Alexander Solzhenitsyn, 1918-2008
Alexander Solzhenitsyn, whose words those are, has died from heart failure in Moscow, at the end of a long period of decline.
The author, among other works, of One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich (1962), The First Circle (1968), Cancer Ward (1968) and The Gulag Archipelago(1973–1978), historian, Nobelist, and a profund Russian nationalist and Russian Orthodox Christian, Solzhenitsyn belonged nowhere but in the socks and shoes of his own spirit. Life forced moral judgements upon him wherever he looked ... as a soldier in Germany in 1945 witnessing the murder and rapine of the Red Army, as a witness to the grotesque violence inherent in Stalinism, as a prisoner in the gulag and a persecuted intellectual outside it, and as an exile in the liberal West appalled by the spiritual absence, self-indulgence and materialism there.
Solzhenitsyn’s final act of courage in the written word, Two Hundred Years Together (2003), remains unpublished in the West. It examines in a critical way the nature of the Jewish engagement in Russian life from the partial annexation of Poland in 1795 to 1916. Whilst it finds that the Revolution was not a Jewish conspiracy, it does dwell on the culpability of Jews where Jewish culpability existed. For this, of course, Solzhenitsyn has received his due measure of reflexive semitic hatred inside Russia, and his book has been very effectively frozen out in the West.
But the Jewish tantrums will be of no import to our memory of the man. Solzhenitsyn will be revered in Russia and admired in the West for his moral stature, and for proving that the human spirit was greater than the corruption and violence of the Soviet system ... and, perhaps, greater too than the equally deady - actually, more deadly - dangers of modernity which beset Westerners, in all their comfort and security, today.
Posted by DavidL on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 23:17 | # GW Thanks for a great article about a trully great man. From Lenin to Putin - they all seem puny beside him “You can have power over people as long as you don’t take everything away from them. But when you’ve robbed a man of everything, he’s no longer in your power. “It has made man the measure of all things on earth—imperfect man, who is never free of pride, self-interest, envy, vanity, and dozens of other defects. We are now paying for the mistakes which were not properly appraised at the beginning of the journey.” Two great quotes that sum up more of the condition of Man than all the detritus Marx & Co. tossed at humanity. Thanks. 3
Posted by Darren on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 00:10 | # Dated but related material by MacDonald, “Stalin’s Willing Executioners”: 4
Posted by Hibernia Girl on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 02:12 | # Solzhenitsyn’s final act of courage in the written word, Two Hundred Years Together (2003), remains unpublished in the West. Both volumes have been published in French (not that that helps me any!):ècles-ensemble-1795-1995-révolution/dp/2213611580ècles-ensemble-1917-1972-soviétique/dp/2213615187 6
Posted by Diamed on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 16:54 | # Solzhenitsyn is one of my heroes, he was also on our side. He was strenuously against globalism and the death of nations. Sort of like how those who appreciate botticelli’s birth of venus are more likely to be pro-white, there seems to be a connection between a circle of art and a circle of politics that often coincides. Does anyone think 300, or Return of the King ((men of the west, stand and fight!)) appeal equally to whites, asians, blacks and indians? We each have our art, our symbols, our stories that matter to us. And Solzhenitsyn was writing our stories. God bless. 7
Posted by Diamed on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 16:56 | # A quote from his nobel prize acceptance speech: “(In recent times it has been fashionable to talk of the levelling of nations, of the disappearance of different races in the melting-pot of contemporary civilization. I do not agree with this opinion, but its discussion remains another question. Here it is merely fitting to say that the disappearance of nations would have impoverished us no less than if all men had become alike, with one personality and one face. Nations are the wealth of mankind, its collective personalities; the very least of them wears its own special colours and bears within itself a special facet of divine intention.)” 8
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Tue, 05 Aug 2008 21:25 | # I just finished reading the French translation of Solzhenitsyn’s Two Hundred Years Together (2003) on Russian-Jewish relations since 1772 in two volumes (still no English translation available…”are we powerful or what?”). It’s both a quick and fascinating read; among other things, we learn that not only the October 1917 Revolution (really a just a well-organized, well-carried out Jewish coup) was dominated by Jewish agitators (a documented fact) but so was the 1905 Revolution (something I didn’t know). We also learn from the grand old man the awe-inspiring extent of the Jewish domination of the Soviet Union during its first two decades of existence, including its ruthless and murderous internal security system: Tcheka, OGPU, NKGB, and NKVD. A Russian in the hands of the Tcheka, etc. was almost certain to be in the hands of Jewish torturers and executioners. The litany of Jewish crimes committed against the long-suffering Russians (and other Slavic peoples: Ukrainians and Belarussians) and coldly listed by the author is simply nauseating and one should approach both volumes on an empty stomach. To this day there has been no acknowledgment on the part of international Jewry of Jews’ overwhelming support of the Bolshevik dictatorship during its first two decades. No asking for forgiveness. No reparations paid out to Russians. No chest-beating. No calls for repentance. No nothing…how un-Jewish that would be! Those few, rare Jewish voices who dared to speak out about the Jewish role in the establishment of the communist terror machine in Russia were inevitably greeted with hostility and enmity by other Jews and told to shut their “self-hating” mouths. It must also be remembered that it was Russian Jewry that saved the Bolshevik “experiment” in the early days when the old order civil servants went on a general strike to protest Bolshevik methods and measures. When that happened, educated and sympathetic Russian Jews were able to step in and literally save the nascent Bolshevik administration. Another interesting aspect brought up by the author concerns the so-called era of “National Bolshevism” (a real misnomer) allegedly inaugurated by Stalin. Solzhenitsyn points out that Stalin was as much hostile to Russian interests as Lenin and Trotsky. How many millions of Russian peasants and Russian Orthodox clergy perished under Stalin? To speak of a Russian nationalism on the part of Stalin is simply laughable when one considers the slaughter accompanying Stalin’s and Kaganovich’s collectivisation and religious persecutions. Additionally, Jews continued to be overrepresented at all levels of the Soviet bureaucracy (including their overwhelming participation in the administration of the Gulag system) during Stalin’s years at the helm. Furthermore, Solzhenitsyn speaks of his personal contacts with Soviet Jews and their typical detached relativism on all issues, including communist crimes with their tens of millions of victims. However, all that cool, intellectual relativism and reluctance to see the world in black and white terms would disappear in the blink of an eye as soon as Hitlerism was mentioned. Another example of Jewish hypocrisy highlighted by the author concerns the Jews admonishing of Russians (namely Solzhenitsyn) to reject global generalisations regarding Jews and aspects of the Jewish character at the same time that they would form and propagate the most negative opinions on the Russian character and how it was the Russians’ fault that the fundamentally noble communist experiment failed. Expressing generalisations about Russians while demandind from them that they abstain from seeing in Jews some distinct personality traits is very Jewish and pure chuzpah. Nothing is ever the Jews’ fault. It’s always someone else’s fault. One standard for the Jews, another standard for the goyim. See also Jews in Russia. 9
Posted by Fr. John on Thu, 07 Aug 2008 14:09 | # Requiem aeternum. Et cum Lazaro, etc. This man showed me what being an Orthodox Christian was all about. He also pointed out our collective vapidity, when he lived in America during the last decades of the prior century. Truly, one of the great men in God’s Army. Alexander, pray for the West. 10
Posted by Guest on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 07:40 | # That today, years afterward,we are still not able to buy his last work SHOUTS to the world of the Semitic/Asheknazic Rulers of the USSA. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 15:46 | # “Guest,” just above, is one hundred percent correct. 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 12 Aug 2008 15:47 | # We have the same crowd to thank for the open borders. They opened them and they’re keeping anyone from closing them again. 13
Posted by Guest on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 06:17 | # Fred you are right. One, perforce, comes to a conclusion by reason of FACT that the decline of the West was not by chance but by design. MacDonald started out merely chronicling the history of the Jews and what he uncovered, IN THEIR OWN WRITINGS, was enough. I have to give them credit however they have almost fully achieved their long term goal of White destruction. BTW 14
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 13:08 | # Jews say Jews weren’t the major force opening the borders. (Some say it; others brag to one another about what they pulled off.) OK, OK, let that go — what happened happened, it’s water under the bridge, let’s not dwell on it. Let’s concentrate on “right now” and what to do about it: who, what group, is right now, today, forget 1965 but right at the present moment, which group is THE biggest obstacle BY FAR to undoing that fatal mistake while there’s still time, repairing the damage finally, and getting things on the right path again? ... Who? ............... Q[uod]E[rat]D[emonstrandum] 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 13:55 | # For the benefit of those who had “The New Math” instead of the “old” math in high school (the old math being the math of Euclid, Archimedes, Newton, Gauss, Euler, Hilbert, stuff like that; the “new” math being the math of Puerto Ricans, Negroes, Mystery Meat, Downs patients and other assorted retards and oh yes, of Jewish nation-destroyers and race-replacement advocates, you get the picture), this is from Wikipedia:
When I was in high school in New York City when it was still white instead of carne mysteriosum (well, white and Jewish, for those who don’t consider Jews white) we were taught to put QED at the ends of our proofs and demonstrations in geometry class. It meant the proof was over, complete, the thing had been proven. The “new math” guinea pigs may not know about that — I’m not sure. Saying “QED” at the end of a proof in geometry is sort of like saying “check mate” in chess. So, at the end of my comment just above, instead of putting “QED” I could’ve put “check mate” — same idea. (Oh, what was it I was proving there? Well ... I’ll let the reader figure that out.) 16
Posted by Robert Reis on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 18:26 | #
“They have taken his clothes. He is trying to get away in the dirty water of the river.” But he was surrounded. People lined both banks of the creek, holding sticks and boulders, laughing excitedly at the man, who was so panicked he did not even think to cover his private parts but just ran, his arms pumping, splashing in the disgusting muck. I had forgotten how cheerful, even jubilant, such murderous crowds in Africa could be, particularly these spontaneous mobs in pursuit of a weak marked man trying in vain to flee—a thief, a political outcast, a member of a despised tribe. The isolation of such prey vitalized the pursuers and made them shout with joy as they went after him, the toughest men swaggering at the front, the older men cheering them on, the women ululating, the small children screeching and jumping up and down at the sight of all this motion. The vigor, the macabre good humor of the chase, and the idea of certain death were intoxicants. Years before, I had seen similar mobs in Malawi and Uganda, always a large number of excited people persecuting one or two victims. Then, what had frightened me most was the mob’s sense of fun. Fun was still a factor in massacre. Perhaps the reason was simple: weak, idle people, suddenly granted power and the opportunity blamelessly to beat someone to death, are given a snorting animal energy and become joyous in their triumph. The laughing crowd surged toward the naked man, swinging sticks. “They will kill him,” Kamali said. Then the traffic began to move.
Monday 11 August 2008
Posted by Robert Reis on Wed, 13 Aug 2008 20:08 | # Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers: Two Views Post a comment:
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Posted by DW on Mon, 04 Aug 2008 13:38 | #
Historically, a kehilla (kahal) had quasi-governmental authority over both the Jewish community and its relationship with the Gentile community.
Under the Kahal or ancient Soviet, the Jews lived by themselves and governed themselves,
doing business with the government solely through their representatives. It was communism in
a more drastic form than has been seen anywhere in the world outside Russia. Education,
health, taxes, domestic affairs, all were under the absolute control of a few men who constituted
the ruling board. This board, as the present-day Jewish hierarchy is supposed to be, was selfperpetuating,
the office often passing in an unbroken line of hereditary succession through
many generations. All property was in common, which however did not prevent the leaders
becoming rich. These Kahals or Soviets existed in Rome, France, Holland, Germany, Austria,
Russia, Denmark, Italy, Rumania, Turkey and England. In the United States the idea has
developed around the synagogue and around national and international secret societies of Jews,
of which more will be said in succeeding articles. Henry Ford, Dearborn Independent