Painting a Picture A Demographic Overview Of Whites Within The United States By The Narrator The following is a basic look at the demographics of White percentages by state(s) within regions. I’ve used general geographic definitions to cluster states that are, well, naturally clustered together. So, for example, my usage of the term “south-west” may not be what an American would necessarily concur with. But my compartmentalizing of the states is more functional and done with Europeans, Australians, etc in mind .... I hope it’s all clear. The point here is not to advocate some sort of regional movement by saying this region is Whiter than that region. It is simply to provide basic information. Besides migration patterns can change quickly and what appears to be a doomed state or region today may be Whiter in years to come. And Whiter regions or states today may be dramatically less so in ten years time. So this is a “Just the Facts” type of exercise. The percentages here are not fixed and tend to fluctuate a point or two even within the Census material. We’ll know more after next year when the 2010 census begins. And I expect the news for us to be worse than some imagine. I hope I’m wrong. A few things to keep in mind looking at these percentages is that they are based on estimates from 2007 by the Census Bureau, not concrete numbers. Also, the definition of white which the Census uses includes peoples from North Africa and the Middle-East. So it erroneously includes Jews, Arabs, Iranians, Turks etc, as “white”. And there are somewhere around 14 million of those peoples in America. Lastly, the numbers of illegals have been, by all accounts, rather obviously (and likely intentionally) underestimated. So looking at these percentages, you could arguably subtract anywhere from 1 to 10 additional points from the percentage of Whites in some, or all, states. With that said, here goes. The percentage of Whites will appear next to each state. At the bottom of each list will be a total average for that region, except with the single states and the District of Columbia which would be redundant.
There are around 180 to 185 million Whites in the United States which makes us still the largest single White nation on earth. There are as many (or more) Whites in the United States as there are in Great Britain, France and Germany all together. And what’s more, those 180+ million Whites in the US all speak the same language and have the same general culture. But, the United States also suffers the greatest deluge of non-Whites in the Western world. And as the percentages above show we lack a core center region where Whites make up 95% or more of the population. Being continent sized (approximately 3,000 miles from east to west and 1,500 miles from north to south) we’ve been blindsided by the demographic upheaval through the sheer vastness of space. You might say that we’ve not seen the trees for the forest! And I would also reiterate that the clustering of states was done for the advantage of a casual observation of regions. Alternate clusterings can certainly give a different view, as can numbers vs. percentages. For example, the North-West Central region listed above is 87% White, yet has a total population of just over 11 million people in an area that is slightly bigger than France and Germany put together. Alternatively you could certainly cluster Pennsylvania, Ohio, West Virginia and Kentucky together and have a population of around 30 million, 86.5% of which is White. But as noted in the introduction, the percentage of “whites” by Census definition as well as the potential number of illegals could possibly reduce that percentage by several points. Other variances can obviously be made by, for example, expanding the parameters of the area involved. Such as looking at White percentages in northern states that border Canadian provinces and factor in their numbers as well. But Canada’s demographics are hard to get a handle on so I focused on the United States alone. ( I mention that primarily as a reminder that there are around 20 million Whites in Canada as well.) So what is the picture painted? Bad and apt to get a lot worse, but not apocalyptic. Not yet. Note: Yes, I neglected to include Puerto Rico, an unincorporated territory of the United States. But this note should suffice. Puerto Rico is an island in the Caribbean which has around 4 million people. And their makeup is, well, anyone’s guess. Racial definitions/identifications in Latin America are beyond watery, for lack of a better word. So the percentages of true Whites there is, in truth, unknown. Comments:2
Posted by weston on Fri, 03 Apr 2009 23:50 | # One of those two “NY"s that I wrote back to back should be an “NJ”. 3
Posted by cold equation on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 02:00 | # Here are the same statistics for children, who are, of course, much less white than the population as a whole: 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 02:51 | # The Jews, the Vatican, the crony capitalists, the compradors, etc., have maneuvered us into an extremely bad situation. Until we can extricate ourselves it’s up to each white person to refuse miscegenation for himself and up to each father to forbid his children to miscegenate. Mothers can’t be depended on to forbid it because women don’t see race and to the extent they dimly perceive it they refuse to draw reasonable distinctions based on it. Dads will have to do it, lay down the law to their kids. Kids who disobey should be disinherited, cut off. No pity. My grandchildren are not going to be Negroes. I was not put on this earth to have Negroes as grandchildren. The day may come when the Jews will simply force all Euro women to miscegenate with Negroes on grounds that to refuse is “hate,” and simply castrate or kill all Euro men on grounds they “hate.” That day may come because the evilest things the human mind can conceive are continually invented by the Jews (and, once invented, immediately endorsed by the Vatican). But that day is not here yet, and whites are at liberty to refuse miscegenation. Nothing is stopping the aware ones from marrying only among their kind and instructing their kids solemnly to do likewise. 5
Posted by Proofreader on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 12:27 | # An average 64 % white? The sad reality is closer to 60 % if you count all the illegals and those wrongly classified as Whites. Perhaps slightly under 60 %. 6
Posted by gorboduc on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 12:45 | # Really, Scrooby, you out-do yourself! Don’t end up like Rumpelstiltskin, tearing yourself in half through sheer baffled rage. I’ve said it before; all the so-called inferiors have totally outsmarted you. What a pity the Nordic nature seems over-endowed with the faith, hope, trust and noble-natured genes, and less well off with the self-preservation ones! I wouldn’t be saying this here at all if this site didn’t exhibit such a touching faith in Dawkinsian Darwinism, if its rulers hadn’t shown such gullibility about “science” Your remarks about the Vatican display a remarkable ignorance. Yet someone has just posted to tell me WHAT a lot MR-ers know about history. What then are these wicked inventions of the Jews that the Vatican so happily endorses? Birth-control, easy abortion? Oh, by the way, are YOU vaccinated against polio? Better get the antidote, don’t be beholden to Salk! I cherish a little booklet that was distributed by being left on Underground trains. It’s from the Chick hot-gospellers, and implicates the Vatican in a whole series of 20th. century disasters, including (- and you’ll probably swallow this, or at least pretend to - ) the sinking of the Titanic! 7
Posted by Dasein on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 12:51 | # The number that should worry us most is percentage of births. Vdare projects that in just 2 years, almost 51% of births will be to non-Hispanic ‘Whites’. I think this is based on the official (lowball) estimate for number of illegals, so it is almost certainly much worse. Combine this with the shorter generation cycles for non-Whites and the inclusion of non-Euros as Whites, and the situation is indeed very grim. 8
Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 13:28 | #
Unofficially, Whites are probably around 53% of the population of the US. As I said in the article there are no doubt some states where you could arguably subtract up to 10 percentage points from the official percentages. On the flip side some states are no doubt more accurately assessed by the census due to varying circumstances such as slow economies or undeveloped regions and such. In fact a few states are expected to shrink in population over the next 20+ years…
I would venture to say that England, the Netherlands and France are less than 90% White at present. But it’s not just a matter of non-Whites in Europe. Other White ethnic groups (though they are preferable to non-Whites) are also causing disunion. So with England, for example, it’s not just about the percentage of non-Whites but rather the percentage of native Britons.
... 9
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 14:51 | # Just remember, every appearance here by Gorboduc aka The Monitor, every word he posts, is aimed at one thing and one thing only, getting us to drop race and convert to his raceless religion, Filthianity. Furthermore, when this cancerous tumor latches onto your blog he’ll stay for months, as he did at Prozium’s at one point. As with cancer, it’s difficult to get rid of him. And as with cancer, what he wants is your death. 10
Posted by MB on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 14:56 | # An important footnote for a study like this is White racial awareness. It is higher in areas where the non-white population is highest, and lowest in areas where the non-white population is lowest. This bodes fatality for Whites overall, much as mixed race offspring cannot be White, but on a larger, psychological, scale. 11
Posted by Tanstaafl on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 14:57 | # For the US Schooldigger can be an even more valuable source of racial demographics than the census. It is finer-grained in both time and space, and provides easily understood graphs that sum up proportions and trends. Its statistics, being tightly focused on individual schools, also have the virtue of being easily verifiable by lay individuals. The demographics of the handful of schools I have direct knowledge of in several states are accurately represented. As for trends, the most identifiable trend in almost every region I’ve examined is for latinos to appear, often somewhere between the late 1990s and early 2000s, and then proceed to grow steadily, while White numbers correspondingly decline. Asians numbers shift as quickly as latinos, but go up and down. Black numbers hardly change. The end result of “diversity”, as demonstrated throughout southern California, is 100% pure latino. Even blacks eventually leave an area inundated by latinos. If you have a friend or potential friend you’re more of a mind to educate than snappily refute, point them to Schooldigger. There they can see and judge the truth for themselves. Plant these ideas in their head: Why is 100% White “racism” but 100% latino is “diversity”? Is White flight “racism” or well-managed slow-motion ethnic cleansing? What causes “good schools” and “nice neighborhoods”, and what ruins them? 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 15:56 | #
That looks interesting but I don’t understand. Could MB explain? 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 18:39 | # What MB seems to mean is this: when Negroes are living in proximity to whites, Jews have a harder time persuading whites (“whites” here is short for Eurochristians) to miscegenate( * ) since whites can see for themselves what Negroes are really like, so will resist Jewish-promoted miscegenation. But when Negroes are living in proximity to whites, whites are unable to lead fully white lives psychologically, because of all kinds of effects the presence of Negroes in their society inevitably has. So, MB seems to be saying, both choices available to whites involve their becoming less white: less white biologically or less white psychologically. It’s true that whites living in all-white societies are easier prey for Jewish miscegeneers because they’ve never seen what Negroes are like, so can more easily be persuaded by the Jews to race-mix. Prozium has several times referred to this dilemma: all-white societies are disarmed before the inevitable Jewish miscegeneering onslaught. I think the way out of the dilemma would involve not concentrating on keeping your white populations knowledgeable about Negroes and the life-and-death, indeed potentially genocidal, pitfalls associated with them, but on keeping them knowledgeable about the Jews and the genocidal pitfalls associated with them. ( * For some of the latest on Jews trying to get Euros to miscegenate, see the films Jews are now making, films amounting to the most naked tribal attack possible short of Jews dropping an actual atomic bomb on Eurochristians: , 14
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 04 Apr 2009 22:04 | # The Narrator: “There are around 180 to 185 million Whites in the United States which makes us still the largest single White nation on earth. There are as many (or more) Whites in the United States as there are in Great Britain, France and Germany all together. And what’s more, those 180+ million Whites in the US all speak the same language and have the same general culture.” And therein lies America’s power. Therein lies the reason America is one of two natural poles of power in the White world, the other Russia. So long as enough White Americans are loyal to the thrust and vision of America laid out for them by our enemies, that is, so long they remain tools for the genocide of their own people, their continued existence as one instance of our people, and the continued existence of Western Europeans, Australians, New Zealanders and Afrikaners, other geographically separated instances of our people, cannot be secured. For the reason that our enemies, driven to desperation as they see the fodder they most need, and the ones they most fear, slipping beyond their grasp, we cannot know just what they may put White Americans up to in preventing that. Eastern Europeans can have a reasonable assurance of life under the nuclear umbrella of Russia if they will bow to the influence of the Russian Bear. Yes, bow. It would not be any other way. Western Europeans do not have that option, for the masters of America would brook no such defection, under no circumstance. So, for those of northwestern European descent, and if we are honest with ourselves that is who most here most care about because that is who we are, there is no other way forward but to win in North America. It is a necessary condition for our survival. We must, at the end of the process, have control over the American military machine. Having done that, we will be in a position to dictate a just solution, but we must have that power. We must have Final Victory. The above seems so nearly self-evident to me as to be beyond dispute. Yet it is not consistently stated. Thoughts? 15
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 00:10 | #
It is always thus for the Northern man; his kin his greatest foe for seldom are there others his equal. Two brothers met on the banks of the River Weser, one a hero of Rome, the other the champion of his country.
What is Salk without John Enders, Thomas Huckle Weller, and Frederick Chapman Robbins? What is Salk without the Anglo-Saxon commonwealth to which his parents migrated? What are the Jews without Napoleon’s liberation?
The denial of Christ as God. 16
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 01:24 | #
Agree to both. 17
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 01:41 | # Gorboduc, in case it is still a mystery to a man who claims an IQ of 168, Desmond is a stone cold atheist, yet he is willing to swallow his pride and work with White Christians if they can be of help to us. What you propose is: Unless the White race is to be substantially Christian, you think it better that it not survive, for if it does, and by ‘non-Christian’ means, what will be left will be an abomination. And yet, you are here, and you are a ‘racist’! You clearly want Whites to survive, but only as Christians. Don’t you know, there will be plenty of White Christians left to have your way with, if we succeed, in which ‘pagan’ Whites will not interfere, so long as the pursuit of that does not compromise the existence of our race; substantially you will be given a free hand, as you like. But of course. In other words, get over yourself. And stop being such a tool (pun in low-idiom fully intended). 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 02:18 | #
All this piece of drek wants is for Christianity to survive. He cares about strictly nothing else. If all white people perish but the North Koreans or Bolivians or Laotians end up Christian he’s perfectly happy because Christianity will have survived, you see. “Christians” like this are positively the worst species of garbage in all creation. People on our side have nothing whatsoever to say to humanoid trash like this. He talks about the Nazis? This mentally diseased mass of pure creeping crawling filth and moral leprosy isn’t worth a bucket of warm Nazi spit. 19
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 05:34 | #
Apparently not Fred, for since Nostra Aetate it is the Anti-Christ that lives in Rome.
How can all be returned to God and be one in Christ if they reject Christ? How can Christ be in Rome when the Church embraces those that deny Christ? Matthew 10:33 “But whosoever shall deny me before men, him will I also deny before my Father which is in heaven.” 20
Posted by the Narrator... on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 10:27 | #
That’s certainly a good point. There is another option in your scenario though. Although it’s not preferable for us Americans. And that is that Western Europe (...all of Europe, including Russia) might be in a better position to seek it’s salvation if America were to suddenly collapse, loosing its power. It would be hard to argue with those who view it as the latter. I may be completely wrong, but I have a suspicion that the current administrations (unspoken) number one foreign policy goal over the next four years is to further weaken the Russian Federation….dramatically, if possible. But that’s another subject… . 21
Posted by MB on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 14:30 | # Yes, that is exactly what I meant. Thank you, Fred. And I agree with your conclusion. 22
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 15:24 | # The Narrator: “But that window is rapidly closing. The more our people are pressed by the deterioration of the country, the more the burden and the blame is layed at their feet, the more group consciousness will be forced upon them. It is the suffering that would not have been but that is/will be largely the engine driving the process towards group identification and cohesion. Where intellectual WN comes in is to guide and mold the ever swelling ranks of embittered Whites. We need the ground swell from the grass roots, guided and molded by responsible leadership, before we can attract some of the extant and future White big dogs in the American regime. “...if America were to suddenly collapse, loosing its power.” I don’t believe there will be a sudden collapse, only slowly accelerating deterioration. Hopefully that will result in balkanization. “As for the Russian Bear, well, it’s worse off than America is in demographic terms.” But Russians substantially have a group consciousness, a regime committed to their interests and survival, and most importantly, the will to survive. Given that, all they need is sufficient numbers to get the job done. Increasing the Russian fertility rate to replacement level could be a process of decades, but they are committed to it. “NATO is continuing to surround Russia and I wouldn’t be surprised if America doesn’t provoke some sort of conflict with them or instigate regional upheaval there sometime in the next 4 to 6 years.” I believe Putin has demonstrated the will to do what must be done. If the American regime comes to the point of genuinely threatening the ability of the Russian people to seek the life they want for themselves, Putin must be prepared to burn the world to ashes in nuclear fire before he allows it. Putin must be a rock, otherwise he is useless. But if Russia can be cowed into submission, there will be no where for Western European to defect to, placing even more importance on American WN. 23
Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 18:44 | # One thing that has fascinated me recently is the huge preponderance of blue eyes in a couple areas 50-60 miles from Dallas. In Wise County and Van Zandt County, 80-90% of white folks I see have blue eyes. 24
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 19:55 | #
Political discontent at the bottom gives ideas and encouragement to cabals at the top. I think a General type solution requires that first there is some sign of pre-revolutionary discontent i.e that a significant and broad strata of the country feel disconnected and disillusioned with the ruling elite. How does a person help create that broad political discontent? Copy the jews - they first hid themselves as marxists, then they hid their marxism inside liberalism, then as liberals they burrowed into political campaigns of minority discontent and used them to forge their culture of critique as a weapon to dismantle the existing White hegemony and replace it with their own. Admittedly, they had and have the priceless advantage of a complicit media but they also had and have the big disadvantage of low numbers. I think mainstream political activity, not party afilliated, that is both beneficial tactically and which fans the flames of discontent that result naturally from the attacks of the multi-cult is one viable strategy. The sort of thing I mean is political campaigning over issues like defending free speech and the constitution, anti gun control, anti-immigration, education, environmental campaigning with the emphasis on population growth etc. Basically to do what the marxists did - go into stealth mode and create a counter-culture of critique that puts stress on the system. Your Generals are more likely to step forward if they can see a broad, organized and strident counter movement to the multi-cult. Maybe. 25
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 19:59 | # nb When I say copy the jews I don’t mean pretend to be marxists pretending to be liberals. I mean pretend to be regular Joe type conservative or centrist types helping out in an anti-amnesty or anti gun control campaign. 26
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 22:07 | # ben, Here’s the Wise County genealogy page. Wise Country advertises itself as “the safest place on Earth”:- Here’s the home page for the Van Zandt County Genealogy Society:- They both look like home to me. 27
Posted by Matra on Sun, 05 Apr 2009 23:50 | # But Canada’s demographics are hard to get a handle on so I focused on the United States alone. ( I mention that primarily as a reminder that there are around 20 million Whites in Canada as well.) According to most demographic data there are approximately 32 million people in Canada with a minimum of 5 million and a maximum of 6 million being ‘visible minorities’. There are also about 1 million Indians/Natives/Aboriginals/First Nations peoples. That leaves around 25 million whites. GW’s first two links are to Wise County, Virginia, not Texas. 28
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 25 Sep 2009 01:29 | # Peter Frost has posted a series of entries on the subject of male-female sex ratios of populations, and how a 30
Posted by Armor on Sun, 23 May 2010 15:43 | # About the advancement of race-replacement in France : I didn’t know where to post this, so I chose the latest thread in the Demographics category. This is a map of France with the number of new-borns at risk of being affected with the sickle-cell disease in every regional district. This is interesting because race statistics are theoretically forbidden in France. The sickle-cell disease is genetic and mostly affects Blacks. It is also called drepanocytosis (SDM in French). On this map, the figures in green indicate the percentage of new-borns who are at risk of being affected with the disease. That is to say, it gives the percentage of babies with Black genes. (Maybe some North-Africans are also counted as possible carriers of the gene?). Source (in French):, magazine MTPpédiatrie Jan-Fév 2008. 31
Posted by 'Heigh-Ho' sings Andy Neather on Sun, 23 May 2010 16:17 | # Armor, those stastics are truly frightening. 32
Posted by Gudmund on Sun, 23 May 2010 22:39 | #
Yes, those of Moorish / Arab ancestry almost all have some degree of African ancestry and are at increased risk because of it. Even so, the figures are frightening. Post a comment:
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Posted by weston on Fri, 03 Apr 2009 23:46 | #
Regarding the non-European “whites”, they’re not equally spread throughout the country. California, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, and New York have the highest number of Arabs. I believe Persians in the US are mostly in California. Jews live predominantly in the northeast (NY, NY, MA, CT, PA), Florida, Illinois, and California. So I’d adjust the % of whites downward mainly in the aforementioned states.
I think a reasonable estimate of Puerto Rico’s racial makeup is 0% white.