Property Money IntroductionProperty Money is backed by the economy’s total wealth: When the economy’s total wealth increases, so does its supply of property money. When wealth decreases, property money supply decreases. Contrast this with gold-backed money: A customer deposits gold and the bank gives him a gold certificate. The gold certificate circulates as money. The money supply increases. When anyone demands gold in exchange for the certificate, the bank gives them the gold and the certificate goes out of circulation. The money supply decreases. We’ll refer to “demurrage” as the bank’s cost of securing its gold from thieves, etc. Demurrage Remember that concept. Let’s now look at government as a “bank” that “stores” the economy’s wealth. That store of wealth is the total value of property rights protected from thieves, etc. under law. As exemplar, we’ll look at the most basic property: A family dwelling. Building a new house “stores” it under government protection. The government issues a certificate known as a property title. However, unlike a gold certificate, the title isn’t “liquid” enough to circulate. This is where property money comes to the rescue. Building a new house with a liquidation value of, say, $200,000, increases the property money supply by $200,000 minus the sunk cost, say $150,000, of building it. Sunk cost includes, among other things, wealth consumed by the house: boards, nails, concrete, wires, etc. So in our simple example, $50,000 of wealth has been added to the economy. The property money supply thereby increases by $50,000. Thus every dollar of property money in circulation is backed by a dollar of value in the economy’s wealth. This essay describes how property money satisfies the demand for liquidity while privatizing the delivery of social goods. But What About Conventional Monetary and Fiscal Policy?The conventional wisdom hears “property money satisfies the demand for liquidity” and raises its two big bushy eyebrows: Monetary and Fiscal. MonetaryConventional measures of “money supply” are a tiny fraction of the economy’s total wealth, so property money seems to inflate the money supply beyond the demand for liquidity. FiscalBy focusing on liquidation value, so-called “mark-to-market accounting” applies across the economy. In the conventional narrative, mark-to-market accounting caused the liquidity crisis of 2007. Here’s the conventional narrative of that crisis:
That’s the conventional wisdom’s narrative. The conventional wisdom doesn’t much like discussing the fact that the resulting economic downturn foreclosed mortgages, kicking millions of families out of their homes and giving ownership of them to the financial institutions. Millions of houses went on the market. Some influential economists had the temerity to suggest the government tear down family dwellings so as to raise housing prices. The powerful institutions that demanded liquidity from the government wanted help in making their loan payments. They didn’t want to be “foreclosed”. The government helped them rather than the families those institutions foreclosed. Government continues to “inject liquidity” to these institutions. Nowadays they call it “repo market loans”. So… Here’s WhatThe less conventional mind will perceive a curious opposition between the conventional wisdom’s 2 raised bushy eyebrows: Property monetary policy over-supplies the demand for liquidity and property money fiscal policy under-supplies the demand for liquidity. In fact, property money balances this polarity to satisfy the demand for liquidity. We’ll now dive into that. A Property’s Demand For Liquidity Derived From Its “rNPV”Economists call the relationship between a property’s liquid value and the associated demand for liquidity the “risk-adjusted net present value” of the property or “rNPV”. That’s a mouthful but it’s a simple concept: A property’s liquid value is the size of a low-risk loan that could be paid off by the property’s profit stream. That liquid value is the property’s rNPV. To illustrate, let’s return to our exemplar of the family dwelling. What is the profit stream of a home? Economists view houses as does a landlord:
The size of this loan is called the risk adjusted net present value or rNPV of the property. If the investor can buy or build that house for less than $154,173, then it is a profitable investment. This is true whether he invests his own money or borrows from a mortgage lending institution. The lending institution’s demand for liquidity, associated with that mortgage, is the lending institution’s demand for mortgage payments. The rNPV calculation applies to all investments, hence all property rights in the economy—not just housing. It even applies to the liquid value of mortgage lending institutions like the government-sponsored enterprise “Fannie Mae” —institutions that were endangered circa 2007 due to the liquidity crisis. How Property Money Establishes the Supply of LiquidityImagine every asset were a bank that holds property money reserves for its depositors. They may deposit or withdraw property money on demand. All assets, taken together, are an enormous banking system with huge reserves—one big reservoir of liquidity. What keeps property money soundly distributed across these “banks”? Continuing with the house as exemplar, under the property money regime:
The government—like the bank that holds gold in safe keeping—protects property rights. The cost thereof is covered by demurrage in proportion to the liquidation value. This is reminiscent of a property tax, but is more accurately described as a use fee for the government service of protecting property rights. Applying demurrage to all property money, exceptwhen part of a high bid in escrow, means that transactions will shift property money between high bids in escrow. Payment processing institutions will be paying demurrage while executing such a shift. This is the incentive to keep all property money as an up-to-date estimate of the liquidation value of the economy.This is what keeps property money, hence liquidity, soundly distributed across the “banks”. How Property Money Meets the Demand for Liquidity
First we have to clear out some confusion about “demand” in the vernacular vs “demand” in the economics argot. In the vernacular, when I “demand” something, it implies an “or else” enforcement of my “demand”. In “The Law of Supply and Demand”, on the other hand, “demand” is merely my willingness and ability to pay some amount of money in exchange for some product or service at that price. There is no notion of “force”. So, which of these senses of “demand” applies in the phrase “demand for liquidity”? Is it my willingness and ability to:
The phrase “demand for liquidity” has the form of someone being willing and able to pay some amount of money to obtain some amount of “liquidity”. However, this is nonsense. Money is liquidity so it is as though one is saying “I’m willing to pay you $1 of liquidity for $1 of liquidity.” No, what the lending institution is doing when its “demand for liquidity” is a “demand for mortgage payments” is threatening to use force to extract that payment. For instance, Shays’s Rebellion resulted when lenders demanded payment on debts held by Revolutionary War veterans who, themselves, had not yet been paid for their service in the armed force . Being unable to pay in the form of money demanded, the lenders sent the sheriffs out to, by force take the farms of the veterans. This not only deprived veterans of their ability to provide for their children, it deprived them of the vote since one had to own property to vote! Since it was such men as Shays who had, by force, provided lenders access to the civil infrastructure, hence the very legal recourse they relied upon in calling in their debts by force, the structural absurdity is grotesquely apparent. The response was to call forth greater force with which to quash Shays’s Rebellion. The richest man in America was George Washington, the military leader responsible to the military veterans. Washington, his aide-de-camp Alexander Hamilton and others saw the need for a Federal government capable of paying its military veterans in money acceptable to lenders and quashing all rebellions such as Shays’s. The result was the US Constitution. So, let’s clear up this confusion about “demand” once and for all: Without those who place their flesh, blood and bone between chaos and civilization, no one is in any position to “demand” anything but them. All “demand” originates with them. Any pretense otherwise, such as pretending “sovereignty” resides with those able to raise the largest number of such men, is an arrogation of power that is ultimately as doomed as is a merchant wielding a piece of paper in a duel with a swordsman. With that in mind, let’s talk about what such men “demand” of civilization as the only sound basis for talking about the demand for liquidity. The government monitors the cost of replacement reproduction (CORR). Nowadays, CORR is dominated by the amount of money a woman can make by exchanging her most fertile years for gainful employment with the help of birth control and abortion. The more valuable her characteristics to the economy, the higher the CORR associated with her socioeconomic cohort. To sustain intergenerational value, CORR must account for the fact that the economy has a structural bias toward removing from the next generation the characteristics it values in this generation. Any lesser definition of “cost of living” is a de facto act of genocide by the government against its own people. We are now at the crucial issue of the delivery of social goods, so viciously inverted during the so-called “bail-out” of financial institutions by the government. Families, deprived of jobs during the downturn, were unable to make mortgage payments. Many were driven to bankruptcy and eviction from their homesteads—homesteads that those institutions confiscated with government’s help. Many of these held prime mortgages, but were lumped in with irresponsible subprime homeowners by the vicious narrative of conventional wisdom. In a well-functioning property money regime: A monthly dividend is unconditionally and equally sent to those citizens who are responsible for placing their flesh, blood and bone between chaos and civilization. inherent in any society. social goods delivered to the society, starting with their own replacement reproduction. Sovereigns possess the liquidity not only to meet their own mortgage payments, but to “bail-out” their fellow citizens via their donations to the civic culture that once was the backbone of charity in the United States of America: Fraternal organizations and churches. In a liquidity crisis sovereigns will indirectly “bail-out” financial institutions according to the degree to which those institutions match the values of the civic culture of community charities. The supply of liquidity adjusts to keep CORR (cost of replacement reproduction) constant as follows; When the CORR increases, the government increases the demurrage charges, thus taking property money out of circulation via property owners. When CORR decreases, the government decreases demurrage, thus putting money into circulation via the sovereigns. What About Financial Weapons of Mass Destruction Called “Derivatives” ?Before the “liquidity crisis”, Warren Buffet said “... derivatives are financial weapons of mass destruction…” Then they exploded, devastating families. The substance of Buffet’s comment boils down to the fact that mark-to-market accounting is not structural as it is would be with property money. Derivatives “bundle” other assets together. Sometimes, the way they are bundled is too opaque for proper estimation of their liquid value. This is particularly true when debt (or other liability) is bundled together with wealth to form derivative property rights.
The new “property” has a liquid value that is derived by subtracting the liquid value, to the lender, of the home equity loan, from the liquid value of the home. Under the current system, if someone wants to purchase this derivative, they must apply their own mark-to-market accounting to both underlying assets to estimate its liquid value. Now, imagine a deregulated banking industry that can bundle huge numbers of houses and home equity loans into a single “property” derived from them. These are called “mortgage-backed derivatives”. Being deregulated, banks play fast and loose with mark-to-market accounting estimates of their real liquid value. And this is just the start… Mortgage insurance properties derive from mortgage-backed derivatives. Insurance of mortgage insurance (mortgage reinsurance) derives from mortgage insurance. High atop this pyramid of derived property rights, it becomes virtually impossible to see all the way down to the bottom to the underlying, wealth in the economy so as to come up with an accurate liquid value. Property money solves this by declaring any property that is protected by law to have a liquid value determined by its high bid in escrow. MonopoliesFinally a word about how property money deals with private monopolies, since they are increasingly privatizing tyranny: censorship if not punishment of individuals not compliant with orthodoxy. Property money, by using the liquid value of title to a business, in assessing its demurrage, burdens monopolies with financial support of social goods via sovereigns. This is because as the monopoly profits become apparent to all, the high bid in escrow (hence liquid value) goes up. If any mindless investor could make the same level of profit as the current owners of the business, the high bid in escrow increases to the point that those profits are siphoned off into demurrage. Bringing this down to earth: The demand for the most primitive property, land that provides food and materials to house and clothe a family—enabling Replacement Reproduction—increases with the size of the economy. The more ways in which land can be put to use by a civilization’s economy, the more demand will exist for it. “They aren’t making anymore of it,” as the land speculator, correctly, believes. This is the most primitive example of civilization’s so-called “network effect” giving rise to monopoly rents. The connections between businesses in the economy form a network. The number of potential connections goes up as the square of the number of businesses: 1000 businesses? 1 million potential connections. Each connection adds to the aggregate demand for vital assets like land. The phrase “land speculator” has a bad connotation for a good reason: By purchasing a piece of land, he is enjoying the protection of that property right even though its value is increasing due to others’ investments in growing the civilization’s economy. He can sit on vacant land and do nothing with it but reap the increase in its liquid value as civilization grows. If he puts that wealth to influencing government, he can even shift taxes off of land and onto the income of young couples trying to have children. They may be unable to afford to responsibly raise a family due to the cost of land. If that young couple represents the kind of responsible people required to protect property rights, there comes a point when they will cease respecting land owners. At that point the top heavy civilization crushes its weakened foundation. Civilization collapses. I used land as an exemplar but there are many such “network effects” at work in civilization and it is from these that civilization’s power derives. Today’s Internet giants all rely heavily on capturing the value of network effects, just as did the original telephone network monopolies: Every new customer adds to the value of the network in approximate proportion to the number of other customers because that is the number of potentially valuable connections. If a private entity owns a network of customers, as do, for example, Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, Paypal, Ebay, etc., the larger their customer base, the more unrealistic it is for any competitors to discipline them. As Lilly Tomlin’s character Ernestine the phone operator likes to tell customers: “We don’t care. We don’t have to. We’re The Phone Company.” So, if an investor doesn’t have to care about his monopoly because he reaps the rewards of civilization anyway, other investors will merely “park” their property money in the high bid in escrow for for that monopoly. Eventually, someone will come along who has a better use for the monopoly—meaning he thinks he can turn a higher profit with it by, say, firing Ernestine and providing better customer service. He’ll bid higher than other investors and thereby impose a higher demurrage rate on the current owner who will be motivated to get out of that business, and turn it over to the entrepreneur who, unlike “The Phone Company”, does “care”. The impact on Internet monopolies would be to clean out the political animals who have latched their suckers onto those companies, there to indulge their whims regarding politics at the expense of the general public. Meanwhile, the young men who place their flesh, blood and bone between chaos and civilization, will be reaping the network effects of civilization in the form of outbidding the economy for the fertile years of young women, thereby preserving for future generations the very characteristics demanded by the civilization.
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 16:43 | # The elites are planning to put an end to urban sprawl (i.e., the suburbs and exurbs; those mainly consisting of single-family housing); that and the private ownership of automobiles. The fact is urban sprawl is unsustainable. The infrastructure alone is too expensive to maintain. Dense population housing projects and public transportation is the future for the plebs. But not to worry, there’ll be plenty of Plumpy’nut and veggie burgers available to satisfy our appetites. /sarc BTW, try not paying your property taxes and you will soon find out who the real owner of the property is: the government. Neglect to pay the property tax then taxing authority will place a lien on the property and sooner rather than later sell it through the foreclosure process. That or the taxing authority will sell the lien to a third party and the purchaser of the lien will be able to foreclose on it. Bottom line: “Property owners” don’t actually _own_ property; they only own/control an interest in it. 3
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 19:43 | # GW, The terminology is, as usual, a serious barrier when describing emerging phenomena/paradigms. But, ok, let’s soldier on through the connotative landmines. My response to your “digital passport” post regarding COVID takes a different view of what you would apparently call the “producer” class in relation to the “everyman a parasite” class. You predict “we will own nothing” in the sense of “possession is 9/10s of the law” when it is obvious to the most casual observer that what the “producers” possess has been stolen from us and therefore the everyman is “properly” cast as a “parasite”—at least to a 9/10s approximation. My foray into synthetic pandemics initiated by lone madmen in the context of the COVID regime was perhaps too oblique. As I’ve tried to get across to the Musks of the world regarding “the unfriendly AGI” (artificial general intelligence)—the regime you are talking about IS “the unfriendly AGI” and has been with us for a very long time using humans as specialized cognitive components. It is a superorganism that degrades our humanity to fit us into its specialized tissues. But it is not highly evolved. This means that those of us who retain even a subconscious level of humanity create in this AGI a very febrile state—a state in which there are any of a number of ways in which the organism may be disrupted. The goal of replacing its dependency on us for its components is advancing but it is not nearly as imminent as you seem to imply. This is in my area of expertise. How bad things can get is at the heart of what I’m saying about the cycle of civilization. We’ve been here before in the sense that there always arises a parasitic aristocracy that eventually violates the foundation of its own sustenance. Sometimes you’ll get ineffective reformers like Caesar but at other times you’ll get the Goths coming in and razing the whole structure to the ground. Our would-be overlords are ridiculous. I’ve seen no evidence of any seriousness among them. The “hare” (vs our “tortoise”) is not serious. It is obsessed with efficiency over resilience. That, by the way, is why you’ll find the word “resilience” coming up so often in their rhetoric. At some level they know they are ridiculous. It is no mere science fiction scenario that individuals, acting alone, are increasingly capable of very serious damage to the AGI. If any great number of such individuals start getting the idea that they can cause such damage, it will be an autocatalytic process fueled he hatred, born of the very arrogance that drives the kleptocracy. This, by the way, is why “hate”—an emotion that used to reduce murder from 1st to 2nd degree—is increasingly criminalized. They simply do not possess the self-awareness required to enact true resilience to their AGI. They don’t want genuine social science. They don’t want self-awareness. Let me give you an example of what I mean: The Bank of International Settlements consists of a certain number of identifiable individuals enmeshed in a particular physical structure. Viewed as a military target it is a pathetically “soft-target”—one that has been discussed as such by people who have a military background. I, for one, am most certainly not going to take any action in this regard if for no other reason than that I am quite deliberately open about my thoughts and may well have a very thick dossier. But there are plenty of folks who aren’t about to sink into the metaverse who are thinking about the centralized structures required by “efficiency” as soft military targets. But let’s take another view which I think is the ultimate “backstop” to all this: Even if the BIS cyborg manages to somehow defend itself, it still needs urban infrastructure. They may, at present, be sacrificing urban centers such as NYC for some strategic reason (rather than mere stupidity), but it is widespread knowledge that cities are not resilient to even a small percent of the population, impoverished except for critical knowledge and motivation. But I do not mean the military as such will intervene on our behalf. What I mean is the power of small numbers of people some of whom may have a military background is sufficient to cause enormous amount of damage to this bricolage. And by enormous amounts of damage I mean removing property rights from the insular Elite by removing the infrastructure for property rights at all. The cycle of civilization basically consists of founding property rights infrastructure, followed by the utilization of property rights infrastructure for theft. Then destruction of the foundation of property rights infrastructure by the men who are deprived of homesteads necessary for responsible family formation with quality females. They rely on the lack of a plausible promise to the masculine principle that it can be liberated from their hellscape. The observant will have noticed in my proposal for property money I am making the masculine principle a promise that in my opinion is possible. A tech billionaire I knew before he became a billionaire told me, at that time, that he viewed America as a prison for men. There is a very good reason to believe that your supposedly-thoughtful Elites have not fully thought through the conversion of all such young men as they enter their ranks. Bitcoin billionaires are particularly problematic given my interactions as recent as June during the Miami Bitcoin conference with some of them emerging from communist rule. Rendering the population redundant with technology has been the expected outcome by political economists of science applications at least since the 19th century… at times in virulent forms such as Marxism, but less virulently by Henry George (Georgism). I did try to address this in 1992 and got some attention to my ideas, preliminary to Property Money, at the level of the “Think Tanks” that appear in your diagram of power structure. Interestingly, Google has de-indexed the longest-surviving web copy of that paper: I’ve previously been on record as expecting the elites intend a version of a UBI geared to advance their parasitic castration of the men from whom they’ve stolen “the means of production”—turning them into “cyber castrati”. This could be as simple as altering Property Money and replacing CORR with a lower value such that they retain more economic rent for themselves as they increasingly render functionally-sterile the men they rely on for protection of their critical infrastructure. The entire program of “demographic transition” applied for population control is, as I state in the property money essay, geared toward selecting from the next generation the characteristics demanded by the economy in this generation. “The Dog That Didn’t Bark” here is the absence of any discussion of this consequence of philanthropic promotion of “The Demographic Transition”. A Sherlock would not necessarily conclude that this silence evinces stealth destruction of the capacity of the middle toward their elimination by machines—although it is a reasonable hypothesis to retain along with the other major hypothesis: That the elite are stupid. 4
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 22:10 | # That the “elite” are stupid is not a hypothesis, it’s demonstrated on a continuous basis. ROFLMMFAO 5
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 11 Jan 2022 14:01 | # Dovetailing on my comment @ 4. (Yeah, yeah ... we all know Theodore Dalrymple is a Jew, but his commentary is to the point nevertheless.)
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 04 Jul 2022 21:55 | # Functions of in person Saturday Property Money gatherings: * Qualifies men ID’d between 18 and 45 inclusive as sovereign. Other functions are ad hoc and self-organized (ie: private sector). Clarification: Any attempt to organize enforcement of property rights must be conducted entirely independent of the formal PM system. Bear in mind that PM replaces the political process with market dynamics: One “vote” per PM dollar. “Cast” it anyway you want. Saturday gatherings replace in person voter registration. This also enables on-line identity immune to Sybil attack for electronic transactions If you can’t quite get why this is important, then you haven’t adequately thought through the problems caused by devolution of power after a long period of malign central monetary authority. 7
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 09 Oct 2022 02:03 | # GW asks:
On the age of men who fight, one may also include some women who fight or otherwise serve during the state of war. Leaving aside women for the moment, the privatization of all functions of government will tend to elevate men of skill and experience to positions of command as is so often claimed on behalf of capitalism but which does not happen precisely because the monetary regime is not that of Property Money. So the age of 45, which is usually the age of optional retirement for police and military officers, corresponds to the end of the age at which men will be advancing in their careers through the strength of youth and the start of their peak ability to contribute as business leaders. It is at the more advanced ages than 45 that it is time to “give back” in the form of helping younger men have children. Capitalism’s failure to do this is, again, precisely because its monetary regime is not Property Money. If you don’t face this, you justify the “boomer” as hostile epithet from not just DanielS but the entire younger cadre who should be on our team instead of wishing us to DIE DIE DIE ALREADY!!! As retirement age and enfeeblement, encroaches our experience and wisdom may be more valuable even in less commanding roles, and may spare us being treated as cannon fodder, but certainly we should leave it up to younger men than ourselves whether this is the case or not, and that includes whether our volunteering for being cannon fodder—however much we might be chomping at the bit to go out in an honorable blaze of glory (which may be one of a very few moments of joy in a life having lived for decades in the current monetary regime’s Hellscape). As for women: Indeed, as I’ve often pointed out, civilization as we know it is mainly a continual womb war waged by women. Women who have children should be accorded honor. Women who attempt to have children but through no fault of their own have miscarriages should be the moral equivalent of Purple Hearts. Women who die in childbirth through no fault of their own should be awarded the moral equivalent of men who die on the battle field through no fault of their own—which is to say we should be cognizant of the fact that heroism (or heroineism) does tend to select out of the gene pool characteristics which the state of peace does not and should not—and for which legitimate institutions duly compensate the gene pool. This, of course, means that there are no legitimate institutions and have not been for a very long time with the possible exception of the original meaning of the word “sire” as an honorific and “court” as a royal grant of reproductive opportunities to the best among his warriors. HOWEVER, any regime that places money directly in the hands of young women, bypassing the young men, is also bypassing the EEA’s Environmentally Imposed Monogamy as well as Christianity’s Socially Imposed Monogamy, which summons the African demonic spirits of polygyny now inhabiting the West and bringing the African Man to be viewed as the GOD of that Hellscape. But, if you insist on opening up the argument surface to virtually limitless rhetorical attacks about who shall and who shall not be entitled to the “flesh blood and bone” criterion, I would say that you are now inviting me to re-assert the definition of “sovereign” as those individuals, of whatever age or sex, that are obligated to accept challenges to natural duel—mutual hunt of one individual against another individual equally equipped in a wilderness area large enough to permit strategy, creativity and skill to have the weight Nature gives them—as the appeal of last resort in dispute processing, on pain of death for cowardice. As to homeland and property rights, do try to bear in mind that there are no other laws imposed by the Property Money regime—all laws are in the regime of contracts and the adjudication thence enforcement of contracts are also contracts operating under the market demand of the sovereigns. Try to bear in mind that over 90% of US citizens continuously opposed the manifest policy of immigration from the 1965 Act until the year 2000 when the flood of immigrants became so great that the opposition declined to merely more than a supermajority (75% or so) AND do try to bear in mind that in the last 2 Presidential elections in the US if men only had been permitted to vote Trump would have won all but one or two States in the electoral college. Please try to have a little more faith that our “individualism” isn’t as deeply subversive of our individuality as Euromen as you fear and take a little more responsibility for the malign consequences of your recent defense of upholding Western institutions as they are in the face of the Russian/Chinese alliance threat. If you accord us that trust in the form of Property Money, you will be absolutely astounded at the energy released in defense of our EGI—energy that your hopes for the Ontology Project are likely to take too long to realize.
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) An Ancient Race In The Myths Of Time by James Bowery on Wednesday, 21 August 2024 15:26. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 08:31. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 07:56. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 01:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 12:10. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:40. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 01:28. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Mon, 03 Mar 2025 00:05. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 23:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:41. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 22:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 18:08. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 14:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 00:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 01 Mar 2025 22:50. (View) |
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 03 Jan 2022 12:08 | #
OK, Jim, a question:
What is the socio-political dispensation ... the general and historical state of power in relation to the people - in which Property Money is an agentive scheme? Is it, for example, America as of today? What would be the application of a wealth tax to a dispensation whereby there is no private property among the mass of people, if such is indeed where the world (or, at least, the West) is heading?
My assumption, which may be naive, is that “we (or, at least, those of us who survive) shall own nothing and shall be discontented”. We simply will not be the “liberal individuals” with property rights we are today. That does not arise as even a remote possibility in the actual paradigm of global elitism we are witnessing; something I explained elsewhere with this comment: