MR Radio: Guessedworker speaks with Tanstaafl

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 May 2014 17:24.

two men and moon




Posted by Selous Scout on Thu, 29 May 2014 20:22 | #

OT: Anyone else contribute to the comments section at the ‘Are we all racist now?’ article at the Telegraph?

Good show.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 29 May 2014 23:56 | #

If I heard it right, GW says he’s going to hand over the reigns of MR to DanielS? Heh! Talk about letting the “unbalanced” run the asylum. OMG!

And moving on ....

My opinion of TAN is he is a smart guy but hasn’t yet comprehended that jews are not the central cause of race-replacement. However, it is true that jews are invariably right there at the cutting edge ideologies that promote far left causes.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Fri, 30 May 2014 00:27 | #

OT: Anyone else contribute to the comments section at the ‘Are we all racist now?’ article at the Telegraph?

~ Selous Scout

Morgoth and I did, and GW too I think.

Picked up some new friends, and a ban. The mods earned their gruel today; they have zapped hundreds of posts after closing the thread.

A huge US backup squad appeared out of the blue. It was insane. Great sport, Disqus could barely keep up.

What is your Disqus tag Selous (if you don’t mind sharing it).

I am oddball1776 (or was) and dr_eigenvector. 


Posted by wobbly on Fri, 30 May 2014 02:04 | #

Good listen

(small quibble on English sub-ethnicities, there’s some around Cornwall / Devon / Cumbria)


Posted by wobbly on Fri, 30 May 2014 02:44 | #

On the Jewish fissure (if there is one). I think there is and there are two parts to it but they’re both hostile although in different ways for different reasons.

1) Banking mafia - the label is literal, parasitic on but not hostile to the host in the normal sense **but** because their banking model is flawed it causes recurring economic collapse.

2) The consequence of (1) has been a cycle of
- Jewish wealth via banking and money-lending
- economic collapse
- anti-Jewish backlash
and this cycle has led to a truncation selection process (both genetic and cultural) where the least hostile and paranoid Jews hang around for the angry mob while the most paranoid and hostile get away.

So we ended up with the banking mafia on one hand and the 101 varieties of cultural marxist on the other (where cultural marxist is just a catch-all word for people who are instinctively culturally hostile to the majority population).

On top of this I think there’s been an overlap since WWII with the banking mafia supporting cultural warfare hoping to weaken any future backlash but in the process speeding up the economic collapse.

The only peaceful way to break the cycle is to fix the banking model imo.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 30 May 2014 05:06 | #

The capturing of the discourse on the DT thread Are We All Racist Now? was a complete rout, a defining moment in the war of words.

What’s in it for the Telegraph?  All they get is a total drubbing.  Is it data gathering of IP addresses for some future date big round up?  Someone commented asking why had the Americans weighed in with such substantial comment, apparently Pierson’s article had appeared in the Drudge Report, I nipped over but could find no trace.  Is there an equivalent of the DT threads in the States that will accept and publish candid (un PC) opinion?

Whose learning from whom, I think GW is right, Britain and Europe are leading the charge, I’ve remarked before that for saying MR is a hybrid blog the info coming out from America is pretty scant.  What is the situation (in a nutshell over there?)  My impression is the American masses are far more liberal (brainwashed) than in Britain and there is a similar unawareness of their plight.  Are they way behind the curve?  If they are it doesn’t bode well for Europe.

I’ve followed Tan for a long time, he does a good job and has a incisive grasp of his subject which is almost absent on this side of the pond.

Verdict MR Radio.  This is the way to go, though I imagine it’s tiresome getting the logistics in place.

My biggest surprise is I can actually understand what GW and DanielS are talking about, why don’t they write on the blog like it? (lol)  It’s a great pity for me that there are not more British attracted to the site, why is that?

Well done everybody - can we have these conversations more often?  Please.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 30 May 2014 07:08 | #

Tanstaafl’s maternal grandmother being German could explain his initial affinity for Carolyn Yeager’s perspective - from a genetic standpoint, male grandchildren and maternal grandmothers have more genetic attachment and more affinity as paternal grandmothers have to female grandchildren.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 30 May 2014 09:30 | #

Bill asks: “What is the situation (in a nutshell over there?)”

In a nutshell.

WRT all things racial, the vast majority of white Americans (both conservative and liberal) are “anti-racists” engaged in a competition, or a game of one-upmanship, trying to prove who’s the least racist. Whomever losses in that sick twisted war of deeds and words is penalized; whomever wins is rewarded. On the social side, that’s the dialectic driving our politics here in the KWA.

On the economic side, the KWA’s economic model is pro-growth via immigration + an ever expanding and over-regulating government funded by excessive tax rates and unsustainable deficit spending. Of course the only people that benefit by that economic model are people that depend on government for their needs and large corporations. The white middle-class and small business owners are getting screwed.


Posted by MOB on Fri, 30 May 2014 11:04 | #

What a treat!  Due to Yeager-Avoidance-Syndrome, which I’ve yielded to since being exposed to her continuous self-celebration on a private list and listening to one of her nail-on-blackboard VoR broadcasts, I’ve never heard Tanstaafl speak, though I’ve read things by and about him (think I posted something about his Jewish family situation, too).

I’ll be listening to this around lunchtime.  Meanwhile, great choice of art!

Two Men Contemplating the Moon c.1819
Medium: Oil
Subject: Landscapes
Art Movement: Romanticism
Created by: Caspar David Friedrich

Friedrich often used his paintings to further express his feelings toward the Divine or to vent political frustrations or incite nationalism for his country during the Napoleonic Wars. Through the help of his friends, some light is shone on the story of Two Men Contemplating the Moon.

William Wegener, one of the artist’s friends has recounted that the two men in the painting are actually Friedrich on the right and his pupil August Heinrich beside him.

Both men contemplate the moon during the time when lunar fascination had taken over Germany. It was first seen in literature and adopted by Friedrich.

However, this painting goes deeper than pupil and teacher taking in nature’s light; as both men wear old Germanic costumes, they represent the group of rebels who bore anti-Napoleonic sentiments.

As universities were a center for German nationalism, many students could be seen wearing the medieval costumes in protest to the conservative efforts brought on by war.

Another friend of Friedrich shared more information about the painting. Friedrich told Cornelius, the Nazarene painter, in jest that the two men were “hatching demagogical intrigues”. This is said to have been in response to the arrest of their friend, Arndt, who was put in jail in 1819 for “demagogical activities” and “state-threatening intrigues and associations”.


Posted by Morgoth on Fri, 30 May 2014 11:23 | #

Funny enough I was listening to this while having an exchange on the DT with a very unpleasant Jewess called ‘‘amlapura’’ I chuckled as she displayed every trait discussed in this podcast, the context is the Bilderberg meeting:

82% of the US attendee’s at last years conference were J***. if this is just a laughable conspiracy theory then I’m sure the mods will leave it standing.

amlapura LegoBatman
Morgoth/vingoreth - back with yet another new account, but the same stream of dishonest, antisemitic drivel.

The root cause of all that pathological, antisemitic hatred and paranoia is the fact that you’re an inadequate failure with a nice line in projected self-loathing. You morons are all the same.

LegoBatman amlapura • 2 hours ago
Screaming abuse at me is not going to make what I say untrue.

amlapura LegoBatman • 2 hours ago
Of course you believe that everything you write is true. That’s because you have to reinvent the world around you so that it all fits in nicely with the specific, pathological prejudice that consumes you.

I recently read an article about people like you - it was written by a forensic psychologist. If I can find it, i’ll post a link. It might help you to understand yourself a little better.

LegoBatman amlapura • 2 hours ago
Oh I see, so you are now going to accuse me of being mentally ill because I point out an inconvenient truth.

Nothing new there then.

I will leave this discussion here as you’re being rather unpleasant.

amlapura LegoBatman • 2 hours ago
I’m not accusing you of being “mentally ill”. However, your obsessive antisemitism, and your belief that Jewish plots and conspiracies lie behind every corner, is a pathological condition, ie, it is compulsively motivated.

LegoBatman amlapura • 2 hours ago
I would be just as concerned if the Chinese or Arabs or Russians had such power.

amlapura LegoBatman • an hour ago
Oh dear…you actually think that the 14m Jews in this world are more powerful than the Chinese and/or the Russians. And yet you can’t see how utterly ridiculous that premise is.

I’m afraid that categorically reinforces, in no uncertain terms, what I have just told you, ie, that your antisemitic prejudice/paranoia is a pathological state.

LegoBatman amlapura • an hour ago
In the West they are far more powerful.

amlapura LegoBatman • 43 minutes ago
Sadly, you just don’t understand that such an ignorant, idiotic statement proves the pathological nature of your prejudice and paranoia.

Your ‘truth’ has nothing to do with the real world, although I’m well aware that you just can’t grasp the mind boggling absurdity of the premise that Jews act as a collective, ie, ‘The Jews’, which is more powerful than Russia or China.

If what you’re saying is true, it means that Jews are superhuman, extraordinary people who are blessed with psychological, intellectual and a whole range of other powers that non-Jews simply don’t have. Which, of course, is very flattering, but also complete and utter drivel.

In the real world, Jews tend to be well-educated and successful in their chosen fields. There’s also a significant percentage of Jews who don’t confirm to this stereotype. And that’s it, there’s nothing else. There is no such thing as ‘The Jews’ as a collective which acts in concert and, as such, the Jewish conspiracies that you obsess over don’t exist. Just some Jews who are wealthy, successful and powerful, and many Jews who aren’t. However, most Jews are somewhere in the middle of those two extremes - doctors, lawyers, scientists, business-people, academics, software designers etc. Basically, just people with decent jobs.

I’m afraid that your pathological antisemitism (that you’ve previously acknowledged when posting under a previous name) says everything about you, your life and your self-image, and absolutely nothing about the people that you obsess over.

LegoBatman amlapura • 23 minutes ago
The only reason you even came on this thread is because you knew there would be a couple of people like me, I noticed you have abused other people elsewhere. So you came on here because of your group interests. And that is the key to Jewish influence. Team Work. You are a very tight and loyal people, it is to be admired.

You have at no point tried to ‘‘debunk’’ my original post, you played the victim and attempted to ascribe a mental illness to me.

This also takes place in the wider world, if anyone points out Jewish power they will be slammed down and slurred.

You do not unpick my mentality, I unpick yours.

This is very typical and she is attempting to do 2 things.
1. Because I have mentioned Jewish power she is trying to say that I’m a hate filled lunatic and writes extensively about psychological ailments.
2. She knows or expects that I will be banned or at least my comments removed and she mentions that I have already been banned and she pretends to be hurt and scared by what I’m saying, even though she is viciously attacking me she knows the mods will take her side.





Posted by wobbly on Fri, 30 May 2014 12:48 | #

Of course you believe that everything you write is true. That’s because you have to reinvent the world around you so that it all fits in nicely with the specific, pathological prejudice that consumes you.

The projection is unreal.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Fri, 30 May 2014 15:10 | #

One should be grateful to Winston for not warning Coventry.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 May 2014 20:45 | #

So some observations.

First, thanks to Daniel for setting up the conversation with Tan, and for the McLaughlin - it didn’t go unnoticed.

To Thorn, yes there is change from September at MR.  That’s 9 years and 11 months since we hit the tracks.  The blog needs to be brought up to the mark in various respects, particularly with regard to a more upbeat atmosphere and more creativity.  Daniel is the right person to accomplish that.

Just a personal note on the conversation with Tan, I would like, in retrospect, to have done more to probe the boundaries of his focus on the JQ.  My efforts in that direction were perhaps not very well considered.  That aside, I was pleased with the show and thought Tan acquitted himself extremely well, never being lost for a word, and never forgetting to be kind to his host, which is always a winning play!

To Bill, we are planning another show in June.  The topic will be financial, for a change.  I hope that one will be no less enjoyable to do.


Posted by Dude on Fri, 30 May 2014 21:11 | #

Bill What’s in it for the Telegraph?  All they get is a total drubbing.  Is it data gathering of IP addresses for some future date big round up? Someone commented asking why had the Americans weighed in

I recently installed Ghostery, a FF add-on. It shows the scripts and plug-ins running on websites visited. The DT has over 20 of them.

One place it was posted and much commented on was on Amren. That probably brought a lot in, particularly as both sites use Disqus for commenters.


Posted by jrackell on Fri, 30 May 2014 23:27 | #

To Bill, we are planning another show in June.  The topic will be financial, for a change.  I hope that one will be no less enjoyable to do.

With Karl Magnus aka blankety-blank?  No.  I know the answer.  he’s gone all respectable like—not that he wasn’t respectable before, mind. 

Financial:  It is a fascinating topic; sort of at the root of some of our evils (along with intellectual property laws; perhaps that’ll be July’s broadcast!)

Since GW, you’re all reminiscing, may I ask, was Sean Gabb ever on the masthead at MR right at the very, very beginning?  I vaguely remember he was, but didn’t know who he was at the time.  Just curious.  I believe he lives in the same neck of the woods as you. 

And I know you’re too much of a gentleman to gossip, but any hints as to who you were alluding to by your stated regrets at some of the erstwhile contributors?  Hopefully, not JJR, who I enjoyed reading his posts even though I disagreed with everything he said.  He or someone with his moniker popped in recently with a comment on an old comment thread.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Sat, 31 May 2014 02:51 | #

Modern Ideas Are What Rushes In To Fill A Vacuum

When people stop believing in God they start to worship the State in his place.

Christianity is a pretty crazy religion. We think a carpenter’s son died for our sins at a little Roman hill called Golgotha. It’s nutty, far-out stuff. We call it faith because your rational mind would never let you put your eggs into this basket.

I know a religion that is much, much crazier. I mean, frothing at the mouth, mad-dog bug-eyed lunatic hysterical insanity.

There are cults that believe that the government, which usually consists of people unfit for real day jobs, often sociopaths and psychopathic personalities whose personal lives are train wrecks, can manage the lives of others for them. These people think that the government knows best and the individual is mistaken in what he believes will lead to his own happiness.

The State has different theological branches that manage an umbrella of cartels protected by law : organised medicine, food regulation and legal jurisdictions. All of these cartels seem to accomplish the exact opposite of the reasons they claim to exist. Doctors make people ill and kill them, lawyers arrange for the guilty and the lawless to go free, food regulators make certain we all eat poisons we have been taught are safe for us. Nobody who works in these cartels ever seems to stop to reflect on the fact that they are never able to achieve any of the things they promise to those who submit to them.

I have trouble believing that even after doctors have admitted that thimerosal in vaccines was a deadly mercury variant that has probably done unimaginable damage to millions of infants that they would still trust them at their word when they promise that they are safe and effective now. You’d think just the fact that they outlawed thimerosal worldwide in vaccines might lead some little bears to stop and pause to think.

No such luck.

If the particular deity of a certain religion failed as much as the State does, you’d think to yourself : probably time to get a new God. That’s why Christianity swept the ancient world. It’s virtues were numerous, it’s drawbacks minor compared to the religions of the era.

The State fails its supplicants again and again and they never do wonder if it really is divine. They do not ask after the doctrines to see that they are sound. The State is a more irrational faith than Christianity or any religion that has ever existed. It is truly a cargo cult of personality waiting on a ship that will never, ever arrive.

Posted by Texas Arcane   at 9:14:00 AM


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 31 May 2014 04:55 | #

To Thorn, yes there is change from September at MR.  That’s 9 years and 11 months since we hit the tracks.  The blog needs to be brought up to the mark in various respects, particularly with regard to a more upbeat atmosphere and more creativity.  Daniel is the right person to accomplish that. (GW)

Can you make it easier for longtime contributors to retrieve their past comments, as they do with Yahoo chat boards? I really would like to go back and retrieve all of mine, or be able to access them quickly.

Please respond as to whether you might do this. Also, conversely, are you planning on deleting all past posts (with comments)?


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 31 May 2014 05:30 | #

I don’t know about GW, but I am not planning on deleting any prior comments and have not done so. Nor did I delete Classic Sparkle’s link. As I recall, there used to be a system whereby older posts and comments could be easily accessed by clicking numbers of pages provided serially at the bottom of the present MR page. I don’t know why that was changed, but old posts and comments can still be accessed in various ways - obviously, by Google, if you recall the title of the post, or through the MR search, if you know the author or some key words.

I might consider deleting some future comments, comments yet to come (for reasons in line of what tan recommended) but on the other hand, I do appreciate GW’s position of taking on opposing views. We once had an anti-fa here and I did rather chase him away a bit quickly. I did regret that a bit as uKn Leo (I think) requested, probably rightly, that the anti be allowed to stay so that we could grapple with real life opposition a bit and see their hand. On the other hand, as GW also observed, critical views should add to a better understanding of a post or a view (the comments are ideally situated as interactive feedback - a big, important difference from what media used to be) but when they are coming from hostile sources it is often the purpose of the commentator to obfuscate rather than sharpen and refine understanding - in those cases it not only obfuscates but probably does turn well meaning participants away.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 31 May 2014 07:32 | #


Yes, I contacted Sean in the Spring of 2004, to ask him to contribute to a blog that would bring thinking nationalists and more traditional conservatives together to analyse and comment upon the political world.  He found the project interesting and agreed to cooperate.  By the time we had the design and hosting in place and finally launched, however, he had gone quiet.  I did not press him and quietly removed his name from the roll.

There is an interesting thread here, from December 2011:

... at which I raised the stakes a little, JQ-wise, in the briefest of exchanges with Sean.  He did not pursue the conversation, though some other sure-fire contender stepped up to do so.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 31 May 2014 11:00 | #


Here’s a suggestion you might consider:

In addition to the main entries, I purpose you include an Open Thread where the MR commenters can post comments on topics of their choosing—provided they are at least tangentially related to WN of course. If a new Open Thread was posted on, let’s say, each Monday, it would solve the problem of off topic comments in the main entries which often interfere with the flow of the conversation, derail it, or clog up the thread. Secondly, I’m quite sure an Open Thread would liven things up by encouraging more participation and eventually attract a much larger number of readers. And who knows? people might start linking to MR in threads on other blogs, which will further increase the audience.


Posted by katana on Sat, 31 May 2014 12:48 | #

Here’s the transcript of part of an interview Paul Western did recently where he talks about the jews.

GuessedWorker mentioned in Tan’s interview that Weston is a man “in transit”. I think that is a good description. Weston though, is still stuck in the conventional world of patriotic Britain coming out of post war Britain, and all its propagandistic views about Hitler, the NS, etc.

He does claim to be open minded about the possibility of being wrong about the jews, yet he won’t change his mind unless he is spoon feed the information.

The problem is, like the rest of us, he has been brainwashed by jews about jews. In his mind they remain the ‘eternal’ victim. To realize that jews are in fact a ruthless tribal group where jewish interests comes first and the rest of humanity be damned is still beyond him.

Paul Weston on Red Fox Radio 3rd Feb 2014

Published on Feb 6, 2014
Hosts Kel Fritzi and Tim Burton interview Liberty GB leader Paul Weston.

Find out more about Liberty GB at


PAUL WESTON: I went to Israel a couple of years ago and I went into the Holocaust Museum and there is a little sign there saying that out of politeness you should wear a skull cap. So I thought, I’m in a Holocaust Museum and out of respect and politeness I’ll wear a skull cap. And there was a picture taken and the british Resistance site got hold of the picture. So now of course I’m a fervent rabid zionist that wants to take over the world with my jewish co-conspirators. They are insane. They are literally little clones of the Nazi party. And even the merest hint, of not wanting to kill jews and destroy Israel makes you a zionist in their eyes. And that sadly is the position where I am in their eyes. But I think it’s fairly irrelevant, because they are quite disgusting people.

TIM BURTON: Yes, I actually had a quick look at the link to British Resistance as it was pointed out to me before I came on the show. I also agree with you and I find it very sad that people feel that they have to attack Israel, because at the end of the day Israel is on the front line against the global jihad and all those people who think there is going to be peace in the Middle East once Israel is no longer on the scene are going to be sadly mistaken. Because the global jihad will then advance to its next goal and onward and inward until there is only really going to be people like us who will staunchly stand up and fight to keep what we have. We will be the only people left. But I just saddened that more people can’t see that. And that jew hatred seems to be so predominate amongst some of these groups.

PAUL WESTON: It is, and I’ve been talking to people who, about, the Second World War, Hitler and England and Britain, and so many say, “We would never, Britain would never have allowed a man such as Hitler to rise to the top because it simply isn’t British.” But out of all the European countries, we see a lot of anti-semitism in France, but that comes principally from the Muslim community. But you see very little of this in, well you see in the East European countries, Romania, and places like that are very anti-semitic, but in Western European countries it’s very rare to see it, except really for England and Britain. We have a massive far right wing anti-semitic following in this country and they are paranoid about it. Everything is the fault of the jews. The jews control the media, The jews control the banks. The jews control the educational thing. Everything is geared towards, you know, this crazy zionist conspiracy.

You know, I’m a really open minded man. If it were true, I know for a fact that political correctness, the Frankfurt school, the people involved in that were jews. They were German jews that got out of Germany while Hitler was coming to power and they have done a great deal of damage. But as far as I’m concerned they are communists before they are jews. And this is something that the far right don’t seem to be able to forget about. They just label all subversive types in this country as potential zionists. And I don’t understand it. It is unusual for a Western European country to do it. I’m as baffled as the next person about it.

But as I say, I’m open minded and I say to these people, “Look, perhaps what you are saying is right. Direct me to some information, some credible articles, or books that actually back up what you are saying. That Rothschilds are behind this world-wide zionist conspiracy.” If I can read proper facts on this, and find out that it is actually true, then I can become a person such as yourself. Until you prove this to me, then I’m going to defend Israel, and defend jews, and defend democracy, rather than bringing in National Socialism, aka, Nazism. And so you can do that “naft off”! [laughter from Tim Burton] As as of yet, they haven’t been able to direct me to anything. Except for David Duke.

TIM BURTON: So they haven’t inundated you with the literature that you requested. Your front room isn’t full of books detailing exactly how the evil jews have got these nefarious plans for the world all organised. Well I’m, … [laughter]  … well you will have to excuse me while I chuckle as it’s not not really a laughing matter. At the end of the day, all this really does is to distract people’s attention from, what in my view, and I’m sure in your view, as well Paul, the most important issue that is facing us. If we can’t resolve this particular issue, with the encroachment of Islam on our society and all the factors that surrounding it, particularly including demographics, if we don’t solve that problem, we are not going to have that much in the way of other problems to worry about. Things like, climate change. It just isn’t going to be an issue at all, when you set it against the consequences of unrestrained and unchecked Islamic encroachment is going to have, on our civilization.



Posted by BR on Sat, 31 May 2014 17:14 | #

I hope you’re planning to bring back Scrooby.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 31 May 2014 17:51 | #

If I am not mistaken, I believe that Bowery would correct one assertion of this interview regarding his theory of Jewish virulence. It was said that James offered no theory as to how it (virulence creation through horizontal transmission) might be resolved. Actually, James was quite clear to state that a means to resolve it would be to require their living as a people in one place and evolving there the vertical transmission that would begin to correct their parasitism - horizontal transmission.

“One such approach is favoring vertical transmission over horizontal transmission - - There are others, such as identifying the key payoffs of virulence and blocking them.”

            - Bowery


Posted by Guest Lurker on Sat, 31 May 2014 18:03 | #

Weston though, is still stuck in the conventional world of patriotic Britain coming out of post war Britain, and all its propagandistic views about Hitler, the NS, etc.

So is this website and GW. Starting at 41:30 of the conversation, he clearly states he believes in the genocide of the jews, and Tan said absolutely nothing to contradict him.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 31 May 2014 18:46 | #

Obviously, there was an attempted genocide between 1941-45.  When you imprison a people and separate man from woman, that is already a genocidal action.  It is also very corrosive to the prison guard, which I spoke about, and which is a primary concern for someone like me interested in a European authenticity.

At the end of the interview I mentioned that Wintermute was one of very few nationalists whom I allowed a free hit.  I would not strike back because, at bottom, I subscribe to the old political left’s dictum in respect to their revolutionary counterparts: “No enemy to the left.”  Given that the liberal Weltanschauung is founded - and Judaically so - on conflict, this is fairly remarkable.  But it shouldn’t be remarkable for nationalists, since nationalism is the politics of the whole people.  It must cohere or it is not true to itself.

For this reason, and also because I was engaging in an interview with Tan - a conversational interview, but an interview nonetheless - it was not my concern to engage in points-scoring or intellectual one-upmanship.  There were two or three moments in the interview where I gave Tan a pass rather than engage in conflict.  One of them was this question of how to respond ... fundamentally, out of what part of oneself ... to the trespasses of Jewry on our race.

Tan expresses a Nietzschean or substantially Nietzschean morality in his own attitude to that.  I have written about it here:


Posted by Morgoth on Sat, 31 May 2014 19:33 | #

Is there any chance of bringing Disqus in for the comments? this is the most common system used on sites now and allows a level of coordination and networking. For example, if I have 20 ‘‘followers’’ on Disqus and I make a comment on a Disqus site then those 20 followers will see it on their ‘’ dashboard’’ and are also able to come and read or comment on the article which they otherwise would not have known about.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 31 May 2014 21:20 | #


What prompted you to create a blog when you did?  What was your thinking at the time?  If you could judge the life and performance of MR in terms of success or failure what would your verdict be?

Above all, what was your objective?  If you were starting out again is there anything you would do differently?  Hang on, silly me. you are starting again, sort of -what has changed?  What is your objective this time round?

Britain and the West (European man) is a million miles away from where MR started out, the net is closing in and time is getting short, I must assume you think you can make a difference, what would give you most satisfaction in terms of attaining such a difference? 

I don’t suppose for one moment you will reply, to do so would take a book, ah, now then, there’s an idea.

I didn’t know whether click post this comment or not, I hope you don’t think it’s cheeky.   


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 31 May 2014 22:25 | #

As I recall, there used to be a system whereby older posts and comments could be easily accessed by clicking numbers of pages provided serially at the bottom of the present MR page. I don’t know why that was changed, (DanielS)

Yes, could you go back to this format, so some of us longtime contributors could retrieve our old comments (or those of others’)? Why can’t we just scroll and access older posts? Seriously, why was this change made? What was the point? What if someone wants to browse old posts?

GW (or Lurker if relevant), could you kindly answer me?


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 31 May 2014 22:45 | #

Actually, let me amend what I just wrote. I can go back and find my (or Thorn’s, Scrooby’s, etc) old comments via the “search” feature. But it involves going through a lot of old posts (which is sometimes fun and enlightening, to be sure).

What I have wanted was a feature that would allow the isolating of individual comments from whatever person had commented (as opposed to posted). So that I could type in “Leon Haller” in a searchbox and get all my comments chronologically ordered, as opposed to the present situation, where I have to scroll through each post which contains a comment from Leon Haller.

Anyway, old comments/posts should NEVER be deleted, as there is a lot of ‘gold’ therein, as, eg, in this one of “yours truly” I stumbled across just now (and which is on point re this post):

Posted by Leon Haller on December 23, 2012, 08:23 PM | #

There is something you and so many other WNs can’t seem to grasp, Daniel; namely, that it might be useful to draw a distinction between Europe and the New World wrt the JQ. Although Jews have had an extensive history in Europe - and in any moral calculus that fact can’t simply be ignored - I think we can agree that, at some level (whether DNA or psyche/culture), they are different from us, and that there ought to be an Aryan-only zone somewhere for our people to develop in accordance with their own inner ‘genius’ or mental essence.

That zone is obviously Europe. Ethically, it is not unjust to demand the exclusion/removal of Jewry from Europe. First, Jews never really assimilated to European nations (even if they could, which is doubtful, at least as a community - there are doubtless white Europeans today who think of themselves simply as French or German, etc, but whom genetic analysis would reveal possess some Jewish heritage; should they be expelled? I think that would be too extreme ... recall my definition of “white”: if a man looks white, acts white, and fights white - he’s white ).

Second, as a function of Hitler and the Holocaust (or, if that term and the historical reality it denotes bothers you, say instead, the mass emigration of Jewry from Europe in the 30s and 40s), there just aren’t that many Jews left in Europe, so stripping this remainder of citizenship, and then dictating that they leave within a specified period, would be functionally easy, and not such a large-scale injustice (for injustice at one level - the individual - it would be, even if at the different collective level it would not be).

Third, the injustice-at-the-indivdual-level is heavily lessened or mitigated by the fact that today the expelled Jews have an ethnostate of their own, and thus somewhere to go to (not to mention North America), and, moreover, that they are prosperous and that travel and resettlement are comparatively simple. A Jew told to leave France in 2013 would not be in a remotely comparable position to our white brothers in contemporary Southern Africa, who are being viciously persecuted and economically dispossessed, and literally (disgracefully) have nowhere to go. A French Jew today can simply pack up and move to Israel or the US. A hassle in individual cases no doubt, but history is messy, and, from a Christian perspective (I don’t believe in atheist morality or “rights” outside of a theistic metaphysics; thus, if there is no God, then do what the hell you want in life, with Jews, etc; rights-talk for human animals is as meaningless as it would be for any other animals), the collective justice of maintaining white, Christian civilization supersedes the individual injustice done to any innocent Jew in expelling him merely for not being Aryan.

Fourth, any residual injustice attaching to Jewish mass-expulsion from Europe is decidedly reduced if not eliminated by the historical reality of Jewish communal, political and ideological (and sometimes criminal) misbehavior and general ingratitude directed towards their Aryan territorial hosts. Jews have been the main instigators of anti-Christian, as well as both antiwhite and communist, movements and policies in the modern world. Even assuming the historical falsity of both Jewish ritual tortures and murders of Christian children, as well as various alleged subversive political conspiracies (eg, The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion), Jewish leadership and disproportional presence in the greatest criminal conspiracy of all time - the God-killing, Church-destroying, Occident-destroying, nation-killing, race-destroying, and property-stealing Bolshevik movement - cannot be gainsaid, nor forgotten or really forgiven (not without extreme debasement, wailing, self-flagellation and pleas for forgiveness from the Jewish community as a whole, which most certainly have never been forthcoming in the slightest). Jewish communal involvement in movements of subversion against the Christian West over the past several centuries (continuing right up to the present day) have, from a Christian standpoint, de-moralized any Jewish claims for moral consideration beyond the most basic. Jewish communal misbehavior and racial/nation/religious undermining do not merit Hitlerian extermination, but they certainly merit territorial and civic expulsion (the same applies to the historic criminality, to which is added contemporary welfare-socialist parasitism, of the Gypsies, who likewise should be expelled - finally! - from Europe, and returned to their ancient ancestral lands of South Asia).

So, wrt Europe, I call for its being made judenrein. Justice for the indigenous demands nothing less.

But, wrt the New World, the situation is completely different. Yes, here, too, Jews push secularism, socialism, multiculturalism, immigrationism, feminism, etc. But though Aryans founded and settled and mostly built the US, Canada, Australia and NZ, these have not been our people’s lands from time immemorial. I believe any of these nations, once founded, had a moral right to restrict immigration however it so pleased, and that the more developed we became, the proportionally stronger and more rooted this “right of restriction” grew (this is a very important philosophical point, which I hope is recognized as such - I intend to develop it in future academic publications, after my current program is finished). But, alas, we did not keep out the Jews (or other non-Aryans). They came to our shores legally, and were legally made citizens. Absent some “deus ex machina” exterminatory civil war (or an incredibly unlikely religious awakening and voluntary mass-emigration to Israel), which would nullify all political predictions, the Jews are here to stay. So how should we deal with that reality?

Thorn’s point, and mine, is that, quite apart from the ethical nuances and complications of American anti-semitism, such a politics discredits and distracts from the larger and real issues of ending immigration as well as the increasing dispossession and declining citizenship status of whites (today we are second class - but tomorrow third? or fourth, if also male?). Discussing Jews is very tricky in the US, and not only because of their media, political, economic, professional, legal, and intellectual power and influence. It is so because of the large number of (theologically errant) evangelical Christian Zionists, for whom deep attachment to Israel and Jews is a religious obligation (don’t get me started on the assininity of these types; I’m an old-stock Catholic, please remember), not to mention the thorough integration of Jews into most sectors of American life, especially urban life, and the positive personal and professional relationships that many white Americans have formed with Jews as a result of it. You can’t just expect whites to ignore all this because of some statements by you or Alex Linder or even Kevin MacDonald.

The far more intelligent tack (even for a committed anti-semite, which I am not - though the Jews themselves, based on this comment, would so classify me) is precisely that taken by American Renaissance and and similar others. Focus on the areas of racial outrage that are the most clearly visible and threatening, as well as visceral and easily understood - black crime and nonwhite immigration. Those also happen to constitute, for normal whites living their day-to-day lives, the most important racial issues (perhaps with affirmative action racism thrown in, esp for white men in schools or some corporations, and the military and law enforcement). Simultaneously, work on building up positive white awareness of our race’s achievements and heritage. Over time, as we build white pride and achieve some racial victories (say, reducing immigration, or narrowing if not eliminating affirmative action), we can always ‘up’ our demands. Even for the most committed Nazi, wisdom counsels patience. This is a long, regenerative struggle. We should not over-marginalize ourselves by being too extreme at the beginning (which is where we still are, and will remain, until we start developing some movement shrewdness).

I do not understand how any WP with any intelligence could disagree with what I wrote above.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 00:20 | #


We have never sought any financial contribution from readers.  Requests to contribute have always been turned down.  Likewise, advertisers approaches have been rebuffed.  But if we started entering into contracts with businesses like Disqus, then we would have to find money to recoup the outlay.  This may be a matter for Daniel to reconsider in the future.  But I prefer to operate without adding to the very modest software and hosting costs, which I have been happy to bear myself these past ten years nearly.


On the pagination, I have no idea where the pagination engine went - I have searched in vain for an off/on choice in the system.  We had some bugs a few months ago and James was trying for quite a while to dig them out.  Whether he turned off the pagination to see if it helped I don’t know.  It’s possible.  Perhaps Daniel would care to ask him if he remembers doing that.


I started thinking in the late-1990s about writing something to express my understanding of the world, such as it is.  Fiction seemed the most likely way forward, and I did quite a bit of work on a manuscript about an RAF bomber crew lost over Germany in 1941.  The story was to be told by the orphaned son of one of them, who is trying, five decades later, to piece together what clues exist as to his father’s fate.  Try as I might, I just couldn’t pull the damn thing together, and invest it with the themes of identity and national feeling which I wanted to bring to the fore (these being so powerful in Britain and Germany in the war years, and so week in the modern age).  I spent three or four years messing about with it before I started looking for something else; and blogging was just becoming a viable form at that time.

I spent 2003 building up a rep on-line, commenting across the political blogosphere as it then existed.  Having discovered sociobiology and the IQ issue I used that to confound the darned libbos.  In the process I came into contact with Lurker and Desmond Jones, I recall, among a lot of good people.

I did not want to simply start a blog like any averagely sensibly person.  I still thought like a would-be novelist, I guess.  Anyhow, I thought it might be possible to create a microcosm of the fissured and conflicted worlds of nationalism and conservatism in the hope that, given goodwill and with some judicious management from me, it might be possible to pull conservative thinkers towards nationalist thought, ie, nationalism as the positive principle might seed itself in a captive conservative cohort.

The blog, then, was both a laboratory and a putative bridge.  The experiment ran for three years and three months, during which some quite amazing transformations did occur, but not the general, predictable one I was looking for.  All prospect of that slipped away very quickly, as tempers blew and relations soured.  The conclusion I took from it all was that conservatism is indelibly part of the problem, owing to its captivity within the liberal worldview, and nationalism lacks the means to address it without confirming the image conservatives typically have of it.  Accordingly, I then committed the blog to uncovering the real naturalistic, identitarian meaning of nationalism, and carrying that out to the nationalist world.  I turned my back on conservatism here:


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 02:35 | #

GW - I emailed you re Disqus. I hadn’t checked here, didn’t realise you had already covered that. Sorry!


Posted by Bill on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 11:48 | #

GW @ 30

Thanks for that.

If asked to guess the spark that ignited MR life I would never have thought of a connection to RAF Bomber Command.  By a very circuitous route, (I might tell it sometime) I once found myself having an in depth conversation with FLT/Lieutenant DFM-DFC Lancaster Bomber pilot, who, nearing the completion of his second tour (70) ops got shot down and baled out of his burning aircraft, leaving three crew members dead/dying in the plane.  He landed in the top of a fir tree, eventually ending up ‘In the Bag’.  Oh how I wish I’d taken a tape recorder with me.

I digress already.  I was fully expecting a Eureka moment, a jaw dropping scale falling moment,  suddenly realising ‘the bastards are going to get rid of us.’ moment.

My moment was standing outside a national High Street shop, casually watching the world go by whilst waiting for my other half to appear.  Strange that.

I suggest you write your book sticking to what you know best - Yourself.  A biography if you like, recording a personal account of the life and times of your creation.

The liberal doesn’t like the world he is born into so the first thing he does is to change it.

Liberalism took the wrecking ball and destroyed the old ways beyond repair.  Tan didn’t go into the late 20th. Century assault of the post-modern philosophers, the fall of the USSR, culture wars, and Frankfurt school.  Still, he is doing a good job.

Civilisations evolve, I don’t think Man can set out to consciously create it, no-one knows what we’re supposed to be doing here.  Liberalism says there are no rules so make your or own rules, and yet the wholesale foisting of 21st. Century liberalism on Mankind is producing the same conditions that liberals railed about in the first place.

Any living arrangement that promotes the sick and vulnerable over the ablest and best is a no brainer, in fact it’s plain suicide.

I might write a book. One day. (lol)


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 12:12 | #

The problem is, like the rest of us, he has been brainwashed by jews about jews. In his mind they remain the ‘eternal’ victim.

Another way of looking at it is there is a fierce tug-of-war taking place within WN. On one side you have hard core anti-Semites whom staunchly believe there is no such thing as a good jew; that “jews are not white”, and the “Holocaust” was entirely contrived. On the other side there are those that believe it’s organized jewry, especially the left-wing anti-White bent, that’s the problem. Paul Weston rejects the former and is pretty much silent on the latter; Mr. Weston is plenty wise on that account. He very well knows bringing up the JQ is NOT a strategy that is going to win elections. OTOH, being an outright hard cord anti-Semite is going to earn you the reputation of being abhorrent thus repellent. Call it a result of jewish brainwashing (and to a large extent it is), but that’s the ideological environment we all live in. So in the mean time, given such an environment, we can only do what is possible to change it. I truly believe Paul Weston is a promising agent for change. His approach will gain ground for the native English people. How much is yet to be seen.

WRT the JQ, I think WNs should operate under Lee John Barnes definition of anti-Semitism; he defines it as: “The hatred of jews simply because they’re jews.” If you accept LJB’s definition, and I do, then the views of Paul Weston seem completely rational and appropriate to his particular situation and the goals he’s trying to accomplish.



Posted by katana on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 12:20 | #

Posted by Guest Lurker on May 31, 2014, 01:03 PM | #

Weston though, is still stuck in the conventional world of patriotic Britain coming out of post war Britain, and all its propagandistic views about Hitler, the NS, etc.

So is this website and GW. Starting at 41:30 of the conversation, he clearly states he believes in the genocide of the jews, and Tan said absolutely nothing to contradict him.
Posted by Guessedworker on May 31, 2014, 01:46 PM | #

Obviously, there was an attempted genocide between 1941-45.  When you imprison a people and separate man from woman, that is already a genocidal action.  It is also very corrosive to the prison guard, which I spoke about, and which is a primary concern for someone like me interested in a European authenticity.

GW, I’m not familiar with what you have said about the jews and their beloved “holocaust”, so maybe your position is more than as I take it here. Until a couple of years ago I was once a “believer”. Nowadays I see the whole thing as a deeply evil hoax that has caused untold suffering among its intended victims (us).

So when you talk about an “attempted genocide between 1941-45” it comes across as someone wanting to be a fence sitter, to have his cake and eat it.

Could you elaborate or point to discussions where you have made your position clear? Thanks.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 12:34 | #


I will be convinced of substance to the official narrative only when something substantive, like ashes, is produced.  But we are only debating method here.  The intention was clear.  To concentrate an entire people in slave camps, with men and women separated, is a very clear genocidal action (under Article 2c of the 1948 Convention).  It just doesn’t happen to be the one that the Jews ran with from the late seventies or so, when the propagandising of the narrative really gathered pace.


Posted by katana on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 13:35 | #


I will be convinced of substance to the official narrative only when something substantive, like ashes, is produced.  But we are only debating method here.  The intention was clear.  To concentrate an entire people in slave camps, with men and women separated, is a very clear genocidal action (under Article 2c of the 1948 Convention).  It just doesn’t happen to be the one that the Jews ran with from the late seventies or so, when the propagandising of the narrative really gathered pace.

An interesting slant to the whole issue that I haven’t come across.

The “official Holocaust storyline” has three main points to it.

1) The NS had a plan to exterminate all the jews they could.
2) They exterminated them “industrially” mainly using gas chambers.
3) They killed about six million of them.

In Germany and several other countries it is against the law to deny any of those three points.

So GW, I take it that you believe in point 1), but that is it. But that though makes you a “Holocaust Denier”, doesn’t it, under those laws?

But back to your “slant”, that separating males and females in camps amounts to genocide. What about modern prisons today? There are no doubt practical reasons for doing so. The Germans didn’t separate an ENTIRE people into slave/work camps. I’ve read that only about 20% of jews in France ended up in concentration/work camps. I’ve also read that there were about 3,000 babies delivered at the Auschwitz camp hospital with a very low level of deaths (as in near zero). Those sort facts are not compatible with a genocidal intention or mindset.

Auschwitz, at one point had five main doctors. The head doctor was the “evil” Dr Mengele. The others were jewish doctors. Figure it out for oneself.

GW, thanks for your response, but I must say it’s still fence sitting. You come across, still, as a chameleon, a Holocaust “believer” yet a also an official denier. Perhaps you would like to remain ambiguous?


Posted by wobbly on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 14:15 | #

So GW, I take it that you believe in point 1), but that is it.

Point 1 isn’t strictly necessary either. The *effect* of putting the men and women in separate camps is genocidal according to the (later) law against genocide.

“genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:”

Focusing on the details of what happened 1941-45 clouds the fact that the political elites in the West are guilty of genocide under the actual law as it stands if not the common perception of what it means.

We should be aiming to change the common perception to the correct one.

(Apart from anything else it leads to the realization that the Bolsheviks were engaged in the genocide of Russians.)



Posted by CS on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 14:19 | #

First, Tan is a major asset to our cause. Very well spoken and knowledgeable.

Second, How about (someone) creating a forum where only select people can post but perhaps everybody can read?

Third, Hey Leon, check this out. Some libertarian billionaire wants to build a “country” out in the ocean.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 15:15 | #


The official holocaust storyline is of no interest to me.  I don’t accept it in the absence of evidence on the scale it makes its claims for.

I am a little surprised that you feel you need to debate the genocidal nature of what was done in the camps.  The definitions of genocide are clear enough, and if a substantial percentage of white Americans - I assume you are a white American - was interned in FEMA camps tomorrow morning, with men and women segregated by wire, it is also quite clear how you would categorise that.

What is the problem with acknowledging this?  Do you think that the fact of births at Auschwitz, a portion of which may been attributable to men and women in the camps finding the opportunity to do what men and women do, disqualifies the intent and meaning of the segregation of the sexes?

Let us be honest.  Matters go too far when revisionists endeavour to present a narrative of camps filled with doctors and schools, and German government policy as meek and innocent like new-born lambs.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 19:02 | #


Obviously, there was an attempted genocide between 1941-45.

There were two or three moments in the interview where I gave Tan a pass rather than engage in conflict.  One of them was this question of how to respond ... fundamentally, out of what part of oneself ... to the trespasses of Jewry on our race.

Tan expresses a Nietzschean or substantially Nietzschean morality in his own attitude to that.  I have written about it here

I can clarify my position on these points.

Jewish parasitism was flushed out in 1933, when the German people threw off their jewish yoke. Judea, in their rage, responded by declaring open war. By that point the jews’ infiltration, manipulation and exploitation of Europeans had been going on for centuries. It continues now, though more open and greatly accelerated. White genocide is a consequence of jewish parasitism.

My understanding is quite unlike the Nietzschean morality described in what you linked. In my view morality and identity are inextricably connected. It is holistic (as opposed to elitist) and biological (as opposed to philosophical). I think Ben Tillman sums it up well:

Morality exists to further self-interest, specifically the self-interest of groups. It furthers group interests by mediating the conflicting self-interests of group members to allow the group to function as a cooperative unit.

In other words, good and evil are properly understood as subjective and particularist, not objective and universalist. The measure of a people is not in how they treat the jews, or any other Other, but in how they treat themselves.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 20:20 | #

Jewish parasitism was flushed out in 1933, when the German people threw off their jewish yoke. Judea, in their rage, responded by declaring open war. By that point the jews’ infiltration, manipulation and exploitation of Europeans had been going on for centuries. It continues now, though more open and greatly accelerated. White genocide is a consequence of jewish parasitism.

    And isn’t it interesting that GW doesn’t reference the attempted genocide of the Germans instigated by the jews (and their most useful henchman, the Anglos) and their war, but only denotes the Germans’ attempt at self-defense and self-preservation as such, and this based on a post war definition of the term imposed by the victors for political expediency?
    GW’s tortured reasoning and rhetoric is just yet one more manifestation of the spitefulness of the English against all things German, not because of the Germans’ negative traits, but because the German has always represented a threat to the English sense of supremacy, moral and otherwise. This is something they have in common with the jews, and it is no coincidence that Goebbels once noted in his diaries that “the Anglo-Saxons are the jews of the Aryan Race.” And to top it all off, the irony that these people, who for the past several hundred years have been Judaea’s most willing tool, now deign to define European authenticity for the rest of us.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 22:12 | #

Hey GW, I bet you never thought you’d get the negative reaction you’re getting from your interview with Tan, did you? HEH! WN is a tough playground, no? FWIW, I don’t think you deserve the disrespect you’re receiving. However, who can take you serious when you are handing over the management of MR to a fruitloop loser like DanielS? Think about it….


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 22:50 | #

Thornblossom, I see that you cannot resist the shit of your Jew masters spewing from your mouth - it comes out involuntarily, as it would, in accordance with your masters.. nevermind, you are known idiot.

Tomorrow, I will have word about this conflict that GW deftly teased apart, between the felt need of Germans to redeem their image as opposed the existential question of the 14 these two motives are at odds - interestingly but unnecessarily.

Not surprisingly, Tans’ comment was interesting ..a few loose ends there to be addressed as well..

But all this will have to wait until’s late here.

So I will sign off for tonight by saying, F***k You, Thorn. You’ve been wearing out your welcome for a long time, dirt-bag. This is not your Judeophilic home.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 01 Jun 2014 23:52 | #

You’ve been wearing out your welcome for a long time, dirt-bag. This is not your Judeophilic home.

Oh my gosh! You are so scary!



Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 01:16 | #


This was your “Nietzschean” moment, up to a point:

That’s one of the aspects you mentioned earlier: nobility and justice and how we should treat the Jews. And I think one of the failings of European Man through this long period of time, with the Jews taking advantage of us, is this tendency that we have to extend how we should treat our own in-group to them as well, and to the enemy as well - this idea that because we ask for free speech ... we want free speech ... that we also extend it to our enemies, and extend our nobility and our justice to our enemies, and I think that that’s something we need to correct.  We need to realise that that’s universalism, and that’s a failing of ours, and we need to stop doing it.

What I mean by this is that one must either treat of Jewish ethnic activism consciously and directly out of oneself, according to one’s own nature, or in terms either prescribed by it or dictated by resistance to it.

Now, universalism, as the cognition by us that there are no conflicts or boundaries except the boundary between Jew and gentile, is the former of the two mechanical responses.  (I should reiterate here that, as the third of the four great principles of liberal thought, universalism does not contribute to the unfettering of the individual will.  It is a foundational tenet of Judaism and the reason Jews have tikkun olam.)

But the principle point here is that the second response to Jewish trespass is ineluctably characterised by the default setting for the nationalist credo, which really is Nietzschean.  Of course, it is a commonplace for American WNs, including in the Linderian sector, to not consider the matter of guiding philosophy at all, and in this way a great many remain thoroughly liberalistic in the terms described here so vividly by Graham Lister.  But that doesn’t extend to their response to the Jewish Question.  That’s viewed through the lens of the deadly struggle for supremacy - National Socialism itself was precisely such a response.

The master-slave paradigm makes no distinction on whether morality is biological in its arising or not.  The paradigm operates by collapsing the definitional spaces, rather as you did in that quote, and rendering everything monotonal and subservient to itself alone.  In the example of our discussion, the definitions of nobility and justice disappear into “universalism”, their particular force and value go west, and all that remains is the paradigm itself, unchanging and absolute.  This has always been its power.


Posted by MOB on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 01:25 | #

I enjoyed the broadcast; Tanstaafl has a nice open style of speaking; he knows what he thinks and says it, without the distraction of signature vocal styling.  Some things I thought while listening,

1.  I, too, appreciate Bowery’s Jewish horizontal virulence theory (see The part that caught my interest when I first read it was his explanation of the profit that accrues to the Jewish Community Fund when yet another Jew swindles multi-millions even if he’s caught, imprisoned, and fined big-time, relieving him of either personal shame or tribal punishment.

Horizontal virulence resembles adaptive radiation, evolution of an animal or plant group into a wide variety of types adapted to specialized modes of life. Adaptive radiations are best exemplified in closely related groups that have evolved in a relatively short time. A striking example is the radiation, beginning in the Paleogene Period (beginning 65.5 million years ago), of basal mammalian stock into forms adapted to running, leaping, climbing, swimming, and flying.”

It’s hard not to think of Jews in terms of viruses or some distinct form of animal life, mainly because of their unique global, local, perpetual networking behavior, present at all levels, high and low, kehillas wherever they are; networks within networks within networks.

2.  I strongly agree that the inclusion of Jews in the White category renders findings completely useless; it’s frustrating. The same is true of Hispanic inclusion.  The Jewish ability to include or exclude themselves whichever benefits them is one of their strongest weapons.

3.  German-Americans killing Germans in the war is tragic past bearing; I know of one person in my family who was a conscientious objector, staying out altogether and then fighting for a few weeks in Japan at the end of the war, so I know it was possible to do that.

4.  Fighting against Muslims without also fighting the Jews is not something I’d be motivated to involve myself or my family in; same for Blacks.

5.  Besides the cases of Leo Frank and Dreyfus, Jews came running from far and wide in defense of Marc Rich and murderer Ira Einhorn, even after his young female victim’s body had been found in a trunk in his closet.

6. The billionaire who offended the Jews by comparing the antagonism toward the richest 1% to the Nazi antagonism toward the Jews was Tom Perkins; he has since “deeply apologized.”

7.  I think GW said he had originally felt American activism was crucial to European activism; I had the opposite belief, which is why I joined Troy Southgate’s new right list. There’s a nice photo and article at TOO today along with a related video - nationalist alliance.  I think it’s obvious that Europe has to lead; they have much stronger national identities than Americans.

8.  I know how much fun you’re having with your infiltrating, GW, because the most fun that I had was during the few years that a friend and I were infiltrating mainstream lists; absolutely exhilarating!  It was amazing how discussions always provided perfect openings for us to feed our material.  Most people lack in depth knowledge of matters relevant to our interests, whether genetics, culture, wars, Jews, whatever. While that made it easier than having to beat down know-it-alls with facts, having limited intelligent give and take gets boring, so we’d move on to a different forum.

9.  Fred Scrooby wrote about his support for Jews, after which I didn’t read anything he posted.

10. This isn’t really related, but I think parasitism was mentioned, and in connection with Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century, I had read an article entitled Piketty and the Petits Rentiers, which led me to this wikipedia entry, which does sound sort of related:

Rentier capitalism is a term used to describe economic practices of parasitic monopolization of access to any (physical, financial, intellectual, etc.) kind of property, and gaining significant amounts of profit without contribution to society. . . . capitalism [is] inherently built upon practices of usury and thus inevitably lead[s] to the separation of society into two classes: one composed of those who produce value and the other, which feeds upon the first one.


Posted by wobbly on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 03:04 | #

@Guest Lurker

And isn’t it interesting that GW doesn’t reference the attempted genocide of the Germans instigated by the jews (and their most useful henchman, the Anglos) and their war, but only denotes the Germans’ attempt at self-defense and self-preservation as such, and this based on a post war definition of the term imposed by the victors for political expediency?

It’s very worthwhile to think about how the post-war legal definition of genocide applies to events in the interwar period.

genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group



Posted by Robert in Arabia on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 04:01 | #

Perhaps the most highly esteemed Pharisee in the history of Judaism is the “great” Maimonides. He said concerning the “Akum,” or Gentiles: “Do not have any pity on them, for it is said…Show no mercy with them. Therefore, if you see an Akum in difficulty or drowning, do not go to his help. And if he is in danger of death, do not save him from death.”

Israel’s second largest newspaper, Maariv, quotes some of The King’s Torah, whose homicidal recommendations (which the book claims are “halakah,” binding Jewish law) continue for 230 pages.

  In any situation in which a non-Jew’s presence endangers Jewish lives, the non-Jew may be killed even if he is a righteous Gentile and not at all guilty for the situation that has been created… when a non-Jew assists a murderer of Jews and causes the death of one, he may be killed, and in any case where a non-Jew’s presence causes danger to Jews, the non-Jew may be killed. The dispensation applies even when the pursuer is not threatening to kill directly, but only indirectly… even a civilian who assists combat fighters is considered a pursuer and may be killed. Anyone who assists the army of the wicked in any way is strengthening murderers and is considered a pursuer. A civilian who encourages the war gives the king and his soldiers the strength to continue. Therefore, any citizen of the state that opposes us, encourages the combat soldiers or expresses satisfaction over their actions is considered a pursuer and may be killed. Also, anyone who weakens our own state by word or similar action is considered a pursuer… Hindrances – babies are found many times in this situation. They block the way to rescue by their presence and do so completely by force. Nevertheless, they may be killed, because their presence aids murder. There is justification for killing babies if it is clear they will grow up to harm us (emphasis mine). And in such a situation they may be harmed deliberately and not only in conflict with adults.

Why on earth should anyone give a damn about any bad things that happen to Jews?


Posted by Tanstaafl on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 06:40 | #


one must either treat of Jewish ethnic activism directly out of oneself, according to one’s own nature, or in terms either prescribed by it or dictated by resistance to it

Our nature, for most of our history, has been to mistake the jews for us. Whites will solve this problem, or it will solve us.

Now, universalism, as the cognition by us that there are no conflicts or boundaries except the boundary between Jew and gentile, is the former of these.

I would call this jewish particularism, not universalism. Universalism is a morality which treats everyone as us. Individualism is the other extreme, where us means me. As I said in our discussion, jewish influence misguides most Whites into believing that their identity and morality must be either individualist or universalist, because any form of White particularism is “racist” or “judeophobic”, which is to say not just wrong, but stupid, crazy and evil - i.e. the exact opposite of the truth.

it is a commonplace for American WNs, including in the Linderian sector, to not consider the matter of guiding philosophy at all, and in this way a great many remain thoroughly liberalistic in the terms described here so vividly by Graham Lister.  But that doesn’t extend to their response to the Jewish Question.  That’s viewed through the lens of the deadly struggle for supremacy

A people cannot thrive, or even survive, if they treat enemies like friends. Unfortunately, this isn’t a problem which afflicts only Americans.

The master-slave paradigm makes no distinction on whether morality is biological in its arising or not.  The paradigm operates by collapsing the definitional spaces, rather as you did in that quote, and rendering everything monotonal and subservient to itself alone.

You seem stuck on Nietzsche. I say an identity/morality based on an us-them paradigm rooted in biology trumps universalism, individualism, and even other particularisms which aren’t as well defined. This does not imply that either the us or the them must be monotonal, and to better comport with reality they wouldn’t be.


Posted by John on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 07:48 | #

GW talked too much, and sometimes interrupted the other guy before he could finish his point.


Posted by Dude on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 08:51 | #

From a British based vantage, while it’s important to note the Jewish contributions to our plight, intellectually and administratively, I don’t feel that a mono-focus on such things gets us much further down the road.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 09:09 | #

My comment@29 really elicited much response (why do I bother?).

All this talk about “Jews this” and “the Jews that” makes the primary task of morally normal, responsible white preservationists all that much more difficult. When WPs make themselves this repulsive, it’s no wonder our race is going extinct!

It is one thing to note that the Second Thirty Years’ War was an utter racial disaster, which only benefitted our racial enemies. Charles Lindbergh wanted the US to stay out of WW2 precisely because he perceived that the only ultimate victor would be Judeo-Bolshevism. It is something further to acknowledge that the Jews are a non-Western people who (like all other race-aliens) simply do not belong in Aryan communities. That “principle of separation” or apartheid is a bedrock of nationalist ideology. Our people would live the best lives if we governed ourselves and lived geographically amongst ourselves alone.

That said, the talk about “the Jews” being bruited about in this thread is empirically ridiculous (and thus purely ideological, and as such, morally noxious). The implication is that all Jews behave the same way, at least wrt their dealings with non-Jews. That is blatantly untrue. Jews are highly individualistic, even though they are also highly tribally aware and motivated. I have known every type of ideological Jew, from Far Left to Racial Right. Tanstaafl’s approach is to conflate the whole of this tremendously complex people into some sort of relentlessly (deterministically?) antiwhite collective organism. Such an approach is not only wrong, it is extremely simplistic and its presumed political implications lack even a vestige of shrewdness.

WPs who obsess about the JQ while our lands are being colonized by racially (and often ideologically) vigorous savages are actually playing right into the hands of those who truly wish our race dispossession and harm. The trick, as I have said a thousand times here, is gradual radicalization. The focus should be on the most visceral issues (immigration and nonwhite crime) as the building blocks of ever greater white consciousness. As that consciousness increases, it can be gradually radicalized in new and ever more extreme ways. But one doesn’t go from brainwashed liberal to race-warrior all at once.

Teaching race-realism and ramping up anti-immigration activism should be the focus of WPs now. Perhaps even some more conservative Jews can be enlisted in these endeavors. Once some victories have been achieved, WNs can ‘move the goalposts’. 

I think Ben Tillman sums it up well:

Morality exists to further self-interest, specifically the self-interest of groups. It furthers group interests by mediating the conflicting self-interests of group members to allow the group to function as a cooperative unit.

In other words, good and evil are properly understood as subjective and particularist, not objective and universalist. (Tanstaafl)

Well, there goes two and a half thousand years of Western moral philosophizing! What would Aristotle (Aquinas, Spinoza, Kant, etc) ever say to such obviousness?

Fred Scrooby wrote about his support for Jews, after which I didn’t read anything he posted.(MOB)

Scrooby was extremely hostile to Jewry.

This isn’t really related, but I think parasitism was mentioned, and in connection with Thomas Piketty’s Capital in the Twenty-First Century, I had read an article entitled Piketty and the Petits Rentiers, which led me to this wikipedia entry, which does sound sort of related:

Rentier capitalism is a term used to describe economic practices of parasitic monopolization of access to any (physical, financial, intellectual, etc.) kind of property, and gaining significant amounts of profit without contribution to society. . . . capitalism [is] inherently built upon practices of usury and thus inevitably lead[s] to the separation of society into two classes: one composed of those who produce value and the other, which feeds upon the first one. (MOB)

Thank you for the Marxist drivel! (Now there was one really objectionable Jew.)


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 09:44 | #


Interesting stuff re ‘seasteading’. I’m supportive of anything which involves separation, secession, apartness, etc. I still think White Zion will have to be land-based to be feasible. Remember, the concept is extremely basic: WNs will always be a (persecuted) minority in all existent nations, and thus the only way we can ever be racially free (and ultimately, the only hope for white racial survival) is for us to ingather in a sovereign territory so as to become the electoral majority there and take it over and remake that nation in our own ideological image. Europeans are naturally offended at this idea which posits that their ancient homelands are never going to be re-‘indigenized’. I hope my Euro-cousins reconquer their lands.

But for us Europeans in the New World, it’s over. We will never retake our countries. So we can either ingather in one of our own nations (US, Canada, Australia, NZ, Southern Brazil) and try to secede, or we can move to an underpopulated country (Australia, Uruguay) and become the majority. I think demographic conquest has a better chance of success than secession.

The most important point in the WZ project is the recognition of the need for WN ingathering, and concomitantly, that WNs in any particular white country are never going to be the electoral majority.


Posted by katana on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 10:50 | #

Posted by Guessedworker on June 01, 2014, 10:15 AM | #


I am a little surprised that you feel you need to debate the genocidal nature of what was done in the camps.

What is the problem with acknowledging this?  Do you think that the fact of births at Auschwitz, a portion of which may been attributable to men and women in the camps finding the opportunity to do what men and women do, disqualifies the intent and meaning of the segregation of the sexes?

I would have no problem with acknowledging it if in fact the camps had a genocidal intent. You set a very low bar in defining what’s genocidal; separation of the sexes in the camps.

In the case of Auschwitz I (the main one and a Grade I camp, meaning the most lenient) there were some mixing allowed and inmates did in fact marry there.

As I mentioned, 3000 babies were delivered in the camp hospital with a world class low death rate. Does that reflect a genocidal intent? No it doesn’t.

Don’t forget the camps for jews were   only a temporary solution. The dreaded “Final Solution” was to ship them out of German controlled territory after the war was finished. Most likely to the east. Again, hardly genocidal.

I get the feeling that as you know the standard “Holocaust” is a no-goer, you want a “Holocaust Lite” in its place.

Let us be honest.  Matters go too far when revisionists endeavour to present a narrative of camps filled with doctors and schools, and German government policy as meek and innocent like new-born lambs.
Yes, some people, drawing on revisionist material do go overboard and paint the camps as just strictly run holiday camps for jews to sit out the war in comfort and safety.

But facts remain. Auschwitz I camp did in fact have the following facilities:
Brothel, library, camp-orchestra, art museum, post office, theatre, swimming pool, soccer field and gas chambers (lice only, please). Etc.,

As any good English schoolboy knows the evil Nazi’s sinister plan was simply diabolical: entertain the inmates to death!

It would fool the regular Red Cross inspections and it would fool the inmates until they died laughing!

OK, since this is a serious topic after all I’ll end on a serious and agreeable note. Putting criminals in prison and depriving them of the ability to reproduce for however long they are inside is indeed by your definition “genocidal”. A kind of micro-genocide if you will for each individual concerned.



Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 11:03 | #



On June 3 we have a primary election here in California. I hope I don’t need to remind everyone to support Tim Donnelly, a true, if moderate, conservative (definitely not even implicitly WN, however - he’s got a Filipino wife and 5 mud kids), against nonwhite Hindu neocon and former Bush Administration Wall St. TARP-bailout toadie Neel Kashkari.

As everyone (perhaps even as far as England) knows, no Republican is going to win CA ever again (nor America, if the Amnestyites get their bill passed). We are America’s most populous state, one that used to be heavily Republican, and yet today we have not a single statewide Republican elected official. This change was due solely to the nonwhite immigration invasion which has perfectly overlapped my lifetime.

Our current governor, Democrat Jerry Brown (son of former Democrat Gov Pat Brown), was governor before, from 1975-83. He was a douchebag liberal then, and is a slightly less liberal douchebag today. What’s ironic is that the Gov Brown of the 70s created the conditions (eg, first legalizing public sector unions - everywhere a great conspiracy against private sector taxpayers - in CA) for the fiscal mess that today’s Gov Brown has had to deal with in office.

Jerry Brown is incredibly popular out here in Cali-Douchebag-fornia. Don’t ask me why. White liberal ‘eminence grise’, perhaps? Who cares. He’s going to TROUNCE his Republican opponent. Even though November might be another GOP ‘wave’ election like 2010 (God, let’s hope so!), CA is in ostensibly better fiscal shape than when Brown took over (though only because he jacked up all manner of taxes, along with insisting on some ‘cuts’ to a truly over-the-top-socialist Democrat Legislature [they had a legislative supermajority here until recently, when 3 Democrats got arrested on various criminal and corruption charges] state budget, in order to close our formerly awful state deficit), and the state economy seems better than when he was inaugurated. Combine that with his lack of personal gaffes or embarrassments this time around (the 70s were another matter); his lack of any Democratic gubernatorial primary opponent; his tens of millions of dollars in campaign funds dwarfing the accounts of either Republican; Brown’s vastly greater name recognition, as well as decades-long career in CA public service; the near-impossibility of any Republican again winning the governor’s office; and the pathetic stature and name recognition of the two main Republicans battling for their party’s primary win, and it is a forgone conclusion that Brown will win another term as CA governor.

So why am I writing on this? Only because the election still matters in terms of the national direction of the party. ALL the bad guys (including, alas, Mitt Romney, and even, ALAS, former CA Gov (and formerly staunch anti-immigrationist) Pete Wilson, who won his come-from-behind 1994 reelection bid on an anti-illegal immigration platform), have come out against Donnelly. And why have they done so, despite Donnelly’s impeccably conservative voting record, good family values (one wife, five kids - and nonwhite, too!, so a ‘bonus’ in the eyes of the Establishment), and small business background - as against Kashkari’s Ivy League, Goldman Sachs investment banker, government crony capitalist, divorced, no kids background? Not to mention Kashkari being pro-gay marriage and pro-abortion, as well as rather tepid in his support for gun rights (big no-no’s to US conservatives)?

You guessed it! Kashkari, besides the “advantage” of being nonwhite himself, supports “immigration reform” (Amnesty) - a “path to citizenship” for America’s 40 MILLION illegal aliens. Donnelly, OTOH, not only strongly opposes Amnesty, he was early involved in a big way in the very un-PC anti-immigration Minuteman movement, a private group which made a show of guarding the US/Mexican border themselves. For this I have heard Establishment Republicans, like Jeb Bush (brother to GW, and former Florida Gov) and talk-show airhead Larry Kudlow (if there is one American Graham Lister would hate above all others, it is Jew-turned-militant-Catholic, pro-corporate capitalist, pro-Wall St, open borders Amnestyite Kudlow) refer to Donnelly as “a bigot [a “bigot”- for wanting to enforce US immigration law!] who would like to call out the National Guard for house-to-house deportations of illegals”.

Need I say more?

The Estab. desperately wants to neuter the anti-Amnesty impulses of the Tea Party, which is as much about implicit WN as it is about low taxes and less debt. People like Donnelly are a clear threat precisely because they speak to and for real (white) Americans. We need many more like him. Electing him in the primary sends a clear message that the dwindling CA GOP still has spirit, and that stopping immigration is key to our survival, as a people, a party, and a nation.

VOTE DONNELLY for CA Gov! Spread the word!


Posted by wobbly on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 11:51 | #

while it’s important to note the Jewish contributions to our plight, intellectually and administratively, I don’t feel that a mono-focus on such things gets us much further down the road.

I’d say a clear understanding of Jewish hostility in both conscious and instinctive forms is necessary to our survival but not sufficient so the best way to deal with it is with a division of labor. Some people educate on the JQ while others operate more in the mainstream.



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 11:54 | #


Absolutely agree, Leon. Jews are a very diverse lot indeed. Those that believe there is no such thing as a good jew are rightfully labled crackpot. My gosh, if a person—such as DanielS for example—cannot even admit jews like Paul Gottfried or the late Lawrence Auster are allies in the fight against left-wing commie jews, then I contend they are too unhinged to do our cause any good. In fact, they more than get in our way; they stigmatize us as extremists unworthy of being taken seriously. Moreover, they are made-to-order-fodder for anti-white jewish organizations such as the SPLC and the ADL. Without such rabid anti-Semites to point to, those orgs would loose their fund raising mojo and as a result, they’d wither away into irrelevance.


Before I’ve ever heard the term ‘revisionist history’ I’d already figured out 99.9% of the deaths in the camps were due to unintentional and unavoidable starvation and disease. This came about due to the fact towards the end of the war, there wasn’t even enough food available to feed the German troops. Even if there was food available, no doubt the supply lines to the camps were cut off. This talk about mass gassings is pure fiction, IMO. However the entire event was horrific and tragic nonetheless. What started out as a stopgap in the larger relocation process, culminated in the death of millions.

Lawrence Auster on the Role of Jews in the Dispossession of White, Christian America


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 16:29 | #

This is ridiculous. WN’s are doing their utmost to make German descended peoples feel comfortable with themselves and to unburden them of undue guilt (what, after all, does anyone alive have to do with World War Two?); all of us want for Europeans to work in cooperation and yet we remain saddled with a contingent of revisionists looking to turn around and lay guilt trips on Allied descendents, going into all sorts of largely unnecessary argumentation.

World War II is a history regarding which scarcely anyone alive can be said to have responsibility, let alone guilt, whatever the details of the case.

As such, it does not bear high relevance to our existential warrant to survive as a people. In the days of the controlled media, prior to the Internet, it could have been said to legitimately be an issue occupying a burning, central place, in a time when the motives and deaths of Europeans during, prior, and after World War II were not given sufficient voice.

But now focus on details of holocostianity become more often than not an insidious distraction, a tedious issue -  a tedium that was handled and set aside deftly in a keen distinction that GW drew in the interview: the difference between the German motive to redeem the image of their people through World War Two revisionism in general and holocostianity revisionism in particular, versus the existential motive of the fourteen words. The two motives are different and not necessarily symbiotic, although it is argued (wrongly) by revisionists that they are in necessary alignment – when, in fact, holocaustianity revisionism is in conflict and largely counterproductive, particularly where given such a belabored focus. 

Still, those who will not let it be in history do afford an opportunity to attend to how philosophical lines may have been better drawn so that we might avoid fratricide and our ready portrayal as ex-nihlo evil, as Jews would like to smear those of us who recognize them as a group pattern hostile to European interests in our efforts to separate from them

One question asked by Robert in Arabia brings the matter that GW would care to tease apart into high relief.

“Why on earth should anyone give a damn about any bad things that happen to Jews?”

It is a bit like asking why would anyone care about keeping Africans slaves?

It is not necessarily that we are so kind, but ought to take the other into account for our sake, for the sake of mitigating the creation of legitimate resentment and motive for revenge on the part of the other.

The master slave relationship to the other sets in motion resentment and revenge, usually on the basis of hubris and false, non-qualitative comparison – it has a tendency to escalate ... and even if Hitler correctly identified Jews as other, he did not anticipate the kind of reaction that he was setting in motion by his treatment of agentive others as slaves.

I have maintained that race, as ecological systemic classification, would occupy a place between Cartesian points of transcendent universalism and the empirical point within the individual, rather mediated in hermeneutic process – this is in large agreement with tanstaafl. One difference is that I would characterize this as relative, not merely relative, but relative in a relational sense of a morality within and between groups – a large correction is due in changing to the silver rule for out-groups, as opposed the golden rule and universalism. It is not subjective as opposed to universal (subjective would be the same Cartesian starting point). Nevertheless, Tan does well to articulate how race and nation occupy the Jewish prohibited middle ground. I would say that nations would be like the necessary compartments of the ecological ship, the class or the necessary qualitative parts of the systemic body of the race, the class.

However, to say that morality has no connection what-so-ever to what lies beyond race would be Cartesian as well, and to address this point seems to me to be one of the services that GW has enlisted Neil Vodavzny to attempt to provide.

I don’t appreciate the reverence of Hitler - it is a massive insult to so many -  he had impressive logical skills to be sure, but there were also glaring errors in his judgment and it is obvious that he could not be a figure that all Europeans could rally under –  obvious that he would create conflict. Look, I might be proud that Caesar could have the ability to defeat the Gauls, another one to take part of England, but why would I boast and defend his doing that? And how could I be surprised that this would build the resentment that would one day implode upon Rome? This is not the way to build a stable environment for your people, even in regard to people you want to be separate from.

There is another extreme, that is expressed in examples of taking things too far to the objectivist side, best man for the job (or our women), that perhaps we should talk and negotiate assiduously with jews and blacks and help them carve out homelands. That’s their problem. We owe separatism to ourselves, not to any pleading, commensurate reward, equal treatment or negotiation with blacks and jews, who should not have been allowed to impose upon us and into our environs to begin with.

On the other hand, I do see something in GW’s criticism, that is that while the Nazis might have importantly identified the Jews as other, they were not unique in this recognition and their response was ill conceived. Not only regarding the Jews, but also in relation to other Europeans – not only Slavs, but witness the attitude toward the English here. As if there could be no moral reason to oppose the Nazis, as if the Nazis were not so narrowly circumscribed in their moral outlook that the only moral good was the good for the Nazis.

I have proposed the silver rule as a reasonable way of dealing with the other,  it needs further refinement. I would disagree here with GW’s resolution to boil liberalism down to equality – this is what sets in motion the false comparison of master slave relation..and the bitter competition that ensues of not valuing, qualitative, ecological disbursement and incommensurate motives.

Nevertheless, I agree with GW that the Nazis position toward Jews and other Europeans was not commendable even if somehow understandable. And even as present day Germans should be unburdened of guilt, that the Nazis were not ex nihlo evil, to take the position that they were ex nihlo innocent can only spark rightful suspicion of the judgment of the theoretical progenitor.

I am really sick and tired of hearing that America and England were on the wrong side of the war. The truth is that Hitler drew the lines poorly and his philosophical underpinnings were very poor – catastrophic – predominantly responsible for leading to the ends that it did. By his own admission and in truth, the course of the war was taken through his initiative. The Allies probably should have pursued intervention in other ways but hindsight is 20/20.

The best way for Germans to handle the redemption of their honor is to point to the fact that they are a new, innocent generation, that previous generations had motives, were not acting out of a vacuum, but under great stress and inspiration counter to that stress. Matters may have been handled differently but there were pressures, threats that the Germans were responding to - over reacting you say, well probably, but there has also been an over punishment now, which is carrying on to us in the present generation as responsible for things that happened before we were born. Just or unjust, punishment has been served enough.

Before offering that argument, I would render the caveat: that while it is disingenuous to say that the Nazi regime were ex-nihlo evil, so too is it disingenuous to say that they were ex nihlo innocent, which incredibly, is the way some of their apologists speak – all that can and should do, is breed mistrust of those who attempt such purist arguments.

For those who want to debate the holocaust for the burning desire to redeem the reputation of Germany of that epoch, please forgive those of us who are not especially interested as we do have the pressing existential matter of the fourteen words to attend, and while we do not seek to burden you with guilt trips neither do we need guilt trips from you.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 16:36 | #

Clearly a number of Jews died, a lot of them in starving condition and many of those who lived were skeletal (yes, we know, “that is all Churchill and Roosevelt’s fault”). But seriously, whether it is called “the holocaust”, “the Shoah”, a genocidal attempt or not, at this point, so what? Legal and other penalties have been more than served and nobody alive is guilty. Even the numbers, when it gets to be over, say, a hundred thousand, to debate them only re-creates the creepy ghoulish stereotype of the bald, hunch-backed German before his harpsichord (Carolyn tried to turn this stereotype around, against me and Poles, but that one didn’t work) fiendishly fixated on inhumane details, and only contributes to the suspicion of a person who could be so detached from nobility as to commit such acts as have been charged.

Whatever the case, the better angle for Germans is to describe how things may have looked from their circumstances, that it was seen as a life and death struggle with the Jews and certainly the war could have turned out better. We have regrets for the results of the war, but it can only go so far when in fact, we had nothing to do with it. All we can do now is attempt to do better and not allow guilt trips to prevent us from defending ourselves as a people – we are perfectly warranted as such, as a people who really had nothing to do with events of WWII whether exaggerated or factual.

Maybe the take away resides in a shift in Tan’s moral perspective on particularism from subjective to the relative and relationality of groups, without being hyper relative – the normative guidance provided by the ecological maintenance of group accountability through hermeneutic process.

It is not as if this tension (between redemption of German image and the existential question of the fourteen words) is an insolvable problem with no clear path – the path to nobility is clear, that there were motives, that there were existential threats, deaths en mass sustained on the European side which are in fact our great concern and which should not in fact be overshadowed by Jewish deaths.


These deeds and motives were not ex-nihlo, quite to the contrary, there were circumstantial motivations.

I believe the term ‘holohoax’ to be tactless and counter-productive rhetoric for reasons similar to the non-nobility to which GW alludes - mocking the dead is not a good idea, generally speaking; nevertheless, “holocostianity” as disingenuous instrumentalization is a viable critique.

Regarding holocostianity and its instrumentalization, even so Jewish an outfit as National Public Radio of the United States openly acknowledges that the final solution as a plan, a deliberate plan, was somewhat ambiguous and circumstantially contingent. Is that the most important debate now? Perhaps to a hard core Germanophile.

I have to locate the particular NPR interview, but an author was discussing Hitler’s management style, so to speak - the discussion of his management style makes the issue of Hitler’s motives, by contrast to what apparently happened, more clear.

I have maintained that in essence Hitler and the Nazis wanted to unburden themselves of Jewish imposition – a perfectly legitimate and true motive.

The particular author of whom I speak is of course not a White Nationalist, but a liberal – he nevertheless corroborates that view, that merely being separated from the Jews was the prime motive. It matters a great deal that this is being set forth on the highly attended and highly Jewish approved NPR.

There was not necessarily a plan to kill Jews. The idea was to get rid of them, and Hitler’s underlings were to use their imagination to come up with solutions to that end. The only thing Hitler could not stand was people saying that nothing could be done; they could, however, “solve problems” in different ways as he was not so much of a micro-manager.

According to this author, it was because Hitler was not a micro-manager that killing of Jews developed from what was originally a more ambiguous notion of “the final solution.”

At first, where Jews were not shot as resistance fighters, they were put into concentration camps as labor - it was not necessarily the point to kill them. But what may have happened during the course of the war, and in service of “problem solving”, was that killing may have come to seem more logical, practical and “humane” from the Nazi point of view.

There was the fact that Jews were undergoing a torturous death of starvation, pestilence and disease, so to the “problem solving” way of thinking, it could have made more sense to kill them efficiently if not mercifully. 

Adding to “mercy killing” as an emergent “solution” was the infamous incident of Himmler having gotten brains splattered on him when a mass of Jews were shot in a ditch in Belarus. From that, he sought a less psychologically traumatic means for both the killed and the killers.

The final solution according to this author was about getting-rid of Jews and though it did not necessarily start out from a pre-plan of killing them from the onset, killing was something that developed along the way.

Now, I am merely repeating here what I heard in an NPR interview by Terry Gross, explaining how it both corroborated my hypothesis and provided elaboration. The point in citing a Jewish approved source is to say that even they are admitting of this much.

On the other hand, whatever the number, when reading and listening to Hitler and his regime, and comparing that to the facts, its clear enough that some number of Jews dying would have been more than OK with them, and part and parcel of their essential motive.

Whether referred to as a holocost, a shoah, as in a planned genocide or an incidental effect that nevertheless meets some technical definition genocide, scarcely anybody alive had anything to do with it and certainly do not deserve to be punished for it.

Asking people to deny their sensibilities by debating numbers and methods only makes one look disingenuous, raises suspicion of one being cold and calculating enough to have the capacity for the kind of sadistic detachment from sense,decency and rather on behalf of sheer logical craft that Jews would wish to characterize of Europeans – as ex nihlo evil.

Observing Hitler’s motives and character from a distance, I rather agree with Christian Lindtner’s assessment (and I do not believe that he is against Germans either). He maintains that if Hitler had a chance, he was going to unburden himself of the Jews in one way or another, come hell or high water. It is an understandable wish. When things started closing in on him, he may well have gone a little more for broke, though his motives -  expressed not in micromanagement, but in delegation as a problem to solve - came in solutions which evolved in the practical necessity of the circumstances.

GW’s position is perfectly reasonable, it is looking toward the view that the Nazis did not conceive of their relations to out-groups with sufficient relative morality and it was therefore legitimate for the Allies to oppose them. The self serving editing on the part of the revisionists often tends to remove unseemlier motives of the Nazis and argue in absurd, unnecessary and suspicious unanimity where relatively brief discussion of circumstances and the concerns of the Germans of the day would lead any normal person to say – OK! It’s history, lets get on to the matter at hand of helping each other as Europeans to survive against the non-European threat, led by Jewish and objectivist interests.

While Tan’s definition of morality corresponds in large measure with my view of it as a biological systemic affair, entailing accountability and ecology – human and otherwise - I believe it is better cast in relative terms - not hyper relative and without accountability though not subjective either ..that probably makes a difference. Lets not burden the Germans and the rest of us by circumscribing this in such Germanic terms nor at the other Cartesian end of ex nihlo good and evil.

If you are looking to create empathy for the Germans of that era or for anyone opposed to Jewish power and influence, the key is to focus on the question of why there is this malice for it, not how this, that or the other thing could not be true.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 18:09 | #

The jew-first blatherings of Leon Haller and Thorn are the kind of incoherent noise I mentioned during the interview.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 18:48 | #

The jew-first blatherings of Leon Haller and Thorn are the kind of incoherent noise I mentioned during the interview.

If by “jew-fist” you actually mean jew-last you’d be right; and if you replace Leon Haller and Thorn with, say, Daniels and fill in the blank _______ you’d be right again.

Tan, since you are such an expert on jews, please help me out and answer this simple question: Are jews white, or not?

BTW, someone above mentioned Fred Scrooby. Here’s a comment in reply to Tanstasfl WRT race-replacement (this is very good and I use it on other websites as often as I can):

“Fred, have you ever laid out somewhere what you see as the difference between ‘race replacement’ and ‘genocide’”  (—Tanstaafl)

Race-replacement is genocide; not all genocide is race-replacement, making race-replacement, in the language of your high-school math class, a “proper subset” of genocide — no? 

When the French National Convention ordered the Army to exterminate of the rebellious Vendéan population 1793-96 and the Army went ahead (demanding first that Paris furnish explicit written orders, the generals saying if the orders were to shoot/bayonet not just combatants but all priests, all women, all children, all nursing infants, all old people, more explicit orders in writing were required) that wasn’t race-replacement, just killing (around 400,000 men, women, children, infants at their mother’s breast, old folks, everyone, the orders were all Vendéans they could catch:  they were indiscriminately put to the sword, trampled down with horses’ hooves, shot with muskets, gathered in groups that were then shot using cannon grapeshot at close range, deliberately drowned en masse by herding large groups into rivers, taking all surrendering groups of combatants without exception and bayonetting or shooting them so there was not one single prisoner taken, zero, etc. — half the population of some 800,000 Vendéans genocided).  When the killing was over after two or three years the Directoire in Paris didn’t import 400,000 Negroes to repopulate the Vendée, so there was no race-replacement, and the Vendée was still the Vendée, and although considerably depopulated it could regenerate itself and come out the same. 

When the Jews in Moscow 1931-33 ordered the genocide of the Christian Ukrainians on a tribal payback basis they didn’t race-replace them, just killed them.  Once they’d polished off three to fifteen million (the accepted range among scholars, the exact figure uncertain) their bloodlust was sated and they didn’t bring in Sub-Saharan Africans to repopulate the place — didn’t plow the ground with salt, so to speak (what the Romans did to the farmland around Carthage so no city could rise there again, after they had destroyed the population and all the buildings and structures, “leaving not one stone upon another,” and burned to the ground everything that could ignite).  The Moscow Jews wanted tribal payback in the Ukraine and got it, quenching their thousand-year thirst for vengeance through the mass killing of millions of Christians, such that once slaked, that thirst did not push them to go further and “sow the ground with salt” by importing Sub-Saharans to repopulate the Ukraine though the Jew Trotsky, had he not been sent into exile years earlier, would very possibly have opted for exactly this “final solution to the Ukraine’s Eurochristian problem” — see this important article: , which gives the story behind the story of a lot of this Jewish/communist crap that goes on.

The Ukraine, when the Jews were through, was left still the Ukraine although suddenly short some fifteen million in its population.  It could still regenerate; salt hadn’t been plowed into the earth.

When the Donmeh Jews, on the other hand, genocided the Armenians in 1915 ( ) they did of course repopulate the depopulated areas with other groups.

When you get rid of virtually an entire population, that’s genocide; when in addition you racially “plow salt into the ground,” so that whatever shellshocked remnant of stragglers still stumbling around after your genocide machine has passed through can never again regenerate the extirpated population, that’s race-replacement. 

”why you prefer the former term over the latter?”  (—Tanstaafl)

I don’t think I “prefer” it; if I use it more it may be because I’m just being specific as to the particular method of genocide we’re now, as we speak, being subjected to.




Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 19:39 | #


My one, very minor contribution to nationalist thought, for anyone who has been paying attention, is the application of the dynamic:

absence (or mechanicity) ↔ presence (or consciousness to being)

... to the life and experience of the individual and the ethny.  I have termed it the ontological transit.  Obviously, this is not the general treatment given by mainstream ontology, which sees a simple binary process whereby a switching event of some kind, generally of disclosure or ownership, takes place.  But, for me, that misses the gradations that mark the way, and the qualitative distinctions we can make as a result, as well as the potential for intentionality and attentionality of consciousness.

My theorising has it that, as individuals, we are not the psychologically active principle in our own cognition and development.  On the contrary, we are naturally loathe to make the effort (of attention) to be the active principle.  We are passive and suggestible, in which respect we gradually acquire from the earliest conscious experience of the external world a personality which is really not what we are, but is an accretion of psychological minutiae that associate and manifest in our thought, feeling, and motion.  In this state there is, of course, no will.  (You may know that cognitive science has shown we rationalise choices and actions a split-second after the event.)  There is, ordinarily speaking, no ghost in the machine.  There is only the machine or, at least, a process of habituated activity.

Part of this habituality, let it be said, is to lay claim in perpetuity to the title “I”.  Our lowly quality of consciousness, which I term ordinary waking consciousness, is all the vast majority of us experience from one year to the next.  It is an immersive condition, in which we we are quite lost in everything around and within us, and from which there is ordinarily no release into a sense of detachment and recognition of the authentic self or subject.

Now, by this theory, habit, reaction and suggestibility obtain where there should be Nature and will.  But there can be variations in and to this.  At different times in the life of individuals and groups alike, there can be more or less factors that lead to or away from authenticity.  It is possible to introduce change - it is possible, even natural, for an arrayment further along the ontological transit than obtains today, when there is such evident self-estrangement.  Any re-orientation towards the self-consciousness and self-possession, any movement, however minimal, towards the freedom in being will have profound and vivifying consequences at the level of the group.  In meta-political terms that means moving away from prescribed actions and beliefs whatever they are - and my essays on Christianity, Judiasm and the master morality detail some of them.

Well before awakening is Jew-awareness it is this orientation to self.  This is the reality that nationalists talk about when they use the term, “awakening”.  I have discovered the dynamics, and I offer them for all those who want to understand our true situation in this life, and who can bear to set aside their attachments to the usual rhetoric.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 21:21 | #

jew-first blatherings of Leon Haller (Tanstaafl)

“jew-first”? My point is made, precisely. This is the type of ‘shrewdless’ WN who has prevented the pro-white movement from gaining any traction, anywhere - to the great detriment of actual white survival.

“Attack the enemy where he is morally strongest (in a PR sense) but physically weakest.” What a brilliant strategy to garner the trust of unawakened whites!

The JQ is not the most important “Q”, not by a longshot. If that isn’t apparent to a speaker, then we’re dealing with someone lacking in proper judgment. The Jews are powerful only as a function of what whites allow to them. The nonwhites colonizing white lands are physically powerful as a function of raw numbers.

I have a theory about the JQ-first wing of the WN movement. I think they’re basically cowards. Unless one has a recognized professional position in life - which a lot of the Nazi wing of WN do not - how much easier it is attacking Jewry than confronting the vicious forces of nonwhiteness. I recall doing some speaking on behalf of CA ballot Prop 187 back in 1994 - the “deny govt services to illegal aliens” proposition - and at one point having to face down (totally alone, incidentally - I was a lone pro-187 speaker participating in a debate at a heavily minority community college) an angry mob of young Latinos who followed me out to the parking lot where my car was, yelling at me and ‘debating’ me in a menacing manner witgh occasional bodily threats the whole time (needless to say, no white douchebags rallied to my defense). I refused to concede anything to them, but I also had to be wary about the whole lot of the cowardly invaders suddenly physically ganging up on me, as nonwhites do routinely.

OTOH, criticizing Jewry is vastly safer. Yes, you might have to prepare yourself for physical confrontations with cowardly (and usually overwhelmingly white) antifa, but that is far less physically dangerous than earning the ire of (state-protected) nonwhites, whether blacks and Mexicans in the US, or Muslims in Europe. Many European truth-tellers have to have bodyguards, secret schedules etc. No one in Europe (or the US) has to fear physical assault for denouncing Jewry (fines and possible light prison sentences, yes).

But just imagine a white man confronting a “pro-Trayvon” demonstration with accurate stats about race and crime. His life could be in danger, literally.

No, WPs need to stick with what is important - STOP THE IMMIGRATION INVASION.

Once immigration has been halted, a world of new possibilities will open up for further gains. Obviously, someone like this single-issue obsessed Tanstaafl simply can’t understand this. The issue is wisdom, rather than intelligence per se.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 21:58 | #


Doesn’t denial of free will (a position not at all universally shared among either philosophers or cognitive scientists, so please don’t state this as a fact) lead to performative contradiction? It certainly isn’t a basis for political action, or any action.

Incidentally, on your ontology, there is no “authentic self”. Indeed, there is no “I” at all. (Of course, I find this amusing and politically irrelevant).

Also, when nationalists speak of “awakening”, they are referencing something far more prosaic than what you imagine. We simply mean the personal enlightenment that comes with recognizing that elite-class claims about race and the alleged value of racial integration are untrue, that racial diversity lowers, not raises, the quality (enjoyment) of life for whites.

I keep saying over and over that the fundamental issue wrt race isn’t that complicated. Perhaps this is a function of my being an American, and thus ‘pragmatic’ as well as lacking in a ‘thick’ cultural inheritance. The problem with diversity is simply that it ruins white nations in very observable and measurable ways (as well as threatens the ultimate survival of white nations and the race itself - but that eventuality is too remote and abstract for most whites to get incensed about). ‘Awakening’ consists in two parts: acknowledging the concrete harms the presence of other races in our living space brings upon us, and coming to believe that whites have the moral right to oppose diversity itself, as well as the “Nonwhites First!” mentality (and redistribution of rights and monies) that seems inevitably to accompany it.

In my experience, the harder part of the awakening process is the second. I believe I can get most (but by no means all) whites to acknowledge the social and economic problems associated with (some) nonwhites. But moving from a position of gentle regret at “how things have turned out” (which I’m sure most English whites innately feel about diversity, at least the over-40 crowd who experienced a whiter Britain), to a belief that one possesses an ethical right to resist, with coercive power as necessary, this diversitarian passive-aggression (wherein the mere physical presence of nonwhites in white lands is understood to be objectionable) is a very difficult process for any white not innately racialist (as I suspect all MR readers are, whatever our particular ideological disagreements).

Thus, imo, the really difficult issue is ethical, not ontological. Whites need to be convinced that they possess the moral right to take authoritarian measures against persons, many of whom are not conventional assailants (ie, criminals, terrorists, soldiers), solely because these persons are ‘guilty’ of the ‘passive-aggression’ of not being white in a white land. Given that Western Man is Ethical Man - a brute, even “ontological”, fact - this is a tough sell, but also a necessary one, if our race is to survive.

Telling people they have no free will, and then expecting them to go fight for the race, strikes me as silly, to say the least.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 22:37 | #


There is no free will outside of the freedom in being, regardless of what may seem real to us in ordinary waking consciousness.  That is a fact.  Those who deny it are mistaking the agency of the sum of the acquired (personality, false dasein) for that of the authentic, present man.  It doesn’t matter whether they are psychologists or philosophers, or people lost to Jewish religion like you.  They are making a mistake, and a superficial mistake at that.

If you don’t understand or even grant the possibility of the conscious, then you will not understand its absence.  Will you.  And you will not understand the effects of absence, or its passive condition in relation to the forces which generate human personality.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Jun 2014 23:28 | #

GW, you are EXTREMLY lacking in your ability to convey your message to your target audience.
If you think you are impressing those that read your seemingly academic prose in a positive way, you are absolutely wrong my friend. IOWs, GET REAL!


Posted by Guest Lurker on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 00:16 | #

WN’s are doing their utmost to make German descended peoples feel comfortable with themselves and to unburden them of undue guilt (what, after all, does anyone alive have to do with World War Two?);

That probably has something to do with it, and yet many in the Anglo-sphere seem intent on never letting the Germans off the hook. This reflex of the Anglo to always cast a moral shadow over the Germans is, I speculate, an attempt at alleviating a nagging conscience, however buried it might be. Even Anglo-American drunkard Churchill opined at the end of the war that they (Allies)  might have slaughtered the wrong swine. The “Hitler was a Jew”, or “Hitler was a Rothschild” theories always emanate from the Anglo-sphere, as if to state “yes, we were led astray by our leaders, but no more so than the morally dubious Germans,” who of course always carry the ultimate culpability. Absurdly asserting German genocidal intent for having sequestered males and females into separate dormitories are born of this same reflex.


Posted by Bob in DC on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 00:57 | #

47:07 - Tanstaafl: “...[jew Auster] was not helping us—he was holding us back.”

Exactly! Those ‘good jews’ who want to help solve the White dilemma should effectively clean out their own ranks, rather than infiltrating into ours (which must always be highly suspect).



Posted by CS on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 07:45 | #

Leon @ 53

Yep, I agree a land based country would be much better. If we even had one (small) country of our own it would be of major help in reclaiming other ones.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 08:52 | #


I am offering Tan an explanation of the totality of what is involved in raising Jew-awareness.  He is an intelligent man.  Let us see what he takes from it.

As regards those who cannot parse the ontology, well, you must wait for the water-carrier.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:29 | #

As regards those who cannot parse the ontology, well, you must wait for the water-carrier.

GW, I went back and read your comment real slowly and I think I understand now what you’re getting at.

Yes our being is shaped by what we’ve learned though our experiences and what we’ve been taught—that’s what we perceive and believe to be true. However what we believe to be true vs what actually IS true can often be at odds with each other. This is why we must be cognizant of the fact that some of what know to be true simply isn’t so—IOWs our perceptions don’t always square with reality. That is why it is so important for us to check our premises on a regular basis. Keep asking yourself, how don’t know what I know? Why do I think a certain way? Tracing all that back to your original premises provides the answer. If you find the premise is faulty, then correct it. Admit to yourself you were wrong, make the adjustments then move on. IOWs putting your philosophical framework in place so that you can view things in their proper context.

Personal example: For the longest time I believed Creationism/Intelligent Design was the only rational explanation from which the species originated. I rejected Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. But lo and behold, one day when I was checking my premises on that issue, it dawned on me Creationism was faith based and The Theory of Evolution is based on science/evidence. (DUH!) Hence I rejected the former and went with the latter.

The JQ is a more complicated subject to discuss. I involves a great deal of emotion and as we know emotion clouds the judgment. Heck, most people that think they know a lot about jews base their perceptions on an emotionally charged thus skewed perception of reality. When I hear intelligent people who supposedly are experts on the JQ make blanket statements such as “jews are not white”, then I’d advise them to take a deep breath and check their premises.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 12:46 | #

Correction. how don’t know what I know? Should read: how do I know what I know?


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 20:29 | #

It has come to my attention that Carolyn Yeager has put me in her cross hairs to smear me as best she can.

Having honesty and truth on my side, it won’t be difficult to handle, just requiring a bit of diligence. So much for the notion of her being honest and careful - she hasn’t been with me.

Ok, so I will address this in comment form. If necessary, I’ll turn it into a head post to clarify matters, but let’s steer away from soap opera as best we can.

1. Carolyn has this idea that I began talking to Tanstaafl before he left “The White Network” and coerced him to leave. This is funny. She says a few times through the broadcast that she believes this to be the case.

The first time that I contacted tanstaafl in my life was after he broadcast his departure from The White Network - so, it had to be April 15 or 16: He responded to me on April 16

Though I have never liked Carolyn’s work, her Hitler and Third Reich admiration, holocaust stuff, I did like Tan’s work. So, when he left her, I thought an interview with Majority Rights would be good (I would have preferred that Carolyn not be discussed in the interview, but did not want to interfere with the conversation).

Anyway, so much for the laughable idea that I could corrupt tan and force him to be a “traitor” to her.

2. Carolyn says that I am a Polish chauvinist and that I hate Germans. Well, that’s kind of funny too, but its more sad - because it is not true. I would be sad if people believed it, but it would not be hard for anybody who cares to find out that it is not true.

Her side-kick, Hadding Scott, first tried the “Polish chauvinist” smear in a flame battle at TOO. The truth is, that’s a projection of Hadding’s - and now Carolyn’s.

They ARE German chauvinists. I am NOT a Polish chauvinist.

Carolyn says that it must be true that I am because my father was Polish.

Well, my father was Italian American and I could not be a Polish chauvinist if I tried.

I defend all European groups, but take more particular responsibility to defend Italians and Polish when their view and history is being misrepresented, as I am more familiar and capable of doing so - smearing them happens enough, particularly regarding the Poles - because I know their situation and history, I have some duty to set the record straight when they are misrepresented. I don’t like having to do this, to defend one European group against the hatred of another, but if necessary, I will. She wants to make it seem as if I only care about Poles - that’s not it. I am defending against people who basically care only about Germans.

3. Carolyn says I am only pretending to like Germans. No I am not. Most Germans I’ve known are really fine people.

4. She took exception to the example I gave of liking it when women speak German - taking my characterization of the language as clumsy, rigid, mechanical ..that sort of thing..well, that is how it sounds to my ear, and I LIKE IT. It is funny to me, in a good way, particularly when a woman speaks it.

5. She cites a comment of mine about some building that Albert Speer designed. I said I found it hideous - and I do in fact. But to her, this must have been jealousy, as I could not possibly have found this building hideous (but I do). On the other hand, of course Germany has much wonderful architecture which I like very much - Neuschwanstein castle for one fine example, is amazing inside and out.

6. If she thinks that I do not like Hitler and The Third Reich, that I find talk of the holocaust a tedious, unnecessary and perverted bore - she is right. But she tries to make me seem like I’m the weird one in that sentiment. She says that I have nothing good to say about the Nazis - that’s not true, they adopted some good ideas.

7. In that regard, she plays the old shell game, that I do not like “NS.” No, I do not like its regime and its realization, some of its ideas were ok.

8. She says that I talk about White women as if they are “our” women. I may have a few times for the sake of assertion, but generally I try to refer to them as our co-evolutionaries, just to avoid this possessive sound - and wouldn’t you know? One of her commentators said that this term “co-evolutionary”, which I use to be precisely descriptive and diplomatic, is pompous.

She doesn’t like my use of topoi either (but I do like the word, sorry Carolyn).

9. She doesn’t like my writing - and read aloud my initial bio for VoR. I must say, it still sounded pretty good to me. What she may not understand, or care to understand, is that I have fun with my writing, and in the first place, write in a way that pleases me - I use the words and phrases that best suit what I mean to say, not to decorate my ideas nor to try to show off, as she claims.

I know what I am talking about. She read some from my last article at VoR - the sex as sacrament one. As I have said before, I was not able to edit the essays on VoR to my satisfaction, but the content is there - I knew what I was talking about then and it only rings true again as she read it. Nevertheless, I must one day shore up those essays, there are some grammatical and stylistic errors that do bother me.

She says that I do not like Heidegger. That I must not like him because he was NS. Not true. He is one of my favorites. However, as I have said before, his notion of “ownmost being toward death” is problematic - and the ecological framework that I am working within can mollify that (as it can Dewey’s instrumentalism - that’s important because Dewey is quite influential - thus, an error of his has impact, and its correction is important).

10. She read from a quote by “Markus”, who posted here as “Goybbels”. Markus is the most anti-Polish bigot that I have ever experienced - But Carolyn reads him as if he is this cool, spot on, level headed guy.

He is problematic to me because this is what he is into - he sees himself the reborn Prussian who is at war with the Poles. He has all this ready argumentative ammo at his disposal. I, on the other hand, am basically geared to look for cooperation and coordination with other Europeans. However, he goes into droves and droves of this anti Polish bullshit. I tried having a truce with him, but he won’t stop it. It seems to be in his fiber. So, I address it at my convenience or where he confronts me.

Carolyn says there is no being friends between Poles and Germans. I know otherwise. It is very unfortunate that she wants these things to be true, but they are not. Most people are not like her and Markus. Most Germans that I meet are very cool people. I don’t recall meeting any Polish people who hate Germans. Patriotic expressions with pronounced anti-German sentiments tend to be looked upon as quaint and passe among Poles, where they might rear their head at all - which is rare by itself. It has no currency.

It has no currency with me either. I like all Europeans and do my best to represent them all, en total and in their efforts to maintain their discreet kinds.








Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 21:24 | #

I agree with what you’ve said in #6, Danny. I especially think talk about the Holocaust is not only tedious, but on balance very counter productive. I believe KMac believes that too.

WRT Polish German relationships, things aren’t nearly as bad as some assert. The fact that Lech Walesa is proposing a Poland Germany unification is evidence of that.

Poland and Germany should unite, says Lech Walesa

Lech Walesa has called for Poland to unite with Germany to form one European state, despite the bloody history between the two countries.




Posted by DanielS on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 21:45 | #

...and in their efforts to maintain their discreet kinds (beyond his fight against communism, Lech Walesa’s views are very unpopular among Poles).


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 Jun 2014 22:08 | #

Thanks for the word of advice, Danny.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 01:48 | #


There is no free will outside of the freedom in being, regardless of what may seem real to us in ordinary waking consciousness.  That is a fact.  Those who deny it are mistaking the agency of the sum of the acquired (personality, false dasein) for that of the authentic, present man.  It doesn’t matter whether they are psychologists or philosophers, or people lost to Jewish religion like you.  They are making a mistake, and a superficial mistake at that.(GW)

Please define “freedom in being” (the ‘hinge’ of your paragraph). I have no idea what you’re referring to.

If you don’t understand or even grant the possibility of the conscious,

Again, I have no idea what this means. In ordinary language, it is meaningless, as no one who is alive and aware can deny being conscious. Therefore, you are doing what so very many obfuscatory philosophers have done, at least since Hegel: taking normal vocabulary, and ascribing your own discrete meanings to it (for purposes of either overcoming what you perceive as descriptive inadequacies in ordinary language, or mere intellectual charlatanry). This is a common tactic, I might point out, of those whose thought is a great deal less sophisticated than they would have others believe.

Of course, I do not yet question your motives, as I continue not to know what precisely you’re saying. But I am ever mindful of Wittgenstein’s dictum: That which can be stated, can be stated clearly - far preferable as a guide, it seems to me, than that of the true godfather of postmodernism, Humpty Dumpty: “When I use a word it means just what I want it to mean, neither more nor less” - the way of circularity, totalitarianism and madness.



Posted by CS on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 03:12 | #


I’d like to run this idea by you. How about creating a forum where only the elite of the WN community are allowed to post? Of course I would consider you to be one of these elites. The posts could be read by anyone but only certain people who have demonstrated quality thinking are allowed to post. This eliminates trolls and probably provides good reading for new people out there.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 04:30 | #

I am still around but busy with something called real life.

Also I’m not commentating as the level of debate is generally very poor – to call it banal would be a generous. I really do not need to be told to ‘get right with Nobodaddy’ and/or ‘free-market economics’ and/or ‘fascism’ ad nauseam. Let alone endlessly muse on the nonentity that is Nigel Farange and what the BBC is ‘up to’ etc.

Two concrete examples of the idiocy:

Thorn cannot understand what GW writes. Thorn then goes on to reveal he was a creationist. Are we to take such a person seriously – intellectually or in any other way? Someone that, for a reasonable portion of their adult life, thought (that’s too strong a term - considered is perhaps more apposite) that the woo woo Voodoo creationist ‘explanation’ of life on Earth was the most plausible and empirically robust one???!!! Where is the intellectual self-respect of these benighted ‘creationists’ cretins? Note they nearly always Americans and Africans (and other third world types) in my experience! I’ll let folks draw they own conclusion on what the popularity of creationism in the USA and sub-Saharan Africa might imply. Recall millions of Americans – whites included, after they go to offensively vulgar ‘mega-churches’ too - think that God literally intervenes to alter the outcome of NFL games. We are not dealing with the brightest population in history.

Do we really have to provide ‘accessible content’ for such under-developed minds? How about a good old Jack T. Chick cartoon?

If we cannot even take neo-Darwinism as a ‘default starting position’ of every moderately educated person in the 21st century then we really are operating at such a lowly conceptual level as to render any further discussion pointless.

Speaking of pointless debates:

Example number two - Danny and his seemingly endless ‘engagement’ with fans of a certain historically notorious German regime. Please stop this nonsense.

Again it’s a total waste of time and politically of no consequence or interest.

Contemporary America, nor Europe, are ever going to ‘wake up’ and become card-carrying Nazis. People that somehow believe such a ‘revival’ to be a possibility are so meta-politically and culturally illiterate as to be worthless (actually worst that worthless pro-actively harmful to any useful discussion); i.e. idiots that set-up ‘a community’ (in say North Dakota) that proudly displays Nazi flags at every opportunity are not to be admired in anyway whatsoever but, at best, pitied for being quite that dumb and more accurately quietly but completely despised for their unfathomable stupidity and vulgarity. Maladroit does not even start to cover such radioactively toxic ‘personalities’.

I couldn’t care less about arguing the toss with people that want to wank over pictures their beloved ‘dear leader’. Debating such benighted buffoons is utterly pointless. Dimwitted ideological zealots do not make interesting insights into any conversation. Let alone all the infantile crap of “well he said, she said, and then I said” bollocks about minutiae that antinomian knuckle-heads wrote to each other on obscure blogs -  “Oh someone called me a Jew or whatever on their shitty blog how can I ever recover!!!”

No sane person gives a fuck.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 04:37 | #

GW, if I understand correctly, the problem with your theory is that it regards the jews as inanimate, or at least independent or separable from the expression of any nation or race’s self-awareness. Unfortunately, however preferable an authentic and reaction-free awareness, the jews do not permit it. We may take no interest in who or what the jews are, or in telling the jews what they can think or say, but they do not reciprocate. Whatever advantage in awareness they have over their hosts, they actively seek to increase it. In doing so they not only nurture their own awareness, they put at least as much effort into first distorting and ultimately destroying any similar sign of awareness in their hosts.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 07:39 | #


I am glad that you feel the way you do regarding Jesus and Hitler – and that things look the way they do from your perspective, viz., that nobody gives a fuck.

Believe me, I would be happy to talk about neither, ever again. So much is that the case that I will happily oblige you (in not doing that) as much as possible.

What you have experienced in my spate of anti-Hitler talk is similar to what had priorly been a spate of anti-Jesus talk.

The deepest, darkest lines have to be drawn at this point for the advocacy of European peoples.

These are new days of European advocacy.

As Tan has alluded to above, this is a project that has not been merely allowed for. And since WW II significant interference has apparently been only more difficult to avoid.

If we are to clearly talk over our concerns and unfold minutiae, it is fundamental in preparation to clearly distinguish ourselves from the noise of Jesus and Hitler advocacy which might obfuscate discussion here, whether brought-in by sincere but somewhat stupid people or by trolls trying derail the coherence and value of a thread by associating it, and European advocacy, with that stuff.

Thus, I have sought first – first, not endlessly – to assert that MR is not the place for that stuff.

This HAS been necessary, unfortunately, as most explicit advocacy of Europeans is largely beholden to one or the other of these characters. Even MacDonald, shining intellectual light of White advocacy that he is held to be, readily appears on these types of sites. He was on Rodney Martin’s network recently. Martin’s network is baldly endorsing Hitler as a guiding light (as is Renegade, as is The Daily Stormer, as is, of course, Carolyn Yeager, etc. there are others, of course). Thus, it has been necessary to make the point, to distinguish MR’s base rule structure as Not Jesus and Not Hitler either.

After that, naturally I was forced to deal with the Jesus and Hitler fans, those who have tried to discredit efforts, including mine, for the rejection of these things.

However, I am glad that you feel the way you do and see things as you do regarding J and H. I will take it as an opportunity to indulge in that perspective – to ignore their advocates as unworthy of serious consideration.

But please appreciate what has been the necessity of groundwork here. Not even tanstaafl has done this, not to my satisfaction, anyway – he’s got some Hitler and Jesus people, some of them former MR regulars, commenting over there. I feel sorry for him inasmuch, but I am glad they are not wasting our time here.

However, we still have trolls of our own. To wish to ignore Hitler and Jesus people (or those anti-Europeans looking to muck-up our nest with those things) is one thing, to be trolled by them another. I am thinking about entering a post entitled, “what to do about Thorn and Haller?” To nobody’s (not nobodady’s) surprise, I would love for them to go somewhere else. I am satisfied that they are up to no good here. I have tried to take the position that at least they serve to show the observant reader how our enemies want us to think, how they would attempt to occupy our discussions, derail and misdirect.

Another post I fancy entering would be entitled, “Fratricide and Graham Lister’s shirked parental responsibility.”

The inclusion of you in the title will/would have been meant as good spirited provocation of you. I mention this now, because with your comment above, you may have thought that I was reacting angrily to your comment about my “interminable” debate with Christian and Nazi morons.

But that is not the case, I honestly believe the matter is central to our well being and survival. It was you who piqued my focus on the matter. I had hoped that you would render a post on the subject of your own accord. Since you have not yet, I will probably enter a post on that topic before long. As MR is a discussion site, it is not a matter of my solving the Gordian knot on these matters by myself anyway, but providing (hopefully) sufficient context and atmosphere for commentators to unfold and develop solutions to this problem – and it is very central: those who criticize racial advocates for missing the point that genetic closeness is no guarantee that people will like, cooperate with and not fight each other is true enough and problematic enough – an acutely important issue and (to me, anyway) fascinating.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 08:51 | #

However, we still have trolls of our own. To wish to ignore Hitler and Jesus people (or those anti-Europeans looking to muck-up our nest with those things) is one thing, to be trolled by them another. I am thinking about entering a post entitled, “what to do about Thorn and Haller?” To nobody’s (not nobodady’s) surprise, I would love for them to go somewhere else. I am satisfied that they are up to no good here. I have tried to take the position that at least they serve to show the observant reader how our enemies want us to think, how they would attempt to occupy our discussions, derail and misdirect. (Daniels)

What is amazing, in terms of the utter lack of this comment’s self-awareness, is that, in going back over various comments on this thread, I find that mine are clearly among the best, despite the minimal follow-up. Most of the rest are banal, unintelligible, uninteresting, weird, etc.

I do rather feel like, Graham, however, albeit for my own reasons.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 10:35 | #

Give it a rest Leon, anti-bodies and immunities to your bullshit have taken hold.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:23 | #

Thorn cannot understand what GW writes.

How many people can? Even Tanstaafl isn’t clear as to what GW is saying. Just about everyone that still comments here seemingly has the same opinion of GW’s writing style, hence that makes me no different.

Thorn then goes on to reveal he was a creationist.

That’s right. I did. So what? Did I not explain why I rejected my belief in Creationism and substituted it with Darwin’s Theory of Evolution? Look, Scotty, I go where the evidence takes me.

Lister, you come across as a mr know-it-all that lacks the basic understanding of human nature. Obviously you are far from an independent thinker. All your commentary and opinions here at MR has been dependent on the writings of your betters. Strip away all your references to other thinkers, then the sum total of your contributions amount to snark. If you were an AmeriKWAn, you’d fit right in with MSNBC crowd of leftwing cretins.

As far a DanielS goes, what can I say except for the fact he’s an immature child that invariably reacts in a melodramatic hissy fit (female anger) manner every time he encounters a White Nationalist who’s either a Christian, or to any extent reveres Hitler and National Socialism. Obviously GW regards those qualities to be virtuous since he’s handing over the operations of his own website to DanielS to do whatever he sees fit.

I will say this about MR, there ARE more than a few commenters here that are very edifying; but I regret to say Graham Lister and DanielS aren’t amongst them.




Posted by DanielS on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 11:47 | #

You are always invited to leave MR, Thorn.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 13:07 | #

Hey Danny I just want to make you aware of the many links you’ll probably want to delete when you take over MR

Here’s a partial list:

1) The White Network (defunct)

2) Cambria Will Not Yield (Christian)

3) Carolyn Yeager (She doesn’t like you.)

4) Council of Conservative Citizens (Pro Christian)

5) Chronicles (Pro Christian)

6) ◾Diversity is Chaos (Christian freindly)

7) Fair and Delightsome (Christian friendly [defunct?])

8) Fred on everything (controlled opposition. doesn’t blame jews enough.)

9)Immigration, Globalization, Political Correctness: The Jewish Attack On The Western World (collaborates with Christians)

10) Incogman (Pro Christian)

Of course there are many more, so you have your work cut out for you.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 14:12 | #

I wasn’t aware that I was “taking over” MR, Thorn.

I don’t seek your advice at any rate.

But I don’t have any radical changes in mind (I came to MR originally because I like the site, not because I wanted to change it), no concern to delete links.

Speaking of that, “The White Genocide Project” has an article on the precarious demographic situation of the Scots:

Paul Craig Roberts on the death throes of The United States:


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 18:23 | #

Give it a rest Leon, anti-bodies and immunities to your bullshit have taken hold.

With the possible exception of Dr.Lister, I guarantee I have the most extensive and elite educational background of anyone regularly contributing at MR (and when I finish my current program, I will have the best, period). What I have written, just on this thread alone, clearly evinces a more developed academic mindset than anyone else’s, perhaps GW excepted. Moreover, no attempt is made to refute anything I have said (I’m tempted to write: “anything I ever say”). 

Again and again I post comments that are ignored or dismissed - even though what I write advances the real discussion of white issues.

I am too racist for the paleocons, too traditionalist for the WNs. The paleos are dishonestly PC wrt biological realities, while the WNs are a bizarre and too often morally repulsive cult. What I argue for is the true conservatism of Western civilization, now virtually forgotten. That I am nowhere appreciated (except for, where I was once invited to contribute) is itself a powerful sign of Occidental decline.

The Occident has been unmade internally (intellectually), and is now being remade externally (biologically). Only my approach embodies and carries on the eternal truths of Western Man.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 18:47 | #


Paul Craig Roberts on the death throes of The United States:


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:15 | #

I wasn’t aware that I was “taking over” MR, Thorn.

GW writes:“To Thorn, yes there is change from September at MR.  That’s 9 years and 11 months since we hit the tracks.  The blog needs to be brought up to the mark in various respects, particularly with regard to a more upbeat atmosphere and more creativity.  Daniel is the right person to accomplish that.”

What sort of ideas do you plan on implementing? More MR radio interviews, perhaps? An Open Thread as I proposed? Dancing showgirls? Can you give us any hints?


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 19:53 | #


I got it!

You’re to trick us all and turn MR into a Christian site!

You sly devil, you .....


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 21:18 | #


There are two related but distinct issues here, plus a question in addendum.

The first issue is by what means a people - an entire people - rids itself of a false (in this case, completely toxic) prescription for how it must live.  The second is: how does it actually generate the way of life it truly owns.  For it should be clear that, existentially speaking, for a people to generate its own way of life, free and clear of trespass, and to destin accordingly, is the ultimate goal of modern European nationalisms in the West.

Now, on the first issue your idea is to expose the Jewish interest, psychology and manipulation.  This is a perfectly natural and appropriate response.  But ... the aggressor owns all the channels of communication.  It owns politics, academia, the law, and so on.  WN is restricted to obscure corners of the internet.  In addition, there are, as we know, powerful moral pre-emptives which block the reception of the WN message by the great majority of our own people (who never visit WN sites).  So one must either repeat the message ad infinitum and hope that somehow word gets around, or attempt to defuse the pre-emptive measures using, for example, holocaust revisionism.

Well, neither method has worked yet.  But even if it did, what would then happen?  The widespread expectation among WNs is that a process of isostatic recovery would commence.  Our people would return quite automatically to racial thinking and the making of good choices, a la the 1950s.  Not Christianity as she is spoke today, not liberalism, not materialism or urbanism or economism (or the nihilism they generate) ... nothing will interfere with, slow or subvert this noble process.

So the addendum.  Is there any evidence for this expectation?  Or is it a case of lazy and wishful thinking?  And if it is the latter, what conceivable alternatives are there?  Because this is what we are trying to talk about here; and as far as I am aware, we are the only website seriously devoted to that work.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 Jun 2014 23:42 | #

Hey GW, has it ever crossed your mind that this Tan character is not telling the truth WRT his relationship with his connection to Judaism? Could it be that his claim that his wife’s father is Jewish is just deception? Could it be possible Tan’s mother is a Jew?  Is it not true that the most anti-Semitic people are Jewish themselves? Wouldn’t that explain Tan’s anti-jewish extremism?


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 01:17 | #

Thorn - please point out examples of Tan’s anti-jewish extremism. Examples that are not Tan pointing out things jews actually do.

Or are you implying that ‘noticing’ is the same as ‘anti-semitism’?


Posted by Mike on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 03:43 | #

The suggestions of a long-time lurker: 

Bring back Geoff Beck.  DanielS isn’t reprehensible, but Geoff was priceless.  If there’s anyone who could make this blog into an effective fighting machine, it’s Geoff. 

Make overtures to Bowery and see if he’d come back.  He was invaluable.  That he was chased off by his envious, back-biting inferiors is tragic. 

Bring back that dude from Australia.  He was partly an anti, but his posts were thoughtful, prolific and readable and provoked interesting threads.  Contrary to his likely intent, those threads functioned to convince fence-sitters of the correctness of our position.

Write a book of fiction, GW.  And anyone else who has literary flair, like Bismuth.  It may well be one of the most effective things to be done.  Certainly far more effective than writing comments to online newspaper articles.  Just imagine a WN “Harry Potter.”  And consider that “The Turner Diaries,” while a canonical book that every WN should read, is hardly a great work of literature, but it probably inspired more real-world action than any WN blog has.  Your future books don’t have to be perfect, they just have to be. 


Posted by Mike on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:09 | #

Tan is phenomenal.  His posts are like icewater waking the reader from a half-slumber.  That kind of bracing, uncompromising, unapologetic incisiveness is far more valuable and effective than the lugubrious, self-indulgent, ivory-tower ruminations of, e.g., Lister and Haller and DanielS. 

It’s a shame that we devolve into this petty factionalism, but probably inevitable because the factions seem to divide along the most important issue. 


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 04:20 | #

It’s a shame that we devolve into this petty factionalism, but probably inevitable because the factions seem to divide along the most important issue.

There’s petty factionalism and then there is deliberate trashing. There is disagreement and then there is posting in bad faith.

I usually try not to get involved (can’t we all just get along?)


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 06:38 | #

RE: Posted by Mike, 95, 96:

Absent Haller and especially Thorn, much of the base rancor would be gone from MR.

It should be clear enough to you and anyone else that their primary reason to be here is to provoke and sow discord. They know the editorial position of the site and yet they insist on attacking it rather than going to another site where their views are conducive.

Mine and the frustration of others with them has created the appearance of a hostile environment and it has undoubtedly chased some good people away. I know that others are as tired of it as I am - it is no secret (he has made it plain in his comments) that Graham does not care for Thorn and Haller’s input.

If you like tanstaafl so much, take note: he has a blog and commentators.

He is very articulate, sometimes vivifying things we have said here, but I have not experienced him as being in the lead of ideas. For the most part, he’s fleshed out ideas (very well) already put forth. Most of his work I like. However, I don’t think much of his definition shows (i.e., on the right/left, liberalism), they have been well off the mark and unhelpful. But the matter with Tan is that he is probably too Hitler and Jesus friendly. Once we get that out of the way here at MR, I do believe productive conversation and ideas should flow better. Tan may be a bit of a Nordicist as well, which has been a part of MR’s zeitgeist, but I think rather, we want to be inclusive of all European nationalisms inasmuch as they do not impinge upon each other.

In the main, I believe most people who are dissatisfied with MR as it currently is in its transitional phase are either Hitler or Jesus freaks - better off without them, even if it means some loss of popularity. Or, they are confusing Haller and Thorn for participants in good will - they are not, they are doing what they are assigned or have assigned themselves, to provoke and misdirect.

After that, minus the (admitted) rancor that these two provoke, I believe we can have a number of fine people participating at MR. I like Lister and Bowery both and am sorry they cannot get along, but it was an either/or. GW thinks Dr. Lister is a bit more in sync with MR’s needs. I am trying to keep MR with the spirit of GW’s project. I am not coming here and trying to merely assert authority - obviously, or Thorn and Haller would have been gone long ago. But the fact is, one of the things that keeps Dr. Lister away is Haller. Contrary to Haller’s imagined affinity between their two, Dr. Lister is tired of him - and just as obviously, Graham does not care for Thorn’s input either. Naturally, if we are to have input from either Bowery or Dr. Lister then we might have input from at least one of them. Thorn and Haller are not helping, not facilitative at any rate, not in a basic sense of religious and economic outlook, to either Lister or Bowery being here. Who knows how many worthy others they keep away.

Speaking for myself, I would have both Lister and Bowery if I could. I believe I could bring Bowery back and would/will if there were not this either/or which GW adjudges for Lister - I understand GW’s reasoning and would prefer not to try to override his judgment. Still, I would like to bring Bowery back, but there are some more social minded and less individualistic projects that Graham has more affinity for. Jim has already served a great many ends here at MR, but there is a pressing need for Graham’s contributions on some issues now.

If we can somehow figure out a way to have them both here, we will. If we can only have one or the other, we will. 

To those who may not appreciate my own input, I would say that, provided it is not an admiration for Jesus and Hitler that is putting them off, that I am not adverse to others presenting different perspectives on “WN”, advanced intellectual efforts - on the contrary, that is the point of MR, to strive after theoretical accuracy, not to enshrine a cult of personality. Feel free to ignore my posts and move on to the others that will be here.

Nor am I averse to the comments, sometimes the longer posts contain gems, while MR has also been characterized by clever aphorisms and quips - though they are not a worthy exchange for “epistemological” (so to speak) error.

Its too bad that we can’t all just get along, but a lot of us can.

I think good things will be happening for MR. As we move past the matter of asking, “now what would Jesus and Adolf say?” we have in the works parameters that allow for the best of thought on our concerns as European peoples.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:01 | #


I don’t think I’ve ever read anything so lacking in self-awareness. Neither I nor Thorn proselytize for Christ here at MR (if you think we do, then you are truly clueless and have no idea what Christian preaching is). Are you trying to allege that defense of the Church has no place in the survival of the West, or that Christians cannot also be white preservationists? You seriously are not that ... idiosyncratic? weird? dumb?

And who are you to read your bizarre “I oppose both Hitler and Christ but am still a pro-white nationalist” nonsense into MR? You’re free to be anti-Christian as well as anti-Nazi, but that dual rejectionism is hardly characteristic of the WN tradition of thought in general. Indeed, in many ways the true WN choice precisely is between Hitler and Christ. I’ve made this argument before. If one rejects Christ, and one is strongly pro-white, I can see no principled reason not to be pro-Hitler (tactically, of course, being pro-Nazi is not helpful in growing white consciousness, as both Lister and I, from our very different philosophical and ideological perspectives, have pointed out [note: I have never imagined the slightest “affinity” between myself and Lister; I only acknowledge that we are both well-educated]).

Frankly, I think absent YOU, “much of the base rancor would be gone”. I cannot imagine what GW is thinking in turning over administration of the site to you. Of course, I don’t really care about your anti-Christianity; that is your opinion and you are entitled to it. But what is telling is that you can’t handle my limited espousal and defense of the faith. That says far more about you than it does about any ostensible deficiency in my own outlook.

Anyway, I was invited to comment at MR years ago (I had never heard of the site) by then regulars, years before I recall your being here.

What is surpassingly funny is that for all your ass-kissing of Lister, he has hardly repaid the compliment. And if I recall accurately, Bowery did not exit on account of me or Thorn, but due to relentless criticism from Lister. Lastly, I’m sure Lister can handle my comments. If he can’t, let him debate me himself. It’s not as though I clog up the ‘headers’ with posts of my own (nor does Thorn). I suspect what really caused Lister to leave was the generally low intellectual level that MR had descended to (as well as a lack of appreciation for and relevant commenting on his own posts).

Anyway, if you’re so concerned about Graham, ask him back yourself. Or Bowery.


Posted by CS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:03 | #


That guy from Australia was Silver I believe and yes he is a good poster even if he isn’t 100% with the program. I think he actually started off as an enemy of WN when he first started posting here. Bowery is also really good. That’s why I suggested the creation of a forum for “the elites” only so we have forum of high quality posters who treat each other with respect instead of a constant bitchfest of malcontents and possible trolls. As I mentioned before, Tan is also really good. Tan can disagree with someone who is “one of us” without calling that person an idiot, a jew or a troll.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:21 | #

Well, CS and Mike, if you think “Silver” is now “one of us” it goes to show that you cannot or do not want to discern a subversive troll from one of us.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:23 | #

That guy from Australia was Silver

Actually I think that was a reference to John Jay Ray - he couldnt stop going on about the wonders of jews, Mexicans and Asians.

Silver can be very good - when he comments at Steve Sailer’s. When he comments at MR it’s quite different.

Tan is excellent!


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 08:39 | #

Anyway, I was invited to comment at MR years ago (I had never heard of the site) by then regulars, years before I recall your being here.

The site is different now. Neither Graham nor I am interested to debate you.

“What is surpassingly funny is that for all your ass-kissing of Lister.”

You say that I have “licked Graham’s ass”? and you accuse me of being uncouth?

“he has hardly repaid the compliment”

He has been pretty complimentary of me - and that is not easy to do. He’s hard to please. I can accept criticism from him though, as coming largely from a good place.

I encourage Graham to participate because GW appreciates his input and I can understand why.

I also happen to know that one of the key reasons that Graham stays away is because of YOU, Leon - and I can abundantly understand why. Your comments are more than unhelpful, they are obstructive.

“And if I recall accurately, Bowery did not exit on account of me or Thorn”

I did not say that he did, but I guarantee that neither of you provided any incentive for him to stay.

“but due to relentless criticism from Lister.”

Yes, that is the chief reason why he left, he made that clear.

“Lastly, I’m sure Lister can handle my comments. If he can’t, let him debate me himself.”


I am sure that he might cite other reasons, standards (my own included) but he definitely does not like yours and Thorn’s contributions.

Regarding how he may feel about me, I do not take it too personally. But especially because he views race and WN as somewhat below his concern whereas I see them as essential.

“It’s not as though I clog up the ‘headers’ with posts of my own (nor does Thorn).”

No, but you clog up the threads - ruin most of them, in fact.

“Anyway, if you’re so concerned about Graham, ask him back yourself. Or Bowery.”

They both already know that they are more than welcome as far as I am concerned.



Posted by Mike on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 10:47 | #

If there are modern Christians who adopt the attitude of the Crusaders, Martel and Torquemada, and if they reject the modern Christian teachings (Scolfield bible, Vatican II, interfaith dialog, social justice, getting along with the chosen, etc.) wouldn’t they be acceptable, even provisionally? 

Christianity seems like a slave religion (no offense), but why reject alliances with reasonable Christians as described above?  That’s assuming there are any - I don’t know that there are, or that any such are here. 

I can see the value in not dressing up in a NS uniform and praising Hitler, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessary to condemn him, does it?  Doing so in an effort to appease or curry favor with the opposition seems pointless at best.

The dude from Australia I was thinking of was JJR.

What happened to Scrooby? 

Captain Chaos (I think?) was a pretty good when he could control his self-indulgent (alcohol-induced?) habit of trying to prove his intellectual superiority to Bowery. 

CS, I see your point about a forum for the elites, and have had the same thought many times about VNN.  There’s fewer posters here and the quality is higher so it hadn’t occurred to me that it would be so useful here.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:15 | #

Posted by Mike on June 05, 2014, 05:47 AM | #

“f there are modern Christians who adopt the attitude of the Crusaders, Martel and Torquemada, and if they reject the modern Christian teachings (Scolfield bible, Vatican II, interfaith dialog, social justice, getting along with the chosen, etc.) wouldn’t they be acceptable, even provisionally?”

Apparently not. They are best directed to other sites, where Christianity is seen as important to maintain. Here, it has been a vast obstruction. The take-away from the Haller-Thorn team is that failing other options, our enemies want to encourage us to be Christians, because it is an anti-intellectual, impractical, otherworldly, inducing of naiivete, self sacrificing, obsequious, blindering to self and relative/relational interest in this world, unhealthy disloyalty/loyalty, anti-logical, Judeophilic, universalistic, liberal yoke that they know how to manipulate.

“Christianity seems like a slave religion (no offense), but why reject alliances with reasonable Christians as described above?”

We might not be advised to reject alliances in the pinch of battle, but in terms of sorting things out intellectually, which is the point here, they are worse than worthless, they are utterly counter productive.

“That’s assuming there are any - I don’t know that there are, or that any such are here.”

There are none such here. Haller and Thorn are not reasonable, they continually try to impose Jews as White and hog-tying conservative BS. They are trolls, they are enemies, make no mistake. What they have served to do is to make it clear that our enemies want to encourage Christianity in us as a default compromise.

“I can see the value in not dressing up in a NS uniform and praising Hitler, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessary to condemn him, does it?”

Of course it is necessary to condemn Hitler explicitly, besides being a catastrophic asshole, besides threatening to divide Europeans irreconcilably for his third rate world view, many so-called “WN” are falling into line with being painted with his brush - it is utterly tactless and unnecessary: as such, it calls for clear rejection of him as some sort of guiding visionary for any responsible site of European advocacy.

“Doing so in an effort to appease or curry favor with the opposition seems pointless at best.”

It is not done to curry favor with the opposition, it is done in the name of truth, proper cooperation and coordination among Europeans.

To be sure, and on the contrary, our opposition will be encouraging some Hitler advocacy, because they know it will sow discord among Europeans, divide and conquer ..ultimately, turn good people away from those who insist upon embracing him.

“The dude from Australia I was thinking of was JJR.”

Richards, if that’s who you mean, obviously had some strong logical capacity, but he was over the top, his conspiracy theorizing was utter foolishness ... I suspect him of being didactic: i.e., of being an enemy troll. But whether he was or wasn’t, he was counter productive.

“What happened to Scrooby?”

I think GW said he may have passed-on.

Captain Chaos (I think?) was a pretty good when he could control his self-indulgent (alcohol-induced?) habit of trying to prove his intellectual superiority to Bowery.

Captain Chaos was a Nazi. Probably the most likeable Nazi that I have ever known. In fact, I did not send him away - not deliberately anyway. His mind was/is sharp, his quips often excellent. Funny guy, but if being Nazis is what it takes to be ok with him, not worth it.

“CS, I see your point about a forum for the elites, and have had the same thought many times about VNN.  There’s fewer posters here and the quality is higher so it hadn’t occurred to me that it would be so useful here.”

“Elites” are welcome. The problem at the moment, is how to deal with our trolls, viz. Thorn and Haller.



Posted by CS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:27 | #


Someone would have to set up a new Vbulletin Forum and only let a select few be capable of making posts. Tan, Silver and Bowery are three names I can think of at the top of my head worthy of posting on it.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 11:40 | #

I don’t think Bowery likes Silver and I do not think Silver belongs in the company of either - Tan will not like him eventually either, if he does not see through him already.

On the other hand, once The White Network folded, it was my initial idea to invite tanstaafl to join Majority Rights. From what I have gathered from the interview and from his starting a renewed effort with Age of Treason, he’d prefer to be on his own.

Having a tendency to look on the positive side of things means, ironically, looking a bit on the negative side of things in the case of tan’s apparent unwillingness to join a directly participating MR team - its a shame not to have tan as a part of our intimate team, however.. looking on the positive side of not having him here…nobody is perfect, him either.. if he would side up with Carolyn in the first place, his judgment is not flawless (true, by his own admission). And I rendered the few criticisms that I have. However, he is welcome here. I know that GW would like it, even though he was a bit uncertain at first, he warmed-up to the idea after the interview.

The idea of a side bulletin, where Bowery could participate free from fights with Graham…if that would be amenable, could be a viable idea. But Silver participating there? As if he is some kind of “elite”? Absolutely not.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 12:54 | #


Posted by Lurker on June 04, 2014, 08:17 PM | #

Thorn - please point out examples of Tan’s anti-jewish extremism. Examples that are not Tan pointing out things jews actually do.

Or are you implying that ‘noticing’ is the same as ‘anti-semitism’?


In a nutshell Tan is one of these guys that subscribes to three misguided notions:

1) There is not such thing as a good jew.

2) Agrees with the blanket assertion that insists “jews are not white.”

3) Similar to how Blacks rely on the doctrine which states all dysfunction and failure of blacks can be trace back to white-racism; so to does Tan believe ALL (I emphasis ALL) things that are harmful to the well being of people of European descent can be traced to causes initiated by jews.  That is extremism.

Just for the record, I’ve been jew wise for more than a decade. I am very well aware of the corrosive effects commie jew ideologies are having on the Western mind. Personally I believe second wave feminism was their greatest coup. It is an effective ideological force that turns women against men. But I digress….

PS, Anyone who would react so viciously to Paul Weston simply because Weston isn’t sufficiently anti-Semitic enough to satisfy their taste, is an extremist IMO. Tan fits that description to a tee.

PPS, Silver usually brings a well reasoned alternative perspective to MR. That’s what makes conversations at MR so interesting. Of course Silver threatens Daniel’s worldview; that’s why he protests against Silver’s participation in the discussions.

At any rate, thanks for asking, Lurker.




Posted by DanielS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:07 | #

Of course Silver threatens Daniel’s worldview; that’s why he protests against Silver’s participation in the discussions.

No, the fact is that Silver is a part of the same trolling as Thorn - the ends are clearly the same.


Posted by katana on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 13:36 | #

Posted by DanielS on June 05, 2014, 06:15 AM | # 105

“I can see the value in not dressing up in a NS uniform and praising Hitler, but that doesn’t mean it’s necessary to condemn him, does it?”

Of course it is necessary to condemn Hitler explicitly, besides being a catastrophic asshole, besides threatening to divide Europeans irreconcilably for his third rate world view, many so-called “WN” are falling into line with being painted with his brush - it is utterly tactless and unnecessary: as such, it calls for clear rejection of him as some sort of guiding visionary for any responsible site of European advocacy.

“Doing so in an effort to appease or curry favor with the opposition seems pointless at best.”

It is not done so to curry favor with the opposition, it is done in the name of truth, proper cooperation and coordination among Europeans.

To be sure, and on the contrary, our opposition will be encouraging some Hitler advocacy, because they know it will sow discord among Europeans, divide and conquer ..ultimately, turn good people away from those who insist upon embracing him.

OK DanielS, as someone new here, would you mind giving your substantial reasons for rejecting a positive view of Hitler?

Here’s a summary of my position so you know where I’m coming from:

Until recently, as in the last few years I’ve thought much along the standard line that Hitler and his crew were “evil”, as explained to us “so patiently and so well by our media and Hollywood”. But then I started to seriously look into the “Holocaust” and am now convinced that it is a gigantic hoax, brought to us, btw, by the same people that have brought us 9/11, etc.

Once you remove the “Holocaust” from WWII you also largely remove the “Evil” from the “Evil Nazis” meme. You then get into the issue of who really started and maintained the war to its ugly conclusion. My research also makes me conclude that the same people who brought us the Holohoax, etc., are also the same people who engineered WWII (and WWI, for that matter) and keep it going.

Not to hold any new reader in suspense any longer, ... yes, it’s the jews. International jewry, using its proxies, like the Poles, France, Britain, USSR and the USA conspired to destroy Germany. The White race slaughtered itself because of the hidden hand of the jews, resulting in the jews being the real victors of that war and after. They’ve then gone on creating the Jew World Order that we are now battling.

So, Hitler and the “Nazis” were battling the enemy of humanity, jewish supremacism, that we, the world in fact, still face. As such what Hitler and the German people attempted should not be scorned and vilified but rather be seen as a truly heroic effort to liberate us from these monsters that still rule us.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:16 | #


Coincidentally, in the Paul Craig Roberts talk linked here: , he speaks of the importance of dealing reasonably even with nations of people you do not care for.

Even Greg Johnson, an admirer of Hitler, seems to have come to this same conclusion in his “New Right / Old Right” distinction.

While Hitler and co had their reasons and causes, they definitely were not representing the interests of all Europeans. That was a huge part of problem, viz., that they were overwhelmingly, predominantly concerned for Germans, even to the detriment of other Europeans, particularly in the east. But that is one among several problems in their outlook. Of course their philosophy worked out to their own detriment in the end - it is not really surprising.

While the Jews may have been plotting against Germany in essence, other Europeans would have had strategic defense against German threat to their national interests in mind.

As we speak I am listening to Don Black talk about how Hitler only wanted to retake territories lost by Germany after WWI. Anybody who looks into the history honestly, even into Hitler’s own words in “Table Talk”, can plainly see that Hitler was not going to stop there, but aspired to the Urals. Moreover, the fact is, that the most bonafide territorial contentions that he had after WWI were Bromberg and Thorn - that’s it! Germans could live in Danzig, they lost Poznan to Poland, which on historical balance, they really should have.

It is a working hypothesis that because America is so German and other demographics representative of nations not in the path of the Nazi wrath, they would be more inclined to be swept up in a phase of over correction in reverse of decades of vilification - especially German Americans would be susceptible to editing out unseemlier aspects of the Nazi program and actions.

The Nazis had reasons for acting the way they did. They were not ex nihlo evil, but neither were they ex nihlo angels in the service of all Europeans. They had some things right and some things very wrong.

However, it is fundamentally besides the most relevant point now, which is that nobody alive bears responsibility for whatever errors in judgment made on the part of the Axis or the Allies. I for one, am not trying to lay guilt trips on present day Germans and rather see them for what they are, an integral nation among European nations.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:41 | #


If you stick around long enough, you will learn nobody takes DanielS’ main entry screeds seriously. His screeds mostly go ignored. The only way he gets attention is due the fact he’s MR’s self appointed blog cop that constantly runs around in the threads pestering other commenters. Danny’s kind of like Barney Fife minus Barney’s likeable qualities.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 14:47 | #

Posted by Thorn on June 05, 2014, 09:41 AM | #


If you stick around long enough, you will learn nobody takes DanielS’ main entry screeds seriously. His screeds mostly go ignored. The only way he gets attention is due the fact he’s MR’s self appointed blog cop that constantly runs around in the threads pestering other commenters. Danny’s kind of like Barney Fife minus Barney’s likeable qualities.”

Thorn, I am warning you to stop glutting the threads, especially with lies such as you’ve posted here, projecting your pestering onto others.

...“screeds”, that’s a word right out of the controlled media.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 15:18 | #



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 15:50 | #



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 Jun 2014 23:52 | #

Hey dick head Danny, deleting my comments is one thing, but your tampering and replacing the words I posted with yours is as low as you can get. I’m talking about @115.

You are one pathetic loser, Danny.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 01:43 | #

It is a working hypothesis that because America is so German and other demographics representative of nations not in the path of the Nazi wrath, they would be more inclined to be swept up in a phase of over correction in reverse of decades of vilification - especially German Americans would be susceptible to editing out unseemlier aspects of the Nazi program and actions.- DANIEL S

A working hypothesis in your case is simply a wild guess based on ignorance.

For American to be “so German” it would have to be the case that Americans of German descent recognized and internalized this descent. Anyone who grew up in the United States over the past 100 years would know that this is not the case.

In 1914, the most popular language spoken in the Chicago Public Schools was German. By 1916, German Americans were being attacked on the streets of Chicago by Wilsonian thugs. German disappeared as a spoken language in the schools by 1918. German as a foreign language ceased to be taught in high schools.

Among the people I know, the only group that maintains German family names are Jews - frequently Russian or Polish.

Among people I know, many families stopped acknowledging their German heritage by the 1960s.

I know people who retained their German family names only because they sounded Jewish.

My son watched while a forty year old American businessman was shocked when a Parisian concierge pronounced his family name in the German manner. This man had never been told his family had immigrated from Germany.

It is typical of leftists like yourself to feel free to attribute unpopular views to a person’s possible German ancestry.

Since Maimonides ruled that where it is politic to do so and the Jews will not get the blame, then Christians are to be killed whenever possible; and Maimonides is still the most authoritative commentator on Jewish law; I can understand why you omitted my reason for thinking that it was silly for a goyim to give a damn when bad things happen to a people who applaud Maimonides.

Maimonides was a famous physician but he had some advice about treating sick gentiles:

  “As for Gentiles with whom we are not at war ... their death must not be caused, but it is forbidden to save them if they are at the point of death; if, for example, one of them is seen falling into the sea, he should not be rescued, for it is written: ‘neither shalt thou stand against the blood of thy fellow’17 - but [a Gentile] is not thy fellow.”

Again, I ask why it is not silly for a goyim to give a damn when bad things happen to a people who applaud Maimonides.



Posted by Tanstaafl on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 04:12 | #

In a nutshell Tan is one of these guys that subscribes to three misguided notions:

1) There is not such thing as a good jew.

I don’t know any. I suspect the difference between us is in our definition of “good”.

2) Agrees with the blanket assertion that insists “jews are not white.”

After twenty-odd podcasts exploring who the jews are (starting here) I did a three part series of podcasts focused specifically on jews versus Whites.

Though I understand you don’t care, I’ll sum it up for other readers.

Jews are jews before they are anything else. They care most about what’s good for the jews. Many may look “white”, and some may even very deliberately refer to themselves as “white”, but as a group they are genetically distinct and originated outside Europe. They have historically regarded Whites as their primary enemies, culturally and politically.

3) Similar to how Blacks rely on the doctrine which states all dysfunction and failure of blacks can be trace back to white-racism; so to does Tan believe ALL (I emphasis ALL) things that are harmful to the well being of people of European descent can be traced to causes initiated by jews.  That is extremism.

The jews deserve to be held responsible for the harm jews do, though they usually succeed in shifting the blame elsewhere. Blacks are similar to jews in that they both reflexively blame Whites for the harm they themselves cause.


Posted by Mike on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 05:20 | #


In a nutshell Tan is one of these guys that subscribes to three misguided notions:

1) There is not such thing as a good jew.

And this should not only offend me, but make me reject all who hold that view?  Why?  Whose side are you on?  That side doesn’t seem to need your assistance, and ours does (or would if you were not so conflicted as to be dangerous).  Perfect sifting is impossible, the attempt is harmful, and the burden of proof is misplaced.  Let those who have the desire to do so go above and beyond to disprove the supposition, as penance if nothing else. 

quote]2)Agrees with the blanket assertion that insists “jews are not white.”/quote]

Again, this should offend me?  Why?  I won’t even mention the historical antecedents for that ancient view, or the modern genetic confirmation of distinctiveness. 

quote]3) Similar to how Blacks rely on the doctrine which states all dysfunction and failure of blacks can be trace back to white-racism; so to does Tan believe ALL (I emphasis ALL) things that are harmful to the well being of people of European descent can be traced to causes initiated by jews.  That is extremism./quote]

A straw man if there ever was one.

And “extremism”?  Please, God, anything but that!!!  The word itself send me into paroxysms of revulsion, right in line with the intended programming.  I’m sure you can identify…

I remember mentally renaming Silver “Silverstein” and his rejecting his position almost every time.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 06:16 | #

Robert in Arabia says, “A working hypothesis in your case is simply a wild guess based on ignorance.”

Robert in Arabia, you deny my working hypothesis, call it “a wild guess”, but on the contrary, it begins with a fact - That among the United States White demographic, people of German descent are the largest group - by far.

If you extend that to people who are of Germanic descent and then to people of descent from nations not in the path of the Nazi wrath, such as Irish, it is overwhelmingly comprised of people who would likely have a genetic proclivity to be less sympathetic to those who were in the path of the Nazi wrath, and therefore overly inclined to sympathize with Nazi Germany and to edit out of consciousness the unseemlier deeds and intentions of Nazi Germany.

Your anecdotal experiences do nothing to disprove this hypothesis.

Again, even Don Black was yesterday saying that “Hitler only wanted the land taken by Versailles.”

That is contradicted by Hitler himself. Anybody with any honest sense alone, let alone with intelligence information of the day (which the Poles had, among other ways of knowing, because they - Zygalski, Rejewski, Różycki - had already cracked Enigma), would gather as much from Mein Kampf, confirmed in Table Talk and in deed, his obvious intent to go beyond that. Moreover, even if it were true (which it wasn’t) that Hitler only wanted to stop at land taken by Versailles, we are talking about complaints which were relatively petty:

A. Danzig was a neutral city, but the Germans were free to live there and did in vast majority.

B. Poznan was rightfully retaken by the Poles and confirmed as theirs by Versailles.

C. That leaves the small cities of Bromberg and Thorn as the losses to Germany that could be the most bona fide complaints - and these small cities were practical to give to Poland for logistic reasons - to provide Poland direct access to the sea, and not have Germany extrude into Polish territory. By analogy, there were cities to the west, which had been Polish historically but were practical to remain German and so they did.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 06:33 | #

Mike 119 says, regarding Thorn:

“And this should not only offend me, but make me reject all who hold that view?  Why?  Whose side are you on?”

Mike, he is certainly NOT on our side. Perhaps you do not realize that you are arguing against a Jewish sponsored troll in Thorn (as Silver and Haller probably are).

Tanstaafl 118 argues against Thorn as well, and really, about the only good that Thorn can provide is to be a foil in instances like this so that his arguments (which represent Jewish interests of some sort) can be refuted.

However, I believe that Thorn’s presence does more harm than it does didactic good by showing the tactics and angles of our enemies.


Posted by Mike on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 07:32 | #

As a European-American of non-German descent, if Hitler had planned to conquer all of Europe and England it doesn’t bother me (now) in the slightest, nor does it make me dislike Germans or NS (I guess I might feel differently if I was living in Europe then).  If Europeans are morally obliged to dislike every historical European who had designs on ruling Europe, we would be doing ourselves a huge disservice.  Most of them were heroic, and all were, to some degree or another, products of their times.  All would undoubtedly do different things today than they did during their lifetimes.  Do we have to hate Napoleon?  Charlemagne?  Were their intentions “unseemly?”  I got nothing against the Poles either.  The Germans have suffered way, WAY more than enough as a result of losing WWII.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 07:53 | #

“Do we have to hate Napoleon?  Charlemagne?”

But in fact, people who turn their attention to them can legitimately hate them - as they might Caesar. Nevertheless, they are far enough back in history so that the divisive properties of their issues are not active.

The same cannot be said of Hitler and his advocates.

Nobody is saying that you should hate Germans because Hitler had plans that extended to the Urals and an unflattering role for peoples to his east.

“The Germans have suffered way, WAY more than enough as a result of losing WWII.”

Well, we agree, but they are not the only group that suffered, all Europeans have. However, it wasn’t because they lost the war, but because they initiated it on deeply flawed premises.

As such, there IS a responsibility to not elevate him beyond serious reproach, to try to gloss over the negative aspects of Hitler and the Reich.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 08:50 | #

Here is what Thorn has posted at Caroly Yeager’s site:


“I find DanielS to be a problematic child. Everywhere he goes he winds up in trouble. But Danny found a safe home at MR.

Moreover, for all practical purposes, Guessedworker judged Danny to be worthy of taking over the day to day operations at MR; which, of course, lends credence to the rumor that GW has a screw loose. In any event, now that Daniel has full editorial control at MR, he’s arbitrarily deleting comments of those whom he disagrees with. Furthermore, and much more egregious, the little weasel goes so far as changing and or tampering with the content/wording in other commenters’ posts. Suffice it to say the dude has some serious issues.”

Here is what Thornblossom is referring to:


Posted by Thorn on June 05, 2014, 10:18 AM | #


This is the first post I have ever deleted at MR (after warning Thorn) [“I’m just responding to your mendacious mischaracterizations of me, Danny boy. So take your warnings and shove em’ where the sun don’t shine.”]


Posted by Thorn on June 05, 2014, 10:50 AM | #


Following that was this, the second comment I ever deleted at MR, I entered xyz, rather than saying “deleted” because the field must have some content, even if gibberish. Here are his “words” (he says words, plural) that I replaced with my “words”, xyz [“LOLZ!”]


Posted by Thorn on June 05, 2014, 06:52 PM | #

“Hey dick head Danny, deleting my comments is one thing, but your tampering and replacing the words I posted with yours is as low as you can get. I’m talking about @115.

You are one pathetic loser, Danny.”

And here is how Frunobulac, a.k.a., Carolyn Yeager, responded to Thorn’s “truth and revelation”

carolynThu, 05/06/14
On DanielS

:My,my - if what you say is true he really does have very serious issues and won’t last long at MR. I wouldn’t think so, anyway.”

Yes, indeed, Thorn, the best friend her worldview ever had. It’s funny, really.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 09:57 | #

you are arguing against a Jewish sponsored troll in Thorn (as Silver and Haller probably are).(Daniels)

This kind of statement is what Daniel brings to MR. Talk about instigating rancor!

I assure one and all that I am not “Jewish-sponsored”. I do not know either Thorn or Silver in real life, but I am virtually positive that neither of them is “Jewish-sponsored”, either. That Daniel would say so suggests that he is seriously mentally disturbed, as was JRichards - who incidentally had at one time also been somehow officially affiliated with MR.

(which suggests that GW has absolutely APPALLING judgment of character…seriously, Mr. G - what IS wrong with you?)

Note how the readership of MR has dramatically declined since DanielS started posting here. I suspect it will continue to do so, and at an accelerating rate.

The real reason Daniel has his hissy fits is that he dislikes Christ (undoubtedly more even than Hitler). Also, he knows that we’re a lot more intellectually insightful than he is, and I guess that bothers him.

Seriously, the ONLY reason I continue commenting here is that I really like the very simple design and comment format of the site. I HATE the Disqus linkages at most places. I also don’t like their “comments on comments” which end up being these little conversations-within-conversations polluting all the screen real estate. MR’s ‘visuals’ are definitely the way to be, even if some might consider them primitive.

[TRAINSPOTTER: are you still around? I’m thinking about answering you’re question from a week or so ago in a main post format. Are you still visiting MR?]


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 10:39 | #

Poland’s foreign policy in 1939 only made sense on the basis that Poland was located in the middle of the Caribbean Sea.

I have made it a practice to talk to people who lived in German occupied Europe. Here some typical stories from people who were there.

One Polish lady recalled that as child she was riding on a tram in with her mother and a German soldier gave her a doll.

She also recalled that she saw a German police dog attack a man.

A Polish man recalled that there was a German guard post on his family’s farm. When his baby brother got sick, the Germans took the child a hundred miles to Warsaw to be treated at the German military hospital. His brother recovered.

A Serb recalled that while in Auschwitz his brother died in the camp hospital.

A Greek recalled that the Germans always did what they said they would. If they were not attacked by partisans, they did not undertake reprisals.

[ As you ought to know, reprisals were considered legitimate under the military laws of the UK and USA at the time.]

None of the people I have met who were there at the time express the animosity DanielS feels for Germans and German Americans.

A Rumanian lady was astonished when she visited the Israeli Holocaust shrine and saw that they were memorializing the 10,000 Jews from her home town. She lived in that town during the entire war and remembered at no time were the Jews in her town attacked or killed. She remember that they all left after the war for greener pastures.

The people I know of German and Irish descent who currently allow themselves to express ill feelings toward the Brits do so after having the misfortune of having recent frequent contact with them or having had recent moments of enlightenment.

An American of pure Irish descent and who was shot four time in European theatre and spent months in hospitals in the UK only developed an antipathy after visiting Ireland in the 1980s and seeing the grave of a cousin who had been hung by the Brits in 1916 at age ten.

Having seen the photos of the white British ladies stripped naked and humiliated by Black thugs in London and noticed the lack of reaction by the British public, I do not think that there are enough white Brits who care about the fate of white Britain to fill a whore house even if they were given free access to the whores.

I am still waiting to a rational response to my question why should any goyim gave a damn when bad things happen to the Jews.



Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 10:41 | #


Trainspotter is another elite poster. I haven’t seen his name for awhile which is why he wasn’t on that list of three I had. Mike is also someone who I might consider elite but I haven’t read enough of his stuff to decide if he qualifies. I really don’t like the format of MR which is why I wish all these quality posters would move to one single bulletin board. And Leon as you know I support your “Whitopia” idea big time so you’d probably qualify. Maybe Kievsky should be part of this elite group as well depending on what other people say…


Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 10:48 | #


What photos of white British ladies being stripped naked by black thugs are you talking about? As far as I can tell London is the mudshark capital of the world.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 11:03 | #

CS, if you think of Leon as some sort of elite opinion worth serious consideration in our cause, you are out to lunch. You come across as a troll, and I suggest you go start up a bulletin somewhere with Haller and Silver.

Robert in Arabia, you say:

“None of the people I have met who were there at the time express the animosity DanielS feels for Germans and German Americans.”

That’s a smear. I’ve said dozens of times now and in truth, that I like Germans.

However, regarding the Nazis, I can take a bus five minutes away to a site where Polish patriots were shot by the Nazis. The dead cannot speak for themselves. I have talked to others whose parents/grandparents were put in labor camps. Some who had relatives killed.

There are others who remember events surrounding the Polish (not Jewish) Warsaw Ghetto uprising.

The leveling of Warsaw.

etc, etc. do I really need to go on? These facts are not hatred of Germans, they are facts surrounding the Nazis.


Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 11:20 | #


You are a big meanie who hurts my feelings.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 11:47 | #


I like the idea of an elite WN/WP website very much! Indeed, I like the idea even if I myself were not allowed to post. It would make for good reading. I think somewhere I tried to broach this idea here (search “Haller” at MR, if you want; I’m sure I have mentioned this before). I encouraged GW to try to turn MR into such an elite forum by exercising greater editorial authority, but he ignored my advice.

The ground rules for such a forum should be really simple. No copy/pastes (something I’m guilty of myself), only pasted links. No “ad hominems”. Perhaps even some kind of “like/dislike”, or “thumbs up/down”, with a programmed rule that any time a comment receives a number “down” in excess of some agreed upon number (say, 5), the comment gets automatically deleted (so, eg, 7 “likes” and 12 “dislikes”, gets a comment nuked). That will keep out the pests and trolls (or, as you say, the whole thing could be closed, open only to invitees; the only problem there is you would need a few dozen invitees, to keep conversations going over different posts).

Of course, ultimately this is all semi-subjective, and thus there has to be a sort of honor system, if there is not simply a single wise but stern editor. Genuinely intelligent people can recognize each other, even if they happen to disagree. I dislike GW’s overall philosophy, but I don’t doubt his worth, as either a white patriot, or as someone whose opinion deserves consideration (even if I come to reject it).

Counter-currents may be what you’re looking for. I rarely go there, but they do have some smart people.

My own goal is to finish my doctorate, get my dissertation published as a book to build mainstream credibility, and then to try to infiltrate the more mainstream American Right, and drive it as best I can in a consistently more anti-immigration direction, while independently working on my own edifice of WP scholarship (my concerns being to integrate sociobiological (racial) realism into Catholic social thought - a Herculean task, given how leftist the modern Church is (but they are quite wrong, including on their own moral-theological premises ...) - as well as to develop a Catholic ethics of secession and ethnosovereignty).

Frankly, I’d also like someday to start some kind of White Zion Society, just a social networking group so that WPs can get to meet and form social relationships with others of our kind in the real world. Nothing towards the ultimate goal of racial secession and sovereignty (at least outside of Old Europe) is going to happen as long as everything remains online. In a sense, the WN internet is merely a safety valve for WN frustrations. We whine amongst ourselves, and pretend that doing so actually advances white interests. It doesn’t.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 11:56 | #

Allow me to further explain where I’m comming from pertaining to the following issues:

1)To say that there is no such thing as a good jew is marginalizing yourself beyond the point where any normal person would take you seriously. Thus you are a self made loser. Everyone that breathes air outside WN forums knows there are quite a few good jews. People that proclaim there are no good jews have painted themselves into a corner. Fools, all.

2) To come out and make a blanket statement that “jews are not white” is another display of idiocy so common amongst WNs. Modern day jews are NOT your jews of yore. They’re mainly comprised of converts. There are VERY few , if any, jews whose lineage can be traced back to the days when the bible was written. At best their gene pool was affected by at least some adulteration The fact is, many jews are made up of pure European genetic stock, ditto for Negroid jews, Chinese jews , Arab jews etc etc etc. Of course most jews living in the world today are European/Middle Eastern hybrids: the Khazars—converts all! Moreover jewish identity is even more complicated than their diverse genetic makeup. Read about it and learn!

3) From my post @ 108: “Similar to how Blacks rely on the doctrine which states all dysfunction and failure of blacks can be trace back to white-racism; so to does Tan believe ALL (I emphasis ALL) things that are harmful to the well being of people of European descent can be traced to causes initiated by jews.  [now] that is extremism.” Irrational to boot!
  My opinion stands. Moreover it’s shared by very educated people such as Jared Taylor to name but one.

Oh wait…..... I forgot ........Jared Taylor is controlled opposition. Darn! /sarc


GW, I think you’re making a big mistake turning over your website to a pseudo intellectual with serious character defects, namely DanielS. It’s apparent very few if any like the boy due to his unprovoked aggression. Most of all he’s not trustworthy. He’s already demonstrated he lacks the maturity to handle any sort of responsibility. But hey, GW, it’s your sand box to do whatever you want….



Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 12:10 | #


Yeah, you’ve go the right idea. A forum of elites who don’t require much moderation because the posters don’t flame each other every other post and don’t argue in bad faith. It will attract good posters because there won’t be any flaming or trolls on the forum.

Counter Currents has some good posters and some of them could be recruited to post on this board.

The board would be great reading because all the posters on it are high quality. It might get a big audience because all the posters are of high quality.

When do you think you’ll finish your book and doctorate?


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 12:28 | #

CS and Haller, do not delay! Go and start up your forum for people you consider to be “elite.”

Haller says that readership has declined at MR since I have been posting here, but he has been here all the while and I am sure that he has not helped in that regard - to the contrary.

However, there is one way to test it out and prove it, start your site up and make it just as popular as you might. I have assured Leon on numerous occasions that I would never visit his site because I have no interest in his opinion what-so-ever.

But even if you did become popular and gain readership with a Jesus and Hitler advocacy site, which is possible, it is no slight to my objectives, as MR and I are concerned for theoretical accuracy and truth, not popularity by any means.

There are Jesus and Hitler sites out there with more readership than MR and I am not envious of them. They are just giving bum steers (and/or pandering) to a wider audience.

BTW, You are more then welcome to take Thorn with you.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 12:37 | #

More questions DANIELS will not answer:
What had the “Polish patriots” done to get shot?
As I recall, Poland was defeated and its government ran away.
Were they members of a group attacking the Germans without legal standing as combatants?
Were they shot as a legal reprisal for the actions of illegal combatants?
Why were the people you mentioned interned in camps?
How did the Polish army treat those few Germans that they captured before their government ran away?

BTW, photos of white women stripped naked and humiliated by Blacks in London riots have been scrubbed from the Google image archive. What a surprise!


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 12:53 | #

More questions DANIELS will not answer:
“What had the “Polish patriots” done to get shot?”

In the case of Poznan Fort VII, these were often Poles who re-took their ancient capital of Poznan (20 years before!), and I suppose those who cooperated in that Greater Poland Uprising.

“As I recall, Poland was defeated and its government ran away.”

I see no shame in not having a bigger war machine than Nazi Germany…nor in the fact that Poles and their nation would try to survive anyway.

“Were they members of a group attacking the Germans without legal standing as combatants?”

I mentioned who they were. No they were not.

“Were they shot as a legal reprisal for the actions of illegal combatants?”

No. But legal and illegal can be a nebulous concept in the hands of Nazi advocates, can it not?

“Why were the people you mentioned interned in camps?”

Because Hitler, the Nazis, and his advocates were/are assholes.

“How did the Polish army treat those few Germans that they captured before their government ran away?

There were various circumstances. They were an invading force, its history and your questions are disingenuous - not disposed to anything but to say that “the Nazi’s were purely good.” Therefore, it does not make sense to get embroiled in arguments with you as it would go on to no end.

It’s best that you go to Carolyn Yeager’s site or Anglin’s - see? There are sites for you. Nobody is stopping you from going there. And we do not have to hear how bad we are for things that happened before we were born and because we do not cherish your god, Hitler.

“BTW, photos of white women stripped naked and humiliated by Blacks in London riots have been scrubbed from the Google image archive. What a surprise!”

I have that photo on file and so what? It means English people are bad and Hitler was right?

Again, Robert, there are sites out there for you which revere Hitler.


Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 12:56 | #

Robert In Arabia,

I know there is a pic of a white guy being stripped to his underwear by some spook which I have saved on my hard drive but I wasn’t aware of this happening to white women as well. Is that what you’re talking about?


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:09 | #

I think this is the photographed event over which bozo thinks all Englishmen are deserving of condemnation:


Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:18 | #

Thanks Daniel.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:40 | #

Posted by CS on June 06, 2014, 07:10 AM | #

CS, me-thinks you place too much emphasis on the quality of MR’s commenters. What MR desperately needs is authors with sufficient talent that can produce first rate main entries. IMO, that’s what’s lacking at MR. Which in turn explains why MR fails to attract a substantial amount of “elite” commenters.

Word. Who the f—k wants to waste their time reading pseudo-intellectual gobbledygook? No one, that’s who. Personally I come here to read what Leon, Bill, wobbly, Morgoth, and a few others have to say.

More often than not, what those aforementioned commenters have to say isn’t related to the topic in the main entry. There is a good reason for that: in too many cases, the content of MR’s main entries are tedious, boring and impenetrable. Particularly those that DanielS authors.

Bottom line, the main attraction of MR should be its main entries. Commentary should be its secondary attraction.


Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:42 | #


My bulletin board idea would be totally separate from Majority Rights and not meant to replace Majority Rights.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 13:43 | #

Thornblossom, as ever, you are invited leave and go to a site which suits your interests.

At bottom, Thorn, your opinions, preoccupied with the well being of Jews as they are, are not well placed here.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 14:22 | #

At bottom, Thorn, your opinions, preoccupied with the well being of Jews as they are, are not well placed here.

As usual you are deliberately mischaracterizing or willfully misunderstanding my message. I’ve made it very clearmany times , my fight WRT jews is against organized jewry. Hopefully others can look behind your inflammatory words and see the slime-ball liar that you really are.



Posted by katana on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 14:37 | #

Posted by DanielS on June 05, 2014, 09:16 AM | #


However, it is fundamentally besides the most relevant point now, which is that nobody alive bears responsibility for whatever errors in judgment made on the part of the Axis or the Allies. I for one, am not trying to lay guilt trips on present day Germans and rather see them for what they are, an integral nation among European nations.

This, “let bygones be bygones” mentality, that the sins of our fathers do not carry on to his descendants, is simply avoiding the issue of historical truth and how it affects us today.

Orwell famously wrote about this:  “He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future.”

What you are urging DanielS is for us to, “Move along, nothing to see here.”

But we need to know the truth about the past, just like we need to know the truth about anything else.


Did the Germans plan to exterminate the jews, mainly through gassing, and did they kill about six million jews?

Were the Germans the cause of WW II?

My answer is NO.

These sorts of questions are not irrelevant to our cause because every time White rights are asserted the “evil Nazi” card is played. That’s the whole idea of course. To link White racial assertion and existence with being equivalent to being a Nazi that wants to gas everyone who disagrees.

The whole NS movement, that was endorsed by the German people, was a heroic attempt by them to extricate themselves from the dominance of international jewry. The jews prevailed unfortunately by getting Whites to slaughter Whites.

In short, knowing the truth about our past is essential for our salvation.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 14:37 | #

Thornblossom, you have made it clear that you are preoccupied with the well being of Jews, that you are put up to running interference with any coherent pro-European view that would exclude Jews.

In Haller’s case, it is an even deeper problem, his counter productive view stems from his god being a Jew.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 14:41 | #

Articles 453 and 454 of the British Manual of Military Law are explicit on the subject. Article 454 explains that “the coercive force of reprisals arises from the fact that in most cases they inflict suffering on innocent individuals.” Article 358 of the American Military Manual also authorises the execution of hostages as a necessary measure to safeguard the lives of combatant forces. If it be thought that Kesselring was condemned because the tribunal considered the ratio of 10 to 1 excessive, it becomes necessary to state that, when the French occupied Stuttgart in April, 1945, it was announced that hostages would be shot in the ratio of 25 to 1 for every French soldier murdered by the German civilian population; and that when the Americans entered the Harz district, execution was threatened in the ratio of 200 to 1 for every American soldier murdered.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 14:47 | #


I am all for your investigation of “the truth” of WWII history, however, unlike you, I am satisfied that enough is known for us to move on to the innocent objective of defending ourselves - yes, Germans quite as well.

“What you are urging DanielS is for us to, “Move along, nothing to see here.”

Not really. You can investigate these things, however I am satisfied that there are more important matters to attend to.

“But we need to know the truth about the past, just like we need to know the truth about anything else.”

Wanting to know the truth is fine, and advocates of the Third Reich often claim that is their concern. I hope that you mean it, wish you well in your efforts, but my experience thus far is that advocates of the Third Reich are only interested in the “truth” inasmuch as it serves their world view.

Anyway, do you speak German? : )


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:06 | #

Posted by Mike on June 06, 2014, 12:20 AM | #


In a nutshell Tan is one of these guys that subscribes to three misguided notions:

1) There is not such thing as a good jew.

And this should not only offend me, but make me reject all who hold that view?  Why?  Whose side are you on?


Mike, we as WNs are already hip to the JQ (FWIW I’m a fan of Phillip Marlowe).

Anyway, what we need to do is motivate people in such a way that will work towards promoting the interests of white people. That’s out task. If we can get enough people (strength in numbers and all that), working towards our common cause, then organized Jewry’s power will become so diminished as to become ineffectual.

Bottom line, no matter what your personal feelings towards jews are, running around broadcasting crap like “there is no such thing as a good jew” isn’t going win fiends or influence people.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:12 | #

Thorn, you do not represent “WE”, you are a troll whose primary objective is to run interference for Jews.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:20 | #


That’s Danny’s lie # 95874903. And the year isn’t even half way through!

So your shooting for a place in the Guinness Book Of world Record’s are ya?


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 16:25 | #

Thorn, I have been watching (and subject to) your bullshit for over a year and a half now. Everybody knows where you are coming from, you are promoting a form of hapless conservatism and running interference of better organization for White Nationalists so you can slip your Jewish masters into the mix.

I will ask you once again to not project your lies onto others.

More, you are strongly advised to go to some other site, more conducive to your outlook.


Posted by Silver on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 19:01 | #


So the addendum.  Is there any evidence for this expectation?  Or is it a case of lazy and wishful thinking?  And if it is the latter, what conceivable alternatives are there?  Because this is what we are trying to talk about here; and as far as I am aware, we are the only website seriously devoted to that work.

“Inevitablism” I’ve heard they used to call it.  And it was “rolling on” they used to say.  I don’t hear that said so much nowadays.


I don’t think I’ve ever read anything so lacking in self-awareness.

Daniels has one of the most rebarbative online personas I’ve ever come across.  The problem is compounded by his voluminous postings and the position of authority he has (quite incredibly) been granted. 


Silver can be very good - when he comments at Steve Sailer’s. When he comments at MR it’s quite different.

Well, in my defense, it’s a very different crowd here.  I’ve never claimed to be on board with what reasonable people would describe as MR’s “program” or presented myself as being “one of us.”  If I’ve rubbed you the wrong way, try putting yourself in my shoes.  That was a real baptism of fire I was given when I first showed up here, so you can hardly blame for wanting to hit back with whatever I could.  Some of those old hands—Srooby, Tillman, Desmond, Laney, Ross—were very vicious the way they’d go straight for the jugular.  You have to understand that for me, as someone who spent the first thirty years of his life fearing and loathing everything the nazis stood for, to eventually conclude that it would have been preferable had the nazis won—not because I liked or agreed with them; simply as a pragmatic matter—is no mean feat.  Normal people would appreciate that.  Not the MR crowd, though.


Tan is phenomenal.  His posts are like icewater waking the reader from a half-slumber.  That kind of bracing, uncompromising, unapologetic incisiveness is far more valuable and effective than the lugubrious, self-indulgent, ivory-tower ruminations of, e.g., Lister and Haller and DanielS.

I’m sure there will always be an audience for those views.  They have a particular appeal to a certain personality type, I believe; the sort of person who has always at some level sensed or suspected there is something very wrong with the picture of reality provided to him by the usual channels but he’s resisted delving more deeply into the issue.  Then one day he takes a peek and finally he sees the Jew, sitting pretty, undivided and unconquered, and the terrible truth overwhelms him and he suddenly becomes receptive to all manner of ‘conspiratorial’ explanation. 


Anything WN-ish advertising itself as “elite” is only going to attract the same sort of contemptible sciolists it always does. 


If you’re interested in reading Scrooby’s comments I’m 99.9% sure I’ve tracked him down.  I think he’d prefer it if I didn’t publicly divulge his new identity, so if you like shoot me an email at silviosilver at yahoo dot com.  (Or is this is old news?)


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 19:26 | #

Silver, If you will take yourself and Thorn with you somewhere else, I would be most obliged. It would do wonders to soothe my “rebarbativeness” and decrease the number of my posts necessary to re-direct his and the like dis-informational traffic.


Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 19:27 | #


The idea for an “elite forum” means only a small number of people will be allowed to post on it though anyone is free to read what they post. People who can’t even get along with others who agree with them on 99% of everything are not welcome. And since I value your opinion and consider you one of these elites what do you think?


Posted by Silver on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 19:59 | #


I appreciate the vote of confidence, but unless the purpose would be to form a real world organization—a political party, preferably, whether it wants to involve itself in electioneering or not—I really don’t see any point.  The exchange of ideas is important, but it’s also important to realize there’s a limit to how much can or need be said.  At bottom, the issues are not overly complex nor, frankly, are the procedures to change minds (though whether a sufficient number of minds can be sufficiently changed is an open question).  If, on the other hand, the purpose is the formation of a real world organization, then I’m not the man you want, ie, I would not be a good fit at all for the sort of organization you require.


You haven’t been crowned king just yet.  Rest assured, after your coronation I could hardly imagine wanting to even visit this site.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:03 | #


You haven’t been crowned king just yet.  Rest assured, after your coronation I could hardly imagine wanting to even visit this site.

Good! Get the F out. I am not CS and under no illusion regarding your “elite” value (CS, are you Jewish?)


Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:09 | #

Oh Danny boy you’re hurting my feelings again with that accusation that I’m jewish. IF I was jewish do you really think I would admit it? Why even bother asking? I support the creation of white countries for whites only with zero jews in them.


The point is to win over new people to our side which when there is enough of us will lead to real world results. Especially if we can win over some people who have serious money.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:13 | #

If that’s what you support then bringing Silver into your fray is the wrong idea, unless you want to build in a fifth column from your onset. Sorry to hurt your feelings.


Posted by CS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:34 | #


The point is to bring more average white people to our side. Someone like Silver is far more persuasive than the average extremist.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:42 | #

Frunobulac (Carolyn) says:

“DanielS’s admission”

What am I supposed to be admitting? I contacted Tan AFTER I heard his broadcast. Her conspiracy theory is that I was in contact with him, coaching him along before the broadcast - which is really funny!

“Majority Rights’ Daniel Sienkiewicz has admitted”

Again, what am I supposed to be admitting?

..“in a comment at Age of Treason Radio, June 3, that “I contacted tanstaafl after he broadcast his departure from The White Network, so it had to be April 15 or 16; He responded to me on April 16.” (If he knows when he received a reply, he also knows exactly when he sent it.”.)

No, because I sent it not from my email but on the contact box at his site, therefore I don’t know of the exact time, only that I contacted him after the broadcast.

“Funny that the program “broadcast” at 9pm Eastern time; ending at 9:30, and DanielS was listening. Did he know something important was going to take place?”

No dear, get a grip. But do me a favor, take some of these Hitler people off of my hands - don’t need them here.

“DanielS seems to never miss a thing anywhere; I don’t know how he does it. He immediately wrote to “Tan”, he says, asking him for an interview on Majority Rights. For his part, “Tan” lost no time in replying to DanielS—his friend?—on the very next day, April 16.”

Well, Carolyn, Tan and I would certainly have been aware of each other as WN activists beginning with VoR, though we never spoke with one another.

“I understand from comments elsewhere that while DanielS was eager to get hold of “Tan” for Majority Rights”

After he split from Carolyn, yes.

“Guessedworker” was not so hot on the idea”

Maybe because he was collaborating with a Nazi?

“It took him several weeks to get warmed up to it.”

After he spoke to Tan, he was sold on him as a good guy, yes. And I agree.

“This all relates to the relationship, possibly prior to April 15, between “Tan” and DanielS that I alluded to in the program post above.”

Wrong again Frunobula!

“One observation: DanielS never once commented on any of “Tan”‘s shows at TWN that I recall. In other words, he doesn’t seem to have been a follower.”

I listened to Tan’s shows at The White Network but did not comment.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:47 | #

Posted by CS on June 06, 2014, 03:34 PM | #


The point is to bring more average white people to our side. Someone like Silver is far more persuasive than the average extremist.

CS, I don’t think its a good idea, but if you take Silver away from here, I’d be very grateful.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 20:49 | #


I’m starting to think such a board as you propose is a really good idea, but the key is that its site owner/editor must be a mature adult capable of discernment, toughness, seriousness, yet also open-mindedness and basic goodwill. For example, if I ran such a site, I would allow most here to participate, despite my clear disagreements with, say, the ontology of GW; the neo-Nazism of Katana; the “deal with the Jews first” outlook of Tanstaafl; and the anti-Christian derision of Lister. 

There is no reason MR could not have been such a site, but GW obviously does not want that. Many times I have called for his exercising a stronger editorial hand, not to censor real areas of interest or disagreement (eg, I agree with Katana that it is worthwhile to gain an accurate assessment of the Third Reich, and Tanstaafl that the JQ is too important to be simply avoided; I likewise agree with Lister that trying to recreate a contemporary Nazi movement is a fool’s errand - look at how many PR problems the otherwise excellent Greek Golden Dawn party brings on itself with its Nazi-ish theatrics, which I suspect are totally irrelevant to 99% of its supporters - and with Thorn that it is both unfair and unwise to demonize all Jewish individuals, even while properly recognizing that organized Jewry is inimical to white interests), but to shape the conversation in such a way that the non-serious (trolls, agents provacateurs, anti-intellectual obsessives of varying types, those prone to online tantrums because they cannot mentally handle opposing opinions) are rigorously excluded.

Instead, GW at one point gave editorial reins to JRichards, one of the most obsessional, foul-tempered and sheerly deluded souls I’ve ever encountered online, who naturally provoked an across-the-spectrum backlash, unifying a wide array of commenters, who otherwise had little in common, against him, so much so that GW was eventually all but forced to relieve him of his duties.

Now, in a similar almost unbelievable lapse of editorial judgment (reminds me of another GW - Bush -  heedlessly ignoring all the warnings against the Iraq invasion, and marching with eyes wide open into perhaps the greatest strategic blunder in US history), he has elevated DanielS, the single most divisive person in the much diminished “MR community”, to an editorial rank. I predict either a similar community backlash, or a total vanishing of the commentariat. I have a rather vivid vision of the Last Days of GW’s Reich, with MR reduced to GW and Daniel flinging Heidegger and Euro-DNA past each other, whilst self-effacing Lurker forlornly continues updating his Latest Links, perhaps even with a site informally dubbed MR2, which will have gathered up the remnants of the old MR.

Anyway, the new site should be consciously progressive, not ideologically, of course, but in the sense that it is working towards serious intellectual progress on WP questions, and is not simply another forum for random pro-white or anti-mud postings. I think it should be overtly ideological; that is, that its purpose is to ‘crowd-source’ ideology, to attempt to develop a clear, well thought out WN agenda - a series of proposals with their attendant intellectual justifications - by means of eliciting commentary from the smartest WPs, and then refining that commentary into programmatic form. This Is What We Believe, and Why We Believe It - an ideology is what we need, just like other action groups in history (communists, Nazis, Islamists, civil-rightsers, feminists, homosexualists, etc).

As to my doctorate, 1-2 years more, not sure. I continue to do consulting work part-time, so I can’t just work 24/7 on school. As to my book, note my first book will not be on anything of WN-interest (I deliberately chose as my dissertation topic something totally unrelated to our concerns, as I didn’t want to raise even the tiniest of ‘red flags’, as I inevitably would have if my topic had been political at all). It’s possible that my next book will likewise be on an ideologically neutral topic in Christian ethics, though that will serve as background to the future WP/WN work I really want to do (and do well and with mainstream credibility, which I should have after two university press published books - and which was the whole reason behind my return to academia).

I wish I had pursued this path earlier in life, as I would be totally established at this point, but I didn’t. So I’m moving forward now as best I can.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 21:00 | #

“Now, in a similar almost unbelievable lapse of editorial judgment (reminds me of another GW - Bush -  heedlessly ignoring all the warnings against the Iraq invasion, and marching with eyes wide open into perhaps the greatest strategic blunder in US history), he has elevated DanielS, the single most divisive person in the much diminished “MR community”, to an editorial rank. I predict either a similar”

Leon, MR is a site devoted to theoretical accuracy and relevance. That calls for honesty and good judgment.

Christianity and Hitler advocacy do not play a part in fundamentally good judgment, and these are the issues which are most stirring of divisiveness, not I.

I look forward to the day when you are not here. Even if there is a small group talking in an earnest manner free from your hubris, your arrogant, overbearing, anachronistic nonsense, it will be an infinitely better site for it.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 21:18 | #


Ok, without more, what do we KNOW about this story:—1-900-so-he-can-visit-his-granddaughter-for-the-first-time-185605637.html


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 21:28 | #

Since you are conjuring the likeness of W Bush, how about the Clintonesque touch, the quaint hint of down-to-earth pragmatism that the Democratic party advisers always supply to their party representatives?

And didn’t you vote for W? Be honest, oh son of Orange County.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 22:58 | #

I haven’t voted GOP for President since 1984. I hated the repulsive W since before his presidency. In 2000, I voted for the great Pat Buchanan; in 2004, I voted for Chuck Baldwin, a wonderful Christian conservative who also is totally opposed to both immigration and multiculturalism (and used to write for vdare). In 2008 I wrote in Dr. David Duke, just to express my disgust at the whole process, and the fact that there was not even a decent 3rd party guy to support.

In 2012, I confess that, had I been living in a swing state, I would have voted for the poor quality Romney (and repulsive Amnestyite Ryan), if only because I’m extremely frightened about the present and impending future state of the economy, and know R/R would have been better for business than Obama; and bad as the GOP is on race, R/R would not have supported Amnesty (at least Romney himself did not support it on the campaign trail, and I don’t think would have in office; he was among the least bad GOP frontrunners on immigration). However, as a CA voter who knew Obama had CA locked up, voting Romney would have been an act of active support, which R/R did not deserve. So I voted Independent Party, the furthest Right party in CA.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 23:48 | #


GW deliberately gave DanielS the authority to purge the Christian POV from MR.  That’s the job GW has assigned to Danny.

GW is, by proxy, via Danny, is telling us we are not welcome here.

Seriously, there can be no other sane explanation why GW would be doing what he’s doing.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 23:57 | #

Jimmy Marr, do you see what you are doing? Why have you forsaken me? LOL

Well,Thorn, WHATEVER is telling you that you are not welcome here, please hear its truth ring loud and clear!


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 Jun 2014 23:59 | #

Look how nasty DanielS is yet GW is conspicuously absent. One could only conclude GW is pleased with DanielS’ nasty performance.

What say you, GW?


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 00:06 | #


“I voted for the great Pat Buchanan”

Ok, you are an idiot. Time to go somewhere else.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 00:21 | #


If you’re interested in reading Scrooby’s comments I’m 99.9% sure I’ve tracked him down.  I think he’d prefer it if I didn’t publicly divulge his new identity, so if you like shoot me an email at silviosilver at yahoo dot com.  (Or is this is old news?)


I like the Scroob, but not so much as to be a follower of him. I appreciate your thoughtful gesture to hook me up with where he now posts. But I’ll decline at this point in time. However, some time in the future I’d like to contact you for other reasons. At any rate, thanks for the offer, comrade.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 00:25 | #

Silver, would you please find somewhere else for the dolt to go, if he won’t post with “the Scroob”?


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 00:48 | #

GW, like it or not, every time Danny posts a comment know this: his opinions are a direct reflection on what you agree with.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 01:27 | #
It is not possible to objectively maintain that the German occupation of France was somehow more destructive to the French way of life than the non-white and Muslim occupation of France today. The French people under Vichy were more “free” in any meaningful sense than the French people under Hollande and the European Union.

More to the point, while warriors fight so that their way of life can be preserved and their people can remember them as heroes, the “Greatest Generation” achieved the deconstruction of the entire world they defended. The white communities that Allied soldiers thought they were defending were deliberately eliminated by their own governments within a few generations, the whites’ culture dismissed as racist, and the soldiers’ sacrifices held to be of value only insofar as they opened the way for those who despised them. In what Peter Brimelow has called “Hitler’s Revenge,” the Western elite’s exaggerated disgust at Nazism eventually culminated in the demographic destruction of the Allied Nations themselves. Given current trends, words like “England,” “France,” and “Holland,” will, within the century, simply be geographic expressions.

The question is whether this could have been foreseen. Were the ignorant Allied armies clashing on the plains of Europe saps? Victims? Their own worst enemies?

Certainly, the war was not seen as an egalitarian crusade at the time. Indeed, the Pacific Theatre can be regarded almost as a pure Race War. The American Army was segregated; the British, French, and other Allied powers made some attempts to regain their colonial empires after the war, and even the nominally Communist Soviet Union rallied the Red Army to fight in the name of Alexander Nevsky and Russian Nationalism more than the dream of a united workers’ world.

But the success or failure of a political leader or movement is not determined by victory or defeat in the struggles of the day or even how they are viewed by history. Instead, success should be judged by how closely a person came to the goals he or she defined themselves and how well they defended what they believed was important.

For example, Winston Churchill has a great historical reputation because he was the indispensable man who supposedly rallied Great Britain to stand against Hitler. Yet Churchill was a colossal failure by his own standards. A man who regularly switched positions on crucial issues throughout his entire career, the one constant throughout his entire life was his love for and dedication to the British Empire. Yet more than any other man throughout the entirety of history, it is Winston Churchill who bears the responsibility for dismembering the British Empire. He sacrificed everything to keep Germany from having a dominant position in Eastern Europe – so that the Soviet Union could have one instead.

As Patrick Buchanan put it, Britain lost her empire and the West lost the world. Churchill ended his career feebly protesting non-white immigration and the dismemberment of the Empire, but he was already irrelevant in the new world he unleashed. And far from “saving Britain,” the scepter’d isle is now a place where quoting Winston Churchill’s writings on Islam will get you arrested. We can expect Churchill’s reputation to decline in the years to come as the murmurs are already beginning about his “racism” and “imperialism.”

The ultimate failed reactionary, Churchill once said “It is a mistake to look too far ahead. Only one link of the chain of destiny can be handled at a time.” While it is fashionable to promote the Old Lion as part of an unbroken chain of British destiny stretching from the Duke of Malborough to Sword Beach, all it takes to see what he really accomplished is to walk through the monstrous conglomeration of international finance and Third World detritus that we call London.

Said Churchill: “I have only one aim in life, the defeat of Hitler, and this makes things very simple for me.” And so he did, and like the other Allied leaders, he destroyed his own country and civilization in the end. What makes it worse is that Churchill actually wanted to preserve these things – he was just too foolish and short sighted to do it.

It is the responsibility of those who would lead to judge not just the rightness of a cause, but what their actions will set in motion. Certainly, the average soldier, sailor, or for that matter Senator could not have known that fighting for “American national interests” against what they saw as some puffed up Germans and Italians would ultimately culminate in the egalitarian nightmare that is currently rendering “America” a meaningless expression. But we can see the consequences today. And today, with everything at stake, including our physical, literal survival as a people, we have to view each passing event, movement, or political figure in terms of what it will lead to and how the end game will play out.

But I believe that if the soldiers of June 6, 1944 could see what they were unleashing, they would have thrown down their guns and joined the defenders. We do not have time for this reactionary nonsense anymore. It must be said that those Americans, British, and others who died at Normandy did not die for no reason. The effect of their death was to make the lives of most of their descendants worse and to ensure the elimination of their own countries. They died so that the West could be destroyed


Posted by CS on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 01:43 | #

Gregory Hood from Counter Currents is one of my favorite writers there.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 03:23 | #


You may be right wrt GW. I don’t know - let the man stand up and speak forthrightly of his motives, be they honorable or sordid.

DS/GW may get their wish wrt me. I really have to dial down my commenting, even though I already comment much less than I did a few years ago. I do wish people like us had another place to go, as I don’t get much WP interaction in real life. My student friends don’t even know my views (though one once said “You’re really anti-Muslim, aren’t you?” (if he only knew ...)). I have many totally non-racialist friends, including even a few liberals I used to party with or play tennis with. I am blessed with a number of WP friends, but most are not as passionate about this stuff as we (or other MR regulars) are. And even the ones who are also have much more involved family lives than I do, and thus don’t have the time I have for these types of discussions (and actually don’t care that much about intellectual issues anyway - they just like to vent about blacks and Mexicans and Obama). My gf is PinC, and really doesn’t like blacks, but she’s Eurasian and not especially intellectual, and couldn’t care less about long-term WP (though she prefers hanging with whites).

Maybe, per CS, a whole bunch of us should make a conscious exodus to some other site, and take up again there? I would say C-C, but those homos are really touchy. As I recall, I and Lister and DanielS (talk about a wide gamut!) have all been banned from there, so for me that’s out. I like AR, but I don’t like the commenting format there, either visually, or the fact that the comments are all news-based. I can’t recall if I’ve been barred from VNN. Too bad vdare does not allow comments.

What else is out there? What about a kinist site? Throne and Altar? Another thing is that I like something ecumenical, something open to all ideo-tendencies within the Racial Right. That’s where the best discussions get started. One thing I was thinking of starting to do was regular book reviews for some site. I read a lot; some of what I read is related to race issues (and politics more broadly), and reviewing it would be good for the site, and good for me. In addition to my Catholic studies, I’m trying to do more core (extracurricular) reading in rightist philosophy, and race-realism. I think I could get a lot of interesting discussions started.


Not sure if you saw this, but it might just as well fit here.

Dave Marshall,

A lot of us here think DanielS is either an idiot (and not merely English-language deficient, which he may or may not be) or some type of troll, as you suspect. This has nothing to do with the debate over Nazi Germany, about which reasonable whites of impeccably pro-white goodwill can disagree.

[My own view is that I cannot, as a Christian, condone the entirety of the Third Reich, though I certainly denounce the Marxist/Jewish/liberal instrumentalization of the Nazis and the camps for contemporary antiwhite purposes; I think Hitler’s war in the east was overwhelmingly morally justified, even if the Nazis were far too brutal than they should have been or had to be wrt to non-Soviet populations; and I recognize that while the Nazis were not all bad, the Allies were far from all good; that, iow, much of WW2 involved typical Great Power conflicts and as such should not be subjected to false, ex post facto ‘moralization’. Finally, I certainly agree that it would have been far better for the West (and therefore for the progress, rightly understood, of mankind) had the Nazis triumphed - even though, as a Christian American, I would have actively opposed any attempted Nazi invasion of the US.

The situation is complex, as we see.]

Daniel is the only person I have ever encountered who denounces both Christ and Hitler simultaneously. That position may not be necessarily incoherent - one can be both an atheist who thinks Christianity is bad for white EGI, and someone who also opposes Nazism, for ethical, tactical or personal reasons -  but it is certainly odd and bespeaks a fundamentally idiosyncratic individual. At the very least, his attempt to not merely ignore, but actively read out of this site, those who are loyal to Christ, as well those loyal to Hitler, is illustrative of a profound misunderstanding of the ideological composition of the pro-white movement. Why such a divisive person (whose disagreeableness far transcends his opposition to Christians and Nazis) has now been invited to co-manage the site is inexplicable to me.

Anyway, I encourage you to remain here. I sense a growing sentiment to “take back MR”, similar to what obtained prior to our successful assault on Daniel’s similarly disagreeable editorial predecessor, JRichards (who at least was neither anti-Christian nor anti-Nazi, but whose rabid, foul-tempered conspiracism and, like Daniel, constant accusations of Jewish allegiance, was nevertheless a huge pain in the a@@). Richards had to go, and so does DanielS. (Haller)


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 03:54 | #

Leon - The new version of Alternative Right:

is safe territory. You’ll need a account to comment, that takes about a minute to do, just need a valid email address. Once you’re on Disqus a world of commenting conflict across the web awaits.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 05:56 | #

Silver - if you go back to your earliest days at MR you will see that I never attacked you - until you started on me. FFS man, you called me a wanker apropos of nothing! [And thus another multi-year petty internet grudge was born]

Yeah, yeah I know now its “he said, no he said, no he etc etc….”

Going by your Sailer comments these days, I would say you were a pretty good bloke. So much so that I wondered if there were two Silvers.

So, are we past that now?


Posted by CS on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 06:13 | #


My idea is not to abandon Majority Rights but simply to create a board where only “good” posters are allowed to post which should make good reading for everyone.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 07:25 | #

Leon, you have been saying that you are going to go elsewhere for some time now, and Lurker has advised a place for you as have I many times - Alternative Right.

It wasn’t necessary, but typically malicious that you would re-paste the following comment:

” Dave Marshall,

  A lot of us here think DanielS is either an idiot (and not merely English-language deficient, which he may or may not be) or some type of troll, as you suspect. This has nothing to do with the debate over Nazi Germany, about which reasonable whites of impeccably pro-white goodwill can disagree.”

Reasonable people can get along with those who revere Hitler? Ok, so you will go to a site that believes that, and that it is not you who is the idiot/troll, right?

”[My own view is that I cannot, as a Christian, condone the entirety of the Third Reich, though I certainly denounce the Marxist/Jewish/liberal instrumentalization of the Nazis and the camps for contemporary antiwhite purposes; I think Hitler’s war in the east was overwhelmingly morally justified, even if the Nazis were far too brutal than they should have been or had to be wrt to non-Soviet populations; and I recognize that while the Nazis were not all bad, the Allies were far from all good; that, iow, much of WW2 involved typical Great Power conflicts and as such should not be subjected to false, ex post facto ‘moralization’. Finally, I certainly agree that it would have been far better for the West (and therefore for the progress, rightly understood, of mankind) had the Nazis triumphed”

Ok, so now that you are clear about that, you might go to a site which is conducive to your world view.

“Even though, as a Christian American, I would have actively opposed any attempted Nazi invasion of the US.”


“The situation is complex, as we see.]

  “Daniel is the only person I have ever encountered who denounces both Christ and Hitler simultaneously.That position may not be necessarily incoherent - one can be both an atheist who thinks Christianity is bad for white EGI, and someone who also opposes Nazism, for ethical, tactical or personal reasons -  but it is certainly odd and bespeaks a fundamentally idiosyncratic individual. At the very least, his attempt to not merely ignore, but actively read out of this site, those who are loyal to Christ, as well those loyal to Hitler, is illustrative of a profound misunderstanding of the ideological composition of the pro-white movement. “Why such a divisive person (whose disagreeableness far transcends his opposition to Christians and Nazis) has now been invited to co-manage the site is inexplicable to me.””

Inexplicable to you because you are either dense or disingenuous.

Leon, to reject a Hitler and Jesus worldview is normal. To ask that those who advocate the inclusion of Jews in European advocacy go elsewhere is normal as well.

“Anyway, I encourage you to remain here.”

Why would you encourage someone who would be clearly motivated to disrupt the experiment in human ecology and theoretical perspective we take here? Your will is bad, Leon, that’s why.

“I sense a growing sentiment to “take back MR”, similar to what obtained prior to our successful assault on Daniel’s similarly disagreeable editorial predecessor, JRichards (who at least was neither anti-Christian nor anti-Nazi, but whose rabid, foul-tempered conspiracism and, like Daniel, constant accusations of Jewish allegiance, was nevertheless a huge pain in the a@@). Richards had to go, and so does DanielS. (Haller)”

You “sense” what your troll masters have told you to sense. They have provided you with one of their community organizing phrases, “Gates must go”, right out of the Rodney King era, and you dutifully repeat it. But it is you who needs to go, Leon, there are sites for you, Thorn and Silver. We ought to be free to consider matters free of Jesus, Hitler, Jewish and other non-White advocacy.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 09:53 | #

Lurker@177 CS@179

Thanks for that rec. I think, however, that I’m ready to severely curtail my commenting, here and everywhere. It’s easy to get sucked in, so it’s probably best to just to end it. I mean, what, exactly, are web commenters trying to accomplish? Just letting off steam?

I originally thought I had some things to say that could seriously advance the WN cause. I still think I do, but it’s apparent that my approach has limited appeal at least to already committed pro-whites. Where I seem to have had the most influence in my life was with basically conservative persons who simply hadn’t thought through the race issue. I’m good at drawing linkages between conservatism and WN.

But I have been seriously left behind by those still further to the Racist Right. My whole ideology is essentially true conservatism, not aggressive, neopagan or atheo-nationalism. I have a number of scholarly goals, one of which is demonstrating that a “non-racist” (by objective, not PC (antiwhite propagandistic), standards) conservatism is incoherent. That may seem obvious to MR regulars, but it most certainly is not in the larger world, including among otherwise openminded and genuine conservatives.

I have family members who are close to WN, but can’t quite get there (not the old white racial guilt thing - whites are to blame for the miseries of nonwhites - but guilt at the thought of being racist; ie, prejudging the moral worth of unknown individuals based on skin color). In their hearts they know multiracialism is bad, but they just can’t bring themselves to acknowledge what follows from this. I strongly suspect a lot of US whites feel this way, and that subterranean racialism is behind the many polls of recent years in which white Americans agree with statements like “America’s best days are past”.

IOW, either a still majority or at least a large minority of whites deeply understands that a more nonwhite America will be a crappier America, but they see the nonwhitening process as morally irreversible. The task I have set myself is disproving this within the moral presuppositions of Christianity (or more particularly, Catholicism).

I’m starting to think DanielS may be correct that I do not belong here (anymore). This is not due to any deficiency in the quality of my thought, but rather, that I am a WP (true conservative) operating within a Christian worldview. I think one can be a Christian and a WP, and that all true conservatives must be WPs. People like Bush, Harper, Cameron, etc, are not real conservatives imo at all, but simply center-Right postwar liberals (Reagan and Thatcher were more difficult to assess in this regard; Enoch Powell, however, was clearly an authentic conservative (not WN, however), and a model for me). [Blair and Clinton were center-Left liberals. Obama, however, is located at the intersection of socialism and black nationalism.]

But I don’t think one can be a Christian and a WN, any more than one can be a Christian and a Nazi. WNs are really just weaker/less bloodthirsty versions of Nazis. The worldview of the WN is fundamentally at odds with that of the Christian. Indeed, the WN at bottom sees himself as opposing Christianity. WNs are either the heirs to ancient, never assimilated Europagans, or are the hardest core of atheists (I’ve often wondered why atheists are mostly racial leftists (many are also libertarians); when I was younger I used to say that if I ever became an atheist, I would move much further to the (Racial) Right).

My task is to bring white Catholics around to the view that WP is morally acceptable (perhaps even mandatory). That fits with what I’m best at intellectually: persuading conservatives to become intentionally or functionally pro-white EGI (within Christian moral parameters). But what can I offer WNs? They’re already with me on pro-white conservative concerns (immigration, affirmative action, multiculti, white genocide, etc), and have gone way beyond me in other areas. Why would a WN care about my demonstrating that the Catholic Church is wrong wrt immigration in terms of its own dogma? The WN already thinks Catholics (and all other theists) are ridiculous.

So my ethics of race, the development of which was my whole purpose in returning to school, is pointless from the outset to a WN. My only possible contribution to the specifically WN movement lay in the realm of propagandizing on behalf of a certain political psychological position; namely, that WNs’ only hope to live as they wish lay in White Zionist ingathering.

So my presence would actually be more useful arguing for race-realism at a non-WN but white-preponderant site, esp if mainstream conservative. I think that will be my future blogger focus, to the extent I continue commenting at all.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 13:07 | #

deleted (repetitious)


Posted by katana on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 13:45 | #

Posted by Robert in Arabia on June 06, 2014, 08:27 PM | #

Thanks for that link Robert.

Besides being a good article it has an excellent comment as shown below.


Br Evola

Both of my decorated grandfathers (Marines and Army Officer) fought against the Axis Powers. They are both alive in their nineties, awaiting death. These men were of fine quality (speech and manners), compared to the generations that followed, no doubt.

Yet, I cannot help but feel a sense of disgust and hatred towards these two old men … I feel that they were ‘traitors’ in a genuine sense. What I blame them for is not their war time actions, but rather, the inability and unwillingness to later show the slightest bit of doubt that what they, as white Americans, engaged upon was moral and justified. Instead, their petty narcissism caused them to congratulate themselves as being ‘the Greatest’, despite having collectively sacrificed the LEAST of all wartime European nations.

After the war, they were compromised and corrupted away from asking hard questions with an easy life full of post-war consumerism, hamburgers, and jazz. They sat passively while the propaganda machine built lie after lie about the German people. They sat passively as all major institutions of Western culture were dismantled without so much as a peep of resistance. They didn’t show much remorse about Dresden. They didn’t ask many questions about Poland being the reason for British involvement, which was latter handed back over to the Soviet Union (thus defeating the original justification for Allied involvement).

Their boomer children remind me of Golem from the Lord of the Rings, whispering ‘My precious! My precious!’, whilst gathering their toys and consuming the carcass of the West. I guess WW2, and the narrative that followed, is a lesson in how the white man can be seduced and ruined by his own pride and greed. They didn’t ask any questions because the beer was cold and the football game looked more interesting.

The anonymous Germans, who I do not know, who fought in WW2 make me proud to be white, my own grandfathers do not.

WWII was a jew engineered slaughter of Whites.

The post WWII era has been a slow motion jew engineered slaughter of Whites.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 14:06 | #

deleted (repetitious - presumption to revise editorial position)


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 14:14 | #

deleted (repetitious presumption of editorial prerogative)


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 18:21 | #

Imagine how I would feel if I went back in time to meet the great great grandfather who was in the first Michigan Volunteers and who was in charge of destroying Atlanta. Thank God for the Confederate generals in the family.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 18:50 | #

Who was the fuck who deleted my post to Thorn?

Was that done by Daniel?


YOU are a FOOL to have put this low-IQ monkey in an editorial position at MR. You will further screw up an already declining site.

Really, your judgment is just appallingly bad. If you need help, why don’t you get someone normal like Lurker? A fellow Englishman? MR used to be visited by some decent ones.

Daniel Sinkiewicz is an idiot. Virtually everyone who comes in contact with this ass knows that. The man not only cannot think or write, his views are bizarre and off putting to an extreme. Now this cretin is deleting posts?


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 19:08 | #

Posted by Leon Haller on June 07, 2014, 01:50 PM | #

“Who was the fuck who deleted my post to Thorn?

Was that done by Daniel?”

Listen buddy, I deleted two posts that Thorn entered, not any from you (yet).

By the way, Haller, I thought you said you were moving on?


YOU are a FOOL to have put this low-IQ monkey in an editorial position at MR. You will further screw up an already declining site.

Really, your judgment is just appallingly bad. If you need help, why don’t you get someone normal like Lurker? A fellow Englishman? MR used to be visited by some decent ones.

Daniel Sinkiewicz is an idiot. Virtually everyone who comes in contact with this ass knows that. The man not only cannot think or write, his views are bizarre and off putting to an extreme. Now this cretin is deleting posts?”

Haller, did you not say that you would be moving on? When are you finally going to make good on that? That is what a normal person would do who did not like the editorial position of a site. However, like your Jewish masters, you will not allow for freedom from association and an experimentation in human ecology, in this case free from Jesus, Hitler, Jews, you and Thorn.

Why do you care so much? It is suspicious that you would be so concerned rather than just finding another place to go.

I’d say I must be doing something very right.

By the way, if you gave that material for Thorn to post, it just goes to confirm that you are a troll team - surprise surprise.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 19:15 | #

deleted (Thorn is complaining - again - because he cannot have editorial control of the site)


Posted by CS on Sat, 07 Jun 2014 21:53 | #


You need to stop posting here and post your “White Zion” idea in many other places. Posting here is pretty much a waste of time.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 00:15 | #

Thorn + CS (and any others):

The wise and intrepid Thorn (whom, let it be said, I have never met nor corresponded with outside of MR, though he seems like a great guy to know in real life) must be correct. Obviously, GW is trying to eliminate the Christian POV at MR (probably more worrisome to him than mere Nazis), though instead of just doing it in a manful way - New Post: “Christians No Longer Allowed at MR” - he is having his toadie DanielS do the purging for him. Shame on me for my naivete in thinking that GW was merely being unaccountably foolish in handing over editorial reins to DanielS. “Machiavellian” is undoubtedly closer to the truth.

Well, where should we go next? I suggest that those of us dissatisfied with the decline (and now impending destruction) of MR should migrate en masse to another place. Where? What we/I really need is a site of my/our own, something of intellectual high quality, sternly edited by me so as to remove - NOT critical material (a site ought to be open to dissenting POVs, as long as they are serious and well-expressed) - but garbage that impedes rather than promotes real inquiry. I’m quite certain I possess the wisdom as well as ‘thickness of skin’ to manage such a site very well.

Many years ago an admirer of mine actually set up a blogspot for me with the intention of archiving my many comments in one place. I did not sponsor this, nor encourage it, and it rapidly fell into abeyance. Indeed, I no longer even know the password. But maybe I should set up a new blogspot? Thoughts?

I know there are White Zion sites, but they are not exactly in line with my proposal or understanding of the issue. Not that a WZ site would only be devoted to WZ issues. That would run low on material fairly quickly. Perhaps I should set up a Leon Haller’s White Zion spot? Or how about Conservative White Preservation? Or something else? I want a place where I (and others) can post book reviews, intelligent articles, and have real debates, building out the non-Nazi (conservative) WP paradigm, a paradigm unwelcome at Counter-currents, VNN, now MR, and I’m sure many other places (not to mention most Christian sites). The problem is that there already are so many places for all this; do we really need another, or should we just try to encourage as many top WN/WP persons as possible to gravitate to one single already established place?

What sites are most WP-oriented, and openminded? Let’s get a list going. The truth for me is that I only regularly visit AR, vdare, and MR, so I don’t know the pro-white internet very well.

We need to have this discussion, and we should have it here at MR prior to our exodus. (I also intend to post something, which I will email to GW privately, in response to something Trainspotter asked me about a couple of weeks ago). If DanielS keeps deleting our comments, then I promise I will flame this site like no one’s business. Although I am on summer break at the moment, my school has lots of computers, so even if my home IP were blocked, I could always find other ways to comment here, at least once I return to school in the Fall.

Also, gentlemen, in case you want to carry on conversations in private, my email address is:

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Feel free to contact me.


Posted by CS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 00:46 | #


Well you could make an “elite” forum, BTW, Trainspotter qualifies for that. You can make a “White Zion” forum, or you could do both or make a combination of the two.

What are the other “White Zion” websites you know of? I’m not aware of any although there was this website Silver pointed me to that stressed severely the need of white people obtaining their own land (i.e. country) to keep non-whites out to preserve the white race. Otherwise we are likely to be constantly reduced in numbers to eventual non-existence.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 00:47 | #

I want to add something. I originally came to MR because I liked its UK/European feel. I know what’s going on in the US re racial and WN matters, but I was interested in the European scene. My favorite articles here were those focused on UK/European politics. I wish there had been more of them.

Another idea for a quality WP website might be that only ONE post should be allowed per week, but it should be a serious one of the highest quality. That way discussions don’t get lost, mixed up, etc. Lots of posts, esp accompanied by annoying graphics just clog up the visuals, and the commentary.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 00:48 | #

re: 191 Leon

Now you listen to me Leon:

The decision to finally delete Thorn’s comments was mine, not GW’s.

Although GW has made it clear that this is not a Christian site.

It is my understanding that Graham wishes you were not here. It is a sentiment that I, and many others, share. It goes without saying that nobody with a sense of MR’s editorial predilections will miss Thorn either.

“I’m sure many other places (not to mention most Christian sites). The problem is that there already are so many places for all this; do we really need another, or should we just try to encourage as many top WN/WP persons as possible to gravitate to one single already established place?”

Exactly the point Sherlock! There are many sites which cater to the lamestream, Christian, conservative world view that you advocate. On the other hand, there are currently no places serving the niche to be fulfilled here, which you and Thorn obstinately obstruct. That is is why it is important to get your obstruction out of here.

“If DanielS keeps deleting our comments, then I promise I will flame this site like no one’s business.”

Now you listen to me carefully you Jew-thinking troll. How dare you flash your Jewish “Sampson option” at this site because it does not share your editorial viewpoint?

“Although I am on summer break at the moment, my school has lots of computers, so even if my home IP were blocked, I could always find other ways to comment here, at least once I return to school in the Fall.”

Leon, you are not welcome here. I might determine the number of posts that you may be allowed here to encourage like-thinking people to go with you to some other site. But in truth, and I am warning you, that it should not be very many comments, and I will not stand for any more insults from you.

The truth is, you have posted your email address and anybody who wants to know where you are headed with your “ideas” is welcome to contact you. Thus, there is no substantive reason for you to comment here from this point on. I will evaluate your upcoming comments accordingly.

However, with your threatened Sampson option of Majority Rights, your welcome is over. It is a gesture characteristic of you - selfish, arrogant beyond belief and puerile at bottom. You have shown yourself to be a shockingly puerile character for a man your age: “If I can’t post here and make incessant demands to change the conversational parameters to my liking then nobody else here will have the conversations that they like.”

You have shown your colors, Leon.

Anybody interested in your views has your email. They can contact you and find out where you are going.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 01:49 | #

I am astronomically smarter, better educated, and more learned than you are, DanielS. There is not the remotest comparison. Rest assured, over the years, many are the persons who have enjoyed my comments here - vastly more than have appreciated yours. Just go back and look at past posts.

Note, I never said GW erased my and Thorn’s comments. I agreed with Thorn that GW clearly is pursuing an anti-Christian agenda, behind the scenes. Of course, it’s pathetic that you and he cannot handle serious commentary from a different perspective. The only criteria ought to be - no spamming, and quality comments only. My comments, as evidenced even just on this thread, are invariably among the highest quality routinely posted at MR. The problem is that most people, here and everywhere, simply cannot handle superior minds with whom they foundationally disagree. Certainly, you can’t (I had thought more highly of GW, but perhaps I was wrong).

And re Graham Lister: who cares what he thinks or wants? He is intelligent and always of interest, or humor (his tendentious and not very well argued anti-Christianism/Americanism/capitalism is banal and tiresome, to say the least), but no more so than many others, and anyway, if he can’t handle foundationally oppositional views, either, then he, too, needs to “grow a pair”, or else should not be commenting in the race-realist world.

Among REAL men, the only comments that would be disallowed at a WN site would be those which are: totally off-topic; pornographic; spam advertisers; and perhaps, personal attacks (as opposed to intellectual ones).


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 01:58 | #

“The problem is that most people, here and everywhere, simply cannot handle superior minds with whom they foundationally disagree. Certainly, you can’t (I had thought more highly of GW, but perhaps I was wrong).”


Isn’t it just beastly, Leon? Philistines! All of us!

“the only comments that would be disallowed at a WN site would be those which are: totally off-topic; pornographic; spam advertisers; and perhaps, personal attacks (as opposed to intellectual ones).”

You do not have editorial say here, Sampson.




Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 02:01 | #


You might be correct wrt the non-use of the “White Zion” name. I thought I had found some websites (OK, at least one) a couple of years ago detailing this concept (though not quite as I had imagined it). But I can’t find anything now.

The following seem to be not taken:

Hmmm .... I wonder if a new site should be started. Thoughts, Thorn, CS, others? (or has DanielS chased everyone away wit his antics?)





Posted by DanielS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 02:27 | #

Leon, start the new site and go there. Anybody who wants to join you there is obviously free to join you, even if they are homosexual, Mulatto Satanists, because you are so open to other intellectual viewpoints….because we know how against exercising editorial prerogative that you would be.

In the meantime, they have your email, because we know that so many people will be wondering where you are, so many, numbering beyond Thorn… ehem, well maybe not so many.


Posted by CS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 04:13 | #


It’s up to you to decide what you want to do. I think the “White Zion” idea is the best way for WN to go because as you recognize most white people aren’t going to lift a finger (or vote the right way) to stop their countries from being overrun by non-whites. Personally I think Australia is too big (population wise) to take over though it would be sweet to conquer it. Perhaps after a much smaller country has been taken we’ll work on another than another and hopefully Australia can be taken back for whites in the future instead of being taken over by Asians and other wogs. You need to promote “White Zion” on Stormfront and other big sites because that is where the target audience is.

You don’t even have to stop posting on Majority Rights, I just think as this point anything you do not promoting “White Zion” is a waste of time. There are plenty of other people discussing racial differences and what the jews are doing.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 04:41 | #


Yes, I need to get on Stormfront. I had stayed away from them because I had thought they were anti-Christian, but I may have been wrong.

Is that where the dispossessed majority of the MR readership DanielS has chased away ought now to go?


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 07:06 | #

“Is that where the dispossessed majority of the MR readership DanielS has chased away ought now to go?”

Haller and Thorn have created the atmosphere which has chased people away (the kind of people who might be conducive to MR’s chosen direction, anyway). Haller is just too conceited or disingenuous to be aware of the fact. More than likely he is disingenuous. It has been his obvious objective all along to sow discord at MR.


“You don’t even have to stop posting on Majority Rights”

Stop encouraging this troll. With your affinity for Haller, your endorsement of him as some kind of “elite”; your out-of-left field recommendations that Silver is some kind of “elite” who Bowery would enjoy joining forces with; your encouragement of Leon’s “White Zion”, which everybody hates but you, I am satisfied enough that you are as good as on the troll team as well. The gang-like nature is evident in Haller’s Sampson option threat against MR for my deleting “our” comments when in fact, I had deleted only a few by Thorn.

Yes, particularly after issuing his Sampson option, Leon does have to look elsewhere. He has been hostile and disruptive of the general editorial position of MR, so much so that he has made that threat, while he has never, beyond doing a poor job of cozying-up enough to assimilate being friendly to MR, looked to enhance the understanding of other views presented here (unless they are disruptive as well), but imperviously blathers on in whatever way he might in an attempt to re-direct conversation in some way toward hapless (and benign to Jews), conservative boiler plate. “White Zion” - promptly found such a site and go there! If he will not respect our freedom from association to form a conversational community which is different from his, we may take that as a clear indication of Jewish parasitic intransigence - in violation of the law-like property that Bowery has noted.


Posted by CS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 08:43 | #


Okay Dan, you win. Leon, let’s stop posting on MR and go somewhere else.

Leon, posting here is a waste of time. Obviously we aren’t wanted.

As for Stormfront, I don’t think they are either pro or anti-Christian. However, that is where the most WN people can be found. One of whom posted awhile back, (I don’t even read the site often) that he was totally in favor of our idea and he didn’t care where he had to move to found a white country, even if it was in Anarctica. There is a movement to create a “Whitopia” in Kalispel Montana but even if they succeed they aren’t going to have their own country which is what we want.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 10:17 | #


I’m going to leave MR, but not just yet. I intend to post a reply to Trainspotter, as the content of my response actually relates to WZ. I also think I should do a post on “Preliminary Thoughts on White Zionism” and post it here. One purpose of doing so is to inquire of the commentariat what site they think such a post ought to have been put on, in terms of both relevance and maximum exposure. I will send both of these posts by private email to GW, who I believe possesses enough honor to publish them (esp as they will be more on point and better written than a lot of what gets posted here).

It’s important to understand that WZ is the work of a generation or even two. It goes roughly along these lines:

1. Propagation of the WZ Idea

We need to convince tens to hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of WPs of the basic WZ idea.

[I use “WP” instead if “WN” because a lot of whites want to live with whites, and I think would be attracted to WZ, but WN conjures up images of “angry white men with guns” (which very accurately describes me, of course), who are militantly ideological, and often fascist (that does not describe me, at least wrt America and WZ; re Europe, I would endorse neo-fascism as the last chance to save the White Continent). These images, unfairly or not, scare away a lot of whites who might otherwise be attracted to WZ. If WZ is seen to be “racist hicks and haters”, it will go nowhere, beyond a tiny few, who really will be disproportionately repulsive. If it is seen as a positive, life-affirming place for normal (the most “normal”, actually) whites to live the wholesome white lives our grandparents enjoyed (more or less), then it has a chance of takeoff.]

The WZ idea is that whites (esp outside of Continental Europe) will NEVER be able to live as whites in white-controlled societies, as even by the most elastic standard of what constitutes a ‘pro-white’, we will never be a majority in any existent nation, and thus never have the electoral power to legislate our will. Indeed, whites will not even be able to halt the further non-whitening of their countries. Thus, if we ever want to live in a Whites First! country, that will only be possible if all pro-whites ingather so as to become the electoral majority within a sovereign polity.

WP Canadians will never be the majority of Canada. WP Americans will damn sure never control the US again. Ditto Britain, ditto Australia, ditto little New Zealand. But in absolute numbers there are still a lot of us out there (esp if we consider that many Europeans might like WZ). If enough of us moved to a small-population country, we could take democratic control of it, much as Hispanic immigrants, and their US-born children, are only a decade or so away from absolutely controlling my home state of California. The Mexicans colonized CA peacefully via immigration; can organized WPs not do the same elsewhere?

We are a very long way away from having made the WZ case. In a sense, it is a logical extrapolation from the existing situation, but it does remain a counsel of pessimism. Most WNs don’t seem to get it. They either want to build up domestic white consciousness as an end in itself (the better to resist the negative effects of living in the multicult), or in preparation for some racial secessionist struggle. Sadly, I lean towards Thorn’s view that by the time enough whites have been ‘awakened’, we will be so far outnumbered by muds + liberals that we won’t have the power to effectuate any racial secession (the excuse for denial of our quest for new national status will be the ‘fact on the ground’ of racial minorities (or Jews, liberals) living in the now WP-dominant area who themselves do NOT support secession).

Would Canada be any better than the US or Britain? Probably not.

2. WZ Societies and Clubs Must be Formed

We must have a thriving WZ network established, a nation within a nation within a nation within a nation: White Zionists >>> WPs/WNs >>> whites >>> America (Canada, UK, etc). We must build up social and professional networks of persons who accept the WZ idea, both for purposes of camaraderie, economic/professional advance, and to give members a foretaste of what life “among your own people” could be like. This will be exactly like what the Jews did in Europe, beginning in the late 19th century. They formed Zionist societies to propagate the Zionist idea, and to facilitate actual emigration to Palestine (I wonder if Daniel is beginning to grasp why the project is called “White Zion”?). Another somewhat similar example of what I’m talking about is Mormonism, considered sociologically rather than religiously.

I cannot overemphasize the importance of this. WZ will never go from internet buzz to concrete reality. It starts with consciousness-building via the internet, but it must grow into friendships, relationships and a sense of collectivity among a wide range of white people. There must be WZ clubs all over the white world. There must be national and international WZ conferences. We are building a new nation!

3. Once a thriving global network of White Zionists exists, we can choose the destination for emigration, and begin the expatriation process. Those WZs already citizens of the destination country will have a critical role in facilitating our immigration, as well as getting us settled in our new, soon-to-be-white land.   

That’s it, in a nutshell. This idea really does require its own website, I suppose, but I think even the website needs to be launched after the idea has been germinating for a while within the established WN internet.


Posted by CS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:12 | #


Jeez you do a lot of writing (-:

Yes, you have the basic ideas right.

We don’t want a repeat of what Craig Cobb did in North Dakota. Of course we are working at the international level not just trying to take over some microscopic town in the middle of nowhere.

In America, the only thing possible is secession of a certain area and make that for whites only. This can only happen if the Federal government weakens enough to make it possible which may or may not happen in the future.

I think the first White Zion country should be really small (I like Malta right now) and people should try to move to the same area in Malta in the attempt to create the first “WN City” which of course will make this city even more attractive to white people who share our views who don’t live in Malta.

The White Zion project(s) will probably take decades at a minimum and more likely generations to accomplish what is set out.

One idea I have is the formation of a “European business club”. A group of whites who meet in the real world to discuss business. The club will not publicly be pro white but will be infiltrated by pro whites. The club will even expel known pro whites who try to join so the inevitable accusations that these clubs are the KKK in business suits will have less merit. I guess these clubs need rich white people who are willing to mentor young white people into how to become rich.

What we really need are some people on our side who have deep pockets so various projects can be funded properly.


Posted by CS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:15 | #


Don’t worry about Daniel. Don’t even bother talking to him or about him.


Posted by Silver on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 11:43 | #

Haller, you’d find Takimag to your liking.  There is nothing explicitly pro-white about the site design at all, but the articles usually take a defiant anti-anti-white stance.  If that doesn’t sound very impressive it’s worth recalling that it’s much easier to break down resistance to the most basic concepts with anti-anti-whitism than it is with prescriptive pro-whitism.  The commenters are generally far to the right (or “to the white”) of the writers, and a cut above the average Amren poster, both intellectually and in spirit (ie there is very little neo-nonsense).  For example, John Derbyshire often comes under fire in the comments to his own articles for his racially compromised position (though he certainly has numerous defenders, both of himself and his situation).  As another example, I’ve been rebuked by a well-regarded commenter as gutless for writing “n-word” instead of “nigger” (rebuked, not taunted, as in by a liberal or a nigger).  There are a number of commenters whose comments could be posted under the name “Leon Haller” and you yourself would struggle to detect the difference.  Although some posters are openly atheist, pro-Christian posts receive vastly more up-votes.  For the most part it’s very much the conservative, capitalistic, Christian, pro-white audience you deem it crucial to appeal to.  One criticism might be that there is a pervasive sense of doom and a consequent attitude of sauve-qui-peut about the place.  The result is that talk of “solutions” is greeted with a dismissive been-there-tried-that. Still, I’d rate it the most promising site in the general “sphere,” though that view is probably colored by my own preference for mutual or reciprocal political racialism.  Lastly, the site is a good example of “online white zionism,” in the sense that it was the commentariat that shifted the site “whitewards.”  Five years ago the comments section was a very different place.  But pro-whites packed in, won the intellectual battles and today dominate.


Posted by katana on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 12:41 | #

Posted by Leon Haller on June 08, 2014, 05:17 AM | # 203

Your whole idea of forming White break-away enclaves or even “countries” is not the solution to the problems White societies face. It’s a retreatist mentality that will only serve to sharpen the bloodlust of our enemy, the jewish supremacists who are the cause, the architects of our racial destruction.

The war being waged against us is a mind war, a war of ideas with the aim that we surrender and become eventually extinct out of jew induced guilt and distraction. The jews running this war against us will not tolerate any enclaves to exist as a final outcome.

The solution is to go on the offensive with the ultimate aim of retaking all White countries back again and expelling the jews and their tools. We can and must do this, whatever the cost.

Last and least, naming your movement “White Zionism” only serves to link the movement with organized jewry, our enemy. Why do that?


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 13:14 | #

“Last and least, naming your movement “White Zionism” only serves to link the movement with organized jewry, our enemy. Why do that?”

Katana, your comment was surprisingly in sync with Majority Right’s direction.

I can answer your question as to why Leon would name his “movement” “White Zionism”...

He has said that it will say to Jewry and others, that if they can do it, have their Jewish Zionism, then so can Whites, and Jews will not be able to hypocritically deny that right if they want their Zionism as well.

BTW, Leon is apparently ok with calling Jews White.

Others of us suspect Leon of having Judeophilic, Jew friendly and other hidden motives (perhaps hidden even to himself).

At any rate, there is nothing new or inspiring in his vision, promoted by the would-be pied-piper that he is, especially not with such a repulsive name as “White Zion.”

Every level headed person hates the name, he has received many rebukes for it (including from GW), but insists upon it nevertheless. It just goes to show.



Posted by CS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 16:25 | #


Silver is right, Takimag would be a good place to post.


I call it White Zionism because it sounds good and most accurately describes what it is. Jews are not welcome in it and white people who want jews in the country aren’t welcome either.

And yes we will continue to persuade whites that diversity sucks and an all white country is what is desirable (except for white liberals, they can live with the niggers)

And yes I’d like to take back every square inch of land whites have ever held but first things first. It’ll be easier to do this if whites have a safe harbor they can retreat to.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 16:50 | #

CS, Taki Mag is an interesting place to start with your “Jews are not welcome message”, but anywhere you take “WZ”, as long as it is not here, is preferable. There will be other, similar, better (not to mention far better named) projects.


Posted by CS on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 17:09 | #

Thank you for your kind words.


Posted by jrackell on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 19:54 | #

try  I’m not sure if you’ve followed Matt Parrott’s and Heimbach’s tribulation, but they are trying to balance advocacy for their european identity in the face of opposition from their pastor and Church.  They are certainly grappling with the theological issues (well, as far as I understand the situation).


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 23:34 | #

Ultimately GW is responsible for Danny’s bad behavior. He approved it beforehand.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 23:54 | #

Posted by DanielS on June 08, 2014, 11:50 AM | #

CS, Taki Mag is an interesting place to start with your “Jews are not welcome message”, but anywhere you take “WZ”, as long as it is not here, is preferable. There will be other, similar, better (not to mention far bet
ter named) projects.


DanielS, can you give us a preview?

I swear I’ll jump on board and support you if it’s worthwhile.




Posted by DanielS on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 00:35 | #

I’d rather not, Thorn, please go along with Haller. You have his email and more affinity with his project. You have trolled enough here.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 01:17 | #

I have nothing to contribute to whatever dramas are unfolding . . . but Mr. Haller might be delighted to know a short video has me seriously thinking about converting to Catholicism.

It’s only two minutes or so but intensely thought-provoking.

I do hope everyone can find the time to take a look.

In summary an extremely challenging hypothesis to my core beliefs.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 03:29 | #

Frank Salter confirming: the validity of nationalism as a means of defending ethnic genetic interests; culture as an extension of our genetics - particularly for Europeans, albeit a genetic propensity that leaves us susceptible as we are non-determinist to our genetic interests; and, interestingly, Salter confirms one of my arguments, viz. for the non-necessity of supremacism in EGI (a habit of racialists, he says, stemming from influences such as Nazism).

However, I don’t like his abuse of the term “White Left” as a designation of those forces advocating liberal relations with out groups. We’ll have to have a talk with Frank about that.

I believe the mistake that Salter makes (mistake in the sense of being a bit misleading with his naming among the enemy, “the white left”) is believing that what the Marxist said and wanted people to believe, viz. that it is all about economic class, was the same as their actual concern - which ultimately came down to racial advocacies, Jewish first, of course, and where they could not have Whites readily agree to otherwise identify with non-Whites in universal humanity, then racial advocacy of other non Whites.


Posted by CS on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 08:28 | #

Daniel S,

Of please show us these “better ideas” that you are aware of. I’m dying to see them. Don’t be a tease now.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 09:00 | #


I am now satisfied that you are a troll. You illustrate this as an emergent representative of your gang, repeating Thorn’s demand for a presentation of a better plan than “White Zion” (LOL).

Here is one better idea, that there has been and still is, a gang strategy known as “left cover.”

What your gang is apparently doing with this White Zion bullshit is “White cover.”

We don’t need your crypsis.

CS, you are a troll. Nobody is stopping you from going and starting your endeavor with Leon. You said you are leaving and it is indeed best that you go somewhere else.



Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 10:14 | #


What in the world are you talking about? ENGLISH, man, PLAIN ENGLISH!

There are NO gangs, cabals, conspiracies, Jews, infiltrators or anything else here. Just random WNs who don’t agree with you, either philosophically and/or tactically.

CS@204, etc

Yes, money always makes things easier, but deep pockets almost always have more of an incentive to stay within the system, as it’s to some extent working for them. I doubt there will ever be some billionaire who just suddenly decides to start heavily backing the white cause (as opposed to the legions of Jewish billionaires who either back Israel (Adelson, Perelman), or alternatively, antiwhite causes (Soros, Geffen, Zuckerberg)).

OTOH, you are right that making money ought to be a high priority of each WN, as also finding a quality wife, one ‘down’ for the cause (easier said than done, but there are some, like my second sister, who’s pretty solid on our issues, and has been from way back; I think white youth are getting ever more indoctrinated, however). There has to be a way for prowhites to be able to network in real life, and thus help each other’s careers, as Jews do theirs (boy have I ever seen that up close!). I really wish there were a non-overtly racist prowhite society to join here in the US. The problem is that most of us are bound up with the mainstream in terms of our careers and lives, and cannot afford the professional/financial stigma attached to white racism. White associations may start to develop, however, as we become ever more diminished minorities. What is really needed is an overarching nationalist club, modeled on the Masons or Shriners, etc, or the various Yale (or Harvard, etc) clubs we have in the major cities in the US. Something white, but not (overtly) WN (ie, political). I really think a white fraternal or professional organization has a chance to take off. There are hundreds of black, Jewish, gay, women’s, etc, professional groups, but of course, nothing for plain white guys (except maybe some Catholic/Christian, but they aren’t white per se).


Thanks for the considered reply. I used to comment at takimag, until I was chased away. I may still be banned for all I know. Glad to know it’s moved whitewards. I’m not sure how extensive I’ll be commenting in the future. Once I get my PhD, I want to develop my own site, publish serious books with university presses (as well as paleocon popular stuff ‘a la Pat Buchanan’ in the rightmost part of the mainstream political publishing scene), and try to get into some kind of MSM in some way. See, I don’t have to stick it out in the wilderness of the WN-web. I have a pedigree which, though it won’t get me into academia (I’m too old, anyway - and who wants to be a prof at Cal State Northridge or Santa Monica City College, or even USC? BORING + PC!), ought to enable me to infiltrate the American mainstream Right in some way. Perhaps with a conservative foundation of some kind. I could easily do what most of the American talk radio guys do, including even some of the more famous ones. I’m not sure where I’m headed, but WN commenting ain’t doing it for me anymore.




Posted by DanielS on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 10:21 | #

You want plain English Leon? let me repeat then, you and your advocates, whatever you would like to call them, have worn out your welcome here. Now, didn’t you say you’d be moving on?


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 11:16 | #


Your whole idea of forming White break-away enclaves or even “countries” is not the solution to the problems White societies face. It’s a retreatist mentality that will only serve to sharpen the bloodlust of our enemy, the jewish supremacists who are the cause, the architects of our racial destruction.

The war being waged against us is a mind war, a war of ideas with the aim that we surrender and become eventually extinct out of jew induced guilt and distraction. The jews running this war against us will not tolerate any enclaves to exist as a final outcome.

The solution is to go on the offensive with the ultimate aim of retaking all White countries back again and expelling the jews and their tools. We can and must do this, whatever the cost.

Last and least, naming your movement “White Zionism” only serves to link the movement with organized jewry, our enemy. Why do that?

This is an old WN debate, about which reasonable blood + soil patriots can legitimately disagree. I’ve written so much on it, the thought of giving you a reasonable answer oppresses me.

Bottom line: whites are not what I thought we were right up to this new century. All through the 80s-90s, as I watched the race sink ever deeper into the mud, I kept hope alive in myself by believing that the problem was that whites were isolated, intimidated and otherwise brainwashed through lack of exposure to alternative racial views. I really (naively) believed that if whites could just be presented with the truth, and made to understand that we are the victims of a race war being waged against us, the purpose of which is not necessarily to annihilate us, but to destroy our sense of community and peoplehood, that we would be able to rally a substantial majority of our kinsmen to favor at least such moderate measures as stopping immigration, and eliminating state-supported multiculturalism.

I still believe that many whites fit this description. But I do not think that number is anything approaching an actual majority. What really hit home for me was the electoral smashing of the great Jean-Marie Le Pen back in I think 2002 (too tired to Google). After all the white French had been subjected to by their Muslim colonizers, all the visceral ugliness brought by nonwhites to France, and yet less than 1/5 of Frenchmen could pull the lever for Le Pen (even including considerations of non-indigenous voting, not more than 1/3 of white French supported Le Pen). That told me that we are The Douchebag Race. In the past we had excuses. By the 21st century, the excuses for why whites weren’t revolting against the multicult were used up. White patriots comprise a “psycho-genetic community” which simply corresponds to only a minority of our race, which is more or less evenly distributed across the white world.

What all this means is that there is no longer any reason for WNs to suppose that those whites not with us are so for non-intrinsic reasons, like inadequate formulations of racial truth, lack of access to WN truth, or fear of PC censure. Any white Frenchman could have voted Le Pen, and not been made any the worse for it. But fewer than one third did so. 

Thus we must conclude that the upper limit for WN is fairly low. We can probably make yet more converts, and as the racial situation deteriorates, we certainly will. But will it ever be enough for radical action? Radical action such as will be necessary to counter the ceaseless loss of our bloodlines through accelerating miscegenation, as well as to counter the rising numbers of aliens allowed into our midst? I now doubt it.

WZ is the last hope. We must have sovereign, defensible territory for our people. How do non-WZists propose we get it? Shouting about Jews? Where has that gotten us? More studies on black crime? Yes, we must get the facts out about Negroid criminality. But most people intuitively know them already, and yet that doesn’t induce them to WN voting. When French see mass rioting, whom do they see doing it? Indigenous, or alien? They see, yet they still vote Socialist.

I have so much more to say, but read my comments above just in this thread alone. I believe whites will only be saved to the extent that those of us who actually want our racial community to be saved can achieve majoritarian self-government. What a lot of persons around here don’t get is that whites just aren’t all that offended or fearful of nonwhiteness. If they were, the situation would not be as it is. We have not been defeated by superior alien power, such as, eg, the Tibetans viz China. The Tibetans don’t want the Han invaders, but there is literally nothing they can physically do about it.

But what about the white man? In France he could have voted FN; in Britain, BNP. In the US, at least in 2000, for Pat Buchanan. But only minorities of our people ever do. The white majority just doesn’t care that much about saving itself through time.

I don’t think white majorities ever will get their racial acts together, and even if they did, outside of Europe (and maybe OZ), it’s too late. Whites no longer have the numbers to take back America easily - and very few people want a race war anyway. Too expensive.

So what’s the realistic alternative? WN ingathering, so that we might become a majority somewhere. The further final point wrt WZ is that I don’t think ingathered WNs will ever possess either the physical or PR strength to secede successfully, at least from the USA. I hope I’m proven wrong, and might be, if things get bad enough that the central state loses effective control of ‘the provinces’. But by then whites could make up <25% of the population. Who knows what will happen?

I’m betting on a long, ‘managerial’ decline everywhere - a slow descent into decivilization. I like to pose the dichotomy from the beginning of The Dispossessed Majority: “ripening harvest / encroaching jungle”. Which will win? I think the jungle. Whites are not being deculted nearly as fast as the alien colonizers are being admitted (let alone if the Treason Amnesty passes, and gives us another 35 MILLION Mexican citizens at once).

Thus, it ain;t enough for WNs to ingather. We must ingather where the acquisition of WN-majoritarian control under conditions of sovereignty is possible. And that can only mean a small country, capable of being conquered via immigration.

As for the name - yes, DanielS is correct. “Zion” has powerful resonance as a place of refuge in Christian and American history. White Zion is a place of refuge for whites, where we can be secure because we are in control. The name also seeks to lay claim to the same moral bases for the nation as Israel enjoys. Who cares what nonwhites think? The target audience for the name is whites. We could call the concept “Haters United”, but that’s not great PR, is it? “WZ” makes it known that we want the same ethnostate privileges the Jews enjoy. Who cares if they object, or are not swayed from their antiwhiteness? Our target audience is always whites themselves. Our appeals are to our own people’s sense of justice and fairness. And I think the notion that “if Jews et al get their own countries, then whites should have the ethnostate option, too” is very commonsensical to the white mentality.

Think big, my friend, and way outside the box.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 12:02 | #


The entire ruling class in the Occident is working full force to obliterate nation states. That is one of the main objectives of the EU.

Amnesty in the KWA is a foregone conclusion. The plan is to integrate >60 million Mexicans into the U.S. population and over time they’d become so entwined in society it would be impossible to deport them. But the ultimate aim is the North American Union.

I hate to say it but the Eurosceptic movement will fizzle out over time just as the TEA Party is in the process of.

Back to the nation-state. The European nation-states are in the midst of being obliterated—we know that. Though Israel is outside the Eurosphere, it will not escape the dismantling of the nation-state process. In fact there is quite a difference of opinion within the jewish community itself (particularly the diaspora jews) on whether forming the state of Israel was a mistake or not. Add that to all the other factors and the future of Israel is toast.

What does that portend for WZ?

Why the European Union Treats Israel With Scorn


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 12:55 | #

“As for the name - yes, DanielS is correct. “Zion” has powerful resonance as a place of refuge in Christian and American history. White Zion is a place of refuge for whites, where we can be secure because we are in control.”

I am correct about the name, yes (it is repulsive). But in your Jewish slight of hand*, you inserted why it is correct to you.

* Jewish girl asks her father for $20. He says, $10? What do you want $5 dollars for?

Katana doesn’t strike me as the type to go along with your bullshit, but anybody who wants, has your email address and is free to join you somewhere else.

How many more comments Leon and Thorn? The clock is ticking, the number is dwindling..


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 13:09 | #

The process of dismantling white America continues apace.


Articles currently up on The Drudge Report

JUDGE: ‘The government has simply chosen not to enforce border security laws’...
MEMO: 230,000 children expected over two years…
Growing concern of diseases…
No end in sight for ‘dumping’ policy…
White House Launches Program to Provide Lawyers…
Officers diverted from handling crimes…
Cruz: Obama ‘lawlessness’ responsible for crisis…
Cantor: Time to strike deal…



Look for a clamp down on WN websites.

5 dead in Vegas police ambush…

‘This is start of revolution’...

Suicide couple took officers’ guns and ammunition…

Shooters in Metro ambush that left five dead spoke of white supremacy and a desire to kill police


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 13:16 | #

How many more comments Leon and Thorn? The clock is ticking, the number is dwindling..

That was the last one for a while. I’ll check back in September.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 13:30 | #

You might check back but you are going to find that you are not welcome.

Lest this be buried in Thorn and Haller’s deliberate inundation of obfuscating “White cover” boiler plate, I re-post this from a prior comment, here:

Frank Salter confirming: the validity of nationalism as a means of defending ethnic genetic interests; culture as an extension of our genetics - particularly for Europeans, albeit a genetic propensity that leaves us susceptible as we are non-determinist to our genetic interests; and, interestingly, Salter confirms one of my arguments, viz. for the non-necessity of supremacism in EGI (a habit of racialists, he says, stemming from influences such as Nazism).

However, I don’t like his abuse of the term “White Left” as a designation of those forces advocating liberal relations with out groups. We’ll have to have a talk with Frank about that.

I believe the mistake that Salter makes (mistake in the sense of being a bit misleading with his naming among the enemy, “the white left”) is believing that what the Marxist said and wanted people to believe, viz. that it is all about economic class, was the same as their actual concern - which ultimately came down to racial advocacies, Jewish first, of course, and where they could not have Whites readily agree to otherwise identify with non-Whites in universal humanity, then racial advocacy of other non Whites.

Posted by Tanstaafl on June 02, 2014, 01:09 PM | #

“The jew-first blatherings of Leon Haller and Thorn are the kind of incoherent noise I mentioned during the interview.”  - minute 117:00</a>



Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 09 Jun 2014 20:59 | #

When are you leaving Leon?


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 02:54 | #

I guess MajorityRighrs now has its very own Mark Weber.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 03:01 | #

I think not. Robert, your commitment to the legacy of AH is well understood and boring as all get out.

For the sake of critical thinking if nothing else, there is going to be occasional talk of AH and Jebus. An occasional, “hey, you know, this thing or the other about it was not all bad and worth considering”, would be normal. The problem comes into play with people who are committed to resurrecting AH and Jebus such that they can’t allow for a general direction which does not recognize them as ameliorative figures but rather as decidedly pejorative. It becomes a judgment call, but in the case of Thorn and Haller, it’s clear and I don’t have much choice. They have harassed me for a year and half; and they have absurdly complained about MR’s editorial bias incessantly rather than picking up and going to other sites more to their liking - there are Jebus (and AH) sites out there for the hard of thinking.


Posted by katana on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 13:17 | #

Posted by Leon Haller on June 09, 2014, 06:16 AM | #


Bottom line: whites are not what I thought we were right up to this new century. All through the 80s-90s, as I watched the race sink ever deeper into the mud, I kept hope alive in myself by believing that the problem was that whites were isolated, intimidated and otherwise brainwashed through lack of exposure to alternative racial views. I really (naively) believed that if whites could just be presented with the truth, and made to understand that we are the victims of a race war being waged against us, the purpose of which is not necessarily to annihilate us, but to destroy our sense of community and peoplehood, that we would be able to rally a substantial majority of our kinsmen to favor at least such moderate measures as stopping immigration, and eliminating state-supported multiculturalism.

I still believe that many whites fit this description. But I do not think that number is anything approaching an actual majority.


By the 21st century, the excuses for why whites weren’t revolting against the multicult were used up. White patriots comprise a “psycho-genetic community” which simply corresponds to only a minority of our race, which is more or less evenly distributed across the white world.

What all this means is that there is no longer any reason for WNs to suppose that those whites not with us are so for non-intrinsic reasons, like inadequate formulations of racial truth, lack of access to WN truth, or fear of PC censure. Any white Frenchman could have voted Le Pen, and not been made any the worse for it. But fewer than one third did so.

Thus we must conclude that the upper limit for WN is fairly low. We can probably make yet more converts, and as the racial situation deteriorates, we certainly will. But will it ever be enough for radical action? Radical action such as will be necessary to counter the ceaseless loss of our bloodlines through accelerating miscegenation, as well as to counter the rising numbers of aliens allowed into our midst? I now doubt it.

Leon Haller,

Thanks for your response.

What you have described above, this racial apathy on the part of Whites, is very true and can be taken as a reason for pessimism to our cause.

But there is another view that can cause one to take an optimistic view of the current White racial “apathy”.  This view begins by asking, “Why are Whites are so racially ‘apathetic’”?

And the answer I’d say is for two main reasons, with the first enabling the second:

1) White’s are too damn kind hearted, too altruistic for their own good in their current environment. Whites get a kick out of helping others. Professor Kevin MacDonald has written about this good yet potentially fatal aspect of Whites.

2) Whites have been subjected to a massive psychological warfare effort over generations to get them to hate themselves and to love the “other”.

The end result is our current situation where the majority of Whites are so brainwashed by the jewish supremacist mind machine that they are unwittingly going along with their racial destruction, thinking it’s the “right thing to do”. Believing and acting upon a whole raft of jew created movements that have resulted in our birthrates going below replacement levels while also importing millions of non-Whites through open door immigration.

Most Whites are oblivious to two things:

1) That White demographics is leading towards practical extinction if trends continue.

2) That the “system” that is meant to represent them is in actual fact out to Destroy Them, all awhile the evil system sings and mesmerizes them with lullabies that everything is “OK”.

This state of affairs has gone on and will continue until at different times the light bulb will go off for various groups of Whites as they “wake up” to the fact that they have been deeply conned by this alien elite and their collaborators. Until even the average thinking White person starts to suspect that something is seriously wrong and even rotten. That is already happening as the reality of the consequences of the multiculti finally become apparent.

In case in point, I only became aware of jewish supremacism about two, three years ago, despite being on the internet from when it started. I never touched the jew question because I was a believer in the “holocaust”. But after realizing that our predicament is not accidental but rather a deliberate genocidal plan, becoming a White Nationalist and an anti-jewishsurpremacist became not only very natural but also very just.

So Leon, the big difference between the 80s and 90s and now is that the truth is actually getting out to a hell of a lot of people. People who are going to be truly pissed off when they fully comprehend the depth of the absolute betrayal.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 14:06 | #

Katana, I appreciate that discovering the JQ might be new and fascinating to you, but Leon has been at it long enough to know better and you are talking to someone in Leon who persistently pushes the suicide meme of Whites - that there is something inherently wrong with us.

He’s heard the counter argument hundreds of times now and I am afraid that he should not be encouraged to participate here with his obstinate White cover as he’s pushed here over and over again. You are free to try to repeat an authentic message to him and his sock puppet friends as you wish, somewhere else, where he seeks to promote “White Zion” in the future or at his private email address: 

“email address is:

.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Feel free to contact me.”


Posted by Dude on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 19:27 | #


Why don’t you interview Salter on MR Radio? Or double-up with Bowery or Dasein. Tease out what has occurred since, where his book falls short and so on?

Frank Salter - War on Human Nature, Replacement Level Migration in the West & Crime of Diversity
June 4, 2014
Frank Salter is an Australian academic and researcher at the former Max Planck Institute for Behavioral Physiology. He is best known for his writings on ethnicity and ethnic interests. He is a political ethologist, studying political phenomena using the methods and theories of behavioral biology in addition to conventional methods. He is the author of six books, including “On Genetic Interests: Family, Ethnicity, and Humanity in an Age of Mass Migration.” We begin by defining genetic interests and talk about kin selection and W.D. Hamilton. Frank says there is a huge misunderstanding when it comes to how media, education and modern mainstream cultural elites deal with the subject of race and ethnicity. We’ll discuss how social sciences have turned their back on nature, biology and evolution. Salter calls this the “war on human nature.” He’ll talk about the emergence of a new branch of the social sciences as a reaction to the realization that human nature was immovable and universal due to genetics. Franz Boas, an apologist for Stalin, who had an immense influence in anthropology, took the field in a new direction. Later, we discuss what Frank calls replacement level migration. For example, Whites will be a minority in America by 2040. Frank explains how diversity within a state is a positively dangerous concept that will destroy western civilization. We’ll discuss the alliance between the radical left and the ethnocentrism of minority groups. Frank says that the left suffers from “ethnic autism.” He talks about the double standards when it comes to the treatment of the western world and if applied to any other country or region, it would be unanimously denounced as atrocious. And we also discuss the misconception around claims of “superiority” in relation to White ethnicity. We end discussing what Frank calls the crime of diversity, universal nationalism and how the ethnic majority group is ignored under the multicultural concept.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 19:56 | #

Dude, we certainly might try to see if Salter would agree for an interview if GW wants. But first things first, we have another good one in the works and coming up.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 23:24 | #

Here’s my idea to reduce Rape being used as a weapon:  Get the UN to declare that it is an inalienable human right to keep and bear military grade weapons.  Then the rich countries can provide cast off rifles and shelf lifed ammo to poor countries so they can defend themselves against rape.  Bonus:  They can use those weapons to also defend themselves against robbery, murder, government corruption and all sort of other oppression.  One solution, solving many problems.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 01:24 | #

Read this English-language article on the ground rules for reporting racial issues imposed on British Journalists by the NUJ (National Union of Journalists).

It was posted on May 16 in anticipation of the EU elections. This is equally true in France and the United States. Here, whenever there’s a crime and the criminal is not described physically, we know it’s a black man or a Mexican (sometimes a Muslim). So the absence of racial identity is in fact a giveaway.

A few excerpts:

The NUJ believes that:

• Racist attitudes and the growth of far-right parties pose a threat to democracy, the rights of trade union organisations, a free media and racial equality.
• Its members have a responsibility to stop racism being expressed in the media.
• That media freedom must be underpinned by ethical reporting.
• Publications and media organisations should not originate material which encourages discrimination on the grounds of race or colour, as expressed in the NUJ’s rule book and code of conduct
• Members should have the right to withhold their labour on grounds of conscience where employers are providing a platform for racist propaganda.
• Editors must ensure that coverage of stories relating to race are placed in a balanced social and ethical context.

General guidelines:
• Only include a person’s race if relevant. Check that you have it right. Would you mention race if the person was white?
• Avoid words that, although common in the past, are now considered offensive, e.g. half-caste and coloured. Ask people how they define themselves. Check if a person identifies as mixed-race or Black. Black may also cover people of Africa, Asian, Middle Eastern, Pacific, Caribbean and Aboriginal origin.
• Do not assume a cultural background from a person’s name – check with them or their community.
• Strive for diversity and balance in reporting, especially on social issues. Investigate the treatment of and cover the experiences of Black people, Travellers and Gypsies.
• Remember that Black communities are culturally diverse. Get a full and correct view from representative organisations.
• Exercise care, balance and proportionality when covering race relations issues.
• Do not allow letters or online comments to be published or allow phone-ins to continue that contain racist hate speech.


- Don’t use terms such as “bogus”, “illegal” or “failed” asylum seeker. If necessary, use “refused” asylum seeker instead. A fairer term to use for someone who has outstayed their visa is “undocumented” or “irregular”. Don’t use emotive, value-laden language, such as “floods” of immigrants. Stick to facts (sic!).


Posted by katana on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 10:39 | #

Posted by DanielS on June 10, 2014, 09:06 AM | #

Katana, I appreciate that discovering the JQ might be new and fascinating to you, but Leon has been at it long enough to know better and you are talking to someone in Leon who persistently pushes the suicide meme of Whites - that there is something inherently wrong with us.

Just because I reply to Leon doesn’t mean I’m promoting his views. In fact in my above reply I tell him why he is wrong. I was replying also for the consideration of the readers of this site.

Regarding him pushing the “suicide meme” and that there is something inherently wrong with us, then I would strongly disagree. I also think that talk about the White race “committing suicide” is more often than not just a rhetorical device to get people to wake up to our dire situation.

The reality is that Whites altruistic inclinations have been hijacked by the tribe in one long running con job to get Whites to willingly go to the racial slaughter house.

Whites are not committing suicide. Whites are being murdered by a parasite that has taken control of our institutions and using them to march us over a cliff.

Changing topics, it would be great if MR could interview Frank Salter. I’ve listened to the Red Ice interview and he’s on the ball. If you do get him on please get his take on the JQ, something not broached in the Red Ice interview. His only possible reference was towards the end where he says something “sinister” was going on.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 14:48 | #

Note the National Union of Journalists’ implicit guideline: capitalize black but not White.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 14:50 | #

Indeed, the use of the term “suicide” is sometimes just a rhetorical device. The “suicide meme” has two parts - blaming Whites to excuse the jews. The iatter part, the motive, is sometimes disguised, but not in Leon’s case.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Wed, 11 Jun 2014 17:02 | #

Bowdoin College bans Christian student groups on campus

From the radically leftist New York Times. (H/T Nancy P.)


For 40 years, evangelicals at Bowdoin College have gathered periodically to study the Bible together, to pray and to worship. They are a tiny minority on the liberal arts college campus, but they have been a part of the school’s community, gathering in the chapel, the dining center, the dorms.

After this summer, the Bowdoin Christian Fellowship will no longer be recognized by the college. Already, the college has disabled the electronic key cards of the group’s longtime volunteer advisers.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 12 Jun 2014 08:06 | #

What idiots! I haven’t said anything about Jews. I have pointed out the plain fact that only whites obsess over whether they are being racist, and that given the ubiquity of such behavior, even in places where whites never practiced nonwhite slavery or any kind of colonialism, such white vulnerability to racial guilt manipulation obviously has a biological origin.


Posted by katana on Thu, 12 Jun 2014 12:51 | #

Posted by Leon Haller on June 12, 2014, 03:06 AM | #

What idiots! I haven’t said anything about Jews. I have pointed out the plain fact that only whites obsess over whether they are being racist, and that given the ubiquity of such behavior, even in places where whites never practiced nonwhite slavery or any kind of colonialism, such white vulnerability to racial guilt manipulation obviously has a biological origin.

You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? You talkin’ to me? Then who the hell else are you talking… you talking to me? Well I’m the only one here. Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to? Oh yeah? OK.*

OK, Leon, if you are talkin’ to me then here’s my response.

Whites don’t have a ‘suicide gene’, they have an ‘altruism gene’ that makes them easy meat for jew full-spectrum psychological warfare efforts over generations to get them to hate themselves and to love the “other”.

Whether a particular White society has or has not been involved in ‘exploiting’ the third world makes little difference to their reaction to such propaganda.

So, yes, there is a biological aspect plus there is the parasite aspect taking advantage of that.

*Taxi Driver, 1976, Travis Bickle.


Posted by VanSpyke on Thu, 12 Jun 2014 14:07 | #

To Robert in Arabia @#240

There are three main forces behind the attack on Christianity in America:

1) Organized Jewry.

2) Organized Faggotry (LGBTs)


3) Organized atheists.

If one were to draw a Venn diagram, you’d find a tremendous amount of overlap between those three groups.


There is a forth and much smaller group, but the correct name that identifies those people escapes me at the moment. However, they too overlap with the three I named.


Posted by VanSpyke on Thu, 12 Jun 2014 14:20 | #

I just now remember the fourth group: It’s the organization of graduates from the Frankfort School of Critical idiots.


Posted by Greg Johnson on Thu, 12 Jun 2014 19:52 | #

Daniel, GW, Tan, this was an excellent interview. Top marks all around. I am looking for interviewees for CC Radio podcasts. Please contact me at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) if you would like to carry on the conversation. I have never “gotten” GW or Daniel, and perhaps the best way to sort things out is just to interview them. RE the theme music: nice to know there is another Zappa fan in the WN world.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 12 Jun 2014 23:24 | #


Thank you for the commendations. Of course I admire your work at Counter-Currents as well. Your classical scholarship holds up to some of the best professors I’ve experienced, with an important difference - it is at the disposal of OUR cause instead. That will be integral to the successful launch of our cause.

I can’t speak for GW but I am not quite ready for prime time and would like to keep the boulder moving here now that we’ve got it rolling from some prior inertia. Once we’ve got a bit more continuity established, friendly relations and perhaps some talks with Counter-Currents might be exchanged. I think GW is a bit reticent of interviews, but you have one over there who is similarly reticent, who GW would like to speak with - Mike O’Meara. Perhaps we could exchange prisoners for a day or have them talk to one another?

Finally, the overture is big of you, especially since MR has a distinguished mean streak, which certainly applies to me no less than others. In service of this struggle of ours, your ability to rise above things is significant. It is not typical and your capacity in that regard is no less commendable than your scholarship. Thanks.

Note: regarding the music, it is John McgLaughlin and Mahavishnu Orchestra, “Between Nothingness and Eternity”, Live in Central Park, NYC, 1973. However, I have seen Zappa six times in concert.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 00:17 | #

Dude suggests interviewing Frank Salter.  I reckon a few copies of OGI must have been sold on the back of Mike Rienzi’s efforts during his time here, and it wouldn’t be unreasonable to request the interview accordingly.  But there may be some political difficulty in it for Dr Salter, this being a free speech facility which has hosted, let us say, a broad spectrum of dissent from liberal orthodoxy.  Perhaps Daniel will find a way to make an invitation work.

As regards Greg’s kind invitation, I don’t know that I want to break with working this side of the mic.  I find it fairly comfortable to free-wheel conversationally with someone who is the formal subject interviewee.  Don’t know that I want to become that subject, or that at this stage I have an intellectual product which is ready for a non-MR audience.  I certainly would like to speak to Michael O’Meara because, with Greg, he is one of the few American commentators with what I would regard as a real dedication to ideas.  Not that I agree with him on that much, mind.  It would be an interesting debate.


Posted by Greg Johnson on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 01:21 | #

Daniel, I wasn’t exactly sure it was Zappa, but I figured that even if it wasn’t, whoever chose it must like Zappa too. Will have to check out the recording. I saw Frank play twice, and Dweezil’s Zappa Plays Zappa on tour three times so far.

Michael O’Meara does not do interviews and seems to have withdrawn entirely from White Nationalism.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 05:13 | #

Juggernaut3000 > Rhialto • 14 hours ago

I think America is in for bloodshed and a lot of it.

There will be chaos and anarchy, neither of which are predictable, let alone peaceful.

The Culture of Critique has marched through the institutions just as they said they would in the 60s and now control all the levers of power and culture in this society. The white power structure is a myth, one that should be put down immediately; there IS no white power structure.

We are following the same pattern as the Soviet Union when the Bolsheviks seized power and took control of Russia top to bottom.

Unsustainable Soviet-style economies, which went against human nature, and other mendacious, anti-human-nature policies such as equality, diversity, and multiculturalism (sound familiar) which the Bolsheviks told us would create a “workers paradise” eventually imploded, as they will here in the west as well.

We will descend into bloody anarchy with great loss of life before this is straightened out



Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 09:08 | #


No, I was mainly referring to Tanstaafl. What you have said does not contradict what I have said. I do place greater emphasis on this white ethical superiority, which can so easily be warped into something communally malignant. I think whites are innately ethically superior (have said as much many times at MR), and thus that the key to white survival is to be found in the development of a new ethics of racial survival. Insofar as I am Christian (though never a “Christer”; ie, a Bible-thumper type who thinks the only truths to be had are already located in the Good Book, and/or one who denigrates and thus tends to ignore secular problems), that new paradigm (or perhaps mere reassertion of old, and, of late, discarded truths) has to be rooted for me in (Catholic) moral theology and ethical philosophy. I do not see these philosophical problems as insuperable. 

All WNs can agree that the existing ethical paradigm that is hegemonic in the public discourse of the West is killing the white race. For some the issue is making transparent which identifiable group is most aggressively pushing this paradigm. For me, the prime issue is disproving the paradigm itself, as merely demanding the removal of antiracist double standards, whereby the tiniest evidence of WN or racism is magnified, while horrific nonwhite/antiwhite racism is willfully ignored, is totally insufficient to ensure the perpetuity of the white race as a collective biological entity, which itself is necessary (but not sufficient) to preserving the best of Western civilization, which is what matters to me the most.


The Frankfurt School itself heavily overlaps with Organized Jewry and Organized Atheism; less sure wrt Organized Queerdom, but wouldn’t be surprised there, either.


Greg Johnson’s “ability to rise above things” is risible. He has banned innumerable WN writers and comments from his C-C site, simply for having the temerity to criticize him, or one of his regular writers. “Touchy” does not begin to convey the sad truth.

I will admit that it is a serious loss if Michael O’Meara has indeed withdrawn from WN.


I think America is in for bloodshed and a lot of it.

One would think so as a matter of commonsense, but I’m not so sure. If the US experiences a severe and sudden economic crash, then mass bloodshed is a real possibility, especially once the welfare checks stop coming.

But even though all American survival trendlines are negative, and have been to the discerning for a long time, America’s decline has very much been a ‘managed’ one. The managerial class is a good deal less competent than many of the ignorant might otherwise imagine, but America as a whole, though in a constant state of accelerating enervation, still possesses tremendous resources, human and cultural as well as natural. We are not exactly in the same state as our Boer brothers on the eve of the transition to black rule.

We have vast numbers of people (though fewer than in the past, especially relatively) with a strong stake in social stability and economic recovery. Whites still make up slightly over 60% of the total population (though we are a slight minority of those under age 5, a harbinger of ever harder times in a decade and thereafter). Vast numbers of these are conservatives - no, not WNs for the most part, but not squishy liberals willing to tolerate savage nonwhites wrecking their country, either. Moreover, white liberals are not necessarily liberals forever, or on every issue. I know many who are just clueless on race matters, but whose liberalism is based nevertheless more on matters like feminism, gay rights, anti-religiosity (esp Christianity), and ‘inequality’ and poverty relief (even while these creeps and c——drive Benzs and BMWs and live in Brentwood or the Palisades), than it is on racial self-hatred. If mass looting by savages started to directly threaten their property, most would still not fight, but they would support others doing so. Trust me: I know many like this.

Furthermore, white conservatives themselves are getting harder-core. What is the Tea Party, except a new vehicle for exploited Middle American consciousness to express its resentments? There is no doubt that the ‘red states’ are getting redder. As many whites are gun owners today as at any time since the cultural breakdown of the Sixties, and the situation re gun rights and stand your ground is much better than it was two decades ago. The WN movement remains tiny, but its ubiquity, intensity and intellectual sophistication is certainly greater than what was on offer in the 60s-90s. The immigration Treason has ignited a huge anti-Amnesty consciousness among Middle Americans. Immigration resistance is a much larger part of the broader conservative agenda than it was at any time I can recall. Of course, the problem is likewise much greater, but that’s my point: decline breeds reaction.

Finally, it is simply false to paint all nonwhites as active agents of American decivilization. I do know a few conservative nonwhites; some Christianists, others economic free marketeers. While WNs naturally oppose the presence of even these persons, these types are not going to be the ones participating in bloodshed. Indeed, they too would support a strong police or Nat Guard presence to restore order.

I made this point to Jared Taylor at a conference in 1996. He was all but arguing for serious race-based instability by this point in time. While I shared his race-realism and white preservationist concerns, I countered that I thought the managerial regime would continue to creakily carry on for several more generations. Yes, the rot had set in, and was likely irreversible (as I had hypothesized at that time; now it is unarguable that whites will never Take Back America, as Sam Francis had dreamed of our doing), but that decline could be strung out for a long time. Even now, while our economic fundamentals are terrible, there are still interesting positive developments, like the shale gas revolution; an expanding IT sector; a large and growing anti-Fed QE constituency; a likely GOP takeover of the Senate in November; and a still large of amount of national wealth, much of which is held by the One Percent, and could be taxed (and I think will be, esp if the RINO corporatists continue to try to shove Amnesty down economically-anxious Middle American throats) to buy off the mud food stampers for another generation or two.

So yes, the decline and fall of our beloved country is inevitable, it seems. But I think it will be a long senescence, with occasional flickers of rightist reaction and economic improvement, that lasts until the mid-point or somewhat later of this century. I doubt there will be a slaughter or race war even then (though that might ironically be the best thing for whites in the longest term). The real enemy of white perpetuity in the USA is miscegenation, which I suspect will only become more common.



Posted by Dude on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 09:34 | #

Re Salter: He’s very approachable :

It has been some years since OGI and I wonder what might be in the offing. He invites donations to his writing project. After reading OGI and re-reading parts a couple of times, I assume that like Levin’s (!) Why Race Matters, OGI is more often purchased than properly read. It’s a shame that there is not a scaled down version, aiming at a wider audience, perhaps in the manner of the abridged version of Race, Evolution and Behaviour, but a little longer and weightier. There was no excuse for not reading through the original of that book in a couple of sittings.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 10:47 | #

My comment @250 is going to be my last one here at MR (except this one, of course). I still intend to submit a particular original post, which I will email to GW privately when it is completed, and I will respond to any comments on that only.

I have concluded that commenting as a general rule is a waste of time. What WPs need is a highly developed political ideology, which is both intellectually sophisticated, and can draw upon a much larger relevant and sympathetic bibliography (think of the sheer volume of Marxist writings) than we have at present. Once we have that, however, what we really need is substantially less metapolitical musing, and much more political strategizing and actual offline activism, including campaigning for nationalist-oriented candidates and causes.

Frankly, I fail to see what progress MR has made in my years here. It’s basically just a sounding and venting board. What good is that? How does that aid white EGI? Has even GW’s onto-nationalism project, which might hold some ultimate intellectual promise, made much progress? If that was to have been a collaborative project, perhaps leading to a book, it would have been better for GW to have made an initial chapter outline, as I have done with my dissertation (and as can always be subject to occasional revision), so at least there is a road map of sorts so we can know if progress is being made (ie, by completing different chapters). 

But what is the point of simply commenting on WN relevant posts? I no longer see one.

Good luck.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 11:14 | #

Dude, thanks for the advice, will begin efforts in that regard shortly.


For Leon’s ten thousandth encore:

“Finally, it is simply false to paint all nonwhites as active agents of American decivilization. I do know a few conservative nonwhites; some Christianists, others economic free marketeers. While WNs naturally oppose the presence of even these persons, these types are not going to be the ones participating in bloodshed. Indeed, they too would support a strong police or Nat Guard presence to restore order.”

National Guard troops give a student and his bicycle a lift to school


Greg Johnson’s “ability to rise above things” is risible. He has banned innumerable WN writers and comments from his C-C site, simply for having the temerity to criticize him, or one of his regular writers. “Touchy” does not begin to convey the sad truth.”

I have been banned from Counter-Currents myself, but unlike you (and the Nat Guard your friends would invoke to “restore order”), I accept editorial prerogative and freedom from association.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 12:15 | #

Leon, as a mark of respect I will publish your piece.  Make it a positive statement and a decent read.  Go out on a high note.

As regards my own efforts, there might be a book at some point, but it will take a lot more intellectual progress, for which I have limited capacity as well as time.  Overall, I would prefer to encourage others to think outside the liberal, Christian, Nietzschean paradigms, say, about the freedom in being and the freedom to be - two very different but perhaps not unreconcilable fundamentals, the first the very kernel of religious and secular existentialist thought, the second, potentially at least, the development of that into a political demand consonant to the times in which we live.


Posted by katana on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 14:55 | #

Posted by Leon Haller on June 13, 2014, 05:47 AM | #

But what is the point of simply commenting on WN relevant posts? I no longer see one.

Good luck.

Leon, I kind of like your comments and get value from them (so far, from my limited exposure to your comments), even though that doesn’t mean I necessarily agree with you.

For example, you push Christianity. Frankly, I think it’s simply a man-made religion that is used by jews to destroy us. Obviously you disagree. But the simple fact that a large number of Whites believe in the same things that you do means that Christianity needs to be discussed and dealt with.

Ditto with National Socialism. I’ve come round to seeing its principles as the best system for inspiration on organizing a society. Many disagree, so let’s discuss it.

Getting back to your above comment. Commenting on WN sites changes the minds of people. That has happened to me. I’ve changed my whole world outlook. Now admittedly the effects may not be immediate, but eventually they take root and do change the world.

BTW, this site seems to have some people who think writing in convoluted, abstract language lifts their thoughts above the crowd. It doesn’t. Please try to write in plain, understandable English.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 16:26 | #

Katana, Maybe you are not familiar with the history of Majority Rights but to brief you, there have been Christian and “NS” types who have attempted to drag this site to no end into to their belief systems.

Leon is one such example. He is not to be encouraged to stay here for any reason, not even as a foil.

There are other places to discuss these things.

Regarding “National Socialism and Christianity,”

The reason we do not want to encourage them by endorsing them as topics which might be seriously entertained as sufficient worldviews is that firstly, there are other places to discuss them, while there is no place such as MR, where those of us who are unsatisfied by these world views are able to consider other, and we think finer, more important matters - free from being dogged by the fanatical adherents that both of these worldviews invariably bring with them.

If you look at this thread alone, Robert in Arabia, Leon and Thorn would go on and on asking and entangling us in these tedious and disingenuous questions, asking how one could possibly object to “NS” or Christianity? Part of the answer is that it is just too easy to find poorly considered aspects to these worldviews. When one is forced to look into details in order to defend against charges of those who advocate these worldviews, if one is honest, one groans and cannot believe this has to be discussed. It should be obvious. We want a place where we can move on to better considered worldviews, ones which fit our circumstances and knowledge with essential and contemporary concerns.

Where the Nazis (or Christians) had some things right it is disingenuous to take the position that only they were capable of considering these matters - as in the case of the Nazi implementation of some economic programs. They thought of something therefore we are beholden to them, and their whole program? - nonsense.

Just yesterday David Duke was saying (lying, for all practical purposes) that all Hitler wanted was some city back (He must have been discussing Danzig, which they wanted to be fully German instead of neutral). A thousand times it has become clear that is not all that Hitler wanted and that even if it was, it was a trivial complaint compared to the parameters of the war he waged.

Why does Duke repeat this? Probably because he makes money and gains popular audience from it. Seedy as all get out, but it just goes to show, the view that you want to “debate” has all kinds of places to go - I am sure you can debate it at Stormfront. MR should be able to move on to more pressing considerations.

That brings an important point, that some Nazi advocates will lie in order to advance their worldview, and these are the sorts of sociopaths that will typically take this discussion into exhausting ad infinitum questioning, if they can. (Jewish trolls will do this too).

These guys are impervious, they’ve enmeshed themselves in this material and to them, they are never wrong.

On the contrary, we know enough about NS. We can think for ourselves, adopt some ideas which turn out to be similar while rejecting failed ideas which they followed. I remember Captain Chaos being convinced that I had relied on Hitler to write my “Leftism as Code Word” article here. It goes to show, these things are based on logic - logic, if it is sound, does not need to rely on Hitler.

Nobody is laying guilt trips on present day Germans. On the other hand, one reason why “NS” advocates seem to want to bring it up over and over again seems to be for the purpose of laying guilt trips on others.*

Are you telling me German people and others are incapable of thinking through matters without the Nazi brand and without reverence for Hitler’s book of rules?

We do not need to debate it.

Even less do we need to debate Christianity.

If you want to debate these things, there are plenty of other places to go.

I can’t tell you how refreshing is the prospect of not having to get dragged into Hitler and Jesus discussion.

* Why did the guys want to post the picture above, of the stripped, heavy-set English woman? Because they wanted to guilt and bother GW.


Posted by wobbly on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 16:44 | #


But even if it did, what would then happen?  The widespread expectation among WNs is that a process of isostatic recovery would commence.  Our people would return quite automatically to racial thinking and the making of good choices, a la the 1950s.  Not Christianity as she is spoke today, not liberalism, not materialism or urbanism or economism (or the nihilism they generate) ... nothing will interfere with, slow or subvert this noble process.

So the addendum.  Is there any evidence for this expectation?  Or is it a case of lazy and wishful thinking?  And if it is the latter, what conceivable alternatives are there?  Because this is what we are trying to talk about here; and as far as I am aware, we are the only website seriously devoted to that work.

You do have a point of course. The ongoing collapse leads inevitably to a collapse in faith in the existing priesthood but that only provides an *opportunity* for a new priesthood to replace them not a guarantee that new priesthood would be WN.

It’s not really my chosen niche but i’d say the simplest path to finding the solution is to use YKW as a Barium meal. YKW wage war through culture. They target a tribal competitor and weaken them by replacing healthy aspects of the target culture with a poisoned version. So the way to figure out what’s best is to see what YKW promote and do the opposite.

(For example YKW put a great deal of effort into destroying Christianity so it must be right somehow. It may not be the religion itself but the group cohesion effects that they want to destroy but either way that points at the need for group ritual aimed at group cohesion.)

Collectively the list of “what’s best” derived form the opposite of what YKW promote will have some underlying common logic which provides the answer. To me it’s quite clear the answer is that a nation is an eusocial organism but that may not have general appeal.



Posted by wobbly on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 16:49 | #

WN sites always swarm with YKW spreading division and conflict: WN comment sections, Iraq and Syria, balkanization of the West, all the same - it’s just what they do.

The question to always ask yourself is does the amount of time you waste arguing with them outweigh the amount of time it takes them to troll. If so, they’re winning.

Nowadays I just scroll past the nonsense to the worthwhile stuff and then go back to doing something useful.


Posted by VanSpyke on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:17 | #

Leon Haller @# 250 said with regard to my comments @ 243 and 244: “The Frankfurt School itself heavily overlaps with Organized Jewry and Organized Atheism; less sure wrt Organized Queerdom, but wouldn’t be surprised there, either.”

As I understand it,  The “Frankfurt School” of Critical Theory is smack dab at the core of organized Jewry.

However, when I used “The Frankfort School for Critical Idiots” I was using code for—or hinting at—a subcategory of WNs: specifically those that are overtly hostile towards Christianity. E.g., those that believe Christianity is jew scheme designed to cause Europeans to become susceptible to jewish parasitism, or some other such rot and nonsense.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 17:30 | #

“So the way to figure out what’s best is to see what YKW promote and do the opposite.”

Wobbly, this has been my argument for The White left/social classification.

Jews are always trying to call us “rightists” and encourage that kind of reaction.

More, “social classification” and discrimination accordingly, particularly on behalf of ourselves, is the opposite of “anti-racism.”

However, if you look into what they’ve been doing here, it is clear that they are trying to encourage Christianity as a fallback - therefore the opposite is not Christianity, but something else.

Even so, this is not a foolproof method either. Because the opposite can be scientism, which is foolish and rightfully scaring, if not discouraging, people from successful social participation as much as the perfidy of Christianity will turn many off.

This is a trap that the right is always getting into - “if the Jews are doing it / endorsing it, it must be bad.”

Well, the Jews are going to be doing some things that are good and healthy for themselves as a people.

Therefore if we always do the opposite, we are going to be doing somethings that are just plain wrong for our well being.

However, on the leftist thing, I am confident. They want us to be rightists for reasons that I’ve explained. White Leftism has the social concern, decency, responsibility and organizing capacity that they do not want associated with us -  in addition to setting our most serious enemies into high relief (it will act as the Barium).


Posted by wobbly on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 18:06 | #


those that believe Christianity is jew scheme designed to cause Europeans to become susceptible to jewish parasitism, or some other such rot and nonsense.

The thing is even if that was originally true the way they attack it now suggests that on balance it does something they consider bad for them.


Wobbly, this has been my argument for The White left/social classification.

I can see the point of doing that but personally I’ve moved away from the whole right/left thing as I’ve come to see this as more biology than politics. I’m not against it but it’s not my chosen niche.

(Ultimately I think the biology solution will naturally take the best bits of right and left.)

it is clear that they are trying to encourage Christianity as a fallback - therefore the opposite is not Christianity, but something else.

I hadn’t noticed any encouragement myself except in places like India and China which I think makes the point. They encourage it where it reduces existing group cohesion and attack it where it reinforces existing group cohesion. This may have been true in Europe also.

So as far as the Christianity argument goes I think both sides are partly right.

scientism, which is foolish and rightfully scaring, if not discouraging

I agree that the purely scientific approach in its naked form, even if entirely correct, is unlikely to be good politics. As I think biology is the underlying answer that to my mind is what GW is reaching towards - a more human-shaped political / philosophical cloak to put over eusocial biology: a Blood God.

joking smile

But that’s just me.

if the Jews are doing it / endorsing it, it must be bad.

Not quite. If YKW are *promoting something to others* then it must be bad for those others. It may not necessarily be good or bad in itself e.g. they might promote homophobia to a society that was 100% cohesive around homophilia or they might promote homophilia to a society that was 100% cohesive around homophobia so you need to take the context into account. What you learn from that is not about homophilia or homophobia but the value and importance of cultural cohesion.

And vice versa. Do the opposite of what Jews preach to others, take notice of only what they preach to themselves.



Posted by DanielS on Fri, 13 Jun 2014 18:30 | #

“I can see the point of doing that but personally I’ve moved away from the whole right/left thing”

That’s wrong. That is to move away from the whole thing of organizing, which will be some sort of group classification, organization and unionization - whether you want to call it leftism or not. I appreciate that you want it to happen in a more natural, voluntary way, but even so, there is no harm in visible parameters of accountability.

“As I’ve come to see this as more biology than politics.”

Well, what I am talking about biology as well.

“I’m not against it but it’s not my chosen niche.

(Ultimately I think the biology solution will naturally take the best bits of right and left.)”

Biology and the best bits are comprehended in the White Left.

“I hadn’t noticed any encouragement (of Christianity)”

What do you think Thorn and Haller have been doing here?

It is not that Jews would promote Christianity in all cases. Indeed, they would hate it for the most part. But as a fall back, and in a place like this, they’d be promoting it as disinformational noise among other reasons - such as organizational obstruction, the whole reason to encourage this, “there is no right/left” meme, to discourage organization.

“As I think biology is the underlying answer that to my mind is what GW is reaching towards”

I can forgive you for not having paid attention to what I have been saying but hopefully you will understand now that I am never losing sight of biology

You may not have mastered an understanding of scientism, and that segues into the next point, the right wing mistake that you are still falling into, where you say:

“Do the opposite of what Jews preach to others, take notice of only what they preach to themselves.”

For example, “social constructionism” as the Jews distort and misrepresent the idea, is the opposite of scientism, and proposes that Whites react into right wing scientism. But social constructionism proper, as it is meant to be, steers clear of both scientism and mere constructs arbitrarily (or, naiively, disingenuously) applied to facts.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 03:42 | #

I am sorry that you have been driven away.
It is sad that MR has decided to adopted a policy of stifling discussion and allowing an individual to insult commentators who fail to accept the party line.
I have noticed that the number of articles that attract comments has been shrinking.
It is odd that a site that has complained about the difficulty one has in posting comments that are not PC on the British mainstream media has put power in the hands of a person so lacking in self-control and good manners.
I had thought that the person who owned this site was simply unaware of the arrogant nastiness so frequently revealed by his second-in-command; but, sadly, this is not the case.
His suggestion that you go out on a high note shows that he has been reading this thread.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 05:00 | #

Robert, you are misreading the situation, in all likelihood because you have no perspective, being a Hitler and Jesus man yourself. The Hitler and Jesus people will not allow for other conversations but insist upon flooding threads with their crap, even though there are a myriad of other sites for them to go with their primitive world views. If you are sorry to see Leon go elsewhere then you have his email address and are able to join discussion with him elsewhere.

When I questioned the sincerity of Mark Dyal with regard to White interests, in fact, asked whether he was sufficiently White at all, Greg Johnson banned me from Counter-Currents.

Rather than protest endlessly about it, I moved on to a site more conducive to my view.

You are a Christian. You are a Hitlerist. Can you imagine that some people may not want to debate these creeds in general, but especially not with people who feel the messianic need to defend them in unanimity, to the point where they would tie-up and block other avenues of discussion?





Posted by wobbly on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 05:00 | #


What do you think Thorn and Haller have been doing here?

Ah fair enough, i thought you meant globally. I skip arguments over Christianity now as I think both sides are part right.



Posted by L. Jon Hubbard on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 09:06 | #

Wobbly: “The thing is even if that was originally true the way they attack it now suggests that on balance it does something they consider bad for them.”

It’s a plausibly deniable marker for race/ethnicity—same as a less enlightened (or Taqqiya-practising) one of us attacking Islam. Just as the targets of attacks on Islam are not Bosnians, so the targets of attacks on Christianity are not Nigerian Christian Animists.


Posted by L. Jon Hubbard on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 09:23 | #

Also, the attacks are primarily mostly aimed at the “good” bits (traditional marraige, sexual morality and sex roles, attitude toward buggery, paganised parts of the cultural ethos) and not the “bad” ones (spiritual equality, universality, slave morality, etc.)


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 10:50 | #

I think it is brilliant to exclude as many points of view possible so that you can organize a MR cult in the UK that includes the smallest possible number of people.

Cults tends to be dominated by those who will not shift their purported beliefs in the face of evidence and rational argument. They become the haunts of the evil and the insane,

People in cults who want to remain members in good standing must be willing to lie about what their beliefs are, and thus have purported beliefs that are unaffected by reality.

The hard core cultist often genuinely have beliefs unaffected by reality.

I do not believe there is enough talent available at MR to create a cult, merely a clique.




Posted by X-P-W-A on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 13:46 | #


I have concluded that commenting as a general rule is a waste of time.

Well, yes.  Obviously someone like GW won’t agree with you.  His other principle activity is engaging in “Thread Wars” at the Daily Telegraph.

What WPs need is a highly developed political ideology, which is both intellectually sophisticated, and can draw upon a much larger relevant and sympathetic bibliography (think of the sheer volume of Marxist writings) than we have at present.

Goals are unchanging.  The strategy and tactics needed to reach these goals is ever changing.  A reasonable start point would be an objective and accurate description of the present structure of economics, technology, politics and social mores at all levels.  The NSDAP was the last group to undertake this kind of comprehensive analysis.  Their
fingerspitzengefühl is what lent credibility to the rest of their message. 

All subsequent exponents have said less and known less about these subjects than I know about the far side of the Milky Way galaxy.  Typically these people merely copy those parts of the NSDAP program they like and ignore what they don’t like and the massive changes since those times.

An excellent starting point for your outlook would be to build on, expand and update Hilaire Belloc’s “The Servile State”.  A century ago the trends of technology, economics and politics were much against the Distributists like Belloc, Chesterton and, a generation later, EF Schumacker.  This typically happens with real visionaries.  It was some centuries before engine technology caught up with Leonardo DaVinci, too.

The patterns of trade and technology are becoming far more favorable now for Distributism.  And also far more hostile to the state-chartered central bank monopoly capitalism that grew up on the foundation of the railroads and telegraph.  This was the target of Belloc’s critiques.

Once we have that, however, what we really need is substantially less metapolitical musing,

Metapolitical, metaphysical and metababble musing is one of two principal activities of the pro-white literary movement.  The other activity is conducting endless internecine flame wars.  In reality these personality tiffs are barely disguised struggles for extremely limited literary markets.

Over the decades since 1945 this amorphous quasi entity has had a birth rate well under 1.0 (replacement being 2.1).  It therefore relies upon recruitment to replenish its ranks. v In retrospect it was ineitable that a homosexual literature Ph.d would rise to become a dominant figure of that milieu.  Actually rise to replace the previous generation of misogynists and barely closeted homosexuals who defined pro-white in the 1950s - 1990s. 

and much more political strategizing and actual offline activism, including campaigning for nationalist-oriented candidates and causes.

This is a waste of resources until whites again have common and discrete on the ground interests.

Frankly, I fail to see what progress MR has made in my years here.  But what is the point of simply commenting on WN relevant posts? I no longer see one.

GW and his alter ego DanielS have instituted a specific anti-Christian theological test as the most important part of their weltanshauung.  The only place this has led and will lead them is obscure marginalization.  But there it is.  This is more vital to them than anything else.  Accept it, get over it and move on. 

Good luck.

And good luck to you, Leon.


Posted by katana on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 14:01 | #

Posted by DanielS on June 13, 2014, 11:26 AM | #

Regarding “National Socialism and Christianity,”

The reason we do not want to encourage them by endorsing them as topics which might be seriously entertained as sufficient worldviews is that firstly, there are other places to discuss them, while there is no place such as MR, where those of us who are unsatisfied by these world views are able to consider other, and we think finer, more important matters - free from being dogged by the fanatical adherents that both of these worldviews invariably bring with them.

I understand that you don’t want this site to be “dogged” by fanatical adherents of world views that you think are not fine or important. No one would. The answer is to simply censor the trolls, etc.

But, both “National Socialism and Christianity,” are dominate realities that need to be dealt with via discussion with their promoters and detractors, regardless of ones position on them.

What you are saying is that worldview NS and worldview C are no good so let’s focus on worldview X to the exclusion of them.

That’s all good if you want to be a little club that excludes the inconvenient reality of alternative worldviews. If you want to be more than that, you do have to fight with NS and C ideas and win out by showing them to be wrong and thereby making your worldview X attractive.

Maybe the About page that tells us it’s about promoting Whites, Europeans, needs to amended to say it excludes significant conversation about NS and C. But that won’t contribute to promoting Whites, Europeans because the jews, who have the whip hand, will most definitely not let you forgot NS and C. They want both painted in the blackest of terms, especially NS, or not talked about at all.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 14 Jun 2014 14:47 | #


What a bunch of bullshit that was. Get out of here.


Posted by FB on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 02:19 | #

GW, you should consider interviewing Hunter Wallace. One of the brightest lights of American WN.


Posted by MOB on Sun, 15 Jun 2014 15:44 | #

FB wrote: “GW, you should consider interviewing Hunter Wallace. One of the brightest lights of American WN.”

Good idea. I’ve supported Hunter Wallace throughout his remarkable metamorphosis these last couple of years; he found his cause in Southern Nationalism and ran with it.

Here’s someone else of interest; thanks to regular “Solskeniskyn” at VNN for posting National Socialism in our time</b> By Klas Lund (.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)), Leader of the Resistance Movement.

<a href=“”><a>


Posted by Guest Lurker on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 08:11 | #

Whites don’t have a ‘suicide gene’, they have an ‘altruism gene’ that makes them easy meat for jew full-spectrum psychological warfare efforts over generations to get them to hate themselves and to love the “other”

    The altruism argument is overdone and a form of white nationalist mental masturbation.  “Oh….we’re so good and kind, that’s why we’re getting our asses handed to us by the jews.” Were the Vikings kind and altruistic? Were the Spanish Conquistadors altruists? Bunk. White people are getting our asses handed to us because the vast vast majority of whites are individualist (euphemism for Selfish) materialists who place their own material well-being above principle. Whites go along to get along like unprincipled serfs, irregardless of the harrowing future facing their own progeny. Non-whites like East Asians have had no problem keeping jews in check. Whites do because they’re unprincipled sellouts easy to buy and manipulate because they’re cowardly and psychologically labile. A simple little word, Racism, has conquered at least 2 entire continents of these dufuses. Is it the jews’ fault for pressing their advantage against such chumps and cuckolds who are willing to surrender their and their children’s birthright because of a single word?  Haller is dead-on on this one. Whites are indeed the “Douche Bag Race.”
    Loving the drama on this site, though. Only pop in now and then for a bit of entertainment.  Haller wants to stay; Reckons he can help rescue the white punching bag race through christianity and Austrian economics.  The Germanophobic Anglo proprietor of this site and his new protege want Haller gone; they reckon the white cuckoos need a new ontology.  Every other creature on this planet when confronted with “to be or not to be” always makes the right choice. White cuckoos aren’t sure.  After about 40,000 years of existence, they need an “Ontology” to justify their continued projection into the future. GW thinks he’s the man who can give it to them. Kind of like getting ostriches to fly again. Too funny.



Posted by DanielS on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 08:32 | #

If you want to know why we need all the help we can get (which Haller is none of) in order to tease-out and resurrect the justification of racial advocacy it is because Hitler, in his incredible lack of tact and judgment, turned it into such a catastrophically dubious enterprise.


Posted by katana on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 11:23 | #

Posted by Guest Lurker on June 16, 2014, 03:11 AM | #

Whites don’t have a ‘suicide gene’, they have an ‘altruism gene’ that makes them easy meat for jew full-spectrum psychological warfare efforts over generations to get them to hate themselves and to love the “other”

  The altruism argument is overdone and a form of white nationalist mental masturbation.  “Oh….we’re so good and kind, that’s why we’re getting our asses handed to us by the jews.” Were the Vikings kind and altruistic? Were the Spanish Conquistadors altruists? Bunk.

Guest Lurker, having a “altruism gene” doesn’t mean or exclude having other “genes” such as ... “warrior, fighting, conquer, etc., type genes.” As you rightly point out Whites do have those. What it means is that Whites have a greater tendency to be more altruistic than the other races. I would think you would agree with this. What major race is more altruistic that Whites? None.


White people are getting our asses handed to us because the vast vast majority of whites are individualist (euphemism for Selfish) materialists who place their own material well-being above principle. Whites go along to get along like unprincipled serfs, irregardless of the harrowing future facing their own progeny.

I agree this selfishness is a part of the reason for our destruction. But I also think this individualism/selfishness/materialism are traits that jews have amplified and pushed through all their control systems for the purpose of destroying us.

And even this individualism can run in parallel to White altruism. In fact both traits can be combined to give a double punch to our demise by promoting altruism as a status elevating competition among Whites. Helping niggers can do multi- duty in fulfilling innate tendencies to help those in need, along with self promotion as a do-gooder that raises ones own status among other deluded Whites.


Non-whites like East Asians have had no problem keeping jews in check. Whites do because they’re unprincipled sellouts easy to buy and manipulate because they’re cowardly and psychologically labile. A simple little word, Racism, has conquered at least 2 entire continents of these dufuses. Is it the jews’ fault for pressing their advantage against such chumps and cuckolds who are willing to surrender their and their children’s birthright because of a single word?  Haller is dead-on on this one. Whites are indeed the “Douche Bag Race.”

I feel your deep frustration and can say that at times I’ve also felt the same at times.

But such a view is totally wrong, utterly wrong!

We are in this racial, genocidal, death spiral for one reason alone.

It’s International Jewry with their megalomaniacal, psychopathic drive for world dominance. The same people who run the banks and international finance and therefore have all the power within their system.

These evil people have subjected White people to such massive propaganda over the past one hundred years in all media forms that it is actually amazing that we still stand.

Asians have not been subjected to the above and the same with blacks in their own countries. Blacks for the last three or four decades, in fact have subjected to massive positive propaganda.

  Every other creature on this planet when confronted with “to be or not to be” always makes the right choice. White cuckoos aren’t sure.


Whites aren’t sure because of non-stop jew run propaganda dished out from cradle to grave. The fact that we are talking here shows our resilience.

After about 40,000 years of existence, they need an “Ontology” to justify their continued projection into the future. GW thinks he’s the man who can give it to them. Kind of like getting ostriches to fly again. Too funny.

Yes, I also don’t get the “ontology” thing.

Well, Guest Lurker, you asked for it by replying to my comment.



Posted by WVS on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 14:54 | #

I’ve read through this entire thread and I just want to chime in with my two-penneth worth wrt the internecine warfare taking place:

People may agree or disagree with Leon Haller on certain issues, but I find he is with out a doubt the most incisive, articulate and erudite commenters here. Quite frankly, he stands head and shoulders above the rest. I’m a bit bemused as to why the moderators drove him away. 

I don’t say that to diminish the contributions of any other commenters here. All are capable in their own right, I’m sure.

That said, I give my thumbs up to Leon Haller and all those that think like him.


Guest Lurker’s comment @# 274 is pretty much spot on, IMO. I clearly understand why certain “cult members” (or “clique members” if more appropriate) will find the realities he expresses impossible to accept.



Posted by DanielS on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 15:30 | #

Even if it were true that he is as articulate as you think he is, he is not advocating positions that we want to elaborate and discuss here, instead he stubbornly insists upon editorial parameters which are outside of our conversational interests and gums up threads which don’t interest him, not enhancing the threads but introducing diversionary boiler plate of his preferred angles (he is selling a revised Christianity, Austrian school and Jews as our potential friends, while we are promoting other vistas); and he has been recalcitrant in that regard over the course of years now. He has had his say in that regard, repeatedly - there should be no mystery for you or anybody else that whether he is sincere (which I remain unconvinced of) or not that he is better off setting-up shop elsewhere.


Posted by MOB on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 16:16 | #

“Diversionary boilerplate” is a good expression; I was going to say he’s Majority Rights’ Red Herring Man (also a crushing bore).  Anyone who gives him support has an ulterior motive.

I tried about 20 different ways to post the image of Klas Lund in #273, but failed.  What’s the trick?


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 16 Jun 2014 17:45 | #




Posted by electronix on Tue, 17 Jun 2014 02:51 | #

I’ve never commented here. Been reading the site for a while. Blue collar young white guy, Anglo-American, Midwest-based originally. No college, but skilled electronics worker, make good money (until some damn Hindu steals my job). Decent IQ, not as high as some here.

I think a lot of what is said is too difficult. Is it me, or you? How come I do get Leon (he could lighten up with the giant words)? Maybe you should make some effort to be understood?

I’m not super religious, but my sister is. When I visit, I go to church with her family. These are good people. A lot don’t like the decline of whites, but don’t want to offend Jesus by doing something about it. Leon is completely right. You insult the church, you are pissing on huge parts of white USA. Is that smart?


Posted by Rollory on Tue, 17 Jun 2014 13:56 | #

“Among the dissident Right there is a lot of talk of how–if not by the inherently leftist ballot box–is the ship of state to be righted (pun intended). “How” is, in my opinion, much more important than they “why”. In many ways the “how” reveals the “why”, but rarely does the “why” reveal the “how”. “Nature admits no lie”, says Carlyle, but often the formal motivation for a political movement is itself a lie, or at least an a partial untruth. Does Stalin want a worker’s paradise or simply more power for Stalin?

“If Life of Brian is to be trusted, “splitters” tend to come to be in fringe political movements. Thus the Thomas Carlyle Club for Young Reactionaries finds itself at odds with the Carlylean Reactionary Youth and the Young Man’s Club for a Carlylean Reaction. These splits are often based upon “whys”, which makes sense for a movement with zero actual power (hence any dispute about “how” is comes off as pathetic).”

- from and rather relevant to this whole thread.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 24 Jun 2014 05:29 | #

Proof that a gas chamber existed and that an untold number of poodles were killed:



Posted by Dude on Tue, 24 Jun 2014 10:48 | #

DS - did you manage to reach out to Salter, if so, was the response amenable?


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 24 Jun 2014 11:54 | #

Just started to work on it. GW has an angle and we have taken your suggestion above into consideration. Any further suggestions in that regard, welcome.


Posted by L. Jon Hubbard on Tue, 24 Jun 2014 12:25 | #

eletronix: “A lot don’t like the decline of whites, but don’t want to offend Jesus by doing something about it.”

An inherent problem when your religion and race are not one and the same but rather the former concerns itself with the state of the souls of alien others. Fortunately, there is a remedy:


Posted by Dude on Tue, 24 Jun 2014 20:28 | #

DanielS, no, think you’re good to go: I don’t feels he’s a hard sell and I think over caution in such things can itself queer the pitch.  The series of essays he wrote for Quadrant, worth mentioning, he put some time and effort into their compilation.


Posted by wobbly on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:20 | #

@Guest Lurker

Every other creature on this planet when confronted with “to be or not to be” always makes the right choice. White cuckoos aren’t sure.

If that was true then Jewish history wouldn’t be a trail of destroyed civilizations and other people’s ruins.

This is how Jews wage war. They stealth into other people’s civilizations and rot them from the inside until they collapse. You can follow their entire worthless history for thousands of years from Arabia to the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, Rome, Byzantium, Turkey to the modern west by the ruins they leave behind - ruins other peoples built. They can’t build their own civilization but they’re great at poisoning other peoples and the current iteration of western civilization is just the latest in a very long line of civilizations destroyed by the Jews through slow cultural, economic and demographic poisoning.

It’s what they do.

The development of universalist morality is not the cause of the ongoing destruction of western civilization. It’s just one method of manipulating people. The cause is the Jews.

Non-whites like East Asians have had no problem keeping jews in check

As they’ll be the tallest poppy after the destruction of the West the East Asians will be next. If they learn from this perhaps they’ll be better prepared.




Posted by CS on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 00:29 | #


Don’t worry, I went to university and did well and still don’t understand what Guessedworker is talking about half the time.

And you’re right that pissing on Christianity is not a good idea seeing how many white people are Christians. Christianity has been corrupted by you know who just like everything else. Look into Christian Kinism or Christian Identity to find good versions of Christianity.

As for Leon, he was a good poster and his “White Zion” idea is something that should be persued.


Posted by AWESOM-O on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:18 | #

Every other creature on this planet when confronted with “to be or not to be” always makes the right choice.

Species don’t make choices. They succeed in aggregate or they fail. Sometimes some creatures’ aggregate success impinges on the fortunes of other creatures. And that’s how it’s gone since viruses went to war with cyanobacteria in the ancient oceans.

Remember that the next time you have the urge to blame the Jews for “destroying Western civilization”, or blame Europeans for “letting it happen”.

“The Jews are the strangest people in world history because, confronted with the question whether to be or not to be, they chose, with perfectly uncanny deliberation, to be at any price ... ” (Nietzsche)


Posted by wobbly on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 02:43 | #

Remember that the next time you have the urge to blame the Jews for “destroying Western civilization”, or blame Europeans for “letting it happen”.

There’s the “why” and there’s the “how”.

The why is very simple - weakening the host is a logical self-defense mechanism for a mercantile minority.

The how is more complicated but the why is self-evident.



Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 07:20 | #


In human conflict there is attack before there is defence.  For a people “chosen” by their deity on the basis of the possession of ethnicity alone, the cost of conflict is paid by the host groups which must lose theirs.  Judaism, and the Jewish struggle generally, is not an act of self-defence ... not a pursuit of equality in being.  It pursues singularity and exceptionalism.  The singular possession of ethnicity is supremacy, not simple survival or continuity.


Thanks for your input on Salter.  I am checking out some alternative ideas on format, which might give him some control over the process.


Posted by AWESOM-O on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 11:29 | #

There’s the “why” and there’s the “how”.

No other species recognizes such a distinction. Which means that either all other species are wrong, or that we are for having a nervous endowment which made it in the first place.

The why is very simple - weakening the host is a logical self-defense mechanism for a mercantile minority.

What you call “why”, I call a mere by-product. Nature is pitiless, bro. Once you clear away all the cultural dross, you find that at bottom it’s the same niche-exploitation practiced elsewhere in the kingdom. I am not aware of a single case of a species outgrowing its co-evolved parasite. Certainly not at the level of insects and “above”.

In a way, to even think that “we” could somehow shake off the Jews, or any other subspecies caught up in the historical whirl with us, largely through European cultural success mind you, is as naive as the popular misconception that “there’s no cure for the common cold”—there’s no cure because “the cold” is continually adapted to new hosts.

In fine, you beg the question, though the “ontologist” does it more blatantly:

It pursues singularity and exceptionalism.  The singular possession of ethnicity is supremacy, not simple survival or continuity.

See how arguing from butthurt leadeth one into the weeds?


Posted by AWESOM-O on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 11:48 | #

Well, I shouldn’t try to wind anyone up.

My impression is this: History has whites in an arm-lock, and while most white groups are tapping out, white nationalists are whining that the move is unfair, the fight should be halted, and reset so that they can win.


Posted by North on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 12:02 | #

Warning: This post is by the troll, Thorn, calling himself in this case, “North.”

CS @# 289

Don’t worry, I went to university and did well and still don’t understand what Guessedworker is talking about half the time.

Well, he doesn’t call himself Guessedworker for nothing. His job, it seems, is to keep us guessing where he’s coming from.  (wink)

As for Leon, he was a good poster and his “White Zion” idea is something that should be persued.

As a last resort, WZ is indeed worth persuing. But we haven’t arrived at the state of affairs yet. Other options must take priority. WZ at this point in time should be regarded as a contingency plan.



Posted by L. Jon Hubbard on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 17:36 | #

“And you’re right that pissing on Christianity is not a good idea seeing how many white people are Christians. Christianity has been corrupted by you know who just like everything else. Look into Christian Kinism or Christian Identity to find good versions of Christianity.”

Christians have always been and will always be busybodies concerning the state of the souls of the of racial others. Catholics, Moravians, Lutherans and Anglicans have since at least the 18th Century sent missionaries to Africa. Back when ocean or carriage voyages from Northern Europe to Africa and the Middle East took months with limited passenger capacity, this feature was not such a problem (that could potentially contribute to and continue Our dispossession and dissolution) or at least something that could be worked around. Now it’s a huge problem—one that renders Christianity as the religion of the West incompatible with our continued existence as a People


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 18:27 | #

L. Jon Hubbard, thank you for recognizing AWESOME-0, North and CS for the trolls that they are.


Posted by wobbly on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:21 | #


Judaism, and the Jewish struggle generally, is not an act of self-defence…

Yeah I use “self-defence” partly because I think it’s easier for people to get the idea and partly because I’m not convinced the culture was designed to be genocidal. I think it more likely the culture developed as a survival mechanism in a situation they got into in the past.

The other thing is I don’t what to be morally superior about it. In terms of destroying civilizations I don’t think there’s much difference between what the Indo-Europeans / Mongols / Bantus / Zulus / Han / Anglos etc have done and what Jews have done. The main differences are part of the Jewish strategy involves deliberately breeding the founding population with stupider people thus destroying their ability to rise again in the future - like a genetic version of salting the fields - and they don’t build a new civilization on the ruins of the old one themselves. They leave the ruins behind and move on to the next tallest poppy (which this time will be South and East Asia).



“No other species recognizes such a distinction. Which means that either all other species are wrong, or that we are for having a nervous endowment which made it in the first place.”

Sure they do. It’s a logical distinction which always applies.

1) The why is simple and self-evident.
2) Arguing over the how should be about tactics i.e. the how illustrates what needs to be done to resist.
3) However, arguing over the how is more often used to distract or misdirect people from the why.

For example the idea around westerners developing a universalist morality (more for practical reasons than moral although the two are effectively the same) isn’t the “why” it’s part of the “how”. It can be used to figure out tactics i.e. the need to use universalist morality as a counter weapon (2) or it can be used to cause arguments distracting people from the why (3).


What you call “why”, I call a mere by-product. Nature is pitiless, bro. Once you clear away all the cultural dross, you find that at bottom it’s the same niche-exploitation practiced elsewhere in the kingdom.

No, what I call “why” is what the rest of that says.


I am not aware of a single case of a species outgrowing its co-evolved parasite. Certainly not at the level of insects and “above”.

Islam is one example - a fairly obvious cultural adaptation to a cultural parasite, although it is a dead-end example as it protects itself from cultural manipulation by preventing *any* cultural evolution.

On top of that I’d say a lot of political history could be viewed in this light i.e. ongoing attempts to control free-riding groups e.g. an aristocracy degenerates into a caste of free-riders followed by a revolution instituting democracy which degenerates into a caste of free-riders followed by a revolution to monarchy which degenerates etc. The free-rider problem constantly recurs and can come from any caste-like group. Jews are just one example.


In a way, to even think that “we” could somehow shake off the Jews, or any other subspecies caught up in the historical whirl with us, largely through European cultural success mind you, is as naive as the popular misconception that “there’s no cure for the common cold”—there’s no cure because “the cold” is continually adapted to new hosts.

Turning that round then if you could create the right conditions a co-evolved parasite could be made neutral.


See how arguing from butthurt leadeth one into the weeds?

None here. Anglos did a lot of stomping of our own so can’t really complain on that score.

I think destroying other people’s civilizations and leaving nothing behind but other people’s ruins is worthless but that’s a separate issue.



Posted by North on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:37 | #

Warning: This post is by the troll, Thorn, calling himself in this case, “North.”

@ L. Jon Hubbard

Let’s put things in their proper perspective.

Christianity—what’s left of it—pays a minor role in our dispossession. Look at post-Chriatian Sweden. Is Christianity behind the very secular Swedish elites’ insistence on turning Sweden into a multicult/multi-racial dystopia? Of course the answer is no. The truth is ALL the members of the EU leadership are abiding by the EU’s anti-ethno-nationalist template; that being: no homogeneous nation-states are allowed in the EU. The EU elites have in effect turned the member countries of the EU into a giant racial mixing bowl. To make matters worse, they’ve deliberately imported millions of non-Whites and non-Christians for the expressed purpose of permanently obliterating any ethnic and or religious particularism. 

Same goes for the USA.

Petraeus: “After America Comes North America”

BY Herschel Smith

General Petraeus:

General David Petraeus, the former CIA director and head of the international forces in Afghanistan (ISAF), has today said that the United States is suffering deeply because of partisanship, and said that the country needs immigration reform.

Gen. Petraeus was speaking on the “After America, What?” panel at the Centre for Policy Studies’ Margaret Thatcher Liberty Conference at the Guildhall in the City of London.

“After America comes North America,” he said, discussing how Canada, the United States and Mexico are set to be a formidable force together, “notwithstanding Mexico’s rule of law issues”.

We’ve discussed it many times before.  The alleged need for immigrants pertains to the desires of corporations to have low paid workers.  It doesn’t enrich you or me, it enriches the rich (heads of corporations, boards of directors, and so on).

Here’s how it works.  It helps the corporate bottom line by forcing the middle class to pick up the tab for medical care, which burden happens largely on the backs of nurses in emergency rooms (my daughter is a nurse in an ER), with medical insurance premiums escalating in order to pay for the service.  Food stamps (so called SNAP) also factor into the calculus, as well as driver’s insurance (for uninsured motorists coverage).

It isn’t that there is no cost for low paid workers.  It’s that the cost is borne by the middle class as welfare to corporations and the wealthy.  The GOP is connected at the hip to such interests in terms of money, while the Democrats are connected in terms of future voters.  With such powerful interests at stake, it should be obvious why the Southern border is a sieve and illegals are left in the country unmolested.

But Petraeus is at least honest, admitting what many of the politicians don’t want to confess.  They see America more as an idea, or an endless checkbook, rather than a place with people and borders.  The idea they cherish is one of wealth propagation among the elite (for the GOP), or power in perpetuity (for the Democrats).  The idea of the constitution has long ago lost its appeal.

Petraeus advocates “immigration reform,” but he refers to North America as America’s replacement, almost as if it’s a foregone conclusion rather something he needs to advocate.  But such a thing will bring about the end of the middle class as we know it.

With trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities, a behemoth socialized medical system (with millions of new immigrants added to the rolls), and a fiat money system which existence relies on the printing presses, the system cannot go on for much longer.

North America.  Increasingly it will take on the face of gang members.  Welcome your newest neighbor – affiliates of MS13.  They think you owe them a living.  Said one of them.

‘You’re going to let me go, just like you let my mother go, just like you let my sister go. You’re going to let me go as well, and the government’s going to take care of us






Posted by North on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 19:46 | #

Warning: This post is by the troll, Thorn, calling himself in this case, “North.”

@ L. Jon Hubbard

Let’s put things in their proper perspective.

Christianity—what’s left of it—pays a minor role in our dispossession. Look at post-Chriatian Sweden. Is Christianity behind the very secular Swedish elites’ insistence on turning Sweden into a multicult/multi-racial dystopia? Of course the answer is no. The truth is ALL the members of the EU leadership are abiding by the EU’s anti-ethno-nationalist template; that being,  no homogeneous nation-states allowed. The EU elites have in effect turned the member countries of the EU into a giant racial mixing bowl. To make matters worse, they’ve deliberately imported millions of non-Whites and non-Christians for the expressed purpose of permanently obliterating any ethnic and or religious particularism. 

Same goes for the USA.

Petraeus: “After America Comes North America”

BY Herschel Smith

General Petraeus:

General David Petraeus, the former CIA director and head of the international forces in Afghanistan (ISAF), has today said that the United States is suffering deeply because of partisanship, and said that the country needs immigration reform.

Gen. Petraeus was speaking on the “After America, What?” panel at the Centre for Policy Studies’ Margaret Thatcher Liberty Conference at the Guildhall in the City of London.

“After America comes North America,” he said, discussing how Canada, the United States and Mexico are set to be a formidable force together, “notwithstanding Mexico’s rule of law issues”.

We’ve discussed it many times before.  The alleged need for immigrants pertains to the desires of corporations to have low paid workers.  It doesn’t enrich you or me, it enriches the rich (heads of corporations, boards of directors, and so on).

Here’s how it works.  It helps the corporate bottom line by forcing the middle class to pick up the tab for medical care, which burden happens largely on the backs of nurses in emergency rooms (my daughter is a nurse in an ER), with medical insurance premiums escalating in order to pay for the service.  Food stamps (so called SNAP) also factor into the calculus, as well as driver’s insurance (for uninsured motorists coverage).

It isn’t that there is no cost for low paid workers.  It’s that the cost is borne by the middle class as welfare to corporations and the wealthy.  The GOP is connected at the hip to such interests in terms of money, while the Democrats are connected in terms of future voters.  With such powerful interests at stake, it should be obvious why the Southern border is a sieve and illegals are left in the country unmolested.

But Petraeus is at least honest, admitting what many of the politicians don’t want to confess.  They see America more as an idea, or an endless checkbook, rather than a place with people and borders.  The idea they cherish is one of wealth propagation among the elite (for the GOP), or power in perpetuity (for the Democrats).  The idea of the constitution has long ago lost its appeal.

Petraeus advocates “immigration reform,” but he refers to North America as America’s replacement, almost as if it’s a foregone conclusion rather something he needs to advocate.  But such a thing will bring about the end of the middle class as we know it.

With trillions of dollars in unfunded liabilities, a behemoth socialized medical system (with millions of new immigrants added to the rolls), and a fiat money system which existence relies on the printing presses, the system cannot go on for much longer.

North America.  Increasingly it will take on the face of gang members.  Welcome your newest neighbor – affiliates of MS13.  They think you owe them a living.  Said one of them.

‘You’re going to let me go, just like you let my mother go, just like you let my sister go. You’re going to let me go as well, and the government’s going to take care of us



Say goodnight, Gracie.


Posted by Jon on Wed, 25 Jun 2014 21:14 | #

I’m not arguing that Christianity is the main force behind the unfortunate demographic changes in Europe, just pointing out that the fact that a Bantu can be or become a Christian is a big problem with Christianity and Our spiritual needs should better be met (if We are to continue to exist as a People) with a particularist religion that concerns itself our souls to exclusion of every one else’s.


Posted by CS on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 00:22 | #


That’s brilliant Danny. Every WN that’s Christian is now a troll. Any other groups you want to exclude?


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 03:04 | #

Yes, CS, those who insist upon it here are trolls to this site.

As are you, out of the same cloth as Thorn and Haller, probably working under the same auspices.


Posted by CS on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 09:11 | #

When have I ever insisted people be Christian? I don’t care if they are Christian or not. What I do care about is whether they support a white country for whites only. I have more use for an athiest who supports WN than a Christian who is some open bordesr fairy.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 10:15 | #

Posted by CS on June 26, 2014, 04:11 AM | #

“When have I ever insisted people be Christian? I don’t care if they are Christian or not. What I do care about is whether they support a white country for whites only. I have more use for an athiest who supports WN than a Christian who is some open bordesr fairy.”

With this kind of crap, CS, the same kind of content and style that Thorn (a.k.a. “North”) and Haller will try to put across on behalf of your masters:

Posted by CS on June 24, 2014, 07:29 PM | #


Don’t worry, I went to university and did well and still don’t understand what Guessedworker is talking about half the time.

And you’re right that pissing on Christianity is not a good idea seeing how many white people are Christians. Christianity has been corrupted by you know who just like everything else. Look into Christian Kinism or Christian Identity to find good versions of Christianity.

As for Leon, he was a good poster and his “White Zion” idea is something that should be persued.”

Leon was not a good poster nor was his “White Zion” a good idea.

We have been through this, CS.

When on occasion we talk about Christianity at MR, it should be from a critical view (what you, Thorn and Haller might call “pissing on it”). We ought to be free to experiment with advocacy of non-Christian moral orders for White Nationalists here, for the many of us who do not believe in, nor value, Christianity. You are free to go to other sites where an ameliorative view of Christianity is taken.


Posted by CS on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 10:41 | #


I hate the modern version(s) of Christianity that predominates the world today. I hate these Christian idiots who worship jews and want to settle Somalian savages in our countries. I would exclude these people from “White Zion” regardless of how white they look or what their DNA test shows.

These version(s) of Christianity either need to go or be replaced by Kinism or Identity.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 10:54 | #

CS, Majority Rights is going with the view that Christianity is inherently Judaic (if not prescriptive of the Judaic worldview), no matter what the denomination or the spin, even “Christian Identity.”

The term “White Zion” that Haller and you are advocating is repulsive and could appeal only to those who are trying provide loopholes for Jews to slip-into to the otherwise exclusive White union or play it to their advantage.

It is the nature of a troll to not leave an experiment alone but to insist, in this case, upon its crypto-Judaism.


Posted by CS on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 11:22 | #

Well whatever. I want a white country(s) for whites only and zero jews and zero white liberal faggots.


Posted by North on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:12 | #

Warning: This post is by the troll, Thorn, calling himself in this case, “North.”


That’s all well and good, BUT only if you’re confined to the tiny sphere of the MR protective bubble. It should go without saying, but I’ll say it anyways: In the real world, your worldview, Danny, will surely get you banned from polite society. Probably even earn you resentment within your own family.

I say that to say this:

Smart politicians such as Marine Le Pen know that taking the anti-Semitic route will oust her from the game at the get-go. So what to do?  Answer: She adroitly adjusts her message accordingly. Ditto for Nigel Farage and Paul Weston. Weston has just started. I expect great things from him in the future.

Bottom line,

The objective is to gain power.

Exposing the disgusting commie leftist jews and their anti-White game; defeating them is necessary for our well being. But as the present political environment BE, an anti-commie jew platform is a losing strategy. Period.  So first things first. We need to gain power. In order to gain power, we need to win elections.  HELLO!



Posted by North on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 12:55 | #

Warning: This post is by the troll, Thorn, calling himself in this case, “North.”

CS @ 305

I agree.

Most of Western Christianity has become subsumed within the overarching ideology of modern-liberalism. Modern-liberalism is, obviously, the prevailing ideology that influences Western Man’s being.

To put it in more precise terms, the synthesis resulting between the thesis of traditional Christianity and the antithesis of modern-liberalism produced liberalized Christianity.


Ain’t That America: Presbyterians Embrace Gay Marriage

Posted on June 20, 2014 by Hunter Wallace


In the United States, it is important to understand that what is called “Christianity” has long been nothing more than Americanism dressed up with a cross and a Jesus mascot. “Christianity” is always getting a new facelift to correspond to the latest fads in America’s dominant secular popular culture.

“The top legislative body of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has voted by large margins to recognize same-sex marriage as Christian in the church constitution, adding language that marriage can be the union of “two people,” not just “a man and a woman.”

The amendment approved Thursday by the Presbyterian General Assembly requires approval from a majority of the 172 regional presbyteries, which will vote on the change over the next year. But in a separate policy change that takes effect at the end of this week’s meeting, delegates voted to allow ministers to preside at gay weddings in states where the unions are legal and local congregational leaders approve. Nineteen states and the District of Columbia recognize same-sex marriage. …”

Note: The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is pro-abortion, pro-homosexual, pro-comprehensive immigration reform, and anti-racist. As early as 1999, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) announced it was committed to “spiritually confronting the idolatry and ideology of White supremacy and White privilege.”




Posted by DanielS on Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:39 | #

THORN (A.K.A. North),

I thought you said that you were going to check up on MR in the fall (after you’d finished your pilgrimage to Israel, or whatever); and that I told you that you would not be welcome then.

Whatever the case, this is the last warning.


Posted by VanSpyke on Sat, 28 Jun 2014 14:38 | #

“Most of Western Christianity has become subsumed within the overarching ideology of modern-liberalism. Modern-liberalism is, obviously, the prevailing ideology that influences Western Man’s being.” —North/Thorn/ whomever…...

That is absolutely true! I’m afraid the radical liberal experiment is just going to have to play out until it reaches its natural consequences. That being the ruination of Western Civilization. I see no stopping it. The crucial question is, will the White race survive in the aftermath? Only God knows the answer to that question.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 28 Jun 2014 17:14 | #

Passivity seems to be what enemy trolls are tying to altercast to White nationalists.

We are supposed to just let the virus do its thing. How about no.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Sun, 29 Jun 2014 19:08 | #

As I mentioned in the podcast, “too White” is a trending term: MPs are too white, says David Cameron - Telegraph.

Why does a “conservative” like Cameron say such things? Because he and his friends are too jew.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 29 Jun 2014 23:18 | #

- Troll warning: this poster, Thorn, is a troll -

Why does a “conservative” like Cameron say such things? Because he and his friends are too jew.

Wrong, idiot!

He does it because such rhetoric wins him elections.

Whites, for the most part, choose to be ethno-masochistic without any help from the outside.

Jews—but not all Jews—happily play the part of facilitating White’s ethno-masochism.

Get it right, fukwit!

- Troll warning: this poster, Thorn, is a troll -


Thorn, you had said you would check up on us in September, whereupon I said that you would not be welcome here. The only reason that I do not delete this comment is because it further indicates your obnoxious trolling pattern. Apparently you cannot resist parasitism.

Note the suicide meme being pushed




Posted by Thorn on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 00:42 | #

- Troll warning: this poster, Thorn,is a troll -

Oh, and BTW, VanSpyke, thanks for your support. 

You are correct , Sir!

- Troll warning: this poster, Thorn, is a troll -


Thorn, the only reason I did not delete this comment is because it provides indication of the kind of obnoxious trolling pattern. You had said you would “check up on us” in September. Apparently, your parasitism cannot resist.

Note the suicide meme being promoted



Posted by DanielS on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 02:26 | #

It seems evident that Jews are not only pushing the suicide meme, but they are also trying to de-emphasize their group antagonism, trying to put across the idea of only some Jews being bad (as opposed to their being a pattern we must separate from). These memes are evident as well in Luke Ford (porn industry writer and convert to Orthodox Judaism) and David Cole’s (Jewish holocaust revisionist, like Gottfried and Atzmon, an ass-kisser and stoker of German resentment now that its been bilked for all its worth) take on White Nationalism.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 13:00 | #

- Troll warning: this poster, Thorn, is a troll -

Thorn, your opinion on the matter is known - you have expressed it repeatedly now. You have stated your opinion regarding myself. I imagine that you will not see fit to repeat yourself yet again; and that you will respect the prerogative of this site to take a direction that is not to your liking; rather than continuing to troll here, you will exercise your freedom to go to a Christian and Jewish friendly, “conservative” site.

Thorn says:

Guessedworker wrote: To Thorn, yes there is change from September at MR.  That’s 9 years and 11 months since we hit the tracks.  The blog needs to be brought up to the mark in various respects, particularly with regard to a more upbeat atmosphere and more creativity.  Daniel is the right person to accomplish that.

GW, with all due respect, I would strongly advise you to reread Webster’s definitions of upbeat and creativity. I think his definitions of those two words are at great odds with what you define them as.

Just sayin’.
- You’ve “just said” that enough now.

Troll warning: the above poster, Thorn, is a troll -


Posted by Tanstaafl on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 19:53 | #

He does it because such rhetoric wins him elections.

Indeed, the anti-White/pro-jew rhetoric of politicians like Cameron does win them elections. They quite deliberately craft that rhetoric to appeal to the thoroughly judaized constituency whom possess the financial and media power they wish to serve. I.e., not Whites.

Whites, for the most part, choose to be ethno-masochistic without any help from the outside.

Jews—but not all Jews—happily play the part of facilitating White’s ethno-masochism.

If you want your trolling to be taken seriously you should try not to so blatantly contradict yourself from one sentence to the next.


Posted by CS on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 20:47 | #


Earlier I suggested that a forum be created for the “elite” of our movement only. Only the “elite” could post on this forum but anyone would be allowed to read. This I hope would create useful and productive discussion without trolls messing things up and encourage people like James Bowery to keep posting. How do you feel about this idea and would you be willing to participate?


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 20:49 | #

Whites, for the most part, choose to be ethno-masochistic without any help from the outside.

Jews—but not all Jews—happily play the part of facilitating Whites’ ethno-masochism.

If you want your trolling to be taken seriously you should try not to so blatantly contradict yourself from one sentence to the next.

Uh… those two statements do not contradict each other. Both statements standing on their own—or combined—are 100% true thus compatible. You should know that ... unless, of course, you believe Whites are so servile to jews that they are hopelessly and helplessly trapped under their influence. I for one don’t buy into that half-baked crap. All indications are you do.

As far as trolling is goes, had you not noticed DanielS has accused just about everyone on this thread of being a troll?

Tanstaafl, you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are.



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 21:11 | #

John Derbyshire On The Roots of (White) Ethnomasochism

By John Derbyshire on September 7, 2012

“Ethnomasochism” is a useful word, with obvious and wide application. It seems to be very new, though. Neither of my big dictionaries—OED with 1971 supplement, Merriam-Webster`s Third New International, 1993—carries it. (Though I noted with interest on doing the checks that the OED lists the word “Ethnomaniac,” defined to be “One who is crazy about the rights of `nationalities`,” with an 1863 usage shown.) lists neither the -ism nor the -ist. Google`s Ngram viewer shows no occurrences at all in Google`s “lots of books” database up to 2008, which is as far as the thing will go for me.

After some more heroic Googling, I turned up a reference to a 1981 paper published in a Social Science journal, title: “Cross-cultural relations: medical ethno-masochism.” If there`s a way to bring up the actual paper, I can`t figure it, so I leave that as an exercise for the reader. In any case, that is the earliest sighting I can find of the word “ethnomasochism,” hyphenated or not.

The earliest usage in a book that I am aware of is in Pat Buchanan`s 2011 Suicide of a Superpower. (Reviewed on here, here, and here.)

Scanning my own archives, I see that I first used “ethno-masochism” (thus hyphenated) in November 2009, in a column about, of all things, climate change. The earliest occurrence on seems to be from March of 2011.

Jared Taylor easily trumped us all (though not the 1981 guy) with an article titled “Jews and American Renaissance,” posted on the AmRen website in April 2006:

Whatever its origins may have been—and they are hardly exclusively Jewish—white ethnomasochism has a life and momentum of its own.

Knowing Jared, I`d guess that he found the word during his very extensive studies in social psychology. Perhaps he`ll pick up the trail for us.

Whoever first coined the word, ethnomasochism is certainly a real thing. In minor forms, it can show up in the utterances of any ethny. The early 20th-century Chinese writer Lu Xun made withering criticisms of his countrymen`s “slave mentality,” for which remarks he was himself much criticized by Chinese ethnochauvinists. The meme lived on, though: I spotted a character moaning about her people`s “slave mentality” in a 1980s Chinese novel.

Even American blacks, with what Nicholas Stix has called their characteristically “toxic levels of self-esteem” are susceptible to occasional flashes of ethnomasochism.

New York City`s West Indian Day parade last weekend was as usual marred by violence: two fatal stabbings, two shootings. Following the event, Kathy Shaidle picked up this from the Twitter logs:

black folk hate each other … and i`m black … can`t do nothing peacefully

(The city`s Mayor Michael Bloomberg, ever upbeat, exulted that, hey, this year`s death toll from the parade was lower than last year`s!)

It was among white people of the later 20th century that ethnomasochism first became a full-blown ideology, though. We whites of dissident temperament and, ahem, a certain age have followed the entire development with bafflement, alarm, and occasional amusement. It has been like watching some great transformation of a familiar landscape.

The road leading to the territory of the ethnomasochists—to the place where dwell those who despise their own people and take pleasure in seeing them harmed—begins of course in the City of Guilt. (Apologies to the shade of John Bunyan here.)

Fifty years ago that road was a mere dirt track. If, back then, you followed it through the bushes and round the swamps (not yet drained), you would meet only the occasional solitary traveler, usually some unkempt individual toting a backpack—a Susan Sontag perhaps, or a Stanley Ann Dunham; perhaps a young Martin Bernal … although the traveler was much more likely than not to be female.

Nowadays the road is a busy twelve-lane expressway, clogged with traffic: media trucks loaded down with equipment, politicians` campaign buses, coach parties of schoolchildren, college students, and academics.

Plenty of private citizens make the journey, too. They have visited the City of Guilt as tourists, and sampled all the attractions: those marvelous museums filled with dioramas of colonialism, imperialism, exploitation, and Jim Crow; the 24-hour continuous screenings of Roots and The Help; the public readings of To Kill A Mockingbird; the daily parade of self-flagellators. Thus infused with the spirit of ethnomasochism, and perhaps further inspired by a sermon at the city`s magnificent Episcopal cathedral, they set off down the highway towards loathing of their own civilization and determination to help bring about its destruction.

You might think that scholars in the social sciences would be busy inquiring into causes and origins for such a striking development.

You might, I mean, if you knew nothing about the modern Academy. Researching ethnomasochism is, I would guess, not a fast track to career advancement in American universities.

Stuff gets done, though. This video clip “Group Polarization and the Fad of Ethnomasochism” has cropped up on several Dissident-Right websites the past few days. It`s credited to Hugh MacDonald, whom YouTube lists as a 24-year-old Canadian, but who is otherwise not known to me. (And is hard to nail down by Googling, “Hugh MacDonald” being the Scottish equivalent of “John Smith.”)

The video derives ethnomasochism from group polarization, a standard and (I am reliably informed) non-controversial topic in social psychology.

At 8 minutes 33 seconds the video isn`t long, and is worth your time. First we get some voice-over exposition of the underlying theory. Then, starting at 2m35s, five hair-raising clips of ethnomasochists strutting their stuff:
•A white comedian named Louis C.K., not previously known to me, doing anti-white gags.
•A hideous white pop group named Alexisonfire singing anti-white lyrics. [2m55]
•Someone not named—white, looks like an academic—putting down European civilization on the Maoist Rebel News YouTube Channel.
•NOFX, an even worse white pop group, with a little number titled “Kill All The White Man [sic].”
•Movie comedy superstar Jim Carrey showing us why comedians should never be taken seriously.[3m35]

Then more theory on why the white ethnomasochist is the way he is. It`s conformism, basically, inflated by that “group polarization” phenomenon. From 4m17s:

Pushed by this fear of persecution [i.e. as a racist], and pulled by his desire to come across as better than average, it isn`t enough for him to stop at saying, “It`s bad to hurt other peoples.” He has to one-up his peers and say, “Not only do I believe in treating people equally, I actually really like other peoples. I don`t just really like other peoples, I prefer other peoples. I don`t just prefer other peoples, I hate my own people. My people are a bad people. See? That`s how far from racist I am! Not only do I not dislike others, I actually hate my own people! That`s just how much of a great person I am. See how un-racist I am? I`m not just good; I go above and beyond. I`m outstanding!

I can`t vouch for the robustness of the theory here, but I`m glad to know someone`s taking ethnomasochism seriously.

And just having a name for something can do wonders all by itself. First diagnosis, then prescription.

If we can get the word “ethnomasochism” out into general circulation, we might be able to put some coloring of shame on it.

Then ordinary citizens—possibly even ones as dimwitted as Jim Carrey—might reflect on something they just said as: “Hey, was I being ethnomasochistic there? Ouch!”


Posted by CS on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 21:43 | #


I sort of agree with you, but in a healthy white society which we hope to create, white comedians who start telling anti-white jokes would get the shit beaten out of them (physically) and then be deported (exiled) which would quickly solve that problem. There are definitely self loathing white people who don’t need jews to be the way they are. We need to separate from them just as much as we need to separate from jews and non-whites.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 23:49 | #

How do you feel about this idea and would you be willing to participate?

Ambivalent and no.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Mon, 30 Jun 2014 23:55 | #

John Derbyshire and The Suicide Thing. “Ethnomasochism” doesn’t fit what’s happening any better than “suicide” does. This is the kind of superficial pap that’s produced by people who are deliberately ignoring the jewish elephant in the room.

“The Jewish Question” - Jared Taylor Vs. Brit - When confronted about jewish hostility Taylor admits there “is no question” of “jewish duplicity on the question of race”. Then he proceeds to undermine the credibility of himself and the superficial race-realism he espouses by saying he thinks one can’t afford to be a “crank” on more than one subject at a time - as if the jews and race are two distinct and unrelated subjects.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Jul 2014 00:30 | #


Me thinks you fell prey to confirmation bias,



Posted by DanielS on Tue, 01 Jul 2014 04:47 | #

Posted by CS on June 30, 2014, 03:47 PM | #


Earlier I suggested that a forum be created for the “elite” of our movement only. Only the “elite” could post on this forum but anyone would be allowed to read.

CS, your opinions as to how to govern Majority Rights are not welcome. We’ve established that you have a trolling agenda here.

Posted by Thorn on June 30, 2014, 03:49 PM | # 31

As far as trolling is goes, had you not noticed DanielS has accused just about everyone on this thread of being a troll?

I have not accused, rather we have established those who are trolls on this thread. What is a troll? A troll is a commentator whose remarks and agendas fall outside the editorial parameters of a site and who insists on commenting despite the fact that they are not welcome at the site: they post anyway, perhaps in order to divert attention from that set agenda within those editorial parameters; create informational traffic and noise; provoke and disrupt positive apprehension of that agenda, while attempting to promote theirs, etc.

Posted by Thorn on June 30, 2014, 04:11 PM | #

John Derbyshire On The Roots of (White) Ethnomasochism

We are well aware of John Derbeyshire’s Jewish friendly agenda and only have more proof (which we didn’t need) of yours with this endorsement of his views. If you like Derbeyshire, go to Takismag.

Posted by Thorn on June 30, 2014, 03:49 PM | # 31

“Tanstaafl, you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are.”

Tanstaafl is clearly intelligent. I was a bit hard on him, overly critical of him early on in this thread in order to establish critical distance and demonstrate that we are not pandering to him.

E.g., I said he is not particularly original when, in fact, he is original enough. His work on Jewish crypsis and to establish the group classification between individual and universal for Whites - quite on target.  His discussion of the genetic grounds of European peoples were also MR relevant.

He is welcome to Majority Rights at any time; it probably would be good to run some pieces of his as main features at times.



Posted by CS on Tue, 01 Jul 2014 12:06 | #

Daniel S,

I’ll try to post as little as possible from now on.


Keep up the good work. You have done an excellent job.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 01 Jul 2014 20:55 | #

You might think that scholars in the social sciences would be busy inquiring into causes and origins for such a striking development.

It must be for the pursuit of pleasure, for the man whose name gave rise to the term, apparently, received great pleasure from his desire to be dominated by the fairer sex and his great longing to emancipate women and the Jews of Saxony.

It’s unlikely ethno-maschism can exist. How does a group derive pleasure from individual debasement?


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 02 Jul 2014 10:08 | #

. Troll Warning: This Post is by the Troll, Thorn

“For those unfamiliar with American politicians, two of those in the following video are Republicans. John Boehner (Speaker of the House of Representatives) and Mitch McConnell (Minority leader of the Senate). The rest are DemocRAT vermin.

Painful…[Ethnomasochistic] GOP And Dem Leaders Hold Hands and Sing

. Troll Warning: This Post is by the Troll, Thorn, who wants to continue to push the suicide meme of “ethnomasochism” over and against Desmond Jones and Tanstaafl


Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Wed, 02 Jul 2014 21:17 | #

Posted by DanielS on June 30, 2014, 11:47 PM | #

Posted by Thorn on June 30, 2014, 03:49 PM | # 31

“Tanstaafl, you’re not nearly as smart as you think you are.”

Tanstaafl is clearly intelligent. I was a bit hard on him, overly critical of him early on in this thread in order to establish critical distance and demonstrate that we are not pandering to him.

E.g., I said he is not particularly original when, in fact, he is original enough. His work on Jewish crypsis and to establish the group classification between individual and universal for Whites - quite on target.  His discussion of the genetic grounds of European peoples were also MR relevant.

He is welcome to Majority Rights at any time; it probably would be good to run some pieces of his as main features at times.

This confirms that Tanstaafl requested of Daniel S. to back off when DS left a long, detailed comment at Tanstaafl’s blog here in May. When I saw and read it (lol) I knew Tsfl would feel “violated” by it but felt forced to post it. In it, DanielS makes clear his sense of a close, personal sharing with Tsfl in relation to me, if just in the fact of taking his complaints and defenses about what I said to Tsfl’s blog. Which further confirms that I was right about Dan and Tan’s relationship as I pointed it out in the radio program that Daniel is commenting on:

DanielS is so transparent and so compulsively vocal that he always gives the plot away.

Thorn is right that Tanstaafl is not as smart as he thinks he is. Tsfl also cares more about fame and name-recognition than he lets on ... but that conflicts with his equal concern about privacy. An arduous balancing act.



Posted by DanielS on Wed, 02 Jul 2014 22:49 | #

Carolyn, you flatter us with your concern and amuse me with a theory that I have had close ties with Tan, plotting with him against you, trying to influence him, secretly trying to turn people against you, whatever.

I never spoke with him prior to hearing his show in which he announced his parting with the White Network.

I wasn’t about to interfere with him so long as he found your world view (which I disagree with) amenable.

The most basic reasons he cited for parting with you corresponded with the reasons why I would go in a direction other than yours myself. That is, as he clearly saw fit to advocate all European peoples, Tan’s direction corresponded quite well with the view and direction that I take, as opposed to taking the side of some in subjugating opposition to others, as Hitler did. Liking Tan’s work besides his collaboration with yours, yes, of course I sought to contact him when he parted ways with you. Like a lot of people, I see his particular efforts as otherwise very well placed. Yes, he is quite welcome here.

I am sorry that you are inclined to promote a divisive and antagonistic view between Europeans - to me, clearly that is the wrong way to go; but I don’t see myself being able to change you. Nevertheless, I believe we have better things to do here than to gossip about you. More, you are speaking to an entirely different niche. As for our niche, while it is not one taking an approving and uncritical view of Hitler and Nazism, following our natural concerns here, the topic should become less frequent as we move on to matters which we hold to be more relevant.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:27 | #

. Warning: This poster, Thorn, is a troll .

Tanstaafl is mono-causal narrow minded klutz.  He thinks jews are only cause as to why whites are on the road to extinction.  Because he believes so, he singlehandedly defines himself as a dim witted non entity. Period.

. Warning. This poster, Thorn, is a troll .


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 00:58 | #

. Warning: This poster, Thorn, is a troll .

Maybe I’m too harsh wrt Tan, but I’m sick and tired of White Nationalists giving our enemies easy fodder to defeat us with.

. Warning: This poster, Thorn, is a troll .


Posted by Tanstaafl on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 01:16 | #

I involved myself with a gossipy mind-reading egomaniac who has since turned into a stalker whose primary beef is that I didn’t give her more than I did.

How smart can I be?


Posted by wobbly on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 04:59 | #

He thinks jews are only cause as to why whites are on the road to extinction.

They are the primary cause - obviously.

Even if they weren’t it would still be the case that a culture which involves hiding all their sins against others while constantly dwelling on other’s sins against them creates group sociopathy and this is separately dangerous to everyone.

(nb all groups do this to an extent, it’s the scale that is unusual)



Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 06:27 | #

I involved myself with a gossipy mind-reading egomaniac who has since turned into a stalker whose primary beef is that I didn’t give her more than I did.

How smart can I be?

*  *
Not very. I love your idea that you gave me so much. The real issue is that I had two years of my life involved into The White Network and you, on your own, decided to shut it down because YOU didn’t want to do it anymore, and YOU didn’t want to leave it in my hands. That’s all there is to it—all the talk about “betraying what we agreed upon in the beginning” is nothing but after the fact justification. But I didn’t post here in order to stalk you or to complain. I have no interest in that. I don’t need to be a mind-reader, either, to put two and two together, and when I read DanielS, who is certainly the greater fool on this website, saying that he needed to “criticize you in order to establish critical distance” between the two of you so as not to appear to be pandering to you ... well, one comes up with the question, Why? Why is this necessary with Tanstaafl in particular? I do know you well enough to know how you would relate to DanielS exhibiting a sense of propriety toward you.

And as for stalking, I know you want to be able to walk away free and clear, and not be troubled by any of your past “mistakes”, but mistakes have a way of continuing to trouble, don’t they? You can’t just wash your hands of your own cowardly/insincere/dishonest behavior.

Thorn, whoever he is, is quite right that you are basically a non-entity and that is quickly being demonstrated on your new blog with your new offerings. MR is going nowhere too—neither one through any fault of mine. Just think, has a far better Alexa ranking all the way around than either of your sites, and you’ve both been online longer than I have. Maybe you are missing something. If the so-called trolls stopped commenting here, the entire site would go silent for lack of anything of interest whatsoever.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 07:03 | #

Carolyn says:

“I don’t need to be a mind-reader, either, to put two and two together, and when I read DanielS, who is certainly the greater fool on this website, saying that he needed to “criticize you in order to establish critical distance” between the two of you so as not to appear to be pandering to you ... well, one comes up with the question, Why? Why is this necessary with Tanstaafl in particular? I do know you well enough to know how you would relate to DanielS exhibiting a sense of propriety toward you.”

The truth is that I was a bit defensive when it appeared that Tan would pursue his own direction and not ally himself with Majority Rights. Thus, I wanted to underscore that we could and would proceed without him. However, I was a bit rude, pointed and harsh in my criticisms of a good guy, a very intelligent man, doing excellent work for our cause. Thus, I was a bit embarrassed. Nevertheless, I wanted to let my statements stand, uncorrected for a while, to make it clear that MajorityRights will not be obsequious, but will pursue its direction.

“Thorn, whoever he is, is quite right that you are basically a non-entity and that is quickly being demonstrated on your new blog with your new offerings. MR is going nowhere too—neither one through any fault of mine. Just think, has a far better Alexa ranking all the way around than either of your sites, and you’ve both been online longer than I have. Maybe you are missing something. If the so-called trolls stopped commenting here, the entire site would go silent for lack of anything of interest whatsoever.”

You cite Thorn as a worthwhile source of information and you call me a fool?

Your Alexa rankings mean nothing to me as you are pandering/giving a bum steer to a different audience than our target at Majority Rights (we will be speaking instead to intelligent people and those of good will).

Regarding the trolls, you’ve got it backwards. They have interfered with the quality, if not volume of commentators and visitors to the site.

We have begun the process of weeding them out and clarifying MR’s direction, what we are not/what we are - emphasizing theoretical excellence in advocacy of native European peoples as a genus and as species of discreet kinds. We do not pursue popularity for the sake of popularity as that would mean pandering to audiences or giving them bum steers away from the truth and accuracy of our pursuits.

Thank you for your concern for Majority Rights well being. Now I hope that you will mind your own business.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 11:44 | #

. Warning: This poster, Thorn, is a troll .

They are the primary cause - obviously.

As I ‘ve said before, they, the jews are facilitators of white ethnomasocism.

Of course ethno-masochism is a significant contributing factor causing our dispossession but not the sole factor.

A prime example of jews facilitating whites dispossession is Barbara Spector’s work in Sweden. But let’s be clear; it was the non-Jewish Swedish elites that decided to turn homogeneous Sweden into a multi-cultural multi-racial member of the EU. REPEAT: It was the Swedish elites that deliberately set out to destroy Sweden as a homogeneous nation-state. Barbara Spector didn’t just barge into Sweden on her own; she was invited in and paid good money by the Swedish elites/government to brainwash the native Swedes into accepting/embracing/enforcing the transition from a homogenous nation-state to a multi-racial multicultural one.

What’s happening in Sweden is part an parcel of the EU’s overarching plan to transform a continent made up of sovereign nation-states into a regional trading block consisting of a population devoid of any particular ethnic or cultural identity.

The EU started out as an endeavor to promote high moral principles and ideas, but in practice it is resulting in the stealth/soft genocide of the native population of each and every EU member state.

History of the European Union

The European Union is a geo-political entity covering a large portion of the European continent. It is founded upon numerous treaties and has undergone expansions that have taken it from 6 member states to 28, a majority of states in Europe.

As distinct from ideas of federation, confederation or customs union the main development in Europe depends on a supranational foundation to make war unthinkable and materially impossible[1][2] and reinforce democracy[3] enunciated by Robert Schuman and other leaders in the Europe Declaration. The principle was at the heart of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) in the Treaty of Paris (1951), following the “Schuman Declaration” and the later the Treaties of Rome establishing the European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (EAEC). Both the ECSC and EEC were later incorporated into the European Union while the EAEC maintains a distinct legal identity despite sharing members and institutions




I only wish it was just the jews causing our demise. If that was the case, it would be so easy to solve. Unfortunately the facts prove the problem we face is SO much more complicated and wide ranging than the mono-causal cultists would have us believe.

. Warning: The above comments were by the troll, Thorn .

The Judeophilic Richard-Coudenhove-Kalergi is the godfather of the EU.

Majority Rights is not a monocausal site, though it recognizes that jews are both a huge influence and (especially unlike you) that they are not a part of our interest group.

nor is this a site where you will be able to troll much longer.

Thorn, I will politely ask you again to take your act elsewhere.

. Warning: The poster, Thorn, is a troll .


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 14:03 | #

The Judeophilic Richard-Coudenhove-Kalergi is the godfather of the EU.

Majority Rights is not a monocausal site, though it recognizes that they are both a huge influence and (especially unlike you) that they are not a part of our interest group.

nor is this a site where you will be able to troll much longer.

Thorn, I will politely ask you again to take your act elsewhere.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 14:23 | #

Deleted. Assuming editorial prerogative


Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 15:53 | #

The truth is that I was a bit defensive when it appeared that Tan would pursue his own direction and not ally himself with Majority Rights. Thus, I wanted to underscore that we could and would proceed without him. However, I was a bit rude, pointed and harsh in my criticisms of a good guy, a very intelligent man, doing excellent work for our cause. Thus, I was a bit embarrassed. Nevertheless, I wanted to let my statements stand, uncorrected for a while, to make it clear that MajorityRights will not be obsequious, but will pursue its direction.

DanielS, thanks for trickling out more information about your desire to have Tsfl ally with MR. It’s what I thought and I’m not surprised he eventually declined. I don’t believe everything you say, but you’ve said enough to satisfy me.

As to my Alexa rankings, what they show is very plain: that more people come to my site as come to yours, and Age-of-Treason has very, very few visitors. I don’t “pander,” nor do I give “bum steers,” but that is what someone in your position will say. I am quite principled and I know exactly what are the differences between you and I.

When you get rid of your “trolls,” I really don’t know what you will have to say. Defending yourself/arguing with others is a lot easier than putting forth a program that will make any kind of difference in the real world at all. So far, you never have.  As far as I can tell now, this site is a poster child for what doesn’t work, not for what does. I will be watching with interest how things develop here. That gives you one more reader that you didn’t have before.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 16:10 | #

DanielS, thanks for trickling out more information about your desire to have Tsfl ally with MR. It’s what I thought and I’m not surprised he eventually declined.

He didn’t decline. He is participating as you and everyone else can plainly see.

“I don’t believe everything you say, but you’ve said enough to satisfy me.”

I don’t care what you think, Carolyn, or if you are satisfied. You have not been honest with/about me.

As to my Alexa rankings, what they show is very plain: that more people come to my site as come to yours, and Age-of-Treason has very, very few visitors.

Again, I don’t care. We have not set our project in motion yet, and it is not your problem nor your concern.

I don’t “pander,” nor do I give “bum steers,”

Yes, you do.

but that is what someone in your position will say. I am quite principled and I know exactly what are the differences between you and I.

You might be principled, but they are the wrong principles.

When you get rid of your “trolls,” I really don’t know what you will have to say.

What do you care?

Defending yourself/arguing with others is a lot easier than putting forth a program that will make any kind of difference in the real world at all.

We’ll see. In the meantime, I am glad that you are there so that we can direct the Hitler people your way or to other Hitler sites to their liking.

So far, you never have.

You wouldn’t know and wouldn’t say if you did.

As far as I can tell now, this site is a poster child for what doesn’t work, not for what does.

Lets let that be our problem/concern, dear. Why don’t you just be happy that your site “works” and not worry about us?

I will be watching with interest how things develop here. That gives you one more reader that you didn’t have before.

I would prefer that you mind your own business. We will get on without your advice.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 17:58 | #

Cryolyn writes:

The real issue is that I had two years of my life involved into The White Network and you, on your own, decided to shut it down because YOU didn’t want to do it anymore, and YOU didn’t want to leave it in my hands. That’s all there is to it—all the talk about “betraying what we agreed upon in the beginning” is nothing but after the fact justification.

I know. In your mind it’s all about you, nothing more. Your overweening sense of self-worth and self-entitlement - that’s all there is to you. If I’m such a non-entity who did zip, why so angry? If you loved tWn so much and locking you out of it was a crime, why did you try to ERASE the whole thing?

You are angry because I took away your free ride, the recording and broadcasting platform I built. You are vindictive because I explained why. You were attacking White nationalism and Whites from “the White network”. How stupid was that? Of course it made me angry. I know it doesn’t matter to you, but I spent two years of my life on tWn. Unlike you I made it the home for a large portion of my work. That’s why I locked you out. That’s why you were so quick to try and delete it. And since that failed you have floated one story after another trying to explain this all away.

Like your new friend Thorn here, you despise White nationalism. Let’s ask Leonard Zeskind what he thinks, right? This idea that I was somehow duty bound to leave my platform in your hands so you could do whatever you wanted is how YOU try to justify YOUR misdeeds. You try to bury the truth by literally making shit up (He’s a liar! He’s a thief! He’s a jew! He’s an egomaniac just like me!), producing hours and hours of gossipy soap opera melodrama based on paranoid speculations, starring you as the hapless victim.

Alexa ranks? Good grief.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 18:07 | #

Thorn writes:

But let’s be clear; it was the non-Jewish Swedish elites that decided to turn homogeneous Sweden into a multi-cultural multi-racial member of the EU. REPEAT: It was the Swedish elites that deliberately set out to destroy Sweden as a homogeneous nation-state.

How and why Sweden became multicultural « Destroy Zionism!
The Jewish origins of multiculturalism in Sweden | The Occidental Observer

“Monocausalism” is a projection, a telling accusation from single-minded people who time and time again insist on blaming Whites for what jews do. Thorn is a great example.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 19:37 | #

Tan, for whatever negative characteristics you may see in Carolyn’s personality, the episode of Hitler’s Table Talk, which Carolyn approved of, was fully sufficient reason to part ways. The rest is trivia. In fact, I didn’t see the need to listen to anymore of Table Talk after that.

I remember listening to the episode and thinking to myself, “that’s it, Hitler advocacy is finished for any decent person.” Sure enough, you announced that you were ending your partnership with the White Network after that.

It was the right thing to do.

As I recall, Hitler’s attitude and intent toward Ukrainians and Ukraine was shown horrible in that episode.

I am not Ukrainian, Poles have had the bitterest of mutual violence with Ukrainians but I still would not countenance anything like such a position with regard to them and their nation.

Carolyn, on the other hand, has said that the Ukrainians are like the N words, sitting on rich lands and unworthy, unable to do anything with it.

No, Hitler and Carolyn are not White Nationalists, and if you are a White Nationalist, that is good enough reason to part ways.

Regarding “Monocausalism” as I see it, what we mean by that is that there is more than one antagonist and problem that Europeans are up against. Yes, I agree with you that Jews are second to none, and that our survey must come back to them most frequently, but we must not let our survey get fixated only on them to where we are not dealing with other relevant antagonists as need be and the attendance of our own needs, interests and (problems) of reconstruction, as need be.


Posted by wobbly on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 20:05 | #


As I ‘ve said before, they, the jews are facilitators of white ethnomasocism.

I’m not going to spend a lot of time arguing about this as after Syria there is no honest excuse apart from a normal person’s sheer inability to grasp the scale of betrayal possible for a group who have perfected group sociopathy.

At the time of the “chemical attack” in Syria there was a concerted attempt by Jews all over the world to bounce the west into another war. For a brief moment they were completely exposed as a tribe as they stepped forward as one to call for war but nobody else budged an inch. It didn’t last long but anyone on our side who didn’t see it must have a blind spot.

Anyway, even though it’s critical to understand the “why” in itself that doesn’t get you very far. As far as strategy goes the most important part is the “how” and yes in that regard media and academia manipulation of white people’s guilt based psychology is part of “how” they’re achieving their goal.

Which leads to the conclusion that morality and guilt based psychology are weapons we need to use also.

Use Jews as a Barium meal.



Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 21:40 | #

To Tan,

We’ve been through all this before and I’m not interested in repeating myself over and over again. But here is something you said that is new:

Unlike you I made it the home for a large portion of my work. That’s why I locked you out.

So, the reason you felt justified in locking me out of my own website and network is your well-known and very real PARANOIA! It usually comes down to what we already know about a person, nothing unusual. For you to believe that I would come and trash the site (how?) and destroy ‘your work’ in some wild rampage of anger after you did that program insulting me and saying you were “finished” with me ... that is, of course, your normal paranoid thinking. However, had I ever reacted in such a way in the past? I was just sitting there stunned and trying to take it in. But I wasn’t angry until I read the “Blog” you immediately posted titled “The End.” This was your response to your fear that I would harm the site and/or your work, but this was the only thing that made me angry enough to search for what I could do about it. If you had not done that blog post saying “There will be no more programs, posts or comments originating at this site,” I would have just waited to see what came next. Your disagreeing with me, even with such finality, I could handle. But the next step you took, which you admitted was based on your paranoid thinking, I could not accept. Remember, you had also deleted my skype contact with you at the same time. When I saw that, it told me a lot about finality.

So we see that you instigated the very results you feared. I saw my only equally strong response to your shutdown action, was to shut down the server. I wanted to do that before you figured out how to take that away from me too.

For you to say: That’s why you were so quick to try and delete it is incorrect and I’ve always said so. I wasn’t trying to delete anything in particular, I was trying to meet force with force. Yes, I was able to make the decision because I knew you had to have a back-up, so I was not taking an irreparable step.  But this would prevent you, as I saw it, from perhaps succeeding in taking the server away from me. I also discovered the next morning that I had to secure the domain name too, which I did. I simply did what I could do in a kind of part retaliation/part defense against what you had done to me. It had nothing to do with trying to “destroy” your blog post and radio show, which is ridiculous of you to say so. You had already downloaded your program and posted the program post and blog post at your age of treason site.

Bottom line is that mental issues have serious consequences and Paranoia to the degree you have it is not mental health.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:07 | #

Daniel, just to make it clear, my problem wasn’t with Hitler or national socialism. My problem was with Carolyn’s hostility toward White nationalism. She knew all along that the only reason I worked with her on “the White network” was because I thought it was about promoting the interests of Whites generally. What I didn’t realize until the end was that whereas I see NS as a specific form of WN, much like Germans are a specific form of White, she sees these two things as distinct and at odds. I still don’t know whether she realized this all along and just hoped to eventually either cow me or elbow me out. Her behavior since - venting her Machiavellian suspicions and bitter complaints that the not-so-smart non-entity didn’t just leave her the keys - certainly does make me wonder.


Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:32 | #

One more time: Tan wrote

This idea that I was somehow duty bound to leave my platform in your hands so you could do whatever you wanted is how YOU try to justify YOUR misdeeds.

You do lie. I never said you should have left your friggin’ precious “platform” in my hands. That was never my idea. I only said that you had repeated several times during the 2 years that that was what you would do if for some reason you left. But I wouldn’t even want it as I wouldn’t know how to keep it running.

However, you should have left the website and the content. We could have worked it out in some fashion and you know it. The reason you rejected that solution outright is that you needed to have total control of The White Network ‘brand.’ You associated it with yourself, more than with me, and you intended to protect it from me. Your answer to that thorny problem was to shut it down into an archive, with you in control, keeping it as a pristine memorial to what you were most proud of in your entire online existence. You didn’t want a radio network; you wanted a shrine. And I realized that real fast.

Speaking of pride, I just love this:

Alexa ranks? Good grief.

Spoken by someone with a global Alexa rank of 2,439,886 who is only followed by a very small group of Brits (probably from MR). But I recall, and I’m sure you do too, when TWN got close to 200,000 rank and you said you were very happy and excited about it. And you were. It’s obvious now that that excellent ranking was due to me and my “work” and not to you and your “work,” since I have now attained that, and better, and you haven’t. But whatever ... I’m not here to boast, but only to point out the facts.


Posted by Carolyn Yeager on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 22:50 | #

My last post I hope, but I have to make just one comment on this latest statement by Tsfl:

Daniel, just to make it clear, my problem wasn’t with Hitler or national socialism. My problem was with Carolyn’s hostility toward White nationalism. She knew all along that the only reason I worked with her on “the White network” was because I thought it was about promoting the interests of Whites generally. What I didn’t realize until the end was that whereas I see NS as a specific form of WN, much like Germans are a specific form of White, she sees these two things as distinct and at odds. I still don’t know whether she realized this all along and just hoped to eventually either cow me or elbow me out. Her behavior since - venting her Machiavellian suspicions and bitter complaints that the not-so-smart non-entity didn’t just leave her the keys - certainly does make me wonder.

Tsfl doesn’t have any idea what I think, or what I see. He just makes it up as he goes along, now projecting “her Machiavellian suspicions” from himself and assigning them to me. It all really doesn’t matter at this point, and with a jew you’re never going to get honesty—they are always slipping and sliding around. The only thing that counts is if anything good comes of a person’s work. Doing a 30-min radio podcast per week and writing a single blog post that is nothing more than a tiny amount of commentary about someone else’s writing is not what I would call producing serious “work” anyway. So much for the non-entity, lol. Sorry I can’t be more respectful.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 03 Jul 2014 23:13 | #

Note: Thorn is a troll


As I’ve said from the get-go on this thread, jews are invariably right there at the cutting edge of ideologies that promote far left causes.

the blossom wants you to see Jews on the left

That is obvious. But I contend the dynamics causing race-replacement of Whites in virtually all White homelands fits into a much larger framework of reasons than just jewish influence.

and the blossom wants the suicide meme as the large framework

For example: The article Tanstaafle linked to (which I read when it was published last year) cites one loudmouth jew ,David Schwarz, as the main force bending the will of the Swedish elites into capitulating to his demands.

Get that, one of Thorn’s Jewish brethren has not been discreet enough; and what a putz tanstaafl is, oy!

“I say that reason is tenuous at best and absurd on its face. The fact is the Swedish elites were going to adopt the multi-cult agenda on their own accord—loudmouthed jew notwithstanding.”

self hating Jew, oy vay!

As far as Syria goes, I was not aware it was exclusively jews pushing us into that war. All the reports I’ve read indicate it was the Military Industrial Complex pushing us into war. Moreover I recall the push was spearheaded by Senators Lindsey Graham, and John McCain; concomitantly their push for war was protested by Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu ...

peace loving Israel, would never instigate war - just listen to Benny (and applaud 19 times standing)

citing it would further destabilize the region thus provide yet another breeding ground for Islamic jihadists. Does that sound like something that is good for Israel and jews? Of course not.

what is good for Jews? Thornblossom, tell us please

A large segment of those that identify as jews are indeed at war with Euro-Christians; that is not in dispute. But a large number of radical Irish libtards are ethnomasochistic to the extreme. Peggy McIntosh, the chief architect of “white skin privilege” being one noted example. Are we to assume all Irish liberals are race-trading lunatics based on the large number of Irish that support radical liberal causes? To ask the question is to answer it.

Thorn wouldn’t try to relativize Jewish misdeeds in a multicultural mix, would he?

Here’s popular saying that has been circulating: 

The only thing more nauseating than a liberal jew is a liberal Irishman. There’s allot of truth there.

Thorn knows a good Jew and a bad Jew


On a related topic:

]The history of the European Union

The Founding Fathers of the EU

Don’t know how many were jews (if any) but I’m assuming the vast majority of them are not.
Note: Thorn is a troll

At least it has become more clear with this post that his concern is with Jews, otherwise I would have deleted it


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 04 Jul 2014 00:46 | #

Tan says:

“Daniel, just to make it clear, my problem wasn’t with Hitler or national socialism. My problem was with Carolyn’s hostility toward White nationalism.”

She was only being faithful to Hitler’s version of “National Socialism”, Tan. That logical adherence forced you to recognize that it is at odds with White Nationalism.

You may not have wanted to realize where Hitler and co. were coming from any more than you wanted to realize where Carolyn was coming from, but its true.

“I see NS as a specific form of WN, much like Germans are a specific form of White, she sees these two things as distinct and at odds.”

Of course there is nothing wrong with liking and defending Germans or German nationalism; on the contrary, that is highly appropriate and correct; there is also nothing wrong with aspects of National Socialism; but she is seeing things accurately - that Hitler’s brand of it ARE distinct and at odds with White Nationalism, which, by contrast, generally advocates for nations comprised of native European peoples to get along.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Fri, 04 Jul 2014 00:52 | #

Well Cryolyn, the problem is that tWn wasn’t your website. You just keep coughing up new ways to avoid facing this one old fact. It’s how you justify absconding with the donations, and directing the web traffic (and Alexa ranking) to your personal site. But “lol”, right?

I most definitely fucked up. I misunderstood you. I underestimated your vindictiveness. I did not expect you to delete the site. Then when you did, as fast as you could, I remember how pleased you were to find out that I wasn’t sure my backups were good. My regret is in not being “paranoid” enough to avoid working with you at all. At any rate, I am finished with you now, and very glad of it.


Posted by wobbly on Fri, 04 Jul 2014 02:45 | #


What is the actual mechanism driving the stealth genocide of white people?

Mass blue collar immigration is disproportionately male and concentrated in certain areas.

This leads to violence over access to young females and because the immigrants are disproportionately young males this means - except right at the beginning - the immigrants are the majority of the young males.

This is why for the last sixty years the vast majority of victims of immigration related violence have been white.

(This process doesn’t even require that group A is bad or group B is bad. It is simply the result of the dynamics of mass blue collar immigration combined with standard reproductive ape sub-routines.)

The result of this violence is white flight to an ever-decreasing living space that eventually extrapolates to genocide.

So even if there is no conscious attempt to engineer the global genocide of white people. The act of suppressing the truth in the media *is* engineering the genocide of white people.



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 04 Jul 2014 12:09 | #

. Note: this poster, Thorn, is a troll .


This is my response to your comment @ 355. It isn’t necessarily disagreement or agreement with your take.

In a nutshell.

The mechanism driving stealth genocide is a result of pro-growth economic model of which necessitates an ever increasing consumer base. In order for that model to succeed, immigration is required to make up for the less than replacement fertility rate of the native population.


The ruling classes behind it all don’t give a flying fig if such a economic growth model results in the eventual dispossession or even genocide of the native white populations—all they care about is accruing power and wealth then maintaining it. It’s important to understand the ruling classes have a vastly different set of values than we do. They are practically devoid of racial loyalty.
Conversely, we are first and foremost racialists/ethno-nationalists; we value the perpetuation of our gene pool as our most pressing and noble cause. The ruling classes—or those aspiring to become part of the ruling class—are in essence greedy materialists focused in on their materialistic and power hungry goals. Moreover, most of them are malignant narcissists, sociopathic, and most of all relentless and ruthless.

As far as there being a conscious attempt to engineer a global genocide of white people, a good case has been made that organized jewry of the far leftist bent (those authoring the propaganda from the Government Media Complex), along with all their unwitting—and willful—tools are actively doing just that . Their method takes on more of a subtle and psychological form of warfare that’s leading to white genocide (we already know the particulars regarding the lies. distortions, and intellectual con-jobs involved).

Whereas those that are advancing the pro-growth/pro-immigration model (that being the Government/International Corporation alliance) is an in-your-face hands-on direct method. It is the latter that wields the vast majority of power vis-à-vis causing white dispossession/genocide.

. Note: this poster Thorn, is a troll. In this case he is assimilating MR’s position, viz. that elite Jewish interests and capitalist interests are both significant causes of White race replacement policies; but he wishes to emphasize that Jews are not nearly as much to blame, where at all. Assimilating this allows him a foothold by which to infiltrate and continue his trolling subversion .


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 04 Jul 2014 17:37 | #

The historical record is crystal clear. WN is white ethnic aggression, led organised and financed by organised Jewry, with the intent of destroying the right of founding Americans to freely associate and discriminate. Clearly Poles, Italians, Greeks, Jews etc. viewed America as lebensraum and were willing to commit ethnic aggression against the founding Americans to further their ‘ethnic genetic interests’.

Spengler assumed such plasticity of human nature that he greatly underestimated and almost ignored the biological differences between human beings. Spengler was deceived by the pseudo-scientific data forged or distorted by the school of Franz Boas

and so was Yockey. Why? Such denial supports WN.

And if the elites are the perpetual enemy of American racial consciousness how does Thorn explain the efforts of Madison Grant and his fellow immigration obstructionists?


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 04 Jul 2014 19:00 | #

That’s a pretty weird take on things, Desmond, and clearly inaccurate. How did Poles, Italians and Greeks view America as lebensraum? Hostile narratives regarding the White establishment and a will to its overthrow hasn’t been their cultural thrust. Nor are they a part of Jewish ethnocentrism. Combined together, they do not have as many people as the Irish in America. pro-“White” movements in America have generally been repellent to them by being either anti-Catholic, pro Nazi or pro northern European. In fact, that kind of thing is all that kept me from pro White activism in America for a long time. I would have loved to have whole heartedly joined forces with other Whites there. Particularly the Nazi stuff had me shy away. I doubt that I am alone. Lebensraum? WN as a Jewish financed plot? I don’t think so. But lets go with European nationalisms if that makes you more comfortable.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Fri, 04 Jul 2014 22:28 | #

Regards to you on this Fourth of July Desmond.

The historical record is crystal clear. WN is ... led organised and financed by organised Jewry

This thesis sounds similar to what Cryolyn liked so much about The European Knights Project. All they provided was bald assertions. I know you usually do better.

For example, could you provide the names of a few “WN” individuals or organizations that are (or were) “led organised and financed by organised Jewry”? Thanks.

From what I’ve read Yockey is probably better described as a European philosopher, spiritualist, or maybe even internationalist. His thoughts have inspired some White nationalists, but then so have the thoughts of Madison Grant and Adolf Hitler.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 05 Jul 2014 00:03 | #

. Note: Thorn is a troll .

And if the elites are the perpetual enemy of American racial consciousness how does Thorn explain the efforts of Madison Grant and his fellow immigration obstructionists?

Madison Grant is irrelevant to what’s happening today. We need to concern ourselves with contemporary elites.

Grant probably does have impact today. ... and note Thorn presumes that he is speaking for “We” ?

The historical record is crystal clear. WN is white ethnic aggression, led organised and financed by organised Jewry, with the intent of destroying the right of founding Americans to freely associate and discriminate.

Most appearances of WN do in fact lead any rational person to believe organized jewry is financing it. Not naming any names, (they know who they are) one not look any further than the extremist views right here on this thread that lends credibility to your assertion, Desmond.

Without WN extremists, where would the SPLC be?


. Note: Thorn is a troll.

In agreeing with this absurd conspiracy theory, he gives himself away once again.




Posted by Lurker on Sat, 05 Jul 2014 00:58 | #

Can I have some jewish funding please, it would come in handy right now.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 05 Jul 2014 01:15 | #

. Note: Thorn is a troll .

Posted by Lurker on July 04, 2014, 07:58 PM | #

Can I have some jewish funding please, it would come in handy right now.

I’ve been getting 10 Grand USD per week from ZOG for the last three years.

Where have you been, Lurker?

If you want to sign up for the largesse, hook up with Tan or Danny.
. Note: Thorn is a troll.



Posted by Tanstaafl on Sun, 06 Jul 2014 16:48 | #

Cameron: Too White = Bad, Too Jew = Good

The genocide is “stealthy” only in the sick sense that the judaized regime quite openly brags about and celebrates what they’re doing.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 07 Jul 2014 02:01 | #

Note: This poster, Thorn, is a troll

English electorate = too complacent.

Note: This poster, Thorn, is a troll

Thorn = promotion of the suicide meme


Posted by Tanstaafl on Mon, 07 Jul 2014 18:27 | #

Nothing Desmond?


Posted by VanSpyke on Tue, 08 Jul 2014 14:37 | #

To whom it may concern,

Initially I became aware of this website via American Renaissance’s list of links.

Unfortunately what I found is a site whose management has run amok. It attempts to label rational commenters as trolls whist elevating the truly irrational to a position of editor.

Because of that, I alerted Jared Taylor as to the turn for the worse has taken and advised him to sever ties with this site. I feared any affiliation with the blatant extremism and pseudo intellectualism disguised as critical inquiry was not in keeping with Amren’s high standards.

The wise Mr. Taylor agreed and removed Majority Rights from his list of links.

It’s a small insignificant action; however, respectable sites such as Amren can’t afford to be affiliated with the extremists and pseudo intellectuals. They only serve to tarnish respected pro-white activists via guilt by association.


W. VanSpyke  


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 08 Jul 2014 15:14 | #

Thanks for the laugh, Mr. Van Spyke.

On the other hand, Amren remains linked here, as it had been prior to my even coming to the site, as “controlled opposition”, along with The Gates of Vienna.

We cannot endorse it.

It might be flattering to describe Amren as controlled opposition, but it may as well be - it is not a site which meets with our standards of truth, honesty, integrity, courage.

As Amren does not criticize Jewish power and influence it does not help people to sufficiently understand what is going on.

Sincerely, DanielS

P.S. Good riddance.




Posted by hefty on Wed, 09 Jul 2014 00:08 | #

Amren = “controlled opposition”? That’s a laugh. Kinda makes VanSpyke’s point.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 09 Jul 2014 04:43 | #

It isn’t that Amren is doing the controlling, it is that THEY ARE CONTROLLED FROM being critical of Jewish power and influence (that is why I said it was perhaps a bit flattering to describe them as controlled opposition). That is the point. You and “VanSpyke” have no point here that hasn’t been trolled in abundance and over a protracted span by your “kinda” ilk . I.e. we’ve heard it, we don’t need you to repeat it.

Kinda makes the point that you are in the wrong place, i.e., a troll.

MR has the prerogative to set parameters to its discourse - if you do not respect them, find another place to go. Its a shame that I’ve had to put a foot down, but trolls have to be cleared-away in favor of sincere and constructive commentariat - better no comments if not that kind.

We are not here to defend Christianity, Hitler, Jewish interests or obsolete thinking.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 09 Jul 2014 05:03 | #

It was I who lumped Amren into the controlled opposition category. I don’t see much reason to change that and until now no one commenting at MR has questioned this, as if it were so self-evident that comment was superfluous.

Why didn’t VanSpyke or hefty complain before about the characterization? Make a case for Amren here? I suppose the response would be that MR is irrelevant and how Amren is characterised here doesn’t matter. In which case why the petulant complaining now?

Hefty’s comment is utter troll nonsense. It’s not good enough to make a sneering, content free remark, we want to hear exactly why you think Amren is so fantastic.

The reason those sites are still listed here is that their content does have some value - as long as one is aware of their limitations. The main one being the absolute refusal to cross the J-line or even to acknowledge there is one. Of course those both amount to the same thing, to acknowledge there are those who are beyond criticism is to acknowledge they have power (and of course they don’t do they VanSpyk, hefty!)


Posted by Rusty on Wed, 09 Jul 2014 13:57 | #

GW and Daniel,

Carolyn brought up something about her Alexa ratings. What are the goals of this site? How would you measure your success?



Posted by DanielS on Wed, 09 Jul 2014 15:32 | #

One measure of success is to first clear away people intent on minding our business about how to run the site and measure its success - especially when the question itself indicates that they want MR to go in another direction; and that they are not interested in elaborating and refining the abundant content here but rather to bury it.


Posted by Rusty on Wed, 09 Jul 2014 15:58 | #

Daniel, excuse me, but who are you talking about? Your reply seems to include me in your list of undesirables.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:15 | #

Maybe not you (I don’t know), but your question is undesirable.


Posted by Rusty on Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:28 | #

Daniel, I was just wondering. Carolyn’s statement made me think of the question. We cannot help you reach your goals if we don’t know what they are.  I used to be welcome here. I don’t visit here very often, and the first thing back, I post a question and you attack me. WTF is going on here?


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 09 Jul 2014 16:38 | #

Rusty, we have been getting a lot of trolls here. They usually want us to go in a pro Jesus direction, a pro Jewish direction, or a pro Hitler direction. We are going in none of those directions.

If you read Carolyn’s comments then you would know that she is not friendly to our direction.

We do not view gaining Alexa rankings through Hitler advocacy as a “success” here (nor Jesus, nor Jewish advocacy).

What is going on here should be clear to you - that in invoking Carolyn, you are considering a view that she has good will toward our direction and how to measure its success, which she does not. Naturally, I am going to be averse to your comment when you are basing it on a hostile source.

More, unwittingly or not, you are contributing to the pool of trolling by trying to engage these meta-discussions about what MR’s direction should be - because they want to take it in a pro Hitler, Jesus, or Jewish direction and divert attention from our concerns, which are plain in the content of late.


Posted by MOB on Thu, 10 Jul 2014 12:38 | #

You should stop giving C_____n free advertising.  Get on with your own agenda; I’ve yet to discern what that might be.

Without respectful recognition of the uniquely remarkable role played by Hitler and the Germans in the seemingly insurmountable struggle against Jewish world domination, you lose considerable substance and credibility.

Today at Counter-Currents, Greg has ordains his boyfriend Writer of the Year.  Click.

In the face of reader backlash against Greg’s support of the pink ponies (?), KM was once again enlisted to give his support to Greg.  Since then, James O’M. has become more and more visible at C-C, though judging from numbers of comments,  it doesn’t appear that anyone reads his stuff.  No one but Greg.

As a discussion forum, you must answer the question, what would constitute tasty and nutritious food to draw WNs into the MR parlor on a regular basis?  What would affirm and strengthen their present White Nationalist orientation?


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 10 Jul 2014 14:00 | #

Hi MOB, don’t worry about Carolyn being advertised here. She has her niche and we have our direction which is not competing - therefore, it is not necessary to give her inadvertent advertising in a staple of critical attention to her efforts.

“Without respectful recognition of the uniquely remarkable role played by Hitler and the Germans in the seemingly insurmountable struggle against Jewish world domination, you lose considerable substance and credibility.”

I never said that Hitler and the Germans were not unique and remarkable, nor that their focus on the J.Q. did not merit assimilation.

Nor did I say that we should reject everything about them - especially not the Germans, of course (and congratulations, I suppose, on drubbing Brazil, even if you do have an N, a Turk, an Arab of some sort, and a half Pole on your team). It is rather that we are not going to ignore and pretend the negative side of Hitlerism did not exist. Nor will we say that he was unique in being wise to the J.Q. or that he handled it in a uniquely effective way - it is clear that is not nearly true enough.

If people come to MR and say, hey, you know, Hitler had such and such an idea right, I would not turn them away if it is coming from one who is not trying to promote Hitler as correct and worthy of our loyalty across the board - as Carolyn does.

We would certainly not exclude some idea just because Hitler held the same, nor for that matter just because Jews or Christians may have had similar thoughts on a matter. It is just that we cannot endorse these world views on the whole as their drawbacks are too great.

Our agenda at MR is no mystery: we are here to advocate people of native European descent, maintaining and fostering them as symbiotically ecological in their whole and in their discreet distinctions.

We do not see Jews as a part of that; we see them as a distinct pattern averse to our interests.

It is problematic that there are some who are not harmful to us, perhaps even helpful; but nevertheless, they do not fall within our interest group.The White Class classifies and discriminates accordingly. An individual Jew who may be different is still classified as a Jew - a non-European.

What to do about quarter Jews and one eighth Jews (as Lenin apparently was), is also problematic - not a simple concern.

However, MR is sufficiently nuanced to address these problems in our posts and commentary. That is among our merits - we are clear but not too simple.

We have a hermeneutic view, which circles between scientific rigor and comprehensive imagination as need be - particularly regarding our interests.

I would not be too concerned about homosexuality, certainly around here - you can believe me that most men see male homosexuality in particular as nuts, something completely opposite of what they want. It’s absurd to the point where normal men would scarcely want to talk about it, except to remind our co-evolutionary women that they are our desire, where they may have doubts.

As for MacDonald endorsing Greg and Counter-Currents, I think that is proper on a couple levels. First, Greg is publishing some good and sincere work on our behalf. Second, that people not let anti-homosexuality override the good work that he has done and can do. Though coming from a more scientific perspective, MacDonald has a view regarding homosexuality that is largely aligned with what I see as reasonable - critical, discouraging, but not shrill, because it is not numerically sufficient a draw for our men to prioritize as a staple of concerned attention either.

Finally, they do have that kindred Nordic entering point as I’ve discussed, in addition to a bit of academic snobbery going on. KM and Johnson are PhD’s and scholars. Their drawing lines around that has valid and invalid points, good and bad sides.

As maintained, their scholarly and professional standards can always be pointed to against those who say that we do not have that on our side. More, it is not merely an artificial line. They are gifted and skilled to examine the literature and issues in an in depth and competent manner.

However, it does have its drawbacks.

The mannerly protocol of professionalism binds them into logic and logics that can be insensible.

For example, they will not use the “N” word because, they say, that would turn off soccer moms among other “intelligent” and “educated” people.

But they will openly court those who fully endorse Hitler, as if that will not turn off intelligent and educated people.

That is the kind of absurd and insensible contradiction that sheer logic and professional interface with the “respectable” public is susceptible to. 

MacDonald and Sunic maintain that the only stereotype to avoid for White Nationalists is the vulgar skinhead. I have maintained that the wimpish (or yes, faggy) nerd, who will not say “N”, could be equally a turn off. In advocating our group interest, they are insufficiently “othering” people who should be “othered” and over “othering” people who should not be “othered.”

There might be some susceptibility to that in Germanophiles or Nordicists as they may resort to their logical abilities in transcendence and to focus only on Jews (an over focus on the most intelligent and formidable adversary indeed, but conferring an undue measure of benign innocence on other non-Whites; while unduly pejoratizing other European peoples), because Germanics and Nordics have not evolved in interface with Africa, but in antagonisms with other Europeans and Jews. They escape there, take cover in not being “prejudiced” against blacks; allowing other Europeans to take the brunt of black reality. It can be a logical perspective which, for its insensibility, leads to an unmeasured narrowing of prejudice and overcompensating response. That kind of thing might only be compounded by Christianity, Hitlerism and Jewish incitement.

For my part, when I see a person using the N word in an intelligent way and with proper context, it not only does not turn me off, but tells me clearly that this person has sense and knows what they are talking about. I believe that would resonate with others as well.

The largest reason why I do no use it here, is because it is my understanding that it is literally illegal in some European nations. I am not an agent provocateur trying to lead people to jail, fines or other limitations on their effective advocacy.

I am not a “Professional.” That gives me some advantages and disadvantages. It does illustrate that I am not the all conquering world beater, who can succeed in just any circumstance - a man whose ability and will carry him to a PhD even in America’s multi-cult hell hole. It also means that I am not so insensible as to carry on by dint of sheer logic, “rise above” and ignore what I should not. I did embark upon a PhD, but I cannot say that I regret not contributing to America’s multicultural hell hole or not saying anything sufficiently critical of it - those having been two requirements to go ahead in American academia. Nevertheless, I did participate in the PhD program and audited it enough to get a good feel, if not understanding of things I need to know.

On the positive side, my “inability” to achieve a PhD reflects sensibility on my part, an unwillingness to ignore the destruction of our people that was imperviously entailed in its hegemonic logics.

A Philosophy PhD once said to me (even though not knowing me or much about me), that you cannot be a racist if you are going to be a PhD.

I responded, “that is why I do not want a PhD”

He smiled as he understood my reasoning automatically.

Nevertheless, admittedly, being unprofessional does have drawbacks. For example, over indulgence of vulgarity because I don’t see the status to be lost in such association - which could cost us an interview, say, with Frank Salter, who in turn would not want to be associated with vulgarity. Still, those indulgences were before GW suggested that I might take over the wheel and steer MR’s direction.

In that case, I do have more responsibility to not drag GW’s project down, as it is a noble and beautiful one. Thus, I would try more to refrain from unnecessary vulgarity as it might send intelligent professionals away from helpful connection with us.

Even so, it has been my position and continues to be that Europeans need to be more assertive, not self transcendent and self censoring. I believe that there is an optimal balance between intellectualism and efficiently asserted prejudice - the N word, for example, can be very effective coming from a scholar or an intellectual on occasion. More, it will signal to people that one has sense, sense enough to see the pattern for what it is - thus connecting to people who have to rely more on their senses, where they cannot figuratively escape in and through baroque logics; and where they cannot literally escape their inundated circumstances. It would confirm from high and authoritative places that indeed, these people are not to be intimately mingled with. They are not ok for your daughter.

But “no no no, musn’t refer to those people as N’s. We must care about their families and how Jews are misleading them.” Upchuck from up-in-the-head logical escape of “White Enterprises” that of all positions should know better and provide feedback protective of Whites. But no, “Newsome and Christian were in the wrong place and should have known better” * - really?! 

* (if you can believe it, “Father Francis” actually said that)

Now then, you ask:

“What would constitute tasty and nutritious food to draw WNs into the MR parlor on a regular basis?  What would affirm and strengthen their present White Nationalist orientation?”

I would submit the essay above, “The Pejorative Side of Modernity or Civilization, Competing Theories or Allied?” as a good start

Note, MOB, that I do not consider or treat you as a troll, even though you have some disagreement with our editorial direction, you are different in being sincerely concerned with all Europeans and their significant distinctions.

Now that we have begun to clear away what and who we are not representing, we can begin to elaborate more and reach more for what and who we are representing.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 10 Jul 2014 23:21 | #

Note, this comment is by the troll, Thorn (Thorn had called himself “anony mouse”). I did not recognize it as coming from him immediately, though I should have. It instigated me to turn the comment to MOB into a post - for better or worse, I do not want it to take attention away from “Modernity or Civilization” part 1, in particular

Blossom says:

Get on with your own agenda; I’ve yet to discern what that might be. (—MOB)

These guys don’t have an agenda. They only project a disjointed philosophical razzmo jazzmo dick-dance with regard to their effectiveness. They hope it will deceive enough to gain a following. But the only deception going on at this site is in the minds of those that run it.


Note, this comment is by the troll, Thorn. I did not recognize it as coming from him immediately, though I should have.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 11 Jul 2014 00:20 | #

BS Thornblossom. We have a clear agenda and it will become only more clear. You are a liar and an ass. Get out of here.


Posted by hefty on Fri, 11 Jul 2014 06:37 | #


MR has degenerated into a major shitbag site.

To classify a leading race-realist site as “controlled opposition” reveals a level of stupidity that is hard to believe. Ummm, let me see ... perhaps Jared Taylor doesn’t agree with you on the Jewish issue? Maybe he started Amren to talk about what really matters, the racial decline of whites in America and what can be done about it. Maybe he has made a strategic decision to avoid fighting every last battle, and instead to focus on the really important one, which is that whites will be powerless once they become a numerical minority of the population, and so whites need to know it’s OK to think ghetto blacks are ruining the country, and that immigration should be ended.

Focusing on Jewish issues is the white nationalism of fools (though if you are going to be a fool, at least be honest and pay your respect to Hitler).


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 11 Jul 2014 07:16 | #

Hefty troll says:


MR has degenerated into a major shitbag site.”

And here is a ready example of the vulgarity of the Jewish sponsored trolls.

“Focusing on Jewish issues is the white nationalism of fools (though if you are going to be a fool, at least be honest and pay your respect to Hitler).”

If we stay vigilant of Jewish power and influence we are not only supposed to label ourselves Nazis but to literally be Nazis for his Jewish interests’ convenience.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:06 | #

Note, Thorn is a troll

Comment deleted. repetitious. Thorn’s opinion on MR’s editorial direction has been heard in abundance.

We are not trying to assimilate American Renaissance here.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 13 Jul 2014 01:43 | #


Note, Thorn is a troll


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 13 Jul 2014 02:01 | #


As usual, the blossom tries to say that the site is ruined if not a “conservative”, jewish friendly, Christian site.

Don’t worry blossom, we’ll be fine.

And there are places for you elsewhere. Go there.

In fact, Thorn has shown the reason why MR has had to become more explicit in its positions that is not endorsing Christianity and that Jews are not European, i.e., not a part of our interest group.

If MR is to serve the interests of the vast part of European peoples who do not have faith in Christianity and see it in fact as problematic to our interests, then in order to be able to talk about that unharassed by the likes of Thorn it is necessary to direct them elsewhere, making it clear that this site is not taking a pro-Christian, Jewish inclusive perspective.

There is a huge difference between that and saying that MR is unconcerned for morality. In fact, we see Christianity as dubious in a moral sense, particularly as it is a disservice to European defense - which, by the way, is why I suspect that Thorn has been so intent upon pushing it here; and why we have had to be more explicit that we do not classify Jews as being of European extraction and a part of our interest group - because the likes of Thorn will not allow us to talk about things in that way unharrassed. Having established the rule that we are not a pro-Christian site, that we do not see Jews as being within our interest group - people of European extraction - we may clearly direct the likes of Thorn elsewhere.


Posted by hefty on Mon, 14 Jul 2014 02:09 | #

Obviously, Daniel is scared of Christianity (not to mention the Jews). Anything relevant to white issues should be open to discussion. A vast portion of the white race is Christian; therefore, Christianity and the Christian perspective is relevant to MR, as are different perspectives on the Jewish issue.

Thorn and others have every moral right to be here. Majorityrights can choose its parameters, of course, but it should not then be claiming that it speaks for whites. You speak for only some whites, Thorn for others.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 14 Jul 2014 03:41 | #

Posted by hefty on July 13, 2014, 09:09 PM | #

“Obviously, Daniel is scared of Christianity”

Obviously not scared of it. Enough of it already. There are already enough sites which take a view supportive of Christianity. This will not be another. We will exercise our prerogative to experiment with the hypothesis that we are better off without it.

”(not to mention the Jews).”

The same goes with Jews. They have their support groups. Here, they will Not be treated as a part of our group, Not as if they are on our side, Not as if they are one with us, sharing our interests at heart.

“Anything relevant to white issues should be open to discussion.”

It is not your prerogative to open the parameters of debate; in fact, they needed to be narrowed precisely because trolls such as you and Thorn would not stop flooding threads with your pro Christian, pro Jewish agendas.

“A vast portion of the white race is Christian; therefore, Christianity and the Christian perspective is relevant to MR,”

A vast portion is non-Christian, and they deserve representation as well. We have found that we cannot serve them effectively while allowing pro Christians here -  they will not allow for our world view and conversations of our interests to go on unharrassed.

Inasmuch as Christianity is relevant to MR, we will be taking a view largely negative and critical of it, not endorsing it.

There are Christian sites for Christians to go where their religion is supported and we do not go there and bother them.

They will be required to no longer bother us here.

“as are different perspectives on the Jewish issue.”

The same goes with Jews. We are not open to considering them as being a part of our interest group. We take the view that they are not one with us, not a part of us, not generally favorable to our interests. They have their support groups which exclude us, our views, our concerns. Here, our conversations are not about what is good for Jews, but what is good for us.

“Thorn and others have every moral right to be here.”

No they don’t. Especially not Thorn. He has no moral right to be here. He has harassed me and Majority Rights prerogatives for over a year and half. He has made his agenda abundantly clear as wishing for an agenda other than that of Majority Rights. He is advised to go elsewhere. Here he is a troll. His disruption of threads is the opposite of a moral right, it is a denial of ours.

“Majorityrights can choose its parameters, of course, but it should not then be claiming that it speaks for whites.”

We speak for and with Whites taking a certain perspective: not favorable of Christianity, of Jews and their inclusion, of Hitler. There are other limitations, but that is not your concern as you are out of bounds already in your insistence upon pro Christians and pro Jews being welcome here as a part of our interest classification.

“You speak for only some whites, Thorn for others.”

That’s right. And he is not welcome here. There are places where his views are endorsed. It won’t be here.


Posted by Robert in Arabia on Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:29 | #

Posted by Rusty on July 09, 2014, 11:28 AM | #

Daniel, I was just wondering. Carolyn’s statement made me think of the question. We cannot help you reach your goals if we don’t know what they are.  I used to be welcome here. I don’t visit here very often, and the first thing back, I post a question and you attack me. WTF is going on here?

Dear Rusty,
DanielS likes to talk to himself. He is convinced that he can read your mind.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 15 Jul 2014 19:52 | #

Robert, don’t worry, don’t pout, there are still Hitler and Jesus sites for you.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 18 Jul 2014 23:32 | #

deleted. Thorn is a troll


Posted by Tan recap on Wed, 25 Feb 2015 06:29 | #

Tanstaafl recaps his podcasts so far


Posted by Jewish control of Britain on Mon, 16 Mar 2015 20:39 | #

Belatedly caught this, as I thought that Tan was stepping away from the action for a few weeks. Maybe just from podcasts.

He has posted this in the interim:

Julius Evola: “the ‘British Empire’ was a creature of Judaism”

The significance of the bone of contention over jewish rule of Britain first came to my attention in Majority Rights Radio: Guessedworker speaks with Tanstaafl, and especially in the comments at MR afterward. Months later I came across the issue again in Yockey on Culture and Race – Part 8 and Part 9.

The “British” Empire is one of those elements of European history which resonates very strongly in the European psyche. Racialists tend to see it as an expression of Anglo-Saxon greatness. The jews have turned it into a cornerstone of their guilt-tripping about colonialism. Neither view accords with reality. The jews puppeteered the empire at the expense of Britons, just as today they puppeteer the colonization of Britain itself.

Evola’s assessment, excerpted below, was written in 1940, at which point jewish parasitic infiltration and manipulation of Britain (from the top) was clear enough. Evola’s discussion of the precise who and how provides a welcome contrast to Yockey’s jew-blind account in 1948. Indeed, the false notion that Britons ruled Britain then, and even now, prevails exactly because the jews still rule.

Disraeli the Jew and the Empire of the Shopkeepers:

  We know that, wherever economic interests predominate, the Jew rapidly rises and accedes to the commanding positions. The penetration of Judaism into England is not a thing of recent days alone. It was the English Revolution and Protestantism which threw open England’s doors. The Jews, who had been expelled by Edward I in 1290, were readmitted to England as a result of a Petition accepted by Cromwell and finally approved by Charles II in 1649. From this time forward, the Jews, and above all the Spanish Jews (the Sephardim) began to immigrate en masse to England, bringing with them the riches which they had acquired by more or less dubious means, and it was these riches, as we have just explained, which allowed them to accede to the centres of command within English life, to the aristocracy and to positions very close to the Crown. Less than a century after their re-admission, the Jews were so sure of themselves that they demanded to be naturalised, that is to say, to be granted British citizenship. This had a very interesting result : the Law, or Bill, naturalising the Jews was approved in 1740. Most of its supporters were members of the upper classes or high dignitaries within the Protestant Church, which shows us the extent to which these elements had already become Judaised or corrupted by Jewish gold. The reaction came not from the English upper classes, but from the people. The Law of 1740 provoked such outrage and disorder among the populace that it was abrogated in 1753.

  The Jews now resorted to another tactic : they abandoned their synagogues and converted, nominally, to Christianity. Thus the obstacle was circumvented and their work of penetration proceeded at an accelerated pace. What mattered to the Jews was to keep their positions of command and to eliminate the religious arguments on which the opposition of that period principally rested ; everything else was secondary, since the converted Jew remains, in his instincts, his mentality, and his manner of action, entirely Jewish, as is shown by one striking example among many others : the extremely influential Jewish banker Sampson Gideon, despite having converted, continued to support the Jewish community and was buried in a Jewish cemetery. His money bought for his son an enormous property and the title of Baronet.

  This was the preferred tactic of the rich Jews of England from the eighteenth century on : they supplanted the English feudal nobility by acquiring their properties and titles, and thus mixing themselves with the aristocracy, by the nature of the British representative system, they came closer and closer to the government, with the natural consequence of a progressive Judaification of the English political mentality.

  from the inception of imperialism on the large scale, what was less apparent was that the ‘British Empire’ was a creature of Judaism, which a Jew had given as a present to the British Royal Crown.

  This Jew was Benjamin Disraeli, Queen Victoria’s Prime Minister

  Only one Jew could have conceived the idea of ‘reforming’ the conception of Empire and making of it something plutocratic and transforming it into imperialistic materialism. This Jew was Disraeli – ‘Dizzy’ as he was known. It was he who made of Queen Victoria an ‘Empress’, a colonial Empress, the Empress of India. This indefatigable proponent of the English ‘Imperial’ idea modelled his conception upon the Jewish Messianic-imperial idea, the idea of a people whose power consists in the riches of others, over which they take power, and which they cynically exploit and control. Disraeli always attacked very violently those who wished to separate England from her overseas territories, within which, as a Jewish historian has pointed out, Jews were the pioneers. Disraeli knew who it was that sustained this England which in turn was to dominate the riches of the world ; it is possible that he was among those initiates who knew that it was more than a simple British-Jewish plutocracy which was pulling the strings. One recalls those often-quoted words of Disraeli : “The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes.”

  The prudent and noiseless penetration of Jewry into the English upper classes and into the government itself continued. It was Disraeli who performed the coup upon Egypt in 1875 – with whose help? Rothschild. In 1875, the Khedive had financial worries and Disraeli managed to learn that he was willing to sell 177,000 shares of Suez Canal stock. This was a magnificent opportunity to gain certain control of the route to the Indies. The government hesitated. Rothschild did not. Here is the record of the historic conversation between Disraeli and Rothschild (Disraeli had asked him for four million pounds sterling) : “What guarantee can you offer me?” “The British government.” “You shall have five million tomorrow.” The interest on the loan was ‘extremely low’ ; naturally, the real and important interest of the Jewish clique lay on another and less visible plane …

  Disraeli did not fail to make more convenient to the Jews of England their ritual observance. A little-known fact is that the ‘English Saturday’ is nothing other than the Jewish Sabbath, the ritual day of rest of the Jews. It was suitably Disraeli who introduced it to England, under an adequate social pretext.

  Thus, as the Judaification of old feudal England was accomplished by diverse means, and as the old aristocracy gradually decomposed and underwent inoculation with ideas which would make it an easy prey for the material and spiritual influences of Judaism and Freemasonry, Disraeli did not forget his other task, that of augmenting and reinforcing the power of the new ‘Empire of Shopkeepers’, the new ‘Imperial Venice’, the reborn Israel of the Promise. This he did in a manner which was just as characteristically Jewish. Disraeli was one of the principal instigators of that sad and cynical English foreign policy by means of ‘protected’ third parties and the use of blackmail, which it pushes to the most extreme consequences. The most striking case is that of the Russo-Turkish War. Disraeli did not hesitate to betray the ancient cause of European solidarity, by placing Turkey under British protection. Turkey, defeated, was saved by Britain ; by use of the well-known ‘English’ method of threats and sanctions, Disraeli was able to paralyse the Slavic advance to the South without a single shot being fired, and a grateful Turkey made him a present of Cyprus. At the Congress of Berlin, the Russian ambassador, Gortshakov, was unable to restrain himself from crying dolorously : “To have sacrificed a hundred thousand soldiers and a hundred million of money, and for nothing!” (*) There is a factor even more serious, from a higher point of view. By virtue of this situation, brought about by Disraeli, Turkey was admitted into the community of the European nations protected by so-called ‘International Justice’. We say ‘so-called’ because, until that time, far from being held to be valid for all the peoples of the world, this justice was held to be valid uniquely among the group of the European nations ; it was a form of recourse and of internal law for Europeans. With the admission of Turkey, a new phase of international law began, and this was truly the phase in which ‘justice’ became a mask and its ‘international’ character became a ruse of ‘democracy’, for it was simply an instrument in the service of Anglo-Jewry, and subsequently of the French also. This development led to the League of Nations, to crisis, and to actual war.

5 March 2015 at 7:27 am

Revilo Oliver mentioned in his books that the British Aristocracy had intermarried with jewish bankers by the end of the 19th century, the current British Prime-Minister David Cameron is the result of such breeding:



Posted by Destiny of liberals under the YKW on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 01:45 | #

Tanstaafl on the destiny of liberal White societies under the contextual force of Jewish power

Over the past year I’ve invested many hours reading and talking about Yockey, especially what he had to say about liberalism and race in Imperium, his magnum opus. I dove into the effort with the expectation of finding important insights. Long story short, I didn’t. Not to say it is a waste of time to read Yockey, but there are other authors a White man can and should read whose work in more concise and relevant. For instance, I would recommend any of Kevin MacDonald’s work before Imperium. Even better, read Revilo Oliver’s short book The Jewish Strategy.

In my opinion the flaw with the view of liberalism Yockey laid out in Imperium is that he largely ignored jewish influence on European thinking and history. Most every White historian and philosopher has. Most still do. They either ignore the jews, or regard them as fellow Europeans. In fact, this is proving to be a fatal mistake.

Whites did not stumble accidentally into the ideas of liberalism. Whites have long been infiltrated, manipulated and exploited by jews, who have all along been more fully conscious of themselves as a collective, distinct from and in fact hostile to Whites. Jews have directed the course of history, and their own destiny, exactly because they have organized and conspired to do that – to the long-term benefit of themselves and the detriment of Whites.

Though jew rule still isn’t overtly acknowledged as such, it is clear enough that the jews rode the values of liberalism – freedom, equality, tolerance – straight to the top. At this point in history it is jews who command the levers of financial, social and political power. Jews rule mainly in mind rather than body, by literally defining the very morals and terms by which the governing bodies of nearly the entire globe operate.

In this short essay titled The Destiny of America, published several years after Imperium, we can see that Yockey knew quite a bit about the difference between Whites and jews. I think it’s worth reading because in the sixty years since Yockey wrote, what he describes as the destiny of America has become the destiny of the world.

The version I’ll read is from, which carries this introduction:

    The Destiny of America is a short essay by Francis Parker Yockey in which he discusses the American history and spirit, the Jewish history and spirit, and how Jews have manipulated Americans and took power over America. It is possible that this essay, as professor Revilo Oliver suggests, is an extract from the manuscript of The American Destiny, a book which Yockey wrote but was never published because the manuscript was taken and destroyed by authorities after Yockey’s arrest.

Though Yockey understood the jews as alien he still accepted the jewish narrative portraying them as historically persecuted and powerless. He misunderstood jewish parasitism and aggression as relatively recent and opportunistic behavior, as “revenge” for their “persecution”. As usual, Yockey is quite disdainful of White “liberals”, referring to them here as “sub-Americans with defective instincts”, essentially as useful idiots for the ruling jews. This is a strong distinction from Imperium, where Yockey presented European “liberals” as rational masterminds irrationally undoing themselves.

Interesting comment by Franz, in which Jews are seen as treating “time as territory”, which I guess would correspond with caring for accumulating social capital:

  21 April 2015 at 6:21 pm

  @ George –

  How is it possible to coordinate efforts toward a goal over such a time period?

  Short answer:

  Jewish minds see “time” as territory the same way the rest of us see yards, cubic centimeters, square miles, and so on.

  Michael Bradley tried to explain this in a series of articles. He called it the Kronos Complex. He sees it as explicitly ashkenazi behavior, going back to the neolithic. As maladaption, it has drawbacks. But as group dominance behavior it has one pluperfect and irresistable advantage: Seeing time as ground to take, hoard, pass on to heirs, plunder and otherwise exploit will terminally destroy any other group that only thinks in terms of “one generation and out.”

  White people generally follow the notion that “the world began when I was born and ends when I die”. If these same people have children, sooner or later this progeny will be slaves of people who think of time as “territory” they can manipulate and grandually control. (Fractional interest loans and fiat currency are nothing more than using abstract financial instruments as time machines. Likewise, what is “Jehovah” if not time as a deity?)

  European-derived peoples aren’t greedy enough, that’s all. They don’t want all the time in the world, but their enemies do.



Posted by tanstaafl on MIR on Sun, 05 Jul 2015 07:37 | #


Posted by Tanstaafl talks with Fetcho on Sun, 16 Dec 2018 06:01 | #

Dennis Fetcho speaks with Tanstaafl


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 09 Jul 2022 11:35 | #

Good Morning,

It is now July 2022 and I just listened to this episode thanks to TOO link to TAN’s podcasts.  I am stuck driving a truck for a living at the moment and the podcasts are nearly the only ‘study’ I can enjoy while driving.

A couple of points, please pay no mind if they are too rookie…

Regarding, the attempt to define a universal word to replace “Whites” because Europeans reject the term….

1. very interesting listening…

2. The stickiness of finding a solution suggests a tactic from software programming.  I understand that TAN is/was a computer programmer, so he may relate to this approach.
The inability to find an elegant solution suggests that the ‘language’ is not up to the task. A simple example is the men who have learned to “think in sets” by teaching themselves SQL and the
bracket-language/procedural language guys (the bulk of programmers, I call them ‘algol-heads’) who think in ‘for/if/while/do/when/then’ constructs.  They , literally, have not learned how to think correctly. That is the problem
not what they think is the problem.

I have literally observed an algol-head attempt to parse a modestly complex SQL statement in his head. I watched as he traced the air with his fingers attempting to define a pattern that was not there.
When I see that behavior (related behaviours would be expecting the late Rush Limbaugh to actually get to the problem at hand) I immediately suspect the underlying thought model,

I make no pretense in knowing the correct model to solve the question you and TAN where discussing, but your discussion had the exact features of the ‘algol-head’ attempting to force an incorrect programming paradigm on a problem that cannot be modeled in that programming language. 

When this behavior is encountered,  brainstorming helps, so does identifying the fundamental knowns that we are working with, then asking ourselves what other tools may exist that can solve this problem and if all else fails, you create a language for the problem

One “fundamental known” of all of the work I have listened to of TAN’s podcasts so far, and his guests is a presupposition of all involved. That presupposition is the assumption that all involved are attempting , in good faith to arrive at a correct understanding of reality. In this particular podcast, the assumption that all involved where engaged in a good faith attempt to arrive at a term to describe the super-set of White that would appeal to the
sub-sets of German, Pole..etc.

When we think of the behaviour of the jews,  it is obvious that they do not share that presupposition. (this is related to the universalism TAN deplores…jews can operate among themselves with the pressupossition of good faith (? true? this may be incorrect of me, maybe they do exploit each other), but the extension of that presupposition to ‘others’ does not exist.

Later in the podcast, TAN put that presupposition in the moral sphere. But, as I read TAN in the comments above, he puts morality squarely in the physical realm of biology. Therefore, perhaps the word you are searching for is not even “White” , but perhaps from another pool of words all together.  “The Peoples that Love The Truth”  is a terrible label, but perhaps there is a good (secular*)  label that does encapsulate the term you are looking for.

Anyhoo, that is that point.

3. TAN and you solved the E.Michael Jones/Jared Talor debate problem that I have been thinking of.
To Taylor, “White” is real, to Jones, “White” is a ‘category of the mind**’ , a jewish construct that is used to ‘energy sink’ the opposition, and therefore cannot work to unify Christendom.
I thought it was a nutso proposition, but here you show it is, in the secular sense, true.
From your podcast, I now know that “White” cannot unify Europeans!

Thank you all for your hard work. It is very enjoyable and clarifying.

*I am not secular. I am a recent convert to Catholicism from Protestantism and a failed agnostic. The term I use is “Christendom”, a related term that is ‘Logos” ala E.chael Jones work on the jews.

**A fuzzy concept initially, but he has defined it at least once as an idea that has no physical basis in reality. ‘Door’ is not a category of the mind, ‘Time Portal’ is a category of the mind.









Posted by Thorn on Sat, 09 Jul 2022 22:46 | #

“I am stuck driving a truck for a living…”

Yeah, sure. Liar!


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 12 Jul 2022 13:59 | #

Hi Tim, thank you for your comment.  I am glad that you found our interview of Tan useful.  I’ve had the chance to listen to it, which I never did eight years ago when it was recorded.  It was a good one, which Tan made it easy because he is disciplined and eloquent, and pretty talkative, which certainly helps.

In the intervening years the problem of “white” as a taxonomic category has not gone away.  I think, if anything, it has been put further beyond general acceptance by the BLM shenanigans.  I don’t use it much in general argument on mainstream media threads because I’m English first, native British second, racially European third.  For me, speaking of Europeans now, certainly in the colonised Western European nations, generally involves drawing the distinction between, say, “the native French” or, sometimes, “the true French” “the real French” and “the colonising foreign populations”.  I used to get some push-back with the word “colonising”, but that has become rare now.

On the rare occasions I have to enter a debate about America I say either “white Americans” or, very occasionally, “European-descended Americans”.  I do not believe that a single taxonomy can be successfully employed on both sides of the Atlantic.

In the interview, I spoke about how revolution seems more likely to spread from Europe to (North) America.  Then, f course, we did not know about Davos and its war on CO2, Covid and passports, bugs and vat-grown “meat”, central bank digital currencies, the smart city and government by algorithm, the clearing and re-wilding of farmland, and so on.  We have since had the Canadian truckers and now we have the Dutch farmers.  We are entering upon a trial of strength between our race as a whole an d the elites which govern and manage us.  These elites are not simply Jewish, though.  The nature of elitism has shifted, and WN has not shifted its analysis with it:

It’s beginning to feel like a violent change is inevitable, one way or the other.


Posted by timothy murray on Wed, 13 Jul 2022 00:07 | #

Thank you so much for your reply.

In that interview with TAN, , you predicted that Europe would lead the way towards the restoration, and with the Dutch , I suspect you are correct!

We also have Putin defeating the jews in Syria and Ukraine;  this gives me great hope.  The enemy cannot take a punch in the nose, and the defeat of their proxy warriors has them shaken.!!

I am currently listening , during my trucking, to the “loxism” gentleman reading ReviloP. Oliver Jewish Strategy and am very , very impressed.
I share the narrators contempt for the failure of Christianity to stop these bastards.

To think what William F. Buckley could have been had he not cucked to the enemy.

There is much to absorb.  It is great to be in the fight, to be on offense without the energy sinks that were Rush Limbaugh  and conservatism inc. clouding , hiding, the nature of reality before us.

These podcasts are what talk radio should have been.

I live in Appalachia, the Bible Belt, and my beloved friends and neighbors are protestant. I used to be protestant, grew disgusted with the sect, tried objectivism, discarded it, failed at agnosticism, got my ass kicked by God , and have adopted Catholicism as a means of worship.

Nutso stuff to robust athiests and agnostics, but so be it. I cannot live by lies.

That said, I have a huge chip on my shoulder at being nearly defeated by the crafty race.

Now, if you read Eusebius, that bishop pulled no punches regarding the nature of the enemy.  How then, between Eusebius and Pat Robertson did it come to be that “Don"t mess with Israel” is utterred by my earnest coworker on a factory floor at 3 a.m. during a conversation about wars in the middle east?

To convert my friends (and we are armed to the teeth up here, have violent tempers and share texted photos of bloody deer genitals or head shots of groundhogs at 300 yards as buddies teasing each other are wont to do…. so, coversion must be from civil discussion…insults ..well…see bloody deer genitals reference above…insults cannot work..  ).

It is strange, these guys are ready to burn d.c. to the ground over the stolen election but their protestant dogma protects the jew.

heck!  Luther wrote a book on the jews and their lies!

These guys have been tip of the spear for the neocons, and preceding jewery pawns for too many generations.

My interest is to turn the spears to the proper target.

  To do that, requires irrefutable theological, eschatoligical and historical dialectic starting with their existing mental framework.

It also must convince people like you, TAN, and the “loxism” narrator , or Revilo P. Oliver if he were alive, of the logic and integrity of the project.

God bless. (:





Posted by Thorn on Wed, 13 Jul 2022 23:00 | #


Good post, tim. And please accept my apology for calling you a liar.  But allow me to clue you in on something: most of the cats that hang around here—including its proprietor, GW—are materialist atheists.

I for one have been born a Catholic, raised Catholic and continue to be a Catholic; however, here was a time—during most of my teen years—when I was an atheist/agnostic ... but thank God, I came to my objective senses.

BTW, I regard Lawrence Auster in the highest regards. He too was a Catholic. He converted shortly before he passed.

FWIW, I love to drive white “conservatives”—particularly on conservative websites—crazy with this Lawrence Auster quote:

Imagine how white liberals react to those truth! LOL

RIP Lawrence Auster


Posted by timothy murray on Thu, 14 Jul 2022 00:54 | #

Hi Thorn

No apology needed,  I have sharp elbows and do throw them when required.
I am immune to rhetoric , psycho patholigizing and insults. Reasoned, blunt correction is always welcome as are honest insults from friends and allies

However, your apology is gracious, and graciousness is a treasure. Thanks.

I was hoping to meet mr. “Loxism” (I am assuming this is Mr. Auster..I am terrible with names) as I admire his unapologetic commitment
to truth .

His voice is very similar to mine, and he threw very good shots…‘that science fiction guy, Jesus” yet was cognizant of the feelings of the christians who took offence. Very admirable. I am saddened I will not get to learn more from him

I intend to listen to all his audio book recordings.

You may find this interesting…it is my first todo list item on the catholic/secular/athiest/protestant fusion against this ancient enemy, and here it is in this comment block!

Fr. Chad Ripperger, a top notch Thomist scholar and author of a book
that is a plossible antidote to the freud inversion of the model of the human soul (  is also a practicing excorcist.

He has a youtube video up on the similarities between demons and communists.

Below is a summary of the content from the video(s) and tell me (you too athiest friends) if it reminds you of our favorite virulent pathogenic “friends”

Part I: Introduction
1: Ways of Attack
2: Attack on the Imagination
3: Clarity
4: Constant Reminders
5: Falsity
6: Culpability
7: Deny Existence
8: Rebrand
9: Abuse of Language

Part II
1: Perception Management
2: Rules
3: The Accuser
4: Impugn
5: Persecute the Innocent
6: Bad Motive
7: Derision
8: Criticize the Good
9: Tantrums
10: Honor

Part III
1: Method of Proceeding
2: Pope Leo the XIII
3: Infiltrate
4: Authority Structure
5: Protest
6: Crisis
7: Suffering of Others
8: Control
9: Surveillance
10: Pervasiveness
11: Emotions
12: Hypocrisy
13: Common Sense
14: Discipline
15: Children
16: Division
17: Animus Delendi
18: Revealing the Method
19: Burden of Proof
20: Defense

Part IV
1: Morality
2: Property
3: Marriage and the Family Unit
4: Feminism
5: Moral Compass
6: Religion


Finally, I need to go on offense against these bastards at civilisational scale using every vector available to us.

We will win.





Posted by Thorn on Thu, 14 Jul 2022 19:09 | #

“He has a youtube video up on the similarities between demons and communists.”

The rabid pro-abortion advocates demonstrate a prime example of demonic behavior. SCOTUS’ overturning of Roe v. Wade put that demonic behavior on full display. Sadly, the majority of Americans side with the demonic mob.  Western European countries are just as morally degenerate on that account - maybe more so.

Public Opinion on Abortion

Views on abortion, 1995-2022
While public support for legal abortion has fluctuated some in two decades of polling, it has remained relatively stable over the past several years. Currently, 61% say abortion should be legal in all or most cases, while 37% say it should be illegal in all or most cases.

read more>>


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 14 Jul 2022 23:34 | #

Is Tanstaafl still active in the mostly defunct WN scene?  Or has he withered away into irrelevancy…. Jew wife and all? (IMHO his claim that his wife is genetically jewish is BS. Just the Detective instinct in me talking.)


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 16 Jul 2022 03:56 | #

Also withered away into irrelevancy is the “Lamb of (((God))) ” :



Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 25 Jul 2022 03:12 | #

  A misspelling surely ? I have long mocked and jeered your “Defective Instinct”. And I don’t think I’m alone here.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 25 Jul 2022 23:04 | #


Revilo Oliver?


Almost as believable as The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.




Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 31 Jul 2022 19:27 | #

Are you folks on Gab?

I am reading “The Saker” for this Russian pre-emptive assualt on globohomo in Ukraine and the comments at “The Saker” on the term “Anglo-Saxon” sheds a lot of insight on the fractured nature of Eurpeon Thought

Of course, there is a jew in the comment section enjoying the fracturing, telling us how much he looks forward to a nice prime rib at Marco Pierre White’s place. 

Wherever this fracturing came from, it sure made the jew’s job easy, didn’t it? 

Thank you for your work.



Posted by Thorn on Sun, 31 Jul 2022 23:17 | #

“I am reading “The Saker” for this Russian pre-emptive assualt on globohomo in Ukraine”

Stop right there! (lol) GW isn’t gonna cotton to kindly on the fat that you are suggesting Russia is assaulting globohomo ... even though that’s, in essence, what Russia IS doing.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 31 Jul 2022 23:19 | #

fact not fat


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 03 Aug 2022 02:59 | #

The Protocols were fake .

Prof. Oliver was not :

Anyway , you silly wee boy , re the Protocols , were I to find a map of England , the publishing of which was pirated instead of officially launched by the Automobile Association , the illegal facsimile would still provide a reliable guide, as do the Protocols.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 03 Aug 2022 21:50 | #

Go ahead and drink Oliver’s preverbal kool aide, you dolt.  But know this: what he said—even if true—is a moot point in the year 2022 ... it’s in all practicality useless. What matters is a coherent plan of based on practical ideas that lead to accomplishing the segregation of native European gene pools from non-European gene pools. Until that plan is implemented, everything talked about in the abstract is just that: wishful thinking.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Thu, 04 Aug 2022 17:53 | #

“anthroinsulae”  is a very good word that Michael Yon coined. I think you will enjoy it and find it useful too (:

Michael Yon sees it

At the above link, Michael sees the global conflict in terms you will enjoy, employing myth, nation, global plots to subvert etc including the subverter siding with the moor at the opportune time…

The kick is that Michael Yon is not jq active. He is a fellow Florida boy done good. He also is frequently on Steve Bannon’s show.

What does this mean? Well it means that what we see has filtered up to the “normie” layer if by normie, we mean a normal special forces turned war reporter man who has lived a full life, bravely.






Posted by Thorn on Sat, 06 Aug 2022 13:34 | #

Yep, this piece just about sums it up in a most accurate way.

The Decline and Fall of the Western Empire
By Batiushka for The Saker blog

Pull-quote: “What is certain is that the physical fall of an empire is always preceded by its spiritual fall.”



Posted by Thorn on Mon, 08 Aug 2022 23:37 | #

Born in England, raised in Australia ... a marvel of human evolution - thus I say farewell to one of its most beautiful women.

Rest in eternal peace…thanks for the memories, Olivia Newton John ❤️


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 10 Aug 2022 03:29 | #

I like “preverbal” , and I’m sure Dr. Oliver , a Professor of Classical Philology , would have enjoyed your linguistic error as much as I did.

The thing is , Thorn , you must think in the “preverbal” manner then obey the solecism and say nothing.

I was chatting the other day with a fellow atheist and he amused me by stating :  ”  Well , if I’d been in charge of killing Jesus , I’d have shipped “Him” to Rome and fed “Him” to the lions .  After all , it’s almost impossible to make a ” Saviour” out of mincemeat.” 


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 10 Aug 2022 03:36 | #

Name five Disciples , Thorn.

Matthew , Mark , Olivia , Newt n John.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 10 Aug 2022 23:54 | #

I was chatting the other day with a fellow atheist and he amused me by stating :  ”  Well , if I’d been in charge of killing Jesus , I’d have shipped “Him” to Rome and fed “Him” to the lions .  After all , it’s almost impossible to make a ” Saviour” out of mincemeat.”


You two “fellow atheists” are just so humorous. Real comedians.  Is Sarah Silverman your mentor? It appears so.

What a f’ing stupid chump you are.



Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 11 Aug 2022 03:02 | #

Are you still here, Thorn?? I think it’s been about a decade since I was here (except maybe a word of congrats following the Brexit vote). Glad to see you’re still around and in the fight. Glad MR and GW are still around; I thought MR would have folded up a long time ago. Does MR have a “Best of MR” compilation? There’s some good stuff here that shouldn’t be allowed to get lost in the general cascade of less important material.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 11 Aug 2022 18:05 | #

Hi Leon,  Long time ...


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 17 Aug 2022 01:16 | #

  Rabbi Ben Hecht supplied the quote my friend retailed to me.

I have never heard of Sarah Silverman , except in fiction . If memory serves she was the girlfriend of the Boston private eye , Spenser , created by Robert B. Parker .


Posted by Timothy Murray on Wed, 31 Aug 2022 18:33 | #

I looked up the word “Alb” in my new Lewis and Short, “A Latin Dictionary”

It means “White” more precisely “Flat White” as opposed to shining.

Albion (?)

The idea hit me that instead of the failed “White”  as a uniting label, maybe the answer lies in antiquity.

Personally, I think that “Alb” does not roll of the toungue nicely…I would like something both beautiful and forceful..some word that that its mere existence drives the enemy to hatred.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sat, 10 Sep 2022 20:18 | #


Revilo P. Oliver uses the term in his introduction to Origins Of Christianity…

To view our problem clearly, we must begin with its beginnings and indicate, as summarily as possible, its
prehistoric origins, limiting ourselves to matters directly relevant to our own race, with which alone we need have
a rational concern. And since Indo-European is best reserved for use as a linguistic term, and such words as
Nordic and Celtic are too restrictive as designations of variations within our species, we shall use the only
available word in general use that designates our race as a whole, although the Jews have forbidden us to use it.
Aryan, furthermore, has the advantage that it is not a geographic term, and while some may think it immodest to
describe ourselves as arya, ‘noble,’ that word does indicate a range of moral concepts for which our race seems
to have instinctively a peculiar and characteristic respect, which differentiates it from other races as sharply as do
its physical traits, and, like them, more or less conspicuously, depending on the particular contrast that is made.

The term is sonorous, like Aragorn cooing to Elowyn at Rivendale.

“I am Arya” will make a great hashtag and not frighten the women folk.




Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 11 Sep 2022 03:01 | #

The Jews banned the term Aryan shortly after their money - spinning Holohoax got under way.

I admire your pluck in attempting to restore it.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 18 Sep 2022 11:34 | #


Whaddya think? Will this unite the Poles and Germans?

I know it will piss off the tribe.


Posted by Timothy Murray on Sun, 02 Oct 2022 18:18 | #

FWIW, I commented on a gab by E.M. Jones where I link to your discussion with TAN on this podcast specifically on the issue of
White = Polish Plumbers banging German Daughters


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 03 Oct 2022 00:13 | #

Thanks, Tim.  I never got around to interviewing EMJ.  Perhaps that boat has sailed now.


Posted by timothy murray on Tue, 04 Oct 2022 21:04 | #


It will be a wonderful interview!
Your interview with TAN was outstanding, I am sure this obe will be too.

When you do,  I ask that you clarify with EMJ his assertion that “White” is a category of the mind. 

Also, Alex P. Linder piinted out , per Revilo P. Oliver, that The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit “predated”* Christ.  Perhaps EMJ could clarify.

Furthermore,  any philosophical duscussions that pop up are sure to be fascinating.

Please do the interview. 


*Claudius(? )  edict in Alexandria is, iirc, ~50 A.D.


Posted by Al Ross on Wed, 05 Oct 2022 02:52 | #

Oh Wow , a Christian discovers from RPO via Linder that the Jewish revolutionary spirit predates the crucified precursor to Karl Marx.

  To quote Oliver Cromwell , ” I beseech you in the bowels of Christ ”  that you actually please do read the ancient Jew Book , known to victims of Oriental religious mental colonialism as “The Old Testament “.

In there you will find that old Yahweh’s predators and parasites , the creators of your spurious religion, robbed superior ethnic groups ; clue ,  Canaan ,the Land of Milk and Honey was a successful target of Jewish looting and race replacement.

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Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:46. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)
