Myth and self-interest in the creation of a white American republic

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 09 August 2009 14:39.

So Michael O’Meara beat off nineteen other entries to win the TOQ essay contest with his rumination titled “Towards a White Republic”.  We will pass over the oddity of someone winning an essay competition run by the publication for which he writes.  It’s not something I’ve heard of before.  We have to take editor Greg Johnson’s word that O’Meara’s offering was superior to the others, although I was permitted to read one of them in advance of its submission and, for scholarship and new thinking at least, it comfortably surpassed the winning entry.

That essay was of particular interest to me, it’s true.  It handled its subject with no less surety than the foundational work of a certain ex-MR specialist in that area (who is currently adorning the TOQ sidebar).  O’Meara plainly scored for style – he’s an easy writer to read.  But more than that, he was topical.  The star of the White American Republic is definitely rising in nationalist circles.

It is evident from O’Meara’s references in the essay to his own relationship with White Nationalism that he sees himself as something of an onlooker.  Rather, I think he is attached to the European New Right and its tradition of philosophical critique as opposed to creativity.  I say “opposed” and mean it.  In the West the world of ideas is cleaved between the Analytical or empirical, with its natural outlet in scientific enquiry, and the Idealist, with its appeal to mind and art.  There is no reconciling the two.

ENR Idealists disdain the Anglo-American Analytical tradition for its materialism and its spectrographic bloodlessness - though even the harshest critic among them is in no hurry to eschew the modern, technological world which is its fruit.  How could they?  The undeniable and wondrous progressiveness of science is an expression of the European sociobiology, eternally conflicted with a hostile natural world as that is.  It is of us.  Indians who live a life filled with the shades of god-like men and the symbols of ancient gods gave the world the Vedas and Sanskrit and the numeral system.  But they did not create modernity.  Only we did that.  We could not live as Indians live and be true to our questing nature.

And yet ... so harmful to our collective existence has the concentration on narrow proofs and material conclusions been, the question inevitably arises: can we survive at all as we are, without shades and symbols, without religiosity and romance, and without the cavalier and vague presumptions of Idealist thinking?

This, of course, is the question I first rehearsed here, and summed up in the following:

... the fear - near uniformly held among our thinkers - is that empiricism is too dry and incommunicable to train our people to the task of their own salvation.  Their eyes must still be lifted to the horizon.

And so we arrive at the kernel of the problem: explaining ”why love” is not the same as loving!  It’s the eternal emotional gap in the empirical mindset, and it has no obvious solution.

Now, O’Meara does not, in fact, explain why the myth-filled life is essential to our future.  He makes the presumption that it is, in a similar way that White Nationalists have tended, down the years, to presume that “raising racial consciousness” is the key to the new world.  O’Meara writes:

If a presently unattainable ideal is not first articulated as a mythic possibility, it remains unrealized, for its idealization is part of the process that quickens its realization.

Prozium, another on the TOQ sidebar, has written warmly of the winning entry, wholly approving of a steroidal act of mythicisation to move the white American masses:

Prerational human instincts are the taproot of White Nationalism: tribalism, ethnocentrism, xenophobia, kin selection, altruism. These instincts (which give rise to emotions) are then filtered through the lens of American history (racial conflict between Whites and non-Whites) and combined with the myths mentioned above to reach the final product. The rational arguments that racialists make to justify separatism are secondary considerations. Shorn of their prerational foundations, say, a healthy love of kin, they rarely lead to the desired mythic conclusion.

Well, is any confirmation of the potentcy of the mythic conclusion to be found in the recent European past?  Not really, because neither of the two major, popularly-based attempts at expansion in the modern or industrial era - one successful, one not – were presented to the public in an unapologetically mythic form.

In the West, John Gast’s American Progress gestured very roughly in the direction of myth.  But it communicated no deep truths, no unresolved yearning, and no Wagnerian vision of a final triumph of light over darkness in the West.  For the latter, Gast employed mundane school books and the telegraph.  He characterised the westward expansion as a bringing of civilisation to wilderness (note, not to the savage tribes but to the land they roamed).

John B L Soule’s “Go West, young man, and grow with the country”, later truncated by Horace Greeley,  was still more prosaic and worldly.  Yet young men and women did exactly what Soule recommended, and they did it for their own reasons of which there are two - and only two - sufficient to the task of making a large body of people move.  One is the desire for increase, of which the desire for land is part, and the other is the desire to live free.  In other words, Manifest Destiny, which was more a national attitude than official US government policy, was not realised for some higher altruistic purpose.  It was not for civilisation’s sake as Gast sought.  It was for the individual settler’s own sake that he walked and rode and drove his wagon westward.

This is not a hopeful precedent for O’Meara.  But there is one other presentational model of racial expansion to consider.

Joseph Goebbels’ propaganda machine was not shy about idealising the aims and deeds of the Fuehrer and the party.  It even gave the treatment to forced labour!  But here’s how Goebbels himself wrote of “The East as Fulfilment” in 1942:

East is our national radiation. Here of all places the circulation of our racial blood must be directly stimulated and accelerated again and again. Here we must harness to the fatherland’s disposal, the brightest minds and strongest hearts. They are here for the purpose, and it is their national political mission to see to it, that the Reich’s pulse beat, become perceptible and audible to its utmost cells. The program of National Socialism for the German East will have to be implemented by countless human beings and organizations.

In the meantime, years and decades will pass; but one day it will be as we often dreamed, as we sang of it in our songs and as our poets portrayed it to us: yellow ears will wave here on vast fields, bread for our people growing on our own soil. A hardy people of peasant stock will keep guard in the East. Sword and plough stand ready to shape and preserve the peace. A rich and inexhaustible German cultural life will be able to unfold here. In all people and on all fields the Reich will be at home here.

Every young German will have to consider it a matter of honour to dedicate at least a couple of years of his life to the East. Countless numbers will remain, strengthening the rampart of bodies that shields our fatherland. For the East is not only the yearning, but also the fulfilment of our nation.

“Yellow ears will wave here on vast fields, bread for our people growing on our own soil” … this is romanticism, not myth.  And so it was in the treatment of landscape by artists in National Socialist Germany.  They portrayed the life of the German peasant-farmer as an expression of the German soul.  But, from what I can tell, they did almost all of it without straying eastward beyond their own national borders.

image image
left: mythic treatment for Herr Hitler in a pre-1933 poster; right: romantic treatment for the German landscape and the life of the peasant, painted 1938.

An interesting point here is that lebensraum was rather more than a dream of dominion in the east.  German agriculture, which even today is a mess of small, inefficient farms kept afloat by EU subsidy, had remained deeply rustic and anti-modern right up to the outbreak of war.  Hitler approached the deep structural changes it needed in full knowledge of Stalin’s modernising handiwork (which, of course, concluded with the famine of 1932-33 in the very bread basket he, Hitler, most coveted).  He settled for a short-term programme of small reforms and land distributions to aid the peasantry, while reserving the ambition of expansion to the east as the ultimate solution.

Thus, even lebensraum was predicated on rational thinking, not on some wild, atavistic intoxication with race and destiny.  That said, the idea of living space in the east was not new.  It had been circulating among German nationalists for seventy years.  In 1919, a Heinrich Himmler in his late teens wrote:

I work for my ideal of German womanhood with whom, some day, I will live my life in the east and fight my battles as a German far from beautiful Germany.

And here, at last, we see a glimmer of the mythic.  Himmler was preparing himself for a future of fighting battles, presumably against the forces of regression and darkness which must be driven back from the lands they hold in their barbarian grip.  It is a long way from Gast’s vision of the triumph not of the will but of the written word ... a triumph of the thinking mind over those “pre-rational human instincts”.  It’s even further from Soule’s.

What we do not know, of course, is the extent to which Himmler’s yearning for a life of greatness in the east lived in the hearts of simple working men and women in early 20th century Germany.  The suspicion has to be that it was substantially a preoccupation of nationalists alone and, therefore, that the romanticisation of that life … its shades and symbols … was also really only a nationalist preoccupation.  Germans generally might have been open to the idea of beginning a new life on conquered eastern soil.  But any decision to migrate once peace came to the world again may have had much more to do with self-interest than the vision of racial glory.

The question for O’Meara (and Prozium) is: what evidence do you have that not just Irish- and German-Americans but Anglos, Swedes, Dutch, Poles, Italians and all the rest will respond “pre-rationally” to the mythic rather than a rational call to self-interest?  Another question.  If you have nothing but a hunch, a gut feeling, are you really only expressing your fealty to the Idealist tradition?  And another question.  Given what MacDonald has told us about implicit and explicit racism, might the implicit variety prove sufficient when combined with a clearly enunciated self-interest?  And one last question.  If, essentially, that enunciation comprises the first Analytic cause of genetic interests, where does that leave Idealist thinking?



Posted by Silv on Sat, 22 Aug 2009 19:53 | #

GT: Do you buy this, folks?

Sure. People routinely experience changes of heart.  Bowery’s, however temporary, isn’t inconsistent with feeling his talents merited greater socioeconomic standing than he has managed to attain.  Holding him to any higher standard sets the bar too high for anyone to clear, which is probably something worth bearing in mind if those microcommunities plan to attract any mere humans.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 22 Aug 2009 20:45 | #

I already showed my opinion about the Yeomanry to go back to 1994 and I can easily prove goes back to at least 1982.  If the “change of heart” went back to Jan 30, 1954 would we then assume that I had a prenatal experience of envy, Silver?

Videotex Networking and the American Pioneer

I wrote the following article during my tenure as the chief
architect for the mass-market videotex experiment conducted
by AT&T;and Knight-Ridder News called “Viewtron”—a service
of the joint-venture company, Viewdata Corporation of America.

As can be sensed in the article, I had encountered some fairly
frustrating situations and was about to be told by the
corporate authorities that my telecomputing architecture,
which would have provided a dynamically downloaded Forth
graphics protocol in 1983 evolving into a distributed
Smalltalk-like environment beginning around 1985, would be
abandoned due to a corporate commitment to stick with Tandem
Computers as the mainframe vendor—a choice which I had
asserted would not be adequate for my architecture.  (At least
Postscript survived.)  I was subsequently offered the head
telecomputing software position at Prodigy by IBM and
turned it down when they indicated they would not support my
architecture either, due to a committment to limit merchant
access to their network to only those who had a special
status with the service provider (IBM/CBS/Sears).  The distributed
Smalltalk system was specifically designed to allow the sort
of grassroots commerce now emerging in the world wide web—
particularly as people recognize JavaScript is similar to the
Self programming language and the Common Lisp Object System.
This wasn’t in keeping with IBM’s philosophy at that time since
they had yet to be humbled by Bill Gates.

My independent attempt at developing this sort of service was
squashed by the U.S. government when it provided UUCP/Usenet
service to a competitor in San Diego and would not offer me
the same subsidy via MILnet—a network that was not for
public access, by law, and which was exclusively for military
use.  My complaints to DoD investigators resulted in continual
“We’re looking into it.” replies.

                Videotex Networking
                The American Pioneer

                by Jim Bowery
                (circa 1982)

With the precipitous drop in the price of information technology,
computer-based communication has come within the technical and
economic reach of the mass-market.  The term generally used for this
mass-market is “videotex” because it reduces the cost of entry into
the home by using the most ubiquitous video display device, the
television screen, to deliver its service.

The central importance of this new market is that it brings the
capital cost of establishing a publication with nation-wide
distribution to within the reach of the mass-market as well.  This
means that anyone who is a “consumer” of information on this new
technology can also be a “producer” of information.  The distinction
between editorial staff and readership need no longer be a function of
who has how much money, but rather, who has the greatest consumer
appeal.  The last time an event of this magnitude took place was the
invention of the offset printer which brought the cost of publication
to within the reach of small businesses.  That democratization of
cultural evolution was protected in our constitution under freedom of
the press.  Freedom of speech was intended for the masses.  In this
new technology, the distinction between press and speech is beginning
to blur.  Some individuals and institutions see this as removing the
new media from either of the constitutional protections rather than
giving it both.  They see a great danger in allowing the uncensored
ideas of individuals to spread across the entire nation within seconds
at a cost of only a few cents.  A direct quote from a person with
authority in the management of this new technology:  “We view videotex
as ‘we the institutions’ providing ‘you the people’ with information.”
I wonder what our founding fathers would have thought of a statement
like that.

Mass-media influences cultural evolution in profound ways.  Rather
that assuming a paternalistic posture, we should be objective about
these influences in making policy and technology decisions about the
new media.  It is important to try and preserve the positive aspects
of extant media while eliminating its deficits.  On the positive side,
mass-media is very effective at eliminating “noise” or totally
uninteresting information compared to, say, CB radio.  This is
accomplished via responsible editorial staffs and market forces. On
the negative side, much “signal” or vital information is eliminated
along with the noise.  A good example of this is the way mass-media
attends to relatively temporal things like territorial wars, nuclear
arms, economic ills, social stratification ... etc. to the utter
exclusion of attending to the underlying cause of these events:  our
limits to growth.  The need for “news” is understandable, but how long
should we talk about which shade of yellow Joe’s eye is, how his wife
and her lover feel about it and whether he will wear sun-glasses out
of embarrassment before we start talking about a cure for jaundice?

Mass-media has failed to give appropriate coverage to the most
significant and interesting issue facing us because of the close tie
between institutional culture and editorial policy.  Institutional
evolution selects people-oriented people—individuals with great
personal force.  These people are consumed with their social
orientation to the point that they ignore or cannot understand
information not relating in fairly direct ways to politics or the
psychological aspects of economics.  Since institutional evolution is
reflected in who has authority over what, editorial authority
eventually reflects the biases of this group.  They cannot understand
life, except as something that generates politics and “human interest”
stories.  They may even, at some level of awareness, work to maintain
our limits to growth since it places their skills at a premium.  In a
people-saturated environment (one at its limits to growth)
people-oriented people are winners.

Actually, this is an ancient problem that keeps rearing its ugly head
in many places in many forms.  In my industry its called the “Whiz
Kids vs. MBAs” syndrome.  Others have termed it “Western Cowboys vs.
Eastern Bankers”.  The list is without end.  I prefer to view it as a
more stable historical pattern:  “Pioneers vs. Feudalists”.

Pioneers are skilled at manipulating unpeopled environments to suit
their needs whereas feudalists are skilled at manipulating peopled
environments to suit their needs.  Although, these are not necessarily
exclusive traits, people do seem to specialize toward one end or the
other simply because both skills require tremendous discipline to
master and people have limited time to invest in learning.

Pioneers want to be left alone to do their work and enjoy its fruits.
Feudalists say “no man is an island” and feel the pioneer is a “hick”
or worse, an escapist.  Feudalists view themselves as lords and
pioneers as serfs.  Pioneers view feudalists as either irrelevant or
as some sort of inevitable creeping crud devouring everything in its
path.  At their best, feudalists represent the stable balance and
harmony exhibited by Eastern philosophy.  At their worst, feudalists
represent the tyrannical predation of pioneers unable to escape
domination.  At their best, pioneers represent the freedom, diversity
and respect for the individual represented by Western philosophy.  At
their worst, pioneers represent the inefficient, destructive
exploitation of virgin environs.

The Atlantic and Pacific Oceans selected pioneers for the New World.
The Pioneer is in our cultural and our blood.  But now that our
frontier resources have vanished, the “creeping crud” of feudalism is
catching up with us.  This change in perspective is making itself felt
in all aspects of our society:  big corporations, big government and
institutional mass-media.  As the disease progresses, we find ourselves
looking and behaving more and more like one big company town.  Soviet
Russia has already succumbed to this disease.  The only weapon we have
that is truly effective against it is our greatest strength:  innovation.

I firmly believe that, except to the extent that they have been silenced by
the media’s endless barrage of feudalistic values, the American people
are pioneers to their core.  They are starved to share these values
with each other but they cannot because there is no mode of
communication that will support their values.  Videotex may not be as
efficient at replicating and distributing information as broadcast,
but it does provide, for the first time in history, a means of
removing the editorial monopoly from feudalists and allowing pioneers
to share their own values.  There will be a battle over this “privilege”
(although one would think freedom of the press and speech should be
rights).  The outcome of this battle of editorial freedom vs. control in
videotex may well determine whether or not civilization ends in a war
over resources, continues with the American people spear-heading an
explosion into the high frontier or, pipe-dream of pipe-dreams, slides
into world-wide feudalism hoping to control nuclear arms and
“equitably” distribute our dwindling terrestrial resources.

There is a tremendous danger that careless promotion of deregulation
will be dogmatically (or purposefully) extended to the point that
there may form an unregulated monopoly over the information replicated
across the nation-wide videotex network, now underdevelopment.  If
this happens, the prophecies of a despotic, “cashless-society” are
quite likely to become a reality.  My opinion is that this nightmare
will eventually be realized but not before the American pioneers have
had a chance to reach each other and organize.  I base this hope on
the fact that the first people to participate in the videotex network
will represent some of the most pioneering of Americans, since
videotex is a new “territory”.

The question at hand is this:  How do we mold the early videotex
environment so that noise is suppressed without limiting the free flow
of information between customers?

The first obstacle is, of course, legal.  As the knights of U.S.
feudalism, corporate lawyers have a penchant for finding ways of
stomping out innovation and diversity in any way possible.  In the
case of videotex, the attempt is to keep feudal control of information
by making videotex system ownership imply liability for information
transmitted over it.  For example, if a libelous communication takes
place, corporate lawyers for the plaintiff will bring suit against the
carrier rather than the individual responsible for the communication.
The rationalizations for this clearly unreasonable and contrived
position are quite numerous.  Without a common carrier status, the
carrier will be treading on virgin ground legally and thus be
unprotected by precedent.  Indeed, the stakes are high enough that the
competitor could easily afford to fabricate an event ideal for the
purposes of such a suit.  This means the first legal precedent could
be in favor of holding the carrier responsible for the communications
transmitted over its network, thus forcing (or giving an excuse for)
the carrier to inspect, edit and censor all communications except,
perhaps, simple person-to-person or “electronic mail”.  This, in turn,
would put editorial control right back in the hands of the feudalists.
Potential carriers’ own lawyers are already hard at work worrying
everyone about such a suit.  They would like to win the battle against
diversity before it begins.  This is unlikely because videotex is
still driven by technology and therefore by pioneers.

The question then becomes:  How do we best protect against such
“legal” tactics?  The answer seems to be an early emphasis on secure
identification of the source of communications so that there can be no
question as to the individual responsible.  This would preempt an
attempt to hold the carrier liable.  Anonymous communications, like
Delphi conferencing, could even be supported as long as some
individual would be willing to attach his/her name to the
communication before distributing it.  This would be similar, legally,
to a “letters to the editor” column where a writer remains anonymous.
Another measure could be to require that only individuals of legal age
be allowed to author publishable communications.  Yet another measure
could be to require anyone who wishes to write and publish information
on the network to put in writing, in an agreement separate from the
standard customer agreement, that they are liable for any and all
communications originating under their name on the network.  This
would preempt the “stolen password” excuse for holding the carrier

Beyond the secure identification of communication sources, there is
the necessity of editorial services.  Not everyone is going to want to
filter through everything published by everyone on the network.  An
infrastructure of editorial staffs is that filter.  In exchange for
their service the editorial staff gets to promote their view of the
world and, if they are in enough demand, charge money for access to
their list of approved articles.  On a videotex network, there is
little capital involved in establishing an editorial staff.  All that
is required is a terminal and a file on the network which may have an
intrinsic cost as low as $5/month if it represents a publication with
“only” around 100 articles.  The rest is up to the customers.  If they
like a publication, they will read it.  If they don’t they won’t.  A
customer could ask to see all articles approved by staffs A or B
inclusive, or only those articles approved by both A and B, etc.  This
sort of customer selection could involve as many editorial staffs as
desired in any logical combination.  An editorial staff could review
other editorial staffs as well as individual articles, forming
hierarchies to handle the mass of articles that would be submitted
every day.  This sort of editorial mechanism would not only provide a
very efficient way of filtering out poor and questionable
communications without inhibiting diversity, it would add a layer of
liability for publications that would further insulate carriers from
liability and therefore from a monopoly over communications.


Posted by Q on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 00:03 | #

Silver, Fred Scrooby, Guessdworker= axis of intelligence. CC too.

GT, Castro, Jane Fonda = axis of idiots. I-DEE-ITS!


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 14:02 | #

Now you’re talking my “white trash”, Fred!  Those are the Bowery’s.  Its those kind of folks I had in mind in 1982 when I was referring to “pioneers”.  I don’t think anyone would confuse East Tennessee folk like us with what “Q” above refers to as “upper middle class”.

In my 1982 paper, the passage:

If this happens, the prophecies of a despotic, “cashless-society” are
quite likely to become a reality.  My opinion is that this nightmare
will eventually be realized but not before the American pioneers have
had a chance to reach each other and organize.  I base this hope on
the fact that the first people to participate in the videotex network
will represent some of the most pioneering of Americans, since
videotex is a new “territory”.

...was motivated by my early thinking along the lines of an agrarian distributed barter system that would come into play eventually as the network revolution played itself out (resulting in part from my responsibility in 1982 for doing the encryption of “shop at home” services in the VIEWTRON system).  This is part of the reason I later convinced Dan Brumleve to apply his computer cracking skills to implementing a distributed barter system called “dBarter” that won the prize for most promising software at the 2001 Hackers Conference in Santa Rosa. 

But I have to admit, the history of the state of Franklin is something that didn’t make it down as family lore—so I need to do a more detailed autopsy on the death of that experiment in human ecology.  Although, I do know from family lore there were several cases where Cherokee massacred settlers—women and children—including Bowery’s in those counties, I suspect Franklin’s failure had to do more with the tax base than the Indian attacks.  You just can’t tax homesteads, the assets _or_ the supporting activities, and get away with it unless you have something like a citizen’s dividend to liquidate it.  That is what Shay’s Rebellion was about as well.

PS:  If only I’d known of GT’s prior work in electronic barter in 1982, or of Q, CC and Silver in 1982, they might have provided me with the “leadership” I so clearly needed to avoid ending up with fears of Mole People with atrophied genitalia!


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 17:13 | #

fears of Mole People with atrophied genitalia!

Fighting needs to be coupled with fucking to the greatest degree possible, within the existing realm of the prescriptive Boweriverse of course.  So, the victor in a contest of single combat to the death should be given all the females under the control of the sovereign he has just dispatched.  Some of which he will give to Muslims as a placatory gesture, if he so chooses.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 17:38 | #

If only I’d known of GT’s prior work

I think GT is right, 90% of Whites do deserve to be left to the niggers who will in turn fuck them and eat them, though not necessarily in that order.  Everything we ever needed to know about morality was indeed conveyed in the Turner Diaries.  Yet it is all the stuff of such a rarefied ethos I’m having trouble deciding.  No matter, I’m sure Diamed would give his thumbs up to either proposal.  Who says at least some Jews can’t be spiritually White?


Posted by Q on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 18:47 | #

Re: barter system. Times and laws have changed .. and not for the better. As for microcommunities, all it would take is for one pissed-off asshole to drop a dime to the IRS which would destroy the whole operation.


Your “Citizens Dividend” idea has much merit. The only problem is it requires people in power to implement it. The current power structure has too much invested in the welfare system as it exists. Too many peoples’ income and fortunes are built upon and around it—especially the negroes. A ‘Citizen Dividend’ would in effect knock the keystone right out and cause the whole welfare structure to collapse. Which in turn would spark riots from coast to coast. That would be bad for bussiness; therefore. the big money men (whom control the government) won’t allow such sweeping changes to the social order.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 19:19 | #

I really have only one question for you, Q:

Why won’t the BNP use the citizen’s dividend plank to take over the UK and, more generally, the New Right parties use it to take over the EU?


Posted by Q on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 20:13 | #

Why won’t the BNP use the citizen’s dividend plank to take over the UK and, more generally, the New Right parties use it to take over the EU?


All I can say about that is they certainly should. Unlike our two party system—which would surly block such attempts—they have the political avenues in which to advance that plank. So there is no good reason for them not to.

Except, of course, there is a certain group of interlopers (mainly Jews) whom will fund a media campaign along with back channel lobbying (i.e. bribes and threats) designed to overwhelm and discredit the proponents of a ‘Citizen Dividend’.


Posted by Mark IJsseldijk on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 20:22 | #

90% of Whites do deserve to be left to the niggers who will in turn fuck them and eat them, though not necessarily in that order.

Careful, Cap’n.  You’re starting to sound like Pastor “Slay All Whiggers” Lindstedt.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 23 Aug 2009 20:46 | #

You’re starting to sound like Pastor “Slay All Whiggers” Lindstedt.

I was being sarcastic.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 00:06 | #

Q responds to my very specific question: “All I can say about that is they certainly should.”

Unfortunate that is all you can say.  Please meditate on my question put directly to you for it is important that you should come up with what you believe to be the answer.  I repeat it for clarity:

“Why won’t the BNP use the citizen’s dividend plank to take over the UK and, more generally, the New Right parties use it to take over the EU?”


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 02:04 | #

Why won’t the BNP use the citizen’s dividend plank to take over the UK and, more generally, the New Right parties use it to take over the EU?”

Several reasons:

1.) They have not yet humbled themselves before Bowery’s omniscience.

2.) The seek to sway the minds of the lemmings, and the lemmings are conventional people.

3.) The citizen’s dividend, as opposed to the existing dispensation of the use of taxes, comes across as a bit of kookiness which emerged straight of of left field.

4.) Conventional people (the people they are trying to sway) don’t respond terribly positively to what they perceive as kookiness.

5.) The lemmings are decadent, and like the nanny state.  They don’t want it dismantled in favor of actually having to manage their own money and lives.  Pulling the lever for the BNP, and donating anonymously to it, are much easier.

6.) The overriding issue, the meta-issue, at hand is not erecting a new economic dispensation (i.e., a citizen’s dividend as opposed to the nanny state), it is galvanizing a sufficient number of our people to the cause of securing the existence of our race to effect said.  Political and intellectual leaders probably figure, to the degree they are aware of the citizen’s dividend and have considered it at all, that the direct approach which promises to rock the boat as little as possible is most effective.

Basically for all the reasons GT rants about: “Lazy, greedy, stupid human sheep that don’t deserve my pearls nor to survive for that matter!”

Any questions?


Posted by Q on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 02:20 | #

“Why won’t the BNP use the citizen’s dividend plank to take over the UK and, more generally, the New Right parties use it to take over the EU?”

Unfortunately change in politics is invariably a slow and painful process. Change requires a groundswell of support and more importantly, people in power to effect change. Right now the BNP is only beginning to acquire power. Hopefully the BNP will exponentially increase their power as they become more and more successful at the ballot box. Bowden articulates how that works at the end of this speech.

Question: To your knowledge has any of the BNP handlers engaged in focus group research as to the marketability of Citizens Dividend? Have any polls been taken to see how popular the idea is within the general public? What percentage of the general population understands what a Citizen’s Dividend is, yet alone
ever heard of it?

First and foremost the BNP needs to gain more seats/power. Then a massive education campaign or public service announcements on the subject of Citizen’s Dividend needs to be disseminated to the working native Brits and EU members. But as things stand, it is too premature to propose such a radical plan.

Now, James, I would like hear why you think the BNP, et Al, are not proposing Citizen’s Dividend? Or are they and I am just unaware?


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 05:05 | #

If anyone wants to know why there is no point in communicating with Captainchaos, let alone directing serious questions to him:

Posted by Mark IJsseldijk on August 23, 2009, 11:22 AM | #

CC wrote: 90% of Whites do deserve to be left to the niggers who will in turn fuck them and eat them, though not necessarily in that order.

Careful, Cap’n.  You’re starting to sound like Pastor “Slay All Whiggers” Lindstedt.

Posted by Captainchaos on August 23, 2009, 11:46 AM | #

MI wrote: You’re starting to sound like Pastor “Slay All Whiggers” Lindstedt.

I was being sarcastic.

Posted by Captainchaos on August 23, 2009, 05:04 PM | #

...Lazy, greedy, stupid human sheep that don’t deserve my pearls nor to survive for that matter!

Definitely a minus for MR.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 05:09 | #

Q asks: What percentage of the general population understands what a Citizen’s Dividend is, yet alone
ever heard of it?

That’s a bit like asking “What percent of the general population understands what 1000€/month deposited straight into the bank account of every resident adult citizen (rather than giving it to immigrants and political favorites) is, let alone what a € is?”

Thank you for demonstrating your intellectual class, Q.

As for my explanation for why the BNP and EU New Right won’t focus their energies on the Citizen’s Dividend:

Politics attracts second and third rate leadership—generally acting as a lightning rod to ground real talent.  You’re dead wrong about the people not getting the idea.  They’re desperate for it right now—starting prior to the bailouts of their creditors last year in fact.  It’s a slam dunk hanging over the hoop—defying gravity by waiting there with the West down one point and seconds left in the game. 

And the BNP and New Right parties of the EU will piss it away anyway because they have people even less worthy of leadership than you in charge.

The only good reason to involve one’s self in politics, as I have said repeatedly of the Ron Paul campaign, is that one meets people one can network with to form resilient communities.  (GT’s moniker, “microcommunities” is a conflation with “microstates”.)


Posted by Frank on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 05:59 | #

James Bowery,

1000 / month is enough to live off of. I acknowledge it’d be difficult, but it could be done nevertheless. Blacks and Mexicans would sit around having babies while whites would struggle for a middle class standard of living. And much of it would be consumed as opposed to invested, so the economy would be weakened. And you’d still have people who fall ill in need of medical services, and thus draw sympathy.

Have you done the figures anywhere as to which services would be replaced and what amounts are involved?

I like (Jewish) Hartman’s proposal: BTT. Add to that limits on the wealthiest people - e.g. cap ceo salaries as Japan does, even consider restructuring the corporate system to allow for liability, reform the media system (no monopolies), and reform the banking and financial system (no gambling, no Federal Reserve, no lending of money that isn’t there, no usury, etc.)


Posted by Frank on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 06:03 | #

Giving people money might be a cunning strategy for winning them over, but I fear there’d be no taking it away from them once given. Ideally, people would be made self sufficient, and those who need a handler could find help at the local level. And ideally, wealth would not be over concentrated - some standard would be set.

That’s the difference between the (perhaps impossible) ideal of distributism and socialism. Distributism though should (by my definition) take the entirety into account, but such policies (imo) should be best for the overall state under normal circumstances (though during unusual circumstances different policies might be ideal).


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 06:09 | #

First of all, Frank, it is only 1000€ if they get rid of the parasites—it is more like 600€ if they don’t cut the parasites out of CITIZENSHIP.

But more fundamentally, you don’t get the name of the game, Frank:

Pay your people from public coffers so they have enough time to engage in political action to protect their interests.

Whites can’t protect their interests because their life is being drained from them by “protected groups” paid from the public coffers—drained to the point that guys like CC and GT just want to kill them as lifeless zombies.  They’re not zombies.  They’re victims of parasites that need the hemorrhage slowed enough that they can see more clearly the suckers attached to them, draining the life from the body politic.

As for health care and compassion:

Dump them off at the doors of the preachers and priests that import them.

As for “self sufficiency”: What do you call it when a land owner lives off the rent he collects from his tenants?  The Citizen’s Dividend is called a “dividend”, not because of the need for a rhetorical slight of hand (the way “entitlement” is used to justify paying parasites to eat out the substance of the posterity of the founders of the US)—but because man enters into a social contract with other men and in the process gives up his right to kill another for enough land to support himself and his children.  Moreover, modern technology has made it more than reasonable to expect that men should have the same kind of leisure that only accrued to slave-owning classes in prior history.


Posted by Mark IJsseldijk on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 07:51 | #


What’s to stop a few anonymous Euro activists from spreading this idea among the rank-and-file citizenry esp. those most affected by the present economic dystopia?  Whether in the form of pamphlets or a bit of demagogue-ism away from prying eyes, the dividend idea could be shopped directly to the folk - cutting out the middlemen as it were.  Is this so unfeasible that Euro common folk need rely upon careerists, er, “leaders” to shop the idea?  No indeed, they can do it themselves if they gather the initiative.

I’m sure it could be framed in language accessible enough that the man on the street could see clearly what it means for them.

There are a few questions (viz. political action; legal barriers from EU members and Brussels alike) on this matter still, however.  I’m just too tired to get into them tonight.


Posted by Q on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 14:48 | #

Bottom line. Citizen’s Dividend is a half-baked, short sighted, solution to a complex social/economic/racial problem destined to remain within the confines of think-tanks.

The fact is: most of the general population never heard of it. (Note: I never said they are not capable of understanding it, on the contrary.) But once they become familiar with the details, the obvious negatives will become evident; thus, they will duly reject it due to the inevitable social upheaval it will ignite. Surly you’re familiar with the Law of Unintended Consequences?

There are just too many people—a majority I venture to say—that depend on, and enjoy ‘handout-heaven’. Let’s face it, most people are statists, pure and simple. If you can change the prevailing statist mindset, then meaningful reform can take effect within the corrupt and racially biased welfare-state.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 17:13 | #

Pay your people from public coffers so they have enough time to engage in political action to protect their interests.

Ideally we’d have an aristocracy to run the state, and the ignorant wouldn’t need to worry about voting if they didn’t want to pursue the hurdles in their path to voting rights.

Talk of social contract and other ideological claims are solely for argumentative purposes and shouldn’t actually be believed. Ideologies that are in the ethnic interest should be taken up over those that are not. They’re useful for pursuing ethnic interests (which I do not equate with EGI - though the two are nearly equal there’s a material difference and for me at least EGI is only useful as an ideology itself).

I never signed a social contract, though I was born a Southerner and as such I have a duty to that nation as well as its origin nations in Europe. My ancestors helped carve out the South, but we were conquered and then tamed and brainwashed and made to forget who we are. I’m a dereconstructed residue who’s awakened to find he’s a serf in his own homeland enthralled to invaders, the remnant Yankees who mixed with them, and his people’s former slaves.


Posted by Frank on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 17:24 | #

An aristocracy couldn’t work in America today, but my intent was to remind of how ridiculous mass democracy is. The nation should be run by the best, and there’s no sense in giving each “individual” an equal say. The best (most virtuous) should rule in the interests of the whole.

It just so happens that in America at the present a mass movement is more in white interests, but that’s only temporary. In the long term, the masses will fall prey to demagogues and greed.

Whites can’t protect their interests because their life is being drained from them by “protected groups” paid from the public coffers

I suspect the opposite is true. We’ve grown wealthy and soft. As the middle class shrinks and as discrimination against whites, esp white males, becomes more painful and apparent, more will stand up against it. The problem isn’t a lack of power so much as a lack of will.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 18:59 | #

Mark IJsseldijk writes: What’s to stop a few anonymous Euro activists from spreading this idea among the rank-and-file citizenry esp. those most affected by the present economic dystopia?

What is to stop them is the need for a party apparatus as a vehicle—and it is clear that even guys like “Q”, who are both head and shoulders above the party leadership and in a financial position to influence them—are incapable of perceiving the reality of trillion dollar bailouts of financial institutions being just as “half baked” as sending out monthly subsistence checks to all resident citizens.  In other words, the best hope of influencing the BNP leadership—head and shoulders above the BNP leadership—has shit-for-brains.

The only way the grassroots can influence party leadership is basically to threaten violence.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 24 Aug 2009 23:48 | #

guys like CC and GT just want to kill them as lifeless zombies.

Get this through your head Bowery: I was satirizing some of the more extreme, morally depraved things you and GT have recommended.  Yet the reasons I gave as to why no political or intellectual leaders have adopted your citizen’s dividend ought to be taken seriously.


Posted by Frank on Tue, 25 Aug 2009 01:40 | #

James, I might not be won over by your plan, but it sounds better than paying 260 pounds per household for membership in the EU!

If you want to win folks over, just draw the numbers. No matter how foolish the plan, if you make it into an appealing proposal many will be won over just from the confidence and promise of it… Whether or not it’s a good idea probably doesn’t matter as much as whether the presentation is good.

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