Steven Palesi’s INTERNET ACTIVIST HANDBOOK Steven is one of the most talented, perspicacious and downright interesting, not to mention determined guys to hit WN in America in years. And I don’t think that’s just my opinion. He has the knack of reducing arguments to their core, and the energy to plant them in all corners of the liberal universe. Wouldn’t it be handy if a little of that Palesi know-how and energy could be bottled for our general consumption? Well ... GW INTERNET ACTIVIST HANDBOOK A compilation of original and (yes, especially) unoriginal thoughts and suggestions for the internet warrior. TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Setting Up an Internet Activism Platform Our children are being subjected to an ever increasing list of RACE LAWS designed to discriminate against them simply because they’re white. In addition, recent demographic data shows white kids will soon represent a minority of new births nationwide. The racial majority of the future will believe, as it believes now as a minority, that white-skins conceal hate-filled and irredeemable hearts, and a political cunning that leads directly to oppression, enslavement and genocide. That is only what they are being taught today and every day. But even if we take a less apocalyptic view, the prospect is grim:- # More affirmative action discrimination in education Add that up and you get an ever-increasing racist discrimination against them for being white - and only for being white. Suffering this, along with all the bigotry and chauvenism that will accompany it, in silence is not the white way to live. I expect they will ask us why we did this to them. Why did we simply acquiesce while the power elite and their minority clients re-arranged our country’s demographics and maximized minority privileges. They will also ask us whether we resisted or collaborated. What will your answer be? Join us in our efforts to save our children and reverse the demographic tide drawing our posterity toward increasing exploitation and, possibly, extinction. Help us spread the truth about PeeCee fundamentalists, pro-minority bigots and anti-white chauvinists, what they’re doing to our children and why. We do this by posting Bob’s Mantra or Bob’s Riddle on the internet wherever we can. Doing this attracts an ever increasing number of like-minded people who refuse to betray their children and, more importantly, have the courage to stand up for them. To join us, read on and act today. None of this will cost you money. Our children don’t want your money, all they ask of you is your time. Please help our children today. Not tomorrow, today. Bob’s Mantra: PeeCee religious doctrine goes something like this: “If you go against your group interests while black you’re an uncle tom, if you do so while white you’re open-minded. Amen. If you express group interests while black you’re standing up for your people, if you do so while white you’re racist. Amen.” The PeeCee fundamentalists that have overrun government, academia and media keep telling us there is a problem with white people and white countries. The problem, it appears, is that they are too racist. They keep saying this problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries. The Netherlands and Belgium are as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says there is a problem with asian people and that this problem will be solved by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them. Everybody says the final solution to this problem with white people and white countries is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites. What if I said there was this problem with black people and black countries and this problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries? How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a problem with black people being too racist, I am talking about MY race hatred of black people? And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this? But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of demographic extinction against my people, white people, the pro-minority bigots and chauvinists agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white racists. Anti-racist has become a code word for anti-white racist. Bob’s Riddle “All anti-white racists agree that it’s ok for whites to become minorities in their own countries. All anti-white racists also agree that a Japanese person who wants to become a minority in his own country is either a traitor or clinically insane. Therefore, what is an anti-white racist?” CHAPTER 1. An internet activism platform consists of an email address, a blogging account and a tracker. Though you already have an email address, you must create a new one specifically for activism. You will be using it to register in forums and blogs where you’ll be confronting hostile pro-minority chauvinists, bigots and white haters with the truth, as encapsulated in Bob’s Mantra. Anti-white forum and blog admins can’t argue with the truth but they can and will nuke your email account out of spite. What they do is they go to porn sites and enter your email address into every mailing list they see. Within two days your mailbox will be so flooded with spam it will become unusable. Professional spammers sell each other CDs with 500,000 email addresses for $10. If your email address ends up in their hands, it’s over. NEVER use your real email address, always use the one you create specifically for activism. The second element is the blog. Your blog provides you with your own internet address to which you drive traffic (contacts and potential recruits). Interested parties will filter through to the main websites because the blog will only contain the mantra and two links to and Why not send them there directly? Because sending them to your blog first means your tracker records the fact that it was YOUR labor and effort that brought in the contact and potential recruit. Having your own URL (internet address) is key to your getting due credit for your activist efforts. The third element is the tracker. This is just a little graphic that appears at the bottom of your blog. If you click it you can see exactly how many people have visited the blog, from which links they came and at what times. This information is essential for calibrating your efforts toward wherever the payoff is highest. I cannot stress how important the tracker’s real-time feedback is. Trust me, once you’ve used a tracker you’ll never go back to “blind” activism. Another benefit is that it creates a permanent publicly accessible record of your labors as an activist that specifies exactly - and I mean exactly - how much effort you have put into saving our people. Ok enough chit chat let’s get going. Here are the 33 steps I followed to set up an internet activism platform (email, blog and tracker accounts) in 10 minutes flat: EMAIL ACCOUNT 1. I went to
then I clicked “Sign me up” 6. Next page: I entered the following: Username: [mantra77] and accessed my new email account: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) Time taken to set up a free email account: 2 minutes 40 seconds. *** BLOGGING ACCOUNT 7. I went to
then I clicked “CONTINUE” 10. Next page: I filled the [fields] as follows:
11. Next page: I clicked “CONTINUE” since the first template (minima) is fine. Your blog post published successfully! *** To login to the account in the future: Time taken to set up a free blogging account: 4 minutes 05 seconds. Note: You won’t be posting anything else on your blog. The mantra is all it needs. If you want to actually blog, i.e. comment on daily events etc. just start another blog for that purpose. *** TRACKER ACCOUNT 18. I went to
then I clicked “Submit” 21. Next page: It says, “Thank you for joining us!”
since blogger doesn’t have frames I clicked the first one 25. What!!?? What IS that!? Oh my god! CODE!!!! CODE!!!!!
30. I then pasted the CODE in the content box while ignoring the title field *** Time taken to set up a free tracker: 2 minutes 58 seconds. Note: once you get some traffic coming, you just click on the tracker button to see it reported down to the tiniest detail. The tracker will tell you where your activist efforts are generating the most contacts (unique hits) in the “referrers” section. It being public, all other activists will be able to see what you are doing, how effective you are (total hits) and what they need to do to improve their own effectiveness. *** CONCLUSION Overall time taken and money spent setting up an internet activism platform (email, blog and tracker):
Once the internet activism platform has been set up, it is time to drive traffic (contacts and potential recruits) to it. There are eight ways of building traffic, in decreasing order of effectiveness: 1. Posting (the mantra and your blog’s web address) in the comments sections of other blogs Therefore, since in my experience the first method is the most effective, this guide will focus on it. Although an individual messageboard is, on average, more effective than an individual blog, there are hundreds of blogs for each messageboard. That’s why I believe that, provided you focus on quantity, you’re better off mass posting in blogs. *** BLOGSPOT 1. Start up your browser allintext: +immigration +2007 -2006 -2005
4. Click “Search”; you should get this search report: Results 1 - 10 of about 333,000 from for allintext: +immigration +2007 -2006 -2005. (0.25 seconds) 5. (Optional) Refine your search by adding or changing keywords, for example you can try: allintext: +racism +immigration +2007 -2006 -2005 and so on. 6. (Optional) You can also click “Advanced search” to access more search options, such as: Return web pages updated in the [last 3 months] which is very useful. 7. Open the first 10 results in new tabs (Firefox 2 users: hold CTRL while you click them) Option a) you can present your link as text by simply writing it in, for example: potential visitors will then type or copy/paste it into their browser address bar to reach you. Option b) you can present it as a live link by enclosing it in HTML tags, for example: <a href=“”>Visit my blog!</a> or <a href=“”></a> potential visitors will then just click your link to reach you. 17. Click “PREVIEW” to insure your link works Notes: *** WORDPRESS 1. Go to
4. Go to your activist email account and wait for the confirmation email
7. Click on the link, you will go to a page that says,
8. Go back to your activist email account and wait for a second email titled,
9. Open it, it should read
10. Copy the password they provide and click on Notes: *** TECHNORATI 1. Go to
7. Click on the green “807 blogs link here” link (the number will vary) Notes: *** OTHER WAYS OF IDENTIFYING TARGET BLOGS 1. Google Blog Search Beta As the name indicates, this is a new search tool that is still in testing. However, I’ve found it to be 100% functional and very very effective. The fact that it indicates how long ago the post was made is simply priceless. 2. Blog rings As you scan blogs you will run into several “blog rings”. These are collections of blogs that support and link to each other. Find the main blog to get a full list of all members. What you are looking for is blog rings whose theme reflects white issues, for example 3. Other activists Visit the blogs of other internet activists and click on their tracker graphic at the bottom of the page. Then click on “Referrer Tracking 2” and scroll down to “All Website Referrers”. This list all the websites that have been hit with the mantra and are sending traffic. Click on the referring websites to visit them. For example,;ref2?login=mantra77 Obviously, since the mantra has already been posted, you shouldn’t post it again. Rather, you should throw in a post supporting the fellow activist’s original mantra posting. *** CHAPTER 3. Internet anonymity is very useful to the internet activist. Hostile anti-white censors know who you are based on your IP address (the numbers that look like and when they ban you they ban the IP. In order to counter a banning you need to change your IP address. You do this using proxies. A proxy is a server that acts as a middleman. Your browser sends the page request to the proxy and the proxy then sends it on to the page you want, downloads it and relays it back to you. The webmaster will only see the proxy’s IP address, never yours. When they ban the proxy IP address, you just change proxy to start over with a new IP address. This sounds incredibly complicated and quite frankly it is. However, there is software that does it all for you. TOR, the proxy software I use, automatically changes proxies every 10 minutes. This makes me completely anonymous and therefore unbannable (though I still have to clear cookies and re-register after every banning). To enable internet anonymity, you need to download and install 4 software components: TOR - free open source rotating proxy A final note: You can use TOR all the time if you want to do everything anonymously (emailing, blogging, registering, posting etc). However, bear in mind that all traffic entering the TOR proxy network is encrypted and relayed around several proxies before it reaches you. This means that while your browser is in stealth mode it’s slow. Very slow. The TOR plug-in provides a status button on the lower right which you can click to turn stealth on or off. While in safe waters I usually switch TOR off to return to normal speeds. Another problem is the fact that blogger uses the language of the country it detects you coming from. This means whenever you use the blog control panel under TOR you either learn multiple languages or wait for the next proxy change hoping for an American server. A final problem is that comments managed by haloscan ban TOR users. This isn’t a big problem because blogs that go that far are so censorious anyway that your post would never make it since you’re obviously expressing group interests while white - something too shockingly heretical for most PeeCee stalinoids. *** Install TOR
4. Wait for the file (called vidalia-bundle- at the time of writing) to download Time taken to download and install TOR: 3 minutes 22 seconds. *** Install Firefox 2 Time taken to download and install Firefox 2: 5 minutes 01 seconds. (slow download) *** Install Firefox TOR plug-in Time taken to download, install and test Firefox TOR plug-in: 0 minutes 44 seconds. *** Install Firefox CookieCuller plug-in Time taken to download and install Firefox CookieCuller plug-in: 0 minutes 33 seconds. ***
While arguing with a particularly vile pro-semitic bigot on libertyforum, I realized that his use of a beautiful model as his avatar was having a subtle psychological effect on me. It was making me somehow hold back. I knew he was a middle aged male and a rabid pro-semitic chauvinist to boot, yet the picture kept mellowing my feelings toward him even though I was perfectly conscious of who he really was. Indeed, even after I realized his choice of avatar was deliberate and intended to have that effect on us, I STILL continued to hold back. When debating anonymous people whose only sensory manifestation is text, it appears that adding something as simple as a picture has an incredibly disproportionate effect on the first, second and third impression one creates. Indeed, this effect is so powerful that if you try it yourself you will definitely notice a change of tone toward you. And it isn’t only noticeable, it is very noticeable. In fact, the effect is so potent that the drawback may be that people will treat you with such kid’s gloves that they will refuse to debate you at all. Personally, I find pictures of sad little girls to be the most psychologically disarming. Insofar as white children are the ones we are fighting for, using pictures of them is not only appropriate but obligatory; we have a duty toward them to do everything we can to fight harder and more effectively. This means engaging in psychological warfare wherever possible. ADDING PICTURES 1. Find a digital picture of your daughter, niece or young sister where she looks really sad
7. Next page: Fill in the form as follows:
8. Open your blog, it now has a picture From now on, whenever you post in another blogspot blog, the tiny picture will appear as your avatar. In addition, whenever you register in forums or in other blog domains you can use the same image web address to provide a picture for your profile. ** BOB’S RIDDLE “All anti-white racists agree that it’s ok for whites to become minorities in their own countries. All anti-white racists also agree that a Japanese person who wants to become a minority in his own country is either a traitor or clinically insane. Therefore, what is an anti-white racist?” Bob’s Riddle is a compacted verion of Bob’s Mantra that comes in the form of a question - an unusual question, one that has no clear answer. Even its author admits there are tons of equally valid answers, for example: a hater and so on. All valid answers. It is precisely this ambiguity that makes it so powerful. The fact that it is presented as a question forces the reader to think. The fact that it is so ambiguous causes them to think about it far more. The more they think about it the more the underlying message lodges itself into their mind. This is basic applied psychology. Readers will eventually come to believe they found the answer and will want it confirmed. We must never provide an answer, nor should we ever let them in on the fact that there is none. We must allow let them to simmer in curiosity and frustration until they’re driven toward our websites looking for it. Again, basic applied psychology. When they come, they won’t find the answer anywhere but here - the last chapter of the activist handbook. Here they’ll find the answer as well as something better: A chance to join us and fight for our children. The riddle should be used instead of the mantra whenever the subject matter calls for something short, when you’re making a second post following the mantra, as a tagline for an off-subject post and in other special circumstances. The riddle is highly versatile and should always be calibrated to fit its audience. This is done by replacing the keywords “anti-white racist” with whatever the target group identifies with. For example, on a Republican blog, use the keyword “Republican” or “conservative”. For example,
The closer it is calibrated to its audience the more powerful it becomes. As with the mantra you must add YOUR blog’s web address to it. In addition, just before the web address you should add, “For the answer go to:”. For example,
*** Public Domain. Distribute Freely. Steven Palesi Comments:2
Posted by Steven Palese on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 04:21 | # Thanks Guessedworker but actually the mantra is in fact Bob Whitaker’s as indeed is this whole model of internet activism. All I did really was write it all down. This model has been in operation for quite some time now at Bob’s blog, where a team of activists has already been raising hell posting the mantra all over the net. All the handbook does is lay out in precise practical terms the steps necessary to participate in this form of activism. I wrote it exactly one week ago when I started my own activist blog. So after one week of activism involving about 3 hours of activism a day, I can report I’ve contacted 300 people:;unique?login=mantra77 Far more were actually exposed to the mantra (or riddle) but 300 became curious enough to actually click the link and reach the blog. The blog’s role is to record traffic and pass it on to the websites running this activist model: - where the best posts are archived The hope is that new arrivals will join the effort and become activists themselves. If a decent percentage, say 1% decides to do so, then that means that 1 activist can generate 3 more activists per week, every week (assuming 300 hits/week). Ok maybe 1% is optimistic, but it’s worth trying out this model and seeing where it goes. In short, it’s an experiment. However, if it succeeds the reward would be substantial since the model is designed for exponential growth. It’s something of an internet chain letter. Moreover, since it’s all public domain any pro-white website can adopt the model if it wants to. Recap: This model is very simple. All you do is go to forums and blogs and copy/paste the mantra with your link. People click the link and reach the activism websites where they’re encouraged to join the activist effort. It takes 10 minutes to set up the blog to get going. 10 minutes. If you are a conscientious white person who wants to do something, well here’s something you can do. Whether you spend one hour a day or one hour a month it’s up to you. At least you’re doing something for your people instead of sitting there simmering in resentment. 3
Posted by National Meritocracy on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 05:04 | # Perhaps it’s better to concentrate energies into building a general news site that is competitive with the New York Times. Five-to-ten quality PAID FULL-TIME writers at one site beats 5,000 scattered, well-intentioned but rinky-dink blogs. Anyway, you just don’t want know-littles diluting the message with weak arguments and mental misfires. 4
Posted by Steven Palese on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 05:19 | # Thanks Fred, I’m using that intro (along with the riddle)in big websites worth reposting in, such as libertyforum or (You can’t post the mantra repeatedly in the same place or you get banned for spamming, you must make a few regular posts between mantras)
It’s something of a one-move checkmate and the responses I get are absolutely hysterical. It presses them so tightly into a corner they erupt like a septic tank backflush. These people make even better recruiters than the mantra! When white people walk into these threads and step into this kind of seething anti-white race hatred bubbling all over, they’re bound to wake up. Here’s a sample response from
When you use the intro bear in mind that each of the grievances listed comes straight out of Yggdrasil’s Race Bias series: They all come with citations from the Wall Street Journal, NY Times or LA Times. So if anyone questions any of the items listed, go there, copy the newspaper extracts and paste them onto the denier’s face. Don’t let them off the hook. You want to keep them cornered, the more they screech anti-white race hatred the better. 5
Posted by Count Sudoku on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 05:27 | # Not to nitpick, but wouldn’t the anti-white racists be fine with the Japanese or any Japanese person wanting to become a minority in their own country? Or at least lie and say they were? 6
Posted by Steven Palese on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 06:14 | # Responses to miscellaneous comments:
TOR is open source, i.e. the code is written by volunteers and is public. This means any geek worth his keyboard can spot any such interference within 3 milliseconds. Nobody funds TOR because open source projects dont need funding. is a pro-white lobby with a news service. People who want to help by writing checks or reading news should go there. What we’re doing is offering an alternative for people who can’t write checks but want to help anyway. Money and power are for the establishment to leverage, our side has numbers so let’s leverage that.
These are not 5,000 news blogs. They are not blogs one updates. Once you’ve created the blog with mantra and tracker, that’s it. You add nothing else. Nor are activists expected to argue with anyone while posting the mantra around the net. In fact we recommend they post and move on, post and move on. In other words, this has nothing to do with providing news. It’s about attracting activists who will work to attract more activists in a feedback loop. We are not interested in attracting news readers, we want activists.
The riddle is intended to disturb the moral certainties of collaborators and to remind them what they are. I agree that most minority racists are quite likely to resent the Japanese as well. After all the Japanese have built a successful society that humiliates them every day by reminding them of their homeland’s failure to do same. But to answer your question, if they pretend (lie) they’re all for no borders for anyone, ask them why you can’t see a single organized lobby screeching for open borders for Japan. Don’t they feel their human rights have been violated because they’re not allowed to colonize Japan? So if they play that hand, they just expose their hypocrisy even further. And if you have the time to dwell on the thread you can ridicule them all day: Why oh why can’t the Japanese treat us like HUMAN BEINGS!? Please help me, I can’t sleep anymore knowing of this ABUSE of my HUMAN RIGHT to colonize Japan!! Etc etc. 7
Posted by second class citizen on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 14:57 | # As far as TOR is concerned, we have to look at the alternatives, and who is going to be monitoring. I don’t know of any open source alternatives to TOR that are superior. By definition, anything you can’t personally inspect the code of is less secure than something open source. i.e. any of the myriad “anonymizer” type websites. Even though open source, whether one coder has the time to spot some sort of vulnerability is uncertain. TOR has known vulnerabilities anyway. From the FAQ: “As mentioned above, it is possible for an observer who can view both you and either the destination website or your Tor exit node to correlate timings of your traffic as it enters the Tor network and also as it exits. Tor does not defend against such a threat model. In a more limited sense, note that if a censor or law enforcement agency has the ability to obtain specific observation of parts of the network, it is possible for them to verify a suspicion that you talk regularly to your friend by observing traffic at both ends and correlating the timing of only that traffic. Again, this is only useful to verify that parties already suspected of communicating with one another are doing so. In most countries, the suspicion required to obtain a warrant already carries more weight than timing correlation would provide. Furthermore, since Tor reuses circuits for multiple TCP connections, it is possible to [WWW] associate non anonymous and anonymous traffic at a given exit node, so be careful about what applications you run concurrently over Tor. Perhaps even run separate Tor clients for these applications. “ Those attacks look to be in the domain of alphabet soup agencies. Assuming that they can find you if they want is a good idea. But so what? I’d imagine that there are three main adversaries you could be dealing with here. An alphabet soup agency might record your activities. It might correlate them with an IP. Possibly even your name. But you are doing nothing even remotely illegal, so why would they bother you? They might arrange to have John Lennon shot, but some anonymous ethnic activist comment spammer with 300 click throughs, half of whom are probably lefties anyway, is nothing. High level (i.e. mucho resources) private groups like the ADL are also unlikely to have the resources or the inclination to go after this sort of low-level activity. They are more likely to put pressure on popular forum moderators, owners and governments to include so-called anti-hate speech stuff in their legal boilerplate and moderation guidelines. Far easier and more effective. Also looks better when it comes to soliciting donations. Which will attract more donations? “This year, we almost got Mel Gibson jailed, shut down 5 major neo-Nazi websites, and jailed 2 prominent historians.” Versus “This year, we found the names and details of 1500 comment spammers, but couldn’t release them because Garden variety card leftie loonies are the most important people TOR will defend against. Likely, you will annoy the local lefties (and perhaps local lefty mods) of what ever forum or blog you decide to spam. This is where TOR would come in, keeping you effectively anonymous from people whose budget derives from the dole and/or parents. 8
Posted by second class citizen on Sun, 22 Apr 2007 17:54 | # On internet activism in general, I think you can make an impact by: 1) Frequenting sites that your target audience frequent, i.e. unawakened Whites. I.e. just generally popular English speaking sites. Above all, know your history and current events. Virtually everything that we have done to someone else and are asked to abase ourselves for has or is being done to us. Double standards abound. Some examples? Here is a short laundry list of notions common misconceptions you can correct in your travels, feel free to add more: Holocaust: -> Ukrainian genocide - set precedent, bigger, largely Jewish perpetrators, White victims. Has nothing to do with holocaust “denial”. No major movies. Why? Crusades: Were preceded by unprovoked Islamic crusades into the heart of Europe (i.e. Tours in France, included Islamic subjugation of Portugal and Spain). Black slavery: Preceded by enslavement of White people by Turks and Arabs, for longer time period. Discriminatory treatment of White versus non-White independence movements - see treatment of Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Ghandi, Mandela vs. Duke, Griffin et al in media. Miscegenation: Jewish high schools get away with turning away non-Jewish prom dates all the time. Segregation, apartheid: see Israel. WWII, various (to be used whenever someone mentions the “Greatest Generation” or the supposed nobility of WWII): Call attention to the offensiveness of not capitalizing “White” when every other interest group gets capital letters. Typical White disadvantage: And of course, as Palesi alludes to, the glaring double standard in immigration laws in countries like Japan, Saudi Arabia, Israel, China, etc. Those are just a few of the more obvious examples. Internet activism is the intellectual equivalent to guerrilla warfare. Everywhere we are out-gunned, out-financed, and have less man hours than our adversaries. We must act accordingly. A small ambush of truth, a quick tactical retreat followed by several lefties getting themselves worked up into a frenzy is a victory. They spend hours “hosing down the jungle” which is all wasted time. Few people have the time to read an illogical and hate filled strawman based attack. They see truth and fairness followed by vitriol and hypocrisy. It’s an easy choice to make. If this is done enough, other people will start to do the research as well, once they see that the current situation is injust, we are the underdog etc. Enough digging will lead to a more complete understanding. 9
Posted by internet birthday suit on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 02:18 | # The TOR software is insecure unless trusted experts exhaustively examine the source code and all associated systems. Even with outbound packet monitoring, the user must have the assurance that traffic isnt routed through “their” nodes or transmit processor number or NIC number. What’s the probability “alphabet soup” agencies tolerate a bypass to the present incarnation of Total Information Awareness? Zero, I suspect. The NSA aggressively funds software of this nature with grants and has for many, many years. In practice, your PC is open house. (I doubt anyone here connects from an NSA-proof network.) Not only is identity difficult to obscure, none of your electromagnetic communication is presently securable from their observation. These ppl arent jokers and incompetents. “Total Information Awareness” means business. The hardware, software, and internet infrastructure is US-dominated. Meaning an alphabet soup organization can go speak with a chosen soft/hardware maker anytime and legally insert a backdoor or trojan. Not only does an “activist” assume that all online communications is intercepted, they must assume that alphabet soup agencies can enter their internet-connected PC at will and listen to the audio in the room by turning on the mic, install keystroke loggers, read/upload any interesting files, and so forth. Total Access. Any information you dont want them to have belongs on an offline system. 10
Posted by Steven Palese on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 04:43 | # For heaven’s sake get a grip people. We’re talking about using TOR to bypass hostile forum admins, not to hack into the pentagon. Nobody at NSA FBI PTA ABC XYZ whatever could care less if you post the mantra around the net. Nobody. If any such agency cared enough about pro-white expression on the net they would have wiped out the big pro-white websites with DOS attacks years ago. Most DOS attacks that do occur originate from Israel, specifically from the domain. They haven’t achieved much, have they? These losers can’t take down big targets, like stormfront with its million+ hits/day, nor small targets, like the millions of anti-zionist blogs and websites out there.. ..but these lamers are going to crack TOR! And they’ll do it to get at small time activists pulling 300 contacts a week! Ok whatever. Seriously folks, get a grip already. Look at the kind of posts that are now NORMAL at the guardian, the times or daily mail websites and let’s not even get into the American equivalents. The mantra is actually MODERATE compared to what’s become ROUTINE. Besides, the mantra isn’t about Jews. What bothers the powers that be is frank discussion of Jewish power. That has already spun so far out of control that it’s simply ludicrous to think the alphabet agencies are able to stop anything whatsoever, let alone focus everything they’ve got on cracking TOR to get at little YOU. And get at you for what? Is posting the mantra illegal in the UK all of a sudden? Well when they arrest the thousands of Guardian commenters who’ve gone much further and discussed Jews, then - and only then - can you legitimately start wallowing in paranoia. Anyway, you should bring all this up at Bob’s blog. Bob is a career washington insider who actually worked for these agencies. He knows exactly how bureaucratic and inept they are and would laugh himself silly reading half this stuff. 11
Posted by internet birthday suit on Mon, 23 Apr 2007 08:43 | # SP, My comment wasn’t specifically directed at your post, but to the activist audience in general regarding information security. They need to know of the extent and quality of enemy armnaments in order to sidestep the sneakiest and most deadly blows. 12
Posted by ed on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 00:59 | # Discriminatory treatment of White versus non-White independence movements - see treatment of Mao, Ho Chi Minh, Ghandi, Mandela vs. Duke, Griffin et al in media. Certainly, it appears non-White independence movements are poorly covered, seeing how you can’t even spell ‘Gandhi’. 13
Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 01:20 | # Gandhi is mistakenly characterised as a symbol for the fight against racial injustice when, in fact, his concern,( as demonstrated by his total silence on the subject of Africans’ ‘rights of self-determination’ during his sojourn in British South Africa) was solely for the interests of Indians. 14
Posted by charles stalnaker on Thu, 17 May 2007 16:23 | # Good Morning Mr. Pelesi…I just finished reading your column on David Duke’s websight re Jewish-controlled media in America…Fourteen years ago, i had a Public Access show in the Tampa Bay area for a year and a half…One of the shows I did was on the jewish-controlled American media…in doing my research, i discovered that Rupert Murdoch is Jewish…His mother was a full-blooded Jewess…I discovered this in an out-dated WHO’S WHO IN AMERICA in a public library in Pinellas Park, FL…Later copies of WWIA WERE SANITIZED OF THIS INFO…unfortunately, i do not remember the exact year (I believe it was in the 60’s) of that particular WWIA…Of course you are aware that if a person’s mother is Jewish, that person is considered BY JEWISH LAW to be Jewish…Keep up the good work ! ! ! ...Charles… 15
Posted by charles stalnaker on Thu, 17 May 2007 16:25 | # THIS IS CORRECTED EMAIL ADDRESS…CHARLES STALNAKER 16
Posted by charles stalnaker on Thu, 17 May 2007 16:27 | # .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) is my corrected email address…charles stalnaker… 17
Posted by Steven Palese on Sun, 20 May 2007 23:32 | # Charles Stalnaker, thanks for the info. Yes, I’ve seen quotes from the WWIA to that effect. I’ve also heard Murdoch’s financial angel, the man who made him by financing his aquisition spree, was Seagram’s Bronfman. And on another note, UPDATE ON INTERNET ACTIVISM GUIDE After the one month test period there were a few problems with the conversion rate. So we’re changing the model quite radically in order to super simplify it. Basically we’ll try an affiliate type system where activists have unique URLs pointing straight to the main websites which lets us cut out the activism platform altogether. If you’re interested in the technicalities, check this thread : In the above thread I also mention MR’s possible future role as adopter once we get the model working. Unfortunately, the cost of making it super easy for activists is increased techno-trickery for webmasters. Not sure what exactly this trickery will be since SysOp is still working on it. Anyway, I hope whoever is managing MR is ok with installing a tracker or at worst a php module. 18
Posted by Rnl on Mon, 21 May 2007 06:15 | # solely for the interests of Indians Arthur Kemp wrote several years ago about this inconvenient chapter in Gandhi’s biography. Unfortunately he felt the need to feign outrage at Gandhi’s “racism.” **** THE MYTH OF MAHATMA GANDHI One the anachronisms of modern liberalism is that it elevates scoundrels to be heroes, and denigrates heroes into scoundrels. And when it cannot do that, liberalism simply lies. So it is the case with one of liberalism’s icons, Mahatma Gandhi. For, all over the world, Gandhi is held up as an icon of peace, pacifism, tolerance and brotherly love. Statues are erected to him, his “example” is taught to Western schoolchildren, and Hollywood has even made a film about him. In all of these, Gandhi is portrayed as the ultimate peacemaker, the living example of multiculturalism. Sadly, liberalism and the truth have seldom met. For in reality, Gandhi was a first class Indian racist who not only despised Blacks, but also other lower caste Indians! Those of you who have been subjected to come “conventional” Gandhi propaganda will know that he was born in India, studied to become an attorney in England, spent many years “organising passive resistance” in South Africa, and then returned to India to lead the passive resistance movement against British rule in that country. He was finally assassinated by one of his own kind. GANDHI THE ANTI-BLACK RACIST So much for the known face of Gandhi; but herein lies the rub. Lying in the publicly accessible archives of the South African state records in Pretoria and in the Johannesburg public library are full sets of the newspaper which Gandhi started in that country” the “Indian Opinion.” From these, and the official compilation of Gandhi writings, the “Collected Works”, the true face of Gandhi emerges: an anti-Black Indian racist! When Gandhi addressed a public meeting in Bombay on 26 September 1896, he had the following to say about the Indian struggle in South Africa: “Ours is one continued struggle against degradation sought to be inflicted upon us by the European, who desire to degrade us to the level of the raw Kaffir, whose occupation is hunting and whose sole ambition is to collect a certain number of cattle to buy a wife with, and then pass his life in indolence and nakedness.” (Collected Works II p. 74). In 1904, opposing the then White South African government’s plan to draw up a register of all non-Whites in the urban areas, Gandhi wrote: “It is one thing to register natives who would not work, and whom it is very difficult to find out if they absent themselves, but it is another thing -and most insulting - to expect decent, hard-working, and respectable Indians, whose only fault is that they work too much, to have themselves registered and carry with them registration badges.” (Collected Works IV p. 193). Commenting on a piece of legislation planned by the White Natal Municipal authority, called the Natal Municipal Corporation Bill, Gandhi wrote in his newspaper, the Indian Opinion on March 18 1905: “Clause 200 makes provision for registration of persons belonging to uncivilized races, resident and employed within the Borough. One can understand the necessity of registration of Kaffirs who will not work, but why should registration be required for indentured Indians who have become free, and for their descendants about whom the general complaint is that they work too much?” “COMPELLING THE NATIVES TO WORK” The Indian Opinion published an editorial on September 9 1905 under the heading, “The relative Value of the Natives and the Indians in Natal”. In it, Gandhi referred to a speech made by Rev. Dube, an early African nationalist, who said that an African had the capacity for improvement, if only the Whites would give them the opportunity. In his response, Gandhi suggested that “A little judicious extra taxation would do no harm; in the majority of cases it compels the native to work for at least a few days a year.” Then he added: “Now let us turn our attention to another and entirely unrepresented community - the Indian. He is in striking contrast with the native. While the native has been of little benefit to the State, it owes its prosperity largely to the Indians. While native loafers abound on every side, that species of humanity is almost unknown among Indians here.” “THE PROMINENT RACE” In the Government Gazette of Natal for Feb. 28 1905, a Bill was published regulating the use of fire-arms by Blacks and Indians. Commenting on the Bill, Gandhi wrote in his newspaper, the Indian Opinion on March 25 1905: “In this instance of the fire-arms, the Asiatic has been most improperly bracketed with the natives. The British Indian does not need any such restrictions as are imposed by the Bill on the natives regarding the carrying of fire-arms. The prominent race can remain so by preventing the native from arming himself. Is there a slightest vestige of justification for so preventing the British Indian?” Gandhi, like many caste conscious Indians (he was born to a fairly high shop owner caste) was all in favour of segregation from the “natives” as he liked to call Blacks. His reaction to a 1906 petition launched by non-Whites in South Africa to the British King, demanding voting rights, reveals this attitude clearly: “It seems that the petition is being widely circulated, and signatures are being taken of all coloured people in the three colonies named. The petition is non-Indian in character, although British Indians, being coloured people, are very largely affected by it. We consider that it was a wise policy on the part of the British Indians throughout South Africa, to have kept themselves apart and distinct from the other coloured communities in this country.” (Indian Opinion, March 24 1906). THE FAMOUS TRAIN INCIDENT In the Hollywood film made about Gandhi, much emphasis was placed on a scene where he was arrested for riding in a South African train coach reserved for Whites. This incident did indeed occur, but for very different reasons than those the film portrayed! For the liberal myth is that Gandhi was protesting at the exclusion of non-Whites from the train coach: in fact, he was only trying to persuade the authorities to let ONLY upper caste Indians ride with the Whites. It was NEVER his intention to let Blacks, or even lower Caste Indians, to share the White compartment! Here, in Gandhi’s own words, are his comments on this famous incident, complete with reference to upper caste Indians, who he differentiated from lower caste Indians by calling the former “clean”: “You say that the magistrate’s decision is unsatisfactory because it would enable a person, however unclean, to travel by a tram, and that even the Kaffirs would be able to do so. But the magistrate’s decision is quite different. The Court declared that the Kaffirs have no legal right to travel by tram. And according to tram regulations, those in an unclean dress or in a drunken state are prohibited from boarding a tram. Thanks to the Court’s decision, only clean Indians or coloured people other than Kaffirs, can now travel in the trams.” (Indian Opinion, 2 June 1906). GANDHI SUPPORTED SEGREGATION It is also a myth to presume that Gandhi was opposed to racial segregation. Witness this piece of his writing, published in his newspaper, Indian Opinion, of 15 February 1905. It was a letter to the White Johannesburg Medical Officer of Health, a Dr. Porter, concerning the fact that Blacks had been allowed to settle in an Indian residential area: “Why, of all places in Johannesburg, the Indian location should be chosen for dumping down all Kaffirs of the town, passes my comprehension. Of course, under my suggestion, the Town Council must withdraw the Kaffirs from the Location. About this mixing of the Kaffirs with the Indians I must confess I feel most strongly. I think it is very unfair to the Indian population, and it is an undue tax on even the proverbial patience of my countrymen.” (Indian Opinion, 15 February 1905). “PURITY OF RACE” In response to the rise of White nationalist politics, which stressed racial separation, Gandhi wrote in his Indian Opinion of 24 September 1903: “We believe as much in the purity of race as we think they do, only we believe that they would best serve these interests, which are as dear to us as to them, by advocating the purity of all races, and not one alone. We believe also that the white race of South Africa should be the predominating race.” (Indian Opinion, 24 September 1903). On 24 December 1903, Gandhi added this in his Indian Opinion newspaper: “The petition dwells upon ‘the commingling of the coloured and white races’. May we inform the members of the Conference that so far as British Indians are concerned, such a thing is particularly unknown. If there is one thing which the Indian cherishes more than any other, it is the purity of type.” And yet the liberal delusion over Gandhi lives on ... EXCALIBUR 19
Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 21 May 2007 11:08 | # Only an ignoramus would cofuse and conflate the defence of both the EGI and the Independence -seeking instincts of high-caste, Brahmin (for such was he) Aryan-descended Indians like Gandhi with the situation of Nigger savages in Edwardian South Africa. 20
Posted by Kurt Steiner on Sat, 25 Oct 2008 23:56 | # Psychological Study of Hussein Obama The media has said that Obama is the greatest orator ever seen. His verbal 21
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 00:18 | # Kurt, You are spamming. Please desist. If you wish to offer a post to the blog do it by mailing me through the contact button under the header. But this is not the way. 22
Posted by Kurt Steiner on Sun, 26 Oct 2008 00:24 | # Howdy Folks. I have tried the Klan and the Nazis, the conservatives and the WS but I never found any clear thinking human being capable of fighting back. I despise Jews but I am convinced that as long as “white leaders” parade Jews as the main enemy, they will always have an out, a way to avoid confrontation and polarization. If I can find white men who are nether druggies, drunks or queers and they will join me in using our phony rights to confront and expose the evil of blacks, then I will agree to take on the Jews after the back of black racism has been broken. Is there anybody out there who will shut up about Jews until after we defeat the blacks? If there is, I guarantee that we will run up against their Jew handlers too. The erntire Weatherman teerrorist organizatipon is Jewish and is advising Obama, for example. All right then Attention. (Im looking back) “Wait don’t run away. Don’t be scared.” Kurt 23
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 02 Aug 2011 02:37 | # This post rose to the surface due to a scumbag spam comment (now deleted) . However it reminded me about Steven Palesi. Its an ill wind and all that… What happened to Steven Palesi? He seemed a bright guy. Post a comment:
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Posted by Leadership Society.Blind Obedience. on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:54 | #
TOR is the choice of dissidents and intelligence agents worldwide, meaning it’s probably US-funded. Who screens the source code? Perhaps TOR secretly transmits traffic in parallel to a machine recording everything? Perhaps the software includes a keystroke logger?