Atlantropa: The EU’s Solution to the Immigration Problem?

Posted by James Bowery on Monday, 14 December 2009 05:55.

If it is possible for the European Union to do something other than continue on its current mission of destroying Europe—if it is indeed thinkable that (now, I know this is fantastic but please bear with me) the European Union is captured by pro-Europeans, what would they do with all those immigrants?

Interestingly, most of the hard work may be done by the current European Union, in preparation for the sea level rise (imagined or real) resulting from global warming:

Dam the Strait of Gibraltar.

Once the Strait of Gibraltar is blocked, the obvious next step is to pump out the Mediterranean Sea.

There have been proposals of this kind before, of course, the most famous being Herman Sörgel’s “Atlantropa” which, instead of completely draining the Mediterranean, would attempt to maintain all the current shipping routes and allow a continual flow of sea water through the dam to generate electricity—resulting in a smaller and ever saltier Mediterranean Sea.  Moreover, Sörgel’s proposal was for a more integrated Euro-African continent, facilitated by a rail system from Italy to North Africa—it being inconceivable to the 1920s European mind, such as Sörgel’s, that mass immigration from Africa would ever be allowed. 

Simply dispensing with the Mediterranean altogether (all 255km^3/year fresh water inflow could be solar deionized for irrigation) would not only create vast areas of habitable land on the North African coast to which the non-Europeans could be moved, there is an equally vast solar energy resource available from solar collectors placed in the Mediterranean equivalent of an impassable Death Valley.

Yes, there are profound ecological consequences.  Yes, it would raise the sea level around the world.  But consider the mind-set of the current leadership of the European Union:  Global warming will result in a rise in the sea levels world wide anyway and such macro-engineering projects to protect coastal lands will already be a matter of course with the likely result that the technology will be extended to create more coastal lands around the world.  Everyone will be competing to create land for themselves at the expense of the height of everyone else’s sea barriers.  The Strait of Gibraltar provides the European Union with a strategic advantage in that war.

I don’t know how much it would cost but it is trivial compared to the loss of Euroman.

PS: What could possibly compensate the Mediterranean nations for the loss of their sea ports?  How about more than doubling their territorial areas with vast solar energy and deionized water resources?  They could certainly use the economic boost!




Posted by Riley DeWiley on Mon, 14 Dec 2009 07:21 | #

Mr. Bowery spent too much time in engineering before becoming an activist.

Nice thing about the Mediterranean is it provides a water barrier between Africa and Europe. It also helps keep Southern Europe cooler than the Sahara. And it gives lots of white folks some nice beaches to play on.

It’s a pretty useful ocean. I don’t think we should pull the plug, even if we can.

Just my $0.02.



Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 14 Dec 2009 16:46 | #

Riley DeWiley, I’ll admit this proposal is rather “modest”.

But it does merit consideration beyond your wave of the hand.

For instance:  Would the presence of a solar collector infrastructure in a “Death Valley” type of climate across the width of the land area act in a manner similar to the Sahara?  One could easily argue it would be more effective simply because of the need to secure the infrastructure.

As for the Mediterranean climate:  Agriculture changes climates as well and 255km^3/year of irrigation water is nothing to sneeze at in terms of latent heat of vaporization.  The new agricultural lands would be nearest to what is now the land.

As for beaches:  A sea is a very inefficient use of resources if you are after beach front.

PS: I understand that people have a fear of things working—actually working—rather than catastrophically failing all the time, but don’t you think your going after me on the basis of my engineering background might be a little—uh—how shall I say this:  “liberal”?


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 14 Dec 2009 16:59 | #


4249020km^3;1700km^3/year ? year
= 2499.42 year

And that’s assuming there is no reduction of surface area nor increase in salinity over that time—so more realistically, it would be on the order of 10k years.

Moreover, what you get at the end of that time is salted lands.

However with pumping, we’re at least in the ballpark if we go solar over the area being pumped out:

4249020km^3;dens_water;50m*grav;970000mi^2;50W/m^2 ? year
= 0.525937 year

Of course, building out all that solar electric generating capacity would take a long time and it wouldn’t cover _all_ of the area.  But we’re at least talking less than a human lifetime.


Posted by Euro on Mon, 14 Dec 2009 20:20 | #

If it is possible for the European Union to do something other than continue on its current mission of destroying Europe—

The EU is not destroying Europe.The Anglo-Americans are.(Blonde hair is so overrated).Consider: Enoch Powell gave his famous (infamous?) “Rivers of Blood” speech in 1968.The UK joined the EEC (Eurpean Economic Community) in 1973.(After applying and being rejected three times).In any event neither Brussels nor Strausburg control member states’ immigration policy.

if it is indeed thinkable that (now, I know this is fantastic but please bear with me) the European Union is captured by pro-Europeans, what would they do with all those immigrants?

They will repatriate them.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 14 Dec 2009 23:24 | #


What of the immigration offices being opened in Africa (two so far), and the plan to import 50 million more young Africans into Europe?  What of the Barcelona Process which seeks “cooperation” between the EU and the North African states?

Are these the work of Anglo-Americans?


Posted by sakis on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 00:03 | #

Immigration policy is dictated by Brussels and Strasbourg. Why is it that countries such as Spain and Greece are wide open to immigration and the non stop acceptance of illegal immigrants pouring in ?
If these countries were to turn against the reception of immigrants ( Brussels instigates and fosters the construction of more and better immigrant reception centers in EU countries) and formulate repatriation policies what would be Brussels reaction ?  We have already seen the rabid reaction against the Swiss for their banning the construction of minarets. To repatriate millions of people it is a Gargantuan effort; what about the mixed products , also numbering in millions. It is beyond our current thinking capabilities and capacity to envisage a transfer of foreigners in such a monumental scale to their countries. What would the receipient countries do ? Would India accept the repatriation of millions of people with Indian heritage ? or China, or Arabia, or Africans ? It seems an unsolvable question. It is like trying to revive a person on its death bed.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 01:21 | #

Draining the Mediterranean sea is lunacy.  Something akin to a guy who has a psychological hang up about his limb that he just won’t feel whole until it has been amputated (there are actually such cases).  So, instead of overcoming the hang up, he goes ahead with the amputation. 

Expel the non-Whites, keep the Mediterranean.


Posted by Armor on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 02:43 | #

” Would India accept the repatriation of millions of people of Indian heritage?  or China, or Arabia, or the Africans? ”

Arabs can be sent back to Algeria whether the Algerians agree or not.
If India and China won’t accept their immigrants back, we can resettle them in Sub-Saharan Africa. The good thing about Africa is that you can bribe their leaders, or you can just invade the place.
I can hear the protests: that would be unfair to the Africans! we have no right to destroy their nations!
Maybe so, but keeping third-world immigrants in Europe is unfair to our children.


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 03:28 | #

Damn, it never would have occurred to me to damn the strait and drain the Med.  I don’t have a clue what effect this would have on climate, but if the resulting land would be anything like the rest of the Med area, it would be the most valuable chunk of real estate in the world.  Or is it the Med sea that creates that climate in the first place?

Who would own it?


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 03:29 | #

Er, dam the straight.


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 03:33 | #

It is beyond our current thinking capabilities and capacity to envisage a transfer of foreigners in such a monumental scale to their countries.

Which is why I say, let them figure it out.  We just have to make the grass on the other side greener (by way of comparison).

It’s entirely a problem of will, and not at all a problem of way.


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 03:34 | #

If they refuse just send them wading ashore from troop transports like Normandy on D-Day.  Thousands, millions.

I got several belly laughs from that.  Thanks Fred.


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 03:37 | #

If India and China won’t accept their immigrants back, we can resettle them

India and China could be persuaded to do so.  But even if they didn’t, who cares?  I don’t care where they go, they just need to go.  The world’s a big place.  Make them uncomfortable and they’ll seek greener pastures.  Who thinks China and India have the resources to out-border-control us if we put our minds to it?  Show of hands.


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 03:39 | #

To be more specific, what keeps them here and not in China or India is that our pastures are currently greener.  It doesn’t have anything to do with brilliant Chinese and Indian minds in the border-control business.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 04:33 | #

Strait is correct, surely?


Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 06:05 | #

We racialists, many of us are not yet out of our twenties and we, I’m willing to predict, are not so kindly as you older folks here.  From my own perspective I’m willing to put any option on the table to get the aliens out of our lands.  Up to and including total liquidation by violent means.  I’m sorry if that offends the sensibilities of people here but if it’s to be “us or them” I would have it be them.  And I don’t need any goddamned justification either - my “moral high ground” is my instinct to survive.


Posted by saki on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 08:15 | #

The enterprise to disembowel our lands from the dark, afro-asian, dravidian,  deluge is to resort to draconian measures. It is feasible and lies in the realm of possibilities; it has to be carried out and implemented in a civilized manner brooking no compromizes. To engage in such architectural solutions for a demographic cancer it will also require a paradigm shift in our thought processes.


Posted by Angry Beard on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 11:05 | #

Why can’t we send them away as smoke from crematorium chimneys?
Our old coal-fired power stations need a fitting use after all this climate change bullshit.
No - this is an honest and heartfelt opinion I couldn’t give a shit about what anyone thinks of me.


Posted by Armor on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 13:02 | #

Gudmund: ” total liquidation by violent means “

I don’t know if you are a provocateur. If you are in a position to liquidate third-world visitors, it means you can also send them back home peacefully. If you are worried where to send them, I think a temporary solution can always be found.

I hope in the near future, white people will become less tolerant of non-white violence. But if normal white people finally rebel, it has to be against our phony illegitimate white leaders, who are trying to destroy us. Once they are out of the way, we can stop immigration and start the repatriation process peacefully. The hard part is to get rid of the white traitors. I hope it won’t take a long period of interracial violence to kick them out. Sadly, we already have a lot of random anti-white racial violence.


Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 20:12 | #

I don’t know if you are a provocateur. If you are in a position to liquidate third-world visitors, it means you can also send them back home peacefully.

Isn’t it funny how someone like Linder can urge extermination and he’s allowed to comment freely here and other places without these kind of accusations but when someone not well known does it it’s always the old “provocateur” argument?

No, sir, I’m not a provocateur - I’m honest, terribly sorry if the honesty offends you.  And who said I/we want to be peaceful?  What’s wrong with exacting a bit of punishment for the decades of misery they’ve caused?  Nothing at all.  As in the case of, for example, blacks and hispanics who well deserve a bit of the old ultraviolence.

And yes, I expect the total extirpation of the traitors as well by all means necessary.

No - this is an honest and heartfelt opinion I couldn’t give a shit about what anyone thinks of me.
-Angry Beard

I think you think like me, friend.  From my perspective they haven’t earned “honorable and peaceful” treatment.


Posted by Euro on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 20:38 | #

What of the immigration offices being opened in Africa (two so far), and the plan to import 50 million more young Africans into Europe?  What of the Barcelona Process which seeks “cooperation” between the EU and the North African states?

Are these the work of Anglo-Americans?

GW,as far as I can tell the plan to import 50 million “rag toes” is an urban legend.And if it isn’t then I would welcome the initiative;as it’s Euro-trash promoters will be grossly overplaying their hand and exciting a backlash against themselves.Particularly in the midst of a world-wide depression.

While it’s difficult to put anything past the post-modern freaks that congregate in Brussels and Strausburg,I believe that despite their arrogance and complacency they retain some measure of animal cunning and are unlikely to make such an horrendous blunder.

The Barcelona Processs is nothing more than all-too-common meretrecious posturing.(A bit like your Commenwealth of Nations).Here is what the EU Commission’s Euro-Med Partnership (formerly the Barcelona Process) is nattering about:

This re-launching aimed to infuse a new vitality into the Partnership and to raise the political level of the strategic relationship between the EU and its southern neighbours. While maintaining the acquis of its predecessor, the Barcelona Process, the Union for the Mediterranean offers more balanced governance, increased visibility to its citizens and a commitment to tangible, regional and trans-national projects.

Some of the most important innovations of the Union for the Mediterranean include the a rotating co-presidency with one EU president and one president representing the Mediterranean partners, and a Secretariat based in Barcelona that is responsible for identifying and promoting projects of regional, sub-regional and transnational value across different sectors.

The Union for the Mediterranean has also identified six priority projects which are at the heart of the of Partnership’s efforts, including projects for: 

the de-pollution of the Mediterranean Sea;
the establishment of maritime and land highways;
civil protection initiatives to combat natural and man-made disasters;
a Mediterranean solar energy plan;
the inauguration of the Euro-Mediterranean University in Slovenia;
and the Mediterranean Business Development Initiative focusing on micro, small and medium-sized enterprises.

If you like you may read more here:

I repeat,the EU has no jurisdiction over member states’ immigration policy.And even if it did,the member states who routinely elect Euro-trash delegates to represent them would still be the principle transgressors.

As I tried to show in my last post,colored immigration ante-dates the EU in many parts of Europe.In two instances,Norway and Switzerland,it involves non-members.

Regarding the Anglo-Americans,sorry if I gave offense,but the political culture of Continental Europe simply would not be what it is today without Winnie (V for Victory! We shall never surrender!) and 60 plus years of Atlanticism.These are plain simple facts,mate.

Furthermore,it is more or less an open secret that the UK is America’s “Trojan Horse” inside the EU.Acting,in conformity to traditional British policy,to sabotage any effort to transform the Union into a cohesive whole,capable of contesting global supremacy with the thalassocratic Angl-Saxons.It is important that “wogs” not get any ideas above their station,isn’t that right milord?

Euro-skepticism isn’t meant to save Europe,it’s meant to murder it.And the wogs know exactly who the would-be assassins are.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 22:24 | #

It is important that “wogs” not get any ideas above their station,isn’t that right milord?

Euro, of all EU countries Italy is arguably the most advanced along the path to nationalism.  If what you say is true, and the EU’s power over immigration is naught but hype, then why don’t Italians withdraw from the grip of that toothless tiger, man the fuck up and expel their muds? 

Also, even by European standards, Italy’s birth rate is pathetic, so, remember to breed!


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 23:17 | #

Anti-semitism on the rise in Europe

Survey of 5 EU countries Germany, France, Spain, Italy and Poland found that:

Jews more loyal to Israel than home country? 51% Yes

Jews have to much control of International finance? 44% Yes

American Jews control US Middle East policy? 45% Yes

Report said’s “that’s what the Nazis believe”

Nazi also believed that Jews were behind Communism but so did Churchill, Kaiser Wilhem II and all the foreign intelligence agencies at the time of the “revolution”.


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 23:29 | #

Don’t you have the danger like in the US where multi-nationals will ship there jobs overseeing like they do in China and India in manufacturing and Hi-Tech companies reducing the per capita income for skilled workers at home.

What is stopping a consortium of companies lobbying and financing political parties to manipulate immigration work quotas or look the other way as immigrants are brought in to work in low pay jobs.
Like companies hired Edward Berneys in the US to fund phoney research and PR that said fluoride in water is good, lead in petrol is not harmful, etc.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 15 Dec 2009 23:51 | #

man the fuck up and expel their muds?

They have been. Roma back to Romania. African refugees back to Africa. It’s not perfect, but if if the UK or US were the equivalent of 95% Italian and 98% European this site would not exist.

Also, even by European standards, Italy’s birth rate is pathetic,

According to Rienzi/Salter protecting territory is more important.

“While plunging birthrates may be genetically damaging for European-derived peoples, their replacement by genetically alien immigrants is much worse. A falling birthrate reduces the population but does not transform it genetically, and a future increase in birthrates can always make up for the loss.”

Why can the Italians do it and Anglo/Nordic people cannot?


Posted by Cyd on Wed, 16 Dec 2009 04:54 | #

Roma back to Romania.

The Roma are descendants of South Asia.  They are not Romanian.

Why can the Italians do it and Anglo/Nordic people cannot?

Many reasons.  Most are due to why you dislike them so.  Let’s take the example of Silvio Berlusconi who took one to the chops by a statue wielding lunatic the other day.  The guy, 73 and counting, stands up with bloody face and all to show the crowd he can take it and no punk is going to topple him.  Machismo, in other words. 

Now let’s take the UK and the US.  One is headed by an ego maniacal, empty suited mulatto and the other by a spineless, ball licker of said mulatto.  Tell me what either of these turds would have done if they got blasted in the face as Berlusconi did?  Unfortunately, the leaders of all three nations represent the mentality of a large portion of the populace.  Italy is the real world version of the Sopranos-lite.  The US and the UK are not.  I could never imagine a mulatto being elected as prime minister in Italy, while we had grown white men fawning and white women swooning at the Minstrel show in Chief after his election.  I’m not saying one way is preferable over the other, as sometimes Italian machismo is bit much though we are seeing the results of the two belief systems.


Posted by Positive subliminal audio on Wed, 16 Dec 2009 23:27 | #

The enterprise to disembowel our lands from the dark, afro-asian, dravidian, deluge is to resort to draconian measures. It is feasible and lies in the realm of possibilities; it has to be carried out and implemented in a civilized manner brooking no compromises. To engage in such architectural solutions for a demographic cancer it will also require a paradigm shift in our thought processes.

Positive subliminal audio is an excellent means to effect the above referenced shift.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 17 Dec 2009 16:56 | #

Euro writes: I repeat,the EU has no jurisdiction over member states’ immigration policy.

It promotes intra-Euro travel which, in effect, make’s Europe’s immigration policy as open as the most open of its member states.


Posted by Euro on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 01:31 | #

Euro, of all EU countries Italy is arguably the most advanced along the path to nationalism.  If what you say is true, and the EU’s power over immigration is naught but hype, then why don’t Italians withdraw from the grip of that toothless tiger, man the fuck up and expel their muds? 

Also, even by European standards, Italy’s birth rate is pathetic, so, remember to breed!

Captain,Italy is as f-ed-up as any other country in Europe.The MSI (Movimento Sociale Italiano) leader Gianfranco Fini,coalition ally to Berlusconi and heir of sorts to Mussolini’s Fascist party,has spent the last several years apologizing to Jews ( on a state trip to Israel)  for Mussolini’s “racial laws” and championing immigrants’ right to the vote.Fortunately however,Italy came to the game of turning a venerable White nation into a third-world bordello a little late.It’s not as far “advanced” as Britain and France in that respect.And thanks to the depression,may not go as far as those two worthies in pimpin’ it’s patrimony (including,of course,it’s women) to the scabrous hordes seeking a turn with whatever is left of it’s stable.

Italy’s birthrate is a fascinating subject.An unholy alliance (Catholic “morality” and feminist careerism) has spontaneously conspired to put marriage and children out of the reach of the average Italian working slob.Also,Italy has one of the lowest illegitimacy rates in Europe; this has kept her overall fertility lower than many North European nations with higher illegitimacy rates.A silver lining to a dark cloud.

Italy’s only hope in this regard is to recruit young settlers from it’s vast world-wide Diaspora in an effort to heal it’s demographic wounds.Maybe that way Italo-Americans (“junior partners” to the Jews!?) can finally get out of Jimbo’s flowing locks.If nothing else,Italy and Italians are resourceful.

And never forget the Italian writer Ennio Flaiano’s words,“life is tragic,but it’s not serious.”


Jimbo,I know you don’t like me very much but when you get the chance would you do me the kindness of reviewing the two links below and telling me what you think?


Posted by NW European on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 03:42 | #

The likes of euro, diabloblanco, and kubilai do a wonderful job of proving the “Nordicists” right.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 07:07 | #

What the “Nordicists” want is to preserve their people.  Anything else should be of no concern to non-Nordics.


Posted by Dan Dare on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 07:17 | #

It promotes intra-Euro travel which, in effect, make’s Europe’s immigration policy as open as the most open of its member states.

This is true, however freedom of movement for ‘third country nationals’ (say Somalis awarded permanent residence in Sweden or Finland) only applies within the Schengen zone. Britain and Ireland are outside the zone and are therefore not obliged to admit such TCNs. Once they obtain citizenship of an EU member state then of course they can move wherever they wish.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 07:23 | #

Monsignor Antonio Maria Vegliò is “The Smoke of Satan”.


Posted by Euro on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 09:00 | #

The likes of euro, diabloblanco, and kubilai do a wonderful job of proving the “Nordicists” right.

How so,Nordic dude?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 18 Dec 2009 21:19 | #

Gianfranco Fini,coalition ally to Berlusconi and heir of sorts to Mussolini’s Fascist party,has spent the last several years apologizing to Jews

Maybe that’s their (Italy’s) secret? Did Italy ever pay reparations to Israel?

Italy’s only hope in this regard is to recruit young settlers from it’s vast world-wide Diaspora in an effort to heal it’s demographic wounds.

Great idea! However, the diaspora are never keen to implement it. It’s hard to blame them. Once you’ve been to the promised land, it’s hard going back. Playing second fiddle to the yiddle is a good gig. The local Enzo the renovator says 90% of his customers are Jews.


Posted by Euro on Sun, 20 Dec 2009 22:36 | #


I recently chanced upon this tidbit and our previous exchange on this thread came to mind.Here it is:

RATHER than present a general review of Tomislav Sunic’s important new book about the foundational myths of the United States, which has already been commendably reviewed by Troy Southgate in New Imperium #4, Dr Fredrick Toben, Paul Gottfried, Peter Rushmore and others (Amazon UK/USA), I will concentrate on just one observation from the book which is largely unknown to the European man in the street, if not European Identitarians. This observation is the parallels between the aftermath of the American Civil War (1861-1865) and the American subjugation of Western Europe after World War Two.

In 1930, a group of American Traditionalist writers and poets called the Southern Agrarians published their manifesto I’LL TAKE MY STAND, in response to post-Civil War Yankee domination. In this tract, one of their number, Frank Lawrence Owsley, stated in his essay The Irrepressible Conflict: “The rising generation read Northern literature, shot through with the New England tradition. Northern textbooks were used in Southern schools; Northern histories, despite the frantic protest of local patriotic organizations, were almost universally taught in Southern high schools and colleges…”

This behaviour of the anti-Traditionalist Northern Yankees can be seen as a precursor to American political and economic suppression of Europe following World War Two, as Tom Sunic writes, “notably when the American educators introduced into European places of higher learning the curricula consisting of Puritan derived hypermoralism, mixed with atheistic Catholic-bashing Freudo-Marxian scholasticism, and carried out by Frankfurt School theoreticians”. It is the same warped ideology that still rules academia on both sides of the Atlantic today.

By exposing the alien Judeo-Christian/ Puritanical roots of the United States, and their continuing infestation into all parts of the globe, Sunic has done a great service to European Identitarians.


Posted by weston on Mon, 21 Dec 2009 16:06 | #

It’s not perfect, but if if the UK or US were the equivalent of 95% Italian and 98% European this site would not exist.

The rosy picture you paint of Italy is not accurate.  It does seem to be healthier spiritually than most of the rest of Europe(if there is one country that is going to “man up and expel their muds”, who would bet against Italy?) , but the Italians are facing their own demographic issues. 

Italy’s net migration rate is 2.06, comparable to England’s 2.16, and worse than countries like France and Sweden. 

Race-replacement immigration in Italy started a few decades after it began in Germany and England, but Italy is on the same path. 

(ANSAmed) ROME Immigrants in Italy are around half of those in Germany but the arrivals in Italy are rising at such a fast pace that in about a dozen years they might reach 7 million, the number registered today in Germany.

The finding is in a comparative report on immigration in the two countries, presented today at the Goethe Institute in Rome at a conference on integration. The survey, carried out in collaboration with Caritas-Migrantes, showed various differences, beginning with the main one: Italy became country of immigration 30 years after Germany.


Posted by NW European on Wed, 23 Dec 2009 09:04 | #

Sunic criticizes Americans and Puritans while whining about “Catholic-bashing.”  [url=“>Unsurprising</a>

<a href=“”]n/a on macho man Tomislav Sunic[/url]

Sunic’s animosity toward Northwestern Europeans is palpable.


Posted by Euro on Wed, 23 Dec 2009 20:23 | #

Back for more NWE? Try this on for size then:

The Lost Ten Tribes

by Professor Revilo P. Oliver (private correspondence, December 1989)


THE BRITISH ISRAEL nonsense has its origins in the Jews’ myth about the “lost ten tribes,” who were the Sheenies who had scattered throughout the civilized world and set up their colonies wherever the natives were sufficiently industrious and prosperous to be fleeced. In the Middle Ages there were all sort of tales about where the ten tribes were living, and this drivel was given a great impetus in the time of Cromwell, when a Kike turned up with the story that he had found in Peru a tribe of Indians who understood and spoke Hebrew and so must be descendants of the “ten tribes.” This eventually produced Joseph Smith’s variety of Christianity, which I mentioned in the December 1989 issue of Liberty Bell.

The Puritans of the Commonwealth and perhaps Cromwell himself (unless he was cynically repaying the Yids who had financed his revolution) were suckers for propaganda to the effect that the kindred peoples, God’s Race and the English, if united, would rule the world, but so far as I know, the specific statement that the “ten tribes” had migrated to Britain was first made by a Huguenot refugee in England named Abbadie around 1688; the only edition of his book, Le triomphe de la providence et de la religion, known to me was published at Amsterdam in 1723, but may not be the first.

The “British Israel Movement” was begun by an English lunatic, Richard Brothers, who, in 1793, discovered that he was God’s Nephew, because God = Jesus, and he was the son of Jesus’s brother, Jakob (James); there were, of course, some chronological difficulties in fixing his birthday, but with God all things are possible. Brothers, therefore, was by his glorious heredity, the “Prince of the Jews” and the destined ruler of the world, and therefore the true King of Great Britain. George III did not agree, and Brothers accordingly was locked up for a while, but there were in England persons no more intelligent than he, including at least one an influential Whig in the Parliament; they procured his release and censored his ravings so that they could be published without exciting derision. The only one I have seen is entitled A Correct Account of the Invasion and Conquest of this Island by the Saxons,...the Descendants of the Greater Part of the Ten Tribes.

This kind of hogwash, doubtless financed by the Yids, was especially popular as justifying the admission of undisguised Kikes to full British citizenship, and as fostering the comforting dream of British-Jewish dominion over the world, as decreed by old Yahweh. Thousands of English and Scots developed a thirst for this sweet swill, which seemed to provide an historical justification of Christianity apart from the more or less incredible tales in their holy book. No one, so far as I know, has ever tried to compile a complete bibliography of the hundreds of books and booklets published on this subject, which was officially known as “British-Israel Identity.” The first two words are commonly omitted by epopts of the cult in this country. (I remember having heard, years ago, the beginning of a quarrel between two female crackpots, who differed on the question of whether Americans were descended from the same Israelite tribe as the British or a different one. I left before the hair-pulling started.)

There are all sorts of amusing incidents in this carnival, e.g., one book was translated into Italian by an Englishman eager to tell the Italians who owned the world.

A. F. R. A. Glover (not, I devoutly hope, an ancestor of the well-known Classical scholar!), constructed an elaborate genealogy, showing, step by step, the descent of Queen Victoria from a bandit chief named David, who is conspicuously mentioned in the Jew-Book. No one seems to know whether the Queen was amused. One wonders also whether she knew whether or not her adored husband, Prince Albert, was half a Jew. (There was a rumor that his royal father’s Yiddish treasurer consoled the queen for her husband’s insuperable aversion from women. Frank Harris, somewhere in his voluminous memoirs, says that Victoria’s son, King Edward VII, spoke German with the accent of a Bavarian Jew, but refuses to discuss the scandal, well-known in his day.)

There was a certain amount of truth in the claims of the votaries of British-Israel Identity. Remember that even in the time of the great King Edward I, who tried to clean up England in 1290, any Sheeny who was not a notoriously criminal usurer could scurry around to the nearest church and persuade or pay a credulous or venal clergyman to sprinkle him with magic water, which instantly made him an Englishman and beyond the King’s power. A large number of Jews did precisely that, accumulated large fortunes, and married their lavishly dowered daughters to the sons of necessitous or greedy members of the landed gentry and not infrequently even to sons of peers. This calculated pollution of English blood had gone so far by the first decades of this century that Hilaire Belloc was sure that none of the great territorial families was without a Jewish admixture that was evident in the features of their young men.
The British-Israel poppycock greatly facilitated the rise of Jews to political power in the train of D’Israeli, whom Victoria made a British earl (!) and, for a time, her Prime Minister. The recent ascent of a rabbi to the House of Lords is only the natural result of the growing corruption of the preceding century.

The British-Israel agitation had a disastrous consequence. Men like Cecil Rhodes and Lord Milner were too intelligent, of course, to take the genealogical drivel seriously, but they were so gullible that they did believe in a permanent alliance between Great Britain and Jewry. That sealed the doom of Britain, for the Jews, with their fixed and instinctive policy of “first defile, and then destroy,” naturally ruin first the nations, such as Germany and Britain, that were most hospitable to them.

I anxiously await NWE’s analysis rubbishing Oliver as a nordic-hating hallucine’.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 23 Dec 2009 22:38 | #

There needs to be a more appropriate way to pick these bones than to divert a discussion of reclamation of the Mediterranean basin as land.  However, I agree the JudeoChristian question and its role in exacerbating intra-Euro conflict is of paramount importance and there is plenty of “blame” to go around.  For instance, I was unaware of the importance of the land seizures by the Church of England from the Catholic monasteries to one of my primary historic concerns—the lowland clearances—until I heard the RFM interview of Michael Jones.  Of course, there is bound to be a certain amount of bias in the story as told by a Catholic, but it is an angle I had never even heard discussed in the accounts of the origins of the Scotch Irish migrations to the New World. 

Having said that, I am aware that “Euro” was set against me by my having linked to a Usenet post of mine in which I talked of the “junior partner” role of Italian-Americans to Jews in the United States.  I stand by that characterization of recent US history—mainly Post WW II in the US.  However Euro is correct (and I have previously discussed this) that there is a deeper history of northern Europeans being extended phenotypes of Jews going all the way back to the Goths and the fall of Rome—if not beyond—and extending into the present day abject self-destructive behavior of Scandinavian governments with regards to the EU, immigration and foreign aid.  The dynamics with northern Europeans as “junior partners” to the Jews is, however, of a different character to the “junior partner” relationship with southern and even eastern Europeans.  It is worth exploring the nature of these relationships and their contributions to intra-Euro division—but it helps to do so in a more dispassionate manner than many of us, myself include, have in the past.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 23 Dec 2009 23:45 | #

A recent book by E. Michael Jones, The Slaughter of Cities: Urban Renewal as Ethnic Cleansing, documents Wirth’s prejudices, especially his dislike of Catholic ethnic groups in America, and argues that Wirth used his considerable influence in postwar urban renewal to target Polish, Italian, and Irish neighborhoods for destruction.

Interesting. Dr. Jones argues the case that “whiteness” and by extension, white nationalism is a Jewish construct.


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 24 Dec 2009 02:14 | #

The mention of the philo - semitism of Rhodes and Milner in the RPO article quoted by Euro is especially salient with regard to the Boer War, a conflict during which the British administration and military acted as “Janissaries of the Jews”.


Posted by Angry WASP on Thu, 24 Dec 2009 04:59 | #

That’s it!  Euro’s Medocentrism has finally convinced me that there are only two solutions to the Med Question in America:  Either mass deportation or mass sterilization.

From this point forward I will dedicate my life to ridding America of dagoes (except for maybe Sophia Bush).  Thanks for the inspiration, Euro.


Posted by RebelliousV on Wed, 30 Dec 2009 15:45 | #

The Jews aren’t doing it to us. Actually, the Jews have just as much to lose due to the Islamification of Europe because they are severely discriminated against by Muslims - for example, a lot of Jews are emigrating out of France due to it. And with IRE(Islamic Republic of Europe), nobody will back Israel up, which will lead to the Arabs overtaking it.

Since the Lisbon treaty passed, by the way, the EU has de jure rights to implement immigration policy OVER the wills of the member states.

JamesUK, most Muslims in Germany are Muslim first, Germans… second if at all. And yes, gypsies aren’t Romanians. They’re not even consider them Romanian there and it’s hilarious when they sing the anthem because it talks about Dacic and Roman roots, while they’re latter(sadly) additions to the land. Hell, Hungarians aren’t considered Romanian and they have the same race.

Now, genocide won’t solve issues because unlike the Arabs, we do have a tradition of not being dense and this is why we abolished slavery, for example. Anyway, the best solution to get rid of immigrants is discrimination, which is pretty common sense. For example, ban the teachings of Islam in Europe(not literally, but prosecute them when they say Christians and Jews are apes and pigs or other drivel they ramble under the hate speech laws - hell, they apply to us, we should apply it to them too and close the mosques where this happens). Implement something like a reverse-Sharia(lol) that bans them from building new mosques or repairing their old ones. This, combined with doing away with welfare(which is one of the reasons for the collapse in our family system) will lead to them leaving and if they protest, we should put our cops to good use - I guess since they look like paramilitary units nowadays, they’d be beneficial. This will come with a ban on non-European immigration, but all this would be futile, unless we can rebuild the family system. The collapse in birth rates came do the collapse of the family. We need to do away with no fault divorce, for example(which is a violation of the contractual character of marriage to begin with) and start reversing all the BS feminists did. Obviously, women should have the same rights as men, but the current behaviours are a result of heavy subsidization of those behaviours. And we need to exempt couples who have over three children from paying taxes, which will be possible with the reduction in welfare. Another problem is the retirement systems we have that allow people to be maintained by other people’s children, which makes having children of your own futile because you’d be taken care of when you’re old regardless by leeching on other people’s offspring(the Mises Institute actually showed a significant correlation in between the generosity of the public retirement provisions and birth rates). We also need to squelch leftist claptrap myths like overpopulation and so on, especially as long as we allow immigration to our European homeland, increasing the carrying capacity of third world hellholes - combined with foreign aid. We also need to reform the educational system and teach Europeans to be proud of their heritage - this happens in my country, for example. We’re taught that the Royal Navy put an end to the international slave trade, not that we should be ashamed.

And we need to do away with bullshit like the UN. There’s a lot more than this, but I’m bored out of my mind of writing stuff that will get ignored. raspberry


Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 30 Dec 2009 18:37 | #

The Jews aren’t doing it to us.

Yawn, we’ve been over this 100,000 times and you’re wrong.  Organized jewry is at the front line of every “abolish-the-white-race” initiative from mass immigration to “scientific” anti-racism to impoverishing the native populace through perpetual debt to starting wars to kill the flower of our youth for the benefit of Israel to criminalizing free speech to critiquing our history and making us into “demons” to covering up crimes against whites…etc, etc.


Posted by Kulaks Never Learn on Thu, 31 Dec 2009 14:36 | #

“...The mention of the philo - semitism of Rhodes and Milner in the RPO article quoted by Euro is especially salient with regard to the Boer War, a conflict during which the British administration and military acted as “Janissaries of the Jews”.

You all might be interested in this book as well -

~ Captain A.H.M. Ramsay, Royal Navy; Member of Parliment



““It was fated that England should be the first of a series of Revolutions, which is not yet finished.”

    “With these cryptic words Isaac Disraeli, father of Benjamin Earl of Beaconsfield, commenced his two volume life of Charles I published in 1851. A work of astonishing detail and insight, much information for which, he states, was obtained from the records of one Melchior de Salom, French envoy in England during that period.

    “The scene opens with distant glimpses of the British Kingdom based upon Christianity, and its own ancient traditions; these sanctions binding Monarchy, Church, State, nobles and the people in one solemn bond on the one hand; on the other hand, the ominous rumblings of Calvinism.

    “Calvin, who came to Geneva from France, where his name was spelt Cauin, *possibly a French effort to spell Cohen, organized great numbers of revolutionary orators, not a few of whom were inflicted upon England and Scotland. Thus was laid the groundwork for revolution under a cloak of religious fervour.”



Posted by RebelliousV on Thu, 31 Dec 2009 23:53 | #

I’m curious what the Jews would gain by abolishing the White race. We’re the only people who really care about preserving their Israel. Without the US, for example, Israel would cease to exist because it wouldn’t be able to finance all their things. The Asians could care the less about their existence, the Arabs hate them…

Yes, I’m willing to bet that Jews are probably over-represented in the bullshit of the left, due to them being leftist more than others and just adopting the new bullshit in which the left evolved after the Frankfurt school. The thing is, it’s not logical for them to be surrounded by Arabs or Muslims. I don’t see what’s in it for them, considering this would mean their extinction too. I know fully well the political purpose of the anti-racism crap, but I don’t see how it would help Jews. For example, I believe Israel should exist, just like Europe should be European. I don’t know any other race which supports this or who carved a territory for another one and I don’t know who will support their state once the whites are gone. For example, no US, Iran is free to erase Israel of the face of the Earth, along with Israel’s neighbors. If you explain what’s in it for Jews, except total destruction, then I might start to believe you.

I know of Ignatiev, Alon Ziv and others, but at the end of the day, they’re just a few morons, like our politicians that support idiotic ideologies - anyway, to me this looks like a simply issue of power for governments. A divided people is way easier to control and certain races(just look at the US, the only people that don’t like the gov doing stuff are whites) like being controlled by the government to begin with. Also, destroying the European heritage(cultural and ethnic) allows them to unify the European states and Arabia, just like in the US, it allows them to create the NAU. To me, it looks more like part of the push for a world government than the Jews wanting to destroy the white race. The former has a motive, the latter doesn’t.


Posted by Walters Fagin on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 04:33 | #

I personaly think this would be a great idea.

It would help Europe tons, plus it does have some advantages elsewhere.

I’m a conservative republican who lives in Texas, I cherish in the thought of sea level rise.  Most Democrats live by the coast so…..........

Ok, back to Europe,

not only will medditeranian countries get more land, a new “Scramble for africa” could occur and add new lands to europe. Sea level rise would deepen the suez canal and I dont really care if some dems would proabably….....

sorry, I keep getting carried away,

Also, new ports would need to be built and that solves unemployment for the forseable future.

Only problem is who is gonna rule it Germany, France, Russia, U.K (my choice), or the E.U?

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