Militia Money

Posted by James Bowery on Sunday, 02 October 2022 20:48.

What if the probability of Putin detonating a nuke in Ukraine before 2023 were 7%, as is the current estimate at the Metaculus prediction “market”

At the very least you should consider taking out insurance in the form of thinking about what will happen to the monetary regime relative to your local property rights.

Militia Money is Property Money defining its sovereigns—“those who place their flesh, blood and bone between chaos and civilization”—as those who are registered for the draft.

This definition overcomes a number of barriers to putting Property Money into practice:

  • It operationally defines who sovereigns are thereby reducing rhetorical attacks by reducing the “argument surface”.
  • Draft registration is a legally recognized class distinction.
  • This class pertains specifically to “those who place their flesh, blood and bone between chaos and civilization” .
  • The mandatory nature of draft registration implies that society owes a debt to this class.

Moreover, because the draft is currently restricted to men, Militia Money ameliorates the catastrophe befalling the developed world whose economies outbid young men for the fertile years of economically valued women—thereby depleting from the next generation economically valuable characteristics.

As Militia Money is adopted, it is likely that the existing political entities will, using Israel as an exemplar, attempt to re-impose this catastrophe befalling civilization by expanding the draft to include young women.  This disingenuous tactic will backfire for 3 reasons:

  1. Israel’s government did not make the mistake of subverting the evolutionary psychology of its young women by rendering, in their mind, its young men manifestly impotent to defend their territory against the mass immigration of military aged men who would be viewed as de facto conquerors by the primitive emotional brain centers of both men and women.
  2. Neocons and most members of American-Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) both played conspicuous roles in encouraging the West to make this mistake and both are Jewish-identified movements/organizations.
  3. Awareness of both of the above will expand along with Militia Money for the simple reason that the evolutionary psychology of territory will begin to re-emerge in the waking consciousness of young men, thereby remediating their self-esteem and freeing their minds from taboos of the post-WW II era.

The primary barrier to adoption of Property Money, hence Militia Money, will be the inability of property owners to recognize that property titles are founded on and granted by sovereign force.  In discussing Militia Money with property owners, the best way of helping them recognize this origin of entitlement is to ask them whether they would prefer that their tax revenue go to politicians or to young men who are registered for the draft.  Although it is true that most property owners—particularly employers—will have a low opinion of young men generally, forcing them to compare with politicians may help them.

Obviously, as can be seen in the very wealthy and among employers who contribute to the Republican establishment candidates that are soft on immigration, some of these property owners will not be swayed.  Moreover, they will likely recognize that Militia Money is a threat to them since they have sold out their people and their nation and will likely be seen as the traitors they are. 

But at least you will have given them a chance to escape that fate.

Other property owners will recognize the business opportunities represented by the privatization of all functions of government.  These property owners will be among the new Founders.

See also “Property Money Quick Start Guide




Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 06 Oct 2022 16:11 | #

On the matter of the young men who “place their flesh, blood and bone between chaos and civilization”, and speaking as an oldie myself, I have been impressed with the frequency of weathered visages among the soldiers riding IFVs into Ukraine’s liberated towns and villages.  This is not an army of the young, as was the conscripted force which fought and lost in Nam back in the day.  It is said the average age then was nineteen.  I would bet that the average age of the Ukrainian men who have stepped up to fight for their home is mid to late thirties.

Is there, James, any practical misalignment in your plan between property rights in the classical liberal sense and homeland, which is what men actually defend; and is there any disconnect between registration for a draft and the actuality of volunteering to serve?


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 09 Oct 2022 01:23 | #

Other than the question “is there any disconnect between registration for a draft and the actuality of volunteering to serve?” those issues are appropriately raised with regard to the less specific, less operational and less pragmatic Property Money concept.  I’ll respond to them there.

There is always a disconnect between volunteerism and being forced by the monetary regime to do anything, including registering for the draft and/or being induced into mandatory military service and/or going to prison in civil disobedience.  The purpose of specializing Property Money into the above definition of Militia Money is not to overcome or re-connect the two.  It is to overcome a much more urgent disconnect between the current monetary regime’s preparation for societal collapse and the preparations embodied by Militia Money which must take place within the pre-collapse conditions.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 13 Oct 2022 12:34 | #


The DemonRats will no doubt eventually succeed at inserting the language they’re demanding. It’s just a matter of time.  It reminds me of how the progs were able to force change vis-a-vis allowing gays to serve openly.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 07:04 | #

The exclusion of Trannies in the draft , despite the Woke nonsense , will be forgiven by slit - possessing women who actually have to support the martially superior males.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 21 Nov 2022 19:12 | #

Militia Money:  Civilization As a Service wherein I narrate the relevant essays.  This starts the serial exegesis.  Folks that are so skeptical of this approach to addressing the sea of troubles we’re awash in must ask themselves, “How fundamental is money to civilization?”  If their answer is, “It’s not THAT fundamental!” then they should at least offer an alternative to Spengler’s “blood” since, clearly, “Militia Money” addresses both quite explicitly and directly and therefore is to be given a fair hearing unless you have something more fundamental.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 15 Jan 2023 17:05 | #

Correcting the the West with Militia Money  entails organizing individualistic men.  Only narcissistic useful-idiots approach this in a top-down fashion.  Militia Money induces self-organization with sustainable collective punishment.

See “Collective punishment is more effective than collective reward for promoting cooperation”.

Those more cognizant of Western moral superiority might wonder: “Doesn’t this culture genes for group integrity at the expense of genes for individual integrity?”

War does that.  Did you forget we’re at de facto, undeclared war against the West by cultures of group integrity that don’t need to _think_ about waging war?  It’s just what they do—it is their “natural” state, which is why they represent Hell On Earth.  War Is Hell. 

Threading the needle of Western Man’s individuality to sustain Western Civilization’s moral superiority entails growing the fuck up and recognizing the unique biological requirements of individuality in a world beset by cultures of group integrity.  So, yeah, we’re threading a needle here—destroying the very thing for which we fight by fighting for it.  What do you think Hell is?

Militia Money is only a “panacea” in _relative_ terms:

Militia Money cures _only_ the diseases that afflict a culture of individual integrity that is under relentless, sustained war-waging by Demons From The Pit Of Hell that can do little else by their very nature.

Militia Money merely *minimizes* war’s dysgenics until victory.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 20 Jan 2023 00:18 | #

Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh on the increasing likelihood of Ukraine mounting an offensive to take Crimea.

If this does happen, the likelihood of highly disruptive events ensuing also increases.

Being Toward Death does seem to be increasingly relevant as more than a mere philosophical exercise. 

Does anyone see any preparation for severe disruptions going on anywhere in the West up to and including The Death Of The West?

The West’s decision making apparatus acts as though it were immortal.  In part, this is simply a matter of being so insulated from reality that it can’t be bothered with troubling thoughts.  But there is a more subtle sociosexual component at work here:

The metaphoric “fentanyl” of the world’s reserve currency being dispensed from central authorities has surrounded those authorities with the equivalent of junkie whores by outbidding young men for the fertile years of young women.  This supply of young women is the “fentanyl” of central authorities in places like NYC, DC, LA, etc.  If you doubt this, compare the age/sex pyramid of these places with elsewhere.  In fact, IIRC, DC has the highest fertile age female to male population of any sizable urban area in the US.

As with any opiate, tolerance develops with a need for increasing doses.  Any move toward preparing for reality by the central authorities would tend to raise the value of the young men that have been reduced to “INCELs” which would, in turn, turn down the pressure on young women to surround the central authorities in de facto harems.  That reduction in pressure would result in withdrawal symptoms in the central authorities.  As with all junkies:  Their cognition is acutely tuned to maintaining their “connection”.  Nothing else matters—not even nuclear annihilation.



Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 22 Jan 2023 06:58 | #

One must never underestimate the Sikh Singhs .  During the Indian Mutiny only the Sikhs and the Gurkhas remained loyal to the Empire.

It is typical of a Western - “educated” Indian Sikh to change her time - honoured name from the traditionally female ’ Kaur’ , lioness , to the male ’ Singh’ , lion.

She’s a rebellious feminist all right . Chose her father’s tribal designation.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 02 Feb 2023 01:23 | #

MR readers: What is your plan for when the $ is no longer The World Reserve Currency?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 02 Feb 2023 10:49 | #

Each thing in its season.  A money solution can only come into being locally and in a post-cash rural circumstance.  It would be a child of necessity, and rebellious necessity at that.  It can and should be thought through in advance, so that the resort is prepared as much as possible.  I agree that, although the monification process would commence locally, all rural areas should follow the same model to enable trade and, eventually, unification.  I also agree that a militia component would be highly desirable, given that law must still prevail and thus force, and that conflict with the police state would be inevitable.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 02 Feb 2023 11:33 | #

@ 10

Adapt. Innovate. Overcome.

Grow my own grapes and make my own damned wine.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 02 Feb 2023 16:52 | #

If Putin uses nukes, BRICS gains on the $ as WRC.  Although Russians pay the most per capita among BRICS nations, they are viewing this as The Great Patriotic War with eschatological implications.  They are far more correct than Christian Zionists after 20010911.

While Western “news” tells us about tanks being sent to Ukraine, infoBRICS tells us about nukes being sent by the US.

South Africa in naval drills with BRICS associates, Russia and China; Argentina waiting to join the block

A government that holds The Nation of Settlers in such contempt that it would ignore more than a supermajority for a half century by imposing ever-increasing rates of immigration while, at the same time, promoting policies that reduce total fertility rates, might be willing to kill a few million of them in a false flag to mobilize them for war.

Why so many?

WMD lies have been found out.  Have to do it for real.

Remember the “I” in BRICS stands for the country that, thanks to Disraeli, has already won the cyberwar with the West by forward deploying its cyberwarriors with root privileges throughout the West’s information infrastructure.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 02 Feb 2023 18:10 | #

MR readers: What is your plan for when the $ is no longer The World Reserve Currency?

Go to Church and say a prayer of thanks to the Lord for hobbling the jews by killing the dollar.
I would also like to open up a bank account in Russia today…with direct deposit from my trucking job.  I do not know if this is possible or not.

I would also like to see the Catholic Church (an honest, purged one) given veto power over currencies in Christendom*
As ‘A Pint is a Pound the whole world round’ or a gram is objectively defined or as a meter is objectively defined, so should money be objectively defined**.
Since a currency may or may not be backed by money, it is a matter of Justice for governments in Christendom be held to an objective unit of measure.
Doing that is not in my purview, but perhaps AbP Vigano, who has called for a international set of parallel institutions to combat the Modernist takeover, is the man for the job.


*Remember, I see these times as the death of Modernism (see Asha Logos vids on the French Revolution’s roots for the birth of Modernism) and consequently, Christendom reclaiming Her lands and expanding.
** Neon Revolt did a bit on how the silver that the Roman legions were paid in has held constant as a store of value—i.e. as an honest measure of value.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 02 Feb 2023 23:38 | #

Well, reading the following explanation/clarification certainly relieved some of my worries! Now let’s hope a nuclear war doesn’t break-out.

Sorry Zerohedge: For Better or Worse, US Dollar Will Remain the King of Currencies
February 2, 2023

Guest Post by Jeremiah Jackson, Ph.D.

The U.S. dollar will someday lose its status as the global reserve currency, but it is delusional to think that this will happen on a timescale short enough to affect domestic politics.

Those who anticipate a collapse of the dollar often subscribe to an “imperial” theory of currency zones. They argue that the U.S. dollar is held by other countries because the U.S. military implicitly (and perhaps occasionally explicitly) threatens foreign banks or governments: “If you don’t use our currency, we will give you the Qaddafi treatment.” The people who hold this view essentially believe that military power underlies U.S. dollar (USD) hegemony and that our allegedly deteriorating military capabilities and recent losses portend a wider depreciation of the dollar.

As the conflict in Ukraine suggests, this view is obviously false on a short time horizon. First, the premise is probably false: the U.S. remains the world’s preeminent military hyperpower. Russia cannot project power more than a few hundred kilometers outside of its borders. China’s ongoing demographic crisis rules out a military reconquest of Taiwan in the foreseeable future. Second, for the sake of argument, let us concede that the U.S. military capacity is on a relative decline: the dollar has continued to rise relative to the Euro and the Chinese renminbi even after the U.S.’s ignominious withdrawal from Afghanistan. The U.S.’s attempts to remake the Middle East are a clear signal of imperial insanity if ever there was one, but the USD has continued to appreciate against its competitor currencies. But how does this argument hold up when projected into the longer time horizon, to, say, 2030 or 2050?

If history is any guide, a country can continue to maintain its status as the global reserve currency long after its economic and military power has diminished relative to peer nations. Consider the previous global reserve currency, the U.K.’s gold-backed pound sterling. Even as the U.K.’s relative economic and military power declined, it took World War II and a complete restructuring of the financial system (orchestrated by the U.S.) to displace the pound as the top foreign currency holding. This historical perspective seems to suggest an alternative perspective to the “imperial view” described above. The more likely possibility is that foreign nations do not hold dollars principally due to some immediate or implicit threat of military force, but simply because it is most convenient to hold dollars. It is convenient to hold dollars, in turn, because they can be used for a variety of international financial and trading activities, because most countries held dollars yesterday, and are expected to do so tomorrow, especially when the alternative is holding crappier local non-USD currencies.


Still, all central banks, including the U.S. Federal Reserve, see dark clouds on the horizon. The more competing currencies there are with the U.S. dollar, the more constrained central banks will be in their attempts to control the currency’s value. In the limit, economic theorists have worried that the Fed will lose the ability to affect domestic interest rates in the face of widespread cryptocurrency holdings. Although at current volumes neither cryptoassets nor Chinese Yuan threaten the USD’s status, it is a safe bet that central banks around the world will expand their holdings of both Chinese Yuan and cryptoassets going forward to attempt a hedge against the (slightly) increased possibility of a dollar collapse. These possibilities have pushed the US central bank to begin experimenting with digital currencies, which are publicly justified on their ability to reduce the risk associated with digital currencies and transaction costs. Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) reduce risk by being backed in the same way that the USD is backed by the Fed. CBDCs can potentially reduce transaction costs by allowing all payments and exchanges within the Fed itself. Unfortunately, in the current political environment, CBDCs are overwhelmingly likely to be used for nefarious ends like terminating bank accounts, mass surveillance, and the fining of dissidents and their allies.

What are patriotic Americans to do? First of all, stop fantasizing about dollar collapse. It is not enough for the federal reserve or Treasury to screw up, it must screw up significantly worse than other countries’ governments for it to be displaced as the global reserve currency. This is a tall order. The U.S. is mostly a consumption economy and at this point lacks the type of strong manufacturing sector that would advocate domestically for a more “multipolar” currency regime. Absent unprecedented action by China or Russia, international monetary events will not disturb the domestic balance of power and these countries seem either incapable or uninterested in knocking the USD from its position of privilege. Given the dramatic decline in US standard of living, rampant corruption in government, and seemingly ubiquitous incompetence wherever one looks, it is incredibly tempting psychologically to infer from this an imminent apocalyptic scenario. As bad as the monetary apocalypse sounds, it has a certain appeal of restoration, of justice being done—a reckoning for a system that is fundamentally illogical, clownish, and evil. For better or worse, the conditions just aren’t there for an imminent apocalypse — at least a monetary apocalypse that would unseat the global preeminence of the US dollar anytime soon.

Instead of engaging in international monetary speculation, America First patriots should devote their limited political capital to banning the Fed’s CBDC experiments, terminating overzealous sanctions, and perhaps most importantly attempting to prevent politics-driven financial deplatforming. When it comes to finance, there are too many domestic policy problems and opportunities at home to justify much attention to potential black swans abroad.



Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 04 Feb 2023 12:21 | #

Jackson is not being responsive to the extremely salient points I raised.  It’s really boring when people ignore the 800lb gorilla in the room (Russian nukes) plus the elephant in the room (India’s takeover of the US information infrastructure—the “I” in “BRICS”).

Moreover, Jackson doesn’t get the real reason there is such a thing as a world reserve currency:

It is an operating system for the global economy.

USD is to Microsoft Windows as BRICS is to Linux

Perhaps the greatest over-arching ignorance demonstrated by Jackson is his conception of “demographics”.

A population collapse is far more sustainable than is a population replacement.  The takeover of the US information infrastructure by a BRICS nation is only one facet of this catastrophe.

Jackson is a drooling idiot.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 04 Feb 2023 13:26 | #

“Jackson is a drooling idiot.”

Of course you are entitled to your opinion, Jim; however, others’ opinions of him are, with all due respect, fully opposite of yours.

Who is he? Dr. Jeremiah Jackson is the pseudonym of a former U.S. Treasury official now working as an economist in the private sector.

The well respected Dr. Darren Beattie, Editor of Revolver News (and, BTW, an appreciator of Martin Heidegger [that ought to get GW’s attention]), regards ‘Dr. Jeremiah Jackson’ as one of the smartest people he’s ever met. That’s quite an endorsement, I’d say.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 04 Feb 2023 14:03 | #

Cultivars of the USD as WRC include such “white nationalists” as Beattie who can’t think their way out of a wet paper bag even soaked along with them in that warm moist nutrient bath in which their WRC-derived wealth ensconces them.

Let me know when one of them answers Elizabeth Warren by advocating replacing the 16th Amendment with a single tax on liquidation value of net assets.  Until then—drooling idiots all.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 04 Feb 2023 16:33 | #

”....advocating replacing the 16th Amendment with a single tax on liquidation value of net assets.”

Change the tax code? Good luck with that. The existing tax code is the mechanism in which the ruling-class derives its power.

“F” with that and you’ll surely wind up in the clink. lol


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 04 Feb 2023 18:07 | #

And the existing ruling class is cultivated by the USD as WRC:  As long as there is demand for international payments in USD, the FR can provide first crack (low interest) at newly minted USD to the midatlantic elites to then trickle down to the global economy.  This cultivates the people who you look up to as worthy of attention, like Beattie, The “Proud Jew”.  Free money that the world demands is the Golden Apple offered by Jews and others who have survived multiple civilization cycles with historic memory in tact and therefore possess the knowledge of exactly how not only to surf the cycle of civilization, but to reinforce the waves to extract more from the natural environment including burning up quality genes of hapless peoples they seduce with those Golden Apples—until they have to take the Golden Apples and run to the next civilization to do it all over again. 

So, yeah, I’m bored with guys like Beattie and those who look up to them and find it also boring to note that they’re taking civilization down with their addiction to “the tax code as it is”.  Predicted.  Boring.  See aforelinked video.  Such times aren’t even interesting.  Just catastrophic and boringly predictable as are all those who share in the addiction.  Crack houses are less boring.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 04 Feb 2023 19:15 | #

I wasn’t aware till now Beattie is a joo. lol

In any event, I am amazed the USD is able to hold its value like it does. What’s more amazing is the USA creates money out of thin air and China accepts it for all the goods and services they provide us. How long will this ridiculous “something for nothing” transactional arrangement continue? Thus far the Chinks are chumps, I’d say.

Later on I’ll check out the vid you linked to.

Moreover, crack houses are so last century!


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 04 Feb 2023 20:04 | #

The demand for USD is simple to explain:

The more economic activity in the world, the more demand there is for money.  To the extent this activity needs something remotely resembling comparative prices, this demand for money turns into demand for the standard pricing unit.  It’s a matter of “information”.  It’s an “information system” or, in the aforementioned analogy, an “operating system”.  As Bill Gates has amply demonstrated if one possesses ownership of the standard, one can exact a tax on everyone running on it without providing anything remotely resembling a quality “operating system”.  People need its information value. 

This is otherwise known as a “network effect” where the value of an information system to each user of the information system increases with the number of users of the information system.

It’s very hard to break the strangle hold of such network effects without major disruptions or major failure by the owner of the network effect.  This is why it is always a good idea to make such network effects into public goods via public standards such as was the case with the Internet before there arose social networks that reprivatized the Internet’s network effects to the point that nowadays Democrats will routinely argue that the social media network effects that are censoring us “aren’t monopolies”—which is one of the reasons I argue that the “Libertarians” such as Mises Institute, Reason Magazine, etc., if not the Chicago School of Economics and other “conservative” Jewish thinktanks like AEI and other neocons, are covertly supported by a Maoist thinktank and have been since the 1950s.  BRICS is not a basket case of immigrants as is the West, and this may not be entirely the fault of Jews (see below “gain of function”).

The guys at ZeroHedge are droolilng idiots too, if they don’t cop to these most-salient realities.

So, it is plausible that the ZeroHedge guys are missing things about how stable the USD is, that Beattie’s boys are picking up on.

But this is a game for all the marbles of the global economic rents and you should not underestimate the BRICS boys, just as people should not poopoo the idea that a Maoist thinktank is behind the “conservative movement” in the US, including a gain of function of Jewish virulence.  R has nukes, I owns our information infrastructure and C plays a long game on par with Jews.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 05 Feb 2023 12:37 | #

“The more economic activity in the world, the more demand there is for money.”

I have to agree; that seems correct. OTOH, the economists who push Modern Monetary Theory flip that around: they contend if you simply create more money more economic activity will occur. Of course they base their theory without regard to the capitalistic ability of those borrowing the money. I’ve noticed nearly all MMTs are radical egalitarians - aka (DIs) drooling idiots! The BRICs boys definitely have the longer term advantage over the MMT DIs. The BRICs countries actually produce real wealth, and a growing amount of it.

A couple of questions, Jim: What is the name of the Maoist think-tank you speak of and who belongs to it / who funds it? What is your guess as to how long it will be (an approximate date) before the USA, Canada and the western EU countries transition into a fully developed technocracy?


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 05 Feb 2023 16:21 | #

MMT is merely a way of denying the global monopoly rents harvested by the midatlantic elites.  It is of a piece with “libertarian” claims that “there are no monopolies” and the ensuing Woke rhetoric that “social media companies aren’t monopolies” that “libertarians” unleashed on the West.

Aside from the apparent absurdity of “libertarians” being in a deadly embrace with Portlandia wokists to enforce monopoly capitalism’s totalitarian politics, what points to a Maoist thinktank being behind this bitter fruit born of the West’s social immune defficiency?

Interpolate between the ancient doctrine in Lao Tsu’s “The Art of War” to the 1999 limited hangout “Unrestricted Warfare” by PRC military theorists Qiao Liang and Wang Xiangsui, and then pick the point along that curve where Mao Zedung announced the PRC’s founding narrative of “A Century of Humiliation” at the hands of the West.  Bear in mind that Mao was a highly intelligent, practical man who, unlike similar men in the West, had no moral compunction about critical thinking regarding “capitalism”, nor any moral compunction to engage in critical thinking about the role of Jews in the West.  He had greater freedom from “CrimeStop” in this than even Henry Ford, whose FU money and integrity led him to publish “The International Jew” regarding the conflict between industry and finance.  Mao had more than mere FU money.  He had control of an enormous population with a deep historic memory across multiple cycles of civilization and ability to hold historic grudges on par with Jews.  It’s hard for we of the West to even imagine such freedom of thought!

But do try.

For additional perspective on this critical period in Mao’s establishment of the PRC, its important to read and understand “Blacklisted by History” by M. Stanton Evans—a book about the McCarthy era subversion of the founding of US intelligence agencies by Maoists criticized by the “libertarian” “Reason” magazine for the, in hindsight, obvious reason that “libertarians” are Maoist cultivars.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:44 | #

Watched bits and pieces of The Grammy’s last night.

Moralistically, Maoism would be an improvement over that Satanic sh-t! Makes Sharia Law look like an attractive alternative.

More power to Putin for fighting back against the morally-bankrupt West.



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 06 Feb 2023 14:57 | #

“It’s hard for we of the West to even imagine such freedom of thought!”

“But do try.”

You are absolutely right, Jim.

Furthermore, Westerners are the most brainwashed ppl on the planet. Most are either unaware of that fact; or once aware, are too proud to admit it. 



Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 11 Feb 2023 03:29 | #

James B , when economists make assay of China’s rapid economic rise , are there no questions about the lacunae of “democracy” or “libertarianism” ?

Or is it too difficult for American consumers to accept that China’s brilliantly executed neo - mercantilism mirrors that of Hitler’s Germany?


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 13 Feb 2023 17:34 | #

Al R, is it too difficult for “economists”, who control the social science narratives—or movie moguls, who control the moral zeitgeist’s narrative about Hitler’s Germany—to accept that Maoist Chinese could think more objectively about how to turn Jewish virulence into a “gain of function” bioweapon against the West, requiring miniscule resources carefully targeted at the “conservative movement” Jews? 

Jews (as we know them today at least) have never been known for being great at self-criticism at a level required to contain their worst elements.  It wouldn’t take much to send them utterly over the edge with such a gain of function subversion, thinking they could escape to China as per usual—only to then find out that they’d been had.  The response of trying to Make America Great Again was really quite pathetic as one would expect.  They just don’t have what it takes to do that—not even the best of them, and especially not after the most virulent Jews had been encouraged to mainline their own brand of Fentanyl ever since Mao teamed up with them.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
