State of the Fart Right: Why the bum steers from Jonathan Pohl,  et. al?

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 08 October 2019 13:29.

State of the Fart Right: why the bum steers from Jonathan Pohl, STFU James, et. al?

Lately, I have been making the rounds on some of the prominent racialist hangouts and podcasts, trying to get attention to the ethnonationalist platform that would make most sense, be the most viable and with that, to cultivate means for its coordination. As always, I am motivated to take theoretical/epistemic misdirection and help re-direct it to solid theoretical premises for the defense and advocacy of our European peoples.

I have been lured into some hangouts in order to defend myself and this platform against misrepresentations that were happening in real time. That’s what this post is about - to defend this platform as the prominent voices presenting themselves as experts or worthy common sense critics on behalf of European/White interests continue to receive and give terrible misdirection. Recently, I was lured onto a hangout hosted by ‘Babylonian Hebrew’, a young Jewish fellow living in New York but advocating Zionism for Jews and honest, hard criticism of diasporic Jewry.

I joined the hangout in order to correct an egregiuos strawman committed against me/this platform by one of those disingenuous diasporic Jews - Kyle Rowland, an obnoxious kid made infamous in the current racialist conversation by his slathering dissimulations on Luke Ford’s weasil streams - aimed to provide ways out of responsibility for Jews.

Anyway, the world should know by now that I advocate a platform of European/White Left ethnonationalism in order to garner the underlying social organization, accountability and conscientiousness that the concept of unionization provides for, along with other White post modern means to manage our population and stave off infiltration, misdirection into runaway and betrayal - of key importance, the perspective of the union is intent on holding elites to account to our group (union) interests.

Now, Kyle Rowland has been busy peddling the Luke Fraud line that de-emphasizes the hyperbolic ethnocentrism and nepotism of Jewry in its assent to disproportionate if not hegemonic representation in niches of power and influence; at the same time emphasizing argumentation that Jews have achieved this according to objective merit; while Whites have suffered where they have suffered for lack of objective merit.

Predictably, Kyle had tried to strawman me/this platform with stereotypes of this platform being anti-elite so that he could discourage those Whites of powerful resource from taking our side.

I was happy to disabuse the world of this strawman. It is one of the benefits of defining the left for ourselves, viz., a White ethnonational left is not equalitarian, not against private property, relatively free enterprise and people having more according to their merit. It is not against elites, it is about holding all union members, especially including elites, to account - they will not betraý our unionized interests.

Kyle responded that ‘‘your kind always says that’ ...‘you are an anti-social right winger.”

Ah, I rejoined, in truth, that I am not anti-social - you want White advocates to be anti-social and that’s why you want them to identify as right wing, paying short shrift to social accountability in futile quest for pure warrant beyond or within nature, below relative human group interests.

At this point Ecce Lux joined-in against Kyle, wanting him to steel-man his argument that race replacement is immoral. Ecce did well, and I pointed out as well that Kyle was making an egregious buyer beware argument - if White people are hoodwinked into accepting race replacement it’s their fault. But I also pointed out to Ecce that anti race replacement is not the strongest angle in America, because Kyle could just hit you, as he already had, with the displacement of native Americans by Whites.

A better tack is to argue carrying capacity and from there segue into human ecology ... well, we’re sorry about the history but it is history and we’ve got to manage carrying capacity and human ecology now…

This was when Jonathan Pohl’s cohort, STFU James was encouraged by him and other half wits of the fart right to start attacking ...ME…

James was acting as if my adding the word ‘sorry’ was like an offer of reparations along with throwing myself and my people prostrate before the third world.. idiotic straw manning.

To provide some crucial background to the motives for this attack, take a listen the right’s intellectual champion, one ‘Right Ruminations”, on the Praise of Folly’ podcast, repremanding those ‘anti-semites who should rather be grateful to Paul Gottfried and other Jews for conceiving the need for an ‘Alternative-Right’, a revised PaleoConservatism 2.0, moving right along with (((Frank Meyer’s))) incoherent and chimeric fusionism of Judeo-Christian, Abrahamic yoke and Enlightenment objectivist disingenuousness/naiivete - that pitted disingenuously against a marketing campaign of a villainous characterology of ‘The Left’ as oxymoronically liberal (well it is liberal for Whites as it is comandeered by Jewry for internationalist, anti-White coalitions against the would-be conservatism of White unionization). And particularly as Jewish hegemony peaked with the 2008 scam, Jews such as Gottfried and Horowitz were frantically concerned that intersectionality might create a left ethnonational consciousness in Whites - they would organize, unionize and see who was on top, fucking them over - Jewish interests in tandem with White right wing sell outs taking the bribe of no account objectivism and White liberals taking license on similar no account objectivist grounds.

Sure, Right Ruminations! Whites should be grateful for this!

Coming back to our episode, Kyle against the world, where James joined-in.

James started calling me a “Polock”, a moron, saying that Whites don’t and will never think like a group, because they are too individualistic and elite Whites have always sold other Whites out, Whites don’t care about eachother.

He then went into what I now know is his boomer thing about the evils of collectivists, and people supposedly like me, motivated by collectivism in order to take a free ride (not to help my people) while he had picked himself up by his bootstraps and done everything by himself.

Though this only proved to me that he knew nothing about me or what I’ve said on these matters it was clear that there was no reason to argue with this contentious idiot - he was just going to attack, straw man me, my motives and my arguments from the get go. He just wanted to try to discredit me without so much as understanding anything I say or intend.

But before leaving, I did tip my hat to Gandalf for making a cogent argument against James’ self made man against collectivism bullshit.

This becomes more relevant as James would go on to say with Jonathan Pohl that Gandalf and I are alike in being gratuitously complex, pretentious wannabe scholars who really are not worth listening to (and as if Gandalf and I are colleagues, sharing the same platform).

Now, I won’t try to turn the absurdty around on Jonathan Pohl - he is an accredited academic with some insights into history and geopolitics - neither a heavy focus of mine. Even James, one of these guys who hasn’t been to college and so tends to think of those who have as being pretentious and stuck up, needing to be shown by him how much smarter that he is - even he has a thought or two, but nothing that is any good and mutually exclusive to what I say.

But he is too much of a self righteous asshlole to realize that I’m not trying to show off and compete with him.

I had only formed a momentary coalition with Gandalf against James’ bogus anti-collectivist bum steer, but it did illustrate how these temporary coalitons can form between people with ideologies largely at odds - as apparently is happening with momentary coalition formation against me/ this platform by Germanophiles, mutated to imperialists or Nazis as such, Christians and believe it or not, Jews - who are encouraging this right wing nonsense to keep us disorganized, stigmatized, divided and conquered.

Now, I would not be inclined to hold it against Jonthan Pohl that he is fat and ugly -  made moreso for the fact that he let his teeth rot, is missing his upper set.

I am not particularly bothered by the fact that he has an Asian wife and mixed kids.

But you put these things together with his unspectacular 111 I.Q. and you start seeing a man who can’t and won’t think outside of the box, because he has a large and disgruntled German American demographic to fall back to; and too much invested in this Jewish framework, as an academic selling point to third world students; his nervous giggle betrays the fact that he is precariously on the fringes of a Nazi German perspective that did things it should not have; and he’d rather have the company of people who stir up blame and hatred of Polish people, rather than the input of a half Italian half Polish man who doesn’t hate Germans, who advocates them and their discreet ethnonationalism.

While your concern about the deportation of Volga Germans from Russia does not set my heart bleeding any more than yours does over similar plights of Poles, I would not expect you to have selfishness to the point of spite, projection and contempt.

So you have mixed Asian kids, therefore curating and defending the European genome - including German, obviously - is not a worthwhile project? It’s made redundant by your going to your German Oompah lounge and stuffing your face with bratwurst and beer?

It is important to note that the DNA Nations is just one criteria offered from this platform and it is optional - voluntary. But even so, it can provide criteria for dealing with mixed kids and other gray areas. It is not only about maintaining purity, though it can and should do that as well.

Do you know that the DNA Nations concept is not only about negotating purity, but also negotiating complexities and gray areas such as your mixed race kids?

You said in chat that I’d have to deport a million Silesian Germans. Why would I have to do that? never even considered it. Why don’t you get over your antipathy and persecution complex?

And you know, prof. Pohl, your buddy James is not the first of your cohorts to subject me to thoughtless, nasty, insantaneous attacks, including the racial epithet, ‘Polock’.

It was only a few weeks ago that I followed you and Ecce to the Hangout of a stream coducted by some cartoonist by trade/ Christian who said that ‘Polocks don’t deserve to be heard’ and that he would block my comment from the chat when I pointed out that Yuri Gagarin, the first man in space (whom he was talking about) may have been Belarusian, not Russian. To compound his willful ignorance, he said that ‘Belarus just means White Russian’....‘basically the same people.’

Never mind that I was defending Belarusians, not Poles….that the name ‘White Russian’ is an artifact of brutal Russification which left millions of what were once Lithuanians dead. That I learned about this and other profound disinctions between them and Russians from Stanislav Shushkevich, the man who drafted and signed the Bialowieza Accords - the dissolution of the Soviet Union signed along with Yeltsin and then President of Ukraine. Shushkevich would go on to be first President of the newly independent Belarus; later deposed by Russian puppet, Lukashenko.

Maybe the friends you keep didn’t want the relevant inference that Belarus, like Poland and all nations between Germany and the Soviet Union, were staunchly against The Soviets, underscoring the lie that Hitler fought a defensive war.

You see, Professor Jonathan, this nasty hatred of Poles (that you’ve countenanced) and the tendency to villify and desparage other European peoples is part and parcel of the Nazi platform - a good reason not to coddle those who traffic in it.

Maybe you are pandering to facile right wing Nazi and Jesus coalitions or perhaps because I don’t focus on Volga Germans and Ghanese, you say that I am not worth listening to. That I have nothing worth hearing or reading. That is worse than stupid, it’s an egregious bum steer for European peoples.

Speaking of the facile right wing coalitions which encourage antagonism of me/ this platform, Ovfuckyou was on a hangout with CoE and none other than Kyle Rowland today. I was invited by Babylonian Hebrew and what did I hear before entering? Ov saying that I (Sienkiewicz) think that all Russians were fighting for Stalin. I NEVER said that EVER and I learned comprehensively in my Theory of Soviet Foreign Policy class at Tufts (taught by prof. Terry, a special advisor to President Reagan on Soviet - Polish relations), that the Russians were fighting mostly for mother Russia, or for the gun at their back; while those Nazis so friendly and kindred to Russians as Ov would like you to believe, were undertaking the killing of millions of Russians at Stalingrad and Leningrad.

But wouldn’t you know that Jewish Kyle Rowland agreed with Nazi Ov’s lie that I think Russians were fighting for Stalin - see what I mean about these right wing coalitions against a platform such as on offer here, one that really centers on defending European peoples in their genus and species?


One last issue that I have to address about an old saw that James seems wont to bring out against me -

That I am trying to obfuscate and misdirect with academic language or that I am ‘trying to impress people’ with academic terms.

This goes to the most fundamental absurdity of James, where a semi intelligent guy really is stupid. He imputes these motives onto me which are totally untrue.

When I use academic terms and concepts it is to help people, viz. White/European people, to understand how they are supposed to be correctly used in their interests.

And in the case of the C.M.M. based posts, while the terms and heuristics are technical and abstract of themselves, I present this material as a resource to help people sort out confusing situations - that’s quite the opposite motive from obfuscation.

I never use words to confuse or for mere decoration, but am rather trying, anyway, to use the word, term, concept that I think serves best.



Posted by DanielS on Tue, 08 Oct 2019 22:28 | #

Seems my old desk top has finally had it, so I made this post on my tablet. It is considerably more difficult and I will surely be making correctikns and edits ..


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 09 Oct 2019 08:48 | #

Ok, I’ve got ithe post cleaned up now.

It’s basically mistake free - and I had one particularly risable one, I had Ýuri Gagarian, first man in space, as ‘Yuri Geller’ - an infamous spoon bending huxter


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 13 Oct 2019 04:41 | #

I stepped into a Babylonian Hebrew stream the other day in order to maintain a more sane understanding of myself/this platform given those passing through his hangout…

It was an opportune moment since nobody there was proposing to re-direct me and this platform. I could just speak unharried.

Then Claire Khaw came on, and after a while Jen CoC, while Gandalf and ConOps made cameos.


The highlights and lowlights:

Claire proposed that without the religious fear of divine retribution from god that people are without disincentive to act wrongly.

I suggested that natural consequences of excess or neglect should provide plenty of hellish disincentive - for example, neglecting our scientific capacity to intervene with a meteor can lead to the hellish fate of the dinosaur.

Claire said, that if people have faith in god then they wouldn’t have to worry about it.

Other than the framework of her project - trying to convert Europeans to Islam - which is stupid, she is not usually so dumb on a content level. But there she was.

Claire asked me why I won’t read The Koran?

I answered because I’ve seen and heard enough verses from that text and witnessed enough consequences of its directives to not want to be part of its barbarism.

I asked her to read the Oct. 4 Irish Savant article, ‘Another Misunderstander of Islam’...

She did read it aloud, a report of actual barbaric verses from the Koran juxtaposed to how they are spun to the infidel masses by disingenuos scholastics.

Claire then read these verses in context, but to my hearing, that did little to mitigate them.

At least it wasn’t as bad as asking who needs science when you have god to save you from meteors?

At this point Jen Church of Entropy joined in…


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 13 Oct 2019 10:19 | #

I must hasten to add that I did not seek out the compay or approval of Jen “CoC”, she came on the stream with criticisms and proposal to help me do better in my presentations.

I was not especially interested in this and remain disinterested for a few key reasons made evident by this episode.

She sees herself as:

A) A guru of hinduism, primarily concerned with righting the wrongs of European imperialism as it has ridden the wave of Jewish supremacism by means of its Abrahamic religions to the exploitation and destruction of Indian peoples, their interests.

B) The greatest mind of physics who is going to resolve problems of our social/moral order by re-organizing it under a “theocratic dictatorship” based on a model of all pervasive quantum physics that she proposes - its greatest ispiration, she maintains, is an equation from “the mind as a quantum computer” to ““the reincarnation of the personality” thereupon.

She has said that this reincaration is not necessarily contingent upon your biological form.

I have already explained to her that this is not inspiration for the White Nationalist project. The White Nationalist project is devoted to the preservation of the biological genus and species of European peoples.

Her project has hallmarks rather of liberal chimera, some sort of egregious anethesia at best.

Rather, the “reincarnation” that we are interested in, is the perpetuation of our biological kinds.

Now we come to this episode, and she skeptically asks me to describe some aspects of my project platform and how it differs from what I consider to be her scientism (bad or mis-applied science).

I give her a concrete example of the Cartesian dichotomy which she accepts as intelligible - on the one hand, you’ve got the naturalistic fallacy of “might makes right” or survival of the fittest based on a simplistic observation of animal nature, below the complex, reflective and agentive emergence of HUMAN nature in interactive social praxis. Animals do not have as much reflective capacity with regard to their actions and their consequences as humans do.

At the other end of the Cartesian anxiety for unassailable warrant, you’ve got claims beyond nature, markedly, “it’s just god’s will.”

Ok, Jen accepts this as making some sense of what I am referrig to when speaking of expressions of Cartesian anxiety.

I don’t recall off hand the specifics of her question next, but it must have had somethig to do with, what then is to be done absent Christianity (Claire was chiming-in) or for a religion?

I answered that any religion or moral order serving European interests must look after our biology. And a good place to begin is with Aristotle who, by the way, rivals Jesus as the most esteemed figure by European peoples ....I maintain, with good reason and begin to explain why I begin with Aristotle.

Jen asks me why? What does Aristotle say that’s so important?

I’m in a little shock…this is coming from a woman puporting to be the greatest mind and thinker of our day….

But anyway, though I’ve explained this a thousand times already, I begin to outline Aristotle’s observatios as to what makes humans distinctly human as opposed to animals, vegetables and conventional units of observation looked at by physicists.

We are biological creatures motivated homeostatically by optimal levels of need satisfaction not strictly by the stasis of quantitative forces. We are mammals and as such, we care, are motivated by relationships - which may be fairly independent of other physical forces acting upon us.

Having acknowledged before that I should have more niftily summed up the concept of the emergent qualities of the social world (hat tip Joel Davis) what Aristotle calls Praxis, that the whole of our genetic systems is going to be greater than the sum of its parts, and not lending itself to perfect reductionism, I proceeded to explain how Aristotle saw human interaction in praxis as adding agency and unpredictability to go along with our inborn human capacity to learn and change accordingly…

However, a centering in praxis (the White post modern project) allows for correctability (the essence of systemic homeostasis), acccountability, agency and warrant.

Anyway, I’m beginning to sketch this (not as thoroughly as I am in writing here, but I am accurate) and Jen says, “what’s the big deal?”

This is a massive negative clue. People who have an istinctive concern for European peoples, which has not somehow been overwritten by some other project, recognize aspects of Aristotle as desperately needed corrective to the runaway destruction of liberalism.

But Jen’s response was rather, who needs Aristotle when you’ve got me, the greatest mind ever?

This crazyness hasn’t quite sunk in.

But out of the kindness of her condescending heart, Jen is going to help me….

She asks, “would Aristotle be a left ethnonatioalist”?  I answered rashly, yes. then was forced to backtrack from my sloppy answer to a hostile question.

I had to explain that of course we do not follow all of Aristotle, some of it is plainly obsolete, but we take certain essences and ideas ... not all of what he held in his day would be left ethnonatioalist, but I would take my chances at persuading him that in the current circumstance, the left ethnonational platform set forth here is best for carrying forth the good, worthy, magnanamous life - and most of all, left ethnonationalism is committed to the centralization of Praxis, so the answer is yes: Aristotle would be a left ethnonationalist.

For the record, not only does Jen think Aristotle is beneath her, so insignificant that a great teacher like her can just brush him off, but Jen’s theory of everything is better than everyone’s - she claims to be smarter than Chris Langdon, the guy with the 200 I.Q.

I can maybe forgive not immediately getting the significance of Aristotle’s insights into human nature for Europeans, if you are not presentng yourself as a teacher and one proposing to do some good for European peoples.

Claire and Jen want me to participate in a contest for “larp dictator” presenting a five minute speech on how we would organize our ideal society given dictatorial power.

In Claire’s orginal contest proposal, she had asked candidates to submit a 5,000 word essay discussing it.

In a lacks moment, I thought aloud that 5,000 words corresponded to the 5 minute speech that was to be granted each candidate.

I was almost embarrassed to be reminded by Jen that 5 minutes is more like 750 words, not 5,000.

But what Jen and others should know, is that this is the kid of trivial mistake I am susceptible to, because I don’t tend to devote much mental shelf space to tautologies that are corrected with easily verifiable reference before an action is set out.

I had thought it might be fun to larp, be a way to practice and get my ideas out there…and then I came back from vacation to find that Ovfuckyou had won Jay’s alternative version of the contest.

Claire maintained that that was a discreetly different matter (knowing that I will have nothing to do with OV), but I also heard Jen coddling OV saying that she learned a lot from him.

The greatest teacher ever learning a lot from OV? I don’t think so.

The greatest teacher doesn’t care much for Aristotle’s balance? I could have elaborated on how toxic feminists Simone de Beauvoir and Friedan had much the same irresponsible, puerile female anti-social egotism about their philosophical motives.

As I said, Jen is not very sympathetic to the biological concerns of White men to maintain their genetic genus and species, she is more aligned with the puerile female who incites genetic competiton or wants to cover up the consequences of her puerile incitement with the liberalising notion that you should not fret over maintaining your biological kind because you are going to be reincarated in a different biological kind.

I was leaning toward doing the little larp thing with her and Claire until I heard Jen schmoozing with Ovfuckyou.

A layman, let along a teacher, let alone the greatest teacher, should have better judgment than to normalize the kind of shit that Ov is pedding - through what sounds like a coke or amphetamie inspired mania. Even in an enhanced state, he still sucks.

It is only further evidence that Jen CoE is not on page, does not really care about European interests. If she did, she would never contribute to the proposed normalization of Ovfuckyou’s Hitler platform.

It is surely no coincidence that long time antagonist of mine at Majorityrights - Silver - has resurfaced to join on Ov’s HItler bandwagon.

Silver, adittedly not White, having affinity for “Anatolia and the Levant” has always been fond and defenseive of Hitler because Silver doesn’t care that Hitler’s war mongerig got 50 million White people killed.

Whether it is Claire, Jen, Silver or even Jay, I’m afraid, the common denominator to those who would try to normalize Ov is that they don’t care about European peoples generally….maybe one part or aspect, but on the whole obviously not much - let’s just spit in the faces of those 50,000 million Europeans that Hitler got killed… oh yes, I forget, it was everybody else’s fault, Hitler was a man of peace…. just defending his people….Ov can’t understand why I don’t want to talk to Dennis Wise, who will tell me so ....after all, if Goebbels said that Poles killed 58,000 German civilians ..a “fact” slowly scrolled down the screen of his “documentary”, The Greatest Story Never Told, it must be true.

I should talk to him and help him to get his views out there? ..Ov has called me a faggot and a Pollock because I am not interested in doing this ... he wants to justify Hitler accross the board and wants me to talk to him while he soars in the same methampetamine buzz of his leader, AH. What did I tell you about the Nazi platform and its inherent propensity to denigrate and desparage other Europeans.

Now you know why I don’t respect people who associate with Ovfuckyou, will try to avoid them and their view, at odds with European interests as they are.

You may be enamored of a kid whipped up through a cocaine or meth high, and your judgement is absent.

Somewhere along the line Gandalf seemed to want to derail me from a critique not just of black behavioral patterns, but to take my take on the significance of the hippies in a direction of naturalism and his stated quest for a “religion based on nature and truth   ..and with that the hippies being about getting back to the land”  ...which doesn’t capture my take on the hippies much at all…yes, there was a feature of reconnecting with organic patterns, but Being / Dasein and Midtdasein is basically about recentering in praxis, our people (yes, habitat too) and our relative interests as such…it is not about raw naturalism, the naturalistic fallacy.


Posted by Babylonian & Christian tongues on Fri, 18 Oct 2019 15:35 | #

Comments on subsequent Babylonian Hebrew Hangout

Doovid saying that I had lost by coming here is a reflection of his being a trivial man… in the one-upmanship of his pilpul, wanting to believe that the phatically trivial level of his concerns is where mine are as well, as opposed to my attending to slower, deeper and more important patterns, not to be diverted by this selfish, superficial and trivial man - hell, he doesn’t even believe in evolution..he can’t be taken seriously.

When Stellar the Christian says that Eastern European countries such as Poland owe their ability to maintain their native populations to Christianity, he is seeing a false causality. It is rather the case that it is not as easy for liberals to deny Poland and East Europe their nationhood after it was wrested from the Nazis and Soviets. The logic of meaning and action was different in the west, where liberals were able open their boarders in punishment for imperialism, taking advantage of the holes that exist in the Christianity of these Christian nations as well.


Posted by Jonathan Pohl Poof on Sat, 19 Oct 2019 12:38 | #

Ecce Lux is making errors not worthy of double AA, let alone Major League White advocacy by featuring Nazi Ovfuckyou and Jonathan Pohl on his hangout.

I suppose that one might expect better understanding and judgment regarding history from history PhD Jonathan Pohl, but then if one has ANY understanding and judgment of the history, they would see through Jonathan Pohl’s claims as absurdly lacking in understanding and judgment - expressions of absurd German chauvinism.

Specifically, Pohl has the nerve to claim that I live in a city, Poznan, that “ethnically cleansed” thousands of Germans in 1944-45.

Absurdity number one bespeaking an ignorance born of utter German chauvinism and disregard for neighboring Europeans:

This expulsion occured on the heels of Nazi Germany having just killed millions of Poles and other Europeans from neighboring nations - and Pohl has the nerve to complain about Germans being sent to live in Germany proper after the war.

Not only that, but these millions were killed in large part for Hitler’s program of Lebensraum - living space for Germans at the expense of the nations to the east.

In other words, after having killed millions toward this end and losing to them, Jonathan Pohl expects no hard feelings, not even the inconvenience of being moved back into Germany proper.

While the borders established by Stalin at that time had the Germans losing lands in what is now Poland’s west, there is a reasonable accounting for this…

First regarding Poznan:

Pohl and Nazi Ovfuckyou laughed when Pohl said that I think that because Poznan was Polish before 1793 (Frederick the Great homosexual’s imperialism) that it should always be Polish.

Obviously, I could make the same claim - with more force in return - they think that because German imperialism had this land from 1793 to 1919 that it should always be that way - ho ho ho.

But it gets worse for their part…

Poznan is the first capital of Poland, established by the namesake tribe, “the Polane.” The name Poznan comes from Polish, ‘to make acquaintaince’ between the Czech, Russian and Polish man.

Because it is the first capital of Poland, the first kings of Poland are burried here, in its cathedral.

It gets worse for Pohl and Ov…

After Hitler’s idol and model, Frederick the Great Faggot took one third of Poland along with Russia and Austria, the Poles never stopped trying to regain their nation…..

This, despite the fact that Germany tried to destroy Poland’s history, burning its library, with its genealogy and territorial records.

Nevertheless the Poles tried unsucessfully to regain their nation for 123 years.

In World War I, Poles joined the German side up to 8% of fighting forces given the promise of more Polish autonomy following the war.

Holding them to their promise, Pilsudski orchestrated the WielkaPolska uprising which re-took the ancient capital of Poznan for the Poles.

Shortly thereafter, Pilsudski defeated The Soviet Union at Warsaw, when the Soviets were otherwise on their way to attack Berlin.

Endorsing Polish nationhood, The Versailles Treaty confirmed Poznan as Polish again, made Danzig neutral (though it had been Polish at times in history, including in its heyday), along with a Polish corredor, providing Poland logistical access to the sea, much to the chagrin of a young Hitler, whose idol, Frederick the Great faggot, saw controlling Polish sea access as the means to control Poland.

Frederick the Great Faggot hated Poland, by the way, and was full of tricks that would make the YKW blush, such as counterfeiting Polish currency in order to make it go into hyper inflation… ..but anway….

As I said, Hitler was indignant at the insult to his idol, Frederick The Great Faggot, and among his first acts of revenge with the invasion of Poland in World War II was the imprisoning and murder of Poles involved in the WielkaPolska uprising that had re-taken Poznan.

In fact, at Fort VII in Poznan, the Nazis established their first experimental gas chambers.

Now, lets make quick work of the more well known history, that you would expect everyone, especially a PhD to take into sober account - lets talk about the millions of Poles killed by the Nazi war effort; including hundreds of thousands of Polish civilians killed in retaliation for the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. Many more Polish civilians were kllled in Warsaw than Germans in Dresden.

But what does Jonathan Pohl have to say? He complains that Germans were moved over the Oder River according to the borders that Stalin drew…

...says they were “ethnically cleansed.”

Does Jonathan Pohl have any concern that Poles, including my own family, were “ethnically cleansed” according to Stalin’s borders, from their former homes in what was then the east of Poland?

Of course not.

In this shifting of national boundaries westward, the biggest loss to Poland of its east was what is now L’viv, Ukraine.

A maginficent city developed by the Poles and surrounded by some Polish villages…

Now, in this same conversation, Jonathan Pohl mentions the Ukrainian Nationalist, Bandera.

Pohl is not eager to mention that Bandera massacred whole villages of defenseless Polish men, women and children in 1944 for fear that the Poles might try to reclaim L’viv and surrounds after the war.

No, Pohl is not eager to mention this because it might mitigate against his chauvinist sob story about Germans being moved over the Oder River after the war (though Germans being killed during that expulsion process was bad, I would agree).

Speaking of lives lost in expulsion, the Polish population of Wroclaw and surrounds was wiped out by a Mongol invasion in the 1200s.

When the Mongols withdrew back east, the Germans moved in to develop Breslau, which they controlled for 800 years….

While Stalin took L’viv from the Poles, he increased the buffering zone of Poland by giving them back Wroclaw (Breslau) after the war.

This would provide for a much better complaint and argument of injustice for Jonathan Pohl, than does expulsion from Poznan.

And it still doesn’t hold up to provide sympathy to a just understanding.

Given the Poles loss of L’viv and Nazi aggression and atrocities in quest of lebensraum at the expense - ethnic cleansing - of Poles, losing Breslau to the Poles was a just punishment.

Moreover, absent Hitler’s imperialist aspirations modeled after his idol, Frederick The Great Faggot, Germany would still have Wroclaw and most of Silesia, most of what is now western Poland, all of what is now Kaliningrad and neutral access to the free city of Danzig.

That wasn’t enough for Hitler, not even being granted the Sudetenland against the Treaty of St. Germain was enough.

No, Hitler wanted lebensraum up to the Urals and got 50 million plus Europeans, including millions of Germans, killed for his Frederick The Great Faggot 2.0 grandiosty.

But the only sorrow that Jonathan Pohl wants to express is a sob story about Germans being moved back into Germany after the war.

It is mindboggling.

Many complain about the poor quality of academics nowadays.

If Jonathan Pohl were once again to get a job teaching in Ghana it would be too good for him.


Posted by What was Prussia? on Sat, 16 Nov 2019 18:06 | #


Posted by Erika on Thu, 12 Mar 2020 15:05 | #

Who is silver


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 12 Mar 2020 15:32 | #

Assuming that you are speaking of Silver, a man who used to comment at Majorityrights ....

He is a man who “never claimed to be White.”

Who claimed affinity for “Anatolia and the Levant” though he seemed to also have significant South Eastern European heritage.

He did not respect my editorial decision to exclude those looking to redeem Hitler/Nazism, deny Operation Reinhard, and so on, because he considered it a “revelation” that “none of this (liberal destruction) would be happening if the Nazis had won the war.”

However, I did not take his position to heart for a few important reasons.

1) Through his commentary, including on that matter, you could gather that the defense and well being of Europeans generally was not his particular concern (witness his lack of regard for those nations and peoples Hitler destroyed) while his angle attempted 20/20 hindsight, that obviously wasn’t 20/20 even though it could have been.

He seemed rather to find an angle to ingratiate himself to the right wingers of England, a place where he liked living as an off-White non-native.

As I recall, he was also defensive of Christianity, which this platform rejects for similar reasons of true European interests.

2) And given his priorities he was a nuisance to my efforts to build this platform, relentlessly trolling and gunking up threads with ad hominum nonsense.

He was not the worst of the nuisances to this platform but near the top

3) When he finally left the ranks of Majorityrights commentators, he went to other right wing sites, such as the former “Alt-Right” to resume attempts to subvert this platform from afar

- notably, we had our Japanese correspondent, Kumiko, here at the time still, and she would venture into battle with the Alt-Righters, because she saw what I saw, that they were being misdirected by Jewish and sellout interests to do their bidding irrespective of ethnonational interests - which would include alliance with Japan and other ethnonational countries if thought out properly, as opposed to their right wing nonsense.

In one notable occasion at Alt-Right, Silver promoted the flagrant lie that “Whites hate Asians” simply, in order to try to subvert this fledgling alliance.

Unfortunately, for all the stupid right wing shit being said, most of it amplified by Jewish interests, Kumiko was a bit too sensitive and prone to believe that WN could not be coordinated with, despite my efforts to explain that Silver was exactly trying to do a divide and conquer op on her, that he was a long time antagonist to this White Left Ethnonational platform which can, in fact, coordinate with Japanese ethnonationalists and other ethnonationalists.

The short answer is that Silver is a piece of shit.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 12 Mar 2020 16:27 | #

Adding the part in black, to comment #4 above:

She asks, “would Aristotle be a left ethnonatioalist”?  I answered rashly, yes. then was forced to backtrack from my sloppy answer to a hostile question.

I had to explain that of course we do not follow all of Aristotle, some of it is plainly obsolete, but we take certain essences and ideas ... not all of what he held in his day would be left ethnonatioalist, but I would take my chances at persuading him that in the current circumstance, the left ethnonational platform set forth here is best for carrying forth the good, worthy, magnanamous life - and most of all, left ethnonationalism is committed to the centralization of Praxis, so the answer is yes: Aristotle would be a left ethnonationalist.


Posted by - would love to drop it and move forward on Fri, 13 Mar 2020 07:39 | #

The kidnapping campaign of Nazi Germany | DW Documentary

I’ll be glad to let the issue drop if the fucking Hitler heads will drop it.

If so-called WN are going to invoke 20/20 hindsight, rather than suggesting that America and Britain were on the wrong side of WWII, how about wouldn’t it have been nice if Hitler didn’t start attacking other European nations? because it was clearly NOT a defensive war on his part, despite what Goebbels grossly lying propaganda might have people believe.

Operation Himmler Nazi s false flag to legitimize the invasion.

To repeat: all nations between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union were against the Soviets and were anti-Semitic. It was considered one of Poland’s greatest historical victories to have defeated Soviets aggression at Warsaw in 1920.


Posted by Brutalized on Sat, 14 Mar 2020 12:07 | #

Brutalised 18, Colin Liddell


Posted by A letter to Brutus on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 05:02 | #

Brutus, you should give consideration to Majorityrights platform. You are wrestling with a serious issue for White Ethnonationalism, which is the radioactivity and divisiveness of Hitler/Nazi advocates and the false either or that they propose of White ethnonationalism being on the side of the kosher YKW or being on the side of Hitler/The Nazis. This false either or has been propped up and given currency by the fact that America’s White demographic is predominantly German (and next, Irish, which has its own reasons to be less concerned about Hitler’s program in relation to their home country); and because Jewry is interested in maintaining the association of White advocacy and Nazism and so encourage them, in their suffering under PC, to indulge the inclination to over sympathize with pro Nazi narratives and their false claims, including the false claim that Hitler didn’t start the war - of course, he did. Among the most convenient oversights for those who want to say, as American WN typically have been saying, that America and Britain were “on the wrong side of the war” is that they neglect to understand that all the nations between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia were anti Soviet and anti Semitic - Poland, for example, wanted to deport its Jews and had already defeated its arch enemy, the Soviets in the battle of Warsaw 1920. The other nations between, i.e., Belarus, Ukraine, Slovakia, Czech, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland were anti Soviet and anti Semitic as well.

Hitler/Nazi Germany were under no immanent threat. They started the war. Hitler was a war monger and Goebbels put out much very false propaganda to try to justify their war as “defensive.” In fact, Hitler’s war was offensive and imperialist/supremacist - for lebensraum - at the expense of millions of other Europeans and ultimately, because of his theory, at the expense of millions of Germans as well.

Ironically, they attacked the nations and nationalists which were the most anti Semitic and most willing to go along with a program of deportation as those nations had experienced Jewry, that being where the Pale of settlement was.

Hitler’s war was catastrophic for White ethnonationalism. As a result of it, as you know, it is difficult and complicated to be critical of YKW to even the most legitimate extent. And let me not be misunderstood, being opposed to Hitler and his program is not one and the same as viewing the YKW as on our side and one of us. Nor does it mean that we are anti German, or anti German ethnonationalism.

These false either/or’s - either the YKW or the Nazis, either the Soviet/Communists or the Nazis is another one - are shown untrue by the nature of nations between Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia. But these false either or’s are promoted and consumed largely by disingenuous and naive American WN demographics and by the YKW in order to maintain the radioactive and divisive association of Hitler/Nazism with White ethnonationalism.

Pursuing our sovereignty free from the Nazi stigma allows us to profit from our innocence as we initiate separatism - we can always refer to the fact that our path to sovereignty and our hypotheses of their antagonism entail separatism, but cannot meet with resistance on the grounds that our program is necessarily lethal for them, or that where we might exaggerate their misdeeds in certain places, that it is such a big problem, because it corresponds to an irreversible and uncorrectable misconception.

I would be willing to talk to you; if you want GW and mancinblack to join in, maybe we can arrange for that as well. Sincerely DanielS on behalf of Majorityrights: daniel.sienkiewicz

Here is a clip touching on the Nazi false flags to justify the war as “defensive.”

The propaganda was heavy to say the least. Hitler asked Goebbels to come up with a number of Germans killed by Poles prior to the war. Goebbels claimed “5,800.” Hitler said, “multiply that by ten and put it into the media.”

Now “The Greatest Story Never Told” is promoting this wholesale propaganda that Poles killed 58,000 German civilians and WN are not only wanting to believe it, but MR was removed from one of their clearing house sites (now called “the Goebbels Hub”) for having the nerve to call attention to the fact that it is not remotely true (nor even 5,800).

So, Brutus, you are taking on a very important issue for the legitimacy of our ethnonational cause, for the good of German ethnonationalism as well.


Posted by Pohl Poot on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 13:22 | #


Jonathan Pohl (1:33:58): This is the problem with racial problem with racial reductionists. Alright, so, if everything is uh, genetics, then history and culture and language and geography are totally irrelevant.

Who fits this criteria of racial reductionism? Who is recommending it? Certainly not I. Though perhaps Pohl might think so because I do see genetics as one valid and important criteria in stewarding group maintenance.

Pohl continues (1:34:12):

And the first thing is that White people are not going to be at the top of the heap.

Who said it was about being on top?

Human ecology (of which race distinction is a part) is rather about maintaining our kinds in a horizontal sense.

Johnathan Pohl (1:34:20):

The reason Europeans are successful has nothing to do with race and everything to do with culture and history.

Is he serious? Is he just trying to run camouflage in order to work his way into the system - either for his own purposes or perhaps to act as an agent infiltrator? That would be about the best one could grant him, but it really does not seem to be his purpose. He seems to be taking a markedly liberal, anti-racial position.

Jonathan Pohl (1:34:26):

Otherwise we’d be back to the lie of HBD people that high average I.Q. determines everything.

You see Pohl making the false equivalent between race + human bio diversity + i.q. which is a red cape advanced by the (((Sailer))) camp.

We defend our people not because we have high i.q. but because it is our responsibility, we are indebted to our people for centuries and recognize the value of our qualities.

Pohl (1:37:03):

if everyone were White, then Whiteness would mean nothing.

But everyone isn’t White. White is a tag given to people of European extraction, particularly as it would be awkward to refer to them as European in diaspora would be awkward to refer to them as European in Europe for that matter.

Pohl (1:37:05):

It would make no sense to study Whiteness in Iceland.

Why wouldn’t it make sense to study Europeans in Iceland?

Pohl (1:37:14):

No, I’m not part Chinese though my daughter is half Kyrgyz

Pohl (1:43:25):

I got to teach a graduate course in race and ethnicity every year (in the six years that he was in Ghana)

Given that, we can presume the emphasis was on European concerns?

Pohl (2:29:58):

(the Pohl position) is super blue pilled.

That might help you get a job at UVA.

Pohl (2:31:27):

I have seen some of Cotto/ Gottfried streams. I like Paul Gottfried.
I’m not particularly impressed with Cotto though.

Paul Gottfried should defect to my stream.

I rest my case. Pohl is even worse than I thought. Both Cotto and Gottfried are virulent Jews, with Gottfried been a key misdirection agent behind the Alt-Right.

Pohl (2:41:44)

Paul Gottfried is uh, quite an impressive figure.

Kind of strange, given that his supervisor for his PhD was probably the worst academic in terms of negative influence on society ever. And that’s Herbert Marcuse.

Yeah, Franz (chat commentor), you know that’s my great, great, great grandfather’s name, Gottfried. One of the one’s from around Lodz in Poland, one of these German settlements with Magdeburg law…

Maybe German, but Lodz is notorious for having had a lot of Jews (e.q., Hollywood Mogul Ludwik Meyer was from Lodz).

Not that that small bit of Jewish heritage would be damning, but the rest of this discussion should have advocates of European peoples looking very critically at what Pohl has to say.

Ecce Lux and some other regulars in racial discussion were in the chat to witness this discussion, so they cannot plead ignorance.


Posted by Claire Kough on Sun, 15 Mar 2020 15:02 | #

Claire Kough said in the chat (when I was speaking to Luke Ford recently):

The HardKhaw Prawn

Is Daniel the biggest intellectual the alt-right can produce? Then it means it is a movement of revolting peasants.

        Claire calls that an expression of “real nationalism.”

LOL. The woman is absolutely impervious. No matter how clearly or how many times you explain things to her, for example that I NEVER identified as “alt-right.”...

Funny that this Chinese dumpling would be trying pull rank as some kind of elite behind her posh accent, lording herself over the European “peasants.”


Posted by mancinblack on Wed, 18 Mar 2020 19:09 | #

‘History is Subjective’ A response to a video made by Morgoth, by ‘Brutus the British’.

I’ve not kept up with Morgoth since he made a show of tagging me as a “back stabbing traitor” for objecting to the Islamist (White Sharia in a chastity belt and lipstick) shit he was allowing on his blog and for my supporting Kumiko. So I can’t comment on this, other than to say that a few years ago, Morgoth’s disdain for ‘bulldog nationalism’ was based on his belief that it was stale and he believed we needed something new ; and in that, he was, in my opinion, correct. We do need something new. There is nothing from the 1930’s that has utility, for the serious, going forward. Of course, if you want to LARP for lulz then fill your jackboots. Just don’t claim you are doing anything constructive.


Posted by Against Pohl's narrative guilt-trips on Sun, 26 Apr 2020 05:54 | #

Pohl is still up to this destructive angle, pandering to German American reactionaries, proposing a “redemptionist” narrative that there was “no reason for The US to enter World War One and kill Germans.”

He says that toward the end of this podcast:

Creating a US Redemption Narrative between the Civil War and World War One.

It has been an intransigent argument on the part of a pandered-to, largely German demographic of America, to say that America and England should not have gotten into wars with Germany - neither WW I nor WW II.

And it is wrong, especially if you are exercising 20/20 hindsight - why not cast doubt on the justice of Germany attacking other nations, and in truth, observe that they started both wars and should not have?

In regard to “no reason to get into WWI”, the military historian Sir Hew Strachan along with Max Hastings, make a convincing case that the German regime was way out of line in attacking Belgium, murdering civilians and burning down the ancient library of Leuven, among other precipitating factors of the war on the part of the German regime.

“The Necessary War” - a film by Max Hastings

But Pohl wants to “change the narrative” by laying guilt trips on other nations while ignoring precipitating German atrocities - the destruction of Kalisz would be another.

Whether The US or the UK should have gone into the wars is after the fact. Germany started them, should not have, but did - brutally - and without sufficient reason.

Here’s a redemption narrative: we can learn from historical mistakes and not start brother’s wars, especially not for the sake of imperialist, supremacist aspirations.

Rape of Belgium

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The ruins of the library of the Catholic University of Leuven after it was burned in 1914

The destroyed city of Leuven in 1915

The Rape of Belgium is a phrase given to the mistreatment of Belgian civilians by German troops during the invasion and subsequent occupation of Belgium during World War I.

The neutrality of Belgium had been guaranteed by the Treaty of London (1839), which had been signed by Prussia. However, the German Schlieffen Plan required that German armed forces pass through Belgium (thus violating Belgium’s neutrality) in order to outflank the French Army, concentrated in eastern France. The German Chancellor Theobald von Bethmann Hollweg dismissed the treaty of 1839 as a “scrap of paper”.[1]

Throughout the beginning of the war, the German army engaged in numerous atrocities against the civilian population of Belgium, including the destruction of civilian property; 6,000 Belgians were killed, and 17,700 died during expulsion, deportation, imprisonment, or death sentence by court.[2] Another 3,000 Belgian civilians died due to electric fences the German Army put up to prevent civilians from fleeing the country, and 120,000 became forced laborers, with half of that number deported to Germany.[3] 25,000 homes and other buildings in 837 communities were destroyed in 1914 alone, and 1.5 million Belgians (20% of the entire population) fled from the invading German army.[4]:13

1 War crimes
1.1 Victimization of civilians
1.2 Sack of Leuven
1.3 Death toll
2 Industrial dismantlement
3 Wartime propaganda
4 Aftermath
4.1 Later analysis
4.2 Historical studies
4.3 Legacy
5 See also
6 References
7 Further reading
7.1 Books
7.2 Journals
8 External links
War crimes

Depiction of the execution of civilians in Blégny by Évariste Carpentier

In some places, particularly Liège, Andenne and Leuven, but firstly Dinant, there is evidence that the violence against civilians was premeditated.[4]:573–4 However, in Dinant, the German army believed the inhabitants were as dangerous as the French soldiers themselves.[5][6]

Victimization of civilians

German troops, afraid of Belgian guerrilla fighters, or francs-tireurs (literally: “free shooters”), burned homes and executed civilians throughout eastern and central Belgium, including Aarschot (156 dead), Andenne (211 dead), Seilles [fr], Tamines (383 dead), and Dinant (674 dead).[7] The victims included men, women, and children.[8] In the Province of Brabant, nuns were ordered to strip under the pretext that they were spies or men in disguise. However, there is no evidence that nuns were violated.[4]:164 In and around Aarschot, between August 19 and the recapture of the town by September 9, women were repeatedly victimized. Rape was nearly as ubiquitous as murder, arson and looting, if never as visible.[4]:164–165

Sack of Leuven

On August 25, 1914, the German army ravaged the city of Leuven, deliberately burning the university library of 300,000 medieval books and manuscripts with gasoline, killing 248 residents,[9] and expelling the population of 10,000. Civilian homes were set on fire and citizens often shot where they stood.[10] Over 2,000 buildings were destroyed and large quantities of strategic materials, foodstuffs and modern industrial equipment were looted and transferred to Germany during 1914. These actions brought worldwide condemnation.[11] (There were also several friendly fire incidents between groups of German soldiers during the confusion.)[6]

Death toll

The Germans were responsible for the deaths of 23,700 Belgian civilians, (6,000 Belgians killed, 17,700 died during expulsion, deportation, in prison or sentenced to death by court) and caused further non-fatalities of 10,400 permanent and 22,700 temporary invalids, with 18,296 children becoming war orphans. Military losses were 26,338 killed, died from injuries or accidents, 14,029 died from disease, or went missing.[2]

Industrial dismantlement

An industrial bakery near the Ypres Salient used to feed the German Army

As raw material usually imported from abroad dried up, more firms laid off workers.[12] Unemployment became a major problem and increased reliance on charity distributed by civil institutions and organizations. As many as 650,000 people were unemployed between 1915 and 1918.[13][14]

The German authorities used the unemployment crisis to loot industrial machinery from Belgian factories, which was either sent to Germany intact or melted down. The German policies enacted by the Imperial German General Government of Belgium would later create major problems for Belgian economic recovery after the end of the war, the Germans destroyed the Belgian economy so thoroughly by dismantling industries and transporting the equipment and machinery to Germany that it never regained its pre-war level.[15]


Posted by mancinblack on Sun, 26 Apr 2020 18:00 | #

Brutus the Eternal Anglo with ‘Keith Woods, Britain is the dictatorship of Mammon’.

I’ve always regarded Churchill as a divisive figure, stemming from my father not being able to stand him and my mother believing the sun shone out of his oratory. However, I’ve had to accept that old Winnie has managed to unite the far-right, neo-Nazis, the red international, liberals and people of colour in their hatred of him.

I’d also suggest that the disaster for Britain wasn’t that Churchill became PM during WWII. The disaster was Churchill not being reelected after the war.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 07 Aug 2020 21:01 | #

Good discussion between Jonathan Pohl and nyaz123 (apparently a Mestizo American)

Ethnogenesis. Kulaks, and Kim Il Sung


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 27 Aug 2020 23:04 | #

Highlighted comment

Daniel Sienkiewicz
1 day ago (edited)

21:45 James STFU says that I (DanielS) traveled to another continent to find the perfect woman and Polish women are all blond with big boobs (Actually, I prefer brunettes and smaller breasts, but blondes with big ones are fine too)’re not going to get better than that”. and he adds (that DanielS says) “oh, i cannot find the right girl’ ..but the problem is not in the Polish girls and its not in the girls from wherever he left in America, the problem is with him.”

First of all. I left America for a few reasons.

1) I left America to get away from its anti-White rule structure and non-White demographics, especially blacks - seeing what’s happening now, can anyone blame me? With that, I did not want to have children in a situation where my descendants were more likely to be miscegenated away.

2) I left America to be with one of my heritage groups - I found that heritage/identity matters a great deal, despite what “America” might say - to have an ancient home nation to identify with, where I could lay ancient claim and not feel like an interloper. For me that meant either Italy or Poland. Poland turned out to be more practical.

3) Then, yes, one of the appeals was the people - competent, intelligent men, beautiful women (and virtually no people of color) where I could hopefully find an appropriate wife (fair, not better than I deserve) and have children with a future more safe and secure in their European kind.

However, women backed with with liberal moxie got organized criminals after me and seriously disrupted my capacity to get my financial house in order to establish solid grounds for family formation. Before Poland joined the EU, women who gravitated to me tended to like the US and its liberalism (which I despised, that’s why I left, and so they would take a disliking to me, like the one who got mafia after me) and the ones that liked Poland, weren’t particularly inclined to an American guy.

Still some choices, yes, I suppose, and I made mistakes..primarily because I lacked orientation as the mystifying influence of this kosher liberalsim was more far reaching than imagined.

But with Poland’s accession to the EU, this issue only got worse, with many of the more attractive women who might be looking for something different from the local fare going west and me stuck here a bit, still trying to get my house in order.

You might say that its my fault for being too picky or for blowing the opportunities that did occur, but its my life, I have to live with myself and I can live with myself.

There were bad experiences with criminality, some of it my fault, yes and there were missed opportunities for a fine gal, that I might have snapped up with better orientation, better tact, but these experiences were not my fault to the end… some of these experiences made it clear that America would extend its liberalism through the men and women here, just the same; this forced me to concentrate (even at the expense of learning fluent Polish) to concentrate on how and why liberalism was being imposed on European people. I am not going to be a cow breeding children for the powers that be to merely give my descendants away to non-Whites.

I might have hoped that I would find a woman right for me as I pursued these natural interests of mine. I almost did, more than a few times, in fact - and yes, part of the problem was with me, issues to resolve; but then again, that was the priority,, getting my worldview straight, which I have.

As far as James criticism of Kant, Locke and Heidegger goes, I don’t think its a good idea for him to be quite so dismissive. Nobody is saying that Kant was perfect. The problem is just the opposite. It is so fashionable to deride him that people are misdirected from a valuable resource, an important stepping stone in making sense of things. People who don’t grow up without a sense of Kant, don’t realize how arbitrary and confusing things can be, a nightmare of issues that can be helped greatly by a little Kant.

As far as Locke goes, he plays a pivotal role in understanding where the Constitution, especially as weaponized by YKW, has been problematic for the maintenance of White group structure. A good deal of Kant and Heidegger is devoted to correcting these sorts of problems.

I don’t invoke these philosophers to show off. I invoke them because there are important things to understand. And if “the normies” don’t think its important and my articulation does not resonate with them, hopefully I will make it clear to a few, who recognize the significance.

By the way, I am not a snob. You have got to get over that James, that I think that I am above “normie reality”, haughty, thinking that I, by myself, have it all right, oblivious, cannot stand corrected or bear feedback, need to be brought down. You don’t know me and you don’t know how I operate.  Maybe, James, you need to ask yourself if you really understand the person that you are criticizing, their motives, etc. and if your criticisms of them are as accurate as you think, or more a product of your habitual viewpoint.


Claire Khaw
1 day ago
I think James is just saying that you are not very persuasive to a regular guy like him.

Daniel Sienkiewicz
1 day ago
​ @Claire Khaw Nor does James demonstrate that he is very concerned to understand what I say and accurately understand what my motives are; as if all members of a human ecology will attend to the same systemic variables (procreation, no matter what the context); he’d rather abide the libertarian stereotyping and bootstrap incitement of the civnat mentality taken for granted by boomers, a vulgar pragmatism primed to turn a blind eye to the context, incite people to take a berth on a sinking ship and burn up the prior generation’s conservative resource, a hold-over of that boomer liberalism, despite being an X-er himself.


Claire Khaw
1 day ago
@Daniel Sienkiewicz You have said nothing clearly or persuasively enough that is urgent or important enough to be acted on.


Daniel Sienkiewicz
1 day ago
@Claire Khaw That is not remotely true. You are a very dishonest woman.


Claire Khaw
1 day ago
@Daniel Sienkiewicz Who knows what you are actually saying?

Daniel Sienkiewicz
1 day ago
@Claire Khaw goodbye liar.


Claire Khaw
1 day ago
@Daniel Sienkiewicz What have I lied about?

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 11:07. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sat, 27 Apr 2024 10:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 23:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 18:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:54. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:26. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:19. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:51. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 12:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 10:55. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 07:29. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 18:48. (View)

weremight commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Tue, 23 Apr 2024 04:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 22:54. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 16:12. (View)

James Bowery commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 12:34. (View)

weremight commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Mon, 22 Apr 2024 06:42. (View)
