn’t agreed to suicide. Instead, a handful of our elite has decided to murder us and call it suicide, a program that has proven unpopular from day one. Then they propagandize (coerce) us into believing that the murder is a willing suicide. Well, the crime began when we did not believe the murder to be a suicide. It is only now, 40 years later, just beginning to be seen by some segments of society as a suicide. The crime was against 1960s man, a far more healthy and sane man than 2000s man. That’s the crime that demands restitution (to the racial/demographic status quo ante). DanielJ:
I agree. I think a lot of it is a class gap. I’ve know a lot of people some might call wiggers for this or that behavior, but the wiggers themselves despise niggers. Obviously hard-core wiggers are another matter. I haven’t met many of these, so I don’t know their attitudes toward blacks.
I’m suprised this isn’t the default way to deal with criminals in places like Albania, Israel, Libya, etc. Why pay to house and feed scum when you can export it to the UK or USA? 23
Posted by Armor on Mon, 26 Jan 2009 23:47 | #
The leftist point of view is that third-world immigrants are so incredibly stupid that they have no clue that most of us resent being replaced by them. I think they know they are destroying us. But each immigrant only contributes very marginally to our destruction. If one of them feels any remorse (probably a rare occurrence), he can argue to himself, correctly, that his particular presence makes almost no difference anyway. What’s killing us is their numbers. It is our responsibility to prevent them from coming, and to expel those already here. 24
Posted by danielj on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 00:37 | # I agree. I think a lot of it is a class gap. I’ve know a lot of people some might call wiggers for this or that behavior, but the wiggers themselves despise niggers. Obviously hard-core wiggers are another matter. I haven’t met many of these, so I don’t know their attitudes toward blacks. You wanna giggle? This is the hardest core wigger I know. A white (ALBINO) hip hop artist who wastes lots of lyrics effusively thanking the Black males of hip-hop for “raising” him in some sort of fatherly capacity. He is probably irretrievably committed to wiggerdom and not worth reaching out to. Very, very few are these bad since they do not have the investment in a public image. To top it off, he converted to Islam when he moved from his 83% white home of Madison, Wisconsin to Minneapolis. 25
Posted by danielj on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 00:42 | # This is the hardest core wigger I know. A white (ALBINO) hip hop artist who wastes lots of lyrics effusively thanking the Black males of hip-hop for “raising” him in some sort of fatherly capacity. Should read: This is the most hardcore wigger that I’m aware of. A white, albino hip-hop artist who wastes copious amounts of lyrical content effusively praising the black males of the hip-hop community for “raising” him in some sort of nebulous fatherly capacity that he never fully explains. Very, very few are these bad since they do not have the investment in a public image. Should read: Very, very few wiggers are this bad since they do not have the same investment in a public image and their commitment, as I stated earlier, is not primarily driven by ideology, but rather, by simple biological competition. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 Jan 2009 00:46 | # Is the more polite form of “wigger” “Wegro”? 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 01 Feb 2009 21:49 | # In a brief off-the-cuff interview, Peter Brimelow calls for an immigration moratorium of ten to fifteen years’ duration, perhaps as long as forty if need be, citing 1924 to 1965 as precedent. I for one think the total immigration moratorium should last until we see either the Second Big Bang, the Big Crunch, the Bang-Bang, or the thermodynamic Heat Death of the universe but hey I’m willing to compromise — I’ll accept until the moon spirals into the Earth and crashes and the sun expands to red-giant status, engulfing the inner planets about ten billion years from now. (I was going to say until Fjordman grasps the racial nettle but that would be, like, way too extreme, so I decided to go with the Heat Death of the Universe.) Post a comment:
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Posted by Lurker on Sun, 25 Jan 2009 02:31 | #
Goats are inherently comedic, I don’t know why.