She is Georgia

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 26 September 2022 12:23.

georgia meloni

Yes to childbirth.
Yes to state support for motherhood.
Yes, therefore, to family.
Yes to the Italian people, the Italian identity, Italian patriotism.
Yes to restoring Italian legal supremacy over the EU.
No to abortion.
No to illegal immigration and to demographic change.
No to “the violence of Islam”.
No to the trans attack on womanhood.
Indeed, no to all the desiderata of progressivism, to its barriers to the human norm, to its dictates and “cancelations”.
No to Establishment politics, and to Mafia parasitism thereon.
No to financial speculators, and government run for financial speculators.
No to the global corporations’ model of Man as “perfect consumer”.

And so forth.  That pretty much sums up the ground on which Georgia Meloni, after yesterday’s election Italy’s first female prime minister, currently stands.  As a nationalist myself, I would not categorise it as nationalism because it is not developed out of a philosophy of kind and home.  It is, though, adjacent in parts.  But her politics are almost entirely reactionary, and are, ultimately, articulated from a conception of human being which is Catholic and naturalistic, and thus socially conservative.

Of course, in today’s progressive dominion that is radical and alarming to all those who have come to regard neo-Marxist imposts as the norm, even politically centrist.  The Italian political Establishment has particularly good reason for such alarm.  Meloni, 45, is a natural-born change agent.  She does not come from their privileged world.  She comes from the post-WW1 garden suburb of Garbatella in Rome, and something of the place flows in her veins.  She speaks not of euros and the financing of Italy’s vast sovereign debt but of the things of the instinct and, as she says, “common sense”.  In support of that she is passionate and combative, populist and brave.  Occasionally at the dais when her voice rises and her tone hardens, she can sound demagogic; and doubtless that plays into the Establishment’s frequent association of her and her party Brothers of Italy with fascism and, of course, the r-word.  Not unlike Marine Le Pen, she has reacted by removing people who have praised Mussolini or said something somewhere that could be construed as racism.  Many party members might prefer a sturdy and unashamed line of attack to that.  But she’s not trying to placate the Establishment but to reassure the voters, and evidently that strategy has paid off.

We shall now see how the entitled political class and technocrats and the sclerotic governmental machine within Italy respond to her election.  In Brussels, Ursula von der Leyen has already threatened “consequences” and spoken of “tools” to bring the Meloni government to heel if required.  Much attention will be paid in Brussels as to who Meloni appoints as minister of finance.  But it will also be interesting to see how Matteo Salvini and that great lover of partying with unclothed young ladies, the octagenarian Silvio Berlusconi, will be rewarded for their parties’ participation in the governing alliance.  Both are displaying sympathies for Vladimir Putin, probably in Salvini’s case because the Russian autocrat extended banking facilities to his party.  But Meloni, a staunch supporter of NAT0 and the Ukrainian people, speaks instead of responsibility.  For all her ringing hostility to the deeds of globalism she isn’t buying the anti-Western argument.  I hope we learn more about that.  As for Salvini, if he is back at the Interior Ministry he might have the pleasure of aborting his own trial for blocking NGO vessels full of North and Sub-Saharan African immigrants in the salad days of the 5-Star/League coalition.  He would also have the pleasure of testing von der Leyen as he reduces the immigrant quota the Draghi government agreed upon to nil.

Italian politics promises to be more entertaining than ever.



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 26 Sep 2022 16:46 | #

Viral Video of Italy’s Victorious Giorgia Meloni Shows Why the Left Hates Her


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 Sep 2022 17:27 | #

Yep, she’s a great kid.  No wonder Salvini’s Lega has been blown away at the polls.  The Italians are very lucky.  They have a pitbull in the dogfight.


Posted by timothy murray on Mon, 26 Sep 2022 21:34 | #


Those are the sorts of things that no American politician nor American media personality has spoken in my life time.

I have been hungry for just this. Thx for posting it


Posted by timothy murray on Mon, 26 Sep 2022 21:49 | #

This wonderful woman is squarely in #teamtheological.

Does anybody see #teambiological raising something similar?



Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 Sep 2022 23:47 | #

Tim, if that question is directed at me, we Europeans lost our ethnically authentic faith getting on for nineteen hundred year ago.  It was lost to a strange Judaic cult that teaches the gentile to transform himself into the being required for Judaism’s End Time.  It’s very radical.  Don’t conflate social conservatism and naturalism with Christianity.  In secular terms, it leads us to the conflict of individualism and universalism which abides in liberal thought.

There is, of course, only the material universe, and in my considered view it arrays in the manner described here.  That little essay is my Genesis, and it requires understanding, not faith. On the latter I have offered this.  And on the former I have offered this, in response to a question from Thorn.  So the issue has arisen here many times, actually, down the years, and I am yet to encounter a religious thinker who is interested in stripping the human core of his belief system back to these spare terms.


Posted by timothy murray on Tue, 27 Sep 2022 22:53 | #

Hi GuessedWorker

thanks for the reply, although not addressed directly to you, it was /is a question for #teambiological; a team that has laid bare the abject failure of #teamtheological in defeating our enemy. You are to be applauded for your achievements.

Refarding your writings, I will read them after I read R.P. Oliver’s work as that appears to be the base of statements such as…

”  It was lost to a strange Judaic cult that teaches the gentile to transform himself into the being required for Judaism’s End Time “

And similar statenents from A.P Linder, Strom, etc…
If it is somebody else…Campbell? ...please let me know.

“There is, of course, only the material universe, “

Feynman asserted as much in one of his video interviews…and it was funny watching him impale himself on himself….“the spirit of the thing”  , in his words.

However, that hard materialism is an abject failure….but perhaps your writings will change my mind.

Unfortunately for my body and mind, my truck driving job is now 16+ (mostly plus) hour days.  So revillo has to wait as does me reading your essays.

I have a note to myself in file to read your work after my note to read and write a book review/synopsis of Oliver.

Thank you so much for your forum.

This is my first exposure to Europeans and it is humbling.



Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 01:56 | #

I eagerly await a truck driver’s view of the late polymath , polyglot Prof. Oliver’s intellectual errata . 

Please provide a taster with a critique of this piece :

  I emailed William Rees - Mogg about RPO’s reference to Alciun’s “Vox Populi , Vox Dei ” being satirical, as W. R-M seems to believe that Democracy merits the approbation of (((Heaven))).

Nothing doing re reply.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 02:28 | #

  Jew - venerating ,  Ukrainian Christianity confuses righteous parents in their offspring’s true country :


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 02:54 | #

Re my lapsed manners , the truck driver reference was rude and I apologise for mentioning the extremely weighted balance of intellectual probability .

  I would have lost money betting against a London cab driver called Fred Housego winning Mastermind.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 03:16 | #

  Laughing at Feynman’s ” spirit of the thing ” displays a fundamental misunderstanding of that honest Jew’s reference to the psyche , which , unlike you ,‘timothy murray’,  with your Jew - provided immortal soul , is not headed for Paradise.

  Every Christian knows that upon their demise , the soul floats from the body up to Yahweh’s Celestial Abode , but where in terrestrial situ is that soul prior to its defying gravity ?

Where in the Bible is the word ‘soul’ mentioned ?

And is the soul adjacent to the cerebral mechanism ? 

You can never know this , no matter how many times you wear out the knees of your trousers praying .  A word of caution though ;  when it’s Communion time you’d better let that cannibalistic ritual’s offering slip down your throat , because if you bite old Jesus on the ass you may meet Heaven’s admirably strict immigration policies.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 06:05 | #

Converting my original Mentor , GW , of the benefits of Christianity is a fool’s errand , for which you are doubtless perfectly equipped.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 28 Sep 2022 16:33 | #

Faith cannot be gainsaid, Al.  It’s a closed loop system.  But the faithful can sometimes become aware of the Wall of Death they are riding; which self-awareness is, I believe, known as “loss of faith”.

One wonders how faith was in pre-Christian times.  I don’t think it could have been so singularly compulsive as now.  Those characteristics were likely strengthened at the point of a sword and, no doubt, by mate selection during the pre-modern age, such that existential truth and naturalistic expression were greatly overtaken by private abstraction and religious ideology.  Still, we have the glory of the European cathedral and the humbling simplicity of the ancient parish churchyard.  Some of us is still in that.


Posted by Pip on Thu, 29 Sep 2022 19:20 | #


Jacob Schiff proposed that the First World War be the war to end all wars, which became an international mantra after the war. The absolute end of all war heralded the Jewish Messianic Era in which the Jews would be “restored” to Palestine, where they would rule the world from Jerusalem. Jewish bankers deliberately created the First World War in order to artificially fulfill Jewish Messianic prophecy by staging the “Battle of Armageddon”, by creating a World government run by Jews known as “The League of Nations”, by “restoring” the Jews to Palestine, by destroying the Empires and Monarchies, by enslaving the Gentiles with Bolshevism, by placing the wealth of the World in Jewish hands, etc. etc. etc.

Schiff believed that the First World War fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah 2:1-4, which states,         
“1 The word that Isaiah the son of Amoz saw concerning Judah and Jerusalem. 2 And it shall come to pass in the last days, that the mountain of the LORD’s house shall be established in the top of the mountains, and shall be exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow unto it. 3 And many people shall go and say, Come ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the LORD, to the house of the God of Jacob; and he will teach us of his ways, and we will walk in his paths: for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem. 4 And he shall judge among the nations, and shall rebuke many people: and they shall beat their swords into plowshares, and their spears into pruninghooks: nation shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall they learn war anymore.”
“The mashiach [Jewish messiah] will bring about the political and spiritual redemption of the Jewish people by bringing us back to Israel and restoring Jerusalem (Isaiah 11:11-12; Jeremiah 23:8; 30:3; Hosea 3:4-5). He will establish a government in Israel that will be the center of all world government, both for Jews and gentiles (Isaiah 2:2-4; 11:10; 42:1). He will rebuild the Temple and re-establish its worship (Jeremiah 33:18). He will restore the religious court system of Israel and establish Jewish law as the law of the land (Jeremiah 33:15)…The world after the messiah comes is often referred to in Jewish literature as Olam Ha-Ba (oh-LAHM hah-BAH), the World to Come…In the Olam Ha-Ba, the whole world will recognize the Jewish G-d as the only true G-d, and the Jewish religion as the only true religion (Isaiah 2:3; 11:10; Micah 4:2-3; Zechariah 14:9).”
— From “Mashiach: The Messiah”, Judaism 101 —–

“The Jewish people as a whole will become its own Messiah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this New World Order the “children of Israel” will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposition. The Governments of the different peoples forming the world republic will fall without difficulty into the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish rulers to abolish private property and everywhere to make use of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Talmud be fulfilled, in which is said that when the Messianic time is come, the Jews will have all the property of the whole world in their hands.”
—Baruch Levy, Letter to Karl Marx, ‘La Revue de Paris’, p.574, June 1, 1928


Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 30 Sep 2022 23:53 | #

Hi Al

Nothing you say can hurt me, so no need to apologize on any front.
Your commentary on Christianity is nothing new to me.  Your “sperg out” is very informative. I hit a nerve. Good to know.  I do the same sperg-outs when encountering lame-ass jewish apologists in the Christian community and American “conservatives”  refusing to break frame and look elsewhere…

I have yet to read Oliver’s book on Christianity, and, per my word, I will take a look at GuessedWorker’s writings after doing that.
From what I have read of Oliver on this subject, it is not impressive, but I will give it a diligent read.  I admire Oliver, he reminds me of Malachi Martin…another brilliant author.

GuessedWorker wrote:

“But the faithful can sometimes become aware of the Wall of Death they are riding; which self-awareness is, I believe, known as “loss of faith”.”

Yes, very aware. As a young man, I actually tried to become an atheist; the cruelty of existence, the problem of evil, the inanity of protestant preachers, the stupidity of many Christians, the absolutely stupid “proofs” offered had convinced me it was a fools game. The men I encountered were largely vapid, vague and shallow…large on hair and Brill Creme and small on brains.  There was (is) no “there” there. 

Oliver describes the sort in his Jewish Strategy where he mentions the theosophist and another (presumably protestant) preacher; I share…repeat…share, not shared, share…Oliver’s disgust.  I would add to “the loss of faith” attempt, the people described. Who in their right mind would want to become a Christian given the weakness, feeble-mindedness, shallowness, ....etc that are His representative? Not me.

Yet, here I am. Now a Catholic, working on Spirago’s Catechism so I can be confirmed, and lighting votive candles at my Church, which I love going to. 

Richard Dawkins expresses the “Wall of Death” quite well when he mentions a hyena devouring a wildebeest while the wildebeest is still alive.  That is the reality we live in. 
Now…multiply that devouring a bit…go for a walk in the mountains, in the Winter when all is silent, there is nobody around to see or hear, there is no civilization and you will die if you cannot get back home before nightfall…and realize how much wasted! passion goes into this uncaring Winter…neither the hyena,nor the wildebeest are dispassionate about the task at hand..they care…multiply by aeons…There is no why ; there is not meaning; reality is; deal with it, dust.

So…I am looking forward to learning from you.  As I have said before, it is a matter of good manners to state an others arguments as well as or better than they do before engaging in any relevant discussion.
My only aside to the truck driving job (pays better than many sql database jobs or other programming jobs, which was one of my crafts…) is that it is very time intensive, so my available “read” time is limited.
Fortunately, there are podcasts…Rosetta Stone Latin, TANS, Linder’s, Timothy Flander’s on Catholic Social History and yours…where I can keep my mind occupied during the 18 hour days.
I wish there was a way to do Mathematics while driving, but I do not have a memetic memory, ...but most importantly, Math, like Physics*,  is one of those things which must have one’s undivided attention…Philosophy, however, one can listen too!  Which reminds, me…..I have to look into podcasts for rote memorization on Aviation…I am a flight instructor who has not flown in a while, but the Lord keeps telling me that I will fly again…perhaps I can be of use in this emerging WWIII

GuessedWorker…if you have a Podcast of your work, I would love to listen to it.

I have yet to find a Podcast of Oliver’s work on Christianity, if any body is aware of one please provide a link.

GuessedWorker and Al….
A brilliant former Athiest and practicing Philosopher is

John C. Wright.  . He is far more intelligent than I will ever be, but he, like me describes the experience thusly…

I have elsewhere given an account of the visions and miracles and ecstatic experiences which overwhelmingly and unambiguously transformed me from a zealous atheist to a zealous Christian. It was a supernatural event, and it is not within my power to repeat it for the inspection of casual onlookers.  Consequently, I do not expect to convert atheists to theism by power of reason alone, for I was not converted by reason alone, but by the Holy Spirit.

Ditto here.
I will add..that nor should you.



p.s. Reason is fun…some prerequisites…that I think you will agree with…please add any I missed.

1. Per Socrates (?Aristotle? ) definitions…definitions…definitions…state those up front, for differing definitions are the cause of many fruitless discussions..
2. No lying
3. No ego…reason is best when it is dispassionate.  That is it’s beauty….

In the truck….at 3 am , passing through knoxville at 75mph , the public radio station does not play news, but beautiful classical music…they save the narrative engineering for rush hours! 
Its now 8 pm EST…and here I am 21 hours later…

*Von Neuman may be an exception, from what I have heard…




Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 01 Oct 2022 12:09 | #

@pip thanks for that.



Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 01 Oct 2022 20:06 | #


In your interview with TAN, you mentioned a philosopher who, paraphrasing,  “wrote a book with the goal of preventing future European wars…”
Was this Hegel?



Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 02 Oct 2022 04:17 | #

Hi Tim, I will answer your comment @14 with a main post.  As for the remark in the TAN interview, I had to listen through to my mention of him to see who that philosopher was.  The answer is Thomas Hobbes, who wrote Leviathan, published in 1651.  He called for a sovereign and total, benign authority above the social body, whose function it was to bring order and justice to the life of men.  In that passage of the interview I actually lost my thread, but one can see that I was in the process of pairing the form of later liberal philosophy between Hobbes’s borrowing of an authority from the First Testament God and Locke’s self-making individual borrowed much more from the Second Testament Christian soul concerned for its quality and destiny.

Of the two it was Locke’s model which most went forward into Enlightenment thinking.  But Hobbes’ concern for the social contract also went forward, of course, and many subsequent philosophers rooted their own intellectual histories in one or other, and all the way back to Plato or Aristotle.  In truth, though, the significance of Aristotle in that respect tended to exclude his intellectual paternity of the blood.  To be writing in the period of the English Civil Wars - a few years after in the case of Locke - probably did invite missing out kinship and belonging from both Hobbes’ and Locke’s adumbrations.  But, anyway, European thought (also guided by “the greatest Jew” Spinoza, who was writing in Holland at the same time) precluded it, and the result was the artificial divide between equalitarianism and individualism which we live with today.  This has proved an utter disaster for our race, condemning us to the Judaic project for the gentile as brought to expression in the First and Second Testaments, and supplying the generations of Jews of modernity with a perfect philosophical substrate on which to propose their further “gifts” to the organisation of our life.

I have said on several occasions that, in consequence of all this, we live inside the Jewish mind to a non-trivial degree.  It is difficult to see how we might escape philosophically, and thus politically, socially, culturally, economically, and so forth, if we do not also escape from Christianity; and that, in turn, is why we talk about faith and deity in this place.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 02 Oct 2022 10:53 | #


Thank you very much for your polite reply and your patience.

My plan for yesterday, which I have not accomplished, was to start the process of organizing how thought progressed using the 400 year spans* of Charles Murray’s Human Accomplishment.

Your reply will fit right into the project for organizing my thoughts on this stuff (I have zero history experience except of late, now that I see its utility)

Last week, in the truck, I listened to Timothy Flanders podcast on Catholic Social History and, while beginning level stuff, did provide an picture span of how things unfolded. Your view fits in very nicely in that timeline in the span from 1431 to 1776.
Per that reference , Hobbes appears to be looking for a secular replacement for the Papacy.

In my meager, nascent #teamtheological view from the children’s table, we can see the ...well, that is another discussion…I want to get things sorted first so I can start to think of them correctly.


*A 4 year span is the ancient Greek Olympiad. I emailed John Derbyshire for ideas on a proper Greek name for a 400 year span….I have not heard back since our first chat…I will have to check his blog later today…


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 02 Oct 2022 17:28 | #

....with a perfect philosophical substrate on which to propose their further “gifts” to the organisation of our life.

I noticed this about them before I discovered TAN via TOO*.  They are always “giving us gifts” , telling us how wonderful they are and giving themselves awards.

In these failures of virtue, lie the seeds of waging information warfare upon them.

*TANTOO (?) that is sonorous as is TANVIATOO as is TOOTAN.
We are TOOTAN!  has a nice ring to it.
My apologies (:


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 05 Oct 2022 02:04 | #

Why would anyone ask John Derbyshire about Classical Language terms ?

Just because JD may share some immigration opposition views with a real Professor of Greek ( Sydney University ) , Mr. Enoch Powell , does not confer any special insights upon the former English gentleman

Why not ask a Cambridge University Classicist like , for example , Prof. Mary Beard .

We have corresponded .  Here’s Prof. Beard’s email address :  .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 05 Oct 2022 02:34 | #

TM , I do appreciate some aspects of Roman Catholicism .  For centuries the RC hierarchy sensibly forbade their ovine votaries from reading the Bible .

More recently , RC compassion was customarily displayed in Ireland.  And to think that the stupid Irish Catholics imagined that the Brits were the actual tyrants :


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 05 Oct 2022 03:20 | #

GW , one does indeed wonder how it was in pre - Christian times .

  It was probably the same as Victorian Imperial times , during which , at official ceremonies with impressive pageants , Christian superficial obsequies were made for the benefit of hoi polloi while the more intelligent upper class quietly deemed the Jewish nonsense intellectually untenable.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 05 Oct 2022 05:57 | #

” Nothing you can say can hurt me ?  Your feelings mean so much to you because they are girlishly glandular.

It’s not about “you” , it is about Aryan observed reality .

Christians are in a state of perpetual glandular thinking because they ” feel ” that, if they indulge in correct terrestrial moral conduct , they will live for eternity in a multi -racial paradise.

Be wishful what you care for.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 05 Oct 2022 06:36 | #

Anyway , GW , your typically ( and extremely admirable ) Englishman’s tolerance of the promotion of the outlandish Supernatural by a tenacious and tendentious RC bore is just about what I’ve come to expect.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 05 Oct 2022 09:06 | #

Christians , when viewing the UK’s Cross - Channel, 30000 plus illegal immigrants , always display their big hearts and soft heads.


Posted by timothy murray on Wed, 05 Oct 2022 21:48 | #


I would collapse the chunnel , sink the damn ships the put Rothchilds head on Temple Bar*

Your preconceptions blind you.

*does anybody know who’s head was last put there?




Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 06 Oct 2022 15:25 | #

I don’t know if he was the last, Tim, but Oliver Cromwell’s head was displayed on a pole at Westminster Hall from 1661 to 1665.  He had been dead for over three years, mind.  On the restoration, Charles II executed nine of his father’s former opponents and performed the deed post-mortem on two others, in the same manner as was done to Cromwell’s remains.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 06 Oct 2022 15:41 | #

Al, you are always very welcoming to my ramblings on the Christian faith, but I feel I should correct you on the matter of allowing Christian folk to speak here.  It’s not Christians, particularly.  I would allow Abe Foxman’s favourite rebbe to state his case here if that afforded us the opportunity to reply.  The ideologically controlled environment is good for nothing, not even for its controllers (whose intellectual product will grow brittle and too too certain without regular effort put in to defend it).


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 12 Oct 2022 02:04 | #

GW , It may have been rude to imply what you inferred.  Apologies .

Christians are often seen , especially in the USA , as a proxy for White culture .

This is understandable as the USA is a colonial settler society ( including , with racial dilution , the current immigration scofflaw mongrels from Latin America ) .

The very worst Colonialism is achieved when the Imperial power allows its racially alien subjects to migrate and reside at the Empire’s centre.  The most egregious example of this is Rome’s Imperial presence in Judea whence came the Jews with their foreign, incomprehensible Christian heresy to infest Rome and ruin , not only that wonderful civilisation , but also , in time , the rest of Europe.



Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 12 Oct 2022 02:16 | #

There you go again ( copyright Ronald Reagan ) , GW .  Your views are not “ramblings” . They have been carefully considered ,  expertly weighted and exquisitely measured.

I should know , they have underpinned much of my Weltanschauung for quite some time.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 14 Oct 2022 22:23 | #

Hi Al

Your insights are interesting , educational and the acerbic contempt adds a lot of interest to what you have to say.
There is a passion there that is interesting, that makes you interesting..

I am not at your educational level; so chatting with Prof. Beard would be rude; it is best to be humble and learn.





Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 14 Oct 2022 23:59 | #


I apologize, but I do not have time for was a short work day of 16 hours. I have two days for errands, Mass and some modest note organization from my weeks listening to podcasts in the truck.
I did get to listen to Bach Prelude & Fugue in C minor driving through Knoxville at 2:30 A.M this morning

GuessedWorker wrote:

“I have said on several occasions that, in consequence of all this, we live inside the Jewish mind to a non-trivial degree.  It is difficult to see how we might escape philosophically, and thus politically, socially, culturally, economically, and so forth, if we do not also escape from Christianity; and that, in turn, is why we talk about faith and deity in this place.”

That!  is fascinating and perfectly in line with the jewish strategems that I am now awake to. 
“Your” view of Christianity is what I am trying to suss out….to understand it from your point of view.
From what I have read/heard, Revilo P. Oliver is the prime source for the “Christianity is a jewish op” perspective. Are there other non-derivative sources?
It IS fascinating…reading the story of joseph screwing over the Egyptians and juxtaposing that with the presuppositions—presuppostions that assume that the Egyptians must have had it coming—- of every Christian I have ever heard opine on the story.., that is important frame breaking.  Also…it does not “break” Christianity…God does have a profound sense of humor.

My view of “how we might escape…”  is that “politically, socially, culturally, forth” are consequences of the underlying spiritual (the cultus) reality (try not to scream Al…).  For example, Islam, founded by a genie choking Muhammad*, has a similar substrate to the Protestant culture—-“abandon reason and submit”  (the Prots add…“by faith” to the abandonment of reason and submission).
E.M. Jones argues that Logos (God) is the very reason for the existence of reason….and, therefore, a Christian cannot abandon reason…and therefore, abandoning God is to saw off the branch upon which you are sitting in the hopes of saving yourself from a fall.


*I got this from Timothy Flanders…here:


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 15 Oct 2022 14:29 | #

Hi GuessedWorker


  It is difficult to see how we might escape philosophically, and thus politically, socially, culturally, economically, and so forth,

Is the insight I had last week. I posted this on TANS website:

““Who controls the food supply controls the people; who controls the energy can control whole continents; who controls money can control the world.””

It looks like the narrative engineers are at work, but recently bourlah remarked on the possibilities for societal control with his “vaccines”

Notice the repeated word: “control


An immediate strategem both #teambiological and #teamtheological can and should institute is to relentlessly wrest


from them in EVERY area…philosophically, and thus politically, socially, culturally, economically.

Do this using every tactic, including the tactics of the enemy and do so relentlessly.
We outnumber them. we are smarter than they, we have beat them before.

The Catholic strategem of Sicut Judaeis Non is an objective failure and must be replaced.




Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 01:51 | #

Well , Timothy , I have failed if my concise posts have made me “interesting ”  when the last thing I would wish is to overshadow the message with the ephemeral nature of my online persona.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 02:07 | #

I noticed , Timothy , that turning up at Mass was an activity of yours.

  How many times does one have to attend in order to digest , as it were , the entirety of Jesus ?


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 02:36 | #

Apropos Europe’s energy crisis and its attendant financial costs , we should not be too proud to learn from Pope Gregory XVI .

In 1831 , His Holiness banned gas lighting in the Papal States .

The Church argued that God very clearly established the delineation between night and day , and putting lights up after sundown flew in the face of God’s Law.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 20 Oct 2022 04:51 | #

Timothy , I share your admiration for the mathematical precision of Bach’s sublime music.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 22 Oct 2022 14:29 | #

Hi Al

Thanks for your replies.

  How many times does one have to attend in order to digest , as it were , the entirety of Jesus ?

This is right up there with the Velociraptor Jesus meme…you can do better!
Mysterium fidei is not expressible as a differential equation, nor a chemical reaction balancing act, nor a term of art.
When we Christians discuss these things, it is with eyes of wonder and childlike faith. We have that faith due to the work of the Holy Spirit, which moves us towards God.
You have not gotten the nudge, yet. (:

In 1831 , His Holiness banned gas lighting in the Papal States

My first reaction on learning this is “What a dumbass!”  but lets give it some consideration and take that Pope’s side…

1. I live in the country, we do not have neon signs and we tend to rise and sleep with the sun.  I wonder if His Holiness banned candles too? I doubt it.
There is good in this. To see it, one must adapt to country life than go to any city and experience the mundane nature of all the hustle and bustle and lighting.

2. Subsidiarity was a principle of Catholic governance…those closest to the matter rule. Now, if this pope’s edict was an example of that, then I am for localizing mistakes.

3. There is a meta-issue here…when God created His church on earth, He knew that we would screw it up. Like a good Father, He allows us to make mistakes and learn.
It is not my idea of how a God should go about things…but He does not take my advice. Perhaps He will take yours.

That said, while I will defend my Faith and Reason, I am not here for that. I am here to explore how to “unite the clans” to defeat the enemy. 
Civility requires that I understand how you think better (if possible) than you do.

You live in Christendom, though you prefer that civilization move beyond all that.  The young lady in Italy is evidence that Christ (Logos, in EMJones foray) still stirs in the hearts of Her people.
As a practical matter, it makes sense to attack the fiends from all and every side using every means available.  I am hoping that you will see the utility of that and learn to work with us to complete the project.

Timothy , I share your admiration for the mathematical precision of Bach’s sublime music.

It sounds better in a Cathedral!
Besides being an architect, This guy  owned a vineyard and wrote a Mass for the Basilica he built.
I had the privilege of listening to a portion of that music in his Basillica of St. Laurence.
“this is how Christendom was built” was my thought. The stones, the art, the music, the other sounds besides the music, the lighting create a transformative experience. The soul is uplifted to the True the Good and the Beautiful.  The music fits right in with that.

God willing, That education will be universal, that we have nations full of Guastavino’s.
While often brilliant (Roger Penrose, etc) that is not enough for a civilization. Look at 7/10’ths athiest Dawkins pining for the sound of church bells over the Muhammadan buzz calls in London for an example of the impotence of these sorts of men.

What exactly is the athiest cultus? That ritual which unites and builds civilizations?
In Rome, it was a pinch of incense for Caesar.
In Jerusalem, it was the temple that God destroyed…killing the jewish religion.
In Aztec land, it was the shedding of blood, human sacrifice
In D.C. it is “standing with israel!” at all costs to the populace.
All those are dead or dying.
the cutus of “Science” has failed on the lies of its pseudo-practitioners and the repeated replacement of great theories (Newton out to…what is it?...9 decimal places) by new inventions.
What do you see as the replacement?





Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 27 Oct 2022 01:44 | #

Hi Timothy . Here’s something you may appreciate . Despite his various intellectual lacunae , Dr. Jordan Peterson is one of the good guys notwithstanding his touching belief that the Jews have arranged his eternal, post - mortem , celestial penthouse ( Landlord , Messrs Yahweh & Son Ltd. , incorporated in the Virgin Islands ).


Posted by timothy murray on Mon, 07 Nov 2022 20:09 | #


Thank you,but the first 10 seconds screamed “cheesey’  and I shut it off.  Like scanning a British tabloid, or watching fox news promos,  i tend to run away.

If you insist, I will, out of nascent respect give it a view.

That said, I thought of you when I ran across this vid of Bach’s predessor… a German named Heinrich Schütz. The cello player’s mien made me think of you.



Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 13 Nov 2022 02:34 | #

  Timothy ,

I have much better hair and if I put the cello between my legs the endeavour would be as fruitless as your perusal of Pornhub.

Enjoyed the music , as expected .

  Here’s my diminutive cousin , Bob , from Kirkcaldy with his Parsi conductor friend , Zubin Mehta :




Posted by timothy murray on Sat, 18 Feb 2023 13:37 | #

The Saker has posted a seminal essay of this global war.

Ten Days that Shook the World.

Georgia makes the cut.

The is the first exposition of what our victory over The Universal Plague of Mankind will look like.

It is a roadmap


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 20 Feb 2023 00:24 | #

It’s as well to know what you are dealing with:

The Saker Community group of websites deserves special attention. While the Ukrainian issue is not the main topic for the resources mentioned above, the websites of this group specialize mainly in anti-Ukrainian propaganda. The English-, Italian-, German-, Spanish-, Serbian-, and Russian-language versions of the website differ in content, but publications about “special operation” and “the fight against Ukrainian Nazism” occupy a prominent place. The Saker Community YouTube channel mainly publishes videos of the Russian propaganda resource “Politnavigator” with English subtitles.

Politnavigator operates as a distributor.  The original author of the material you attribute to The Saker is quite likely one or more persons associated with this think-tank/propaganda warfare site:


Posted by timothy murray on Mon, 20 Feb 2023 18:50 | #

Which I am fine with. 

The vision and rhetoric is a milestone in this conflict….of which the Russian smack down of the jewish neocons is just the latest iteration of an, until now, covert war by the jews on Christendom ( or The West).

Prediction: we will see the restoration of Monarchy throughout the globe in our lifetimes;




Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 20 Feb 2023 19:52 | #

Then you must be fine with having the boundaries of your knowledge set for you by Russian state actors, and your opinions engineered.  In particular, you must be fine with having forced upon us a globalism of empires which is of Sino-Russian design and leadership, and from which we have no possibility of dissent.

Back in 2011 Putin wrote an article for Izvestia in which he stated his geopolitical goal of advancing towards a eurasionist Common Economic Space:

By building the Customs Union and Common Economic Space, we are laying the foundation for a prospective Eurasian economic union. At the same time, the Customs Union and CES will expand by involving Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan.

We plan to go beyond that, and set ourselves an ambitious goal of reaching a higher level of integration – a Eurasian Union.

How do we understand the prospects for this project? What shape will it take?

First, none of this entails any kind of revival of the Soviet Union. It would be naïve to try to revive or emulate something that has been consigned to history. But these times call for close integration based on new values and a new political and economic foundation.

We suggest a powerful supranational association capable of becoming one of the poles in the modern world and serving as an efficient bridge between Europe and the dynamic Asia-Pacific region. This project also implies transitioning to closer coordination in economic and currency policies in the Customs Union and CES and establishing a full-fledged economic union.

Its natural resources, capital, and potent reserve of human resources will combine to put the Eurasian Union in a strong competitive position in the industry and technology race, in the struggle for investors, for the creation of new jobs and the establishment of cutting-edge facilities. Alongside other key players and regional structures, such as the European Union, the United States, China and APEC, the Eurasian Union will help ensure global sustainable development.

This is, if you will, the raw material for Glasyev’s re-contextualisation in the light of the developments covered by Iain Davies, chief among them the will of the Western elites to relinquish American hegemony and the dollar reserve.  This latter is examined in my two pieces on elitism on the current front page:

In general, I don’t think one can understand Putin’s actions without understanding his eurasianism.  Probably, and despite the denials of influence, one cannot understand it without understanding Dugin’s contribution to it:

I do believe that the sudden uprush of technocratic activism among the corporate elites (dating, basically, from 2010), especially in respect to the “technocratisation” of China, has been a major trigger in militarising Putin’s approach.  There is far more solidity to that argument than to the “NATO expansion” plaint and the plaint about the intervention of the Kaganites in the Maiden.  You have to understand that the Soviet Empire collapsed because of a loss of self-belief among its elites in the face of the rapid development of the capitalist West.  Here is Putin in 2011 looking at the EU and NAFTA and pushing his like project for a eurasian economic union along, when suddenly technocracy hits.  What can he do in the face of this, and in the face of the Western elites exploitation of it with their proposals for a G20-based new world order?  How can he maintain the drive for a Russian destiny when the game is changing again? 

Accelerating the extension of Russian World to the old Soviet empire in the West now makes geopolitical sense.  The war in the Donbas and then generally in Ukraine likewise now makes sense, as does the launch of a competing reserve currency.  They are a gambler’s play to trigger developments elsewhere (in China, Turkey, Iran, Saudi, India) and raise into being a system which negates the risk to Russia of Western dominance in a new and more insidious global form.

It’s about globalism and it’s about hegemony, Tim.  I promise you.  We can discuss the meaning of traditionalism, conservatism, and Orthodox Christianity in eurasianism.  But they are not its motive force.  That is geopolitics, always and forever.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Tue, 21 Feb 2023 18:13 | #

It’s about globalism and it’s about hegemony, Tim.  I promise you.

I do not see it, but I once believed the Wall Street Journal when they said outsourcing our production to China would make them more like us…and other b.s. like that.
That is, I fully concede that I may be being duped.

Accelerating the extension of Russian World to the old Soviet empire in the West now makes geopolitical sense.  The war in the Donbas and then generally in Ukraine likewise now makes sense, as does the launch of a competing reserve currency.  They are a gambler’s play to trigger developments elsewhere (in China, Turkey, Iran, Saudi, India) and raise into being a system which negates the risk to Russia of Western dominance in a new and more insidious global form.

I support him in this. I want  the U.S. Empire to die and the Republic (or , better, the Confederacy) to arise from the ashes.

Furthermore, reading some of Putin’s speech on the (((American))) elites over at Vox’s place…I read this:

This appalling method of deception has been tried and tested many times before. They behaved just as shamelessly and duplicitously when destroying Yugoslavia, Iraq, Libya, and Syria. They will never be able to wash off this shame. The concepts of honour, trust, and decency are not for them.

Over the long centuries of colonialism, diktat and hegemony, they got used to being allowed everything, got used to spitting on the whole world. It turned out that they treat people living in their own countries with the same disdain, like a master. After all, they cynically deceived them too, tricked them with tall stories about the search for peace, about adherence to the UN Security Council resolutions on Donbass. Indeed, the Western elites have become a symbol of total, unprincipled lies.

We firmly defend our interests as well as our belief that in today’s world there should be no division into so-called civilised countries and all the rest and that there is a need for an honest partnership that rejects any exclusivity, especially an aggressive one.

And I see the leader of an Christian Nation naming the jews.  Putin is our Claudius fighting The Universal Plague of Mankind.  (however, once you see intrigue, it loses its power over you…if what you say is true, this “apocolypse” (i.e. unveiling) will continue and the wrongs will be righted.

Stated differently, its about time we quit complaining and took the battle to the enemy.

My apologies if I am missing something too obvious.

p.s. I will give the elites links a read this week.
p.p.s. I like and agree with Dugin.







Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 00:42 | #


If “NATO” prevails, Ukrainian classrooms will soon reflect that of Sweden’s. Is that what you want? Seriously?

Lesson: The Russian takeover of eastern Ukraine will in effect insulate thus protect the EGI of many Slavs.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 01:06 | #

Can you unequivocally denounce the pro LGBTTQ+ agenda?


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 12:13 | #

Thorn, through absolutely no fault of your own you are enculturated in the decades of nationalist negativity that have afflicted us.  At this late stage the reasons for that ought to be clear to everyone, but I fear that is very far from the case.  Worse, most of us have our pet theories which are much too precious to us to hazard to reality.

For the record ...

In place of a functioning philosophy of life we nationalists have generated only warmed-up and miss-read Nietzsche allied to scientism and an analytic of Jewish activism.  Our nationalism cannot, therefore, get past reaction, and nothing sustaining can be built.  This is where we are.  We are failing spectacularly and, as things are, will continue failing.  Expecting the Chinese and Russians to save us is pathetically misguided about their nature, interest, and action.  Some basic realities have to be understood and corrections made.

First, the old Judaic form of globalism no longer stands over us.  Technocracy now does so.  Technocracy is not Judaic in form and cannot deliver the Judaic End Time.  The sundering effect of technocracy, explained here many times, has divided the Jewish elites from the body of Jewry; and certain useful aspects of the old globalism have been carried forward, notably replacement migration and neo-Marxist culture war.  Certain internationalist structures have been carried forward, including those of supranationalism; again because they exist anyway and can be employed as systems of Re-Set.

Technocracy, like Judaism before it, functions as a vast management software system.  The owners are the investment and central banking elites and, a little below them, the corporate elites.  The hardware on which technocracy runs is the global system of hegemony.  The latter is as yet not settled.  There are at least three different candidates.  No candidate runs, or can run, another management system.

Second, the hegemonic contest which is in train between America/Europe, China, and Russia holds implications for our freedom to struggle for life.  It is in the interests of none of these parties that the sublime creative genius of the European race, allied to its sociobiological trait of individuality, survives to bring down the victorious system.  It needs to be clearly understood that the elites of Russia and China are not operating as extensions of their peoples but as specific imperial power elites.  The Russian elites, therefore, are not Christians or conservatives.  They are not in any way concerned with the good of peoples, their own or others.  They are authoritarians desirous of the maximum possible authority over the globe.  Their respect for individual and national rights is completely non-existent, as it was throughout the Soviet years.  Moscow would, in any case, always be the junior partner to Beijing.  The CCP elites know that even under the Western elites’ G20 scheme it will be China which enjoys the lion’s share of global hegemony.  The question at issue is whether that will be the economic hegemony which the Western elites seek or the geopolitical hegemony which Putin, in particular, is striving to make happen.

The above remarks are my response to your Sweden point.  Yes, we are under threat.  No, that threat will not be dispelled by Vladimir Putin or his successors because it resides within the technocratic software.  Only we, as nationalists, have any interest whatsoever in the matter; and we, as pointed out at the beginning, are utterly failing in our task.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 13:50 | #


GW, I’ve read variations of your script before.

I’ll just say this: It’s both fascinating and horrifying to witness it all play out. I.e., to compare biblical prophesy with current day proceedings; especially proceedings on the technological/governmental front.

E.g., the comparison between the rapid implementation of globally enforced technocracy with Jew Book prophesy:

Apocolypse 13:1–18

The First Beast

13 And I saw a beast rising out of the sea, owith ten horns and seven heads, with ten diadems on its horns and pblasphemous names on its heads. 2 And the beast that I saw was qlike a leopard; its feet were like ra bear’s, and its mouth was like sa lion’s mouth. And to it tthe dragon gave his power and uhis throne and great authority. 3 One of its heads seemed to have a mortal wound, but its mortal wound was healed, and vthe whole earth marveled as they followed the beast. 4 And they worshiped the dragon, for he had given his authority to the beast, and they worshiped the beast, saying, w“Who is like the beast, and who can fight against it?”

5 And the beast was given xa mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words, and it was allowed to exercise authority for forty-two months. 6 It opened its mouth to utter blasphemies against God, blaspheming his name and his dwelling,1 that is, those who dwell in heaven. 7 Also it was allowed to make war on the saints and to conquer them.2 And authority was given it over every tribe and people and language and nation, 8 and all who dwell on earth will worship it, everyone whose name has not been written before the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. 9 eIf anyone has an ear, let him hear:

10 fIf anyone is to be taken captive,

to captivity he goes;

gif anyone is to be slain with the sword,

with the sword must he be slain.

hHere is a call for the endurance and faith of the saints.

The Second Beast

11 Then iI saw another beast rising out of the earth. It had two horns like a lamb and it spoke like a dragon. 12 It exercises all the authority of the first beast in its presence ,3 and makes the earth and its inhabitants worship the first beast, whose mortal wound was healed. 13 kIt performs great signs, even making fire come down from heaven to earth in front of people, 14 and by the signs that it is allowed to work in the presence of4 the beast mit deceives those who dwell on earth, telling them to make an image for the beast that was wounded by the sword and yet lived. 15 And it was allowed to give breath to the image of the beast, so that the image of the beast might even speak and might cause those who would not worship the image of the beast to be slain. 16 Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave,5 qto be marked on the right hand or the forehead, 17 so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom: let the one who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man, and his number is 666.

Is this uncanny? Coincidence? Self fulfilled/self directed prophesy?

I take it seriously.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 14:15 | #


Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 15:14 | #

Expecting the Chinese and Russians to save us is pathetically misguided about their nature, interest, and action.

We do not; That they destroy world jewry and jewish power is reason enough. We will save ourselves just fine. 

Centuries of jews pitting goyim against goyim and now they are , finally, getting a bit bloodied.

Prediction: Putin is serious about the Brics and the new trade route through Iran via the Caspian and Black (?) seas, then overland direct to India.

The zionists in Palestine will try to fsck with this; Iran will destroy the zionists with the backing of Putin , Iran and China.

The groundwork to lay is to forever keep them out of Christendom ; Doing that requires changing the minds of the heretic protestants.

Regarding a global technocracy…I can see your point. Twitter was a small cohort of jewish activists (and their converged goyim) with enourmous power over narrative and perception shaping.
The problem with that is that once you see it, it cannot be unseen. Furthermore…math is hard, philosophy is hard, science is hard…to succeed at it one must be biased towards the truth.
If you are not biased towards the truth, then your strategy is to lie to those who are..this will not work. See the head scientist of Pfizer who resigned because (in my opinion) he saw the ungly truth that is the lie of pfizer.

Yes, there is immense inertia and civilisational weight…but we are past “is” and into “was” .

Here is one way to bypass the liars and take on the task of excellence (I am working on another…)

From Putin’s speech (via Martyinov):

The first is to return to the traditional for our country basic training of specialists with higher education. The term of study can be from four to six years. At the same time, even within the same specialty and one university, programs can be offered that differ in terms of training, depending on the specific profession, industry and labor market demand. Secondly, if the profession requires additional training, narrow specialization, then in this case the young person will be able to continue his education in a magistracy or residency. Thirdly, postgraduate studies will be allocated as a separate level of professional education, the task of which is to train personnel for scientific and teaching activities.

What this does is bypass the gatekeeping role of the narrative engineers and returns power to the men who can think. (there are other ways…that does not involve the state).
Stated differently, the technocracy requires either a majority of techies or the destruction of knowledge and merit, to wield power.



Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 16:48 | #

This is one BIG reason the western ruling-class despises Putin so. Deny it all you want but “woke” ideology is at the heart of this conflict - especially in the minds of western-elites. Many foreign policy experts believe it’s its main driver. Ask yourself: If Putin were “woke” friendly, would western elites have been so hostile towards him for the last two decades? The answer is obvious. Moreover, the advancement and implementation of technate systems is a side issue, that’s going to happen regardless of which side wins in Ukraine. They are out to whack Putin mainly bc of the threat he poses to wokeism. 

Well, he’s not wrong.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 21:18 | #


Every face in that video is white.

That’s a good thing.




Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 21:47 | #

Via Gonzo Lira, Xi/ China has declared war on the United States.

Like Putin’s statement above, Xi names all of the depravities that the jewish duped* U.S. proxy has wrought upon humanity.  Like Putin, they name the jew without naming him.

In my world view, this awakening has all the earmarks of E.Michael Jones Logos Rising**

The world, including many, many Americans , are tired of Jewish lies, they are the synagogue of satan and their father is the father of lies.

Yes, my expectations are cast by my world-view. I have yet to see a reason to discard it. Even my mistakes (Hello, National Review, Commentary, WSJ, First Things, Foreign Affairs, NPR, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Moody Radio…) have broken themselves on the truth..
and that is my world view…that the truth is objective and it is a moral imperative that we abide by it for it is the lodestone of creation.


*fsck you Martin Luther.

** This Cultural Marxist Critique  of Logos Rising is a rip-roaring good read that I am confident all here will find refreshing; the author, no Christian, displays that admirable detachement that Revilo P. Oliver was so fond of. I wish he were still around to chime in.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 22:03 | #

Here is a link to the Chinese document: US Hegemony and Its Perils

Notice that the sections are exactly what jews do to Christendom:


I. Political Hegemony—Throwing Its Weight Around
II. Military Hegemony—Wanton Use of Force 
III. Economic Hegemony—Looting and Exploitation
IV. Technological Hegemony—Monopoly and Suppression
V. Cultural Hegemony—Spreading False Narratives


This is the way of the jew.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 22 Feb 2023 22:49 | #

Every face in that video is white.

That’s a good thing.

Yes, the all-white audience is a refreshing sight. What strikes me as especially good too is Putin proudly advancing Christian values/moral absolutes. It’s Christianity’s moral absolutes that the western ruling-elites (aka neo-Marxists) despise.

They thrive in an atmosphere of moral relativism. They make up the rules as they go. Doing so is part-and-parcel in an overarching strategy of manipulation, i.e., constantly distort the perception of reality in the minds of the masses. Of course, objective truth is anathema to contemporary elitists/neo-Marxists. Moreover, moral absolutes - as they’re spelled out in The Jew Book—are abhorrent to the secular “sophisticates.” They eschew trad Christian moral absolutes whilst embracing the “values” of wokeism. 

BTW, did you see the recent news reports about the leaked FBI memo in which it labeled traditionalist Roman Catholics as domestic terrorists? The truth being, The Long March Through the Institutions trampled upon the DoJ and FBI decades ago.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Feb 2023 00:21 | #

GW, this is a short piece published at The Federalist website. In case you’re unfamiliar, The Federalist is a very respected mainstream conservative site. Check it out and see if you like it.

Three Undeniable Truths From Putin’s Speech
FEBRUARY 22, 2023

The national media, for their own reasons, don’t want you to hear what Vladimir Putin said about the war in Ukraine.

Other than that Russian President Vladimir Putin declared an end to a nuclear arms treaty with the U.S. — no biggie! — you’ll probably hear precisely nothing else from the press about what he had to say Tuesday during his lengthy address. That doesn’t mean the rest of his speech was unimportant. It means the national media, for their own reasons, don’t want you to hear it.

But you should hear it because when you remove the name “Vladimir Putin” from the equation, what he said during that 100-minute address to his nation was both indisputably true and rational, even if it deflates the media’s incessant, eye-roll-worthy framing of the conflict in Ukraine as “Putin’s unprovoked war” and “a fight for democracy.” (Gag.) Here are three examples:

1. “The U.S. has used Ukraine to prepare for a large war. They have publicly admitted that.” This is, in fact, implicit if not official policy articulated by the Biden administration. The president himself declared early last year that Putin “cannot remain in power,” a threat of forced regime change if there ever was one. Biden kicked off the week by visiting the capital of Ukraine, a literal war zone with no U.S. military presence, as if to claim the conflict is as much ours as it is Ukraine’s (and it is, given that we’re footing about two-thirds of Ukraine’s defense cost).

Even Republicans in Congress are flirting with the ignition of global war. GOP Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina said we should designate Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell has declared that the “defeat” of Russia is “the No. 1 priority for the United States right now.” (So much for lifting up America’s poor. They can wait, I guess.)

2. “The West is guilty of escalation.” Since well before Russia invaded Ukraine, Washington has promoted the expansion of new member nations to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, or NATO, an alliance that exists in its present form for the express purpose of intimidating Russia. What started out as a warning to the Soviet Union that the U.S. would defend its European allies against military aggression is now a vanity project for both of our political parties to look like heroes by further alienating the Kremlin from the rest of the developed world.

And because Biden’s predecessor, Donald Trump, dared to ask that NATO countries pay more into the alliance, and otherwise showed no interest in expanding it for the sake of itself, that naturally led to his opponents reflexively adopting the exact opposite position: that NATO is indispensable and Ukraine is the closest thing we have to the Garden of Eden. And so, the Biden administration pushed for Ukraine’s entry into NATO, even further encircling Russia with an alliance that Putin already had every reason to fear.

3. “They [the West] want to have a strategic defeat of Russia. … It means they want to have no more, anything to do with Russia. They want to have a global resistance against Russia.” What part of that contradicts anything the Biden administration, most of Congress, and virtually every former military official on cable news has said? They all say it.

Assume that right now Russia were to retreat from Ukraine and declare a truce. Who’s going to be the first to propose that the U.S. and Europe resume regular trade and cooperation to stabilize Russia’s economy and its standing in the world? None of them will. They all expect a lasting minimizing of Russia, preferably without Putin in the picture.

Say whatever you want about Putin, he’s not irrational.

Eddie Scarry is the D.C. columnist at The Federalist and author of “Liberal Misery: How the Hateful Left Sucks Joy Out of Everything and Everyone.”


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Feb 2023 00:32 | #

Wednesday, February 22, 2023
An Excellent Point.

And the angle. While scrolling through the comments to my latest video today,

I [Andrei Martyanov] stumbled on a succinct commentary by one of the viewers:

Why would Germany commit suicide for, at best, sketchy LNG at 5x the price? The only answer is, Biden guaranteed that Russia would collapse under sanctions and the plunder would go to the west. “Join us and you’ll be controlling Russian Resources! “

The depth and implications of this commentary are much larger than may seem at first. Yet, it is a very good explanation of Germany’s economic suicide, which goes extremely well with this “piece”. Andrew Cockburn, decrying the failure of sanctions,

We were promised ‘economic shock and awe’ against Russia. But one year after its brutal invasion of Ukraine, Moscow looks poised to weather the worst of Western sanctions.


The fundamental miscalculation underlying this apparently unforeseen failure of the economic weapon parallels the record of another instrument of coercion cherished by the U.S. over the course of the last century. Strategic bombing targeted against “critical nodes” of an opponent’s war-making apparatus has, like its economic counterpart, singularly failed to achieve its desired objectives, most recently in the “targeted killing” campaign against the Taliban’s human infrastructure. Both strategies rest on a mechanistic view of the targeted system in which components deemed essential to its functions can be identified and destroyed. Taliban and similar insurgent operations always adapted speedily to the loss of supposedly key individuals. Just as Hitler’s Germany did to U.S. bombing of “critical” ball bearing factories, so Putin’s Russia has adapted to Singh’s confident assault. It has become clear that he or whoever planned the sanctions strategy didn’t really understand the Russian economy very well, especially its place in the global system.

I have news for Cockburn—there ARE NO people in all of the US military-political establishment today who can really understand not only Russia, but the world outside the Beltway. Moreover, they, as I am on record, top-bottom, cannot do strategy, because they lack in fundamentals. Read my lips—US “machine” of elites’ manufacturing is utterly broken, because the way those “elites” are educated is a complete utter academic fraud based on, at best, shaky assumptions, at worst—on a radical rewriting of history. It is the house of cards and we see it in the process of collapse upon encounter with reality and the winds of history. Germany? Hey, it was Germany’s choice.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 23 Feb 2023 13:45 | #

BTW, did you see the recent news reports about the leaked FBI memo in which it labeled traditionalist Roman Catholics as domestic terrorists? The truth being, The Long March Through the Institutions trampled upon the DoJ and FBI decades ago.

Yes, I also saw the plans to massively expand the cheka…er…fbi.

Jone’s writes a longish essay on it at unz

key paragraphs…

My talk changed all that by recasting the internal armature of the culture wars. This contest wasn’t a battle between liberals and conservatives (or between neocons and paleocons, as Tom Fleming tried to portray it at Chronicles), nor was it a black vs. white battle as Sam tried to portray it after Buckley expelled him from the synagogue known as conservatism. It was most certainly not a battle between supporters of the Latin Mass and the FBI, an organization presumably made up of attendees at the Novus Ordo. No, it was a Catholic-Jewish battle then, and it remains a Catholic-Jewish battle to this day. This should come as no surprise because as anyone who has read The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit can testify, all of human history is a Catholic-Jewish battle fought between the descendants of those Jews who accepted Jesus Christ as the Logos Incarnate and the Jews who crucified him and became revolutionaries in the process.

Missing from everyone’s account was the fact that the Jews had taken over the FBI long before the SPLC arrived on the scene. J. Edgar Hoover, founder of the FBI, was a notorious blackmailer. When Hoover threatened to investigate Sexologist Alfred Kinsey for the criminal behavior that was an integral part of gathering his sex histories, Kinsey folded like a cheap suit and handed the files that he swore would remain forever confidential over to Hoover to avoid prosecution. Hoover’s files complemented Kinsey’s collection, because, according to Eustace Mullins, they:

BTW, Alex Linder has raised a key point in refutation of Jone’s pivotal assertion

the Jews who crucified him and became revolutionaries in the process.

  by pointing out that jewish predatory/parasitic/lying behaviour predates Christ. I think that this is a point that Jone’s needs to engage.
But on the larger term that this is a war between the people of Logos and The Jews is correct.  Heck, if we read both Putin’s and Xi’s documents, we see the emphasis on “not agreement capable” in the two documents.




Posted by Thorn on Thu, 23 Feb 2023 23:21 | #

“BTW, Alex Linder has raised a key point in refutation of Jone’s pivotal assertion”

Alex Linder. Now there’s a name I haven’t heard mentioned in a long time. He used to be quite the firebrand! lol Hope he’s doing well.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 24 Feb 2023 15:42 | #

My reading between the lines tells me China is positioning itself on the moral high ground before all hell breaks loose and WWIII starts in earnest. Even though China knew beforehand their peace proposal would be summarily rejected, the CCP is, nevertheless, on the official UN record offering one. 

China Cease-Fire Proposal for Ukraine Falls Flat With US, Allies
Story by Bloomberg News • 4h ago

(Bloomberg)—China called for a cease-fire between Russia and Ukraine in a position paper on ending the war that offered some reprieve to Moscow but was quickly dismissed by Kyiv’s allies as the conflict enters its second year.
Days before releasing the proposal, China’s top diplomat, Wang Yi, met with President Putin in Moscow and called ties between the nations “solid as a mountain.” Chinese President Xi Jinping, meanwhile, hasn’t spoken to Zelenskiy since the war started, despite speaking with Putin at least four times.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on Thursday that Beijing probably approved of Chinese firms providing Russia non-lethal, “dual-use” support for its war in Ukraine, remarks that underscore growing US concern that Beijing may help arm Putin’s forces. China has rejected the allegations and accused the US of fanning the conflict by providing weapons to Ukraine.



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 24 Feb 2023 20:57 | #

Thorn note: But not to worry as long as we’re not under direct rule of the chinks. /sarc

LEO HOHMANN: World’s Superpowers Threw Their Cards on the Table This Week and Every One of Them Came Up in Favor of WWIII

They start off the interview by parroting the usual Western propaganda line of the moment, which is their fixation on ridding the world of Putin, whom they see as the last obstacle to them ushering in their utopian one-world technocratic superstate.

This superstate will transcend national sovereignty and be based on global digital IDs for everyone and replacing cash with central bank digital currencies — these are the two things that will allow for 24/7 surveillance and assessment, think social credit scores, of all citizens living within the system.

Who is spending what amount of money on what goods and services, where, and with whom are they spending it?
The tracking of all resources with designated carbon allotments for each global citizen.
Tracking the movement of global citizens throughout the system.
Even tracking what goes into the body of every global citizen.
Human beings are seen as just another asset or liability in the system, no different than widgets, machines, and raw materials.
This entire system — their utopia our dystopia — depends on Putin’s defeat.

Blair says in the interview that he puts his faith in China playing the role of peacemaker, “holding Russia back.” Yes, the lily-white Chinese Communist Party will ride in on a white horse and save the West from nuclear annihilation at the hands of that dirty Russian despot. Give me a break.

Blair and Hague also suggest in this interview that the West will be saved by its superior technology, if only we will embrace it and submit to digital IDs allowing us all to be tracked and monitored 24/7. This is straight out of the World Economic Forum, U.N. Agenda 2030, World Health Organization playbook of demon-possessed policies designed to drive us into their long-planned new world order.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 25 Feb 2023 13:52 | #

Abrahamic religion does not make for a good adherence to the existential truth of Man. There is no entity that is “of logos” in any sense the religious thinker Jones may contend.  It is poetic but interpolative.  There are three great races of the cold climate north.  The race in the West of that hemisphere possesses an evolutionary survival strategy of innovative intelligence; and this innovative nature, something described by nationalists as (again, poetically) restless and Promethean, is really all we can accurately talk about in anything remotely like spirito-teleological terms.  One cannot take it further into a cosmic statement for the insurmountable reason that there is no spirit of race and no purposivity.  There is sociobiology and there is function.  If one desires to live bravely and uncompromisingly by truth, one must be ruthlessly clear about that, or everything devolves downward into religion and/or sub-Nietzschean thinking - precisely the failure of which led us to where we are now.

The relation of Judaism’s model of the amorphous gentile at the End Time to the truth of us is, of course, correctly described by Linder.  The former is inherent to the Christ cult, as it was interpreted by Paul; and we can reasonably surmise that both it and the Pharisaic antecedent of the Talmudic Judaism we encounter today are the progeny of Second Temple Judaism.  Indeed, this is almost the only historiographical comment we can make of Second Temple Judaism, since its active constituents are otherwise long lost.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 25 Feb 2023 15:31 | #

If one desires to live bravely and uncompromisingly by truth, one must be ruthlessly clear about that, or everything devolves downward into religion and/or sub-Nietzschean thinking

And if you do live bravely and uncompromisingly by the truth, one is obligated to check one’s presuppositions for validity.

You start with Man, let’s back up a bit start with abiogenesis.  Or, to make it easier, the odds of RNA (a precursor of ) forming by chance.





Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 Feb 2023 16:06 | #

I’m curious as to why you, GW, are stuck in the atheist-materialist mindset. I’d think by now you’d have at least progressed to the agnostic stage. During my teenage years I thought of myself as an atheist but an exercise in infinite regress vis-a-vis The First Cause cured me. Later in life I learned St. Thomas Aquinas addressed infinite regress and The First Cause question too (great minds and all that! lol). He simply stated The First Cause is God. Even Einstein wrestled with atheism and the creation of the universe. He concluded (paraphrasing) the infinite universe is at the same time too chaotic and too complex and orderly to not have been created by a supernatural force - one infinitely more intelligent than man. I believe, you, GW, being a material-atheist, are stuck in a quagmire of infinite regress. You’re looking for science to provide the explanation of The First Cause. I’m afraid your exercise is one of futility. 

My personal opinion (a POV from a lapse Catholic / deist) is The Jew Book by far offers the best explanation for why we are here. I.e., the purpose of our existence; our raison d’être.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 25 Feb 2023 18:41 | #

My personal opinion (a POV from a lapse Catholic / deist) is The Jew Book by far offers the best explanation for why we are here. I.e., the purpose of our existence; our raison d’être.

EM Jones disagrees!

I cannot find the link to the comment, but I watched a bit of EMJ on his thing.
I was caught by surprise when he said (paraphrasing)  “We need to get out of this jewish/bible thing and start looking at the nature of reality when talking to other cultures”  ; he spent some time on Father LaForgue SJ doing just that with of the races of the cold climate North…the Huron Indians. I tuned out after about 15 minutes, but the thought was there. Perhaps he said it because Logos Rising is just that sort of book.

Regardless, @GW and E.M. Jones do agree on a crucial point—the Bible is irrelevant to the pursuit of truth. 

The relation of Judaism’s model of the amorphous gentile at the End Time to the truth of us is, of course, correctly described by Linder.  The former is inherent to the Christ cult, as it was interpreted by Paul;

This is an important data-point for when I finish R.P. Oliver (he is lower on my task list at the moment…his Origins of Christianity does not start out very well by using members of the protestant heresy (oral roberts and some other hustler) as his baseline.
Linder is an honest man; he does good work..








Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 Feb 2023 19:47 | #

“We need to get out of this jewish/bible thing and start looking at the nature of reality when talking to other cultures”

Not sure what context that’s from but in any event he only speaks for himself. Speaking for myself, I say objective thinkers are trained to separate matters of faith from reality.

As a matter of faith, I find The Jew Book’s meta narrative of the creation, fall, redemption, and restoration compelling.

As a matter of science, I think, for example, Darwin’s Theory of Evolution squares with reality. It’s validated by the fossil record. 


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 26 Feb 2023 01:35 | #

Tim, I avoid the temptation to wiseacre about our bio-chemical antecedents.  But I have had a try at the question ontologically, which is a bit of a cop-out, I admit, but one has to begin somewhere!  I regard this as the most important essay I have written, which probably says very little about the rest of my output.  But, anyway, it sets out the extent to which I think we, as philosophical enquirers, can bring the cosmic into our thinking while guarding strictly against supernaturalism.  It is a fine ontological line to tread:

Thorn, I have zero faith capacity, which I assume to be a genetic predisposition.  On both my parental lines there is a total absence of faith (my mother was one of twelve children, none of whom ventured in belief beyond a bit of regulation singing in the choir).  I am with Heidegger in his grand war on metaphysical thinking.  I accept faith as a fact of the evolution of mind.  But I don’t accept any faith accounts for the reason that I can approach them only intellectually, which rules out emotional engagement.

As far as Christianity is concerned, it seems to me to be a poor fit to the northern European mind.  For one thing, it is ineradicably Judaic in its prescription of, on the one hand, the individualised soul seeking the grace of the g-d of the Jews, and, on the other, the universalised moralist steadfastly turning away from kin and kind.  For another, it has no esoteric tradition of schools such as one finds, for example, in parts of Sufism, and in Hinduism and Buddhism.  Read esoterically, ie, as text correlating to an always unstated “spiritual” system or science, the gospels themselves contain only short lengths of broken thread scattered randomly through the progress of the narrative.  One such which I have mentioned here in the past is from Matthew 18: For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.

If we properly conclude for an evolutionary function for faith, then Christianity is almost certainly of inferior evolutionary value than the faith of the land and the heavens, and of racial myth, which preceded it, and which was at least of us and not of “that” desert tribe.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 26 Feb 2023 13:58 | #

“the universalised moralist steadfastly turning away from kin and kind.”

Of course I don’t see it that way.

I don’t know the exact reasons why the white race is willingly allowing itself to go extinct but I’m ruling out Christian values as one of those reasons.

The extinction process began to pick up steam post 1960s and it coincided with the decrease in popularity and attendance of the Church. What’s interesting is that the developed countries in East Asia are losing native population as fast or faster than European countries. For example, look at Japan, Singapore, and South Korea - even China….. South Korea has the lowest fertility on the planet. Christianity certainly isn’t the culprit in those countries! Technological development concomitant with all its luxurious trappings is the common denominator.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 26 Feb 2023 15:48 | #

The turning point in the West fertility-wise, was probably the introduction of the birth control pill, Thorn.  There are also plainly consequences of the decline in formal religious practise, burgeoning materialism and individualism, and anti-marriage and anti-male culture war, all of which occurred in that same historical period.  But the pill must have had a very dramatic impact.

I don’t see any strong argument for preserving a sub-optimal, alien faith system.  Booting out the Judaic deity would not necessarily be a bad thing if the necessary existential thinking is operative.  The problem now is that the Judaic deity is fading away without such thinking, hence the young flood towards the pseudo-religions of equity and endless ethnic sacrifice.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 26 Feb 2023 16:59 | #

Yes, the birth control pill combined sorts of secular leftist ideologies created a toxic brew. It paved the way for a great number of women to choose a career/lifestyle over what they perceived as being tied down to raising a family. Here in the States it mainly affected white women; especially those who fall on the right side of the bell curve. On the black side of the equation, their population doubled since the advent of abortion on demand became the law of the land (Roe v Wade) back in 1973. Even though stats reveal black women are several times more likely to abort pregnancies, they’re still managing to double their pop every 40 years. By the time 2063 rolls around the black pop in the USA will exceed 90 million ... and that’s not factoring in ever increasing immigration numbers. Like those gents over at The Western Spring website predicted a few years back: Earth is destined to become a negro planet. 


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 26 Feb 2023 17:04 | #

correction: combined with all sorts of ....


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 26 Feb 2023 18:24 | #

Tim, I avoid the temptation to wiseacre about our bio-chemical antecedents.  But I have had a try at the question ontologically, which is a bit of a cop-out, I admit, but one has to begin somewhere!  I regard this as the most important essay I have written, which probably says very little about the rest of my output.  But, anyway, it sets out the extent to which I think we, as philosophical enquirers, can bring the cosmic into our thinking while guarding strictly against supernaturalism.  It is a fine ontological line to tread:

This is noble of you.

.....I have zero faith capacity, which I assume to be a genetic predisposition.  On both my parental lines there is a total absence of faith (my mother was one of twelve children, none of whom ventured in belief beyond a bit of regulation singing in the choir).  I am with Heidegger in his grand war on metaphysical thinking.  I accept faith as a fact of the evolution of mind.  But I don’t accept any faith accounts for the reason that I can approach them only intellectually, which rules out emotional engagement.

Screw emotions, that is a protestant (modernist) substitute for faith and it is a dying heresy. 

This is an interesting discourse; you are clearly dedicated to the truth , you have rejected pretense, and you will not lie about matters of faith. You are a winner in my book. “God, who is not there, if you are, prove it” is an honest prayer. Also, God has a brutal sense of humour, so if you do attempt to pray it and you are later surprised, keep that in mind.

On the intellectual plane, the science for evolution (TENS)  is initially impressive..

Who can look at the Geological Time Scale  with honest eyes and not be impressed with the simplicity and logic of TENS? We see large expanses of time, simpler life-forms predating more complex life forms and, on a pure intellectual level, there are scads of things to learn and explore…how do we date things? are layers always on-upon the other…what do we name them? (after English things and Wales districts, of course!) etc.  Dawkins debate with a fellow professor, a theist and mathematician at the museum with Tyrannosaurus Rex looming over the both of them was/is a masterful rhetorical flourish and masterful, important theater.

But like Newton’s laws at < 6 decimal places out…cracks start to appear and assumptions have to be rethought…

This is a longish way of saying that, to my meager mind,  the philosophical/logical arguments for God are stronger than the materialist arguments for no God, still, and again, despite Tyrannosaurus Rex looming presence.

Could this change? be completely upended? and faith/God definitely disproved from first-physical principles? Sure. Maybe Al will do it, but until that day, we go, sans pretense and emotion,  where the facts lead us…

Which is a longish way of saying that it is not a good idea in my book to start with your Ontological arguments with…

“There are three great races of the cold climate north.  The race in the West of that hemisphere possesses an evolutionary survival strategy of innovative intelligence; and this innovative nature, something described by nationalists as (again, poetically) restless and Promethean, is really all we can accurately talk about in anything remotely like spirito-teleological terms”

There is too much intellectual accomplishment under that bridge between “start” and “The Three Great Races of the North”  for honest men to build on that statement with a good conscience….we are trying to do what is best for our race after all…and that is a good Christian thing to do.

BUT!  there is some strong common ground where the #teambiological/#teammaterialist and the #teamtheological intersect…I haven’t formalized this argument, but its outline looks something like this…

1. Fr. Chad Ripperger, the exorcist and Thomist theologian I admire, is on video stating “Race is of the body, virtue is of the soul”** i.e. an important Catholic theologian agrees that race is real.
2, At Babel, God created the nations.
3. God did this for Man’s own good (some jew that blocked me on Gab insisted that Babel was an unmitigated disaster for mankind…and that he had the Hebrew to prove it…)
4. Natural law and revealed preferences demonstrate that God’s creation of races is true, in that that…
4.a distinct nations/races are necessary for human flourishing
4.b. distinct peoples prefer their own kind…birds, feathers, flocks
4.c it is a Christian (materialist) virtue that the integrity of the races (God’s creation) be protected (just like we protect the endangered species)
x. “There are three great races of the cold climate north.  The race in the West of that hemisphere possesses an evolutionary survival strategy of innovative intelligence; and this innovative nature, ” and this race, like all other races is a creation of almighty God.
y. to try to destroy , subvert, mar, subjugate God’s creation is a sin worthy of hell.

So, as you can see, your ontology fits into a Christian (proto) argument. 
Stated differently, tho this Christian differs with you Ontologically, Scientifically, etc…, I do support your project on Theological and Natural Law (?) grounds. (which may be flawed ((i think not)) and will certainly be attacked by the various strains of modernism out there)

I.e. the two sets intersect. IMHO #teambiological/materialist will gain allies great in number and passion.

Win/win, baby.


** btw, this statement vitiates A. Linder’s premise that Christians are “raceless, goyim mud bricks” 





Posted by Thorn on Sun, 26 Feb 2023 21:13 | #

Via The Thinking Housewife

Guillotines of Love
February 25, 2023

“THE Religion of Man is propagated by all modern means. One of its popular appeals is to Peace, but there is no peace, only agitation. ‘Peace’ as constantly shouted simply means surrender —  surrender to the forces striving to bring all mankind to a condition of state slavery. The Church’s most persistent enemies have always contended that it was only religion, particularly the Catholic religion, by insisting upon divinely revealed absolute truths, which obstructs a peace based on secular good fellowship. Presumably peace and the good life would follow from a worldwide brotherhood in which all men would be equal. And so it is that such words as ‘discrimination’ and ‘prejudice’ have taken on a special meaning. They are the capital sins of the Religion of Man.

“‘Love’ is another ‘relevant’ word. As it is now commonly noised about, literally no one takes it to mean or even include the love of God. Man is now to be the sole object of love, which as conceived now is only sentiment and emotion. Quite certainly those who will openly oppose this new religion in the future will reap the hatred of the Love shouters, as they do even now in some degree. Pope Benedict XV warned in his time that ‘all the worst and most disordered elements of society ardently desires the revolution.’  Long before Pope Benedict’s time, the French revolutionists set up the guillotine in the name of Liberty, Equality and Fraternity.”

— W.F. Strojie, “The Enemy within the Catholic Church,” 1977


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 Feb 2023 12:43 | #

No doubt, Antonio Gramsci is very pleased.

The Descent into Anarcho-Tyranny


Large-scale illegal immigration to Europe from unstable and overpopulated societies in the Islamic world and Africa continues every single day. European authorities seem largely impotent to stop this.

Yet in 2020, the same authorities within a few weeks imposed extremely repressive lockdowns on hundreds of millions of law-abiding European citizens over the coronavirus Covid-19 from Wuhan in China. So European authorities are proven to be capable of imposing very forceful measures if they want to. If they never do this against the millions of illegal immigrants and asylum seeks who are flooding into Europe, perhaps this is because European authorities simply do not want to stop them.
At the same time, a radical transgender ideology is being aggressively pushed in schools across Britain and the rest of the Western world. Children as young as three are being targeted by a surge of new books on transgender issues. Publishing experts say there are now scores of titles aimed at under-11s introducing concepts such as men being mothers and children changing their sex. Many are also included on primary school reading lists after being promoted by LGBTQ campaigners.[7]




Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 Feb 2023 23:11 | #

From Alexander Dugin: SMO To Full-Scale War

Well worth the read.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 03 Mar 2023 20:42 | #

@GuessedWorker and @Al

Cambridge, Oxford, and whatever alma mater Behe hails from make an appearance on the subject of TENS and Abiogenesis.

I am only a few minutes in and no mention on a peach buried beneath cream , but the video has addressed abiogenesis and complexity.

Sir Fred Hoyle, according to Lennox , demolishes the claim that life could have originated on Earth.

Whatever your predispositions, it is an entertaining view with a glass of grog and a leg of mutton.


p.s. I am confident that “glass of grog” is not a thing, I look forward to your corrections as I sip my watered down box-wine out of a mason jar.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 04 Mar 2023 12:19 | #

Tim, I am doing ontology, not an investigation of first cause.  The being of a thing is categorically different to the absolute origin of the latter’s base constituents.  Despite appearances, one cannot derive being, which is an action or process, from matter, even organic matter.  In turn, being is simply non-reduceable to material.

This does not mean we cannot seek a causal structure for being.  But it will remain within its category, and not yield what you might wish it to yield.  What we could perhaps get are the constituents of an emergence of process like this:

... which is from an as yet unfinished essay, and which I reproduce now solely for illustrative purposes.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 04 Mar 2023 13:32 | #

The being of a thing is categorically different to the absolute origin of the latter’s base constituents.

This is true; it is another way of saying that man is more than the sum of his parts, that Marriage is more than a wedding ceremony or that Authority is more than the judge wielding the gavel.

Despite appearances, one cannot derive being, which is an action or process…

We disagree here. The human soul is a real thing. The number 4* is a real thing.  Truth is a real thing.
None are material. None are actions or processes.

This does not mean we cannot seek a causal structure for being.

Absolutely true. To discuss this professionally is beyond my education.

But it will remain within its category, and not yield what you might wish it to yield.

With your chart, I now see what you are trying to do, although I do not have a precise language for it, a first stab goes like…

“Our being is a product of our place (or lack thereof),  circumstances, and reactions to them”

I cannot buy this.

I could go as far as saying that it is plausible that our moral character—virtuous or full of vice—is developed by our responses to those things in the chart, but character is distinct from being.

To illustrate the distinction, Fr. Ripperger states that a holy person is a person full of God’s grace (i.e. meaning they have a lot of it) and a soul adorned with all of the virtues.
Holiness is distinct from the being, the adornment of the soul is a real thing.

We can think of a foul being…Take Bourla for example…it is a person lacking in God’s grace and a soul marred by all of the vices.
A good being would be Bourla’s chief chemist who quit prior to the covid , presumably due to Bourla’s foul character and virtuous men do not long tolerate men of vice.

The outcome of the these person’s responses to your chart is his character, not his being.

Another relevant point. I presume you want to convince the mass of humanity of your position.
Well, the loss of TENS as a source of explaining man is a body blow to the materialist worldview.
People will naturally want to discover exactly how we emerged and will look.
To expect them to ignore all that and just focus on “being” as it is today is a bridge too far imho.



*Oblique reference to Russell and Kant


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 04 Mar 2023 17:34 | #

Tim, the chart is not sociological.  It’s not about people.  It’s ontological.  So every meaning refers to being.  “Ground - circumstance - constituent” are to be read in that sense, and not in any other.  The three grounds of being are cosmic properties which effect and affect being through existential circumstances, one being Heidegger’s general dynamic of our mortality, in that we are catapulted towards death.  We exist as such.  The second is Heidegger’s Mittsien, and is obvious enough, and does not require my explication, but similarly we exist as such.  The third is the entropic property of the cosmos, which conditions us as suffering beings and induces in us Heidegger’s sorge or care/concern as a permanence in us.

Thus we arrive at a tripartite constitution for being, and from there we can adduce being’s causal nature.  This is important, because without such characterisation being remains this very passive and non-agentive thing which we cannot turn to face the horizon.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 04 Mar 2023 22:04 | #

Tim, the chart is not sociological.  It’s not about people.  It’s ontological.  So every meaning refers to being.  “Ground - circumstance - constituent” are to be read in that sense, and not in any other.

That is an interesting take, thank you for the clarification.

What is ground? what is circumstance? what is constituent? are, therefore , first principles for discussion.

Strange, but I like a new challenge. Heidegger it is then.

Speaking of which…do you have a copy of or opinion of Wuellner’s Dictionary of Scholastic Philosphy?

Fr. Ripperger states that it is a winner,

When I catch up on recording my Latin Word of the Day emails, I will be recording the terms from that book (and other books, Spirago catechism..) using Audacity software (thank you Tan) , copying them to a USB drive and listening to them in the truck.

I state these things because, as either Aristotle or Socrates stated, the most common form of confusion and conflict in debate is mis-matched definitions. Ergo, if Heidegger conforms to Wuellner’s dictionary, the discussion should be fruitful.



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 05 Mar 2023 00:45 | #

Have fun with the “truck driver”, GW.  (Just a clue, a caution: why do you think he continuously mentions he’s a truck driver? WTF is the purpose of that?) What is his purpose of being here in the first place is still an unanswered question. In my opinion he is useless.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 06 Mar 2023 01:15 | #

One has to take people at face value in this game, Thorn.  If we had all turned our faces against Fred Scrooby ... “Unadorned” in his time posting at Jim Kalb’s Catholic site ... because he was a half-Jew, we would have denied ourselves the pleasure and education he went on to bring us.  Remember also that in Daniel’s time editing MR, Christians like your good self were made unwelcome.  It is better to throw open the door wide than to squint fearfully through the crack.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 06 Mar 2023 01:36 | #

Your right, GW. And the only thing useless on this thread was my pint-of-whiskey influenced comment. Actually, I think Tim is a good guy. 

This morning the first thing I did was to check my FB and Twitter accounts to make sure I didn’t get banned. Luckily, I didn’t make any comments on my accounts. Whew!  LOL.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Tue, 07 Mar 2023 20:26 | #

Have fun with the “truck driver”, GW.  (Just a clue, a caution: why do you think he continuously mentions he’s a truck driver? WTF is the purpose of that?) What is his purpose of being here in the first place is still an unanswered question. In my opinion he is useless.

Because I drive a truck to pay my bills. (:

Your right, GW. And the only thing useless on this thread was my pint-of-whiskey influenced comment. Actually, I think Tim is a good guy.

Thorn, just a pint? Tell me it was a for breakfast! Light weights bore me.

Thorn, do not drink moonshine with a Cajun…I thought I was a hard drinker until I was put into my place by a Cajun casually guzzling moonshine on the St. Johns River in Florida amongst the gators, hogs, airboats,  and his 3 weiner dogs.
I was humbled.

Neither Irishman nor Englishman pulled the crawdad claw like this old boy did….and I have had many a day and night guzzling good-ish beer with both. (The Irish are the most stout drinkers, btw)

I am very proud of the scar on my right fore-arm where , me and my drinking buddy were doing stupid “pain shit” at the waterfront bar and the bartender,  now, friend, Lynn, took a hit of her fag* , looked me in the eye, and extinguished it on my forearm, with a twist just to let me know she meant to inflict the pain; the test of character was implied.  Neither my buddy , nor I blinked. Lynn, not humbled, not impressed, but, not triumphant took our measure and let it go.

On a sober note, Here, Lennox, Oxford , 3 Phd’s in Mathematics states, and I agree with him based solely on my sense of things, that, like TENS, the Enlightenment is dead.
I expect the return of the monarchy, including the Tsar of Russia and the Kings of Europe and the East.

God bless.

In choosing an eighteen wheeler, skip the gloss and hype. 2 Things… Engine and Engine. You want a tractor that will get you a ticket from a cop as you accelerate up a mountainside while 7 tons over legal weight.

What is his purpose of being here in the first place is still an unanswered question

I am educating myself on the minds of #teambiological regarding The Universal Plague of Mankind.  Tan did an interview with @GW and I thought @GW was polite; so, here I am educating myself.
Via Tan and @GW, I have discovered MillenialWoes (and a plethora of wonderfully intelligent, mostly sober, thinkers) , and Northern Resistance…and Norman somebody, who I like and admire.

Since God is Logos, wherever reason lives, there is hope.
Since God turned the water into wine at Cannna (?) I am comfortable in dive bars and odd places where sinners drink.

Until the bouncer throws my drunk ass out, I will be singing at the open karaoke mike. 

* Fag is a cig, it is also a twist of twine around fresh herbs that Escoffier’s soux chef used in his wonderful handbook.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 07 Mar 2023 23:10 | #

“Thorn, just a pint? Tell me it was a for breakfast! Light weights bore me.”

Heh! Sorry to disappoint, Tim, but swillin’ down a pint of whiskey in less than a half an hour—especially on an empty stomach—packs a wallop. Makes one whiskey bent and hellbound. YEEHAH!!!

“Drinkin’ moonshine and pulling crawdad claws with a Cagun”

Nuthin’ better than partyin’ with ol’ Justin Wilson. I Guar-ron-tee’!



Posted by Thorn on Wed, 08 Mar 2023 16:00 | #

It’s just a matter of time before websites such as Majority Rights are made illegal (or possibly allowed to exist only for the purpose of an information gathering tool for law enforcement agencies). Apparently that time is closer than we might think. The vicious bloodthirsty genociders are relentless and are not shy about moving in for the kill.

Of course, we are well aware of what we’re up against; namely the full power of the government-media-corporate complex. Minus a few rare exceptions, practically the entire power structure—be it wittingly or unwittingly—is on board with the white-genocide/race-replacement plan.

Am I overreacting? Paranoid? Misinterpreting the facts?

Well, here’s a prime example of how the anti-whites are isolating, demonizing and condemning people that will not go along with the plan:

Full List of 26 Republicans Who Refused To Denounce White Supremacy
Story by Ewan Palmer • 2h ago

More than two dozen Republicans sitting on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee refused to join their Democratic counterparts in signing a letter denouncing white supremacy and racist conspiracy theories.

In a letter to chairman Kentucky Rep. James Comer, ranking Democrat Jamie Raskin urged all Republicans to join committee Democrats in signing a draft pledge denouncing “white nationalism and white supremacy,” as well the use of related conspiracy theories, including the “Great Replacement” theory during committee hearings. A spokesperson for the committee Republicans said the letter was an attempt to “distract” from the Biden administration’s record on border crossings.

This is not the first time that Republicans have been urged to denounce white supremacy. In 2022, when Democrats were in control of the House, a resolution was brought forward in the wake of a racist mass shooting in Buffalo, New York, to condemn “in strongest terms” the great replacement theory, a far-right claim that white Americans are purposely being replaced as the dominant race in the country by minorities and immigrants for political gain.




Posted by Thorn on Wed, 08 Mar 2023 16:13 | #

People Behind Biden Announce Creation of Formal National Surveillance State, Yet No One Seems Bothered
March 4, 2023 | Sundance

On March 2, 2023, the people in control of the Joe Biden administration officially announced that government control of internet content was now officially a part of the national security apparatus. [White House Link] If you have followed the history of how the Fourth Branch of Government has been created, you will immediately recognize the intent of this new framework.



Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 09 Mar 2023 05:37 | #

Interesting comment , TM , re “finishing Oliver” , in the pagination sense , of course . With regard to your implied and purported

impartiality re your view of that intellectual Brobdingnagian, may I quote a phrase from Oliver Cromwell’s address to Parliament , viz., ” I beseech you , in the bowels of Christ, please consider that you may be mistaken.”

There are only two aspects wrong with your worldview , Tim . Everything you write is Jew - Heaven agenda driven , and , as it necessarily and contextually follows, everything you ((( supernaturally ))) believe is self - serving.

I’d wish you good luck ( atavistically and paganly , though not , of course eternally speaking ) but you wouldn’t know what to do with it if you got it.

Door to door is a successful example of simple - minded American conversion success . That’s why Utah’s Mormons have built the LDS Church as the only American denomination.

I think on this blogger’s site , conversion might meet a success similar to that which was attended by the Battle of Isandlwana.

May I suggest a linguistic shortcut for your estimations of philosophers who may not agree in substance but do understand each other , viz., furniture of the mind.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 09 Mar 2023 07:40 | #

Here , Timothy , a is a Jewish take on the life of your preferred shaman and , one must suppose , the magical racial transmogrification from (Old Covenant ) to the Semitic confidence trick of the New version.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 16 Mar 2023 04:24 | #

It is difficult , Tim , for non - Christians to digest Jesus and his message .  Some uncouth people describe Him and His message as ordure . However you , sitting on the toilet seat a day after Communion would doubtless pass over that imprecation - based impertinence.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Fri, 17 Mar 2023 12:35 | #

I beseech you , in the bowels of Christ, please consider that you may be mistaken.”

Many times in fact. There is plenty of bullshit in Christianity to support that view.

I do not lie, I do not pretend. God saw fit to convince me of himself and He did.

You? Not so much.

But, we both possess the means of reason and an interest in the truth.

Given honesty and self reflection, that is enough.

Btw, E.M. Jones’ second chapter in Logos Rising is a brilliant read. I highly recommend it.
He , like Oliver, eviscerates the jews, but not by the vector of Christianity, but by philosophy and scientific fact.
It is a page turner (unlike Oliver, so far) and one of those books that have you taking notes for follow up and listing new books to read.

From page 86,

“The American Empire differs from its predecessors only in the sophistication of its forms of control.

Because of their expertise in moral subversion , the jews play a crucial role in administering the american empire’s system of control through “liberation” which is invariably the liberation from the moral law,
which invariably means slavery for any rational creature”

This is utterly true. They have done it to protestant America, conquering them in less than 4 generations.
Furthermore, the protestants are incapable of fighting this because of (as you point out) their slavery to the talmudists via the vector of “jesus”

He also eviscerates that harari fellow from the wef. its brutal.

I do not have time for videos at the moment, I am up to my neck in computer code, typeing this while some unit tests run.

I do promise you that being able to explain what you are telling me on your terms is on my mental list of things to understand as it is important to me too.









Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 20 Mar 2023 03:27 | #

Yes TM , I do understand . Many people , when they get Jesus , do not consider the corollary ,viz., the old Hebrew rabble - rouser has got you.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
