Elitism, secrecy, deception … the way to save white America?
These statements are drawn from two comments on the Hunter thread by the redoubtable and true-hearted lady who comments as MOB. The charge of elitism for its own sake is a serious one because it implies the relegation of the bond of blood to something worryingly like ... elitism. It cannot be over-stated that the authenticity and legitimacy of leadership in a nationalist movement rests solely on that leadership’s blood ties to the people, with all that that implies for loyalty and purpose. Having the smarts to be interested in complex analyses of White America’s political and demographic crisis is not enough. Five hours after MOB made her second comment another redoubtable figure, Yggdrasil, turned up – for the first time ever on any MR thread as far as I am aware. CMS, he said, is not a secret organisation but a confidential one. No elitism or snobbery is implied. The confidentiality simply serves to protect those involved, or who would be asked to become involved, against persecution and loss of livelihood. Additionally, Ygg explained, confidentiality protects against (a) government agent penetration, (b) the kook tendency, and (c) the ego factor. Well, if there is a difference between secrecy and confidentiality, I don’t know what it is. Obviously, it doesn’t protect against government snooping. Nothing does. The best policy, actually, is openness - and pseudonyms where people wish. As far as not inviting kooks and egotists to participate, fine. Just don’t invite them. No need to hide from them. The hiding makes CMS look, if not elitist, at least putatively masonic. My guess is that some of those involved also think, if only privately, that they have joined the “elite”. Why not? They have joined something, that’s clear - Ygg used the word “membership”. But membership of what, exactly? It’s confidential. And with whom? Confidential. For what purpose? Confidential. There is something not right here. I can’t put my finger on it, but it’s there – despite the wide-eyed denials. I am minded of the Atlanta conference in late-2008 or early 2009, I forget now. That, too, was confidential. But when non-invitees enquired as to who was there and what was discussed, the only response was a terse “nothing of substance was proposed at Atlanta”. Difficult to believe that was true. I mean, what would be the point of dozens of “elite” American nationalists convening in Atlanta to arrive at a null conclusion? That would be a huge failure. Was it a coincidence, then, when the formation of A3P was announced in January 2010? Because if not … if Atlanta wasn’t, in fact, a failure ... if a political party was discussed, even in outline with a call for further research or a decision later, when more facts are known ... if that was the case, CMS is guilty not only of “confidentiality” but of lying. Why? Did A3P risk a still birth if a little frankness had prevailed? Are we to believe that “government agents”, “kooks” and “egotists” would have leapt upon the nascent creature and torn it limb from limb? Well, let’s bust the game open and note now that there are, in fact, only a limited number of nascent creatures White Nationalism can generate to shift the movement from on-line activity to full spectrum political activism. These are: a) A political party – A3P looks to be a pretty reasonable beginning. b) A funding agency seeking long-term relationships with significant doners. c) A national cultural organisation to reach out and connect to existing “implicitly white” cultural bodies and events. d) A think tank generating analysis and policy solutions, tasked with informing not only the politics of the movement but the wider political and media sphere (this is not the National Policy Institute, which, sadly, resembles a standard on-line propaganda site no different to Amren). e) An anti-defamation body – a template exists in ResistingDefamation.org. f) A media and PR arm tasked with facilitating relations with journalists and opinion formers. Yes, difficult but necessary. And perhaps ... g) A networking arm drawn from all units and, possibly, significant figures without the movement, the aim of which is to measure the performance of the movement and manage it consonant with its historical objective. That, more or less, is what the secretive folks of CMS can actually discuss. The political party excepted, they’ve only got to look at how Jewry goes about the task. The template for success is right there. They could also borrow some of that Jewish solidarity with and respect for their own people. Practise what you preach. Comments:2
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 01:00 | # GW, It is truly amazing that with everything that is happening in your country (i.e., the flash mobs burning down the United Kingdom) that you are worried about what a handful of people who post their thoughts on the internet are doing in the United States. At this critical juncture in British history, isn’t it obvious that you have more important things to be do? Shouldn’t you be trying to alert your own fellow citizens in the UK as to the dangers posed to them by the Cameron government and its insane policy of racial and cultural suicide? Why are you picking a fight with people who live in another hemisphere? Does that make any sense? 3
Posted by AOD on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 01:00 | # You’ve been unintentionally snubbed by a higher echelon group and your response is to slander them in public… That’s just great. If you’re going to flip out at the first sign of any emerging operational political structure, then maybe Nationalism (let alone White Nationalism) isn’t for you. 4
Posted by danielj on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 01:09 | # It is impossible that MR was overlooked unintentionally. It’s a question of why. 5
Posted by Barbara on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 01:26 | # I’m not allowed to post at Occidental Observer. When I did post I spoke often of how there was so much talk about IQ and I made the point that it was the elites who allowed the jews to gain power and control over everything. The rest of us are not to blame because we’re too stupid to be held responsible. I also talked about death squads which was not appreciated either. At any rate I am completely shut out and can’t even read the comments. I went round and round with Greg Johnson also which certainly didn’t help matters. The people there are elitist jerks. Why intentionally drive people away? The articles about the NW homeland were all about those who would not be welcome to live in the new homeland because we’re undesirables. Its almost unreal. 6
Posted by Barbara on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 01:27 | # What is CMS anyway, for those of us who are relatively new to all of this, I’d appreciate some info about it. 7
Posted by danielj on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 01:39 | # Barbara, It’s high time you read the past comments of GT and Maguire. Also, the delicious irony is that these elitist pricks don’t know enough Spanish to navigate their way around California, couldn’t change their own oil and certainly not nigger rig a radiator, steal electricity, skin a buck, etc. They can only survive in an air conditioned Hilton with thirty dollar, catered cheese plates for lunch. The great contraction will eliminate them. 10
Posted by Matt Parrott on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 02:18 | # Barbara,
Nobody’s shut out of the comments and I highly doubt you’re being censored—least of all for innocuous references to elite perfidy. You just click on the link at the bottom of the article and the comments remain. Comments were becoming so numerous that they were posing a performance issue for people visiting the site. The current setup is far from ideal, and I’m trying to find time to get that repaired. If anybody feels they’re being unfairly censored at TOO, they shouldn’t hesitate to email me directly and I’ll investigate. I’ve heard my share of complaints about the TOO comment moderation policy. But that it’s elitist is a new one. 11
Posted by Selous Scout on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 03:12 | # I’m quite sure he attended publick schools. Maybe, like many i-geniuses, he simply can’t get along with real people in the real world. This is, as you know, a real problem with those in the i-Nationalist ‘movement’, such as it is. I think GW is an absolute godsend to us and have been reading him for 5 or 6 years now, but can’t speak to why he (apparently) feels slighted. 12
Posted by danielj on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 03:22 | # I consider it a slight to the MR commentariat and contributors. Our interests weren’t represented by GW in what I’m sure would have been an able and admirable manner. I’m as American and trashy as they come, far from finishing school, and me and ol’ GW got along swimmingly. 13
Posted by danielj on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 03:26 | # I mean, if whoever it was planned a successful coup d’etat, it wouldn’t have been a big deal to get dissed on an invite. 16
Posted by Frank on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 05:24 | # Thank you for this information. The men you mentioned don’t seem like real leaders anyway. A “secret club” of united White men only plays into the hands of the Jews, who are adept at infiltrating and then eliminating its enemies. I wouldn’t be surprised if these men want to collect intellectuals for the reason of using them and then discarding them, a la The French Revolution. Many secret society members during that time had no idea why they were being executed, since they helped with the Revolution. Tom Sunic, Kevin McDonald, Greg Johnson, etc. don’t seem real to me. They lack passion and they lack ideas. Setting up a political movement is just more bogus enlightenment thinking. People have been burned too many times to have any faith in that. I’ve learned more from reading a few books then they could ever tell me. They are also easy on the Jews, so I wouldn’t be surprised if they are actually working with them. 17
Posted by Lew on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 05:51 | # It took me all but two seconds to determine using Google that the CMS is the Charles Martel Society funded by a member of the Regnery family. What exactly is the secret here? The fact is, there are people that a possess a “higher level of sophistication.” It’s not surprising. The people who have the option of spending all or most of their time on these issues, and the people who have made lifetime commitments to research, writing and analysis, are going to be more sophisticated than everyone else. If there is a group of elite WNist intellectuals communicating with each other behind the scenes, it sounds like a wise use of their time. 18
Posted by Guest Lurker on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 07:48 | #
Somewhat along these lines, I came across a German article on this website. I’m not going to translate it, but the gist of it is that according to a well-researched article in a Danish paper, for two decades now there has been a secret “Bund” that has infiltrated the Danish Right through an interlocking network of academics, policeman, conservative politicians, and business men and the associations they have founded. This network aims at “liberating” Europe from non-European immigrants and squaring accounts with traitors who have put Europe in its present predicament. There are allegedly offshoots of this network in all European states, but it is coordinated by a camouflage organization of the American CIA out of Virginia! The article then goes on to speculate whether Breivik’s claims of belonging to a vast network of operatives might have some truth to it after all. Anyway, the entire article is not reproduced on the link but is accessible only upon subscription. 19
Posted by Ryu on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 09:14 | # Any organization has a heirarchy. White Nationalism is tremendously un PC. At the highest level, many things have to be need -to-know. It would be highly suspect if there was Jewish infiltration at the highest level. WN without addressing the Jew is teethless. As long as the group is white, and that they understand what their interest is, that should be enough. 20
Posted by Papa Luigi on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 09:21 | # I think the work done by Kevin MacDonald & Co. is very valuable in providing an academic foundation for more popular political treatises. That the authors of this work wish to remain secretive and covert in their activity is understandable, as they may have taken decades to attain positions that will give their opinions academic credibility and it would be foolish to put this at risk. The work done by CMS is first class in so far as it goes, but like most academic material, must by its very nature be presented in a style that is measured and meticulously referenced, and therefore will appear dry, uninviting and heavy going for most people. While it may provide us with moral justification for our outrage, it is not the kind of material that will fill mens’ hearts with passion and will therefore never provide the spark that will ignite a revolution. The problem with creating an academic elite is that it will be composed solely of elite academics, i.e people with very high IQs, most of which will have needed to sacrifice some other facet of their personality in order to acquire the intellectual prowess they exhibit. I don’t make this point in order to denigrate such people, but simply to explain one of the golden rules of this world, that everything worthwhile comes at a cost, even high intellect. As a member of British Mensa I can attest to the fact that most Mensans exhibit to varying degrees, symptoms of Asperger’s Syndrome for example, which makes them very difficult people to socialise with. Indeed, despite its grandly worded mission statement, Mensa manifestly exists solely as a social club/self help group for highly intelligent people hampered in their normal social interaction by their often severely limited interpersonal skills. Guessedworker can draw comfort from the fact that mighty though his intellect is, it has not been bought at too great a price and he retains the capacity to engage with the common man. My thoughts are that the saviours of our race will be men of such ilk, able enough to command respect, yet with sufficient emotion to inspire, and the boldness of character to take the risks that political success will inevitably require. I concur with Guessedworker’s analysis of the framework required for the rebuilding of our nation and a renaissance of our people. My advice is to be thankful for and to use the material that CMS provides, and in the political sphere to concentrate on working with those who will work with us. CMS will at some stage in the future seek to affiliate themselves with an emergent WN movement that has broad appeal and we might yet find them coming to us. 21
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 09:24 | # I am not sure why some of you would assume this article is motivated by pique. I am English. I live in the south of England. I do not hold an American passport and, very plainly, could not contribute towards the construction of an activist politics of white American survival as effectively as white Americans themselves. The article was motivated in large measure by my sympathy for MOB, who I have known for a few years and who I have found to be a most stalwart and generous proponent of our cause. She has very good instincts - better, I suspect, that some of the other people who are wrapped in the CMS cloak and whom I also like and respect very much. Elites, especially cognitive elites, form at all times and in all human societies. That is simply a fact. Human beings differ, have their preferences from among one another and can attain their own increase more effectively in self-defined interest groups than in isolation. But there are a couple of things about a politics of blood that qualify the situation. One is that the elites must be of the blood, and the other is that they must serve that blood and no other cause. Any suggestion that the latter has to be qualified in some way because of “kooks” or “egotists” or whatever ... any suggestion of an unnecessary or gratuitous barrier, is negative. Blood is not best served by a retiring leadership. I think MOB has a point. I’m sure most of those involved in CMS would acknowledge it in any other circumstance. I suspect that a good number of them think the cloak is ridiculous and efforts should be made, in fact, to proceed in precisely the opposite way. But I doubt it will change because, notwithstanding Ygg’s assurance that no heirarchy exists within CMS, those who are in control, who seem to be Regnery and MacDonald, want it this way. 22
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 09:32 | #
So long as White Americans remain in harness to the ideology of anti-racist, globalist liberalism they are potentially a weapon that can be wielded to annihilating effect against Western European nationalism. America’s ability to crush nationalism in Western Europe - a nationalism robust enough to totally reverse non-White immigration into Western Europe - is ultimately dependent upon America’s capacity to project sufficient military force. The idea that this could be accomplished with an army of negroes and mestizos is ridiculous. Enough competent soldiers, White American soldiers, would be needed to subdue resistance from Western Europeans who would then be fighting with all the ferocity one would expect from those who realized this was their last chance to save their people from genetic annihilation. Two million White American soldiers deployed to occupy and pacify Western Europe so that America-controlled puppet governments could formally and explicitly implement policies which would lead directly to the expedited dissolution of native Western Europeans would be both achievable and predictable. If Russia did not intervene on behalf of Western European nationalists the latter would be ultimately powerless to prevent their being crushed by America - however much they might care to “militarise” like Krauts did in the 1930s as GW once stated they would. There will be enough White Americans left to facilitate the above mentioned military endeavour long past the point when saving the peoples native to Western Europe is beyond hope. So then, as I’m sure GW well knows, removing White Americans from being an animating influence to America’s policies which are genocidal to the White race on a global scale is a matter of existential importance to Western Europeans. The alternative would be to invite the Russians into Western Europe, which would pretty obviously come at the price of submitting to Russian hegemony, and then England would be Russia’s bitch. 23
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 09:56 | # Thank you , CC. This problem of Judeo-American hegemony, and the threat from American military power to any Western European nation declaring for white survival (particularly in the likely context of civil conflict - a colour war), was discussed a long time ago here. European nationalism has to break the Money Power which, ultimately, is what the American political Establishment serves. It might be that a nationalism which does not revoke its people’s debt slavery will be left alone. But one that frees the people from debt is highly likely to be attacked. So, yes, the freeing of white America is an intrinsic component in the freeing of the European heartland. But that is a strategic consideration and is not superior to that of simple brotherhood. White Americans, Canadians, Australians, Kiwis and South Africans all stand close by. We all have the same interest in securing the existence of our people and a fitting future for our children. That, and not strategy, is the signal thing about us. 24
Posted by Papa Luigi on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 10:03 | # Hunter Wallace, While I appreciate your disquiet at the apparently critical tone of GW’s article, the issue of geography can be explained quite simply with the realisation that there is but one struggle engaged in by White people across the world, and if we are to succeed in our mission to safeguard the future survival and wellbeing of our race, then White people everywhere must be united in our concern for each other irrespective of the theatre in which we find ourselves from a personal standpoint. The USA is probably the largest single reservoir of White people outside of Russia and the likelihood therefore is that it will be from within the US that the movement for our racial salvation will emerge. Understandably therefore, those of us on the Eastern side of the Altantic look with interest to developments within the US for signs of progress. As for the situation here in the UK, I don’t think anyone can accuse GW of being tardy in his concern over the lack of progress we are making, and I don’t think GW’s article was an exercise in finger pointing so much as an expression of frustration at the apparent lack of unity. 25
Posted by johnking on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 10:08 | # Who cares if elites want to talk to each other? White elites are the ones that got us into this mess. Smart money knows these people are perennial losers and they are irrelevant. A real leader gets down with the working classes, organizes them into a coherent and active army and gives them the tools to win the ideological war. Academic elites do nothing but talk to each other in their ivory towers. It is a waste of time reading their articles. You must learn what works and go out into the real world and defeat the enemy on a daily basis. Only Bob Whitaker is teaching people what works and is encouraging them to go out and do something. 26
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 10:24 | #
France and the UK have a few submarines fitted with nuclear missiles. America has thousands of intercontinental ballistic missiles fitted with nuclear warheads at its disposal. The total asymmetry of these odds can hardly be overstated. If nationalist French and British governments decided to use their meagre nuclear ‘arsenal’ to prevent an American occupation of Western Europe then America would obviously nuke at least France and Britain. The only possible counter weight to be brought to Western Europe’s defense against America would be Russia, the latter of which has all the nukes it needs to annihilate America. However, if Russia intervened it would face the possibility of an annihilating American nuclear attack. Russia would not be willing to risk that possibility, to call America’s bluff of nuking Russia (assuming it was a bluff), without being substantially compensated. That compensation? At least de facto hegemony over Western Europe.
It is highly likely that many of these soldiers would be evangelical Christians hopped up on the line that they were fighting “Nazis” who wished to destroy Christianity and exterminate “God’s chosen people” the Jews. Their normally “passive, receptive faces” would now bear the expressions of men determined to fight a holy war to its conclusion. 27
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 11:34 | #
The Political Cesspool radio show is the arm of the Regnery outfit which attempts to popularize racialism with the WWC with a folksy, populist presentation. Occasionally high- and middle-brow guests are interviewed who no doubt conceal their utter contempt for the sensibilities, indeed genetic constitution (yes, they are White, but ill-bred crackers - surely some eugenics is in order), of the WWC. It seems the WWC is caught between the rock of the literary fascists who would like to phase them out whilst breeding the “Higher Man” as Papa Luigi calls it and the hard place of Atlanticist atheists who wish to breed out their “faith gene”. I think the answer is for the WWC to tell both of these parties to shove their proposals of their asses. 28
Posted by Bill on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 11:55 | # I know some, perhaps most here, think this man is a nutcase. Myself I haven’t a clue. I’ve been tracking him for some while and have have found him both interesting and puzzling, in equal measure. He thinks it’s all over. I have never seen him so despondent. The Weekly Report with Lyndon LaRouche 17 August 2011. 29
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 17:08 | # This article, written in January of 2007, was brought to my attention today by Hadding Scott. I found it quite interesting. Japanese fighter survives WWII in Philippine jungle until 1974 30
Posted by Barbara on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 17:58 | # Matt Parrott please don’t make me out to be a liar. After reading this post and that of MOB I wanted to see who was currently posting at TOO and I was unable to access the comment section. In the past you have posted comments in the forum attacking me and have done everything you could to let me know how you feel about me. So don’t play the hypocrite. I’m glad to know for certain that you are the one behind the scenes who has been doing hostile things to me. Its not been a fair fight since you were always in control. 31
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 19:08 | # Papa Luigi, From my vantagepoint, GW has more than enough on his plate in the UK where the “flash mob” barbarians quite literally attempted to launch a revolution in Britain. If I lived In Britain, I would be preoccupied for decades with fighting the establishment over there. I mean it has quite literally gotten to the point where the barbarians are burning down London now. As for TOQ, it is a book club that publishes an academic journal about ideas, which anyone can purchase and read for themselves. Is there some kind of great secret being hidden here? What do you suppose is the KMac secret? The Jews are up to no good? The fact is, GW is of no assistance to us in the United States unless he changes the minds of his own fellow citizens, and vice versa. Thus, the proper division of labor is for GW to focus on England (where his heart and expertise has always been anyway), and leave America to its own people to figure out. He should be fighting the BBC, the Guardian, David Cameron, Parliament, the hate industry, and so on. What are the brainwashing mechanisms in Britain? It is the British media. What are the disciplinary institutions? I believe there is some kind of Equality Commission which is the British counterpart of the SPLC. What are the financial institutions in Britain? I know Britain isn’t on the Euro. The situation you are facing in Britain is similar, but different from ours in many way. You have your own homegrown problem. The institutions which are destroying the British people do not operate on this side of the Atlantic. America isn’t going to hell because of the BBC, the Guardian, the Equality Commission, your various television channels which (BBC America aside) we don’t watch in the United States, the British pound, the Euro, etc. We have our own counterparts to the “mainstream media” in the U.S. We also have the Federal Reserve and Wall Street. London has its own stock exchange, right? The British have their own currency? They have their own media? So, I will say that your problem is the “evil doers” (to borrow a funny Bushism) in the UK, not with a book club on the internet in North America. 32
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 19:23 | # Papa, I watch the U.S. conservative and liberal establishment like a hawk. I religiously follow all the polls on White America. I read the major opinion journals, listen to talk radio, study the tone of radio, follow the “national conversation” that goes on through print, radio, and television. I respond to these people so frequently that I know for a fact that some of them are privately reading OD and SBPDL and that we are succeeding in influencing them. I can see our ideas and metaphors cropping up in the conservative “mainstream” now. It is all about changing the paradigm, shifting the discourse, delegitimizing the establishment, creating a narrative, giving perspective (and ammunition) to people who are searching for answers. Note: The U.S. will change its tune. I’m quite sure that it is already happening. The process is well advanced now. What you see on television is one thing. What is showing up in the tracking polls is something different. 33
Posted by Papa Luigi on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 19:46 | # Captainchaos, I am rather bemused by your suggeston that I represent a faction that is causing some consternation for the ‘WWC’, by which I assume you mean the WCC, the White Citizen’s Council? My talk of evolutionary trajectories and ‘Higher Man’ is often mistaken for a suggestion that certain Whites do not deserve to be a part of our gene pool and would face exclusion from our gene pool should I ever exercise political power. As I say, this is a mistake. Higher man is an aspirational next evolutionary step for the White race and certainly would come as a result of a eugenic breeding programme, but as with all voluntary and benevolent eugenic measures, the kind of programme I would design would be one that within reason, ‘takes every White person with us’, and this cannot be stressed enough. I have never been an advocate of compulory sterilisations other than in extreme circumstances where the individuals concerned would be institutionalised to such a degree that they would not normally be able to procreate in any event. Therefore , any plans that I may advocate would not be a cause for concern or consternation for the WCC or any other similar body, ‘ill-bred crackers’, ‘chavs’ or otherwise. As a Cosmotheist, I regard the willed evolution of the White race as a future imperative and I see this being achieved through the pastoral work of an ideologically committed priesthood that co-ordinates the social services provided by local government in such a way as to produce through voluntary consent the favourable outcome that we would all desire. This can be done with sensitivity and the widespread consent of the communities involved, after all, even the most lowly among us have much to gain from a benevolent eugenic programme that ensures our genetic immortality and the genetic upgrading of the future generations of our individual germ lines. That said, I can see no reason why any White institution would wish me to stick my proposals anywhere that might cause elicit discomfort. 34
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 19:59 | # Having studied the system in the U.S. for nearly a decade, I am quite sure that I have deciphered how it works, and once you understand that you can predict the behavior of the eunuchs who work for the bloated establishment that rules this country. In the U.S., there are three major places which wield enormous power over the rest of the United States: (1) New York City - New York City is the home of the Money Power. It is the Wall Street vampire which sucks the savings of the entire continent through a centralized location. Instead of investing in their own states, families, and communities, Americans throw their money into this gigantic casino which is manipulated in all sorts of complex ways to our collective detriment. The bottom line about New York City (the only thing you need to understand about it) is that our money mysteriously flies from Alabama and Virginia and Kansas to Wall Street where it “disappears” into someone else’s pocket and never returns. The sheer amount of money flying to Wall Street (which is laughably called “investment”) gives the so-called “financial industry” enormous wealth and power to influence our political system. The Democratic Party, for example, is little more than an adjunct of Wall Street, which is why the Obama administration pushes so hard for “free trade” which destroys working class White voters in the Midwest. In exchange for “investment,” Wall Street (and its various imitators) create debt and turns everyone into a serf who works for the servant industry to pay off the mortgage and the credit card. (2) Washington, D.C. - Washington, DC is the home of the political establishment. It is the final political authority on every county, city, and state in the USA. It has assumed unto itself the power to decide literally everything about how we should live in the Heartland. How does one explain the perverse demographics of California? How does one explain the insane geography of Atlanta? How does one explain the ruins of Detroit? There is a single answer: the gentry liberal and conservative establishment in Washington and their “well intentioned” policies. Everyone in the U.S. has to work for the Federal Reserve dollar. That is another mechanism of control. (3) Los Angeles - Los Angeles is the capitol of the “entertainment industry.” The role of Hollywood is to manufacture illusions about reality. It has the function of “telling our stories” around the primordial campfire. This gives it the power to censor stories it doesn’t like and to “dream our dreams.” It keeps everyone lost and distracted by the fictional world of movies and television. Movies like Equilibrium, The Matrix, The Truman Show, The Running Man (there are many examples of this genre where the fictional world loses its legitimacy) and so forth explain how Hollywood functions as a power broker. It manipulates symbols to brainwash people. It constructs a narrative about race and allows no dissent from that narrative. The tone of the “main stream media” is set in these three power centers: New York City, Washington, DC, and Los Angeles. It is “main stream” because there can be no deviancy from the script. To not be in the “main stream” is to be sailing down some different river. In order to prop up the status quo, everyone has to stay on the “main stream,” which is to say, on the same script and narrative as the political, cultural, and economic establishment in the United States. It is a form of thought control. There can only be one narrative. No one can create their own narrative and be “main stream.” In order to control our thoughts, there has to be a system of punishing people who break the racial etiquette, who break the cultural etiquette, who break the economic etiquette, etc. This is why there are “disciplinary institutions” like the ADL and ACLU and SPLC which use the fine art of social shaming (perfected by the Bolsheviks in the USSR) to manipulate social status and threaten economic punishment to people who go off the script. This is what it all boils down to: everyone has to work for the U.S. dollar. Thus, everyone can be manipulated and forced to betray their conscience and refuse to tell the truth about what they know about how the system works. Most smart people know that we are on a course to disaster and hint around about it in their columns, but they are punished by breaking with the dominant narrative. If you can control the money, the minds, and the sense of political legitimacy among the masses (through manipulating narratives, symbols, and discourse), you will rule this country. But of course every system is inherently unstable. Especially a system which is as unstable as ours (which depends upon uniform thought control) which benefits a handful of rich people at the expense of millions of White families. It is contradicted by so many facts on the ground that its demise is a foregone conclusion. It is contradicted by reason, evidence, and conscience. Now it has finally gotten to the point where it is contradicted by the sheer amount of social and economic pain to White households that it causes which no amount of bullshit on television or in the New York Times can possibly make go away. Interesting times. 35
Posted by Papa Luigi on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 20:01 | # Hunter Wallace, I thank you for the explanation of your viewpoint, none of which alters the fact that it is understandable that political thnkers on this side of the Atlantic should quite reasonably expect some consideration from those in the USA. I know the institutions are different and indeed the prevailing legislation is different, however every institution on this side of the Atlantic has its counterpart on yours, which behaves in much the same way and according to the same blue print. Therefore there is much to be gained by co-operation. Otherwise, why do certain members of CMS come to Europe and engage in speaking tours as they do? I am sure they don’t feel they are wasting their time. In any event, this website provides forum on which individuals from bth sides of the Atlantic can converse and for this we should be grateful. Your comments are much appreciated. 36
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 20:06 | # As for those who say “Jews control us,” feel free insert Jews into the road map describes above and you will see how Jews and their Gentile accomplices control us in the United States. 37
Posted by anymouse on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 21:36 | #
You’re not lying. You’re not dreaming it up. This behavior toward you is fully consistent with the experience of others. It is a product of Regnery’s “invi$ible hand$.” His people are hell bent on repackaging Fifties “Americanism” and repeating the tactical failures of the past. People like you are intentionally marginalized or driven out. There is little to be done at present. That will change in time. ——- A sensible comment from CC, here. And GW sensibly responds as expected, here. Regnery’s sycophants would merely replace the jew-gentile alliance with themselves. Serving Money first and last their “racialist” reforms could only return the U.S. to a time when multiracialism didn’t hurt as badly. The effects would be short-lived, however - one or two generations at best. The heirs of Regnery’s “racialist” elite would resell all gains to jewry tomorrow. After all, money talks and bullshit walks. Right? 38
Posted by MOB on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:06 | # I haven’t read the Comments above yet. These that follow relate to the It’s Happening Again thread. GW has responded to Yggdrasil’s August 10 contribution to the “It’s Happening Again” thread in which I had made certain comments about the secrecy and elitism of CMS. I started to do that, too, on that same day, but I gave it up. Like GW, I saw the disingenuousness of “confidential” as a replacement for “secrecy.” I said Ygg’s words are false and there are people reading the thread who know they’re false. I said that I had witnessed and experienced the snobbery, elitism and hierarchy firsthand, and that being friends with a CMS member is like being married to a bigamist—it lacks integrity, it lacks honesty. But there is nothing false about Ygg’s statement that CMS empowers its members and works as a team. That can be seen almost daily on the websites, both in the articles and in the comments. CMS members watch each others’ backs. And no one else’s. I stopped writing my response when I came to these words by Yggdrasil: “Do we do a good job—or even an adequate job - of recruiting all those who ought to be invited based o skills, talent and resources? Absolutely not. We simply do not have the time or resources required to get to know everyone in the movement.” It was obvious to me that Yggdrasil, like Aesop before him, could only imagine that criticism of CMS meant envy and a longing to crash the secret chamber of higher-ups. Not hierarchical, Ygg? You don’t get it, that those of us who are criticizing the secrecy and elitism of CMS and its family of co-secret-elites are not doing it because we want to get in. We’re criticizing it because we think it’s a bad system. Here are two incidents that demonstrate how CMS secrecy and elitism affects me: Not long ago, I sent an email to a person whose writings on financial matters have interested me greatly. It so happened that there is a certain graphic representation that I’ve thought for some time would make an excellent teaching/learning device to have on a website, and in truth, I’d have liked it if two young relatives recently employed in financial sectors would take an interest in it. I sent that specialist an email asking if he had his own website, really to find out if he was to some degree independent. He responded that he didn’t, and that all of his writing would be being posted at XXX. For me, that ended it. A few weeks later, wanting to make a serious attempt to put up a website of my own, I contacted someone who I knew could help me and who was inside the White Nationalism arena and would be sympathetic to my material. We exchanged a few emails, and then two things happened: first, I was hit with two unexpected expenses totaling $2500. That was a digression that would take me two months to negotiate without using credit or dipping into savings. The second problem was more serious: this person was also a regular contributor to a CMS-related enterprise, and thinking that over, at least as of now, I didn’t continue pursuing that, either Because I know that CMS secret membership is primary to its members, I know that if I should happen to have a particularly original or favored idea, I would suspect that their preference would be to develop it inside their “confidential” group, rather than with me. Trust between an insider and an outsider can be difficult. Yggdrasil said there is no supreme leader. Within the constellation of half a dozen groups with overlapping boards and advisors, I think of CMS as the umbrella group, because I consider Kevin MacDonald to be the supreme leader, i.e., the most important player. If I leaned toward a Jew/non-Jew White alliance, I might think Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer or even Alex Kurtagic was important, but I’m not so foolish as to lean in that direction. (Even CofCC has a place in that universe—Brent Nelson and at least two other of its “leaders” can also be found on boards of other groups. ) Yggdrasil wrote: But we are making steady progress. I say, surveying 12 years of “steady progress” I see that, in addition to the elitist alliances being formed here and abroad, hundreds of essays have been written, books are being published, and people are commenting, commenting, and commenting. Whatever other progress has been made has been made under a bushel. As someone who formatted and saved thousands of articles and comments, I know that in a very few years, more than half the articles and 99% of the Comments will have become Trashworthy. Many people may not realize that most of what’s being posted today consists of variations on old themes. I watched another video yesterday in which a young person, obviously thinking she was bravely presenting radical new material, was actually reciting material that most of us have heard a thousand times. Don’t tell me I should have gone out and started a radical activist group myself. Introverts don’t do things like that. MOB 39
Posted by Matt Parrott on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:21 | # Barbara,
I have never once gossiped a word about you to anybody—ever. Do you know how much trouble it would be to code a solution that blocks your dynamic IP address from accessing one specific part of the site? It’s definitely more trouble than I would be willing to take, considering that I don’t remember the dispute in question. And I didn’t make you out to be a liar. You made yourself out to be paranoid and vindictive. I’m merely defending both myself and the site against the charge that we’re orchestrating some sort of campaign against you. I could count the number of comments I’ve deleted in the past two months on my fingers, and unless you’ve been trying to peddle natural male enhancement pills, it probably wasn’t you. anymouse,
I haven’t been invited to join a damn thing. I haven’t received a nickel of support for every dollar I’ve spent of my own money for this cause. If anybody’s in this movement for the money, then he’s in for a disappointment. Part of me is tickled to be considered among the elite insiders for the first time in my sorry white trash life…if only it were in a more uplifting and less patently delusional context. Barbara’s dreaming it up, you’re stirring it up, and our enemies are laughing it up. 40
Posted by MOB on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:54 | # Whatever the miseries of Internet forums, I have to also say Thank God for the incredible laughs I’ve gotten. There have been SO MANY where I’ve laughed out loud. I’m thinking of that now because I’ve had a few laughs today and yesterday. Although I don’t believe that Matt isn’t an elite insider, I laughed at his great reference to his “sorry white trash life.” I love it .... Yesterday, I absolutely laughed at Philosopher King’s incredible (detailed, yet) suggestion that we save ourselves cryptologically by way of a new language that no one else can speak. I’m laughing even as I type. Here’s a priceless Hunter Wallace to CC: 41
Posted by Matt Parrott on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 22:55 | # MOB,
I gave you my phone number and was glad to walk you through the process step-by-step. The two pieces of advice I offered were to set up a BlueHost account or to go with a free WordPress.com blogging account. These are the most generic and boilerplate bits of advice a web designer could offer and neither of them could conceivably result in being pegged with a $2,500 charge.
Once again, I’m not a member of CMS and never have been. I contribute to several sites, none of which have required a CMS decoder ring for me to contribute. 42
Posted by Greg on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 23:08 | # You couldn’t make it up… MEMRI receives $200,000 grant from US State Department Group to use funds “to conduct a project that documents anti-Semitism, Holocaust denial and Holocaust glorification in the Middle East.” 44
Posted by Lew on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 23:44 | # MOB, Respectfully, can I ask, if you care to answer of course, what is your proposed solution to the problem you perceive? Because these criticisms about secrecy and elitism look a lot like sour grapes to me. A group was formed. Some people were invited to participate. Others were not. And some of the ones who were not invited are complaining about secrecy. It’s a little ironic because everyone complaining about secrecy so far has been using a pseudonym to lodge complaints about people who write under their real names. There have been shots taken in this conversation at KMD, Ygg whose real name is well known, Greg Johnson and Matt Parrot. 45
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 00:01 | # Philosopher King episodes: The Economist Goes To Church http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2011/08/12/the-economist-goes-to-church/ Hate’s Parable http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2011/08/08/16-hates-parable/ 46
Posted by Finney on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 00:07 | #
I’m not sure if it would play out like this. Nationalist governments in Western Europe would be taking action against mostly Muslim immigrants. The deluded and naive evangelical Christian and other cannon fodder are hostile to Muslims and this hostile sentiment is one of the main reasons they get suckered into spilling their blood in these Mideast interventions. They wouldn’t be instinctively opposed to action against Muslims in Europe, and I think the elites would have trouble spinning it into some kind of anti-Christianity or anti-Jew thing and spurring them to a holy war frenzy. There does seem to be some hostility against Russia that persists, however. And they’re either ignorant of Orthodox Christianity or think it’s weird and not really Christianity. So Russian involvement could inspire more intense feeling. 48
Posted by anymouse on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 01:28 | #
Posted by anymouse on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 02:23 | #
This is the standard response of those following the Regnery Literary Movement. As is the accusation of “sour grapes.” Too many in the literary movement would have us believe that the use of real names lends credibility to statements or implies personal courage. It means no such thing. The reality is the use of real names may indicate financial or employment security, or the inability/unwillingness to stay married and raise a family, homosexuality, or some combination of these. The majority of people reading the literary movement enjoy neither financial nor employment security. I suspect most are heterosexual. Those having wives and children would not put their livelihood and physical security at risk by using real names. 51
Posted by Lew on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 04:32 | # anonymouse, Those are some fair points; however, I still don’t understand your main complaint. Are you saying that what you call the Regnery Literary Group is run by malicious people who are using secrecy and deception to actively work against White interests? Or are you merely suggesting their methods and approach are counter-productive and wrong? Let me reiterate: 1) Without previously knowing anything about Regnery or the CMS until I read this article yesterday, it took me two minutes to look up the basic public information on Regnery’s history and the real names the principals involved in the various orgs linked in some way to Regnery (NPI, A3P, CMS, TOQ). No secrecy there. 2) Yggdrasil gave a perfectly reasonable explanation for keeping the CMS membership “secret.” People can be damaged if their real names get out there. You just said that yourself. This makes perfect sense. No deception there. 3) Regarding exclusive and selective membership policies and back-channel communications among elite intellectuals that exclude people deemed unqualified for the inner circle, it’s really hard to see any skulduggery in such common sense measures as those. Most people who are very advanced in their learning after making lifelong commitments to a field seldom communicate with anyone but their peers because to do so would be a waste of their valuable time. Thinking strategically, it seems to me every nationalist should want our best intellects investing their time in activities that will produce the greatest return on investment for the movement as a whole, and it is hard to see how their taking time out of their schedules for dialog with the unsophisticated to just ensure nobody’s ego gets bruised helps the movement in general. 52
Posted by Garak on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 04:34 | # “Posted by AOD on August 20, 2011, 12:00 AM | # You’ve been unintentionally snubbed by a higher echelon group and your response is to slander them in public… That’s just great. If you’re going to flip out at the first sign of any emerging operational political structure, then maybe Nationalism (let alone White Nationalism) isn’t for you.” This happens alot… I can’t seem to figure out why, but it is widespread. People who have doubts about their commitment to the cause roam around the web look for tiny crack in other WN’s armor to poke at just to create an illusion that they are catching “spies” or “weeding out the weak”. When in fact the only thing they are doing is breaking formation on the battlefield and trying to save their own hides. I was one of the many banned from Stormfront when i voiced my support for Mr.Breivik, I was labeled “ANTI-WHITE children” and banished by a very egotistical mod that has a history of “poking”. I see YOUR WN movement in the west as a poor starving sudanese infant that has forgotten what food tastes like. People in your position should not be jumping the gun on the author of this article but instead thank him for the crumbs he gives you from time to time to feed what ever hope you have left, he can’t feed your whole starving family but at least he tries. Anyway… About elitism and secrecy, I fully support it. People need a master, no matter who it may be. It takes a very long time to be “Noble” or “high-blood” but once achieved it is passed on to your children and they continue to herd and lead the sheep (90% of humanity) to wherever they please. Without the elites there would be chaos just like in the 3rd world, and we see it happening almost weekly all over europe and america. The J is not of high blood or of the noble, yet it is leading YOU like a dog on a leash, you need a master but not a J one. 53
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 10:33 | # All these WN strategists - what a waste! We cannot even stop an immigration invasion that very few white people (certainly not, as far as I can tell, a majority in any traditionally white nation, with the possible exception of Canada) actually want, at a time of near-record postwar unemployment and broader economic crisis (the objective economic situation is actually worse than that of the Great Depression, due to today’s debt overhang, only it doesn’t feel quite as bad, because the West is wealthier today than in the 30s), but yet we’re going to get people to “hear the call of blood”, “name the Jew”, radically transform their economies and cultural tastes, etc etc. Get real, please. The West is ‘meta-unstable’ from a racial perspective, but not necessarily from economic and political ones. By this I mean that the white race is ineluctably going extinct, unless it consciously exerts itself to adopt a political program to reverse its racially deleterious situation, but white extinction does not necessarily entail the collapse of formerly white societies into WN fantasies of total barbarism along the lines of post-apartheid South Africa. California is very much NOT a part of Western Civilization anymore, and though it is, by my sterner standards, a very dysfunctional place, yet people, including white people, continue to live here, earn wages, dine out, go to ballgames, windsurf, enjoy their girlfriends, etc. With the exception of areas which get totally negrified, life post-white rule does chug on, albeit at an objectively lower civilizational level. Western societies may be far more stable than WNs want to admit, even if their overall racial and civilizational trend lines are relentlessly negative. The extinction process is simply not linear. The quality of American civilization, from my own Occidental perspective, took another huge tumble downwards during the first two years of Obama’s presidency. Yet, that gave rise to resistance in the form of the Tea Party, and later in its concrete manifestation in aiding the GOP to retake the House - which in turn has now slowed the rate of decivilization. The point of all this is that strategic discussions (as opposed to tactical ones) are mostly unhelpful. It should be obvious to every patriot of race (apparently it isn’t, however) that the first order of business is ending immigration. The more of Them, the harder it is for us to achieve any WN goal, including even that of reducing or ending further immigration. It is that simple. So all WN energies should be devoted to developing tactics for awakening our people to the facts of immigration, which even many intelligent persons don’t know. A few months ago I had a conversation with one of my friends and attorneys, a smart, tough, successful, high income, racialist/conservative Republican, in which I denounced the outrage of continuing with generous US immigration policies of approx 140,000 per month, 99% nonwhite, at a time of such terrible unemployment for all racial groups. My friend knew immigration is mostly Third World (though not that it is nearly exclusively so), but he was shocked at the numbers: he thought we were admitting ‘only’ a few hundred thousand per year! WNs have a lot of educational work to do. What I want to hear are not arguments of such abstruseness that few can even make sense of them, but the formulation of plain statements that can resonate with the white masses, and even more, discussions of what concretely we should be doing to reach the masses. Personally, I think WNs need to mute their more extreme, racialist, genetic determinist and pessimist views, and start forming patriotic associations, perhaps like the English Defence League, which can function first as networking and social organizations, so that lonely WNs (or even just non-ideological whites trapped in highly multicultural areas who want to meet other whites) can find each other (I’m not implying a dating service, though I know there are many WNs who would love to meet members of the opposite sex who share their ideology, so there’s nothing remiss about that aspect), and develop friendships through shared interests and activism. I cannot stress how important this is! The Jews are strong because they form innumerable associational bodies which continuously reinforce their ethnic cohesion. WN will not rise to any power on the basis of its ideology alone. It must have a deep social structure undergirding it, and that structure must consist of local networks of whites who know each other personally scattered across the country (although one hopes that eventually these networks will exist in all cities of certain size), but who are institutionally united by a national organization which is NOT WN, but which pursues an implicitly pro-white agenda, beginning (but not in the least ending) with what is most important - agitation to end immigration. I’m thinking of something like white fraternal orders or clubs, whose purposes are as much social and professional as political, even if it’s a politics of white protection that ultimately provides both their ostensible purpose, and implicit attraction. 54
Posted by Matt Parrott on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 11:30 | # Leon,
You follow a vague rant against strategy with your own strategy. I’m of the perspective that it’s more critical to bolster efforts to maintain the borders between communities within the state than it is to maintain the state borders. Fighting immigration is good stuff, but whether or not a White America exists in the future depends on whether the White American identity can be preserved and bolstered within a plural context or whether it will suffer a Latin American-style dissolution…where the folks who remain with blonde hair and blue eyes see themselves as belonging to an identity which is trans-racial. If the tribal identity doesn’t hold, then there’s already plenty of poison already on our side of the border for us to poison ourselves with. If the tribal identity holds, then immigration is a secondary nuisance.
That’s not how movements work. The ideological progenitors of Marxism were completely incapable of speaking to the experience of the illiterate rice paddy farmers and disgruntled Latino laborers that eventually followed them. The Rothbardian radicalism of the Ludwig von Mises Institute is far from accessible to ordinary soccer moms with their Michele Bachmann bumper stickers, and yet somewhere in the fog of Ron Paul, Sarah Palin, and the financial crisis, a Tea Party movement primarily influenced by them became a populist phenomenon. The Jews of the Frankfurt School constructed an ideological framework which Black Americans embrace despite existing in entirely different sociocultural universes. Besides, it’s not like WNs have not tried speaking in a language that connects with their target audience.
We can’t organize like that because we no longer have any institutions which are subversion-resistant. The last thing that was even close to it was American Freemasonry, which made a pretty strong attempt through the second klan to organize in precisely the manner you’re describing. Unfortunately, D.C. Stephenson royally botched that project and Freemasonry has since become completely derelict. History may well confirm that this was our last chance and we blew it. A national organization which is “NOT WN” will, like the John Birch society, Sons of Confederate Veterans, and the Tea Party, become subverted ideologically and cuckolded.
Then do that. But don’t be surprised if somebody who’s ostensibly a comrade finds some flaky rationalization for blowing your cover. 55
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 12:39 | # Mr. Parrott, Other than our both wishing the white race to endure, I suspect that our views not only of political processes, but even ultimate objectives, are extremely antithetical. For example, are you an Occidentalist, which I define as not simply a white racist, but as someone who wishes to preserve Western Civilization, which I understand to be the unique intellectual, cultural, scientific, and moral heritage of Europeans, essentially leavened by the blending of Greco-Roman scientific and juridical/administrative rationality with Christian metaphysics and morality, passed down almost as a kind of epigenetic inheritance (I speak loosely) of the white race, and which probably could not have been created, to paraphrase the late Samuel Francis, “apart from the genetic endowments of the European peoples”? The Occidentalist seeks to preserve the white race, in both blood purity and adequate numbers, because it is the progenitor and perpetuator of WestCiv, and because WestCiv is a uniquely beautiful entity worthy of and entitled to preservation - not because of some atavistic “white is might/right” tribalism. If I were an Australian Abo, but possessed my precise intellect and moral character (whatever their current flaws or inadequacies), I cannot imagine concerning myself with my own tribal preservation. Who cares if the Abos go extinct? It would be no great loss to mankind. My efforts in life would be concentrated on self-betterment. I’m a proud white man, but not in the vulgar way that so many nonwhites (and some whites) are racially proud, simply as an expression of exaggerated or unearned self-esteem. I’m proud to be white because of the great, unrivaled achievements of my race, the greatest of which is the superior collective civilizational character of the race itself. We have a duty to endure, because our existence raises humanity to a higher moral and cultural level. That is where I stand (not that anyone asked, but I thought I should clear some air anyway). 56
Posted by Barbara on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 13:19 | # The White man finally declares war against the only enemy we ever really had. International jewry. Operation You Asked For It: The First Circle Within the same week, the Rothschilds, members of Wall Street firms, Warburgs, AIPAC members, newspaper editors and reporters, cable news channel CEOs and reporters, traitors at the Pentagon and State Dept, Israeli leaders, Davos group and others are assassinated. Operation You Asked For It: The Second Circle etc etc etc etc ect 57
Posted by Barbara on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 15:30 | # What is needed is a website describing how to switch from the Federal Reserve to a different economy. I’m told that if we got rid of the Fed our economy would collapse. So what sort of process would we have to go through in order to get rid of it and rebuild our new economic system? Just as Kevin by writing his books laid the foundation for the right of Western civilization to exist. Someone needs to lay a solid foundation showing the need to be rid of the Fed and have a new system. We could begin to eat away like a cancer on the very foundations of jew wealth, control and power, central banks. So if there is anyone out there capable of doing this, that is the website that is desperately needed. 58
Posted by Pilgrim's Pride on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 16:05 | # Boohoo. Sounds like the girls’ dorm after the Tri-Delt bids are presented. 59
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 16:48 | #
http://www.themoneymasters.com/ Of specific interest is the article proposing a Monetary Reform Act: http://www.themoneymasters.com/monetary-reform-act/ Or, for those who just prefer a quick, hard-hitting, video rant about the nature of the beast: 60
Posted by MOB on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 16:49 | # Matt: You misunderstood what I wrote. The $2500 unexpected expenses referred to a dental crown ($1350) and a new laptop (Toshiba $1100), which hit me out of the blue and meant that my pursuing website help would have to be delayed for about two months. Lew: “Literary Movement” is actually a useful term to describe what has come to dominate “White Nationalism” in America. And if this were only a valued WING of White Nationalism in America, that would be fine. But it isn’t a wing. It’s all there is, except for a Revisionist wing, which has a firm identity with the clear mission of rebutting lies. I believe the way the Literary Movement came to eclipse other possible forms of activism was simply through the gravitational pull of Kevin MacDonald moving him and his literary entourage into the vacuum created by the loss of William Pierce. Kevin MacDonald makes no secret of his respect for the success of the New York Intellectuals or of his belief that the way to save the White race is by following in their footsteps. For me, the problem is that creating a White “Elite” to replace the Jew “Elite” which replaced the Wasp “Elite” which replaced the ?? “Elite” is not a goal that I wish to participate in, and yet circumstances DO call for activism in support of Whites—vigorous, collective activism. Back a FINAL time to the elitism that *I* perceive: Last summer, ignorant of the details of its birth, I learned a new party committed to White interests had been founded—A3P—and that it was supporting its first State candidate, an activist in New Hampshire. I immediately joined the party and pledged $100 to the candidate. Around then A3P broadcast its first conference. I listened as one director referred to the candidate from Vermont and the next director “corrected” that to the candidate from Massachusetts—I thought, poor New Hampshire, poor candidate. I realized both directors were new to politics, but it turned out their attention was on something else: the thrilling news that Bob Richards, first Athlete to have his picture on a Wheaties box, had become an A3P member!!!—how could an unknown candidate from a hard to remember state like NH compete with that?? I clicked on the Twitter and Facebook icons at the top of the A3P page. My entire screen turned red—filled with DOZENS of CMS logos!! That’s how I learned that A3P was just another CMS enterprise. Traven Tucker began playing his guitar then and singing a song I’d never heard before, but enjoyed - I like country - a minute later the mellow sound of Traven’s voice lowered, and with threatening intensity, he sang A laugh BURST from my mouth—spontaneous, entirely innocent. I realized instantly what had happened; I’d been completely taken by surprise by the utterly incongruent juxtaposition of the CMS logos and the words “average, ordinary man.” The elites and the little people; good clean fun. The CMS logos are no longer on the twitter or facebook pages; I looked yesterday. Now the CMS ownership only shows up on the Leadership page. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lr5bZ0NzC3w. MOB 61
Posted by Peter1 on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 18:24 | #
Those claiming that “we must be an open conspiracy” are not contradicting those principles. 62
Posted by Barbara on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 18:41 | # By god they can’t fool you Mob. Take that Kevin. Now we all know that you CMS elites are behind the A3P Party. We know you don’t like us ordinary people because you’re snobs and elites. Stop trying to trick ordinary people who can’t help being ordinary. You should be ashamed lording it over us just because of a few IQ points. Furthermore bob Richards also supported David Duke for POTUS so its no big surprise that he showed up to support the A3P. Its not like anybody’s asking him to be on the Wheaties box any more so he probably was just sitting around waiting for something to do. Let us know when Peyton Manning supports the A3P then we’ll be impressed. Good god, Bob Richards was on a box of Wheaties in 1958. Most of us weren’t even born yet. You dredge up somebody from the 50s because you can’t find any new guys. Good grief. Looks like elites could do better than that. We don’t need elites to save us from multi culturalism and a jew world order. We the people can do just fine by ourselves. FYI we have the Tea Party and we didn’t need any elites to give it to us either. You’re not the only ones who can get logos my dear friends. We can get logos too and we can put them everywhere but we won’t try to fool anybody that we’re elites like you do. Everybody will know 100% that we’re not elites so take that you hypocrites. You think you’re something cause you can write books. Well guess what, I stopped reading after page 27. I don’t know how you could spend so much time writing all that stuff. Don’t you have a life? Get over yourselves losers and go get laid for crying out loud. 63
Posted by Barbara on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 18:50 | # After reading this forum I fully support their secret elite society and I wish them well, Godspeed. 64
Posted by Lew on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 19:29 | # MOB: Thanks for sharing your insights. What you said makes a lot sense, and although I do no go as far as you do, I share some of your concerns. Sometimes it appears to me that some WNists intellectuals don’t understand one of William Pierce’s most important insights, namely, that it takes a mass movement to attain power. On the other hand, some of these criticisms of KMD and the CMS (not yours) come across as defensive, envious, angry and very bitter. Ultimately, I think that anyone who is unhappy with how the CMS spectrum operates should found their own organizations and then do things the way they want to do them. 65
Posted by Gregor on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 20:03 | # Barbara “goes off”, and spits venom at Dr. MacDonald and the whole idea of there being an intellectual elite involved in social changes she purports to support. Barbara thinks these so-called “elites” look down on the “great unwashed” as mere minions to be controlled by their “CMS Masters”. Barbara is living in an anti-intellectual fantasy world. Time to snap out of your “prole” delusions Barb: you too write and you too speak as an “intellectual”, otherwise you wouldn’t even know about this website. Let’s look at what “intellectuals” do, and start with the ones who we deem the “enemy”. There are a series of words floating around which our enemy uses to shut us up, and disable our attempts to coalesce into an explicit pro-White entity. You know those words, words like “racist”, “hater”, “supremacist”, “nazi”, and many more. Was it the “great unwashed” who injected these words, very simple words at that, into the discourse stream? No, it was “intellectuals” who crafted and inserted these words into damned near everything you hear these days. It was “intellectuals” who CREATED the “Anti-White Narrative”, and it was intellectuals who have distorted your children’s schoolbooks so that they are taught to hate themselves and their own people. Most “Jews” had no explicit part to play in this. Yet an “elite” of “intellectual” Jews had a huge part to play, and have done a pretty good job of marginalizing their enemy ... us ... with mere words. Words arranged by “intellectuals” and turned into weapons of psych-war ... aimed at us. Did the “great unwashed” amid Jewry complain about the weapons their “intellectual elites” were fashioning and deploying? No. Did the Jewish “great unwashed” complain about the “intellectuals” in their midst, and whine that they needed more dirt on their collars in order to speak for their people? No. Do the Jewish people have a culture which teaches them to tear down and tear apart any appearance of an intellectual elite which may have the capacity to fight battles for them, or at least to forge tools of war for them? No way. That would be cutting off their nose to spite their face. So why are you doing something that looks very much like cutting off our nose to spite our face? 66
Posted by Pilgrim's Pride on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 20:04 | # You’d think some people would be happy to have a group of other people thinking deep thoughts about the problems that worry them, especially when they are put out there free-for-the-taking. Or not. It’s a free country. If you don’t like what they’re doing, go do it yourself! I guess some people just can’t be pleased. (Oh I was never asked to join CMS and I am one of grandfather Chuck’s gazillion or so legitimate and direct descendants. Some of my relations were running Europe the first dozen times the peasants got uppity. The nerve!) 67
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 20:15 | # I don’t have dog in this fight, but I will share a funny image that raced through my mind while imagining an elite group hobnobbing with the poster-boy from a 1958 Wheaties box: New World Older I don’t mean any offense to anyone by this. I’m no spring chicken myself, and I’m often guilty of harboring romantic thoughts about the Third Reich. On a more serious level. I think there is utility in some type of social partitioning within American White Identity. I’ve always viewed myself as a lower echelon activist; A foot-soldier, as Ivan used to call me. While I’ve always admired people at the top, I’ve respected their need to keep some distance, and I’ve always felt, perhaps egotistically, that I had support from afar. I always imagined myself as acting as some sort of controlled opposition for them. Pushing the Overton Window. Sometimes I even go so far as to imagine that I Sieg Heiled that rabbi at U.O. just to make Dr. MacDonald look good, but the truth is, I did it because that Rabbi is an Enemy of God. If a part of Dr. MacDonald thinks that too, and if that part of him found expression in what I did that day, that’s icing on the cake, but I damn sure don’t expect to get an invitation to an elite group for it. I content myself with an imaginary high five. 68
Posted by Guest Lurker on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 20:28 | #
I don’t know whether you’re being facetious or ironic with such a statement, but would you mean the Arab muslims who ruled Spain for 700 years and the muslim Turks who ruled the Balkans for 500 years and nearly made it to central Europe were never our enemies? How about the current neo-Ottoman administration in Turkey of Recep Erdogan and his foreign minister, Davutoglu, the architect of neo-Osmanism, who aim at a revival of the Ottoman empire and Turkish influence in the Balkans while aiming at general penetration of enfeebled Europe through access to the EU? Are they our friends as well? Here is a poem that Erdogan once penned: “The mosques are our barracks, the domes our helmets, the minarets our bayonets and the faithful our soldiers… “ This is the same man whose administration WN were cheering when they attempted to smash the Israeli Gaza blockade with their “Peace” Flotilla- an administration cynically and manipulatively endeavoring to establish its “humanitarian” credentials in order to accede to the EU and re-establish Turkish influence in the near east and the Balkans. I can well understand why people like Hunter Wallace have washed their hands of WN, particulary American WN and its overly-simplistic one-dimensional thinking. WN in general may be well-meaning, but are too stupid for the most part to see the bigger picture and are entrapped in their “enemy of my enemy is my friend” type of thinking. 69
Posted by TabuLa Raza on Sun, 21 Aug 2011 23:41 | # “. . .Kevin MacDonald makes no secret of his respect for the success of the New York Intellectuals or of his belief that the way to save the White race is by following in their footsteps. . .” Lettuce contemplate. The Jew York Intellectuals came of age right after WWII- say 1946. Did something of note happen in 1913 (founding of Fractional Reserve Bank)? How did they pull this off without the New York Intellectuals? IF WE HAD WHAT THEY ACTUALLY HAD- A MONUMENTAL HEAD START, WE WOULD HAVE ALREADY WON! Just give us our own money printing monopoly and the Long Beach Intellectuals should easily kick ass!! 70
Posted by anon on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 03:33 | # You mean Jews didn’t start their march to political, financial and cultural hegemony through a private e-mail list? 71
Posted by J Richards on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 03:37 | # Barbara, This Matt Parrot dude doesn’t allow serious criticism of Jews. He and his ilk use too many words to describe too few ideas, making reading a chore. With Parrott in charge, you know that no serious discussion of the Jewish control of the money supply,let alone the solution to this most serious problem facing all of the West and also the rest of humanity, will be discussed. So the Charles Martel Society or anything like it won’t be accomplishing anything useful for us. Your criticism is therefore more appropriately directed toward Parrott & assoicates and CMS rather than an organization of elites and the usage of secrecy. Jimmy Marr left a few links regarding the money issue and its solution. Go through them and ask yourself if Parrott will ever promote the monetary reform act at any site he administers or contributes to. Do tell us if you still have any issues accessing comments (click the link below the article that says ”Click here to view/write comments”). 72
Posted by anymouse on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 03:48 | #
Penetrating comments critical of the Regnery Literary Movement, its strategy, and the positions taken by what appear to be certain fulltime cheerleaders have been disappeared from TOO. For the record I was not the author. However, I did view three of the comments prior to submission to TOO’s “moderation process” which never made it into print and two that were subsequently pulled after publication. The authors were two not too terribly unsophisticated individuals read by many throughout the nineties and first several years of the past decade.
Written and verbal denigration of accusers from the safety of a remote location is not only expected, it is taken for granted. Barbara has repented. I don’t. Go fuck yourself. 73
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 04:29 | #
The alternative possibility being, the social and economic decline in parts of White America (i.e., the contradiction between reality and the world presented on television) has become so severe that millions of White people are simply becoming unwilling to pay taxes to Washington in exchange for what they get out of Washington. This would explain why there is so much “anti-government sentiment” in places like Alabama and Georgia where the majority of the student body of Auburn cannot even tell you that the Ludwig von Mises Institute has something to do with “libertarianism.” As for the “Tea Party,” it is just the most visible manifestation of the White backlash, a backlash that extends deep into other sectors of the White population which has no particular fondness for the “Tea Party.” The people in the media see crowds of angry White people rallying against them and label the entire phenomena the “Tea Party” because they have no other point of reference to describe what they are seeing. 74
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 04:30 | #
The Occidental Observer doesn’t discuss the Jewish Question? 75
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 04:41 | #
Been here, done this, but I’ll write it again for those who might not have read it two years ago. For all Matt Parrott’s pro-White volubility, he is a Mormon, and Mormons are, and always have been sycophants for Jews. It’s what they are. 76
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 04:57 | # As long we’re on the subject of Mormons, it’s probably a good time to point out that they are a secretive organization. If you have an opportunity to speak with a dissident Mormon you can learn all about this. Living in Utah and Idaho, and working for Jew owned/Mormon run companies, I had the opportunity to learn quite a bit about this cult. The only thing they have worth keeping secret is their willful opacity and degrading gullibility. It’s rather to easy to keep this a secret because in normal humans it defies belief. 77
Posted by Matt Parrott on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 05:28 | # Hunter,
I see this as an argument over whether a vehicle needs an engine or fuel. Obviously, it needs both. Ron Paul had no fuel during the bustling nineties and most of the previous decade. I believe there’s widespread White frustration, but it won’t go anywhere without a vehicle with a functioning engine. That’s where the ideas and engineering come in, methinks. Without Ron Paul, the restlessness could have potentially been funneled in any number of directions. Hypothetically, it could have even been funneled in an explicitly pro-White direction had there been a coherent movement in place to seize that historic opportunity. 78
Posted by Lew on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 05:33 | # The biggest defect I perceive with the American organizations is that there are none, so far as I know, that fully exclude Jews. This upcoming conference in Washington DC—“Toward a New Nationalism”—will be featuring many quality speakers; however, the conference organizers assembled a speaker list that is very long on individuals known to avoid or downplay the Jewish Question. There will also be a actual Jew among the featured speakers at this conference, a man named Byron Roth who if memory serves has attacked Kevin MacDonald in the past. I don’t believe that nonsense that Jared Taylor, Peter Brimelow and men like them are “controlled opposition”; however, it would be nice to have at least one nationalist organization in America that is fully ours—no Jews, over and out. I don’t have the time, money or talent to start such an organization myself. Maybe someone who does have those things will come along at some point. The last American organization to fully exclude Jews without exception and without apology was the National Alliance under William Pierce. 79
Posted by J Richards on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 06:15 | # Hunter Wallace, The Occidental Observer doesn’t discuss the Jewish Question in a useful manner. To date, 15 articles have been posted on Jews and the financial collapse, by 4 authors (9 by MacDonald), none showing any significant understanding of the problem. http://www.theoccidentalobserver.net/category/jews-and-the-financial-collapse/ Most of them center around the Madoff scandal. No one bothered to look at the list of Madoff’s victims, which include professional financial institutions, and ask how such institutions could ever become the victim of a ponzi scheme, especially to the tune of hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars? Does anyone think that a professional financial institution would invest such large sums with Madoff or anyone else without a multi-year audit? The audit would’ve quickly revealed that a ponzi scheme was being run. We have lies from the MSM trying to make it look like a rare few bad fish are responsible for the financial collapse and the rare perpetrator doesn’t mind scamming Jews and that there are many Jewish victims, but TOO authors are blisfully ignorant or deceptive and waste everyone’s time discussing the matter. Then there’s a discussion of the JQ along these lines:
These are excerpts from a piece authored by Matt Parrott, where he doesn’t really attack Jews or discuss them, but actually defends them against some of their crimes, and tells us that the weakness of host groups, not control of the money supply, is what allows small groups of Jews to dominate whole industries and institutions and to shape the popular culture! The Jew talk is superficial and deceptive. 80
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 06:31 | # While this subject is not worthy of serious research, a superficial Wiki search reveals a fairly concise synopsis of the Freemasons of Mountain Time. 81
Posted by Matt Parrott on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 07:24 | # One should note that J. Richards even holds David Duke in contempt for failing to ride on his “Jews-control-the-money-supply” hobby horse. While not actually being Catholic, my “big picture” analysis of the situation is pretty much the TradCat thesis that the weakening traditional oligarchies of Europe resulted in a power vacuum which gentile merchants organized through trade guilds and Jews organized as Jews rushed into. Only a spiritually sick, deeply derelict, and self-destructive people would turn over their chokepoint financial institutions to alien interlopers in the first place. Jewish subversion and societal decadence (much of it organic) were trending well before Jekyll Island or even Mayer Rothschild came into the picture. As the very quotes he selects from me demonstrate, his problem with me isn’t that I’m insufficiently critical of Jews. It’s that I don’t happen to believe it all boils down to money. I don’t criticize Jews in exactly the way that he demands that everybody critique them…and am therefore the target of his silly tantrums. 82
Posted by orion on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 08:16 | #
It was trending well before “the weakening traditional oligarchies of Europe” as well: http://songlight-for-dawn.blogspot.com/2009/07/jewish-radanite-slave-traders-of-arab.html Jews in Poland: A Documentary History: The Rise of Jews as a Nation from Congressus Judaicus in Poland to the Knesset in Israel by Iwo Cyprian Pogonowski (Hippocrene Books, New York, 1998) *the book can be downloaded in its entirety here: http://avaxhome.ws/ebooks/history_military/0781806046.html
Posted by Bill on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 09:29 | # TabuLa Raza on August 21, 2011, 10:41 PM
This is something seldom discussed. A behind the scene takeover has been, (apparently) in the pipeline for centuries, it only now with the tools made available by modernity is it possible the architects of this coup can break cover. To those who have been watching this drama unfold always knew, the elites would have to come out in the open - the games afoot. They have been running a marathon whilst we didn’t even know we were in a race. All has changed in the blink of an eye, a vanguard of whites have awakened and are on the case. The Internet is a two edged sword. As an ordinary chap, up until Blair and his New Labour thugs came into being, I had absolutely no idea what was going on, it was only when immigration became highly visible on our streets did I become suspicious. I didn’t buy the establishment version of why immigration was happening, I instinctively guessed that immigration on such a scale was not some natural random phenomena and that it must be being sanctioned at the highest level. I had to find out why and by who. Sadly, as I have said before, the enlightenment taking place here on the Internet is not reflected out there on the streets, in fact the overwhelming majority, although shaken and demoralised, do not have a clue as to what ails them. This is the story up to date here in a crisis stricken Britain, the sky is about to fall in and most folks are oblivious as to why this is so. I’m fresh out of suggestions as to how the people will ever learn their fate, the Svengali BBC have our nation in a trance. The architects have prepared their ground well, the British people have been engineered into domesticated animals and like Pavlov’s dogs, look to the screen for their every succour. Governments come and go, but the BBC (MSM) are forever present, termite like, gnawing away at our very foundations. Hunter. A couple of weeks ago you had me worried, but reading your stuff here tells me you are firing on all cylinders. Even so, as the Hill Street Blue’s sargent used to say, be careful out there. 84
Posted by J Richards on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 12:29 | # Matt Parrott, Regarding David Duke, you mentioned my view of him to show how silly I am. Let’s contrast him with John de Nugent. One’s a kosher Nazi, the other the real deal. Which’s which? Both are sufficiently similar for the purpose of comparison. Both look Aryan, though de Nugent arguably looks like a leader, whereas Duke looks like a metrosexual. Both have been married and have fathered children, yet accused of homosexuality (Duke was accused of being a bisexual sexually interested in children in the Deguello report). Both have been accused of mismanaging donor funds; Duke gambled and allegedly didn’t pay taxes, de Nugent allegedly usurped the funds he received for defending Henrik Holappa. Both have taken a shot at mainstream high-ranking political positions. Both spend a lot of time criticizing Jews. Yet, and this is the real deal… Duke remains in good standing and a most important member of Stormfront, whereas de Nugent was banned for alleged homosexuality and usurping donations! Duke is the darling of the ADL whereas the ADL would much rather pretend that de Nugent doesn’t exist; you’ll see a rare mention of him buried somewhere. Duke has his own wikipedia page, whereas wikipedia deleted its page on de Nugent because he’s too inconsequential! And what about their arguments on Jews? Duke’s arguments on Jews are like yours: much superficial talk and “denunciation”; little of substance, and when there’s substance, it’s about Jews and media control, pornography, immigration, civil rights,... softer topics. But de nugent, in addition, hits Jews hard: the Holy Hoax, 9/11, money, JFK murder,... the recent Norwegian massacre attributed to Breivik. Duke is so kosher that when he went to the Czech Republic to promote his book, they had him arrested over a B.S. charge of Holy Hoax denial, which he’s never done publicly, and gave the arrest lots of publicity so that his book sells. Duke was even caught red handed over his treatment of Mike Delaney’s 911missinglinks.com movie… would someone talking about Israeli pre-knowledge of 9/11 for years treat Delaney’s video in this manner: deliberate spelling mistakes (I have screen captures) to minimize search engine traffic; mentioning it, undoubtedly under great pressure, in a place where it would be buried in obscurity; continuing to give publicity to one’s own outdated and misleading piece on 9/11? But they tremble in fear of de Nugent. So who’s the kosher Nazi? Don’t write as if I’m silly in having a very low opinion of David Duke. You’re correct that Jewish subversion predates the meeting at Jekyll Island and the emergence of the Rothschilds, but, again, you deceive in blaming a “spiritually sick, deeply derelict, and self-destructive people” for turning over “their chokepoint financial institutions to alien interlopers.” The history of the five bank wars in America shows otherwise: the money changers won through murder, bribery, warfare, deception,.... Where the Americans were at fault, it was ignorance. Andrew Jackson killed the central bank for the foreseeable future, but he didn’t understand fractional reserve banking and didn’t ban it, allowing the money changers to accumulate more wealth and power. Lincoln acquired an understanding of fractional reserve banking when he saw his Greenbacks work, but was assassinated by the money changers before he could do something about it. It goes on and on like this. The money changers waged numerous wars against the Russian royalty in the 1800s to acquire control over Russia’s finances. When the wars weren’t very fruitful, they supplemented with Marxism, the seed money for which was provided by the “capitalist” bankers… no irony here. Eventually they succeeded in killing the Russian royals——hardly an example of taking advantage of a natural weakening of the monarchy, as you imply——and began translating Marxist economics to cultural terms (Frankfurt School)... a modern way to make the host spiritually sicker and weaker, and you blame [intrinsically] sick hosts for letting Jews acquire control of the money supply! I don’t have problems with you because you’re insufficiently critical of Jews. Kevin MacDonald is insufficiently critical of Jews, but you won’t see me regard him like I regard you, Duke or Hunter Wallace. I believe that your “criticism” is deception… it’s token, a lame attempt to establish rapport, whereas what you’re doing is protecting the Jews. 85
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 14:09 | # How stupid of me. The proper name would not be New World Older. It’s New World Elders. I absolutely love it! 86
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 15:14 | # Mr. Richards, You are genuinely dangerous to the cause of WN. I can perfectly understand a WN organization which aspires to a measure of intellectual respectability disassociating itself from you. This holds even if your wild conspiratorialism is empirically accurate (which I doubt; for example, the evil of the Fed is widely known by persons who care to understand monetary policy; that most people don’t understand the harm caused by the Fed has nothing to do with the hidden machinations of some ostensible Jewish power structure - the great modern enemy of the Fed was the Jew Rothbard - but can be chalked up to the simpler explanation of massive intellectual apathy on the part of a genetically and educationally dumbed-down populace). Rightist conspiratorialism only harms the larger cause of white preservation. Note how you never saw/see the really intelligent people (Wilmot Robertson, Sam Francis, Jared Taylor) trafficking in such mostly errant nonsense. An apparent exception might be thought to have been the brilliant Revilo Oliver, though I think he had ulterior aims in occasionally indulging in (insincere) over-the-top rhetoric. Even if the conspiracy theories are right, people are disinclined to accept them - and this in no small part because the conspiratorialist mindset appeals to so many genuine nutters. This disinclination then carries over to anything outside the conspiracy theory with which the conspiratorialist has associated himself. Take your man John de Nugent. He seems like a good man, fighting to save our race. That our race is headed towards extinction is not some outlandish claim. It can be easily intellectually defended with empirical facts + reasonable deductions and extrapolations based on them. So why does de Nugent feel it necessary to promote the not totally implausible, but hardly conclusively established, “Solutrean Hypothesis”? I would love the SH to be true, but that is not the state of the science in question. Moreover, of what use is the SH to white survival, really? By not only promoting it, but acting as though something extremely controversial is widely taken for granted by anyone knowledgeable and honest, such that anyone who dissents must be assumed to have nefarious motives (the classic conspiratorialist outlook!), de Nugent is lessening his own credibility when discussing other issues, like white separatism, in which he is obviously correct. If WN is going to exert any real impact, it needs to work from its strongest and most widely accepted arguments (eg, “immigration is bad”), those for which we have massive evidence, and which are easily understood. The more you ask people to alter their perceptions of reality, the more resistance you will invariably encounter. Which is not good, because the invasion proceeds ever apace ... WN (at least in stable West European and Anglospheric nations) will build itself up through constant, gradual radicalization, dealing with one easily understood issue (eg, immigration) until victory is achieved, and then building on that to make further demands, inching us ever closer to the White Racial State (unless enough of us choose to end-run the expected political process by emigrating to an agreed upon White Zion). 87
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 15:27 | #
Matt, A couple years back when you and I first met online, I publicly declared my opinion that you carry the Jew’s water. I went further to question you as to whether this was related to your identification of yourself as a Latter Day Saint. The issue, at that time, had nothing to do with money. You were promoting the Holy Hoax and characterizing people who did otherwise as a buffoons. Inasmuch as I was actively engaged in series of presentations at University of Oregon, designed to expose the Holy Hoax for what it truly is, I took exception to your perspective, which I expect, from your point of view, made you the target of a silly tantrum. It seems a little odd to me, that a similar scenario is replaying itself now, with a different adversary, over an entirely different matter. What do think could be causing this? 88
Posted by Pilgrim's Pride on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 16:03 | # anymouse Re August 22, 2011, 02:48 AM I fail to understand how smash-mouthing fellow activists, who spend their own money and their own time pursuing their own (legal and moral) interest is constructive to the cause of White self-determination. What does this say about “WN”, this too common knee-jerk of malice, envy and insecurity? Even the Jews won’t do this to fellow Jews—quite the contrary, they cooperate collegially and let their results speak for themselves. By all accounts, it works a lot better than tearing down everyone that actually accomplishes something. I own a business. I am head of a family with children. I have the respect of my friends, neighbors, colleagues, customers, and associates. None of this was accomplished by bitching about them and denigrating their accomplishments. It was accomplished through hard work and by putting my money where my mouth to serve my fellow man personally. But that’s the problem with naive students and the deservedly under-employed, especially when given access to the Internet: it’s just easier to complain. In that, I see no difference between those bitching here, at OO, at Hunter’s site, and the London yobs and Philadelphia niggers who seem to think they are entitled to take, by force if need be, the fruit of other men’s labor. “Go fuck yourself”??? I suppose that would be the answer for someone in your shoes, better even than homosexuality as you would please yourself without the involvement of another living being, let alone something as difficult and inescapable as an actual bond of matrimony. Blah. Perhaps the NWO understands reality better than you imagine. Maybe YOU are the reason they despise US. Huh. Something to think about in-between bitch sessions. 89
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 16:47 | # What NOT to wear while making “White Identity” videos for YouTube: 90
Posted by Barbara on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 17:07 | # So that’s why Matt Parrott stalks and harasses me. I am sufficiently critical of jews and then some. So now I know. From now on when he attacks me I’ll wear it as a badge of honor. I was only kidding with some of the stuff I said in reaction to MOB. I have read MacDonald’s Culture of Critique. All kidding aside, I support everyone who is fighting against jew control even if I don’t totally agree with them and even if I get shut out of their forums. I don’t blame anyone but Matt for kicking me out of TOO and now I know why he did it. Thanks Dasein for the info, but I know how to get to the comments section, Matt was lying as he always does, he has shut me out. He once told me he was just a poor boy from the South, I believed it at the time but now I know he was just making fun of me and the South. If I didn’t know better I’d think he’s a jew, he acts like one. He is a nasty piece of work. I can’t blame other people for holding back and not attacking jews to the extent some of us do, I know they have families and jobs and we all know what the jew can and will do to people. Its a loss cause if they are able to single you out and destroy you. I would never judge David Duke because we all know what he has been thur over the past 30 years. He spent most of that time fighting the cause alone. To speak his name in polite society has the same effect as saying the name Hitler. I don’t think I could have his courage or endure what he has had to. I also admire Ernst Zundel, but not every man has his courage. I’m not familiar with Richards nor John De Nugent??? Guess I can google and learn if google hasn’t cleansed the history. 91
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 17:41 | # I obviously have some personal issues with Matt Parrott and Mormons in general, but there’s a larger point I’d like to make here. Something I’ve experienced in my own life, which others may not be unaware of. Mormons, like their Jew masters, and Freemason antecedents, are adept at subverting non-Mormon organizations. I’ve seen this many times, from Parent Teacher Associations to Fortune 500 corporations. They get one guy in and strategically placed and a decade later you’ll notice that all mid-level managers are wearing weird underwear. At Automatic Data Processing, we used to call it “Corporate Underwear”. All regional managers wore it, and twice a year they would all go to New York City where the Jews issued them semi-annual marching orders. I don’t care if there is an secret elite operating within White Nationalism, but if it turns out to be composed of Mormon Jew-tools, we might as well fold up now. My entire life experience has taught me that these guys are worthless, emasculated sycophants of the worst possible order. They will lie, swindle, connive and crawl through a mile of barbed wire to suck a Jew’s ass for even a pennyweight of power. These guys make Leon Haller look like a standup guy. 92
Posted by Barbara on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 18:09 | # I think jews must have laced our iced tea - even Ted Pike and David Duke are now fighting. http://www.davidduke.com/general/a-letter-to-ted-pike-from-david-duke_24335.html 93
Posted by Lew on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 18:38 | # Putting aside the issue of Matt personally and considering Mormon theology for the moment as a separate matter, it does appear that Jimmy’s statements about Mormons and the Jews appear are true. Google Mormonism and Judaism, and start reading. It looks like Mormons are at least as philo-semitic as Christian Zionists. 94
Posted by anon9823 on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 19:22 | # It’s funny how Matt Parrott constantly refers to himself as “Jew-wise”, because I don’t think many people would view him that way otherwise. Supposedly, Parrott used to be the moderator at Amren, where he was responsible for deleting all criticism of Jews - a job which he no doubt enjoyed greatly. His site “Hoosier Nation” is also 100% kosher, and even features a book called America Besieged which claims that Teddy Kennedy is responsible for the 1965 immigration act. He’s obviously against criticizing Jews, but then he goes and gets really buddy buddy with MacDonald, and is a moderator at TOO. Does that make any sense? Why would someone who is clearly pro-Jew want to “assist” one of the foremost critics of Jews on the internet? And it goes beyond TOO - in fact it seems there’s hardly an organization the Kosher Hoosier isn’t a member of or a website where he’s not a moderator. He’s probably connected to more groups in our scene than any other single individual. Maybe his motives could bear a little scrutiny. 95
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 19:26 | # Yes, Lew, Mormons are at least as philo-Semitic as Christian Zionists, but that is not the crux of the problem as it relates to this thread. The crux of the problem, in my opinion, is that Mormons are a secret society. They infiltrate non-Mormon institutions and corrupt them through covert means. That’s a BIG difference. Everyone knows Christians Zionists are Jew-tools. Far fewer know the truth about the Later Day Snakes. I hope to hell this is not true of Matt. I’ve tried to give him the benefit of a doubt and just ignore him, but now he’s thrust into my attention again for the same old Jew-enhancing behavior, and this time its coupled with allegations of secrecy. What am I to think? I’m not the type of guy who can will himself to believe in magic underwear. 96
Posted by Lew on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 19:33 | # I don’t think Matt should be attacked personally. However, I wouldn’t mind seeing an explanation of how a person can reconcile the philo-Semitism required by the Mormon faith with the opposition to Jewry required to save the White race. 97
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 19:38 | #
This is a good example of why I am not a White Nationalist anymore. If you think people like this are going to solve our racial problems in Alabama and Georgia, you have lost your mind. We are better off operating as private citizens unaffiliated with and “movement.” You don’t have to be a “White Nationalist” to be “pro-White.” 98
Posted by MOB on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 19:39 | #
It would be nice to have a network of nationalist organizations in America that was focused on concrete responses to Jewish actions and initiatives, watchdogs. Either that or shrug and get on with life not noticing. I agree that the biggest defect has been failure to focus single-mindedly on the Jewish problem. But coexistent with that defect is another involving process rather than substance. In a subsequently removed Comment that I posted to TOQ2 last December in the thread “Why TOQ Exists,” I included this statement taken from Jay Hanson’s The Fatal Freedom (The Tragedy of the Commons), http://dieoff.org/page79.htm: ‘Every social phenomenon, according to Hobbes, is based upon a drive for power that emerges when individuals compare themselves to other individuals. The result is that the objects one seeks to obtain are not pursued for their own sake, but because someone else also seeks to obtain them.’ I said that I considered it applicable to CMS and its growing empire. Of the processes I’ve observed in Internet forums, the one that has stood out in starkest relief has been the primacy of protecting one’s berth within the group—this has far superceded the need to do combat with Jews or any other target. People will jeopardize the security of their ideological credibility long before they’ll jeopardize their social credibility, which in WN circles means the highest intellectual rung to which they’ve climbed. That’s their most precious possession; all else is conformed to that primary need. Should their foot on the rung detect a slight wobble, depression ensues, Identity fails. Can death itself be far behind? In a thread like this one, challenging, as it does, the strategy of the highest of the high, it may be of interest to regulars here to note who does NOT contribute to it. Merely contributing could be seen as giving aid to the enemy, since the approved response to critics is silence befitting their insignificance. I don’t know Dasein at all, except to have seen many substantial contributions from him to Majority Rights in the past - so when I see him contribute here to the tiny extent of offering a person who has just self-corrected to the PC position an assist into the Occidental Observer comments section, an image comes to mind of a big toe dipping with utmost caution into an icy pond and quickly withdrawing it again. I concede the image could be baseless. MOB 99
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 20:38 | #
Yeah Lew, that’s a problem, but because of Matt’s professional training, he can churn out a fog of 5,000 words on the subject that will make you wish you were dead before you are done reading it. The real problem is that Matt has sworn a blood oath to protect the secrecy of the organization he serves, which is not ours, and which can only serve us as a sworn affidavit of his willingness to lie to us. I’m not saying that he has lied, is lying, or will lie to us as his racial brethren. What I’m saying is that his blood oath to a secret society is his guarantee that he will do so when and if it benefits that secret society to do so. So, bear that in mind when you read his upcoming treatise on how he resolves his Jew-love with his service to the White community. 100
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 20:51 | # The problem confronting Matt at this point is extremely easy to resolve. If he wants to re-establish credibility within the White racialist community he simply needs to renounce his blood oath to the secret society of which he is a member. The secret society itself has rigorous methods of formalizing this declaration and will produce official documentation of his ex-communication, which will simultaneously serve the White racialist community as proof of his good faith and dedication to our mutual cause. If he’s not willing to do that, what can I say? Caveat Emptor 101
Posted by anon9823 on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 21:01 | #
Duke produces a lot of useful information on Jews, and he does more than preach to the choir. It’s unfortunate that he doesn’t talk about 9/11 and other issues, but I really doubt that Duke is controlled opposition. It’s certainly not fair to compare him to people like Hunter Wallace and Matt Parrott, for whom combating criticism of Jews in subtle and dishonest ways is their central focus. 102
Posted by Trainspotter on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 21:21 | # Ah, that evil Matt Parrott. How he mixes audacity with shamefulness. I mean, consider the facts. He’s one of the most insightful and talented writers out there, does all manner of activist work, generally maintains a good attitude even when he has every reason not to, and often has the unmitigated gall to be helpful. A truly inglorious basterd. Shun him! Shun him in favor of the kooks and flakes, as Matt is the real problem. If only we had fewer Matts, and more (insert lying kook here), then all would be well with the world, and god could rest easily in his heaven. Matt, you should be ashamed of yourself, and while I’m quite sorry about it, forgiveness is simply not an option. 103
Posted by Lew on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 21:40 | # OK, let’s let the facts speak. According to the Wikipedia article, Mormons believe this: “Mormonism and Judaism The doctrines of the Latter Day Saint movement, commonly referred to as Mormonism, teach that its adherents, Latter-day Saints, are either direct descendants of the House of Israel, or are adopted into it. As such, Judaism is foundational to the history of Mormonism; Jews are considered a covenant people of God, held in high esteem, and are respected in the Mormon faith system. The LDS church is consequently very philo-Semitic in its doctrine.” 104
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 22 Aug 2011 23:15 | # Trainspotter’s attempt to change the subject here reminds me of another problem that I’d prefer not to bring up, but simply can’t be ignored by anyone who has paid any attention to the modus operandi of the organization in question. They NEVER work alone. Since Matt’s been operating in White Nationalist circles for a while now, it is a given that he has fellow members of his organization cooperating with him. This is simply beyond doubt. 105
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 00:23 | # Inasmuch as I’ve been uncharacteristically vocal in my opposition to the infiltration of White Nationalist organizations by The Church of Jesus Christ of Later Day Saints, a group with whom I have had extensive experience, I would like to carefully distinguish between my feelings about this group (LDS), and my feelings about any other groups which may have formed inside the White Nationalist community (i.e. CMS and Regnery). I frankly have no knowledge of either CMS or Regnery. Everything I know has been gleaned from this thread. I have no objection to the formation of any subgroups, secret or otherwise, within the framework of White Nationalism. The only thing I have a strong opinion on, and extensive knowledge of, is the infiltration and hijacking of non-Mormon institutions by members of the LDS organization. That’s all I care about with regard to secret organizations. The only word of caution I would issue in regards to the formation of secret groups within the White Nationalist community is this: If I don’t know who you are, how can I send you any money? 106
Posted by Will on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 01:02 | # Is Matt Parrott a sincere believer in the religion and its various doctrines and tenets? I assumed he was a member or participated not so much out of belief but for the community and survivalist aspect, especially since it is an implicitly White community and because local community organization and support may be more important and necessary as America declines. He has mentioned the resilient community, survivalist aspect of the religion, and how they stockpile food and how the religion is specifically prepared for American collapse or decline through things like its “White Horse Prophecy”. He seems more like an atheistic, scientific-minded type who views religion as an evolutionary tool, and he has written along these lines: delightsome.wordpress.com/2010/08/12/evolutionary-traditionalism/ 107
Posted by Guest Lurker on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 02:44 | # Jimmy Marr wrote:
I joined a masonic lodge a few years ago out of curiosity to see if all the hype was true. For the most part it’s nothing but a bunch of old conservative patriotard types who get together to collect money for masonic charities and to initiate others into masonry through their “degrees”. But most of my immediate circle of “jew-wise” acquaintances are also men I met through masonry, who joined for roughly the same reason I did-curiosity. Is it your contention that because I joined a “secret society” (so secret any male can join these days) and uttered some hokey “blood oaths” that I’m a jew tool as well, Jimmy? You sound to me like your peddling hysteria. 108
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 09:18 | # These guys make Leon Haller look like a standup guy. (Jimmy Marr) I put the “standup” in standup guy, pal. I am and always have been extremely aggressive in defending and promoting my own brand of moderate WN. Do not question my commitment to white survival simply because I have empirical disagreements with conspiratorialists, as well as moral ones with Nazis. 109
Posted by J Richards on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 11:16 | # anon9823, Matt Parrott’s more than a mere moderator at TOO and TOQ. He’s the administrator. I don’t see why you have problems with pro-Jew Parrott being a buddy of MacDonald. A malicious buddy of MacDonald could persuade him to tone down criticism of Jews a bit, using any of various excuses, such as better mainstream appeal, and if MacDonald started wondering whether a particular incident is a Jewish false flag operation, he could intervene and reassure MacDonald that the MSM version of the incident is correct and that it would be a foolish act in the interest of wider appeal to go out on a limb and speculate that Jews are behind it. This buddy can also find out if MacDonald has any weaknesses that he could be blackmailed over, any hobbies that could result in an accidental death or a medical condition that may result in an untimely death. Regarding the unfairness of comparing Duke to Hunter Wallace or Parrott, I compared him with John de Nugent to show who’s the real deal. I later pointed out similarities between the arguments of Duke and Parrott as far as Jews are concerned. It’s unfair to talk about Hunter Wallace criticizing Jews in a subtle and dishonest manner, as he’s been ignoring them. 110
Posted by J Richards on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 11:19 | # Trainspotter, To add to Jimmy Marr’s comment on your attempt to derail, if Parrot is helpful and an activist, it isn’t in the direction of helping us non-Jews. If he’s a talented writer, which he most certainly is, he can be contrasted with the talented and witty MR commenter Al Ross. Parrot will never put his writing talents to the use that Al Ross has regarding Jews. As a talented writer and website administrator, Parrott is best contrasted with Guessedworker (GW), whose writing talent is second to none and who administers MR. GW allowing me to post some of the wilder entries and comments at MR is mostly an example of tolerance rather than endorsement, just as he tolerates crypto-Jews posting here. This allows at least some sort of meaningful discussion concerning Jews, which can’t be said about TOO or TOQ. 111
Posted by J Richards on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 11:31 | # Haller, You can’t criticize me for promoting conspiracies when the alternatives or official versions are themselves conspiracies. The Holy Hoax is a conspiracy against the National Socialists and Germans. The MSM’s explanation of 9/11 is a conspiracy against Muslim radicals. What matters in these cases is which conspiracy is correct. The only criticism of de Nugent you offered is the Solutrean hypothesis he’s promoted. Big deal! The earliest skulls found in the Americas are most certainly not of a people that resemble Mongoloids or their closely-related derivates, the American Indians; they’re of a Europoid people that stretched from Europe to northeast Asia at the time, who were metrically much closer to contemporary Caucasoid than contemporary Mongoloid, and had no more than a minor Mongoloid contribution: http://www.pnas.org/content/98/17/10017/F4.expansion.html Then there’s Old world epigraphy and other things in America that are clearly non-Asiatic, predating Leif Eriksson’s arrival by centuries or millennia. Again you promote Rothbard as the great enemy of the Federal Reserve. I replied to this earlier, to which you didn’t respond. http://majorityrights.com/index.php/weblog/comments/susie_green_vdare/#c111702 Concerning the more important issues that in your estimation I should be focusing on, the white American majority knows that “immigration [of non-whites] is bad.” Why harp on it? The more useful issue is discussing why we can’t do much presently about, say, the recent approach of the Department of Homeland Security where they’ve decided to exercise their prosecutorial discretion to turn a blind eye toward a large portion of non-criminal illegal aliens, even letting them acquire work permits. Dig deep and it’s organized Jewry writ large, taking advantage of their massive money power, which is what really needs to be discussed. 112
Posted by John on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:30 | # The Dreyfus Affair, MK-ULTRA, Operation Mockingbird, Watergate, Iran-Contra Affair, CIA Drug Running, the Gulf of Tonkin affair, The Business Plot, and Operation Gladio were or could have been dismissed as “conspiracy theories” (and implied ad hominem fallacy) before they were proven beyond a doubt to have genuinely occured. 113
Posted by John on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 13:34 | # I left off the list above those commited by the usual suspects, the Lavon affair and the Mexican Parliament Bomb Plot of October 2001, where an ex-IDF Colonel who had entered Mexico illegally and his Mexican sayanim accomplice were caught in the Mexican Parliament with detonators, plastic explosives and Pakastani passports and ended up both being quietly deported to Israel? . 114
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 15:55 | #
Guest Lurker, I haven’t noticed any longstanding tendency in your posts to exonerate Jews. I haven’t seen any allegations that, as an administrator or moderator of any White racialist websites, you have a history of discriminating against commenters who criticize Jews. I have never seen you defend the Jewish blood libel against our people, or condemn your fellow Whites for having the courage to refute it. But yeah, if you had a history of doing that stuff, and were also a self-confessed Freemason, I’d think something was up with that. But then again, it could be that you’re were just another elite conservative trying to go back to the future by out-playing the Jews at their own game. 115
Posted by TabuLa Raza on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 17:45 | # Rothbard was yet another greasy, rat-faced ethnic working for his fellow money changers J. Richards.
“Rothbard was proud to be a ‘racialist’ because racialism exposed the true source of inequality in a free market, namely genetics. A belief in biological racial inequality was, for Rothbard, part of the libertarian project, because racial inequality was simply how markets reflected nature. Moreover, this was no sudden conversion: Rothbard promoted the same view, as early as 1973, here.” “Rothbard advocated support for ex-Klansman David Duke:” “Murray Rothbard was the founder of modern libertarianism and was also a proponent of voluntary racial separation.” “Moreover, Rothbard’s Jewish background did not deter him from taking dubious positions relating to Jewish questions. He fixated here on the roles of ‘Jewesses’ and ‘top Jewish financiers’ in the rise of the Welfare State, without explaining why their “ethnic” [his term] origin should be relevant. His reference to an 1860?s “cohort” of such women did not establish an explanation for the existence of that cohort. He appeared to be inviting readers to draw their own inferences.” “Rothbard’s work on race and politics, eulogized and promoted by Rockwell, therefore poses major problems for his current supporters and potential new followers. Even Ron Paul recognized this problem, belatedly, when he claimed that “Libertarians are incapable of being a racist, because racism is a collectivist idea.” If this statement is true, it would mean that Rothbard was not a true libertarian. If the statement is false, it would mean that at least one brand of libertarianism was racist, . . .” 116
Posted by Philosopher King on Tue, 23 Aug 2011 21:40 | # So let me get this straight, an organization set up to advocate white interests, a cause which unfortunately attracts psychopaths, informers, saboteurs, and idiots, in a climate of political correctness, rampant persecution, media scrutiny, leftist violence, and job discrimination, wants to ensure its members’ confidentiality? What bastards! Seriously though, Amren can’t even hold a single biannual conference without constant threats, harassment, and cancellations; yet some seem to think that if we create just one more ineffectual public pro-white organization we’ll be able waltz around in public with swastikas emblazoned on our chests. I for one welcome our new inconspicuous elitist intellectual overlords!
I’m glad that I could entertain, if only we all took your lead and heroically slandered a private organization that is actually doing things in the real world, while using pseudonyms on the internet, then we’d really be getting somewhere. Certainly the idea is idealistic, but I fail to see how it is as ludicrous as you seem to think. I ask again: which region in North American has the greatest amount of cultural pride, and the lowest per capita percentage of minorities? The only one that is not Anglophone, what a coincidence! Johann Herder said that a nation is a language, for better or worse most people still think this way, if minorities continue to speak the language of the majority, they will continue to be viewed as equals by the majority of people. Have the Italian speakers in little Italy, the Irish speakers in Southie, or the German speakers in Texas and Pennsylvania faced anywhere near the level of integration that the rest of the country has? The answer is a resounding no, because speaking another language strengthens the ties of their communities, gives them a stronger sense of cultural identity, and shields them from the most degenerate elements of American pop-culture. 117
Posted by anymouse on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 01:26 | #
Speak for yourself:
Inconsistency isn’t a problem for you, is it Pilgrim?
Kindergarten-level clichés from Rush Limbaugh won’t work here. The motivation behind your comment to MOB, Barb, and myself was support of the Regnery literary movement and it’s 64-year track record of failure. 118
Posted by Peter1 on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 01:45 | # This conversation needs more Ivan. And chair throwing. 119
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 02:28 | # TabuLa Raza, None of what you posted shows that Rothbard wasn’t working for his fellow money changers/co-ethnics. Like he said, most Jews know the truth about the intelligence of blacks. For him to publicly acknowledge it wouldn’t change a thing. You bet his voluntary racial separation didn’t include whites separating from Jews. His favorable review of David Duke doesn’t mean anything as Duke’s a kosher Nazi. His naming some Jews responsible for the Welfare state isn’t really damaging to Jews because he didn’t explain why their Jewishness is relevant. When you come across creatures such as Rothbard, you must ask whether the Marxist adoption of Hegelian dialectics is at play. Jews provide the thesis, the anti-thesis and the synthesis. So is a Jew providing the anti-thesis really undermining Jewry’s interest? Not in Rothbard’s case. 120
Posted by anymouse on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 04:15 | # Kevin McDonald blatantly kisses the “principled” Anglo-Saxon side of William H. Regnery II’ genealogical tree: Philip Weiss on the Disintegration of WASP Society The Anglo-Saxon elite was jiu-jitsued. They shortsightedly ceded power for profit, selling the institutions that mattered (banking, media, and distribution) without seriously considering the possibility of losing their position. That this could happen was unthinkable. Why? For more than one thousand years the Anglo-Saxon elite had played the game of kicking out and inviting back jew moneylenders when the Italians and others proved less competent at stealing from the populace. They were undone by hubris. The “principles” Weiss’ Anglo-Saxon in-laws display came later. It’s done for survival reasons. “Let’s show them (the jews) we’re good losers!” Sounds wonderful to the average Anglo-Saxon mind culturally trained by his betters to consider “Good Losership” honorable and sporting. To jewish ears, however, the Good Loser is a sycophant. The Anglo-Saxon elite doesn’t mind. That and a $1.50 will buy a cup of coffee. The Good Loser receives table scraps – just like the Canaanite woman (whom Jesus and his disciples compared to a dog) in the book of Matthew. The Sore Loser starves. The Anglo-Saxon elite realize that living well as jewry’s minor partner beats the hell out of living like the rest of us. The “reclusive” William H. Regnery II surely realizes that the Money Tie binding jewry and the Anglo-Saxon elite is today’s Gordian Knot. Regnery Publishing certainly does. 121
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 06:43 | #
For fifty years people have been subjected to relentless propaganda from childhood. The minority of those who resisted that propaganda will have one or more resistant character traits. One of that list of character traits is ultra-ornery individualism. Given that reality i think it makes perfect sense - in fact i think it’s absolutely neccessary - for people to discriminate in who they organise with to prevent incessant in-fighting. Otherwise there’s too many people who agree 95% but will argue about the other 5% till the end of time if they’re in the same organisation. I think it’s just a side-effect of the kind of people who were most resistant to the brain-washing. Personally i think GW, KMac, HW, Greg Johnson, James Edwards and Matt Parrot and a bunch of others all do good work in appealing to different types of people. 122
Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 07:08 | #
Jews were given the monopoly of banking by the church - remember the usury laws? They had it from the beginning. They had it all through the time between the collapse of Rome and the Renaiassance. Jews didn’t rush into a vaccuum. They utterly dominated banking and trade even more than they do now for the 900 years between roughly 400 AD and 1300 AD. (This is not to blame the church for it as Jews will subvert whatever institutions happen to be the most important at the time. Today it’s television.) This situation was reversed in Western Europe from 1290 onwards when Jews were expelled and White merchants took back control of White economies. The expulsion of the Jews resulted in the almost instantaneous explosion of creativity known as the renaissance. (Jews suck out and either hoard or transfer capital from their host and it’s this extraction of capital that causes economic stagnation. This is precisely what is happening again now, especially in Britain and America, and precisely what happened in Weimar Germany etc.) Jews were allowed back into Western Europe because people *forgot* why they had been expelled in the first place. There’s nothing wrong with being fair-minded as long as it’s not wrong-headed fairness towards people who don’t reciprocate and *won’t* reciprocate because they are biologically too distinct as well as culturally and tribalistically too distinct. It’s like playing football with a team that always cheats. Eventually you just have to expel them from your league *and* you have to *remember* why. 123
Posted by Rusty on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 13:27 | #
johnking is right. The recognized thinkers in “the movement” have no interest whatever in helping anyone else improve his situation or organizing regular folk. This is obvious. They are presumably smart enough to know what to do; the fact that they have not done anything proves that they simply are not interested. Wake up, Everyman. You are still without leadership. If you want change, you will have to do it yourself. 124
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 14:06 | # GW, Me thinks you’re making much ado about very little. But that’s because I think Regnery and all his potty little initiatives amounted to very little. That said,
I do think you are right about this. And as you’ve pointed out, this cabal certainly can’t and aren’t hiding anything from the regime’s apparatchiks. Therefore what they’re hiding are one or more aspects they think would alienate their targeted audiences and nominal followers. Part of it is crassly commercial. One common factor shared by Regnery, Dr. Kevin MacDonald, Alex Kurtagic, Tom Sunic and Matt Parrott is they are all personally interested in the publishing business. At one time Willis Carto, the National Alliance and IHR had a solid business base established
I once had this same impression. It went away a few minutes after I actually started reading A3P’s platform.
You mean “donors”. I have no doubt this is another aspect engendering the masonic lodge atmosphere on CMS’ part. When there’s money involved, “follow the money”.
Don’t feel bad. They also forgot to add this. And that’s despite having many years, numerous standing examples and personally familiarity with the vast North American land spaces before them. I think that being reasonably secure in their gated communities and fenced gentleman’s farms, it was easy for them to forget about the hoi polloi left in the small towns, suburbs, apartment complexes and trailer parks. 125
Posted by Rusty on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:18 | #
American conservatives, mostly RedTeam fans, are just as short-sighted. Politics without societal, cultural, and religious support is a waste of time. Conservatives gave up these fights long ago and have consequently lost every political battle since. Politics is sustained from culture which grows from societal standards which come from a shared belief system. Politics comes last, not first, and this A3P effort exposes these “leaders” for what they are. Let these academic types keep writing but do not expect any real leadership from them. 126
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 15:33 | # CMS and A3P are both following the regime’s rules. As Ygg informed us…
Similarly A3P states; http://american3p.org/shop/membership/
Those wanting a more detailed explanation can read here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/527_organization This statement about 527 organizations:
should cause pause. We can note similar identity disclosure is required to take advantage of 501c3 deductions.
There is another immediate effect of this organizational conservatism. It brings this networked apparatus under the thumb of the Judeo-Federal government and the IRS. From this point we can believe one of two things: 1. CMS, A3P and their subsidiaries will go from strength to strength until Final Victory is achieved. (I offer this first possibility to avoid charges of Alex Kurtagic style naysayerism). 2. The IRS and its masters will administratively order CMS, A3P et al out of existence the moment they become the least inconvenient to the regime. Or they’ll do it the moment it suits the regime to whip another Stalinist style show trial to gain yet another great victory against “white supremacism”. Caveat Emptor 127
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 16:04 | # Rusty,
I agree with all that. I think we need to add “economics”. I mean this in the broad sense of an economic community embracing and benefiting all adherents. We’ve had the narrow senses of “donate” and buy. And it’s been counter-productive. The best use now for partisan politics is an excuse to organize, agitate and recruit at the local level. But this activity has to be undertaken by compact and cohesive local groups who are bonded together by more permanent factors. Partisan political elections are very infrequent events. They occur no more often than every two years. Even allowing for the “campaign season” leaves us with a year of quietude during which organizations disintegrate. 128
Posted by Lew on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 18:11 | # Yggdrasil said the CMS is a 501(c)3 to quell speculation that the CMS is anything other than legal, above board, non-profit corporation, and not a secret hive of quasi-masonism Using this word secrecy is unfair in this context, as it connotes furtiveness and deceit on the part of the CMS that comes up to the edge of slander, whether done intentionally or not. Yggdrasil’s word – confidentiality – is the right word to describe CMS policy. I am having a hard time understanding why some are demanding the CMS provide more public information about their activities than is already open to the public via the Internet? Everyone here has Google. There are a huge number of reasons for confidentiality beyond avoiding government scrutiny. OK, so they can’t hide from the government. Granted. What about confidentiality to protect friends? Families? Children? Business partners? Clients? Colleagues? Sympathetic academic heretics who might be working under cover? Young academics working toward tenure? Up and coming writers trying to make headway into media institutions? Scrutiny from violent anti-fa fanatics? The media? The number of plausible reasons for confidentiality can be multiplied ad infinitum. Now, this is not is not say the average people should not show some skepticism about any WNist organisations given the unfortunate history of this movement in America, especially when money is involved and donations requested. I got burned myself long ago donating money to a famous person that most of us know and love but who also has a pretty well known history of personal shortcomings. The problem is that a group like the CMS, and probably any serious WNist group, is dammed if they do and damned if they don’t. The CMS appears to provide all proper public information, as any Google search will show. If they provide more public information, they put people in danger. If they provide less information, there are certainly many good reasons to do so; however, a policy like that will likely result in fewer donations from the average middle-class sympathizer. In my experience, few people will donate more than token amounts to groups without reasonable transparency. As to whether the intellectuals are ever going “do anything,” they ARE doing something. They’re doing intellectual foundation work in the areas they deem to be important. Yggdrasil’s latest essay on TOQ contains some real groundbreaking, breakthrough insights. Brilliant stuff, for anyone who hasn’t seen it. Anyone who doesn’t understand the vital necessity of intellectual foundation work as a complement to activist work can be written off a serious participant in debate IMO. The people who don’t like the CMS’s approach, strategy or operational practices should consider going out and doing their own thing, on their own dime. I mean, really, once you criticize a group’s strategy, and they don’t listen to you because it’s their group not your group, what is the point of continuing the assault? Attacking the people around the CMS makes zero sense when there are so many more enemies that deserve and need to be attacked. The CMS is not being inappropriately secret, nor are they being deceptive, nor are they doing work with no value. My only question was why a person (Matt Parrot) who I realized in the course of discussion is associated with an unusually philo-semitic strain of Christianity had a key position at TOO. It struck me as an odd inconsistency on the surface and a reasonable question to ask. But this question too was answered and done away with in the other thread; there turned out to be nothing to it, so that is the end it for me. These internal pillow fights between the movers and shakers in WNism who know each other personally IRL really ought to keep their spats private. They reveal nothing but complete disarray and dissension at the highest levels of WNism, among our brightest people, which is discouraging to sincere people trying to figure out whether getting more involved in the American movement scene makes sense or will be a complete waste of time as it has historically been. 129
Posted by Matt Parrott on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 19:16 | # Lew,
He obtained a key position by taking the initiative to completely overhaul and redesign the website, sketching up a proposal then translating that concept into a reality. Incidental to the fact that he made the professor’s life easier and empowered him to be more prolific is the fact that he happens to have admin privileges on the site which he created. Those who are concerned about Mr. Parrott’s motives would be best served by privately prevailing upon TOO’s editor to select a webmaster who’s not a henchmen for the elaborate LDS conspiracy. Given that he doesn’t wish to be anywhere he’s not welcome, he’ll most graciously remove his chubby white fingers from each and every pie his fingers aren’t welcome in. 130
Posted by Matt Parrott on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 19:27 | # Lew, I pounced on that line in your post before reading through it and seeing that your concerns had been addressed and that you in fact support keeping spats private. While what I said and the snark behind it still stands, I’m no longer directing it at you. 131
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 20:01 | #
Were you referring to this, dated August 10, 2011? http://www.toqonline.com/blog/what-is-communism/ Personally I thought Ygg took too much space to get to his point. And that point is just another rationale for why the wannabe “Inner Party In Waiting” (CMS) doesn’t need to change one little detail in what they’re doing, and more importantly not doing. They only need to wait for the Mandala Wheel to turn over again under the influence of multi-kulti Karma.
Ygg is wrong there and so is Dr. K if Ygg has accurately represented his ideas. Michael A. Hoffman II is far closer to the mark in his assessment that the “Cryptocracy” (a/k/a Ygg’s “Inner Party”) has a marvelous ability not to really believe their own propaganda. The other item I noticed was another manifestation of the 1950s Happy Days nostalgia that “Anymouse” said characterizes the CMS group. In this instance Ygg appears to be anticipating a post-Jewish golden age similar to the 1950s & 1960s in the USSR. 132
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 24 Aug 2011 20:22 | #
I know I am not understood when I speak of consciousness and ontology in nationalism, except by Jimmy and PF while he was here, and a few others who have contacted me privately with their thoughts (hi Roger, Graham). But the essence of it is that the reified images of 1950s America are to the authentic European life as the planned economy is to the free market. As soon as someone - Ygg for example - says “walk this way” we are being led into a lie of ourselves. Only we, conscious of and in our collective self, can make in life what is true of us. Everything else will generate the eponymous unforeseen consequences, otherwise known as the same old story. 133
Posted by Greg Johnson on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 05:34 | # GW, MOB, and anyone else who might feel slighted by being passed over by CMS should actually feel relieved. You have dodged a bullet. When I was with CMS, there were of course rumors floating around of a “secret society” sponsoring secret meetings with various movement bigwigs, but the talking points were very simple. Whenever someone asked about the Charles Martel Society, the response was to hold up an issue of TOQ, flip open to inside front cover, and point out that CMS was a 501c3 Educational Corporation that publishes TOQ. As far as the world knew, the only “members” of CMS were the board members and employees, whose names were matters of public record. At the time I was fired from TOQ and thrown out of CMS (based on lies, as it turned out, but that did not matter to even to my friends who chose to remain in the group), the board consisted of Sam Dickson, John Gardner (Yggdrasil), and Louis Andrews. The people who keep throwing Bill Regnery’s name around as if he were actively involved with CMS have not even done the simplest of homework. He has not been involved in any official capacity for years. Which is something that could be gleaned from public records, should anyone care to investigate. But since when do facts matter to the kind of people whose favorite bloodsport is online “roasts” of movement people? Now John Gardner, who took over CMS after Sam Dickson resigned in disgrace last year, as come on this board and confirmed that yes, indeed, the rumors are true. CMS has a membership. CMS is selective about its members, because they wish to exclude egomaniacs and kooks (this is laughable to anyone who has met Gardner, Dickson, or “Hunter Wallace,” all of whom are judged worthy CMS material), and because CMS has many members who have something to lose if their identities as supporters of White Nationalism should be revealed. Gardner, of course, denies that CMS is a “secret” society. It is merely “confidential.” (This dodge is borrowed straight from the Freemason playbook, by the way.) Well, if CMS is “confidential” because it wishes to protect the identity of its members, why is John Gardner, the president of CMS, coming on this board and confirming what has heretofore been mere rumor, namely that CMS has a membership? Why is he painting a big red bull’s eye on CMS? Because that is what he has done. He has now raised CMS to a high priority target of anti-fa hackers. CMS is now a pinata filled with the names of the very sort of people the hackers want to destroy. Every hacker worth his bones will take a whack. These are the kind of people who gave us the following: 2009: David Irving’s website and mail accounts hacked, private correspondence and membership lists put online: 2010: Nordisk in Scandinavia hacked by antifa: 2011: Arktos Media hacked by antifa: I could go on, but that would be pedantic. This is just a taste of what John Gardner has invited for CMS. This is the bullet that non-CMS members have dodged. As for the people who are in CMS and who have something to lose: You can’t just resign, you have to get you name purged from all the records. And aside from deposing the current leadership and doing that yourself, there is no way to guarantee that this will be done. Furthermore, this is not the only blatant security breach in recent CMS history. The first breach came in May of 2010, when the hacker, phisher, stalker, and mental patient “Hunter Wallace” was handed all of CMS’s confidential records of members, donors, and subscribers. When I made it clear to my friends who remained in CMS just what a stupid move this was, the response from the leaders was lies and paralysis. Finally, I gaslighted Wallace into an online meltdown on this board, after which time he resigned. But of course, he probably still has copies of the records he was given. Even after Wallace’s 2010 breakdown, Sam Dickson kept feeding him talking points and using him as a proxy to attack me and Counter-Currents, apparently because his personal hatred of me was not satisfied by firing me, slandering me, and cheating me out of $12,000+ of unpaid wages (I never even bothered to calculate the unpaid reimbursements). Not only was this an extremely unethical way to exploit a mentally ill person, but also stirring up needless movement drama out of purely personal motives is a base betrayal of our greater cause. But it gets worse. Just before Wallace’s ongoing psychotic episode, John Gardner brought Wallace back into CMS and gave him access to the group’s supposedly secure forum, where the new class of CMS members inducted after Wallace was given the group’s membership list were exposed to this dangerous kook. Lapses in judgment like this really beggar the imagination. Any movement with leaders like this is a joke. 134
Posted by Greg Johnson on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 05:48 | # Here’s the Arktos hack link: http://penetrate.blogspot.com/2011/05/politically-targeted-attack-on-arktos.html 135
Posted by Lew on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 06:51 | #
Well that is disappointing and troubling news to say that least. It looks like I might have been premature in giving this CMS entity the benefit of the doubt. If what Greg Johnson says is true, I don’t see how this information does anything but shatter the organized WNist movement in America. If were just the CMS that would be one thing. But while all the orgs may be distinct legal entities, there are so many entanglements among key leaders, respected authors, and others associated with NPI, A3P, CMS and the various Web sites, it’s hard to have confidence in any of it now. I’m not shooting the messenger; Greg Johnson has provided valuable information the community needs to know. 136
Posted by Lew on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 06:58 | # Matt Parrott
Matt, I sincerely meant no offense, but if I gave any offense with those repeated questions, I would like to apologize to you specifically. Upon reflection, I regret even bringing up. 137
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 07:07 | # I’ll just throw this out there: I think the secrecy CMS cloaks itself in may be consciously calculated to lend it the aura of something mysteriously profound. To paraphrase Nietzsche, that which is profound loves masks and will not deign to fully reveal itself to that which is beneath it - the unwashed masses. MacDonald has openly expressed his desire to attract donations from wealthy Whites to the tune of tens of millions of dollars so that effective activist organizations to advance the racial interests of Whites can be built. Contra GT and Macguire, I’m sure GW is of the belief that a sum of money at least that large will be needed to attract individuals of sufficient talent to build and sustain a true mass movement (a rusty lathe in every White man’s garage ain’t going to cut it). Without that kind of money, and the financial security it would afford competent activists, one is left with dross such as the positively imbecilic Barnesy and the bloated greed of the less than intellectually and morally gifted Griffo. To attract that kind of money, the egos of wealthy donors must be massaged. With their donations will come the suggestion that they have become part of a neo-aristocracy (the upper crust of the “hierarchically harmonious” society which MacDonald contends is essential to European civilization) who express their noblesse oblige for their naturally inferior co-racials. After all, one ultimately engages in charity to buy one’s self a good reputation so that one’s reproductive fitness can be increased, no? If this is the work of MacDonald, it is arguably a quite shrewd move on his part. 138
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 07:23 | # Greg Johnson is over here being a crybaby simply because he is pissed off after getting fired from his cushy job a year ago now - the simple explanation which explains everything about his behavior. (1) Greg has a sparkling new thermometer on Counter-Currents which he has used to raise over $10,000 dollars and he is over here to cry about his perennial complaint ... all the money that poor Greg rightly deserves to promote Neo-Nazism! (2) I said a year ago that Greg is a financially motivated rent seeker. It sure is funny that he never had any of these complaints about TOQ before he was fired from his position. When he was making the money, he didn’t have a problem with CMS, but now everything has changed. (3) Before Greg was fired from TOQ, he spent the better part of a year swiping all kinds of material from OD to financially promote himself, when I was supposedly a mentally ill SPLC spy! (4) After the misfortune of getting to know Greg Johnson, I resigned from TOQ and haven’t been involved with “White Nationalism” or CMS in almost a year now. I had no further desire to get any further involved in that scene. (5) The vicious little guttersnipe and his vain homosexual obsession with being a “Nietzschean aristocrat” is the definitive proof that the White Nationalist movement will never go anywhere. (6) Fortunately, the racial taboos in the South are finally eroding. As I said last year, it is proving easier to get conservatives to change their ways on race than it is to get White Nationalists to get their act together. (7) Now that the racial taboos are eroding under Obama, the last thing we need is Neo-Nazi carpetbaggers like Greg Johnson and their stupid fantasies which will never appeal to anyone outside their ideological cult. In spite of this, I wish Greg luck in promoting Hitlerism to Nancy Pelosi’s base in San Francisco. Perhaps he can be their court jester? There has always been a market for fools. 139
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 07:36 | #
What motivation would the CMS-spurned Johnson now have to conceal what was the substance of secret conversations between CMS members?
Why would Yggdrasil lend the impression that CMS is a secretive organization when its members have no reasonable expectation of confidentiality anyway and nothing of substance meriting such secrecy is discussed amongst CMS members? See above: the noblesse oblige of self-perceived aristocrats is spelled $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. 140
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 07:56 | #
LOL! Johnson promotes literary fascism at Counter-Currents because that is what he is versed in and is the aesthetic he likes. Johnson also promotes a racialism consonant with the tastes of the SWPL set as that is the lifestyle he is versed in, finds appealing, and he knows that under NS queers get the concentration camp. 141
Posted by Lew on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 08:28 | # The particulars of Greg Johnson’s ideology are less important to me that this allegation:
When the hell did Yggdrasil become such a controversial guy? The man has educated me and I’m sure many others on innumerable issues since the 1990s. Didn’t Ygg coin the freakin’ term “White Nationalism” itself on USENET long ago? The allegation here is just mind-boggling. Yggdrasil whose intellect commands universal respect from people who know his work and who is connected to every person of significance in the movement East, West, North and South is painting a bullseye on people? It defies belief, given Yggdrasil’s history, yet comes from a person of substance formerly inside the CMS itself. The ADL, SPLC and Fed readers have got to be laughing their asses off. Multiple recriminations, dirty dealing, venality, secretiveness, elite arrogance, back-handed behavior, small mindedness, petty jealousies, ignoring the greater good, incompetence, gross negligence—you name it—every conceivable allegation that makes WNists look like fools is represented here. 142
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 08:51 | #
If these organizations wished to find out who any of us are they could do so in short order anyway. Most of us are such small fish that they simply don’t give a shit.
This is nothing that couldn’t be said in part of the well-oiled machine of National Socialist Germany with the former kept in line with the militarized discipline imposed from above. Hitler had plenty of high-IQ eccentrics vying for their own fiefdoms under his control. If you don’t wish to live under a totalitarian dispensation you’ll have to learn to live with it. Just a slice of life. 143
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:08 | # Greg Johnson, Hunter Wallace, et al: How is someone like me - a ‘lone wolf’ blogger for many years, sympathetic to anything pro-white, trying to get the message about white persecution and impending extinction out there among alleged conservatives (with a multitude of lengthy comments here at MR, too - one of the few places I haven’t been banned (thank you, GW)) - supposed to decipher the truth from all this “he said/she said” crap? For example, I met Sam Dickson once at an AR conference many years ago. I don’t know him, but I do know of him - and that he has spent decades fighting for the white man’s cause. Here he’s disrespected. Whom ought I to believe? What Hunter says about appealing to conservatives is what I have been saying just recently here at MR, as well as for years and years and years and ... I think it’s what Jared Taylor has believed, too. Politics is about power. In democracies, that obviously means roping in the largest number of people. The primary strategic question is always, therefore, who is your base? The base of any movement to save the white race - the minimum of which in my view consists in stopping nonwhite immigration everywhere, followed by repatriating nonwhites from Europe, and, in the US, Canada, Australia, NZ, 1) ending white judicial and legislative oppression, and 2) reestablishing white cultural hegemony - is going to be found among conservatives. Who else could it be? Occasional NS Euros think that some labourite working class somewhere will constitute it, but I think that view is decades out of date, if it was ever valid. Note by “base” I don’t mean leadership, or “core”, or theorists. I simply refer to the conventionally recognizable class or group which is most likely to respond favorably to pro-white (whether open or implicit) initiatives. Obviously, it’s white people, but given the ideological, economic, cultural, religious and ‘lifestyles’ heterogeneity of whites, given, that is, that whites are variegated, and do not march in such lockstep as other races seem to, at least wrt ethnic and racial issues, white preservationists need to figure out the identifiable already existent group with which our message is most likely to resonate. Speaking as an American, though on this issue I can’t believe matters would be much different in Canada or England (or perhaps any white nation today, given the postwar convergence of governing structures, economies and lifestyles), it is perfectly obvious to me that our base is among conservatives (I’m tempted to add, “duh”). The white Left today is very nearly defined by its commitment to ‘diversity’. How many racist white Democrat (“hard-hat”) working class voters are there anymore? I would say, strictly empirically, very few. Of course, there may be a few whites who vote Democrat, that is, against their racial interests, because they somehow benefit from liberal largesse (perhaps they are government workers with generous pensions; I have a disgusting neighbor like that, a quite racially/culturally conservative middle aged-white man who voted for CA Governor Jerry Brown strictly to protect his bloated, CA taxpayer provided pension). But the vast bulk of liberal voters I have met in my life have not, I think, been secret racialists voting Democrat for reasons of greed, like my neighbor. Most seem to sincerely support one or another aspect of the liberal agenda, the contemporary foundation stone of which is commitment to racial diversity and equality. These are not brainwashed persons, except in the most general sense. They are sincere race liberals, and they number in the millions (for Brits, recall my struggle on the English police blog: simply telling the racial truth about the recent riots triggered a groundswell of PC opposition - and this was a blog purportedly speaking for those on the ‘front lines’ of the racial attacks!!). My point is that white preservationists will only find allies, if at all, among conventional, as yet ‘unawakened’, conservatives. So the real question, for those who actually want to do some racial good in the world, for those, that is, for whom intellectual work is not an end in itself, but a guide to desired social change, is, how can we best appeal to the broader world of conservatives? As I have argued vociferously and ad nauseam, the answer to this question is “subtly” (not in terms of outspokenness, but intellectual content). In democracies whose (still) white majority populations are remarkably psychologically and thus politically stable, that which is seen as too far outside the mainstream will fail. But the “mainstream” comprises a number of different ‘streams’, so to speak. If we are going to challenge the racial status quo, which, if left unchallenged, will in the normal course of things destroy us, then we need to be as mainstream as possible in every other way apart from the foundational ideological challenge. People like David Duke and and especially Jared Taylor came to understand that unconventional grooming habits, wearing funny ‘uniforms’, indulging in strange gestures or forms of speech, or adhering to bizarre or repugnant (conspiracy) theories and/or ideologies, was simply less effective than appearing ‘clean-cut’ and as culturally and psychologically normal as possible. This emphasis on conventionality ought to extend to ideology. Thus, in assessing how to get a hearing for WP concerns from conservatives, our only possible mass base, we need to understand conservatives, and try to show that WP (and the policies it requires: ending immigration, ending the anti-white racial spoils system, building white consciousness as an aspect of conservative consciousness) is a natural outgrowth of conservatism (which, in fact, it is). This means in part, especially in America, demonstrating the ethical compatibility between Christianity (the belief system of a clear majority of American conservatives, extending far beyond just the noisier and narrower Bible-thumping Christian “Right”) and policies of white preservation. (Hence my personal attraction and commitment to intellectual theories which seek to unify classical conservatism, Christianity (Bible-based or natural law-based), and modern racial science.) In much larger part, it means jettisoning (or at the very least muting) those aspects of WN which conservatives will find anathema. Insulting Christianity (especially in America), even if all forms of supernaturalism are in fact false (not my view, incidentally), is counterproductive in the extreme. (Force a conservative to choose between Christ and Hitler, and 99% of the time, he will choose the former. That is a fact that needs to be dealt with, even by atheist or NS WNs.) Excessive emphasis on genetic determinism is likewise not something conservatives, with their bedrock beliefs in free will as the necessary counterpart to moral responsibility, will find persuasive or appealing. Nazism, and even ‘naming the Jew’, simply will not get traction, at least for the foreseeable future. In terms of rigorously dispassionate analysis, I think only some form of fascism will save Europe (I think something very different is needed in America, more of a libertarian separatism or freedom-of-associationism). But even if racial fascism is where the Euroright needs to get to, the present paradox is that it will not get there by advertising this fact openly. The key for all white nations is, as I’ve stated previously, gradual radicalization, the insinuation of white consciousness and pro-white policy advocacy into conservative discourse. Of course, the nonwhite colonizers are pouring in, making ultimate victory ever more problematic, so we need to be aggressive about this gradualist process. We must all never relinquish any opportunity to spread the truth about race. But we must be as moderate as possible in our presentation, and limited in our agenda. For now, we want legal immigration terminated, illegals deported, and the anti-white spoils system dismantled (maybe also throw in ‘law and order’ and ‘concealed carry’). When we have built up a critical mass of whites adhering to this agenda - and have actually, legislatively accomplished it - we can move our ‘goal-posts’. But set those posts too far back initially, and you will find you can’t even muster a team. 144
Posted by Greg Johnson on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:11 | # Lew, I used to think the world of Gardner—based on what he said and wrote. When he got in a position to actually lead and make decisions, well . . . he turned out to be a major disappointment. He has now seriously compromised the security of CMS three times: First, by handing Hunter Wallace the organization’s records without doing the most cursory check to see if he would be trustworthy with such information. Second, by inviting Wallace back to the organization even though this time he was fully aware of his history of insanity, phishing, hacking, stalking etc. Third, by revealing that CMS is a secret membership organization, some of the members of which need to keep their identities secret. This major admission dramatically increases CMS’s desirability as a target for antifa hackers, enemy spies, and other disruptors. With judgment this bad, it is only a matter of time before Gardner ruins somebody’s life. Indeed, it may be too late to stop that now. I think it is only a matter of time before Wallace’s copies of CMS records end up in the hands of the enemy. He is the weak link here in a whole host of ways. Even when he is not psychotic, he is a nasty piece of work. And he has never been too bright about maintaining the security of his websites. 145
Posted by Greg Johnson on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:16 | # In fairness to Gardner, the first—and worst—breach of CMS security (handing all the organization’s records over to “Hunter Wallace”) was not entirely his decision. It was co-authored by Sam Dickson, who was still president of CMS at the time. 146
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:27 | # The Regnery outfit is beginning to seed their discourse with nebulous references to the formation of an ethnostate. So long as one is openly committed to the formation of an ethnostate for Whites only which does not include Jews capable of securing the existence of all European-derived people on this continent then as far as I am concerned they are kosher (not in the sense that Richards uses that adjective). Realistically, we would need this to include the northern half of the contiguous United States, Canada and Alaska with no small portion of this set aside for Northern Europeans. Non-Whites could have the rest. That, in the grand scheme of things, is fair I think. All else is really window dressing. 147
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:40 | # Greg, (1) First, I was never “handed” any such records. You have made up a story here. In fact, if memory serves, you are the one who possesses those records, as you were the Editor of TOQ. Why would I be interested in these “records” of yours? With one or two exceptions, I don’t even talk to these people on the telephone or through email. What is the basis of this stupid idea that I have records? You are the one who keeps and maintains databases of people in order to solicit them to support your little website. (2) Second, I have never so much as asked a CMS member for their autograph or phone number. I genuinely don’t have the slightest interest in the goings on of that organization. Clearly, you are the one who is obsessed with CMS, not me. (3) Third, I haven’t been a White Nationalist since August 2010. I haven’t been involved with CMS for over a year now. In all that time, I haven’t expressed the slightest interest in finding out what those people are up to. After dealing with your pettiness and greed, I realized that I wanted no further involvement with the White Nationalist movement. I had seen enough to decide that it wasn’t my cup of tea. (4) Fourth, you are the one who is financially motivated, not me. You are the one who has a thermometer on your website which you have used to raise $11,000. You are the one who is over here bitching about the money you are owed and the people who have done you wrong. You are the one who is over here attacking your former associates. Who do you think is more likely to sell his story to the SPLC? Do you think Greg Johnson would do it for money? Do you think Greg Johnson would do it because he is butthurt over losing his job? Do you think Greg Johnson would do it because he hates Yggdrasil and Sam Dickson? Do you think Greg Johnson would do it to promote his own little project in the WN world? Do you think Greg Johnson would do it because he is motivated by the sins of pride and vanity? Of course. I mean ... Greg is clearly one pissed off cocksucker! He won’t be stopped until he all the money in the White Nationalist movement. How can you live like a Nietzschean aristocrat off $10,000? Morris Dees has $250 million in the bank in Montgomery. Surely, Greg would be the first to help himself to some of that. He doesn’t have any inhibitions asking for it. 148
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:50 | # How do you know you are on a White Nationalist blog? When a Hitler worshiper who publishes articles about “man-animal chimeras” and Hyperboreans from Atlantis is calling you insane! 149
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:54 | # Leon, That’s an interesting post. I’ve given a lot of thought to the subject. Unfortunately, I fear that this thread will be further consumed by Greg’s soap opera, but if it takes a progressive turn I will respond tomorrow. In the interim, please note the sudden volte face of William Gheen of ALIPAC: http://www.occidentaldissent.com/2011/08/24/congratulations-william-gheen/ 150
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 09:57 | # This thread is a perfect example of why incompatible people shouldn’t all be in the same organization. 151
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 10:02 | #
It is not out of any inability to understand that, for instance, the “ecstatic” quality which Heidegger ascribes to Being fits nicely with EGI in that allegedly one in such a state is imbued with “care” for his being in that he feels impelled to enable its transmission from moment to moment in the course of temporality. It is out of (dare I say atheistic) scepticism that such a specifically exalted state actually exists that I balk. I’ve not experienced such as state and neither have you. So where does that leave it?
How else is one to communicate the appeal of the 1950s to a younger generation which was not around to experience it? From what I’ve been told by older relatives who were adults or children in the ‘50s there was nothing magical about it. Only that it was a much simpler and more decent time. What the hell is wrong with that? Perhaps a dash of gritty realism in the telling would better suit the cynic. No microwaves, no dishwashers, no muds. Ho hum. 152
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 10:04 | #
I’m the only one here talking any fucking sense. 153
Posted by Bill on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 11:58 | # 1950’s revisited. Quick thoughts. As someone whose teenage years coincided with Britain’s 1950’s, my shorthand yardstick for comparison with today’s world goes something like this. Since the decade of the 1950’s, the rate of moral and social decay throughout has been in direct proportion to the effects of the new scientific age. (Falling into the wrong hands?) I have had many years to reflect on the 1950’s and what used to be, but it would take a whole volume to explain away the reasons why. Distilling my thoughts to the bone. For a host of reasons, the 1950’s were pure magic. I was fortunate, I had a double whammy, the spirit of the age combined with the full flush of youth. I think it is not possible to convey to others how life is so different to today’s world. Many say there never was a golden age, probably because many never experience such a time. The rub here is, life is subjective, as viewed from one’s personal vantage point. One man’s meat is another man’s poison. Hey! I’m beginning to sound like a liberal? 154
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 14:39 | # GW, I was intending to reply further. But I was laughing so hard this am after reading all this that I’ve run out of time. It reminds me of the repetitive disclosures of the old National Alliance membership lists. Or the more recent breach of the BNP lists. As was pointed out in this thread, this is entirely and only about a flow of Federal Reserve paper money. The late John Bryant provided this synopsis of Revilo P. Oliver’s experiences with and conclusions about an intensively financed “membership” organization. http://www.thebirdman.org/Index/NetLoss/NetLoss-Oliver.html One aspect Oliver didn’t comment on extensively was the John Birch Society’s extensive network of “American Opinion Bookstores”. As the return of the Greg Johnson/Hunter Wallace tag team shows, this hissy fit is entirely about publishing $. Lists that don’t exist can never be compromised. 155
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 16:24 | # My favorite quote of the day, so far:
The Fifties really were a grand time in America. I mean, we had just helped Stalin and Churchill destroy Europe. How could we have failed to celebrate our decency? 156
Posted by n/a on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 16:49 | # “I’m quite sure he attended publick schools.” I’ve had pretty much the opposite impression. That GW has some class issues that (along with his not being invited to join and the essay contest) contribute to his desire to undermine anything associated with Regnery, whom GW perceives to be a probably too haughty member of the shadowy upper class. The one thing GW had a valid point about was the essay contest; so it’s funny he’s now allied with the organizer and judge of that contest in attacking CMS.
So why did you whine when this American organization didn’t give you advance notice of their secret US meeting?
You’re not terribly perceptive. MacDonald trashes “WASPs” all the time. Just so we know where you’re coming from in attacking the core/founding ethny of America, what is your ethnic background?
William Regnery has nothing to do with Regnery publishing; he’s also not directly descended from that company’s founder.
Yes. It seems obvious to me that we need more non-anti-white organizations of all types, regardless of how ineffectual we might consider their particular approaches. I don’t think a Heidigger discussion circle will be the answer to our problems, but I wish GW success in building the largest and best Heidigger discussion circle he can. I just would prefer he expend his energy on positive efforts like that rather than attacking the likes of Hunter Wallace and CMS. Same with Greg Johnson: there’s obviously an audience for the material he puts out; but out of greed and petty vindictiveness Johnson tries to destroy other non-anti-white efforts and cannibalize their readership and donors rather than organically expanding his audience and bringing in new readers/donors.
If what Greg Johnson says is true, I don’t see how this information does anything but shatter the organized WNist movement in America. [. . .] Greg Johnson has provided valuable information the community needs to know.”
As an outside observer myself, it’s pretty clear Greg Johnson is a vindictive faggot. How can there be anyone to whom this is not obvious? 157
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 16:58 | #
Suppose you had the misfortune of meeting Greg Johnson who is on the warpath against his former associates over money and ideology. Would you like to stick around to find out who you can meet next in the White Nationalist movement? Probably not! This thread is an excellent example of why “White Nationalism” never goes anywhere. I remember last year when I had the temerity to criticize the “WN intellectuals.” Well, look at them squabbling now. GW has started two threads about TOQ because he is still miffed over a mere essay contest from two years ago. Greg is over here showing his ass over money. How inspiring! In the aftermath of the flash mobs burning down GW’s own country, he decided it would be a much better idea to stir up this shit on Majority Rights. I mean ... there wasn’t anything else of importance going on in England that would warrant his attention at this juncture in English history. Intellectuals are typically deracinated atheists. They substitute their faith in God with faith in a utopian fantasy ideology. Every intellectual has his own private fantasy ideology though. So they end up squabbling among themselves over every vice imaginable while failing to communicate with their peers. If Greg wasn’t motivated by pride, envy, wrath, sloth, and greed, he could have moved on with his life a year ago. It is Greg’s own immoral lifestyle that explains his financial status. Because of pride and greed and vanity, he can’t stop thinking about all the money he deserves. He’s gonna show them! 158
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 17:42 | # Leon, A few thoughts ... (1) First, it is important to figure out where you are standing. Who are you trying to win over to your point of view? Why do you identify with these people? In my case, I want to win over my fellow White Southerners. I identify with them because I am a White Anglo-Saxon Protestant. I see myself as being invested in our past and future as a race. In so many words, I am a Southern conservative. We are facing a great tragedy as a people. It is a tragedy that was imposed upon us by the federal government in 1965. I want to help extricate my own people - my brothers and sisters in Christ - from this awful situation. Someone has to be their brother’s keeper. (2) Sam is an old man who simply resents what has been done to Georgia. I’ve never had a problem with Sam for that reason. In another time, Sam would have been a U.S. Senator. Thus, I can understand where he is coming from. (3) Here in the South, we have no choice but to appeal to conservatives. The irony of “White Nationalism” is that the only reason White Southerners are attracted to White Nationalism is because they are Southern conservatives. Liberalism is deeply incompatible with the Southern way of life. Southerners instinctively rebel against the notion that they are supposed to hate their own race, get ahead in a world driven by Yankee materialism, be ruled by commissars in the workplace. Why are Southerners attracted to White Nationalism? Because racial identity has been at the core of Southern culture for centuries. That is the only reason. (4) From a racialist perspective, “the base” is obviously those White Americans who are still racially consciousness. In Mississippi, 45 percent of Republicans openly say they want to ban interracial marriage. The actual number is far higher. There are millions of White Southerners who are still racially conscious. The vast majority of them are Southern conservatives. “White Nationalism” is unable to connect with that base because people like Greg Johnson are unable to speak their language. (5) From my perspective, I consider my “base” to be the White people of Dixie. Racial identity and conservatism has been at the core of Southern culture for centuries. Thus, I don’t see why there is such a problem trying to communicate with our peers. Actually, I do see why there is a problem. It is because “White Nationalism” is this grab bag of fantasy ideologies that appeals to anonymous people in cyberspace who live in shattered communities. It is an attempt to transform these alienated and geographically scattered souls into an ethnos, nothing less, nothing more. (6) Greg Johnson thinks his base is “West Coast White Nationalism.” That’s fine by me. I know for a fact that “West Coast White Nationalism” has no appeal to my base. Thus, I don’t waste my time quarreling with Greg on Occidental Dissent anymore. He is anti-Christian, anti-conservative, anti-American, pro-Nazi, etc. This is a worldview that would only appeal to someone who lives in a place like San Francisco, CA. My people don’t live anywhere near there. The only Southerners that Greg appeals to are deracinated intellectuals. His audience will never expand beyond that milieu here. (7) Check Ronald Brownstein’s Heartland Monitor polls at National Journal. If memory serves, Democrats are down to 20 to 25 percent of the White working class vote. Search the OD archives for “Ronald Brownstein” and you will find elaborate discussions on the polling data. (8) It is the Heartland that is deeply alienated from Washington: Dixie, the Midwest, the Interior West. Sam Francis called them the “Middle American Radicals.” Search the National Journal archives for Ronald Brownstein’s recent column on “Vesuvius.” The Heartland is about to blow on Washington. It will come as a great surprise to the “Northwest Front” in Seattle, Washington that it is really the corridor of states from Michigan to Alabama that will boil over first. 159
Posted by anon on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 17:50 | # Hunter, You have, for as long as I have been aware of you, been an atheist. Since when have you hopped aboard the Christ wagon? 160
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 18:00 | # Continued ... (9) As you know, “liberalism” is strongly correlated with geography. Where do the “liberals” in America live? They live in that corridor of Democratic counties that stretches north from Los Angeles through San Francisco to Seattle. They also live in New England and city-states like New York City and Washington. They have a few outposts in the Heartland like Austin which is deep in the heart of Texas. If you follow the Pew polls, you will find that White liberals are the only self identified group that believes more needs to be done to uplift black people. No one else believes in it anymore. This was also discussed in detail on OD a few months ago. We keep track on all the racial polls on a daily basis. This is the only way to figure out where we are going. 9 percent of White America thinks the U.S. is “headed in the right direction. (10) I also believe in their sincerity ... they are motivated by their imaginations whereas conservatives are driven more by realism. If you want to appeal to conservatives, you have to appeal to their realism; to liberals, to their imaginations that the world can be a better place. (11) That’s a good question. Here in the South, the answer to that question is the tradition of Southern conservatism, which has nothing to do with William F. Buckley or National Review. The Southern racial tradition goes back to Jamestown. In the South, conservatism has always been about place, not about ideology. The first thing an ethnic Southerner will ask a stranger is “where are you from?” Southerners orient themselves around places, not around “ideas.” How do you reconcile White racial consciousness with Southern conservatism? There has never been any contradiction between the two. The contradiction only exists in the minds of the MSM and leftwing Yankee historians and aliens like Mark Potok at the SPLC who know absolutely nothing (or willfully misrepresent) about the history of our people. Here in Alabama, there are monuments at our state capitol in Montgomery which glorify “the knightliest of the knightly race.” This whole region was created on the basis of White racial consciousness. The land I am sitting on right now once belonged to the Creek Indians! So, to answer your question, my strategy is to call Southerners back to their own heritage, and make sense out of the insane world that is presented to us on television. (12) The “mainstream” no longer has narrative power over most of Dixie. No one here cares what the New York Times or Newsweek says anymore. There is nothing stopping conservatives from dissolving the reigning taboos. If we could persuade them that it is in their own interest to push the “mainstream” aside, we could dissolve the taboo on White racial consciousness in the South. And how do you do that? You show them how it is their self interest to do so and how noble it can be to take the side of their own people. (13) I’m also positive that I can appeal directly to the conservative intelligentsia (with the right message) who can be persuaded to assist us in the project of tearing down the reigning liberal taboos. 161
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 18:24 | # (14) David Duke and Jared Taylor are White Southerners. Taylor is a Virginian republican straight out of a history book. Duke is a Boomer who was born into a world where his own racial tradition had been shattered. It took him many years to tune out the noise and shed his youthful fascination with Neo-Nazism. As a Louisianan, Duke was drawn to the Klan, which is a traditional Southern pro-White resistance organization that opposed the “Civil Rights Movement.” Later, he realized that the Klan had become an albatross and changed his tactics. Right now, Duke is singlemindedly focused on the Jews, which inhibits his ability to communicate with his own natural constituency. He’s not wrong, but few people in Louisiana will grasp Jews because (a.) they are Christians and (b.) the entire media does nothing but paint a sympathetic portrait of Jews and (c.) because few Jews live anywhere near rural Louisiana. (15) Just the other day, I swear that I saw Jared Taylor rediscover his moral voice in the pages of VDARE. He attacked the SPLC with a moral tone. It was a change of pace from appealing directly to the mind. (16) I entirely agree with the need to unify Christianity with conservatism with racialism. In fact, Southern conservatism has always reflected this synthesis, especially in the Antebellum era. The CSA was the ultimate reflection of that synthesis. Jefferson Davis invoked “the God of our fathers.” Alexander Stephens said that the Confederacy was built on the “cornerstone” of the great truth of racial inequality. Deo Vindice, anyone? The philosophy of Charleston has always been Christianity, conservatism, and racialism. (17) It is important to see “White Nationalism” in the proper historical context - why hasn’t “White Nationalism” ever caught on in the American South? It is because “White Nationalism” is abstract ideology that appeals to intellectuals. Southerners are conservatives though. We are a non-ideological people. The last thing that will appeal to the great mass of White Southerners is a fanatical obsession with abstractions. That is the Boston view of the world. The John Brown view of the world. It is not our way of doing things. (18) Instead of trying to persuade White Nationalists to get their act together (an impossible task, as we see here with Greg Johnson, and elsewhere with Harold Covington), we could instead focus on our energies on trying to persuade conservatives to change their position on race. Instead of attacking them like Greg Johnson and Alex Linder, we can appeal to ... their reason, their own senses, their conscience, their faith, their own beliefs, their financial self interest, as well as our common history, our common blood, and our common love of the same places, which is at the heart of our own common culture, and their nobler instincts. It could work. (19) The situation is too far gone to come up with an analytical framework and sell it to the masses. Before that happens, I am certain that events will overtake us. Read the new Mark Steyn book. It explains everything. People like Steyn and Buchanan are not dumb. They know perfectly well what is coming. As Steyn shows, we won’t make it through the “short term” to get to the “long term.” Don’t worry about 2042. The grand finale has already begun in 2011. (20) The racial taboos are already visibly cracking under Obama. They are evaporating on Free Republic, on talk radio, in much of the conservative blogosphere. This is showing up in all the polls. White America is furious. This is what White Nationalists don’t understand. ALL of White America is furious right now. “White Nationalists” are just one isolated segment of the larger White backlash. The early adopters. Because there is no way to communicate with the alienated White majority, White Nationalism is stuck in a rut. So what we are seeing is White people forming their own institutions like the Tea Party from scratch. We are also seeing the “implicit Whites” out there starting to radicalize over the flash mobs. 162
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 18:33 | # Anon, It was when I figured out that I loved God’s Truth. I am driven by my conscience. I have the mindset of a detective or an intelligence analyst. In the Middle Ages, I would have been a cleric. In the 1960s, I would have worked for J. Edgar Hoover. I finally realized why I had spent ten years being a non-conformist rebelling against authority. It is because that is the substance of my own culture: Protestantism. 163
Posted by Lew on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 18:49 | # @ n/a I don’t know what believe about this sordid episode. My comment was qualified. I said IF what Johnson said is true. However, if Johnson is as unconscionably vindictive as you suggest, well then that means Matt Parrott has no problem occasionally writing for an unconscionably vindictive individual, Dr K Mac has no problem publishing one, nor does Dr. Tom Sunic have a problem interviewing one. Some pretty great guys really don’t seem to have a problem promoting a shallow and unethically vindictive person. Strange no? So no, while I am certainly open to the possibility that Johnson is being vindictive, the picture is not as clear to me as it is to you. There are two possibilities: 1) Johnson is unethical and some really smart people who associate with him can’t see it or don’t care about it, or 2) Johnson must not be particularly unethical given respected people chose to work with him. Which is it, I wonder? That’s a rhetorical question. I’m done with this discussion. You are right that skepticism is important. I definitely agree with you on that and actually plan to take your advice to chill out by avoiding the WNist world for a good while starting when I click the X on this browser window. 164
Posted by anon on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 18:56 | # Hunter, You’re indulging in some heavy doublespeak. All I mean to ask is if you are still an atheist or have really crossed over to believing in a wrathful yet loving sky daddy? My respect for your writing will not suffer if you answer in the affirmative. I acknowledge the great hortatory value of godspeak. It’s easier on the brain than the literary “fascism” of Dr. Bitch Jonhson. 165
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 19:17 | #
The third possibility is that many of these people know Greg Johnson’s vindictive and financially motivated personality well enough to try to stay on good terms with him. They know that Johnson is not above spreading false and libelous rumors to financially promote himself. Suppose Morris Dees approached Greg and offered him $1 million dollars to tell “his side of the story.” He is willing to do it for free on Majority Rights. Does anyone really believe that Greg wouldn’t take the money? How do you deal with someone like Judas? 166
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 19:23 | # Anon, The Bible is full of great stories about morality. I don’t have a problem with Jesus. He was an outlaw who was crucified by the Jews who chose Barrabas. He was a peaceful man who rebelled against the establishment. He condemned the scribes for their hypocrisy, raised hell in their temples, rejected materialism, helped ordinary people, and went to the cross for his beliefs. Why should I have a problem with someone like that? He sounds like a superhero. 167
Posted by Eumaeus on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 19:58 | # a couple points 1- Matt Parrott; a decent guy and here some anonymous netizens are criticizing him. pathetic. Keep on truckin Matt. A Hoosier through and through. 2- for all the criticism I have read of CMS it must be doing something right if the do nothings of the internet are denouncing it. 3- People here taking a repeat of the leaderless resistance playbook: Didnt leaderless resistance quit about the same time Nathan Bedford Forrest told his men to stand down? Far as I can tell it hasnt done much since then. Oh Louis Beam remembered it. And is Louis Beam active defeding it? Of course not, Louis was a leader, and per his hypothesis leaders should not be leaders, so, he quit. I think. Somebody have Beam show up and say otherwise if he cares. 168
Posted by Eumaeus on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 20:07 | # Thersites, why do you criticize Kevin MacDonald?? 169
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 20:24 | #
I think a budding Leni Riefenstahl just tuning into WN would be more attracted to counter-currents than OD. Things are bubbling now, no time to waste on personality clashes. 171
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 22:19 | # Thanks for the link, TabuLa. It didn’t take long to get Alex’s take on Greg Johnson vs. John Doe: Sorry, Griffin. Johnson is trustworthy, whereas you are a shape-shifting head case. The funny thing is you keep trying to sell yourself that you’re this or that (nazi! conservative! Alabama old-tymey Protestant! Republican! communitarian! Vulcan! Roman!) but it’s your inability to be ANYTHING that is your true identity, and you can’t see it. I presume it comes from some chemical or physiological brain disturbance, but we wash our hands of you here, not because you’re messed up, but because you are such a casual liar that no one can believe a damn thing you say. Unstable personalities mixed with infidelity to any political principle is a recipe for mess and subversion. Better to side with sane men with sound policies. Quit trying to be slick, people. Quit trying to be clever. It’s as hard as it looks, and there’s no getting around it. Either you’re in or you’re out, and if you want any kind of leadership, you’re going to have use your real name. Not the million and one masks of Brad Griffin, nor the mythically pretentious ‘Yggdrasil.’ ‘Donnie from Ohio’—that’s what you wanna shoot for, hosses. 174
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 23:20 | # Although he should probably take being singled out like this as a compliment. 175
Posted by Greg on Thu, 25 Aug 2011 23:23 | # It seems some people around here bear more grudges that lonely High Court Judges… 176
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 01:08 | # My take on Alex is that he suffers from a chronic bowel disease that causes him great physical pain. I would also wager he suffers from a combination of alcoholism, depression, and sociopathy ... in addition to every vice (greed, wrath, pride, envy, etc.) that comes with not having a moral compass in your life. He lives in Missouri, worships Hitler, denounces Christianity, surrounds himself with a cult following of useful Neo-Nazi fools who are geographically scattered across North America ... quite honestly, it is a personal tragedy that has has wasted his life in such a way. Alex is the town fool of Kirksville. He is an ideological fanatic who is totally isolated from his own community. Alex is always beating his chest about “naming the Jew.” Are the Jews at Truman State University in Kirksville afraid of Alex? I seriously doubt it. The Jews in Kirksville openly laugh at Alex ... who has “named the Jew” a million times for 10 years on VNN Forum. I mean ... here is someone who is obviously just a small time cultist who lives off the charity of alienated people on the internet. He denounces “keyboard commandos” while doing literally nothing else but tapping on his keyboard. That’s fine. It is an act ... I understand. I don’t care that Alex has such a miserable life in Missouri. Aside from his physical condition, he has brought it entirely upon himself. It is his own doing. I love the State of Missouri. The White folks of Kirksville are not Neo-Nazi fanatics like Alex. They are kindhearted Germans who are content to mind their own business and live out their own lives. They are Christians and conservatives. Note: I am not involved in the White Nationalist movement anymore. I genuinely don’t want to be associated with Neo-Nazis like Alex. I am just an Alabamian with a few grievances who looks out for my brothers and sisters in Christ. 177
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 01:17 | #
Matt Parrott is a character from Pleasantville who was created by the Jews to protect the Federal Reserve system. 178
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 01:25 | #
True. But you must remember, this is WN we are talking about, where vices like pride, vanity, envy, and greed systematically undermine every attempt to create a stable organization (such as CMS) or to enter into a constructive dialogue with our peers. This is WN where according to the divine Alex our essential starting point must be demolishing and repudiating every single form of common ground we have with our own neighbors! We shall not win until we have completely isolated ourselves! 179
Posted by anymouse on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 01:30 | #
No, I’m not too perceptive: “I would go beyond Feldman by saying that no other elite [WASPs] has ever voluntarily allowed itself to be eclipsed because of steadfast adherence to principle.” - KMac “Jewish intellectuals understood that WASP dedication to principles and ideals was their soft spot”. - KMac
What I wrote was: My ancestors were from Wessex, northern England, and Scotland. 180
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 01:45 | #
VNN Forum has said that I am insane. This is proof that I am perfectly normal! 181
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 02:06 | #
Hunter, when you make reckless accusations like that, you damage your own credibility. Lay off the vodka. 182
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 02:29 | # Oh, I could have so much fun responding to Alex. Alas, it is a waste of time. Alex: The verb is lead. If you’re not going to lead, then you’re reduced to wifely whispering and shirtsleeve tugging. God: Your followers are a very impressive lot ... Hal Turner, Bill White, Glenn Miller, Todd Vanbiber, Curt Maynard, etc. With this Band of Brothers, you shall wage the White Revolution against Almighty ZOG. Alex: I don’t so much disagree with what you say above, but no serious leadership is coming out of conservatives or academics. It must come from fighters. God: Clearly, the fight must be lead from your shiny white poreclin throne in grandma’s basement. Alex: The smarties’ duty is to figure out the right strategy. Luckily for us, I’ve done that. God: Yes, you are divine. Obviously, it is your role to judge everyone. Alex: My strategy is at least unique: attack the conservatives and the christians. Make those attacks principled AND personal. Use epithets, not just arguments. God: This is a brilliant strategy. We must declare war on our own neighbors. If we insult them enough, preach blasphemy, ridicule their intelligence, and do our best impression of Satan, surely they will respond to our clearly demonstrated leadership capabilities. 183
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 02:45 | #
This is absurd. Next you know, someone’ll be saying Leon Haller is Matt’s daddy. 184
Posted by danielj on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 04:55 | # God: This is a brilliant strategy. We must declare war on our own neighbors. If we insult them enough, preach blasphemy, ridicule their intelligence, and do our best impression of Satan, surely they will respond to our clearly demonstrated leadership capabilities. Sadly, this is true. 185
Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 11:57 | #
I do too. However the Anglo elite had a responsibility to protect their dumber countrymen from being ruled by people like the Jews. That should have been their *highest* principle - never to relinquish power to people who don’t have the slightest concept of the common weal. Instead they allowed themselves to be replaced by people who don’t accept or even understand the concept of right and wrong outside the context of their own tribe. 186
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 14:53 | # The opposite of Elitism, Secrecy and Deception 187
Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 14:58 | #
That’s a very good use of their notoriety imo. I’m not against both as long as they work separately. 188
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 15:21 | #
I noticed for the first time ever, Fox referred to NSM as White Separatists rather than White Supremacists. I bet Mark Potock is on the phone with them right now! 189
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 15:47 | # My hope is to join this demonstration with a couple of guys in kilts, and possibly with pipes and drums, so without disavowing the historical associations of NSM symbology, we can try to broaden its nationalist interpretation. 190
Posted by anymouse on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 18:47 | #
The Anglo-Saxon elite understood the concept but never accepted its genuine applicability outside the context of class. For more than one thousand years this elite used/elevated foreigners to positions which undermined/checked/exploited its underclass kinsmen. To justify this the “principles” celebrated by KMac was but snake-oil used to placate the elite’ gullible, true-believing Anglo countrymen as the former went about making economic-political alliances that were of greater immediate or long-term benefit to itself. Exploiting the puffed up arrogance of this elite, jewry very gradually placed itself in a position to overthrow them. Hubris is the reason why the Anglo-Saxon elite became the minor party of the jew-gentile alliance. Now they verbalize “sporting” concepts, like the Canaanite woman who accepted being called a dog by Jesus in the book of Matthew. Eating – eating better than others – is more important than any superficial, denigrating impressions perceived from sound waves. White nationalists have no chance of persuading “the gullible” without understanding, accepting, and applying the class dimension to this war. 191
Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 20:40 | #
The particular weakness of the Anglo elite wasn’t that it contained many people motivated solely by greed, self-interest and class interest. That’s normal for any elite. The particular weakness was they didn’t have *enough* people like that. If they’d been 100% like that they wouldn’t have lost. There was always a large proportion who were ruled by adherence to one or other idealogical or religious positions who could be manipulated through them (and i’d say another large proportion who were partially ruled by same who could be partially manipulated in the same way). Like Alinsky said: “Make the enemy live up to its own book of rules.” 192
Posted by n/a on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 21:13 | # anymouse, “My ancestors were from Wessex, northern England, and Scotland.” If this is true, you’re at least as Anglo-Saxon as William Regnery. Regnery is a German name, though I wouldn’t doubt he has English ancestry as well. I’m unclear why you attack “Anglo-Saxons”. You believe your interests would be better looked after by non-“Anglo-Saxon” elites? You would rather be ruled by elites who are not ethnically akin to you at all? Or you falsely believe there is some ethnic distinction between the hateful “WASPs” and people like you? “The Anglo-Saxon elite understood the concept but never accepted its genuine applicability outside the context of class. For more than one thousand years this elite used/elevated foreigners to positions which undermined/checked/exploited its underclass kinsmen.” There is no “Anglo-Saxon elite” stretching back 1000 years separate and distinct from the English—or in the case of the US, NW Europeans—generally. There has always been social mobility and churn in the upper class, and in the US non-English NW Europeans were never excluded from the elite. An understanding of class is useful, but you have no grasp of the subject. Certainly the pursuit of narrow, short-term self-interest by majority members is one aspect of the problem, but this has never been the exclusive province of elites—much less born-elites. White trash on the make are just as capable of (and in my estimation more given to) throwing their co-ethnics under the bus as stereotypical upper class “WASPs”. 193
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 21:23 | #
I am completely on board with this idea. But I also extend this concept to the “reified images” of Great Britain & the United Kingdom of roughly the mid-18th to 20th Centuries. I see no way “forward” in either of these dispensations.
What is “true” of us? I’ve proposed elsewhere that Zangwill’s mythical “Melting Pot” was no more realbetween various European groups than it is between Europeans and non-Europeans. It has certainly has been a failure within Europe proper. As a consequence we see the contemporary eurozone crisis of dissolute “PIIGS” states constantly demanding “bailout” from northern Europe. There is a reasonable conclusion that these two groupings are insufficiently compatible for a variety of reasons. What I rarely see mentioned is the nearly identical contemporary white racial divide existing in the “USA”. The PIIGS phenomenon is also found here. However, in the USA this expresses itself politically rather than geographically. When we look inside the modern Democratic Party we find that a disproportionate number of its non-Jewish “whites” are those whose own roots are in the Euro PIIGS states. This makeup has produced the “Peoples Republic of Massachusetts and the other stubbornly Perma-Blue states. At the same time the origins of the whites of the GOP are disproportionately rooted in Germany and northern Europe. Here are the racial origins of “Red America” outside the South. Corroborating evidence can be found in Washington, Oregon, Maine, and Vermont. Here are “white” states that are also stubbornly Perma Blue. To extent WASP America still exists you can find it in these locales. These areas received below average numbers of German and Nordic immigrants. Surveying these results leads me to conclude that the entire WASP project is a failure. It’s doubtless easier for me to say this since my own national origins are 75% German and 25% Scots. I’m certainly not bought into it genetically. And I’ve long ago lost all propositional/intentional “nation” loyalties to the WASP concept that I was taught in my youth. 194
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 22:46 | #
Really? This: http://www.familysearch.org/Eng/Search/customsearchresults.asp?LDS=1®ion=5&last_name=Regnery shows a center of gravity in the Benelux area. The only conceivable “German” that appears there is a marginal connection with Alsace. 196
Posted by n/a on Fri, 26 Aug 2011 23:31 | # William H. Regnery II: “My grandfather was born October 12, 1877 on a farm near Sheboygan, Wisconsin. His father, Wilhelm, immigrated from Ensch, Germany, which still is a lovely little village hard on the Mosel River and smack dab in the middle of the wine region of the same name. There Wilhelm learned the trade of a Kuefer, one who makes wine barrels and looks after the making of wine. Today there are many in the area who share the same surname and even a few in the wine business. My grandfather’s mother, Johanna, was the daughter of immigrants who came from Frendenburg, Germany. [. . .] Wilhelm Regnery and Johanna Jung were married in Sheboygan, Wisconsin November 7, 1876 [. . .] The birth of my grandfather followed within the usual interval and he was given the Christian names of William Henry. Within a year the family moved to St. Lucas, Iowa. [. . .] the concentration of German immigrants in the area provided a welcoming beacon. In any event, the young couple purchased forty acres of land that came with a two-room log cabin. There they set up housekeeping and in quick succession five children were born. My grandfather’s next ten years were spent on the Iowa prairie just after it was settled but before the closing of the frontier farther west. It was a hard” Preview cuts off here, but this gives a sense of the origins of a quarter of the ancestry of this particular (to GW and anymouse) upper class bogeyman. 197
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 00:16 | #
This is extreme western Germany. 198
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 00:35 | # n/a, Nice find on Regnery’s German roots. I do believe that the German-American influence in the movement explains quite a lot. On the upper-class in England, this was not Anglo-Saxon after 1066. It is true, though, that the language at court changed from French to English at the end of the Black Death (1349), which could be taken to show that the Norman aristocracy suffered disproportionately. Last point, from whence do you draw the conclusion that I suffer from some form of class envy? 199
Posted by anymouse on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 01:08 | #
William H. Regnery II is part German. So what?
I never said that they were.
Interclass mobility was limited and rarely tolerated: “When Adam delved, and Eve span The revolution marked by this rhyme failed, of course, and its perpetrators executed. There is a reason Prince Charles can trace his ancestry to King Alfred. Lady Diana was hardly a “commoner.” If you meant to say that there has always been free-flowing mobility between the classes, then you’re a fool and this discussion is over.
The western European nobility were related to each other. Once again, so what? 200
Posted by anymouse on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 01:49 | #
N/a would love to attribute my motive here to jewish ancestry, envy, or failing these, apologetically try to convince people that elites are pretty much all the same. The latter two tactics are typical of middle-class proponents of Regnery-style kindergarten conservatism. Simultaneously envisioning themselves as a part of the “once and future” elite they would have the concept and its history insulated or made immune from criticism, just as the jews are immune from criticism in the greater society. Sorry to say it won’t work, friends. Just as evolutionary psychologists must accept environmental factors in heredity, White nationalists have no choice but to understand, accept, and apply the class dimension to this war if they truly desire to win. 201
Posted by anymouse on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 03:38 | #
Once again n/a “puts words in my mouth.” He’s angry. I’ve touched a nerve. Given his “more discerning than thou” attitude, one grounded in hubris. I would not want to be ruled by the old Anglo-Saxon elite. It failed. Neither should I want to be ruled by members/relations/appointees of the Regnery Literary Movement who, due to subservience to the Money Power and with a 67-year track record of failure, merely dream of replacing the present jew-gentile alliance with themselves.
Come again, discerning one? An exclusive province of all elites or just the Anglo-Saxons? White trash on the make never sold the institutions that mattered to the jews. Neither had they the power to scorn the elite with superficial “sporting” phrases and make it stick. I’m afraid you’re not up to this. There are other places for the likes of you: The Rush Limbaugh Show, namely. This discussion is over. 202
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 04:55 | #
Everyone has been laughing at Potok lately. Human Events told him “fuck you” the other day over Twitter. WNs are missing some funny shit happening in the non-WN world. Note: Earlier this year, House Speaker John Boehner condemned the SPLC. 203
Posted by n/a on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 05:34 | # GW, “On the upper-class in England, this was not Anglo-Saxon after 1066. It is true, though, that the language at court changed from French to English at the end of the Black Death (1349), which could be taken to show that the Norman aristocracy suffered disproportionately.” The English aristocracy of today are hardly the unmixed, inbreeding descendants of nobles from 1066, or even 1400. I think if you look at a list of British peerages you’ll find most were created much more recently and the majority of those involve upward social mobility. From A Farewell to Alms:
Downward social mobility also occurred, and the nobility were of varied origins to begin with, so I doubt there has ever been a hard genetic barrier between the aristocracy and the people. Of greater relevance to today, I don’t think anyone would argue the (native) English mercantile and industrial elites of recent centuries were ethnically distinct from other Englishmen. “Last point, from whence do you draw the conclusion that I suffer from some form of class envy?” Just my gestalt impression. If I had to point to anything specific, I remember your being a little overly sensitive to a George Bernard Shaw quote and too ready to believe arcane networks of hereditary “WASP” string-pullers run the world.
“William H. Regnery II is part German. So what?” Are you not paying attention, or are you retarded? This is what: His grandfather was the child of German immigrants. His grandfather grew up in a two-room log cabin. His grandfather entered the textile business and made a substantial amount of money. He (I assume) inherited some of that money. That’s a not atypical example of how class worked in late-19th-to-mid-20th-century America. There’s nothing sinister about it. Moreover, most of the wealth and positions of power in America are not controlled by scions of Gilded Age millionaires. They’re controlled by people who are fairly undistinguished from other Americans in class background. That is the reality. That’s not to say class is irrelevant. But if you want to understand how the world works today, 1960s Marxist sociology is not the place to start. “Interclass mobility was limited and rarely tolerated:” See above. “There is a reason Prince Charles can trace his ancestry to King Alfred. Lady Diana was hardly a “commoner.” “ How about Kate Middleton? Royals come closer than the aristocracy and far closer than non-titled elites to forming a closed-off group, but even they never approached complete impermeability. While we’re on the subject: some people ascribe importance to the fact that many American presidents, for example, reportedly descend from medieval kings. But this just reflects their genealogies’ having been investigated in the first place. It’s possible to trace royal descents for the majority of Americans with colonial ancestry and probably for the majority of the English middle class. “elite they would have the concept and its history insulated or made immune from criticism” “WASP” elites have been ceaselessly criticized since back when the elite actually was predominantly “WASP” (i.e., American). What do you think you’ll accomplish by piling on? We should analyze the past and attempt to understand what went wrong. But raging hysterically against “Anglo-Saxon elites” in 2011 doesn’t strike me as useful, no. If you insist, at least make your criticisms concrete. Name names; specify mistakes. And lay out your own platform, if you have one beyond warning us the Regnery Literary Movement is a front which aims to maintain the Money Power. “White trash on the make never sold the institutions that mattered to the jews.” Bill Clinton packing the Supreme Court with Jews? 204
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 06:03 | #
My own national origins are 50% German/50% Anglo-Celtic. As for the WASP project, it was WASPs who came up with the idea of racial identity. It was the “WASPs” who built the United States and constructed the most elaborate racial regime in world history in North America. To the extent that anyone stresses the importance of racial identity, it is largely because this idea has resonated with “White people” in North America since the sixteenth century, where it first became fashionable in Colonial Virginia. It is a foreign concept to European immigrants who had to assimilate to the American idea that “whiteness” is important.
That’s funny. Did the WASPs really construct a “propositional society?” If America was “a proposition nation,” then explain the racial demographics of the United States. America was around 90 percent White when JFK (an Irish-Catholic from Massachusetts) became president and wrote his essay “Nation of Immigrants” for the ADL. Obviously, that has changed since the Immigration Act of 1965 was passed. Just who wanted the Immigration Act of 1965? Someone had to be for the Immigration Act of 1965. Otherwise, it would have never passed the U.S. Congress, right? It was the American North that was for the Immigration Act of 1965! Just like it was the American North that glorified MLK, that wanted the Civil Rights Act of 1964, that wanted the Voting Rights Act of 1965, that wanted affirmative action, that wants open borders to this day! The “WASP” parts of America (i.e., Dixie) has opposed this project from the very beginning. In Black Run America, there isn’t a single WASP on the U.S. Supreme Court, but somehow it is the fault of WASPs that we live in a society that worships “inclusion” and “anti-racism.” Whose idea was that? Did Tennessee or South Carolina come up with that idea? Was Mississippi in favor of racial equality? It was Irish Catholic Massachusetts and German Minnesota and German Wisconsin and German/Irish Pennsylvania that was for that idea. They are the ones who voted for it. They are the ones who supported it. Why is America based on a “proposition”? It is because only a “proposition” can unite a multiethnic and multicultural and multiracial “melting pot” like the section of America that extends north from the Mason-Dixon line to Canada. Only a “proposition” allows all the mixed types who live there to find a common identity in ideology. The “Nation of Immigrants” begins north of the Ohio and Potomac rivers. Why is America based on a proposition? It is because of the people (and this can be proven by their votes in Congress) who live north of that geographic line. 205
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 06:40 | #
In the beginning, there were two sub-nations of Great Britain in the American colonies: New England and Dixie. In between New England and Dixie, there was a mixed area that stretched through New York, Pennsylvania, and New Jersey, the “Mid-Atlantic region.” The “United States” was created in a compromise (i.e., the Constitution of 1789) that united Dixie and New England in a common market (i.e., the Union) with the Mid-Atlantic states. In the 1860s, Dixie seceded from the Union, formed the Confederacy, and was defeated in the War Between the States. Because of our defeat in the “Civil War,” the South remained an impoverished agricultural backwater for the next 100 years. In the North, the commercial/industrial economy that the Federalists and Whigs and Republicans worked so hard to build created great industries after the Republican Party’s triumph in the War Between the States. A flood of European immigrants came to settle the Midwest and work in the factories and fields of New England and the Midwest. The North was transformed into the “Nation of Immigrants” as Germans, Scandinavians, Italians, Jews, Poles, Slovaks, Slavs, and so forth poured into states like Ohio, Pennsylvania, Massachusetts, and Michigan. The South remained more or less unchanged: it was white and black, which is to say, Anglo-Celtic (or British) and black. This really didn’t begin to change until the South began to shake off its post-WBTS isolation and poverty with the Union. WW2 military spending and new technology began to revive the area. In the North, the WASP elite of New England and the Midwest began to reap the consequences of letting in so many European immigrants, especially ones like the Jews were hostile to the concept of civilization, not just the Jews, but many others who failed to assimilate. The non-WASPs began to amass great wealth, buy up institutions, take over society, especially finance and the universities. Once in control of the humanities departments of the North, they began to rewrite the North’s own identity and history! The North had been hijacked by the Jews and their Germans and Irish allies! This was deplored by the real WASPs of the North like Henry Adams and Madison Grant. No generation in American history has heaped more scorn on the Gilded Age/Nation of Immigrants model of America than the Northern WASPs who won the Civil War! In the early nineteenth century, Charles Francis Adams came to Virginia to apologize to the Sons of Confederate Veterans for the War Between the States. He realized it had been a tragic mistake! Who rules Princeton, Yale, and Harvard today? Certainly not the WASPs of the North who have been pushed back to Maine, Vermont, and New Hampshire in New England. New York City hasn’t been WASP since the times of Madison Grant. Why is there a “Red America”? Just what is “Red America”? Red America is (1) Dixie, (2) Heartland, (3) Empty Corridor, and (4) WASP remnants like New Hampshire. To the extent there is a “Red America” in states like Indiana and Illinois, it is because so many people who live in those states are really just Southerners who settled on the other side of the Ohio River. Lincoln’s people who came over from Kentucky and Virginia. Many of the Red States out West were populated by Southerners. The Germans and Scandinavians who live in the agrarian sections of the North and West gravitate toward Dixie because of the similar culture and economic self interest in the energy and agriculture sectors. Kansas and Utah, for example, were settled by Yankee ideologues, who over time converted to social conservatism by living in the Great Plains and Salt Lake Basin. Kansas hasn’t had a problem with the South in a long time now. 206
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 08:47 | # GW,
How and why do you think Regnery’s German ancestry influences what he wishes to see done with American WN? Now, let us see where the rubber meets the road. If you had Regnery’s fortune at your disposal, what precisely would you personally do with it? I mean as relates to financing and directing ethnic/racial nationalism, that is. Anymouse,
You’re English? LOL! I could have sworn you were of Kraut ancestry, what with the religious feelings you clearly harbor for German palingensis. Although the moralistic tone which is the hallmark of your commentary regarding intra-White racial socioeconomic class issues should have perhaps been a dead giveaway. Indeed, ridding the English of their Moralism is probably as hopeless as ridding Krauts of their palingenesis. And remember, no “faith gene”, no palingenesis.
Let’s see what GW has to say. Oh, and same question for you: If you had Regnery’s fortune at your disposal, what precisely would you personally do with it? 207
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 09:20 | #
You think of yourself as something of a natural aristocrat. As such, you believe you are deserving of the station and resources that (those you deem) lesser Englishmen command. Tony Blair, for instance: all that power, all those zeroes padding in his bank account. Doesn’t it just cry out to high heaven as a cosmic injustice? 208
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 10:46 | # n/a, The English aristocracy was created, by and large, out of (i) the Reformation, (ii) the Civil Wars and (iii) the age of Empire. But some bloodlines date back to the late Middle Ages. The titled money that came out of Victorian industry and political favour is not really aristocratic, and of course the present-day enoblements are a meaningless farce. The genetic barrier between the genuine aristocracy and the people was frequently marked by the addition of “Fitz” to the bastard child’s name. Aristocracies certainly inter-married. That is what “coming out” and the “season” is for even today. 209
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 12:00 | #
Palingenetic Krauts don’t rule by money power, er, “Money Power”. They rule by the jackboot (JackBoot). You’d rather be ruled by them? Not very English of you. palingenetic Krauts + shit loads of military power = bad but (ethnocentric) English Moralism + shit loads of money power = good ?????? I dunno. Whatever works, I guess. 210
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 12:30 | # From A Farewell to Alms
I think this can be more succinctly labeled as “English Moralism Power”: ethnocentrism, bourgeois moralism that revolves around making money, and having the power that money can buy. Or as some call it, a “philosophy”. Now cut that check, Regnery, you dirty Kraut! LOL! 211
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 12:54 | # How to get English Moralism Power in (Kraut) Regnery’s head or Regnery’s Money Power in GW’s pocket? Any suggestions, people? Somehow I don’t think that insinuating old man Regnery is, you know, a “Kraut” will work many wonders. Brits vs. Krauts. It really does all come down to that! (shaking my head) 212
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 13:34 | #
The South is responsible for negroes, the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent, being on this continent in the first place. The South fought the Civil War so that it could keep its negro slaves, which Lincoln wanted to repatriate to Africa. White Southerners were chomping at the bit to go to war with Germany, the final result of which was the enthronement of contemporary judeo-liberal Americanism. And now, today, White Southern Christians believe negroes are their moral equals in the sense that the latter have ‘souls’ which need ‘saving’ which merits a hand extended in ‘brotherhood’. An explicit racialist demanding racial separation could not be elected dog catcher in the deepest South. Thanks a million. 213
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:52 | # The South is responsible for negroes, the proverbial camel’s nose under the tent, being on this continent in the first place. Is that a fact? The South with its massive navy brought all the negroes to North America? It was the South with its massive navy that sold all those negroes to places like Cuba and Brazil? Just like it was the South with its massive navy that blockaded New England in the War Between the States?
No, it didn’t. (1) First, the only people in the North who desired to abolish slavery in the South was the abolitionist fringe. (2) Second, the Republican Party wasn’t even serious about anti-slavery. It was only an act it used to unite a broad coalition of disparate groups in the North. (3) Third, by seceding from the Union the South put slavery in mortal danger of a Northern invasion, but did so anyway. (4) Fourth, after slavery was abolished, the South spent the next 100 years fighting the North through other means. Slavery died in 1865, but the conflict with the North continued until the Compromise of 1877 and the Compromise of 1896. Finally, if the North really wanted to deport blacks to Africa, it could have easily done so after it won its great victory in 1865. With its ironclad Navy, it could have deported every negro in North America to Liberia had it chosen to do so. Instead, the North passed the 14th Amendment which made negroes American citizens.
Bullshit. The “enthronement of contemporary judeo-liberal Americanism” is a direct consequence of the North’s own economic policies, specifically, the insatiable desire for cheap labor which let all the Jews into the North in the first place, which happened decades before WW1. How is the fault of the South that the North let every Jew in Poland and Germany move there? It was their idea. The real WASPs of the North realized that after the War Between the States. The South wasn’t their problem. It was the traitors in their own section who had enthroned the banks, the corporations, the greenback after the War Between the States.
In the 1990s, the Southern Baptist Convention finally realized that “racism” was a sin. So what? Harvard, Yale, and Princeton had been pushing that line for 50 years by that point. The North had enshrined “anti-racism” in the U.S. Constitution in the 1860s and in the Civil Rights Act of 1964. The North had glorified MLK and passed the MLK holiday. The only reason that Southerners parrot such nonsense today is because the North’s media has been broadcasting it to this area since 1950s. The church is indistinguishable from every single other institution in our society which parrots the same point of view on race. It is only remarkable in the fact that was actually the last institution to fall to anti-racism. The universities are where it all got started, not the churches.
That’s because of one thing: the South is chained to the North which is committed to its insane position on race. It was that section of the country which passed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965. In Mississippi, 45 percent of Republicans openly say that interracial marriage should be banned. In Alabama, 92 percent of Whites voted against Obama in 2008. In the Deep South, we have racial headcounts and call them elections. Few people here really truly believe the party line about race and culture. They are just going along with it because they think there is nothing they can do about it. That’s the only reason. If they really truly believed in “racial equality,” it would be reflected in a thousand different ways which are nowhere to be seen today. 214
Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 18:58 | #
Not true. Apart from any other reason the medieval aristocracy took a lot of casualties from constantly fighting and they were replenished from below. Later they married rich merchant families.
They’re not all the same. This is the important point. There will always be an element who are the same - the greedy and the sociopathic and those with a bitterness against their own people - and they can be recruited and used in the same way across countries and centuries but displacing the rest of the original elite requires different tactics in different circumstances. When Jews were expelled from Western Europe a lot of them went to Turkey. A whole segment of them pretended to convert to Islam, partially inter-married (making sure their offspring married back into the tribe) and formed a separate little ethnic group who worked their way up the ladder and used the power they eventually got to make Ottoman lands more conducive to Jews. The current Mayor of London is from that background. It’s why Turkey is so different from other muslim countries - although it’s being reversed now. To take down a *normal* elite they need to use blood-ties more. Some of that happened with the Anglo elites also (Cameron is descended from a rabbi) but to a lesser degree because it wasn’t as neccessary. With the Anglo elites they could simply manipulate their universal morality which didn’t replace but *outweighed* their ethno-centricity with enough for divide and rule to work. There’s only one reason it matters. If it’s a specifically Anglo thing and the Anglo elite have lost then it doesn’t matter practically except from a historical perspective as there’s nothing can be done about it now. If it’s not specifically Anglo but a product of out-breeding which north-west europeans and especially England simply went into *first* then the same ideal-centricity outweighing ethno-centricity will effect most white people around today as they’ve caught up in the out-breeding stakes and the ramifications of that psychology need to be taken into account.
They did. The principled ones especially failed by not making sure the principles they held weren’t adopted by the people who replaced them.
Sephardic Jews from Spain and North Africa started and dominated the Atlantic slave trade. 215
Posted by anymouse on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 21:55 | # To “prove” class mobility middle-class defenders of nepotistic class privilege point to: 1. The downward movement of minor, cash-strapped descendants of the Norman nobility following the Black Death. 2. The marriage of aristocratic males, often cash poor, to commoner females from the wealthy merchant class. The precedent for this was established after the Black Death. In reformist England “the common touch” became politically fashionable over time. The Monarchy probably wouldn’t have lasted otherwise. The marriage of “Commoner” Kate Middleton to Prince Henry is the most recent example. The marriage of Charles to Henry’s “Commoner” mother, Lady Diana Spencer, was the previous example. Note that beneficiaries of “The Common Touch” are overwhelmingly females from wealthy families. 3. The elevation of commoner bastards (mostly male) barring legitimate issue. 4. Dynastic marriages to available Continental females. Prince Charles can trace his ancestry to King Alfred because society was patriarchal, lines of descent were male, and class mobility, to the extent that it existed, was overwhelmingly female. Class mobility had little to do with merit and everything to do with ancestry, class, cash, and the need for heirs. Comparatively few intelligent, ethical males worked their way into the elite. In patriarchal societies where males have power and where, historically, families die if males fail it is the inter-class mobility of males that counts – not females. Sorry conservatives. You’re wrong. The charge of class nepotism in the Anglo-Saxon elite stands. ————— The elite’s middle-class lackeys, merely two paychecks from becoming grasping white trash of the street themselves, say that since the poor are constantly engaged in a struggle with hard material conditions they are inevitably materialistic in their views. But a man’s concern for eating is greater than his concern for the quality of his next meal – a starving man must have food, not savory meat. Concern for the quality of the meal is a luxury. Nominal middle-class beneficiaries of regular, sizable paychecks with perks – in debt to the ears, inwardly coveting the next rung up in the socioeconomic ladder, and in historical terms all too close to the street themselves to have lost the fear of it – are typically the most vocal in erecting walls between themselves and the white trash beneath them. The elite promote the illusion that Mr. Nominal can become one of them, and reinforce the illusion by providing nominal awards for appropriate behavior. Technology amplifies the illusion. Despite the fact that reciprocity is minimal, a sycophantic relationship is established. Mr. Nominal – far closer to white trash himself than he is to the elite – becomes a useful tool in insulating the elite. Perhaps he doesn’t realize that he’s a tool. Perhaps pride prevents him from publicly admitting it. In his heart of hearts, however, what he “knows as a fact” is his interests coincide with riding elite coattails. Sycophancy is not honorable outside of the Third World. It irks him to be called on it. Critically examining the relationships and differences in class, and understanding the machinations employed to secure and sustain these do not indicate envy. To be sure there are the lazy, shiftless poor. There are also the industrious poor who – probably to their detriment – spend very little time thinking about the rich. Yes, some are dull. Others are intelligent but spiritually involved elsewhere – in their craft, religion, family, or simply in the ongoing task of finding work. Some are extremely intelligent. Others shun money beyond that which is necessary to secure basic material needs, for they believe that time spent with family is more important than working overtime. Many are politically and socially isolated, for they feel nothing can be done to improve their situation except to live happily. History would seem to indicate that they are right. I persist in the belief that they are wrong. 216
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 00:24 | # Hunter, Great comments directed to me. I want to respond, am busy, perhaps late this evening. 217
Posted by anymouse on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 01:57 | #
The Anglo-Saxon elite never believed in the universal principles Kmac ascribes to them. Hubris was the reason for their downfall, as I previously wrote. Kmac’s “naivety” on this point is intentional and due to the influence of Regnery money.
I agree.
What I wrote was: You are the one not paying attention. You haven’t from the gitgo. 218
Posted by anymouse on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 04:00 | # The astute n/a copies and pastes the reason behind the upward mobility of wealthy wombs from merchant families to aristocratic status:
This merely reinforces the nepotistic clannishness of the aristocracy, for what was the cash-strapped aristocrat in need of heirs to do? Make provisions for the advancement of meritorious males from the underclass to the aristocracy? Certainly not! His choices were: 1. Marry a nobleman’s daughter from the continent (unlikely). Now there is nothing meritorious about exchanging fertile cash-bearing wombs for heirs and status. And certainly from the male aristocratic and merchant viewpoint it’s a low investment enterprise with potential for high returns. Low investment, that is, in comparison to the investment of the women involved. In nepotistic patriarchal societies meritorious underclass males were not only excluded from the elite but for most of the past one thousand years counterexamples are so rare as to be noteworthy. Most were of a single generation in duration and often these were required to maintain illegitimate relationships or “secret” marriages with peasant women. This was a safe-guard designed to prevent sons and grandsons from retaining the political/class position of their sire or grandsire. 219
Posted by Hadding Scott on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 08:42 | # Hunter Wallace says, “... we could instead focus on our energies on trying to persuade conservatives to change their position on race. “ Don’t you think they know already? There is widespread awareness of Negro criminality etc. It’s just that responsible conservatives don’t discuss it in frank terms. 220
Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 11:42 | # anymouse
1) Some of them did. (Which is another example of how the Pearl Harbour attack on the media and academia was so vital.) The important part is not about how individually principled people may or may not have been but that their method for creating group unity was through creating and gaining common public acceptance of a set of universal principles. Even if 100% of the group doesn’t believe in them they can still be attacked and undermined as a group through their public adherence to those principles. That’s the point KMac is making and he’s right. People are reading “principled” as a compliment whereas in this context “principles” are just an alternative mechanism of group unity. 221
Posted by Chechar on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 17:53 | #
What’s “WP”? 222
Posted by Lew on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 19:09 | # Alex Linder: <quote> [Jewry’s] behavior is pretty close to foolproof. If you look at the behavior of jews who claim they’re pro-White what you find is they care about one thing mainly, not to say only: ridding White Nationalism of ‘anti-semitism.’ Which should cause you to emit a sick laugh. A jew who really was pro-White would do one of two things: 1) quit judaism and assimilate into the white population forever; 2) go to war with his fellow jews to rid them of their loxism. How can a pro-White (jew) complain about ‘anti-semitism’ among Whites when it’s a reaction to jewish behavior, and about 1 million times weaker than anti-Whiteism among jews? So these jews claiming to be pro-White are simply subverters. They’re trying, openly because they’re allowed to, and simultaneously through anonymous or pseudonymous comments on the handful of message boards and websites that matter, to steer genuine Whites into thinking jews aren’t a problem at all, aren’t the main problem, or are just a minor problem that can be turned around fairly easily</quote> Very simple and clear, and true enough. If there is a single purportedly pro-White Jew anywhere who doesn’t whine and complain about anti-Semitism in the WNist movement, deemphasize Jews, or do both, I don’t know of any. It has been a while since I’ve read anything by Linder. He is really cooking with gas with some of his comments in that thread. And for emphasis, let me repeat the word SOME for anyone here who might mistake my favorable remark for complete agreement with everything he says in that thread and elsewhere. The best evidence that Linder’s “attack everyone” strategy won’t work is that it hasn’t worked in 10 years, and doesn’t appear to be in any danger of ever working now, in the near or in the distant future. But I share his concerns about consistent Jew friendliness throughout the spectrum of credible and visible American WNist organizations that are at issue here. This NPI outfit is putting on a conference called Toward a New Nationalism without the participation of KMD? But they found a way to invite a Jew who has attacked KMD? What disappointing bullshit. Otherwise, those groups are generally doing great work, and moreover it makes little sense to attack them because those groups are their groups after all, and they can do what they want with them. 223
Posted by Lew on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 19:35 | # Forgot the formatting. My comment starts with “Very simple and clear ...” Linder’s comment is the preceding paragraph. 224
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 20:07 | #
Do you read City Journal? 225
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 21:28 | # GW,
Isn’t The Crown, as advised by Her ministers, the Decider-In-Chief on all questions of aristocracy and peerage in the United Kingdom? It appears to me that She does not agree with you. So far as I understand Anglo-Saxon monarchical and aristocratic principles this means you lose. Now I certainly agree with you. And doubly so given my willingness to dry-dock the entire Anglo-American project for major reconstruction at the very minimum, if not complete scrapping and rebuilding on new keels. However, it seems to me even your i-iii headings produced a very suspect group, the first Duke of Marlborough among them. And did not “(iii) the age of Empire.” lead directly to the mega scaled industrialization of the Victorian era? The British Empire’s Far East China Trade was a main driver for the decision to increase the scale and centralization of British industrialization in the mid-19th Century. The “problem” was the British, even with India largely under their thumb, had little in the way of commodities or products the Chinese elites wanted. Consequently the China trade was on a cash and carry basis with gold and silver being the cash. This imposed a crippling drain of monetary resources during the gold bugs’ golden age when precious metals were money. One set of answers to the trade problem of recycling the gold and silver specie was the opium trade and the First and Second Opium Wars. The other answer was a vast increase in the export of manufactured articles. “Increase”, not original invention. This is when David Ricardo, “comparative advantage” and the repeal of the Corn Laws came in. In his Oxford University History of England: 1914-1945, A.J.P. Taylor pointed out that in over a century the “export trading account” of manufactured items had only shown an annual surplus once in the mid 19th Century. This was in his discussion of British economic crisis in the early 1920s. Men assumed that England lived by importing raw materials and exporting manufactured textiles, iron and later steel articles. It wasn’t entirely true. The chronic manufactured articles trade deficit had always been closed with intangible items like shipping, banking and the income from foreign investments. The shipping, banking, foreign investments and foreign trade long pre-existed the repeal of the Corn Laws and the vast expansion of the exporting British mill industries. They dated back to the “Age of Empire” and the foundation of the British East India Company in the early 18th Century. “Industry” was expanded later to sustain these pre-existing “core” ruling class interests, rather than vice versa. So aren’t the Age of Empire titles just earlier “titled money” sourced from trading in the expanding Indian Empire and in North America? 226
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 00:19 | # Ex-Pro White Activist, There is certainly a difference between the ancient practise of the Crown rewarding lands and title to a worthy leader of men on some foreign field and the Crown rewarding same for becoming incredibly rich “abroad” and having the tactical nous to do a few good works at home. But time has a way of eliding things which are different in their beginnings, and this word “aristocracy” settles itself about the shoulders of all such inflation. That said, no amount of time will ennoble the ennoblements of the political time-servers and party funders we get now. David Lloyd-George sold titles, as have recent governments, particularly the last Labour government. The recipients can buy a great stone wedding-cake with their wealth and restore the grounds to Capability Brown’s original design a dozen times over, but they will never have the gift of time, that indefinable thing “class”. The modern world is simply too cheap and nasty. 227
Posted by Lew on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 01:01 | # J Richards: Re: this remark John de nugent [as opposed to David Duke] hits Jews hard: the Holy Hoax, 9/11, money, ——- de nugent also unfortunately damages himself by dwelling on the dubious Solutrean theory. An interesting hypothesis but not enough evidence. de nugent ought to stick to hitting Jews on the hoax and in other areas where sufficient in evidence exists to expose their lies. The main recurring theme of all Jewish defamation of White people is that White people are the world’s only uniquely evil people. Whites are the cancer of human history. While Jews often slander Whites by framing events like the crusades, slavery, colonialism, Jim Crow, and the North American plains Indian wars as uniquely White evils, they slander Whites in general, and the German people in particular, with the hoax lie far more often than with those other distorted narratives. Whites of course are taught from birth to hate themselves based on these distorted presentations of history. And the accusation that the Germans murdered 6,000,0000 Jews without cause is pretty much the Grandaddy of them all—the most powerful and searing of all the anti-White narratives deployed by Jews to engender self-hatred in White children. Rebutting the hoax will always be relevant now, into the future, and for as long it is being used as a tool for instilling self-hatred into young White minds. Unlike most WNists, de nugent does have a tiny amount of mainstream visibilty. He has appeared on Alan Colomes national radio show and named the Jew to a national audience. This makes de nugent among the few WNists with any visibility at all in the mainstream to challenge the Jewish genocide hoax. The notion that the hoax itself is topic to always be avoided even at the level of activism among the uninitiated has never really made much sense. It might or might not be a topic to avoid. It just depends. To be sure, most uninitiated people who are slowly wising up don’t care about distant historical events. Most newly aware people WILL likely care, however, that their children and grandchildren, and future generations of White children, have been and are being relentlessly propagandized by Jews for the purpose of instilling self-hatred. One they realize this is happening of course. They won’t ever realize it if WNists don’t talk about it. Are WNists supposed to correct and challenge the anti-White historical narrative in every area except the hoax? And the result of that would be what? Leaving our German friends, and especially future generations of German children, to suffer under the worst anti-White slander of them all? No thanks. WNists should quit publicly talking about the hoax when Jews quit lying about it to White kids. As much as I admire David Duke, he is wrong on this one and de nugent right. (This is not evidence Duke is controlled opposition). de nugent seems to understand what the Jews themselves no doubt understand and many Wnists do not understand: that the Jews will lose 60 years of propaganda overnight if the truth about the hoax ever goes mainstream. It’s the reason there are laws all over the world that make researching the subject a crime punishable with jail time. 228
Posted by Hadding Scott on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 01:18 | # Hunter Wallace says: “Do you read City Journal?” No. 229
Posted by Chechar on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 01:44 | # Linder has responded to Leon Haller (excerpts here). 230
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 02:18 | #
My knowledge of the 20th Century British title-selling business mainly comes from A.J.P Taylor. He (probably upon Lord Beaverbrook’s information) indicated that all modern British governments indulged in the sale of honors. Although apparently none of them applied the industrialized scale and sheer audacity to this traffic that David Lloyd-George developed during the Coalition Government. DLG’s profits from this filled the Lloyd-George political Fund for many years afterward. And - in an ultimate historic irony - this Fund sustained the Liberal Party for a prolonged period during the 1920s - 1940s following the rise of the Labor Party and the splintering of the Liberal vote. I guess the question that arises here is how certain can we be that cash strapped British monarchs in bygone eras didn’t also sell titles? Especially in periods when Lords and/or Commons were stubborn about granting new taxes? Or at times when kings like Charles I declined to summon Parliament at all for many years? 231
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 07:21 | # Chechar, Sorry re “WP”. “White preservationist”. I prefer that term to “White Nationalist” for two reasons. First, I consider nationalism, as an ideology, to be on the Left. I realize that this can get confusing, as I have called myself a nationalist, and even a WN, many times. But ultimately, I am simply a (true) conservative (and what makes labeling confusing is that most self-styled “conservatives” are not). I wish to preserve Western (European-Christian) Civilization. As I have stated many times over the years, WC is a phenotype of the Aryan genotype (to express the matter with the kind of sociobiological phrasing and outlook seemingly favored at MR), or as the late Samuel Francis put it, “our civilization could not have been created apart from the genetic endowments of the European peoples” - to which I would add, nor is there any reason to suppose that it will be perpetuated by non-European (Aryan) peoples. Racial particularity, imo, is an integral part of, arguably, any civilization, (perhaps Islamic Civ is an exception, though I’m not sure - it may be an ideological cover for Arab supremacism), but certainly it is of our civilization. (Note this should not be understood to imply that WC is wholly autochthonous; indeed, one aspect of the genius of the West has always been its ability to appropriate, assimilate, improve and often redirect to other uses ideas and achievements of other peoples.) Thus, if a conservative wishes to preserve his inherited traditions and way of life, he must seek to preserve his people. Preserving one’s people is primarily a biological, and only secondarily a cultural, issue. It means first, maintaining a numerical preponderance of one’s own ethnic group within one’s historic territory, and, second, preventing outbreeding of one’s people with members of other human populations too genetically dissimilar for their descendants to be nationally/culturally assimilable. Put another way, preserving one’s people entails maintaining the racial purity of their blood (or ‘ethnogenome’), and ensuring their overwhelming population dominance of a historic, sovereign territory. That most “conservatives” are hypocrites, cowards or fools, does not change the essential nature of conservatism. Given the bastardization of the term, however, perhaps true conservatives (ie, those who recognize the centrality of race/biology to the conservative’s ultimate goal of preservation and perpetuation) ought to call their ideology Racial Conservatism. I am not an expert in the history of nationalism as an ideology (or political practice), but I do know that historically it has been a radicalizing and destabilizing force, and not one associated either with Christianity or conservatism. In essence the nationalist believes that an authentic nation (understood traditionally, as those who either share or believe themselves to share a common human/tribal ancestry) should be self-governing, either as a matter of morality, or social harmony and civic efficiency. WN, it seems to me, is a very modern ideology with two postulates: 1) whites should seek to live in sovereign, segregated and therefore white-governed, polities; and 2) where whites are caught by circumstance in multiracial societies, they should organize politically to defend and advance their own racial group interests. Now as I write those postulates, I find myself in agreement with them. So perhaps I am a WN after all. However, there is a third aspect of WN I find deeply troubling, which constitutes the second reason why I am reluctant to accept the label, even though, as a true conservative, I’m concerned with white preservation, and as a white man, and thus a member of a politically oppressed class, I want my fellow whites to resist our racial persecution (whether that persecution is by treasonous and/or ethnic-alien political elites, or violent nonwhites acting on their own). This aspect concerns the “rasse uber alles” (if I got the German right) aspect of what is called WN in contemporary discourse. I don’t mean to criticize white supremacism in historically white, but lately ‘diversified’, societies (ie/eg, while England is a white nation, and thus ought to return to a “whites-only” demographic status, within the present multiracial reality, it certainly seems morally obligatory that the indigenous should have superior legal status to non-indigenous, whether in school admissions, professional opportunities, public benefits, police protection, cultural recognition, etc). Rather, I do not share what appears to be the widespread, and perhaps dominant, WN view that race qua race trumps all other metaphysical, moral, and ideological considerations. As with most persons, even seasoned scholars, I do not have a personal, comprehensive political philosophy (let alone an entire personal metaphysics), though elaborating upon my own ideological vision is a central ambition of my life going forward. I’m not precisely sure of where I stand on a host of political issues, other than as a matter of brute prejudice or preference. That said, I am sure I will never contemplate all issues from a standpoint of racial power alone, which is what WN seems to demand. Preserving the white race is, for me, simply one aspect (albeit a foundational, and today, perhaps dominant one) of a broader conservative agenda. Moreover, I am not, objectively, a racial radical. Yes, expelling all nonwhite residents from Europe is extremely radical by present regime standards. Yes, legislating fairly rigorous natalist and eugenicist policies is radical by today’s standards. But today’s standards are not objectively centrist, but highly radical, indeed revolutionary, in themselves, at least by modal historical standards or doctrines. So the fact that I want European nations to look as they did for millenia makes me not a radical, but an undoer of radicalism. This conservative/reactionary stance is not what the Nazis exhibited or sought, nor how I interpret the goals of much of the WN movement. 232
Posted by MOB on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 11:07 | # This is an interesting thread to read, though it strays quite a bit from the question asked in the title; I suspect that like me, GW wasn’t angling for a detailed exposure of Matt Parrott’s religion or the dangers of LDS. Although it’s been hard to differentiate rejection of elitism as an in-group process from unfulfilled yearning to be among the chosen, I’ll press on: Trainspotter defends Matt. Last year on OD, Trainspotter, newly introduced to the “brilliance” of super-Nordic Richard McCulloch by an awestruck Robert Campbell, had Matt on defense regarding racial purity (Nordicism), a position Matt handled well, as had Mike Rienzi a few years earlier when he was the one battling for inclusion as a full-fledged White. In response to Trainspotter’s lengthy (and interesting) vision for a largely eugenic future White homeland, Matt wrote: “Many good points. Deep thoughts. However, no matter how benevolently you treat the explicitly submissive and inferior Whites under your plan, you’re still declaring them submissive and inferior.” As a pureblood Nordic (far North German on both sides documented from 15th Century in a family bible), I’m neutral on the Nordicism issue. But I’m not neutral on the Elitism aspect. I’m not neutral on the subject of time, energy, and relationship loss resulting from within-group pecking orders whether it’s a nuclear family or White Nationalism. Pecking orders are not stationary; they fluctuate, and I consider them counter-productive. Given my position, you may guess what I see when I read this paragraph written by “Edmund Connelly” at The Occidental Observer (CMS) two days ago: “Few readers have likely noticed, but my contributions to this site have fallen dramatically this year. The reason is simple: I’ve been convinced by the likes of Alex Kurtagic, Harold Covington et al. that merely tap-tap-tapping on computer keys accomplishes little. Worse, I know I’m guilty of what they both disparage: writing negatively about our situation. On top of that, I have nowhere near the skill or imagination needed to construct a useful new “myth” for our people a la the peerless Michael O’Meara. Result: I’ve stopped writing.” In the fall of 2007 when Connelly became a CMS member, “the likes of Alex Kurtagic” was a year away from appearing on the WN radar screen (his rise since then has been meteoric), and Michael O’Meara had just started showing up (though with a bang; MO’M is nothing, if not completely certain that his mythic vision can change the world. ) Connelly’s key words are “I’ve stopped writing.” They’re key, for me, because I also stopped writing, subscribing, donating and distributing, when I learned that within our group of already knowledgeable committed thinkers and doers, there existed a “higher level” of “elites,” self-anointed and sequestered. A glance through old threads on familiar sites finds their themes expressed over and over. These are from Trainspotter only because they’re easy at hand, but they’re representative, not unique: “... the war we must fight first is fundamentally a spiritual one. Broadly speaking, it is metapolitics. Greg Johnson understands this entirely, and not to offer him praise that he may not want, he is one of the most important men alive today. I’m not engaging in hyperbole either.” (Greg responds, “Wow, I’m humbled.” Right . . . Following his one-time public appearance in this thread, Yggdrasil posts a decade-old article at TOQ all about the “inner party” (Jews), and now Greg Johnson posts an old article at C-C about status competition and writes: “The depressing truth I am struggling to come to grips with is that our race must be saved in spite of itself, and against its will. No healthy organism needs to be provided with a moral justification for its survival. ... But since we are not in a position to simply remove this weakness, we have to deal with it. That is the most important strategic question. “ Saving a race against its will sounds like a job too big for an intellectual elite to accomplish single-handedly, no matter how artistic or spiritual. I think the most important strategic question for people who long for glory might be, how can we prevent the productive Whites trapped between the fun and games (writing, broadcasting, publishing, secretmeeting, self-hyping) elites “above” them and the fun and games (eating, drinking, TVing, and f__king) white trash “beneath” them from drifting beyond reach out of sheer boredom? 233
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 11:34 | #
The best way to undermine the use of the Nazi holocaust as an anti-white blood libel is to do it indirectly through focusing on the Bolshevik holocaust both in terms of it being the cause of Hitler’s rise to power… Hitler got 4% of the vote in 1928 and nearly 40% in 1932 the year after the Bolsheviks starved six million Ukrainians to death ...and the post-war Bolshevik holocaust denial i.e. no memorials or museums to the millions murdered by the Bolsheviks. The same people behind putting people in prison for denying one bit of history are themselves guilty of the same thing regarding the Bolshevik holocaust. This method can be used to undermine the moral authority of the people promoting the holocaust and it is their moral authority that gives them the power to maintain the Nazi holocaust taboo. The average person will react negatively to any mention of “holohoax” as long as they accept the moral authority of the media priesthood engaged in promoting it. Anyone attempting to part-radicalize mainstream people have to avoid direct holocaust revisionism. Anyone who can’t see that doesn’t understand human nature. I’m not saying people shouldn’t do it but if they want to be effective they should do it as a two-step in the way i described and/or at least understand that the only people liable to listen are those who have already lost their faith in the post-war media priesthood - so don’t use it on mainstream people only use it on people who are already part-radicalized. 234
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 12:00 | #
1) An in-bred population doesn’t need idealogical cohesion because blood-ties are enough. That’s the problem. The solution is to 2) Replace the current idealogy with a healthy one. I think it needs to incorporate scientific racialism as a minimum - diversity kills - but other than that i don’t care what it is as long as it works. I’m in favor of different groups of people trying different things *separately* and then seeing what is effective. Those two critical steps are achievable and by a relatively small group of people. Whether they’re achievable in time is another question. 235
Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 12:22 | # Quoting myself
Obviously it wasn’t healthy enough to prevent its infection. Any replacement needs to incorporate better defences. 236
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 15:04 | #
I don’t think it’s boredom per se. Eventually the “productive” white has to return to really being “productive” and leave the “fun and games” for the next weekend. The strong currents of the Federal Reserve economy sweep them out of reach. The existence of a stable marriage with children accelerates this process rather than retarding it. My own wife is a good example. She’s instinctively national socialist in outlook. Genetic considerations are second nature to her. But she’s also interested in propagating our own genetic line. Since the reproductive “and f__king” part has been accomplished (except for frequent historical reenactments) this means engaging in other forms of productive activity to sustain the little mouths. This requires local economic resource. Therefore her patience with non-productive online activities has sharp limits. She is far from an isolated example. Very quickly the field is abandoned by default to the aged old geezer, the childless homo and the can’t-get-any-girlfriend dweeb. These characters like to consider this event as a “victory” of some kind that indicates their innate intellectual superiority. But in reality this event constitutes a physical rejection by the “productive white people” whose existence is supposedly their entire purpose. And this is before adding the ADL/SPLC/antifa provocateurs, police informers and Aryan Brotherhood members in between incarcerations. 237
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 15:33 | # I’ve been accused of being Harold Covington online without even trying. A true real test of my abilities will come on Saturday when I attempt to pass as a Conservative at NSMs rally in Milwaukie. I had thought of going as an elite, but realize it is beyond my means. Knowing that the elusive Leon Haller has never been publicly photographed, I have decided to use his name as my alias. 238
Posted by Greg Johnson on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 19:43 | # MOB, I take it you don’t like me. I don’t like you either. Never have. There is something jaundiced, non-objective, and pushy about your personality. Life is too short, and our work is too long, for me to suffer you. So be it. Let’s just accept all that as read, and move on. Do you realize how ridiculous you look to say that you have stopped writing, donating, promoting etc. because you heard that our movement contains CMS, a would-be elite membership group? How does that follow? What is your beef, exactly? That they are elitist? That they are not elitist enough? That they are secretive? That you are excluded? (You dodged a bullet there, as I have explained.) Let’s just set aside CMS: It is being run into the ground by clowns. Imagine a secret society that confides its secrets to “Hunter Wallace.” Now that Gardner has hung a bull’s eye on it for the anti-fa hackers of the world, the smart people are leaving anyway. Eventually it will dwindle down to five people in an Atlanta restaurant humoring Sam Dickson as he repeats the same old stories for the umpteenth time. You seem to think that CMS was about telling the little people to shut up, sit still, and let the professionals handle this. That was certainly never my attitude. I wanted to use CMS to find talented people doing real work for our cause, learn from them, and introduce them to other such people, in the hope that we might foster creative collaboration. I also hoped that we could establish a network, and lines of influence. I hoped that through that influence, we would serve as a counter-weight to the suck of the “mainstream” to soft-pedal race and the Jewish question. The mainstream always pulls to the left. We need a counter-current to pull the other way. We still do. May I be so bold as to suggest that you do something that will help our case and stick a finger in the eye of the elitists? Help out Michael O’Meara. O’Meara is a brilliant man. He has a Ph.D. in history. He was run out of academia for defending revisionist views. He has supported himself as a blue-collar worker ever since. Even so, he was still quite productive, producing many articles for TOQ, National Vanguard, VNN, etc. as well as his book New Culture, New Right. When I was editor of TOQ, I arranged for CMS to pay him a stipend of $1,000/month so that he could cut back on his blue collar work and devote more time to our cause. The stipend was approved in the Fall of 2008. O’Meara’s productivity was dramatically increased. In the Fall of 2009, the stipend was renewed. I was fired from TOQ and bounced out of CMS in April of 2010. The reasons were entirely personal. I could no longer work with Sam Dickson. Before I worked with him, he was one of my best friends. When I began working with him, I gradually came to view him with contempt for his calamitous decisions, his calamitous indecision and laziness, and his increasingly unstable, kooky personality. He repaid my contempt with hatred. I suggested that for the good of the cause he step down, and he responded by firing me. But I can live with that. I gave him plenty of cause to hate me. I still am. The greatest moral obscenity of the whole CMS fiasco was the decision of Sam Dickson and John Gardner to cut off Michael O’Meara’s stipend, without cause, explanation, or notice. They simply stopped sending the checks. O’Meara’s only “crime” was to be my friend. He was entirely unaware of the behind the scenes machinations at CMS. The loss of his stipend was a catastrophe for O’Meara. He had cut back his hours at his job in the Fall of 2008. In the Spring of 2010, when he asked for them back, they were no longer there: the depression had set in. Since then, O’Meara has been treading water. I also think that the stress and feelings of betrayal have depressed him greatly. He still manages to produce, but on a much-reduced scale. It is tragic. One of our best voices has been almost silenced. And not by our enemies, but by John Gardner and Sam Dickson. But it gets even worse. At the same time that Gardner and Dickson tossed O’Meara into the gutter, they started paying $1,000/month to “Hunter Wallace” and delivered the secrets of their super-secret elite into his tiny, pudgy hands. The rest is hysteria. 239
Posted by Greg Johnson on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 19:47 | # If MOB or anyone else would like to help Michael O’Meara with moral support or a donation, please contact me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) I will put you in touch with him directly. Rest assured, my dirty rent-seeking hands will not touch one dime. 240
Posted by Lew on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 21:32 | # Wandrin: The average person will react negatively to any mention of “holohoax” as long as they accept the moral authority of the media priesthood engaged in promoting it. Anyone attempting to part-radicalize mainstream people have to avoid direct holocaust revisionism. Anyone who can’t see that doesn’t understand human nature. ——- Sure. But the problem is that the average person will react negatively to any challenge to their programming by the priesthood. The reality of Black dysfuntion. IQ differences. The idea that Whites are uniquely evil. All of it. Avoid every topic that elicits a programmed response means avoiding every topic that matters. Not that I disagree with your point. It all has to be properly broached for anyone to listen. Regarding taboos in general, I have always believed that the strength of a Jewish taboo is directly proportional to its potential to inflict severe damage on Jewish interests should the taboo be exposed, including the destruction of their moral authority. By this standard, taking revisionism mainstream seems have the most potential for damaging their authority. Hate speech laws and jail terms designed to supress debate on revisionism were among the first laws of that nature to be introduced in the post WW2 west. Stifling debate on this topic was the Jews damn near first order of business post-WW2. 241
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 22:12 | # GW, In my opinion this thread is worthy of listing under “Of Note”. 242
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 23:28 | # Today’s prize for thread surrealism:
i.e. pay what Greg Johnson claims are Gardner & Dickson’s defaulted moral obligations.
The ultimate horror. Those responding to Greg’s call have an historic opportunity to cover any moral deficiencies of buy ‘n flip speculators Gardner & Dickson. And for the same money they can also help perpetuate the regime deceit that a modern liberal arts Ph.d is something other than the worthless academic bubble diploma mill certificate that it is in reality. Paper diplomas, stipends, grants, speculative paper money profits from flipping tax deeds and commodities contracts, denigration of manual work… Who the hell needs this pale imitation of the Judeo regime? Seriously. The existing system already does all this. And it does it better. The non-Movement is stuck in the mud, spinning its wheels and digging itself in deeper every minute.
Posted by Greg Johnson on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 23:46 | # Dickson was a real-estate speculator, but he is now ruined. Gardner is a day trader. Not that that makes a moral difference! Nothing I wrote implied denigration of blue collar work per se. But every hour that O’Meara does that sort of work is an hour stolen from our cause. Helping O’Meara does nothing to raise the moral standing of Gardner and Dickson. Nor does it support the regime deceit about the value of higher education. But XPWA knows all that. He is just dishonest. That is why he goes directly to the spam bucket at Counter-Currents. Elitism begins at home. 244
Posted by MOB on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 00:07 | #
I, too, am national socialist in outlook. I’m interested that genetic considerations are second nature to your wife, because they were to me, as well, already at a young age, from what external source I have no idea; they seem to have been entirely instinctive.
My years of productive activity to sustain little mouths are long past; I welcomed a new mountain to climb, finding it primarily in the struggle against Jewish deception and Jewish takeover. I’m not anti-intellectual or anti-the arts; the reverse, in fact. Twice I was forced to abandon PhD study because of family pressures, and for a decade I was a member of Mensa, letting my membership drop this year because I was no longer participating. I learned it takes much more than a high iq to be able to contemplate, let alone accept or become involved in, WN interests. 245
Posted by RS on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 00:12 | # >> White trash on the make never sold the institutions that mattered to the jews. > Bill Clinton packing the Supreme Court with Jews? On the other hand—FDR, a scion of wealth. 246
Posted by MOB on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 00:19 | # Greg, I’m sorry you never liked me. It must be because of my criticism of your continuous anti-female “literature” culminating in the last straw—your anti-female “art” (aka pornography). I actually once promoted your website, right here on Majority Rights. But that was a long time ago. : ( MOB 247
Posted by Greg Johnson on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 00:42 | # MOB: Please, provide us all with links so people can compare your jaundiced judgments with the facts of the matter. That would be instructive. I don’t really care if you like me or what I do. But please do SOMETHING that advances our cause. Greg 248
Posted by anymouse on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 01:25 | #
I agree that “some” of them did. But some is not most. Kmac is not justified in making the following statements:
These are misleading statements intended to kiss Regnery’ buttocks and those of wealthy, dispossessed Anglo-Saxons within the jew-gentile alliance. “Dispossessed,” that is, in terms of power more so than money. ——————-
I’ll say it for you. The “something not right” is called cronyism and what we have here is a literary good ‘ol boys network with time and resources greater than others at this stage. 249
Posted by anymouse on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 02:01 | #
The same people who would $ell it all back to jewry two generations hence (supposing that they could or truly want to evict jewry in the first place): Libertarians and old time National Review Conservatives. EZ “money talks and bullshit walks.”
Repeating the failed strategies of the past 67 years and calling it something new each time is a trait the White Literary Movement shares with today’ Educationists. 250
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 05:50 | # Re: Greg
MOB will find this amusing. (1) First, Greg Johnson is the former Editor of the TOQ. Thus, it was the “clowns” who hired Greg, who didn’t become “clowns” until Greg Johnson was fired, when in May 2010 he had the revelation that he had no choice but to move to California ... because he was surrounded by craaazy people. It sure is funny how this amazing revelation coincided exactly with Greg Johnson’s termination. To a disinterested observer, it might be seen as nothing more than sour grapes? (2) Second, “Hunter Wallace” had never heard of CMS or even bothered with TOQ until ... yes, Greg Johnson began contacting me ... and Greg Johnson got me involved with CMS ... and used my work for around a year to financially promote himself. (3) Third, “Hunter Wallace” doesn’t have the slightest interest in “secrets.” In fact, it is plainly clear that the financially motivated rent seeker Greg Johnson has some kind of vendetta against CMS because he was terminated, unlike “Hunter Wallace.” I don’t care what CMS does anymore. I haven’t been involved with WN in a year now!
My theory is that Greg Johnson wanted a paycheck.
Just who exactly is following this “counter-current” to Neo-Nazism? Who?
How exactly are you an elitist? Who decided that you were the elite? Who recognizes you as being the elite?
Isn’t this just your side of the story?
Perhaps we should hire an outside consultant? Who sounds kooky? Sam or Greg Johnson?
Why is this a tragedy? Everyone else in this world has to work for a living. Why is this so harmful? You are not a materialist, right? You are spiritual, correct?
As someone who has never run a real business, Greg has no concept of what is called “the budget.” Greg Johnson is a Nietzschean aristocrat ... he is owed a salary.
Gosh, this is hilarious. (1) First, how much money do you suppose was saved to “the movement” by dumping Greg Johnson’s pretensions of being a Nietzschean aristocrat? I imagine it was quite a lot. (2) Second, I worked for TOQ for all of TWO MONTHS ... yes, TWO MONTHS ... before realizing that a mere $1,000 dollars wasn’t worth the trouble of putting up with people like Greg Johnson. Gosh, you would think it was $1 million dollars or something. Unlike Greg, I am not financially motivated. I don’t come over here to whine endlessly about ... waaah ... I am owed such money ... waaah ... I was fired by craazy people. Over at Counter-Currents, Greg has himself another one of those shiny new thermometers where he has raised over $11,000! Jesus Christ, doesn’t Greg have enough money from the White Nationalist movement? Does anyone know how much money Greg Johnson has made off the White Nationalist movement. (3) Third, while I worked for TOQ, no one ever delivered any “secrets” to me. Why do you keep lying about this? You are making up stories. The only “secret” that was divulged to me is that the White Nationalist movement is infested by cranks and rent seeking hucksters like Greg who are sadly taken seriously. These Jimmy Swaggarts strut around on the internet boasting about their “elite status” and their “superiority over the boobs” and how they are “Nietzschean” and will use eugenics to boost their IQ scores. Greg Johnson can’t even **** a woman and he writes stupid articles on Counter-Currents about using eugenics to transform White Americans into elves from Lord of the Rings. For $120 dollars, you can use American Express, VISA, or Mastercard to join Greg’s vanguard. Fortunately for us, The Cat Lady has gone home to San Francisco with his carpet purse from Ernst Roehm Couture to live among his fellow homosexuals in the Bay Area. I predict he will continue to manifest on Majority Rights from time to time though to complain about all the damn money that is owed and how horrible his own ego has been wounded. 251
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 06:02 | #
Did you see the thread at Counter-Currents where Greg explained his views on women in terms of his own Uranian masculinity? See here and read especially the comments by the “aristocracy”: http://www.counter-currents.com/2011/05/the-woman-question-in-white-nationalism/ 252
Posted by Greg Johnson on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 08:10 | # “Hunter”: You liars need to get your stories straight. Gardner has now admitted to CMS members that he delivered their identities into your hands. 253
Posted by Nash on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 09:15 | # San Francisco is one of the most expensive cities in America. I believe it’s around the 3rd most expensive city after New York and LA. Does Greg Johnson moonlight as a Silicon Valley executive? 254
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 09:16 | #
Greg, I’m quite sure you have me confused with someone else - a mutual acquaintance of ours. I have never taken the slightest interest in “the identities of CMS members.” You are the one who is obsessed with those people. I haven’t been involved with CMS or White Nationalism since August 2010. The only reason that I got involved with that group of people is because you - yes, I said you - were the one who persuaded me to “join the cause.” After you showed your true colors last summer, I vowed it would be the last time that I would ever get burned on “White Nationalism.” That’s why I resigned my position at TOQ. I didn’t want to stick around to find out who I would meet next in the “White Nationalist movement.” I had begun to see the “White Nationalist movement” for what it really is: a bunch of anonymous, alienated people hiding out on the internet, people who come from shattered communities, who are trying to reconstruct an ethnic identity around a racial fragment of Americanism through the mechanism of a fantasy ideology. The experience of interacting with you and so many people like you over the years (especially the lunatics like Alex Linder) convinced me that ideologues are the most unreliable people on this planet. I have no confidence in you to DO ANYTHING to reverse our racial decline. Just what exactly are you doing? Aside from panhandling for your thermometer? You are in the business of selling “Greg’s fascist bookmarks” as “a metapolitical project to advance the glorious cause of a White ethnostate.” Whatever the hell that is. I remember last year when you criticized me on account of “anti-intellectualism”: quite possibly the dumbest charge you ever made on the internet. Just who exactly do you promote on “Counter-Currents”? Do you know a damn thing about American history? About European history? About Greco-Roman philosophy? What about international relations? Political theory? Economics? The history of White racial consciousness? Racial science? The only thing you really talk about over there is obscure, artsy little neo-fascist types. It is the “North American New Right.” As it happens, the “North American New Right” doesn’t really discuss anyone who has anything interesting to say about our predicament, nor does it engage or even attempt to analyze the leading public intellectuals and political commentators of our times. Quite honestly, the only real value in reading you is to find out what goofy thing you will say next. The same is true of your pal Alex Linder who is the town fool of Kirksville. The divine Linder doesn’t have 5 followers in his own neighborhood and is considered by many (yourself included) to be a grand strategist of White Nationalism! If there ever a sign that White people need to start rethinking “the White resistance,” Counter-Currents and VNN Forum ought to be seen a warning from God himself. 255
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 09:21 | #
As a “Nietzschean aristocrat,” Greg is entitled to live in one of the most expensive cities in America on the dime of the White Nationalist movement. He is entitled to a credit card that allows him to fly in a jet airplane across North America to attend his favorite operas. Not only is he “beyond good and evil,” he is beyond having a real job! Hey Greg, how much in total have you made off the White Nationalist movement over the years? What is the total sum of the investment that has been made in you? Seeing as how you have raised the question of how much money you are owed, we ought to be told how much you have already made. 256
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 09:57 | # Whoops, I forgot it wasn’t my place to criticize the “elite.” The divine Greg is here to complain about the $10,000 dollars he is owed ... someone ought to roll out the red carpet. 257
Posted by n/a on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 10:06 | # GW, Another quote from A Farewell to Alms:
The source cited (19) is: Wasson, E. A. 1998. “The Penetration of New Wealth into the English Governing Class from the Middle Ages to the First World War.” Economic History Review 51(1): 25–48. More recently, Clark has used surnames to demonstrate complete long-run social mobility among the native inhabitants of England going back the better part of a millenium. anymouse, “In patriarchal societies where males have power and where, historically, families die if males fail it is the inter-class mobility of males that counts – not females.” (1) Some remedial genetics: the mother provides half the child’s genes irrespective of the social system under which the child is born. I’ll try to make this as simple as possible. A white man who marries a negress will have children who are 50% black. If his son marries a black woman, the offspring will be 75% black, and so on. It doesn’t take many generations of matings like this until the offspring are basically Africans, whatever surname they bear. At this point, any “patriarchal nepotism” will be on behalf of African genes. (2) See above. Clark looked at distributions of surnames (markers of the direct male line) over time and found no long-run barriers to social mobility among the English. “What I wrote was: “In nepotistic patriarchal societies meritorious underclass males were not only excluded from the elite but for most of the past one thousand years counterexamples are so rare as to be noteworthy.” So which is it? You’re confused as fuck. You’ve been confused as fuck “from the gitgo”, and I have no illusions you’ll ever cease being confused as fuck. But for the benefit of others, let’s examine the rest of Regnery’s ancestry. As we saw, William H. Regnery II’s grandfather was “a successful businessman and manufacturer, a second-generation American descended from German Catholic ancestors.” Moving on to his father’s mother: “Francis Susan Thrasher, of older Pennsylvania and Maryland stock, married William H. Regnery in Kansas City on June 30, 1903.” So, thinks anymouse, this is where the scheming “Anglo-Saxon elite” blood enters the Regnery line. But a few minutes of research suffices to destroy that theory: Frances Susan Thrasher was the Kansas-born daughter of a miner (Joseph E. Thrasher gives his occupation as “lead miner” in the 1880 census; by the time of the 1910 census, at 64 years old and a year away from death, he was still working as a gold miner). As for William H. Regnery II’s own mother, her parents were born in Pennsylvania and again give no hint of being elite. Her father was a Chicago sales rep for a Pittsburgh pipe company. Her father’s father was a railroad accountant, whose parents were born in England. Middle-class people. Not elites. “You’re not lying. You’re not dreaming it up. This behavior toward you is fully consistent with the experience of others. It is a product of Regnery’s “invi$ible hand$.” His people are hell bent on repackaging Fifties “Americanism” and repeating the tactical failures of the past.” “These are misleading statements intended to kiss Regnery’ buttocks and those of wealthy, dispossessed Anglo-Saxons within the jew-gentile alliance. “Dispossessed,” that is, in terms of power more so than money.” “The same people who would $ell it all back to jewry two generations hence (supposing that they could or truly want to evict jewry in the first place): Libertarians and old time National Review Conservatives.” In this thread, anymouse has set forth Regnery’s motivations at length. For anyone wanting to compare, here‘s how Regnery himself describes what motivates him:
To this end, I founded the National Policy Institute, Remember the line from Shakespeare’s Julius Caesar I don’t know Regnery. I have no intention of ever meeting him. I wouldn’t take anything from him and have nothing to gain from “sycophancy”. I knew little about him and had no especial interest in his family history prior to this thread. I don’t agree with everything (such as the shitty and unoriginal New Right anti-Americanism of Michael O’Meara) that’s been published in the venues he’s contributed to making available. But I found and continue to find the suspicion and hostility toward him on the part of some here bizarre. We need more people like him, not fewer. “I’ll say it for you. The “something not right” is called cronyism and what we have here is a literary good ‘ol boys network with time and resources greater than others at this stage.” “Cronyism” in the pursuit of what? And explain how they’re preventing you from pursuing the proper course. 258
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 13:38 | # Lew
Yes which is why if you attack sideways by attacking the double standards of the multicult priesthood you sidestep that programming. You’re not attacking the red rag, which is taboo, you’re attacking the double standards of the matador, which isn’t. Undermining the moral authority of the priesthood weakens *all* their taboos which then makes it easier to overthrow them. I’m not saying drop the revisionism - especially now he economic crisis is doing a lot of the faith destroying work for us. I’m saying have two hats. Do the revisionism in one hat and do the sideways attacks on the moral authority of the matador in a different hat. Two-step. If we were in the same town and someone picked out a random person each for us to try and be the first to convince our target of some taboo fact or belief my method would work fastest. Instead of trying to convince them directly i’d first try and destroy some of their faith in their priesthood. Once i’d damaged their faith say 10% i’d aim to fill up the void with 10% of the true facts. Then i’d go back to damaging their faith another 10% and so on. It’s because if you go at it directly you’re contesting facts vs belief and belief wins. If you knock the belief down first then it’s facts vs facts and we win. 259
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 14:13 | # anymouse
Say you have an elite that publically accepts adultery is wrong and that acceptance of that rule is compulsory to remain a member of the elite. It doesn’t require that 100% of the elite privately believes that adultery is wrong it just requires that they publically accept those are The Rules. In fact 100% of them could disagree and yet The Rules still remains in force as long as all of them *publically* accept The Rules as The Rules. They could all engage in adultery and all lie about it and all be completely hypocritical about it and yet if one gets caught they can still all stand up and accept that that person is bad and has to resign or whatever and lose their place among the elite. It’s an alternative mechanism for organizing a group when that group isn’t based solely on close blood-ties. A perfect example of the opposite case is Roman Polanski. A Jewish film director admits to the drug-rape of a thirteen year old white girl and Hollywood defends him. If it was Jewish girl and a White film director they would have reacted in the exact opposite way. They go along with White morality in public and in fact use it very effectively as a weapon against White people but they don’t really believe in it. For them morality is entirely blood-based. So when KMac says something like
it’s a point about a group of people who have an accepted book of “The Rules” and agree to be ruled by them whether in both their private and public behavior or just their public behavior. As long as they accept to be ruled by the “The Rules” in public it doesn’t matter if they personally believe it or not. 260
Posted by anymouse on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 04:27 | # Wandrin,
Jewry accepts “The Rules” in public. The fact that it doesn’t privately believe in “The Rules” matters to the both of us, I think. The same thing applies to the Anglo-Saxon elite. I’m through with this for now. ———— n/a, er, .357 Dave, “If it were true that a heavy concentration of industry is destructive to human life, one would find life expectancy declining in the more advanced countries. But it has been rising steadily. . . . Anyone over 30 years of age today, give a silent ‘Thank you’ to the nearest, grimiest, sootiest smokestacks you can find.” —Ayn Rand, “The Anti-Industrial Revolution I’m sure you will appreciate the “truth” of this statement as well. 261
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 13:41 | # MOB,
Neither is my wife. She has a master’s degree and post-masters study at a leading European university. But she’s also given to saying things like, “our children are the only message we send to the universe”. This came during a recent discussion with our youngest about marriage, family and reproduction. 262
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:05 | #
And Gary Indiana is an ideal locale for this ritual. Perhaps we should all assemble once a year outside US Steel’s Gary Works, survey the entire surroundings and then genuflect to the blast furnace and coal coking batteries. We could even establish a preliminary 12 Stations of Contemplation for the concourse through the City of Gary to the Gary Works. And since this is folksy, down home Indiana, Matt Parrott can lead the ceremonies and read Sacred Scripture from Frederick W. Taylor. Taylor, for those who don’t know him, was the son of a mortgage speculator - s’cuse me, Sir! I meant successful upper class “investor”. He was also one of V.I. Lenin’s favorite industrial efficiency experts. imo Solzhenitsyn should have engraved his name alongside Naftaly Frenkel as one of the originators of the Gulag system. A great deal of Frenkel’s labor camp organization theory appears to have been lifted straight from F.W. Taylor’s theories of industrial labor management. 263
Posted by Selous Scout on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:41 | # Ah, this is what I miss about the “movement”: camaraderie, and good-natured ragging. Reminds me of prep school. I hope to Odin than someone(s) is working on projects behind the scenes, under the radar, because this isn’t going to cut it. 264
Posted by Jason on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 21:55 | # The notion that A3P, as part of some umbrella insider group, is especially blessed was given the lie by an anecdote related by the CEO of A3P who told how he had approached some US Senators at a social event and asked them, “What are you doing for white people?” And the senators ran away. If that is the level of political sophistication of A3P, then no one should worry about their leadership abilities. Any person lobbying for any purpose would be careful to shape it carefully. For example, rather than hitting politicians with the thick edge of the wedge, a request could have been about one of the numerous areas which bedevil the diverse white American youngsters to a larger extent than other young demographics. Yes, these are called the thin edge of the wedge. Three examples (besides that our kids are dying in a vastly disproportionate way in the Asian wars) come to mind. First, methamphetamine addiction and abuse are way over-represented among white youth. A simple request could have been made for senatorial attention to helping white kids in this way. Second, the same goes for tobacco smoking….our kids are disproportionately over-represented. Doing something about this would help white kids. Third, our kids are also disproportionately involved in binge drinking. Doing something about this would help white kids. So my point is that there are plenty of areas of health and safety where a white-centric pitch could be made to national leaders that they could easily support. That the CEO of A3P didn’t know how to do this, had no one to help him do it, blew an opportunity to do something worthwhile, and then sort of bragged about being rebuffed, tells us a whole lot about the intelligence and sophistication of A3P and the “secret” group of which it is allegedly a part. 265
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 22:01 | # The only thing that matters for now is ending nonwhite immigration, however that is done, and in alliance with whomever (Jews, nonwhites, I don’t care). All questions of race are finally military ones (ever heard of the “evolutionary arms race”?). What is physically defensible? To coordinate and maintain advanced militaries requires advanced economies. To utilize those militaries for racial defense requires sovereign racial homogeneity or else dominance. In democracies, dominance is achieved through voting. In mobocracies (one person, one ballot), demography is destiny. The more of THEM, the harder for US to effectuate our will. Commonsense is all that should be needed here, though apparently it remains as ever in short supply. 266
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 22:06 | # Note please that there are plenty of persons who are against immigration, but are not and never will be WNs. Do you people understand that? Do you get it? Note also that there are many reasons to be against immigration that have nothing to do with race. Thus, the potential audience for an anti-immigration message is much larger than that for a hard WN message. “Gradual radicalization” is the key, as I keep reiterating. 267
Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 21:09 | # anymouse
Supreme Court. This on its own proves my point. I agree there’s a class dimension to this but if you overstate it you miss out the “Book of Rules” element in once-Anglo but now i think most-White psychology. (Another aspect of that would be if the out-bred theory is at least partially correct then the upper middle class would be the most out-bred and most prone to universalist idealogy.) 268
Posted by Julian Curtis Lee on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 08:46 | # First thing I’d say about it is: Cults are good. We need more of ‘em. 269
Posted by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 02:37 | # The Hunter Wallace Show: It just keep going on and on and on… Wherever this character shows up, there exists an endless torrent of intrigue, infighting, back-stabbing, and all manner of counter-productive monkeyshines. If I didn’t know this person well enough to understand that this attention-seeking behavior of his is simply a major component of his preferred lifestyle, I would suspect him of being an agent provocateur. But no, he functions as the fuctional & moral equivalent of an SPLC/FBI plant, because that is what he likes to do (and is probably incapable of behaving otherwise). The funny thing about this person is that his attitude towards you is defined entirely by your attitude towards him. As soon as he detects a whiff of criticism or disdain from you, he will forever enshrine you as one of his hated enemies, and do whatever he can to harm your interests (with a heavy emphasis on the most underhanded, petty, cowardly tactics one can possibly conceive of). And he will eventually nauseate any and all of his transient allies…at which point he turns on them as well. The way he’s managed to insinuate himself into the pro-White blogosphere (whatever your preferred term for that is), is very disconcerting, and augurs very poorly for the survival & success of such myriad, seemingly inter-locking institutions. Allowing Hunter Wallace access to confidential records is basically like hiring Charlie Sheen to be the weekend maanger of the old pharmacy your grandfather founded. You can rest assured anything he ever sees will be copied, and used in the future to further his seemingly endless & ever-spawning series of personal vendettas. But its not like no one’s been warned (and by people other than yours truly). At some stage, it becomes necessary not merely to criticize Hunter Wallace (who is, after all, much like Aesop’s scorpion-who-stung-the-frog), but to start wondering just why the Hell it is that this dangerous, amoral, mentally ill buffoon is tolerated like he’s some sort of responsible, honorable personage. People who trust Hunter Wallace with access to confidential information, ought not to have access to such information themselves. But don’t worry, you’ll find out for yourselves soon enough. 270
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 09:25 | # I really dislike all this infighting. It makes WN look unserious, which perhaps it is. White America is rapidly declining, and life under our new racially alien masters will not be pleasant for us. We need to stop the racial hemorrhaging, and end immigration. Once that has been accomplished, or actually concurrent with the struggle to end it, we need to build up a serious, morally upstanding American nationalist movement, one filled with high quality people. I’ve begun to realize that yet another reason to start with American (and not white) nationalism, besides WN being too hardcore for where whites are psychologically at this juncture in history, is that doing so will keep away all the neo-Nazis and general crazies, those who’s fault it is that mainstream conservatives have been so over-sensitive about dealing with racial issues in a candid and manful manner. If I were building an AN movement, I would start by saying: “Nazis Not Welcome”. Focus on what is perfectly ‘respectable’ (to conservatives), then build out from there over time (gradual radicalization in tandem with growing strength). The more I contemplate these issues the more certain I am of my strategy’s essential soundness. 271
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 15:59 | # Agree with Leon 100% I might add, a philosophy based on an atheist foundation is sure to fail. It’s a waste of time. I say that because people—ALL PEOPLE—intuitively know God exists. Moreover, common sence MUST take precedence over sheer emotional reaction. More specifically an irrational reaction such as that displayed by neo-Nazis and blatant anti-Semites. Even though I myself am quite cognizant of the central role Jews are playing in our genocide, I.m at the same time all too aware that blatant anti-semitism is absolutely repugnant to the very people we’re trying to win over. “Naming the Jew” so to speak is tempting, but doing so, paradoxically, is very counterproductive. Yes indeed! What a fucked up world we live in! 272
Posted by anon on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 16:18 | #
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 16:39 | # Hey anon, here’s one from Ann Coulter for ya:
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 19:07 | #
(1) First, Hunter Wallace doesn’t have access to any “confidential records.” This was a lie made up by Greg Johnson. He confused me with someone else. (2) Second, Hunter Wallace doesn’t care who is involved in the “White Nationalist movement” because he isn’t involved in that scene anymore. (3) Third, Tranny Featherston is an excellent example of the type of losers who get involved in that scene and who deter ordinary people from joining: an obese meth addict, an ex-con, a nutjob who went to jail for making empty threats against an ADL office, someone who posts on the internet about his desire to have sex with ladyboys. Tranny Featherston hangs out with Daryl Lamont Jenkins on Moot Stormfront. Then he comes over here to suggest that I am an “SPLC plant.” Someone who converses with Daryl Lamont Jenkins and friends about his own meth addiction. Someone brags about wanting to have sex with a tranny. 275
Posted by Greg Johnson on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 19:46 | # Wow, the latest “Hunter Wallace” mental meltdown continues. Is it a lie, “Hunter,” or is it a case of mistaken identity? Why is “Hunter Wallace” speaking of himself in the Third Person? Perhaps the multiple pseudonyms are developing into full-blown multiple personalities. Just so we are clear: the psychotic, phisher, stalker, hacker, and all-round creep sometimes known as “Hunter Wallace” was given the subscriber records of The Occidental Quarterly (which also contained the membership list of the Charles Martel Society, as well as annotations about donations). The database was handed over by Sam Dickson and John Gardner, the then and present leaders of CMS, who did not bother to do the most cursory check to see if Wallace was a trustworthy individual. Gardner has now admitted to this on the private, super-secure CMS forum, which of course leaks like a sieve. But he assures the CMS membership that Wallace gave the records back, as if we were dealing with a physical object rather than electronic data that is routinely copied when it is sent on the internet. (Copies of the database probably exist in “Hunter’s” inbox and outbox.) Neither Dickson nor Gardner have been held to account by any of the subscribers of TOQ or members of CMS for this catastrophic lapse of judgment and breach of security. Nor has Gardner been held to account for bringing Hunter Wallace back into CMS and onto their super-secret discussion forum, where the identities of CMS members inducted in the Fall of 2010 were exposed to Wallace as well. Nor has Gardner been called to account for his ridiculous lapse in judgment on this very board when he revealed to the world that CMS actually has a membership consisting of people who have something to lose and who therefore wish to keep their membership in a racist and anti-Semitic organization secret. Eventually, Sam Dickson and John Gardner’s lapses in judgment will destroy the life of someone who trusted them and never dreamed they would be so stupid as to entrust their secrets to Fade the Butcher, for Christ’s sake! But this is just my side of the story. I urge you to get both sides. Sam Dickson will be speaking at two conferences this month: The NPI Conference in Washington DC on Sept. 10 and the European American Leadership Seminar in Tennessee on Sept. 17. Concerned CMS members and TOQ subscribers who plan to attend should approach him to get his side of the story. 276
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 23:01 | #
Laughs. I can easily prove my sanity: I have been labeled “insane” by Greg Johnson of Counter-Currents and Alex Linder of VNN Forum. Just browse those websites, consider their material, and reflect upon the merit of the charge. Again, I am being called “insane” by VNN Forum and Counter-Currents, which is proves that I am perfectly fine to any disinterested observer.
No, I always travel under my own colors. I’m not into sock puppetry. Unlike Greg Johnson, who suffers from sexual confusion, I don’t write essays for VNN as “The Cat Lady.”
Just so we are clear: as the Editor of The Occidental Quarterly, Greg Johnson possesses those records, whereas I do not. I have never expressed any interest in those records. In fact, I don’t even chat with those people on the telephone. It is Greg Johnson who hits up those people for money. Personally, I don’t care what those people are doing, as I am not involved with the White Nationalist anymore. Greg can continue to make up stories, but that is hardly anything new. The White Nationalist movement is full of kooks and liars and hucksters like Greg Johnson. That is why it never goes anywhere.
This is false. Once again, Greg Johnson has confused me with someone else.
As someone who was physically there, unlike Greg Johnson, I saw what happened with my own eyes. Again, Greg Johnson is confusing me with someone else, with one of his own friends. I never had any interest with “databases.” I don’t know the first thing about “databases.” Why the hell would I care what it is in this stupid database that I never received? I don’t care about the White Nationalist movement.
Once again, as the Editor of The Occidental Quarterly, Greg Johnson possesses these records. It is Greg Johnson who came here to raise this subject. It is also Greg Johnson who talks about it on VNN Forum with Alex Linder.
(1) First, I resigned from TOQ in August 2010. (2) Second, I haven’t been involved with CMS since August 2010. (3) Third, I haven’t been involved with the White Nationalist movement since August 2010. (4) Fourth, I never received this database and honestly do not possess it now. I have never expressed the slightest interest in this database ... Greg’s database. (5) Fifth, Greg Johnson has confused me with someone else. (6) Sixth, I don’t care who is involved with CMS. If I really cared about who is involved with CMS, I would have made some effort to find out. Instead, I spend virtually all my time following people who I find interesting, 99 percent of whom are not White Nationalists. I haven’t had anything to do with CMS since the Greg Johnson fiasco last year. After having the misfortune of getting to meet Greg Johnson, I quit CMS and White Nationalism because I don’t to meet anyone else in that mold.
Who cares about CMS? I mean aside from Greg who is obsessed with this issue, GW who started this thread, and Greg’s buddy Alex Linder who he hangs out with on VNN Forum? Once again, Greg Johnson has that database because he is the former editor of The Occidental Quarterly. It is Greg Johnson who has a vendetta against CMS. Finally, it is Greg Johnson who is financially motivated and who associates with destructive people like Alex Linder.
This is amusing. In Greg’s bizarre worldview, I am this super secret spy or something ... someone who is desperate to find out what goes on “behind the scenes,” someone who wants to discover “the identities” of people who are involved with CMS. Of course, in reality none of this is true. Just the opposite is true. It was Greg himself who persuaded me to get involved with that group. After getting the opportunity to meet the real Greg Johnson, I quit both CMS and White Nationalism in disgust. I became a Christian and a conservative. I haven’t been a “White Nationalist” in over a year now. I don’t attend CMS functions. I don’t contact people who are involved with CMS. I don’t email people who are involved with CMS. I don’t call them on the telephone. I don’t solicit people who are involved with CMS for money. I’m not competing with CMS at all ... just doing own thing here in Alabama. Nothing about my behavior suggests that I have the slightest interest in CMS. I resigned from TOQ in August 2010. I quit White Nationalism and haven’t bothered with CMS or TOQ ever since. Why? Because Greg Johnson was involved with CMS. That was the single worst decision ever made by that organization ... hiring Greg Johnson. It should be beyond clear now what a liability that was. That was the biggest mistake ever made by that organization. To this day, Greg Johnson haunts CMS, whereas I don’t care what CMS does.
Here’s the truth: Greg got fired and was bitter about all “the money” that Greg was owed. Greg is lazy and has spent his entire life living off other people ... just like he does on Counter-Currents where he has raised $11,000 dollars over the past year from White Nationalists. That’s not enough - Greg is still bitter about “the money” that Greg is owed. He is also still bitter about “how bad” poor Greg was treated by his former employers.
I’ve got a better idea. They should ask Sam Dickson why he made the mistake of associating with Greg Johnson. It is clear that Greg has a vendetta against TOQ Online, that he is sitting on all kinds of information, that Greg is financially motivated and has probably sold that information by now to the highest bidder, that Greg aligns himself with people like Alex Linder. They should probably ask themselves: if we are associated with Neo-Nazis like Greg Johnson, Harold Covington, and Alex Linder, what is the cost of that association? Surely, there are lots of gifted people who don’t want to get involved with fascist kooks and cranks like Greg Johnson and sociopaths like Linder, and who after sampling what is called “White Nationalism” in the United States, stampede back to conservatism. 277
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 23:27 | # New topic for discussion: what is the cost to “White Nationalism” of fascist cranks and losers like Greg Johnson and Neo-Nazis like Alex Linder? I submit that there are millions of White people in America, especially in the American South, who are (1) racially conscious and (2) who are pro-White, but who would never get involved with “White Nationalism” because of the perception that it is fixated upon Nazism, anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism, and hatred of Christianity. Moreover, I will argue that there are a ton of people in the conservative movement who share our concerns about changing racial demographics and our national cultural decline, people who are both talented and gifted, but who would never get involved with “White Nationalism” for any number of reasons, above all else the kook factor. White Nationalism is infested by kooks like Greg Johnson. This is the image which it projects to White America. Far too often, this is an image that repulses the common man while attracting fringe characters like a magnet. Just what is the use of “White Nationalism” anyway? It is a pseudo-ethnicity for a bunch of alienated people on the internet. In an emergency situation, could anyone rely upon the likes of Greg Johnson or Alex Linder? Ideologues are the most unreliable people in the entire world. In the real world, you can rely upon your own friends, your family, your neighbors, people who go to your church, and your co-ethnics most of the time. White Nationalists have the brilliant idea that we should marry ourselves to an abstraction that no one else shares, that is hostile to ordinary people, and that we should rely upon the goodwill of anonymous strangers in cyberspace who have no real stake in our lives. This is what they call “the movement.” The costs of “the movement” (as it has been described here) to advancing the project of restoring White racial consciousness in North America is incalculable. In fact, you could make a strong argument that it is more of an obstacle than an asset to that social cause. 278
Posted by Greg Johnson on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 23:33 | # “Hunter”: As I recall, you labeled yourself insane back in January 2010 on this very site. 279
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 00:12 | #
Laughs. There are all sorts of trolls here who sign as me. I haven’t posted here in quite some time. There are all kinds of people who used to write for this website that have disappeared over the years. But let’s entertain your theory: it was an “insane” decision on my part to get involved with the “White Nationalist movement” when I could have made much better constructive use of my time over the previous ten years. The only attraction the “White Nationalist movement” ever had was that it was “pro-White.” That was the only advantage it had over conservatism. Of course I was “pro-White” long before I ever heard of “White Nationalism.” The vast majority of White people in Alabama are “pro-White” because Southern civilization has always had a racial character. By my estimate, something like 60 to 70 percent of White people in Alabama are “pro-White,” whereas less than 1 percent are “White Nationalists.” The various Neo-Nazi groups have never had much of a following in this region of the country. Who is really “insane” here? (1) I suggest we visit the material that you have published on Counter-Currents. (2) I suggest we go examine the heads of your friends at VNN Forum. (3) I suggest we delve into the personal backgrounds of your own writers at Counter-Currents. I have a question: is there anyone who has been reviewed by Counter-Currents who has been diagnosed with schizophrenia? Oh yes, Harold Covington. Is there anyone who writes for Counter-Currents who has been diagnosed with bipolar syndrome? Oh yes, but I won’t specifically identify this person by name. Is there anyone who writes for Counter-Currents who has taken prescription medication for depression? Oh wait, it is Greg Johnson, right? Is there anyone who is associated with Counter-Currents who is particularly nutty or kooky? Well, let’s see ... where do we start? Does Greg Johnson have any comrades who exhibit all the familiar characteristics of sociopathy? Yes, that would be Alex Linder. Is there anyone associated with Counter-Currents who has a long history of involvement with psychiatry and who has developed an expertise on the subject? Isn’t that Chechar? This is the funniest thing in the world ... getting labeled “insane” by Counter-Currents and VNN Forum. That means you are certifiably normal. Kooks always sound like kooks. They act like kooks. They talk like kooks. They sound like kooks. They seek out the companionship of other kooks. It is their default setting. What is your default setting, Greg? 280
Posted by Savrola on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 00:22 | # What Brad fails to understand is that all infighting aside, a faction on the dissident side, whoever that may be, will eventually take power, and it will act to liquidate Hunter and people like him. 281
Posted by Greg Johnson on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 00:23 | # Jeez, “Hunter,” I should not be surprised when you make up things out of whole cloth, but I still am: e.g., the claim that it must have been somebody impersonating you who in January 2010 wrote about your lapse into insanity in 2008 on this very board, the pretense that you do not follow what goes on in our circles (but you pop right up to comment whenever your name is mentioned), or the claim that I have taken prescription medication for depression, etc. You really are losing it. 282
Posted by MOB on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 00:38 | # David Duke has produced many fine videos that can be viewed on the Internet. My favorite has remained this one, which I also consider an excellent one to forward to less-informed people: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHKGOcUyQ-M I don’t want to repeat things I’ve said before, but I can’t remember everything I’ve posted here. Skimming HW’s comments reminds me again of the time a decade ago, when I suggested there be separate efforts, one focused on the Jewish problem with all that entails and the other on the Racial problem with all that entails. HW, you have much of value to contribute to most discussions, but I don’t understand why you come to a site that clearly considers the Jewish Problem to be a fundamental component of the problems we faced and still face and repetitively unload your criticism of this component. You have created your own website where you do a very good job highlighting the racial problem in all its manifestations. Be happy with that - you chose that focus and very self-righteously, as I recall. There’s no need at all for you to suffer annoyance from those looking at another piece of the puzzle. Like it or not, within the ranks of Whites in rebellion, there are a large number of people who do want to include in the dialog the life-shaping events of the 20th century, which necessarily means the two World Wars and their major players, and that means you know who. Stay in your own ____-free playing field; you do excellent work there. And if you stray into “n” and “double n” territory, keep your cricism to yourself; everyone who’s anyone knows what you think about it. : ) Note: I’ve used letters to stand in for certain words because I don’t use the enemy’s language—even if the words are used in a critical sense, they are perpetuating the enemy’s mythology. 283
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 00:39 | #
Re: Linder Some day I will travel to Kirksville, Missouri to have a chat with my fellow Christians and conservatives there about the town fool, the Neo-Nazi Alex Linder, who is ostracized in his own community. The great strategist Linder doesn’t have 5 followers in Kirksville. He is the laughingstock of his own neighborhood. The Jews at Truman State University in Kirksville have spent ten years laughing at the Fuhrer of Kirksville “naming the Jew” on the internet. Why doesn’t Linder share his views on the Jewish Question with the Hillel chapter in Kirksville? Why doesn’t he go to the church down the street to share his views on Christianity with his own neighbors? There are plenty of White people in Kirksville and Northern Missouri that Der Linder could conceivably be reaching out to. I have a theory: my theory is that Linder himself knows from first hand experience that his ideas don’t work, which is why refuses to implement his ideas in his own community, and instead preaches them to the choir of lunatics and strangers on his vBulletin forum. Linder is fond of labeling other people cowards - why doesn’t the coward Linder “name the Christians” and “name the Jews” in his own town? What’s stopping him? Why doesn’t he act on his own philosophy of Nazism? As for VNN Forum, Alex Linder had the confessed FBI asset Hal Turner running VNN Forum on his server a few years ago, and he had the World Commander of National Socialism Bill White taking credit card numbers. All sorts of people have graduated from VNN over the years: Curt Maynard who offed himself in a murder-suicide with his Hispanic wife, Yankee Jim who killed himself in another murder-suicide, Todd Vanbiber who detonated a pipe bomb in his face, etc. Alex even has Glenn Miller soliciting donations on VNN Forum after testifying as a government witness in the Fort Smith Trail in exchange for a reduced sentence. 284
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 00:42 | #
LMAO. When HAC seizes power in Washington State, please shoot me an email, all right? When Alex Linder organizes a yard sale in Kirksville, I would like to be notified. 285
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 01:04 | #
I have a simple explanation: (1) I come over here only because people like Greg Johnson are slandering me. I respond to them and then return to my own website where I spent my time occupied with my own interests. (2) It is an interesting story: during the “Civil Rights Movement,” Southerners really didn’t perceive themselves as being under attack by Jews. It is mostly because those of us whose ancestors have lived in Dixie since the seventeenth century saw one thing happening whereas White Nationalists (or their immediate precursors like George Lincoln Rockwell) saw something else happening. We know that this isn’t the first time it has happened. It happened in the 1860s and 1870s when the Union Army invaded our country, emancipated the slaves, made blacks citizens, gave them “civil rights,” and made them our rulers in states like Louisiana and South Carolina. You see, this had all been tried out before in Reconstruction: black majority rule, integrated public schools, integrated public places, non-White immigration, abolishing our anti-miscegenation laws, centralizing all the power in Washington, etc. Amazingly, the Civil Rights Movement was tried out in America in the 19C without the presence of large numbers of Jews here, as was the doctrine of racial equality which was preached from the Unitarian and Congregationalist pulpits of Boston. 286
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 01:16 | # Greg, Are you still popping pills to deal with your little episodes of depression? You certainly act like a depressive ... here we are a year later, and here you are bitching about your money and you are still on the warpath against CMS. What about your database with all the CMS information - Greg’s database? I’m sure you still have a copy of your own database, right? Did you sell a copy to the SPLC? You would never do such a thing, right? I mean ... it is so obvious that you are not motivated by pettiness, financial greed, the spirit of revenge, delusions of self aggrandizement, and rivalry? That’s why you moved on with your life. The last thing that would ever occur to you be to make money at the expense of your former associates in order to advance yourself by damaging them. Being a Nietzschean aristocrat who subsists off the charity of other people (whether they are into ESP, Objectivism, or White Nationalism), you would never sell out. Just look how loyal you are to your friends. 287
Posted by Greg Johnson on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 02:47 | # Sorry “Hunter”, I am not the one on trial here. So please spare us the tiresome attempts to change the subject—and, I might add, to change it in the most childish, tiresome, mechanical way by accusing me of the very things you are guilty of. To wit, you are accusing me of: (1) being mentally ill (when you are obviously having a psychotic episode) and (2) being disloyal to my friends or the cause (when you are an obvious security threat). Why is it NOT a question of loyalty when people like Sam Dickson and John Gardner hand over the names and contact information of every TOQ subscriber and CMS member to “Fade the Butcher,” but my loyalty is questioned for calling them out on it and warning people not to trust them in the future? Eventually these people are going to destroy somebody’s life with their stupidity. Obviously we are dealing with people with no morals, who just twist words and moral standards to suit them and pray that they are surrounded by dullards who can’t see through them or cowards too frightened to speak up. And yes, of course, I still have the CMS database. Although doddering octogenarians might not grasp this concept, when you “return” an electronic file, you still retain a copy. So do you, “Hunter.” 288
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 03:19 | # I submit that there are millions of White people in America, especially in the American South, who are (1) racially conscious and (2) who are pro-White, but who would never get involved with “White Nationalism” because of the perception that it is fixated upon Nazism, anti-Semitism, anti-Americanism, and hatred of Christianity. Moreover, I will argue that there are a ton of people in the conservative movement who share our concerns about changing racial demographics and our national cultural decline, people who are both talented and gifted, but who would never get involved with “White Nationalism” for any number of reasons, above all else the kook factor. (HUNTER WALLACE) Yep, agree 100%, and have been saying as much for years on the net (decades in life). I repeat: “gradual radicalization” is the key. What we need (I speak to fellow Americans) is a reasonable, rational, moderate but tough-minded organization which speaks to and ties together issues of interest to the white community: immigration, alien deportation, affirmative action, crime and crowd control, multiculturalist school instruction, voter fraud, welfare fraud, etc. Above all, what we need are 1) actual political successes, and 2) public identification with those successes. Then we will grow still more (in this Linder is correct: everyone loves a winner - a fault of human nature surely, but in this waning epoch of Western life, we must always assess matters unsentimentally). And as this organization grows, it can keep ‘upping’ its demands on behalf of whites. Why is this not understood? Start too far out of the mainstream (regardless of how corrupt the mainstream might be), and you will not attract the average personality types we need in their millions. What is needed is a middle-ground pro-white movement situated between do-nothing conservatives who are just too cowardly to deal honestly with race, even at the cost of our nation and way of life, and the WN revolutionaries who are against 99% of everything, and thus simply demand too much psychological ‘rejectionism’ on the part of the masses they purportedly wish to awaken and empower ever to gain much traction. And all the while, the Third World pours in by the millions ... 289
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 03:39 | #
Laughs. So Majority Rights is putting CMS on trial? You have anointed yourself the judge? It is just another example of the clownish infighting that has always been the dominant force in the “White Nationalist movement.” The Jerry Springer Show with Greg Johnson. It reminds me of this clownish idea of yours that you are some kind of aristocrat - you are an “aristocrat” before the 12 people who listen to you in a Holiday Inn conference room, 40 percent of whom are skinheads.
(1) You really are mentally ill. Just check your various prescription medications. (2) You really are disloyal to your friends. Just ask some of them. (3) You really are a security threat. Just look at your chuminess with Alex Linder.
Laughs. (1) First, I do not have the names and contact information of every TOQ subscriber and CMS members. You are the one who has that information - Greg’s database. Remember, you were the Editor of The Occidental Quarterly, and you have all that information archived in databases on your computer. (2) Second, I was never given that information. In fact, it was given to someone else entirely - someone you know. (3) Third, I neither possess that information or have the slightest interest in that information. I spend my time on my blog responding to people who I find interesting. Why would I care about the identities of a bunch of people who are of no interest to me?
Perhaps. There is nothing stopping you from selling your database to the highest bidder. I would honestly be surprised if you haven’t already done so by now - given your obvious hostility to your former associates, which is on display here, it seems to me like you would jump at the chance to financially profit at their expense.
ROFL. Greg’s morals - the sin of pride, the sin of envy, the sin of avarice, the sin of sloth, the sin of wrath, homosexuality. Where does Greg’s morals come from? Mammon and Lucifer?
After insinuating that I have a database which I have never seen, Greg admits that he is sitting on top of that database, which can be found on his own computer, not on mine.
No, I really don’t have a copy of that database, Greg. I’m not sure what I can do to prove that I don’t have that database. How can I disapprove stories which you are simply making up in San Francisco because you are mad that you got fired? Greg surrounds himself with conspiracy theorists like Harold Covington who say that I work for the SPLC, for the Mossad, for someone named “Cass Sunstein,” etc. Rather than deal with such nutty people or meet any more of their number, I would rather cut my losses and steer clear of the White Nationalist movement. 290
Posted by Lew on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 04:15 | # MOB:
It is unfortunate that this idea did not go anywhere because it is a very good one. Duke’s video “How nations die” is my personal favorite. That video, IMO, explains the Jewish Power Triangle concept in a much more dramatic fashion than his other videos. I have made the point a few times that Internet nationalists are never short on creativity and good ideas. Nationalists throughout the Internet are always saying “We need to do this. We need to do that. We should try this. We should try that. If only we did this…” and so on. But no one ever does it, even though the idea is often a good one, because the best ideas are impossible to implement without organization and Big Money. So, invariably, people coalesce around the Web sites that feature the contributors and commenters with interesting things to say because they have few other real choices. 291
Posted by Greg Johnson on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 04:35 | # I’ll say it again, “Hunter”: You liars need to get your stories straight. John Gardner has admitted that he handed over the CMS database to you. 292
Posted by Lew on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 04:36 | # Hunter Wallace:
Very fair points about Linder. His style of WNism is the most damaging to White interests. The WNists in Linder’s ideological zone spend more time and energy attacking men like Jared Taylor than true enemies like Abe Foxman and Morris Dees. 293
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 05:01 | # Leon, I believe we have become prisoners of the term “White Nationalism.” It is unfortunate because the “White Nationalist movement” really isn’t of much value to us. If it ceased to exist tomorrow, the world would be more or less unchanged. This is a long story - far too long to discuss here. It will suffice to say that we are smashed between two poles on the right - between the “Frum Forum,” National Review, The Weekly Standard version of Beltway conservatism and the Republican establishment in Washington - which is increasingly estranged from and resented by Middle America - and then the so-called “revolutionaries” out here in cyberspace, the Neo-Nazis like Greg Johnson, Harold Covington, and Alex Linder who claim the term “White Nationalism.” I have come to believe that Sam Francis was right. It is the vast interior of North America that will radicalize and revolt against the status quo. Dixie, Heartland, and the Midwest will rebel against the coastal elites in Los Angeles, New York City, and Hollywood. It is finally starting to happen. I can see it taking shape in the polling data. The liberal establishment can see it happening in their own tracking polls which are showing massive defections from the Democratic Party. The “Middle American Radicals” are starting to show up now. http://www.salon.com/news/politics/war_room/2011/09/04/favoritesonsanddaughters Francis didn’t live to see it happen. The racial and cultural views of Pat Buchanan, Sam Francis, and Jared Taylor are becoming mainstream now. You might not see it on television or read about it in National Review, but it is bleeding over into talk radio, into the conservative blogosphere, onto conservative forums like Free Republic. Barack Hussein Obama is changing White racial attitudes in Middle America. My personal view is that we need to start engaging this massive audience which is boiling over with grievances. Correspondingly, we ought to spend less time on Greg’s literary fascism and the paleo navel gazing that has become predominant since Sam Francis passed away. The time is ripe to articulate a Southern version of conservatism that is pro-White, pro-Christian, pro-American, pro-republican ... that addresses real perceived grievances like affirmative action, multiculturalism, immigration, crime, our declining standard of living, the centralization of power in Washington, our despoiled culture, our insane trade policies, mainstream media bias, etc. I believe we could connect with a mass constituency with a message like that ... especially at a time when the attitude of White America toward the Washington establishment could accurately be described as “pre-revolutionary” given the overwhelming dissatisfaction with the direction of the country and the power of the political class. Just yesterday, Sarah Palin ripped the “permanent political class” and “crony capitalism” in Iowa. It is the latest sign that what passes for “mainstream” conservative discourse is evolving in a more positive direction. We can either be a part of that ... or continue to waste our time playing patty cake with Greg and Alex and Harold over the same shit they have been fighting about for the past 10 to 40 years. 294
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 05:42 | # Greg, After the debacle that was your tenure as Editor of The Occidental Quarterly came to an end, the immediate challenge was figuring out what to do with the huge mess that you had left behind for your successors. I’m referring to the stack of complaints that was in your inbox, your mismanagement of the financial records, your petulant hijacking of the TOQ Online website, the material that had been submitted for publication in the journal which you squatted upon out of laziness, and especially your inept mismanagement of records in everything from subscriptions to routine data entry. Simply put, you had failed to do your own job. That was your own fault. (1) I’m sure that John and Sam remember that I was the one who restored their access to their own website. (2) I’m sure they also remember that the cost to me personally of getting sucked into their feud with you that had nothing to do with me was having to put up with your harassment. (3) I’m sure they also know that you are the one who has a vendetta against CMS, not me. As I have already explained to you, I don’t have any clerical talent with maintaining databases, nor did I ever have the slightest interest in the content of your database - Greg’s database of TOQ subscribers. My talent is specifically writing, political analysis, and restoring access to stolen property. I am familiar with the mechanics of WordPress blogs, SQL databases, domain names, etc. I used that knowledge to assist CMS in recovering its online property from you. As far as the CMS database goes, you are right that your mismanagement of the records was swiftly dealt with after your departure, but you are wrong in insinuating that I was the one who was given those records, and that I was the one who properly organized them. That was someone else’s job - someone you know, who assisted in the project of easing the transition to Kevin MacDonald - so you can stop making up stories and lying to people on the internet now. Matt Parrott, for example, has assisted Kevin MacDonald by redesigning his website. Personally, I think he did a good job with The Occidental Observer. He just wanted to help out and make things easier for MacDonald. Unfortunately, Matt has been smeared by people who make up fabulous stories on this website about how he is the agent of a paranoid Mormon conspiracy to defends the Jews against “true White Nationalists.” This is the kind of unsubstantiated shit that people like you and Harold Covington spread on the internet. Finally, I will reiterate to the gallery that you are the one who has a financial and personal vendetta against your former employers. You are the one who is on the jihad against them. I don’t care what they are doing. From my perspective, the Southern conservative and Tennessean Sam Francis would have been aghast at your stupid little cult of literary fascism, and especially by your friendship with the Neo-Nazi sociopath Alex Linder, not to mention your glorification of the terrorist worshiping Harold Covington. What do you suppose Sam Francis would think about your tenure as Editor of The Occidental Quarterly? I bet he wouldn’t be impressed with your “great ideas,” Greg. The idea that you of all people are an aristocrat is preposterous. Again, if Sam Francis were here today, what would he be writing about? You know, I think Francis would be hitting themes and writing in a vein awfully like the way that I am doing at Occidental Dissent. I find it hard to believe that Francis would be wasting his time on “White Nationalism” when his own ideas are triumphing in the conservative world. 295
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 05:59 | # The thought of Sam Francis having to live through the “Counter-Currents” era at TOQ is another theme which I will have to return to in the future. Just imagine Francis opening the Winter 2010 version of TOQ and finding that anti-American screed “The Jitterbugs and the Vabanquespieler” by Michael O’Meara or “Harold Covington’s Northwest Novels” by Greg Johnson in the Spring 2009 edition. The only thing funnier and more tragic than that would be resurrecting William Pierce to see what has become of the National Alliance under his successors. 296
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 06:07 | #
Do you think we could arrange a meeting between Alex Linder and the Christians of Kirksville? I would like to see a public demonstration of the polarization strategy. http://firstumckirksville.org/ (660) 665-4473 (660) 665-6477 (660) 665-4473 297
Posted by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 08:21 | # “(3) Third, Tranny Featherston is an excellent example of the type of losers who get involved in that scene and who deter ordinary people from joining: an obese meth addict, an ex-con, a nutjob who went to jail for making empty threats against an ADL office, someone who posts on the internet about his desire to have sex with ladyboys. Other than for the fact that I* did get into trouble with the police in 1999, due to a very foolish choice I made at that time, absolutely every single charge above is a lie (for example, there was certainly no “ADL office” involved). But that’s Our Hunter, isn’t it? Lying and slandering is pretty much all he knows how to do. Its his function in the Universe. And anyone who trusts him will eventually feel the brunt of that behavioral tendency of his. When was the last time I made a post at MootStormFront, for example? 2008? 2007, maybe? I’m not sure, but its been years, and I specifically left that site because I didn’t want to associate with Daryle LaMont Jenkins any longer, yet he tells you I’m still posting there, and that me and Jenkins are friends. Everything that physically repellant creature says is a lie. Anyone who trusts him is an idiot who deserves their inevitable betrayal. Does the charge that I “brag about wanting to have sex with a tranny,” even make sense?!? For one thing, if those were my feelings, don’t you think I’d try to keep them under wraps, rather than than “brag” about it? Seriously? That’s the best lie this dwarf-like buffoon can concoct? Your mental instability is starting to show (again!), “Hunter.” I must have rattled you, LOL. Oh, and I see that now instead of claiming to be the grandson of Gov. George Wallace, you are now claiming to be his cousin: Kinda like when you were calling yourself “Bradley Dean Griffin,” and claiming that Nick Griffin of the BNP was your cousin? LOL!!! That’s Our Hunter! Always so mercurial, and full-to-burstin’ with grade-AAA BULLSHIT. Lie some more, Pudgy. Maybe the reason you always make weird accusations about transsexuality is because despite being a man (as it were) in your 20s, you look like a 45-year old lesbian who works for the DMV? I guess its kinda mean for me to point things like that out, but somehow, in light of all those ridiculous lies you told about me above, I feel like a little home truth about you is not totally out of line. Anyhoo, I’m not a regular here at MajorityRights, and I don’t envision a return to this thread, so when Our Hunter posts his next slander barrage, I won’t be here to deny it. But you can rest well and truly assured, that like every other statement which issues forth from his cookie crumb-laden keyboard, its all a pack of grotesque, mentally degnerative lies.
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 09:04 | # Nationalists throughout the Internet are always saying “We need to do this. We need to do that. We should try this. We should try that. If only we did this…” and so on. But no one ever does it, even though the idea is often a good one, because the best ideas are impossible to implement without organization and Big Money. So, invariably, people coalesce around the Web sites that feature the contributors and commenters with interesting things to say because they have few other real choices. (LEW) —————————————- Fair criticisms, Lew (btw, did you ever see my “apology” re Ron Paul and immigration, doubtless lost on one of these interminable threads (perhaps even this very one)? Apparently, I was really stuck in a 2002 time warp; he is now very bad on immigration - which annoys me no end, as I donated both money and time to him in 08, and go others to do so as well, based in part on what I had thought was his ‘solidity’ re immigration). However, did you see my lengthy comment on this issue on the “Struggling for Funds” thread? I am extremely disappointed that no one has answered my challenge, which is seeking to see what real interest there is for an American nationalist grassroots organization. I guess the answer is “not very much”. 299
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 09:18 | #
(1) Tranny Featherston used to boast all the time on various forums about his desire to sodomize ladyboys. (2) Tranny Featherston used to describe his meth addiction on Moot Stormfront. (3) Tranny Featherston is very chummy with Daryl Lamont Jenkins and friends. Just browse the Moot Stormfront archives. (4) Tranny Featherston’s famous encounter with law enforcement is described blow. (5) Tranny Featherston’s criminal record is why he used to cry about his inability to get a job at McDonald’s. Caller draws light sentence in Palo Alto JCC case http://www.jweekly.com/article/full/12948/caller-draws-light-sentence-in-palo-alto-jcc-case/ “A former security guard who placed harassing calls to the Jewish Community Center in Palo Alto last summer has been found guilty of seven felony counts, but he received a light sentence: five years probation. Kevin Riley O’Keeffe, 29, could have faced six years in prison for his three calls to the Albert L. Schultz JCC in July and August. Instead, he was given credit for time served. He will be released on or around April 14. On March 30, Santa Clara County Superior Court Judge Charles Hayden found O’Keeffe guilty of three felony counts, although the San Jose resident never explicitly threatened anyone. Hayden admitted anguishing over the ruling. But since O’Keeffe’s calls followed on the heels of explosive anti-Semitic incidents in the Los Angeles, Sacramento and Chicago areas, they effectively comprised a threat, Hayden said. “I am convinced that the people involved were afraid and had cause to be afraid,” Hayden said. The court heard tapes of the calls, in which O’Keeffe praised Hitler and others who have unleashed acts of anti-Semitic violence. “They were pretty disturbing,” said Jonathan Bernstein, director of the Anti-Defamation League ‘s Central Pacific region. While some court-watchers noted that O’Keeffe has spent more time behind bars than many who are charged with acts of physical violence, Bernstein said the nature and timing of the calls demanded an extra layer of caution. “It seems to me like the courts did exactly what they should do,” he said. “His intent was to terrorize an entire community, and that’s got to be taken seriously.” In addition, Deputy District Attorney Aaron Perskey said JCC staff had no way of knowing whether the caller was linked to hate groups—as were people who had participated in attacks like the August shooting at the North Valley Jewish Community Center near Los Angeles. Police traced the calls to a firm that had hired O’Keeffe as a security guard. They subsequently searched his home and found journal entries that extolled violence against Jews and other minorities. They also found a book on how to make bombs and a copy of Hitler’s “Mein Kampf.” O’Keeffe’s lawyer, J.J. Kapp, argued that his client’s calls, however offensive, were protected speech. He asked that the judge reduce the charges to a misdemeanor count for making harassing, rather than threatening, phone calls. Thursday, Hayden denied Kapp’s requested for reduction in his client’s bail, set at $1 million. Perskey praised the ruling, saying O’Keeffe had expressed considerable remorse. He also said O’Keeffe had a history of emotional problems for which he has tried unsuccessfully to obtain treatment.”
Anyone can browse the Moot Stormfront archives. I’m not sure if they are still around, but Tranny Featherston used to hang out there with Daryl Lamont Jenkins all the time, where he used to talk about his meth addiction. Does the charge that I “brag about wanting to have sex with a tranny,” even make sense?!? For one thing, if those were my feelings, don’t you think I’d try to keep them under wraps, rather than than “brag” about it? Seriously? That’s the best lie this dwarf-like buffoon can concoct? Your mental instability is starting to show (again!), “Hunter.” I must have rattled you, LOL.
I really am related to George Wallace. We are kin through my father’s side of the family. It is not really surprising when you consider the fact that I come from the same small town in Barbour County.
Tranny Featherston used to write about this all the time on Stumble Inn and The Phora. I remember him being quite open about his attraction to ladyboys.
Dude, you are the obese fatass here. I was overweight a year ago due to my lack of exercise, but I lost virtually all that weight a long time ago. I started hitting the gym on a daily basis last February - about a year and a half ago now.
Those who want to see what Kevin O’Keefe looks like can find him on Facebook. Just think loser and your will have an accurate mental image of this bisexual slob who lives in California.
Why would I need to make up lies about you? The truth is more damaging than any lie I could possibly come up with. In no particular order, you are/were a meth addict, you are married to a fat woman, you used to hang out on Moot Stormfront with your buddy Daryl Lamont Jenkins, you boast on the internet about your attraction to ladyboys, you used to cry about how you couldn’t get a job working at McDonald’s, you are a nutjob who has felonies on your record for harassing that Jewish center, you used to cry into your beer on the internet about how you don’t have any friends in your community. I remember when you used to ramble on the internet while you were doing meth. Around here meth addicts are synonymous with white trash. But how should we describe you? The white trash actually looks dignified and respectable when compared to your meth induced confessions of romancing ladyboys. Tranny Featherston would at least be a finalist in World’s Biggest Loser 2011. 300
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 09:27 | # Tranny Featherston is a bonehead in the same mold as criminals who throw cement blocks into plexi glass that bounces back and knocks them unconscious. He is an embarrassment to his own family. Dad of ALSJCC hate-call suspect ‘could see it coming http://www.jweekly.com/article/full/11441/dad-of-alsjcc-hate-call-suspect-could-see-it-coming/
“As his parent, I feel some obligation to express remorse and an apology about this,” said Michael O’Keeffe, whose son, Kevin Riley O’Keeffe, was arrested last Friday on charges related to leaving three threatening phone messages over the past two months. The arraignment was set for Wednesday. “I could see it coming. There were definite signs,” his father said Wednesday. “My son was making a lot of statements about minority groups and he had mentioned Jews in particular a couple of times.” The senior O’Keeffe, a maintenance mechanic in San Jose, said his politically conservative son believed many “liberal agendas are sponsored by Jews.” The third call for which Kevin O’Keeffe is charged was received Wednesday of last week at the Albert L. Schultz Jewish Community Center in Palo Alto. The call hailed the shooting at an L.A.-area JCC the day before. Still, even with O’Keeffe in custody, ALSJCC officials are moving forward with plans to beef up security. “It’s not something that’s going to become a temporary measure, but something that will become ongoing and permanent,” said Sanford Blovad, the center’s executive director. He described the security push as responding in equal measure to the JCC shooting and the hate calls. The center is characterized by open, accessible spaces that will need to be closed off, Blovad said. The ALSJCC leases its space from the city of Palo Alto and has begun meeting with city officials to discuss options. At recent open membership meetings, security has been a central topic of discussion. “The essential element woven through is that security has to go to the front burner and remain on the front burner,” Blovad said. “People are very saddened by it, but it’s a direct reflection of our society as a whole.” O’Keeffe was taken into custody while on duty at Affymax Research Institute in Santa Clara last week. Several hours later, officers searched the 28-year-old’s San Jose home. According to Lieutenant Alana Forrest, police found “hate literature, several books, magazines, pamphlets, stickers, all regarding the National Alliance or the National Vanguard,” a fast-growing neo-Nazi group and its publication, respectively. O’Keeffe was charged with three misdemeanor counts of threatening phone calls, two felony counts of terrorist threats and one felony count of a civil rights violation. Investigators were able to catch O’Keeffe through Pacific Bell phone records. The ALSJCC contacted the phone company to have the threatening calls traced. The calls caused “considerable stress,” Blovad said. “The damage he did was psychological more than anything.” Each of the three calls was left on the ALSJCC’s answering machine after the receptionist left in the evening and before she arrived the next morning. On advice of the district attorney, Blovad could not disclose the exact nature of the calls but said “they were clearly hatred against the Jews.” The suspect’s father said he is bothered by his son’s actions. “People, I think, would naturally assume I have similar views,” he said. “My views are totally the opposite.” Michael O’Keeffe said his son had expressed some remorse for his actions since being arrested. “He seems to be remorseful that he made threats. He said he would never really hurt anyone. He said he still has a lot of ill feelings about certain groups.” Earlier this year, a swastika was painted on the Palo Alto institution. No one has been arrested in that case. Meanwhile, a threatening phone call was made on July 14 to Keddem Congregation, a Reconstructionist synagogue in Palo Alto. Forrest said police are trying to determine whether O’Keeffe made that call as well. 301
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 09:42 | # I’m trying not to piss myself laughing at that particular act of bonehead WN stupidity - Kevin’s Der Untergang. It has been a long time since that old story came to mind. Tranny Featherston singlehandedly ruined his own life out of sheer stupidity. You mean they fucking had caller id? You mean they recorded him on an answering machine? LMAO. It was all downhill from there - depression, obesity, hair loss, meth addiction, ladyboys, the clown culture of Neo-Nazism, unemployment, total isolation, no friends, hanging out with Daryl Lamont Jenkins, a precipitous decline into total loserdom and online existence. The only thing that really surprises me is that Tranny Featherston isn’t on the Morris Dees circuit of racial redemption like that idiot from Indiana who covered himself in tattoos in MSNBC’s “Erasing Hate.” Not yet. 302
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 09:58 | # I might add, a philosophy based on an atheist foundation is sure to fail. It’s a waste of time. (THORN) The time is ripe to articulate a Southern version of conservatism that is pro-White, pro-Christian, pro-American, pro-republican ... that addresses real perceived grievances like affirmative action, multiculturalism, immigration, crime, our declining standard of living, the centralization of power in Washington, our despoiled culture, our insane trade policies, mainstream media bias, etc. (HUNTER WALLACE) Thorn and Hunter Wallace, Yes, I agree so strongly that I am now formally studying Catholic Doctrine in a reasonably prestigious grad program specifically to follow through on my long-stated intention to ‘harmonize’ WP (white preservationism) with Christianity. I have for as long as I can remember been bothered by the way liberals have so thoroughly hoodwinked Christians on the issue of race - as though to be a good Christian one must pretend that black crime is nonexistent, that most terrorists are not Muslims, that most illegal aliens are not Mexicans, that scientifically established differences between the races which have social policy implications must be suppressed, that preserving your own nation in the face of demographic inundation is somehow unethical, etc etc etc ad freaking nauseam. It’s really pathetic the way ordinary Christians go along with this nonsense, though it’s despicable for those who know better but refuse to speak openly out of cowardice or malice (isn’t one of the names of the devil “Prince of Lies”?). The problem, however, is that though there is nothing objectionable about a responsible race realism as well as white preservationism (nb, one could hypothetically be a race-realist without caring about WP) - indeed I think racial truth-telling, at least when the stakes are important, is actually morally mandatory for Christians - it must be admitted that there really are genuinely evil (as well as nutty) people out there who do disproportionately gravitate to things pro-white. Hitler and his henchmen were real people, and, though I admit that it would have been better for Western Civ, and even the cause of ethno-neutral morality, for them to have won the land war in Europe, at least as against the alternative of handing over the East to the verminous Bolsheviks, that does not mean that the Nazis were good, Godly people from our Christian standpoint. They were not. [Few anywhere seem to be able to understand my position on all this: Hitler was objectively evil, but it would have been better had he won the war in Europe. Had it been his regime that faced us in the Cold War, instead of the Soviets, it would have shifted the whole racial-ideological spectrum to the Right, and WC and the white race would not now be in imminent danger of extinction.] But even apart from the normal desire of Christians to wish to associate with other ethical persons, WN extremism is, purely from a coldly amoral perspective, extremely stupid, especially in the USA, but I think probably everywhere. Instead of trying to inject profoundly psychologically alien (to whites) doctrines like Nazism back into the Western political bloodstream, failing thereby to recognize the highly historically specific circumstances that narrowly enabled the triumph of Nazism in Germany in the first place, wouldn’t it be smarter - again, forget ethics, this is Machiavelli speaking - to try to reconnect the white masses with their historic, millennia-old Christian roots, the metaphysical system in place when global white power and influence reached their greatest extent, and then show that contemporary “PC Christianity” is a doctrinal aberration, a “Devil’s bargain” with secular (really, unchristian) liberalism, and that humane measures to preserve WC and the white race are perfectly consonant (as they are, and as I will one day intellectually demonstrate them to be) with the historic faith? If nothing else, the long failure of WN to gain any traction anywhere (even as huge numbers of whites, perhaps even majorities in some countries, are aghast at immigration/multiculturalism and the unprecedented problems they bring) suggests that the psychological leap from everyday diversitarian propaganda to WN is just too great for most people, and that either objective circumstances will have to get literally unimaginably worse (eg, negroid flash-riots in a hundred US cities - or a thousand), or even the most ruthless neo-Nazi will have to accept that there must be a series of progressively more radical ‘bridge-ideologies’ for whites to walk across before they will be conditioned to accept WN. I am making an empirical claim, but I see no evidence undermining it. 303
Posted by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 10:44 | # Yes, well “Hunter,” I already admitted that I did something very foolish twelve years ago, so you’re not exactly breaking any new ground there. But you are revealing the nature of your pathetic character. I mean, would a decent person post all that material, in order to to harm the interests of someone as pathetic as you claim to believe I am? Of course no decent person would ever do anything remotely like that, so the only possible conclusions are A) you are NOT a decent person, or B) you were lying about how pathetic you claim to believe I am (in which case, “A” sort of winds up applying anyway, LOL). You’re so cluelessly alienated from any conventional notion of decent human behavior, that you might as well be a sociopath, or suffering from some debilitating case of autism. Obviously (to any normal person), anyone who has a shred of human decency would respond to someone as pathetic & unfortunate as you claim to believe me to be, by simply ignoring me, and otherwise writing me off as a very sad case. The fact you need to answer my charges in the most vicious way you can possibly manage to think of doing, and include a lot of ridiculous lies about “lady boys” and other weirdness, is a magnificent illustration of the horrible, amoral, disgusting piece of shit that you invariably manifest as. I wanted to reveal the sordid and ugly nature of your character to as many people here as possible, and you have done my work far better than I could ever hope to do have done by merely asserting the truth about you. Thank you for showing the world the kind of person you, tragically and revoltingly, are. How anyone could read your last few posts, and not experience nausea at the very thought someone like you actually exists, well, frankly I can not imagine it. I knew it would be very, VERY easy to bait you into revealing the hideous, vindictive, slanderous nature of your character, and you indeed fell right into it. All I needed to do was make a few schoolboy cracks about your admittedly very unfortunate physical appearance, and voila, instant self-defamation. I’m surprised you didn’t post a bunch of links to my wife’s Facebook page (because as we both now, you like doing that very much). PS: I really loved the way that you listed “baldness” as among my myriad assemblage of vile traits (yet oddly neglected to mention pedophilia). I’m a 41-year old man who’s father and both grandfathers went bald. Baldness was sort of always in the cards for me, and the idea that it bothers me, well…let’s just say that is the way I would expect a bitchy little man-child like you to think. 304
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 11:26 | #
I’m still laughing as I walk around my house imagining the embarrassment Tranny Featherston must have caused to O’Keefe Senior. Quite honestly, I hadn’t given any thought to you in several years now. From my perspective, you manifested on this website and started attacking me, and when I responded you started whining and crying about my lack of moral decency. Actually, I was perfectly content to leave you alone. Maybe you should be ashamed for letting down your own family? 305
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 12:27 | # Mr. O’Keefe, I think baldness goes genetically through the mother’s side. I hate that, as my dad in his 80s still has a decent head of hair, as do my mother and sisters. Alas, my mom’s brother went bald in his 20s I’m told, and I, in my 40s, am getting there pretty quickly. Soon, I shall have to start close-shaving my head, which then will mean everyone will start identifying me as a middle-aged skinhead, which I’m not. I have a neo-Naziish friend who says I should go for that look, but he has his own agenda. Oh well. I’m not really sensitive about personal appearance, at least re the baldness, though it is annoying that we live in such an effeminate culture that that kind of thing actually has taken on such greater significance than in the past, especially so now, as society has been multiculturalized, and whites seem to have a greater propensity for baldness than other races (though Jews are even worse, I think). 306
Posted by Cary1 on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 18:53 | # Haller’s suggestion that “...society has been multiculturalized…” was of great interest because we have come to believe that multiculturalism, the step in social organization following “pluralism,” has died for failure to include all demographics and has simply morphed into multiracialism. Thus, we have abandoned referring to multiculturalism, and we now simply refer to the “war of all against all” that is featured by multiracialism. We offer this as a suggestion to move the rhetorical arguments forward to reflect what is really happening. Multiracialism, in our opinion has more explanatory power and scope than multiculturalism, and offers leverage in opposing tax increases, progressive initiatives, and other social programs that disproportionately favor demographic groups other than our own. For readers with an interest in the progression, it is that pluralism destroyed social unity as a goal, and then morphed into multiculturalism which was a fraud anyway. Multiculturalism has now morphed into multiracialism which is extremely likely to morph into multinationalism, which should gladden the hearts of the declining number of advocates of WN. Who knows? It could happen as part of the great unfolding of pluralism. 307
Posted by Greg Johnson on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 19:18 | # “Hunter Wallace” is a world champion liar, but he is also sociopathic (so promises of confidentiality mean nothing to him) and mentally ill, so he can’t really control what his tiny sausage links clack out. So if you can bait him into an online meltdown, eventually important truths come out. For instance: “Hunter Wallace” sez:
Of course nothing “Hunter” says should be taken as true without verification. But this particular claim has been admitted to by John Gardner on the super-secret CMS discussion board. So “Hunter,” is it your contention that John Gardner and Sam Dickson employed you BECUASE of your reputation as a hacker and phisher? Do you mean that they actually knew what you are, and still entrusted you with access to CMS secrets? Astonishing! Up to this point, Dickson and Gardner always had the defense of incompetence. They could simply have claimed that they did not do the basic diligence necessary to determine that you are a treacherous swine. But now we hear that they knew you are a treacherous swine but did not mind. Indeed, they brought you into their confidence BECAUSE of that—all premised on their manic delusions that they can control you. Dickson and Gardner are far bigger fools than I ever expected. If anyone who is reading this has ANY association with these clowns, please, for your own safety, for the safety of your families, your businesses, your seven figure incomes, your political aspirations, EVERYTHING, you have to get away from these dangerous kooks. If you want a definition of moral obscenity, try this: I was fired based on false pretenses, bounced out of CMS based on lies (and not readmitted when the lies were exposed), cheated out of $12,000 in unpaid wages (chump that I was, I thought that that money was as safe as money in the bank; it was my “savings,” which I figured I could access once more pressing movement needs were taken care of), I was slandered as incompetent, lazy, etc. And then the bastards who did this discovered that they needed my help to screw me. But wait! I didn’t work for them anymore. And when I refused to help them screw me, that was twisted into another complaint against me. Enter Fade the Butcher. And by the way: We all know that “Hunter” was never too bright about web security. His vaunted technical skills at recovering CMS’s intellectual property (and gaining access to the IP addresses of everyone who posted to TOQ Online, by the way) amounted to knowing the answer to my password security question: What is your dog’s name? Even Sam Dickson knew that. You see, chump that I was, I did not think I needed to secure the website from my “friends.” I know better now. 308
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 20:11 | #
No, I actually like people. I love my own community. I love my own state. I care about the people who live here. Your buddy Alex Linder is obviously the sociopath here. He has declared war on his own neighbors in the name of Hitlerism.
I’m not sure what John has said. He is right that your mismanagement of the records (i.e., your failure to perform basic data entry tasks as TOQ Editor) was swiftly dealt with after your termination, but I was not the one who performed that task. Unlike you, I have never been in habit of keeping databases of my online contacts.
No. After you were fired, you refused to return the property which didn’t belong to you, and this included the TOQ Online website. You refused to turn over the URLs, the data in the email accounts, the hosting account, etc, etc. Obviously, you were trying to extract as much money out of your former associates as possible. Seeing as how the TOQ Online website didn’t belong to you, I made the moral decision to return it to its proper owners. It was the right thing to do. That’s why I did it.
No, I simply assisted them in recovering access to their own property, which you had stolen. I was raised to believe that stealing from other people is unethical, Greg.
Well, I am sure they would agree it was a foolish decision to trust you with all the CMS data - the data which can be found in Greg’s database. I mean it is obvious that you are on the warpath against them. Unlike you, I don’t have a problem with CMS. They are doing their own thing. Kevin MacDonald does good and useful work. I don’t have a problem with them. By restoring their access to the TOQ Online website and email accounts, I was just helping MacDonald do his job.
This sounds to me like someone who is bitter because he got fired. Hell hath no fury like The Cat Lady scorned. Of course, I witnessed your mental meltdown back in April and May of last year, and I found it highly disturbing that I had so obviously misjudged you. Previously, I had bought into your bullshit that you were just trying to do what was best for the organization and that you wanted to advance the cause. If you seriously believed that, you would have walked away and started your own business. Your actions last year made it plainly clear that you are some kind of financially motivated parasite and when the money stopped flowing into your bank account - when you couldn’t fly on the jet airplane across North America anymore to attend your favorite operas - you declared war on your former associates.
I have an alternative explanation: (1) As has been subsequently made clear, you are utterly unreliable and dangerous. (2) As has been subsequently made clear, you really are financially motivated. (3) As has been subsequently made clear, you lack a moral compass, and have no problem subordinating “the cause” to your own personal financial aggrandizement. (4) As has been subsequently made clear, you were taking TOQ into the bizarre “Counter-Currents” direction, into the realm of literary fascism. (5) As has been subsequently made clear, you were using other people to do your job and were advancing yourself by exploiting others. Just how much money have you made off the White Nationalist movement? I know that you have raised at least $11,000 dollars for Greg Johnson’s lifestyle in San Francisco (one of the most expensive cities in America) with your new thermometer on Counter-Currents.
You don’t sound to me like someone who was screwed over. It sounds to me more like daddy took away Greg’s credit card. This means Greg can’t fly around North America anymore in his jet airplane at the expense of the White Nationalist movement. Greg has suffered a tremendous financial and social blow to his Nietzchean aristocrat status. You’re gonna show them!
If memory serves, it was Greg himself who put his friends in an impossible situation. Greg was terminated on account of his own erratic and irresponsible behavior. It was a roller coaster ride watching it unfold from Virginia. We bent over backwards up there to help Greg save his job. Then it finally became obvious that Greg had lost his mind. I mean ... who calls up their boss and tells them to go to hell and to kiss his ass and that he should have the power to fire them? No employer in America would put up with shit like that! After Greg was fired, he refused to return the property which didn’t belong to him. He considered it his own personal property. How can I describe it? Imagine a manager of Wal-Mart is fired and then proceeds to take over his Wal-Mart store, claims all the property in the Wal-Mart, and forces all the employees in Wal-Mart to choose sides, and to support his “revolutionary” agenda to overthrow the Walton family and install himself in power. That is exactly what Greg Johnson did in April and May 2010 when he had his mental meltdown. It was obvious even to his friends that Greg was in the wrong. Greg was out of control. He could have just walked away at anytime ... and let that be the end of the matter. Greg could have moved on with his own life. Unfortunately, Greg is driven by the sins of pride, envy, sloth, and wrath. He has allowed his own immorality to control his behavior. And so, The Cat Lady’s jihad continues over the $10,000 of White Nationalist money that she is owed. The funniest thing about all this is ... is that Greg had none of these complaints (me being crazy, everyone but Greg being a kook, untrustworthy SPLC spies out to reveal your identity) before the credit card was taken away. I mean it should be obvious to anyone that once the money spigot was turned off Greg changed his tune. That was the cause of his change in tune! That is why he makes up these stories. Greg is just mad because he is owed that $10,000. He already has his hands on $11,000 more dollars at Counter-Currents, but he is owed that $10,000, and he is gonna show them. It is actually depressing to see that many of these “White Nationalist leaders” like Greg Johnson are little more than small time Jimmy Swaggarts with an act that they use to live off the backs of working people. 309
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 20:27 | # These fascists like Greg often like to joke that conservatives care about their money whereas “White Nationalists” care about their race - I have never met anyone with more complaints about their money than Greg Johnson and Michael O’Meara! Gosh, it is hilarious. Greg was given the opportunity to be “spiritual” and reject American materialism ... and he responds by going on a jihad over his money, and by selling “Vanguard” social status for $120 dollars on Counter-Currents. This revolt against the modern world takes VISA, Mastercard, and American Express! 310
Posted by Greg Johnson on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 20:41 | # Keep it up, “Hunter.” The world needs to see what kind of person you are, what kind of person Sam Dickson and John Gardner turned to in their hour of need. A small bit of advice: The Majority Rights readership does not consist of mouth-breathing cretins. So all your dark mutterings about sinister “financial motivations” and nefarious trips on “jet airplanes” are likely to insult the intelligence of the readership here. 311
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 22:01 | #
Sure thing. (1) After you hijacked the TOQ Online website and threw a tantrum about “your money,” I restored their access to their own property, and assisted Kevin MacDonald in doing his new job. It seemed to me like the ethical thing to do. If memory serves, MacDonald was able to publish some of that material and get things rolling at TOQ again. Had I not intervened, I am not sure how long it would have taken them to restore order over there. (2) I don’t have anything against Sam Dickson or John Gardner. I’m perfectly content to work on my own little project here in Alabama. Unlike you, I don’t have a vendetta against CMS. No one who is involved with that organization has anything to fear from me. Far from being a SPLC spy, as you were insinuating last year, I have never taken the slightest interest in the business of other people, and that is clearly reflected in my behavior. (3) As the former Editor of The Occidental Quarterly, you are in possession of this database you keep posting comments about - Greg’s database, which is on Greg’s computer in San Francisco. Would you sell that information for personal profit? Would you sell that information to extract revenge on your former associates? Shit, I don’t know, but given your behavior here I find it a hell of a lot more likely than the preposterous stories you spread around on the internet about me.
Greg, you practically cried in your last post about the $10,000 dollars that you are owed. I could hear the the sins of wrath and sloth welling up in your voice on the other side of North America in the nation of Dixie. Are you going to sit here and say that you are not bitter about money? That you are not financially motivated? Because everyone who knows you knows very well it is a lie ... after hearing about “Greg’s money” for the 10,000x time ... and witnessing Greg’s behavior when the credit card was taken away by daddy. Anyone who is browsing this website can go over to Counter-Currents and see the $11,000 dollars you have raised with your thermometer. You have raised $11,000 dollars from White Nationalists and you are over here throwing a tantrum about another $10,000 that is also “Greg’s money.” Again, I will point to your own comments about this subject. Here’s a question: aren’t we entitled to know just how much money you have made off the White Nationalist movement? Aren’t we entitled to know how you have spent the money? Even the federal government discloses how it spent the “stimulus” money to the public. Where exactly has the Greg Johnson “stimulus package” gone? How is Tim doing these days? I remember when you used to hop scotch across North America to attend your favorite operas via Delta Airlines. You couldn’t write for your own website. You outsourced the editing of your own academic journal. You couldn’t deliver the product on time. You couldn’t even show gratitude and respect to your own employer. Greg got screwed all right by unreasonable standards. He royally screwed himself is what really happened. The Cat Lady got screwed by his own pride and vanity and laziness. You are spiritual. That’s why your residence in Buckhead wasn’t good enough for you. It is why you had to move to San Francisco to live in one of the most expensive cities in America. It is because you are beyond materialism. St. Benedict went to Monte Cassino. St. Francis lost his taste for materialism and preached the Kingdom of Heaven for free. St. Augustine turned his eyes to the City of God. What about Greg? In his revolt against the modern world, Greg Johnson throws a tantrum on the internet over his allowance! 312
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 23:27 | # I just visited countercurrents website. It looks interesting. It was probably inevitable that something like this venture would be formed by someone. I shall be purchasing some of their books. That said, what really strikes me is the bone-deep anti-Christianity of Greg Johnson. Here is a gem: —————————————————————————————————- Greg Johnson Let’s be perfectly clear about something: Collin Cleary’s book is not about White Nationalism. It is not a political book at all. The pagan gods have not been forgotten, and their worship was suppressed for one reason: Christians gained the political power to persecute pagans. The connection between neo-paganism and white racial preservation is simple: Christian values are at the root of our racial decline. If Europeans had never adopted a universalistic religion that preaches the values of the Sermon on the Mount, would European peoples be allowing their nations to be overrun by our racial inferiors in the name of love and charity and inherited guilt? If Europeans had not adopted a religion in which the Jews play a privileged place in the salvation history of mankind, would Jews have any more power over us than they have in India or China today? The reason that so many racialists like William Pierce have reservations about working with Christian believers is that all too many of them think that Christianity is more important than our racial survival, thus when forced to choose between them, they will all say “our race be damned” and turn their coats. And until that point, a large part of their efforts within our camp will be to proselytize for their church and to work to suppress non- and anti-Christian thoughts and discourse through intimidation tactics, darkly muttering that we cannot afford to “antagonize” Christians. This is essentially the rear-guard action of a dying religion which has largely given up on inspiring new people to believe and contents itself instead with creating an atmosphere in which non-believers either remain silent or even pretend to believe in Christianity. The reduction ad absurdum of this path are the right-wing meetings in which rooms that contain a vast majority of atheists, pagans, skeptics, and the merely indifferent bow their heads to appease a tiny minority of Christians who are bound and determined to keep the non-Christians from discovering that they are the majority. Christianity is indeed one of the great historical achievements of our race. But appreciating it as such does not require believing that Christianity is true, any more than does appreciating ancient pagan art and mythology. I believe that Christianity is just a phase our race is going through, much like other religions. Eventually, it will pass away like Mithraism. But we will continue to admire the immense European genius that was mobilized by Christianity throughout its history, just as we wish we could admire all the works of genius from pagan antiquity that the Church did not see fit to save or even actively worked to destroy. ———————————————
But wrt this back and forth between Johnson and Hunter Wallace, and without personally being acquainted with either person or the controversy between them, or caring about it at all, it seems perfectly clear to me that someone like Johnson should never have been editor at TOQ. Christianity is at the heart of Occidental civilization. It is not the whole of it, of course, but it is now impossible to disentangle the historic faith from who we white men have become. Even if Johnson’s atheism is correct (which I strongly doubt), the notion that post-Christian man’s religious impulses can be fulfilled either by a recrudesced paganism, or a defecation of Heideggerian verbosity, is empirically laughable. Western Man, esp in Europe, is now a spiritual orphan, and the result was first, the political religion of communism (a far more Jewish “religion” than Christianity), and now, the post-Marxist turn to the new secular Cult of Diversity. Frankly, the white man does not seem able to handle his spiritual autonomy (divorce from Christ) very well. The Big Picture answer is to racially/ideologically reform the Church, to demonstrate philosophically and theologically that modern liberalism, esp its contemporary diversitarian element, is either incompatible with, or at least not morally mandated by, Christianity (as is, in fact, the case - only fools or ill-wishers equate Christianity with liberalism). Of course, this does not mean that Christianity is compatible with Nazism or extreme racism, either. The West will not be saved (in a secular, racialist sense) except by a return to just such a racially reformed Christianity. Religion motivates great sacrifice. In its absence, as modern Europe testifies, people only care about mundane matters, like their ridiculous state pensions, or what’s on tv. A few men (Johnson’s “aristocrats”, no doubt) may find in them heroic motivations even without supernatural blessings or promptings, but they will always, strictly as a genetic matter, be rarities. The average bloke says “fuck it, too much trouble, what’s for dinner”. History suggests that great secular movements are of the Left. Some may offer the Nazis as a counterexample, but that merely shows historiographical ignorance. The Nazis came to power in very unusual circumstances, and never commanded the allegiance of a majority (and most who supported them did so for very practical reasons far removed from the esoteric beliefs and desires of Himmler and Rosenberg). And the notion that a return to NS is in any remotely foreseeable future is ludicrous. The West will be long demographically overrun before whites turn to Nazism (indeed, Nazi advocacy is more a symbol of desperation and impotence than power). Practical men work with what tools and men they have at hand. Countercurrents is an interesting venture; perhaps I’ll comment from time to time (until I’m banned anyway, which Johnson seems rather quick to do to those who challenge him). But let no one be under any illusion that this type of activity will actually make one iota of difference to the survival or empowerment of whites. Jared Taylor’s work - calmly presenting the facts of race - does advance white survival. So does David Duke’s public activism. So might one day the work of the immigration-reduction organizations, if it finally pays off in legislation. Countercurrents, and the ideology it represents, will always remain a minority pursuit favored by a certain type of intellectual. It has a place in the firmament of the Racial Right, but it will never be dominant pragmatically. What we need to develop is a racialism that is congruent with the basic outlook of the white (American) majority, or at least, majority of conservatives. That outlook is profoundly Christian, and, given the fertility patterns of white Christians v white secularists, is likely to remain so. Basically, then, Countercurrents is just a platform for certain otherwise homeless intellectuals. Contra Hunter, I don’t think there is anything wrong with such persons wanting to get paid for their cogitations, esp when every worthless leftist intellectual has a cushy academic position subsidized by white taxpayers. But Johnson et al (this includes VNN’s Linder et al) should not imagine that they what they are doing is actually advancing white interests in the real world. It isn’t, and never will. We need responsible, normal, mainstream people recognizing that the white race is endangered, and that there are several simple steps we can take to neutralize these threats. You get such persons on your side by demonstrating the fundamental congruence between your views (and character) and their own. To that task, a “North American New Right” is irrelevant. 313
Posted by Greg Johnson on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 00:28 | # Your error, Haller, is the same error of all “mainstreamers”: they think that victory within the existing system and parameters of debate is possible. So all we need to do is sidle up close to the mainstream, grin, say grace, and above all don’t tell too much truth. We can censor and co-opt ourselves to victory. I have more to say about that here: http://www.counter-currents.com/2010/11/white-nationalists-andthe-political-mainstream/ http://www.counter-currents.com/2010/12/why-conservatives-still-cant-win/ http://www.counter-currents.com/2010/11/implicit-whiteness-and-the-republicans/ http://www.counter-currents.com/2010/11/interview-with-greg-johnson/ 314
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 00:54 | #
Yes, it is hilarious. Just what the hell was the previous thousand years of Western civilization then? According to Greg Johnson, St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Augustine - two of the greatest thinkers in the history of our civilization - is the story of our racial decline. Greg is motivated by the sins of pride, wrath, envy, and sloth ... and then blames other people for his unfortunate life situation, which is why I have to respond to Greg every month or so when he has one of his episodes. Did someone stop him from meeting a woman? Getting married? Having children? For a year now, Greg has beaten his little drum about Michael O’Meara’s stipend from The Occidental Quarterly. I have always found myself wondering: shouldn’t a man that old have family to take care of him in his elderly years? Isn’t the family supposed to be your social security? That’s conservatism! Where is the divine O’Meara’s family? His children? His grandchildren? Why can’t they take over him? In a traditional society, your children are supposed to care for you in old age with assistance from your relatives and neighbors. Unfortunately, it seems that Michael O’Meara spent his life being a “revolutionary.” Where are the divine Greg’s children? He obviously has pride and avarice, but he doesn’t have a family. It looks to me like he enjoys misery. That’s what happens when you forsake the gods - whether Christian or Greco-Roman. 315
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 01:16 | #
It’s not a bad thing at all to get paid to be an academic or a journalist. It only becomes problematic when it becomes a game, a way of advancing yourself like a capitalist at the expense of your rivals, a job that is your source of income. In the world of the “White Nationalist movement,” there is a small pool of donors and contributors, and this is exemplified by the neverending Greg Johnson jihad against CMS and The Occidental Quarterly. There is also an extreme overrepresentation of secular intellectuals and atheists and agnostics in the White Nationalist movement. Without a common moral tradition, they end up fighting with each other like sharks over the small pool of resources, and driving away people (the vast majority) who have no desire to plunge into the shark tank. Linder, for example, is constantly attacking Jared Taylor out of financial jealousy. OTOH, Christians share a common moral tradition, so it is always possible to judge and correct bad behavior by appealing to common moral standards. You can say to a Christian, “your pride is clouding your judgment,” and he will think about it and change his ways if he discovers his error. You can’t explain to someone like Greg that his pride, his envy, and his wrath is driving his behavior ... because he only sees his former associates as a target, a group of people to be used and looted to advance himself. 316
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 02:31 | # I’m going to start reading countercurrents more regularly. Interesting stuff. What I said stands, however. When people like Jared Taylor are hounded for their ‘racism’, it is ludicrous to think you can reimagine the whole ideational culture, espouse a ‘metapolitics’, and expect people will go along with it. Your error, Johnson, is in forgetting what I always say about the “ripening harvest / encroaching jungle”. What you are trying to do, even if ultimately effective - something I doubt completely, given your faulty metaphysical basis - will take decades or centuries. The White Awakening. You even scoff, in one of the posts you copied above, at the notion that just presenting the facts of white racial decline will motivate people. Hello? Absolutely correct! (It remains necessary to do so constantly, however, as part of “laying the ground”, so to speak.) Most whites don’t give a damn about racial survival, which is why I advocate White Zion (emigration of WNs to a demographically conquerable sovereign polity) as the realistic last hope for white racial perpetuity (of course, there is still the other issue of protecting the interests of whites stuck in increasingly nonwhite countries; not all white activism has to be a stage on the path to some ultimate utopian endpoint - after all, how many endpoints in politics are ever reached?). You want the White Republic. Actually, so do I, as long as it is understood simply to mean a nation of whites, kept solely white forever, with questions of economic or cultural or religious organization left to evolve in accordance with majority debate and decision. If it means fealty to some weird educational or cultural system opposed to Christianity, or indoctrinating children into pagan or Nazi crap, with a Death Metal soundtrack blaring in the background, then I pass, as would most whites ... (you’ll have to get your sovereign republic, figure out to defend it, and then repopulate it with new generations of whites unaware of the ‘old verities’ ... good luck with that, btw ...). Your error is one of failing to recognize the physical/military dimension. While your NANR collective is twiddling its metapolitical fingers, the colonizers, those who will likely have to be expelled from some geographic area in order to instantiate the White Republic, and who know how to use weapons (and are seemingly lees reluctant to do so than whites), are pouring in by the millions. The title of one of AR’s publications is aptly A Race Against Time (I haven’t read that volume, though I’m a near-original subscriber to AR, and suspect it deals with conquest by immigration + diversitarian ideology). So whatcha gonna do when the white masses are finally metapolitically awakened, and find that they comprise only 20% of adults under 40, maybe across the whole traditionally white world? Do you et al ever contemplate this question? The intelligent approach (and please don’t assume that radicals like you are in any way necessarily better educated, more elite-schooled, more erudite or more intelligent than ‘mainstreamers’ like me) is to focus pro-white efforts on enlarging the circle of anti-immigrationists to the greatest extent. I say, Be Friendly To Everybody! Everybody who can be persuaded, by whatever rhetoric, racial or not, to call for the immigration moratorium. Because unless you stop the hemorrhaging, with each awakened white, you get 2, 3, 10 or more colonizers. Race Against Time. Once we have stopped immigration - a nearly unimaginable victory as things stand - we can always move the racial ‘goal-posts’, and indeed, will find it easier to do so. Understanding this is called ‘wisdom’. This, however, I completely agree with: An afterthought: The depressing truth I am struggling to come to grips with is that our race must be saved in spite of itself, and against its will. No healthy organism needs to be provided with a moral justification for its survival. But white people do. From a biological point of view, this is morbid and decadent. But since we are not in a position to simply remove this weakness, we have to deal with it. That is the most important strategic question. (GREG JOHNSON) It will be much easier to save the race against itself if the traitors have fewer nonwhite allies to call upon than more. It’s very simple. 317
Posted by Greg Johnson on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 05:34 | # Yes and no, Haller, yes and no. Yes on the White Republic and secession. Yes regarding immigration. Stopping or slowing immigration is the most important political reform that we can hope to see progress on in the near future. It is also an issue on which WN publications and individuals such as VDare and AmRen have moved the debate in the right direction. But we have to be honest here. Mainstream immigration reform proposals fall far short of what we need. And there are very few advocates for what we need, and they are very poorly funded. So we have to ask ourselves what is the best use of our limited resources and personnel. How can we get the debate moving in our direction? The worst possible strategy would be for WNs to shut up and blend in with the Tea Party or mainstream immigration people. This is the advice of mainstreamer “Hunter Wallace.” We need to get our distinct message out there. Because if we don’t, nobody else will. We need to work to advance our agenda, not the agenda of the mainstream. Because if we don’t, nobody else will. That means that we need to have people who interface with the mainstream but continually try to pull ideas, people, and money in our direction. We need to always maintain that immigration is about race, not culture or legality. And we need to hold the line on the morality of racial self-preservation. And yes, when you are engaged in such political persuasion, it would be silly to start talking Nietzsche and Black Metal. Maybe you should even grin and say grace. I will forgive such lapses, as long as you advocate our message, not the mainstream’s. If you are good at immigration politics, more power to you. Everyone needs to do what he is best suited to do for the greater good of the race. But immigration reform is not our salvation. It will just give us some extra time. And we could use that time. Because the ultimate roots of our racial decline are not political. They are spiritual, intellectual, and moral, and we will never get ourselves off the road to extinction without grappling with those fundamental metapolitical questions. And dealing honestly with those questions requires courage, because they will ruffle a lot of feathers. We had a great immigration reform bill in 1924. But the Jews worked more than 40 years to lay the metapolitical and political foundations that allowed them to overturn it in 1965. If we pull off another purely political victory in the future but ignore the more fundamental metapolitical questions, our victory will be just as ephemeral. Thanks for quoting my remarks on Christianity. I stand by them still. I too agree that the church needs a new Reformation to bring it back into line with racial reality. But Christians are going to be the ones who have to do it. I will be happy to scourge them relentlessly until they stop trying to shut down criticism of Christianity in our ranks and start working to shut down hatred of white people in Christian churches. 318
Posted by FB on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 06:25 | # I sill laugh when I recall Greg Johnson getting paid to push National Socialism on TOQ. What a fruitcake. You can’t make this stuff up. Thanks to people like this atheist neo-Nazi anti-Christian homosexual, White Nationalism has the potential to reach…00000000000000.1 of White Americans. I can’t really blame Hunter Wallace for leaving this sorry cult of rejects and weirdoes. 319
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 06:36 | # FB, when you decided to pull the plug on Civic Platform, was this motivated by your desire to repudiate your fruitcakeism, atheism, anti-Christianity, homosexuality and neo-Nazism? How much progress have you made since in overcoming those vices? Are you still a fruitcake? Do you still swish? Do you yet reject your (Jewish) Lord and Savior Jesus Christ? Do you still play dress up and offer yourself stiff-arm salutes in the mirror? 320
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 07:08 | # The Wallace/Johnson internut scrum is obviously motivated by a deep sense of personal grievance each holds against the other as 90% of what they say about the other is ad hominem and not a serious critique of the other’s thoughts on matters racial. This point comes into even greater relief when faced with the obvious fact that both Johnson and Wallace don’t value the opinions of those who are not capable of judging their ideas based upon the merits of those ideas and not based upon the personal quality of the individuals who thought of those ideas. Let the ink dry on the divorce papers or get a motel room, ladies. 321
Posted by FB on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 07:43 | # I find your obsession with my insignificant person disturbing. Did my comment re “rejects and weirdoes” along with Hitlerite neo-Nazis who only succeed in frightening normal White people hit a little too close to home, CC? The typical denizen of online WN is a pompous grandiloquent and affected gadfly like you who has exactly ZERO on the ground accomplishments in his own community, but who likes to endlessly regurgitate the same old, same old trivialities he cribbed from his betters on widely unread blogs and fora. 322
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 08:09 | # Not at all, FB. It is just that I find your continuing obsession with policing discussion of Jews on barely read blogs and fora disturbing. Do you have anything of substance to contribute that you didn’t crib from Mein Kampf or anti-Jihadist Jewish writers? 323
Posted by J. M. on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 08:13 | # I’d like to put the following info out, because it may be valuable to some. Hunter Wallace’s close past associate Daryl Basarab (a.k.a. Metal Gear, Kane123123, etc.) was recently, i.e. within the last couple weeks, attempting install malware on people’s computers. He both brazenly modified his Web site to install a key logger, and also sent emails containing similar to various people. I’d provide some evidence of this but the forum thread (The Beer Barrel, dot net) containing that evidence is currently off line. A little history always bears repeating: In late 2007 Hunter Wallace and Daryl Basarab set a trap to phish the passwords of people they pretended to be friendly to, by modifying forum software to write login attempts to a plain text file on their server. One of Hunter Wallace’s parts in the scheme was to invite people who knew & trusted him to join the self-hacked forum, malice aforethought. In the process, several people ended up having their email accounts hijacked and their identities outed. Wallace never did express remorse for his actions despite being caught red handed, nor will he now (just watch). Also, cue in Basarab to tell us that the people whom he recently sent his infected emails to had it coming. You can set your watch by these guys. I’d let it go, but unfortunately these jokers never quit and HW never did promise (ttbomk) to not do it again. Therefore, I say, don’t trust HW as far as you can throw him, stay away from his Web site just to be safe, and be wary of emails coming from strangers. 324
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 08:37 | #
Sure. In 2006 or thereabout, I believe my former associates at “The Phora” stole my own personal website (an early lesson in the inherent untrustworthiness of anonymous people in cyberspace), which had been registered in my name for about five years or so. Later, they banned a bunch of people from that vBulletin forum, published their personal information on the web, and began to harass them in real life by contacting their employers, harassing family members, publishing photographs on the internet without permission, etc.
It’s a funny story. After all, the guy who hacked their forum, who “outed identities,” who hijacked accounts, and tampered with email addresses, who we banned from that website ... that guy, I believe he still posts on their website today, although I haven’t visited it in quite sometime now.
Interesting. I should feel really remorseful toward people who committed a crime and who stole my own personal property. I should apologize to them. I mean ... they were victimized by stealing the intellectual property of another person. Perhaps I should have just filed a lawsuit? It doesn’t matter now. I don’t give a damn about that stupid website. It is just a website. I started another one.
Why does this guy harass you? We both know the answer - it is because you got him fired from his job, you make prank phone calls to his parents, you harassed his sister, you published his personal information to the web, you harass him on other websites, etc. I don’t recall ever doing anything like that. I’m not into 4chan-ism.
Here’s a word of warning for people who might register an account at “The Phora”: the people who run that website have a history of cyberstalking (which is a crime in Alabama and other states), stealing the property of others, collecting and archiving personal information and using it for harassment purposes, harassing people in real life, stalking people who used to post there many years ago. If you want to get involved with 4chan or other groups of bored nihilists who harass other people for the pleasure of doing so, then register an account at “The Phora” or one of those forums in its mold. 325
Posted by J. M. on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 17:17 | # Hunter Wallace a.k.a. Fade the Butcher:
There are clearly times you don’t realize how bad you look. You approved of the new Phora in the beginning (probably thinking it would perish without your supposed personal charm). When you came back and started posting again, you were made a supermoderator (let’s face it, only a fool would have made you administrator) of the new Phora. You were a prolific poster for two years. Do you remember? You made well over ten thousand posts on the Web site that you claim is stolen! Here’s one of your many threads, asking people how they found the place: http://www.thephora.net/forum/showthread.php?t=8468 Of course, as you always do, you eventually flaked out. On the way out the door, you spitefully hard-deleted hundreds of your own posts, ruining dozens of threads. But, heck, that was a classy move compared to the password-phishing shenanigans that you were soon going to cook up with your close associate and currently active malware distributor Daryl Basarab. I have news for you, Hunter: No one stole your Web site. At worst, a couple people that had been your friends picked your garbage and restarted a project that you closed down after maliciously destroying it through multiple faked hackings. They also reused your Web site’s name. You can complain about that if you want I suppose. I imagine that if they could have foreseen the way you were going to act, they most likely would have started a brand new forum under a totally different name. Needless to say, none of this entitled you to phish people’s passwords. There are many more details to this story, but that it a rough but accurate sketch. You flaked out, you abdicated your forum, and then you got butt-hurt, and then you decided to do something underhanded, and caused harm to people who had never dreamed of harming you. You won’t apologize, as I predicted. That’s you. That’s your character. 326
Posted by Chip Farley on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 18:40 | #
Here is another historical tidbit culled from the internet archives to help convince people that Hunter Wallace is a self-admitted disinformation agent!
Posted by J. M. on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 20:18 | # @Chip Farley I strongly advise you against visiting and linking “Free Media Productions dot info”. That is the Web site of Hunter Wallace’s good buddy Daryl Basarab, and recently that Web site was rigged to install a key logger on unsuspecting visitors’ computers. For documentation on this recent incident, visit The Beer Barrel forum: Use Caution Approaching FreeMediaProductions.info Almost four years after being initially busted for phishing passwords, these guys don’t apologize and don’t quit. Basarab’s latest little trick was caught this time around, but next time he might succeed. Unless you wish to risk having your computer infected with malware and your privacy being violated, I suggest you stay clear from Daryl Basarab’s Web site, and just to be safe stay away from Hunter Wallace’s too. 328
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 21:12 | #
You’re confusing me with Kane. Kane has already said that was his idea. He was also the one who did it. That forum also belonged to Daniel Shays. I was just an administrator there who was trying to help out some members you banned. I’ve lost track of what has happened since then. I vaguely get emails about the situation. Basically, what happened is that “The Phora” collects information on its members, then when they get bored, or when some fight happens, they systematically harass people on the internet in real life, and those people retaliate against them, and it is a neverending cycle. There are lots of forums like this in cyberspace: 4chan is another one. Hearing these idiots from The Phora complain about being “victimized” is like hearing Anonymous or 4chan complain about getting hacked.
I’m the one who looks bad here? Well, let’s see: you people committed a crime known as theft. Then you committed another crime which is called “cyberstalking” and another crime which is called sending threatening or harassing communications to a private residence. It’s funny because one of your most prominent members is none other than Tranny Featherston. Yes, Tranny Featherston has a criminal record - three felonies, I believe - and has went to prison for sending harassing communications to others.
No, it isn’t. You seem to believe the effect that you describe doesn’t have a cause. In my case, I was the founder of that website called “The Phora.” I owned that website for five years. It was my personal property. So what happened? How did I end up banned from my own website? If you check the database, you will see that I was the first member. Oh wait, it was stolen, right? You stole my website and banned me from it. I am supposed to be happy about that, right? I am supposed to apologize to you for committing a crime and stealing my property.
(1) First, I was the founder of The Phora. (2) Second, I owned that domain name for over five years. (3) Third, I owned that database as well. It was my property which I paid for with my money. (4) Fourth, it was physically stolen from my possession by the people who are now running that website. I believe that is called a crime, right? Theft?
The clownish hacking mysteriously stopped when I left The Phora. The clownish theatrics of The Phora and its incestuous offspring (like notifying the host to get the website shutdown for TOS violation) stopped when I stopped associating with you people. My website Occidental Dissent has been online continuously for years now. My archives go back to 2008. I have the archives which go back to 2007, but I am too lazy to upload them to my WordPress blog. OTOH, the stupidity that consumed The Phora when I was there, namely the food fights, the harassment of other people, getting the host to shutdown the account, it has all continued because the same people who were doing it before are still there now.
In 2005, “The Phora” administrators registered a domain name called “The Phora” (the equivalent of registering, say, “CNN.net” or “FoxNews.us”) and then proceeded to take possession of my database with all its information it, and anointed themselves the new owners of my property. But wait ... who was the owner of The Phora domain name? Who was the owner of the database which was stolen? It was me, right? I was the owner, right? Suppose someone registered “MajorityRights.us” and stole a copy of the MajorityRights database. Then announced that they were the owners!
I was under the naive impression that a bunch of my friends were just helping out to keep things going at the time ... little did I know just how woefully I had misjudged people on the internet. I mean ... I had ran that website (built it up through my own effort, paid for it with my own money) for the enjoyment of everyone and I just wanted to see the project continue. It never occurred to me that I was simply being used by people who had conspired among themselves to steal my property. I had never been robbed before. I was a naive college student. So it was a new experience. Robbery. Theft. Stealing.
Yes, I was just doing my part to help things get back in order, as always, trying to do what’s best for the team. After I assisted The Phora administrators in rebuilding the forum, they had no use for me, and then I was “banned” from my own forum. So yeah, I was a conned. I was sucked by you people into helping you. But I learned an important moral lesson from the experience.
Yes, I sure did. I was under the impression that “The Phora” collectively belonged to its members. I mean ... that is what you kept telling everyone at the time. You were just trying to keep things going. Thus, I didn’t really care who “owned” the website, which was a mere legal technicality. The only thing that really mattered was a good debate forum. Of course, as the silliness of subsequent years demonstrated, “administrator status” on The Phora is synonymous with being on a power trip for its new owners. And so, The Phora is more or less the same group of people it was half a decade ago, minus a ton of them who have left over the years, and now it is not even a really interesting place to read anymore. Because the administrators there are on a power trip, and because so many of them don’t know a damn thing to write anything original, their forum grows in number of posts while declining in terms of its real membership and the quality of its posters. Half a decade ago, The Phora was one of the most interesting sites on the internet, but now it is a complete backwater like “Stumble Inn” and “Beer Barrel.” No one cares about any of those sites anymore.
As the owner of The Phora, I could do whatever I want with my own intellectual property. If I wanted to, I could sell this house, but I have no interest in doing so. As for the present incarnation of The Phora, which I stopped reading a long time ago, last time I checked it just seemed to be idling, stuck in first gear, with more or less the same dwindling handful of people that were there several years ago. The Phora isn’t worth the time it takes to read it anymore.
Why does Daryl harass you? I’ve never had a problem with Daryl. He doesn’t bother me. Why does he attack your website? Frankly, I don’t follow what goes on at your website anymore, and I occasionally only get emails about what happens there. From the emails I have received, I have discerned that The Phora (having not grown in years) has evolved into something like 4chan, and the bored idiots there (many of them at least) spend their time harassing former members and engaging in cyberstalking (like you are doing here), and this causes the predictable blowback for you website. I mean ... when you get someone fired from their job, when you engage in cyberstalking, when you publish private information to the internet with malicious intent, when you start sending harassing communications to their family members like someone’s parents and sister ... then that person has an understandable reason to fight back against you. Of course the root cause of this is cyberstalking and harassment - your own immoral and illegal behavior. Should this surprise anyone? You got Tranny Featherston as one of your “moderators” or something - someone who has committed felonies and went to prison for just that behavior representing you in public.
Really? So you what you are telling me here is that you bought my intellectual property when I had paid for with my own money? I signed a contract with you that gave you legal rights to my property? Really? When did that happen? What do you suppose a court would say about that?
I’ve never had any problems with “hackings” or “TOS violations” or other such nonsense at Occidental Dissent. The problem that I had was specifically that I was involved with The Phora. To this day, crap like that happens all the time with “The Phora,” “The Beer Barrel,” and “Stumble Inn” which are knocked offline all the time by stuff like that. Let’s get our history straight: you people physically stole my intellectual property which I had a legal title to and then mysteriously banned me from my own website. In other words, you committed a crime in the United States, which I could have sued you for had I chosen to do so.
You stole my domain name which I owned. Could I steal the domain name of the New York Times if I wanted to do so? Probably. I would get away with it until I was sued by the New York Times.
Perhaps I should sue the owners of The Phora after all? Quite honestly, I have always thought it wasn’t worth the trouble, as The Phora is a worthless, stagnating website these days, which isn’t worth the time to read. But ... if you are going to continue to cyberstalk me and libel me, then perhaps I should consult my attorney after all and file a lawsuit in the State of Alabama? I’m quite familiar with our court system here too. Alabama is a pro-business state now. Property theft is taken very seriously around here.
The story is essentially this: the people who now run “The Phora” physically stole my legal property in 2005/2006, destroyed a previously interesting forum (which no one reads anymore), and after boredom set in over there, moved on to 4chan-style cyberstalking and sending threatening communications to private residences for lack of any better thing to do.
LMAO. They never dreamed of harming me! How interesting ... you engage in theft and cyberstalking and harassment at private residences, all three of which are serious crimes, and then you come here and laughably claim that I should apologize to you, and that you have been “victimized.” I told Kane that he should consult a lawyer because cyberstalking is a crime in Pennsylvania and Alabama. That would certainly put an end to that silliness over there once and for all.
I’m supposed to apologize to someone who stole my property? That’s the dumbest moral argument I ever heard. Someone gets robbed and then harassed for years by a bunch of clowns on the internet ... and that person is supposed to apologize to the people who picked his pocket? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ten_Commandments “Neither shall you steal.” Look, God himself has judged your character: “thou shall not steal.” That was included by God himself in the Ten Commandments. 329
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 21:27 | #
I don’t have a problem with Daryl. Not once has Daryl ever bothered me or harassed me at Occidental Dissent. The only reason he attacks you people (this has been going on back and forth for 3 or 4 years now) is because of your own cyberstalking and harassment ... pretty much what you are doing here now. You forgot to include the part about harassing Daryl at his workplace, contacting his parents via the telephone, sending threatening communications to his sister, cyberstalking him across the internet, publishing private personal information with malicious intent into Google search results, years of harassment, etc. Notice you didn’t include the part about cyberstalking me or stealing my propery either. That was also omitted from your narrative. This is like 4chan complaining about being victimized. Are you kidding? The only reason that you have this problem (a morass that I wisely extracted myself from many years ago) is because of the clownish behavior of your own members who are constantly engaged in this silliness out of boredom. Once again, The Phora and related sites has this problem, and it is hardly my fault. I haven’t bothered with you people in years now. I’ve left you alone to rot in obscurity. I don’t want to be involved with your clown forum anymore. Sure, you people stole my website, but I created a better one. I don’t even read your site because it isn’t worth the time it takes to do so. I lost interest in you a long time ago. 330
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 21:52 | # Just out of curiosity, I took a glance over at The Phora. I can’t remember the last time I took a look around over there. Here is Tranny Featherston:
Maybe The Phora plunged into decline for a reason? It was a pretty interesting spot on the web from 2001 to 2006. Now it is an incestuous backwater like Stumble Inn and Beer Barrel. The forum is dying under “Stan” and “Overwatch.” Just how did “Overwatch” end up in control over there? Is he talented or something? Do you mean that “Stan” and “Overwatch” are still in control of The Phora because they stole the website? Do you mean the website has declined because they banned and/or drove off most of the interesting posters? 331
Posted by Savrola on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 00:21 | # When Brad has entered the august halls of congress, the Phora scandal, its origins having grown even more obscure with the passage of time, will still haunt him. 332
Posted by Savrola on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 00:29 | # The best thing, Fade and a number of other Internut writers in this sphere could do for their cause is to quit and go into some other line of work. Fade would undoubtedly make a pretty good congressional aide if anyone would hire him. Blowing congressmen isn’t hard to learn. Greg Johnson at least does translations and has a number of interesting writers producing interesting and original content, instead of beating dead horses (like bra) 333
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 00:47 | #
No, it won’t. (1) If memory serves, I was the owner of The Phora for five years. Then a group of people stole my personal property. They committed a crime. (2) After I left The Phora, it began its long term decline as a discussion forum. The current administrators took over, banned a bunch of people, and the website started to stagnate. (3) As often happens on the internet, boredom breeds mischief. And so, a year after I had left The Phora, it had become a clown forum like Stumble Inn where various people were fighting with each other and cyberstalking each other for their own amusement instead of debating the issues of the day. In essence, The Phora had started to become more like 4chan under “Overwatch.” (4) The fighting that happened at “The Lyceum” between Kane and The Phora ... it never stopped, and it has continued to this day, because the two parties have been harassing each other for years. (5) This has nothing to do with me. It has gone on for years (long after I ceased to have any involvement with those people) because it is nothing but a declining incestuous groups of forums which are expiring in silly little personality conflicts and cyberstalking because the people who write there have nothing better to do with their time. 334
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 00:59 | #
You have me confused me with someone else. I’m not a “White Nationalist.” I am not involved in your “sphere of work.” Also, I not going anywhere, especially when these stupid little clown forums are on their deathbed.
I’m working on something of far more lasting significance (i.e., scientific research) than being a political prostitute for some silly congressman.
Recycling the European neo-fascism of the 1970s and 1980s is hardly original work. No one here cares about Greg’s fascist bookmarks. My wager is that they do care about their businesses, their life savings, their careers, and their own physical security. 335
Posted by J. M. on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 02:15 | #
You wish! Fact: You were part of the same plot to phish passwords. You undeniably knew what was happening, and you warned no one. In fact, you tried to maximize the number of people drawn into the trap. You wanted it to happen. You encouraged it to happen. As a result, the privacy of many was violated and names were publicized. Your share of the culpability is as great as anyone else’s. Why don’t you quit being a pussy and own up.
No, in 2005 some people wanted to continue the forum that at the time you didn’t want to continue, and you chose to allow it. In a nutshell, they convinced you to allow them to take over and revive the forum from nothing except a registered membership. That’s not theft; that’s taking the initiative that you no longer wanted to take, and protecting the database from the hacking that you couldn’t refrain from.
Oh yeah, the valuable Phora database of 2005! After whatever number of years (five?) that it was under your control, how many posts did that database contain? Zip! Nada! Zilch! How many hours did contributors spend writing the posts that you lost over those years? It’s pretty certain, in retrospect, that you deleted those posts deliberately in fits of rage. Why exactly were you spending your money on something that you can’t refrain from destroying? (You might wish to talk to a mental health professional about that.) Even assuming the destruction wasn’t deliberate, your gross negligence alone more than offset the dollars that you contributed.
No, rather the opposite. The hacking unmysteriously stopped in Aug. 2005 before you left the Phora (for good). It stopped due to the change in management. The problems started again after you left in 2007, when your crew phished a few passwords, hijacked some staff accounts and wreaked some minor mischief.
You made almost eleven thousand generally constructive posts on the current incarnation of the Phora, which you now claim was stolen from you. If the founder of CNN or Fox actively contributed to a similar degree on “CNN.net” or “FoxNews.us”, then I’d say to him exactly what I’m saying to you: Your claim of theft is refuted by your own behavior!
That’s breathtakingly ironic and chutzpathic! Please tell us more.
This is utterly hilarious! Given your militant atheism and ideological flipfloppery over the years, I pray I might be excused for doubting the sincerity of your newly found Christian faith. I sincerely hope it helps you, but your presumption that you now can know God’s judgment is not a hopeful sign. What next, are you going to cite the Bible to argue that your perfidious password phishing activity was divinely sanctioned? You are truly a risible man. 336
Posted by Savrola on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 03:06 | # Actually, Brad, the Phora was always a joke. Under you. Since the beginning. The only thing you’ve ever been good at is arguing with people on the Internet. At everything else you’re second rate. You have to understand Brad, that I’m not a Johnson-partisan. He too is second rate, but he plays his hand far better than you do. You’re doing the same thing James Mason was doing in the 1980s, though somehow I doubt anyone is going to publish any compilation of your works, in twenty years. Get a job. Marry a fat single mother a few years younger than yourself. You’re not meant for greatness, or capable of anything of import. 337
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 03:41 | #
This is false. (1) I was never the owner of The Lyceum. (2) It is true that I was an administrator there. (3) It was Kane and Daniel Shays who “phished passwords” in order to keep tabs on you people. Again, Kane himself has already explained this to you. Now, the real question here is why would Kane do such a thing: the answer, of course, is because of you people were cyberstalking him, and your cyberstalking has continued for years after The Lyceum was closed ages ago, and for years I after I quit reading your website. It is nothing more than clown forum theatrics like 4chan. This shit has gone on for years now. It still goes on because you people are just a bunch of goofballs with nothing better do than to clown around on the internet harassing people.
There was never any “trap.” Kane simply wanted to spy on you people because you were cyberstalking him in real life. That’s why this nonsense has continued for going on three or four years now. It’s not my fault. That’s what happens you engage in cyberstalking.
Wait a minute. If memory serves, wasn’t it you people who started posting private information on the internet, who started cyberstalking others, who started sending threatening messages to people in real life, and harassing their relatives for the pleasure of doing so?
I’m seeing a pattern here. The pattern is this: you people get bored and decide to amuse yourselves by cyberstalking other people, you harass them on other websites, you harass them in real life, in fact you go so far as to break the law (there are state laws against cyberstalking), and then when those you have victimized retaliate against you, you cry yourselves a river on the internet. http://www.haltabuse.org/resources/laws/alabama.shtml Alabama Section 13A-11-8 HARASSMENT.- A person commits the crime of harassment if, with intent to harass, annoy, or alarm another person, he or she either: Strikes, shoves, kicks, or otherwise touches a person or subjects him or her to physical contact. Directs abusive or obscene language or makes an obscene gesture towards another person. For purposes of this section, harassment shall include a threat, verbal or nonverbal, made with the intent to carry out the threat, that would cause a reasonable person who is the target of the threat to fear for his or her safety. Harassment is a Class C misdemeanor. HARASSING COMMUNICATIONS. - A person commits the crime of harassing communications if, with intent to harass or alarm another person, he or she does any of the following: Communicates with a person, anonymously or otherwise, by telephone, telegraph, mail, or any other form of written or electronic communication, in a manner likely to harass or cause alarm. Telephones another person and addresses to or about such other person any lewd or obscene words or language. Nothing in this section shall apply to legitimate business telephone communications. Harassing communications is a Class C misdemeanor.
In 2005, “some people” physically stole my property off my server, which I owned under American law, stole my domain name, which I paid for and registered, and by doing so they committed a crime in the State of Alabama. I never took the matter to court because it frankly wasn’t worth my time. If you continue to cyberstalk me though, I will contact my lawyer.
Hold on. Who owned the database? Who owned “The Phora” domain name? That was me, right? You stole something that belonged to someone else ... and then you laughably claim to have been victimized. So you bozos and clowns come to my fucking website, which I fucking paid for, and then stole it without my authorization, and have the audacity to claim that you have been abused!
Again, wait a minute: what gives you the legal right to steal something that belongs to someone else? That’s a crime, right? Even assuming the destruction wasn’t deliberate, your gross negligence alone more than offset the dollars that you contributed. What gives you the right to steal the property of another person? Isn’t property theft illegal in the United States?
This is a myth. “The Phora” has been taken offline by TOS violations many times since then. It has been hacked many times since then. The same is true of “Beer Barrel” and “Stumble Inn” which have been hacked and/or knocked offline by TOS violations far too many times to count. Ironically, that has never once happened to Occidental Dissent. It continues at The Phora, Beer Barrel, and Stumble Inn because they are all clown forums and like all clown forums idiots waste their time trolling and harassing others and people retaliate by taking the forum down.
As I said above, I was misled into believing that The Phora was the common property of its members, but it didn’t take long to find out that it was the Overwatch Forum and the Stan Forum, and once I helped you fools rebuild the damn thing, you banned me from my own forum! That’s fine. As the Overwatch forum, The Phora is just a backwater. No one reads that place anymore. It has gone into irreversible decline. It is nothing but a spam filter.
Listen. I don’t recall you ever buying The Phora for me. I don’t recall there ever being any contract where I transferred ownership of my property to you. In fact, it looks a lot more like you simply violated my copyright and swiped my database - it looks to me like you committed a crime.
It worked out for the best in the end. I finally learned to keep bothering with you idiots - which saved me years of trouble. You people are obsessed with me, not the other way around. Why is that? Maybe it because your clown forum is a joke that no one reads anymore. It sucks now. It has become an incestuous circle jerk because it hasn’t grown in years. So with nothing better to do, you cyberstalk others and then whine about how you were victimized, after you people have broken various laws in the United States.
“Thou shalt not steal.” I can’t blame you for stealing my website. It is not like you were ever capable of creating your own. You don’t have the talent to create a website or keep it interesting. So you people sit over there on an abortion of mine that I created years ago and have accumulated millions of posts between the same people. 338
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 03:45 | #
Laughs. I will take it as a compliment that I have been judged “insane” by VNN Forum and Counter-Currents and judged “second rate” by “Beer Barrel” and “The Phora.” 339
Posted by Savrola on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 05:01 | # One doesn’t claim to represent the BB, only to have observed your career with considerable apathy, and found it lacking, to say the least. You can’t speak a coherent sentence spontaneously, which precludes the option of hosting a radio show, and you lack any kind of presence for TV, even if you’ve turned your five foot two inch frame into pure muscle. So tell us Brad, about your local activities. On what boards do sit? What literary societies, library councils or party committees do you belong to? What influential citizens do you converse with, and what church do you attend? 340
Posted by abercrombie on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 13:21 | # The only thing you’ve ever been good at is arguing with people on the Internet. At everything else you’re second rate. Laughs. 341
Posted by Chip Farley on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 18:32 | #
The closest he has come was the disastrous one-man protest of R.E.A.L.s Jeffrey Imm. Assuredly this incident shall haunt Hunter Wallace for years to come. (why would anyone follow this winnie-the-pooh looking oaf?): Here are some other picts.: http://i1129.photobucket.com/albums/m511/chipfarley/Miscellaneous One/Brad-White-Nationalist.jpg Here is my favorite pict. from the incident, must see! http://i1129.photobucket.com/albums/m511/chipfarley/Miscellaneous One/fatboycunter.gif 342
Posted by J. M. on Fri, 09 Sep 2011 03:05 | # I have to admit that I am amazed at how incredibly bold and shameless Hunter Wallace’s lies are. It would be really tedious and disrespectful towards MR, I think, to go into a detailed rebuttal of Hunter Wallace’s long-winded mendacities. Therefore I am going to stop addressing Hunter Wallace’s words directly but rather restate what I think are the main important points to take away re Hunter Wallace and his buddy Daryl Basarab. 1. The password phishing incident occurred and Hunter Wallace was an active accomplice. Evidence is here (Hunter Wallace is “Feyd Harkonnen”): http://thephora.net/Prozium.aka.Feyd_degeneracy_archive/ As a result of this activity, the privacy of many was invaded. Email accounts were accessed and in some cases email account passwords were changed. People’s identities became publicly known. The majority of victims had done absolutely no wrong to Hunter Wallace or his associates. The victims were not chosen selectively, but rather indiscriminately. The idea that the victims were generally pursuing a feud or otherwise harassing Hunter Wallace or his associates is a lie. 2. The Phora was not stolen from Hunter Wallace. He closed it down, and then turned it over to others at their request. The database was willingly transferred. A new URL was registered. Hunter Wallace made over ten thousand posts at the “stolen” forum over a two year period before leaving permanently (doing as much damage as he could on the way out). If Hunter Wallace has evidence of any sort of theft, let him provide it. If not, then I honestly believe we can disregard his claims. Furthermore, even if you subscribe to Hunter Wallace’s “theft” claim, nothing entitled Hunter Wallace or his associates to phish passwords. Even if you subscribe to the idea that Hunter Wallace was entitled to phish the passwords of people who had “stolen” the forum, nothing entitled Hunter Wallace or his associates to phish passwords indiscriminately from everyone. Hunter Wallace and Daryl Basarab believe in guilt by association, lumping everyone together who ever posted at the Phora. But really, let’s cut out the BS: The “theft” claim is nothing but a huge straw man intended to distract you from Hunter Wallace’s perfidy and malfeasance. Do not fall for this. 3. Hunter Wallace’s close associate, a partially Jewish, anti-WN communist named Daryl Basarab, is continuing to attempt to invade people’s privacy by attempting to installing malware on people’s computers. Hunter Wallace, as you can see from his own words, attempts to rationalize this criminal behavior. Do not visit Free Media Productions do info, except at your own risk. The reason I am here is to warn you about this very real, ongoing criminal behavior that Hunter Wallace apparently thinks is justified. Do not think that Daryl Basarab does not pose a threat to you all. His infected emails have recently been sent to people who have absolutely nothing to do with the Phora. He should be regarded as liable to attempt to hack anyone’s computer. If Hunter Wallace does not like his slimy history being rehashed then perhaps he will try to talk some sense into his slimy associate Daryl Basarab and tell him to stop his criminal behavior. In my opinion, Hunter Wallace’s excuses for Daryl Basarab are unconscionable. Executive summary The recent behavior of Hunter Wallace’s dear associate Daryl Basarab poses a threat to everyone, especially WNs and those associated with the Phora. Hunter Wallace willingly and knowingly took part in a previous plot to a phish passwords, which is proven by the evidence I provided. He will not apologize for it, as you can see from his own words. It is reasonable to conclude that he would do it again if he could get away with it. Hunter Wallace is not to be trusted with information of a personal nature. Associate with these people at your own risk. You have been warned. 343
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 09 Sep 2011 11:01 | # JM, Any other sites to avoid besides “free media productions” and “the phora”? I have visited the latter, but never registered or posted anything. Is that still a problem? I have visited Occidental Dissent a number of times. Is that a problem, malware-wise? 344
Posted by anon on Fri, 09 Sep 2011 13:25 | # Leon, Hunter Wallace is not after your info. All of his troubles relate to a Jew known as kane, some other phoramites, and Greg Johnson. He doesn’t sit around plotting to hack honest men’s computers. Likewise the phoramites are no danger unless you come to their attention, and then, they’ll just ban you. I’ve been banned there forty or fifty times and never once detected any spyware, etc. Internecine squabble. Don’t involve yourself and the girls won’t involve you. 345
Posted by J. M. on Fri, 09 Sep 2011 17:48 | # Leon, The main risk is Free Media Productions, the Web site of Daryl Basarab a.k.a. Kane. So far no one has detected malware at Occidental Dissent but that doesn’t necessarily mean that Hunter Wallace won’t do something like that in the future. The alert reader will note that, on this very thread, Hunter Wallace condones and rationalizes Basarab’s malware activity. It’s reasonable to conclude he might do the same thing if he thinks he can get away with it. Heck, even caught red-handed he’s liable to lie through his teeth. These guys are utterly shameless, as you can see from their own words. Stay away from Free Media Productions and Occidental Dissent. Also be wary of suspicious emails. Basarab has recently been caught sending infected emails to people who—let me emphasize this—have nothing to do with Basarab’s and Wallace’s feuds. Basarab said that Phora people did it. Basarab is a dauntless liar and his recent activity is definitely criminal. He may end up in prison if he keeps it up. I admit that I would welcome Basarab’s incarceration. The Phora people never phished passwords or tried to installed malware. I believe that it’s completely safe to join and post there. The people who run the Phora are be no means perfect but they are not remotely as malicious as Hunter Wallace or Daryl Basarab. 346
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 01:39 | # The first thing that should be pointed out is that the poster “ixabert” played a special role in deleting data from the phora while it was hacked. Ixabert however was welcomed back, because then he “turned us in” when he, not I, was the one who damaged property. The second thing I will point out is that we use race realism - not the lyceum - to out kristin jemming / starr. Then Daniel Shays and I modified the lyceum. He’s my homeboy. Fade didn’t do much. Ixabert did more. The next thing I will point out is that in 2011 no malware was installed on all of free media productions. It was only injected into posts that were obvious. I made a pop-up that was obvious, because my intention was to SCARE people away. So they go to robert lindsay, they “warn him.” He stops linking to me. I show robert lindsay this: (note that I didn’t link because I want to keep their page rank down) Linsay realize that beer barrel / phora people have been harassing me for 4 years and supports me. And so will anyone else who realizes that. Plus I’m a thug anyways and don’t care if pussies won’t visit my website. http:// beer.weremight.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?47-THE-I-V-LEAGUE
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 02:04 | # The harassment was worse, but I hacked the beer barrell too. And I deleted all their forum, and their games. That little faggot macrobius brought it back, I just hacked it again. If you read the posts from right before I hacked them, they were REALLY REALLY going overboard. I know the politics. I know the inside. Trust me, these people all brought it on themselves. Contact me via mail or personally if you doubt me. I’m not hard to find. 348
Posted by League of Shadows on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 02:16 | # I know Metal Gear/Iceman and can vouch that everything he and Hunter Wallace have said is true. These Phora/StumbleInn/Beer Barrel are scum and deserve everything they get. Also, the character who has commented here on this blog entry by the name “J.M.” is the poster il ragno from the Phora and is in real life the homosexual gossip columnist Micheal Musto. In addition to that, the poster who goes by the name “Jimbo Gomez” on the Phora and who is co-owner of that site works for the Belgian Government, and it is very likely that the entire Phora site is a Belgian-government datamining operation to collect information on people who have radical political persuasions. Already one of their members from Australia is being persecuted for “hate speech” for posts he made on that very site. It’s fairly obvious what that site is really about, if you ask me… 349
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 03:26 | # This is descending into a zoo. Does anyone know wtf is actually going on with this crowd, know who or what to believe? It smacks of disinformation/misinformation, muddying the waters, sowing mistrust. Sounds to me like the best thing with The Phora, Freemedia etc is scorched earth. Close the sites and start all over again, new names, new handles etc etc Then we can see who is acting in good faith. Frankly I dont trust any of these bickering parties, which Im sure is someone’s intention. 350
Posted by anon on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 04:30 | # Well, I’ve lurked all over their forums for years, and basically shut my eyes to the whole affair. I may be utterly wrong but it seems to me to have begun back on VNNF, where kane made his first appearance (?). At the time he annoyed everyone, wasn’t a virus specific to Hunter Wallace, then Fade. It spread to the Phora, Fade’s baby, of which he lost control. I don’t know what happened there. It’s likely he trusted the wrong guy with his password, as Linder did with Bill White, who “stole” the website for some amount of time. I don’t know what to make of it all — and some disinterested party ought to attempt a little history of this grudge match, as it would make amusing reading — but above someone accuses il rango, one of the most lucid anti-semites in the fucking universe, of being that little nerd Michael Musto ... soooo I wouldn’t take their word for much. I don’t know what Metal Gear means, for example, by exposing Starr (annoying old “HitlerGoddess”!) ... the worst I know of her, which I believe was brought to light at the Phora, is that she had been sending personal photos to an Israeli dude. Blah blah blah. There are trustworthy people at Phora who still have links to Hunter Wallace. They aren’t harassed because they aren’t part of the grudge. I maintain it is safe to visit ALL of these sites if one keeps out of it. Another thing: the Hunter Wallace / Greg Johnson dispute is unrelated, it should be clear. I think they were buddies and lived together or something, and became irritated with each other, as happens between friends. Metal Gear, can you briefly explain this? I mean I really don’t know what it’s supposed to be. 351
Posted by anon on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 04:49 | # This stuff is actually frightening to revisit. http://www.vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=49688&page=13 I don’t suppose anyone was there when Subrosa admitted to fingering HG? And look! Dear old apollonian is still around with his precious misspellings: http://beer.weremight.com/forums/showthread.php?7807-One-DAY-s-Worth-of-Basarabic-Troll-Drool/page2
Posted by Lew on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 05:09 | #
I haven’t see IR’s byline for a very long time (since 2004?) but remember him well. Very few have the talent to write with his verve and sparkle, and if he has not been off somewhere doing serious writing then it’s a loss. I posted at the Phora very briefly around 2003/4. It was an interesting but strange place back then. On the one hand, you might find comments from legendary posters with God Tier talent such Wintermute or Anti-Yuppie, both of whom seem to have vanished from the Internet scene. At other times, it resembled The Lord of The Flies. 354
Posted by anon on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 05:40 | # Lew, I just reviewed a few threads on the matter, clarifying points (Metal Gear = kane, of course!), on half a dozen blogs and I am scared witless. But I did spot this:
And it was a fun, carnival atmosphere where anything could be said, and everyone was basically a raging anti-Semite.
Posted by Savrola on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 05:41 | # The principle purpose of Internut forums, like the Phora, and indeed, Majority Rights is to distill an intellectual cocktail, through the meeting of superior minds, which might yet prove lethal to the system in power. Unfortunately, the past decade has proven these bastions of insurgent intellectualism to be failures, largely because the young products of their genuinely intellectual environment have proven unwilling to take up their hammers and stand before their anvils, from thence to forge the next link in the chain of events that will lead to the system’s downfall. Analysis is a waste of time. Discussion of matters not related to immediate action-tactics, rather than strategy-is counterproductive. an analogy comparing Breyvik with Jack the Ripper in Shaw’s thought, regarding the Fabians would be apt. 356
Posted by anon on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 06:28 | # Eh. Intellectual cocktails are good times but, like real cocktails, can leave one with a bad aftertaste to a worse hangover, as anyone who has read these forums will know. Better to be on point time after time, like Svigor, and keep out of the rest. One Svigor is worth a hundred whatevers. 357
Posted by Lew on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 06:51 | # anon, Thanks very much. I scanned it and will take a closer look later. Didn’t realize IR was still active. I quit reading the Phora long before all this shit went down. 358
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 08:03 | #
True. I had the misfortune of coming into contact with Greg Johnson in Summer 2009 after I relaunched Occidental Dissent after a year of relative absence from the internet. This was long after my troubles with The Phora which had evolved into a 4chan-style clown forum like its progeny “Stumble Inn” and “Beer Barrel.” After years of dealing with The Phora/Stumble Inn, Alex Linder/VNN Forum, Harold Covington, and finally Greg Johnson, I decided last year after enough bad experiences that I wanted nothing to do with “White Nationalism” ever again, and left that scene behind for good. Now, I consider myself a Christian and a Southern conservative. In the near future, I will be launching the successor website to Occidental Dissent. 359
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 08:16 | #
When I was the owner of The Phora, it was one of the most interesting and important debate forums on the internet. Virtually all the great posters who were ever commentators there posted there between 2001 and 2006. After Stan and Overwatch took over The Phora, it degenerated into a clown forum like Stumble Inn and Beer Barrel. The only interesting people who still post there are people who joined that forum when I was the owner. The vast majority of them have quit posting there over the past four years. Stan and Overwatch destroyed The Phora. I haven’t been involved with those people in three and a half years now, but they stalk me across the internet to this day. They act like it my fault they ruined the forum which has been under their exclusive control since 2006. In reality, I have nothing to do with their quarrel with Kane/Iceman, which began long after I was banned from my own forum, which was caused by their own cyberstalking and cyberharassment, and which has continued for three years long after the demise of The Lyceum, which existed for less than three months. 360
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 08:41 | #
Truth: There has never been any “malware” at Occidental Dissent. Occidental Dissent has never had this problem. This is nothing more than a private feud between Kane/Iceman and The Phora, which has been raging across the backwaters of the internet for almost four years now, the origins of which can be traced back to The Phora’s own cyberstalking and cyberharassment.
Truth: I understand where Daryl is coming from. You left out the part about getting him fired from his job, harassing his sister who has nothing to do with your website, making harassing phone calls to his private residence, maliciously cooperating with Alex Linder to publish his real name, real telephone number, real address, and real photo into Google search results, in order to damage someone’s career and family life for the pure pleasure of doing so. This is a quarrel between Daryl and The Phora which has been going on for three to four years now and which concerns no one else on the internet.
Truth: How am I lying? The truth is, you stole my database in 2005, violated my copyright, and used my own property as a platform to defame me. Then you engage in serial cyberstalking and after having robbed your former patron laughably claim to have been victimized because I was briefly an administrator on Daryl’s old vBulletin forum. I could have sued you to recover my stolen property and for damages as well ... but it wasn’t worth the trouble, so I just started a new website and forgot about you people.
Truth: That’s because you have been cyberstalking him for over three years now ... just like you are cyberstalking me here. That’s why you have a problem him. No one else has a problem with him.
Truth: The Phora people ... (1) stole my database, (2) violated my copyright, and (3) engage in serial cyberstalking and cyberharassment of former members ... to the point where Tranny Featherston is a moderator on that forum ... someone who has three felonies on his record (see above) and went to prison in 1999 for engaging for making threats against a local Jewish center in San Jose.
Truth: No, it isn’t. (1) First, The Phora has a long history of publishing the private information of its former members ... their personal photos, their real names, their personal addresses, their telephone numbers, etc. In fact, that is the origin of their feud with Kane/Iceman. (2) Second, The Phora has a long history of going beyond outing its former members. It has a history of cyberstalking and cyberharassment ... following banned members to other websites, stalking and harassing them, making harassing phone calls, sending obscene material to private residences, contacting employers to get people fired from their job, harassing unrelated family members on Facebook, etc. (3) Third, The Phora stole my personal property and used it as a platform to defame me, after I had built that forum from nothing over the course of four years. If you want to get involved with the 4chan of White Nationalism, register an account at The Phora. Just don’t be surprised when some troll publishes your real name on the internet, starts harassing your family members, or making phone calls to your boss for lulz.
Truth: This is laughable. (1) First, The Lyceum business was nothing more than one episode in the Kane/Iceman vs. The Phora story arc, which has been going on unabated for three to four years now, long after I ceased to have anything to do with the quarrel. (2) Second, Kane/Iceman himself has taken responsibility for “phishing” your passwords on Daniel Shays forum. So you can quit repeating the lie that it was my doing. (3) Third, every single bit of that was caused by your own cyberstalking and cyberharassment, your systematic violation of his privacy (publishing his real name, telephone number, employer, and address on the internet), which is by far of more concern to anyone who is potentially interested in joining your forum than what you have said here. 361
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 08:59 | #
Truth: This is a private quarrel between Kane/Iceman and The Phora (over the cyberstalking and cyberharassment of the latter) which has been going on for over three years now. It involves and interests no one else but these two parties.
Truth: Kane/Iceman himself has stated that he was the one who “phished” your stupid passwords ... to retaliate against you over your cyberstalking. Insofar as I was involved in that matter, I was briefly an administrator on Kane’s vBulletin forum. Why did I get involved with The Lyceum? It was because ... it was because you people had started to systematically purge The Phora of its veteran members, and being the founder of that website, you know, the person who you stole the database from, the person who you banned from his own forum, the person who you trashed on his own property, I sympathized with the people who you were harassing at the time. Again, I had nothing to do with your cyberstalking and cyberharassment ... you people went down that road long after you stole my property and hijacked the forum. I just thought it was tragic that you were destroying a project which I had spent five years of my time and money creating. I wanted to salvage what I could of that project.
Truth: It is reasonable to conclude that I have moved on with my life and want nothing to do with you people. This is clearly reflected in my behavior - it is you who are obsessed with me, it is you who harasses me, not the other way around. I don’t even read your silly website anymore. I haven’t had anything to do with you people in three and a half years now.
Truth: That’s interesting. Aren’t you the ones who ... (1) Stole my database. (2) Violated my copyright. (3) Engage in cyberstalking and cyberharassment across the internet. (4) Published Kane/Iceman’s real name, his address, his photo, and his telephone number on VNN Forum and on The Phora and elsewhere across the internet. Just for the lulz of doing so. (5) Contacted Kane’s employer to get him fired from his job, systematically harassed him on other websites, made harassing phone calls to his private residence, harassed both his parents and his sister in real life, even though neither had anything to do with your silly website. (6) Signed up my email address on interracial sex and gay porn websites in order to spam my Inbox. (7) Sent black pornography DVDs to my address. So what you are saying here is that I am the one who is not to be trusted? Since when have I ever done anything like that? I’ve never done anything like that ... even to people who stole my own website. 362
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 09:13 | #
Truth: I understand where Daryl is coming from. You have this problem because you engage in systematic cyberstalking of your former members. It is your problem. It was your own actions that brought every bit of this upon you. I’ve never had a problem with Daryl. He doesn’t bother me. Not once has he ever done anything to harm me. You stole my database. You got him fired from his job. Ironically, you come on the internet to laughably claim that you have been “victimized.” The most amazing thing about it is that you seem to really believe your own lies: having stolen my property and used my own property to defame me, and as a platform to cyberstalk and harass other people, you make it sound like your critics are unethical.
Truth: Daryl is a pretty simple guy. He is motivated by revenge. And who can blame him? You got him fired for his job. You published his personal information on the internet. You harass him at his physical residence. You harass his family members ... for the lulz of doing so. Who wouldn’t be pissed by shit like that? No, I don’t blame him for retaliating against you. He should have sued you.
Truth: You make it sound like this is my fault. It is not my fault at all. This happened after you banned me from my own forum. You started harassing people and stalking people ... because you were bored, because your forum degenerated, and there was nothing left to discuss there but soap operas. How are my “excuses” unconscionable? You stole my property, used my property to defame me, and you harass Daryl in his private life, and go beyond harassing him to stalking his family members. I told him months ago to sue you and let the courts sort it out.
Truth: There are two sides to every story. My side of the story is that you stole my database, violated my copyright, banned me from me own forum, defamed me on my own property, and used my property to engage in serial cyberstalking and cyberharassment ... oh, and on top of that, you managed to destroy what was previously one of the best debate forum in cyberspace. 363
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 09:14 | # What does “lulz” stand for? If you want to get involved with the 4chan of White Nationalism, register an account at The Phora. Just don’t be surprised when some troll publishes your real name on the internet (HW) How is this technically possible? If somebody is using a pseudonym (like “Wintermute”, whom I keep hearing about, but whose work I’ve never stumbled across), and registers to participate on a site with that pseudonym, how can the site’s owners access “real world” ID info? Just curious. anon, are the anon from Belize? I repeat what I said a few hundred comments up: all this back and forth discredits WN and anything pro-white more broadly. Regardless of whoever was really at fault, let’s tighten things up, and get the focus back on building the pro-white movement. 364
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 09:35 | #
Truth: It is indisputable that I was the sole owner of The Phora from 2001 until 2005. I was the owner of The Phora for five years. I owned the domain name. I owned the database. The database was on my hosting account, which was my property, which I paid for with my own money. So, the question here is, how exactly did you come to be in possession of my database and domain name, which any court would agree is my property? Did I sell it to you? Did I give it to you? If I sold it to you, then you should be able to purchase the contract fairly easily. If I had given it to you, then surely I wouldn’t be disputing your title here on this website.
Truth: That was not what happened. In Summer 2005, The Phora suffered one of its periodic hacks, which were common in those days. vBulletin forums were notorious for their software vulnerabilities back in those days. After The Phora was knocked offline, I decided to take a vacation from the internet. I left the internet for several months ... this being my property, I could do whatever the hell I wanted with it. During that time, the current owners of The Phora requested a copy of the database from my former webmaster, who naively assumed they were just trying to reconstruct the forum, and they purchased a new domain name and relaunched the forum with my database. When I returned from my vacation, I was surprised to learn what had happened, but I was assured at the time by the present administrators they were just doing what was best for the community, and that everything was fine, and that their new domain name and hosting account was nothing at all to worry about, and that we collectively owned the project.
Truth: Yes, I had been the owner of “The Phora” for four years by that point. I owned the copyright to “The Phora” and the database was my legal property. In much the same way that someone might register, say, “CNN.us” or “MajorityRights.org,” this is how “ThePhora.net” came into existence.
Truth: Like my former webmaster, I was misled into believing that the new administrators were just “old hands” who were continuing my project, and that “we were all a community,” and The Phora “belonged to all its members.” Well, it turned out that the new administrators needed me to help them rebuild The Phora, and after that had been successfully accomplished, they started to systematically ban many of the oldest members, and then finally they asserted their control over the “ThePhora.net” by banning me from my own website. Seeing as how I was the owner of The Phora from 2001 to 2005, I was just like to ask my interlocutor ... where and when did the current administrators of The Phora purchase my trademark? Where and when did they buy my intellectual property? I don’t remember signing any contract with these people. Where is the contract? There was never a contract ... there was never any transfer of ownership ... they simply stole my database, violated by trademark, and pretended to include me in their project ... until they felt confident enough to hijack it altogether.
Truth: After the current administrators of The Phora banned me from the website, it inevitably began to die because I was the one who built it from scratch, and I was the one who had made it into one of the most interesting debate forums on the internet. Well, after I was banned, The Phora began to evolve into a clown forum like “Stumble Inn” and “Speakeasy” and “Beer Barrel” ... the debates stagnated, old members stopped posting, the new members weren’t as high as quality as the old ones ... and so, in order to pass the time, a few members of The Phora started to bully other posters, ban them for the fun of doing so, and finally they started to cyberharass them and cyberstalk them ... 4chan-style. This is how the feud with Kane began. As for “The Lyceum,” it was nothing more than a forum where a lot of the old banned members congregated, and Kane “phished” their passwords to retaliate against them, and this shit has been going on for four years now ... because, because it really has nothing to do with me ... because the two feuding parties are Kane/Iceman and The Phora. I was involved with The Lyceum for a whopping two or three months ... and the only reason I participated in that project was to help the banned members salvage the investment I had made in The Phora over the previous four years. I had invested a ton of money in The Phora and hated to see it decline into irrelevancy. As these things go, The Lyceum was consumed by the Kane/Iceman vs. The Phora feud, and after becoming sick of that fiasco, I resumed blogging and washed my hands of The Phora once and for all. Since then, its decline has accelerated and I stopped reading it years ago, but that doesn’t stop these fools from harassing me and pretending that I am as interested in them as they are as interested in me. I haven’t had anything to do with them in years now. 365
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 09:52 | #
Truth: Shameless lies? Look, if I am lying about you stealing my website, just produce the legal contract where I transferred ownership of my database and trademarked domain name to you, both of which were my legal property under American law. Seeing as how you are unable to produce this contracts, perhaps there is some merit to my recollection of events: you swiped the database off my server, registered a new domain name, and then conned me into believing that you were doing what was best for the community, and then banned me from my own website after I had succeeded in helping you rebuild it. The Phora is just a website. Instead of suing you to regain control of my property, I simply started a new website and moved on with my life. Does that have the ring of truth?
Truth: It was Iceman/Kane who “phished” your stupid passwords. The Lyceum was Daniel Shays website. I wasn’t the owner of that forum. I agreed to help them create an alternative to The Phora after you people had pretty much succeeded in ruining it. I had invested years of my life in The Phora and thousands of dollars in that project. I was simply trying to help some banned members salvage their debate forum which Stan and Overwatch destroyed on their periodic power trips. The Phora is now the Stan forum. The Overwatch forum ... a forum that isn’t worth the time it takes to type in the URL.
Truth: The truth is that this had little to do with me. In fact, this was nothing more than one brief episode in the Iceman/Kane vs. The Phora story arc, which has gone on for almost four years now. It all goes back to your own cyberstalking and cyberharassment - your own “outing” of his real world identity. That is why Iceman/Kane retaliated against you. He would have retaliated against you ... even if I had never had anything to do with The Lyceum. This shit has dragged on years ... long after I extricated myself from it.
Truth: This is false. Iceman/Kane practically begged you to remove his personal information from the internet, to stop harassing him in real life, to stop stalking him on other websites, to just leave him the fuck alone ... but you couldn’t stop harassing him, you even went so far as to harass his parents and sister, and to get him fired from his job! All he has ever done is retaliate against you ... for your own cyberstalking and cyberharassment. Of course if you had simply left the guy alone, it never would have happened. In fact, if you had simply been reasonable, and removed his personal information from the website, that would have been the end of the matter. But no, you insisted on running your forum like 4chan - this is like 4chan crying over being hacked or 4chan crying about “its privacy being violated” or 4chan crying about the abuse suffered by its innocent members. This is the arguably the biggest line of bullshit ever seen on the internet! 366
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 10:19 | # Leon,
It is just short hand for harassing people for the fun and amusement of doing so ... harming other people because it is “fun,” trolling others to cause them mental anguish and economic distress, “4chan-style behavior.” It is quite common on the internet. The trolls from The Phora brought every single bit of this upon themselves by bullying their own members, banning them for cockamamie reasons, and then pursuing them to other websites and into their private lives to harass them for the pleasure of doing so.
It happens all the time. There are websites like 4chan that do this stuff. The “Anonymous” group of hackers is the most well known group. Not too long ago, they hacked the State of Arizona’s website (or something like that) in order to publish documents about SB 1070. In a social media age, it is not really that hard to track down information on people. In Iceman/Kane’s case, he made the mistake of registering a domain name without getting the extra privacy protection, and a few internet sleuths used a WHO IS search to crack his identity. After they got his real name, they used Google queries to find out all sorts of stuff about his real world identity, to harass him in real life, to find his employer. I’m pretty sure they found his sister on Facebook and started harassing his family members that way. Some of them went over to VNN Forum where they got Alex Linder to publish his real world identity. Linder cooperated with them and thus Iceman/Kane found his name linked to the biggest Neo-Nazi forum in cyberspace.
Unfortunately, it does. I spent ten years involved with the “White Nationalist movement” (dealing with these people, then Alex Linder and VNN Forum, then Harold Covington, then Greg Johnson) before I finally realized that I didn’t want to meet anyone else involved with that scene anymore. I’ve had to put up with my former associates at The Phora stealing my property and using it as a platform to defame me, Harold Covington writing a crazy novel about me, Greg Johnson’s financially motivated jihad, and Alex Linder’s attempts to defame me and injure my career as he has already done with Iceman/Kane. My advice to anyone who is “pro-White” is not to touch the “White Nationalist movement” with a fifty foot pole and to steer clear of these websites and to advance the pro-White cause by becoming pillars of respectability within their own communities, doing what they can within their own sphere of influence, and by trying to nudge conservatism in a more racial direction. The White Nationalist movement is infested by fringe elements who will tear down anyone (even Jared Taylor, even Kevin MacDonald, even James Edwards) for the pettiest reasons. If that is not what you bargained for in joining the pro-White cause, then find some other outlet for your energies. 367
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 10:25 | # If you subtract Christianity and conservatism from White Nationalism, this stupid thread is the predictable result. 368
Posted by J. M. on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 12:32 | # Hunter Wallace hopes that the sheer volume of verbiage can cover the truth of his misdeeds like a heavy snowfall might cover the blood at a murder scene. He’s hoping that a vast amount of words will confuse, or bore, people off the scent. Hence he repeats the theft claim six hundred times. My point is simple: Even if there was a theft, it did not entitle Hunter Wallace or his associates to phish passwords indiscriminately from people. That is known as personal betrayal. Hunter Wallace personally betrayed people who knew and trusted him. That can’t be scrubbed out of the narrative regardless of what else happened. It is reasonable to conclude that Hunter Wallace will personally betray anyone at the drop of the hat if he is feeling butt-hurt enough to do so. He will go to any length to justify himself later, as you can see on this very thread. Lurker wrote:
The password phishing incident occurred. No one on either side disputes this. Hunter Wallace argues that he and his associates were justified in phishing everyone’s passwords because of the behavior of some people, who were involved in a feud. In my opinion, the password phishing campaign was not justified. Full stop. That’s the gist of one of a couple main points I wish to assert, and the alert reader will note that ten million “theft” claims don’t refute it. Hunter Wallace betrayed people who had nothing to do with any feud. I’m not sure if I can say it more briefly than that. Hunter Wallace betrays people. There it is, in four words. My second reason for writing is to warn people about Daryl Basarab(“Metal Gear / Iceman” on this thread)‘s recent malware activity. This, too, is directly confirmed by the perp’s own words, as can be seen if one reads carefully. He says that he was trying to scare people away. I hope he gets to tell a judge that story some day. Installing key loggers on people’s computers is a crime, even if those people did wage a feud against you. But as usual the intended victims were not,—repeat, not—part of any feud. Incidentally, I personally am not, was not, and will not be involved with the nastier aspects of this feud. I in no way justify or condone some of the things that were done against Basarab. If I have time later, I will try to sketch the blow-by-blow if anyone is interested. Suffice to say that Basarab has sought to escalate this feud every step of the way. It’s pretty clear he gets off on it. Please, save your tears for someone more deserving than grudge-nursing commie mamzer Basarab. Meanwhile, watch in wonderment as Daryl Basarab (perhaps he should call himself “Metal Tard / Icehat”) himself proceeds to brag about his hacking and malware activity. In other words, he is bragging about being a criminal. This asshat routinely writes many embarrassing things voluntarily, under his own legal name i.e. Daryl Basarab, at his own Web site. So forgive me if I forgo the pity party for Basarab’s employment situation. The fool brings it upon himself.
The Phora is fine for what it is, a laid back discussion forum. The worst thing that the Phora will do to you is waste your time. It’s totally harmless. 369
Posted by anon on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 13:15 | # Leon, Ya mon, ‘tis I. Gave you my e-mail elsewhere, I believe where we wuz discutatin on white zion.
You really are a book guy! Suffice it to say the irreverent halls haunted by this crew are very far from concern for building anything, though Hunter has always made a fine show of it. From the woman thread:
Hoi is the plural article “the” in Greek (sing. ho). So use either the or hoi when referring to the polloi (< polis). My judgment: No one will hack you at the Phora. Neither is Basarab out to get us. Scrooby and NeoNietzsche were / are both at the Phora, they never had any problem. 370
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 14:26 | # Yes, Anon, I can explain that. I went behind the scenes and told them how I annoyed I was, and sent starr probably 200 emails. But instead of listening to me, they just escalated, particularly on the beer barrel which is now used. They like to cover up the evidence by only discussing me in the shoutbox on the phora now. So we hacked stan’s email (we could release it, I have a backup), and got the names of like 6 more people. I told the phora to officially apologize or their prominent members would all be outed. They wouldn’t apologize, so I outed them. You have to understand that just because the phora sweeps the feud under the rug now, they haven’t really stopped it. It’s about destroying evidence, it’s not about genuinely apologizing. 371
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 14:35 | # As far as the job goes, I do believe I would have eventually lost it anyways because the company was failing and the person who managed me disliked. But yes, I do believe I lost it earlier because of people from the internet. It was a combination of the company failing, people from the internet, and a MAJOR ASSHOLE of a boss who was a paranoid asshole even without people like il ragno battering him. 372
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 15:05 | # anon, Glad you’re back (missed the email - sorry). Were you serious re Linder? LH —————————————————————————————————— Hoi polloi Meaning The common masses. Origin This term is of Greek origin and a literal translation from the Greek ?? ?????? is ‘the many’. There are many examples of it in print in its original Greek form, dating back to the 17th century. The earliest known is a 1668 essay by John Dryden - Of dramatick poesie: “If by the people you understand the multitude, the ?? ??????” Many believe that this term was adopted into English by the American writer James Fenimore Cooper. He did use ‘hoi polloi’ in his Gleanings from Europe in 1837, but before then it was in common use by those whom we might expect to have been familiar with classical Greek - scholars of Oxford and Cambridge universities. For instance, the various classes of degree of Cambridge’s Mathematical Tripos were Wranglers and Senior and Junior Optimes (what we would now call First, Second and Third Class), followed by Hoi Polloi - also called Poll Men or Polloi Men. The first record I can find of this in print is from a listing of Cambridge degree awards in The Times, 22nd January 1833. Under a heading of Cambridge List of Honours and Degrees - Mathematical Tripos are listed the names of those who had been awarded various classes, including a rather long list under Hoi Polloi. There are two linguistic points of interest concerning hoi polloi. The first is whether or not to precede it with ‘the’. Some argue that, since ‘hoi’ means ‘the’ in Greek, then ‘the hoi polloi’ translates as ‘the the many’, so we should omit the article and just say ‘hoi polloi’. Others argue that this is merely pedantic, not to say inconsistent with other uses of articles inherited from others languages. For example, alchemist, which comes from the Arabic, where al means the - and yet no one complains that the alchemist is incorrect. Whatever your views on that, it’s a fact that ‘the hoi polloi’ is so widely used (not least by Dryden, as we see above) that whatever grammarians say about it won’t alter its general usage. The second point is that some believe hoi polloi to mean ‘the upper classes’. For example, this from the Chicago Daily Herald, October 1984: “Brent Musburger, whose talks with WGN are continuing, was among the hoi polloi in the rich seats.” This usage is possibly influenced by a mistaken association with ‘hoity-toity’. ————————————————————————————————————————
As for this thread, all very confusing. Hunter speaks very sensibly about the general situation, but JM is impressively cogent in his specific indictment. I think it best to avoid swimming in these waters ... 373
Posted by anon on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 15:17 | # Leon, Half-serious. Linder will hound you like no other, indeed as you recently discovered, but he isn’t from the internet and has nothing to do with hacking or informing. Comes down hard on his perceived enemies, but isn’t untrustworthy at all. As for wintermute ... google his name + majorityrights, and you’ll find his posts. They’re very readable, but the gang had a tendency to almost worship him. I know from someone I can’t name that wintermute was comfortable threatening to pass information to the Feds if he felt it would shield “the cause”, so it’s just as well that he’s off worshiping his gods of high culture, I think. You will appreciate that aspect of his persona. And that’s the difference. Linder, as far as I know, has never threatened to “tell” on someone. 374
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 15:21 | # The key point I want to point out here is that I am against the phora for its behavior, not its ideology. It wasn’t supposed to have an ideology. It was supposed to be a “Free speech” forum of different ideologies, at least by the time I joined it. Perhaps it was a “European nationalist” forum when fade launched it in 03-05, but by the time I Joined, it was a mix of socialists, libertarians, racialists, etc. Yes I debated a lot of people there, but I did not GO AFTER them because of debates. I always have supported having debates. It’s the way you get closer to the truth and become sharper, more articulate and more skilled. So I’m not “out to get” people who perhaps disagree with me on the Jewish question or race or whether the east coast of america is better than the west or what is your favorite news outlet or what brand of soda you prefer. I’m “out to get” the phora not because they were ‘white nationalist,’ they in fact deny being white nationalist, but because of their own behavior. Yet I do think it was obvious that at the time I was railroaded, the phora as a group was trying to impress alex linder and vnn. As soon as I was banned, linder made a thread about it on vnn which I discovered through googlign my own screename. They also tried to impress certain trollish cliques. the moderation was always biased. 375
Posted by Bob Basarab on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 15:46 | # So far unsaid is the fact that this drama occured 4 years ago. Four fucking years! Let it go. 376
Posted by Chip Farley on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 18:39 | #
Well here is a short concise history of the Phora: The Phora (previously named The Lyceum and the Freedom Forums) was founded in November 2001 by FadeTheButcher as an offshoot of an extinct gaming forum called AoKpro, as well as from the Day of Defeat forums, and Stormfront. It was known as Freedom Forums in that incarnation. It later become The Phora during the summer of 2002. It was a general discussion forum created to fill the void for ideological radicals who were ejected from just about everywhere else. It should also be noted that many of these fora are also derived of the old Nordish Physical Anthropology group on Yahoo: http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/nordishanthropology/ , which still exists but is basically dead now. http://en.metapedia.org/wiki/Skadi One should not expect a forum comprised of ‘ideological radicals who had been ejected from everywhere else’ to be a very stable stew! Really the various mental break-downs that Fade/ Hunter has had in fact are almost a personification of the whole Phora/ Occidental Dissent scene. 377
Posted by Chip Farley on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 18:47 | #
Oh come off it! Original Dissent was better during that time period. Even to this day you have ripped off Original Dissent by calling your own Blog Occidental Dissent, riffing of the name. Hunter Wallace has finally transmorgified into a Southern Populist. This is not the most original ideology, just as much of Hunter Wallaces past work has never been all that original, which is what he would like one to believe. 378
Posted by Rezzo on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 18:47 | # 1) Hunter co-admined a forum with Kane, in which had a hack installed. He can spin it anyway he wants years later, but Hunter wallace was part of it. 2) Daryl Basarab installed malware on his frontage, which means that anyone (friend or foe) would have potential malware problems on their personal computer. Also note that Hunter and Kane are still friends and they have no problems hacking into their foes PCs, which could include viewing credit card information. http://beer.weremight.com/forums/showthread.php?8215-Use-Caution-Approaching-FreeMediaProductions.info 379
Posted by il ragno on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 19:22 | # I should know better than to dip my big toe into this toxic sewage, but since my name has already been bandied about, allow me to clarify one or two points. I am not Michael Musto. I have ‘outed’ no one, contacted no one regarding these idiots (“Hunter Wallace”,“Metal Gear/Iceman/etc”, the mouth-breather now calling himself “League of Shadows”, etc), and certainly never got any of them fired - assuming anyone would find them employable in the first place. On the other hand, I have witnessed them melting down at various points, shut down boards (their own, and others’), embark on phishing expeditions, seed their pages with hidden malware, and spend what seems like their every waking moment attempting to ‘out’ anyone they can acquire real-life info on - spurious and otherwise - in years-long campaigns of ‘revenge’ informed by neither purpose or ultimate objective. It’s just colic babies banging their spoon on the high-chair, caterwauling for attention (which they generally equate with “respect”). Maybe this tells us something dark and disturbing about WN, but I doubt it. It may tell us something unsettling about the nature of outsider movements existing on the margins of so-called respectability…or it might not. What it definitely tells us dark truths about is the nature of the Internet, which, I’m sad to say, empowers the defective and dysfunctional among us far beyond even their wildest dreams. I don’t know what to do about this, but it seems to me that the CMS model is worth seriously considering. Because the sad truth is that - insofar as thoughtful racialism is concerned - it’s not merely our avowed enemies we require protective camouflage from, but the spiteful, vindictive narcissists and weirdos in our ranks, who are willing and all too eager to chuck out both baby and bathwater should they fail to receive the awed adulation they’re convinced they richly deserve. 380
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 20:08 | #
Truth: It is indisputable that I was the owner of The Phora from 2001 until 2005. Why can’t you respond to my challenge? Simply produce the legal contract that I signed with the current administrators of The Phora where I transferred ownership of my database and trademarked domain them to them. Did these people buy my website? I don’t seem to remember that happening. It was more like they stole a copy of my database, violated my trademark, used me to rebuild their forum, and then hijacked it when didn’t need me around anymore.
Truth: I never “phished” the passwords of anyone. The Lyceum was Daniel Shays forum. It was a Kane/Daniel Shays project which still exists as “Free Media Productions.” This food fight between Kane and The Phora has continued for three and half years ... precisely because it originally had nothing to do with me and still has nothing to do with me. It all goes back to The Phora’s cyberstalking and cyberharassment of banned members. This began long after I left The Phora and continues long after I washed my hands of The Phora.
Truth: That’s a hilarious interpretation of events. These people whom I “personally betrayed” (1) stole my personal property, (2) violated my trademark, (3) used me to rebuild their forum, (4) banned me from own forum, (5) used my own property as a platform to defame me, (6) destroyed my discussion forum, and (7) used my property to cyberstalk and harass other people in their private lives. But I “personally betrayed” you? That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.
Truth: It is reasonable to assume that the Iceman/Kane vs. The Phora feud has nothing to do with me. It also has nothing to do with anyone else on the internet. This is just a waste of bandwidth on other websites. How do we know this? Because this soap opera has continued for three and a half years uninterrupted long after I washed my hands of you people. I haven’t had anything to do with you people in years now, but your silliness continues to this day. It continues because the real feud is between Iceman/Kane and The Phora over cyberharassment. My solution to The Phora was to move on with my life, create a new website, and try to forget about you people. Unfortunately, your penchant for serial cyberstalking (going so far as to send black pornography to my old address in Alabama) means that I still have to respond to trolls from time to time.
Truth: As Kane himself has explained to you, that was an Iceman/Kane operation, which would have happened even if I had never been involved with The Lyceum, which wasn’t even my website. You make it sound like it was an isolated incident. In fact, it was only one example of Kane retaliating against you for your own cyberstalking and cyberharassment. Over the past three years, this back and forth nonsense between Iceman/Kane and The Phora has continued, and it has even escalated long after I ceased to have anything to do with you people. The bottom line is that you people turned The Phora into a clown forum like Stumble Inn and started stalking people and harassing them for the fun of doing so like 4chan, and you are whining because Kane retaliated against you almost four years ago. No one else in the entire world gives a damn about your stupid clown forum and its incestuous soap operas.
Truth: I never betrayed anyone. Who was really betrayed here? I mean ... I was the one who invested thousands of hours of my time, not to mention thousands of dollars of my own money, to build The Phora from scratch. Yet somehow I have been mysteriously banned and systematically trashed and defamed on my own website. How exactly did that happen? It sort of makes you wonder who really betrayed who here. Because it sure looks to me like you people are a bunch of thieves who stole my website, used it to harass others, and then destroyed what you had taken by force. Quite honestly, I didn’t really want it back after I found out who I had been catering to for nearly half a decade!
Truth: The truth is that this is a private quarrel between Iceman/Kane and The Phora which has nothing to do with me or anyone else on the internet. The fact that it has continued for three and a half years - long after I extricated myself from your stupid clown from - proves that it ultimately has nothing to do with me.
Truth: That’s why you are using a pseudonym here to disguise your identity, right? That is why you cyberstalk me across the internet. It is because you are not “personally involved” in the nastier aspects of this feud. That’s like saying Hadding isn’t personally invested in harassing Harold Covington.
Truth: Iceman/Kane is bragging about his success ... in retaliating against you. Again, you haven’t explained to anyone here who this guy is out to get you, whereas my account of events explains not only why you mysteriously came into possession of my former website, but the origins of your feud with Kane as well, not to mention why this soap opera has dragged on for three and a half years long after I washed my hands of you people. Look, if people want to have their trolls on the internet publish their private information, harass their family members, send black pornography to their address, have their employer contacted over a bullshit internet feud ... they can register an account at ThePhora.net. Of course, no one even reads that stupid website anymore, which has degenerated and declined into a clown forum, which has lost most its better posters, so this advisory is pretty meaningless. No one wants to read the Stan/Overwatch forum because it sucks.
Truth: The Phora used to be one of the best discussion forums on the internet ... from 2001 until 2006 ... when I was the owner. That was when virtually all of its great posters were active there. Now, it is just a clown forum and a dump like “Stumble Inn” and “Beer Barrel,” a hang out for time-wasters and unserious fantasists, and it has declined to the point where it is just a platform to engage in cyberstalking and cyberharassment of banned members. No one reads it anymore or follows what goes on there. The same people who were posting five years ago are still posting there (minus hundreds of the most well known posters) ... with about 30,000 to 60,000 posts each now ... because the forum has mysteriously stagnated is unable to attract fresh blood. As for the “totally harmless” present version of The Phora, the neverending feud between Iceman/Kane and The Phora, not to mention my mysterious absence from that project, is evidence of another story. In reality, ex-cons with serious felonies on their record like the white trash meth addict Tranny Featherston are “moderators” there now, someone who went to prison for making harassing phone calls in California. Just so you know, Phora members stalk people in real life, have successfully harassed the family members of their former posters, have gotten people fired from their jobs, and as the cherry on top - The Phora is now owned by “Stan” who works for the Belgian government - so who knows what force is ultimately behind the only EU based “hate site” in existence. 381
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 20:16 | #
Truth: If memory serves, Original Dissent imploded because of the actions of its own administrators. Later, a bunch of people migrated to my website, including some who I should have banned in hindsight.
Truth: Actually, “Occidental Dissent” began as a Yahoo discussion group many years ago. It was wintermute’s idea to break with The Phora in 2006 and create a racialist discussion forum and blog. Originally, I had planned to cooperate with FB and wintermute in that project, but for whatever reason Occidental Dissent ended up becoming my own personal website. As it happens, I plan on retiring “Occidental Dissent” within the next few months, mostly because it is closely tied to “White Nationalism.” I’m starting a new website which will be explicitly Christian, explicitly Southern, explicitly pro-White, and explicitly conservative.
Truth: Anyone can read my posts from 7 to 10 years ago when I argued with “Sulla the Dictator” about these issues. I have always been a Southern populist. There was never a time when I haven’t identified as a White Southerner. 382
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 20:32 | # Re: Rezzo (1) The Lyceum was Daniel Shays’ forum. I was invited by several banned members of The Phora to their new discussion forum. I was given the opportunity to help them build a new discussion forum. Seeing as how I had invested thousands of hours of my time and thousands of hours of my money in building The Phora, I wanted to help these people salvage what they could of that project. (2) Unfortunately, that whole project began in The Phora’s cyberstalking and cyberharassment of Iceman/Kane, which dramatically escalated through that period - something that happened after I had left The Phora, which I had nothing to do with. (3) Iceman/Kane retaliated against The Phora by “phishing” their passwords. As Kane himself has explained, it was his idea. (4) That was actually just one episode in a brawl between Iceman/Kane and The Phora which has gone on for almost four years now. If I had never joined The Lyceum, it would have happened anyway. Just like Kane’s present feud with The Phora continues and has escalated since then ... even though I have nothing to do with it. (5) I don’t care about The Phora anymore. I have never once “hacked” them. In fact, it was “Ixabert” who hacked them back in 2006, and when we found out he did it, we banned him from The Lyceum! As it happens, the “phisher” and “hacker” and “cyberstalker” Ixabert rejoined The Phora where he became a member in good standing, which proves that all this stupid propaganda is just a silly attempt to smear me through guilt by association, as the guy who really hacked them and the guy who really broke into personal email accounts .. is, in fact, one of their own members. I have a theory of my own: The Phora cyberstalks me because they are insanely jealous of the fact that I created a better website after I cut ties with them, which happens to coincide with the decline of their own website. It is really that simply. 383
Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 21:10 | #
lol 384
Posted by Silver on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 21:22 | # So far unsaid is the fact that this drama occured 4 years ago. Four fucking years! Let it go. Hunter, that’s the best advice you’ve yet been offered. Be the bigger man and take it to heart. You’ve already made the wisest move you in your young career by distancing yourself from the incurable wankers who populate The Phora. Don’t take their bait. Whatever the particulars of the phishing incident, it is the nature internet bickering that one thing can lead to another in the manner described. None of it matters anymore. Years from now your detractors will still be wasting their lives away posting futile rants that nobody (who matters) reads while you stand a very real chance of making a difference. (I don’t care for your rabble-rousing populism, personally, but there’s a constituency ready for it which may as well be exploited.) That applies to you, too, Iceman (Daryl). Any fair-minded observer would readily agree that you were hard done by. That’s’ just the nature of the poisonous pricks who persecuted you. Exposing their identities (particularly that Polish turd) was the least you were entitled to as an act of vengeance. Good work on Michael Musto, too. The jury isn’t quite in, but heh, the possibility is more than just a tad intriguing. (Serves him right, too—being such a dago himself yet having the nerve to suggest that Sicilians ought to be quarantined.) But the time’s come to let it go. Oh, and come off it. The main reason that schmuck Robert Lindsay takes your side is that, diehard commie nitwit that he is, he’ll take the side of anyone who critiques capitalism of any sort to any degree; nothing but down-the-line equalitarianism for that bitter, balding, fattening, four-eyed, disability-pensioned turkey. 385
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 22:04 | #
It is part of a much larger problem. These idiots from The Phora who stole my website and have used it to slander me for years (amazingly, they portray themselves as the “victims” here) are just one example of the kind of dysfunctional people who infest what is known as the “White Nationalist movement.” Let’s not forget there is also Harold Covington, Greg Johnson and friends, Alex Linder and VNN Forum, GW who started this whole pissing contest here on “Majority Rights,” etc. After dealing with these people for years, I finally realized that I had invited this harassment upon myself by getting involved in “White Nationalism.” It was my own fault for getting involved in a movement which goes nowhere and which is infested by fringe characters and trolls and other types of disreputable operators. Insofar as anyone who is genuinely talented gets involved in this scene, they are inviting harassment upon themselves and jeopardizing both their careers and personal life. I squandered much of my time last year explaining this on my website. I’m wasting my time here now responding to a bunch of trolls. Rather than interact with this destructive crowd any further, I will simply open up a new conservative website unknown to these people, and shed my ties to “White Nationalism” once and for all, which are nothing more than a burden upon my writing anyway. 386
Posted by il ragno on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 22:17 | # Rather than interact with this destructive crowd any further, I will simply open up a new conservative website unknown to these people, and shed my ties to “White Nationalism” once and for all, which are nothing more than a burden upon my writing anyway.
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 22:44 | # Another point is that when I originally made free media productions, and when I posted on odessa syndicate, I stopped bashing the phora. For a while in the year 2008 i stopped posting altogether. I joined stumble inn, i got along with mandalore, fitz, breck etc. But the phora people saw me starting to build a following, and started their bullshit again. After il ragno was a prick for over a year, I finally took the gloves off and got revenge. There were plenty of occasions where I basically put the sword down, but every time, without fail, either il ragno or prak stal or one of those assholes was still drama whoring. Enough is enough, I’ll destroy them all. 388
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 10 Sep 2011 23:01 | # Silver (et al), At multiple places in this interminable thread, I have offered lengthy comments actually trying to address the issues raised in the original post. If you scroll down from the top, you may find some of them of interest. 389
Posted by il ragno on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 00:35 | # Enough is enough, I’ll destroy them all. There is no known cure for Narcissistic Personality Disorder. And the Internet, as I’ve previously said, only refuels the tanks of these defectives. 390
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 01:19 | # Narcissistic personality disorder is no longer classified as a legitimate personality disorder. As of DSM-V I will be removed. And I am far from a defective, il ragno, Neither am I a wn, so your theory about wn attracting defectives is wrong because even when I was on the phora I didn’t consider myself a wn but a race realist. When you win major athletic competitions, set a state record, design a website as good as mine, build an in-real-life following, and find hard to find jobs in bad economies, then come back and talk to me. lol. 391
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 02:11 | # With all due respect to Rienzi and Silverfish, Ragno is unquestionably the greatest living Med. 392
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 02:18 | #
LOL. I’ll bet he’s sorry he started it by now! Jesus, Hunter, another week and you’ll be bored with defending your ‘rep’, ya thing?
What will you do if WNs find your new site and decide to troll it? I’m not saying Trainspotter would do that, but who knows. 393
Posted by Silver on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 05:36 | # Leon,
It’s the contemporary foundation among only a small subset of “liberals” (actually socialists, commies, jews etc). Among normal white liberals it’s more accurately described as the touchstone of liberal piety. In this, however, white liberals are not completely sincere (differing little, in this respect, from antiracist conservatives), for the most part only being willing to strike anti-racist poses because (and so long as) doing so comes at no cost to themselves (as Jared Taylor routinely points out). Furthermore, I’m certain that for many (and a growing number of) whites anti-racism is only a “holding place strategy.” That’s to say, they can see that what is occurring bodes ill but are uncertain of just how to react, so they mouth the tenets of anti-racism but all the while their brains are actively engaged in evaluating various responses that allow them to retain the core of their existing worldview whilst halting the assault on all things white; as well as probably (and probably quite importantly) attempting to justify to themselves why it ever was that they participated so eagerly in that assault in the first place, the results of which it is becoming increasingly clear (though, from your pov in particular, maddeningly slowly) threaten them great harm. (”Threaten?!?” I can hear you scream.) What does all that mean? It means that liberals are far from the lost cause that’s so commonly assumed in these parts. At this point in discussing this issue someone will link to an Amren article from 2000, “Don’t Write Off Liberals.” That wasn’t a bad effort, as far as it went; it just didn’t go nearly far enough. As I see it, there’s virtually nothing in views that can be described as “liberal” that demand or require adherence to anti-racism as it exists in 2011 (or even 1961). I had a very interesting conversation with a young (20 y/o) anglo (ie nordic) musician last night. Nordic + metalhead usually sets off alarm bells with me, but we’d begun conversing before it was revealed that he was a metal fan and by then it had become obvious we enjoyed each others company so I felt at ease in steering the conversation towards race. The reason the conversation was interesting is that the fellow was clearly the sort of white “liberal” that would make a Leon Haller spit (drug-user, unkempt hair, slovenly dress, alas obviously intelligent thus a waste of potential), yet as we were discussing politics (prior to turning to race) it became evident that the kid had detected the faint outlines of the double-standards whites are ruled by, which is what prompted me to press him further on race. The conversation is worth relating in full (to the extent that I can recall it), but here isn’t the place to do it. It’d be as good a way as any to resurrect my defunct blog so I think I’ll post it there. Drop past and I think you’ll see why I don’t regard white liberals as hopelessly lost. (accidentaldissent.wordpress.com—all the content has been deleted so there’s nothing there at the moment; if you see anything posted it’ll be what I’ve just promised to post.) 394
Posted by Silver on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 06:01 | # GW,
Confidential: we’ve got something to protect; we’ve something we can’t afford to let you know. 395
Posted by Trainspotter on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 06:21 | # CC:“What will you do if WNs find your new site and decide to troll it? I’m not saying Trainspotter would do that, but who knows.” LOL! Enjoy stirring the pot? But of course. In any event, I left OD a year or so ago, and haven’t posted there since. Why someone would want to troll any future site belonging to “Hunter” is beyond me. But by all means, stir away. I suppose the sewing circle isn’t back from vacation yet. 396
Posted by MOB on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 12:11 | # HW: GW who started this whole pissing contest here on “Majority Rights,” CC: LOL. I’ll bet he’s sorry he started it by now! There’s no reason for GW to be sorry he started this thread; the question he posed was, in my opinion, one that needed to be asked. I was impressed a year or two ago, when I first read GW’s comments regarding the “Regnery circus.” It matched what I had been privately calling the CMS inner sanctum - modified later to read CMS synagogue: an assembly of Chosen Ones. I was sorry that GW backed away before his question had been thoughtfully explored and answered. I may have commented already that it’s only recently that I saw the obvious similarity between this process and the process that worked against my four children when they and I moved to New England and experienced the very real small town tyranny of Big Fish in Small Pond syndrome. Today my children, long since prosperous professional adults, have all far surpassed those people who believed themselves superior and acted “as if.” There’s something even more basic: I dislike people who need to feel superior. There’s certainly no doubt that MacDonald’s chosen ones enjoy enviable benefits: lots of rain, sunshine, and tender loving care make the flowers bloom. The question raised was whether the elitism, secrecy, and deception inherent in that system make that system one that benefits the larger White community, or cause. For my part, if there existed an alternative center of gravity which consisted of a more open, activist form of anti-Jewish, pro-White rebellion, I would be happy to leave the CMS group, which now comprises each and every WN forum that’s available to us to its own pleasures, and contribute to that alternative effort. Hunter and Greg hijacked the thread in accordance with their own special needs. Perhaps GW could have moved them into an offshoot thread, thereby showing this original thread, which he himself had started, more respect. Ironically, the HW-GJ debacle is, itself, a consequence of the very process of elitism, secrecy, and deception which GW and I (surely others?) had separately discerned in this most fortunate gathering of “Overmen” (did I get that right?). http://www.wermodandwermod.com/newsitems/Kevin MacDonald - Demon.jpg MOB 397
Posted by MOB on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 15:17 | # I just discovered the link above doesn’t work: http://www.wermodandwermod.com/newsitems/Kevin MacDonald - Demon.jpg This cultic image used by Alex Kurtagic for his KM Interview was the second time it had been used. I’ve forgotten who used it for what article the first time, but I do remember that I cringed when I saw it. Whether unconsciously or by intent, whoever created the image showed Kevin MacDonald as, what would call, a cult leader. Why? 398
Posted by MOB on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 15:50 | # I wish I could delete my 2:17 message, but I can’t, so please excuse this belaboring follow-up: http://www.wermodandwermod.com/newsitems/news110220110000.html From this website comes this about its owner: Alex Kurtagi? was born in 1970. He is a cultural commentator, novelist, musician, and artist. He is the author of the dystopian novel Mister (published by Iron Sky Publishing, 2009). He is also editor of Alternative Right and the founder and director of Supernal Music. His essays, articles, and reviews can be found in Alternative Right, The Occidental Observer, The Occidental Quarterly, Vdare, Counter Currents, Taki Mag, and American Renaissance. His writing deals with topics relating to culture, politics, music, and race relations in the contemporary West. 399
Posted by anon / uh on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 16:07 | #
Posted by Rezzo on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 20:31 | #
Unfortunately, Hunter Wallace knew exactly what was going on AND even encouraged Kane with his phishing expedition. All you assholes that took part in the phishing expedition are tainted for life. The thing is Hunter, is that with that MD5 hack going on, many neutrals themselves were harmed and had their accounts compromised. Thomas777’s account was compromised and he mildly supported you guys and your efforts. That zip that is floating around shows you actively encouraging the phishing and what to do with hacked accounts. Even though this happened in the past you can’t deny your involvement or downplay it. You should instead admit your wrongdoing, and move on instead of lying to cover your ass.
You have never stopped talking about Phora since the day you were banned. Ever since the day you were banned all you do is constantly hit refresh and search for your name at Phora. Phora was the first community that ever accepted you hence your harsh reaction to your banning. The day you got banned at Phora was the day you died, you have not moved on with your life. 401
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 21:08 | # Thomas777 was an asshole. I don’t know if he still is, but he was. People hack “racialist” forums all the time and its applauded. You know what I did for a part time IT job. I installed keyloggers and got paid for it. IN THE BUSINESS WORLD! 402
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Sun, 11 Sep 2011 21:19 | # 777 argued for the banning of every single person who disagreed with him on the jewish question - me, ixabert, ogenoct. 777 has aspergers 777 made polls “who is the biggest idiot on the phora” while representing the phora as a moderator. At the same time, 777 tried to suck up to alex linder. 777 was against “naming the jew” but changed his mind to impress vnn. The same thing is true of Starr. I don’t care anymore though because 777 hasn’t been a problem since 2007. If someone knocks it off I’ll let the beef die. 403
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 02:47 | # We need to do more to get the word out that the phora is a bullshit fraudulent website. It is hurtful and embarrassing to have people like krisitin jemming, musto, and kevin o’keffe going around claiming to represent the phora. It makes me look like a jackass, because people come up to me and ask me how I could have been so stupid to join them. “You’re better than that Daryl, how could you not have known better.” We need to get something into google that explains to everyone that the phora is a fraud. 404
Posted by J. M. on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 04:48 | #
In my opinion, Hunter Wallace could at least mitigate the taint by showing a frickin’ scintilla of contrition for what happened, especially having been caught red-handed. But for some reason he cannot do that. If Hunter could bring himself to write something along the lines of, “Look, I was pissed off about being banned at the forum I founded, as you have to understand. But in retrospect I should not have gotten involved with that phishing stuff. I denounce that activity and you can rest assured I will never be involved with anything like that ever again”, then I’d say we were almost dealing with a reasonable person that we could even somewhat sympathize with. But he can’t, and we’re not. The guy is essentially a sociopath. That’s a strong word, but it does fit the behavior.
He won’t admit anything despite being caught, and despite admission being in his actual best interests. He seems to think that he can convince others that his wrongs were rights by showing that others also did wrong or did wrong first. 405
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 05:12 | # I don’t know what you are talking about. Hunter has “admitted” that he was there while ix, me and daniel shays plotted to take down the phora, and that he sympathized with our motives. He saw us as the “good guys” and he saw the phora as the “bad guys,” he was aware of what we were doing and saw it as justified. What else is there to admit? If you are asking him to admit to being as involved as me or ix, you are asking him to admit to something he didn’t do. He really didn’t do the grunt work. It really was me, ix and shays. It really was my idea, and it really was ixabert who started using my access to do some of his own stuff. All of this would have happened without hunter, just like the King of England exists but the parliament really has power. 406
Posted by il ragno on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 05:15 | # We need to get something into google that explains to everyone that the phora is a fraud. As ever, if given access to a podium and a live mic, Hunter’s good buddy Metal Gear cannot help but melt down into psychotic slag. These last few posts of his read like the transcript of a schizophrenic arguing with himself in increasingly higher states of agitation - and who exactly is supposed to care about such trivial message-board insect politics? Note, however, the bolded quote above - if you give him enough rope, it’s money in the bank he’ll hang himself. He cannot go three paragraphs without spinning yet another plot to manipulate cyberspace to ‘get’ his enemies. You see, it works like this: he’s hacked/phished/keylogged his enemies before, and nobody’s put him in jail or cornered him in an alley so far. Therefore, his long-term strategy is keep doing it until they send two grown-ups to knock on my door. Oh well, no one’s ever accused Hunter Wallace of good judgment before, and they’re not likely to start now. But seriously, Fade: why keep denying what your buddy keeps admitting? Makes you look, I dunno - disingenuous or something. 407
Posted by il ragno on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 05:22 | # By the way….you people had better start saying nice things about Hunter Wallace and Daryl Basarab, and soon, or this website might well be the next to experience….problems. I only wish I was kidding. 408
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 05:35 | #
Why should I apologize to you people? I did nothing more than assist Daniel Shays and Kane in creating an alternative to your stupid forum. It wasn’t my idea to “phish” your stupid passwords (Kane’s idea), to hack your stupid forum (Ixabert’s accomplishment), or to break into the email accounts of other people (Ixabert’s accomplishment). The fact is, even if I had never been involved with The Lyceum, this vendetta between Iceman/Kane and The Phora would have played out in exactly the same way. It still exists as “Free Media Productions.” This stupid feud has continued for three and a half years after I returned to blogging. I don’t even know the details of how it has escalated since then. All I know is that goes on and on ... occasionally, I get an email about the latest hack or the latest TOS violation or the latest back and forth. I quit following The Phora years ago.
I don’t blame Iceman/Kane for retaliating against you. What’s truly funny here is how you stress that one incident and blow it out of all proportion to its actual significance ... in fact, that was just one episode in the Iceman/Kane vs. The Phora feud which has been going for around four years now. It was never my idea to “phish” your stupid passwords. I don’t even know how Kane and Daniel Shays managed to do that. I’m not going to apologize for “phishing” passwords because (1) I never “phished” your passwords to begin with and (2) never saw your passwords and (3) never hacked your forum (4) banned Ixabert when I found out he was doing that stuff without our knowledge. You can’t be taken seriously - it was Ixabert who broke into email accounts, who lied about doing so, who hacked your silly forum, who the records show was doing it on his own initiative. Yeah, the guy who has been posting on your website for years now, or at least he was posting there last time I checked.
Laughs. I don’t think I have ever been called a “sociopath” before. No one who knows me in real life describes me as a “sociopath.” There are plenty of sociopaths on The Phora though. I’m sure the shit eater Brandon Orr is still there. Ixabert is another. Didn’t we ban Ixabert for the behavior you describe? Didn’t you people have a big homecoming parade for him? I got involved with The Lyceum primarily to salvage the thousands of hours and the thousands of dollars that I had invested in your stupid website ... to see if I could salvage something out of that project before you succeeded in wrecking it. You finished it off from 2008 to 2011. Why don’t you go ask Ixabert to apologize to you? After all, Ixabert was the one who actually did what you falsely accuse me of doing (phishing your passwords, hacking your forum, and violating the privacy of your members), and you don’t seem to have a problem with him, which discredits this whole cockamamie narrative of victimhood you are trying to peddle here.
What exactly did I get caught doing? It was Kane who “phished” your passwords. It was Ixabert who hacked your forum. It was also Ixabert who cracked into email accounts by himself. Virtually everything you complain about was the Ixabert show. That you blame me for it just shows that you are a mendacious liar.
What exactly did I do wrong? I volunteered to assist Daniel Shays and Kane in building their forum. That forum was derailed by your cyberharassment. You have spent four years now throwing feces at Kane over the internet. It has gone for four years ... whereas I was briefly involved in it for a whopping two months. Why does it continue? Because we all know it has nothing to do with me. Because you are simply a liar. Kane would have kept retaliating against your regardless of my actions. 409
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 05:59 | #
The silly idea that I am going to hack Majority Rights further substantiates my case: (1) It shows that The Phora engages in cyberstalking and cyberharassment ... which is at the root of its problem with Iceman/Kane. It is not enough to ban members from their silly clown forum which one else in the entire world cares about. Instead, they stalk people across the internet, and even break the law by stalking them and harassing them in their private lives. Why do they do this? Because it is “fun” to harass people for the pleasure of doing so. (2) It shows that The Phora makes shit up that has no basis in fact.
It is a huge mystery. Why does The Phora have this problem with Iceman/Kane? I don’t have this problem with him. No one else has this problem with him. The only people who have this problem with him are “The Phora” and “Stumble Inn” and “Beer Barrel” which are the other two clown forums which are patronized by the same people. I have a theory which I think can explain this: Iceman/Kane is motivated by revenge. You engage in cyberstalking and cyberharassment. That’s why he attacks you. It is really that simple.
I have to plead guilty to this charge. It was poor judgment on my part to cling to my “free speech” principle and welcome you onto my forum. Many years ago, I was naive enough to allow people like you to use my personal property as a platform to slander me. I was also naive enough to give anonymous strangers on the internet power over my forum and access to my database ... which is why it was stolen from me in the end. Fortunately, I learned a lesson from that experience. I have never had this problem since then. In hindsight, I also stopped having a problem with “TOS violations” and hackings and database deletions when I finally cut my ties to the clown forum scene.
I quit caring about The Phora and reading your website years ago. I hadn’t given even thought to you people in ages before you showed up in this thread. You are the ones who are obsessed with me, not the other way around. As for Iceman/Kane, the feud between you two has continued for three and a half years since The Lyceum. I’m glad that I haven’t spent the last three and a half years wasting my time on a website as obscure, dead, and irrelevant as yours. 410
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 06:15 | # I have to admit I actually laughed at one of il ragno’s joke. Normally his humor sucks. And people like jw holiday and i have fought mazdak and i have fought in the year 2011. fade and i have fought before the whole lyceum thing. but these were debates. they were civil fights within the rules of common sense. 411
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 06:42 | # By the way, as far as free speech goes, I have realized that “fair speech” not “free speech” should be the law of the land. Your idea of having a forum without a clearly defined ideology, where different perspectives debate was a good one. But “Free speech” means that people like il ragno, azimuth and the beer barrel crew are as welcome as people who behave. I admit I wasn’t behaving on the phora, but neither was anyone else. To solely blame me was stupid on their part. The thing that gained me respect was when I finally said “shut them the ____ down.” 412
Posted by il ragno on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 06:57 | #
#1: Try five years. Hey, you’ve got a forum - you take him.
Of course you have, you sad and disturbed man. It’s just that you do all your public obsessing and wroth-waxing over the Phora at other boards….you’ve racked up THOUSANDS of posts at Stumble Inn and the old Speakeasy and all the other storefronts along the Circle of Crust. Thousands. And you’re always primed and ready to refight every lost battle at the merest mention of the place (viz this thread). If we’d allow you to set foot back at the old place, you’d soon triple that total. The only thing you’ve spent years of your life doing is wasting it: flipping and flopping from one fringe ideology to the next, opening and closing boards, chasing Lithium with Krispy-Kreme while hoping you can sell people the idea that you only pretend to lose your mind periodically. One constant: an Enemies List longer than a roll of toilet paper. Kinda like your pal the Iceman. With whom you share a complete inability to see that your “enemies” think of you as a somewhat sad figure of fun by this point. When they can be bothered to pay you any mind at all. Tell me again how you’re an Evangelical Christian now; I can use a good laugh. By the way, the official under/over on your Newfoud Piety is three months. 413
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 07:09 | #
I haven’t followed him in years. Even when I was active at The Phora, I usually skipped over his posts. Unlike Petr or Sulla, who were quite knowledgeable about various subjects, il ragno didn’t seem to know much about anything aside from popular culture and celebrities. il ragno is a “Speakeasy,” a “Stumble Inn,” a “Beer Barrel” type of poster. He was always a Lounge act like Niccolo. As those forums lost their audience, he returned to The Phora to hang out among his dwindling band of sycophants. cerberus was a better poster than il ragno. At least he knew something and could competently participate in the debate forums. Far from being an asset, il ragno has been through Original Dissent, Speakeasy, Stumble Inn, Beer Barrel, and The Phora which have all declined into irrelevance in spite of being graced with his presence. What makes a good debate forum? Competent people swapping ideas without interference. These discussions migrated to the blogosphere years ago: Who wants to read the Stan forum? The Overwatch forum? The Niccolo and Donkey spam forum? At least National Review publishes Mark Steyn and John Derbyshire. I would rather read Charles Blow and Eugene Robinson than il ragno and Tranny Featherston any day. As much as it pains me to admit it, I would rather read Greg, who at least has an area of expertise. Literary fascism is not my cup of tea, but at least Greg knows something and can formulate a somewhat plausible argument. 414
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 07:30 | #
Do you want to test that theory? I wouldn’t post on “Stumble Inn” or “Beer Barrel” or “The Phora” if I were paid to do so. Perhaps you have confused me with Ixabert. If I wanted to post on any of your stupid forums, I could register an account there right now and be posting there tomorrow. I’ve moved around several different times since I was banned there. Honestly, I quit reading all three of these sites a long time ago. I do read Greg’s website. I read SBPDL and Amerika.org. I read Amren and VDARE. Occasionally, I read Alt Right and Occidental Observer. I visit VNN Forum and Northwest Front on a rare occasion. The only reason that I returned to Majority Rights is because GW started that thread earlier this month.
1.) I’ve never been on lithium on my entire life. I don’t take any medication for any mental illness either. The only drugs that I use are caffeine and alcohol. Sometimes when I am drinking and celebrating or being literary in my online journal idiots like you will accuse me of being craaazy. 2.) My website Occidental Dissent has been online continuously since Summer 2008. I’ve got the archives from Odessa-Syndicate saved on my hard drive. I just haven’t bothered to upload them to the database. As I said at the time, Phorons like you were the cause of my problems. I haven’t experienced any further technical problems since cutting ties with you. It is sites like “Stumble Inn” and “Beer Barrel” and “Speakeasy” (or whatever it is called now) which are always going down.
Perhaps we should compare archives then? Let’s check the OD archives and see how many discussions there have been about “The Phora” and “Stumble Inn” and “Beer Barrel.” Alternatively, we can look at your archives and see how many discussions and thread views and comments there have been about me? I’m quite sure there are zero discussions about you in my archives. You aren’t significant enough to write about or interesting enough to respond to. 416
Posted by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 10:18 | # Wherever Our Hunter goes, this endless drama seems to follow him. I wonder why that is? If you get kicked out of a bar, and you claim it was because the owners are assholes, that’s a legitimate (if not necessarily valid) assertion. But if you get kicked out of every bar in town, the claim that all the bars in town are run by assholes, seems pretty silly. That’s Our Hunter, in a nutshell. Wherever he goes on the internet, everyone he encounters winds up hating him with an intense passion, and they all describe him the same way ie., as a perfidious, back-stabbing, slandering, serial betrayer, and all-around lying, sneaky bastard. But pay no attention to those of us who’ve had the displeasure of the Hunter Wallace Experience. We’re all just disaffected weirdoes who, such as in my case, take great delight in “bragging” about my sexual attraction to transsexuals. Uh-huh. Whatever you say, Hunter. This dangerous, and frankly evil person (“evil” has become an unfashionable term, but I’ve seldom met any person whom it more properly fits) is insinuating himself into the pro-White (for lack of a better term) blogosphere, and those of us who wish nothing but the greatest level of success for said blogosphere, are deeply concerned that Our Hunter will eventually, inevitably cause great harm to that online milieu. He is already an enormous liability to any person who has placed any level of trust in him (direct even one word of criticism his way, and find out what I mean…Greg Johnson is just the latest in a very long line of betrayed Hunter Wallace associates). No endeavour where this person plays a substantive role can long hope to be a success. Cut your losses, and ostracize him NOW! Anyone who knows “Hunter Wallace” is going to come to regret that association. The sooner you end any connection to this horrible person, the less exposed you’ll be when he seeks to do everything he can to harm your interests (and he will, of that you can rest well and truly assured - that Our Hunter will betray tomorrow anyone whom he calls his “friend” or “ally” today, is as certain as the prospect of the Sun setting in the west). And yes, as Our Hunter takes great delight in reminding you all, I do have a criminal record stemming from a very foolish and regrettable incident in 1999. But that doesn’t make me a liar, and I am entirely sincere where this miserable excuse for a man is concerned. 417
Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 12:00 | # I have no interest whatsoever in the ‘handbags at dawn’ nonsense in this thread but please…
...assure your old European friends that no-one but kids actually eats this ‘food’? 418
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 15:45 | # Il ragno is an idiot. I don’t actually seriously post on the phora. I sign up “drive by” accounts and leave a message so that everyone can see it. By the time they’ve deleted it, everyone has already seen the threat or the outting. If Il Ragno thinks I am angry because I am no longer “permitted” to post on the phora, he is a moron. I could easily use a proxy, sign up a new account, and keep quiet that I am kane. I prefer to embarrass you. 419
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 15:48 | # The phora has accused me of being about 10 different “long term posters.” ixabert, johnny cockroach, osmium14, ixabert - none of them were me. They wouldn’t let the feud die. Even when I basically stopped, they didn’t stop. If we compare this to a race, I would have been happy not to put the hammer down and run faster if the competition didn’t run faster. You are the drama whores who kept this going. Eventually I decided I was going to take over. 420
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 16:12 | # and btw, here’s a present for you. 1 – Gerrard Bryne – Basil Fawlty 421
Posted by il ragno on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 16:29 | # Unless MR’s new policy is to allow disturbed defectives to post real-life info on individuals, I recommend Metal Gear’s post be immediately deleted, and both him and Wallace to be shown the door posthaste. Look again at the post above mine: how much MORE proof do you need that these two dysfunctional mutants are simply - pardon the French - no fucking good? 422
Posted by J. M. on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 16:30 | # ^ For those unaware: That’s a partial list, (possibly to be soon deleted by MR), of people whose identities Daryl Basarab/Metal Gear/Iceman/Kane has mined over the last few years. Most of those identity minings occurred with Hunter Wallace’s foreknowledge and express approval (read the captured logs for proof). Most of those people have not and never had any feud with Hunter Wallace. Two things that I find agreeable about this sordid situation: Hunter Wallace didn’t count on his involvement in the password phishing being logged, and his reputation is forever tainted, as it should be. He can change ideological stances with his underwear as much as he likes and launch ever newer Web projects to boot, but the stink of his perfidy will always follow him and his work. The Phora is still kicking, and Daryl Basarab will never be allowed to post openly there ever again, and there is nothing he can do about that. Basarab’s life, more so than even Hunter Wallce’s, stopped moving forward the day he got banned from the Phora; his own obsession with the Phora is his concrete shoes in the swimming pool of life. 423
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 16:46 | # The majority rights staff has allowed ‘daryl basarab’ about 50 times in this thread. I think the list will stay. And I have no interest in posting on the phora. The good forum was taken away from me in 2007, and now no longer exists. What we have now is a mockery. A joke of what it used to be. I have never attempted to return to the phora. 424
Posted by J. M. on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 17:28 | #
“Daryl Basarab” is the display name that Daryl Basarab/Metal Gear/Iceman/Kane uses on his own forum. I am not going to link that site due to the malware risk. In contrast, most of the names listed by Basarab were acquired through malfeasance. 425
Posted by Rezzo on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 19:23 | # Kane123123 / Daryl Basarab should consider apologizing for the phishing expedition and the keylogger he had on his front page. Will it probably ever happen? No. Will things just continue to get worse while he continues to lose his mind? Probably. 426
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 20:24 | # It is not accurate to say I had a keylogger on my front page. When I left the beer barrel, they kept cross quoting all my posts on their own forum, even when I told them to stop. On the forum section of my website, i injected a pop-up download into a particular post that was designed to call attention to it. “Alison’s son being beat to death.” Then I came out and said “don’t use internet explorer, use firefox or opera.” It was blatant as hell and I wanted to get caught. My intention was to push the beer barrel people out. I basically put it there to get a reaction. It would make people think twice before they trolled me. As far as the phising goes, it was the only realistic way I could get back at them. I don’t mind posting as my real name on my own website, but I do mind my name being “outted” on websites that are otherwise anonymous. The phora refused to cooperate with me. They basically told me “Fuck you.” So what was I supposed to do. I had no other logical way to get them back. 427
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 20:39 | # I did apologize to leopoldbloom and suspect ix of hacking her (but using me to do it). reason being - leopoldbloom was annoying but wasn’t a prominent figure. I don’t agree though that starr is an angel though. Starr deserved it but leopoldbloom didn’t. 428
Posted by anon on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 20:52 | # Do you ever listen to yourself Mr. Metal Gear? You belong in a mental hospital, seriously logoff the internet for once. 429
Posted by il ragno on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 20:58 | # Just to illustrate the toxic nature of Iceman/Hunter’s obsessive vindictiveness, you’ll note that among the outed is someone named “Sinclair”. Sinclair, who’s been absent from the boards for years now, was hardly a nationalist of any kind. He was a bright and extremely-likable high school kid who found the contentious discussion of otherwise-verboten topics stimulating, but took pains to stress his neutrality and cheerful inoffensiveness at all times. He harmed no one, picked no fights, sought no spotlight. He was a kid. I doubt if he and “Iceman” ever interacted in any way. So why then does “Iceman” blithely bandy about his real name - openly hoping for misfortune to beset him as a direct consequence of his actions? Well, the answer’s simple really. You see, there’s only so many carp stocked in the Ol’ Phishin’ Hole, and the handful of names he’s managed to dredge up are all he’s got. Given the slim pickings, he just can’t afford to make moral distinctions between Deserving and Undeserving, or he’ll whittle down his pool of victims still further. And, as any 10-year-old could tell you, revenge is a dish best served indiscriminately to anything that moves, and at the very top of your lungs. He’s not gonna let a perfectly good outing go to waste simply because that person did nothing to warrant it! Besides, you look a lot more fearsome when you can print out a really long long list, even if much of the information is clearly spurious. This is the sort of ‘adult’ you’re dealing with in Daryl Basarab. It’s why he feels surrounded by enemies at all times, and it’s almost certainly why his employers give him the gate just as soon as they fully realize what sort of screwball they’ve made the error of hiring. And the Internet is his crack cocaine. It turns him into Billy Mumy in that old TWILIGHT ZONE episode, surrounded by fawning adults terrified of being wished out into the cornfield. I warned you earlier that prolonged indulgence of him and Fade, unless it’s properly toadying, could result in MR being the next website to take Mr Daryl’s Wild Ride, and no sooner did Hunter Wallace pronounce the warning groundless hysteria than Iceman proceeded to trumpet a list of posters’ real names that he phished out of the Phora personally. Do you still doubt that he’s prepared to do the same to you? 430
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 20:58 | # By the way, if you are the real “anon” who feuded with racial reality, he was right and you were wrong. The only thing he was wrong about was the origins of the British. You don’t understand that just because I am one person, but there are like 15 people against me, it doesn’t mean they aren’t at fault. They are crying “victim” now but for over a year they were harassing employers and posting pictures of the husband of my sister, right on their forum. 431
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 21:01 | # I am not giving an apology. I am OWED apologies. From the phora, from stumble inn, from the beer barrel. From pretty much everyone who saw the feud start, and then thought “how can I profit from it.” 432
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 21:19 | # I am going to make one final post and then do not specifically intend to post again. If you are “neutral,” then this conflict is probably too deep for you to understand, but rest assured, it is a deep conflict and there was a lot of backstabbing involved. If you don’t understand the depth of the conflict - you shouldn’t be proclaiming that one side is morally right and the other morally wrong. Because when I read most people from the outside comment about this - their knowledge is very limited. “Fade set up forum fade used kane kane hates pro-whites cuz kane is jew…....” Here is the summarized version of what happened. The phora staff liked to mistreat and verbally abuse me, and I reacted to it. The phora staff was very biased in their moderation and started banning me, then releasing personal information. This made me angry and when I had the chance I got personal information and released it. While I may have debated the phora people, it was supposed to be a debate forum. They crossed a line. An analogy is this. We play a basketball game. My team wins. And you jump me with a knife after the game. Yes, maybe we were going hard during the game. But you crossed a line when you jumped me with a knife. And the phora has crossed many many lines. I gurantee you that they thought I was some idiot who couldn’t do anything. “ha ha ha, kick him well he’s down.” well it turned out I COULD do something and that’s why they are angry. 433
Posted by anon on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 21:33 | # Cool Story Bro! But perhaps instead of getting involved in fringe politics online, perhaps you should try world of warcraft. 434
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 21:56 | #
Here’s an idea: why don’t you people take your stupid feud with Iceman/Kane back to your three dying clown forums which no one else in the entire world reads or cares about? I don’t even acknowledge your existence at Occidental Dissent. The only reason we are still talking about you idiots here ... is because, is because ... you are over here attention whoring and babbling on about shit that no one cares about. As I said above, this food fight between Iceman/Kane and The Phora has been going on for five years over their own cyberstalking. It doesn’t involve anyone else on the internet ... it certainly doesn’t involve me anymore, as I quit following you a long time ago. 435
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:11 | # I need to move on. silver and fade are correct. it’s like someone I recently talked to irl. He came from the bronx but he moved out. HIs comment “It isn’t what it used to be.” In the coal region of Pa, there is a town “Centralia” which caught on fire in the mines underneith. The government tried to put the fire out, but they accepted that the coal was just going to have to burn itself out. I’ve got to accept that the coal mine has caught on fire, and just let it burn itself out. The entire community has been ruined and i got blamed for everything, then harassed. When during its prime - during its peak - I really enjoyed some of the stuff I read at the phora. I enjoyed reading different perspectives, but people over-reacted to me taking a zionist viewpoint which I later revised as I matured ideologically. and that employer was an asshole anyways, contacted (as he was) or not. I am glad I am not working for him. I do a lot of different jobs, and I don’t say this often. Il Ragno also contacted another employer earlier, but I would never call that other employer an asshole. I intend to be done now. The forum was robbed, stolen, and then destroyed. Now it’s a piece of shit. 436
Posted by J. M. on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:13 | # Daryl Basarab recently sent malware by email too to a neutral party. His attacks are indiscriminate and illegal.
Crappy analogy. A better analogy is this: Daryl joins a game of basketball (the Phora). After exchanging a couple minor fouls with some of the other players, Daryl opts to escalate to a major game misconduct (asking the Jewish Task Force to complain about the Phora’s ISP). Daryl is then escorted off the court (permabanned). Daryl and Hunter Wallace decide to start a new game at another court (Lyceum) and invite as many people as possible. As the people enter, they attempt to pick the pockets and rifle through purses of everyone who enters (password phishing and data mining). The victims are chosen indiscriminately. Hunter Wallace assists Daryl by personally inviting them into the whole trap. You see, nothing here is “too deep” for anyone to understand. Daryl Basarab and Hunter Wallace are people to be avoided. It’s as simple as that. 437
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:20 | # No. Prak stal was USING YOUR SHOUTBOX TO CONSPIRE TO HARASS ME OFF OF YOUR FORUM! Prak stal then started post messaging the staff on the jtf saying - “kane is really a nazi, ban him.” And so to get prak stal back, I threatened to out his IP. When I made this threat I was banned. My information was DISPLAYED PUBLICLY FOR EVERYONE TO SEE IN MY AVATAR. I tried to ask to have it removed but you MOCKED ME INSTEAD IN THE BANNINGS THREAD. At that point, I commented on the jtf “let’s shut them down.” Why don’t you look at this objectively for once. Prak trolled the shit out of me, and the response to it - you banned me and outted me. That was grossly unfair. 438
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:30 | #
How strange. (1) First, I’m supposedly the mastermind behind this all ... but this is the first time that I myself have heard most of these names. I don’t care who these people are because I have nothing to do with them anymore. (2) Second, Kane already had a partial list of names before The Lyceum because your feud with him had been going on for over a year before that. Especially with that “Prac” guy and Stan. (3) Third, as I have said all along, I have no control over what Kane does, and that he will do whatever he wants regardless of my actions. Most of the names on that list were unknown to Kane several years ago.
(1) No one else in the entire world cares about your stupid dying clown forum. (2) It doesn’t matter how many times you repeat the lie that I “phished” your passwords - the truth is that it was Kane who did it, and Kane himself has said he did it, and that was only one of a series of incidents in a feud with Kane that has lasted for five years now. (3) Your own actions here only go to show that your own cyberharassment and cyberstalking is at the root of your problem ... if you hadn’t come here to harass Kane, he wouldn’t have posted that list here.
The Phora is a dead clown forum like Stumble Inn and Beer Barrel and Speakeasy. No one reads it anymore. It is not worth the time it takes to read. Who wants to read Tranny Featherston and Stan? No one but you people care about that stupid forum ... you are the only who post there or who still read that circle jerk.
That’s funny. If I have been writing about you at Occidental Dissent, I must be suffering from Alzheimer’s. I haven’t read your website in ages. I don’t care about you or this stupid quarrel with Kane anymore. Instead, you are the ones who cyberstalks me across the internet, who gossip about me on your clown forum, which I don’t even read anymore. It is fairly clear who is obsessed with who here. What else are you going to do? How many times can you send little fag green rep points to the people in your circle jerk before it gets boring? 439
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:38 | #
Like I said above, your own cyberstalking and cyberharassment is what causes every bit of this. I also said that your silly feud with Kane had been going on four years, which started long after I left The Phora, which I had nothing to do with, concerns no one else on the internet, and would continue regardless of whether I or anyone else participated in this thread or not. So what happens? You come over here and start harassing Kane, insinuating that he is crazy, when he is obviously just someone who is motivated by revenge, and your own attention whoring and harassment inspires Kane to post that list of names in a public forum. Guess what? If you hadn’t engaged in cyberstalking, not only would this discussion have never taken place, but Kane wouldn’t have posted that list here. Who could have ever predicted that? 440
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:46 | #
You see, if I really wanted to, I could go over to my website right now, and publish all your names on my blog. After five years of blogging on the same URL, I know the mechanics of WordPress inside and out, so much so that I know how to manipulate search engines to send traffic to my website for keywords, as in the Chrissy Lee Polis beating or the Carter Strange beating. I could easily put all your names into a webpage that would be the #1. search result in Google for years to come. That I haven’t already done so reflects two things: (1) My hope you losers would finally quit cyberstalking me and antagonizing me on other websites. I have left you alone for years now ... in the expectation that you would leave me alone. (2) My loss of interest in your websites. Do you want to go down that road? 441
Posted by J. M. on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 22:56 | # Daryl, as usual you’re misremembering. You were banned only temporarily after threatening “Prak”. You were not banned permanently until you publicly solicited the help of the JTF, a group run by a convicted Jewish bomb builder, to help shut down the Phora. The staff up to that point had bent over backwards to defend your right to post in defiance of those who wanted you gone. Each time, the staff acted appropriately, and you escalated matters drastically more than they needed to be escalated. Your indiscriminate password phishing was another example were you needlessly escalated things, proving that the decision to ban you was the right one. 442
Posted by Jennifer Basarab-Tung on Mon, 12 Sep 2011 23:21 | # You jerks better leave my brother alone! 443
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 00:27 | # Kane, I have a few questions: (1) What hosting service does The Phora use? (2) Do you know who owns ThePhora.net domain name? (3) Who is the legal owner of The Phora.net’s hosting account? 444
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 01:05 | # To the first comment. Read closer. The first time I was temporarily banned, MY AVATAR WAS SWITCHED TO MY REAL LIFE PICTURE AND I ASKED TO HAVE THE AVATAR REMOVED. ONLY WHEN YOU REFUSED TO REMOVE THE AVATAR DID I REQUEST THAT YOU BE SHUT DOWN. However the temp ban itself was bullshit. You had it reversed, prak should have been banned. to fade. it’s bluehost, and it’s registered in the name of kristin jemming / starr.a 445
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 01:16 | # i will repeat what happened again -prak used the shoutox to conspire to harass me. (he had already done this 3-4 times, once on the same jtf foru. all the time, all I wanted was a damn apology. Was it really so much to ask? You don’t have the GUTS to apologize. Grow up already. You aren’t a man until you can admit you are wrong sometimes. 446
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 01:19 | # sorry for the misspelling, i typed that really quickly and didn’t proofread. I am sure you can figure it out. 447
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 01:41 | # All right. What about the hosting account? Does Starr own the hosting account now? I suppose BlueHost would know, right? Do you have Starr’s email address? 448
Posted by J. M. on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 02:23 | # Hunter Wallace, a.k.a. Winnie the Password Pooh, wrote:
I find your threat amusing. You want to punish people for pointing out your involvement in outing identities… by outing identities? You’re about as smart as a Negro who responds to claims that Negroes are violent by getting violent. Hey, here’s an idea to mull: Next time, don’t get involved with password phishing to begin with. Problem solved! 449
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 02:37 | # I have sent starr probably 200 emails asking her to do things like remove pictures of me. The only time i’ve had any success is when I involve her family. I mailed you the info, but I"m posting it too. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) 450
Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 02:37 | # Why you slumming at anti-racist sites Hunter? http://www.vnnforum.com/showthread.php?t=105611 Brad Griffin, aka Hunter Wallace, Prozium, Fade the Butcher, etc. Why do you use so many different user names? 451
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 03:36 | #
It’s real funny, right? Occidental Dissent is #2 in Google search results for “Carter Strange.” I’m sure that “Carter Strange” is more famous than the people whose names are found in Kane’s short list above. Lots of people have written about what happened to Carter Strange in South Carolina. I’m a pretty good writer too. If I put my mind to the task, then surely I could compile a massive dossier that links the people on that list (using their real names) to Neo-Nazism, especially people like Stan who live in European countries like Belgium which frown on that sort of thing.
Not really. If I wanted to damage people at The Phora by outing their identities, I could have easily done it a long time ago. I’ve been content to leave you people alone. Well, it seems The Phora has convinced itself that it has the right to engage in cyberstalking and cyberharassment, even of people who are content to mind their own business, and what you people naively believe is that you can get away with it.
I’m sensing some unfairness here: (1) You people stole my database. (2) You people stole my brand name. (3) You people engage in cyberstalking and cyberharassment ... whereas I have left you alone. (4) You people use these forums as a platform to stalk and harass others. (5) You libel people on the internet and think you can get away with it. Hey, here’s a thought to mull: the only reason you have gotten away with it is because I have been content to move on with my life, to ignore you, to let you fester in your silly little clown forums, and to work on my own project. But what if I changed my mind? You’ve had a lot of trouble with Kane, right? There is quite a contrast here. I’ve been content to work on my own project and leave you alone. OTOH, your cyberstalking of Kane has brought all kinds of blowback upon your colleagues at The Phora. It’s a handful of people engaged in cyberstalking that is creating negative consequences for all the other people who are not engaged in it. So here is my proposal: I am going to put the matter before Starr and the other members of The Phora who have been content to leave me alone. They are going to be given a choice. They can either reign in a few clowns who are engaged in cyberstalking, OR they can lose that discussion forum and suffer other consequences. I’m not talking about contacting your host to get you shutdown for a TOS violation for a few days either. 452
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 04:21 | # It finally hit me. The reason the phora mods tolerate trolling is that they were so desperate to increase their membership and felt that tolerating bad behavior was the way to do it. It was a quantity over quality thing. They did this to “prove” that they could recruit without you. But who did they recruit? They recruited trash like il ragno, prak stal, etc. It was a way of saying “we don’t need fade, we can recruit without him.” But it ignores quality over quantity. And I admit that I didn’t set the bar higher in my own posting. As a regular member, and not a representative, I did not feel it was my job to raise the quality of the forum by setting an example. I instead matched the quality. In the mod lounges, overwatch stated that he would sometimes feel it appropriate to moderate il ragno, but wouldn’t because il ragno was too sensitive. Everyone also scoffed at the idea of making il ragno a mod. But because of the lyceum fallout, they became desperate for more contributors and made il ragno a mod. Il Ragno became emboldened by this and harassed me more. I am likewise sure that the phora staff knew prak was a troll, but tolerated his bullshit to increase membership. The emails that stan had confirm my theory. He was privately upset with prak, but afraid to take action. Quantity over quality. And they brought in all those vnners. Again, quantity over quality. And I’m just one person. So railroad me. Quantity over quality. Then use my feud and harass me to get more attention. Try to ruin my life to build your traffic. Again, quantity over quality. And a tip to fade. Starr ignores you unless her family is contacted and shames her into listening. 453
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 04:31 | #
I sent Starr an email. I politely made a few reasonable requests. I’ve been content to mind my own business and develop my own website, but that is going to change if this cyberharassment continues. 454
Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 04:35 | #
how does this kid fuckin 456
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 04:38 | # Kane, What exactly happened with Stan? You said above that you hacked his email. What did you find out? This is the first that I have heard of this. Note: Stan has very good reasons to avoid antagonizing me. All he has to do is remove some bullshit from that website and reign in the trolls who are a liability anyway. That will be the end of the matter. 457
Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 04:56 | #
No one is cyberharrassing you. It’s funny how quick you want to call a lawyer and to take down Phora just cause someone points out your past, which only you are responsible for. I guess your rich parents raised not only an entitled doughboy but one who can’t handle criticism. How about owning up to it for once? Remember when you pretended to have a kids and a wife? Used fake pictures and pretended they were you? Perhaps you should send Starr an email and apologize for being so goofy and wasting her time? 458
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 05:04 | # You should probably discuss this via mail. privately. 459
Posted by J. M. on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 05:07 | # Hunter Wallace, a.k.a. Winnie the Password Pooh, wrote:
First of all notice the veiled threat. By “remove from that Web site” I think Hunter Wallace is alluding to this: http://thephora.net/Prozium.aka.Feyd_degeneracy_archive/ He doesn’t want you to see this because it proves that Hunter Wallace knew what was going on during the password phishing incident. Rest assured that this won’t be disappearing from the Internet completely, but check it out and archive it while you can in case the Phora staff buckles and yanks it. Notes: - Hunter Wallace = Feyd Harkonnen = Prozium 460
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 05:11 | # http://www.geocities.ws/racial_reality/refuting_rm.html watch racial reality make an ass out of anon. 461
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 05:30 | #
I’m actually giving Starr, Stan, Ebusitanus and so on a choice ... the problem is a few of their rogue members, who are a massive liability to their discussion forum ... who believe they have the right to stalk and harass people on other websites without consequences. The only reason there hasn’t been consequences (in my case, at least) is because I was content to mind my own business and work on my own project. Frankly, it wasn’t worth the trouble to respond to you people, but I am swiftly starting to change my mind.
In hindsight, it was a wise decision to protect my identity. The internet is infested with lunatics, kooks, and trolls ... especially this sector of the internet.
Starr can decide whether she wants to deal with the consequences of your actions. I’m not going to “hack” you like Kane. I’m not going to “phish” your passwords. I’m not going to “report” you for a TOS violation either. Those are merely temporary disruptions. I think a cost/benefit analysis will show that the costs of a few trolls angering me and provoking me outweigh the benefits to people like Starr and Stan 462
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 05:44 | #
You know, I have a website of my own, but I don’t use it to harass people at The Phora. I use my website to blog about mainstream politics and conservatism. What do you suppose I could put up on my website? Should I choose to do so? I’m a very good writer with an encyclopedic knowledge about The Phora. Kane has already provided a list of the real world names of its most prominent members.
Kane “phished” your passwords. Just like it was Kane who got Beer Barrel shutdown. It was also Kane who hacked Stan’s email account. What do you suppose I could do to you? I’ve been content to leave The Phora alone for years now, but now that it is becoming clear you intend to cyberstalk me, perhaps I should contact the local FBI office, file a police report, or contact my lawyer? 463
Posted by J. M. on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 06:52 | # No one is cyberstalking you, Hunter. I stopped directly addressing you a while back because you squirt ink into the waters like a squid. As much as you’d like to obfuscate, you KNEW about the password phishing and you encouraged it. Given your buddy’s current malware activity I am just sharing a little history, and a heads-up. Since you asked, instead of emailing the Phora staff or contacting the FBI I suggest you own up to your behavior and counsel Kane to stop emailing malware to people. Isn’t it time you guys moved on? Now I will watch you break my words into separate sentences and do your Winnie the Pooh dance around the truth. 464
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 07:32 | #
http://www.legislature.state.al.us/CodeofAlabama/1975/13A-11-8.htm A few months ago, I advised Kane to press charges against you. Cyberstalking is a crime in Alabama. Pennsylvania has laws against cyberstalking and cyberharassment. I’ve already had to do this once before last year. I had an idiot from Missouri who kept sending harassing messages to my email address. I never had a problem with him again after he got a visit from the police. I didn’t pursue the matter after the harassment ended.
I believe this is what is called “libel” and “defamation.” Kane and Daniel Shays “phished” your passwords, not me. It was also Ixabert who hacked your website. Fortunately for me, I’ve goaded you into establishing a clear pattern of libel and harassment on this website, so it should be fairly easy to take care of the matter. P.S. There is nothing in your little “degeneracy archive” that proves I “phished” your passwords. In fact, if you read those threads, you will see that it was Kane who was doing it, as I have said all along.
Let me tell you what I intend to do. I’ve sent Kristen an email with a few simple requests which will be sufficient to resolve the issue on my end. I also suggested that she discuss the matter with Chris, Daniel, Stan, and Ken and get their opinion. They might also what to run this by Gerrard. As for Pietari, I respect him and will leave him out of this. They need to have a group discussion about whether your cyberstalking and cyberharassment is an asset or a liability to their discussion forum. I’m fairly confident they will agree with me that it is an albatross and a liability. After all, you are over here stirring up shit that was over years ago, shit which is about to come back and bite your friends if you don’t knock it off. I want to hear what Stan thinks about this. Is it worth it, Stan? Pissing me off? Harassing me?
Who am I talking to? Is this Steve Schwankhaus? Why are you hiding behind a pseudonym? You keep insinuating that you know me. Who are you? 465
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 08:41 | # Now that Darko has linked here, I guess I will go ahead and post my email to Starr here, seeing as how it bounced from my address:
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 08:41 | # What ever happened to turning the other cheek, Hunter? I am beginning to doubt the sincerity of your professed conversion to Christianity. 467
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 09:07 | # I’m sure that reason will prevail and they will collectively decide that it is unwise and against their own self interest to continue harassing people on other websites. In this case, the costs of doing so outweigh the benefits. 468
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 09:39 | # To: MAT
You’re sadly mistaken. In reality, I created a new website, returned to blogging, lost interest in you people, and gradually forgot about your clown forums - this is just the internet, after all. Meanwhile, your harassment of Kane continued and escalated over the past three and a half years. Perhaps you are under the delusion that you can get away with that with everyone. Maybe you think I will respond to you in the same way that Kane has chosen to do so. Do you want to find out? Look, after realizing what a piss poor investment I had made in “The Phora,” squandering my money to provide an online circus for a bunch of Yankee idiots, I quite honestly wanted to wash my hands of the whole enterprise. You’ve misinterpreted my own disgust with your little incestuous network of clown forums as some kind of great victory for you.
I have an idea of my own: let’s see what the police and the courts have to say about it. Perhaps they will have a different view of libel, theft, and cyberstalking. What do you think? 469
Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 09:59 | # sup fadester
Internet drama keeping you from sleeping dawg? 470
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 11:04 | # anon, YOu need a more identifiable moniker. How about “Belizean”? 471
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 11:35 | # To: MAT Very amusing post! (1) As to the claim that federal and state law enforcement agencies do not take cyber crime seriously, I will refer you to the FBI’s Cyber Crime Division, and specifically to the intellectual property section: http://www.fbi.gov/about-us/investigate/cyber/cyber
Then we can take a look at the specific statutes in Alabama and Pennsylvania that address “cyberstalking” and “cyberharassment”: http://alisondb.legislature.state.al.us/acas/CodeOfAlabama/1975/13A-11-8.htm Pennsylvania has laws which specifically address cyberstalking, cyberharassment, and cyberbullying ... but, I suppose according to you those laws are not meant to cover sending harassing and libelous messages through the internet, even though the Alabama statute clearly and explicitly labels that a crime. (2) I have been specifically accused by name on multiple occasions within the last several years of committing various acts which are completely false, slanderous, and untrue ... by people who are maliciously attempting to cause me personal damage. (3) I’m not sure what you call stealing my database off my server in 2005 or registering “The Phora.net” which violated my trademark as the owner of “The Phora” for four years. I don’t remember signing any contract with the present administrators of The Phora. I don’t remember selling them my database either. No, they stole my database, my personal property, off my hosting account. My previous hosting company has records of that database too. They can verify that I am the owner of that database. We can also quantify how much I invested in that project through my credit card receipts, hosting account records, and then we can estimate the damages and costs of being dispossessed of my intellectual property. (4) As to Kane’s actions, I don’t have control over the actions of another person. His feud with you people has gone for five years. I did nothing more than help Kane build a discussion forum for two months in 2007. It was Ixabert who hacked your stupid forum. (5) Finally, there are 9 Republicans on the Alabama Supreme Court, which has made Alabama the most pro-business state in United States. So I wonder how a lawsuit by an Alabama business owner would fare here? I’m kind of interested to see will come of this: growing ever more inclined to see if the courts here will smile upon cyberstalking, theft, and libel. I want to see if these internet trolls are as invincible as they think they are . 472
Posted by J. M. on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 14:00 | # I am going to address Hunter Wallace directly again. It’s amazing how much drivel he writes when “I’m sorry” would suffice and get him a lot farther. Me:
Hunter Wallace:
Stop distorting my words, you slimy squid. I didn’t say you phished passwords. I said you KNEW about it. Your knowledge of the password phishing is established beyond doubt in the captured secret forum threads provided. Here’s just one example: Starr reinstated as supermod EagleEye (Daryl Basarab), Nov 10 2007, 05:17 PM:
Feyd Harkonnen (Hunter Wallace), Nov 10 2007, 10:46 PM:
EagleEye (Daryl Basarab), Nov 10 2007, 11:00 PM:
* * * * * Quit insulting people’s intelligence by claiming you weren’t involved. Not only did you have full knowledge of the nature and scope of the operation, but you were actively offering suggestions in order to further the violations of privacy. Meanwhile, on the outside, public forum, you were blaming OVERWATCH for the misdeed: Hunter Wallace, Nov. 6, 2007:
* * * * * You claimed that you recently became a Christian. Do recall reading anything about bearing false witness? You style yourself some sort of earnest spokesperson for White advocacy or Southern conservatism or whatever it is this week. In truth, you are the sort of person who teams up with an anti-WN, commie cockroach like Daryl Basarab in order to violate the privacy of numerous individuals on a free speech forum in pursuance of some pathetic Internet grudge. Nearly four years later Daryl’s still trying to break into people’s stuff using his script-kiddie hacks, and you’re still covering for him like his demented PR man. When are you going to stop this madness and acknowledge that what you did was wrong? Because unfortunately for you, the secret logs became public, shining not a little light on your perfidy. God only knows how much more mischief and slander you would have continued to heap on people over the years if you hadn’t been caught red-handed in this incident. 473
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 14:35 | # I would have pressed charges but I don’t have the kind of money now. A lawyer told me that I could sue the beer barrel. I clearly told them to knock it off. Yet they clearly wouldn’t stop. He was chomping at the bits, basically telling me it was an easy win. 474
Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 14:44 | #
This isn’t the Belizean anon, it’s that Johnson idiot from the Beer Barrel. 475
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 15:08 | # wow, over on the queer barrel, man against times is actually writing posts that are larger than a single paragraph. That must be a real accomplishment. “fuh fuh fuh kane said from philadelphia fuh ufhfaehlrgj;lerklergj;erilja;erilfaier;lgjre;” What a fucking moron. I have not switched anything. Everything I’ve said about where I’ve grown up and where I currently live has stayed the same. You “Exposing” me changed nothing. I still correctly claim to live in the Philadelphia area and I still correctly claim I grew up right next to it. “I’ll help fade, I didn’t know he was actually being cyber harassed.” 476
Posted by Salotrean on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 17:01 | # I am really sick of conversing with macho posers, degenerate pornlings, Jewish activists, fake Nazis, men caught in arrested adolescence, anonymous slanderers and men with gender issues. Occidental Dissent and Free Media Productions have altogether too many of those. 477
Posted by Chip Farley on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 17:03 | #
It may be time for someone out there to start a Phora Legal Defense Fund. Given all the people that Fade has messed with over the years, I am sure there will be plenty of contributors. 478
Posted by metal gear / iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 18:51 | # It’s retarded because ixabert/israel bergstein did half the things he turned us in for. did I delete any posts? no. if I had conducted the operation, all we would have done is spied, and that would have been it. but IXABERT IS A MEMBER ON THE PHORA RIGHT NOW WHEN HE DID THE STUFF HE CLAIMED WE DID, AND HE OMITTED LARGE PARTS OF THE PRIVATE DISCUSSION! an analogy: 479
Posted by il ragno on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 19:17 | # As he’s a self-activating Whinebot 3000 with a hair-trigger, I know better than to address Daryl Basarab directly. You can all see for yourselves by now that the merest muttered aside is enough to trip the mechanism launching yet another 200,000 words on Topic A (“nothing is ever my fault! Can’t you see it’s all the Phora Phora Phora Phora Phora???”) No thank you. His mentor and Big Brother, Fade/Hunter/Brad/Daedalus/Scimitar/Gaius Caligula (I’m gonna be merciful and stop at 6, but trust me - if he had a passport for every pseudonym he’s used, he’d be on Interpol’s most-wanted list) is another matter. Or at least he’d like us to think so, but he seems determined to cling to his strategy of responding to every j’accuse with half-a-dozen outright lies in the hopes of creating such an impenetrable muddle than the average Interested Onlooker will throw up his hands, pox-on-both-your-houses style, and quickly become Disinterested. It would make a pretty good strategy if he hadn’t melted down, again and again, in public and full view of dozens, perhaps hundreds, of witnesses. (Note that Fade’s detractors take him to task personally for his actions, whereas Fade responds by demonizing a website, Basarab-style….as though it had achieved a malevolent sentience in his absence). But never mind: Fade fancies himself the captain of Life’s Debate Team, and that the rules governing debate are “whoever’s still left standing, and lying, wins”. No point in directly addressing him either. No need to, either; there’s no shortage of screen-captures that tell the real story. But, Fade, when you write
you really ought to double-check the first sentence of my first post in this thread, to wit:
Do it, Fade! Hire that litigational shark! We both know you’ve got no career, or career prospects, to jeopardize…not any more, anyway….so what have you got to lose? In closing, may I state that I’ve been a regular at the Phora for several years, and not even I could come close to giving this much of a shit about the place. Gott im Himmel, it’s just a fucking message board! Thank you all, and good afternoon. 480
Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 19:43 | # I’m not sure if I speak for anyone else but this is tedious beyond belief - get a room ladies - it’s fucking balls-achingly boring. 481
Posted by metal gear / iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 19:56 | # I attack the entire community as a collective because there is no real unique individual thought inside of it. I demonize the entire website because I feel that the staff didn’t moderate fairly and I felt that this biased moderation played a role in me being outted, harassed, and mistreated while other people were really doing the bullying that lead to it. What is most telling is that now, in the year 2011, none of the people who moderate the forum will take responsibility for their mistakes. Just a simple “we’re sorry, you really got the short end of the stick” would have made me think of them better. The phora does not act as individuals. It acts as a group. Stan moderates like an asshole and bans people who he suspects of not agreeing with his personal vandettas. Sure he may not openly say this, but he works the system to get his way. He’s a manipulative faggot. And Jemming isn’t any better. She stands by idolly while other people take outright abuse, and makes a million useless threads that essentially say the same thing. 482
Posted by metal gear / iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:03 | # For a “free speech forum,” I have never seen a group of people who are so damn hiveminded. You talk about how Jews are hive minded. No, I was on the Jewish task force they weren’t half as hiveminded. When your forum decides that it’s going to make an enemy out of someone, EVERY SINGLE staff member marches in step. Then when you decide to stop being an enemy, you all march in step. Nobody utters a word now to complain about ixabert being on your forum. Everyone marches in step to “tell the world” about me and fade. Show me the staff member who stood up and said “this is wrong” when I was taking the abuse in the most vulnerable state. Before I had the ability to do anything back. Before I had your personal information. The only staff member to do this no longer is allowed on your forum. 483
Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:10 | # LOL@Kane whining about Starr. What kind of so-called thug and revolutionary communist is jealous of a non-confrontational woman? Seriously dawg are you jelly of her power? U Mad she wouldn’t come to your defense on a subject she wasn’t involved in? Perhaps you are jealous she has much more awesome things to say, and you’re jealous she has friends while no one likes you. You will submit to the Phora and recognize it’s greatness. 484
Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:18 | # I notice how you and Fade bring up Ixabert and claim he has some responsibility in certain actions. Did you guys manage to provide proof or is he just your fall back guy these days? He is now a contributing member at Phora, does this anger you, on a scale of 1 to 10 how jealous does this make you? Are you guys just mad as hell he is allowed back while you guys are stuck looking through the gate stamping your feet? 485
Posted by metal gear / iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:18 | # It is your job as a moderator to moderate the forum. And what is worse is that I would take abuse, and then I’d get banned. It would be like you break into my house, then I get sued. You don’t put a bunch of political extremists together, and then allow them all to beat on a single person. That’s very very stupid. Then when the person finally fights back, you don’t act like the victim. I went on the phora to discuss politics, not make friends. I have plenty of friends. I keep the two separated. Believe it or not in real life I am well liked by people who fit into my clique so to speak. I don’t come here for a social life. I am not guessing, I am absolutely positive that I am well liked based on winning popularity contests that I didn’t want to participate in, and based on what others who know me have to say about me. The majority of peers my own age like me, and many older adults do. If you believe that I am coming online to compensate for lack of real life friends, you are misreading me. I have friends, but I also persue interests like distance running, video gaming, programming, working etc. Extreme politics is something I am interested in. But I have friends outside of it. 486
Posted by metal gear / iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:26 | # It angers me because ixabert faked like he was on our side, then he purposely screwed things up, then he “turned us in” for the things he actually did. Now I broke into the place, I admit that. But I didn’t harass people who were unrelated to my conflict, and I didn’t delete data. That was him, yet he was the one who turned on us. Now you can say that he was banned from the lyceum, but he was demodded because he was an obvious leak. And for additional reasons regarding but the reason I supported his demodded was because of the hack related stuff. And that’s pretty pathetic that you mistake political activism for a social life. I don’t post to have a social life, I do that in real life. I post because I am interested in the subject matter. And I am tired of being blamed when I was the one who got screwed, because I’m an easy target to blame because I don’t swing the way everyone else does on the Jewish question. it is your job as a moderator to moderate. I don’t know why starr got up there. She’s a post count whore with nothing interesting to say. The staff not only allowed me to get relentlessly abused, but then they would take disciplinary action against me instead of the people who were delivering the abuse. Because they operate as a hivemind they can get away with it. They simply use instant messanger and their mod lounge to agree to conspire, and that’s it. There is no objective or fairness on the “free speech” phora. 487
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:34 | #
To: Ebusitanus Actually, I have “given it a rest” for years, but there hasn’t been any reciprocity on your part. People from your website follow me around the internet stalking me and harassing me. They are under the naive impression they are going to stalk and harass me like they have stalked and harassed Kane. Well, that is going to end. I have made a simple request of you - reign in the trolls, clean up your forum, leave me alone. And that will be the end of the matter. 488
Posted by Egyptian Magician on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:42 | # Two things: 1. Ixabert is praised by many. 2. It is time for Fade and Kane to submit. 489
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:52 | # To: Stan Sterkendries
It is true that I agreed to allow you to administer my forum. But, I honestly don’t require given you at any point the right to steal my database and violate my trademark, much less use my property to defame me. That you got away with this is more a symptom of my own disgust than anything else.
You are confusing two separate things - administering a forum and ownership of my domain name and ownership of my database. Granted, you owned the new vBulletin license, and you owned the new hosting account, but you did not either the database or the rights to the domain name. At any time, you could have started a completely new website, but what you chose to do so is to steal mine.
Is it really? You stole my forum and banned me from it. Then you allowed my property to be used as a platform to engage in cyberstalking and cyberharassment. And here you are claiming that you have been “victimized.” Theft is a crime.
I’ve made a few simple requests. See above. Remove the bullshit avatar and defamation from my account account. Remove my personal information from your website which you do not have my authorization to use. Remove the defamatory document from your server. Stop harassing me. That will be the end of the matter, Stan.
I’ve given you a way out, Stan. I was perfectly content to mind my own business ... but, what doesn’t sit right with me, is my stolen property and the harassment. You think that you can get away it? Look, know how much you care about your privacy. I value my privacy too. Thus, we should be able to compromise here, as I would hate to be forced to retaliate against you ... seeing as how the costs to your privacy are far more serious than mine.
You think I am bluffing? Well, you can call the bluff at anytime, but we both know that Starr is the one who will have to answer for it. You made sure of that. Starr, who had nothing to do with this feud, has been put in the awful position of being your fall guy. Why didn’t you assume ownership of The Phora? You could have easily done so. 490
Posted by Egyptian Magician on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 20:57 | # Well, would you look at that? Looks like Phora wins again. 491
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 21:06 | # Starr, I’m waiting for your answer. Stan has made sure that you are the one who I will be dealing with should the occasion arise. He has used you to insulate himself from legal damages. That is hardly a coincidence. He works for the Belgian government. Look, I have never had a problem with you, and I have always gotten along with you. I’ve made a few reasonable requests: reign in the trolls who are stalking me, remove that document that OVERWATCH uploaded to your server, remove any and all personal information from that website, sandbox bullshit threads about me, and undo the vandalism to my account. That will be the end of the matter. Note: Because of a few trolls who are engaged in cyberstalking, which you had nothing to do with, you caught the whirlwind of much of the hell from Iceman/Kane. So, in order to avoid that happening again, I am politely asking you and making a reasonable request to clean up that forum and to force your own trolls to knock it off. 492
Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 21:42 | #
I can see why one would want such a thing removed, it exposes you. You don’t want to be seen in your true light. 493
Posted by metal gear / iceman on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 21:48 | # See that’s where me and daniel shays come out as termites. When we read that upload, we enjoy it more each time. Though I can see why Fade doesn’t like it. It makes it appear as if he was equally involved, when he really was not if you knew the whole story. 494
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 22:46 | #
Actually, if you read that stupid document, there is nothing in there that actually shows that. It was Kane and Daniel Shays who “phished” your passwords and it was Ixabert who “hacked” your forum. Then Ixabert was banned when we found out he was doing it without our knowledge. Strangely enough, it was Ixabert who “hacked” the Phora, it was Ixabert who “phished” passwords, and it was Ixabert who “cracked” email accounts. Yet Ixabert was strangely welcomed back at The Phora. How odd. The Phora harasses me for something that one of their members actually did to them. They libel me in cyberspace for something that was done by someone else - something that was done by Ixabert. That’s fine. When I sue them, that will be the end of The Phora. 495
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 23:09 | # To: Steven Michael Scwankhous
(1) I’m quite sure that I was the owner of “The Phora” for five years. (2) I’m quite sure that I can prove that in court. (3) I’m also quite sure that the trademark and copyright laws in the United States will support my case ... in light of any written contract between me and you in which transferred my ownership rights to you.
Actually, the records show that I had taken some time off from the internet. I was dispirited by a malicious hack of my website - it being my personal property, I could have done anything I wanted with it. While I was gone, in October or November 2005, Steven and friends swiped a copy of my database off my Dreamhost hosting account, which Dreamhost can easily verify was my legal property, and which vBulletin can confirm was my property because my vandalized account was used to create the database. When I came back, I discovered what had been done to my website, how a copy of my database had been swiped and set up on another hosting account with a different vBulletin license and a new domain name. Steven Michael Scwankhous, a Neo-Nazi who was affiliated with the National Alliance, had committed a crime. Now, I am sure that I agreed to allow you to administer my database (this is common on vBulletin forums), but at no point did I ever sign a contract with you (nor was I paid to transfer my ownership rights) of my domain name and my database to you.
As I shall explain to my attorney, Steven Michael Scwankhous stole a copy of my database (we will soon find out if he was a criminal record), which he uploaded onto a BlueHost hosting account, which violates BlueHost’s own policies and which is illegal in Alabama and other states.
As I shall explain to the FBI Cyber Crime division, The Phora is a criminal enterprise that engages in systematic cyberstalking and cyberharassment of banned members. It has a long history of doing so. I’m sure I have plenty of witnesses which will sign sworn statements that will verify this.
As I shall explain to FBI and the Belgian government, I was content to leave them alone ... provided they clean up their forum, stop violating their TOS agreement with Bluehost, and stop harassing me and others on other websites. Unfortunately, The Phora could not respond to a reasonable request to resolve this dispute when it was delivered to them in writing. You see, Stan Sterkendries and Steven Michael Scwankhous confused my own disgust with The Phora, my own willingness to concentrate on my own website, with a willingness to tolerate libel, defamation, slander, theft, cyberstalking and cyberharassment from The Phora. In reality, I just had better things to do ... and wanted to move on with my life. But, let’s see if “Phora Wins” when I file a lawsuit against Starr or whoever owns The Phora now, contact the FBI Cyber Crimes Division, as well as the Belgian government which employs Stan Sterkendries, which will surely be interested to know about his preoccupation with an American based “hate site.” 496
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 23:18 | # To: Starr, Ebusitanus, and Ahknaton You have it within your power to overrule Stan and Overwatch ... and save both of us an unnecessary legal headache, a bullshit forum feud, which a bunch of trolls are stirring up again. As I said above, I will leave you alone and never bother you again, if ... (1) You remove all photographs of me and all mentions of my name from your website. (2) You sandbox all discussions of me on your website. (3) You remove the vandalism from my banned account and user title. (4) You remove this antagonistic document from your server. http://thephora.net/Prozium.aka.Feyd_degeneracy_archive/ (5) You reign in the cyberstalkers and make it clear to them that stalking and harassing other people on the internet has utterly nothing whatsoever to do with a discussion forum and it is harmful and counterproductive to The Phora. Do you want to start this shit up again - why? Does Stan honestly want to antagonize me? I don’t think he does. I don’t have a problem with the three of you or with Petr or with any number of the people who are still posting there. ALL I WANT is to be left alone. But, if you don’t me alone, there will be consequences. 497
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 23:51 | # To: Ebusitanus
That’s right! You have never antagonized me or anyone else on another website, Daniel. Neither has Starr or Chris or Petr or any number of people at The Phora. I don’t have a problem with you. Unlike Stan, I respect the contributions you have made over the years. Please remember, if I had wanted to harm anyone on The Phora, I could have done it a long time ago. Stan, in particular. You just want a productive discussion forum, right? Well, that’s fine ... but you have trash on your forum, people like il ragno and Niccolo and Jake Featherston, who keep this shit going on other websites for the lulz of doing so, who were doing it with Todd Brendan Fahey years ago, who have been doing it with Kane for five years now, and who are starting it up with me now because they have nothing better to do. You also have Steven Michael Scwankhous and Stan who keep using your discussion forum as a tool for their vain, silly, and unethical little power trips in cyberspace ... which, to be perfectly honest ... you would be far better off without. This should be obvious in hindsight. So now, the clown element of The Phora which hangs out on “Beer Barrel” and “Stumble Inn,” who are bored again and have nothing better to do, have inflamed all this shit up again ... which was over years ago. Honestly, is it worth it? No, it is not worth it. It certainly isn’t it worth it to you, to Starr, and to Chris who don’t engage in this shit, and who just want a good debate forum, which Stan and Overwatch and friends keep fucking up. Do you want all this trash from Speakeasy and Stumble Inn slumming on your forum and degrading its quality and if that were not bad enough stirring shit up with other people in cyberspace? Why? I have left you alone ... for years now. Trolling other people is against your own rules. That is what Stan and Overwatch are doing. That is what these other idiots are doing - trolling, harassing, stalking other people, provoking them for the fun of doing so. If they weren’t allowed to get away with it, not only would have never had these problems with Kane, your forum would be FAR BETTER OFF than it is today. The only thing you want, Ahknaton wants, and Starr wants ... is a debate forum. So why not do the reasonable thing here, Daniel? Why not do the ethical thing ... and slap down these idiots before they cause you any more trouble? No one on the internet wants to bother with these stupid, silly, petty feuds. I’m counting on you and Starr and Ahknaton to reason with me ... to explain to Stan and Steve that antagonizing other people isn’t what a debate forum is supposed to be about, and that the least you can do is put an end to a stupid, silly feud when it is within your power to do so. 498
Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 23:51 | # fade whaddup you go to sleep in the last 48 hours bro? I worry about you my yellow shirted friend hail the beer barrel 500
Posted by anon on Tue, 13 Sep 2011 23:59 | # Can you imagine todd brendan fahey and kane123123 part of your defense team for a sticknigger civil rights lawlsuit? 501
Posted by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:02 | # “(1) I request that you remove all photographs of me and all mentions of my name from your website. http://thephora.net/forum/showthread.php?t=64605 (3) I request that you remove this image from my banned account and from my user title. (4) I request that you remove this document from your server. http://thephora.net/Prozium.aka.Feyd_degeneracy_archive/ “
Its really neat that you claim to be “fairly sure” the identity of “J.M.” is known to various persons at The Phora, but this qualified certainty is based, as it were, entirely on your own speculative assertion. You may or may not be sincere in this claim, but it has no objective basis beyond your own suspicious nature (assuming you aren’t simply lying, of course). This utter lack of evidentiary substantiation is hardly surprising, in light of its being an unqualified falsity. Which is, to put it a touch indelicately, rather characteristic of the vomitous stream of bullshit which spews constantly from Our Hunter. 502
Posted by Henry S. Collinsworth on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:27 | # I, for one, am alarmed to witness Hunter Wallace participating in this extremely bizarre back-and-forth. I’m aware of his previous, erm, breakdowns…perhaps this is another? 503
Posted by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:33 | # “I am not giving an apology. I am OWED apologies. From the phora, from stumble inn, from the beer barrel. From pretty much everyone who saw the feud start, and then thought “how can I profit from it.””
Please, for your own good, for the good of your family, and in the name of all that’s Holy, would you PLEASE HAVE YOUR FATHER OR MOTHER TAKE YOU TO SEE A MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL? I’m not saying this to troll you, and I apologize for all the times I’ve trolled you in the past, but you need help, and this is the best advice you have probably ever received. Please consider taking it. 504
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 00:54 | # To: Ebusitanus I’ve tried to send you an email. I am not sure if I still have your correct email address, but I would like to think we can resolve our problems like adults, and put an end to this silliness once and for all. We can both get what we really want out of having a conversation. This shit with Kane has dragged on for five years. The shit that Niccolo and friends started with Todd Brendan Fahey went on forever. It has probably been going on for seven to ten years. Do you honestly want another round of this bullshit? Why? Does Stan really want to get involved with a bullshit feud that il ragno and Jake Featherston started up again without his knowledge? Look, knowing how Stan operates, I seriously doubt it. Now, since when is a discussion forum about stuff like history and politics supposed to be a platform for stalking, trolling, and harassing other people - especially those who don’t bother you? I’m quite sure that wasn’t the original purpose of The Phora. After that crap became a problem, the two of us cut it out a long time ago, and that shit was pawned off on Niccolo’s clown forum. Well now, Niccolo and friends and all those idiots from Speakeasy are back on The Phora, and since Speakeasy is dead, are transforming The Phora into a clown forum like “Beer Barrel.” You have Ixabert there who (1) “phished” your passwords, (2) “hacked” your forum, and (3) broke into the email accounts of your members like that librarian from Kansas, what was her name? These people are a liability to you. Isn’t it clear that il ragno is a liability to Stan’s personal life? How many times has now has their harassment of Kane come back to disrupt The Phora and haunt other people - like Sinclair, who disappeared year ago - who have utterly nothing to do with it? My email address is .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). I’m looking forward to hearing from you, from Starr, from Akhnaton, maybe even Stan ... who has a personal stake in ending this trolling and harassment (which Jake Featherston and il ragno are stirring up again) before it causes him serious damage. Email me. 506
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 01:08 | #
“J.M.” is obviously Steven Michael Scwankhous of Cincinnati, Ohio (aka OVERWATCH) trolling me under a pseudonym. I doubt he ran any of this by his associates at The Phora (i.e., Stan, Ahknaton, Starr, Ebusitanus) before he started all this shit up again over here. He has been doing it for years now. Stan was probably surprised to learn about it. He doesn’t seem to want to stir this shit back up again. It is clearly in his own interest not to do so - we both agree on that point. I could help Stan end his feud with Kane once and for all. Unfortunately, The Phora has degenerated into a clown forum because “Niccolo and Donkey” and the rest of the Speakeasy slum acts (i.e., “Il Ragno) have taken up residence over there, now that there is a “Shoutbox” all the bored trolls and attention whores congregate there to lulz themselves every night, with the rest of the untalented losers like Schwankhous. Where else are they going to go? Dead forums like “Stumble Inn” and “Beer Barrel”? Years ago, when I was there, we temporarily rid ourselves of those people, and the quality of that forum improved tremendously. Now all the god damn silliness that used to prevail at Speakeasy between Fahey and Niccolo went at it for years is being transferred to The Phora because the same clowns and Lounge acts like il ragno and Niccolo have moved there. 507
Posted by Jack Luminous on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 01:11 | #
What about the ones not on the Phora? Maybe you can sue the Internet! 508
Posted by BabyFade on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 01:14 | # Fade and Kane don’t you guys realize that the Phora ALWAYS wins? It’s due in fact cause you two sperglordin’ rich kids have always been picked on and will always be picked on…SUBMIT TO PHORA MORONS 509
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 01:33 | #
Hmm. If memory serves, Fahey triumphed over Speakeasy, right? Niccolo and Speakeasy sure as hell didn’t win that feud. The Speakeasy is no more ... the refuse washed up on the beach of The Phora. How did Fahey take down Speakeasy? He wasn’t even the original owner ... like I was with The Phora. What’s more, Kane has defeated Stumble Inn and Beer Barrel on numerous occasions on his own initiative because they violate their TOS agreement by posting private information without his authorization. I’m positive that violates the BlueHost TOS agreement. In reality, The Phora never won anything ... I simply created a new website, ignored you people, got on with my own business. It was really a waste of time to deal with the immature trolls on clown forums in dead backwaters of the internet. You see, I have never asserted my rights against you before. I’ve never invoked the law against you either. But we can take this matter the relevant hosting companies, the police, and the law in that order to get a proper remedy to the situation. You can also keep telling yourselves that cyberharassment has no consequences ... because the people you have harassed have never bothered to get law enforcement involved before. 510
Posted by metal gear / iceman on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 01:49 | # Just so you know. That video where shays was attacking you. He did that on your own. I just told him to speak. That’s why I was like “huh” and laughing. 513
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 02:03 | #
All right. The Phora, VNN Forum, and Beer Barrel. I’ve got some work to do. This will be my last post in this thread. Those who wish to email me to resolve these issues are free to do so. 514
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 05:10 | # It looks like the doctrine of the invincibility of The Beer Barrel, The Phora, and VNN Forum is being asserted here. Having learned nothing from what happened with Todd Brenden Fahey, we’re about to see how invincible they really are. I’m still waiting to hear back from Starr and Ebusitanus ... they will be given some time to consider their course of action. Hopefully, we will dispel some illusions here that you can stalk and harass other people in cyberspace and get away it. In fact, you can only get away with it ... until someone gets pissed off enough to do something about it. 515
Posted by Phora wins again on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 05:39 | # Fahey didn’t take down SE you dumb shit. Invision used to laugh at his weekly threats. Phora wins again. 516
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 05:59 | # Yeah, we will see. The Phora is invincible, right? Let’s find out. Go tell Starr and Daniel to get back to me by this weekend. I don’t have a problem with either of them and we can easily work out our differences. Solve all our problems with a simple adult conversation. In the meantime, I will make an example out of the immature trolls at Beer Barrel and VNN Forum, which seem to be using invoking The Phora as a cover for their harassment. It’s coming more from the “Speakeasy” crowd than from anywhere else. 517
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 06:16 | # As for Apocales, he shouldn’t be under any illusions about the invincibility of “Beer Barrel” in light of its own history, not to mention the history of Speakeasy and Stumble Inn, which had a similar problem with Fahey over cyberstalking. Stan is obviously smarter than this guy. Why can’t we all move on here? Hell, I would love too. There is not a single damn word on my website about “Beer Barrel” or “Stumble Inn” or “The Phora.” I don’t use my website to harass and stalk other people for the fun of doing so. Why? Because that is unethical. It is also a federal and state crime. Silly me, I forgot that “Beer Barrel” had recently become invincible and was above the law. Shit, you people had me fooled: Kane told me that il ragno had been banned several times for doing that crap, got his panties in a wad, and threw a big hissy fit about his “freedom” with italics. I also thought Apocales himself had made it clear that harassing other people was a big no-no after what happened with Kane and Fahey. But, “Beer Barrel” has proclaimed its invincibility in light of all past precedents, and the federal and state laws on cyberstalking which have been explicitly amended multiple times since 1994 (including as recently as 2005) do not apply to “Beer Barrel.” The Beer Barrel: Where Actions Don’t Have Consequences 519
Posted by Apocales on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 07:23 | # http://beer.weremight.com/forums/ Beer Barrel Forum Hello Fade, thanks for supporting our forum and keeping the dream of free speech alive. 520
Posted by Bluto on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 07:30 | # Shit- dis “Hunter Wallace” runt has been havin’ a non-stop mental episode in dis thread for, what, t’ree days straight? Fuck, Wallace, goes t’ beds already. Da opportunity for chimpin’ will still be here in da mornin’ waitin fer ya wit’ bells on, ya half-cocked squint. 521
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 08:33 | # To: MOT Quite honestly, I had forgotten about that. I vaguely remember the circumstances of your departure from The Phora. I had to deal with so many people over the years. Who can keep track of them all? As for my trip to Canada in 2004, now that I do vividly remember. I had a great time up there. It was my first time traveling to the Great White North. I stayed up there for about a week. How long has it been now? Damn, it has been seven years. Time flies. Hell, a year ago is ancient history around here. But, now that you have reminded me of that, I think I actually will browse through my photo album. I have some good memories of Folklorama 2004. Thanks for reminding me of that! It makes me wonder how The Phora would have turned out had I run it more like Occidental Dissent. I was committed to “free speech” back then when I was a naive college student. If I had rid myself the old Med queer il ragno, Scwankhous, Tranny Featherston and a few other Lounge clowns, hired a professional webmaster, I would have solved all my problems. Again, I would like to thank you for reminding me of that. 522
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 08:42 | # Apocales, I’ve been trying all evening to access the “Speakeasy” via SaloForum.com. This can’t be the right place. I seem to remember the “Speakeasy” being much more active. This isn’t Niccolo’s forum, right? It looks my Akismat filter. 523
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 08:46 | # You know what makes me laugh at the phora. They are a bunch of midwesterners from flyover country, but they talk about Pennsylvania constantly. Practically every week I see a Philadelphia thread, and I’ve seen threads about Lancaster, Lehigh Valley, etc. And they think people who say things like “this is America, speak English” are pro-white. LOL. The Black people in America all speak English, and the guy who said this was as med as Il Ragno is. If that is white, then Jews are white. Which scientifically meds are white, but when you and I say white, we mean northern european, not “caucasian.” It’s hilarious. They act as if we have common interests just because they claim to be “white race representatives” and there are also white people in the area. I have more in common with a Black person from my area than I do with a white person from the Midwest. I have black roomates, I’ll say it openly. Racialism has become a mere intellectual hobby for me. You ask why I hate the midwest? Because I posted on the phora and found out that it is scum, that’s why. Anon is midwestern flyover trash too according to the racial reality website. And il ragno is an embarrassment who won’t even meet Helios Panoptes IRL, even though both are NYC natives and moderate the same forum. 524
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:03 | # “il ragno” sure is secretive about his identity. I wonder why that it is. Do you think someone might recognize the old fag? There is a theory that he is one of the most famous cocksuckers in NYC. I see also that Darko Peric is beating his chest again in Toronto. What’s truly amazing is how these people never see to learn a damn thing from experience. 525
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:24 | # To: MOT (1) Laughs. That’s an old photo. I’m actually kinda glad it circulates. It helps protect my identity. While I was in Virginia, I took up the habit of weightlifting and going to the gym six days a week. I’ve been doing that uninterrupted (with the exception of last month) since January 2010. So no, I am not fat and people who know me in real life can verify this. (2) I had a great time in Canada - it was a fun experience, my first time in that part of the United States, my first time visiting Canada, and there were many other reasons why I had a great vacation. I still have photos of that trip in my photo album. (3) No, I moved to another city in North Carolina after the Carrigan experience. (4) Kane is just a funny guy from Philly ... you harass him, and then he retaliates against you, and then you whine and cry about it across the entire internet ... yet somehow you square that with your flawless track record of victory over him. (5) I was never in any hurry to graduate from Auburn. As I said, I spent much of my time enraptured by my own research there. I went to a university to learn, not to “git a job” from a diploma mill. I’m very well educated. (6) As for Patrick Bateman, perhaps you never read the book. It was a good book. If you read the book, you would understand that it is a satire, a work of social criticism about the vacuity and materialism of American culture and society in the 1980s. (7) LOL ... no one ever had any problem getting Vanessa drunk. (8) In light of subsequent experience, it was eminently wise to protect my identity. You don’t know who you are dealing with. Especially in some corners of the internet. This is something I have learned - to their credit, conservatives don’t really have this problem. The only place I put up with this kind of shit is in the WN world and there is a very good reason for that. (9) You can’t seem to make up your mind - on the one hand, I “stole” Vanessa from you, then I fucked Vanessa, and then I am a homosexual? That makes no sense whatsoever. Could it just be you are a moron? (10) Why would I sue you? You’re just a clown on a clown forum. You don’t own the clown forum. Whoever owns it is responsible for your actions. (11) Hmm ... if my memory is correct, that was around the time that the Carrigan thing started up, which was about February 2005. Note: Oh btw, it is “Nietzsche,” not “Nietzche” in your signature. 526
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:26 | # I want to say one thing. There is one staff member who has been consistently fair to me and it is helios panoptes. He’s been more fair than anyone else. If he were to defect to fmp, I would allow him, but I know he will not. But several times he’s made comments that convinced me that he’s not posting mod lounge party line. we argued early on, but he’s always been objective. I also don’t know much about the admins other than stan, starr and ahknaton. I particularly know nothing about anarch. There’s another admin and I never really interacted with him much, but unlike starr, that other guy isn’t the owner of the domain. I know we crossed paths but I don’t recall specifically liking or disliking him. 527
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:31 | # The MAT might need himself a Homo Aestheticus after displaying that signature image in public! Note: The term actually refers to the Heidegger quartet on Nietzsche that discussed in some detal the latter’s theory of the connection between art and morality. Insightful reading. 528
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:35 | # Apocales is the most blatant when it comes to being a drama whore. He considers this attack on him to be a plus, because it’s boosting his traffic and naming him as an enemy. They are all drama whores, but the phora and stumble inn do more to appear disinterested on the surface. 529
Posted by anon on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:39 | #
No one really cares nor asked you, so like just stop. 530
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:53 | # To: Apocales
So what you area saying is that BlueHost terminated your hosting account for violating its TOS policy? Why did they cancel your account? Did it have something to do with harassing messages and/or unauthorized personal information? You mean that got you shutdown? Just like it got Stumble Inn shutdown? Why do hosts terminate such agreements? Why do they have those TOS agreements in the first place? In any case, it is good to know that BlueHost terminated your account for your harassment of someone else, an unrelated person. We also know that “Stumble Inn” where you came from has been shutdown by still another person. This establishes a pattern of behavior which can be easily verified. The real question here is, who is hosting “Beer Barrel” now? Who is going to be called upon to stand up for the doctrine of invincibility? It won’t be hard for us to find out. 531
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 09:55 | # Kane, Who is “John Goodwin”? He isn’t listed in your file. 532
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 10:00 | # fade, it’s hostgator and their policy is such that they won’t terminate the website unless you have a court order. That was bluehost’s old policy in 2007. If bluehost had the policy it does now, than when my picture was put on my avatar, bluehost would have resolved it. But they didn’t. Bluehost used to be like hostgator. Another thing I almost got the phora shut down when they posted the “d@ryl b@sarab dossier.” But they moved it to a hidden forum, and bluehost said it has to be public. During this whole exchange and with the bb event, I got the information of some key people on their support team who I"ll mail you. I also kept phone calling them because I didn’t care. I was going to be rude if I didn’t get my way. Their tech support gave up their phone number in live chat, but now I forget it. You need to contact “the legal team” and a particular person. 533
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 10:01 | # Goodwin is who I thought was macrobius, but now I think it was proven as wrong. 534
Posted by il ragno on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 10:27 | #
A man of his word, like always. 535
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 10:32 | # Apocales still thinks fade directed the hacking. What apocales doesn’t realize is that by the time we created the posts that ixabert put in his “zip file,” we had already hacked starr using race realism. Then I went through Daniel Shays to install the hack which is why it took so long. Shays shows up when he feels like it and then leaves randomly. He’s hardly consistent or on every day. Did fade oppose us? No, he didn’t. But he didn’t direct us either. Ixabert is giving only a small amount of our private discussions. Needless to say, apocales is a fucking idiot. It’s a sad day in the internet that anyone, regardless of competency, can register a domain and then speak as if they are an expert. 536
Posted by Metal Gear / Iceman on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 10:35 | # I can post private messages from the lyceum that proved that fade and b-pep were worried about the situation and even considered getting rid of us. Of course it eventually became clear that it was Ix who was betraying us, not me. B-pep went as far as feeling sympathy for the phora, but Fade didn’t got that far. 537
Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 14 Sep 2011 11:02 | #
I don’t think that will be a problem. This is Alabama. Who is the host of “Beer Barrel”? Who owns the website? It looks like Jaybird has been decapitated over there. It’s not BlueHost anymore. Are they on “Host Gator” now? 538
Posted by Hadding Scott on Sun, 11 Dec 2011 06:38 | #
“Personally invested”? “Harassing”? I am not “personally invested” in it, if that is supposed to mean that I am like Captain Ahab tracking a white whale named Harold. I have stated my motives before. I don’t count it as harassment to keep a record of the dishonesty of somebody that is trying to influence others. This is how predators and parasites are kept in check. There is a lot of dirt on Covington that I never used, stuff about his personal life. I don’t use that because in itself it doesn’t really affect the racialist cause. When he tells outrageous lies—which he seems to have done all his life—and when promotes unwise courses of action, that affects the cause. Another aspect to it is that those lies have taken on a life of their own, and are in circulation so that people don’t even know who the original source was. Somebody has to put that stuff to bed, and I have created a resource that does it. I don’t see anything to be criticized in that. 539
Posted by MOB on Sun, 08 Jan 2012 21:14 | # Not long ago news was released that Kevin MacDonald’s long-time friend, Virginia Abernethy, had been added to the Board of Directors of the A3P (American Third Party). Today on Stormfront, news is posted that Merlin Miller and Virginia Abernethy are A3P’s 2012 candidates for President and Vice-President. Apparently it was first revealed during a Sunic-MacDonald broadcast a week or so ago. The broadcast note states that one of the topics to be discussed will be: Under Comments (2), there’s one (naive) question and one (secret, elitist) reply:
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 540
Posted by John Thomas on Wed, 23 Jan 2013 23:05 | # Terrible Tommy Metzger is right about Lone Wolf. Being Sneaky Bastards, Cunning, and stealth is necessary. Robert E. Miles says we are the new Heretics allowed no opinion on anything. Robert E. Miles says we must learn from the ROM GYPSIES. In fact, we are the new GYPSIES. Gypsies retain their race and culture, language and steal a chicken here or there. Pastor Martin Lindstedt says we must be like Possums and Groundhogss who went underground to survive Dinasour times. So today we must go to our family and friends off the radar. Martin believes we are in the THIRD AND FINAL IMPLOSION OF THE THIRD BABYLON and talks about MAMZERS, WHIGGERS and his 10000 Warlords Program, A White Mormon House of Yahweh is taking root in the hearts. It will be more militant than Klan, NS or Aryan Nations. All the original teachings and Doctrines of Joseph Smith will be restored. White Adamic Masonry will come again to oppose Judeo Masoney. The Raven Returns and the Swert Odor of Cedar!! Praise White Yahweh!!!PAY LAY ALE!!!! John Thomas 541
Posted by John Thomas on Tue, 29 Jan 2013 03:37 | # Elitism—-think about why Adolf Hitler closed and outlawed Judeo Masonry in Germany in 1933. Alex Jones on Prison Planet has a good video called OBAMA AND THE ROYALTY FACTOR. It is a Hour and a half vdeo that is well worth listening to. I do not like being a SUBJECT to the CROWN. To hell with the Khazar World Slave Plantation Empire Imperium. These Mutants want to mix everything up- and they will be the Master Mutants over all the Mud Races of world. Judeo Masonry with Brotherhood of Man is a Lie. They all lick the b-lls of the Ba-Nay-Brit Boys who are part of Mutant Masters and Royal Families of Europe and are nothing but lackeys and idiots. 542
Posted by plastic injection mold on Wed, 14 Aug 2013 06:27 | # Plastic injection mold Technology is a full service mold maker. Plastic Mold Tech has been in this industry for over 50 years. 543
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Posted by Anderson Forrester on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 21:52 | # I really like your article.this is some great tips for save white america.thanks for sharing 545
Posted by solar inverter for home india on Fri, 06 Sep 2013 06:50 | # Thankx for the effort, keep up the good work. 546
Posted by jual kaosbola milan on Mon, 14 Oct 2013 11:02 | # Fantastic dan refreshing topic. Happy to get a variety of interesting and important thing, interesting posts jual kaos bola milan 547
Posted by Kaos couple on Wed, 04 Dec 2013 05:41 | # Elitism—-think about why Adolf Hitler closed and outlawed Judeo Masonry in Germany in 1933. Alex Jones on Prison Planet has a good video called OBAMA AND THE ROYALTY FACTOR. It is a Hour and a half vdeo that is well worth listening to. I do not like being a SUBJECT to the CROWN. To hell with the Khazar World Slave Plantation Empire Imperium. These Mutants want to mix everything up- and they will be the Master Mutants over all the Mud Races of world. Judeo Masonry with Brotherhood of Man is a Lie. They all lick the b-lls of the Ba-Nay-Brit Boys who are part of Mutant Masters and Royal Families of Europe and are nothing but lackeys and idiots. 548
Posted by mark on Thu, 23 Jan 2014 15:30 | # without a hierarchy people would have no reason to better themselves or climb to better things, its important to take this into account, but it was an interesting read. 549
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 23 Jan 2014 17:24 | # Greg Johnson says: “There is nothing distinctly Lockean about the American Constitution, and nothing particularly Constitutional about modern Lockean America” Of course, that isn’t true. The central most, and most pivotal idea of The American Constitution is individual rights, a deeply Lockeatine notion. Through his review of Paul Gottfried’s “Leo Strauss and the Conservative Movement of America” Greg Johnson does a disservice to White Nationalism, demonstrating that he is capable of placing vanity, position, erudition and pedigree (i.e, elitism) over perfectly serviceable ideas, those that a leader prioratizing the best interests of European peoples would acknowledge and share in elaborating. One such idea that Greg Johnson pushes-aside is that the American Constitution is imbued with Lockeatine empricism, centrally, the notion of ahistorical individual rights as opposed to pragmatic social classifications – human ecology and accountability thereof. What good does it do to set this highly serviceable idea aside to propose that the US Constitution is not Lockeatine because it originally held blacks to be 3/5 persons and AmerIndians to be radically other? It does no good but to buy-into Paul Gottfried’s bookish smoke screens (apparently to take the heat off of Jews), and the continued self deceptions of those nostalgic for objectivism, American “traditionalism”, and academic snobbery. As this article was published at The Occidental Observer, Johnson is probably catering somewhat to these predilections of MacDonald. Indispensable as his respectable presentation is and his credible scholarship on Jews are, his predilections are a bit stodgy, more rigid than they have to be - with Johnson nevertheless at his service. “Straussians like to posture as critics of postmodernism and political correctness, but in practice there is little difference. They merely sacrifice objective scholarship and intellectual freedom to a different political agenda. As with other academic movements, the pursuit of truth runs a distant third to individual advancement within the clique and the collective advancement of its political agenda.” This argument of Johnson’s, surprisingly, seems to fall into the old right-wing trap of looking at what Jews are doing, their abuse of concepts of social group advocacy, and reacting as if the thing to do is to conclude that we should therefore do the logical opposite, as group advocacy is apparently “the Jewish way” of doing things while “rights and objectivism” are the Aryan way. To be led down the garden path once again. In fact, the Jews are looking at themselves as a group and therefore conceiving of ways to defend themselves from philosophy and scientism that would be destructive to them as a group. Therefore, if we are going to defend ourselves as group, as we should, we are going to be doing some things with similar premises as the Jews, i.e. with concern for the relative interests of our group, not sheer and transcendently objective concerns to promote some ideal form because that’s supposed to be the noble, “Aryan way.” In articulating the historical manifestations of Jewish group strategy the right is either unwilling to divorce Jewish abuses from an otherwise valid concern for the relative interests of a group, or to free themselves of the security blankets of Christian tradition and Lockeatine empiricism by way of the constitution and objectivism, which in the end form two edges and the sword’s point of modernist liberalism, masked as western tradition. That is to say, just because the logical consequences had not been followed through does not mean that the logical consequences were not sufficiently evident to reject, let alone requiring to be followed through: It wasn’t a large step to carry these principles through to say that blacks were “fully human” not just 3/5. And in the case of Israel’s group ethnocentrism, to argue against Israel’s “racism” and discriminatory practices, when in fact, these are things we need to normalize and do for ourselves. How can we normalize these things when we are being critical of illiberal, racist, group based relative interests which stop short of universal objectivism? It doesn’t matter that soccer moms (with an “esoteric motive” to normalize mudsharkery) currently trade in the definition of racism as aberrant, and wish to maintain its definition as such. Obviously Duke is following advice to denounce such racism and promote universal rights. As in his pandering vainglory, he might (“His New Paradigm for Human Diversity: Not Duke’s, Not New and Not executed properly). When I said I did not trust myself to use the right psychology to not have the didactic effect, I was not looking for Duke’s universalist advice, i.e, of how Whites “insist on a moral basis”, and that therefore we should promote “rights for everybody.” That is not the only moral basis, and not the best one for our advocacy. . Rights have been one of our ways of talking, a text, which is not necessarily going to do us any good, or necessarily even going to be accorded us by other cultures, (or those in power, like the soccer moms with a hankering to normalize liberalism) who do not use that text, nor should we insist upon imposing this dubious, universalistic, non-developmental text. We should in fact do better for ourselves, and for others extend the silver rule. But we said that Duke was good in organizing understanding of Jewish influence, and that otherwise his ego, which bespeaks a lack of taste, shows in theoretical vulgarity. Hence, he was quick to pander to the conspiracy crowd that race as social construct is “the globalists way” of talking. Of course, the opposite is true, crass empiricism and objectivism is the globalists way of talking. Lets be clear: Duke cites examples such as Europeans being lactose intolerant, Africans needing more time in the sun than Europeans in order to absorb vitamin D, and scientists having to devise special pharmaceuticals for the different races, to prove that race is not a social construct. It does nothing of the kind. If race is not a social construct, then why do we need Duke to tell us that it is not? At this point, there is virtually no good reason to deny that race is a social construct and to the contrary, many good reasons, advantages to look at it as such. Let me repeat, social constructionism is realist, not idealist. To counter-argue against what are likely to be Jewish inspired distortions of the erstwhile project of social constructionism, which rather make idealist arguments to the effect that race is a mere construct, is to fall into the foolish position that we should not do something simply because that is what Jews do - or not do it because it is believed that the Jewish way of misrepresenting, perverting or distorting its implementation is corollary. That is to not only to deny us agency, accountability and more, it is to deny reality, to not deal with it. 550
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 24 Jan 2014 17:01 | # David Duke seems to have modified his message. So far so good. This occasion also provides a good check on my own motives (as good), demonstrating in that acknowledgment that I am not anti-David Duke, for example. It’s not a personal thing. I’m anti-bad White advocacy, theory, where I perceive it cropping-up. 551
Posted by Bill on Fri, 24 Jan 2014 18:23 | # Tin foil hat time. Over at GalliaWatch Tiberge says there’s revolution in the air. Sunday 26th January, Paris is the venue.
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 24 Jan 2014 23:00 | # The Churches of Europe are really beautiful - great atmospheres. A testament to our people and I like being among our people there. In fact, I was asked by a lady to attend and so did, a Sunday ago. Unfortunately, the text remains as self destructive as ever. Jimmy Marr is an incisive critic. He’s got a three part criticism of the OT NT Christian text that’s on target in our defense. 553
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 Jan 2014 00:26 | # Danny, You must accept the fact that God has the final say WRT culture of death too many whites are currently practicing. He is the ultimate Judge. He can choose to intervene and save us, or reject us. But it’s really up to us which way he judges us, isn’t it? I truly believe had Christendom not have rejected God’s commandments (more specifically: be fruitful and multiply), we certainly wouldn’t be experiencing the demographic decline we are facing. At least give it some serious thought. 554
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 25 Jan 2014 04:19 | # /. Mere rational thought has always seen and still sees that children are necessary to carry on. The problem is not that there are not enough White people, nor that we do not have enough children. The problem is that non-Whites have too many offspring and that (things like) Christian charity instigate their birth, feeding, health services and foisting upon us in our habitats. This causes Whites to interbreed with them or to be discouraged from having children when they experience such alien and antagonistic ways. It is certainly a losing proposition to try to be fruitful and out-breed non-Whites. That is like breeding sheep for non-Whites to prey on. No, the problem is not that we do not have enough children, the problem is that they have too many; and that we have been prohibited from separating from them and devoting resources to our own care; not theirs, when they might otherwise die-off naturally - it is Christian charity which does catastrophically foolish things such as wasting resources by giving aid to Haiti, these people who have already shown their good will toward us by genocide of Whites. ......... 556
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 Jan 2014 13:59 | # Danny, I’ll give you this: WAY TOO MANY so-called Christians are fucking liberal fuckwits who’ve become unconscious WRT there own racial identity. These same smug smirking idiots behave as if they’re tripping on LSD or some other such mind altering drug. OTOH, the practice of traditional Christianity doesn’t effect people like that—modern-liberalism does. The correct prescription for Whites is a COMPLETE rejection of modern-liberalism and a return to a God centered belief system. It is those two necessary life saving adjustments that will pave the way for Whites to gain the fortitude and confidence to fight for their own kind. We all know how things stand now for us. Our enemies have successfully made the White race an object of hate. The way to overcome that is not to capitulate to our enemies demands—nor act like fools as some do by extolling the virtues of The Third Reich. Whites need to learn to love and place their faith in God, and protect the integrity of our white race. And last but not least, assiduously avoid the groid! — Slouching Towards Gomorrah: Modern Liberalism and American Decline by Robert H. Bork
http://www.amazon.com/Slouching-Towards-Gomorrah-Liberalism-American/dp/0060573112 557
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 25 Jan 2014 14:54 | # Slouching towards Gomorrah, indeed!
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 27 Jan 2014 11:24 | # Thorn, whether encouraging it by the likes of Joe or Haller or doing it yourself, you’ve managed once again to dump Christian bullocks onto what could have otherwise been a worthwhile discussion. You have single-handedly taken my view of Christianity as being a marginal topic - mainly to be addressed for its residual memes to be dislodged for their pejorative effects - to a nuisance, an imposition to be held in contempt for its obnoxious diversion from a serious consideration of reality. I believe you will have that effect upon others as well. If people were looking for Christian stuff, they probably would not come here. Is that so hard for you to understand? 559
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:06 | #
I understand that’s the way you feel about it, Danny. Others—most others I’d contend— find a great deal of utility that traditional Christianity has to offer; particularly WRT countering the toxic effects modern-liberalism is having on the ‘being’ of the white-race. BTW, Danny, how’s that new religion you’ve invented coming along? 560
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 27 Jan 2014 14:47 | # Posted by Thorn on January 27, 2014, 09:06 AM | # If people were looking for Christian stuff, they probably would not come here. Is that so hard for you to understand? I understand that’s the way you feel about it, Danny.
And they are quite welcome to go an elaborate their devotion on sites where that is the object. ...as are you. BTW, Danny, how’s that new religion you’ve invented coming along? I didn’t invent a religion Thornblossom, I’ve sought, with the help of others, to uncover authentic motivations of a religion in service of European peoples, instead of the middle east religion which you burden upon erstwhile productive discourse So to answer you, our religion is coming fine, it exists of its own essence: our transcendent factor, what serves as our god-term, are the healthy, authentic patterns of European peoples… we all fall short, but there is that transcendence or pattern, thank goodness. 561
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:00 | #
Then what were you talking about @553?
“our” religion? The word “our” indicates more than one, Danny. And since I haven’t seen Jon around here since you invented your new religion I’;; assume he commited apostacy. Given that, I’d like to know who your congregants are. Hey, ya’ll! Let’s see a show of hands that belong to Danny’s religion….............................................................ANYBODY???????????? Sorry, Danny, but for integrity purposes, you’re going to have to drop the “our” religion and hence forth refer to your religion as “MY religion” i.e., DANNY’S religion. The apostrophe s indicates singular possessive.
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:10 | # Posted by Thorn on January 27, 2014, 11:00 AM | # ...the thread was discussing some important things which had nothing to do with religion until you butted-in. Then what were you talking about @553?
“our” religion? Yes, our religion, those who consider our race our religion (which are many ...all creators, for example) and those who consider our race our religion in an implicit sense, which are vast in numbers. Yes, as I said, Thornblossom
No, he did not commit apostacy…in fact, he had provided rebuts to egregious contentions such as yours.
How can you see people raising their hands on the Internet, Blossom?
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Jan 2014 00:54 | # oooooooooooooooOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHHHooooooooooo!!!!! Such hostility, Danny! LMAO! . . . Now, on to more important and relevant subject matter: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ One Race, One Faith, One Shepherd Posted on January 25, 2014 by cambriawillnotyield In 1931 Albert Einstein came out with a pamphlet called Cosmic Religion in which he outlined his idea of what a true religion should be. First he dismissed the primitive “fear of lightning” type of religious faith:
Then he tells of the second stage of religious faith and proceeds from there to the third stage.
I quoted the ‘great’ Einstein because I didn’t think anyone would believe me if I told them he had said anything so trivial and superficial. But those are Einstein’s actual thoughts on religion. How many times have we heard the expression, “He’s no Einstein,” used to describe a person of below average intelligence? Instead we should say, “He’s not the sharpest tack in the drawer, but at least he’s not as stupid as Einstein.” You wouldn’t get your religion from a mechanic, even a very able mechanic, so why should Europeans take their religious faith from men such as Einstein who study the mechanized works of nature? The Emperor has no clothes, but the “intelligent” Europeans of the modern era of darkness lack a little child to proclaim the truth. The anthropomorphic religion of the God-Man is not a ‘stage’ on the way to cosmic nature; it is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. When the Europeans ceased to believe that the God-Man was superior to cosmic nature, they did not make a moral progression: they descended to the slime pits of the savage heathen gods…... Read more>> http://cambriawillnotyield.wordpress.com/2014/01/25/one-race-one-faith-one-shepherd/
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 28 Jan 2014 02:26 | # .. Thornblossom, you get off on disrupting and derailing non-Catholic discussion? You are proud of this? There are not supposed to be sites which can discuss matters outside of that framework? Now you know why people rejected Christianity for this shit that it is, so that they might be free to consider life in ways that are truly relevant and make sense, not just “relevant” according to the excuse that is in your skull. We are supposed to go to Church and repeat by rote what we hear…hear that Gallileo? No thinking. ...... Thornblossom is too selfish and badly motivated to do what he really should do, which is to go to a Catholic site, where people are looking for the shit that he spews. Ditto Haller, he won’t go, he’s got to impose his values where they are not welcome. Discussions outside of Catholicism, which render it irrelevant, especially where those discussions might make most sense to have on behalf of native European peoples, are to be harassed, thwarted and diverted into his middle eastern religion. Yes, Thorn, I recognize your trolling and do not appreciate it. I do not forget the way you congratulated the idiot Joe for doing all he could to harass and disrupt discussion while I was working-out the three part essay: http://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/miscegenation_as_equivalent_to_rape_and_pedophilia There were discussions there as elsewhere which could have been very worthwhile, but according to the likes of you three, are not free to be had, unharassed, derailed and obfuscated by your Catholic bullocks. You can’t go to a Catholic site and let people discuss other ways to work out matters on behalf of our people? Then you are an enemy. Same goes with Haller. Mexicans and Africans just love his religion. He’s got a huge flock already. You mock me for thinking about a new religion while he says he is going to remake that one to serve White interests exclusively? LOL. Go to a flipping Catholic site. We are entitled to be free to consider other ways of looking at the world and other solutions to our problems. You and Haller are trolls, here to disrupt, nothing more. It is clear, if you had any decency you would go to a Catholic site. And as you disrupt useful conversations, you are are as good as enemies in our most important inquiries. .................. 565
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 28 Jan 2014 03:19 | #
Danny. Really, now. What’s taking place in that jabber chamber between your ears is of interest to…..... no one. Sorry, pal, but that’s the way it is.
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 28 Jan 2014 03:36 | # Posted by Thorn on January 27, 2014, 10:19 PM | # “useful conversations”
An by the way, our god is anthropomorphised in our people, your god is a Jew on a stick. Go play in the street little boy. 567
Posted by Murad Ali on Thu, 30 Jan 2014 07:27 | # The first phase of brainwashing commenced at the time of capture and consisted of long and exhausting marches to the north of Korea, lasting from one to six months. Although beatings were rare, the deprivation of bodily needs was great. The prisoners were told that since the United Nations had illegally entered the war they were all war criminals and could be shot were it not for the kindness of their captors. Although the prisoners were for the most part wounded or ill, they received no medical care. 568
Posted by david on Fri, 28 Feb 2014 15:48 | # Thorn, I do not have to do anything of the kind such as accepting “God” as having the final say. Patterns of nature rather, I suppose, have a final say if we do not accord them well enough. Mere rational thought has always seen and still sees that children are necessary to carry on. The problem is not that there are not enough White people, nor that we do not have enough children. The problem is that non-Whites have too many offspring and that (things like) Christian charity instigate their birth, feeding, health services and foisting upon us in our habitats. This causes Whites to interbreed with them or to be discouraged from having children when they experience such alien and antagonistic ways. It is certainly a losing proposition to try to be fruitful and out-breed non-Whites. That is like breeding sheep for non-Whites to prey on. No, the problem is not that we do not have enough children, the problem is that they have too many; and that we have been prohibited from separating from them and devoting resources to our own care; not theirs, when they might otherwise die-off naturally - it is Christian charity which does catastrophically foolish things such as wasting resources by giving aid to Haiti, these people who have already shown their good will toward us by genocide of Whites. 569
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 01 Mar 2014 00:47 | # david, Other than your first sentence, I agree with what you have to say. But we should be cognizant of the difference between what constitutes real ‘Christian charity’ from the phony feel-good liberal version of Christian charity. Therein lies the confusion.
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 01 Mar 2014 05:23 | # Thanks for cutting and pasting my comment number 555, David. Christianity of any kind is all rubbish.
An Interview of Kenneth Humphreys by James Bowery Concerning the Syncretic Origin of Christianity For more information on Kenneth Humphreys and his views on Christianity see his website “Jesus Never Existed” and his Youtube videos. [MP3] [ [Stream] Feb 14, 2013 - 04:36 PM 571
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 02 Mar 2014 00:32 | #
Danny, did you know you share exactly the same opinion of Christianity that radial fags do? Coincidence? Just askin’ 572
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 02 Mar 2014 01:04 | # Thornblossom, there are plenty of Christian sites out there. Probably plenty of homos at those sites for you as well. The paid troll of MR has been instructed,...“er, uh…just say anything, but keep pushing Christianity” ...ever notice that the Blossom and H are always trying to push Christianity and ‘being down to earth’ here? After all, MR has always been concerned with down to earth popular conversation.. A walk down Main Street USA: churches and liquor stores. 573
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 02 Mar 2014 01:29 | #
Danny, you obviously don’t understand where we’re coming from. It is YOU, Danny, that we suspect is pro-homo agenda. I am quite sure our suspicions are right. 574
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 29 Mar 2014 14:27 | # Posted by Thorn on March 01, 2014, 08:29 PM | # Probably plenty of homos at those sites for you as well. Danny, you obviously don’t understand where we’re coming from. It is YOU, Danny, that we suspect is pro-homo agenda. I am quite sure our suspicions are right.
No, blossom, I don’t have a pro-homo agenda. It should be discouraged and people able to be critical of it. However, I do not see it as a priority concern. If they are discreet, do not try to impose or promote it, and meet at their private clubs then frankly, I don’t care so much. For me hear the suggestion that I should like women is quite funny - a hostile assertion that I should love what I love (i.e., I am quite sure your suspicions are wrong). Personally, I never wanted to do anything homo and don’t feel comfortable around the male version in particular. I don’t go to their bars and gatherings and they can’t make me or anybody else who does not want to go there - at least not those who were brought up right and are not still impressionable. So, parades in the street, normalizing it (especially to children) that is another matter - shouldn’t happen, full stop. Really bad. Nevertheless, homosexuality will probably always exist among a small percentage of a population as a part of a cybernetic balancing of populations on a continuum from those people gender differentiated to the point of impracticality to those who are gender reversed (homosexual). But it is precisely because I am not of the heavy biological determinist camp that I readily assert that people can and should be critical of homosexuality.
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:08 | # I know it should go without saying because every sane person already knows that there are three main groups of people that are violently and implacably against traditional Christianity: Jews, homosexuals or the mentally disturbed. Sometimes they manifest in a combination of two or even all three of the aforementioned.
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 16:22 | # Right, “only Jews, homosexuals and mentally disturbed” don’t agree with Christianity. LOL 577
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 17:10 | # You’re right, Danny. I forgot to include Islamists. Clearly I’m not identifying those that simply have disagreements with Christianity; I specifically described those main groups as being VIOLENTLY and IMPLACABLY against traditional Christianity. That said, I’m not surprised you didn’t comprehend what my post clearly conveyed since it was meant as an attack on the “gay” agenda and lifestyle; which, no doubt, caused you to become upset, confused, and disoriented. 578
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 19:20 | # “That said, I’m not surprised you didn’t comprehend what my post clearly conveyed since it was meant as an attack on the “gay” agenda and lifestyle; which, no doubt, caused you to become upset, confused, and disoriented.” Oh how stupid you are Thornblossom. And what a shame it is that you dump your bullshit here. 579
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 19:44 | # Not everyone can be a “smart” as you, Danny. BTW, how’s the new religion that you invented coming along? LOL! 580
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 30 Mar 2014 20:10 | # Posted by Thorn on March 30, 2014, 02:44 PM | # Not everyone can be a “smart” as you, Danny. BTW, how’s the new religion that you invented coming along? LOL!
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 11:56 | # “That new religion is coming along fine Thornblossom” Dream on. Danny. Dream on…. “despite the fact that most adherents are not yet aware that they are followers due in large part to the Jewish obfuscation that is Christianity.” Wrong, Danny. It’s a secular jewish ideology called modern-liberalism that’s obfuscating thus destroying white racial conscious. Modern liberalism promotes a culture of death whilst Christianity promotes a culture of life. During the last 60 years most of the white race has chosen to embrace modern liberalism rather than Christianity and look where it led us: a dying out population in every white country on the planet. That of course creates conditions for race-replacement policies to take effect, and for the likes of Barbara Spector to move in and help manage the transition. 582
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:31 | # Its not a dream, Thornblossom, anybody who truly advocates the interests of native European peoples is practicing my religion. It is perhaps your dream that MR is a Christian site… along with your highly dubious contention that Christianity embraces life, as opposed to a bizarre faith in a hereafter. 583
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 12:33 | # a bizarre hereafter, that is, as opposed to the hereafter of a better world for White Children. 584
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:37 | # It is perhaps your dream that MR is a Christian site… LOL! I have no interests in changing MR into a Christian site. Even in the unlikely event I did, I think GW would have a thing or two to say about that, no? a bizarre hereafter, that is, as opposed to the hereafter of a better world for White Children. Who’s talking about the “hereafter” except you, Danny? The imperative is to bring white children INTO the world at TRR—in the here and NOW! your highly dubious contention that Christianity embraces life, You’ve said some really inverted things here at MR, but that one takes the cake. Congratulations!
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 13:53 | # I don’t need to quote biblical verses to make my point Thornblossom, it’s clear. Go to a Christian site. 586
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 14:28 | # / After Lurker put up a OP critical of gays, I put up a post and added an over-sized image, because the title of this post of mine was pretty much the point - The title of the post was: “Anti-Racism is Not Innocent, it is Prejudiced, it is Hurting and it is Killing People” = and because the title was the important point, I did not want to distract and detract from its impact by placing it too closely to the preceding post, but wanted create some distance from the gay topic title that went before. At around the same time..you then took occasion to try to construe my motive as being protective of gays.. yes, you are that stupid. Worse! That people who don’t believe in Christianity must be gay - and you talk about people taking the cake? What a moron you are! Thorn, if people wanted to hear your point of view they could simply go to one of the many sites for dumb Christian folk such as yourself. 587
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 19:42 | # Worse! That people who don’t believe in Christianity must be gay So now you’re resorting to criticizing things I never said? HEH! Isn’t that a little bit desperate on your part? Or is it the case that your reading comprehension at the imbecilic level? Look Danny, the truth is I really don’t want to make your homosexuality an issue. I just wanted to point out that those who react most violently and implacably to Christianity invariably fall into four main identity groups: homosexuals being one of them. That’s all. Cheers! 588
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:14 | # Worse! That people who don’t believe in Christianity must be gay So now you’re resorting to criticizing things I never said? HEH! Isn’t that a little bit desperate on your part? Or is it the case that your reading comprehension at the imbecilic level? No Thornblossom, I would have to dig up the other place where you equated homosexuality with disbelief in Christianity, but you did do that. You’ve done it here too.
Good. I just wanted to point out that those who react most violently and implacably to Christianity invariably fall into four main identity groups: homosexuals being one of them. That’s all. Cheers! Ridiculous. 589
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:28 | # Thorn, What is really needed and really useful is not endless internet bickering, but rather, exceptionally sophisticated intellectual work, combined with straightforward, fear-mongering WP outreach. WP must be provided with a definitively persuasive (to our people, who happen to be the most ethical, and therefore honest and openminded, people on Earth - nonwhites don’t care about racial truth, only feel good propaganda) argument from theology and philosophical ethics for our moral right not only to survive, which is a given, but to advocate and then take the brutal measures which will be necessary to ensure our survival as a race and a civilization (not merely as deracinated individuals). WRT outreach, the internet will always be necessary and useful, but its marginal benefits to the struggle are now in decline (as you yourself pointed out). What is desperately needed in the US and across the globe is a national (and ultimately international) umbrella organization for white activists. Isolated individuals bitching on the net aren’t going anywhere. We need in part to model ourselves on our Communist enemies of old. We need to enunciate a Plan for White Survival - a universally agreed upon ideological agenda - and then begin massive community organizing, opening up ever more local chapters across the world. No successful movement for social change in history ever accomplished anything by endless hashing out of the same philosophical arguments. 590
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 21:40 | # “No Thornblossom, I would have to dig up the other place where you equated homosexuality with disbelief in Christianity, but you did do that. You’ve done it here too” Is that so? I challenge you to prove your assertion, Danny boy. 591
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 31 Mar 2014 23:35 | # .................................. Moreover, dickhead, Majority Rights is a place for a brave confrontation of the truth, for the interests of European peoples, not for the worship of a Jew on a stick and Jewish fables. There are other places for you. There is reality to attend to here not Jewish mystification. You go to church with the rest of the cowards. We have White interests to attend to, not your Jew created false religion. ..................................................... 592
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:22 | # Leon, I think your comment <a herf=“http://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments//the_maze_part_2#c142969”>here</a> is absolutely on point to the MAX. That’s what we all should be focused on! As far a Danny’s comment @593? LOL! What a dweeb. LOL! 593
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:25 | # Here’s the comment I was speaking of: http://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments//the_maze_part_2#c142969 594
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:34 | # Thorn,the walking piece of dogshit has said: “Danny will fight to the death against anyone ..........The best we can do is make his stay uncomfertable.” This is a place for those who advocate Whites without Hitler and Jesus and I will defend them. One day there will be agony in your face, Thorn, and you will deserve it. 595
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:45 | # Referring to Danny, Robert Reis said: “What a disgusting ignorant troll you are!” 596
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 00:53 | # Yes, Thornblossom, idiot, Reis said that I was a terrible troll because I do not believe in Jesus and don’t value Hitler. LOL Haller, you have a one person fan club in Thornblossom. He is probably the only one who reads your comments. On the other hand, you’ve got zillions of Mexicans to fill up your Catholic church. Your flock needs tending. Thorn is welcome to go with you.
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 01:11 | # Let’s put slippery slimy Danny’s comment @598 in context: Posted by Silver on March 03, 2014, 07:11 AM | # If this site is to ever regain its (admittedly meager) former glory, ridding itself of DanielS is an absolutely essential step. Alas, with GW at the helm the prospects of that are slim indeed. The only hope may be to annoy the cretin enough that he ups and leaves of his own accord, like Bowery did. (In fairness, Bowery’s contributions, while often ‘out there,’ tower over the tripe that is DanielS’s stock in trade. Never thought I’d say this, but I miss the sonvabitch.) So keep up the good work, Thorn. —- Posted by Thorn on March 03, 2014, 08:10 PM | # Silver, There is no chance ridicule will pry Danny from his new found home. He is like a hermit crab. He found the empty shell, which MR is, and filled it. Crabby Danny will fight to the death against anyone who tries to evict him because he fully wel knows—more than anyone else—that he has nowhere else to go. The best we can do is make his stay uncomfortable. 598
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 01:26 | # Lets cut to the essence of the walking piece of dogshit that is Thorn’s trolling objective here: “The best we can do is make DanielS’ stay uncomfertable” 599
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 02:03 | # Ever notice that I do not bother people who do not bother me? Lets add more context: because Thorn the walking piece of dog shit is a Jesus freak who insists on imposing his religion here, of worshiping a Jew on a stick, he will enlist the trolling harassment of Silver an admitted non-White.. Thorn’s purpose, thus: “The best we can do is make DanielS’ stay uncomfertable”
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 12:39 | # “Ever notice that I do not bother people who do not bother me?” LOL! Not really. Actually exact the opposite is true. But since you’ve proclaimed it, let’s see how long you can hold yourself to that standard. 601
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:25 | # Posted by Thorn on April 01, 2014, 07:39 AM | # “Ever notice that I do not bother people who do not bother me?” LOL! Not really. Actually exact the opposite is true. But since you’ve proclaimed it, let’s see how long you can hold yourself to that standard. Yes, it is exactly true, you worthless dick-head. 602
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:52 | # HEH! Just as expected that didn’t take very long. Try and control yourself you less than worthless pinheaded faggot. 603
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 14:54 | # Thornblossom: “Actually exact the opposite is true” Why lie Thornblossom? What commentator here have I hassled who did not bother me?
He hates his family and wants you to hate yours too:
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 15:30 | # Worse! (Thornblossom is saying) That people who don’t believe in Christianity must be gay Thornblossom: “So now you’re resorting to criticizing things I never said? HEH! Isn’t that a little bit desperate on your part? Or is it the case that your reading comprehension at the imbecilic level?” Thorn then took occasion to try to construe my motive as being protective of gays.. yes, he is that stupid. Worse! That people who don’t believe in Christianity must be gay - and you talk about people taking the cake? What a moron you are! Posted by Thorn on March 31, 2014, 04:40 PM | #
I paraphrased Kenneth Humphreys to say: ” Christianity of any kind is all rubbish.”
“Danny, did you know you share exactly the same opinion of Christianity that radial fags do? Coincidence? Just askin’ “ 605
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:31 | # I’m no longer going to respond to our annoying faggotry for no other reason than to show my respect for GW and his loyal readership. 606
Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:34 | # Correction. Should read: ‘YOUR annoying faggotry…... meaning YOUR’S, Danny. 607
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:42 | # Good boy, Thornblossom. It would be even more respectful if you go to a site committed to Christianity and none of this “psuedo-intellectualism”... as Majority Rights does not only count freedom from Christianity among its prerogatives.. it has never been a folksy, down to earth talkin’ site. 608
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Apr 2014 16:47 | # Oh, then I must issue a correction as well, faggot. You could be even more respectful and go to a Christian site with Haller. You’ve got lots of Mexicans who needs tendin’ and might just give you the reaming you’re asking for. 609
Posted by Daniel A on Wed, 02 Apr 2014 19:22 | # Majority Rights Was Never Concerned With “Freedom From Christianity”. Am I To Understand This is Now Policy GW? All The Shit You Tolerated That drove Off All The Best Comments And This Is Where You Draw The Line?! 610
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 09:31 | # ...... Majority Rights Was Never Concerned With “Freedom From Christianity”. Am I To Understand This is Now Policy GW? All The Shit You Tolerated That drove Off All The Best Comments And This Is Where You Draw The Line?!
As opposed to what you put quotation marks around viz. Majority Rights Was Never Concerned With ‘Freedom From Christianity’ Note what I have actually said: Majority Rights does not only count freedom from Christianity among its prerogatives That is to say, Majority Rights has always maintained the editorial prerogative to not be a Christian site and that commentators were not required to hold Christian beliefs in order to participate. While it has not banned Christians and Christianity from its discussions, it is a site devoted to intellectual freedom (in service of White/native European nationalisms) which means not being bound to Christianity or its tenets. Nevertheless, its editorial platform has run into obstruction from those dedicated to Christianity of one form or another. You maintain that “better commentators” have been run-off because the site is not sufficiently respectful of Christianity. To be sure, there are arguments to be made that working with Christianity is necessary for the success of White nationalism. However, there are a number of sites that are advocating that position. On the other hand, there are good arguments that Christianity - of any kind - is doing White Nationalism a disservice. Broadly speaking, Majority Rights maintains Native European nationalists as the interest group it is concerned to serve. Christianity, on the other hand, will have no other god before it. Practitioners do not tend to stand by and let other means of serving moral ends and orders to be considered. Hence the likes of Thorn and Haller. They are constantly hammering at the editorial prerogative of Majority Rights, trying to turn this into yet another Christian site with plain talkin’ American style “conservatism.”
I doubt that I am alone. I believe that they and their kind drive better commentators away. There is a reasonable way to tell, of course. But whether it results in renewed caliber of intellectual participation, or not, Majority Rights should have the prerogative to experiment with rejection of Christianity - the hypothesis that Christianity is pejorative. The Christians here are obstructing that experiment with outright antagonism, the derailing of threads, the drowning of threads in banal “conservatism.” It is enough to turn any intelligent person off. Now then, Christianity, Hitler and the swastika have done one important thing traditionally = they have said, “not Jewish” It is incredibly important that there be a platform which is allowed to experiment by rejecting Hitler and Christianity but at the same time saying clearly: we are not Jewish, not even in part, we say no to Jews, Jews are not White, Jews are not European, Jews are antagonistic to us as a pattern; probably a destruction second to none, right along with our elite betrayal and blind suicide; recognizing that, while at the same time we advance the interests of indigenous European peoples. There are other sites which are claiming the necessity of Jesus and Hitler to Whites. We need to test the hypothesis that Hitler and Christianity are (not) necessary to name and defend against the Jew and other antagonisms to native European interests. ....................... 611
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 12:28 | # Daniel A, FWIW, as far as I can see, GW has always remained pretty much silent or relatively neutral on the issue. If he was against people with a Christian POV WRT WN, certainly he wouldn’t allow Robert Reis to post main entries. It’s only MR’s self appointed blog cop that runs around screeching and whining about the presence/viewpoints of white nationalist Christians at MR. Moreover, and contrary to the blog cop’s own skewed opinion, the real purpose of MR is clearly spelled out here. I see nothing there that precludes those who what to express their traditional WN Christian viewpoints from doing so. 612
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 14:23 | # DanielA, So long as Thorn engages in ad hominem such as “blog crop” and pursues his stated agenda as such: “The best we can do is make DanielS’ stay uncomfertable”, I will defend myself and the sites’ interests against the walking piece of dog shit that is Thorn. GW has been explicit to say that this is Not a Christian site. Robert Reis and other Christians have been able to post here, but I do not recall many, if any posts which make advocacy of Christianity their central issue - it is briefly mentioned in Reis’s last post. As I have said and as the Blossom has ignored, as he always does, MR has not excluded Christians per se, but does allow for other views; the proprietor is a non Christian and takes a special interest in arguing against Christianity….. whereas Thorn has taken special interest to make a nuisance out himself with a stated agenda to harass me along with an implicit agenda to drown out non-Christian views with ad hominem and “conservative” boiler plate. It makes a clear issue that the pursuit of discussion which is critical of Christianity - a position which MR needs, in intellectual freedom - cannot be engaged where the likes of Thornblossom are present. Hence, there is a choice, MR has intellectual freedom as to how to pursue European people’s interests or it has Thornblossom and Haller imposing a Christian and American “conservative” editorial position on the site. 613
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:02 | # Daniel A, I would advise you not to listen to Danny’s lies and mischaracterizations. My so-called “stated agenda” according to the admitted homosexual, DanielS, was in response to a comment made by Silver, here. But Danny flatters himself by making more of it than it really was meant to be. DORK!—HOMOSEXUAL DORK! Truth be known, I couldn’t care less what a complete loser like DanielS has to say. But thank God he is, for all intents and purposes, quarantined to an obscure website. That way he does minimal damage the WN cause. 614
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:30 | # ./ Daniel A, I would advise you not to listen to Danny’s lies and mischaracterizations. Thornblossom, where do I lie? And where do I mischaracterize? You cannot say that you are not a walking piece of dog shit, because it is a true characterization of your value.
It is not so called, it is explicit:
And you call me a liar? You lying, slandering piece of dog shit, Thorn.
Thorn has not only stated his agenda as such “The best we can do is make DanielS’ stay uncomfertable” but persists in acting upon it. Now he is calling me a homosexual? What an idiot. Truth be known, I couldn’t care less what a complete loser like DanielS has to say. I am comfortable, honest and my life is getting better all the time - have overcome many challenges and obstructions. Don’t project your failures onto me, Blossom.
I’m not quarantined here, I post and comment here because I respect what the site has done, recognize it as an important resource, I respect GW and find heavy agreement to his aims. 615
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 15:37 | # ...... Majority Rights Was Never Concerned With “Freedom From Christianity”. Am I To Understand This is Now Policy GW? All The Shit You Tolerated That drove Off All The Best Comments And This Is Where You Draw The Line?!
As opposed to what you put quotation marks around, viz., Majority Rights Was Never Concerned With ‘Freedom From Christianity’ Note what I have actually said: Majority Rights does not only count freedom from Christianity among its prerogatives That is to say, Majority Rights has always maintained the editorial prerogative to not be a Christian site and that commentators were not required to hold Christian beliefs in order to participate. While it has not banned Christians and Christianity from its discussions, it is a site devoted to intellectual freedom (in service of White/native European nationalisms) which means not being bound to Christianity or its tenets. Nevertheless, its editorial platform has run into obstruction from those dedicated to Christianity of one form or another. You maintain that “better commentators” have been run-off because the site is not sufficiently respectful of Christianity. To be sure, there are arguments to be made that working with Christianity is necessary for the success of White nationalism. However, there are a number of sites that are advocating that position. On the other hand, there are good arguments that Christianity - of any kind - is doing White Nationalism a disservice. Broadly speaking, Majority Rights maintains Native European nationalists as the interest group it is concerned to serve. Christianity, on the other hand, will have no other god before it. Practitioners do not tend to stand by and let other means of serving moral ends and orders be considered. Hence the likes of Thorn and Haller. They are constantly hammering at the editorial prerogative of Majority Rights, trying to turn this into yet another Christian site with plain talkin’ American style “conservatism.”
I doubt that I am alone. I believe that they and their kind drive better commentators away. There is a reasonable way to tell, of course. But whether it results in renewed caliber of intellectual participation, or not, Majority Rights should have the prerogative to experiment with rejection of Christianity - the hypothesis that Christianity is pejorative. The Christians here are obstructing that experiment with outright antagonism, the derailing of threads, the drowning of threads in banal “conservatism.” It is enough to turn any intelligent person off. Now then, Christianity, Hitler and the swastika have done one important thing traditionally = they have said, “not Jewish” It is incredibly important that there be a platform which is allowed to experiment by rejecting Hitler and Christianity but at the same time saying clearly: we are not Jewish, not even in part, we say no to Jews, Jews are not White, Jews are not European, Jews are antagonistic to us as a pattern; probably a destruction second to none, right along with our elite betrayal and blind suicide; recognizing that, while at the same time we advance the interests of indigenous European peoples. There are other sites which are claiming the necessity of Jesus and Hitler to Whites. We need to test the hypothesis that Hitler and Christianity are (not) necessary to name the Jew and defend against the Jew and other antagonisms to native European interests. 616
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 18:53 | # Notice how DannyS insinuates himself between Daniel A’s query of GW @612. Furthermore he goes out of his way to make his oft exaggerated and bizarre accusations that Haller and I are constantly trying to turn MR into a Christian site! SAY WHAT?!? I don’t EVER recall mentioning Jesus Christ’s name here at MR. Not once! Some “Jesus freak” I’m turning out to be, aye? But wait, it gets better. After I checked him on his exaggerated and bizarre accusations, he reacts in typical jew like fashion by criticizing ME for persisting in making his stay here uncomfortable? Chutzpah indeed! The truth about Danny: he’s not only a malignant narcissistic pest, his deceit and pathological lying are transparent. Unfortunately for Danny, most people afflicted with that type of psychosis indicates he will be the last one to recognize it let alone admit to it. 617
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 19:39 | # ........
Majority Rights Was Never Concerned With “Freedom From Christianity”. Am I To Understand This is Now Policy GW? All The Shit You Tolerated That drove Off All The Best Comments And This Is Where You Draw The Line?!
As opposed to what you put quotation marks around, viz., Majority Rights Was Never Concerned With ‘Freedom From Christianity’ Note what I have actually said: Majority Rights does not only count freedom from Christianity among its prerogatives You maintain that “better commentators” have been run-off because the site is not sufficiently respectful of Christianity. To be sure, there are arguments to be made that working with Christianity is necessary for the success of White nationalism. However, there are a number of sites that are advocating that position. On the other hand, there are good arguments that Christianity - of any kind - is doing White Nationalism a disservice. Broadly speaking, Majority Rights maintains Native European nationalists as the interest group it is concerned to serve. Christianity, on the other hand, will have no other god before it. Practitioners do not tend to stand by and let other means of serving moral ends and orders be considered. Hence the likes of Thorn and Haller. They are constantly hammering at the editorial prerogative of Majority Rights, trying to turn this into yet another Christian site with plain talkin’ American style “conservatism.”
I doubt that I am alone. I believe that they and their kind drive better commentators away. There is a reasonable way to tell, of course. But whether it results in renewed caliber of intellectual participation, or not, Majority Rights should have the prerogative to experiment with rejection of Christianity - the hypothesis that Christianity is pejorative. The Christians here are obstructing that experiment with outright antagonism, the derailing of threads, the drowning of threads in banal “conservatism.” It is enough to turn any intelligent person off. Now then, Christianity, Hitler and the swastika have done one important thing traditionally = they have said, “not Jewish” It is incredibly important that there be a platform which is allowed to experiment by rejecting Hitler and Christianity but at the same time saying clearly: we are not Jewish, not even in part, we say no to Jews, Jews are not White, Jews are not European, Jews are antagonistic to us as a pattern; probably a destruction second to none, right along with our elite betrayal and blind suicide; recognizing that, while at the same time we advance the interests of indigenous European peoples. There are other sites which are claiming the necessity of Jesus and Hitler to Whites. We need to test the hypothesis that Hitler and Christianity are (not) necessary to name the Jew and defend against the Jew and other antagonisms to native European interests.
but you persist, ThornBlossom: The best we can do is make DanielS’ stay uncomfertable” 618
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Apr 2014 23:54 | # Sometimes Silver hits it out of the park. Grand slam home run! —-
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 00:42 | # Thornblossom says: “Sometimes Silver hits it out of the park. Grand slam home run!Sometimes Silver hits it out of the park. Grand slam home run!” What the blossom does not tell you is that he is endorsing Silver, one who wishes me to be out of here because Silver, as a non-White, with an affinity for the Levant and Anatolia, wishes to promote “tolerance” (of his special role as a tan middle man), “the golden rule” (of obsequiousness to non-Whites)....and of Jesus (so that Whites will roll over easily) and Hitler (because Silver does not care that millions of Whites were getting killed). And so in his agreement with Silver, Thornblossom persists in his harassment of me: “The best we can do is make DanielS’ stay uncomfertable”
As opposed to what you put quotation marks around, viz., Majority Rights Was Never Concerned With ‘Freedom From Christianity’ Note what I have actually said: Majority Rights does not only count freedom from Christianity among its prerogatives That is to say, Majority Rights has always maintained the editorial prerogative to not be a Christian site and that commentators were not required to hold Christian beliefs in order to participate. While it has not banned Christians and Christianity from its discussions, it is a site devoted to intellectual freedom (in service of White/native European nationalisms) which means not being bound to Christianity or its tenets. Nevertheless, its editorial platform has run into obstruction from those dedicated to Christianity of one form or another. You maintain that “better commentators” have been run-off because the site is not sufficiently respectful of Christianity. To be sure, there are arguments to be made that working with Christianity is necessary for the success of White nationalism. However, there are a number of sites that are advocating that position. On the other hand, there are good arguments that Christianity - of any kind - is doing White Nationalism a disservice. Broadly speaking, Majority Rights maintains Native European nationalists as the interest group it is concerned to serve. Christianity, on the other hand, will have no other god before it. Practitioners do not tend to stand by and let other means of serving moral ends and orders be considered. Hence the likes of Thorn and Haller. They are constantly hammering at the editorial prerogative of Majority Rights, trying to turn this into yet another Christian site with plain talkin’ American style “conservatism.”
I doubt that I am alone. I believe that they and their kind drive better commentators away. There is a reasonable way to tell, of course. But whether it results in renewed caliber of intellectual participation, or not, Majority Rights should have the prerogative to experiment with rejection of Christianity - the hypothesis that Christianity is pejorative. The Christians here are obstructing that experiment with outright antagonism, the derailing of threads, the drowning of threads in banal “conservatism.” It is enough to turn any intelligent person off. Now then, Christianity, Hitler and the swastika have done one important thing traditionally = they have said, “not Jewish” It is incredibly important that there be a platform which is allowed to experiment by rejecting Hitler and Christianity but at the same time saying clearly: we are not Jewish, not even in part, we say no to Jews, Jews are not White, Jews are not European, Jews are antagonistic to us as a pattern - we need separatism from Jews; probably a destruction second to none, right along with our elite betrayal and blind suicide; recognizing that, while at the same time we advance the interests of indigenous European peoples. There are other sites which are claiming the necessity of Jesus and Hitler to Whites. We need to test the hypothesis that Hitler and Christianity are (not) necessary to name the Jew and defend against the Jew and other antagonisms to native European interests. 620
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 01:09 | # Whatever faults Silver may have, he is right about Danny. 621
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 01:20 | # Thornblossom says:
Whatever faults Silver may have, he is right about Danny. ThornBlossom continues..
What the Blossom does not tell you is that he is endorsing Silver, one who wishes me to be out of here because Silver, as a non-White, with an affinity for the Levant and Anatolia, wishes to promote “tolerance” (of his special role as a tan middle man), “the golden rule” (of obsequiousness to non-Whites)....and of Jesus (so that Whites will roll over easily) and Hitler (because Silver does not care that millions of Whites were getting killed). And so in his agreement with Silver, Thornblossom persists in his harassment of me: “The best we can do is make DanielS’ stay uncomfertable”
As opposed to what you put quotation marks around, viz., Majority Rights Was Never Concerned With ‘Freedom From Christianity’ Note what I have actually said: Majority Rights does not only count freedom from Christianity among its prerogatives That is to say, Majority Rights has always maintained the editorial prerogative to not be a Christian site and that commentators were not required to hold Christian beliefs in order to participate. While it has not banned Christians and Christianity from its discussions, it is a site devoted to intellectual freedom (in service of White/native European nationalisms) which means not being bound to Christianity or its tenets. Nevertheless, its editorial platform has run into obstruction from those dedicated to Christianity of one form or another. You maintain that “better commentators” have been run-off because the site is not sufficiently respectful of Christianity. To be sure, there are arguments to be made that working with Christianity is necessary for the success of White nationalism. However, there are a number of sites that are advocating that position. On the other hand, there are good arguments that Christianity - of any kind - is doing White Nationalism a disservice. Broadly speaking, Majority Rights maintains Native European nationalists as the interest group it is concerned to serve. Christianity, on the other hand, will have no other god before it. Practitioners do not tend to stand by and let other means of serving moral ends and orders be considered. Hence the likes of Thorn and Haller. They are constantly hammering at the editorial prerogative of Majority Rights, trying to turn this into yet another Christian site with plain talkin’ American style “conservatism.”
I doubt that I am alone. I believe that they and their kind drive better commentators away. There is a reasonable way to tell, of course. But whether it results in renewed caliber of intellectual participation, or not, Majority Rights should have the prerogative to experiment with rejection of Christianity - the hypothesis that Christianity is pejorative. The Christians here are obstructing that experiment with outright antagonism, the derailing of threads, the drowning of threads in banal “conservatism.” It is enough to turn any intelligent person off. Now then, Christianity, Hitler and the swastika have done one important thing traditionally = they have said, “not Jewish” It is incredibly important that there be a platform which is allowed to experiment by rejecting Hitler and Christianity but at the same time saying clearly: we are not Jewish, not even in part, we say no to Jews, Jews are not White, Jews are not European, Jews are antagonistic to us as a pattern - we need separatism from Jews; probably a destruction second to none, right along with our elite betrayal and blind suicide; recognizing that, while at the same time we advance the interests of indigenous European peoples. There are other sites which are claiming the necessity of Jesus and Hitler to Whites. We need to test the hypothesis that Hitler and Christianity are (not) necessary to name the Jew and defend against the Jew and other antagonisms to native European interests. 622
Posted by Daniel A on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 01:31 | # The site never concerned itself with counting freedom from Christianity as one its prerogatives either. You are correct. I was putting quotes from memory on my cell phone and unintentionally misrepresented what you said. You maintain that “better commentators” have been run-off because the site is not sufficiently respectful of Christianity. No. That isn’t why. Al Ross is completely disrespectful of Christianity and manages just fine. That isn’t what I was getting at. Carry on. I think I’m done here. Farewell GW. 623
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 01:33 | # Sometimes Silver hits it out of the park. Grand slam home run on this one! —-
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 01:39 | # Congratulations, Danny. You’ve just managed run off one of the most intelligent commenters that ever posted here at MR—one Daniel A. 625
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 02:20 | # Posted by Thorn on April 03, 2014, 08:39 PM | # Congratulations, Danny. You’ve just managed run off one of the most intelligent commenters that ever posted here at MR—one Daniel A. Now to run off the most stupid one - you, Thorn. I was going to say something about Haller’s American blend-a-White projection onto Europe, but was happy that GW did that. ............................ Majority Rights does not only count freedom from Christianity among its prerogatives That is to say, Majority Rights has always maintained the editorial prerogative to not be a Christian site and that commentators were not required to hold Christian beliefs in order to participate. While it has not banned Christians and Christianity from its discussions, it is a site devoted to intellectual freedom (in service of White/native European nationalisms) which means not being bound to Christianity or its tenets. Nevertheless, its editorial platform has run into obstruction from those dedicated to Christianity of one form or another. To be sure, there are arguments to be made that working with Christianity is necessary for the success of White nationalism. However, there are a number of sites that are advocating that position. On the other hand, there are good arguments that Christianity - of any kind - is doing White Nationalism a disservice. Broadly speaking, Majority Rights maintains Native European nationalists as the interest group it is concerned to serve. Christianity, on the other hand, will have no other god before it. Practitioners do not tend to stand by and let other means of serving moral ends and orders be considered. Hence the likes of Thorn and Haller. They are constantly hammering at the editorial prerogative of Majority Rights, trying to turn this into yet another Christian site with plain talkin’ American style “conservatism.”
I doubt that I am alone. I believe that they and their kind drive better commentators away. There is a reasonable way to tell, of course. But whether it results in renewed caliber of intellectual participation, or not, Majority Rights should have the prerogative to experiment with rejection of Christianity - the hypothesis that Christianity is pejorative. The Christians here are obstructing that experiment with outright antagonism, the derailing of threads, the drowning of threads in banal “conservatism.” It is enough to turn any intelligent person off. Now then, Christianity, Hitler and the swastika have done one important thing traditionally = they have said, “not Jewish” It is incredibly important that there be a platform which is allowed to experiment by rejecting Hitler and Christianity but at the same time saying clearly: we are not Jewish, not even in part, we say no to Jews, Jews are not White, Jews are not European, Jews are antagonistic to us as a pattern - we need separatism from Jews; probably a destruction second to none, right along with our elite betrayal and blind suicide; recognizing that, while at the same time we advance the interests of indigenous European peoples. There are other sites which are claiming the necessity of Jesus and Hitler to Whites. We need to test the hypothesis that Hitler and Christianity are (not) necessary to name the Jew and defend against the Jew and other antagonisms to native European interests.
Posted by Thorn on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 02:54 | #
Agreed. 627
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 07:56 | # Posted by Thorn on April 03, 2014, 09:54 PM | # Al Ross is completely disrespectful of Christianity and manages just fine. Agreed. DanielA likes Al Ross because he is a Hitler man. There are other sites which are claiming the necessity of Jesus and Hitler to Whites. We need to test the hypothesis that Hitler and Christianity are (not) necessary to name the Jew and defend against the Jew and other antagonisms to native European interests. 628
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 04 Apr 2014 08:19 | # And if anybody still thinks that Hitler can be a unifying factor of Euopean/WN, give a listen to this section of Hitler’s table talk. http://thewhitenetwork.com/2014/04/03/germans-slavs-and-men-of-action-aug-19-sept-21-1941-episode-5/ 629
Posted by Bill on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 20:45 | # This is beyond belief that people are so caught up in the past that they can not change for the betterment of society in general. Why do we waste our energy and time trying to justify why Hitler did what he did and if there was a valid argument in his favor. 630
Posted by QAMO on Wed, 18 Jun 2014 14:15 | # I must admit I was drawn here by references to St. Augustine, but became fascinated by reading the comments and learning a little about issues I know next to nothing about! Personally I have a lot of respect for almost all religions, including Christianity, as long as they don’t lose sight of the real essence: charity, love, mercy, compassion and all that good stuff. 631
Posted by inverter in chennai on Tue, 08 Jul 2014 09:26 | # I really like your article. keep up the good work. 632
Posted by P C K on Wed, 06 Aug 2014 20:32 | # Couldn’t agree more with this statement: confidentiality protects against (a) government agent penetration, (b) the kook tendency, and (c) the ego factor. 633
Posted by BloomIVFCentre on Thu, 21 Aug 2014 09:49 | # Is infertility exclusively a female problem? Not at all. The incidence of infertility in men and women is almost identical. Infertility is exclusively a female problem in 30-40% of the cases and exclusively a male problem in 30-40% of the cases. 634
Posted by mario on Tue, 26 Aug 2014 13:21 | # Neobola adalah Agen Bola dan Agen Casino Online Terpercaya yang melayani pembukaan account Taruhan Bola, Casino338a, Togel Online, Tangkasnet, Tangkas88, Poker Online http://www.neobola.com/ 635
Posted by anonymous on Thu, 04 Sep 2014 10:32 | # Nice post.nature is the gift of god.It gives peaceful mind to refresh one’s mind.
Posted by Je ne suis pas Charlemagne on Wed, 15 Jun 2016 15:40 | # Post a comment:
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Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 20 Aug 2011 00:55 | #
I forgot to add that a Commission for a White American Homeland, or some such, would be a pretty good idea at some point:
Maybe not yet, but in the next five to ten years, for sure.