It’s politics. And it’s KMD. The American Third Position, acronym A3P, was launched on Monday. Scroll down to the video of party chairman William D Johnson. Respectable. Conservative. Organisationally, behind him sits none other than Kevin MacDonald who “as a Director of the American Third Position ... influences the course of the party and provides guidance to both the Chairman and President.” There is very little information on the site about the future electoral strategy of A3P. Too early, no doubt. But if the BNP’s experience has had any impact at all, the party will seek to grow from the municipal level upward. The winning of representation at state legislature level must wait - and it will likely be a wait of a decade, even two. Anyhow, it’s evidence that the line that “nothing of substance was proposed at Atlanta” is a deception, and that the attitude among the people involved in this development towards their fellow white nationalists is one of palpable distrust and, perhaps, shame. That is not the BNP’s attitude to fellow-nationalists in Britain. With so little to go on it is dangerous to draw too firm a conclusion, but under KMD’s influence A3P will surely style itself a modern, common-sense party, but a party of the fourteen words. I wish it well. If it prospers it will have to survive and surmount a relentless attack from the usual quarter, including No Platform from a united political mainstream. If it doesn’t prosper it will be attacked from an increasingly questioning body of WNs. Comments:2
Posted by martin on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 20:16 | # I have to agree with Dan, a few degrees of separation from KM would have been a good idea. Americans are still afraid to say the word “Jew”, much less start discussing the current and historical anti-white agendas of Jewish leadership. The Alex Jones approach, attack their agendas, plans, views, proteges, but not them, would have achieved more momentum and less attacks right from the start. Having KM on board officially will simply turn this into a debate about Jews instead of a debate about what’s best for the white race. If white people focused on doing what was best for their race, Jews would no longer be an issue. But hey, what do I know, I just live here. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 20:43 | # Thanks, Dan, for reminding me of that. You’d think I would know it after five years of editing with ExpressionEngine. Corrected it, anyway. Martin, Do you think this party should gesture at all to its roots in WN? If not, then WN can be put away in toto, and the accomodation can begin (it will anyway). 4
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 20:57 | #
Unfortunately yes. What they need to do now is avoid being roped into endless attempts to divert discussion towards that subject. And that won’t be easy. 5
Posted by Q on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 21:13 | # I have to agree with Dan and martin. Like it or not, KMD is too close for their own good. He will serve as the oppositions’ lightning rod, so to speak. Outside WN, KMD is virtually unknown amongst whites. Conversely, within the organised Jewish communities, he is as well known as David Duke.. and equally despised too. My real concern is the mass media (read: Jewish controlled media) will/can easily dispose of the incipient A3P by first assassinating KMD’s character. Remember Saul Alinsky’s “Rules for Radicals” rule #13: “Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it. In conflict tactics there are certain rules that [should be regarded] as universalities. One is that the opposition must be singled out as the target and ‘frozen.’... “...any target can always say, ‘Why do you center on me when there are others to blame as well?’ When your ‘freeze the target,’ you disregard these [rational but distracting] arguments…. Then, as you zero in and freeze your target and carry out your attack, all the ‘others’ come out of the woodwork very soon. They become visible by their support of the target…’ “One acts decisively only in the conviction that all the angels are on one side and all the devils on the other.” 6
Posted by Grimoire on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 21:26 | # Mr. MacDonald is not the pariah it would seem. His books have been reviewed and referenced by leading publications and journals with respect and discretion. In academic circles his work is continually referenced as modern sociological study without a word about anti-semitism. I believe the Anti-anti-semitic organ grinders monkey only shakes it’s tambourine at MacDonald, ie. the dispute over tenure…because they noticed WNs continually referencing his work. This is why it became essential to discredit him. 7
Posted by Jean West on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 21:26 | # GW: you wrote “’s evidence that the line that “nothing of substance was proposed at Atlanta” is a deception, and that the attitude among the people involved in this development towards their fellow white nationalists is one of palpable distrust and, perhaps, shame.” Yes, KM’s problem isn’t his baggage; he’s a superb writer who hits the target every time. The problem, not just with him but with his whole self-described “elite” group is his “top-down” philosophy that I found repugnant enough a few years ago to stop contributing. You said to Renner in an interview: “... the cloister I’m talking about is not a factual real world situation, it’s the cloistering of abstruse ideology which is then not explicated. This is something we touched on previously and it seems to me that subject without confines is a fine opportunity for cloistered intellects to remain so. I would like to see this quality of depth and intellectualism present in the movement; it’s very, very important. But it has to be something that water carriers really can bring down into the forms of political usage. This is how the Left operates; this is how the Left has been so successful, because the high intellects are in the same general machine as the political activists, all the water is carried down this is something we don’t do well; we haven’t got a machine to speak of; the act of carrying the water and the act of creating the machine are one, I think, and I’d like very much to see.” It boils down to respect for the Others on the team. I haven’t seen that; I’ve seen only very self-conscious elitism. In his new role, KM will probably be forced to shift gears—creating a broad voter base has to be a lot different than creating a new aristocracy. 8
Posted by Selous Scout on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 21:28 | # This is encouraging. I plan to get involved. I hope KM is not hurt by his association with A3P. Over at OD the clueless frat boys and young Jedi-wannabes are already casting doubt on this project. Fatalism and defeatism still infect the incipient WN movement, apparently, and if we are to make any project, we need to overcome this. Fewer arses on chairs and more feet on the street! 9
Posted by unaffected on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 21:35 | # “In his new role, KM will probably be forced to shift gears—creating a broad voter base has to be a lot different than creating a new aristocracy.” I share this concern. The creation of self-elected Internet Elites especially has left a bad taste in our mouth. Creating a real-world organization, such as American3P, forces such people to either put up or shut up. If they’re not willing to get involved in flesh and blood activism, they should keep their posturing to themselves and their circle of sycophants. As I understand it American3P has a large network of young white people, male and female, college students and professionals, who are willing to do the hard work and bring the message to the masses. 10
Posted by martin on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 21:43 | # I’m not certain what you mean by gesturing to the roots of WN, but I do think this party should have an explicit pro-white message, so there is no misunderstanding. We don’t need another Ron Paul revolution. They should filter every decision/position based on “is this good or bad for white people”. I don’t think it needs to have an official position or attitude towards Jews. If you support positions contrary to the interests of whites, then you go nowhere in this party. I think the success of the BNP is a crucial step towards establishing a similar movement in the US. 11
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 21:48 | # Unfortunately, they’ve been torpedoed (as has the pseudo-libertarian movement) by this economic policy:
Basically, what they’re saying is that the posterity of the founders are not entitled to dividends from the land trust set up for their benefit. At one time this might have been seen as serving the white elite. Now it serves simply Jews and their extended phenotypes. This is an utter non-starter in the current political economy. 12
Posted by Willy Garrett on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 23:37 | # Here’s their Progam/Policies… Liberty. Sovereignty. Identity. This is A3P.
If current demographic trends persist, European-Americans will become a minority in America in only a few decades time. The American Third Position will not allow this to happen. That is the best I saw they had in regards to them being our political voice (assuming that’s what they even intend). Everything else looks pretty cryptic and rooted in words rather than blood. Many good policy positions are there - esp. the primacy of freedom of association, deportation of all illegal and criminal immigrants, and the rottenness of the Fed - but until “we” have a group that explicitly advocates for us this doesn’t seem much an improvement over patriotard constitutionalism. 13
Posted by Wikitopian on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 23:55 | # I would have rallied with my fellow Whites in pursuit of our interests behind a man who embodies both depth of ideological purity and motivation to take decisive action. But…you know…I believe that NASA is a bit of a money pit. Nevermind… Their Mission Statement: Is THAT porridge too lumpy, Goldilocks? 14
Posted by Willy Garrett on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 01:05 | # Wikitopian, Thanks. That is good to see. I didn’t check the links at the bottom of the page. They should put it at the top so that it is more obvious. 15
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 01:06 | # What martin said. Dr. Kevin MacDonald is the wrong man in the wrong place. If I were in charge, I’d make a Right-wing race realist, anti-immigrationist Jew as Director, Dr. Michael Levin or somebody like him., i.e. the exact opposite of what was done. I make a prediction here and now: this ludicrously-named party will go NOWHERE. 16
Posted by Wikitopian on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 01:15 | # @Willy
Posted by Old Raven on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 01:27 | # Folks, instead of bitching and playing Monday morning quarterback to a game which has only just begun, why don’t you get over to the following links where KMac and the party are being attacked and slandered and ... Do something USEFUL. 2nd part of hit piece: 1st part of hit piece: 18
Posted by Willy Garrett on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 01:29 | #
Braun/Elliot, Your judeophilia has now crossed into parody. You used to be annoying. Now you are funny. If you’re not intending to be then it is even funnier. 19
Posted by Willy Garrett on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 01:43 | #
They have that mission statement buried in the current presentation and I can’t help but believe it’s intentional. It is wise to be coy in these days of aryanphobia. Still, we WNists have to be very wary that subtlety is not yet another cover for treachery.
Amen. 20
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 02:12 | # Where’s anything other than a bunch of negativity aimed at people and organizations that Dr. Levin would absolutely never work with? I’m expressing an opinion. Deal with it. Come back to me in a year and let’s see how this project worked out. Why would Dr. Levin or any other Jew want to be involved with a party that has the greatest anti-Semitic theoretician in the world onboard? 21
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 02:16 | # ...if you think campaigning in post-W.W. II, post-Holocaust West on an anti-Semitic platform and with the world’s greatest anti-Semite is good and smart politics, then you’re obviously as clueless as that joke of a “party” with a farcical Star Trek name. This is not a serious endeavor but mere posing. 22
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 02:21 | # I don’t think it needs to have an official position or attitude towards Jews. If you support positions contrary to the interests of whites, then you go nowhere in this party. Yes, but unfortunately Dr. MacDonald’s presence already sends everyone a message on Jews. For all intents and purposes they’ve taken an “official position” while barely off the ground. Smart move? I don’t think so. All we can do now is watch them skink into obscurity. 23
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 02:28 | # Friedrich Braun’s sock puppet is laboring under the misapprehension that the vast majority of Jews would be interested, ever, in supporting the assertion of power and group action by those of European descent. That is precisely what Jews believe led to “the Holocaust”. But fear of the host is not their only motivation, there is the desire to see dispatched at last their hated ancient enemy. 24
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 02:31 | #
I thought Linder had inherited that mantle from you. 25
Posted by White Preservationist on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 02:50 | #
Are you sure about that? It only got started within the last month or so, how big could the network of the party already be? Also, as far as I know this party is only active in a single U.S. state thus far (California), and I’m not sure if it plans to go nationwide yet.
True. Any and all pro-White political parties or organizations should be first and foremost populist in orientation, seeking their base amongst the increasingly dispossessed White middle and working-classes. That is not to say that there is not a place for elitism in such parties, amongst the leaders and key intellectuals of course there is, but if we do not stand for the racial survival of the broader White masses then exactly who and what do we stand for? Socioeconomic class status, religion, regionalistic biases, petty personal politics, and so forth ought to be put aside and White racial survival should be the main focus, i.e. race trumps all other issues. The gist of White Nationalism is, of course, pro-White racial populism: at this point there no need to even drag partisan politics, money, and religion in to it…just keep it about race first and foremost and from that pro-White racial basis parties and organizations of all types (whether right, left, center, etc) will grow from that. Even your specific White nationality isn’t so much an issue in the broader sense anymore (with the world now becoming so globalized and internationalized), since Whites are being swamped by non-White immigrants and screwed over by their Judeo-Mammonistic government in almost every single White nation worldwide nowadays. Ultimately we will need to build a formal pan-White racial ‘Imperium’ or ‘White International’ composed of linked pro-White governments across the entire world in order to best secure the permanent preservation and survival of our race, a ‘United White Nations’ as it were.
Crucial point there. Jews are an issue, but not the main issue—the key issue is of course securing the permanent preservation and survival of the White race. The masses (of any race or ethnic group) will never understand the sickening depths of the international Jewish problem because merely getting a grasp on the enormity of the Jewish problem takes years of sustained and constant study. For now pro-White leaders of real-world/on-the-ground parties such as TA3P ought to let the Jewish problem fade in to the background in order to easier mobilize the White masses of the USA (similar to what the BNP did), while the leaders and intellectuals of various pro-White parties and White Nationalist groups should definitely keep the Jewish problem in firmly in mind and constantly find ways to expose and combat negative Jewish influences. I’m not trying to minimize the Jewish problem here, not at all, but raving about ‘the Jews’ in public or in ‘polite company’ is a quick way to get yourself and any party you are affiliated with marginalized real quick. On the internet however it is whole different story, especially with people who use pseudonyms—here on the internet the Jews and their anti-White agenda ought to be hammered away at mercilessly, with their nefarious and criminal anti-White activities constantly exposed. 26
Posted by White Preservationist on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 02:55 | # Stephen Elliott = Friedrich Braun = JUDAS GOAT 27
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 03:04 | # I’ve seen a lot of people attempt to insult Jews on these threads. I’ve heard Alex Linder at his best, ridiculing and belittling Jews as only he can. But nothing is more insulting to Jews than the proposition that they would fall for Braun’s hilariously misguided little attempt at setting a trap. This might be difficult for a committed anti-Semite to understand, but the only trap you see is the one you’re fantasizing about in your mind. 28
Posted by Boubacar Simms on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 03:09 | # Jews were against the ban on minarets in Swizerland. The Jews solve their problems with Muslims with bullets and bombs, but they wont allow goyim to even close their borders to Muslim immigrants. 29
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 03:24 | #
Friedrich Braun’s sock puppet Stephen Elliot was at one point a Nazi-fetishist and is most likely still a Holocaust denier. Just recently he was attempting to suck up to Greg Johnson (who advocates a Jew-free Whites-only ethnostate) in the manner he did with GW (who advocates Whites-only ethnostates but favors giving the Jews a chance to mend their ways). Yet it is GW that Braun accuses of being a closet Nazi, when the more likely candidate would obviously be himself. If I were a Jew, I would think very hard before I took at face value word one from Braun. Are you now, or have you ever been a Nazi, Braun? 30
Posted by Boubacar Simms on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 03:57 | # FB was a supporter of eugenics and euthanizing people of his ethnic group. Now he is all emotional and hot under the collar about the non existent genocide of Jewish girls. He also supports the right of Jews to kill as many Arab Muslims as they can. He reminds me of the guy who complains about being treated unfairly by Jim Giles while he hacked forums, phished email accounts, and spamed boards with homosexual porn, but everyone else is the bottom feeders and psychopaths, LOL! 31
Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 04:26 | #
Vile slander! You must be a puppet of the Spider…or Sulla…etc! All hail Prozium the Butcher! 32
Posted by Willy Garrett on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 04:34 | # Fred, The reasoning from your 2:12 AM post is exactly right and it should resonate with any searching, intelligent Aryan out there. That obviously doesn’t include Elliott/Braun who will just cry “Jew Scrooby” and “Scrooby Jew” which I’m sure you expect by now. Jews will use whatever serves their purposes. Currently we don’t in part because they get everything they want from us even when they treat us as subhuman. Why shouldn’t they keep spitting in our face and calling it rain? It’s worked for the last 50 years so why should THEY change? WE need to change. If we stood up to them effectively they would cozy up “anti-semitism” (to use their loaded term) or not. It should be clear that if one wants the respect of Jews (I have no idea why anyone does) the only way to do so is to stand up to them - i.e. be anti-semitic. So Elliott/Braun and Jobling, etc., not only support a craven political idea but a practical loser as well. 33
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 04:46 | #
Friedrich Braun/Stephen Elliot accuses others of projection when it is he that projects. Friedrich Braun/Stephen Elliot is obviously a deeply troubled man who struggles in neurotic fashion to come to terms with his own dark authoritarian impulses which no doubt have their root in what we can only assume was a troubled childhood. Braun/Elliot is presently in the grip of a reaction formation against his own shameful love of Nazism, adoration of Adolf Hitler and hatred of Jews. Of course it is wrong to judge our brother, which we do not. But first, he must admit his true feelings so as to come to grips with them. Then the healing can begin. 34
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:08 | # @Captainchaos
The irony is that Jews are white the most ethno-centric white population on earth that WN want to immolate. What Israelis think about Obama. How Jews view blacks. Maybe you should think of moving to Israel CC. @Stephen Elliott
I think if he references with facts the role Jews play in specific policies but A3P should also highlight the various foundations and companies that finance phoney research through grants. Good site that lists them on different issues it is quite staggering. Maybe they should focus there attention more on the corporatist aspect like highlighting the major fundraisers for all the political opponents are the banks that received the bail-out money even the people Obama set as economic advisors worked for the major Wall Street banks. Other than that in 2012 people will vote for Palin who will on some level be anti-immigration. 35
Posted by Boubacar Simms on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:12 | # Friedrich Braun the NAZI fetishist turned more people away from WNism including myself then any other person connected to the online community. He was a more 36
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:32 | # I never hacked any forum, phished a single email account, or posted homosexual pornography anywhere. That was Kane/Iceman, Daniel Shays, Ixabert and Mazdak. I was just an administrator on The Lyceum. 37
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:37 | # Kane/Iceman attacked The Phora because 88mmFlak (who was an administrator there at the time) outed his real identity on VNN Forum. They posted his real name, address, photograph, and telephone number. They made crank calls to his house and harrassed his parents. 38
Posted by Boubacar Simms on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:42 | # I never hacked any forum, phished a single email account, or posted homosexual pornography anywhere. That was Kane/Iceman, Daniel Shays, Ixabert and Mazdak. I was just an administrator on The Lyceum.
Yeah, you just encouraged and supported them to do it. You’re a sane guy surrounded by half Jewish psychopaths. You still allow them to post on your blog. You sound like one of the 70 IQ having Knoxville niggers who blamed each other for rape, carjacking, torture, sodomy, and murder. 39
Posted by Ivan on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:43 | # In the good old days when Stephen Elliott was known as Friedrich Braun I made this comment:
Sure enough, he did change his name but he missed the gist of my advise - changing your name is not enough, you need to change your techniques as well. It’s easier said than done. Try one more time, Friedrich, but don’t make the same mistake. One more thing, Friedrich. This time around, after changing your name, you need to keep posting under your old name for a while otherwise you’ll make a fool of yourself again. 40
Posted by Willy Garrett on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:47 | #
Typos (and/or Freudian slips) can be dangerous things in the modern Orwellian West. 41
Posted by Boubacar Simms on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:50 | #
Kane has no problem with the killing of Muslim-Arab girls, but you don’t go on and on about that. You ain’t fooling no one. You don’t condemn him like you do Linder or Giles who you take out of context and dramatize. 42
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:50 | # At this point if anyone of us were to engage with Braun/Elliot in dialogue directly in a way other than to encourage him to admit his pathological love of Nazism and hatred of Jews we would only be feeding his illness and allowing him to drag us into his own personal hell. Which is of course what he wants, sick man that he is. We must have utmost compassion for him, and that means getting him to admit that in his heart he is a Nazi. Only after having admitted that he is a Nazi will Jews and decent White people alike be able to take him seriously. 43
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 05:55 | # Bullshit. 1.) When I found out that Shays, Mazdak, Beria, and Einsatzkommando had been spamming gay pornography, I told them to knock it off. I was the one who got them to quit doing it. 2.) The Lyceum was never my website. Daniel Shays was the owner. Daniel Shays and Kane rigged the own vBulletin to read passwords. It was Kane’s idea, not mine. I still don’t know how they managed to do it. They wanted to spy on the invisible moderator forum at The Phora because they suspected the people who were harassing Kane in real life (making crank calls to his parents, getting his personal info into Google search results) were coordinating their activities there. 3.) Ixabert hacked The Phora without authorization. He hacked The Lyceum too. He was banned for doing this. 44
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:02 | # Kane is just a kid from suburban Pennsylvania who trolls and makes extreme statements to draw attention to himself. I’ve heard his voice. I’ve seen his YouTube videos. No one with half a brain believes that Kane is a threat to anyone. Jim Giles truly believes what he says. He sounded like a cold blooded killer in my interview. I would not be in the least bit surprised if Giles went on a shooting spree. Linder is a psychopath, but a physical coward. He isn’t going to pick up a gun himself and kill anyone. He might inspire one of his more unhinged followers to do so. 45
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:10 | #
Yes, of that we can be certain, the best of clinicians having furnished us with the test results regarding that very question. In lieu of that, however we should be satisfied with the ‘walks like a duck, quacks like a duck…’ diagnostic method, which is no less definitive. Which is of course why Linder uses it himself. 46
Posted by dirty laundry on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:19 | #
you all must admit there are some disturbing links between HW/Prozium and Iceman/Kane not only is Iceman partly Jewish, on his blog recrntly he wrote that he is part Black too and that he is an anti racist activist working undercovr for the ADL and SPLC: Iceman/Kane wrote -
and back when hunter wallace, then known as prozium, had the Odessa Syndicate blog he had some kind of mental breakdown in the spring and summer of 2008 and wrote about driving to the SPLC center in montgomery alabama and actually personally talking with splc leader morris dees, repudiating his ‘racism’ or something, atoning for ‘racist sins’ and all the while following the communist philosophies of some jew named etzioni! these disturbing links between HW/prozium and the part jew and part black anti racist undercover adl agent/hacker iceman/kane/DB are too stark to be ignored, they go back years. just some questions that ought to be asked 47
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:26 | # 1.) Kane/Iceman is a friend of mine. He claims to be 1/4th Jewish. 2.) That’s not Kane’s blog. It is obviously someone trying to harass him. To my knowledge, he doesn’t post under his real name. 3.) This is his real website: 4.) Back in 2008, I had a stress induced psychosis. It was an anomalous event. I’ve been experienced anything like it before or sense. I don’t suffer from any mental illness. I’m not taking any prescription medication. 48
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:27 | #
That is not the interpretation of Greg Johnson, who apparently is smitten with Giles’ rugged exterior but realizes that deep down Giles is a softy, the man with the “Blue Tick Nose.” Dr. Johnson is a wise man, perhaps it is best in this situation that you accept his judgement. 49
Posted by dirty laundry on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:29 | # when you were under “stress induced psychosis” back in 2008, did you drive and visit the SPLC center nearby in your homestate of alabama, and did you talk to morris dees and the other jew lawyers there, and have you ever worked for them in gather IP addresses and info and such? 51
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:31 | # Edit: I’ve never experienced anything like it before or since. 52
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:33 | # Craig Cobb is a kook. I’ve never been associated with the Ku Klux Klan. I didn’t turn over any membership list either. He made every bit of that up. 53
Posted by dirty laundry on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:35 | # well it is weird because if tou read the old archives and exhanges on your odessa syndicate blog it shows that you had some kind of contacts with morris dees and maybe others at the splc back in 2008? and also the long standing friendship with the known hacker half jew (half black) iceman? what gives, prozium? 54
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:42 | # 1.) Like I said, I had a stress induced psychosis. I was out of my mind at the time. For about two months, I was on various medication that affected my judgement, but I never left home during this period. 2.) At the time, I was briefly misdiagnosed as bipolar. When I never showed any further symptoms of being bipolar, I got off the meds and returned to my senses. I have been fine ever since. 3.) Kane is just a middle class kid from Pennsylvania. He is not a threat to anyone. We’re interested in some of the same topics and chat from time to time. 55
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:49 | #
Well obviously, but that doesn’t make him a bad guy. Besides, apparently he is friends with Bowery, and if Bowery vouches for him, that’s good enough for me. Of course if that isn’t good enough, you could always challenge Cobb to single combat to the death, according to Bowery’s formulation. What’s that now, single combat to the death is something so twisted you say only a psychopath could come up with it? Are you saying Bowery is a psychopath? One hiding under every bed these days! 56
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:54 | # This is Craig Cobb: Craig Cobb makes shit up. Hal Turner was a more reliable source of information. 57
Posted by Boubacar Simms on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 06:54 | # Hunter Wallace is a kook, he is associates with Kane, a grown man who identifies with serial killers and Jews who want to genocide Muslim-Arab girls. Hunter Wallace should go ask his family and friends in Alabama what they think about him being friends with a grown man who wants to kill Muslim-Arab girls. Hunter Wallace is more concerned about the “outing” of a grown man that wants to kill Muslim-Arab girls, then he is the slandering of WNist who use their real names. 58
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 07:03 | # 1.) Craig Cobb is a kook: looks like one, sounds like one, acts like one. Tune into his YouTube channel. He has a perverse interest in 11 to 17 year old boys: Would you let someone who looked like this into your home? I wouldn’t. 2.) Lots of people are interested in serial killers. Hollywood makes popular movies about them. There are a ton of popular books about serial killers. My dad has several copies of the Zodiac movie. My mom has that book about “The Iceman” serial killer. So what? That doesn’t prove anything. 3.) Lots of people make bloodthirsty comments about Muslims. Again, so what? That is perfectly mainstream too. Stuff like that gets posted on Free Republic every day. 59
Posted by dirty laundry on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 07:03 | # well hunter, i hope you are being honest here. heavy stress happens to the best of us, seems you are alright now. i hope you are not some kind of informant or info gatherer for the splc, adl or other USA/ZOG government agencies. it is just that your website from 2008, this ‘odessa syndicate’ seemed to contain alot of strange things, and many questions stemmed from that which needed to be answered. and also your links to the part jew hacker iceman makes us wonder otherwise you have a sharp mind and have done alot of good work, just trying to get some answers here in the interest of transparency and honesty carry on comrades 60
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 07:07 | # I have been mentioned by the ADL: They don’t seem to like my website. 61
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 07:10 | # Damn it, I think Tanstaafl has created a monster. What with his ‘what you say about me is true about you’ thing. Mere men do not possess the moral strength to wield such powers. 62
Posted by remnant on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 07:14 | # Screenshotof Fade/Feyd/Hunter eager to hack acounts in 2007; he posted above that he hasn’t engaged in this activity since he was 20… Or has that post been deleted? Well, it can be difficult to cover your tracks, but you are working feverishly at it! I imagine your compensation is contingent upon maintaining some ” goodwill” in certain circles.
I’ve met Alex; My guess is you wouldn’t be willing to express that to him. Look Sport - Chain and Alex have your number. It is disconcerting that well intentioned individuals at TOQ/TOO haven’t connected the dots . 63
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 07:28 | # 1.) I didn’t say anywhere in that screenshot that “I have hacked The Phora.” I never hacked that website. As the archives show, Ixabert hacked it without our permission. He hacked The Lyceum several days later. The Lyceum administrators banned him after finding out about it. 2.) I certainly was mad enough to consider hacking The Phora at the time. The degenerates over at The Phora had been harassing me for over six months at Stumble Inn. There must be hundreds of threads there about me. That was in addition to stealing my website, banning me from it, and purging members who had been there for over five years. 3.) Alex Linder is a psychopath who believes in exterminating children and elderly people. 4.) Craig Cobb is a kook who makes up libelous stories. Anyone who is stupid enough to believe that I was ever associated with the Ku Klux Klan isn’t worth bothering with. 64
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 07:38 | #
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA! Goddamn it, I was just having a little fun of the ‘those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones’ variety. But this, this, is solid fucking gold beyond the pale smearing. I mean, I don’t even really try and they crack for me. These are the ‘leaders’ of a resurgent racialism in America? Of course we must remember, that they don’t claim to be leaders, so there’s that. And I seriously don’t have anything against them personally, but this shit has got to stop, and I don’t mean by pulling back further into the shell and circling the fucking wagons on their part. The bottom line and obvious moral of the story should be: We hold you to a higher standard than Linder and crew! 65
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 07:53 | # What do you mean by “glass houses”? Are you suggesting that an internet soap opera/flame war is comparable to advocating murdering children on racial grounds? 66
Posted by Greg Johnson on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:12 | # Captainchaos writes:
This nonsense about Giles is false and malicious from word one. I thought well of Giles’ willingness to apologize to me for being Linder’s mouthpiece. That’s it. Other things about the man give me pause. But nobody is perfect, so the question is: does he have a conscience and a sense of honor? I think he does. Linder and his clone Chaos, not so much. I have a blue tick nose too. That’s why Captainchaos is my nominee for America’s leading Negro white nationalist. His particular combination of witlessness, pretentiousness, and lack of self-awareness is something I associate with blacks. As I read through his contributions to this thread, I sensed a steady lowering of his inhibitions and a steady rise in his stupidity. Is he working his way through a 12 pack? 67
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:17 | # @Willy Garrett
Meaning? Art thou Jews not white?
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:21 | # I don’t know how seriously to take Linder’s talk quite honestly. I cannot take it seriously. I can never take Linder wholly seriously. I don’t believe that Linder is the monster you make him out to be. GW no doubt believes, as I do, that Linder is useful as an attack dog. That is the role I believe Linder has consciously cultivated for himself. But that is not your way, that cannot be your way. I’m sure Johnson is a perfectly decent man as far as it goes, but his leadership and strategic planning abilities I call into question. I mean, I took him to school, without even breaking a sweat. I’m sure that may wound the pride of more than a few, but to hell with it. You guys have got to start listening to us. 70
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:28 | # Linder’s “audio DNA” suggests that he is serious. He truly believes genocide is the solution to the Jewish Question. Judging from his writing, I used to think he was joking on this point. I didn’t take him seriously. The Giles interview convinced me otherwise. 71
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:39 | # @Hunter Wallace
Could you provide a link please to the interview? When did this Giles character appear and start broadcasting? 72
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:46 | # Linder interviews:
Jim Giles has been doing Radio Free Mississippi for two years now. I didn’t hear about him though until a few months ago. 73
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 08:47 | # If that is truly Linder’s opinion, then I don’t know what response I should have to it other than, ‘It is not mine, and never will be!’ And yet in the real world Linder will still be there and there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do about it. So why not try to squeeze what usefulness out of him that one can? Oh yeah, and Johnson seems to have impeccable timing when it comes to making a horse’s ass out of himself. I take it that didn’t come along with the PhD. 74
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 09:00 | # Old Raven writes: Folks, instead of bitching and playing Monday morning quarterback to a game which has only just begun Hey, its their game. If they can’t be bothered to read this “Monday morning quarterback"s writings on political economy going back 17 years to the time I was testifying before Congress and getting legislation signed into law from the grassroots (where were they then?) then I think its appropriate that those who agree with their platform defend them. I don’t agree with their platform. It’s wrong in principle and a political nonstarter in the current political economy. I’m really sorry to see this potential going down the drain but it is their own doing. 75
Posted by Willy Garrett on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 09:42 | #
JamesUK, I thought you intended to say emulate so the joke’s on me. Yes, I think we should emulate much of what Jews do for themselves, not what they say for us. I understand the desire to want to immolate them because of their flagrant hypocrisy No they are not “white” in the sense that White Nationalists use the term, though they are clearly Caucasian. 76
Posted by Red Mercury on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 09:50 | # The frat boys at OD are starting to eat their own. 77
Posted by the Narrator... on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 10:26 | # Why in the world was this meeting in Atlanta? Ironic, but in recent times “Third positions” have been generally associated with socialist groups under the guise of centrists. The problem with MacDonald being on the program is that it suggests that A3P is too personal a club. One which will live and die with its founding members. It looks more like the launch of a magazine than a political party. MacDonald would work better as a periphery personality. A tenured scholar who concurs with the party’s views. By being part of the group from the get-go it looks like they’ve laid all their cards on the table already.
Actually, no. And that’s the sad part about our predicament. In a lot of states just about any dipshit with some spare time and spare money on his hands can get elected to a state legislature. I’ve known of a couple. Of course local industries (whats left of them) are the main factor in town, county and state elections. Still, it really isn’t too difficult, in some states, to ascend the political ladder. For one term, anyway. In a lot of cases people will vote based on party alone. Republican or Democrat. What the particular candidate’s social and economic positions are, are irrelevant. Many will vote for a democratic candidate for one reason and one reason alone, which is , that he’s a democrat. Ditto for Republicans. All in all, the Devil’s Back Door to serious political aspirations is marked ‘Vying For Respectability’. In politics, never approach the opposition with a friendly handshake. Kick dirt in their eyes, then go for the ribs. . If they’re accused of holding racist views they should respond, “hell yes the fat-cats call us names; racists, hillbillies, country bumpkins, rednecks, blue collars, plumbers, coal miners, hicks, farmers and even ‘Americans’ and by-God if we ain’t that and proud of it!”
Both candidates Reagan (in 79) and Bush Jr. (in 99) were presented on TV at their “ranches” wearing blue jeans and flannel shirts, cutting up timber with chainsaws and such. That was all it took to sell an elitist effeminate New England mama’s boy (and cheerleader) like Bush Jr. to rural White working class America. ... 78
Posted by Bigmo on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 10:39 | # A very smart move especially with Macdonald on it. I am not white but I have been reading many of this guys stuff. He is an academician and he is calm and reassuring to many people. Macdonald can break a lot ot taboos and mostly his information is historical and right on target. I am worried about his Darwinian views however. Taboos are made to be broken and I think its is NOT in anybody’s interest to see America disintegrates. This is not the BNP because America is not Britain. America has a huge future problem and many nations are dependent on it for their economic well being. I think this party needs to tell it like its for the get go. And Macdonald is the only one who can set it up in an academic environment while also reassuring people that he intends no harm. Just wants America to maintain its European and Christian heritage like any other nation like saudi Arabia or Egypt that identifies itself as Muslim and Arab or Israel that promotes immigration policies to maintain its Jewish and Judaic identity. The Jews here are the key, something that is not relevant with Britian and Europe. Knowing Macdonald he will shape his arguments exactly like the NAACP or the ADL does and expose their hypocrysy when he is being attacked. Macdonald will get right at it but does so with intelligence and not some skinhead conspiracy theorist who can be attacked easily and not appeal to the middle class. Most of all he is a serious academic whose worked was never intellectually refuted. He will be appealing to the middle class, and thats what counts. His no David Duke or Nick Griffin and he wants an America that resembles the Northern states in 1950. So he is a moderate and blacks will support him for that since they, perhaps more than whites, are hurt by mass immigration. Many WN won’t like the inclusion of blacks, but Macdonald knows that to build his case he needs them. And at 90% white population that existed at 1950, most white mainstreamers(conservatives and independents) will be more than glad for that given their current 60% headed towards 40 % in 30 years or so. Only the radicals among the WN can bring him down. Good luck for him. 79
Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 10:44 | # F#ck a Duck! This is big league! Classic Greco-Roman! This is show business! I, want popcorn, but i cannot leave. For this is the stuff of which are legends made. Soon Linder, in the shape of a Bull, will be killed by Hunters arrow, but he shall pursue the trio in other forms. They shall be driven from Hesperide’s garden, this represented by a jolting fusion of black and reds. Shadows from cut-outs are drawn on wild, roaring backgrounds…this lending a expressive theatrical element to the tale. They beseech the God Appolon to save them, he sends them worm infested pommes…but at the last moment, when all is but lost, saves them from the beast. They carry on with groans and smiles….for the occidental journey is neverending. 80
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 12:11 | # @Willy Garrett
As far as the mass public go I think mentally they are the same wavelength as confirmed with high rating and success with smut like Girls Gone Wild and Howard Stern. Not me though I have always been adverse to the mass populace trends and opinions even before I knew of the Jewish issue. 81
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 12:13 | # @Hunter Wallace When was Hal Turner arrested/exposed? 82
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 12:23 | # JamesUK, Five pages of The Hal Turner Story here: 83
Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 15:33 | #
If you don’t mind my asking, what is your ethnicity? I ask because most non-whites are hostile toward explicitly pro-white organizing. It seems you are not, so perhaps you can tell us why? I don’t mean this, btw, in a hostile manner, I’m interested is all. 84
Posted by Bigmo on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 16:19 | # Why should most non whites be hostile at WN. Are all whites hostile to Arab nationalist or Chinese nationalist or Japan’s strict immigraion and homgenious society? Are whites angry at pan Africans or Hindu nationalist in India or Malay nationalist in Malaysia? Pus WN want to disengage from agressive foreign policy, most people around the world would welcome that. Most ethnic groups in the WEST are against WN, not around the world. My ethnicity is East African and i have read many article by Macdonald. I have never seen anyone like him to be honest. He is frank and gets to the point and most of all he strikes me as a moderate, unlike many WN I have seen in the net. One thing about Macdonald is he has very good knowledge and he knows that attracting the middle class is the key. To be able to make White intellectuals identify with their ethnicity and demand to have their ethnic interest discussed and expressed is his main goal. Then the taboo is gone. Given the fact that there is the NAACP, ADL, La Raza and various Asian and Arab American organizations in America, it will be very hard to attack him especially when Macdonald does not give a damn. Something that very few people can do. If I can respect him than any White can. The problem is he is a Darwinist, I think, and that is worrying if you ask me. But do not make the assumption that non Westerners see any problem with WN party. Only Jews outside the West do because they depend on American power. Other ethnic groups can not complain since they are ethno-centric themselves and they are on the other end of American power. I first heard about him when i tried to investigate the Neoconservative movement. I detest hypocrisy and when you do not stand up for your equality then you will get Muslims who want all kinds of religious freedoms in the West that they won’t afford others in Muslim dominated lands, and you will get Jews who want a multi-cultural Western societies they would never accept in Jewish dominated lands. Thats just how it goes. 85
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 17:42 | # From the platform on education: we believe students should be accepted based on merit and that racist[emphasis JAB] policies… ought to be made illegal. Who had the bright idea to use the magic word? 86
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 18:15 | # Bigmo writes: One thing about Macdonald is he has very good knowledge and he knows that attracting the middle class is the key. Then he most certainly doesn’t know how to attract the middle class, given the platform of that party. 87
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:09 | # A comment made to me by someone who helped write the platform for a major party presidential candidate after reading the American 3rd Position platform:
Posted by skeptical on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 19:27 | # Keep up the good work James. We all know how important party planks are in American politics. 89
Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 21:34 | # The large “KICK ME” sign on the 3rd party platform is a gift. Most white Americans fold their ‘kick me’ sign, and hide it in the soles of their shoe, or the lining of their coat. But if you are of European descent you are given that ‘kick me’ sign somewhere around adolescence….and you must carry it with you. It is your passport in the new civilization of the west….and it is carried until you expire and tattered mulatto’s gamble lots over your garments. 90
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 21:42 | # skeptical, the platform in US politics isn’t as important as it should be simply because a platform is a campaign promise and politicians rarely keep their promises. It is precisely that lack of good faith toward their stated positions (their campaign platforms) that has people so angry at politicians and thereby opens the door for new blood that is more honest—not in that they don’t promise anything—but that they make make good on their platforms. One of the biggest problems with the American 3rd Position platform is that there are too many words that are like a laundry list of goals. Compare and contrast that to the Laboratory of the States Platform: 1) Bring all troops home and make the top priority of the Federal government to protect US territory from trespass. There is more substance in those 3 lines than in the pages of “positions” presented by the American 3rd Position. 91
Posted by PF on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 22:18 | #
I enjoyed that analogy Grimoire 92
Posted by Bigmo on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 22:28 | # Posted by James Bowery on January 07, 2010, 05:15 PM | # Bigmo writes: One thing about Macdonald is he has very good knowledge and he knows that attracting the middle class is the key. Then he most certainly doesn’t know how to attract the middle class, given the platform of that party. End quote… The really first WN party and Macdonald is the first to be chosen in a high profile post and his face placed in the website. And you think its for nothing? I know why he was chosen. But like I said the only people who would bring him down are the WN themselves. The best thing they can do is what a smart man does when a woman is attracted to him. Just shut up! Talking will only hurt you. The more you run your mouths the more you hurt him. But what do you all know? 93
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 22:34 | # The Fed position is interesting. No doubt JR is happy and Apollonian. Death to the Fed.
At that rate, how will accountants ever afford to keep their lovely gardens ? 94
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 22:37 | # Bigmo writes: The really first WN party and Macdonald is the first to be chosen in a high profile post and his face placed in the website. And you think its for nothing? If you call losing the electoral contests and absorbing resources that could back a platform that would not only win electoral contests, but reach their stated goals—then most emphatically, yes, it IS all for nothing—at best. I have profound and deep respect for Dr. MacDonald as a courageous and competent academic. That doesn’t mean I’ll “Just shut up!” when he’s in a political bandwagon rolling off a cliff.
A hell of a lot more about what will actually accomplish the goals of the American Third Position than the guys who wrote its platform. 96
Posted by Dan Dare on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 23:01 | # Unfortunately the one thing that the Great American Public is likely to know about Prof. Macdonald is his cameo appearance at Lipstadt libel trial in support of ‘convicted Holocaust denier’ David Irving. If they don’t already know about it we can be quite certain they soon will. 97
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 23:25 | # MacDonald, of course, did not deny the Holocaust, so it is a giant leap away Fromm Griffo’s baggage. 98
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 23:30 | # FB was a supporter of eugenics and euthanizing people of his ethnic group. I’m still a supporter of eugenics; in fact, now more than ever. As well, I’m an strong supporter of euthanasia - I’m not a Christian. Should I fall terribly ill, I’d like to have that choice at my disposal.
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 23:31 | # Bigmo, KMD was not chosen, but is self-chosen. He is the leading spirit of the Regnery circus, and the circus has appointed itself to the role of the new white aristocracy, with KMD at its head. If you doubt me, read again the quote about him I lifted from the A3P website: “... influences the course of the party and provides guidance to both the Chairman and President.” Read what Jean West wrote above, and try to understand that the broader movement need not necessarily be enamoured with this aristocracy. The broader movement has, in fact, been treated with disdain in the very first action of this aristocracy, which was not simply to exclude it but to deceive it. Are WNs supposed to be grateful for that? What you are seeing is the first twitches of the absolutely inevitable and unavoidable drive to separation of the radicals and purists from the activists and accomodationists. Why inevitable and unavoidable? Because the reasons for it are structural and not a matter of mere personalities. It doesn’t mean that radical and purist WNs won’t offer goodwill and support to A3P. It means that it will not pursue politics as they would wish - with imagination, distinctiveness and verve. James Bowery’s criticism of the totally unimaginative noise on the economy that A3P is already making is a case in point. More than anything else at present, people want, as someone in my country observed the other day, an economic messiah. They won’t find it in A3P. 100
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 23:43 | # It means that it will not pursue politics as they would wish - with imagination, distinctiveness and verve. Translation: they won’t name the Jew as frequently as GW would like or be as “radical” (meaning what exactly? That’s anybody’s guess.). Really? I’d say that with KMac in charge they won’t avoid the J.Q. It would greatly appreciated by everyone, I think, if GW would stop speaking in sybilline terms and told us clearly what type of policy positions he’d like a new W.N. to adopt. 101
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 07 Jan 2010 23:47 | # Mr. Elliott, read carefully the Laboratory of the States Platform: 1) Bring all troops home and make the top priority of the Federal government to protect US territory from trespass. It doesn’t name the Jew at all. Yet it is more radical, imaginative and distinctive by far than the American Third Position platform. Moreover, it would fulfill the urgent electoral demand for an “economic Messiah”. 102
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:02 | # Stephen, In the briefest of brief, outside of its explicit pro-whiteness, A3P is as liberal in the generic political sense as the Democrats and Republicans. It says so ... it actually says that its policies are to be found in the platforms of both mainstream parties. “Radical”, on the other hand, implies a value-driven distinction to those generically liberal parties. I can’t help but think that’s something Friedrich would, in his salad days, never have needed explaining to him. 103
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:09 | # Mr. Elliot writes: It would greatly appreciated by everyone, I think, if GW would stop speaking in sybilline terms and told us clearly what type of policy positions he’d like a new W.N. to adopt. This is American politics. Address Americans about it Mr. Elliot. The LotS Platoform is clear. The LotS Platoform is concise. The LotS Platoform is substantive. The LotS Platoform will win elections. The LotS Platoform will achieve the goals of the American Third Position Party. Deal with it. 104
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:12 | # In the briefest of brief, outside of its explicit pro-whiteness, A3P is as liberal in the generic political sense as the Democrats and Republicans. It says so ... it actually says that its policies are to be found in the platforms of both mainstream. 105
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:14 | # If it’s explicitly pro-White, I don’t see how it can also be liberal. Liberals don’t view race as pertinent. 106
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:16 | # This is American politics. Address Americans about it Mr. Elliot. Since GW volunteered his displeasure, I would like to understand the reasons behind his displeasure. If GW’s criticism is based on the same motives as yours, okay. 107
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:18 | # White Nationalism in the U.S. is all about wresting control of government, media, education, Hollywood et al. from Jewry. This is really the crux of the matter and why my own proposal of working with Right-wing Jews is viewed as high treason. 108
Posted by Q on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:54 | #
Why would Jews, albeit right-wing Jews, want to cooperate with WN’s that are explicitly working to wrestle power from they whom already control it? Of course Jews aren’t going to willingly give up control, let alone work with those that are, in their perception, openly hostile to their very existence, right? 109
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:55 | # Game, set and match to Herr Braun. Basil Fawlty: “Manuel, this is how the Germans do it…:) 110
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 00:57 | # Stephen, I would like to understand the reasons behind his displeasure. I cannot propose policy for Americans. I can only parse the meaning of the present events. If it’s explicitly pro-White, I don’t see how it can also be liberal. Liberals don’t view race as pertinent. The A3P website states both that the party is pro-white and shares its general policies with the two principal parties. White Nationalism in the U.S. is all about wresting control of government, media, education, Hollywood et al. from Jewry. It seems to me to be an entirely normal ambition for a people to take to itself control of its own destiny. The desire of Jews to control their destiny, which is a millenarian destiny, wholly explains why the present hands on the levers of power and influence in America are so often Jewish. What moral objection can there possibly be to white Americans seeking to bring that power and influence to an end? 111
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 01:20 | # The latest from mastermind Greg Johnson:
No, no, not a hint of moral posturing, hypocrisy or self-serving rationalization there. If I wasn’t laughing so hard I’d be crying. Where do they find these guys? 112
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 01:26 | # I cannot propose policy for Americans. I can only parse the meaning of the present events. This is a lazy copout. You’re always commenting on Americans and know the American scene extremely well. If you were a White American, what would like to see in terms of policy? Or, how would it differ from what you’d like the B.N.P. to adopt in its program? 113
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 01:56 | # CC, So does this mean Greg Johnson will answer Alex Linder’s allegation at last? You know ... lead by example. Stephen, Policy is not my point of engagement with nationalism. That’s lucky for me, for sure, but I don’t think it’s a cop-out. I don’t envy those whose job it is to develop the hard politics. WN is a reactive movement. All its seminal positions and preoccupations are reactionary, and given that they react to, basically, hate on greased wheels presented as political morality, they are just. But, electorally, reaction is never a very likeable animal. Developing out of it a positive movement (which, for example, National Socialism was) with something positive to say to prospective supporters in the mainstream is always going to be a tough ask - made the more so, as I tried to explain here, by the difficulty of communicating what is, after all, the instinct for survival. I wish KMD and A3P well in this near impossible task. If, in my judgement, they get it right I shall say so. If not, I shall say so. Would you expect me to do otherwise? 114
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 02:20 | # You generically criticize their platform without offering an alternative. I guess I’d like to see specific points of disagreement. Just calling them liberals isn’t enough for me. I want to see where you disagree and what you propose in its stead. You say that policy is not your forte, etc. I have the uncomfortable feeling that it’s all a pretence. If you refuse to say why you don’t like something, without actually developing an in-depth, substantive critique, all I’m left with is a contour or silhouette without the actual body. The intellectual equivalent of coco puffs. You know, G.W., I wish you’d finally write a monograph. Take some time off. These drive-by blogs aren’t the best outlet for an exposition of one’s thought. At best, they offer scattered glances of it. Writing a monograph would force you to collect your thoughts in disciplined and systematic way without the possibility of so easily dodging hard questions. 115
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 02:21 | # So does this mean Greg Johnson will answer Alex Linder’s allegation at last? Why do you care, G.W.? 116
Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 02:50 | # I don’t know why people are bashing KMD’s association with A3P. I just listened to the interview with Jim Giles and Alex Linder were they constantly used the word “nigger” and Linder praising of Bill White and his publications and that he learned a lot from White. He also said that the White rally reported in the press drew a lot of attention and publicity which was good for “our” cause. Would it be this one? White’s response to an article about him. Giles also constantly talks about “niggers” killing white people and that basically all senior WN leaders are paid shills who use it to generate money. The guy sounds like a cardboard white supremacist. I think there is quite a lot of clown advocating WN. 117
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 02:51 | # Stephen, Take what I say at face value, please. I am not interested in policy, not even all that much in the British context. Rather, I am interested in the derivation of policy from first principles, and concerned that this should take place. Incidentally, the guiding principles of the TOQ contributors would be equally at odds with the general policy stance of A3P. Some time when you have a moment, examine an article or two from each of the more contemplative contributors. You will find that where there are any underlying assumptions about Man at all they are idealistic, very often Nietzschean, with influences drawn heavily from post-WW1 German thought - sometimes revolutionary conservative and sometimes the other thing. By way of variety, and there certainly is variety, you will find a Yockeyist, a Wodenist, an archeofuturist in amongst a burgeoning array of penmen and pundits none of whom I would trust to hold the key to our crisis. Greg Johnson has awarded himself a position of leadership. One of his first acts as leader was to deceive WN about the Atlanta meeting where “nothing of substance was proposed”, if you remember. Alex Linder has challenged him on the basis that he is a homosexual, and so unsuited for leadership (the blackmail thing, I believe, was mentioned). He has denied it. Alex can’t prove it. Then we have the extraordinarily mawkish offering that CC has copied above. Aren’t you interested to see how this crisis of leadership is resolved? I am. 118
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 03:22 | # That was a weird post by Dr. Johnson. A very Christian letter in its essence even though the author explicitly denounces Christianity. I had a come to Jesus moment while reading it. You will find that where there are any underlying assumptions about Man at all they are idealistic, very often Nietzschean, with influences drawn heavily from post-WW1 German thought - sometimes revolutionary conservative and sometimes the other thing. By way of variety, and there certainly is variety, you will find a Yockeyist, a Wodenist, an archeofuturist in amongst a burgeoning array of penmen and pundits none of whom I would trust to hold the key to our crisis. Perhaps. Still, I don’t see where the general thrust of M.R. differs from T.O.Q. If I can’t see it, others can’t either. Aren’t you basically a Revolutionary Conservative + English racialism? In your critique of liberalism and democracy you’re repeating interwar German Revolutionary Conservatives. Again, it would be good to know where specifically you differ from T.O.Q. people. Just heaping scorn from the sidelines without giving us meat, makes me suspicious of your motives. I really don’t know what’s your problem with T.O.Q. Spell it out, man! 119
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 03:36 | # G.W., you keep slamming the “Regnery circus” for keeping their meetings secret - they can’t be that secret if we know they took place. Don’t you think that a level of discretion is necessary insofar as such things are concerned? Why would you want them to advertise their strategy and goals? Additionally, all White movements get infiltrated even before they’re off the ground. You never addressed that real point. Sounds like sour grapes to me. But I thought that the American scene didn’t interest you all that much in the first place anyway. 120
Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 03:45 | # Greg Johnson is indeed trapped between a rock and a hard place. On the one hand, it is apparently his tack to appeal to right wing Christians who no doubt would not approve of a leader or organization that had highly placed in it a homosexual - however unreasonable that may be provided the homosexual in question did his duties without transgressing to the harm of anyone else - which may well lead those Christians to assume tacit endorsement of homosexuality generally by that leader or organization. And on the other hand, refusal to answer the question of whether or not he is a homosexual in light of relatively convincing circumstantial evidence (“The Cat Lady”!) is itself circumstantial evidence that the accusation is true in that avoidance of answering seems calculated to avoid confessing to the truth of the allegation to avoid the potential wrath of right wing Christian types (whom he seeks to attract to the cause) and to avoid saying that the accusation is false when it is in fact true and later shown to be true and then be labeled a liar. Which I suspect is the source of his transparent equivocations regarding “honesty” (assuming he just didn’t drop the ball intellectually on that one - which is of course possible and not necessarily inconsistent with the above). What a pickle for Johnson Linder has concocted. 121
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 03:49 | # GW: I hope you note the way Stephen Elliot is using you as a lightning rod to keep the American Third Position platform status quo. 122
Posted by notuswind on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 04:07 | # James, Despite the fireworks display that our two-party system puts on at intervals, the America that we live in is a rather apolitical place. In this vein, party platforms just don’t matter anymore; not to a jaded public nor to the party’s that write them. Evidently, fidelity to principles that are put to paper is too much ask in this twilight of the modern world. Ergo, common sense dictates that the verbiage of the A3P’s platform is (at this stage) rather meaningless. If, by some miracle, the A3P were to survive and grow to be something other than a tiny upstart political party then they will have many more opportunities to change the verbiage of their platform. GW & CC, Greg Johnson has repeatedly claimed (at least over at OD) that he is not a leader nor does he pretend to be one. He’s also said that there’s no point in responding to Linder’s baseless charge of homosexuality because it would give the allegation more respect than it deserves. Besides, the rhetorical onus should be on Linder to back up his claims with at least a modicum of evidence and not on Johnson to respond to such nonsense. 123
Posted by skeptical on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 04:10 | # Whoops. In case it’s not obvious to anyone, I usually go by notuswind on OD and by skeptical on MR. 124
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 04:38 | # GW: I hope you note the way Stephen Elliot is using you as a lightning rod to keep the American Third Position platform status quo. Eh? I don’t care about the American Third Position platform. I haven’t even read. Brilliant work, James! I have no vested interest in it. I wanted to know - unsuccessful - how G.W. would change it. 125
Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 05:11 | # Revolutionary this, that, I hate revolutionaries and revolutions…..I am a Counter Revolutionary. The bedrock is sound, it is an ideal culture. We need to excise all foreign revolutionaries, and re-examine our domestic revolutions for the useful, evolution, pruning away cancer. Why does Fredrickphen Braunelliot relentlessly demand a manifesto when he doesn’t even read them? What good could it do for you Fred? How would you know what changes are made? Are you a proof reader of policy platforms? A speechwriter? 126
Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 05:50 | # James, if A3P approached you for your input, what would you tell them? 127
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 06:23 | # I’d tell them to drop the entirety of their current “program” statement and start elaborating their third POSITION from a “first 100 days” Federal agenda that candidates in the major parties, as well as a third party, can run on: 1) Bring all troops home and make the top priority of the Federal government to protect US territory from trespass. Leave the rest up to the State organizations to make implicit ethnic genetic interests explicit. 128
Posted by uh on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 06:28 | # 3.) Alex Linder is a psychopath who believes in exterminating children and elderly people. LOL. 129
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 08:01 | # Herr Braun, In case you are unaware, the JDL is holding a rally for Wilders in Toronto on the 20th. The special guest speaker is the “Warrior Rabbi” Jon Hausman. 130
Posted by the Narrator... on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 10:22 | # The little introductory video at the A3P site is cringe worthy. A narrated video montage type of introduction to their party, it’s goals and what motivates those goals would have been better. Much better. The video currently there reeks of youtube amateur nerddom. Johnson comes across like Stuart Smalley. And they are (I believe) centered in California. A state which is about 35% White. No doubt they’re on their way to being the party of the next Governor. Seriously, We don’t have ten or twenty years to wait. I would say 2012 is the line in the sand. If nothing significant happens by then, it’s over. From then on you can forget politics and the like. It will be survival mode, day-to-day, from there on out. There is a map at the link showing the estimated percentages of minority students in every state.
... 131
Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 12:56 | # No matter what party or movement is created in the US or in Europe it will not come close to the political and philosophical analysis/thought of Dugins Eurasia movement. A3P is but a mere child in comparison. 132
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 13:40 | # Stephen Elliott -
So thats an admission that you are FB? Having previously denied that you were one and the same. Why did you deny it then and why change your mind? I think that tells me all I need to know about you. 133
Posted by Bigmo on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 14:12 | # This third party is going nowhere but up. Like it or not they are the ONLY ones who can change US foreign policy. Macdonald noted before that the war in Iraq changed many things. He wants to deal with immigration since he sees the war in Iraq and immigration were influenced by the same crowd. US population want to stop mass immigration but nobody knows how to do it and the world wants a change and realized Democrats and Republicans won’t achieve that. There is a misconception over here is that this third party is targeting the crowd that comes to forums like this. All net users are small fries compare to the population at large. Macdonald plays an important part is that he is capable of reaching out to the mainstream. Obviously the WN movement in America unlike the ones in Europe which has an Islam problem, has a Jewish problem. So what do you do? You bring someone who can be an effective critic of Jewish organization and also wants to stop immigration. Thats what I believe he is there for. He has no money and no contacts, but he has knowledge that can’t be refuted. His knowledge of Jews is deep and strong, both ancient Judaism and current jewish organizations. Europe has to deal with mass Muslim immigration and differnt buttons have to be pressed over there. What this party will do is go for the mainstream and not please the crowd here. To do that they need to fight the AIPACs and ADLs. They are the only ones who will stand in their way. Hispanics of course will oppose that but they are despised by most latinos living in South America. They have no support base other than the Jews. Blacks secretely don’t want them because of job competition. They are not indigenous like Blacks are so there is no historic case to be made. Macdonald will be the bulldozer who will expose the Jewish ethnic agenda in America and he can hold his own. There is absolutely nothing else he can do other than that. There is no use for him for the WN in Europe, but in America he is absolutely indispensable. Macdonald is the key. Europe’s problem is somewhat different. Muslims over there are not involved in European culture or society. They want to create a mini Pakistan and Saudi Arabia within European cities. The islamic organization over there are not interested in changing culture, just creating a mini theocracy. They can not go more than that because most Europeans are not Muslims and are not attracted to Islam, at least not the Sunni/Shia Islam which is the dominant Islam. Anotherwords, in Europe its Muslim NUMBERS that matter and not organization and influence. If more Europeans convert than the situation will change drammatically. Thats not going to happen. The Muslims stayed in Spain for hundreds of years and were far more progressive relatively speaking than the Muslims today, and yet they failed to change the religion of Spain. Christianity is simply too strong of a faith. USA has a different problem in that Jewish organization are the main driving force behind both immigration(mass immigration) and foreign policy. I think Europe’s problem, though less dangerous, is more complicated. They will have to deport a large number of Muslims. There is no other way. Muslims there do not want to change European culture, they don’t want anything to do with Europe. Economics is what they want from Europe. There are no organizations there, there are no Muslim run media there, there are no Muslim Elites in educational institutions, there are no Muslims AIPACs. The Muslims there are primitive, disorganized and a huge burden on the European budget. Thay identify with islam and the Muslim nation. They don’t hide that since they have no real agenda except feed off European prosperity. They are individuals and not organizations. All attempts to form strong organizations failed, as it did in America also. But they can be easily deported since the immigrants there come from neighbouring countries and still have strong ties with their nations of origins. The Muslim world won’t even care. Whats 20 million Muslim deported for a religion of 1.4 billion? Plus there is no sympathy for them in the Muslim world anyways. They are despised and seen as refugees. Cowards who left their countries and feed of other nations and deserve to be humiliated. My father talks about them that way. So does my mother. Most Africans also despise the Africa immigrants of Europe. They don’t have ANY historic case to be made there whatsoever. How can an African say he is British? How can an Algerian say he is German? How can a Turk say he is Dutch? It doesn’t work. America has to rid itself of Jewish influence if it wants to maintain its European and Christian heritage. In America its Jewish influence and Hispanic immigration. If one falls, the other falls also. The issue is going to be the indigenous Africans(African Americans). Because it is that relationship between Whites and Blacks that shape how America deals with its minority. It was the civil rights that gave Jewish organization the cover to promote multi-culturalism and mass immigration. NAACP was the proxy. Unlike Europe America has no history with the Jews and there is no historic case to be made. If Blacks don’t strongly oppose the third party, then the proxy is gone. They don’t need to support them, they won’t support them, but they must not be opposed. The last thing the Blacks in America want is Jewish elites and Hispanic immigration. Blacks organization despise Jewish organization because they realized Jews supported the civil rights to promote their own agenda. But its Blacks who give them cover as they, and the Native Americans, are the only ones with a historic case to be made. Many here probably do not care about that historic case, but mainstream America does. Which is why Madonald wants a 1950 America of the North. Notice, North and not the South. He knows that demographic had 90% Whites and only 8% Blacks and the rest was mostly Natives and a few others. He believes he can live with that and mainstream America would also be able to live with that. He steers away from segregation to seperate Blacks from Jewish organizations. Its a tactical decision and not something he believes in his heart. At least thats my take of him. The Jews will fight strong and hard because unlike the Muslims they can not depend on themselves. Without America, Israel will collapse and the Europeans don’t want them, the Arabs don’t want them and now it seems America will soon show them the door. They will have to migrate to China and do it all over again. This time we will here the Judeo-Budhist heritage and not the Judeo-Christian. The ADLs and SPLCs and others would NOT focus on Macdonald’s anti-semitism. They want the Blacks to join them They know its the Blacks in America who shape the minority debate. They will talk about Macdonald’s views about IQ, about crime and about gangs. They will deflect themsleves from it and toss the ball towards the Blacks. Jews ALWAYS operate through proxy. And Blacks are their biggest proxy, and Black organizations know that. Darwinism will be the downfall. IQ, crime and education. All code words for Blacks. Those issues will be the issues Jewish media and Elites and organization will focus on. Just like the University of Southern California faculty did. They used these views about IQ and crime to attack Macdonald. None of these issues affect Jews, but it does with Blacks. Jews operate through proxy. Always. Blacks shape all minority debates. 134
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 15:23 | # Bigmo, the Constitution Party’s presidential campaign under Chuck Baldwin clearly addressed US foreign policy and immigration. It went and is going nowhere. In part this is because the US lacks a parliamentary system or anything resembling proportional representation. A third party here doesn’t have a chance of capturing even a few Federal seats the way the BNP can in the EU parliament. What we really need isn’t a third party but a third POSITION that that addresses THE ECONOMY, as well as foreign policy and immigration, in a way that the white population will immediately grasp. A third POSITION that any candidate of any party can adopt in any Federal race to win 90% of the white vote. Offering a concise “first 100 days” platform like the LotS does that. It takes over both major parties and takes over the Federal government with the purpose of devolving authority and funds to the State governments. Most small business owners know personally someone holding State electoral office. They will immediately understand that this puts them in a position of influence over funds, both private and public, that they cannot possibly enjoy under the current system—nor can they enjoy under a pseudo-libertarian position of the Campaign for Liberty (Ron Paul’s “third position” organization), where wealth is further centralized. 135
Posted by Q on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 15:48 | # I agree with most of what Bigmo has to say too. His overall assessment of the situation is as on target as most white-preservationists/WN’s…maybe more so. I find it ironic how blacks often make better advocates for whites’ issues than we, ourselves, can. Of course any white(s) that advocate for white interests are immediately condemned; whereas blacks, and other non-whites, have a certain degree of insulation, or imunity, from the usual attacks that invariably emanate from the anti-white genociders. h/t to Bigmo. 136
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 17:00 | #
Jews have broken the back of the white middle class economically so the entire society is falling. Let me clue the guys at Regnery in: A French Revolution is in the offing unless something like I propose is done. 137
Posted by Red Mercury on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 17:28 | # I guess this just isn’t good enough for some of us: The American Third Position exists to represent the political interests of White Americans. 138
Posted by martin on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 18:02 | # bigmo writes: I guess we’ll find out soon enough which plank the Jews will use to clobber the A3P first. I don’t think they will able to restrain themselves from reaching first and foremost for “KMD is an anti-semite and supports holocaust deniers”. Blacks shape all minority debates. Blacks in the US are still wearing the same “shape” that the Jews dressed them in 100 years ago. There has been no reshaping. Black is good. White is bad. Only whites can be racist. Whites must continue to pay for their sins, until there are no more white people left. That’s the shape of the debate. The architecture is stale and its going to be up to whites to change the shape of the debate and they are. The grassroots is on fire. The ground is becoming ripe for a white populist movement. Thinking that there is going to be some coalition of WN and blacks (or hispanics) in the US in the future is in my opinion ridiculous and contrary to white interests at this stage. Whites should not try to build a coalition with non-whites until we build it with whites first. From the ground, I see whites and blacks moving away from each other at light-speed. In the words of a black my associates and I walked past on the streets recently, “White people, oh Hell Nah”. Well the feeling is mutual my non-white, non-friend, and growing. The top of WN leadership is stale. I agree with whoever said the video on A3P was pathetic. Sorry but it was pathetic, down to using the microphone on the camera instead of a lav. It has ZERO chance of appealing to the disgruntled Americans looking for someone to speak for them. David Duke would be a vast improvement over this, even with his baggage. The next generation of WN leaders will not be dorks in bow-ties, academics writing 3 fat volumes to explain the sociological origins of parasites or FBI informants parading in brownshirts. They will be typical intelligent white youths who’s instinct has kicked in and who don’t want to be genocided out of their homelands. They will stick to talking points and always ask their opponents why they support the genocide of white people. There is no good answer to that question. Screw black crime stats, stick with the iron question, Are you pro-white or pro-white genocide? Whites don’t need to reach out to anyone else to do what needs to be done. They just need to reach out to each other. Its happening, naturally, as the grow lights of the matrix fade and the sunshine takes over. 141
Posted by Red Mercury on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 19:07 | # Let the scribblers keep scribbling, and let the whingers keep whinging. That’s what they do. Others are more inclined to action. To that end A3P is a move in the right direction. Some of us are already getting harassed and receiving death threats because of our street level WN activism. We’re not going to sort out this mess by sitting behind a computer screen. 142
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 19:25 | # So thats an admission that you are FB? Having previously denied that you were one and the same. Why did you deny it then and why change your mind? I think that tells me all I need to know about you. Quote the post where I denied being FB. Why must Lurker lie? 143
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 19:26 | # Red Mercury: Where is the “plausible promise” going to be sorted out? This is an insurgency. If there is no “plausible promise” there is no insurgency. The pre-Christian Anglo Saxon warrior tradition requires a clear declaration for the voluntary mobilization of huge numbers of individuals under a leader articulating that declaration. If the declaration isn’t a “plausible promise”—a “contract” that is clear, concise and incisive, there will no no mobilization of our folk. “Promote the interests of white people.” is too vague. Their pages of “program” isn’t the kind of contract to which an Anglo Saxon warrior will sign over his life, fortune and sacred honor. The LotS “platform” is really a declaration of war—a contract with the Anglo Saxon warrior—a plausible promise to the volunteers that the volunteers can understand against which they can objectively measure the honor of those leading them. 144
Posted by Bill on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 19:27 | # An interesting opinion packed comment by Bigmo on January 08, 2010, 01:12 PM
Will American people connect the dots on this one?
Unfortunately too true. Concentrating on on the population mainstream is the way to go. For the BNP this isn’t and never has been an option, as they do not have access to a large independent radio network, as is the case in America.
Then whose proxy is the Muslim demographic bomb in Europe? It is easy to see that there is an absolute plethora of engineered proxy, allies and oppressed victims in America, guilt consumed elites, ambitious politicians, media types, immigrants of all stripes, Blacks, feminists, gays, useful idiots, jobsworths, fellow travellers, gotta pay the mortgage types and more. Is it really possible that this diverse (motley) alliance will, in the end, triumph over the basic instincts of whites to survive? 145
Posted by Greg Johnson on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 21:11 | # Those of you who talk about the “Regnery circus” and “Regnery” are probably trying to sound like clever “insiders,” which is in keeping with the overall tone of pretentiousness here. Just so nobody is fooled: 1. The Occidental Quarterly was founded by four men: Sam Francis, William Regnery, Louis Andrews, and Kevin Lamb. Francis is dead. Lamb is no longer associated with TOQ. Regnery has been off the board for more than two years. Louis Andrews is on the board. Contrary to the steady muttering about “secrets,” all of this is a matter of public record. 2. Contrary to such dubious sources as the SPLC and Alex Linder, William Regnery has no involvement in the mainstream conservative Regnery publishing firm, which was founded by his grandfather and is currently run by a cousin. This is also a matter of public record. The same is true of all talk of secret summit meetings. A3P is not the product of some secret movement “Bilderberger” summit in Atlanta or anywhere else. It is a quintessential grassroots phenomenon, which arose through the initiative of some young men in Orange County. Kevin MacDonald and William Johnson became involved later. This is also a matter of public record. The party’s launch was a complete surprise to me. I wish them all the best. 146
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 21:29 | # My sole reference to “Regnery” was in the context of my warning about the danger of a replay of the French Revolution. This is because from among those involved with the general milieu surrounding the ATP initiative, the Regnery family is the closest to an aristocracy. It was an appropriate reference even if William Regnery has no involvement in the ATP at all because he does, clearly, have an opportunity to influence it. 147
Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 21:41 | # Superb analysis from Bigmo. My impression is that Bigmo is not an advocate of white nationalist issues. He is an advocate for realism and sanity. @James: Bill: 148
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 21:41 | # GJ writes: the overall tone of pretentiousness here What could be more pretentious than an American third party bid where virtually all the revenues are under control of a Federal government that has an electoral system that locks out third parties? 149
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 21:45 | # Grimoire, the anglo saxon sovereign individual is the archetype of the American. There is nothing fantastic about it. It is the core constituency to which any American political party promoting “white” interests must appeal since if there has been “assimilation” it has been to that. Are you saying all those whites who immigrated here and claimed to have assimilated to become true Americans are hypocrites? If so, who wants them anyway? 150
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 22:17 | # Thank you, Greg. Now can we be told who paid for and organised the Atlanta conference, and who decided that it would be a secret meeting and drafted the secrecy agreement? And why? Can we be told the planned objectives for the meeting and its agenda? Can we told who was present, who spoke and whether resolutions were put to the conference, what the outcome was and what arrangements, if any, were put in place for follow-up? If not, why not, exactly? (And claiming that we are in a war for our survival, and “secrecy” is essential, will not suffice.) When I took hard against you awarding a prize to Michael O’Meara’s pablum on mythicisation of the ethnostate it was for the purpose of alerting you, since you did not know, that your responsibility as the leadership of nationalist intellectualism in the Anglosphere - not just the US - required much, much more from you. To be precise, it requires you to ignite new thinking appropriate to the unique challenge that our people - a dying people - face in this age. It requires you to nurse the flame into a movement of thought and thence deed that contains within it the capacity not merely to birth an ethnostate on the North American continent but to change the entire white world. That is what intellectual and political leadership means in these end times. That is the burden that rests on your shoulders, Greg. My criticism of O’Meara’s essay was met, of course, with vanity and defensiveness. I don’t believe that Michael, who was too offended, or you, who was too unimaginative, ever made an effort to penetrate to my criticism of the fact that there are no theoreticians, no original thinkers on the TOQ/OO slate (unless one counts the French pair who aren’t really on the slate at all, and one of those is a nut). This isn’t to say that there are not highly intelligent people at TOQ/OO with interesting things to say. But the effort that one sees being made is always and everywhere analysis. So here’s the question: will analysis free us from the grip of our own ethno-masochism, nihilism and individualism which is also the grip of our psychological parent ... of systemic liberalism, if you understand me? Of course not. Analysis lacks motive force. Only creative thinking about life and life’s living can have that. All remaking of the world begins with creative thinking. This is what revolution really means. But there is none. In its stead, we have ... what, precisely? I have already commented on this thread on the “higher ideas” which appear to loom large in the thoughts of your more reflective contributors. It’s very depressing. The lot of people who, notwithstanding their intelligence or wealth of reading, do not have original thoughts of their own is to have their minds colonised by the thinking of other men. This is not the burden it sounds, since they love those ideas and can conceive of nothing better. But it is not necessarily what our movement - and our people - require of our intellectuals at this time. Where are our present-day masters of conceptualisation, our authors, our artists, our philosophers who possess the power to begin schools and movements, and so create the new day? They seem to be cleaving to idealism and all the impossible old teleologies of “glory”, “rebirth”, myth, the warrior virtues and the other hackneyed reflections of the supposed European racial spirit. As an advocate of truth not fiction, and empiricism not religion, I wouldn’t choose to live in a world remade according to the intrinsically violent demand that Man must strive upward to these things. Raising an heroic army dead keen on affirming the racial spirit by driving out from Europe (and its diaspora) all rootlessness, all subversion, all profanity would not be without consequences which I trust you can comprehend. So ... it is necessary to get away from perpetual analysis and from received idealisms ... to get away from all that exists now and has failed, and to start with the new. There it is, Greg. That’s your job, if you want to design the intellectual schwerpunckt of a new Europa. 151
Posted by Red Mercury on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 22:23 | # There’s nothing pretentious about any of the people associated with A3P. On the contrary they’re smart, tough, down to earth white men and women who have taken a beating and unfortunately can expect to take some more. I give them high marks for taking the initiative to start this. It’s mor ethan I’ve contributed I can tell you. You’re not going to get whites to take to the streets with clinical polisci professor talk of “contracts” and “plausible promise”. Ain’t gonna happen. Appeal to emotion OTOH and they’ll move. White nationalism needs more advertising, PR, and marketing minds, and fewer eggheads. 152
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 22:29 | # Red Mercury: How many third party candidates have won congressional races since the New Deal? How realistic is it to expect that a third party will be able to make significant inroads under the US electoral system? If these guys are “hard headed” at all about a third party, they’ll have to focus at the county level. What is their plan to back up their sheriffs when the Feds and their minions at the State level come knocking on their door with hoards of section 8 “refugees”? Do they have any? Have they talked about county politics as a prominent aspect of their “program”? If so, why isn’t it on every one of their pages? They are well intentioned but misguided. At present, it would appear the main thing holding this party together is insulation from even debate let alone the test of time. 153
Posted by Bit on the side on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 22:41 | # Are you saying all those whites who immigrated here and claimed to have assimilated to become true Americans are hypocrites? If so, who wants them anyway? Hypocrisy is a quintessential Anglo trait,Bowery. If they’re hypocrites it’s because they’re assimilated. Remember the classic paradoxes of Zeno? Here’s a famous one: Epaminondas the Cretan says that all Cretans are liars. True or false? Broadswords and strong cordage won’t solve that riddle,mate. 154
Posted by Red Mercury on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 23:16 | # James, first I want to apologize for my “eggheads” remark, it was not directed at you in particular. You appear to have a very thorough understanding of what needs to be done at a practical level and your input is greatly appreciated. We disagree obviously on the utility of a party like A3P. (And for the record I am not involved with the party). Besides winning votes, which is a challenge I agree, a third party can accomplish other goals. It raises the visibility of certain issues, in this case race and immigration among others, that the other parties by agreement refuse to discuss. The media publlicity generated around A3P this week, I predict, will have a very positive effect on the group. There is the symbolic aspect too. By simply existing A3P can function as symbol of white resistance. A beacon and rallying point if you will for angry and disaffected whites. There are a lot of those around at the moment as wel all know. A political organization can also serve as a means for networking. It is a kind of live social network for people with similar views and interests. One of the most significant challenges as nationalists is to get people to step away from the pc for a minute and engage the real world. A3P can help facilitate white solidarity in an increasingly atomized society. Similarly A3P can act as a training program for white activists young and old. We are in desperate need of smart political operators who aren’t into the nazi regalia and skinhead scene. The group can help train activists in campaigning skills, public speaking, guerilla marketing, public relations, journalism, community activism, pro-white charity work, etc. And if A3P should somehow fail these skills will come in useful in other areas and parties, such as the GOP if it still standing. That said if I were a betting man I certainly wouldn’t bet the farm on A3P, but I think it’s one approach among many that white nationalists should be pursuing at the same time. Will it work? If we examine other metrics in addition to votes received, I think it will. 155
Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 23:37 | #
Therein lies your answer, Herr Braun, it is vanity.
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 00:36 | # Desmond, I did not enter Greg’s essay contest. I used the obvious weaknesses of O’Meara’s winning piece to try to draw his and Greg’s attention to the failure of intellectualism in the movement. You may not think this important. You may think that I don’t think it’s important ... that, in fact, I am motivated by the proverbial “vanity”. You may think that no one really believes there is anything important in life at all, I do not know. But what would such thoughts make you, Desmond, beyond a cynic and a troublemaker? You have it in your power to be productive. You can make a start on that anytime you choose. 157
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 01:53 | # G.W., why haven’t you come up yet with this new ideological paradigm that is needed (according to you) if the White race is to survive? 158
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 02:16 | # I have such a paradigm, as PF knows, since I have lately communicated its essentials to him. I have already explained to you that you would be mistaken to presume it does not exist. It exists. But I am more interested in dressing it with other’s work than in producing it as solely my own, since I cannot see the latter being of interest to a wider world. 159
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 02:25 | # I don’t remember you telling me that this gem is already extant. Why not publicize is far and wide? Now you sound like Gollum and his “precious.” I mean, we need it to survive, for pete’s sake! Therefore, every White person should be aware of it, no? In the alternative, would you mind emailing its essentials to me? Thanks. 160
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 02:50 | # OK SE, I mistook someone else’s post as yours. So you are FB. Why the name change, what possible, useful purpose does that serve? 161
Posted by Stephen Elliott on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:06 | # Well, Lurker, I want to get away from Teutonism. As you’ve noticed, I’ve changed my mind on a number of things over the last year and a half. Upon a great deal of reflection, I’ve abandoned anti-Semitism as a component of my intellectual and political life. You and others might disagree, but I’ve come to my positions honestly. 162
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 03:07 | # It is one thing to describe and prescribe ways of thinking and behaving that one perceives to be more in keeping with the baseline of those for those of European descent, yet it is potentially another to get those of European descent to think and behave in ways that will secure their genetic continuity now in this unprecedented time of crisis. What will actually work, what will get the job done? I think it likely that the symbols and mythos associated with National Socialism could be more or less interchangeable with whatever symbols and mythos one needed to use in order to gain the needed emotional connection of the people with those wielding the power of the application of the methods of National Socialism. But, again, is that necessary, is there another way that relies less on the bridle, the bit and the whip that will actually work? I too would be interested in pursuing the best, latest and most complete rendering of your system with an eye towards the concerns I raised above, GW. 163
Posted by Willy Garrett on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 05:39 | # Red Mercury, I think you assessed the utility of A3P well in your 10:16 PM post. (GW, for reference purposes can posts be numbered?) We NEED this, desperately, and we need it now. Some of the criticisms of Bowery warrant consideration and over time should be strongly considered. That doesn’t take away from all the potential benefits that can accrue from this effort immediately. This party can and should be a like a dandelion in flower such that when it is attacked by the Establishment releases its seeds to areas that have not yet been reached. The key is how A3P handles these attacks and speaks through the MSM hacks to reach a few more percent of our still slumbering folk who can be awakened. I seriously doubt any election wins are going to happen any time soon, but like RM, that’s not the main value I see in this party. Contributing to a White awakening is. Even if it falls flat on its face it can be a huge asset. The only caveat is that it doesn’t turn aracial in its effort to achieve respectability, gain access, or “win”. GW, Don’t you see this and don’t the potential benefits of acting now outweigh not having everything perfect? I don’t understand the burden you are placing on Johnson to solve everything before anything is done. A real WN movement will only emerge when the body has all its parts working in some semblance of cooperation. Also, the apparent secrecy of the launch of A3P is understandable give the unscrupulous enemy we face. 164
Posted by Willy Garrett on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 05:47 | #
I should have added that as of now there are no shortage of ideas floating around regarding what needs to be done but almost no action. WN is currently a head with no body. 165
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 06:23 | # WG writes: That doesn’t take away from all the potential benefits that can accrue from this effort immediately. Yes it does. What should be happening immediately is this and this. The opportunity is NOW. The timing of the ATP is perfect if they execute. 166
Posted by Willy Garrett on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 07:52 | # JB, Assuming your positions are solid* then A3P including them in their platform is smart IF their only value is winning an election and having a chance to implement them. Let’s be realistic. For now, they have ZERO chance of winning anything whether they include the LOTS platform or not. Their value is taking the fledgling White awakening to the next level: to reach more of that level of Whites who still haven’t connected the dots but will act once aroused. We must have more bodies/activists to go along with our voluminous and righteous ideas. *The 3 platform positions sound good and are simple. The second link where you advocate taking the U.S. House by using that platform is a pipe dream. There is no breaking the Talmudic Plutocracy via its sham political system - yet. It is bought and paid for and no amount of good platform proposals will change that. More sowing has to occur. 167
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 08:10 | # WG writes: For now, they have ZERO chance of winning anything whether they include the LOTS platform or not. We certainly agree on that. But you didn’t read the first sentences of the first link:
I’ve been through this process. Now is the time to enter the ground floor of the 2010 cycle. You can take out the incumbents. For instantaneous campaign infrastructure join the Campaign for Liberty and use their training, coordination and databases for setting up precinct leaderships and candidates in the Republican and Democratic parties as appropriate. The worst that will happen is a bunch of people will learn the ropes, and that includes a lot of military vets learning exactly how entrenched the unconstitutional system, the domestic enemy, is. 168
Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 08:41 | # @James Bowery 169
Posted by Red Mercury on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 08:44 | # I value GW, James Bowery, CC, Dasein, among others, as a kind of think tank for white nationalist street activists. As we start advancing across the battlefield amidst the machine gun inferno and mortar fire I would hope these gentlemen would kindly extend their advice and counsel to the ground troops. We’re going to need it. 170
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 09:13 | # RM writes: As we start advancing across the battlefield amidst the machine gun inferno and mortar fire Getting hit by enemy weaponry results from giving your enemy time to prepare. Take the offensive. They won’t see the LotS platform coming until it is too late. They won’t have an effective response to it. 171
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 09:35 | # The LotS platform would benefit from an explicit mention of a moratorium on legal immigration in my opinion. Also it would be helpful to see some studies, some more direct evidence, of the ability of the land value tax to jump start the economy and generate more tax revenue. If when implemented the LotS platform could deliver a cauterizing of the demographic wound, more money in our pockets and the government out of our faces, that would be huge. Room to maneuver. 172
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 13:39 | # Stephen Elliott: I don’t remember you telling me that this gem is already extant. I don’t know about gem. Perhaps PF will offer an opinion on that, if he is still following this thread. But yes, I know I told somebody that it would be a mistake to assume no scheme exists, and I’m pretty sure it was you. Friedrich, retire Stephen and Brian. We all know now that you have eschewed your teutonism. Some of us suspect that the pendulum has swung too far, and you need to find a place to settle. Do so in the name we all associate with you. Among other things, it is disrespectful to us to misrepresent yourself. Let’s treat of each other fairly. CC, I may return to writing Part 3 of the “What it is to be human” posts, because they were the template for my model of Man, from which the rest can readily flow. However, I realised after writing Part 2 that something more is needed to reach people who, all their lives, have lacked the essential questioning nature requisite to understanding this exercise. Haven’t worked that bit out yet. 173
Posted by Q on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 14:55 | #
So, Friedrich, it WAS you who signed in as Brian Goldenberg? Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!!! Sneaky, sneaky…. 174
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 15:06 | # Trying not to be cryptic here, I’ll explain a little further. Consider that the Jews of Frankfurt couldn’t simply produce their philosophy of European non-existence just like that ... on page one. To be injected into the European intellectual boodstream it required, first, an internalisation of the Marxist-egalitarian assertion that tearing down the traditional social fabric in the cause of economic and social justice is good and necessary. Then that internalisation needed to be manouevred into one of tearing at the European Self, using guilt and self-hatred in place of envy and class-hatred. Critical Theory had to become an acceptable medium of political discourse. This was a long journey. We don’t have the time for long journeys. But we are working with the grain of human nature, which the Jews never were, or are. But there is a difficulty. Man is profoundly lazy when it comes to questioning what, in his thought, feelings and actions, flows up from his nature and what has entered from the world without - and liberation from all the lies and self-harm, from the historical dynamic and from all the consequences of self-estrangement depend on exactly that. 175
Posted by Euro on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 15:41 | # James, I’m curious; why don’t you include your citizen’s dividend proposal in your platform? To my mind it would have a strong electoral appeal. 176
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 15:53 | # CaptainChaos, you make cogent comments. That’s why, when I was asked what I would tell the A3P if approached, I responded that they should “elaborate on” the LotS as a replacement for their current “Program” section. The LotS can retain its concise form for dissemination. For instance, common sense understands that virtually all of the immigration liberalization “laws” passed since WW II have been against the will of the citizens of the United States. Simply defining “trespass” as entry of persons to US territory under terms not in accord with the will of the citizenry entails regarding the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 as an act of trespass, as well as all subsequent liberalization acts. It is, in fact, the primordial agreement between men and their constituted government that the right to defend their animal territory is not abrogated, but is enhanced by constituting said governments. Therefore, any government that increases immigration over what it would have been in a condition of individual sovereignty, where each individual man can go out and challenge to single combat any individual man who trespasses onto his animal territory, is unconstitutional. This is the common sense definition of “trespass” in the context of constitutional government. (It is also something that needs to go into GW’s concept of “What it is to be human.”) As for land value tax, it is surprisingly uncontroversial that the LVT is superior to virtually all other forms of taxation. In fact, the transition to an LVT has an economic benefit estimate that is uncontroversial. It is called elimination of “dead-weight loss” costs of taxation. That is to say, the LVT is least distorting of investment decisions of all forms of taxation—and that is even before we consider the avoidance of any need for anyone to file tax returns with the entailed costs and government involvement in our lives. (Moreover, the $80,000 LVT individual exemption recognizes what everyone knows by common sense: that a man’s animal territory is the primordial component of national territory and his defense of it is the foundation of the “militia”—although to be truly traditional, the exemption should be limited to able bodied men and would be increased to at least $160,000 (and possibly $200,000) since adult women and infirm men would not be considered part of the militia.) Finally, devolving all these Federal programs to the States brings the Federal government back in line with the 10th Amendment and goes most of the way toward a return to the Constitutional limits on the Federal government that has so many State legislatures passing 10th Amendment resolutions. It goes with the current “populist” flow as well as going a long way toward truth and freedom. 177
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 16:07 | # Euro, the citizens dividend proposal would not as effectively entrain the support of the States which is important in the immediate term. The States would have to change their tax laws to increase revenues sufficient to fund the devolved Federal programs. Moreover, a lot of whites—mainly retired whites—are already dependent for immediate survival on existing Federal programs and this demographic turns out to vote more than any other. Putting those programs under the States along with the funds will not be resisted by those whites and will be supported by the States. This isn’t to say the citizens dividend would be inferior policy during the transition to a genuine Laboratory of the States—it would be superior policy—but explaining that to people is too difficult when marshalling resources for a blitz. The Federal LVT revenue will decline over time as land ownership is distributed to the citizens, and this will give the States time to change their tax laws as well as reform the previously devolved Federal programs. 178
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 16:32 | # Dasein, the way assortative migration proceeds under the LotS is through State and local laws. The economic incentives for relocation work both ways. Moreover, the white middle class will be better able, relative to other demographics, to influence State and local politics than they are Federal politics. Keep in mind that State governments can’t deficit spend so it isn’t as easy to run their political machines on votes bought with money that wasn’t raised through taxation. Finally, keep in mind that land value maximization has a lot to do with the human ecology occupying that land. Since the States will be getting their initial revenue from the Feds on a per capita basis from land value, they will have corresponding incentives. 179
Posted by Frank on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 17:22 | # GW, thanks for the unbiased presentation of this new party. Personally I’m ecstatic about its platform, especially about the banking proposal. And there’s no liberal baggage as per the usual US right wing third party. Another good name for the party would have been “Native American Party”, though there’s still technically an “American Party” in the US that descends from the Know-nothings (the apple has fallen far that tree). And to be honest, the US of 2010 needs a different approach from what the know-nothing’s took. Times change and policies derived from the identical first principles change with the time. 180
Posted by Willy Garrett on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 20:43 | #
JB, I did see that but it didn’t resonate. Can you elaborate further to someone who does not understand the inner workings of the political process? The last sentence especially. 181
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 21:20 | # You can’t win a national office as a third party candidate. That means you run as a Republican or Democrat. The way to win the nomination for either major party against the will of the party bosses is to have overwhelming support from the grassroots. The precinct is the smallest political unit. The precinct _is_ the grassroots and the voice of the grassroots is dominated by the precinct leaders. During off-year elections the precinct leadership positions are more-often up for grabs than during on-year elections but you can’t wait until the campaigns have really started to control a precinct. You have to weigh in NOW to grab control of your precinct. This was a lesson learned too late by the Ron Paul folks, plus it was an on-year election, plus Ron Paul’s “Austrian School” fails the economics test because they believe property rights are a divine right rather than being divided into two parts: natural property (homestead) and artificial property (upheld by government). They want everyone to volunteer their lives, fortunes and sacred honor to protect Bloomberg’s fortune free of charge to Bloomberg. Its the Achilles Heel of both major parties and third parties such as the Libertarians and—so it would appear—the American Third Position. 182
Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 22:22 | # James Bowery, I am interested in promoting the LotS platform at other racialist (and possibly some non-racialist) websites. Is there a concise or consolidated thread somewhere which has the important details? It would do wonders for ease of presentation. Thanks. 183
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 23:23 | # There is which is also available as a FaceBook app. The Call to Action is already there with a couple of explanatory articles but what I prefer to do is get people’s actual questions, as I have here, so I know what people are most interested in understanding. I’ll post a FAQ from my responses here at the website ASAP. 184
Posted by SW on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 23:26 | # martin-“The top of WN leadership is stale.” Agreed. But you must realise that there is no WN leadership, not in the USA at least. David Duke is the closest thing WNists in the USA have had for a long time in terms of leadership, but he never really got off the ground aside from a single seat in Congress. All of the Neo-Nazis and such are so unproductive they can just be entirely disregarded, they are actually doing counterproductive work. WNism in America is a heavily decentralized movement that isn’t actually even a movement yet: it is still in its beginning stages. Once a true leadership class emerges then WNism can finally turn from a decentralized non-movement to one with potential for the future; hopefully the A3P is at least a precursor to this. 185
Posted by SW on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 23:32 | # Red Mercury - We’re not going to sort out this mess by sitting behind a computer screen. I agree, but since WNists often live many hundreds of miles apart (or even thousands) from each other in White nations the world over the internet is the best way to communicate with each other: formulating strategies, building coalitions, information sharing, staying in touch, and so on. 186
Posted by SW on Sat, 09 Jan 2010 23:55 | #
Braun/Elliot might not be a Nazi anymore, but he is still a fascist - he admitted as much over on Occidental Dissent a few months ago. How can he then claim to want to bring WNism in to the mainstream if he is still a self admitted fascist? The general public rejects all self described or even alleged fascists. I recall reading a comment from Braun/Elliot a few months ago on OD saying he is a “proud fascist,” a “Brooks Brothers fascist” who despite his university degrees and high paying finance job is still a proud fascist. I guess he is ignorant of the history of fascism then considering the European fascists rejected bourgeoisie wannabe Jewish-finance-industry parasites like Braun. Braun advocates working with Jews, but of course the European fascists were starkly anti-Jewish by default because fascism was first and foremost a racial/ethnic nationalist ideology, and Jews are not of native European racial extraction - thus they were dealt with in various ways by the fascists of Europe. If you go back and read Braun’s site ‘The Civic Platform’ it is virulently anti Jewish, pro Nazi/Hitlerist, nastily racist, anti Christian, misogynistic, and everything else under the sun. If anybody cares to dig up the old posts from that site on archives and such, this guy was a frothing Neo-Nazi not even two years - now he just claims to be a philosemitic eugenicist fascist. People’s views of course change, especially if people are under about 30 years of age, but it is difficult to accept someones overall weltanschauung changing that much in such a short time. Braun/Elliott is wasting his time with his philosemitic ravings - he is already damaged goods who can NEVER mainstream WNism because of his frothing Neo-Nazi past as evidenced at his Civic Platform site and his still self admitted fascism. 187
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 00:08 | # There is now a Frequently Asked Questions page at the It will be expanded. 188
Posted by Whiplash on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 06:08 | # Braun, less than two years ago:
Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 06:19 | # @Fred Scrooby
Yes we know what the problem is but how can you have an America of the 1950’s when it does not exist anymore and never will. And was everything just dandy Yes we know what the problem is but how can you have an America of the 1950’s when it does not exist anymore and never will. And was everything just dandy prior to the 1965 immigration act and the civil rights movement? (Great Depression, World Wars, political assassinations, etc.) You just don’t grasp it do you Scrooby? You can’t see the big picture. Just go inside your little box or watch the shadow on Platos cave with Giles and Linder. 190
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 08:24 | # GW, I’ve long admired the contributions of Desmond Jones and I believe you may be mistaken in branding him a Cynic. Desmond is a Sceptic, surely. 191
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 08:57 | # More headlines from The Civic Platform archives: LOL! Sensationalism, dehumanization of Negroes, genocidal hatred, what more could one ask from a moral paragon such as Braun/Greenberg/Elliot. 192
Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 10:42 | # I owe Friedrich Braun a debt of gratitude for, inter alia, illuminating the subject of World War Two. In particular, his recommendation of Dr David Hoggan’s masterly book ’ The Forced War’, a natural complement to AJP Taylor’s famous ‘Origins of the Second World War’, persuaded me of the suicidal folly of Britain’s declaration of war against Germany. My resulting National Socialist sympathies remain while FB’s seem to have atrophied. However, it must surely be admitted that any political group whose cause he espouses may consider itself fortunate to have recruited such an intellectually prodigious advocate. 194
Posted by Bigmo on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 13:26 | # It started with 9-11 for me. Actually I was born in Sudan but was not raised there. My father was a diplomat and we lived in Pakistan, Japan and later I lived in America for 10 years. I am currently outside America. You really can not say I am of a “Muslim” background since I don’t follow the Sunni/Shia Islam. I am what they call a Quranist. Or mabe a Unitarian Christian. Same thing. They consider me an apostate. I know these Sects well cause I stuided them but not from their sources. I read stuff by Joseph Schacht and Ignaz Goldziher and other non Muslim historians. And I know Judaism well, something many of you over here don’t know anything about. Its not coincidence that Macdonald started his reasearch by taking a look at Judaism, something all Americans have no clue of. You would think with all these Jews in American classrooms and cinemas and newspapers that Americans would know Judaism inside out. But no Judaism is being discussed and thats exactly how the Jews like it. There is nothing called Judeo-Christian, its Judeo-Islamic. See for yourself: Dual revelation, the oral tradition. Something that Christians never heard of. Thats how I know how Jews think. They are very similar to how a Muslim cleric would think, except they are more hyper and hide it. They hide it well. Amost like a national consensus. Its quite remarkable how they hide it actually. Its their main achievement. Prior to 2006 nobody in America even heard of something called the “Israel Lobby” even though they were at it for almost 40 years. Quite an achievement to be honest. Its a gift they have. Nobody in the Jewish community breaks the rule. Jesus broke that rule and attacked them. he didn’t want anything to do with the Talmud. And I know why because of my limited but fair enough knowledge of the Talmud. By investigating Sunni/Shiasm I came across some information regarding the Talmud. I started reading about the Pharisees and their conflict with Jesus. I also always told that the Jews had problems with Jesus because of the “son of God”. But later found that that it was about the Talmud. Jesus attacked the Talmud in the Gospel, and so by the way the Quran. Not many Muslim people know that. Religious research teaches you many things about people. But you need to do it your own way and not listen to what the mainstream says. Sunnism is a milder and a larger version of Judaism, no more and no less. Maybe its a semitic thing. Maybe its something else. But the similarities are quite obvious. Dual revelation. But it wasn’t until I came across Macdonald’s writing that many of the missing gaps were solved. Macdonald actually is quite remarkable himself. I know of no literature that exposes Jews like that. I wish somebody can do a similar work regarding Islam. But i wouldn’t hold my breath. Joseph Schacht did but he is long gone. I am not aginst WNers or anybody else. God made nations racially and ethnically similar. We see this around the world and we see this in the animal world. Don’t assume that people around the world see this in the same way as America ethnic groups do. Blacks and IQ is no sensitive topic in Africa as the case with Dr Watson showed. But it is a very sensitive issue in American society. Americas history makes this issue very sensitive especially for Blacks there. Blacks have a very strong advantage over any other ethnic groups in America since they are the only ones who can shove America’s past onto White people’s faces. Jews can’t do that since they have no historic case to make against America. Thats why Blacks are so important for the Jews. Through them they can build many cases. Black organization know Jews used them. But I guess they felt they go what they wanted. Immigration however was not one of those things. Its a disaster for Blacks and Blacks know that. They know their history makes them handicapped in comparison with other ethnic group who are united and don’t have the cultural challenges they have. Blacks can see how Latinos stick together, how Jews are very cohesive and how Arabs unite around same causes. They see how Haitians help each other out and how Chinese are disciplined. They are handicapped and they can not compete. But they have the power to shove Americas past onto White faces. I remember seeing Louis Farkhan doing that do Cookie Roberts of ABC when she got too critical of him. Cookie Roberts got the message. Thats how much power Blacks have with Whites. We saw it again with Reverand Wright at his speech in the National Press Club after the whole incident of his sermons came out. He started his speech by talking about “the Black code” of the past and went on and on about American hostory. The crowd got the message. Thats how much power they have. It won’t work with an African audience but it will work on an American one especially regarding Whites. Its not coincidence that the first minority President was Black. Its the foundation of American society. As outsiders Jews know this power very well. They learned to use this power to pass their ideologies. They hate Blacks and Blacks hate them but its an alliance that was sucessful, taking out immigration. See Macdonald knows all these things. he will try to break that alliance. Hence his moderate views towards Blacks. Notice also how David Duke toned down his views regarding Blacks. You will have to if you want to get at the Jews. Jews operate through proxy. They learned that their ethnocentrism and selfishness makes it hard to create alliances. So they use proxys, like using America to fight their wars. Who else can Israel create an alliance with? So they need a proxy. Blacks are their proxy. No Jews have IQ proble, no Jews joins gangs, no Jew goes to run down public schools. Blacks know very well who is meant by all this. They will come out in the open and they will shove America’s history down White people’s faces. The crowd will get the message(we haven’t forgotten you all) and the debate will end right there and everybody will go home and the issue will be closed until Blacks forget their past. I wouldn’t hold my breath for that. Macdonald knows that well. So he disciplined himself and toned down his views regarding Blacks cause he can’t confront America’s past. But he can confront the Jews and even question their past. Look at this lecture by Shelby Steele where he exposes Black-White relationship. He makes it clear here that Blacks shape all minority debates and how they use that as their promary power cause American history is all they really have. No matter how much money and organizations and lobbying Jews do, they can never have that power. This lecture opened my eyes to many issues rgarding Black-White relationship. Something my 10 years in America never did. Take care 195
Posted by martin on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 17:14 | # Dr. Kevin MaDonald was interviewed yesterday on The Political Cesspool. He discusses A3P and how they intend to use the BNP as a model. An archive of the show it located here. 196
Posted by GenXerBoi on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 17:19 | #
Yes! The Tea Parties have shown that Whites are angry! They must be directed to A3P! Totally stoked for this new party. I was too young, still a teen, to be part of the miltias… to go running around in the woods with Martin Lindstedt dressed in cammo and with loaded weapons looking for ‘whigger feebs’ and ‘zionist mattoids’ below the black helicopters!! Also was too young to take part in Willis Cartos Populist Party. Well it looks like now my chance to make a mark has come!! A3p money bomb day is soon as well!! To steal a Linderism: Itz here! 197
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 17:29 | # Bigmo, there is a subtle nuance in the history of the south you may be unaware of that may be very problematic for a white black accommodation. Specifically, I’m thinking of the yeoman farmers of the antebellum south who, rather than using slaves, used their own sons as is the norm in agrarian societies. These yeoman farmers of the south were directly hostile to slavery for the same economic reasons today’s middle and lower class whites are hostile to immigration. These southern whites, impoverished by slavery, became both the target of contempt and the primary source of the US’s military personnel. It should be no surprise that many of them, such as Jimmy Giles, have a strong streak of contempt if not hatred toward blacks and yet when push comes to shove and military force is required, they are a primary source of personnel. A good deal of what Jews have been doing in the middle east has been to play on the turn of the millennium to manipulate the religious beliefs of these men—a phenomenon I was, in the 1990s predicting would lead to some kind of “big event” at the turn of the millennium to channel their pent up hatred toward enemies of Jews in a kind of “pan-Western fascism”. This is exactly what has happened with 9/11 and the Neocon domination of foreign policy. How would you suggest going about dealing with the historic grudge of these southern whites, who were also victims of importation of African slaves to the South? PS: One thing is certain, the so-called Southern Poverty Law Center has done nothing but exacerbate this problem. 198
Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 18:10 | # There is actual books written by authors involved in political subversion activism and there techniques used during WW1, Cold War and the current Soros Coloured Revolutions perhaps A3P should study them rather than the rather boring presentation they delivered. It would be good in fact if the opening video had very little dialogue but mostly imagery to convey there message. If the A3P produce there own documentaries like LaRouches organisation with there own publications or at lest there own monthly publication that would go along way to promote there cause/get the message out. 199
Posted by Praxis on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 22:03 | # James Bowery, Regarding your prediction of “9/11 and the Neocon domination of foreign policy” at the turn of the millenium, did you predict during the 1990s and do you believe now that it was some sort of deliberate plot? Or that there was “willful negligence” involved? Or perhaps that while not deliberately plotted, provocation was employed with the expectation that some sort of major blowback event or attack would occur at the turn of the millenium that could be seized upon? 200
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 10 Jan 2010 23:05 | # Praxis, when it comes to how the shadowy figures manipulating JudeoChristian eschatology operate, your guess is as good as mine. It was clear to me, however, that the means, motive and opportunity would exist at the millennium for this kind of event and that with the waning of female boomer fertility there would be little reason for Jews to maintain the ludicrously “liberal” position they had been promoting for nearly a century. So they’d need some kind of cover to whiplash and consolidate their gains—especially in the US—before other, equally or more, sophisticated cultures invading the West started playing the same game on the Jewish dominion that the Jews had played on the rest of us. (This is one reason I started focusing on Jews as early as 1992 and pretty much ignored other ethnicities—I knew they’d be going for a take over of conservatism and I wasn’t about to let them get away with that obscene switcheroo!) In other words, Jews—particularly Zionists—would have to learn what it felt like to be “Nazis”. Also, they’d need an excuse to dump the used-up female boomers onto the street from their positions as de facto concubines (without even the meager honor—or children for that matter—accorded aging concubines by openly polygynous cultures). The thing that I didn’t predict was the high proportion of aging boomer women who, after being kicked out on the street to fend for themselves without so much as a pension, would vote for a guy like Obama rather than start to wake up and realize that the entire boomer generation had suffered what I have previously called “erocide”—genocide through Eros. They’ve, instead, become more attached to the government than ever and are almost to the point where they are willing to become homeless while still alienating their cohort men with various “diagnoses” like “racist”, etc. This has created a situation where the effective male to (genuine) female ratio among the boomers is somewhere between 30 and 50 to 1. I don’t think a situation like this has ever occurred before in history but what it tells me is that we boomer men had better get off our butts and be willing to sacrifice our lives for our people before we get too old to do anything but be suicide bombers. 201
Posted by Praxis on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 00:27 | # James, That is a very astute analysis. The reason I asked if you had any idea of the specific operations (deliberate plot, willful negligence, provocation, etc.) and agency involved was because while it is pretty easy and clear to see how the events at the turn of the millenium and thereafter fit an overarching “big-picture” narrative like the one you provide, having some decent ideas or theories about the specific mechanics and operations involved just makes it that much more concrete, realistic, and “falsifiable.” The various 9/11 Truther narratives and documentaries, while providing overarching theories along with specific details like the chemistry of building demolition, were never very appealing because they never seemed to get to the crux of the matter, the agency, the machinations, the operations, etc. Personally, I dismissed the Truthers and never really questioned or doubted anything related to the 9/11 attack until I heard about the “dancing Israelis”, i.e. the 4 or 5 Israeli agents who were dancing and celebrating on the NJ pier during the attack, and until college where a Jewish acquaintance of mine, who revealed that his parents who were both Israeli citizens and software engineers at 2 different firms at the WTC, stayed home at the day of the attack. The Jewish acquaintance remarked that this was very unusual because they never missed work (esp. not both of them on the same day) and that during the attack he had frantically called them because he was unaware that they had stayed home and believed that they were in the WTC. He noted that he was surprised to find them both at home and that they seemed/sounded suspicious. After revealing this that one time, it was never mentioned again, and whenever someone would try to bring it up he would evade it and change the subject. And no, he wasn’t pulling our legs or anything. I knew him well enough to know when he was BS-ing and when he was being serious. 202
Posted by Gudmund on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 02:25 | # @ Praxis I was like you in that I didn’t really doubt the official narrative of 9/11 but in the last couple of years my thinking on the matter has changed considerably. If what you say is true regarding your Jewish acquaintance that is very interesting indeed. Of course the truth of the matter is not likely to ever be known to the satisfaction of inquiring minds. However in the years since that event there has been enough circumstantial evidence that we cannot really doubt that there is something very rotten about the official story (and like James says the outcome of the event has certainly served the interests of our ruling elite). 203
Posted by Bigmo on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 03:20 | # Posted by James Bowery on January 10, 2010, 04:29 PM | #
PS: One thing is certain, the so-called Southern Poverty Law Center has done nothing but exacerbate this problem. End quote I don’t think there will be a problem with Blacks and Whites in the future. That all ended with the victory of Obama. The Black psychology used to Whites was “this society will always be racist, and this society will also be hostile towards Blacks, and we Blacks are in a permanent struggle for equality with still a long way to go”. Or as Shelby Steel noted in the lecture I gave a link for. Challengers(like Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson etc) dominate Black discourse with Whites. Challengers, unlike Bargainers, do not give Whites the benefit of the doubt until Whites prove their lack of racism by doing so and so and so for Blacks. Its a poweerful and effective weapon that have given them power and placing Whites on the hook. Al Sharpton is the one Whites go to(Don Imus, Micheal Richards) when they nneed to be absolved from racism and not Oprah or Colin Powell. The Challengers, as Steele calls them, dominate Black organization and its a strategy seen as the best to force Whites to give some racial prefernces to Blacks. The problem for them now is the scenario of America they were selling was an extreme one. It was symbolized by Don King’s advice to Michael Jackson. “you can be a rich nigger, or a poor nigger. You can be a smart nigger or a dumb nigger, but you will always be a nigger:. This is the advice that Don King gave to Michale Jackson on national TV. Whites got the message. In an America like this no Black can ever come even near the White House. This harsh and uncompromising view put Whites on a permanent position of having to prove their lack of racism and deeply insecure about themselves. Many Whites believed Don Kings’s assesment of race relations in America. Obama’s presidency blew all that away and they are now struggling to find relevance in the race debate. What i meant is the debate aspect of an issue like immigration can completely stop when it comes to race sensitivities. Another words this third party will avoid getting into a conflict with Black leaders. They are led by smart tacticians who calculate the advanatges and disavantages of any issue and platform. They realized that Macdonald’s strategy is the easiest one to pursue to the mainstream. I doubt Macdonald cares about Blacks but he knows they shape all minority debates in American society because they have the historic case that can be made against America. So he will simply cut his losses. Plus also he needs non White support for any anti immgration laws to make it easier for Whites to speak out and associate themselves with anti immigration stances. At least in public, something right now none of them want to do. As far as Whites in the south, I think that a 90% White population will be music to their ears. they will also cut their losses with Blacks if they can stop immgration, find a solution to the Latinos, Asians, Arabs and other immigrants. And also stop preferential treatments of Blacks. This will be good enough for them. Its is a lot better than what they have now. As far as Jews, it will be interesting how all of this plays out. Macdonald noticed that throughout Jewish history Jews becom more racialized and tribalistic when they feel pressured. Israel now is more racialized than any other time in their history. Jewish organization in America will go along with that. Macdonald saw this pattern, both ancient and modern. Meaning the Jews will only increaze in their attacks and more money will flow to their orgnaizations and more lobbying will be done and more attacks from the media against WNers. Thereby creating even more resentment against them by many Whites. Especially as it becomes apparent that mass immigration in America was a Jewish issue all along. Most Whites do not know that yet they but will soon. They will thereby expose their hostility to European and Christian culture in a way that will catch people by surprise. Something they worked hard to hide(remember that Judeo-Christian stuff). They actually did a good job on that. I must admit. I know from my reading of Judaism that Jews hate a million Jesus before Muhammad. Muhammad, the Arab, has a better chance to migrate to Israel than Jesus. He is THE most depsised personality for the Jews. Cause unlike Muhammad, Jesus was seen as a traitor who refused Jewish priveleges over others and wanted to “gentile the Jews”. A big no no. Its interesting that Macdonald believes that israel was created by Jews to stop the assimilation pressures in European society. Another words, maintaing their blood line was THE most important Jewish cause. Obviously Christianity would have eleminated these types of ideas and thats why Jesus was seen as a danger and a threat to Jewish exceptionalism. For ye, brethren, became imitators of the churches of God which are in Judaea in Christ Jesus: for ye also suffered the same things of your own countrymen, even as they did of the Jews; who both killed the Lord Jesus and the prophets, and drove out us, and pleased not God, and are contrary to all men; forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they may be saved; to fill up their sins always: but the wrath is come upon them to the uttermost. Thessalonians 2:14-16
And that will be a mistake of historic proportion. 204
Posted by Grimoire on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 05:30 | # Thanks again Bigmo for your comments which are interesting to read and reflect on. I do have a problem which is with your statement that the Quran was derived from ‘Judaism’. 205
Posted by Grimoire on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 05:42 | # James Bowery How would you suggest going about dealing with the historic grudge of these southern whites, who were also victims of importation of African slaves to the South? The percentage of southern whites who didn’t benefit from slavery is probably fairly small. The percentage who where harmed by the ending of slavery is probably very large. At any rate, a political program or future decided by the unexamined grudges of southern whites is likely a guarantee of certain failure. The coming ‘counter-revolution’ will have to be inspired by more than just reaction-ism, or it will be an unprecedented failure and the end of the West as much as the current scheme is. 206
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 06:41 | # Islam, unlike Christianity or Judaism, is monotheistic paganism. Islam’s founder wanted an Arab monotheism as he believed such a belief system had served both Jew and Christian well, so he simply called upon his prospective converts to set aside any worship directed at the pagan Arabs’ lesser deities and concentrate solely upon the moon - god, Allah. 207
Posted by LOL on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 07:32 | #
LOL. A January 2008 lecture by Shelby Steele on why Barack Obama can’t win is probably not the best source on which to base your opinions about race relations in the United States. 208
Posted by black heart on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 07:53 | # Interesting comments on Judaism and Islam. I’ve had several recent conversations with educated Muslims who claim they regard Jews as their “brothers,” and that Islam and Judaism share certain similarities that Christianity does not share. 209
Posted by LOL on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 07:54 | #
First, if whites are able to halt and reverse our ongoing demise, I don’t think they will be content to simply revert things back to how they were in 1965. Second, there is no reason to think it would be easier to roll back the clock to 1950s America than to break up the United States and create ethnostates. The ethnostate is a superior solution and there is no reason to think achieving it would be any more difficult than your proposed scenario. 210
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 12:28 | # The big problem I see with southern whites is their abuse as military men. Blacks have not only been promoted to the upper ranks of the military beyond their competence for political expediency, they have become dominant in the hazing ritual known as basic training. Southern whites inducted into the military are “broken in” by black drill sergeants and have their subsistence resources under the control of black quartermasters. This kind of induction into the military permits an extremely pathological dynamic between blacks and southern whites where historic hostilities are conflated with the drill sergeants’ position of absolute authority over these impoverished southern whites. Moreover, the assertion that there is weak continuity between the antebellum victimization of the yeomanry by slavery, and modern poverty among southern whites is simply ignorant of the historic facts. The “rednecks”, “white trash” and “bubbas” for which there is so much contempt from the Southern Poverty Law Center and the dominant elites, and from which from they draw blood for military adventures in the mideast, are more a product of slavery’s oppression of the yeomanry than even southern black poverty. This is a wound in the body politic that has been picked at and picked at and reinfected by the Jewish promotion of the minority preference movement with its “anti-racist” military and now the manipulation of JudeoChristian eschatology by Jews in the neocon’s military adventures in the mideast. We have a population of whites that have been tortured into military service and now the only thing holding it together is the neocon manipulation of JudeoChristian eschatology in the mideast. What are the Jews going to do for a second act? Let the JudeoChristian con expire and channel the backlash by the militarized whites against the southern blacks in response to the abuse by blacks of whites in the military? That would seem the logical next move unless they can pull off some really big stunt in the mideast to keep the JudeoChristian eschatological neocon going. 211
Posted by Grimoire on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 13:14 | # @Al Ross I read that article and it is just gibberish. The problem is people start making interpretations as they like with only a fraction of the facts. Jahweh is also derived from the moon god, except in a different language. Not many Christians question the fact that at his death Christ did not call to Jahweh or whatever, but cries “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” which is interpreted as ‘my god why have you forsaken me’. But who is “Eli” - the same as Allah….all middle eastern religions are derived from the same roots. Both Islam and Hebrew are lunar cults. @Black Heart
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 13:59 | #
Is there a law against any of this that you can’t celebrate Christmas, or worship homosexuality, or you are not allowed to defend yourself or you have to marry non-whites? Jews are whites are they not and have been at the forefront in America with Jewish Freemasonary which all the founding fathers were and help finance the revolution against Great Britain.
I still fail to find a census that said any European countries ethnic population is lower than 90-85%. American culture is a TV cultural based on what is perceived in the mass media and that is multi-cultural anyway.
It is economically impossible not to have a globalised society as the dollar currency is tied in with foreign US bonds held by China, Japan, etc and the fact that all the major companies are international most being Jewish owned, as well as the banks and media. You seem to live in a fantasy land. 213
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 14:23 | # JamesUK, Jews are Caucasians. They are not Europeans and if Europeans use the word “white” to refer to themselves, since Asiatic Caucasians may fairly be considered less white, then no, Jews are not white. Robert Reis did a couple of pieces on this here on this very question: On demographics, the only figures that really matter are the number of women of child-bearing age in the native and non-native categories and the average number of births per woman. You will be able to find more data on current demographics in the UK only when the 2011 Census is published, and only then if it permits the English a means of declaring themselves. It is economically impossible not to have a globalised society Nothing is impossible. But I’m on record as stating that future redeemed nations of Europeans will need to create new currencies under their own control. You seem to live in a fantasy land. We have all, at one time or another, been living in fantasy land. Insomuch as one perceives the import of race and ethnicity, one has escaped. 214
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 14:45 | # I read Grimoire’s post and it’s just gibberish, probably the result of infantile paralysis of the cerebrum caused by an overdose of old Jesus in childhood. Yet another ersatz salvation peddler polluting MR’s comment section. 215
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 14:49 | # More Jewish torture of the southern yeomanry:
—“The Attack on the Liberty: The untold story of Israel’s deadly 1967 assault on a U.S. spy ship” by James Scott, page 6 There’s going to be Hell to pay. The question is, who will end up paying it? 216
Posted by Gudmund on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 16:58 | #
Incorrect, the Europeans managed it for a long time in the Middle Ages through autarkous polities known as feudal states. Certain political-economic models of the 20th century, for example National Socialism, were partially based upon this model. There is no reason why we cannot get rid of the global economy. In fact, the global economy is not really to the benefit of anyone except the capitalist oligarchies who control it and use it to amass bottomless profit (and you might argue the 3rd world workers who use it to escape the inferior conditions of their homelands), so it really would be to our benefit to end it. What’s more the intentions of our overlords clearly are genocidal so if we would survive as ourselves it is an imperative that we get rid of the present system. 217
Posted by Dasein on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 18:58 | #
Posted by PF on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 19:01 | # Re: The philosophical ‘gem’ I do think GW has a vision of a philosophy of European regeneration that doesnt lead us back to teleology. That means: no Bach, no Beethoven, no great Warrior virtues, no hero cults, and a respect for us as we are that doesnt entangle us in different concepts. O’Meara doesn’t know how to talk about anything without it being myth or romanticization - or cold analysis, of us as glyph-like players in a zero-sum game. This is what I see as being its main utility, but it hasn’t been articulated enough to be useful in this way. What I do not see, however, is how the success or failure of every venture is dependent on the absorption of this philosophy. And at the moment, given that we can’t articulate it, I don’t know how we could legitimately ask anyone to *stop* action, in the name of a philosophy that hasn’t even been born yet. If anything, i think that whites training in zen/disassociative pseudo-nonviolent post-Civilizational nonsense (i.e. modern life) will relativize their grasping of identity enough to prevent ‘teleological excesses’. 219
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 20:04 | # @Guessedworker I don’t think it matters about genetic studies Jews perceive themselves as a distinct elite in various societies but still an integral part of European society, history and development. Most white as well as Jews perceive Jews as being white.
Exactly we don’t actually know until the data from the 2011 census is analysed. @Gudmund But the global Oligarchical British Empire style economic system itself keeps is unsustainable hence why the global economic system is collapsing as global banks, industry and companies are all interconnected. Take Rothschild’s for example they control De Beers mining in Africa, major banks, oil and gas companies, shipping companies as well as major media outlets. @Fred Scrooby But Japanese society is differently orientated that European and American more conformist and high average IQ with heavy focus on education with after school cramping schools even education tests to enter high school and the entire culture is consumer based. India and China have a large internal cheap labour force and Israel is subsidised by the US and to a lesser extent in Europe especially Germany. 220
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 20:39 | # @Fred Scrooby
How did it not? Wait I forgot you live in a fantasy world that you have constructed in your mind that deviates from reality. 221
Posted by LOL on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 21:42 | #
Is English jamesUK’s first language? 223
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 21:49 | # JamesUK, I think Fred has the bigger picture in a way that you dont - yet. 224
Posted by Grimoire on Mon, 11 Jan 2010 23:15 | # @Al Ross 225
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 00:02 | # There is doubtless much that Grimoire fails to see so one example will suffice. Muslims do not view, in fact, view Christians or Jews as pagans - they are People of the Book. Of course, the entire threeway farrago of Semitic myth might be better styled as “Tall Tales for Tots” if it weren’t for the bloody atrocities chronicled in each tragic tome. 226
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 01:46 | # @Lurker
How so? 227
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 04:13 | # @Fred Scrooby Lurker, don’t try to explain — he won’t get it. He’ll only go on about geopolitics utterly devoid of any acknowledgement of race. His only hope is to pick it up gradually if he hangs around here long enough, here or someplace comparable. He may get it by osmosis then. But you simply cannot explain it to him. He hasn’t got the synapses for it or something. And you put the emphasis n everything on race, our ecomonic problems, wars, health care, etc all based on race right? You, Lurker and others just can’t the biiger picture. If you don’t like the situation with regards to immigration then way don’t you advocate emigrating to another white country like Poland? Please show me evidence of any European country were the ethnic white population is below 88%? 228
Posted by Grimoire on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 06:13 | # @Al Ross 229
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 12 Jan 2010 06:42 | # JamesUK, I dont want to get into a pointless tit-for-tat. I no longer regard party politics as fundamentally important, its not where the power is, thats mostly just window dressing for the proles and gives the chattering classes something to well…chatter about. I’m not saying its totally irrelevant but its been sidelined. Your geopolitics is more appealing, its heading towards the important issues but its still only 2d to my perception. Its not ‘til the ethnic, racial elements come into play that everything goes 3d. I read not long ago that 25% of UK (or possibly just England & Wales) primary school children have foreign born parents, something along those lines. That may well include some Poles, white Australians etc but we know a hell of a lot of them are from Africa & Asia and thats the real disaster. As to moving to Poland, well I would never rule it out, Ive got one or two Polish pals there, but whats the point in running? Whats being done to us is going to be done to them soon as well. In my own little way I have more chance of adding my particular straw to break the camel’s back here than going to a new country. The very rapid race replacement in Ireland is notable, non-whites were a real rarity until the 1980s now they are everywhere in Dublin. So can Poland hold out any better? 230
Posted by Metal Gear on Sat, 24 Apr 2010 01:19 | # The blog is an attempt to distance myself from what information people may gather about me over the internet. It’s my way of saying “fuck you, go to hell.” I’m not really part black but claim to be just because I can. I am not lying however when I post ancestry on forums. I have right wing ideas but this whole competition of trying to “out white” one another is just retarded. 231
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 06 May 2010 19:52 | #
Disagree with this point entirely. They’d hate to bring Dr MacDonald’s academic way of debating this topic out into the open. They’d also hate to publicize his books. I don’t think he’s anywhere near as easy a target as people seem to think. 232
Posted by Maureen Martin on Tue, 26 Apr 2011 02:41 | # Stephen Elliot: Come back to me in a year and let’s see how this project worked out. So far, so good! PS. And we didn’t need the help of any Jews either. Btw, how is YOUR activism coming along? 233
Posted by Jewish crypis/self deception too on Sun, 12 Apr 2015 22:07 | # On Jewish Privilege and the “Dictator Mentality” April 12, 2015 — Andrew Joyce
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Posted by Dan Dare on Wed, 06 Jan 2010 19:41 | #
1/4/10 means January 4th in American, GW, so it looks like it is already underway. I shall be watching with interest and, hopefully, may have to eat my words in due course.
But I fear that having KMD so visibly on the masthead is politically inept. Too much baggage. That’s one lesson they could have taken on board from the BNP.