Virginia Tech Massacre Raciosexual Hypothesis Update

Posted by James Bowery on Friday, 20 April 2007 22:06.

UPDATE April 20, 1:30PM PDT:

The list of victims with photographs are now available and do not support the naive “Asian-chauvenist” raciosexual motive, although a raciosexual cause may still be supported given a higher vulnerability of east Asian men to sexually vicious multicultural environments—hence a higher level of stress. 

Moreover, an interesting fact is that it appears there are actually more “Asian” victims than one would expect by more than a factor of 2.  However, these are divided between East Asian victims (Henry Lee and Mary Read) and other “Asians”:  South Asian victims (G.V. Loganathan, Partahi Lombantoruan, Minal Panchal, Reema Samaha) and West Asian victims (Ross Abdallah Alameddine and Reema Samaha both Lebonese—and we might include the Egyptian Waleed Mohammed Shaalan).  There are a lot more dark skinned Asians among the victims than one would expect.  Moreover, the sole female East Asian victim was Korean, “born on an Air Force base”—meaning she was probably sired by a white military man with a Korean mother.  Given these nuances it is rather difficult to dismiss the raciosexual hypothesis altogether and indeed, it seems desirable to invoke a variant of the raciosexual hypothesis to explain the over-abundance of dark-skinned Asians among the victim list and the “coincidence” that the sole east Asian female victim was not only a conational of the killer but the product of an interracial marriage involving a Korean mother.

Here is a picture of Mary Read with her father Peter Read:




Posted by Englander on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 22:27 | #

I imagine the victims were quite random. Not that this would matter to your raciosexual hypothesis, as I am sure there must be a sexual element to the tipping over the edge of many young male men with mental and social problems. Being an asian male in western society must be especially hard.


Posted by woohoo on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 01:17 | #

The raciosexual hypothesis fell flat on its face, when confronted by actual evidence.  So what next to do?  Hypothesize some more, by damn!  That will turn the trick!



Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 01:47 | #

Ah, is this Mr. Reading Comprehension again?  In the unlikely event that it is some new ignoramus:

First: No it didn’t fall flat on its face.  It did predict a sexual competition cause which seems likely given the events.  His failure to exclude all East Asians tends to invalidate only a raciosexual motive which you should have picked up since it was stated for you just that way.

Second: Science does in fact proceed by modifying hypotheses so as to better conform to the facts.  This is, I’m sure, the reason you are so hostile to it.

Third: It isn’t really reasonable to include a “Korean” female in the East Asian count against the naive Asian-chauvinism motivation hypothesis since she is sired by an American and this is exactly the kind of coupling predicted to evoke hostility from an Asian-chauvinist.  The existence of a single east Asian male is the strongest evidence against that motive and a single kill just isn’t that strong.  Nevertheless I did admit that the evidence didn’t support that motive.  So we have an observed case where we don’t have strong evidence for the Asian-chauvinist motive.  Hardly a devastating scientific blow.


Posted by woohoo on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 02:44 | #

I must be a new ignoramus.  The fact that science stumbles along making new discoveries, modifying hypotheses along the way, in no way proves that your methods, such as they are, are scientific.
You are, after all, the one who jumped to conclusions before the evidence was in and now find yourself in need of backpedaling.

As to your third point: woohoo


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 03:38 | #

The latest reading comprehension challenged ignoramus to show up writes: You are, after all, the one who jumped to conclusions before the evidence was in and now find yourself in need of backpedaling.

Here’s the “conclusion” that I “jumped to”:

The question remaining before we may reasonably conclude this was a raciosexual-motivated massacre is whether there were the expected number of Asian male victims given the reported “indiscriminate” killing.  If we are going to strongly falsify the raciosexual motive hypothesis, the number of Asian males should approximate their percentage at such an engineering school.


Posted by JB on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 04:00 | #

It wasn’t the main factor behind the shooting because it looks like he was already insane and living in his imaginary world. This raciosexual dimension could cause more asians to commit violent acts only if they were as impulsive and had as much self-esteem as blacks for example.

You can imagine how much more violent nggers would be if although not facing legal barriers blocking them from white women the latter would collectively and openly tell them to fck off.

It may be though for some asian men to deal with the fact that they are valued below negroes by white women but how many of them flip out and start shooting people because of it ? and what’s the % of asian males in US prisons ? must be pretty low. Asians don’t behave like nggers because they probably can’t behave like nggers.

The Price of Interracial Dating

A RECENT BROADCAST on ABC’s 20/20—video excerpt linked below—dealt with online dating sites and the patterns they reveal in White women’s dating and mating behavior.

The study cited by the program shows that White women prefer White men—in fact, 97% of White women’s replies to men’s profiles are to White men—but the percentage of those willing to racially mix rises if the non-White male makes an extraordinarily high income.

For the percentage of White women willing to date outside their race to rise from 3% to 50%, an “Hispanic” male (a deceptive category, since “Hispanic” is not really a racial term, though most self-described “Hispanics” in America are Mestizos racially) would have to make $77,000 a year more than his White male counterpart. A Black male would have to earn $154,000 a year more than the equivalent White man to boost his chances to 50%; and an Asian male would have to earn $247,000 per year more.


Posted by JB on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 04:19 | #

speaking of raciosexual causes :

Racist Rape third world immigrant epidemic the media ignore


Posted by JB on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 04:36 | #

speaking again of raciosexual causes :
I wouldn’t recommend watching a Godard movie but this leftist sicko made a movie about the Black Panthers and here’s a short excerpt


Posted by JB on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 04:38 | #

Plot Summary for
Sympathy for the Devil (1968)

Godard’s documentation of late 1960’s western counter-culture, examining the Black Panthers, referring to works by LeRoi Jones and Eldridge Cleaver. Other notable subjects are the role of the media, the mediated image, A growing technocratic society, Womens Liberation, the May revolt in France and the power of language. Cutting between 3 major scenes, including the Rolling Stones in the studio, the film is visually intercut with Eve Democracy (Wiazemsky) using graffiti which amalgamates organisations, corporations and ideologies. Godard also examines the role of the revolutionary within western culture. Although he believes western culture needs to be destroyed, it can only be done so by the rejection of intellectualisation. “There is only one way to be an intellectual revolutionary, and that is to give up being an intellectual”


Posted by uuu on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 09:38 | #

“though for some asian men to deal with the fact that they are valued below negroes by white women “

certainly , though negroid men are ugly, but they are more strong,tall, manly.than asian men that’s some advantages all women prefer.

of course white men are manly too, and much more handsome than others


Posted by uuu on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 09:44 | #

white men are big deals!, (not ironic) they are valued higher among negroid men and mongloid men than white women among negroid women and mongloid women….


Posted by mike on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 05:23 | #

Whether racial factors were involved in the Virginia Tech shootings are anyone’s guess.

However, the dating disparities between Whites and East Asian males is serious cause for concern.

If I was an East Asian male I would be pretty pissed off with the number of white male nerds chasing after East Asian women.

It may also make White males lazier. If they can pick up an East Asian woman without much effort, why should they strive, economicallly and intellectually, to impress a pickier white female partner.


Posted by The Highwayman on Fri, 10 Jun 2016 00:13 | #

“However, the dating disparities between Whites and East Asian males is serious cause for concern.

If I was an East Asian male I would be pretty pissed off with the number of white male nerds chasing after East Asian women”

If the disparity were reversed would Asian men be concerned about it? Nah they would enjoy all the White women they can get.  There are more Black men with White women then the other way around do Black men care about that? The sexual frustrations of Asian men are not White people’s problem if they don’t like living in White countries they can leave.

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