Gangs of Denmark Danish patriot and blogger, Balder, had circularised a very good and comprehensive piece on the racial and political street violence now on the rise in and beyond Copenhagen. The addition of immigrant, mostly Moslem, gangs to the brew moves things a stage further than the old antifacist vs NF street violence in England that I blogged about here a few days ago. So does the fact that “large numbers of young Danes are volunteering for the new movement, hoping that they will be able to contribute to the fight against the muslim invaders”. Low-order conflicts like this may be unedifying, but they demonstrate that there is some life, at least, in the old Danish dog, and he’s not solely content to be anaesthetised with material gew-gaws and entertainment TV. They have the potential to gain traction on opinion among the Danish working-class, and that may well radicalise political feeling. Here’s Balder’s article. GW DENMARK: STREET WAR BETWEEN HELLS ANGELS AND IMMIGRANT GANGS SPREADING Clashes in Denmark between bikers, hangarounds and patriots, versus immigrant gangs and left wing extremists. The biker group Hells Angels seem to be coming back at the at the moment still dominating immigrant gangs, with their new support group AK81, which is increasingly gaining support from Danes who are not first and foremost interested in bikes or crime, but who have grown increasingly hostile to especially muslim immigrants, after ever increasing street violence, knife attacks, robberies and rape from the side of muslim immigrants. The rates for violent crime and especially rape related cases have gone up dramatically with the increasing number of muslim immigrants. Large numbers of Danes, not otherwise interested in motorcycles or gang related criminal activity, are reported to sign up under the new banner of the HA support group AK81 ‘81? being synonymous with the letters HA), and AK probably referring to the famous AK 47 ‘Kalashnikov’ submachine gun, as well as meaning Always Ready [Altid Klar] in Danish. For many years motorcycle gangs such as the illustrious Hells Angels and muslim dominated street gangs managed to exist side by side in relative peace, in the struggle for control of the market for illegal drugs, especially cannabis, but also other forms of crime. The later years the ethnic Danish gangs such as Hells Angels were increasingly coming under pressure from the muslim gangs, who showed to be far more relentless in their methods, and much less afraid of the possible judicial consequences of their actions, besides being much more numerous, and able to draw upon support from much of the immigrant community not otherwise involved in similar crime. Police and helped immigrant gangs by keeping down Danish bikers One of the reasons that the immigrant gangs have been able to gain in strength, is because they are much less visible for the police than the motorcycle gang members, who are easily identified, because of their style of dress with visible logos, their more limited numbers and often also because of their physical stature. The Hells Angels are tightly organized, and almost all members are known by the police, who have kept these groups under constant observation, making it increasingly difficult for them to defend themselves and their territories from the muslim gangs, who are much more loosely knit, are not easily identifiable and have their respective languages to complicate things for the Danish police. In the recent past Hells Angels’ members have been attacked openly by members of the ethnic crime syndicates, and one of their properties has been attacked and demolished by immigrant gangs. Some chapters closed after that. But not only the police has for all practical purposes more or less taken the part of the immigrants. The press too has been an active player in minimizing the problem with the many criminal immigrants, at the same time deamonizing any similar Danish groups. The words racism creep in everywhere, although it seldom has any relevance in these cases. AK81, the new Hells Angels’ support team Now a newly established support group of ‘hangarounds’ has been established, and the Angels are openly recruiting for their team, saying that it is not neccesary to own a motorcycle to be a member. This has had a dramatic effect, and large numbers of young Danes are volunteering for the new movement, hoping that they will be able to contribute to the fight against the muslim invaders, who so far have been successful in obtaining almost total street domination. The police, who have used all their resources at keeping the bikers in check, have used a far more soft touch towards the muslim gangs. Very often the police withdraw from confrontations, and leave demolishing hordes of immigrants untouched, contrary to a simple house search or an arrrest relating to the Bikers’ gangs, when they arrive in overwhelming numbers, ready with bullet proof vests and automatic weapons. Jaegersborg Street in Copenhagen Only little more than a week ago, a gang of about 50 immigrants rampaged a whole street in Copenhagen Jægersborgsgade, a local neighborhood where some HA members have their homess, indiscriminately smashing up a number of cars. The police watched helplessly, and no arrests were made. The action was a display off of power, after bikers and their new supporter from AK81, had held a silent and non violent march through to demonstrate their willingness to fight for their turf. Police powerless against immigrant gangs Partly this is part of a government and EU strategy, which puts great restrictions on the police when dealing with immigrants and immigrant gangs. There always are the accusations of ‘racism’, and the muslim gangs are also much feared than the bikers when it comes to their threats to harm individual police officers or their families. Many policemen whose identities are known by the immigrant gangs, would rather not have their house torched or their loved ones attacked by the invaders who have taken their extremely violent mentality with them straight from the Middleast. Cell phone Jihad One of the most powerful weapons of the immigrant gangs is that they are able to gather large numbers of supporters in the run of a few minutes. They do this using cell phones. They have been using this method, not only for criminal gang related activity, but it is often used when immigrants get involved in traffic accidents. They are on the spot in large numbers ten times faster than the police, when one of their fellow ethnics ‘needs support’. Recently a family father was knifed in the back during a standoff about a completely minor traffic accident. Anybody who gets into a confrontation with one of these often knife wielding immigrant thugs, risks getting into a war with a whole brotherhood, which doesn’t shy away from threatening witnesses, even in court, or on the steps of the court house. The mainly muslim immigrants supported perhaps by a few Danish renegades, have often completely blocked off accident sites, to the extent that ambulances either could not reach the spot, or in other cases were attacked with stones and other forms of violence. The same scene often plays out when the fire brigade is sent to an ethnic neighborhood to put out a burning car or a waste container, and firefighters in some cities now refuse to work except under police protection, which often means a long delay when alarmed about a fire. The cell phone organized criminal jihad of course benefits greatly from the immigrants use of Arabic, Urdu and other languages, making it much harder for the authorities to monitor their communications, while the content of communication between the native groups is much easier to access. Left wing extremists and immigrant thugs But the biker groups, their AK18 supporters and the immigrants are not the only players in this game. The extreme left in Denmark, known under various names such as AFA, Antifa, ARN, autonome [autonomous], SUF and countless other aliases also is involved. The last mentioned SUF group, actually is an official part of the organized left wing extremist party Enhedslisten, which is represented in parliament. But reality shows, that although there are many such groups, the people involved are largely the same across these red fascist groups. The extreme left even has its own intelligence service, the secretive REDOX, and the closely related DEMOS outlet. Both groups which have managed to appear in the mainstream media, as so called ‘neutral observers and documenters ‘ of ‘the racist activities of ‘right wing extremist groups’, as they like to present themselves. This notwithstanding the fact that e.g. the DEMOS personel through the years has maintained close connections with convicted members of Denmarks first and most dangerous left wing terrorist groups the internationally connected Blekingegade Gang, revering the same ideologists and sharing the same sympathies for organizations such as the PFLP and the South American terrorist group FARC.
During the last at least ten years, these red fascist groups have been able to turn any and all expressions from anti-immigration or anti-islamic organizations and individuals into a battle zone. No matter who demonstrated for any purpose the anarchists deemed unworthy, even congregations mainly consisting of pensioners, were met in the streets by yells of ‘Nazis go home’, stones, paint bombs, firecrackers, fists and iron pipes. Old ladies past their 7oth birthday have been knocked to the ground or hit with iron pipes, as happened recently in Copenhagen before a SIAD (a non violent anti-racist organization against islamization) demonstration, where two cars filled with people were attacked in an underground parking garage. The left wing extremist groups have on several occasions been supported by some immigrants, who are always looking for an opportunity to riot, and the left wing extremists have also supported angry muslim mobs during demonstrations. Vejle: violent clashes between ‘neo-Nazis’ and left wing extremists Just a few days ago, on Thursday 11th September, a short but intense fight devellopped in the city of Vejle in Jutland, as members of the left wing extremist group SUF, were confronted by a group which in the media was described as ‘neo-Nazies’, but as it turns out more likely was made up of some members from the AK81 support group. This time the red fascists suffered severe defeat, and several were injured. According to the left wing extremists themselves, they were attacked by ‘neo-Nazis’, which was repeated in the press, even though the statements given by the police were not supporting that theory: The local newspaper Vejle Amts Folkeblad amongst others wrote the following:-
In the wake of this latest and other similar incidents, the chief of the Police Intelligence Service PET; Jacob Scharf appeared on TV saying that all sides in the conflict were acquiring fire arms. In its latest annual report, the same intelligence service admitted for the first time, what most honest observers knew already more than ten years ago, that most of the political violence in Denmark is perpetrated by the left, and that conflicts mainly occur when ‘right wing’ manifestations are attacked by left wing radicals. Well perhaps all this balance is about to change now. With the appearance of the AK81 group on the scene, this situation may suddenly become reversed. Bikers critized for being unpatriotic Interestingly, groups such as the Hells Angels have so far never had any sympathy at all from the political right, patriotic circles, anti-immigrationalists or however you’d like to define it. They were actually criticized apart from being criminal providers of drugs, for cooperating all too closely with the criminal immigrant gangs, and I believe there were several non natives in, or very close to the organization. In the past the Hells Angels and similar groups have never in any way let patriotic, ethnic or other such moral concerns come between them and their business interests. The Bandido’s group for example was or is ethnically diverse, but I am not an expert on these groups, so don’t take my word for that. I don’t know if this group plays any role today, but I’ll probably be updated on that in the days to come. Well, it is impossible to describe all the details of the biker, muslim and patriotic conflict here. But it seems like it’s a hard rain gonna fall ... UPDATE, 20th SEPTEMBER A few days ago the Danish Hells Angels announced on their website that they are not racist, and that as well as their AK 81 support group they have many members who belong to ethnic minorities. It has also become clear that it was a Hells Angels member (or an AK81 member) of foreign origin who committed a recent murder which, acording to many sources, was the spark which ignited the current conflict between the Hells Angels and the immigrant gangs. Comments:2
Posted by John on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 17:34 | # One little thing that hugely complicates this war (without which it would have been long-won if ever necessary to fight) is that the ostensible warriors are actually weapons wielded against us. As I’m fond of saying, the Muslims in Europe are the cats’ paws. This fact (which I hope will be further elucidated and specified by those on this board more capable than I) makes the PR aspects of it perhaps much more important than if the apparent enemy were the real one. A good question that follows from this is how can we use their “weapons” against them. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 17:40 | # The other thing is — and again, I’m against violence, but the other thing, and I view this as important, is the German National Socialists of the 1920s and beginning of the ‘30s (until 1933) are condemned retrospectively today for their street violence, some critics even including street violence in the definition of National Socialism and giving that as just one reason they reject National Socialism. But knowing the violence comes from the other side and anyone opposed to the other side has to learn to defend himself in the street, we see the early street-fighting Nazis of Munich and Berlin were only defending themselves against extremely violent, often Jewish-led street gangs of communist thugs who were the ones, not the Nazis, who continually started the violence unprovoked. And we see that, no, street violence was NOT part of the definition of German National Socialism, it was a reaction to extremely aggressive Jewish communist street violence. I view all this as important to understand. We don’t hear, we never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never hear about Jewish violence. Why is that? Well, we’re hearing about it now, thanks to the internet. And we don’t plan on ever forgetting it. When Jews have power and are able to crush those they disagree with, they crush. They do not debate. They are probably the world’s premier totalitarians. The Jews are an Asiatic race, only partly Euro. They have no concept of, or feel for, democratic arrangements any more than Hindus, Chinamen, or Arabs do. These are all Asiatics, all equally alien to the European mind and spirit. When Jews are too weak to crush, as in, let’s say, the U.S. prior to the sixties, they extol the virtues of democracy. The minute they acquire enough power to impose what they want, they spit on democracy and crush their opposition. 4
Posted by Maguire on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 22:05 | # “When the Right realises that we are in a war and therefore warfare must be waged” The so-called “Right” in the USA will never realize any such thing. There’s absolutely nothing to build on in the existing “Right”. Since the 1950s the entire leadership of the Right have explicitly obtained their positions by engaging in public acts of betrayal of their own putative base. Agent Buckley’s life work was directed towards creating this faux opposition, purging it of all nonconformers to his Judeo-centric vision, limiting its thoughts to irrelevancies, loading it with compromised leaders and conditioning it to surrender on Jewish demand at key moments. In addition to its degraded civic morals we have to consider the average Geezerdom of the “Right’s” demographics, which state of Geezerdom rises fast in the leadership ranks. What will this crowd of drooling old geezers do when faced with an event like the HA-raghead war in Denmark? What could a day room full of cane waving wheel chair jockeys do? 5
Posted by Tom on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 22:27 | # Long time lurker, first time poster. I had always wondered if we might see white criminal gangs fighting with non white criminal gangs, and that I’m very fond of Denmark and I was amazed when taking a trip through the country in North Jutland this spring when I saw a group of kindergarteners about on a trip - and every single child of a dozen was blond. I felt like I was seeing something very valuable and threatened. The Danes are very conscientious and orderly, but they’re not too money hungry either and they love their holidays. They have a good balance. The food, while maybe not exciting, is high quality and nutrititious. Half of the bread section is devoted to delicious tangy black rye sourdough - excellent with some smoked eel or havarti cheese. Long may there be gaggles of little blond kindergarteners from Skagen to Copenhagen to Esbjerg. 6
Posted by Carl Santiago on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 05:44 | # The American Right, made up of the “Respectable Conservatives” (respectable to theLeft, that is), is in decline, evidenced by its non-response or surrender to the Race Replacement and Multi-Cult agendas. Buckley’s recent demise is symbolic of the end of the postwar American conservative movement. It’s dead. When I visit the paleocons at Takimag or the various mainstream conservative sites, I am struck by how obvious it is that they simply do not know how to mount (or don’t want to mount) a nationalist counter-revolution. They are still more interested in discussing Catholic social doctrine or indulging neo-Confederate fantasies. They are unable or unwilling to defend white civilisation, on explicitly racial terms. Perhaps they think questions of race are somehow beneath them. The thing is, white nations are in a very real existential crisis and I don’t see how we can afford to waste time discussing, say, the poetry of Belloc. There is a vacuum to be filled, and I hope the activists and thinkers at sites like MR can help fill it. 7
Posted by Maguire on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 05:48 | # “Well, it is impossible to describe all the details of the biker, muslim and patriotic conflict here.” It’s something of an irony that an American sub-culture that globalized - the One Percenter MC Gang - might start providing the leadership nucleus for a pro-white resistance in Europe. They might even experience some degree of success. Their internal security is infinitely better than any so-called “Movement” group in the USA or Europe. It’s ironic because in my view there is 0.0 prospect of this same development occuring here in the USA proper. The Muslim analog here are the Mexicans, of course. Crowding in the USA in North America is far less so competition for turf is far less intense, too. And the One Percenters have long standing cannabis business connections with Mexican and other mestizo drug cartels. The biggest reason is the Mestizo Threat is swiftly acquiring a military character. Look at what’s happening in Mexico proper. The Mexican government is starting to collapse under the assault of militarized drug cartels. These very well-financed and highly armed cartels are beginning to acquire trappings of sovereignty in their sub-territories. It will be very easy for them to arm their franchisees here (MS-13, Latin Kings, etc) to parity or even superiority with local city, county and state civilian police, should they see a reason to do so. The situation here has already passed beyond such romantic notions as Easy Rider riding to the rescue. Nor has the federal government been entirely asleep about this. Look at what’s been done at Fort Bliss, Texas in El Paso. For decades it was the training center for the Army’s air defense troops. This activity has since started moving up to Fort Sill, Oklahoma. In their place Fort Bliss is receiving four heavy armored and mechanized infantry brigades, an armored division headquarters plus supporting artillery and aviation units. That’s not to say we won’t see further growth in local white gangs in the US. We will. “Interestingly, groups such as the Hells Angels have so far never had any sympathy at all from the political right, patriotic circles, anti-immigrationalists or however you’d like to define it.” That’s because the paper flipping, gold and silver hoarding Drooling Old Geezers (DOGS, an appropo acronym) of the Right will instantly find any nit they can pick in any identifiable group of whites under attack by non-whites. It’s part of the on-demand betrayal syndrome that Agent Buckley, 32d Degree Freemason Robert Welch and other Judeo-centrics labored so hard to inculcate as the “Right’s” premier behavior. This justifies them in doing nothing, which prevents the assumption of any personal risk or inconvenience. The 1%‘ers and the DOGS are such polar opposites on a fundamental moral value that I honestly don’t see any basis for cooperation between them. That moral value is in-group loyalty first, middle and last. The 1%‘ers have it and the DOGS don’t. Period.
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 09:18 | # Carl, I am reasonably confident that the vacuum you talk about will be filled by intellectual nationalism. It is possible - certainly possible - that in the next handful of years a wave of focussed and new nationalist thought will inform and invigorate nationalist political movements where they exist, and spark them out of survivalist sentiment where they do not. It will not come from MR, because it is far, far bigger than MR. But if it can be made to come, it will. This I promise. This, of course, would really only be the first sounding of the bell. Others will then have to drive things forward and do the hands-on work, attracting the financial backers, thinking through political strategies and the detail of policy, and so on. My feeling is that the whole project is a work that must be measured in decades - so, hopefully 10 to 20 years because beyond 2030 the political route to survival is likely to be closing. 9
Posted by white mau mau on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 14:40 | # I’m assuming from the above comments that a political route will be possible before 2030, but post-2030 the military road may be the more favoured…? 10
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 14:58 | # Yes, I think the political route is opening all the time now, and the point will come quite quickly when a proper nationalism entirely free of state agency and the Strategy of Tension can break through. But it has to break through at the level of ideas first. Everywhere, the state has already legislated to itself the powers to suspend its constitutional restraints. It is obvious that the will exists to use them. If nationalism exhibits signs of vigour, and genuinely threatens the MultiCult and the power dispensation that relies upon it, we can expect a lock-down ... Leviathan. That, effectively, would be a declaration of war against the will of our people, and would render violent revolution indispensable and just. 11
Posted by white mau mau on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 17:41 | # GuessedWorker, thanks for the thoughtful reply. Let me ask you, in your opinion, if you think it is worth getting involved with the Council of Conservative Citizens or Friends of American Renaissance? I am independently wealthy and self-employed, and considering starting a local chapter. My own views run to the right of CCC’s and AmRen’s, especially on the question of Jews and civil war (I am for it), but it is frustrating not being able to meet others like me. 12
Posted by Tom on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 18:54 | # I wanted to read more about Hells Angels in Denmark and found this interesting article Some choice quotes: ‘An earlier episode of gang warfare between Hell’s Angels and the gang Bullshit in the mid-1 980s had left 13 people dead, mostly from gunshot wounds or stabbings. This time around, the bikers were equipped with much greater firepower, including bombs, grenades and shoulder-launched rockets, much of it stolen in Sweden’ ‘The bikers could well have fit into the Denmark of a 1000 years ago, the Denmark of Viking kings Gorm the Old, Harold Bluetooth, and Sven Forkbeard for whom revenge was a way of life. But they fit very badly into the Denmark of today, which is a peaceful society that prides itself on the rational resolution of disputes and on a prevailing community spirit’ Could be the makings of something interesting. 13
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 21:25 | # “Let me ask you, in your opinion, if you think it is worth getting involved with the Council of Conservative Citizens or Friends of American Renaissance?” - white mau mau I suggest you give European-Americans United a look. 14
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 23:51 | # white mau mau, I am on the wrong side of the Atlantic to offer advice on specific white American organisations. But, for what it’s worth, in your position I think I would be mindful of GT and maguire’s cautions in this respect. There are too many small men who are very happy to take their supporter’s money, and whose track record does not include much in the way of success so far. I would be inclined to stand back and work out what, ideally, I wish to contribute towards creating. You mention a local chapter of CoCC or FoAR. But then you say your hopes and wishes tend in a more radical direction than both of these. So here’s a radical thought. Pretty much any heavy-hitting American university is likely to have a research budget for the Humanities of around $5 million. Multiply that across the board, and picture in your mind’s eye the huge flow of research material that implies. Then add in the enormous contribution from the Foundations to supporting special-interest groups, funding international conferences, funding think-tanks (which, in turn, fund more academic research) ... It’s quite fantastic what we are up against intellectually. I can tell you that the lone wolf radical-right intellectuals who strive to produce books of their own might be pleased to sell 1,000 copies of a new work in the first year of publication. The disparity is that great. It’s overkill by a factor of maybe ten thousand. Now, obviously we don’t need to compete dollar for dollar with the American tax-payer and the Ford Foundation. But we do need to produce good, custom-designed research of our own, and we do need to fund academics to think and write, and we do eventually need to develop the means to disseminate the results. This will cost fairly serious money. At the moment, there is one man in America - just one - who understands this and is putting some financial weight behind it. So how do we set about uncovering others, and breathing some financial life into our intellectual scene? First, it seems to me, someone has to sponsor research into where potential benefactors might be found ... and how they might best be approached. Every political party understands how this is done. It’s not rocket science. But in this chicken and egg world somebody has to produce the goddamned chicken. OK, OK, it’s too radical! I know. Just dreaming. 15
Posted by Old Raven on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 04:00 | # GW—your advice to white mau mau is spot on. If “wmm” is truly independently wealthy, and truly wants to help, one of the BEST things he could do is use his resources to find more resources. This is assuming, of course, that because he has independent means he is in a position to contact and influence others like himself. Let’s find a “hen” who can lay a bunch of “eggs” which will hatch into more “hens” and THEN start directing the resources to the battlefront. (no offense intended “wmm”, regarding the hen/egg scenario!) Best of luck! 16
Posted by white mau mau on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 06:21 | # Thanks again for the response. I was actually toying with the idea of founding a WN-oriented foundation, for the very purposes you mention. This is something I can do. I am not an academic and I am bored with intellectual debate (been there, done that), unless it is of a practical nature, and I’ve done the journalism thing too. However, I am reminded of the non-success of the National Policy Institute in the US. The most recent financials I’ve received from NPI report annual revenue of under $100K (if I remember correctly) !!! It’s a beginning, I know, but still…Dreadful. 17
Posted by Maureen on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 15:03 | # Gentlemen/Ladies: I am just writing to let you know that your information is all new to me. I wonder why the media in the US does not post this?? The Moslems are a real threat & something needs to be done by someone. 18
Posted by John on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 19:11 | #
Those who opened the gates for them are a far greater threat. 19
Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 19:49 | # Those of you who wonder what this Monitor fellow is up to may find out now. The paleocons… are unable or unwilling to defend white civilisation, on explicitly racial terms. There’s two types of Right: those who claim race is nothing (at least in public) and those who claim race is everything. They wind up canceling each other out, which helps them both be co-opted and defamed by the centre right status seekers. What I’m talking about is a sort of synthesis. Yet that very thought gets the John Zmiraks and Alex Linders of the world into menstrual cramps. They refuse to acknowledge that race deserve its due as a necessary element in the Western synthesis. Conservatives from Edmund Burke to Edgar Julius Jung all understood this. Unfortunately, we who were raised after the Nuremberg Trials have a hard time understanding this. If you read, for example, Tolkien, you’ll see that this sort of synthesis is embedded in his work. Whether or not he stated it directly—or even fully understood it, his work certainly reflected it. So I know such a public philosophy is possible. What I want to know is whether either the paleocons or the explicit racalists understand that it is necessary. 20
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 20:05 | # Monitor, Burke was a Whig. Only Americans and Disrealians think he was a Tory. 21
Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 20:36 | # Burke was a Whig. Only Americans and Disrealians think he was a Tory. If you think “conservative” above means the UK Conservative Party, you didn’t read it. 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 16 Sep 2008 21:15 | # There aren’t really any Conservatives in America, except in a relative sense. It’s the same sense that “right” was used in the seating arrangements for the French revolutionary parliament: the group of guys who wanted to consolidate the revolution rather than press on with more and more change. I’ve learned this the hard way: from my efforts to write about political Conservatism, Conservatism and Nationalism, Conservatism and National Socialism, revolutionary conservatism, and much else - finally culminating earlier this year with Conservatism and political failure. So when you say “Conservative”, Monitor, that’s not what I see. 23
Posted by birch barlow on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 01:41 | # I’m all for diversity and duskiness and all that good stuff, but I never understood why the left (or at least the upper middle and upper class left) is so in favor of bringing in, and being soft on, hardcore criminals. What drives me crazy about the far left is that they do not seem to be able to differentiate between varying degrees of character or intelligence. Clue: Someone who is causing injuries like the one in the pic is VERY different from a non-violent heavy drug user, even though both may be referred to as “criminals.” 2nd Clue: Being more enlightened (i.e. intelligent and tolerant) than white trash does not make one enlightened, much less the equal of the upper middle class. Summary: Get a clue! Quantity matters. Maybe far leftists are just bad at math and statistical reasoning. Fascism never was very friendly to the empirical method of thought. 24
Posted by The Monitor on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 02:18 | # Fascism never was very friendly to the empirical method of thought. Hey, to their credit, the WNs who crib off sociobiology texts give it a good start. They are more honest that the liberals who brags of his adherence to evolutionary science, yet condemn others for mention the field’s conclusions. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 02:41 | #
Tell us something we didn’t already know, Birch.
(See above.) 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 04:29 | # Btw, has your heartwrenching life story been chosen for the Oprah, Dr. Phil, Jerry Springer, or Maury Povich show yet, Birch? I mean ... just thinking about it makes me go through a whole box of Kleenex. What a story that was! It was better than anything Tammy Faye Baker had going, I guarantee. Look Birch, do you realize what a potential gold mine you’re sitting on, if you play your cards right?? You could be in the big leagues — forget Tammy, she wasn’t a patch on that other gal, that 70-something TV Evangelist’s wife with the purple bouffant hair-do and mascara worse than “Whatever Happened to Baby Jane?,” who used to do those tearful close-up shots worth a hundred thousand per tear in donations if they were worth a penny! That gal must’ve raked in thirty million dollars per every half-hour of crying! (give or take, depending on how many tears she could squeeze out) Birch think of it, you’d have those donations POURING IN! Not to mention what we could pull in if we got you decked out in a purple beehive and three-inch-long false eyelashes, and trained you to cry on command! And if you could get a good ghost-writer, you could really clean up with a book deal, Birch. Big time! Birch, are you insane? Let’s get this thing going! You’d finally be able to propose to that Chinse girl in your undergrad biology class! Look, I could be your agent — just contact me care of the blog, OK? Let’s make this work!! 27
Posted by John on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 21:45 | # They just reported on Swedish TV that a tattoo parlor in Copenhagen was shot up by a Muslim gang. I didn’t catch it all but they mentioned the Hell’s Angels and AK81. They interviewed some Arabs and Danes who both said they wanted things to cool down but spun it like AK81 was endangering the community by provoking the Muslims. A police spokesman said that the conflict might spill over into Malmö, Stockholm and Gothenburg. The police can use this kind of thing as an excuse to use a heavier hand against the indigenous Scandinavians (I believe this is a major purpose of allowing so many immigrants in to Europe). 28
Posted by Capt. Harlock on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 00:26 | # “Indigenous Scandivanians”? As if there were any other kind. 29
Posted by birch barlow on Thu, 18 Sep 2008 02:06 | # “Fascism never was very friendly to the empirical method of thought.” Hey, to their credit, the WNs who crib off sociobiology texts give it a good start. They are more honest that the liberals who brags of his adherence to evolutionary science, yet condemn others for mention the field’s conclusions. Actually I was referring to the left-fascism of pro-Muslim Danes, not the right-fascism of white nationalism. Fascist doesn’t necessarily mean right wing. BTW, I’d take WN over Islam 1000 times over. Hell I’d much prefer Soviet Communism, Japanese Imperialism, or the Third Reich to Islamic rule. At least if I could avoid the concentration camps I’d have *some* freedom. And the Commies, Jerries, and Japs had plenty of amphetamines, morphine, booze, tobacco, etc to go around if you were in the right class. All that austerity, sobriety, and chastity crap they preached was nothing more than propaganda to be fed to the masses. 30
Posted by Tom on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 03:52 | # Barlow, I don’t know if a soldier is the ‘right class’, but German soldiers had amphetamines, a ration of six cigarettes per day, and access to opiates and alcohol. You didn’t have to be a big shot to get the good stuff in Germany! It must have been one crazy party on the eastern front. 31
Posted by birch barlow on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 04:09 | # Barlow, I don’t know if a soldier is the ‘right class’, but German soldiers had amphetamines, a ration of six cigarettes per day, and access to opiates and alcohol. Sure, in militaristic Nazi Germany, yes, soldiers were part of the “right class.” In addition, I’m sure the German military used something similar to the modern U.S. army’s ASVAB. And by “right class,” I don’t mean the super-elite I mean the talented upper middle class, or people with IQs above (roughly) 115. Indeed, corporate elites often did not fare well in Nazi Germany or Imperial Japan, much less in the Soviet Union. Yup, there’s a reason why the Blitzkrieg is now sometimes called the “Blitzed Krieg.” 32
Posted by Tom on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 02:28 | # I saw an article today in the paper than made me think of this thread and whether white crime gangs might end up playing a role in the struggle. (article talks about another unlucky fellow) His problems pale next to those of Magdi Samaan, an insurance broker and financial adviser. Gang members talked about Mr. Samaan as a fraudster who had taken advantage of 400 investors in Montreal’s Italian community. Wiretaps showed people looking for him from hotel to hotel. Mr. Samaan’s wife later told Mr. Del Balso that her husband had been found dead from suicide in a motel. But even before the body was discovered, wiretaps showed that the organization had gotten Mr. Samaan’s wife to remortgage her home to the benefit of the gang. This thread has really got me interested in this whole idea of crime gangs being an important part of the projection of ethnic power, and examples of gangs doing quasi altruistic acts are of particular interest to me.
PS: Sorry Barlow, the quotes around the right class thing did make my response look snarky - not my intention. 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 01:24 | #
Correct. The Jews will get around any euphemism or any substitute for race, but cannot get around race. The Jews are the ones forcing race out on the table in full view. So be it: it’s now forced out in the open by the Jews. Our side has to take that bull by the horns, which isn’t easy. Not only is that the only way to win this, but it’s a guarantee of victory: once we adopt explicitness about race the Jews are one-hundred percent disarmed and become the guaranteed losers. Our running away from explicitness about race only hands victory to the Jews. Our explicitness about race snatches victory away from them. 34
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 01:47 | # Well played Svi, always the one to boil it down to the absolute essentials. Wish I could get the words right myself. Must…try…harder. So Svi I’ll take my cue from you on the Monitor phenomonen, just as Im prepared take it from JWH on Silver. 35
Posted by Caveman on Fri, 24 Oct 2008 02:58 | # I used to think the political route was possible but I think the recent “accident” that Jorg Haider experienced shows that the politics is not how we are going to win this. It is going to have to be brute force. If this financial crisis worsens, and a black man is president of the US then we might have the catalyst we need. We have until 2030 as somebody commented (we barely have until 2015 in some places). You forget that the next generation is going to have a lot of half breeds in it if we keep allowing blacks and asians to enter our country and pollute our blood. They are outbreeding us and we have too many jews in power now, who constantly assault the next generation with their brainwashing in the media. This is going to have to happen in the next 5-10 years or Europe and North America won’t be worth saving! America is pretty much lost as far as I can see (judging from the Obamamania). Eastern Europe has the best chance of survival. Western Europe is nearly as bad as the US. I read the other day that the EU (or should I say E-Jew) has just decided we need 50 million African immigrants in the next 40 years. That’s 1.25 million per year (and that’s just from africa), and what people fail to take into account is that the majority of those will be men who’s only option for a partner will be our existing white women. The Jews have thought about this carefully. Why do you think every second song released these days is a rap tune and black men are held up high in the media as the ultimate fashion accessory. Why do you think blacks have been given more and more leading roles in films over the past 50 years. The UK now has the highest rate of interracial relationships of anywhere in the world. Groups of muslim’s and blacks are committing gang rapes of our women on an ever rising scale (especially in the Scandinavian countries). If you think we can fight this politically you are deluded. We need to follow the lead of the Russian Nazis and go out and start cracking some skulls - make the potential immigrants scared to come here. We need to find out who the members of these groups like antifa are and where they get their financing from. And the most important part…we need to get the police and armed forces on OUR side. There is no pretty way out of this I’m afraid. 36
Posted by Message to Maguire on Fri, 14 Nov 2008 02:30 | # Maguire, I’d like to get in touch with you. I tried your old maguiresez email and it did not work. Is there an email address I can contact you at? You could respond here: , which is a thread for Eric Thomson’s letters. Regards 37
Posted by Neal on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 15:55 | # Caveman Your ridiculous take your racist propaganda elsewhere. You really think it is the goal of non-white people to bring down the American race? That is absurd in it’s own right. I resent everything you say it is a terrible representation of what people truly think. Maybe you could move and start your own island. Clear from the rest of the world with a clean pool of blood to choose from. People like you make me sick. Good Luck 38
Posted by Ali G on Sun, 01 Mar 2009 18:59 | # gangs in Dk? I live here i swear, they are much larger then wut the police is tellin ya. Largest - about 50 (20 years - 25 yrs) they all have contacts to each other, and largest always have guns. 39
Posted by gavinb on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 11:49 | # I had no idea Denmark had such a problem, I was planning on going their on holiday this year, I have already bought my tickets from Harwich ferries but I may have to reconsider after reading about all the gang trouble, I thought Scotland was bad. 40
Posted by Allan on Sat, 18 Sep 2010 16:11 | # First of all, it’s really a shame that people get scared away from Denmark. I don’t think this is the purpose of the blog, but as you can see from the comments above, this is happening. I would just like to say, the gang-problems are not as big as you make them sound. Unless you are a criminal yourself, you are not going to notice anything about gangs. The media have successfully, in part because of people like Balder, to make headlines out of the incidents. There is no war in Copenhagen, just a bunch of criminals doing whatever criminals do to each other. It’s silly and childish to think otherwise. Another problem I have with the article, is the fact that people exploit it’s meaning and starts using it’s idea as a base of argumentation for completely unrelated, and idiotic, thoughts such a racial cleanliness. The article is concerning the problems with Muslim immigrants, and has nothing to do with keeping the blood pure. Thoughts like those were dismissed back in the 40’s because the had no hold. The people of Europe got smarter and realized that the problems with immigrants are cultural and not racial. It’s a step back in the evolution of man, when people try to argument otherwise. I hope you listen. This is not left-wing propaganda at all, it’s just important to cut away the outdated and silly arguments from the debate. —Allan 41
Posted by bla on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 03:40 | # Wow! you all have serious issues. Peace. 42
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 11 Apr 2011 03:59 | # You tell ‘em bla. Those muslims with all that first cousin marriage. Those orthodox jewish sects who wont even marry less hard core liberal jews lest they be tainted. Oh, except it wasnt really that sort of thing you meant was it? Rather inbreeding in the sense of millions of whites only breeding with millions of other whites? Cause. like, thats real inbreeding isnt it? 43
Posted by Denmark's Growing Anti-Immigration Stance on Sat, 14 Mar 2020 05:02 | # Post a comment:
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Posted by Carl Santiago on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 17:00 | #
This is excellent news. The Left has understood for years that we are in a war. When the Right realises that we are in a war and therefore warfare must be waged, the tide will turn. May God help us create similar Patriotic militia groups throughout Europe and N. America. After all, violence works.