Prejudice As Bayesian Prior Probability Distribution (aka Experience or Wisdom) “Prejudice”, as it has come to be used, is frequently a Bayesian Prior Probability Distribution. The reason it would be an insult to the prejudiced, in the old sense of that word, to lump them with folks who nowadays decry “prejudice” is that those who now decry “prejudice” are typically so irrationally devoted to their own Prior Beliefs that you can present them with an endless “conversation” which contradicts, with actual evidence, their Prior Beliefs, and they will hold firm. The folks they decry as “prejudiced” on the other hand, usually have mountains of evidence backing them up with on-going evidence supporting their Prior Beliefs. Beyond the apparent stupidity of such people, they are also hypocrites acting like morally vain Church Ladies of Holocaustianity, which makes them particularly insufferable. Comments:2
Posted by The Monitor on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 23:22 | # You’re attacking me, but you didn’t interact with what I wrote. You only know how to attack the Left. You can’t deal with with a critic who isn’t an anti-racist. Give it up. You have no argument. Those who decry “conservatism” are typically so irrationally devoted to their own Prior Belief—that Jews want to exterminate the white race—that they are incapable of thought. If pushed to the wall, you start quoting people out of conquest, from Charles Lindbergh to Pat Buchanan. If that doesn’t work, you cite Kevin McDonald. Except he doesn’t say that the Jews have an evolutionary strategy to genocide whites by race replacement. You guys will stretch any point to support your paranoid fantasy. White Nationalism is the retarded offspring of barbarism, an enemy of the arts and sciences, and the opponent of reason and refinement. It is an ideology whose only tendency is to encourage bloodshed, to enslave white men, to diminish their happiness, and to retard the development of civilization. If there were a Jewish conspiracy, nothing would be better for it than the most inept opposition possible. 3
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 01:21 | # “White Nationalism is the retarded offspring of barbarism, an enemy of the arts and sciences, and the opponent of reason and refinement.” - The Monitor And yet the current inertia of events will lead to the genocide of the White race if left unchecked. Do you think that this is possible theme of that Buchanan touches upon? Why doesn’t Buchanan come out and advocate for the survival of his race openly? Hmmm? Why don’t you? Why leave it to us “barbarians” and people like Tom Metzger? Because to do so would just not be “respectable” and because that’s what a “barbarian” does? I guess Jared Taylor should just shut his filthy mouth then. 4
Posted by Bo on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 01:22 | # It’s all about the diverse white European, American, Canadian, and Australian peoples learning how to speak out of their defensive white political identity. Fighting defamation is just a tool to awaken our peoples to their political identity. Now that the old Left-Right intellectual spectrum is completely destroyed (thanks George W., John S., Sarah P., Barack O, and British Conservative Party MPs), except in the hands of those who seek to block the authentic development of our voice, perhaps we can develop naturally and authentically. 5
Posted by 2R on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 02:09 | # I swore I wouldn’t spend another second wasting my time on Moniturd. But his post is a perfect example of what I said in an earlier post where I explained Moniturd’s motives for being here. He has two main purposes for being here: 1. To disrupt our discussions. 2. To try to bait us into saying something anti-Christian so he can go to other websites and “prove” that White Nationalist’s are “anti-Christian.” His tactical methods for doing this is do call White Nationalism “barbarism,” evil, or stupid in the hope that we’ll say something offensive about Christianity. If he succeeds in getting someone to say something offensive about Christianity, he’ll then go to other sites and provide links to the offensive comments and rant about how bad we are. He’s most likely to do this at sites like Chronicles, or other sites that attract people who are the most open to our message. I challenge MR readers to ignore Moniturd. Because even at times when he appears to be contributing to the discussion in a respectful manner, the only reason for this, is to cause damage at a later time. More and more Whites are awakening to the threats we face. Because of this, you can be sure that there will be more Moniturds in the future with similar motives. They will try to divide us or scare off other potential Whites by making us out to be anti-Christian, anti-Southern or Eastern European, anti-women, or anti-whatever. The enemies of the White race are becoming more scared by the minute. The more Moniturd’s we see at this site, will be a good indicator of the growing level of fear that our enemies are experiencing. The only thing our enemies can do is lie about us and act in a deceitful manner. We will reverse the race-replacement process becuase we depend on nature and truth, while our enemies depend on deceit. 6
Posted by Diamed on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 03:55 | # ‘White Nationalism is the retarded offspring of barbarism, an enemy of the arts and sciences, and the opponent of reason and refinement. It is an ideology whose only tendency is to encourage bloodshed, to enslave white men, to diminish their happiness, and to retard the development of civilization.’ How dare you, sir? All of our Founding Fathers and all Americans up until 1950 or so were ‘white nationalists.’ Every colonist who ever stepped off a boat into any other part of the globe was a ‘white nationalist.’ Every defender of Europe from the moors, the turks, the mongols, and so on was a ‘white nationalist.’ And in short, anyone who displays loyalty and service to the tribe is a white nationalist! These people were not the enemies of art and science, but the creators of it. They weren’t the opponents of reason, but the origins thereof. Darwin was famous for citing the presence of blacks as the missing link between humans and primates. Was he therefore an opponent to science and reason? Jefferson wrote that nothing is more certain than the fact that blacks and whites can never live together, he also wrote the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, was he an enemy of science and reason? But let’s break this down piece by piece. Retarded? I defy you to provide evidence of this. It seems to me white nationalists are far more intelligent than your average white, much less the truly retarded other races. Where are your numbers and evidence? Barbarism? Why is it whites are the most civilized countries on earth, and not just post 1960 when your utopia began, but starting with the greeks and romans, passing through the Italian and German city states, pausing at London and Paris, floating across an ocean to Philadelphia, building a railroad clear across a continent to California, and up to the present day? Is this because they never cared about their race in the past? Au Contraire, everyone in the past readily admitted their racism and thought it monstrous to interbreed with the lesser races. Barbarism exists only in the shelled out war-zones of our minority hellholes, Detroit, LA, New Orleans, etc. Wherever whites congregate, there flourishes civilization. Enemy of the arts and sciences? Go read Human Accomplishment. Whites ARE the arts and sciences. If you cared about art and science in the least, your first order of business, your very first goal, would be to see the survival and growth of the white race, which is the only race that has contributed much of anything to either. White nationalists, by supporting whites, are the biggest art and science lovers you’ll ever meet. Opponent of reason and refinement? We’re the only people who even use reason in our arguments. Everyone else argues via emotion (like you did, baseless slurs with absolutely no attempt at reason.) The rest of the world is completely irrational, be it religion, superstition, political correctness, or whatever else is floating around, only white nationalists have actually followed the science and arrived at the truth, and based their opinions upon it. To call us the enemies of reason, when we are the only people on earth looking at the hard facts provided by Salter, Rushton, Lynn, Jensen, Murray, etc, while everyone else is declaring it heresy and off limits simply because it offends their emotions, is another joke. Refinement? Billions of third worlders still haven’t figured out how to go to the potty to go potty. Our three year olds are more refined than these wretched hellholes. White nationalists prefer reading history, listening to classical music, staying out of the drugs, alcohol, and sex scene, championing old fashioned values, and basically being the most refined civilized people on earth. Where on earth do you even come up with these charges? Any evidence? Any proof? Any statistical studies? An ideology whose ONLY tendency is to encourage bloodshed? Okay let’s stop there. ONLY tendency? That’s quite a charge, considering if it encourages anything else whatsoever, your point is utterly fallacious. Since white nationalism also encourages higher birth rates, closer communal ties, devotion to something more than yourself, anti-materialism, and a host of other feelings, I guess we could just stop there. But let’s gon on! So what if it does encourage bloodshed? There’s 6.7 billion people on earth and plenty more where that comes from. What matters is whose blood is shed. Personally, I’m sick of it being white victims of black crime, innocents killed by drunk driving illegal alien hispanics, muslim terrorist jihadis ramming planes into our buildings, and so on—but that’s just me! White nationalism’s only tendency is to enslave white men? This is making less and less sense. I could see enslaving black men, but. . .whites. . .?? To diminish our happiness? Well, I suppose knowing the truth does hurt, but, is happiness the only thing that matters? Guess we should all stop chatting and stick some heroine into our veins and get this over with huh? Retard the development of civilization? Hey, guess what, the only retards retarding our development are the NONWHITES WHO DESTROY EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE THEY GO LIKE A PLAGUE OF LOCUSTS. GET RID OF THE NONWHITES AND OUR “DEVELOPMENT” WILL “DEVELOP” JUST FINE like the last 1,000 years where we, blissfully, never dealt with them! Oh, and I’d add to this retardation, liberal white idiots like you, who personally retard us all so much that the collective IQ of this thread dropped 10 points when you entered to make your rant. 7
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 07:10 | # One of the Monitor’s precious Christian Shamans (and future Yahweh-Paradise companions) has greatly amused us yet again by attempting to fuck a good dose of old Jesus into a parishioner’s wife. 8
Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 09:40 | # This is pathetic. I can argue your own position better than you. Like I said, you WNs only know how to bark at liberals who aren’t listening anyway. You have no answer when someone on the Right refuses your claim to moral superiority. CC: Both Buchanan and I fear that we are going to be destroyed like the Boers and the Rhodesians. We differ with differ with you in seeing the Jews as both necessary and sufficient causes of our present situation. For one thing, recent history shows us that most modern whites are so deracinated that they would rather kill or be killed than face being called a racist, sexist or homophobe. This problem is too engrained to be blamed on the Jews. For one thing, New Englanders started acting like this about the time they repudiated the Trinity. The real problems go back to the Enlightenment and movements like romanticism and transcendentalism, which decided that regular White Christian society was too narrow and boring. They started demonizing the normal and fetishizing the marginal. White elites raged at the bourgeoisie as they gushed over noble savages. Even right wingers would gush over Hinduism and Buddhism. This led to modernism, socialism and all sorts of other isms, which were the direct ancestors of today’s orthodoxies. Yet their origins owe more to gentile apostates than Jewish subversion. If anything, liberal Jews were attracted to existing movements because they wanted to join with the misfits who hated Christian civilization. Why leave it to us “barbarians” and people like Tom Metzger? Here we go. Like I said, if WN did not exist, the anti-racists would have invented it. People like Metzger are worse than embarrassing. Any non-marginal political movement would kick him to the curb. Why even mention him? 2R: Look, the Right is split between two groups. One group of loudmouths claim that race is nothing and will try to burn you at the stake if you say otherwise. Another group is so obsessed with race that they invented their own Aryanized knockoff of Zionism. Both groups need to get clued in if Western Civilization is reassert itself. To try to bait us into saying something anti-Christian You guys whoop like village atheists plenty without me around. The point is that you guys have obsessively created an inverted Judaism out of your racial obsession. You guys manage to be even more obnoxious and blind than the Talmudists. It just looks retarded. Because even at times when he appears to be contributing to the discussion in a respectful manner, the only reason for this, is to cause damage at a later time. I’m gonna find a picture of you and post it to the Wikipedia article on “paranoia.” The enemies of the White race are becoming more scared by the minute. If you think professional anti-racists are afraid of the online WN cult, think again. You help them meet their fund raising goals. If you mean the PC brigade, they don’t know who you are. They think some political hack like Sarah Palin is the epitome of racism, sexism and homophobia. Diamed: Your entire post addresses me as if I am an anti-racist ideologue. You assume that if I am not a WN, then I must be some sort of self-hating liberal. For example, you cite “Salter, Rushton, Lynn, Jensen, Murray, etc,,” but none of these people say that the Jews have an evolutionary strategy to genocide whites via race replacement. Belief in sociobiology or race differences is not the same as White nationalism. 9
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 10:50 | # The Monitor wrote: You’re attacking me, but you didn’t interact with what I wrote. To whom are you referring by “you” here? If me, why do you think my insight about the nature of the word “prejudice” as it has come to be used nowadays is directed at you? If not me, then it must be 2R, but I saw nothing in his response in this post addressing you and you should learn some etiquette regarding maintaining the subject matter at hand rather than dragging it off into your concerns, whatever they may be. 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 11:14 | # Monitor is disrespecting the rules of this or any other house, and carrying over a debate from elsewhere directly onto a completely separate thread. I will create a post to end the intrusion here. 11
Posted by In-Like-Flynn on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 13:18 | # Monitor wrote: The professors you mentioned are only concerned with proving that race is NOT just a social construct. Once you’ve come to the conclusion that there are serious differences between the races then the next thing on your mind should be who’s been lying to us for so long? Proving who the guilty parties are would be work for people in other fields. “Belief in sociobiology or race differences is not the same as White nationalism.” True, but so what? Why do you insist people stop there and not ask any further questions? What’s wrong with someone taking the work of the race realists and putting it together with people like, say… Kevin MacDonald or E Michael Jones work to form a unified world view? What are you? Someone with a hidden agenda or an intellectual and emotional coward? 12
Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 14:54 | # “The folks they decry as “prejudiced” on the other hand, usually have mountains of evidence backing them up with on-going evidence supporting their Prior Beliefs.” This is what is so frustrating when trying to convince a ‘white-liberal’ that diversity is NOT our strenght - evidence indicates the contrary is true. Diversity and multiculturalism is a recipe for our eventual/inevitable demise. No civilization in the history of mankind has even succeeded in the long term with a diverse racial population; not one! When trying to present libs with the facts, what invariably happens is they either clam up, change the subject, or start the usual name calling. However, it is evident that “Prior Beliefs” can easily be altered, even obliterated - especially when it comes to transforming a normal, college age, Bible believing, patriotic, white kid. Evidence: Many, if not most, of these young adults enter university relatively normal but come out the other end steeped in Leftist ideologies. Hence, the process of transforming peoples’ Prior Beliefs is much easier when it is from Right to Left ... or to put it another way: It’s much easier to tear down a building than it is to build one. 13
Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 15:29 | # That is: No Nation in the history of mankind ... Post a comment:
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Posted by 2R on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 23:21 | #
Many times when I read your posts I almost feel “unqualified” to contribute comments. This time however, you wrote something that even a person of my intellect can comprehend. I would have never thought of thinking about “prejudice” within the framework of a Bayesian prior probability distribution. I am grateful that you brought this to my/our attention.
It would be interesting to see exactly how much evidence would actually be needed to change the beliefs of the most hard core believers? How many hours of instruction would it require for the average multi-cultist to change their prior beliefs on subject like the reality of racial differences; interracial crime rates; or even the Hollow-co$t?
First we would have to develop a metric that measures how “ingrained” prior beliefs are within each person (perhaps some kind of survey?). Next, each person would sit through instructional periods where certain facts and arguments would be presented to them. After lets say, every 5 hours of instruction, the subjects (or observations) would take the same survey, and the amount of drop in intensity of prior beliefs would be calculated. This would continue until we could determine the mean amount of exposure to facts that is required to overcome past beliefs.
We could also determine the rate of “basket cases,” or the mean number of people who are unable to over-come prior beliefs. Someone like Tim Wise exemplifies the “basket case” category. Although, with someone like Wise, he may actually not believe what he preaches, but instead sees it as his duty to propagate lies to further the race-replacement process? I’ve often wondered if people like Wise or Ziv have some sort of an “itch” or “cravings,” for the spreading of Anti-White propaganda similar to a drug user craving his fix? But this is for another conversation.
Anyway, keep up the good work.