The LQ and the JQ

Posted by Guessedworker on Monday, 15 September 2008 11:14.

Let us begin with the question ...

If National Socialism was Germany’s preferred answer to Versailles, Depression and inflation, the decadence of Weimar and the revolutionary Marxism of international Jewry, what is the answer to the globalised capital, power elitism, race-replacement immigration, hyper-individualism, racial self-estrangement, and Jewish ethno-aggression of today?

Now, the list of ills in either case - 1920’s Germany or the postmodern present - is open to debate.  Other factors that pressaged and pressage change may be added.  The order of significance - indeed, whether one factor is, alone, significant - may be debated, as we often debate here.  But what cannot be debated is that we, by which I mean all the European peoples of the West, do not face less mortal dangers than Germans did eight decades ago.  That is evident to anyone who can separate himself even a little from the zeitgeist.  But who will subscribe to the philosophical and political muscularity such disaster would seem to commend?

We have fallen a long way.  If the source of our woes is difficult to agree upon, how much more difficult the path back to a decent and free life for our children.



Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:12 | #

Clinton’s executive actions regarding racial quotas, non-White skewed immigration and pro-Israel foreign policy demonstrate the president’s deliberate efforts in creating a ‘post-racial’ America in which Whites will be replaced by the anthropoid garbage of the Third World. Clinton also supported that lover of Subcon influx, Bill Gates, when the Microsoft founder blithely announced that his eponymous charitable foundation would grant no scholarships to poor White candidates, although naturally the president publicly chided the Deep Dixie Bob Jones University for not admitting Black students in sufficient numbers.

You are a rather stupid person, Monitor and sadly there is no cure for that often genetic ailment.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:43 | #


1. First, the claim of a Jewish ethnic strategy is what keeps WN alive.

2. Again, somebody has to show that there is some organized plan to get rid of whites.

Which is it?  An ethnic strategy or an organised plan?  What we are saying is that it is a compulsive behaviour.  In typical mode, you paint a silly face on that and claim that WN is, basically, what you would want it to be.  Can’t you see that, rather than addressing what we actually say, you are wish-fulfilling here ... creating the terms (for yourself) on which you can your (own) argument?


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 10:45 | #

You are a rather stupid person, Monitor and sadly there is no cure for that often genetic ailment.

You make illogical. Mr. X does Y and Z, which may lead to result R. X even says he wants R. Therefore X could only have done Y and Z as part of an organized plan to cause R. It doesn’t follow.

Yet you call me “rather stupid” for pointing out your logic. Go ahead, insult me until the cows come home. The truth ain’t on your side.

Compare another grand scheme: world government. Elites have wanted this since the days of Thomas More. There’s all sorts of 20th Century primary sources where people and group detail at length that they want a global state and how they hoped to get it. People even ran political campaigns around it. Yet ad hominems rained down on any critic who dared notice these thing. With the Soviet Union gone, this idea isn’t as popular, but is still around.

Where is the Race Replacement equivalent of Wilkie’s “One World?” Where does this movement openly discuss exterminating Whitey? Your one example of this is “Race Traitor,” which has is a one-man operation that has been moribund for years. The ADL, AIPAC and other usual suspects never make such a claim. There’s lots and lots of talk about diversity, but zilch about eliminating whites.


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 11:01 | #

An ethnic strategy or an organised plan?

Pick one.

You guys swap these concepts back and forth. So do I. It was my conscious decision to do so. You say strategy. Fred says plan. I’ve tried to avoid the phrase “Jewish Conspiracy,” because you would say I am baiting you.  This verbiage about “genetic interests” and “ethnic strategy” is like an inverted form of PC.

Yet I see no practical difference between the two, because political radicals tend to blurt out what they really think anyway. If Abe Foxman or Ariel Sharon wanted the gentiles exterminated, they would say so. After all, there are WNs (perhaps not in present company) who say they want the Jews wiped out.

As far as I can tell, the Left wants Whitey around as a proletarian class, to work endlessly at dead-end jobs so he can pay reparations to his new masters. That’s not the same thing as genocide. Even the Left hates Zimbabwe.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 11:50 | #

1. Most here are content with MacDonald’s formulation of an Jewish evolutionary survival strategy.

2. Read Salter before you pass judgement.  You are in ignorance of the fact that it is applied genetic science, not “verbiage”.

3. You really think that race-replacement can be reduced to an overt, public campaign to “eliminate whites”?  Not subtle, my friend, and you need to be.  It is manslaughter, not Homicide 1.  Evidentially, the effect is enough to convict ... rather as with Marc Dutroux, the Belgian paedophile who built a secret cell in his basement, imprisoned two young girls there and then ommitted to tell the police about them after his capture.  They died of thirst.

For your information, Article 2 of the 1948 Geneva Convention for the Punishment and Prevention of Genocide states:-

Article 2
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

(a) Killing members of the group;
(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

The UN Declaration of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, approved last September, has a lot in it that induces a wry smile among European nativists, since the elites have been at pains to restrict their definiton of “indigenous” to archaic Third World tribes.  But here’s Article 8:-

Article 8
1. Indigenous peoples and individuals have the right not to be subjected to forced assimilation or destruction of their culture.
2. States shall provide effective mechanisms for prevention of, and redress for:
(a) Any action which has the aim or effect of depriving them of their integrity as distinct peoples, or of their cultural values or ethnic identities;
(b) Any action which has the aim or effect of dispossessing them of their lands, territories or resources;
(c) Any form of forced population transfer which has the aim or effect of violating or undermining any of their rights;
(d) Any form of forced assimilation or integration;
(e) Any form of propaganda designed to promote or incite racial or ethnic discrimination directed against them.

Now, these instruments are pretty widely drawn, especially the Declaration.  So is there in any sense in which, say, 2 (b) and (c) from the Convention and 8 2.a, b, c, d and e from the Declaration could apply to the position of Europeans?  Could they call into question the integrity and intention of our elites, Jewish and European alike?

Well, don’t worry.  The UK Ambassador to the UN Karen Pierce has spotted that one, and was quick to state that, “National minority groups and other ethnic groups within the territory of the United Kingdom and its overseas territories did not fall within the scope of the indigenous peoples to which the Declaration applied.”

... an act of ommission that is as good as any act of commission.  But visible to us.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 11:53 | #

I think, really, it is incumbent on you to:-

1. Disprove MacDonald.

2.  Disprove Salter.

3. Disprove the link between political and business interests and the demographics in our homelands.


Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 13:48 | #

“Again, somebody has to show that there is some organized plan to get rid of whites. Otherwise, this is paranoia.”—The Monitor

There is no organized plan to get rid of Whites per se. What there is, however, is a sick twisted philosophy which demands that Whites believe they are inherently evil. This inversion of reality is being taught in the public education system and propagated in the mass media outlets under the guise of multiculturalism and tolerance. It’s a philosophy that teaches Whites to loathe both themselves and their heritage but demands that we embrace the-other. It is based on myths such as Susan Sontag’s proclamation that “whites are a cancer on society.” These anti-White philosophies invariably grow out from the radical-Left and are rooted in something pretty sick.

What is so vexing is high IQ doesn’t seem to inoculate Whites from participating in these self destructive autogenocidal ideologies; on the contrary, people with college educations are most affected by those ideological perversions.

Some of the difficult questions we must grapple with are: How can we, as White Preservationists, change the mindset of our own brainwashed race; a prevailing mindset that compels the brainwashed masses to turn in on themselves in a self-destructive manner? Given the fact that liberals are firmly entrenched in power in most institutions and at all levels of society, how do we go about defeating liberalism? What is the best course of action we should take? How can we fight the constantly changing multidimensional beast? (Scratching head.)


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 14:16 | #

Actually, Dave, “White Preservationists” is a good term.  It has the great virtue of being irrefutable on moral grounds.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 15:00 | #

It’s a philosophy that teaches Whites to loathe both themselves and their heritage but demands that we embrace the-other.  It is based on myths such as Susan Sontag’s proclamation that “whites are a cancer on society.”  (—Dave Johns)

Why is Susan Sontag’s famous proclamation even known, Dave?  Why didn’t it remain completely unknown?  She was an unknown New York Jewish fifth-rate hack “writer” (which is what she remained her whole “career”).  Who hyped it to the hilt?  Was it “liberals” or an ethnic group?  Why did this group hype it?  And why were they the only ones who hyped it?  Why did they keep hyping it for twenty long years afterward?  What was their aim in artificially hyping this proclamation?  Susan Sontag didn’t make herself and her proclamation famous.  She and it were made famous.  By a group with the power to elevate and suppress.  Why do they choose to elevate that which they habitually elevate and suppress that which they habitually suppress?

“Whites” in the expression “whites are the cancer of history” is Jewish code for “Euros, the enemy of Jews.”  The Jews in making that statement, and the Jews in hyping for twenty years, were NOT saying “Since Jews are white, Jews are the cancer of history too, along with Euros.”  No.  Definitely not.  They were saying “Euros are the cancer of history, something Jews have nothing to do with.  Euros are guilty, Jews innocent.  Whites means Euros.”

That’s what they’re saying.  Period.  End of story.  It was and is an ethnic attack by Jews on Euros.


Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 19:55 | #

Who hyped it to the hilt?  Was it “liberals” or an ethnic group?—Fred Scrooby

We all know a group of Jewish academics hyped Susan Sontag’s “whites are a cancer on history” myth. We all know why they are continuing to do so. That’s easy to figure out; and of course KMD explains the reasons in great detail in CoC. The larger question is:  Why is it that a small group of Jews can have such an impact on Western Society with their corrosive/degenerate social policies? Why are Euro intellectuals en masse embracing and promoting such vicious anti-Euro venom? I say it’s liberalism. Without liberalism, the Jews would never be able to do what they are doing. Liberalism provides them the ideal enviornment for them to thrive in. Liberalism to Jews, is like water to a fish.

BTW—The average Joe or Jill on the street never heard of Susan Sontag let alone understand the complexities of how Jewish supremacist influence is shredding the social fabric in all Western Nations. Most white people are completely oblivious to what the Jews are doing to us. But what I find ironic, is the blacks I work with sure are hip to the Jews! Maybe they’re not so dumb after all?


Posted by Desmond jones on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 21:26 | #

First, the claim of a Jewish ethnic strategy is what keeps WN alive.

It’s a Jewish strategy that keeps mass demographic transfer (race-replacement) alive.

We [i.e., Jews] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to bigotry for about half a century. That climate has not yet been perfected, but the heterogeneous nature of our population tends to make it irreversible— and makes our constitutional constraints against bigotry more practical than ever

I guess that without it you could say Whites are trying to wipe themselves out.

There always been competition on an individual as well as group level. Mass migration in US history has always seen mass resistance to the displacement. The East St. Louis race riot is but one example. However, framing that competition as bigotry, disarmed it, as Raab asserts. The result being a growing heterogeneity that Raab asserts is irreversible. However, if the nurturing of bigotry is removed and the quest for survival is made virtuous, as it naturally has always been, how much will change?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 21:41 | #

If Abe Foxman or Ariel Sharon wanted the gentiles exterminated, they would say so.

Not true. Official Jewry discovered in the 30s that advancing Jewish interests starkly, met great resistance. It’s clear a shift was made to a human rights campaign, because it was more effective.

Canadian Labour Reports. Credit: Canadian Jewish Archives.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 23:06 | #

The West is now officially dead.  What stands in its place?  An experiment in dysgenics, a giant breedery for muds. 

White man: you live to serve - muds.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 00:59 | #

Thanks for the charming response Silver.

My problem with you is I just dont where you are coming from, you dont seem to have a coherent response. As Svigor would say, you need to get your ideaological ducks in a row (same goes for Monitor). Then there is the literal, are you Indian, Serbian? In UK or Australia or is it Thailand now - or do you just move a lot? It shouldnt matter which, but you keep changing your story.


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 06:21 | #

1. Disprove MacDonald. 2. Disprove Salter. Disprove the link between political and business interests and the demographics in our homelands.

Why? You imply that I disagree with you, therefore I must be an anti-racist or neocpnservative.

There is no organized plan to get rid of Whites per se.

Then you’ve conceded my point: the elites do not make policy with a race replacement endgame in mind.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 09:42 | #

Monitaaaargh!  You are utterly, fatally focussed on your tiresome “points”.  You just don’t see what is being said to you.

Look, I follow the golden rule that it is never profitable to discuss race with negros.  Europeans, yes always.  Negros never.  But you are fast approaching prognathous levels of disinterest and incomprehension of the other side.  I bet you don’t even understand that the effort that has been mounted here to converse with you isn’t one of anger or defensiveness, but of Samaritan care.  I really don’t know what more we can do to penetrate your carapace of stubborn egoism.

One last try.

No, there is not a Jewish plan or conspiracy, with every little soldier slotting into the line of command and following his orders to the letter.  There are only ethnic interests which unfailingly manifest as a very characteristic, hyper-aggressive degradation of host interests.  There is conscious awareness of this (of what is “good for Jews”).  There is, therefore, satisfaction at the results.  But awareness and satisfaction still fall short of conspiracy, since in place of that there is only the urgings of blood.

The elites are more complex since they are an alliance of congruent interests centred around the ideal of internationalism and the ambition of building an internationalised power structure.  The internationalist dynamic emerged from the nature of the victorious Federal North, and it is the purpose today to which the drive for American global hegemony is put.

To understand this is to understand why nations must be broken, and why that necessitates the breaking of the bond between European blood and European soil.  The effect is a European genocide.  Essentially, it is a policy effect, somewhat like the effect of Stalin’s policy of collectivisation in the Ukraine.  It is the Dutroux effect - not something of the blood, obviously, but of the calculating mind.

I urge you to pull back from your tendency to assert glib black and white conclusions.  It’s as if you employ the same type of faith judgement in the field of intellect you would for moral behaviours.  Perhaps that explains why you cleave so doggedly to your conclusions in the face of so much explanation to the contrary.  It’s all faith with you.


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 11:45 | #

You are utterly, fatally focussed on your tiresome “points”.  You just don’t see what is being said to you.

I know what is being said and have tried to pin it down. This is not “stubborn egoism,” just trying to make clear and consistent was is almost always expressed in hyperbole. If anything, you are probably facing the most empathetic critic you will ever find.

Words mean things. You can’t use bloody shirt language when you can’t decide whether you have either blood or a shirt. Is there an ongoing elite strategy to “break the bond between European blood and European soil?” If so, what kind of strategy is it? Is it conscious? Would it exist if not for the Jews? Or is it just the White obsession with universality run amok? If it does exist, is it genocide? Or just something that would, over a long, long time (after we are all dead) produce a result that is equivalent to the devastation? And how does this explanation differ from those stated by Pat Buchanan or Nick Griffin or Alain De Benoist?

The comparison was between the alleged race-replacement campaign to globalism. Or compare the American neocons who claim Islam is a “religion of people,” yet cannot hide their bloodlust. People with intense internal conflicts tend to let loose what they think. In other words, we would expect to see all sorts of disconnected people blurt out that they want whitey dead. Yet the only people who talk like that are the “Race Traitor” people, who have no following, and illiterate street criminals. The Left doesn’t really expect that Whites will stop running the world, even as their/our numbers drop.

You will say that there is no strategy, except when you turn around and say there is a strategy. So the way you get out of this mess is by saying that there is an unconscious drive to destroy the outgroup. Somehow the Jews are hard-wired to try and wipe out Whitey.

But whatever. I am repeating myself.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 12:35 | #

GW strives for gentlemanliness in dealing with Monitor but that’s not how you deal with a cancerous tumor.  You don’t try to be gentlemanly with a cancerous tumor, you excise it, cut it out.  This site now has a cancerous tumor growing on it.  It’s time for radical surgery.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 13:09 | #

[I’m pasting the following here, copied from another thread where I had mistakenly posted it, so if need be it can be erased from the other thread (and Monitor’s reply erased along with it).]

“Why is it that a small group of Jews can have such an impact on Western Society with their corrosive/degenerate social policies?  Why are Euro intellectuals en masse embracing and promoting such vicious anti-Euro venom?” (—Dave Johns)

For a while I wondered why there was no white élite resistance.  There was only the wacko fringe white resistance that nobody listened to, none of the mainstream variety that people would listen to.  How come?  How come the mainstream variety hadn’t materialized? 

Then I realized the mainstream variety had materialized, plenty of it, but thanks to the way it was cast by the mainstream media it was viewed generally as wacko fringe:  “mainstream” and “wacko fringe” are determined by the mass media.  The other side’s counterpart of Sam Francis, for example — whoever that might be; take your pick — would be and has been cultivated by the MSM as mainstream, while Sam Francis was demonized as wacko fringe.  So if there were fifty Sam Francises out there, all of course successfully cast as “fringe” by the Jewish media barons, we’d be saying, “Well yes, there are all those Sam Francises, but they’re fringe — how come there’s not mainstream resistance to what’s going on, resistance people will listen to?”  But that would be the mainstream resistance we’d be looking for, those fifty Sam Francises the Jews had succeeded in tarnishing in everyone’s mind as “fringe.”  We’d be looking around for the “mainstream resistance” when in fact it would be all around us, but we couldn’t see it because we’d have been conditioned to view it not as mainstream, not as “respectable,” but as “fringe.”  Then the Jews turn around and promote someone like Adorno, who is rightly viewed as lunatic fringe, as mainstream, and all the goys, us included, believe them, and stand around waiting for “mainstream resistance on our side to mainstreamers on the other side like Adorno.”  That mainstream resistance to “mainstreamers on the other side like Adorno” will never materialize as long as the Jews control the press, the media, and Hollywood, because the instant any does so much as stir it’ll get strangled in its cradle by being cast as “wacko fringe” by the Jews (and strangled in other Jewish ways).

Whether or not Sam Francis is mainstream is determined by the MSM.  Whoever controls the MSM controls who is “mainstream” and who is “fringe” in the public’s eyes.

“Why are Euro intellectuals en masse embracing” what’s going on?, asks Dave Johns.  Lots aren’t embracing it, but we’ve been conditioned to see the ones who aren’t as “fringe,” when there’s no more reason to view them that way than there is to view the ones the Jewish media cultivate as “mainstream.”

So whether or not “mainstream” resistance has arisen is to a large extent a matter, not of whether or not any has arisen — plenty has — but of who controls the MSM. 

Which is more wacko:  1) the Jew, or the homo, malcontent, misfit, or degnerate hyped by the Jewish media owners, who says whites throughout the Eurosphere are the cancer of history and should be racially replaced (this today is considered mainstream opinion) or 2) the man who says whites have done nothing wrong and certainly should not be genocided via the demographic weapon?  Obviously the latter is less wacko, more reasonable.  But the Jews control the media images, so the former gets presented by them as mainstream, the latter as fringe wacko, “fascist,” “racist,” “merchant of hate,” and so on.

So there has been white resistance.  It’s been present right along.  But the other side has got responsible, normal, perfectly reasonable white resistance pegged in everyone’s mind as fringe or worse.

It’s not that no resistence has arisen, it’s the ease and effectiveness with which that reasonable resistance gets tarred with the “fringe wacko” brush mainly by the MSM.  White resisters have been writing top quality opinion and analysis all around us for upwards of sixty years.  What’s Yockey considered now, fringe or mainstream?  Fringe, of course.  But in fact he was mainstream material that got successfully pigeonholed as fringe by the (fill in the blank) ______-controlled mass media.  So there’s an answer to the question, “Why no élite white resistance?” There’s been élite white resistance but it gets cast as fringe, not respectable.


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 13:13 | #

GW strives for gentlemanliness in dealing with Monitor but that’s not how you deal with a cancerous tumor.

Aha! You claim, over and over, that the crisis of our age is not just “ethnic interests which unfailingly manifest as a very characteristic, hyper-aggressive degradation of host interests,” but something entirely different: race-replacement as state policy. In fact, “forced race-replacement” is what you’ve been saying since at least 2004. If there were a difference, you would say so. No, you go to bed counting race replacement instead of sheep.

So GW’s denial of “a Jewish plan or conspiracy” is pretty hazy. If it was serious, you’d be going nuts. Except that both you and he assert the same sort of inverted Zionism. So your first thing on the civilization is to find your enemy (hint: not the Irish) and them cook iup an apologia for the fight. GW prefers the soft-science approach while you enjoy an angry flame-fest.

It’s time for radical surgery.

You’re not suggesting THIS, are you?


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 13:15 | #

So your first thing on the civilization is to find your enemy (hint: not the Irish) and them cook iup an apologia for the fight.

Should read: “So your first thing on the civilization question is to find your enemy…”


Posted by silver on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 14:20 | #

My problem with you is I just dont where you are coming from, you dont seem to have a coherent response.

Lurker, it’s all there if you’d only open your eyes (and a bit of your heart) and look, instead of rushing off to get the third party lowdown on what I’m “really” about.  Eventually a person ties of apologising, but one more time, just for you: I’m sorry for what I said as an anti; I no longer feel that way and support the aims of white racial (as well as cultural, which is what drives my support) preservation, which, in practical terms, requires territorial racial separation, which I support as a good in itself since homogeneity, for the most part, is better (simply that: better) than diversity, and this is a position one can hold without having anything to do with anything “white.”  That’s it, kiddo. It’s not more complicated than that. 

As Svigor would say, you need to get your ideaological ducks in a row (same goes for Monitor).


Mine are, Lurker.  It’s the hodgepodge “WN” movement that needs to clear the cobwebs from its collective mind; the bulk of my commentary here is aimed at helping it do so. 

A VNN article about a “White Arts Movement” said: As we work towards separatism, we want to avoid an art of rage and violence. We don’t want our movement wiped out before it gets organized. We prefer salesmanship to brute force, education to violence.  I’m working “towards separatism,” too, albeit for my own reasons, but “Ally,” for reasons not well understood and to the movement’s severe detriment, is an alien concept in WN circles. 

Then there is the literal, are you Indian, Serbian?

No, Lurker, there is no such issue.  None.  By now, only the most complete fucking idiot—or poisonous, snide, self-interested critic—could possibly think so; which are you?  (I’m leaning towards the former.)  One last time: I’m ethnically Serb, of mixed Serb-Greek ancestry. 

In UK or Australia or is it Thailand now - or do you just move a lot? It shouldnt matter which, but you keep changing your story.

Look, I’ve mentioned quite a few times that I’ve spent most of the last few years in Thailand, pursuing certain business interests.  I should have said “I am currently living in” rather than “I live in,” but only the two aforementioned categories could really consider this something to hang me with. 

In fact, “forced race-replacement” is what you’ve been saying since at least 2004.

These sorts of misunderstandings are solid evidence of Scrooby’s pernicious influence.  “Race-replacement” itself is not immediately obvious or readily intuitive and even the committed racialist often requires explication in order to get it; forced race-replacement is orders of magnitude less obvious still, and only has currency because motormouth Scrooby himself recites it at every opportunity, brute-forcing every bit of circumstancial evidence he can lay his hands on into it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 14:45 | #


Alright, I will suspend the judgement of egoism.  But what explains your refusal to mentally process the complexity of the world?  Everyone else here manages it.  Why not you?  Stupidity would be an unfair answer.  A better one would seem to be that you habitually seek to make the world known and simple - a product of your faith requirement. You end up with a conclusion befitting a stupid person, but it’s just unfortunate!

“Is there an ongoing elite strategy to “break the bond between European blood and European soil?”

Strategy ... a conscious strategy?

Look, in June I posted a list of the Bilderberger 2008 attendees, and asked:-

Why was Harold Goddijn of the Dutch car satnav specialist TomTom invited to participate?  RFID?

Well, why?  Only about 130 people normally participate at a Bilderberg conference.  But why new-money Harold this year?

The craze for in-car satellite navigation systems has made Harold and Corinne Goddijn billionaires in just a few years.

The Dutch couple, who are new entries at 65th on the list with a joint fortune of £1bn, are now based in London. They are the brains behind the Tom Tom company, which is now the world’s biggest maker of sat-navs.

Harold, 47, trained as an economist at Amsterdam University before working for Psion, the maker of handheld computers, where he met Corinne, 42, who was head of international sales. They then set up a company called Palmtop which, after a series of false starts - including an electronic cookery guide, and a handheld ‘plug and pray’ version of the Bible - got into satellite navigation gadgets.

Less than ten years ago the idea of an affordable mass-produced navigation device was doomed said Mr Goddijn, as raw materials were so expensive. Back in 1990, the price of a sat-nav system was the equivalent of £3,000.

The first portable organisers held limited details and with no satellite link, featured just static sections. The dotcom collapse nearly bankrupted the company. But it began to take off at the turn of the century when the price of memory chips began to fall, allowing a much more affordable product. Tom Tom now expects to sell 3.3m of the devices next year, up from 1.7m in 2005.

The company was originally to be called Tom, ‘supposed to conjure up the image of a reliable, friendly local guide.’ But as the name had already been taken, they called it Tom Tom instead.

The company has plenty of growth prospects as only 13% of Europe’s 200m cars and 7% of cars in America have an electronic routefinder.

OK, so Harold’s a businessman on the cutting-edge of satellite tracking.  But satellite tracking is “a craze”, and clearly an irrelevance employment- and tax base-wise.  And, obviously, he doesn’t have anything to add to the strategising of globalisation ... and precious little, really, to the future of the digital age.  He’s there to be hooked up with others who can use him ... let’s say in the field of “personal mobility”.  No one needs to say “RFID” at this stage.

So does Harold now have a conscious strategy to “break the bond between European blood and European soil?”

Never over-simplify.  90% of the 6000 “important people” who make up the globalist class are not party to any overtly-stated strategy.  Some are always innocents like Harold.  Most, though, are not, and are united by a congruency of interests which, in their broadest reading, require the collectivisation of power and wealth since the exercise of the one and access to the other is maximised thereby.

These people obviously know more than Harold.  They know what elitism is, and they like it, profit from it and owe their allegiance to it.

But ... then there is the remaining and conscious 10%.  In December 2006, I wrote a foundational piece for MR on the extraordinary, treacherous phenomenon of power elitism.  In it I wrote:-

The modern elite is a revolutionary elite.  It is the most revolutionary of all Western elites, and the first to seek to destroy its own people.

World government cannot be established over the democratically-expressed will of Europe’s children.  The West is the only part of the world in which this is true, because you and I and those whom we naturally love are individualistic people evolved in a different manner from the Asiatic Jew and Han and Turkomen.  Even white Russians are Asiatised in this respect, deferring to authority far more readily than Europeans of the West.  They do not present the same stumbling block to elite ambitions.

Now, Capitalism + Marxism = elite power and wealth.  After all, was it a “happy accident” that Theodor Adorno, arch-Marxist revolutionary, Frankfurt Schooler and father of culture war in the West, was lifted out of pre-war Germany by the CIA and immediately put in charge of Rockefeller’s Radio Project?

At the level within the elites that this simple formula, Capitalism + Marxism, is understood and acted upon there is your conscious strategy ... there is full agreement to the purpose of “breaking the bond”.  Of course, it need not be an explicitly stated goal even then.  The conversation can be about “weakening” the “old-fashioned” and “unstable” polities, which have “visited upon Europe so much harm and misery in the past”.  But the effect ... the effect is understood fully, and approved of.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 14:57 | #

“Aha! You claim, over and over…” - The Monitor

“You?”  How about “you people” instead, more appropriate?  Do you realize you have been conversing with more than one interlocutor?  There is likely to be some diversity of opinion.  Or do you impute to us the “Asiatic hive-mindedness” that you claim we impute to Jews?

“It’s time for radical surgery.” - Fred Scrooby

“You’re not suggesting THIS, are you?” - The Monitor

The Monitor prefers the “soft-science” approach and the even more flaccid theology approach and when he is feeling particularly triumphalist he enjoys an “angry flame-fest” which he perceives as satire.  But, what dark psychological forces really underlie his aggressive satirizing laden with violent imagery?

Could it be that the Monitor, at least unconsciously, holds the conviction that Whites who are not “good Christians” deserve a horrible end?  If Whites are not Christian they are not worth saving for the insufficient reason that they are our people?

Just what would the Monitor do, if his malevolent impulses were given opportunity to vent?

Maybe what the allies had in store for Germans?  Incineration by the hundreds of thousands, ethnic cleansing, starvation, and torture.  That would teach those heretics, wouldn’t it?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 14:59 | #

“forced race-replacement is orders of magnitude less obvious still,”  (—Silver)

Do you deny it?  Do you deny that forced, specifically, government-enforced, race-replacment of Euros is exactly what’s taking place?  (Don’t say races won’t mix if the individuals comprising them don’t want to:  people who don’t want questionable food and water will comsume both if what they prefer is kept from them long enough.  Why is the anti-diversity preference of the majority being permanently overridden?)  And do you deny that the Jews are its central driving force and organizing culprits, not by themselves sufficient to pull if off obviously but neither could it have been pulled off without them who were more indispensable than any other member of their alliance?  Do you deny any of that?

Don’t ask how the Jews could be responsible.  Just look at the blindingly obvious evidence before your eyes that they are.  When Rutherford shot alpha particles at foil he never expected any to bounce straight back.  When lots did, he didn’t say, “I don’t believe what I’m seeing,” but “I didn’t think it was possible, but this shows that atoms must have extremely dense centers.”  When we see what Jews are pulling off, we don’t say, “I don’t believe what I’m seeing,” but “I didn’t think it was possible, but what we’re seeing shows that, however they are doing it, Jews are in fact pulling this off, so here are speculations x, y, and z to get the ball rolling on figuring out finally how they do it.”


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 15:13 | #


I presume you have read Salter, yes?  He uses the term “Race-replacement” in OGI, which was published in 2003.  So the phrase pre-dates Fred’s usage, though I wholly accept that Fred thought it up independently.

It is a useful phrase.  The “coerced” aspect is also highly arguable.  Without it we would not have constraints on freedom of association.  We would not have hate speech law.  We would not have AA.  We would not have the demonisation of nativist political parties and nationalist opinion.  We would not have the Holocaust Project, and the laws which, in certain countries, prevent criticism of its claims.  We would not have the vast tranche of propaganda that is shoved our children’s throats at school.  And so on.

Does it add up to coercion?  It would be a difficult job to deny it, I think.


Posted by silver on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 17:47 | #

I presume you have read Salter, yes?  He uses the term “Race-replacement” in OGI, which was published in 2003.  So the phrase pre-dates Fred’s usage, though I wholly accept that Fred thought it up independently.

It was the “forced” I was taking him to task over.

It is a useful phrase.  The “coerced” aspect is also highly arguable.  Without it we would not have constraints on freedom of association.  We would not have hate speech law.  We would not have AA.  We would not have the demonisation of nativist political parties and nationalist opinion.  We would not have the Holocaust Project, and the laws which, in certain countries, prevent criticism of its claims.  We would not have the vast tranche of propaganda that is shoved our children’s throats at school.  And so on.

Does it add up to coercion?  It would be a difficult job to deny it, I think.

Here’s the thing: once multiculturalism/diversity—an “improved” social ordering designed to overcome failings of the past, as its proponents see it— has been decided on the social controls you’ve listed basically suggest themselves, each of them appearing obvious and crucial to maintaining order and the agreed upon course.  It’s all very well for critics to howl about being muzzled, but muzzling is what Diversity requires; it can’t function if it’s allowed to be criticized.  A few years ago, I had a Dutchmen tell me plainly that a referendum on Turkish EU accession couldn’t be permitted because people would vote against it.  That’s the kind of thing people committed to the big D reflexively blurt out without realizing how it sounds to the other side.  Allowing criticism contains within it the possibility that, as critics grow in number and their voice grows louder (one GW is easily dismissed; 10,000 saying the very same thing begin to exert a gravitational pull), you’ll allow yourself to be convinced the whole project is a massive failure, with all of the dread implications such failure carries.  It’s just so much easier to muzzle the opposition and continue the game of let’s pretend everything’s fine. 

Isn’t it simple human nature to excuse and justify a course of action you’ve invested yourself in rather than to accept criticism of it and alter it?  People have an innate desire to believe they’re doing the right/wise thing and can’t stand to hear they are wrong, and even if they do admit they’re wrong, maintaining that “it’s not so bad” is still often preferable to changing course.  That’s breathtakingly petty when you consider the stakes, but petty is what humans are.  I think it almost always pays to consider base, petty motives before subscribing to complex, intricate plots.

The picture is complicated, however, by Jewish influence.  But I think even that has its beginnings in something much more innocent than the tangled web that has resulted from having to justify those beginnings.  Anglo-Saxon America didn’t just roll over for the Jews/immigrants.  Battles were fought in which Jews attempted to justify their presence on American soil.  Being the intellectual sort, and having their specific history, a great deal of overkill was produced, some of it ulterior (Boas et al), but some of it, I can’t help but think, simply pragmatic (Zangwill, melting pot).  That overkill took on a life of its own and later developments were in large part a result of it. 

And the result which is of greatest concern here is race-replacemet. That’s what all of the above results in.  But was it the result intended at the outset?  My reasoning suggests not.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 17:57 | #


“Life as accident” is an interpretation for which I have a lot of time.  But not all life is accidental, hastily followed by justification.  There is also intentionality.  There is design.  I take you back to the comment I made earlier on this thread about the appearance of leading Frankfurt School intellectuals - sworn enemies of capital and inequality - in America before WW2.  This was not the actions of Jews, but of the American Establishment.

Like Monitor, you are trying to force a single interpretation on everything.  Those it fits, it fits.  Those it doesn’t, it doesn’t.

It doesn’t fit the creation of the MultiCult, or postmodernity, or whatever name you wish to give it.


Posted by silver on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 18:15 | #

“Life as accident” is an interpretation for which I have a lot of time.  But not all life is accidental, hastily followed by justification.  There is also intentionality.  There is design.  I take you back to the comment I made earlier on this thread about the appearance of leading Frankfurt School intellectuals - sworn enemies of capital and inequality - in America before WW2.  This was not the actions of Jews, but of the American Establishment.

Nothing I wrote denied this.  Communism was designed with a certain end in mind but it sputtered along for years after its failure to adequately meet that end was apparent.

I’m simply more interested in why these processes continue than in their genesis—isn’t this the more important question?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 18:41 | #

Well, the most important question is: how to end them?  But, that aside, and since we are talking about elite decision here, the question of why they continue is the same as why they began.  Of course, the methodology of continuation differs from that of initiation, and that’s the difference you are really pointing to.


Posted by silver on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 19:00 | #

the question of why they continue is the same as why they began.

Race-replacement from T=0?  Why is it so necessary for you to believe this?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 21:16 | #

As the Mayor of Dresden argued, “[t]his is a democratic country…. You can’t force anyone to serve Negroes.”

Katz, “Jim Crow,” 9. For a discussion of how the emergence of Ontario human rights legislation reflected a shift to reform liberal values, see Howe, “The Evolution of Human Rights Policy”; R. Brian Howe and David Johnson, Restraining Equality: Human Rights Commissions in Canada (Toronto 1999), chapter 1.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 21:50 | #

“I’m simply more interested in why these processes continue”  (—Silver)

They continue because the other side, essentially the Jews, wants race-replacement of Euros.  They want it; more than want, they crave it like some Jewish religious nirvana, like heaven, like their idea of heaven for Jews, for several reasons including fear, jealousy, and hatred of Euros as a race.  You see the Jews all across the political spectrum right, left, and center, favoring race-replacement and not just favoring it but clinging to it for dear life, supporting it with all their strength, donating fortunes to guarantee it, cheering it, working to bring it about, sacrificing for it, with a religious fervor, as if for Jews it’s a life-and-death issue, or their sole chance at happiness in this world, something like that.  The Jewish role in race-replacement is blinding it’s so obvious.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 22:05 | #

The Jews have been actively waging war on the Euros since at least 1860, some say since the French Revolution.  Euros don’t know it.


Posted by The Monitor on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 00:00 | #


Or do you impute to us the “Asiatic hive-mindedness” that you claim we impute to Jews?

Interesting point! I wish it were so. Such tactics, even if they tend toward bureaucracy, have been widely successful for the Asiatics. I never made the claim you refer to, but if it wouldn’t necessarily be an insult from me.

Why is “Asiatic hive-mindedness” such a bad thing? That’s why even we individualists tend to dream up things like rule books, law codes, standards committees, party platforms and whatnot. We survive better with common understanding. It is certainly better than our own society, where five intellectuals hold ten opinions, all PC.

the conviction that Whites who are not “good Christians” deserve a horrible end?

You have it backwards. I’m saying that when the White elite went secular, in the name of “right reason” or whatever, that generated self-hatreds which helped direct us to our present mess. Right-wing Christians, Catholic and Protestants, have been warning about this for generations. Unbelief produces consequences. So the anti-Christian WN is stuck looking for an ethnic strategy to replace the religious orthodoxy that he hates.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 00:11 | #

How soon we forget Postville, Iowa.

Why do they do it?

Stephen Bloom on Postville:

Nevertheless, 10 years later, the locals aren’t exactly happy with their marriage of necessity. “The Jews,” as they’re called, drive like maniacs, never mow their lawns, build without permits, bargain furiously (which the locals feel implies the price is unfair), and wait months, if ever, to pay their bills. Disregarding the fundamental rule of Iowa coexistence, the Hasidim won’t even make eye contact on the street. One of Bloom’s local informants asks: “Hadn’t their mothers taught them any manners?”

Bloom does his best to be fair to the Hasidim as he explores their hermetically sealed world. He notes his relief at the familiar speech rhythms, the questions upon questions. He accepts an invitation for a Shabbat stay with a Hasidic family, revels in the food, and prays with his hosts on command. But finally, Bloom is a liberal, not a fundamentalist: He’s repelled by their intolerance, their insularity, their open delight in cheating “the goyim,” and their manipulative arguments. He quotes one Hasid as saying proudly: “I am a racist… . Why haven’t the Jews been extinguished after scores of attempts throughout history? That we are still here defies logic. There is only one answer. We are better and smarter. That’s why!”


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 01:14 | #

“So the anti-Christian WN is stuck looking for an ethnic strategy to replace the religious orthodoxy that he hates.” - Monitor

Get this, even Revilo Oliver, the arch “anti-Christian WN”, tried mightily in the 60’s to work the “religious orthodoxy” angle as a means to provide some impetus to resist our dispossesion.  Guess what, it didn’t work. 

If Christianity can be of some assistance in our struggle, fine.  But White Christians need to speak and act explicitly for the benefit of their race.  None of this “lets talk about culture” and slip race in the back door.  That is the same silly game that con-servatives have been playing for decades. 

I honestly fail to see, Monitor, just what is your hang up with explicitly advocating for the interests of our race.  You obviously think that ‘orthodox WN’ is a threat to Christianity but then in the next breath characterize said as comically crude and inept.  Sane WNs who are secular honestly couldn’t care less what other Whites believe so long as they act in a way that is pro-White.

So, are you willing, in theory at least, to work with secular WNs in advancing the interests of our people?  Or is it the Monitor’s way or the highway?


Posted by silver on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 10:20 | #

They continue because the other side, essentially the Jews, wants race-replacement of Euros.

Regardless of how much they might want it, they can’t guarantee it.  So my interest is in why whites continue to enable it.

The Jewish role in race-replacement is blinding it’s so obvious.

Their role in the processes that will result in final replacement are obvious (when one takes the time to look), but I’m not completely convinced they “want it” with the fervor you boldly assert. 

Further, I can’t see how the fixation on having everyone agree with you that they want it, really, really want it, as a drowning man wants air is necessary or helpful.  If you end or reverse the processes that will result in replacement, it won’t matter a wit what jews ever wanted, thus I suggest your energies would be better spent on ending or reversing those processes than shrieking about the jewish role in race replacement. 

Consider: if the processes are ended/reversed by people with no inkling of the jewish role, won’t that be just as good as if it were done by people who long obssessed over the jewish role?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 11:26 | #

Silver: So my interest is in why whites continue to enable it.

Enablers have various motives and ways of dealing with reality which simply coallesce into a single stream of harm.  Being a bought politician melds with making money from the system melds with being a blind egalitarian melds with being a “caring” person melds with being a violent anti-racist freak melds with fear of being labelled as a racist melds with being an acquiesecent and self-absorbed tool, and so on.

There isn’t really any mystery to it.  Three-quarters of our people don’t understand ... don’t care to understand ... don’t have the intellectual capacity to really understand.  They are camp followers.  If we were in political power they would follow us in exactly the same way they follow Jews and the politically and culturally liberal elites now.

Revolutions are made and led by two or three per cent of the population.

Fred, in my view, is only guilty of sometimes forgetting that “the Jews” and “Jews” are not interchangeable terms.  Jewish race activists, in all their ubiquity and many guises, are not “the Jews”.  But “the Jews” produce them - unendingly, it seems - and provide extraordinary financial support.  So the picture is always mixed.

if the processes are ended/reversed by people with no inkling of the jewish role, won’t that be just as good as if it were done by people who long obssessed over the jewish role?

No, because Jewish race activists would re-insert themselves in the political and cultural structure and re-start the goddamned processes.


Posted by The Monitor on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 12:20 | #

Just what is your hang up with explicitly advocating for the interests of our race..

Like I said, we agree that whites have interests.  We agree on survival and self-determination, to the extent that existing, self-hating white elites must be replaced by people who seek the corporate interest of the whole. What after that? The real problem with Nationalists is that, in the long run, its ethnostatist vehicle won’t carry it home.

Even after securing the survival of our people, White Nationalism would have done absolutely nothing to stop the progress of the disease that created the current mess. I suspect that if the New World Order was ever overthrown—and the Jews repatriated to Madagascar— many of you would gravitate to the Left: abortion rights, sodomy rights, secularism, managerial social control, corrosive pop culture and modernism. All that garbage would be just fine, if Whites get to peddle it.

You would say that civilization is saved and go home. Victorious Nationalists would likely refuse to re-assert the Christian consensus at the cornerstone of White society. No progress would be made in legislating morality, rebuilding republican government, establishing healthy gender roles, respecting orthodox church authorities, or stopping our cultural and ethical dispossession by White degenerates, moderns and elitists.

Indeed, with the race issue gone, our Nationalists would unexpected common ground with the anti-Western technocrats they just ejected. In fact, I assume many of our current leaders could chop the prefix “multi-“ from “multiracialist” in their political platforms and carry on as before. I guarantee you that the David Camerons, Nicolas Sarkozys and John McCains of the world would do just that – because everybody loves a winner - and you’d be happy with it.

If white people can only survive as barbarians, we are already dead.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 13:05 | #

“I can’t see how the fixation on having everyone agree with you that [Jews] want [race-replacement of Euros], really, really want it, as a drowning man wants air, is necessary or helpful.”  (—Silver)

No “fixation on having everyone agree” with me:  take it or leave it.  Why even point it out then?  Because we’re on here trying to get to the truth of the matter, since the Jews who own the mass media will never permit discussion of the topic of why Jews are race-replacing Euros — will never permit discussion of it in their print, TV, Hollywood, radio, or other media outlets:  Jews stifle discussion of their Jewish-directed genocide everywhere else, so we have no choice but to discuss it here.  I’d be delighted to see discussion of the fact that Jews really, really want race-replacement as a drowning man wants air in the Jew-controlled mass media but ain’t gonna happen, of course, so we do it here.  That’s why guys like me bring it up.  I’d much rather it be brought up on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and <strike>LOX News</strike> FOX News.

“If you end or reverse the processes that will result in replacement, it won’t matter a whit what Jews ever wanted, thus I suggest your energies would be better spent on ending or reversing those processes than shrieking about the jewish role in race replacement.  Consider:  if the processes are ended/reversed by people with no inkling of the Jewish role, won’t that be just as good as if it were done by people who long obssessed over the Jewish role?”  (—Silver)

Go for it!  You’ll have my full backing!

“So my interest is in why whites continue to enable it.”  (—Silver)

Any race-replacement-opposed stirring among whites that might have mainstream leadership potential is immediately nipped in bud via various techniques honed to perfection by the Jews who run the mass media.  Take Kevin MacDonald or Peter Brimelow for example — or even David Duke:  take David Duke, for example:  nothing of what David Duke says on the subject of the current forced race-replacement régime is such as can’t be discussed in a civilized, respectful way in the MSM.  The Jews are always trotting out their favorites on the side diametrically opposed to someone like Duke and giving them respectful hearings, so much so in fact that, exactly according to Jewish plan, their side has become mainstream since the 60s while it’s no more intrinsically legitimate and no less intrinsically “shocking” than Duke, not one bit.  We’ve been brainwashed by the other side, the Jewish side, for forty years, and not permitted to hear one, not one, view in opposition expressed that hasn’t been expertly demonized by the Jews. 

No potential for peaceful political mainstream opposition leadership means no peaceful political organized mainstream opposition, leaving only sporadic armed rebellion as a choice, which has, naturally, a greater activation energy or threshold energy.  But if they keep it up, that energy requirement may end up being met.

“Three-quarters of our people [...] don’t have the intellectual capacity to really understand.”  (—GW)

This may be the case even for the educated class:  I wonder if this stuff is intrinsically hard to grasp even where intentions are pure and minds aren’t closed off? 

“If we were in political power they would follow us in exactly the same way they follow Jews and the politically and culturally liberal elites now.”  (—GW)

That gets added to the “Never truer words were written” file.

“Fred, in my view, is only guilty of sometimes forgetting that ‘the Jews’ and ‘Jews’ are not interchangeable terms.  Jewish race activists, in all their ubiquity and many guises, are not ‘the Jews.’ “  (—GW)

No, I understand that it’s not one hundred percent, only 99.99999999999999999999999999999%, I understand that.  It’s not all of them, far from it — there’s that very important 0.000000000000000000000000000001% of Jewish mavericks, don’t worry I’m not forgetting them.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 13:34 | #

”[W]e’re on here trying to get to the truth of the matter, since the Jews who own the mass media will never permit discussion of the topic of why Jews are race-replacing Euros — will never permit discussion of it in their print, TV, Hollywood, radio, or other media outlets ...”—Fred Scrooby

You are correct but there is an achilles heel to Jewish dominance of the media. It is the Internet.

Please check this out, Fred, and let us know what you think about it:

Liberation by Internet


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 14:54 | #

“You would say that civilization is saved and go home.” - The Monitor

Yeah, your probably right about some of us.  I suspect that what gets the juices of some WNs flowing is heroic, palingenetic, revolutionary struggle.  I’ll confess my own thrill the prospect.  But that is not maturity. 

Personally, I like what Putin’s clique is doing in Russia.  Just a little tweaking (start paying those “baby bonuses” to Whites exclusively!) and it would be pitch perfect.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 15:07 | #

Dave Johns that was an excellent article and of course the internet is vital to us and will remain so.  It’s our central nervous system.  The Jews are working hard on squelching our internet access.  They must not succeed.  If they did, it would force the opening of the final chapter no one wants:  it would force massive violence and armed rebellion, as it would leave no other choice to the oppressed and the genocided. 

The Jews must not succeed in shutting down our side’s access to the internet.

Why do I say “the Jews” this and “the Jews” that more and more lately — nearly all the time, in fact?  Simple:  I say it because they’re the ones mostly doing it, mostly doing the evil; they are by far the most important element in the alliance currently ranged against normalness and in favor of degenerateness, and this is no time for euphemisms.  If it were the Amish mostly doing it I’d be saying “the Amish” this and “the Amish” that.  But it’s not the Amish mostly doing it. 

It’s someone else mostly doing it ... 

Each one doing it must be named.  The Pope must be named, the Jews must be named, the Catholics must be named, the Archbishop of Canterbury must be named, clueless women in the voting booth must be named, WASP race traitors like the Clintons, the Bushes, Blair, and Cameron must be named, Negroes must be named, Third-World mystery meat in all its variety and mystery must be named.

Each one doing it must be named, and the one doing it the most must be named the most.  That’s why I post what I post.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 16:40 | #

“If white people can only survive as barbarians, we are already dead.” - The Monitor

There comes the question, “What should we strive for?”

A world of concrete, cookie-cutter McMansions, and strip malls?


The answer to The Question of a palingeneticist would be:

We have it within our power to turn this world into a garden. 

We have it within our power to extirpate the superficiality, degeneracy, and narcissism that plagues our people.

Imagine a world: of beautiful architecture; great art and literature; scientific progress; healthy, morally sound White children; green, spacious cityscapes; pastoral landscapes; and a protected, thriving wilderness.

We strive for nothing less than the absolute salvation our people, both spiritually and physically.

It is a Beautiful Dream!

Can our mortal hands lay hold of it?  Shouldn’t we try?

The Bold will say, “YES!”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 19:28 | #

Here‘s an excellent example of not shying away from explicitly referring to the ethnic-warfare dimension inherent in all these Jewish attacks on Euros that have gone on non-stop for the past forty years and more.  This piece shows exactly the way it needs to be done, and of course there’s nothing “fringe” about doing this — it’s a perfectly ordinary description of an important aspect of reality, one that in many ways is what makes the world go round, namely, inter-ethnic jockeying for position through ethnic attacks on rival ethnicities:  if an article about ethnic attacks and counterattacks between, say, Greek Cypriots and Turkish Cypriots neglected this ethnic-rivalry dimension it would be neglecting one of the central aspects if not THE central aspect of the subject matter and would be inferior journalism, in fact worthless as journalism.  The same dimension should be included in discussion of a common type of ethnic Jewish attack on Euros — touting open borders, for example — which is usually misinterpreted as generic “liberalism” or “leftism” on the part of Jews but is neither, and is, instead, an ethnic Jewish attack on a rival ethnicity, Euros. 

Something else that needs to be done is to always refer to those Jewish-owned media which generally take a typical Jewish anti-Euro line (such as the New York Times, the LA Times, the Washington Post, Time Magazine, Newsweek) as “the Jewish press,” which is very simply and accurately what they are.  The New York Times has consistently acted like a Jewish ethnic newspaper in taking anti-Euro stances of this nature, so let it be called what it is, a Jewish ethnic partisan newspaper fighting an ethnic war against Euros.  Let it be called a member of “the Jewish press.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 19:40 | #

National Review, once non-sectarian but with obvious Catholic “leanings,” is characterized now by obvious Jewish leanings, and in important ways can even be considered a member of the Jewish press.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 19:56 | #

Question:  What’s the first thing you see wrong with this article?

Answer:  The person they’re talking about isn’t “far right” or “far” anything, but strictly centrist/middle-of-the-road. 

Question:  What’s the first thing you see right with this article? 

Answer:  The way in which its labeling of this middle-of-the-road person as “far right” faithfully depicts one of the tactics of the Jewish press as represented in this case by Time and CosherNewsNetwork.

So, this Jewish Time/CNN article is both truthful and untruthful at the same time.


Posted by silver on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 03:28 | #

if the processes are ended/reversed by people with no inkling of the jewish role, won’t that be just as good as if it were done by people who long obssessed over the jewish role?

No, because Jewish race activists would re-insert themselves in the political and cultural structure and re-start the goddamned processes.

Ending/reversing the processes, as I meant it, presupposes ultimate separation from jews (just as from everyone else), however, and severely limiting their ability to cause havoc in the meantime.  They’re not bloody supermen.  What chance was there they could do a damn thing in Hitler’s Germany or Hitler’s Germany+30 years, say, had he not warred, for example?  Thirty years is a long time!

Enablers have various motives and ways of dealing with reality which simply coallesce into a single stream of harm.  Being a bought politician melds with making money from the system melds with being a blind egalitarian melds with being a “caring” person melds with being a violent anti-racist freak melds with fear of being labelled as a racist melds with being an acquiesecent and self-absorbed tool, and so on.

The “enabled” also have ways of dealing with reality, a great deal of which made it possible for them to so easily be “enabled” by the enablers in the first place.  For someone who insists so much on philosophy it’s surprising how little credit you give to the new views about reality that emerged during the period in question which threw into turmoil all the previous assumptions about race and nation.  Yes, some of it was propaganda, but much was also eminently plausible. 

You’ve only focused on politicians.  What about the universities which prepare them and the newsmen who cover them?  It may be easier for them to just go along, but they certainly don’t have to.  They could start singing a different tune tomorrow, and you should be doing all you can to help them do so, since that will also ease your way to taking power.  It seems to me that far too much of your energy is dissipated by—yes, I’ll say it—hating.  You’ve been at it so long you probably no longer see it, but it positively oozes from almost every paragraph.  Trust me on this.  What a tragedy it’s be to fail to exert all the influence you potentially could for something so stupid and—again I’ll borrow from the liberal vocabulary I was weaned on—unhealthy.


Posted by silver on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 03:43 | #

No “fixation on having everyone agree” with me:  take it or leave it.  Why even point it out then?  Because we’re on here trying to get to the truth of the matter, since the Jews who own the mass media will never permit discussion of the topic of why Jews are race-replacing Euros — will never permit discussion of it in their print, TV, Hollywood, radio, or other media outlets:  Jews stifle discussion of their Jewish-directed genocide everywhere else, so we have no choice but to discuss it here.  I’d be delighted to see discussion of the fact that Jews really, really want race-replacement as a drowning man wants air in the Jew-controlled mass media but ain’t gonna happen, of course, so we do it here.  That’s why guys like me bring it up.  I’d much rather it be brought up on ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, and LOX News FOX News.

When almost all you’ve been talking about for the last five years is the jews, you’ll understand that it can seem like a fixation on having everyone agree.  It just seems to me that JQ-pushers believe that as soon as everyone is agreed on how pernicious jews are and have been since God knows when then magic will happen.  What actually happens, however, is a sort of contest in which WNs try to one-up each other by how much of their plight they can blame on jews, quite the way white liberals try to outdo each other’s tolerance by “uncovering” ever greater levels of “racism” in white culture. (See VNNforum.)

Why devote so much time to that?  Wouldn’t a more effective use of your time be engaging the unconverted?  If you’d spent the last five years doing that, you might by now have honed certain techniques that ease the way to understanding, rather than crude muds-are-duds/ugly/criminal-just-ADMIT-it-already techniques WNs favor, which are noteworthy only for being spectacularly counterproductive (I’m exaggerating, of course, but not about the retardant effect of standard WN discourse).


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 04:26 | #

Wouldn’t a more effective use of your time be engaging the unconverted?



Derbyshire’s Law, which asserts that: “ANYTHING WHATSOEVER said by a Gentile about Jews will be perceived as antisemitic by someone, somewhere.” I have experienced the truth of this many times. Further, I have the awful example of William Cash before me. Cash wrote an article titled “Kings of the Deal” for The Spectator back in 1994, pointing out, in a perfectly inoffensive way (and, of course, quite truly) that lots of Hollywood movers and shakers are Jewish.

The Spectator caused controversy in 1994 when it printed an article on the Jewish influence in Hollywood, written by William Cash, who at the time was based in Los Angeles and working mainly for The Daily Telegraph. Cash claimed that the Jewish media elite was “culturally nihilist” and that Jewish influence reflected a Jewish lack of concern for traditional cultural values.

The young author, William Cash, was denounced from the pulpits of political correctness — that is, from the Op-Ed pages of the Los Angeles Times and the New York Times. Prominent American Jews like Leon Wieseltier went into high-hysterical mode, denouncing Cash as the new Julius Streicher and so on. The storm went on for weeks, led by a howling mob of buffoons — Barbra Streisand, for example — who had certainly never read, nor probably even heard of the Spectator up to that point. (I have been reading it for 30 years, and have also written for it.) It was a display of arrogance, cruelty, ignorance, stupidity, and sheer bad manners by rich and powerful people towards a harmless, helpless young writer, and the Jews who whipped up this preposterous storm should all be thoroughly ashamed of themselves.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 06:01 | #

“far too much of your energy is dissipated by —  yes, I’ll say it —  hating.  You’ve been at it so long you probably no longer see it, but it positively oozes from almost every paragraph.  Trust me on this.”  (—Silver)

Oh we trust you on this.  We certainly do, Silver.  Which is exactly why we trust you on nothing else whatsoever.  Just this.

“Wouldn’t a more effective use of your time be engaging the unconverted?”  (—Silver)

In college, “bringing the unconverted up to speed” is known as the unconverted taking the course pre-requisites.  Once you’ve got those down you can take the course without sitting in the lecture hall completely lost, unable to understand a word, which is your situation at this site, Silver.  You’re lost. 

When Carole Ward was blogging I went to her site a few times and was totally shocked and outraged at many of the things she said.  This was something like 2001 or 2002.  Then I learned the pre-requisites, and as a result I now know every word she wrote to have been not only true but tame. 

You’re like a student who doesn’t have the pre-requisites down, Silver, then enters the lecture hall and arrogantly tells everyone to shut up because, not having had the pre-requisites, he thinks they’re all talking nonsense.

“Derbyshire’s Law, which asserts that:  ‘ANYTHING WHATSOEVER said by a Gentile about Jews will be perceived as antisemitic by someone, somewhere.’ “  (—quoted by Desmond)

Scrooby’s Law:  Anything whatsoever said by a gentile about anything will be perceived as anti-Semitic by Jews somewhere. 

Thus did we learn from the Jews that the Lord of the Rings movies, which weren’t about Jews whether directly or indirectly, were “anti-Semitic.” 

It turns out that everything is anti-Semitic, everything in the universe, and it’s impossible for any person or thing to not be anti-Semitic.  It’s only possible for a Jew not to actually call you anti-Semitic at any given moment in time, but it’s not possible to not actually be anti-Semitic.  Breathing is anti-Semitic, eating is anti-Semitic, sleeping is, thinking is, not thinking is, moving is, not moving is, existing is.  Everything from atoms to rocks to trees to dogs to cats to cars to people to you-name-it, is anti-Semitic:  you name it, and if it exists I can prove it’s anti-Semitic.  There’s nothing in the universe that’s not anti-Semitic, nothing — that’s impossible.


Posted by silver on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 06:02 | #

So because Jews prevent you from reaching everyone you shouldn’t attempt to reach anyone, instead retreating to your closed circle to, in effect, sulk about it?  (Mind you, I mean reach anyone in order discuss race and society, not to bitch about jews’ influence on each, which is all that all too many want to do.)


Posted by silver on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 06:40 | #

You’re like a student who doesn’t have the pre-requisites down, Silver, then enters the lecture hall and arrogantly tells everyone to shut up because, not having had the pre-requisites, he thinks they’re all talking nonsense.

No, you’ve misunderstood me (not for the first time). I agree with you (to a point, anyway).  I just don’t think, and can’t see how, it matters that much, or is the point most worthy of explication; I consider it a side issue.

You’re talking about who is responsible for a problem while the vast majority still don’t even perceive the problem, or at least don’t perceive the magnitude of the problem.  My point is that, pragmatically speaking, it doesn’t even matter who was responsible for the problem; solving it is much more important.  Now, of course, you’ll counter that you can’t solve it because the jews block.  I think there’s another metaphor I’m looking for that hits the spot better than this, but “a bad workman quarrels with his tools” comes to mind. 

The jews are there.  They are a feature of the landscape.  If you can’t go through them (and 50 years says it’s no mean feat), you have to go around.  I’m not asking you, personally, Fred Scrooby (or Desmond Jones, or anyone else), to minimize the jewish role or forgive it; I’m suggesting you put it aside and concentrate your energies on more important matters.  The evidence is there, it’s been gathered and demonstrated and it’s not going away.  Great, but why harp on and on and on and on about it, as though the more you harped on the more you helped your cause?  That’s a recipe for ongoing failure.

If a jew breaks your kids nose, the first thing to do is get your kid fixed up, not sit around and sulk that it was a jew who did it—and that’s true even if all the doctors who might help but refuse to are jews themselves.  First things first.  Too many intelligent, sentient whites waste their time bitching about jews or gather in net circles with each other and sulk about their plight when I could think of a dozen more productive activities off the top of my head, but the main one is stop preaching to the choir, which is “easy online racialism” at its very best (worst). 

Oh we trust you on this.  We certainly do, Silver.  Which is exactly why we trust you on nothing else whatsoever.  Just this.

Who is “we”? Come down from your high horse, Scrooby.  Any normal white reading through our exchanges would consider me normal, you a frothing fruitcake.  I don’t mean that as an attack on you; I just want to highlight how moping around racialist sites for five years has removed you light years from mainstream discourse.  Having your hands on a few important forbidden truths doesn’t entitle you to talk down to those you have differences of opinion with, even those you distrust, the way you do me; that’s something worth keeping in mind since you like to think your opinions are not necessarily at all “extreme.”  Alternatively, keep doing your thing—I’m sure your easy online fans will love you for it.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 07:13 | #

stop preaching to the choir

It’s exactly what the ADL does, except it has a public forum, is protected and continual raises massive sums of money doing so. Every year a new report is published, a new group is target and even litigation does little to slow it down.

Poisoning the Web: Hatred Online
Internet Bigotry, Extremism and Violence
Table of Contents

Don Black: White Pride World Wide
Stormfront, Don Black’s gateway to bigotry is a veritable supermarket of online hate.

David Duke: White Revolution on the Internet
Duke has embraced the Internet as a key to the future of the white supremacist movement.

The National Alliance: Pierce’s Cybernauts
This group has skillfully embraced the Internet to promote its Nazi-like ideology

NAAWP: Duke’s Progeny Online
The National NAAWP Web site offers clear examples of the bigotry that underlies its talk about “white rights.”

The Ku Klux Klan: Burning Crosses in Cyberspace
The Klan has turned to the Internet to revitalized itself and attract new supporters

The Identity Church Movement:
The Worship of Hate
This pseudo-theological manifestation of racism and anti-Semitism has established a Web presence.
- Posse Comitatus
- Aryan Nations

Neo-Nazis: Stormtroopers of the Web
The symbols associated with Hitler’s Nazis are attractive to bigots on the Web.
- Young Neo-Nazi Propagandists
- Longtime Hitlerian Activists

Holocaust Denial: The Big Lie Revisited
Thousands of denier web pages claim that the Holocaust is a Jewish fabrication, not a product of Nazi hatred.
- Institute For Historical Review
- Committee for Open Debate on the Holocaust
- David Irving
- Ernst Zündel & Ingrid Rimland
- David Cole & Roger Garaudy
- Ahmed Rami

Mirror Image: African-American anti-Semites
African-American anti-Semites on the Web often engage in their own form of fallacious “revisionist” history.

Female White Supremacists: ‘Aryan’ Women Online
Female extremists have appropriated feminism for the purpose of spreading intolerance online.

World Church of the Creator:
‘Racial Holy War’ on the Web
WCTOC has spawned dozens of sites to spread the message that the enemies of the “White Race” are “inferior mud races” and the “Jewish race”

Neo-Nazi Skinheads & Racist Rock:
Youth Subculture of Hate
Many bigoted music companies are selling hateful music on the Web.

Alex Curtis: Unity through Hate
A rising star among bigots using the Internet.

Homophobia Online: The Westboro Baptist Church
Some Web sites focus their hatred primarily on gays and lesbians.

Anti-Abortion Extremism in Cyberspace:
The Creator’s Rights Party

Militias & ‘Common Law Courts’:
‘Patriots’ of the Web

Bomb-Making Manuals: Explosive Content


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 07:17 | #

You’re talking about who is responsible for a problem while the vast majority still don’t even perceive the problem, or at least don’t perceive the magnitude of the problem.

What makes anybody think that the vast majority would ever want “the problem” to go away? Most of us like living like bricks in the wall, as long as we get MySpace and cable TV. Our people like nihilism, atheism, scientific materialism.

So do white nationalists, for that matter. If three kids bully a WN—and one is Jewish—the WN would focus all attention on the one and ignore the other two. If a Jew is partially responsible for a bad act, then he must be wholly responsible. Thus the WN carries one-third of the truth.

Having your hands on a few important forbidden truths doesn’t entitle you to talk down to those you have differences of opinion with, even those you distrust, the way you do me…

The problem with forbidden truths is that they don’t negate the other truths that are easier to find.

BTW, Scrooby is not all bad. He doesn’t babble blasphemies, for example. He is much more articulate than the homoerotics on those other Web sites.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 07:20 | #

It’s exactly what the ADL does, except it has a public forum,

They do this to magnify the level of their opposition and thus keep their funding. Who is Alex Curtis?


Posted by the Narrator.. on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:56 | #

Why do I say “the Jews” this and “the Jews” that more and more lately — nearly all the time, in fact?  Simple:  I say it because they’re the ones mostly doing it, mostly doing the evil; they are by far the most important element in the alliance currently ranged against normalness and in favor of degenerateness, and this is no time for euphemisms.
-by Fred Scrooby

You’re absolutely right.

And it’s even more elemental than that.

Jews are not a part of us. They are a completely alien grouping subsisting on and bleeding dry their current host body, Western Civilization.

Comparing the actions of a few deranged Whites (in working against their own) to jews, is comparing apples to oranges.
The former is a defective part of the body, comparable to a decaying tooth.
The later is an invasive force, comparable to cancer.

The jews have their own country today, let them return to it.

Victorious Nationalists would likely refuse to re-assert the Christian consensus at the cornerstone of White society.
-The Monitor

Monitor is stuck in a hopeless loop because he continues to trip over a false starting premise. Namely, that White Civilization had christianity as a cornerstone (the complete opposite is actually closer to the truth).

For him, there were no White people prior to 1000 c.e.

Anglo-Saxon England, Gaul, Germania, Roman Empire, Greek Civilization….all myths in Monitor’s mind.


Posted by wjg on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 13:30 | #

There’s another reason to “name the jew” ad nausea in whatever small venues where that is still possible contra to their naming us mega ad nausea through all their controlled channels.  And that is a people does need an enemy to stay vigorous and alert - whether the enemy is real and perceived or simply perceived.  (Take away the cheetah and Thomson’s gazelle will slowly whither.)  Now in the case of Judah they are a real corporate enemy if there EVER was one but they are largely not perceived for exactly the reasons Fred has mentioned.  They control our perceptions.  As a people Whites are unconsciously incompetent – the absolute worst quadrant of awareness/skill to be in – in regards to them.  Jews are unconsciously competent in regards to us; the highest state.  This seeming unconscious/instinctive Goyiphobia renders the necessity of a “conspiracy” and smoking gun moot.  The stories of Esther (slaughter and replacement of Gentile elite and whoring of Jewesses to serve that end), Joseph (deception of Gentile leaders and swindling of Gentile masses), Passover (Massacre of Gentile children), Exodus (theft of Gentile’s land and their genocide), etc. are internalized by all Jews - whether literally (Orthodox/Lubavitchers) or as myth (Reformed/Atheists) matters not to us – proclaiming their sanctification as a separate and superior form of humanity and Gentiles as fit for nothing but scorn, rapine, and death.  How to break through this matrix which addles a critical mass of thinking Whites is the biggest challenge facing Nationalist advocates.

Yes it is simplistic to paint Judah as our eternal bogeyman and according to Aryan standards not always fair but the greater question is ‘do we want to live’?  Life is not always fair, sometimes damned unfair.  “They” (witness the works of Theodore Kauffman, Susan Rosenblatt, and Noel Ignatiev for a minuscule sampling) have no qualms about tarring us en masse and playing an integral part in genociding us en masse so why not learn to reciprocate?  If we don’t reply in kind then it shows even Nationalists are servants to one of the more pernicious elements of the very liberalism we often mark as enemy number one – universal morality.

Acknowledging the primacy of the role of Judah in our current plight does not absolve the Gentile collaborators.  They are our time’s Ahasuerus’ and Pharaoh’s.  If we ever escape the fate they played a large role in ordaining there must be a large price paid by these traitors.  But the bulk of Whites are simply deluded by the spirit of our times. 

If we are ever able to get to the center of the hive and kill the queen then it’s just a matter of time before the corrupted workers die off.  If the queen is not dealt with then fighting her offspring is a holding action at best since they are easily replaced.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 14:28 | #

Silver, I assume people such as you who don’t like my stuff (there are plenty who don’t) won’t read it.  As long as 1) I’m not banned, and 2) I don’t change my mind as to what’s going on, it’s what I’ll continue to post.  I don’t read Monitor’s or GT’s stuff:  do you likewise with mine.  People don’t come here to read the latest squabbles between you and me.  They come here to read discussion of the issues.  Incidentally, your qualification of what GW is doing at this site as “hate” was a jaw-dropper even for me who haven’t trusted you from day-1, and shows conclusively all by itself, no other evidence needed, that you haven’t a clue as to what’s going on at this site.  Here, I’ll cite what you wrote for any readership interested (you’re addressing GW here, if I understand right):

“It seems to me that far too much of your energy is dissipated by—yes, I’ll say it—hating.  You’ve been at it so long you probably no longer see it, but it positively oozes from almost every paragraph.  Trust me on this.  What a tragedy it’s be to fail to exert all the influence you potentially could for something so stupid and—again I’ll borrow from the liberal vocabulary I was weaned on—unhealthy.”  (—Silver talking to GW)

I took one look at that and rubbed my eyes, it was such a stunner, and felt on the verge of asking myself if it was Heidi Beirich who had wandered onto the site and posted it.  To post that, you are a piece of trash, Silver.  You are, furthermore, dishonest, creepy, devious, malicious, selfish, and a supreme time-waster, as well as being an enemy of what this site stands for.  Everyone here who has paid attention to you has not just wasted his time, he has allowed himself to be drawn into the sewers of someone who wishes failure on the project.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 15:47 | #

If a Jew is partially responsible for a bad act, then he must be wholly responsible.

If Jews don’t rescue the NAACP it collapses into bankruptcy. If a Jew doesn’t donate an enormous sum of money to the Sierra Club, it opposes immigration on an environmental basis. If the Canadian Jewish Congress doesn’t finance the Canadian Nazi Party, it never exists and hate speech laws are never passed. In every case a Jew is only partly responsible for the actions of these groups, however, without Jewish support nothing happens.


Posted by silver on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:54 | #

I took one look at that and rubbed my eyes, it was such a stunner, and felt on the verge of asking myself if it was Heidi Beirich who had wandered onto the site and posted it.  To post that, you are a piece of trash, Silver.  You are, furthermore, dishonest, creepy, devious, malicious, selfish, and a supreme time-waster, as well as being an enemy of what this site stands for.

I was thinking of WN online racialists wherever they post, actually.  Virtually every point on your side could be made without resorting to the language you do.  As I said, you’ve been at it so long you have no idea how it reads to the unconverted.  (Of course, internally, you’re quite free to hate to your heart’s content.)

Everyone here who has paid attention to you has not just wasted his time, he has allowed himself to be drawn into the sewers of someone who wishes failure on the project.




Why not join a skinhead organization while you’re at it?  They’re proven winners, too.  (I saw a skinhead at the gym here a couple of weeks back.  A real ultra-blond type with “Blood & Honor” in gothic script tattooed across his back.  I wonder how the “testers” would fare waving their lab reports at him.)


Posted by silver on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 16:55 | #

It’s exactly what the ADL does, except it has a public forum, is protected and continual raises massive sums of money doing so. Every year a new report is published, a new group is target and even litigation does little to slow it down.

The strategic positions you occupy can hardly be compared.


Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 17:04 | #

Did the “Jews” do it?

The Reasons Americans Equate Truth with Racism and Hate 

Historian William Linds’ paper entitled, “The Origins of Political Correctness,” states,

“It is the great disease of our century, the disease that has left tens of millions of people dead in Europe, in Russia, in China, indeed around the world. It is the disease of ideology. PC is not funny. PC is deadly serious.”

Lind states that if we look at political correctness from an historical point, we quickly learn that it is Cultural Marxism, which basically is the melding of Freudism and Marxism and it’s premise was just as workers were oppressed under capitalism, so under Western culture, everyone lived in a constant state of psychological repression. “Liberating” everyone from that repression became one of cultural Marxism’s main goals. He also indicates that every man involved in bringing this ideology to our shores were all Jewish.

Continued ...


Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 17:09 | #

Just in case anyone isn’t aware of what “wishing it into the cornfield” means, here is where it originated:-


Posted by wjg on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 18:26 | #


A counter-proposal of the proper weighing of the LQ vs. the JQ would help.  Then again sniping and sarcasm are easier.  I posit things as I see them and welcome constructive criticism from brothers who want the same things since none of us are omniscient.  Even though you occasionally show flickers of high intelligence and awareness it is not at all clear to me where you are going or want to go.  You are seemingly young and are new to this whole “thing” so forming and sharing a fledgling worldview might be a good next step.  Are you here to try and move “us” forward in our struggle?  If so how?


Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:24 | #


You’re right, our boy silver does provides some very useful (even at times brilliant), insights into the sorry state of affairs we as whites find ourselves in. However, it seems to me, silver has some personal issues he has to work out. If one reads closely what silver has to say, it becomes evident he has a serious identity problem.

First, he complains he doesn’t fit in with the “Anglo” crowd in Australia, yet he accepts an job assignment in Thailand - talk about a race/culture shock!  Too, he boasts he could fit in and live comfortably around Puerto-Ricans. Very strange! To top it all off, silver has stated more than once on this site that he doesn’t consider himself white; yet in the same breath, he insists he is of Serb/Greek decent. Go figure????


Posted by silver on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 19:29 | #

You are seemingly young and are new to this whole “thing” so forming and sharing a fledgling worldview might be a good next step.

Relatively young and new, yes.  But I’m a quick study and have matured quickly and I honestly believe I’ve developed quite a comprehensive worldview.

Are you here to try and move “us” forward in our struggle?  If so how?

In a variety of ways.

Firstly, insofar as your (Ameicans’) aims are to secure a racial future for yourselves, you have my full support.  Securing that future will require confronting obstacles. I both want to help you avoid obstacles (especially the most easily avoidable) and overcome those you must face.

It’s all well and good to quote Rockwell, and I too found myself thinking he’d essentially encapsulated everything that required saying with pithy, biting phrases and simple but apt metaphors, but he’s for another day; the gulf between today’s whites and Rockwell is too wide to breach.

If this were 1960 I would not be taking the position I do today; I’d be a jew on it, to be honest.  But it’s not 1960 and time and events have proven Rockwell correct.  However, Rockwell, like today’s white right, fatefully erred: he failed to consider the age he was living in.  Rockwell’s error was forgivable, as the new age was only then dawning.  Today that age is well-established yet the white right acts as though it were still 1960.  It isn’t 1960 and the majority today have, however misguidedly, been imbued with a new set of verities that prove remarkably resistent to the rhetoric of the last fifty years.

Secondly, if I can be so bold, by perhaps broadening your horizons. To me, your struggle goes beyond simply securing a racial existence for yourselves.  I envision a new order emerging from it and feel compelled to consider the impact it would have on ‘the other,’ in which I include myself.  I’ve become convinced all peoples, even your “enemies” of today, would ultimately stand to benefit, though there would surely be losers over the short term.  “Expanded Sailerism” might be one way to think of it.  How much use of it the white right might wish to make of it is questionable, but its tenets lend themselves to alliances with you and that’s the point I wish to impress upon you.  In my opinion (and I risk further opprobrium), WNs are too willing to accept advocacy by whites too far on the spectrum than they have any intention of ultimately embracing, which is disengenuous, while simultaneously being too unwilling to form alliances with outsiders whose goals are compatible with WN.  Admittedly, the numbers of the latter are miniscule, yet every attempt seems to be cynically greeted with jeers of some “mud” or “jew” not only soiling your movement with his presence, but threatening to destroy it.  Of course, we’re not talking about any great intellects here (nor in WN in general, sadly, apart from some notable exceptions).  But intellects or not, they do effectively dampen enthusiasm.  There’s no effective way of removing them, but at least if others are aware of their pernacious effect it can be mitigated. 

That’s enough for here. I’ll pick it up with you on your blog if you like.  As for contributing to LQ vs JQ, I wait until others have contributed to threads and generally diverted them before commenting.


Posted by silver on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 20:04 | #

it seems to me, silver has some personal issues he has to work out. If one reads closely what silver has to say, it becomes evident he has a serious identity problem.

Having personal issues or identity problems is not uncommon and shouldn’t be held against a person.  Truthfully, you (collectively) make more out of my “problems” than I ever have.

First, he complains he doesn’t fit in with the “Anglo” crowd in Australia, yet he accepts an job assignment in Thailand - talk about a race/culture shock!  Too, he boasts he could fit in and live comfortably around Puerto-Ricans.

I haven’t “complained” (whined, moaned) about not “fitting in.”  I “fit in” at least as much as any other southern euro has, and likely much more than most.  But racially, no, I’m not there; never have been, never will be. 

Thailand isn’t any great culture shock, really.  All the modern conveniences are to be found here.  Westerners are present in significant numbers and the Thais are friendly enough, and certainly timid and unproblematic (except when attempting to rip you off, but you quickly learn the ropes). 

I don’t know for a fact whether I’d be able to live among Puerto Ricans.  My point in mentioning them was to say if I can live around people as racially different as Thais, why not among people much more racially similar like Puerto Ricans.  These people don’t strike me as wildly different to many s.euors  (I know they’re triracial including negroidal. I didn’t say I’d want to breed with them.)  I wasn’t suggesting it was the duty of every s.euro to embrace Puerto Ricans; I was just saying that it was something I was prepared to do if it would be seen as a selfless act that advances the cause.  People routinely give their lives for peoplehood (and much less, see Iraq); voluntarily excluding myself from a group I otherwise belong to to live with a group there’s an obvious relation to and which I could reliably expect to be accepted by and reasonably compatible with is much less severe than giving my very life. 

To top it all off, silver has stated more than once on this site that he doesn’t consider himself white; yet in the same breath, he insists he is of Serb/Greek decent. Go figure????

That shouldn’t surprise you, dave.  Most aussies (and plenty of Americans) don’t consider us “white” (or “white enough” for the standards of racial nationalism, if you prefer).  I lean more toward the Greek (itself hopelessly imprecise), and tan easily and prefer to keep a perma-tan.  Most negroes in America mistook me for “Italian” (having in mind Sicilians, I suppose), with one memorable panhandler hitting me up with “hey cuz, us Italians gotta stick together man—gimme a dollar.”  That’s usually enough to earn one the ‘dago’ appellation (but, no, sorry rienzi, no ‘big-jawed arab’ here) and have him fleeing from anything smacking of WN.  I don’t want to get caught up in this discussion, though.  It takes place many other places with such frequency and intensity that nothing I might say on it is of any particular value or novelty.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 20:15 | #

Anglo-Saxon England, Gaul, Germania, Roman Empire… .all myths in Monitor’s mind.

These people did not see themselves as subset of a common whole. “Western” just means that your ancestors were Roman Catholic before 1492.

Passover (Massacre of Gentile children), Exodus (theft of Gentile’s land and their genocide),

Why do you identify with the losing end of the OT? Were you hoping to sacrifice your babies to Baal?’

“They” (witness the works of Theodore Kauffman, Susan Rosenblatt, and Noel Ignatiev for a minuscule sampling)

“They” are the radical extreme and they don’t even agree with each other.

Desmond Jones:

Without Jewish support nothing happens.

Then why, when there are no Jews are around, do white people still rail against racism, sexism and homophobia?

WNs are too willing to accept advocacy by whites too far on the spectrum than they have any intention of ultimately embracing, which is disengenuous, while simultaneously being too unwilling to form alliances with outsiders whose goals are compatible with WN.

Most WNs embrace the bizarre, outlandish beliefs. That’s why most WN sites are weirder than this one. On the other hand, you attacked me for making a straw man when I made just this point. What gives?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 20:23 | #

Then why, when there are no Jews are around, do white people still rail against racism, sexism and homophobia?



Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 20:54 | #


At random:


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 21:10 | #

How does that site buttress your position, white people railing? The “normalizing” of homosexuality, in the 20th century, began with Hirschfeld, running to the Franfurt School, Marcuse, Eros and Civilization Dennis Altman and the Red Butterfly Collective, a Marxist faction of the Gay Liberation Front, disproportionately Jewish organization.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 21:56 | #

The “normalizing” of homosexuality, in the 20th century, began…

among the European ruling classes, then was made fashionable by various Victorian social climbers, to the extent that the untrained cannot tell where British influence ends and “gay” begin. The UK even has an absurd libel law system to protect the sexual deviance of its ruling caste.

In the USA, the whole “creative culture” thing in which gays are considered good for urban centers, reflects a mix of gay radicalism with upscale Anglo-Saxon taste.  While Jews may be disproportionately homosexual and pro-gay, the gay culture that whites consider “normal” is a rip-off of the Anglo-Saxon. Whites will tolerate a gay man like Anthony Sullivan, not one like Harvey Fierstein.

Is this a homosexual or just an Oxbridge graduate?


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 22:10 | #

More examples of how gay liberation is not Jewish:


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 22:31 | #


Do you have Jewish blood in your veins?

Do you believe that Jews have an ethnic interest in subverting certain aspects of the European life?


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 23:14 | #

Do you have Jewish blood in your veins?

Not one drop. I looked it up. I’m not gay either, unlike a disproportionate number of WNs.

Do you believe that Jews have an ethnic interest in subverting certain aspects of the European life?

The ethnic interest is ultimately a _religious_ drive based on their rejection of Christianity. They fit in with the White ruling class because of a shared hatred of the true faith. After all, the Jewish percentage of the European population has always been in the low single digits. Had the “ethnic interest” been a successful strategy, it would have worked a long time ago.

If the Jews want subversion, it is not a means to genocide, but revenge for 2,000 years of Christianity. They had a shot at the ground floor and ran away from it. So they resent us to the extent they rewrite history as the mechanizations of evil white Christians.

You, GW, have your own vested interest in subverting European life.  Your views are hardly different from the left-wing Jews that you pretend to oppose. Both you and they dream of a secular, modernist state run on social engineering, exaggerated claims of rationality and scientism. At least the Jews have an ethnic justification for the ideology. What’s your excuse?


Posted by JWH on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 23:37 | #

but, no, sorry rienzi, no ‘big-jawed arab’ here)

Dear obsessive fraud: if you are dark enough to be viewed as potential kin by a Negroid pan-handler, then that’s your problem, and not indicative of any other person or ethny.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 00:15 | #


Try not to allow personal feeling into your advocacy, no matter the perceived provocation.  Your writing technique will improve, and you won’t keep bouncing back spiteful little non-sequiteurs.  For a Christian it should be easy.

The thing is, Monitor, that long, long ago it happened, in the evolutionary way that these things do, that Teleology was found to serve ethny.  The teleologically-capable out-bread, out-fought, out-survived plain men ... and gods were born.

Teleology in your case is faith in the myth of a Jewish fairy.

I agree that Christianity is a sore point for Jews, to put it mildly.  There is a very deep hatred of it, which Auster has described.  But Christianity does not explain the aggressivity of the tribe, and the supremacism which informs it.  There are no references to Jews in Heredotus or Strabo.  But here’s Tacitus writing of them within a century of the crucifixion:-

... all their other customs, which are at once perverse and disgusting, owe their strength to their very badness. The most degraded out of other races, scorning their national beliefs, brought to them their contributions and presents. This augmented the wealth of the Jews, as also did the fact, that among themselves they are inflexibly honest and ever ready to shew compassion, though they regard the rest of mankind with all the hatred of enemies. They sit apart at meals, they sleep apart, and though, as a nation, they are singularly prone to lust, they abstain from intercourse with foreign women; among themselves nothing is unlawful.

It’s a recognisable picture, isn’t it?

But, of course, that was then, but now - two millenia of Ashkenazic wanderings later - the evolutionary survival strategy has refined itself further, as one would expect.  Why do you expect European peoples awakened to this phenomenon to treat it with equanimity and even indifference?  If you are offended by the uncouth outrage that you encounter in your wanderings across the nationalist internet, dwelling alone as you do, the Christian response should surely be forgiveness.  Let them be.  They are a problem for us, not you.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 00:20 | #

The Sexual Offences Act 1967 is an Act of Parliament in the United Kingdom (citation 1967 c. 60). It partially decriminalised homosexual acts in private between two men, both of whom must have attained the age of 21.

In the late 1960s, two Members of Parliament, Leo Abse and Lord Arran put forward proposals to humanise the way in which criminal law treated homosexual men by means of the Sexual Offences Bill.

Leopold Abse (22 April 1917 – 19 August 2008)[1] was a Welsh lawyer, politician and gay rights campaigner. He was a Welsh Labour Member of Parliament for nearly 30 years, and was noted for promoting private member’s bills to decriminalise male homosexual relations and liberalise the divorce laws.

Leo Abse was one of the sons of Rudolf Abse, a Jewish solicitor and cinema owner who lived in Cardiff. Abse’s younger brother Dannie Abse is a well-known poet; their older brother Wilfred Abse (1915-2005) was an eminent psychoanalyst. Abse attended Howard Gardens High School in Cardiff and then the London School of Economics, where he studied law.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:28 | #

The ethnic interest is ultimately a _religious_ drive based on their rejection of Christianity.

No it’s a racial drive founded upon the Jewish holocaust.

The hatred for one of the Anglo-Saxon tribes is apparent. The British are hated because of their resistance to Jewish immigration to Palestine. The Americans because of their restrictionist immigration policy.

Dr. Steinlight:

“The white ‘Christian’ supremacists who have historically opposed either all immigration or all non-European immigration (Europeans being defined as Nordic or Anglo-Saxon), a position re-asserted by Peter Brimelow, must not be permitted to play a prominent role in the debate over the way America responds to unprecedented demographic change.”

Ditto Canada.

Canada’s immigration policy during the period discussed is summed up in the words of an anonymous immigration agent, who, when asked how many Jews would be allowed into Canada, replied “None is too many.”

There is also steep resentment that neither the RAF nor USAF chose to bomb the railway lines to Auschwitz. There is a strong belief that the Anglo-Saxon races collaborated in the wartime effort against the Jews.


Posted by torgrim on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:31 | #

“If white people can only survive as barbarians, we are already dead.”—The Monitor

“There comes the question.” “What should we strive for?”
“A world of concrete cookie-cutter McMansions and strip malls?”—Capt. Chaos

There is a formula for developing strip malls and the attendant housing…. and nothing of the decision making ever gets input from the local Joe or Jill, it is all engineered in the interlocking directorates of our cosmopolitan elites.

And damn them for what they have done to California!

They have made their percentages, their cut and left us with teeming millions and the bills are coming due.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:35 | #

Desmond, the Jews’ hatred of Euros far predates all those causes of resentment which you cite (not bombing the rail lines to Auschwitz, not letting Jews immigrate to Palestine, the U.S. national origins immigration act of 1924).  Had none of those happened, the Jews would still, right now as we speak, be devoting huge energy, cash, and resources to getting Euros genocided through forced race-replacement.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:37 | #

He legalised gay sex, liberalised divorce and married a girl 50 years his junior. Leo Abse, who died this week, was a VERY DANGEROUS DANDY

By Geoffrey Wansell
Last updated at 8:14 AM on 21st August 2008

With his elaborate silk waistcoats and pompadour hair, Leo Abse MP, who died in a London hospital on Tuesday evening at the age of 91, was a flamboyant and controversial figure in the House of Commons until his retirement in 1987.

Though unashamedly heterosexual, he was an avid campaigner for gay rights. Throughout the Sixties, Abse seemed to see it as his personal duty to shepherd into existence a sexual revolution. He oversaw the legalisation of sexual relationships between men, and changes to the divorce laws that made it ever easier for women to leave their husbands.

More than any other parliamentarian of his generation, Abse, whether wittingly or not, ushered in an era of political correctness that made it all but impossible to criticise someone’s sexuality, and began to erode the importance of traditional marriage and the family.


Posted by torgrim on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 01:49 | #

“Anglo-Saxon England, Gaul, Germania, Roman Empire..all myths in Monitors mind.”—Narrator

These people did not see themselves as subsets of a common whole. “Western” just means that your ancestors were Roman Catholic before 1492.—The Monitor

I will probably regret not taking Scrooby’s advise about responding to, The Monitor, especially after his last response to GW.
But just cannot let the simpleton- like answer to Narrator from The Monitor about the “subsets of the common whole”.

First of all, a lot of Scandinavia never fully became Roman Catholic, at least not in the modern sense. The elite, at least professed Christianity, a large percentage of the rural folk, continued in the Folkways until the diaspora of the 19th Century.

Your definition of “Western”, is just way to brief. Europe, had law before Church law, it was and is Anglo-Saxon common law, tribal in origin, based on order, morality and useage.


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 02:12 | #

“Most negroes in America mistook me for “Italian” (having in mind Sicilians, I suppose), with one memorable panhandler hitting me up with “hey cuz, us Italians gotta stick together man—gimme a dollar.”

silver, I said you have “very useful (even at times brilliant) insights into the sorry state of affairs we as whites find ourselves in,” but you make one lousy bullshitter! Admit it, silver, that incident you described never acually happened, did it? I suspect you read a post I wrote awhile back explaining why blacks try to expand the definition of who is black to include Euro Meds. Why you may ask? Let me clue you in: they do it for political advantage, only! Their stradegy is divide and conquer. Many staunch White Nationalists unwittingly fall into their trap. Moreover, negroes are notorious con artists, accomplished liars, and skilled actors; however, their true “color” emerges, for example, when, say, a Sicilian cop uses a little too much force effecting an arrest of a thug brotha. Then the racial component of the situation is framed as: A racist white cop committed police brutality on a defenceless black. You see, silver, blacks will always use race to their advantage ... and their willing accomplices in the MSM are always right there to aid and abet them.


Posted by DJ on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 02:16 | #

Why you may ask?


Why do blacks do this you may ask?


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 02:44 | #

Monitor shows us a picture of a homosexual Jew , Stephen Fry, in a post purporting to show that gay lib isnt Jewish. Nice going, genius.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 03:07 | #

a homosexual Jew , Stephen Fry

Whoops! Fry seems to have studied, them rejected Christianity. That misled me.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 03:27 | #


Your definition of “Western”, is just way to brief. Europe, had law before Church law, it was and is Anglo-Saxon common law, tribal in origin, based on order, morality and useage.

Most of the West was united by Roman civil law, even today. The Anglo-Saxon common law, is the exception to the rule—and it developed largely after the Norman Conquest. Common law makes English-speaking people a special corner of the West and provides a nifty stumbling block for globalists.

tribal in origin, based on order, morality and useage.

Tribal means tribal. People did not think of themselves as White, just as aboriginal Americans had no idea who “Indians” were. Even Hitler was not so much pro-Aryan as pro-German. WASPs in New England only considered themselves fully civilized until recently.



Re The Monitor

“While Jews may be disproportionately homosexual and pro-gay…”

“I’m not gay either, unlike a disproportionate number of WNs.”

Monitor: So both Jews AND WNs are disproportionately gay?  Which is it?

What I see in the heavily Jewish mass media is pro-gay degeneracy all over the place, and a very large percentage of gay urban Jews who are doing all they can in decadent cities, the gutter fashion industry, colleges and universities, and in the mass media to turn faggotry in to a cool and hip thing for the now confused Western masses. 

However, I see very little of this sympathy for faggotry among WNs who are clearly not represented in the gay-friendly mass media at all.  If anything, most WNs are conservative-traditionalist types who believe in home and hearth and in defending the traditional more of heterosexual man-woman monogamy in Western countries.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 07:16 | #

Teleology was found to serve ethny.

By that logic, ALL the ideas in our heads exist to served GI. For example, the claim, “my dog has floppy ears,” is only remembered because it aids genetic survival. So how do we know anything for sure?

Regardless of GI, either “my dog has floppy ears” or not. This assumes that there is a dog, that there are ears, and that they flop. Granted, all this may best testable. Yet my GI may need this belief is floppy ears that it will generate a false belief that they exist.

I’ll try another statement: “Weimar was decadent.” You say yes. I say yes. Yet since GI determines what propositions we accept, how can we know if the statement is true?  Better yet, you would be forced to say your belief in GI is itself a GI!


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 07:23 | #

What I see in the heavily Jewish mass media is pro-gay degeneracy all over the place.

Gay is not just about politics, but who has sex with whom. If gentiles were not willing to co-operate <ahem>, there would be no gay community. There’s 12.9 million Jews on the planet. If ten percent are gay, that’s only 1.29 million people scattered around the world. Yet the gay population in the USA is estimated at 8.8 million people.


Posted by silver on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 08:44 | #

silver, I said you have “very useful (even at times brilliant) insights into the sorry state of affairs we as whites find ourselves in,” but you make one lousy bullshitter! Admit it, silver, that incident you described never acually happened, did it? I suspect you read a post I wrote awhile back explaining why blacks try to expand the definition of who is black to include Euro Meds.

Oh, Christ, I give up. 

Dave, he was obiouvsly being sarcastic in an effort to ingratiate himself. It sure got a chuckle out of me at the time and from everyone else I’ve shared the story with.  You’re the first one to read a political angle into it.

Dear obsessive fraud: if you are dark enough to be viewed as potential kin by a Negroid pan-handler, then that’s your problem, and not indicative of any other person or ethny.

I read these comments from bottom to top.  Another idiot reading politics into it.  When was the last time any of you enjoyed a laugh?  (If your blog enabled one to contact you, I’d link you to a thread discussing you elsewhere.  Classic stuff and puts to shame anything I could say.)


Most WNs embrace the bizarre, outlandish beliefs. That’s why most WN sites are weirder than this one. On the other hand, you attacked me for making a straw man when I made just this point. What gives?

What gives is you insist on characterising “hollywood nazis” and stormfront hypberbole as the sum total of what WN stands for (or could stand for if enough intelligent people put their minds to it).  You’re being humored here on the assumption that you’re anglo and because these people have little else to do with their time, but you’re clearly out of your depth.  I recommend taking a break and reading more background material—you might learn enough to be able to formulate a credible counter-argument.


Posted by the Narrator.. on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 09:03 | #

Anglo-Saxon England, Gaul, Germania, Roman Empire… .all myths in Monitor’s mind.

These people did not see themselves as subset of a common whole. “Western” just means that your ancestors were Roman Catholic before 1492.
-The Monitor

No, Monitor. The West includes everything from Russia to Ireland.
Middle-eastern and north african christians are not, nor were not, Western.

And history and genetic research would seem to disagree with your other contention.
The Vikings, for example, traversed all over the known world, yet genetics and written sources attest to the fact that bringing home a little saracen, semetic or negro bride and/or concubine was essentially unknown. Yet they did not hesitate in times to mingle with other European peoples.
Ditto for Crusaders and Pilgrims who came into contact with Levanite christians.

Modern DNA research has shown that very little mixing took place between Europeans and non-Europeans.
And the continued existence of non-White minorities as distinct peoples in Europe such as the Sami, Gypsies and jews further demonstrate that Europeans have always seen themselves as a common whole which excludes non-Whites.
From the Ynglinga saga we know that European Pagans were very much aware of their skin color as they referred to Africa as Blaland, which means ‘black man’s land’.

No doubt a few strayed from the herd, but the evidence proves that the vast majority did not.

And once again Monitor, your definition of “Western” is entirely of your own creation.

The West has always meant (simply) European.

And historically, the earliest (recorded) manifestation of Western Culture was articulated by the ancient Greeks over a thousand years before the time of Christ.

People did not think of themselves as White, just as aboriginal Americans had no idea who “Indians” were.
-The Monitor

Yet they were referring to those aboriginal Americans as Redskins at least as early as the 1600’s.

The Anglo-Saxon common law, is the exception to the rule—and it developed largely after the Norman Conquest.
-The Monitor

No, it was implemented uniformly after the Norman invasion. It pre-existed their arrival.

Most of the West was united by Roman civil law, even today.
-The Monitor

So now you’re agreeing with us? Because I assume you realize that Roman Civil Law was 100% Western and thoroughly un-christian (as it pre-dated christianity by centuries).

.....and provides a nifty stumbling block for globalists.
-The Monitor

Nothing better illustrates the bizarre, hypocritical and confused mental state of christians (a group who desires to see the whole world unified and collectively ruled beneath their banner) than their concern over globalists and a one world order…


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 09:37 | #

What gives is you insist on characterising “hollywood nazis” and stormfront hypberbole as the sum total of what WN stands for…

I’ve only mentioned Stormfrontism it a few times, responding to people who are obvious American Nazis. On the other hand, even this group has some mental bugaboos that are endlessly repeated. It isn’t ust hyperbole. People often believe their own slogans. I get shouted down because I played with their sacred cows.

you’re clearly out of your depth

What about you? Ever read Yockey? Oliver? Levin? KM? Taylor? Francis? Do you physically own any of their printed books? Ever read the paleocons or the traditionalists? Do you even know who the German Revolutionary Conservatives were? Ever read the rabid zionists or the neocons in their own books? Can you wade through Leo Strauss? From another angle, do you know why Thomas Nelson Page is an important author? Do you know why Douglas Reed is unique?

I recommend taking a break and reading more background material…

Really? I’ve pretty much read all the major WN works and I did so YEARS ago. If I were unschooled in this material, I would be making anti-racist blunders of the sort that the “Tired” girl was making a few days ago.  Do I pick fights about WWII, the Klan, whether Israel “has a right to exist,” or whatnot? No. Do I make bogus claims that intelligence is environmental? No.  Do I deny the validity of genetic research? No. Rather than tell me how to “formulate a credible counter-argument,” perhaps you ought to pay more attention.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 09:56 | #

Middle-eastern and north african christians are not, nor were not, Western.

The North Africans are all gone and the Middle Easterners identify as Arab. Neither were were Roman Catholic before 1492.  What point of mine are you trying to refute? Are you trying to say that the Vikings thought they were kith and kin with the Celts in something called “the white race?”

Yet they were referring to those aboriginal Americans as Redskins at least as early as the 1600’s.

My point was that aboriginals did not think of themselves as a pan-American ethnic group.

And historically, the earliest (recorded) manifestation of Western Culture was articulated by the ancient Greeks over a thousand years before the time of Christ.

Outside of Greece, nobody cared. It was not the touchstone of whiteness until much later. Were the Picts reading Plato?

The Anglo-Saxon common law… was implemented uniformly after the Norman invasion. It pre-existed their arrival.



Posted by the Narrator.. on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 11:05 | #

Middle-eastern and north african christians are not, nor were not, Western.
The North Africans are all gone and the Middle Easterners identify as Arab.
-The Monitor

No and No.

Monitor if you are ignorant of something, just admit it. Don’t argue over it.

Are you trying to say that the Vikings thought they were kith and kin with the Celts in something called “the white race?”
-The Monitor

I not only said it, I backed it up with evidence.

Neither were were Roman Catholic before 1492.
-The Monitor

Neither was half of Europe before 1492, neither was half of Europe after 1492, yet ALL Europe is and has always been, The West; The home of White people.

My point was that aboriginals did not think of themselves as a pan-American ethnic group.
-The Monitor

You are a liar sir. That was not your point. You said,

People did not think of themselves as White, just as aboriginal Americans had no idea who “Indians” were.
-The Monitor on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 02:27 AM

And I demonstrated that you were wrong. Live with it.

Outside of Greece, nobody cared. It was not the touchstone of whiteness until much later. Were the Picts reading Plato?
-The Monitor

Race is not a social construct, Society is a Racial Construct. Western Civilization is genetic. It is White exclusively.
Whenever or wherever there were White people, THERE was Western Civilization.

The Anglo-Saxon common law… was implemented uniformly after the Norman invasion. It pre-existed their arrival.

-The Monitor


You see Monitor this is the kind of information they hide in books. Try Frank M. Stenton’s ‘Anglo-Saxon England’ for starters.

Wikipedia is not a serious source.
But just to illustrate what an idiot you are, this is from the Wikipedia page you linked,
“This section needs additional citations for verification.”

And by they way, it was wise of you to drop the defense of Christianity as it was childish as well as unsustainable.

But aside from that, you have, in this thread, persisted in lying, twisting, misrepresenting historical data and altering your own prior views during the course of exchanges with others.
Persisting in that behavior will cause people to ignore you.

Unless and until you can learn to govern your emotions as well as your prejudices and grow up, people will assume you are either a troll or just a confused, angry and lonely zealot…


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 13:11 | #

“Race is not a social construct, Society is a Racial Construct.  Western Civilization is genetic.”  (—The Narrator)

Well put.  I like that.  And, one might add, race-denial is a Jewish construct.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 13:37 | #

It was wise of you to drop the defense of Christianity as it was childish as well as unsustainable.

Here we go. This is what the game is really about. You hate Christianity and you think a race-based secular control-state is a better blasphemy than what we have now. After all, genetic interests are just vehicles of religious interests. grin


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 13:50 | #

This complete fraud who signs as Silver keeps trying to point up the darkness of Serbs’ looks.  But Serbs aren’t dark. 

Serbs aren’t dark.

Serbs aren’t dark.

Serbs aren’t dark.

This includes the Bosnians who are Moslems:  neither the Serbs in Serbia proper, who are of the Russian Orthodox religion, nor Bosnians in Bosnia who are of the Moslem religion, are dark. 

Both are light.  Not as light as Finns, to be sure.  But not dark.  Not vismins. 

Some Americans imagine the Moslem Bosnians, the Moslem Kosovars, and the Moslem Albanians to be dark-skinned dagoes because they’re Moslem.  They imagine them looking like Osama bin Laden or Muammar Qadaffi.  And by extension they imagine the Orthodox Serbs to be dark-skinned dagoes as well, because they’re in the same place.  And they figure it all only makes sense because not only are these people all near Turkey, they were occupied by Turkey for centuries, on and off. 

But they’re not dark-skinned dagoes, none of them. 

I don’t know what Bulgarians look like, so I’m leaving the Bulgarian portion of the Balkan peninsula out of this.  (For all I know they’re light too, but I don’t have a feel for what they look like so I’m not commenting on the Bulgarians.) 

But the Serb-Bosnian-Albanian world of the Balkans is not a dark-skinned dago “vismin” world.  It’s a light-skinned slavic world, like Poland. 

So Silver is lying through his teeth in the most fundamental point he’s tried to fob off here since the day he first showed up, the way in which his Serb ethnicity made him a vismin in Australia.  Whatever made him a vismin in whatever place he grew up in, it wasn’t “Serb ancestry.”  He’s not straightforward but devious, dishonest, and likely ill-intentioned. 

Serbs are no darker than slavic Russian Muscovites.  Would a story make sense that had a Negro panhandler walk up to a slavic Russian Muscovite in the streets of Manhattan and say what the Negro did in Silver’s anecdote?  No.  Likewise this thing he keeps spouting about supposed natural Serb-Puerto-Rican mutual affinity because of racial fellow-dark-feeling.  It’s all bullshit, as Dave Johns says. 

Silver is a bullshitter.  He’s a slimy, viscous, creepy liar.  And yes the word I put there is viscous, meaning slimy, not a typo for vicious, though he’s vicious too, in his own passive-aggressive way. 

Finally, I am not by any means convinced this person is ethnically Serb.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 13:59 | #

Silver may himself be part-Negro, which if true would of course explain everything.  This story he consistently gives of his Serb cousin marrying a Negro may be an oblique reference to his own mother or father having married a Negro, he being the offspring.  Way back when Silver first showed up here , one of our guys, I forget who, thought he might be a mulatto.  There may be truth to that.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 14:05 | #

“But the Serb-Bosnian-Albanian world of the Balkans is not a dark-skinned dago ‘vismin’ world.  It’s a light-skinned slavic world, like Poland.”  (—my comment, above)


Albanians of course aren’t slavs.  (Albanians, to stray from the subject a little, may in fact be closely related to the race of the ancient Greeks.)  But my underlying point still stands.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 15:15 | #

This complete fraud who signs as Silver keeps trying to point up the darkness of Serbs’ looks.

Don’t you understand the SERBIAN Question? I thought you were a good WN!

The highest interest in human life is genetic interest, and Serbs pursue their ethnic genetic interest with particular tenacity.  The advancement of Serbian EGI is achieved over the prone body of Europe’s children.  This is why Serbian actors have traditionally been drawn to agitate for the subversive, the schismatic, the decadent, the destructive.  It is a compulsive behaviour, not a conspiratorial one.

Any few, small Serbian voices raised against the Thirdworldisation of the US are aimed at immigrant unwillingness to assimilate whereas true Americans don’t care whether or not the unwanted interlopers are prepared to do so, wishing instead for a cessation of the invasion.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 15:33 | #

I can’t believe how much time Monitor saves me — since he’s been filling the site with his posts, I’ve gotten more work done than I have in years, because there are so many comments (his) I don’t have to read!  I have so much spare time now!  What a time-saver!  It’s GREAT!  So much free time now!


Posted by torgrim on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 17:07 | #

“Tribal means tribal. People did not think of themselves as White, just as aboriginal Americans had no idea who “Indians” were.”—The Monitor

The example of Iceland and Greenland come to mind. Iceland was settled by a Norse/Hiberno mix. Celts and the Norse, interbred and must have seen themselves as a similiar tribal people and White.

On the other hand, the Americans of Greenland, the Inuit and the Norse did not inter-breed.
The book by Jane Smiley, “Greenlanders”, has reference to the disapearance of the Norse due to the fact that they would not inter-breed with the “Indians” of Greenland….suggesting, guilt or condemnation of the Norse, that they would rather die out than inter-breed and “become” Inuit. No, according to Smiley, and others, the Norse were xenophobic, sound familiar?
So, what is it…? Whites did not see themselves as Whites in tribal times or was it a cultural issue, due to an agricultural culture meeting a stone age culture?

NO, it was a racial issue and the White tribes obviously identified with like Whites.


Posted by torgrim on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 17:23 | #

“Anglo-Saxon common law was implemented uniformly after the Norman invasion.”—The Monitor

“It pre-existed their arrival”.—Narrator

“No”—The Monitor

Germanic law is the term used by Professor Laurence M. Larson in his book, “The Earlist Norwegian Laws”.
Anglo-Saxon, Norse common law, according the the Professor have a common root. The Good King, Hakon of Norway compiled the oral laws of that land and tribes, from 935-61. The Church law was a short chapter, added onto a large body of Norse law at this time. So, no, Germanic law, in the West predated the Norman invasion and Church law.

This has recently been the subject of study, as to one of the causes of the turbulent Viking age, that is, the wholescale change in customs and law, with the coming of the Church.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 23:26 | #

I wrote: Teleology was found to serve ethny.

Monitor wrote: By that logic, ALL the ideas in our heads exist to served GI. For example, the claim, “my dog has floppy ears,” is only remembered because it aids genetic survival. So how do we know anything for sure?

I mean, before gods there was “becoming”: the new desire to be something and not just nothing.  And Man saw a light in it, and that it was good for his increase and the increase of his tribe; and he intensified the light with faith in becoming, and he thought that the light created darkness where becoming was not.  He called the light god and goddess, and the darkness he called faithlessness and sin. So the evening and the morning were the first religious day, but they were not Man’s first day.

I hope that clarifies matters for you.  Floppy ears are not a “becoming issue”, in any sense.  The reason we know empiricially but only believe religiously is the test of falsifiability.  What can be tested can be known.  What cannot be tested must be believed.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 23:35 | #

Most of the people in these hundreds of thumbnails,

are Serbs.  To see them close-up click on each thumbnail.  (Then click where it says “Zatvori” in the upper right-hand corner of each close-up to close it).  (Don’t click on the first URL in that list — it’s there by accident, and doesn’t link to any photos.  Click on the others.)

Look at close-ups of several dozens of the people in these photos.  Look at more than that if you have time.  Do most of the people in these hundreds of photos look like vismins (“visible minorities”)?  The obvious answer to that gives the definitive lie to Silver

This guy is not being straightforward but is inventing something.  The central claim he’s made since day-one, namely that second-generation Serbs in Australia (just like him supposedly) are vismins, is an invention, an obvious lie. 

Anyone who’s ever met or even gotten a good look at a random assortment of Serbs in sufficient number knows that this claim of Silver’s is bullshit — and this is the central claim, the central theme, of all this guy’s posts here from day-one:  it’s his central point, the central source and wellspring of all the ethnic anguish that’s supposedly torn him apart spiritually, the reason for the supposed eternal impossibility of his ever fitting into Australia ethnically:  the central theme of all of his commentary here, in other words, has been pure, transparent bullshit, every word of it.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 23:38 | #

“Serbs aren’t dark.

Serbs aren’t dark.

Serbs aren’t dark.” - Fred Scrooby

But Pakis are.


Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 00:29 | #

JWH, do you have something personal against Scrooby? If not, please explain where he is he wrong about Jews? And of course, be specific.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 01:06 | #

Dave, he has nothing personal against me.  He runs warm and cold in regard to my commentary, mostly cold (“cold” as in “minus 273º Kelvin” cold).  It’s mostly my calling Euro sub-races “races” instead of “sub-races,” and Negroes and Euros different species, he disapproves of, plus other stuff such as my references (rare) to David Stennett and some other stuff of mine he dislikes.  I, however, consider us to be comrades, so I certainly take no offense and continue of course to respect him highly.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 01:09 | #

Excuse me, make that “273º Celsius,” not Kelvin (I meant “zero degrees Kelvin”).  Anyway, you get my point ...


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 01:17 | #

“It’s mostly my calling Euro sub-races ‘races’ instead of ‘sub-races,’ “  (—my comment above)

As I recall, Rnl who used to post here hated that too.  Really objected to it strongly.  Hey a guy can’t please everyone.


Posted by David Johns on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 01:34 | #

459 degrees fahrenheit below zero (absolute zero). That’s where liberals’ find their logic!


Posted by The Monitor on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 01:41 | #

I mean, before gods there was “becoming”: the new desire to be something and not just nothing.

According to you, we are nothing anyway, so why not stay home and watch football?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 06:07 | #

Jewish TV producers and writers are trying to make everyone believe WASPs still run things in this country, instead of the Jews.  I think they do that because they themselves can’t face what the Jews have done to completely destroy this once-great country.  Jews can’t stomach looking at what they’ve done so they pretend the WASPs still control it.


Posted by silver on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 08:30 | #

Scrooby, you are the most laughable character I’ve ever come across online.  You are my intellectual and moral inferior and I really have no obligation to answer your infantile “charges” whatsover.  I’ll do so this one last time.

I haven’t claimed or even insinuated that serbs, on average, are dark.  Some tan easily and I could spend all day posting pics of tanned Serbs, Croats, Greeks that WNs would consider racial ‘others.’ So we can forgive your ludicrous claim about “none of them” as part of your standard hysterics, as well as the similarly ludicrous claim of “as Russian Muscovites”—as though their very humanity depended on it.  No, my claim is simply that morphologically we’re not of the vast majority Germanic/Tuetonic/Anglo-Saxon stock that makes up white Australia, and that those people were aware of it and it created tensions among us.  None of this remarkable. It’s the Australian version of early 20th century NE America that Desmond so often refers to.

I’ve never claimed to feel any sort of undying loyalty to some sort of unified “white race” but I don’t have anything against germanics, and I find them culturally familiar and likeable, but I, as most other serbs, most other greeks, most other s. italians tend not to have very much to do with them—save for picking up their relatively easy women.  This is such common knowledge I’m surprised anyone would even bother to deny it or pretend otherwise.  (Check the race boards if you disagree.)

Finally, I am not by any means convinced this person is ethnically Serb.

My job here isn’t to convince you of anything.  There are better social arrangements and there are worse.  Today’s is particularly silly and I’d like to reform it.  WNs tend to feel the same way, but far too many are given to high hysteria to advance a realistic platform.  Fine, that’s your game; I consider it a complete loser, but feel free to play it. 

Would a story make sense that had a Negro panhandler walk up to a slavic Russian Muscovite in the streets of Manhattan and say what the Negro did in Silver’s anecdote?

No, but he’d do it to a Serb-Med mix in the middle of July in the SW USA.  (Did you even get the joke?  You know, the negro’s making himself out to be Italian?  I thought it was hilarious.  You’re such a racial hardass I suspect you didn’t.)

He’s a slimy, viscous, creepy liar.  And yes the word I put there is viscous, meaning slimy, not a typo for vicious, though he’s vicious too, in his own passive-aggressive way.

Ah, thems fightin words, Scrooby. It’s probably a cover for your own racial insecurities.  It says quite a bit about the sort of people this site attracts that you’ve managed to achieve a following.  I mean, what with your pathetic, overt ass-kissing, the way you suck up to Peachtoast every time he/she posts his cryptic remarks without as much as an acknowledgement in return, for example, or the solemn solidarity you pledge with beleagured denizens of The Emerald Isle or Albion every time a news item is posted as though you were of that soil yourself, or your lyrical diatribes about pristine ivory which you admit your genes despoil (“I don’t want them to look like me”).  Fred, you struck me as a loon from the very first day.  I’m done with you.  If nothing is achieved in the way of what I’ve taken to terming “racial reform,” it will be sweet consolation indeed to know you, you antihuman, will live out your days writhing in agony.


Posted by the Narrator.. on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 08:47 | #

Jewish TV producers and writers are trying to make everyone believe WASPs still run things in this country, instead of the Jews.  I think they do that because they themselves can’t face what the Jews have done to completely destroy this once-great country.  Jews can’t stomach looking at what they’ve done so they pretend the WASPs still control it.

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 05:07 AM | #

That, plus shows like this help to convince many White Americans that their eyes are deceiving them and that they are really still the vast ‘majority’ and still firmly in control.


He called the light god and goddess, and the darkness he called faithlessness and sin. So the evening and the morning were the first religious day, but they were not Man’s first day.

Somewhat off topic, but I’ve often raised the following point to biblical literalists,

1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.

2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters.
-Genesis 1

“Heavens” means sky.
Earth (erets) means land.

Where did the waters come from?

5 But they deliberately forget that long ago by God’s word the heavens existed and the earth was formed out of water and by water.
-II Peter 3

Who made the water?


And of course the connection to Amniotic fluid seems obvious.

It’s possible that mythologies were originally scientific in derivation. That is, “scientific” in the sense of the ancient times and understanding in which they were written.
Their authors may not have intended them to be taken literally as a faith in the supernatural as we would define it today.

If that be the case, then many mythologies/religions (ironically) may very well have been “secular” in their genesis and intent.

Their purpose, of course, being to inform, validate and empower The Tribe.

After all science did indeed do those very things for The West up until the 1940’s…


Posted by The Monitor on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 10:17 | #

There are better social arrangements and there are worse.  Today’s is particularly silly and I’d like to reform it.  WNs tend to feel the same way, but far too many are given to high hysteria to advance a realistic platform.  Fine, that’s your game; I consider it a complete loser, but feel free to play it.

You’ve restated much of my point. Part of the issue is that there’s a difference between marginal ideas and marginal people—and you can accept one without joining the other.


Posted by snax on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 12:15 | #

Fred -

Serbs aren’t dark. This includes the Bosnians who are Moslems:  neither the Serbs in Serbia proper, who are of the Russian Orthodox religion, nor Bosnians in Bosnia who are of the Moslem religion, are dark.

You’re right about the Serbs, dead wrong about Bosnians.

Not vismins.

If this means visible *ethnic* minorities as opposed to racial ones (usual meaning, not your preferred), even Serbs are easily visibly differentiated from the English as a group.


Posted by n/a on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 12:58 | #

Haha. For his sake, I hope “The Monitor” is merely trolling.

Morrissey = Irish

Frye = Jewish

Wilde = Irish

Of course “Florida” is a typically Anglo-Saxon surname, so I have to give him that one.


Posted by wjg on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 14:10 | #


Now that it is clear you would rather not be sullied with marginal people, by all means join a respectable group and get busy with a respectable solution.  You know what?  I’d rather not be spending my valuable spare time trying to keep my people from committing suicide since I’d rather they just be healthy and whole and we all just get on with our lives. 

Bring back the Christianity of our forefathers.  Most (myself included) but not all here would cheer.  3-4 years back I was in my Evangelical/Conservative/largely Republican/flag waving/Bible Study group trying to raise some interest in opposing the Fag-agenda (believe me I didn’t call it that then) being put through in the Fairfax County, VA public school system.  No one was interested; hell, I was even rebuked for not being meek enough.  All they wanted to do was say Jesus Saves and talk about whether the Rapture (not if there will be one) would come before or after the Tribulation and that what happened on this Earth didn’t much matter anymore.  Talk about Gnosticism!  That is your mainstream Monitor.  Feed the homeless, hand out tracts, literally adore Jews, render unto “Caesar” most everything including their sons to die in the desert, read Left Behind, pay the tithe, say amen, and most of all, don’t be “legalistic” or “hate”.  That is your non-marginal people Monitor.  There are millions of them.  I was into Christianity for 12 years; worship services, bible study, fellowship groups, rallies; not the Easter and Christmas variety but full bore before I had a different kind of Road to Damascus experience.  In a world like this who is in the Asylum and who is not?  Is it that hard to see?

And this type of “Christianity” is now everywhere; liberal, fundamentalist, evangelical, Catholic, Unitarian, JW’s…  What all these Christians debate are the very things atheists debate as far as secular things go.  But between themselves they haggle over biblical minutia to the last jot and tittle.  The spiritual state of their children is generally pathetic.  I tried helping in that area for several years and the Christian parents and co-teachers had no interest in setting their children apart in a positive way.  This is not to say there were not some exceptional Christian parents raising strong children since there were.  It’s just that they were a rarity and probably about as common as strong “heathen” parents.

We live in a God-damned death cult and Judeo-christianity is not fighting it but simply flavoring it with a little Jesus juice.  Talk about the opiate of the masses!  And you say White Nationalists want all the liberal poison currently polluting the mainstream?  Open your eyes.  Why the hell do you think most of us are here in forums like this?  Because just about everything is broken and not only are few interested in fixing things they look at those of us who state the obvious as the madman or hater.

After several weeks of some interesting debate but mostly straw men and flim flam it is clear where you have chosen to plant your flag and it is at odds with the healthy physical and spiritual life of our people.  Many of us have recently left a sinking ship and you are here to call us back to it, not to patch it up so that it will float.  Patch it up first then call our folk back to it otherwise woe to you!  You have been using whatever weasel words you can to win a petty debate akin to a Pharisee or a Scribe rather than as Aryan edification.  We don’t have time for that.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 14:16 | #

Lots of bracing truths there, posted — as usual — by wjg.  (Nice job putting Monitor in his place, btw!)  Thanks, comrade!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 14:31 | #

Comments such as that one by wjg and the many by The Narrator, CC, and others, essentially put contemporary Christianity in the dock, exactly where it should be.  The title of the log entry could have been The LQ, the JQ, and the CQ (The Liberalism Question, the Jewish Question, and the Christianity Question).  During the era of the Apostles the Jews violently rejected Christianity.  Maybe there was a good reason.  Maybe they saw something in it the goys couldn’t see, something that would ultimately prove the ethnonational undoing of whatever group adopted it.  The Germanic Saxons of course also violently resisted it (it ended up forced on them by their fellow germanics, the Franks), as did the Scandinavians, the ancient Balts (it ended up forced on them by the Teutonic Knights), and of course lots of other nations and tribes. 

Maybe Christianity is intrinsically sick and maybe lots of tribes saw that but couldn’t resist the force of the inheritors of the Roman Empire who were spreading it, so succumbed.  It’s time to have a look at exactly what’s wrong with Christianity that it has gotten one hundred percent behind government-enforced race-replacement of white people everywhere on the planet they exist.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 14:39 | #

There is no question that Christianity does not mandate forced race-replacement of white people.  <u>It does not</u>.  The priests of all Christian religions today, however (except the Eastern Orthodox), are either telling the faithful that it does mandate it, or are deliberately letting the faithful mistakenly believe that it does mandate it, as they watch whites slowly march to their own demographic extinction.  Why?  These priests from the Vatican and from Lambeth Palace on down have to be put in the dock and required to account for their actions.  As things now stand they are collaborators in genocide.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 15:08 | #

Harsh criticisms of by JWH here, à propos of this thread.  I believe this criticism (what he calls “the MR Question,” or “MRQ”) is aimed partly at me, but I’m not certain as to the precise details implied.  (It may have to do with my use of the word “dago.”)

Whites are now being genocided deliberately.  Onlookers gazing at this spectacle get mad.  We sometimes use certain strong words and strong language.  When we do, it’s understandable and excusable given the circumstances.


Posted by the Narrator.. on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:28 | #

I agree with Fred, wjg’s post hits it out of the ball park….painfully so.
I’ve been down that same road.

Christianity is dead. Killed by its followers.

And I don’t say that to gloat. I can just feel it in my bones as much as I perceive it in thought.

During the era of the Apostles the Jews violently rejected Christianity. Maybe there was a good reason.  Maybe they saw something in it the goys couldn’t see, something that would ultimately prove the ethnonational undoing of whatever group adopted it. The Germanic Saxons of course also violently resisted it (it ended up forced on them by their fellow germanics, the Franks), as did the Scandinavians, the ancient Balts (it ended up forced on them by the Teutonic Knights), and of course lots of other nations and tribes.

Maybe Christianity is intrinsically sick and maybe lots of tribes saw that but couldn’t resist the force of the inheritors of the Roman Empire who were spreading it, so succumbed.  It’s time to have a look at exactly what’s wrong with Christianity that it has gotten one hundred percent behind government-enforced race-replacement of white people everywhere on the planet they exist.
by Fred Scrooby on Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Fred, your post hits home as well.

There seems to be only one alternative to your postulation above.

And that is that God is there, and he has already passed judgment on us and damned us (all of us). And that’s why Christians everywhere are stumbling blindly in the dark looking for a light that will forever be denied them.

I don’t believe that though. Down deep I know there is no world beyond. And I think most people feel the same way whether they are willing to admit it or not.

I still frequent Christian blogs and sites (protestant ones) and I can see a surging madness, even nihilism, everywhere. There are even sites now called “discernment ministries” that point out the ever increasing insanity in churches, yet even these discernment “ministries” themselves ooze a sort of madness.

There was a time when I would never have imagined that I’d reject Christianity which I had been immersed in all my life.

Yet here I am.
And it seems that once you leave The Matrix you can never go back.

I’m not a “spiritual” person. But I’ll give anything the benefit of the doubt.

I still pick up the bible a few times a week and all I see is an ethno-historical book that has absolutely nothing to do with me or my people. In fact it is contemptuous of my people. (it’s odd that the jews still hold Jesus in such low regard as he had nothing but love for them and hatred for all other peoples.)

The genie is out of the bottle now. We understand how weather functions and where the sun goes at night. We have been to the heavens and there was no god(s) there.
There are major philosophical contradictions in the Bible that cannot be adequately explained away as anything other than the convoluted workings of its very un-supernatural writers.

I think there is written evidence that our people have always, ideally, pursued the notion that the universe functioned not as an outcropping of magical or supernatural powers, but as a natural phenomena.

I don’t blame Christianity as the sole cause of Western demise anymore that I would allow that it was the cause of The West’s rise to preeminence in the first place.

Of all that I’ve read, I believe that Prof. MacDonald has most aptly hit upon the cause and circumstances of our current plight…


Posted by skeptical on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:47 | #

There’s no sense in singling out Christianity for special rebuke in our discussions.  I’m sure that just about everyone reading these threads would agree that all of our once proud institutions have been twisted and despoiled into something damn near unrecognizable.  Is it really any surprise that our historic religious institutions, and their followers, haven’t escaped this degeneration either?

Nevertheless I agree with much of the criticism that has been lobbed against “The Monitor”.  His problem is that he’s living in the past and would want us to spend our energies resurrecting the spirit that animated a pre-modern Christian Europe.  Such a project is impractical, especially when one considers the immediacy of our destruction.


Posted by The Monitor on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 20:50 | #

Talk about Gnosticism!  That is your mainstream Monitor.

Yes, these are Gnostics. If anything, I hate them more than you do.  I could explain more, but it goes beyond the scope of this site. Believe me, I hear you.  I can’t explain Christian doctrine here, for obvious reasons. But if you think I’m calling you to the Southern Baptist Convention, no way.


Posted by The Monitor on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 20:53 | #

Such a project is impractical, especially when one considers the immediacy of our destruction.

So, in other words, we need something practical, like what? Odinism? Military coup? Passing out fliers?


Posted by The Monitor on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 20:55 | #

We have been to the heavens and there was no god(s) there.

Now you’re borrowing punch lines from the Soviets, Interesting bedfellows there.


Posted by snax on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 21:30 | #

we need something practical, like what? Odinism? Military coup? Passing out fliers?

Practical like building consensus for our ethnic nationalisms - you can’t not have noticed that this is the broad thrust of people on this blog. If ethnic nationalism isn’t your thing, you’re in the wrong place. If the best tactical ways of achieving ethnic nationalist consensus that you can think of are Odinism, coup, or distributing information in the street, you should expand on this. If they are not, you should offer better strategies.

Don’t waste your time discussing anything that’s meaningless by your own judgement. What are you - nuts?


Posted by wjg on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:20 | #


Posted by skeptical on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:21 | #

The Monitor,

So, in other words, we need something practical, like what? Odinism? Military coup? Passing out fliers?

A childish reply, none of the above are seriously considered at MR and you know it.

Snax has right, our primary focus is to try to stoke the fires of ethnic nationalism.  Getting our people to care about the collective Western body once more has to be the first step.  Hell, getting our people to care about anything other than their own petty materialistic indulgences would be a first step.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:23 | #

“You’re right about the Serbs, dead wrong about Bosnians.”  (—Snax, further up the thread)

They’re the same race, Snax.  The exact same.  No difference.  Nearly all the Serbs I’ve personally met, around fifty or so men, women, and little kids, have been Moslem Bosnian war refugees.  (The rest have been Orthodox Serbs.)  It’s a very weird feeling to be shaking the hand of a white man standing before you with ordinary Euro looks, fair skin and eyes and straight light-brown hair and completely Euro stance, bearing, and personality, who could be an Englishman, Frenchman, any Euro, but is a pious Moslem, with his little blond nine-year-old son standing politely at his side with hand extended to be introduced, and the father, beaming with pride, gives the little blonde boy’s name as Mohammed, and you reach down and shake hands with the little tow-headed gent (who in looks and personality is indistinguishable from any typical young Vermont lad down the street from my home playing on his bicycle), saying, “How do you do, Mohammed.”  That’s what these people look like, these Bosnian Moslems.  They’re white, not dago.  The limited sample I’ve personally met are at least as blond as the native Vermonter Anglos around here, eleventh generation who still have deeds to their farms from the English Crown lying around in their farm drawers:  they’re as white as they.

“If [‘vismins’] means visible *ethnic* minorities as opposed to racial ones (usual meaning, not your preferred), even Serbs are easily visibly differentiated from the English as a group.”  (—Snax)

Let’s cut right to the chase, Snax:  no, second generation Serbs in Oz will have no trouble whatsoever integrating, assimilating, being fully accepted.  Yes I’m one hundred percent certain of that and no, I’ve never been to Oz.  Don’t have to have been.  Two plus two equals four down there in Oz, as it does on the planet Mars, on the Rings of Saturn, and on the third star to the left in the Andromeda Spiral Galaxy.  I’ve never been to any of those either, and don’t have to have been. 

And I’m just as certain that Silver is a lying ill-intentioned nuisance.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:33 | #

Can the asshole posting the interracial pix (presumed either a Jew, a Subcon, or a homo) (who’s obviously not “wjg,” btw — the creep, whoever he is, is posting under wjg’s name) — can this creep please find an interracial pic to post showing a Jewish woman identified as such by wearing a Star of David around her neck clearly and immediately visible, who is in the arms of her Negro lover or husband?  Even, better, cradling their mulatto baby in her arms?  He can fill the entire thread with those if he can find any — I’d LOVE to see some.  (“Payback” and all that, you know ... warms the cockles of the heart, payback ... it really and truly does ...)


Posted by The Monitor on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:49 | #

Practical like building consensus for our ethnic nationalisms

Really? White nationals would rather kill or be killed than support any such thing. They hold to a post-Kantian universalist ethic. It is a religion, but not a Christian one, even if it appears in the church. I’ve said this many times already.

If you believe your own apocalyptic story, not much can be done because of the sheer size of the demographic tide. That is not the church’s fault. Both protestant and catholics warned for centuries that if secular humanism carried on unchecked, it would destroy civilization. Instead, you want more humanism. which only gets you more problems.

A childish reply, none of the above are seriously considered at MR and you know it.

There are all sorts of WN groups—and it isn’t my fault that almost all of them are either embarrassing, violent or false flags. The major difference is that this site doesn’t annoy me with WWII idolatry. Yet the cult of Dawkins is not necessarily better, just less blatantly stupid.

Besides, if there is no God, you have no reason to care about the collective Western body. It is misplaced emotion. In the end, we are dead. Everything is going to cease into an impersonal nothing anyway.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:55 | #

Euro stance, bearing, and personality, who could be an Englishman,

Please, if you’re gonna go there, give us more than the self-styled tripe that the anecdotal triumphs over all. Is that that the Jew speaking?


Posted by The Monitor on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:01 | #

Please, if you’re gonna go there, give us more than the self-styled tripe that the anecdotal triumphs over all.

Speaking of anecdotes, wasn’t England’s first mosque built by Anglos?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:09 | #

“Is that that the Jew speaking?”  (—Desmond)

It seems to be, Desmond — the Jew with the really high IQ. 

(Sheeesh, I liberally sprinkle the word “dago” all through my posts lately and Desmond STILL isn’t satisfied ... If he doesn’t watch out I’m gonna send him CDs of Hillel Bernstein’s latest Klezmer favorites, including the romantic number “Somewhere Over the Bagel and Bialy Shop,” the searing heartbreak separation ballad, “Your Latkes Don’t Mean Bupkes To Me Now,” and of course Hillel Bernstein’s latest smash hit, “I Was Klezmer When Klezmer Wasn’t Cool.”  See if listening to that a few times doesn’t get Desmond down off his high horse .....)


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:18 | #

To add some perspective to this discussion let me remind you that there actually was an official attempt to create a “white” Australia (i.e. a pan-European Australia) in the 1950s and 60s.

It didn’t work. Explain the reasons as you will, but a large percentage of the southern and south-eastern Europeans saw themselves as different to the “skips” (Anglos) and set up their own identity and sub-culture, which led to demands for an official “multiculturalism”.

I know Greeks and Italians who have willingly assimilated, but I know many, even third generation, who use the word “skip” as an insult. There are plenty of “skips” out there, including myself, who have suffered beatings at the hands of “ethnic” Australians (there is an unfortunate pattern of drunk Anglo men being beaten up by “ethnic” bouncers at nightclubs, the most prominent case being that of cricketer David Hookes who was recently killed by a bouncer whilst attempting to leave a Melbourne pub.)

Let me further complicate the issue. As I said, there are some southern and south-eastern Europeans who identify with the Australian mainstream. But there are others who identify with the “Lebs” as a common subculture, against the skips or yobs.

There’s actually a TV show called “Pizza” which is based on this whole subculture and in which Anglo men are very clearly identified as the enemy.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:27 | #

The young David Hookes

His Serb killer


Posted by skeptical on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:28 | #

The Monitor,

There are all sorts of WN groups—and it isn’t my fault that almost all of them are either embarrassing, violent or false flags.

A gross exaggeration, there are most certainly not “all sorts of WN groups”.  In fact, if it wasn’t for the web I could reasonably conclude that no such group even existed.

And however fringe the nationalist scene might have been it’s hardly relevant.  This is just a guilt by association rhetorical device you use from time to time in order to demonize those who disagree with you.  Again, it’s a childish gimmick.

Yet the cult of Dawkins is not necessarily better, just less blatantly stupid.

More exaggeration, Dawkins is hardly ever mentioned at MR.  Just because the commentariat here overwhelmingly accepts modern evolutionary theory doesn’t mean that they’re a “cult of Dawkins”.

Besides, if there is no God, you have no reason to care about the collective Western body. It is misplaced emotion. In the end, we are dead. Everything is going to cease into an impersonal nothing anyway.

Maybe in your mind but not everyone works that way.  Belief in God is not a prerequisite to some basic tribalistic impulses (i.e. the exclusion of foreigners, forbidding out-group marriage, etc.).

The MR commentariat provides a ready contradiction to your thesis.


Posted by snax on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:38 | #

Fred -

They’re the same race, Snax.  The exact same.  No difference.

Here you’re talking about Bosniaks and Serbs. If there was any truth in your assertion that little war wouldn’t ever have happened. There are blonde Bosniaks, true enough, but they are a dark people, at least to English eyes.

The import of common origins of Serbs and Bosniaks can be overstated. Groups, once distinction is made, diverge phenotypically. I think we can expect that over the centuries two groups sited between two larger populations of warring ethno-cultural civilisations will diverge more rapidly than usual as each looks toward its parent civilisation and its peoples for cultural and demographic support.

I don’t say you’ll tell every Serb apart from every Bosniak. But you’ll tell the average Serb gang apart from the Bosniak gang much more often than chance.

“Dark” is subjective. You say

Some Americans imagine the Moslem Bosnians, the Moslem Kosovars, and the Moslem Albanians to be dark-skinned dagoes because they’re Moslem.  They imagine them looking like Osama bin Laden or Muammar Qadaffi.  And by extension they imagine the Orthodox Serbs to be dark-skinned dagoes as well, because they’re in the same place.  And they figure it all only makes sense because not only are these people all near Turkey, they were occupied by Turkey for centuries, on and off.

But they’re not dark-skinned dagoes, none of them.

But you’re wrong. Plenty of Bosniaks would pass for Turks, Arabs, or Pakistanis. Or even Italians. And not just to an Englishman, but to each other too.

Relatively few would pass for Anglo-Saxons – in Australia or elsewhere.

Snax:  no, second generation Serbs in Oz will have no trouble whatsoever integrating, assimilating, being fully accepted.

Well, that depends on their individual inclination and ability to assimilate, plus the awareness/ lack of awareness among the majority people that that guy has different roots. Partly this comes down to looks, partly to names, also perhaps to dress and other behaviour. It’s to be expected that some Serbs will get some stick, while other become the most popular kid in school. I’m not sure why this matters to you, but clearly it does – you’re arguing against the obvious and universally known.

And I’m just as certain that Silver is a lying ill-intentioned nuisance.

I suspect you’re right. I read nothing he posts.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:46 | #

Desmond, I’m on your side.  I’m just saying there’s no “vismin reason” second-generation Serbs in Oz who want to assimilate can’t (who want to assimilate, Desmond; who want to, not who don’t want to:  obviously you can make yourself as ethnoculturally alien as you want, if you’ve a mind to and don’t wish to assimilate or be accepted — but Silver says he ideally would love to assimilate and be accepted but it’s an impossibility because of his dark-skinned vismin looks, which clearly is a load of crap if he’s a Serb, which I doubt he is).  Silver harps constantly on that dishonest thesis because he’s here to sow “North-South” discord.  Don’t play into his hands.


Posted by snax on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 23:50 | #

tm -

Really? White nationals would rather kill or be killed than support any such thing.

The only WN I’ve seen you single out for criticism is David Duke (why aren’t you trolling his site?). So even if you wilfully misunderstand what WN is, and arbitrarily draw a limit on what constitutes ethnicity contrary to the wishes of a people claiming such title, you still lie about its attitude toward the ethnic nationalisms of Europeans (and even Africans and Asians) - as his broadcast intro and support of the BNP, FN, VB, et al, attest. If he’s not enough of a proof, check out the subforums @ SF - the only WN association you’ve named.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:00 | #

“If there was any truth in your assertion that little war wouldn’t ever have happened.”  (—Snax)

So it wasn’t a Moslem-Christian war (the way in Ulster it’s been a Catholic-Prod war)???

You’re right that, on a certain level, Moslem Bosnians and Christian Serbs are different races.  I agree.  Other examples are Englishmen and Welshmen, or Catholic and Prod Ulstermen:  on a certain level, they’re different races.  On that level, Moslem Bosnians and Christian Serbs are different races.  But not so different that one is a dago race and the other a white race.  Both are equally white.

“I’m not sure why this matters to you,”  (—Snax)

I’m debunking Silver, a really annoyingly bold, stubborn liar, who is here to sow intra-Euro discord.


Posted by snax on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:01 | #

Of the four Serbs in their Davis Cup team pictured here - the guys on the far left and far right might reasonably be expected to struggle to assimilate into the anglo-saxon majority in a society rejecting Lebanese and Moroccan immigration. Judged only on appearance they clearly are not Anglo-Saxon - while they may very well be north African.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:12 | #

All I can say is I’ve met around fifty (almost all Moslems) and I saw none, not one, who looked like those two on the ends. 

Bear in mind, btw, that I cite the Moslem Bosnians as (some misguided people’s idea of) the worst-case scenario.  Silver claims to be a Christian Serb, not a Moslem Bosnian.


Posted by snax on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:15 | #

Fred -

On that level, Moslem Bosnians and Christian Serbs are different races. But not so different that one is a dago race and the other a white race.  Both are equally white.

I’ve only known “dago” to mean Italian. I take “White” to mean a bio-cultural group and limit it to peoples of European origin and Christian tradition (and their ancestors).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:25 | #

Regarding that Serb killer of young David Hookes, by the way — I’ll throw in that he doesn’t look like anything else than a person of Slavic race.


Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:27 | #

I say let silver post anything he wants. Why not? Who here isn’t hip to his mental agonies? LOL!

I, for one, get a kick out of his tenacious attempts to discredit the aim of Majority Rights. He’s entertaining! Just like I get great amusement from the likes of “Tired of Idiots.’‘


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:29 | #

“I’ve only known ‘dago’ to mean Italian.”  (—Snax)

All right, I see I don’t know the way in which it’s used.  I thought I was one, for example, by some definitions.  I’m nil Italian though.


Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:32 | #

In fact, if it wasn’t for the web I could reasonably conclude that no such group even existed.

Like I said, I hope that a serious right will rise up that combines realism about human nature with traditionalism. So far, the closest thing to that is a certain mildly insane blogger whose name is a cure word around here.

More exaggeration, Dawkins is hardly ever mentioned at MR.

Oh, come on. Do I need to write long, turgid essays? You know what I’m talking about.

Belief in God is not a prerequisite to some basic tribalistic impulses…

Part of life means sorting out “basic tribalistic impulses.” If these “white survival” impulses were hard-coded, there would be no race problem today. In fact, were you to do whatever WNs are supposed to do, you would have to sacrifice yourself for the good of the group, with no reward for yourself. Nobody wants that.

The only WN I’ve seen you single out for criticism is David Duke (why aren’t you trolling his site?

If you think I’m trolling, you don’t get it.

arbitrarily draw a limit on what constitutes ethnicity contrary to the wishes of a people claiming such title

Common sense and observation says there is a white race that is not black or oriental. That “white race” is a massive group of ethnics. Nobody agrees who is in or out the political union that is “white,” however. (Are Serbs in?) As for the real people who carry those genes, they will typically say, under oath, that race does not exist.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:36 | #

(Underneath my American nationality, I and my siblings have always identified as German, if anyone wants to know.)

(Where there’s a German-English split, in my gut I side with the Germans, all other things being equal.  Where there’s a German-Russian split, I side with the Germans.  Where there’s a German-Polish split, I side with the Germans in my gut.  And so on.  We, my sibs and I, always considered ourselves Germans because we were raised that way through my German father and, especially, my German grandfather’s family in D-land.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:39 | #

One of my favorite expressions in the world:  “The wogs begin at Calais.”  Why do I like it when it makes me a wog?  I like it because I like when a race, a people, stands up for itself ethnoculturally, and in this expression that’s what Englishmen are doing.  I loathe race-traitors.


Posted by snax on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 00:59 | #

tm -

Nobody agrees who is in or out the political union that is “white,” however.

That kind of debate was very extensive and divisive at places like Stormfront and within parties like the BNP ten years ago. Not so now, which is what I’d expect. Not one in 10,000 pople that I meet isn’t easily defined as White or non-White and I know that my judgement would match almost everybody else’s - including the people’s own. It’s a non-problem.


Posted by skeptical on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:09 | #

The Monitor,

Part of life means sorting out “basic tribalistic impulses.” If these “white survival” impulses were hard-coded, there would be no race problem today.

Our more tribalistic character has only been overcome recently by a massively coordinated experiment in systematic cultural brainwashing.  If today’s public schools, universities, televisions, radios, and books weren’t constantly reminding our people of the fact that “the White man is evil” I’m sure they’d think differently on their own.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:32 | #

Skeptical’s comment just above is correct, except I wouldn’t call it an “experment” in systematic cultural brainwashing, I’d call it a deliberate carefully-planned-in-advance strategy aimed at genocide.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:44 | #

There are people who consciously want to get rid of the white race.  We’ve got one right here, “Tired of Idiots,” though she’s merely a useful idiot spouting what she’s taught to spout, not a ringleader.  In her ideal future nation races wouldn’t exist or be allowed to exist, and the death penalty would be meted out to any who bucked the strict racelessness of that system.  The first thing wrong with that, of course, is there’s a far stronger system no one and no force in the universe can buck, which guarantees there will always be races:  thermodynamics.  Races aren’t going to disappear and there will never be one perfectly uniform coffee-colored world any more than there’ll be an atmosphere without any weather or oceans without any currents:  these facts are all due to fundamental laws of reality.  The only question is, “Which races will there be?”  Let’s make sure the Euro ones are represented among those still standing when all the race-replacement dust has settled.


Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 01:51 | #

“Tired of Idiots”, I suspect, is an East Asian.


Posted by skeptical on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:08 | #


I agree with you, what’s happening to us is quite deliberate.

My use of the term “experiment” was only meant in the broadest sense.


Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:09 | #

Not one in 10,000 pople that I meet isn’t easily defined as White or non-White…

Should Polish migrants be allowed into Britain? They’re white.

Our more tribalistic character has only been overcome recently by a massively coordinated experiment in systematic cultural brainwashing.

If this is true, then nurture triumphs over nature, which is absurd for both of us. This is even odder, since we all have tremendous cultural freedom, especially now. Something is going on here that isn’t just brainwashing. People deliberately want certain outcomes, including feminism and multiracism. The modern PC phenomenon is too big to not carry huge popular support. When faced with racial barbarism, whites just move to another, more expensive suburb.

Dave Johns:
“Tired of Idiots”, I suspect, is an East Asian.

That’s my guess as well.


Posted by wjg on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:43 | #


I didn’t post the picture at 9:20 pm.  Must be another “wjg” who just happened to show up.  Open forums do have limitations.


Thanks for already pointing that out.


Posted by skeptical on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 02:52 | #

The Monitor,

If this is true, then nurture triumphs over nature, which is absurd for both of us.

Not really, those who are sufficiently introverted and/or independently minded are capable of escaping the social conditioning.

This is even odder, since we all have tremendous cultural freedom, especially now. Something is going on here that isn’t just brainwashing.

Do we really have so much cultural freedom?

The problem is that our collective media is capable of deciding matters of social capital.  By creating a false “anti-racist” pseudo-consensus on its television programs (and other media) it has been able to fool our people into believing that intellectual absurdities, like racial egalitarianism, and repulsive hedonistic behavior are a part of a healthy dominant social consensus.  And our people act accordingly since as social beings we would rather be in good company and wrong than socially isolated and right (see the Asch conformity experiments for a reference).

People deliberately want certain outcomes, including feminism and multiracism.

People are too dumb and uninformed to know what they want.  The old Western tradition hasn’t been properly passed down to our folk and as a consequence they are ready to lap up any alternative given to them.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 03:19 | #

“The problem is that our collective media is capable of deciding matters of social capital.  By creating a false ‘anti-racist’ pseudo-consensus on its television programs (and other media) it has been able to fool our people into believing that intellectual absurdities, like racial egalitarianism, and repulsive hedonistic behavior are a part of a healthy dominant social consensus.  And our people act accordingly since as social beings we would rather be in good company”  (—Skeptical)

Exactly right on the money, and that is precisely the major way in which the other side pulls this stuff off (not the only way of course, but the major way):  by its control of the mass media (which is no accident — that control is consciously sought, for precisely this immense power which such control confers).  Skeptical has scored perfect bullseye after perfect bullseye in just this single comment. 

Miasma theories are dead as far as I’m concerned.  The name of the game is specific groups controlling specific “nerve centers” of society, mainly the mass media, imposing for example “po-mo liberalism” the way you impose a certain color on your room walls when re-painting.  They do it by controlling the mass media.  There are no vague wispy ill-defined floaty undefinable miasmas about it, only specific well-defined treatable pathogens.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 03:28 | #

I favour choke point as a term rather than nerve centre but Im with you on this Fred.


Posted by skeptical on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 03:36 | #

Fred Scrooby,

The name of the game is specific groups controlling specific “nerve centers” of society, mainly the mass media, imposing for example “po-mo liberalism” the way you impose a certain color on your room walls when re-painting.  They do it by controlling the mass media.

I agree.  Liberalism has been able to use its iron grip over our mass media and institutions of learning, never centers of our society as you would put it, in order to slowly mold the social conscience of our people.  Hence, what was socially unthinkable just two decades ago mysteriously becomes mainstream today.


Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 03:58 | #

Must be another “wjg” who just happened to show up.

Hey, did you once have a blog under another screen name.

...those who are sufficiently introverted and/or independently minded…

...if born after 1965, get sucked into fanboy culture (comic books, scifi, fantasy), which can be even more leftist. The elite has special programs to brainwash them. See Star Trek, the ultimate post-racial order.

Do we really have so much cultural freedom?

No, but nobody stops us from having this conversation. If the mass of whites sought racial consciousness, if covertly, the regime would be unable to do anything.

The problem is that our collective media is capable of deciding matters of social capital.

They also have, in the past promoted things like pacifism that nobody wanted. If genetic interests were as strong as we might expect, people should have been able to walk away. In the 1960s, segregations had the same media as everybody else. So while I agree that the Culture Industry wants us all fat, stupid and decadent, it isn’t powerful enough to convince us of what we inwardly know is absurd.


Posted by skeptical on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 04:17 | #

The Monitor,

Do we really have so much cultural freedom?

No, but nobody stops us from having this conversation.

But that’s part of the brilliance of our people’s predicament.  No one is preventing us from having this conversation and yet the cultural miasma which engulfs our society makes it so unlikely to happen.

Think about it, how many people do you know well enough such that you could feel comfortable having this kind of conversation with them in person.  Hell, I can’t even be totally frank with my wife without making her feel extremely uncomfortable for reasons that she “just can’t explain”.

In the 1960s, segregations had the same media as everybody else.

Uh huh…

So while I agree that the Culture Industry wants us all fat, stupid and decadent, it isn’t powerful enough to convince us of what we inwardly know is absurd.

Once again, I invite you to read about the results of the Asch conformity experiments.  I’ll even take the liberty of quoting a sample of what the wiki has to say:

It is important to note that the questions asked in this study were very easy. In a control group, with no pressure to conform to an erroneous view, only 1 subject out of 35 ever gave an incorrect answer. However, when surrounded by individuals all voicing an incorrect answer, participants provided incorrect responses on a high proportion of the questions (37%). 75% of the participants gave an incorrect answer to at least one question.

Variations of the basic paradigm tested how many confederates were necessary to induce conformity, examining the influence of just 1 confederate and as many as 15 confederates. Results indicate that 1 confederate has virtually no influence and 2 confederates have only a small influence. When 3 or more confederates are present, the tendency to conform is relatively stable.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 10:02 | #

Monitor: Part of life means sorting out “basic tribalistic impulses.” If these “white survival” impulses were hard-coded, there would be no race problem today

The crisis in the “tribalistic impulse” is the crisis in the impulse to “become”.  It has its deepest and oldest root in the taxation privileges of rulers and church elites in the European Middle Ages, the post-Renaissance rejection of which was also a rejection of the after-life as sufficient compensation for worldy suffering.  All the political offspring of that idea have prostituted the faith gene - the propensity to give oneself over to “becoming”.

That, today, “becoming” in all its forms, religious and secular, is in conflict with “being” is not surprising, given all that has gone before (plus the interests of the modern elites and those other, ethnic actors who actually desire the debility of European Man).

To counter it in any effective way is a very great intellectual challenge.  But it is impossible if certain categories of criticism are disallowed.  For you personally, Monitor, there are two categories of criticism which cause offence - criticism of the nature and direction of the Christian faith and of Jewish ethno-aggression - and that offence needs to be overcome.

Understand, I am not ridiculing the impulse to become, but putting it is the context of Man’s arising and looking at what it is really for - which, obviously, is not to war with “being”.  Take less offence at that contextualisation, please, and turn your energies towards the collective goal all truly good men share.


Posted by snax on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 16:03 | #

tm - Poles in Britain: I’m an English nationalist…

—Great link from Skeptical to the Asch experiments.


Posted by the Narrator.. on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 16:47 | #

The following is a perfect (and timely) example of what passes for traditional Christianity on a “discernment ministry” website devoted to exposing the fraud of the new “emergent” christian theology. It’s protestant and the site is called,
The writer is also host of a radio program.
Writing in an article called ‘Dining With the Devil’, in which she starts off on Hitler, then dovetails it into,

...the leadership of the World Council of Churches who will be hosting the Jew-hating president of Iran who has promised that Zionism and Israel will disappear off the face of the earth. Jews, according to Ahmadinejad’s Koran, are descendants of “apes and pigs.” They are sub-human. He also denies the holocaust ever took place. Mr. A keeps himself busy working out deals with China, Russia and North Korea in his attempts to build nuclear weapons that will allow him to make good on his promise of obliterating the tiny nation of Israel.

I think this dinner is an outrage, and I think that the WCC leadership should be exposed for the racist, genocide-supporting hypocrites that they are. They need to repent and believe the Gospel. Jesus Christ was a Jew and the Jews are God’s chosen people.
-Ingrid Schlueter, Sep 24 2008

That is what christianity has become today. And it is suppose to be a back to the basics, “old truth” kind of site.
Flat out lies (in regards to Iran) and glaring hypocrisy (she accuses a group of being racist then turns around and calls jews the “chosen people” (read, master race). And I think most of us know how we goys are referred to in talmudic texts.

Like the rest of today’s judeo-christianity, she’s a complete tool, pandering a theology that only mutated into existence about three decades ago, yet presented to listeners and readers as “traditional”.

There is just no dealing with such people.

Their Trinity is the jews, themselves and israel.

Their “devil”, is truth…


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 17:18 | #



Posted by silver on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 17:42 | #

Heh, the “NEC” Emlie Lahoud looks whiter than both of them.

What a joke.

“Nordishism” + criteria for eastern and southern euros, combined with a positive out-group identity sets avoids much of the silliness inherent in strict pan-europeanism.  Nordish are clearly in, and can easily be established by ethnic history. A set of criteria for assimilated southern and eastern euros, including provisions for family members of nordish members, helps to separate the most compatible of east and south.  A positive out-group identiy enables southerns and easterners to opt to separate, which, psychologically, is preferable to being separated.  This has the beginnings of a reasonable plan and much more should said about it; it’s certainly a much better use of time than endless tirades about negro rapes and islamic outrages, not to mention childish non-responsiveness like “Zzzzzz” (if it helps, scrooby, imagine your idol Peachtoast brought it up).


Posted by snax on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 18:26 | #

silver -

My position is virtually indistinguishable from Desmond’s: I belong to a clearly different people, in my just as in his opinion.  I could argue, as so many “white ethnics” do, that all of us, without exception, belong to an undifferentiated in any meanginful degree united white mass, but.. I don’t.  That’s seems a pretty respectable position to me.  If you really have so much trouble with that, snax, if you find it incomprehensible or offensive, I’d sure like to know on just what basis.

On what basis do you figure I have any trouble with that position?


Posted by snax on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 18:31 | #

The example of Iceland and Greenland

Posted by torgrim on Tuesday, September 23, 2008 at 04:07 PM

That’s an excellent example.


Posted by silver on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 18:50 | #

On the basis that you find me so offensive you refuse to read what I write.

The above represents my views of who is who; the rest of my postings are geared towards encouraging a gentler discourse on how to achieve the separation essential for the preservation of who is who.  I’m implacably opposed to the fascistic leanings of the majority of WNs which so readily lends itself to hurting and offending others with its obsession with superiority and, to me, represents unimaginable moral regress; no man should be without obligation to others, but neither should any man have to apologise for existing.  Take Al “human detritus” Ross; I’d as soon kill such a man as look at him.  Sorry, “supermen,” whether we lean on Christ or Marx to justify it, the little man has earnt his place in this world and I’ll die before I see it surrendered for any reason.  Keep that caveat in mind and you can have all the racism you want; I’ll stand right alongside you fighting for it.  But abandon it, and earn not just my but the wrath of a thousand moral men.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 19:07 | #

Someone pass the Kleenex .....


Posted by wjg on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 19:50 | #


In reply to your question…

“Hey, did you once have a blog under another screen name.”

No, I’ve only ever used wjg so far.


Posted by snax on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 21:09 | #

That’s not an answer, silver, but I’ve decided I’d rather not have one anyway. Thanks.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:06 | #

(I wonder how Silver found out about me and Melba ... I thought I was being pretty discreet about that ... Look, don’t anyone tell my wife, OK?)  Melba darling, don’t listen to the gossipers, give the wallabies a pat on the head for me, and ... à la prochaine, chérie ... xxx!


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:46 | #

Writing in an article called ‘Dining With the Devil’, in which she starts off on Hitler

She? Real women don’t do theology.

The crisis in the “tribalistic impulse” is the crisis in the impulse to “become”.

Actually, if you know God, you can’t really understand yourself. That’s the problem. Truth in the natural order prepares the mind for the supernatural truth—and vice versa. It’s a sample as that. We Westerners have this so called Faustian impulse. Even as we do brilliant things, we still manage to destroy ourselves.

We are all sabotaged by a superficial outlook on reality which reduces it to what appears to the senses and maybe the intuition. Man is reduced to a mere process in space and time, cut off from the invisible realities. This is enforced by a culture industry that denies immortality, denies the moral order, denies a purposive and personal Providence ruling the universe. It is killing us—and the demographic meltdown is only one symptom of a larger problem. Worse, if you share this philosophy, you have no coherent reason to want things changed. Even survival cannot be justified since we all face annihilation anyway.


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 02:48 | #


On your blog, most recent entry, you have this:

“Likewise, we could add, “The friend to every man is loyal to one in particular.”

Shouldnt that be “loyal to no-one in particular”?


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 03:45 | #

“Truth in the natural order prepares the mind for the supernatural truth—and vice versa.” - The Monitor

Oneness with the natural order and its creator - God.  That’s all very touching, Monitor.  But, what are you actually willing to do to “secure the existence of our people and a future for White children?” (Did I just quote that knuckle-dragging barbarian David Lane?  Oh, I’m sorry.)  I know that kind of thinking is so materialistic, so earthy, so concrete, so practical, so, well, just so…! 

Here is the blunt truth: if, at the critical moment, we are not willing or able to take what we want by force (yes, kill for it, sorry if that makes you queasy) we have nothing to work with.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 04:27 | #

Emlie Lahoud (pic posted several above, by our self-absorbed Paki-Serb-Greek friend) looks like a dead-ringer for Tony Blair in, say, another six or eight years — all right, maybe another ten, but no more than that ... that’s got to be Blair’s spitting image in ten years from now.


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 04:47 | #

what are you actually willing to do to “secure the existence of our people and a future for White children?” (Did I just quote that knuckle-dragging barbarian David Lane?

You can’t get over your sick bloodlust, can you?. Lane was a murderer who deserved capital punishment. If anything, your inverted Zionism is showing. You think your cause is lost, so you want to die like the brave nationalists at Masada.

If you think that counts as doing something, maybe the magistrate ought to keep an eye on you. Just remember that, even without anti-racism, non-whites still have liberty to return fire against a white perp using deadly force. Self defense is self defense.



Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 05:44 | #

“If you think that counts as doing something, maybe the magistrate ought to keep an eye on you. Just remember that, even without anti-racism, non-whites still have liberty to return fire against a white perp using deadly force. Self defense is self defense.” - The Monitor

I do not advocate taking random potshots at non-Whites.

“You can’t get over your sick bloodlust, can you?. Lane was a murderer who deserved capital punishment. If anything, your inverted Zionism is showing. You think your cause is lost, so you want to die like the brave nationalists at Masada.” - The Monitor

Do you use Christianity as a way to rationalize your own cowardice and disloyalty?

Your right, I don’t have much hope.  I am extremely skeptical that we can get enough of our people to wake up and give a damn before it is too late. 

I think the demographic situation in America is too far gone to solve this thing politically.  So what does that leave, secession?  As if the government would allow that unopposed.  So, to pull secession of successfully our people would have to be able to oppose the government by force of arms.  Right there you have civil war, that is a whole new ball game - the rules change.  And once the threshold of outright civil war has been crossed why should we not go the extra mile for physical reconquest of our country? 

You have yourself said that you fear our racial enemies will exterminate our people a la Rhodesia given the opportunity.  Do you actually realize what that will entail?  Do you actually take it seriously?  I prefer to act preemptively, if necessary, and I believe it will shortly come to that, while we still have it within our power to determine our own fate.  I will NEVER apologize for that, damnit! 

What kind of sick, degenerated coward would bid his people to sit on their hands and do nothing except hope for universal conversion while all that our people have built, including our very physical existence, burns to ashes?!?!

Count me out, I want to win.


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 05:58 | #

I will NEVER apologize for that, damnit!

Perhaps you’ll have a chance to apologize at your sentencing?


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 06:16 | #

“Perhaps you’ll have a chance to apologize at your sentencing?” - The Monitor

That’s right, if White people decided to secede, were opposed by the government and in turn opposed the government by force, were defeated, and lived they would be tried, likely for treason and may well be executed.  But if we are not willing to die to save our people what is the point of any of this?

Of course there is much work to be done, intellectually, politically, logistically, before a mass resistance of any kind can be mounted.  Yet, ultimately, if we are not able to attain our goals by force, if necessary, we will lose.  Is that not obvious?

Where, in your infinite wisdom, oh great Christian guru and righter of wrongs, am I mistaken?


Posted by the Narrator.. on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 08:14 | #


On your blog, most recent entry, you have this:

“Likewise, we could add, “The friend to every man is loyal to one in particular.”

Shouldnt that be “loyal to no-one in particular”?

Posted by Lurker

Yes it should.


I will NEVER apologize for that, damnit!

Perhaps you’ll have a chance to apologize at your sentencing?

Posted by The Monitor

Or he could become a christian and start apologizing right now…,

Responding to an open letter in October signed by 138 leading Muslim scholars, clerics, and intellectuals from around the world, the Christian leaders also asked the Muslim world for forgiveness “We want to begin by acknowledging that in the past (e.g. in the Crusades) and in the present (e.g. in excesses of the “war on terror”) many Christians have been guilty of sinning against our Muslim neighbours. Before we “shake your hand” in responding to your letter, we ask forgiveness of the All-Merciful One and of the Muslim community around the world”, they said in the letter which was made available to the press here yesterday.

(the apology was signed by)

*Harold W. Attridge, Dean and Lillian Claus Professor of New Testament, Yale Divinity School *Joseph Cumming, Director of the Reconciliation Program, Yale Center for Faith and Culture, Yale Divinity School *Emilie M. Townes, Andrew Mellon Professor of African American Religion and Theology, Yale Divinity School, and President-elect of the American Academy of Religion *Miroslav Volf, Founder and Director of the Yale Center for Faith and Culture, Henry B. Wright Professor of Theology, Yale Divinity School Martin Accad, Academic Dean, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary (Lebanon) Scott C. Alexander, Director, Catholic-Muslim Studies, Catholic Theological Union Roger Allen, Chair, Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilizations, University of Pennsylvania Leith Anderson, President, National Association of Evangelicals Ray Bakke, Convening Chair, Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding Camillo Ballin, Bishop, Vicar Apostolic of Kuwait (Roman Catholic) Barry Beisner, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Northern California Federico Bertuzzi, President, PM Internacional, Latin America James A. Beverley, Tyndale Seminary, Canada Jonathan Bonk, Executive Director, Overseas Ministries Study Center Gerhard B?wering, Yale University Joseph Britton, Dean, Berkeley Divinity School at Yale John M. Buchanan, Editor/Publisher, The Christian Century Joe Goodwin Burnett, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Nebraska Samuel G. Candler, Dean, Cathedral of St. Philip, Atlanta Juan Carlos C?rdenas, Instituto Iberoamericano de Estudios Transculturales, Spain Joseph Castleberry, President, Northwest University Colin Chapman, Author David Yonggi Cho, Founder and Senior Pastor, Yoido Full Gospel Church, Seoul, Korea Richard Cizik, Vice President, National Association of Evangelicals Corneliu Constantineanu, Dean, Evangelical Theological Seminary, Croatia Robert E. Cooley, President Emeritus, Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary Harvey Cox, Harvard Divinity School John D’Alton, President, Melbourne Institute for Orthodox Christian Studies, Australia Andr? Delbecq, University of Santa Clara Keith DeRose, Yale University Andr?s Alonso Duncan, CEO, Latinoamerica Global, A.C.

Diana L. Eck, Harvard University Bertil Ekstrom, Executive Director, Mission Commission, World Evangelical Alliance Mark U. Edwards, Jr., Senior Advisor to the Dean, Harvard Divinity School John Esposito, Director Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, Georgetown University David Ford, Regius Professor of Divinity, Cambridge University Timothy George, Dean, Beeson Divinity School, Samford University Roberto S. Goizueta, Boston College Bruce Gordon, University of St. Andrews William A. Graham, Dean, Harvard Divinity School Lynn Green, International Chairman, YWAM Frank Griffel, Yale University Edwin F. Gulick, Jr., Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Kentucky David P. Gushee, President, Evangelicals for Human Rights Kim B. Gustafson, President, Common Ground Elie Haddad, Provost, Arab Baptist Theological Seminary, Lebanon L. Ann Hallisey, Hallisey Consulting and Counseling Paul D. Hanson, Harvard Divinity School Heidi Hadsell, President, Hartford Seminary David Heim, Executive Editor, The Christian Century Norman A. Hjelm, National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, retired Carl R. Holladay, Candler School of Theology, Emory University Joseph Hough, President, Union Theological Seminary, NY Bill Hybels, Founder and Senior Pastor, Willow Creek Community Church Nabeel T. Jabbour, Consultant, Professor, Colorado Shannon Sherwood Johnston, Bishop Coadjutor, Episcopal Diocese of Virginia David Colin Jones, Bishop Suffragan, Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Stanton L. Jones, Provost, Wheaton College, IL Tony Jones, National Coordinator, Emergent Village Riad A. Kassis, Theologian, Author, Consultant Paul Knitter, Union Theological Seminary, NY Manfred W. Kohl, Vice President of Overseas Council International, USA James A. Kowalski, Dean, Cathedral of Saint John the Divine, NY Sharon Kugler, University Chaplain, Yale University Peter Kuzmic, President, Evangelical Theological Faculty Osijek, Croatia Peter J. Lee, Bishop, Episcopal Diocese of Virginia Linda LeSourd Lader, President, Renaissance Institute Tim Lewis, President, William Carey Int’l University John B.Lindner, Yale Divinity School Duane Litfin, President, Wheaton College Greg Livingstone, Founder, Frontiers Albert C. Lobe, Interim Executive Director, Mennonite Central Committee Rick Love, International Director, Frontiers Douglas Magnuson, Bethel University Peter Maiden, International Coordinator, OM Danut Manastireanu, World Vision International, Iasi, Romania Harold Masback, III, Senior Minister, The Congregational Church of New Canaan, New Canaan, CT Donald M. McCoid, Evangelical Lutheran Church in America C. Douglas McConnell, Dean, School of Intercultural Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary Don McCurry, President, Ministries to Muslims Brian D. McLaren, Author, Speaker, Activist Kathleen E. McVey, Princeton Theological Seminary Judith Mendelsohn Rood, Biola University Steve Moore, President and CEO, The Mission Exchange (formerly EFMA) Douglas Morgan, Director, Adventist Peace Fellowship Richard Mouw, President, Fuller Theological Seminary Salim J. Munayer, Academic Dean, Bethlehem Bible College, Jerusalem Rich Nathan, Senior Pastor, Vineyard Church of Columbus David Neff, Editor in Chief and Vice-President, Christianity Today Media Group Alexander Negrov, President, St. Petersburg Christian University, Russia Richard R. Osmer, Princeton Theological Seminary George E. Packard, Bishop Suffragan for Chaplaincies of the Episcopal Church Greg H. Parsons, General Director, U.S. Center for World Mission Doug Pennoyer, Dean, School of Intercultural Studies, Biola University Douglas Petersen, Vanguard University of Southern California Sally Promey, Yale Divinity School Thomas P. Rausch, S.J., Loyola Marymount University David A. Reed, Wycliffe College, University of Toronto Neil Rees, International Director, World Horizons Cecil M. Robeck, Jr., Fuller Theological Seminary Leonard Rogers, Executive Director, Evangelicals for Middle East Understanding William L. Sachs, Director, Center for Reconciliation and Mission, Richmond Lamin Sanneh, Yale Divinity School Andrew Saperstein, Yale Center for Faith and Culture Robert Schuller, Founder, Crystal Cathedral and Hour of Power Elizabeth Sch?ssler Fiorenza, Harvard Divinity School Francis Sch?ssler Fiorenza, Harvard Divinity School William Schweiker, University of Chicago Donald Senior, C.P., President, Catholic Theological Union, Chicago C. L. Seow, Princeton Theological Seminary Imad Nicola Shehadeh, President, Jordan Evangelical Theological Seminary David W. and K. Grace Shenk, Eastern Mennonite Missions Marguerite Shuster, Fuller Theological Seminary John G. Stackhouse, Jr., Regent College, Vancouver Glen Stassen, Fuller Theological Seminary Andrea Zaki Stephanous, Vice President, Protestant Church in Egypt Wilbur P. Stone, Bethel University, MN John Stott, Rector Emeritus, All Souls Church, London Frederick J. Streets, Yeshiva University William Taylor, Global Ambassador, World Evangelical Alliance John Thomas, President and General Minister, United Church of Christ Iain Torrance, President, Princeton Theological Seminary Michael W. Treneer, International President, The Navigators, CO Geoff Tunnicliffe, International Director, World Evangelical Alliance George Verwer, Founder and former International Director, OM Harold Vogelaar, Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago Berten A. Waggoner, National Director, Association of Vineyard Churches Jim Wallis, President, Sojourners Rick Warren, Founder and Senior Pastor, Saddleback Church, and The Purpose Driven Life, Lake Forest, CA J. Dudley Woodberry, Dean Emeritus, Fuller School of International Studies, Fuller Theological Seminary Christopher J.H. Wright, International Director, Langham Partnership, London Robert R. Wilson, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Yale Divinity School Nicholas Wolterstorff, University of Virginia Godfrey Yogarajah, General Secretary, Evangelical Fellowship in Asia Community Council of the Sisters of the Precious Blood, Dayton, OH., 26 November 2007

After all, they’re following Jesus’s example. Don’t struggle. Don’t resist. Don’t fight back. Just bow your head and go to your death like a neutered puppy.
(thank the gods that during (and before) the times of the crusades nobody had actually read the bible yet, or they would have rolled over at Tours.)

Christianity is a suicide cult…


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 08:37 | #

Monitor: We are all sabotaged by a superficial outlook on reality which reduces it to what appears to the senses and maybe the intuition.

No, we are absent from ourselves.  The “we” in the sense of “I me” is not.

Man is reduced to a mere process in space and time, cut off from the invisible realities.

Being is not invisible, not a god thing (which is entirely exoteric), not available through organised exoterica.

You are an exotericist.

This is enforced by a culture industry that denies immortality, denies the moral order, denies a purposive and personal Providence ruling the universe.

Simple faithism that exists only to enshrine evolutionarily adaptive behaviours.  No doubt the cargo cults of Papua New Guinea perform the same function for Papuans, and are held in no less esteem.  But not by us, of course.  We scratch our heads and wonder at Papuan childishness.

So why is it, again, that you hold an ideational escapee from Jewish faith-nationalism in such awe?

It is killing us—and the demographic meltdown is only one symptom of a larger problem.

Excise your idea that belief is a basis for understanding, and things will fall into their proper place for you.

Worse, if you share this philosophy, you have no coherent reason to want things changed.

Define coherence.  Let’s see if you can make it sufficiently non-logical to support your own statement.

Even survival cannot be justified since we all face annihilation anyway.

We owe our little lives to Nature’s single purpose of self-transmission through time.  Our continuity is hers.  In what way is it impossible to justify?


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:06 | #

Give this post on the failures of conservatism and the need for a racially conscious nationalism discussed from a Christian perspective a read, Monitor.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Shame in the Oval Office' on Sun, 02 Mar 2025 16:20. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 26 Feb 2025 01:52. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 25 Feb 2025 16:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 23:51. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 18:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 14:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Mon, 24 Feb 2025 13:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 19:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 17:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sun, 23 Feb 2025 07:45. (View)

anonymous commented in entry 'The Indian/Chinese IQ puzzle continued for comments after 1000' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 20:34. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 18:40. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:25. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 15:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Sat, 22 Feb 2025 13:40. (View)
