Bin Laden is dead – who do we murder next?

Posted by Guest Blogger on Tuesday, 03 May 2011 00:58.

by Alexander Baron

This morning, it was announced that Osama Bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan. Most world politicians seem to believe this is a good thing. But not Congressman Ron Paul.

The death of Osama Bin Laden was big news here in England, and even bigger in the USA, understandably. People, and especially Obama supporters, were outside the White House in the small hours calling for “Four more years”, which he will probably get. British Prime Minister David Cameron – Call Me Dave, as he is known – was among the first to congratulate Obama, along with former presidents Bill Clinton and George W. Bush.

Though the possibility or even the likelihood of Al-Qaeda striking back has not been overlooked, and we have all been put on alert, there is something else everybody seems to have overlooked in the euphoria; everybody except Congressman Ron Paul, who in a speech delivered February 24, 2010, Now It’s Assassinations, asked some embarrassing questions:

“What have we allowed ourselves to become? Are we no longer a nation of laws…have we decided that the writ of habeas corpus is not worth defending? Is torture now an acceptable tool for making us safe? Unfortunately the single answer to all of these questions from the leaders of our country and to many of our citizens appears to be yes. And now we’re told that assassination of foreigners as well as American citizens is legitimate and necessary to provide security for our people. It is my firm opinion that nothing could be further from the truth.”

To paraphrase Ron Paul from this speech, Osama Bin Laden was a very bad person, and was undoubtedly guilty of many crimes. But, if he was so obviously guilty, why was he not arrested? Why did Uncle Sam send a task force into a sovereign nation to assassinate a wanted fugitive without due process? And what about the people who died along with him: three men and a woman? What do we know about them?

Would it not have been possible to arrest Bin Laden by staking out the place? In October 2002, Russian special forces used a gas to subdue terrorists during the Moscow Theatre Siege; tragically, this led to the deaths of over a hundred of the hostages, but there were no hostages in the Pakistani city of Abbottabad. There are numerous ways Bin Laden could have been subdued without raiding his compound, which could have resulted in the deaths of many innocent people, including the soldiers involved in the operation.

Let’s be clear about this, Osama Bin Laden wasn’t simply a bad person, he was the baddest dude on the planet, but some would argue that because of the magnitude of his crimes – which have not been proved in a court of law – it was not only desirable but essential that he be subjected to due process.

Shortly after Des Plaines police arrested serial killer John Gacy, they dug the remains of twenty-six bodies out of the crawlspace of his house. Surely that evidence was compelling enough to warrant his immediate execution? Instead, Gacy was brought to trial, and spent fourteen years on Death Row before he was executed by due process of law. Was Osama Bin Laden less deserving of due process than John Gacy? And if the answer to that question is yes, then who will be the next enemy foreign or domestic who is deemed unworthy of arrest and a fair trial? And who will decide he is not so entitled – Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, some anonymous individual sitting in a CIA office, NSA office, FBI office? Or Dirty Harry perhaps?

Yes, Osama Bin Laden probably did deserve to die, but let us be clear about how he died; he was assassinated, he was the victim of an extra-judicial execution, one that will probably see Barack Obama elected for another four years. Or if not him then another politician, Democrat or Republican, who shares the same mindset and who will unhesitatingly follow in his footsteps by ordering the extra-judicial execution of the next public enemy number one.

Another thing worth considering is that Bin Laden has already been buried, within hours of his execution. Or rather his body has been dumped in the sea in order to prevent his grave becoming a shrine to his fanatical followers. This will undoubtedly be grist to the mill for the whackier conspiracy theorists.; by this time next week if not sooner there will be speculation all over the web that Bin Laden is not really dead, that he has been paid off by his masters in the Order of the Illuminati -the real perpetrators of 9/11 - having served his purpose, and helped pave the road to the New World Order.

This article appeared first in Digital Journal.



Posted by Guest Lurker on Tue, 03 May 2011 01:51 | #

If this website is serious, it looks like the “official” Osama death photo is a fake. I immediately sensed there was somethinb off about it when I first saw it. It does look superimposed and somehow incongruous on Osama’s face. Also, for an alleged death photo, Osama’s skin doesn’t evince a death pallor.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Tue, 03 May 2011 01:56 | #

Please tell me you don’t believe the official story of 9/11. Believe me that’s far ‘wackier’ than any of the ‘conspiracy theories’ (many of which are intentionally deceptive).


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 03 May 2011 02:09 | #

If I may correct the corrector Røaring Sinner:

“Anton Chekhov”, not “Anton Chekov”.


Posted by Alexander Baron on Tue, 03 May 2011 02:25 | #

Whackier can be spelt both ways and yes, I do believe the official 9/11 story, and the official Kennedy Assassination story, and the official 9/11 story. It is the motives of the murderers that are important in these Islamist cases, not the garbage about Mossad, etc. Do your homework. It isn’t necessary to lie about either Zionism or the American government when the truth is so grotesque.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 03 May 2011 02:54 | #

9-11 was a lie cooked by jews for the West to invade and destroy Afghanistan - a Muslim country; Saddam’s WMD was a lie cooked by jews for the West to invade and destroy Iraq - a Muslim country; bin Laden’s killing in Pakistan is a lie cooked by jews for the West to invade and destroy Pakistan - a Muslim country. Iran, Libya, Syria and on, and on, and on - all Muslim countries.

After all that, “white nationalists”, like Alexander Baron in blogs and sites like this one, are still perplexed as of why Muslims hate jews and their whore - the entire West. Instead of joining forces to bring down the common enemy, all, the whoring hypocrites are willing and able to do is talking with indignation how white lands have been “occupied by Muslim invaders”.

It is truly amazing.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 03 May 2011 03:18 | #


Posted by Chechar on Tue, 03 May 2011 03:36 | #

Recently Stormfront endured a gigantic debate on 9/11 conspiracy theories. It has also been discussed in a couple of The Occidental Observer threads. I am a skeptic of all conspiracy theories. In the 1994 conference of the Committee for Scientific Inquiry (then known as CSICOP), a Seattle conference in which I met Carl Sagan, I was shocked to see that many CSICOPers still believed the JFK conspiracy theory. And these were supposedly the world’s toughest skeptics…!

It would be interesting to do another poll now here at MR, but this time about 9/11 conspiracy theories, who believes and who’s skeptical?


Posted by Dr_Graham_Lister on Tue, 03 May 2011 03:52 | #

Which Chekov story did you have in mind?

As for the US government, I would trust them to tell the truth as much as I could throw them - not a great deal.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 May 2011 04:33 | #

It would be interesting to do another poll now here at MR, but this time about 9/11 conspiracy theories, who believes and who’s skeptical?

The only real conspiracy surrounding 9-11 is one of a cover=up. A cover-up of the gross incompetency demonstrated by the law enforcement departments and intelligence gathering agencies that are supposed to prevent or thwart such attacks. The cat is outta the bag as far as I’m concerned. The notion that the government is actually on top of any given situation is only believed by the gullible or those not paying attention. These massive agencies and departments staffed by tens of thousands of politically correct bureaucrats and paper pushers are almost useless. Yeah, okay, once in awhile they actually catch a bad guy or two but for the most part they serve no real function except to harass and intimidate ordinary law abiding American citizens; and, of course, provide jobs to those of whom lack the talent, competency, and work ethic to make it in the private sector.


Posted by Mr Voight on Tue, 03 May 2011 05:13 | #

It would be interesting to do another poll now here at MR, but this time about 9/11 conspiracy theories, who believes and who’s skeptical?

I more or less agree with Chomsky:


Posted by Grimoire on Tue, 03 May 2011 05:16 | #

Amazing Ivan, that you would be surprised by another demonstration of the wholesale fraud and degeneracy of the Anglo American ‘West’.
  Follow carefully the propositions and arguments enjoyed here…does it move in lockstep with the televised pageant on offer?  Does it offer the same level of integrity and good faith?

Just as many men boarding a ship draws it down into the water - a ship’s draught cannot be called of many causes - but one cause consisting of many - so the degeneracy, corruption and the mortal sickness unto death of the West or East will not be alleviated or forestalled by those who are ontologentically degenerate and corrupt.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 03 May 2011 05:50 | #

Come on, Grimoire, shouldn’t be at least a handful of people left somewhere capable of independent thought, or at least a few who still maintain elementary common sense and some decency, even if the whole crew is affected with a mental malaise. Just by pure chance, dammit.


Posted by the Narrator... on Tue, 03 May 2011 06:20 | #

My take on this story,

The Imperial News Network is reporting that sources in the Imperial Government have confirmed that special forces of the Imperial Army have at long last taken down rebel and terrorist mastermind, Luke Skywalker.

Skywalker, notorious for his unjust and unprovoked terrorist attack upon the Death Star some ten years ago, was said to have been hiding out in a cave or swamp in a remote and isolated region of the Dagobah System.

The Emperor announced the news live on Imperial Television Networks, declaring, “who is like unto the Empire, and who can make war with it?” He then went on to assure Imperial subjects that the demise of Skywalker was evidence of the success of Imperial Military Policy in subduing the galaxy and bringing all peoples everywhere under the just and benevolent power of the Empire.

Sources close to the Imperial Guard told Imperial News Network correspondents that the next step was to hunt down Skywalker’s second in command, terrorist Han Solo.
“General” Solo is currently hiding out on planet Libya, where Imperial Forces have been engaged against stubborn rebels for weeks.
Recently, Imperial Liberators have taken out a school for disabled children.
(note: It has now been confirmed by Imperial Decree, that these “disabled children” were in fact Ewoks!!! being trained to carry out terrorist attacks against Imperial troop compounds in the region.
Ewoks are are notorious for such terrorist activities as throwing rocks at Imperial bombers! and for their general reluctance to submit to the Empire!!!)

“It’s only a matter of time till we get Solo as well,” said Admiral Piett, Commander of the Imperial Fleet. “The information we’ve wrung from the Bothan Spies being held at Guantanamo assure us that Solo, Leia and the entire Rebel terrorist networks days are numbered. Long live the Empire!”

Markets were expected to move upwards tomorrow on the news.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Tue, 03 May 2011 06:41 | #

Here’s a 1 hour video about the fraud that is the fabricated bogeyman al quaeda, in case anyone is interested and hasn’t viewed it yet.  Though it unmasks the overblown threat, the reason for it posited by this documentary seems disingenuous- that it has all been one big misunderstanding and paranoid over-reaction, rather than calculated exploitation by jewish neo-cons and the Anglo-sphere to achieve geo-political long-term goals. A statement made at the end rings true, however; that in an atomized society where no one believes in anything anymore, anybody who believes in anything at all is perceived as the frightening fanatical other.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 03 May 2011 07:02 | #

ontologentically degenerate and corrupt.

Would you count yourself among such like, Gmoire?


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 03 May 2011 08:01 | #

If I may correct the corrector Røaring Sinner:

“Anton Chekhov”, not “Anton Chekov”. (Ivan)

Yes, the former spelling is the conventional transliteration. But what necessarily must follow from the Cyrillic?


Posted by Bill on Tue, 03 May 2011 08:02 | #

Does it really matter?  9/11, as someone said earlier, has served its purpose. Never let a serious crisis go to waste as Rahm Emanuel says here…

My point is this, I think the Anglo American Axis power elite will stop at nothing to further their goal to achieve world control.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 03 May 2011 08:21 | #

“What have we allowed ourselves to become? Are we no longer a nation of laws…have we decided that the writ of habeas corpus is not worth defending? Is torture now an acceptable tool for making us safe? Unfortunately the single answer to all of these questions from the leaders of our country and to many of our citizens appears to be yes. And now we’re told that assassination of foreigners as well as American citizens is legitimate and necessary to provide security for our people. It is my firm opinion that nothing could be further from the truth.” Ron Paul

Rep Paul should really stick to his excellent advocacy of the gold standard and Federal Reserve Board abolition. He seems to know little about anything else, especially foreign policy.

The “writ of habeas corpus”? huh? What does that have to do with the circumstances of this particular case (hint: nothing)?

Moreover, habeas corpus only applies to AMERICAN citizens, just as the rights derived (and sometimes invented) from the Constitution are supposed to be the province only of Americans! Yes, there have been egregious cases in which Constitutional protections were extended to foreigners. These are invariably the product of liberal ideology insinuating itself where it has no (textual or historical) place, and, moreover, they cover foreigners within US boundaries (eg, Plyler v Doe, if memory serves, the 1982 case in which a bare majority of the Supreme Court decided that school districts could not bar entry to illegal alien children of school age resident in the US). Neither habeas corpus, obviously, nor any other actually relevant possible writ - nor any Constitutional provision at all - would have applied to Osama bin Laden, a foreigner resident on foreign soil. You’d think that Congress’s self-styled leading Constitutionalist, of all people, would understand this.

Finally, yes, Dr. Paul, the torture and assassination of international terrorists is perfectly consistent with American history and Constitution.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 03 May 2011 08:45 | #

Baron’s Errors:

1) “who do we murder next?”

whom, please.

2) “‘Four more years’, which he will probably get” 

You can’t be serious! This will be forgotten in a few months, if not weeks. Of course, I have no idea who will be president in two years, though I think Obongo has an excellent shot - but mainly because the possible Republicans are all “charisma-pygmies” next to him.

3) “Why did Uncle Sam send a task force into a sovereign nation to assassinate a wanted fugitive without due process?”

You might want to elaborate on your notion of “due process” (hint: see comment above; Osama had no due process standing, except, perhaps, under international legal agreements to which the US was a signatory).

4) “Would it not have been possible to arrest Bin Laden by staking out the place?”

This is a joke, right? I mean, you’re not really this stupid? “staking ... out ... the ... place”?! Do you possess even the rudiments of knowledge about military operations?

5) “There are numerous ways Bin Laden could have been subdued without raiding his compound,”

Such as?

6) “because of the magnitude of his crimes – which have not been proved in a court of law”

It is not necessary, under US law, for our military to drag ‘hostiles’ into courts before killing them. Our military has always been used against foreign pirates, terrorists, and aggressive (non- or pre-citizen) aboriginals.

7)” serial killer John Gacy, they dug the remains of twenty-six bodies out of the crawlspace of his house. Surely that evidence was compelling enough to warrant his immediate execution? Instead, Gacy was brought to trial, and spent fourteen years on Death Row before he was executed by due process of law. Was Osama Bin Laden less deserving of due process than John Gacy?”

Again, Gacy, however repulsive, was an American. And yes, after his conviction, he should have been immediately exterminated. That he spent any more than a few weeks on Death Row is a sign of liberal insanity, not “due process”, “the Constitution”, or “justice”.

I agree, however, about the body’s elimination. It should have been returned to the US, extensively photographed by all manner of news media, decapitated, and then the headless body publicly incinerated before the world media.

The head, however, should have been placed on a pike on the White House lawn for 30 days, as a warning to savages about what happens if you assault America.


Posted by Grimoire on Tue, 03 May 2011 10:50 | #

Yes Ivan, you are one. But for yourself see it is not a question of leadership or example, but a breaking of mental control of habitual deceit and abject degradation.

“It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their enmities forge their fetters.”

Edmund Burke


Posted by Stephen on Tue, 03 May 2011 11:19 | #

The raid was an attempt to arrest him he got shot while resisting arrest with a firearm as he refused to drop his weapon. It is perfectly acceptable even for civilian law enforcement to shoot dead someone who shoots a gun at other people or refuses to drop a firearm when ordered. Or even for a complete civilian to shoot and kill someone in self defence or defence of other people.


Posted by Stephen on Tue, 03 May 2011 11:39 | #

Instead of all this security at airport and expensive wars in dusty parts of the world to “fight terrorism” we could instead just simply bar Muslims from flying and entering our countries.

Just because the Muslims and Jews are enemies does not make either of them our friends. They ar both enemies. Muslims want to convert or kill Kafirs, Jews want to enslave all the Goyim to “gods chosen people”.

It is possible there was a bungle or conspiracy to let the attack go ahead but all the theories on controlled demolition etc are implausible and not necessary to explain the collapse.


Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 03 May 2011 12:49 | #

“It is ordained in the eternal constitution of things, that men of intemperate minds cannot be free. Their enmities forge their fetters.”

Edmund Burke

Speaking from memory, I believe the phrase is, “Their passions forge their fetters.” A different meaning, that.


Posted by Dirty Bull on Tue, 03 May 2011 15:01 | #

What about the attempt to murder Gaddafi in his bed?
I hold no brief for Gaddafi, but with warmongers like David Cameron and William Hague running the show, human hookworms who make a big show of the ‘Human Rights Act’ and the ‘sanctity of human life’, ‘amnesty international’ and all the other pissweak lefty wanker-concepts are actually cold-blooded attempted murderers.
  Oh and the way the snaked on Gaddafi, kicking he man when he was down (and after he made a full rapprochement with west and was kissed and cuddled by Tony Blair), is simply breath-taking.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 May 2011 16:02 | #

Incompetency reinforced by political correctness is the proximate cause that made it possible for a handful of Islamic radicals to pull off the 9-11 attacks.

Irrational compulsions reinforced by politically correct policies which then are put into practice for expressed purpose of making sure “diversity” is not a failed experiment in the U.S. military IS the proximate cause of the Fort Hood massacre.

Right after the Fort Hood massacre occurred, Gen. George Casey proclaimed: “Our diversity, not only in our Army, but in our country, is a strength. And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.”

How F—ing sick is that?!?


The more pressing question is: How or whom invented political correctness/cultural-Marxism and subsequently caused it to infect the minds of, in particular, people of European descent? Well, we know who invented PC. What we don’t know is how to defeat it ... especially since so many of our own people benefit by it thus embrace and defend it.

That’s the conundrum, IMHO.



Posted by Easily Amused Observer on Tue, 03 May 2011 18:23 | #

The only “conspiracy theory” is the 911 Commission report, which has been debunked by the 911 Commissioners themselves. It’s amusing to see the official conspiracy theorists use these various rhetorical flourishes to demean truthers - “do your homework” “conspiracy theories” and the feigned appeals to skepticism.

Dozens of Mossad agents were arrested the day of 911, and let go due to political pressure from Jewish Zionist Bush officials. The Architects and Engineers for 911 Truth have provided a peer reviewed case for the demolition of WTC7. Norman Mineta gave testimony under oath that Dick Cheney prevented the shoot down of at least one plane. The former President of Italy, parlimentarians in Japan, and dozens of former US intel/military people have publicly stated there was a cover-up.

It’s also not as if Israel’s involvement hasn’t been out there for anyone reading between the lines. Remember Jack Abramoff? He hosted the 911 hijackers on his casino boats the week before 911.

All this stuff is in the public record. The fact is, those supporting the official conspiracy theory are ignorant, have not done their homework, and seemingly, cognitively unable to understand realpolitick. All while self-assuredly declaring themselves to be skeptics. It’s quite like an American creationist “debunking evolution” or a liberal telling us “race doesn’t exist.” They are, at best, “educated” in pure rhetorical sophistry about a subject they are completely ignorant of.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 May 2011 18:35 | #

Remember Jack Abramoff? He hosted the 911 hijackers on his casino boats the week before 911.


Impressive piece of evidence you provided there. Laughingly impressive, but impressive nonetheless.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 May 2011 19:34 | #

Here is some thought-food for the Conspiracy Buffaloes here at MR. Just be aware of the source - one of the biggest buffaloes of them all:

A multitude of different inside sources both publicly and privately, including one individual who personally worked with Bin Laden at one time, told us directly that Osama’s dead corpse has been on ice for nearly a decade and that his “death” would only be announced at the most politically expedient time.

That time has now come with a years-old fake picture being presented as the only evidence of his alleged killing yesterday, while Bin Laden’s body has been hastily dumped into the sea to prevent anyone from finding out when he actually died.

In April 2002, over nine years ago, Council on Foreign Relations member Steve R. Pieczenik, who served as Deputy Assistant Secretary of State under Henry Kissinger, Cyrus Vance, and James Baker, told the Alex Jones Show that Bin Laden had already been “dead for months”.

Pieczenik would be in a position to know such information, having worked directly with Bin Laden when the US was funding and arming the terror leader in an attempt to drive the Soviets out of Afghanistan in the late 70?s and early 80?s (a documented historical fact that talking heads in the corporate media are actually denying today in light of developments).

“I found out through my sources that he had had kidney disease. And as a physician, I knew that he had to have two dialysis machines and he was dying,” Pieczenik told Jones during the April 24, 2002 interview.


Posted by Anonymous on Tue, 03 May 2011 21:08 | #

A good book on 9/11 is Webster Tarpley’s 9/11 Synthetic Terror:  Made in USA.  It’s scholarly and sans modified, limited hangouts.


Posted by Easily Amused Observer on Tue, 03 May 2011 22:17 | #

“Thorn” provides a case in point. Notice these are all mainstream press sources:

Two or three of the 9/11 hijackers are believed to go out on a gambling cruise ship that sails from Madeira Beach, Florida. According to a company official of SunCruz Casinos, who owns the ship, there are passengers on two of their cruises today who look like some of the men later identified as 9/11 hijackers, and whose names are either similar or the same as the hijackers’. In the days after 9/11, some of the cruise employees recognize a number of the hijackers as former customers. A casino manager on another SunCruz ship that sails from Port Canaveral, Florida, later believes that a former customer, caught on security video, resembles one of the hijackers. According to Michael Hlavsa, chairman of SunCruz Casinos, the hijackers “acted just like normal guests of ours and they were courteous.” Following 9/11, SunCruz turns over photographs and documents to FBI investigators. [St. Petersburg Times, 9/27/2001; Associated Press, 9/27/2001; Washington Post, 9/27/2001] At the time, SunCruz Casinos is owned by the politically connected Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his business associate Adam Kidan. Abramoff and Kidan will later plead guilty to fraud relating to their purchase of the company in 2000. [Associated Press, 1/4/2006]

The anti-truthers don’t even bother to make an argument, simply flippant quips to try to stifle debate. It’s not even very clever.


Posted by Jacob C. on Tue, 03 May 2011 23:09 | #

Check out Osama’s Hideout in Google Earth at 34°10’9.17"N 73°14’32.76"E

The Pakistan Military Academy is a few kilometers (at most) north of Osama’s place. There are additional obvious military facilities to the west (shooting range, dormitories, parade grounds, etc).

A local that owns two properties adjacent to the Osama hideout stated to Al Jazeera that he doesn’t understand how it could be possible. He stated that you need to cross Army checkpoints to even enter the general area that the homes reside in. This would obviously mean that Osama’s courier would need to cross Army checkpoints on a regular basis.

It is beyond frustrating that there are no accepted media outlets that will touch subjects such as ISI/CIA cooperation. You don’t need to scratch too deep to find tidbits that could lead to something really big. At the best we will only hear a little bit of complaining from the media that we give billions to Pakistan and that they still sheltered Osama (or some lookalike). We will never hear anybody suggest that perhaps that is the REASON why we give billions to Pakistan.

They occasionally peel one layer of the psyops away, exposing another layer of bullshit. We need somebody with a voice to peel away all of the layers.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 03 May 2011 23:59 | #

Two or three of the 9/11 hijackers are believed to go out on a gambling cruise ship that sails from Madeira Beach, Florida. According to a company official of SunCruz Casinos, who owns the ship, there are passengers on two of their cruises today who look like some of the men later identified as 9/11 hijackers, and whose names are either similar or the same as the hijackers’. In the days after 9/11, some of the cruise employees recognize a number of the hijackers as former customers. A casino manager on another SunCruz ship that sails from Port Canaveral, Florida, later believes that a former customer, caught on security video, resembles one of the hijackers. According to Michael Hlavsa, chairman of SunCruz Casinos, the hijackers “acted just like normal guests of ours and they were courteous.” Following 9/11, SunCruz turns over photographs and documents to FBI investigators. [St. Petersburg Times, 9/27/2001; Associated Press, 9/27/2001; Washington Post, 9/27/2001] At the time, SunCruz Casinos is owned by the politically connected Washington lobbyist Jack Abramoff and his business associate Adam Kidan. Abramoff and Kidan will later plead guilty to fraud relating to their purchase of the company in 2000. [Associated Press, 1/4/2006]

Oh c’mon, Amused.

The only thing that account demonstrates or amounts to is Abramoff was one of the owners of Sun Cruz Casinos at the time when its empolyees believed they saw two or three guests who “looked” like some of the men later Identified as the 9-11 hijackers.

This is flimsy evidence to the max. Based on the evidence provided by your cut and paste, the connection of the hijackers to Abramoff barely meets the standard of ‘six degrees of separation’ for cryin’ out loud.

Even if the hijackers were guests on the gambling cruise ship, that in no way equates to Abramoff being a personal host to them or personally invited them on the cruise ship as you’ve previously stated. Hence, logic dictates Abramoff, according to the evidence you’ve provided thus far, cannot in anyway be connected to the 9-11 attacks.


Posted by Easily Amused Observer on Wed, 04 May 2011 00:17 | #

So we see here that “Thorn” simply hadn’t done his homework, had no idea of the connections between Abramoff and the purported 911 hijackers, nor does he show any familiarity with the other Florida witnesses. It’s likely he simply read this quick summary (NOT the source articles), and threw out some strawmen. All while posing as some great sketpic, and making great displays of petulant dismissal like “LMAO.”

It’s likely that “Thorn” has never even read the 911 Commission Report. But he’s quick to “debunk” any evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, that may implicated Israel.

Such is the “anti-truth” movement - all bluster, no facts. Lots of quips, by nothing but ignorance of even the official public record.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Wed, 04 May 2011 01:00 | #

“... and yes, I do believe the official 9/11 story, and the official Kennedy Assassination story, and the official 9/11 story. It is the motives of the murderers that are important in these Islamist cases, not the garbage about Mossad, etc. Do your homework. It isn’t necessary to lie about either Zionism or the American government when the truth is so grotesque.”

I can guarantee that you it’s you that hasn’t done their homework. The number of anomalies surrounding 9/11 are innumerous. I think someone else pointed out Architects for 9/11 Truth. That’s a good place to start. Jet fuel does not melt steel and even if it did the melting would be localised and cause a partial buckling. Not the free fall collapse that even your own eyes must surely recognise. Then there’s Building 7, the non-existant plane at the Pentagon and the list goes on and on.

Don’t think for a second I’m not aware of the true nature of Islam. Exposing 9/11 for what it is doesn’t mean that I’m defending that particular evil. As for Zionism that’s part of a much bigger picture.

Attempting to research the true nature of 9/11 is something of a rabbit hole I tend to avoid. It’s clear that it was committed by the elite cabal behind the New World Order for various geopolitical (and occult) reasons. Beyond that it is much wiser to concentrate on the bigger picture. I’d also add that all of the security services are controlled by this elite so whether Mossad were involved or not is essentially irrelevant.

The New World Order is real, well documented and happening now. Researcher Bill Cooper once said, if you don’t understand the true nature of the enemy you shouldn’t be on the battle field. The enemy is an occult elite that reveres Lucifer. Both the Kennedy assassination and 9/11 were occult rituals.

Scoff, mock and deride all you like but believe me, if you do the research, all of the above is all too true.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 May 2011 01:04 | #

“But he’s quick to “debunk” any evidence, circumstantial or otherwise, that may implicated Israel.”

Sorry Amused, but you’re wrong AGAIN.

I was quick to debunk your assertion that Abramoff “hosted” the 9-11 hijackers on his “casino boats” a week before the attacks. Moreover, I made my case based on the evidence you provided me.


Posted by Easily Amused Observer on Wed, 04 May 2011 01:18 | #

Thorn, I am not attempting to prove anything to you, nor am I attempting to make a case about 911 one way or another. Others have done that and the evidence is there.

I’m simply pointing out, to the audience, that posters, like yourself, quick to attack “911 conspiracies” are usually ignorant of the facts, and mostly engage in sophistry, “trolling” and ad hominem. It seems clear you were simply ignorant of the Abramoff/hijacker connections, and rely instead on second hand information I had to present, that’s well known to anyone who has “done their homework.”

Now, you wish me to “prove” to you something or another, but I’m not trying to win an argument with you, I’m simply pointing out your behavior, which is quite typical of those debunking “conspiracy theories” about Israeli complicity.

The evidence is there for those who wish to examine it. It’s clear you have not done so.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 May 2011 02:16 | #


The only evidence that you’ve provided thus far of any connection between Abramoff and the 9-11 hijackers is the fact(?) that two or three of the hijackers were seen behaving as ordinary customers aboard a gambling cruise ship that happened to be owned by a company of which Abramoff was a part owner. That’s it! That’s the extent of your evidence!

Heck, maybe Mohamed Atta and crew were regular customers at Trump’s casinos too. If so, then, by your unimpeachable thinking,  that would mean Trump has connections to the 9-11 attacks too? Heh!



Posted by Ivan on Wed, 04 May 2011 04:38 | #

9-11 is not something to argue about - the time has passed long time ago for that. 9-11 is to be used as a litmus test to identify creatures like Thorn and Leon Haller in order to force them to wear the star of David and the yellow Jude ribbon when the time comes. And the time will come. In the age of the Internet, it cannot be hidden any longer despite the total control of all major mass media:


Posted by the Narrator... on Wed, 04 May 2011 04:42 | #

I agree, however, about the body’s elimination. It should have been returned to the US, extensively photographed by all manner of news media, decapitated, and then the headless body publicly incinerated before the world media.

The head, however, should have been placed on a pike on the White House lawn for 30 days, as a warning to savages about what happens if you assault America.

Posted by Leon Haller on May 03, 2011, 07:45 AM |


[Bin Laden’s corpse] should have been returned to the US, extensively photographed by all manner of news media, decapitated, and then the headless body publicly incinerated before the world media. —Leon Haller

Not at all! It should have been crucimummified and displayed as the centerpiece of the WTC Memorial Beast Complex.

Posted by Søren Renner on May 03, 2011, 05:05 PM


The above two comments are why the White race will die out. It wants to.

When it gets right down to it, too many Whites have an unwavering devotion to their own enemy.

If the United States is going to put anybody’s head on a pike on the White House lawn, then it will be the last White Man’s head.

The US government has made it overtly clear in many, many ways, that that is their number one goal.



Posted by Ivan on Wed, 04 May 2011 05:20 | #

For better or worse, ever since National Socialism in Hitler’s Germany was crushed in WWII, Islam seems the only ideological force left today in the world capable of resisting the degradation of human spirit and dignity that jewish power is hell-bent to impose on the entire humanity.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 04 May 2011 05:31 | #


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 04 May 2011 05:34 | #

9-11 is not something to argue about - the time has passed long time ago for that. 9-11 is to be used as a litmus test to identify creatures like Thorn and Leon Haller in order to force them to wear the star of David and the yellow Jude ribbon when the time comes. And the time will come. The jig is up for the kike. In the age of the Internet, it cannot be hidden any longer despite the total control of all major mass media by the jew: (Ivan)

Ivan you fucking roach,

Neither I, nor Thorn I think, are Jews. You, however, are Muslim. Muslims are almost never white, and those few who are had civilizational traitors for ancestors.

The Muslim is the truest enemy of Western Civilization.

Go away, and do not return.


Posted by Ivan on Wed, 04 May 2011 06:25 | #

I am a Circassian, Leon, first and foremost - I am whiter than whites from any and all points of view.

You seem a little upset though. Why would that be? Do you feel the ground is drifting away from your feet? Poor bastard! Believe it or not, I feel a bit sorry for you.

P.S. By the way, how is your book coming along? I would like to write preface to it whenever it is ready.


Posted by Try critical thinking on Wed, 04 May 2011 08:10 | #

It’s unfortunate to read Alexander Baron and numerous commenters uncritically regurgitate the tall tale about Bin Laden at MR. 

We’re told that Osama was living in a mansion and they found him with a computer, discs, flash drives and other modern computing equipment.  We’re also told that no one can replace Osama in Al Qaida.  So this important person must have been making, and posting online, a lot of inspirational videos for his followers for the past couple of years, right?  Where are these videos?  What we have are a few pathetic forgeries. 

The government claims that Navy Seals barged into Osama’s room where he and his wife were staying, unarmed.  Osama allegedly made threatening gestures and was shot dead.  It’s unlikely he was horribly mutilated.  When Saddam Hussein’s sons were shot dead, their mutilated bodies were sown up and displayed for the world to see; their remains were not buried for more than a week.  But we’ve seen no official pictures of Osama’s dead body, and his remains were disposed off almost right away.

It takes two days at least for DNA matching yet the government has DNA confirmation within a day, which we don’t get to see.

The government allegedly disposed off Osama’s remains in the sea because no country would accept the remains and they don’t want his grave to become a shrine.  Really?  Why would Pakistan object?  Why not bring the body to the U.S., seal it for posterity with preservatives and let it be a reminder to those who would think of masterminding something like 9/11 again?

And the timing is interesting.  The U.S. is involved in killing Gaddafi’s relatives, including children.  Then Obama releases a “long form birth certificate” that is heavily digitally edited, clearly a forgery, and the internet is abuzz with people taking the forgery apart.  Bingo, Osama is killed!

Now it may be that Obama has finally released a true copy of his birth certificate and the official story about Bin Laden’s death is correct, but it’s unfortunate to see such uncritical acceptance of MSM claims here at MR.  We don’t have any enemy infiltration here, right?


Posted by dc on Wed, 04 May 2011 11:51 | #

bravo! to easily amused, Ivan and Try critical.
The jew rules by deceit to the point that any notion pushed in the press should be regarded either as probable lie or as useless rubbish.
In my opinion this site would be much better without the slimy Baron and Haller


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 04 May 2011 12:15 | #

Unfortunately, “dc”, I’m one of the somewhat few here who actually has something to say.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 May 2011 13:21 | #

9-11 is not something to argue about - the time has passed long time ago for that. 9-11 is to be used as a litmus test to identify creatures like Thorn and Leon Haller in order to force them to wear the star of David and the yellow Jude ribbon when the time comes. And the time will come. The jig is up. In the age of the Internet, it cannot be hidden any longer despite the total control of all major mass media:

Hey Mr Moslem rocket scientist Ivan, you read me all wrong. I am not a Jew or philosemitic nor even anti-Semitic. What I am is a white supremacist/preservationist. So given that fact I find it rich you’d try to label me and issue a threat proclaiming: when the time comes you’ll force me and others you disagree with to be turned over to the GULAG. Well let me tell you somthin’: if the tide turns in our favor and whites en masse reassert themselves, you will be the first to be deported to Pakistan or worse. You are the scourge of the earth and everyone knows it. Nobody wants y’all around and noone has any use for you backwards pricks; except those that want to use y’all as a biological weapon in an ongoing war whose purpose is to dispossess whites in their own homelands - most notably paranoid Jews and Jewish Supremacists.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 May 2011 13:33 | #

Correction: seize all the oil fields, not cease.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 04 May 2011 14:00 | #

Why the hell were radical, fundamentalist Muslims going out on gambling boats and snorting coke while partying with strippers?

The official version of events is always a lie. It is the one and only instinctive and reflexive position of mine.


Posted by Ivan on Wed, 04 May 2011 14:21 | #

What da ya think about that, Ivan?

Not much. Don’t get so horny, Thorny; take it easy, big fella. You just made my task much easier. You, your twin brother Leon - kike on the bike riding in Hell - and so many others here are hitting the Hebrew hysterics button harder that I could have hoped for these days. You prove your ethnic identity better than I could have done it - all I need to do is let you talk.

Keep talking little man.


Posted by marlowe on Wed, 04 May 2011 18:06 | #

“...the degradation of human spirit and dignity that jewish power is hell-bent to impose on the entire humanity.”

“Ivan you fucking roach…the Muslim is the truest enemy of Western Civilization.”

Haller, that’s just ignorant. No Muslim whispers in my ear, beams his message into my home, incites the non-European masses to hate me, devalues my money, “educates” my police department, etc.  Nice form, though.  Harumph.

Thorn, your replies have a familiar ethnic flavor.  Boners, bodily functions, and blasphemy.  You’re outed.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 04 May 2011 19:56 | #


The case for intelligence service involvement in the 9-11 operation doesn’t stand or fall with the one fact presently under discussion. Although, even if they they were on the boat, I would be suspicious. What are devout Muslims doing gambling with denizens of the Great Satan in a casino boat?


Posted by dc on Wed, 04 May 2011 20:16 | #

Sure, you dumb shit, you have plenty to say, but none of it useful, none of it that repays the effort.
Clear that the only reason you and Baron write is to support belief in the idiocies of our times : wicked nazis, Arab attacks against the WTC, evil mastermind bin Laden, cruel Hussein, jew third reich meatloaf, such manliness in a nigger, ...
Open up smartass. Where do you imagine your expertise? Drop the wild claims and strut your stuff.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 04 May 2011 20:37 | #

What are devout Muslims doing gambling with denizens of the Great Satan in a casino boat?

Great question Daniel. The dirty little open secret about moslems is most of them engage in all sorts of licentious activities; they especially like to gamble, even the devout ones. Given that fact, why would it be so surprising to find out the mooslime hijackers were having a little fun before they carried out their final dirty deeds? It’s sort of like an eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die kind of thing.

And for the record I don’t beleive the official account of the 9-11 report either.

OF COURSE there was/is a cover-up. However, my theory differs from most of the conspiracy theories bandied about on the Internet. I beleive it was the government’s incompetency reinfored by political correctness that were the root causes of why the attacks weren’t prevented. Hence, the government is covering up the fact they are so freakin’  incompetent.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 04 May 2011 21:22 | #


Are you some nazi type? That’s great for saving the West.

I oppose Nazism as an ethical matter. That does not mean I am personally bothered by Nazis (I have two pretty hardcore neo-Nazi friends), though as a (theologically liberal, ideologically Hard Right) Christian I could never truck with the ideology myself. (I am not a “Christian conservative” or “Christianist”, incidentally. I am a moderate Catholic and secular extreme rightist.) Anyone who fights for the white race, however misguided his reasons, I consider at least a tactical comrade.

I am neither a friend nor an enemy of the Jews. I am perfectly cognizant of the Jewish role in leftist movements of the past several centuries (as much as any of the anti-semites lurking about the Racial Right). I continue to think that there is something defective about our race that we are so easily duped. Blaming the Jews is cowardly. It also evades the tough questions about what we whites have suicidally done to ourselves.

I was never duped (ie, I’ve always been a hardline racialist, probably for longer than you have been alive).

I do think as an empirical matter that those who overly obsess about Jewry are less intelligent (in most cases - note the idiotic conspiratorialism rampant in this thread alone), or, in the case of a serious thinker like Kevin MacDonald, simply seizing an opening to do original, controversial intellectual work.

Focusing on the Jews is tactically extremely stupid, and a very large component of why the Racial Right, despite its obvious correctness on so many issues, never really gets any electoral traction, anywhere. The trick is to build up white identity, in positive part by renewing in whites a feeling for the moral, cognitive, cultural and aesthetic value of our people and civilization, and in negative part by emphasizing nonwhite parasitism, criminality and/or terrorism.

If you want to examine the extensiveness and quality of my comments here at MR, just scroll through the last dozen or so stories. You will find plenty from me, including one of many longish ones explaining my core position.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 04 May 2011 21:34 | #

I note that the intellectual quality of the commentary on this site has declined precipitously in 2011. That’s really too bad. To a considerable extent, the quality of WN sites can be determined by the extent to which accusations of “Jew” are thrown around (as in, “you disagree with my ridiculous critiques of mainstream information, therefore you must be a Jew - or controlled or indoctrinated by Jews”).

Be careful, GW, for a while you were building up a substantial, dissident intellectual community here. But the superior persons are drifting away rapidly, it seems.


Posted by colby on Wed, 04 May 2011 22:31 | #


You were revealed to have no significant ideas back in January in a thread in which you said you would leave permanently:

The closest thing to a concrete proposal you’ve put forth to fulfill this vague wish list is the following:

1. Being a “cheerleader”/“intellectual leader” of some kind over the next 10 years

2. Trying to convince the Pope via written or oral arguments to allow WN to be compatible with Catholicism

3. Using monies provided by “big donors” to fund activities 1 and 2


Posted by Thunder on Wed, 04 May 2011 23:05 | #

As far as 9/11 goes I do not believe the mainstream media’s acceptable conspiracy story.  But I treat all ‘news’ the mainsream provides with scepticism.

At a gut level, without wasting too much time digging into it, the way those two buildings came down is very suspect.  So I do tend to an alternate conspiracy theory probably involving jews and our own enemy within and perhaps even with unwitting muslim cooperation.

But really, be it jews, muslims or our own traitors it doesn’t matter for our struggle.  We do not need any of them among us.  Jews and muslims are enemies both.  They need to be removed.  We can sort our traitors out more easily then and I hope to live to see the day.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 05 May 2011 00:11 | #

I repeat:

I note that the intellectual quality of the commentary on this site has declined precipitously in 2011. That’s really too bad. To a considerable extent, the quality of WN sites can be determined by the extent to which accusations of “Jew” are thrown around (as in, “you disagree with my ridiculous critiques of mainstream information, therefore you must be a Jew - or controlled or indoctrinated by Jews”).

Be careful, GW, for a while you were building up a substantial, dissident intellectual community here. But the superior persons are drifting away rapidly, it seems.

Proof positive. Look what follows. It is so painfully obvious who in these environs is intelligent, learned and articulate, and who is not (eg, Ivan, dc, Colby/Trebuchet, Alaric, Silver, Al Ross, and countless other worthless wastes and weirdoes, albeit a few with some small measure of intelligence and superficial learning, eg, James Bowery, the Narrator, NeoNietzsche).

But I do admit that observing the cretins here (with some honorable exceptions, like GW, Dasein, Notus Wind and others) has been professionally and strategically useful. I never really understood why conservatives were so hysterically quick to disassociate themselves from nationalism, especially in these days of racial invasion. Now I know. It is because most WNs really are morally repulsive and intellectually/cognitively sub-par, and superior men naturally don’t wish themselves to be grouped with such distasteful inferiors.

I never thought I would say this. What the West needs if it is to be saved is a morally responsible nationalism. Generally, the use of the term “responsible” in an ideological context is a coded way of selling out, rather as the PC brigades’ calling good patriots “Nazis” is a way to try to prevent whites from having the moral standing to save themselves.

But sometimes there really are Nazis.

I take solace in the fact that my lonely quest to save the West through the development of an ethical and intellectually grounded and sober nationalism, one fully consonant with our civilization’s Christian heritage, is the approach ultimately most likely to bear political fruit in the real world.

Hysterics in tiny ideological hothouses like this one count for precisely nothing in the real world. They never have, and they never will. Even the atheist should recognize the brute fact that Western Man is Ethical Man, and adjust his strategy and rhetoric accordingly.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 May 2011 01:01 | #

The PC though police are getting bolder and wackier.  Ironically some in the modern, enlightened,  “diverse”, and very PC military are now under fire for using, or allowing to be used, the code name ‘Geronimo’ for OBL. The civilian PC thought police charge that this reveals their politically incorrect racial insensitivity…..

Congress to Examine “Inappropriate” and “Devastating” Use of “Geronimo” Codename in bin Laden MissionMay 04, 2011 10:25 AM

The Senate Indian Affairs committee will hold a hearing Thursday on racist Native American stereotypes, a hearing that will now also address the Osama bin Laden mission and the code-name Geronimo.

While the hearing was scheduled before the mission, a committee aide today said the linking of the name Geronimo with the world’s most wanted man is “inappropriate” and can have a “devastating” impact on kids.

“The hearing was scheduled well before the Osama bin Laden operation became news, but the concerns over the linking of the name of Geronimo, one of the greatest Native American heroes, with the most hated enemies of the United States is an example of the kinds of issues we intended to address at Thursday’s hearing,” Loretta Tuell, the committee’s chief counsel, said in a statement.

“These inappropriate uses of Native American icons and cultures are prevalent throughout our society, and the impacts to Native and non-Native children are devastating,” Tuell said. “We intend to open the forum to talk about them.”

The Senate committee is chaired by Sen. Daniel Akaka, D-Hawaii. Thursday’s 2:15p hearing will examine how Wild West shows, Hollywood films, and Indigenous-themed sports mascots have shaped the perception of Native Americans, according to a press release. Witnesses include Tex Hall of the Great Plains Tribal Chairman’s Association, Suzan Shown Harjo of the Morning Star Institute, Charlene Teters of the Institute of American Indian Arts, Stephanie Fryberg of the University of Arizona, Chaske Spencer of Urban Dream Productions, Jim Warne of Warrior Society Development.

The Obama administration has indicated that the Navy SEALs who killed bin Laden did not use “Geronimo” as the codename for him, but rather it was the code for the act of capturing or killing him.



Posted by dc on Thu, 05 May 2011 01:36 | #

How this Haller person thing sneers, prates and boasts.

You insinuate that you are so much older and wiser. I’m turning seventy.
You boast of your learning and depth. I have my degrees and a lifetime of careful reading. And, incidentally, I have read your efforts, flatulent, slimy and dim as they are.
I was triple sigma in my youth. You will have to do better than suggesting your virtues.

National socialism: In a jew controlled society something like NS is a necessity. Moronic talk of majority appeal advertises the feeble minded. With jewish penetration, “democracy” is no more than putting a price tag on government. Try it out. What, in fact, is wrong with being a “Nazi” ?

Jews: Haller has it that noticing jewish control is an obsession, doubtless indicative of a diseased mind. Look all about. Anyone who does not see the work of the jew is blind or their creature.

WTC, “Holocaust”: Not just gigantic scams, but obvious gigantic scams. Ivan has it right: the degree to which a person accepts the fairy tales of our masters, shows the extent to which that person is part of our ruin.

And so to bin Laden:
The government of the US claims the murder of a man who is not known to have done anything more wicked than pointing out that America is under jewish control.

The idea that we should soft-peddle most issues in order to focus on White Nationalism is a delusion. Compromise with rubbish or evil ruins our best effort. The only path is across the board honesty.

And Haller, Baby, Sweetums, do try, so sweet when you try, do try to do more than expose yourself as a fool.


Posted by danielj on Thu, 05 May 2011 03:24 | #


Are you childless?


Posted by Ivan on Thu, 05 May 2011 05:04 | #

National socialism: In a jew controlled society something like NS is a necessity. Moronic talk of majority appeal advertises the feeble minded. With jew penetration, ‘democracy’ is no more than putting a price tag on government. - dc

Well said, dc. I would just add that Stalinism (it took Stalin 10 years, from 1929 to 1939, to get rid of the jewish vermin in the aftermath of the Bolshevik revolution in Russia) was something like NS. Many thoughtful people know by know how much Hitler has been lied about, but unfortunately not so many do know that Stalin has been defamed and lied about by the jew no less than Hitler.

What many, otherwise intelligent and good white and not-white people, don’t realize is this. Once someone has been identified as a jew without reasonable doubt, one does not, and should not, fall for jewish sophistry and engage him for a debate - it’s a total waste of time. Jew is a jew - you cannot change him, you cannot reason with him, you cannot even shame him. His spirit is sick, his mind is a mind of a pervert, and he has no shame: he is a jew - that says it all.

Jews like Thorn and Leon are so obvious that every person who has given any thought to jewish peril and studied their modus operandi should recognize them instantaneously. These bastards, posing like white people, do enormous damage to the image of ordinary white people who are overwhelmingly good natured folks.


Posted by John on Thu, 05 May 2011 06:43 | #

“The “writ of habeas corpus”? huh? What does that have to do with the circumstances of this particular case (hint: nothing)?”

Neither does torture, which Dr. Paul also mentioned, nor did Dr. Paul imply that either do. President now has the power to detain anyone (including citizens) and not have to present evidence of a crime to an impartial tribunal. He was using that as an example of ethical decay of people acting in the name of the USA.


Posted by John on Thu, 05 May 2011 06:59 | #

Had Bin Laden been alive when they “killed” him, capturing him and putting him on trial would have been particularly embarrasing to the US government, give they fact that they have no evidence of his involvement in the WTC/Pentagon attacks.


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 05 May 2011 07:06 | #

        The jew obsession is an endless chase down a rabbit hole,  in the end one ends up deep in the hole, trapped, frustrated,  you have the hole, not the rabbit..
The JQ must be treated as it is, improperly substantiated evidence,  with the respect for the handling of intelligence , what is useful and what is not. A professional criteria must apply.
Useless, outdated,  bogus info is designed specifically for preventing one from putting together the valid pieces of intel together into an accurate picture. It is designed to stroke the ego, the id, and the super-ego. It is designed to make you feel in possession of arcane yet key facts.  It will always seem relevant,  It is not. The solution remains a mystery. It is meant to keep you from positive and constructive ideas on what to do now, today.

If there are any aspects of MR that I find particularly positive, it is that they do not censor. This   itself is a defense of Western values, Western civilization and European man. A indication that some of the old British virtues are still strong. Some of you abuse this virtue. When you do this, you defeat the cause. Idiocy is treason.


Posted by dc on Thu, 05 May 2011 10:22 | #

Let’s undertake a little exegesis of your comment:

The jew obsession is an endless chase down a rabbit hole, in the end one ends up deep in the hole, trapped, frustrated, you have the hole, not the rabbit..
[Which is no more than an empty assertion that one should not notice the jew. Our grandfathers were not so dainty.]

The JQ must be treated as it is, improperly substantiated evidence, with the respect for the handling of intelligence , what is useful and what is not. A professional criteria must apply.
[“JQ”? Jew quotient, perhaps? This para is completely vacuous. Neither sentence is coherent, neither sentence satisfies the needs of basic English syntax.]

Useless, outdated, bogus info
[What information might that be, you moron?] is designed specifically for preventing
[“to prevent”, you illiterate oaf] 
one from putting together the valid pieces of intel together into an accurate
[“accurate” by whose standard, and how measured?]
picture. It is designed to stroke the ego, the id, and the super-ego.
[A senseless recital of terms drawn from freudian psychology.]
It is designed
[By whom? What miserable insinuation!]
to make you feel in possession of arcane yet key facts.  It will always seem relevant, It is not.
[And how do you know this?]
The solution remains a mystery.
[Hurray! The one honest and meaningful sentence. But the matter is only a “mystery” to you.]
It is meant
[Bullshit. “It is meant”, what pretentious nonsense. It is dishonest as well, for the worm is only trying to disguise “I mean”.]
to keep you from positive and constructive ideas on what to do now, today.

If there are any aspects of MR that I find particularly positive, it is that they do not ******. This itself is a defense of Western values, Western civilization and European man. A indication that some of the old British virtues are still strong. Some of you abuse this virtue. When you do this, you defeat the cause. Idiocy is treason.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 05 May 2011 11:37 | #

How this Haller person thing sneers, prates and boasts.
Listen you miserable cunt:
You insinuate that you are so much older and wiser. I’m turning seventy.
You boast of your learning and depth. I have my degrees and a lifetime of careful reading. And, incidentally, I have read your efforts, flatulent, slimy and dim as they are.
I was triple sigma in my youth. You will have to do better than suggesting your virtues.

National socialism: In a jew controlled society something like NS is a necessity. Moronic talk of majority appeal advertises the feeble minded. With jew penetration, “democracy” is no more than putting a price tag on government. Try it out. What, in fact, is wrong with being a “Nazi” ?

Jews: Haller has it that noticing jew control is an obsession, doubtless indicative of a diseased mind. Look all about. Anyone who does not see the work of the jew is blind or their creature.

WTC, “Holocaust”: Not just gigantic scams, but obvious gigantic scams. Ivan has it right: the degree to which a person accepts the fairy tales of our masters, shows the extent to which that person is part of our ruin.

And so to bin Laden:
The jew government of the US claims the murder of a man who is not known to have done anything more wicked than pointing out that America is under jew control.
Jew organized crowds are delighted. This sanctifies the monkey in the Whitehouse.

The idea that we should soft-peddle most issues in order to focus on White Nationalism is a delusion. Compromise with rubbish or evil ruins our best effort. The only path is across the board honesty.

And Haller, Baby, Sweetums, do try, so sweet when you try, do try to do more than expose yourself as a fool.


What is so pathetic about this “dc” character is that he digs his own grave. Any real, normal intellectual, scanning my comments and his, even just the ones on this thread, would easily and immediately conclude that he was perusing the products of two minds operating at entirely different levels of cognition.

dc: you are a delusional idiot. That is not meant pejoratively. You are also a fool and obviously a major crotchety asshole. That is. You are correct that you are much older than I. Despite having nearly reached your biblical three score and ten, however, you do indeed remain, if not literally young, then jejune, I believe, is the word. If you were humbler and more ethical, your delusions would garner my sympathy.

Of course, you again misstate several of my actual positions. But arguing with someone like you is unnecessary. Even serious, Hard Right race realists like me consider your factually unfounded extremism to be beyond the pale of traditional morality. One sentence says it all:

WTC, “Holocaust”: Not just gigantic scams, but obvious gigantic scams. (dc)

“obvious gigantic scams”? “obvious”?!

You don’t think that such statements reveal your delusions? In the real world, where I live and operate, you would not even be laughed at. You would merely be ignored. What is truly pathetic is that you would thereby feel vindicated. “You are all fools, but I, dc, see the Truth. The FBI, CIA, entire news media, entire government ... they are all 100% controlled by the perfidious Jew. I am much better informed than everyone else. Who could possibly doubt me?”

There is still time for you to grow up. Or at least, to get back on your meds.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 05 May 2011 11:40 | #


Are you childless? (danielj)

Yes, as I have stated elsewhere at MR. Also unmarried. Why do you ask?


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 05 May 2011 12:40 | #

The only people who could believe the official story of 911 or the present Bin Laden story (once they settle on just exactly what that is) are the willfully ignorant.  I agree with Ivan that Islam has the force to break the western power system but trading one yoke for another isn’t my idea of freedom.  Whites need to throw off the desert religions (all three) and forge our own way.  Until that time, I’m quite happy to have Muslims deal with the Jews and Christians deal with our own traitors.  In the End, Europe is for Caucasians and the white gods, whatever we decide they are.

I think Thorn picture is awful and I suggest he grow up.


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 05 May 2011 13:00 | #

@ Ivan, you are absolutely right about this: Jews like Thorn and Leon are so obvious that every person who has given any thought to jewish peril and studied their modus operandi should recognize them instantaneously. These bastards, posing like white people, do enormous damage to the image of ordinary white people who are overwhelmingly good natured folks.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 05 May 2011 13:12 | #

@ Ivan, you are absolutely right about this: Jews like Thorn and Leon are so obvious that every person who has given any thought to jewish peril and studied their modus operandi should recognize them instantaneously. These bastards, posing like white people, do enormous damage to the image of ordinary white people who are overwhelmingly good natured folks. (Helvena)

It is the weird leading the dumb.

How many times must I reiterate that I am Catholic? Born, raised, lived (well, in a ‘liberal’ interpretation of the faith). I have not a drop of non-Nordic ethnic background (that I know of, of course).

Thorn has repeatedly criticized Jewry on many occasions, even on this very thread. But he’s Jewish because he happens not to agree with conspiracy yokels who think bin Laden had nothing to do with 9-11?!

Recall what I said above about ‘ideological hothouses’. And again, be careful GW - your silence might be taken as implicit belief in this embarrassing nonsense. Your handiwork loses credit by the hour.


Posted by Silver on Thu, 05 May 2011 13:12 | #

Haller, you are an arrogant, babbling fool.  The idea that you could connect with an audience of the unconverted (in 21st century USA/Canada/Aus) is so utterly laughable, so completely and utterly laughable, that it is only exceeded in entertainment value by watching you vainly trying to raise your voice above that of the wretched kooks infesting this thread.  It’s not merely about “the truth,” you nitwit; it’s about persuasion (and shifting focus).  From what I’ve seen, you, Haller, are to persuasion as a baboon is to calligraphy.

Many, many times worse than your failings as a persuader, however, is your repellent personality that puts off even the best-intentioned from engaging you in discussion.  (Do you ever stop and think what reasons the female side of the equation would give for your remaining unmarried?)  The beauty of that from your opponents’ vantage point is that they scarcely need lift a finger to defeat you.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 05 May 2011 13:24 | #

I am unmarried by choice. If I had one million dollars for every woman who wanted to marry me, I’d nearly be a decimillionaire. But marriage in this age of female empowerment is a tricky enterprise, and one has to be sure of what one is getting. Plus, in my past and present haunts of NYC and LA, it is not easy finding an ideologically sympatico female (or even just a moderate conservative with old-fashioned values).

Sorry, Silver, if you were to carefully examine my comments over several years, you would see that I am by far one of the more civilized of persons in these parts. I suspect I am also among the most ethical.

But what I say is its own justification. We shall just have to follow life’s course, and see who makes an impact. I know who I am, and what I can do; whether the third rate approve of me or my approach is immaterial. The proof will be in the pudding, no?

In these battles on the Right, eventually I, or my side/approach, will win. And you should applaud. The alternative is the Nazi crowd, proudly bereft of any weak Christian impulses - and their reign will be pleasant for no one.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 05 May 2011 13:25 | #

Your handiwork loses credit by the hour.

I meant to say “credibility”.


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 05 May 2011 13:28 | #

Leon, a *Jew* is an adjective as well as a noun.  You fit the former.  You are an example of the Christian traitor.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 05 May 2011 13:40 | #

I am a traitor because I am Christian - and only seek the physical removal of all non-Europeans from Europe, as opposed to what you want, it seems, their extermination? 

Let me tell the sober folks left around here the truth: persons like Ivan, dc, Helvena, Silver, etc ad nauseam are all trolls and traitors. Anyone can tell they are leftwing, PC plants. How? Because, first, they propound the most repulsive shit, in order to make the site lose credibility among serious and ethical persons, and second, they deliberately attack and spew nonsense about the most effective regulars. Irony of ironies, that is really, actually, genuinely, an old Jewish leftist commie disinformation trick.

Ivan et al - I think you are nonwhites sent here to discredit us. GO AWAY.


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 05 May 2011 13:43 | #

      I like a good fight, but what is the use of arguing with a nigger on the internet? You ‘dc’ are of no consequence whatsoever, go on correcting grammar ‘delroy’,  it is what you stand for that is so dangerous.Your type is why nothing of any import will ever be done on sites like this, or anywhere juvenile scum gather and run their mouths with the tough talk of the average nigger.

My Grandfather was perfectly aware of the JQ, as was my Great Grandfather, however;  this knowledge did not denigrate or degrade him, as they denigrated and degraded your ilk. In Europe we do not talk business on the internet where scum like   ‘dc’ pulls every matter into his homeboy ghetto. The recipe for limitless failure.

In Germany I used to be amazed at how the Anglo Americans could organize on these sites and talk about these issues. ‘We must have this also - freedom of speech!’, I thought at first…..Now I see how much smarter, how much deeper into solving the problem we are because we do not. It is practically a curse it seems . And the PTB know it. The extreme censorship was for us a great asset, as immediate discipline was required. It made us realize discipline was our strength. The niggers, traitors and the scum can be dealt with face to face. They are still useful. Everything and everyone is useful, even traitors.  But they are wise to not open their holes unless they can communicate like men and offer something useful, or they are dealt with. No broken record playing ‘jews, jews and more jews’. We have understood the nature of the problem for a long time. This understanding is not furthered by the wailings of disgruntled babes who claim the shit in their diapers are jews.
NO ‘dc’ -  you have only shit yourself again.
This fight that must be prepared by men, ....niggers like this ‘dc’, and they are legion - will fuck it up every time. It doesn’t matter if they are aggressive niggers like ‘dc’, or passive-aggressives like others I need not mention. The result is the same. You allow these niggers to drain you like the bloodsuckers they are and you will never do anything - but become niggers yourselves.
Even the Negro understands the danger caused by niggers. A struggle requires discipline, tact. intelligence, subtlety, loyalty and brotherhood. Something most of you have not have the slightest ability to produce…. something even the Negro can produce something of a facimile,  enough to get something done, like become President of the USA - you Anglo Americans are helpless, unless of course there is money to be made… so you breed niggers and traitors.

Do you really think you can change the world by crying ‘jews!’ on the internet?

This is a example of why I have grown skeptical of the use of sites such as MR.  I see nothing here but you reinforcing the walls of your own prison, time and again. You have set yourself up for failure

Again,  - those of you who know me know that if I hold a brief for the jews, it is not one they would appreciate… is not so much a question of talking about Jews - except it is not done in public unless it is controlled, those who are not white trash must understand discretion and discipline are required to accomplish any goal.

It is about niggers talking about jews in the presence of men, whatever their race. Dragging everything and everyone into the gutter.  It can not be allowed. And yet you allow it.

Booting off niggers is not censorship - it is intelligent hygiene. Every asswipe nigger who thinks it’s his right to pollute a forum with something everybody knows. that retards the required thinking and ratiocinating to move forward, is a traitor.
Idiocy is treason.


Posted by john on Thu, 05 May 2011 13:46 | #

Re: Conspracy theories - it’s about time the gas story people showed the evidence for theirs.
As for 911 I’ve just bought Judy Woods book Where Did The Towers Go. She isn’t interested in conspircy theories either, just go what the evidence leads -kinda like “exactitude”.


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 05 May 2011 14:16 | #

‘repulsive shit” - and what would that be Leon?  Try arguing the points.  You call on GW to censor which is appealing to the authorities like all good jews.  You can’t fight your own battles so you call on the law to protect you.  GW isn’t bought off and you don’t make the rules here so you have to fight on the ground you stand.  Scream and yell and appeal to your morality you little worm.  The only thing you are effective at is promoting jewish interest.  You’ve outed yourself.


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 05 May 2011 14:29 | #

Grimore’s comment is spot on. He hits the nail on the head.  (h/t)

And again, for the 1000th time, I agree with Leon.


After decades of failure and countless attempts to get “white nationalism” to gain traction by using Nazi rhetoric and theatrics, you’d think “intelligent” people would figure out by now it doesn’t work. But these deluded souls keep banging their heads against the wall thinking if they just try a little harder, or if they shout a little louder, people will finally see the light and join in. This my friends is madness if not shear stupidity - actually it’s both..

The only thing these neo-Nazis are accomplishing is pushing away those of who would otherwise be very sympathetic and SUPPORTIVE of a return to a legal system which allows for the separation of whites and non-whites.

These stiff-necked nazis are the main reason NOBODY in their right mind wants to join up with any movement whose ideology, in large part, is based on indiscriminately hating Jews and Christians. Normal people just ain’t gonna join in. 

Well let me tell YOU what I’M offended by: Muslems demanding that all “infidels” convert to their anti-Christ cult or else! The “else” being either serve a life of dhimmitude. Furthermore, Helvena, I don’t appreciate these Islamic jihadist bastards hijacking planes and crashing them into our buildings killing >3,000 Americans. What makes it exponentially worse is the majority of the Islamic World stood back and cheered the event. Of course that is only one of innumerable examples of why we in the West need to purge our countries of these unassimilable misfits; especially since they are intent on destroying all what the white-race/Western Civilization has built over the last several millennium - both tangible and intangible.


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 05 May 2011 14:30 | #

Grimoire on May 05, 2011, 12:43 PM - you’ve said absolutely nothing.  And as far as Blacks go, I will stand arm in arm with a Black against a common enemy but never with a jew who puts his jewishness first (by definition a jew puts his jewishness first).


Posted by anon on Thu, 05 May 2011 14:37 | #

And as far as Blacks go, I will stand arm in arm with a Black against a common enemy

Sigh. Do cease your madding, woman. Haller, Grimoire and Thorn have more to say in two minutes than shall crowd your tiny head in two decades.


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 05 May 2011 14:43 | #

The jews and their stooges cling to their nazi myths like maggots to shit, it’s what sustains them.  As long as the evil nazi exists they can call anyone who threatens them nazis.  Well, lads ordinary people are waking up to the lies.  They want the truth and once the Big Lie of the holocaust is exposed it will be easier to expose other lies.  Your whole nazi meme is only used to bash white people with guilt, shut them up and keep them from organizing.


Posted by anon on Thu, 05 May 2011 14:48 | #


Eloquent summation. But if you really believe salvation is of the krauts, you’re mad too. Your censorship is not a virtue however you spin it. In fact it hobbles the German right by forcing it to think in sociologically cruder terms than we have achieved in the Anglosphere. Save for you, the German right is as behind as German youth still dressing grunge and goth. The French and Germans understood the Jews at our depth a hundred years ago, but today must follow our lead in “critical theory”. This was a necessary consequence of our “victory” and your loss of the War. The narrative weight is on our side. Germans are mental provincials in compare, despite all the nigger run-off our side produces. That is a consequence of our jungle-like mixed culture: higher heights than yours, plus lower, more sodden depths.


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 05 May 2011 15:13 | #

There you go Grimoire, use your subtlety with the jews and be called a Kraut.  Let the far subtler Anglo/Jew show you the way…and you’ll be licking their boots again.  If you want the people to be behind you be honest with them because they aren’t as dumb as you think and you’re not as smart as you think.


Posted by anon on Thu, 05 May 2011 15:37 | #

It’s only fair to call a kraut a German calling me a nigger. I mean to a German, everyone is some shade of nigger, isn’t it. You feel that within five minutes of enduring their company.


Posted by Philosopher King on Thu, 05 May 2011 15:41 | #

When white nationalists accuse each other of being Jews, saboteurs, feds, etc., what they’re really doing is stifling a debate because they either (1) can’t refute somebody’s argument, or (2) have no original idea’s to contribute. It’s ironic when WN’s complain about liberals’ use of pejoratives like “racist”, yet resort to the same tactics when talking with people who are ideologically sympathetic to them. Perhaps more ironic however is that WN’s engage in incessant mudslinging and personal attacks, and then wonder why WN has never made any progress.


Posted by anon on Thu, 05 May 2011 15:45 | #

This is a really crazy thread! Keep up the good work. Perhaps one day the saying will go, “There’s no honor among anti-Semites.”


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 05 May 2011 15:53 | #

“You feel that within five minutes of enduring their company”.  -No I never have.  The Germans I’ve known are the kindest and most honest people I’ve met and I’ve lived all around the world.  I don’t see where he called you a nigger unless you equate anglo americans with niggers in which case I don’t understand your first post to me.  Have a cup of coffee, clear your head and come back.


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 05 May 2011 16:12 | #

Philosopher King please give me an example of a movement where their blogs are without hostility and they are *getting somewhere*.  This group isn’t for the weak of heart or thin skinned because what we are talking about matters and therefore it fans passion.


Posted by Mr Voight on Thu, 05 May 2011 16:18 | #

I mean to a German, everyone is some shade of nigger, isn’t it.

Culturally, yes. But from my experience, the same can be said of diaspora Italians.


Posted by dc on Thu, 05 May 2011 17:07 | #

I rise from my slumber to read the ravings of Haller, Thorn and Grimoire.

I like this site. It is one of the few places on the net where people try to spell correctly, repect syntax, and have some notion of standard English usage.

I am delighted that the so illiterate and pretentious Grimoire, and is that not in itself a most pretentious pseudonym?, will call me a “nigger”. Too charming!

“dc: you are a delusional idiot. That is not meant pejoratively.” Wonderful! Should you not better write in your native language, always presuming that you have one?

So Haller, Thorn and Grimoire rage and try to protect the innocent jew, and rush to support the official pabulum concerning “holocaust” and WTC. But squeal and prevaricate as they will, no-one who has read even a little believes the rubbish. Helvena had them right : jews in deed if not in family.

Here is my proposal: pick any significant belief of the jew tribe and let us pick it apart, bit by bit until we reach consensus. It is certain that neither “holocaust” nor WTC will survive examination. Then let the jew stand naked and tell why there should be no retribution for the horror which he has inflicted on the world.


Posted by Silver on Thu, 05 May 2011 18:40 | #


Sorry, Silver, if you were to carefully examine my comments over several years, you would see that I am by far one of the more civilized of persons in these parts. I suspect I am also among the most ethical.

I’m not seriously doubting any of that.  It has little to do with being persuasive, however.

I am a traitor because I am Christian - and only seek the physical removal of all non-Europeans from Europe, as opposed to what you want, it seems, their extermination?

Case in point.

This the line you come charging in with every time, with an almost childlike innocence about the reaction it provokes among those not inclined to think that way.  All credit to you for figuring out it’s not simply “The Jew!” behind every policy intended to make life difficult for racialists but how is it you’ve failed to make the simplest connection of all between the repellent nature of your views turning neutrals among your kind against you?  There’s Johnny Neutral going about his business, not thinking much of race either way, when he hears Leon Haller railing that he’s got to join in and round up all the filthy non-white scum and send them back to the shitholes they emerged from and which they rightfully belong in.  If Johnny Neutral doesn’t feel so strongly about them—and the evidence is surely that he does not—then, bang, instant enemy right there, and this can occur despite his perhaps having had somewhat strong feelings on his own (just not as strong as yours).  This effect runs up and down the socioeconomic spectrum; you’re only too aware of its results.

That out of the way, just what is this “Europe” you want all the “non-Europeans” out of, anyway?  The way I see it, perhaps half the “native” people of some half that (sub)continent are “non-European” (to a significant degree, certainly if “purity” is the standard).  But even if I’m wildly over-inflating it and the real proportion is only 10%, what world do you live in that you imagine that the citizenry of those countries is just going to shave off 10% of their own ethnic flesh and blood because the high and mighty Leon Haller demanded it?


Posted by Philosopher King on Thu, 05 May 2011 18:47 | #

You’re right Helvena, I’m not suggesting that WN’s should stop having stimulating (and often passionate) conversations; I’m merely suggesting that they should do it with a greater amount of civility and respect. When people try to refute arguments by calling the other guy a retard, or a Jew, they waste a perfectly good opportunity to explain why their opponent is wrong. There’s a difference between passion and childishness.

Also, I don’t see nearly as much disagreement in leftist circles from my occasional intelligence gathering forays into their online communities. The reason for this is that rightists are factionalists by nature, whereas liberals are Universalists by nature. Essentially all liberals agree that all humans are equal and that all humans should be equally free, since rightists refute these claims we tend to be far more argumentative by asking questions related to who is inferior/superior, who should be free, etc. This is the great strength of the leftists compared to us, while liberals are certainly argumentative they tend to attack their critics, not themselves.


Posted by Rusty on Thu, 05 May 2011 20:05 | #

To any honest observer, the American government adopted an official policy of lying to the public many years ago and has followed it officially and faithfully in every department at every level.  Anyone who does not suspect conspiracies is grossly naive/uninformed.  Still, the fine details of each event don’t seem to matter when the outcome of each event shows that gross incompentence + massive corruption is the only reasonable explanation.  It’s hard to get worked up over one gross and obvious scandal when new ones swarm out every day like bats from a cave.

I say without hyperbole, Who here believes one word of what any politician says?  Who trusts his government at all?  Our imperial government is an insane, hateful mob and it hates white men specifically, openly, righteously, gleefully, officially.  The mob in D.C., Jew York, and Hollywood has all the money and all the political and media power.  *Of course* they are conspiring against you, you fool.


Posted by Philosopher King on Thu, 05 May 2011 20:33 | #

Richard Clarke is right; most of these conspiracy theories are predicated on two erroneous assumptions: (1.) the government is competent, and (2.) the government can keep a secret. Over the past few years top secret information about the U.S. government has been leaked like a sieve, and yet conspiracy theorists believe that it’s possible for our government to have flawlessly undertaken a false flag operation. I’ll be glad when people start forgetting about 9/11 again, since these silly debates are nothing more than a distraction from real issues facing us.

Anybody who finds the time should read the new article about the differences between fools, cranks, and skeptics on counter-currents. It argues that it’s rational to doubt the government, but that believing the government is always lying is just as bad as believing that it never lies at all.


Posted by Ivan on Fri, 06 May 2011 00:37 | #

Ivan et al - I think you are nonwhites sent here to discredit us. GO AWAY.

Shall I ...? Nah, thay ain’t right! Helvena and dc - the two most genuine voices out there - are kicking some jewish ass pretty hard. This is too much fun. Sorry pal, I think I’ll stick around a bit longer.


Posted by dc on Fri, 06 May 2011 01:38 | #

PM :
“That is such a cruel and vindictive comment. You really should be ashamed of yourself for resorting to such rhetoric. This is no way for men to talk to each other.”

Dare I hope that that was meant for me ? Flatterer!


Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 06 May 2011 03:48 | #

Again amazing Ivan, you fooled me . Congrats! Unlike others here who lack experience - I have always respected Islam and the brotherhood of Muslims. The few times I have been here and read your comments, I was glad a Muslim was here speaking. I agreed the future lays in concordat of good neighbourship (Volksgemeinshaft) with the Islamic world. But your comments above dissuaded me. You are here to contribute to the continuing degradation of mentality. This is a shame.


Posted by Ivan on Fri, 06 May 2011 05:51 | #

Grimoire, you’ve made a mistake: You were to quick to show your true colors which are remarkably similar to those of the two naked idiots - Leon and Thorn. I am sorry, dude, dc is right - you are incoherent and your statements are contradicting each other; it is clear to me now why is that.

anon makes some coherent and good comments every once in a while, but I’ve been expecting him to blow his cover as well, and he surely did with a remarkably revealing comment:

Sigh. Do cease your madding, woman. Haller, Grimoire and Thorn have more to say in two minutes than shall crowd your tiny head in two decades.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 06 May 2011 08:10 | #

Booting off niggers is not censorship - it is intelligent hygiene.

Apparently you are capable of expressing yourself clearly, though crudely, when it suits you.  I mean in distinction to the impenetrably pretentious Kraut horseshit which characterizes your usual commentary.

you Anglo Americans are helpless, unless of course there is money to be made… so you breed niggers and traitors.

Then why do you choose to live in “Anglo America” if not for the money, Gmoire?  Is it because you are a “nigger” or a “traitor”?

You don’t seem to offer any real solutions except to bitch, piss and moan along with the rest of the “niggers”.  Like a pathetically pussy-whipped Kraut who really has had his balls cut of by the “Anglo Americans”.


Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 06 May 2011 08:40 | #

By overlooking I was speaking with a sand nigger. Look Abba-dabba, why don’t you and the other semitic nigger find a forum where you can discuss your preference for taking a shit in the street.
We have hygiene here


Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 06 May 2011 08:57 | #

Yes Chaos, for the money - good money -  and lots of it. There is no shame in that. Incidentally I have left the US forever and it’s niggers, spics and jews,  white, brown,black and otherwise and live a few hundred miles north in Canada in an almost pristine ocean bounded island wilderness.

Canadians are these blob headed, strange ‘children of the corn’ type people. They are very friendly and I despise and avoid them. I mean the original people who settled and worked the land are good, I respect and appreciate their fellowship, and the original whatever Canadian culture. But this being the Canadian west - everyone is buying land and soon it will just be a northern california.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 May 2011 14:16 | #

You see, folks, it’s not that hard to recognize a kike and force him to unmask himself. The poor bastard put his face where it rightfully belongs - in his ass - right in front of all good people to see, and he does not even understand what he just did. We don’t even have to make this pathetic little man to wear the yellow Jude ribbon - his ethnic identity is written all over his face with shit from his ass. He is a typical Bob Buestein in powerless rage showing unwittingly all the ugliness of the fenomenon called a jew.  (—Ivan)


Ivan should give up his day job as a rocket scientist at the firecraker factory and pursue his real talent -comedy.

Since Ivan has got us all in the laughing mood, I thought I’d throw a few jokes in the mix:

Q. What do you call a Muslim who owns a camel and a goat?
A. Bisexual.

Q. How do Muslims practice safe sex?
A. They mark the camels that kick.

Q. What do you call a Muslim who owns 6 goats?
A. A pimp.

Q. What do you say to a Muslim with his arm all the way up a camel’s rump?
A. “Having car trouble?”

Q. What’s the hardest part about a Muslim killing his own daughter?
A. Suppressing the erection.


Posted by John on Fri, 06 May 2011 15:22 | #

Since Ivan has got us all in the laughing mood, I thought I’d throw a few jokes in the mix:

Q. What do you call a Muslim who owns a camel and a goat?
A. Bisexual.

Q. How do Muslims practice safe sex?
A. They mark the camels that kick.

Q. What do you call a Muslim who owns 6 goats?
A. A pimp.

Q. What do you say to a Muslim with his arm all the way up a camel’s rump?
A. “Having car trouble?”

Q. What’s the hardest part about a Muslim killing his own daughter?
A. Suppressing the erection.

Q. When Bin Laden realised they had him surrounded and he was soon to be killed or captured, what’s the first thing he did?
A. Threw in the towel.


Posted by svensson on Fri, 06 May 2011 16:43 | #

OBL has been long dead. They only make it up as a “we just got him”-story to strengthen the dollar versus gold and silver. To show that the US is doing fine, that the “war on terror” is successful or some sh-t like that.

I mean, just before the story broke gold and silver prices were rising. And after the OBL news broke gold and silver has lost a helluva lot of their values (silver down from 40 dollars per ounce to 35 for example). And, consequently, the dollar is up (rising precious metal prices mirrors declining dollar value and vice versa). In other words, all is sunny in the Empire and another theatrical piece like 9/11 is successfully completed.

So what’s next? Maybe a False Flag Al-Quaeda nuclear blown off in Europe, followed by Patriot Act, FEMA, suspension of liberties à la europeanne…?


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 06 May 2011 17:36 | #

So, OBL was the muzzie version of Howard Hughes?

Bin Laden had not left the room where he was shot for the past FIVE YEARS, claims his wifeBy Daily Mail Reporter

“Osama Bin Laden spent the last five years living in the room of his mansion where he was shot and killed by U.S. forces, according to Pakistan security officials.

The claims were made by the terrorist leader’s wife, who apparently told interrogators that she and her husband had not left the same room for the past half a decade.

The revelations of Amal al-Sadah, Bin Laden’s Yemeni wife, sheds new light on the existence of the world’s most wanted man.”

Read more:


Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 06 May 2011 20:53 | #

svensson: My thought is that the new round of OBL marketing was to shore up the Obama birth certificate charade.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 00:32 | #

By overlooking I was speaking with a sand nigger. Look Abba-dabba, why don’t you and the other semitic nigger find a forum where you can discuss your preference for taking a shit in the street.
We have hygiene here

If I may borrow a bit of grammatically perfect English from dc: Dare I hope that that was meant for me ?

Well, Grimoire, I hate to disappoint you, but I am neither a nigger, nor my home land has anything to do with desert or sand - it looks more like Switzerland. Have you ever been to Chamonix, Grimoire, you know, Mont Blanc and all that? That’s how the North-West Caucasus, the land of Circassians, looks like with its own ‘Mont Blanc’ - Mount Elbrus - the highest mountain peak in the entire Europe. I hope I can be excused if I show Mr Hygiene with shit in his mouth how my people, the real Caucasians, and my land look like. After all a little cultural education won’t hurt anyone around here, would it:


Posted by Revolution Harry on Sat, 07 May 2011 00:46 | #

Richard Clarke is right; most of these conspiracy theories are predicated on two erroneous assumptions: (1.) the government is competent, and (2.) the government can keep a secret.

It’s here that I suspect that you make an erroneous assumption. Government’s are controlled. The likes of Blair, Bush, Cameron and Obama are mere puppets of the real (hidden) controllers. Although there are some within the government’s that are privy to some of the agenda in the main they are mostly in the dark where false flag operations such as 9/11 are concerned.

The controlling ‘hidden hand’ is Masonic. It’s masonry that is the tie that binds and they know all about keeping secrets.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 01:36 | #

Ivan should give up his day job as a rocket scientist at the firecraker factory and pursue his real talent -comedy.

Since Ivan has got us all in the laughing mood, I thought I’d throw a few jokes in the mix:

Q. What do you call a Muslim who owns a camel and a goat?
A. Bisexual.

Q. How do Muslims practice safe sex?
A. They mark the camels that kick.

Q. What do you call a Muslim who owns 6 goats?
A. A pimp.

Q. What do you say to a Muslim with his arm all the way up a camel’s rump?
A. ‘Having car trouble?’

Q. What’s the hardest part about a Muslim killing his own daughter?
A. Suppressing the erection.

- Thorn

Thank you for the jewish jokes, baba. I am trying to explain something to you, butt-head, from which you could benefit greatly if you just paid a little attention. Let me try one more time. The way you act is like putting your dick in your own mouth and claiming afterwards that you’ve had the best sex ever with a good jewish man.

The chances are very slim that you’ll ever get what I am trying to communicate to you, much less to get control of your jewish nature, but maybe some of your brighter tribesmen can benefit from it.

The freak-show must go on. That’s what I do, baba, I expose jews, force the freaks to dance and perform in the open for good people to watch in disbelief that such creatures can even exist until they get sick with nausea and turn away with disgust.


Posted by anon on Sat, 07 May 2011 01:38 | #


My Adyghean friend, are you from Nalchik?


Posted by Helvena on Sat, 07 May 2011 01:50 | #

@Ivan, Thank you for the Bergmann division.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 02:35 | #

Yes, anon, I was born and raised in a village not far from Nalchik.

You are welcome, Helvena. And thank you for maintaining your good common sense and decency despite all the shit going around. Every time I come across a decent man or a woman my belief that jew-dominated world is not sustainable gets a tremendous boost.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 May 2011 03:02 | #

I am trying to explain something to you, butt-head, from which you could benefit greatly if you just paid a little attention.

Really? Well, I don’t need any explaining or advice from someone who I consider my enemy - so fuck off! As far as I’m concerned you stinkin’ Muslims are COMPLETELY incompatible with the West. In many ways, you backwards losers are much more corrosive to Western Civilization than even the Jews are - our own traitorous elites are well aware of that fact too. What whites MUST do is outlaw Islam and purge all you misfits out of our homelands, PERMANENTLY. 

IMO, Whites’ most fatal defect is we are WAY too tolerant of foreign/malignant cultures. Incontrovertible proof of this is, ironically, those amongst us who tolerate a trouble making muzzie at a WN website; a website whose expressed purpose is to preserve the white-race along with its culture. In that regard, those particular “white nationalists” I’m referring to are unwittingly obeying the dictates of the liberal elites. TALK ABOUT BRAINWASHING! Given that, is it any wonder why Europe is being overrun by Muslems with scarcely any protest?

I for one do not tolerate nor will EVER tolerate Muslims living in our midst. This here Christian will fight against you devil worshiping pricks until the very end.

Better the white-race/Western Civilization go down fighting than die an ignominious death.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 03:59 | #

Conscientious scientists like Galileo, Newton, Leibnitz, Laplace, Maxwell, Poincaré and many other great European physicists and mathematicians gave us laws of conservation like conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, conservation of angular momentum, etc. One doesn’t necessarily have to know all the complicated details of how the nature works, but man is assured that certain things cannot be created or destroyed.

We know a few important things about biology due to geniuses like Charles Darwin and Gregor Mendel, but nothing that could match the precision of fundamental laws of physics. Still, it seems to me there are certain things that must be preserved in every human society if it is to survive. And one of those things is human decency and struggle to maintain some wholeness and holiness. The jewish spirit is trying to take those components from the equation - that cannot be done without killing the society. Every living organism, and human society is a living form, has an enormous surviving potential that will not fail to manifest itself once that organism has looked straight into the eyes of a looming death.

Of that I am sure.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 May 2011 04:20 | #

Nice post there, Ivan.

Now, if you’d only replace the word *jewish* with *evil*, then you might persuade those of us who don’t confuse twilight-fiction with reality to take you serious.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 04:50 | #

@Ivan the Pretender: (Abba Ka Dabbah)

My first thought was to thank you for the enjoyable videos of your pretend homeland Abba Dabba. A beautiful land. I did not know about the dancing lesbians. (transexuals?)....  Wives? Mothers? Perhaps both….. whatever, they are true Amazons. I do not judge the customs of a culture with such fierce women who fight ....while performing their morning shave, as long as you keep it within your beautiful mountains…it is all good.  Formidable. You must be a strong man to bed such women…. ahem.

I was then shocked….  you reveal:

“That’s what I do, baba, I expose jews, force the freaks to dance and perform in the open for good people to watch in disbelief that such creatures can even exist until they get sick with nausea and turn away with disgust.”

    I could not but collapse in laughter until tears came to my eyes,  You fooled me again!  I felt then sick and like vomiting.  I had thought better of you. I hoped better for you.

You are a disgrace. Imbecile.

You hand yourself to me like a beaten whore. You are a 5 dollar a day Syrian working for a Metsada monitoring operation.. In the best case, you made a deal to help a relative, in the worse and most probable, you are just a whore.

I feel sorry for you. As much as I can for a traitor. Tell your Israeli masters to send someone better than an arrogant rent-boy who humiliates himself beyond return within three posts.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 05:44 | #


Seriously. nice work (name withheld, but we both know it now). You forget I am the Master. I am the Teacher. My ‘foolish’ display of pretension sucked you in like the 9 year old hindu boy I told you you were. ( laughing in fits while I write…. thanks for that) I set you up and three posts and I have humiliated your sock puppet beyond return. Four posts and I nailed you and your sock puppet even though I had you from the beginning. What a laugh! I love this place for it’s comedy. Good fun my friend.

I am still laughing myself ..... I was actually sad before to humiliate you as a Muslim before and because it was so easy. I wanted some challenge. I was thinking to myself ‘why is this so easy?’
I was thinking of you.

Do you know before your last post was up i was about to add:’

“I said I respected muslims….I suggest next time you present yourself as a Darwinist”

And then I post it and see your fresh post

Conscientious scientists like Darwin, Galileo, Newton, Leibnitz, Laplace, Maxwell, Poincaré and many other great European physicists and mathematicians gave us laws of conservation like conservation of energy, conservation of momentum, conservation of angular momentum, etc.

Bingo, bird in hand.

Seriously, much harder next time. Again, you underestimated me because I made you underestimate me. I told you this flat out. You learn nothing and you are blown away easier than a jew selling puzzlecars. Simplest, easiest, basic techniques you cannot possess….and I took all day to show you. What great fun…. a great stress reliever.

You suffer the same faults as the Israelis….. they think themselves the baddest mofo’s on the planet….let them think it….three days and rats are running for cover all over one word. The baddest motherfuckers on the planet cashiered.

It is us my friend…anyone who ‘is’ anyone knows it.

If you are in that line….and I do not believe and pray this is not so. Pass it along, all cards are mine. Step away.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 05:46 | #



Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 06:20 | #

Workings of Israel’s secret service exposed
From London Times, 2 August, 1996

THE operational structure of Mossad, Israel’s secret intelligence service, which has always prided itself on weaving a cloak of impenetrable secrecy around its covert operations, has been disclosed by a British specialist journal.

The details of Mossad’s “family tree” appear in Jane’s Sentinel journal, which has published a special edition on the eastern Mediterranean. The Israeli defence establishment has already reacted with concern over revelations in the same publication about the Israeli Air Force, including the location of all its air bases.

The detailed focus on the air force and intelligence services is due to be published in Sentinel next week. Apart from studying the internal workings of Mossad, which is estimated to employ about 1,200 people, the journal looks at the rest of the Israeli intelligence community, including Shin Bet, the counter-espionage agency and internal security service.

Mossad, the Central Institute for Intelligence and Special Missions, is the equivalent of Britain’s Secret Intelligence Service, or MI6. Israeli newspapers and broadcasting services are prohibited from writing about Mossad.

According to the journal, Mossad’s largest operational branch is the Collections Department, responsible for intelligence-gathering operations abroad. The Collections Department is split into sections and includes separate “desks” covering different regions. Branch A is said to cover Spain, Egypt, Cyprus and Algeria. Branch C is reported to cover the Mossad stations in London, Paris and Marseilles.

The journal also says that Mossad has a clandestine operations command, known within the Israeli secret service as Metsada, which runs “small units of combatants who carry out actions abroad against those considered to be a threat to Israeli security”. The journal says: “These missions have included assassinations and sabotage.”

The Metsada unit is said to be answerable directly to the head of Mossad, who was recently named by the Israeli Government as Major-General Danny Yatom, 51. General Yatom, said to be nicknamed “The Prussian”, replaced Shabtai Shavit who resigned earlier this year after nearly seven years as Mossad’s head.

Other Mossad branches are listed as the Political Action and Liaison Department which deals with friendly foreign intelligence services, including the American CIA and Britain’s MI6, and a special section called LAP (Lohamah Psichlogit) which covers psychological warfare.

The journal says that one of the most important of the support departments is the Research Department, which has 15 separate desks, including ones for the United States, Canada, Western Europe, the former Soviet Union, Libya, Syria and Iran. It says there is also a nuclear desk which specialises solely in nuclear developments around the world. Israel is known to be keeping a close watch on Iran’s nuclear ambitions; Iran is said to be ten to 15 years away from a nuclear bomb.

Sentinel says Mossad’s Research Department produces short daily reports and longer weekly summaries on all areas of interest.

Shin Bet, the internal service, is reported to have three operational departments and five support departments. The operational sections are listed as the Arab Affairs Department, which monitors suspected Arab subversives; the Non-Arab Affairs Department, which is involved in “the penetration of foreign intelligence services and diplomatic missions” in Israel; and the Protective Security Department, responsible for protecting national representatives and assets.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 06:22 | #

Grimoire, are you OK? You are becoming unglued and more incoherent by the hour. You are beyond Bob Buestein already in an unchartered territory. I am a little worried about you.


Posted by Hesper on Sat, 07 May 2011 06:23 | #

I admire Ivan’s forthrightness and penetration of mind, especially when treating the question of, ahem, money-lenders, but am perturbed by liberal notions of modernity which have entered the discussion. I don’t care to judge the racial quality of white which he claims for Circassians as I agree that they’re as fair and Caucasoid as he argues but Circassians are not European in any sense. That’s simply historical and geographical truth. It was only in the post-1945 and particularly post-60’s world that the region north of the Caucasus was inserted into the European portion of the globe. The Ancients uniformly assigned the Caucasus chain to Asia beginning with Homer who termed the snow-capped peaks to be Asiatic. The vast bulk of ancient geographers fix Europe’s limits as the Don. Russian and Continental geographers, not as corrupted as Anglophone academics, still place Europe’s borders as wherever the last ethnic Russian, ethnic Ukrainian or Volga German settlement is to be found west of the Upper Volga and the northern Uralian range. If we credit the fanciful, unwarranted and Hebraic delineation of Europe that everything within the pale of the Urals and the Caucaus Mountains becomes European, including Mongol Buddhist Kalmucks, Turco-Mongol Moslem Tartars of Kazan and their brethren the Bakhtiari, the clearly Turkic Daghestanis (the name Daghestan obviously is Asiatic), the continent and its civilisation loses all meaning. Do you think any part of Kazakhstan or the Caspian Coast, or the eastern and southern Black Sea coasts have comprised European civilisation and countries of European population? What does Daghestan (known as Asiatic, or Caucasian Albania to the Ancients) to do with Rome (Pompey who invaded believed it was Asia as did everyone else) or Moslem Asiatic Circassia with medieval Christian England? 
Ivan, are Georgia, Armenia and Azerbaijan now European because the liberal gentile and Jew EU and Council of Europe for reasons of greed and treason include them? I don’t credit the absolute supremacy of any nation or wider, abstract race as that’s plainly a fable contradicted by history and daily observation, therefore I’m not insulting Circassians who, as concubines, eunuchs and above all warriors contributed marvellously to the Ottoman and Persian world and shall persist in that course for centuries. The Near Eastern civilisation is a noble and strong one; those who laud Europe for her modern mechanism and colonialism are deluded universalist degenerates.

Ivan Mont Blanc is the tallest summit in Europe not Elbrus, please don’t lie like a Rabbi. Consult an atlas; who in their right mind thinks the Caucasus has ever had any relation to Europe? Beyond Moscow and Kiev Europe is where Russkies and Ukrainians inhabit. Not everything ‘white’ or near white must be European. Europe is not of universal significance.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 07:08 | #


The whole Caucasian idea came from the British, who have specialized in rewriting history, and wished to both support their insane British Israeli myth with a lost tribe of israel called the Anglo Saxons who trek heroically from through the Caucasians to Britain….., le voila’, the chosen people have arrived, and also by the by lay the groundwork of future colonial expansion into the Caucasian mountains.
Now someone is going to say ‘Blumenbach’, but that is how things are done. Blumenbach is considered an ass by all his contemporaries, except the British who give the world another great scientist to mold our perceptions.

I recall the story of a British gentleman at a customs kiosk in Egypt standing while teller looks at his passport and and is about to enter ‘Caucasian’ , the Brit strikes the pen from his hand and says ‘sir, I have been to the Caucasus and I am jolly well no Caucasian’

Ivan @ Abba Dabba:

      do you still want to play or are you just working your job?


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 07:27 | #

I admire Hesper’s measured and argumentative narrative. He is certainly entitled, as everybody else, to his own opinion about variety of matters.

However, I find the following statement in his, otherwise more or less coherent treatise, a bit strange:

Ivan Mont Blanc is the tallest summit in Europe not Elbrus, please don’t lie like a Rabbi. Consult an atlas; who in their right mind thinks the Caucasus has ever had any relation to Europe? Beyond Moscow and Kiev Europe is where Russkies and Ukrainians inhabit.

If, while making a simple geographical statement, which seemingly should not have evoked any emotions just like when stating any geometrical theorem, I have to go by his definition of where the geographical boundaries of Europe should be drown, then I am, obviously, lying. But I hope I can be forgiven, for:

(1) Mt Elbrus is in Europe , and it is the tallest summit in Europe not Mont Blanc;
(2) While making my simple geographical statement I wasn’t aware of Hesper’s definition of Europe.


Posted by Hesper on Sat, 07 May 2011 08:09 | #

Ivan friend, a man of your learning and capacity surely is acquainted with the Arabic and Turkish geographies (some of those Turkish scholars possessed Circassian blood) which hold the Caucasus and Circassia to be in Asia. The Caucasus was never comprehended within the limits of Europe either geographically and certainly not politically or socially. Russian conquest in the 1810’s-1840’s has instilled a silly notion into the minds of those peoples of the Caucasus that they are European and have always been. It’s not my definition Ivan. Even Herodotus who places the border of Europe at the Phasis (hence English ‘pheasant’: the name survives in the Georgian port of Poti) expressly declares the Caucasus to be Asiatic. The northern slopes were constantly assigned to Sarmatia Asiatica and this is no mere abstraction as it agrees with the dress, manners, origin and history of your people: Iranian, Oriental, brave, hardy and proud. Russian jingoists and vain Western adventurers mark Elbrus (since the 1890’s but only after 1945 has it gained authority however erroneously) as part of Europe because, a) the Russians can pound their chests to say “we have the highest summit in Europe!” when it has never been adjudged European, b) compared to the other Asiatic peaks Elbrus is a dwarf and German, American, British mountain climbers don’t believe saying “I scaled Elbrus, the thrity-sixth highest peak in Asia!” carries as much prestige as asserting it is the tallest in Europe. Please Ivan don’t fancy you’re dealing with an emasculated, witless Judaised European who’ll acquiesce to whatever ex cathedra declaration you pronounce. I’ve studied thoroughly the Classics of my civilisation and have a peculiar curiosity for geography. Before the contemporary PC phase of Liberal Modernity, and prior to that nowhere other than a few fatuous Anglo-Protestant universalist books did Elbrus find inclusion in Europe. Before the 1789 Judaeo Culture Terror it was never at all accounted as in the boundaries of Europe. You know, as you’re an erudite and penetrating man, that the Russian geographers, when pressed, fix Europe at the Kuma–Manych Depression. Even the inhabitants of Krasnodar and nearby cities understand themselves to be recent settlers as Russia wrested the region only in the 1810’s prior to which it was Ottoman and nobody disputed its position in Asia (two hundred years in the Old World is the blink of an eye and signifies nothing: the Russians of Krasnodar or Novosibirrsk are Russians living in Asia). 

Imbecile Westerns believe ‘European Russia’ to be much larger than it is: the true country of the Russians, Great Russia and Little Russia, is the land between Novgorod, Moscow, Smolensk, Minsk, Kharkoff and Kiew (the Mother of Russian Cities), and from there they expanded eastward. Don’t dishonour me as if I were a Jew-slave like my countrymen incapable of manly generosity and knowledge. Circassians are beautiful and daring, possessed of infinite qualities which their lords at the Sublime Porte and Ispahan used for their own pleasure and glory (Jews reportedly loved buying Circassian slaves for concubinage). No ancient or modern geographer of reputation and authority gave the Caucasus to Europe. I’ve travelled the eastern caosts of the Euxine (Black Sea) and know that the societies there are Asiatic - not Mongol or Indian Asiatic - but Oriental like the upright and bold Bedouin but paler and of the mountains not the arid deserts, and unaffected by the sensual corruptions of Bagdad, Damascus and Cairo. Yours is a pure and robust race (the Circassians) yet lying that you have ever been ranked as Europeans is weak. The Caucasus (Elbrus as its highest summit) does not truly form the boundary of Europe and Asia, and if this were so geologically it would be a mere abstraction limited to stiff, little read school atlases no a fact changing the pulse and currents of civilisations.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 08:10 | #

do you still want to play or are you just working your job?

Dear Grimoire, let me give you a little exposé of the art of deductive and plausible reasoning.

Here are the propositions and pieces of evidence involved:

(1) Grimoire offers me to play chess with him
(2) It doesn’t seem likely that he knows the rules of the game, much less to follow them
(3) He already assigned the role of umpire to himself, i.e. he single-handedly decides who is the winner and who is the loser, based on criteria known only to him.
(4) He thinks like a jew, talks like a jew, behaves like a jew

Q: What is the probability of my formal winning against such a formidable foe?
A: Almost zero, and I say ‘almost’ only because I hate to sound too dogmatic.

Q: Should I play with him?
A: Well, I am playing with him right now.

Q: But why?
A: Well, I have answered that question already: That’s what I do for fun - I expose jews, force the freaks to dance and perform in the open for good people to watch them in disbelief that such creatures can even exist until they get sick with nausea and turn away from them in disgust.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 08:39 | #

Well, Hesper, you seem to know a lot about geography, and you certainly did try your best to be as objective as humanly possible. That’s good enough for me.

I have no fear or enmity towards people with open minds and open hearts, no matter what their beliefs are, and you seem to fall into that category.

Be well, man, and keep doing the good work of educating your people.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 10:06 | #

I’d like to enlighten the gallery to part of the reason for strangeness of this conversation:
All blogs, all web sites, the entire internet, especially, nationalist, racial, etc. etc. sites are monitored by software.
The internet is broken up into grids assigned to specific desks. The European desk is specifically monitored by a Mossad civil branch overseen by Metsada organization

the above is Ivan Abba Dabba’s employer. You can apply for a job there also if you like to obsess about Jews and get paid for it. $5 dollars a day to start training unless your Jewish, in which they pay a decent wage I would imagine. These people go onto blogs and try to drive up the key-word hit count - “Jews, + whatever, kill, burn, exterminate, bomb, etc. “  If they can get it to a certain level, a red file,  where an actual Metsada operative takes the file, they get a bonus. Then the file is passed up and an operative gets clearance to access all your proper names, addresses, education, employment, bank accounts,  history etc. (they have access to all British and American public records) and they put you in a permanent file. The more people get filed, the more money they make. This is an Israeli operation. This is partially the reason why so many mischlings are working the nationalist blog thing, and also running them…..making a living going to school or whatever.

The reason for the posting of the Times article: the entire network was blown by the Bundesnachrichtendienst in 1996 and a summary was published in the London Times as the Metsada head office at the time was London. This leaked summary ( posted at Janes) was a warning to Mossad that they had their entire game plan. The Israeli ambassador to the UN Dore Gold stood up before the UN and faced Helmut Kohl and with some agitation said
“ Monsieur, we have a letter….” Netanyahu pulls at his arm for a minute
“it says…’Step away, all cards are mine!”
Netanyahu and several others pulled him from the his standing position and silenced him and no more was said in front of the assembly (This was broadcasted live on Eurotv.) At that time few knew what was going on. However Kohl was quite pleased and was seen, picked up by the camera merrily laughing at Netanyahu… a week later ARD, (a German channel of which some programs are screened simultaneously on Kabbalah tv, a program which rebroadcasts German language programs in Israel)  did a retrospective of Kohls career where the clip of jolly Kohl laughing at Dore was replayed again and again, so many times it made no sense. Except to Israeli politicians and security personal it is imagined..
Of course, 1996 was before 2001. Think about what this means.

In 2004 there was information the Bundesnachrichtendienst had again, or always had been actively penetrated into the Mossad, the CIA, the British Signals office,  the Iranian Security Service, etc and had access to all their intelligence operations and operatives. A report concerning a intelligence assessment of a CIA/Mossad operation suggested there was an intention to detonate a nuclear device within Germany immediately following the Madrid bombings. The report was posted on numerous sock-puppet Internet conspiracy sites, and was considered just another cool conspiracy article by most readers. However, the software picked it up within minutes. ?The Intention perhaps. was a warning to the CIA and Mossad that if any false flag bombs go off in Europe,... Germany would formally break off all relations with the responsible parties and post the information to all news agencies, etc around the world, which is practically a declaration of war.
This of course doesn’t cover Britain and the false flag operation of 2005 7/ 7th and others were not terminated.

Summary: Those who come onto your site, are irrational, garner your confidence, try to discredit and harass reasonable voices, mention the word ‘Jews’ along with other words they need to build their hit count, are almost always Metsada operatives.

There is also the psychological aspect. The biggest boosters of the Jew Zionist monster mythos - are the Jews themselves. As to the effects of such myth making (not that the crimes aren’t real - the point is the myth and how it influences you - it takes away your manhood and turns you an irrational, gulible,  glibbering fool who is only understood by other irrational fools Hence the conspiracy, anti-semite stereotype. It is real, it is perfectly understood and managed by the Israelis.

  I know Ivan is a metsada operative, 100%. Confirmed. In fact, I believe I met him before. And I assure you, he will be your good friend. He is a intelligent man, well learned, his circassian act is intriguing. You will like him. And he will be working you for a pay cheque, selling you to the Metsada. Scrooby, who is not very good at his job, was also working for a living. There are undoubtedly several metsada trolls working every nationalist site that exists. They have a lot of workers….they advertise for workers on Hillel noticeboards at all American universities - who volunteer for the job. In fact there are so many, one can only speculate how many roll through here and other sites - 10.20.50? Believe me, they have complete coverage throughout Britain and America.

Do the research. This is not classified information.

Now, this is so basic its kinder time. Do you understand why I say to show some discipline? Get your shit together. This is why I, or anyone says cool it - and Abba dabba accuses them of being a jew. He gets his hit count and focuses the conversation where he needs it. He also fucks your mind.

Now only some of you are tuned enough to see what I am saying. Do some research.
Take this information and spread it around. Learn more and get smart.

Oh, and the reason for that Times posting, with various key words in my statement….I just wanted some fluttering going on in the electronic synagogue.
Many of their operatives will look up those postings and learn for the first time the very real fact their entire network was been blown some time ago, and probably still is. They can only operate in areas they own, which is your neighbourhood

This is also the point I make about the whole 911 thing. Sitting around talking about the obvious, with the assumption you are educating the public is good recreation. But count on it, you will not get the meat till the time is right, and it will be fed to you at their leisure, by them…..every time you blog say “ metsada are you listening?” And be aware, every word is noted by an operative.

Turn it around, take advantage of their paranoia, their divided loyalties, their fears…..this is what they do to you. Game them - fuck the system up.

A last point… there are going to be people who jump all over this. Make up your own mind.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 10:20 | #

Ivan, a chess game, or any game. I would drop you like a bad penny. You are a child to me. Better sling your hook my incompetent Crcassian friend - you’ve been blown by your own big mouth.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 07 May 2011 11:13 | #


Brilliant, or at least suggestive - though I wish you would speak less cryptically.

I have clearly suspected for some time that Ivan was some kind of a phony, at least an unserious troll, if not a leftist plant. He calls himself Muslim, but he does not write/appear to think as a Muslim. I’ve read a decent bit about Islam and its history, as well as the Middle East, and Ivan does not sound genuine.

Most persons with whom I have had disagreements here do, nevertheless sound authentic.

Where you have lessened your own credibility is in challenging Scrooby. I’m pretty sure he was genuine. 

Ivan, go fuck off. (GW, protect the integrity of MR, and ban this cretin.)


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 11:48 | #

          Reading your comments, I am deeply shamed by the baseness and vulgarity of my words on the Circassians . I wrote these things only to play him into my hand, not to disrespect the people or their customs.  I have disrespected these people,....I am conscious of it and i apologize.

Your assessment of the corrupted, judaized nature of the European, in this I must include myself.

I have never had the honour of traveling to the Caucasus, but have traveled within Muslim lands. I was humbled by these people who gave me hospitality and knowledge of myself otherwise would not be possible.

I have tried here and elsewhere to warn people to free their minds from the image of the Muslim created by the controlled media. The psychological operations above,  hundreds of British, Spanish and Americans killed to solely fix this image in their minds.

It seems impossible, there are people present every second to keep these Anglo-American-Europeans in the cage of their own making. A distorted, vulgar, debased madhouse of corrupted history, culture and shaming of people who cannot be shamed.

When I first read this Ivan, I was glad and thought he is a good man. Then I saw him attempt to spread the sickness and evil, I knew exactly who he was - Circassian or not.

When my people are accused of invented crimes, falsehoods I will not endure it. I humble them.
I have done this to the Circassians. I read your words and am humbled.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 12:19 | #

      I will not contest your assessment of Scrooby. I will only state my own. I have no wish to persecute him. My aim, which you see is poor, is to try and raise European consciousness to a level that will make the Europeans worth saving. Honest men are undefeatable, and can not be shamed or played for a fool for long. An honest man, a moral man changes the world just by his being. If we here were honest, moral, men, we would have courage and we would change the world.

As for the cryptic nature, there are reasons for this. I boast but I am no hero, not more than you. I am corrupted and impoverished in my mind like other Europeans, other people. My strength is that I have faith. No matter how weak I am, my faith is unmovable. My faith in you, in my Fatherland, In Britain, in Europe, America and our Muslim friends. For this reason, not because of my strength, I am undefeatable.

I tell you, the Muslim is our greatest enemy. And as an enemy he is our greatest friend. When you have great enemies, History has been good to you….they have made us great. This is history.

And you didn’t say I was vain?


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 07 May 2011 12:19 | #

I am a traitor because I am Christian - and only seek the physical removal of all non-Europeans from Europe, as opposed to what you want, it seems, their extermination? (LH)

Case in point.

This the line you come charging in with every time, with an almost childlike innocence about the reaction it provokes among those not inclined to think that way.  All credit to you for figuring out it’s not simply “The Jew!” behind every policy intended to make life difficult for racialists but how is it you’ve failed to make the simplest connection of all between the repellent nature of your views turning neutrals among your kind against you?  There’s Johnny Neutral going about his business, not thinking much of race either way, when he hears Leon Haller railing that he’s got to join in and round up all the filthy non-white scum and send them back to the shitholes they emerged from and which they rightfully belong in.  If Johnny Neutral doesn’t feel so strongly about them—and the evidence is surely that he does not—then, bang, instant enemy right there, and this can occur despite his perhaps having had somewhat strong feelings on his own (just not as strong as yours).  This effect runs up and down the socioeconomic spectrum; you’re only too aware of its results.

That out of the way, just what is this “Europe” you want all the “non-Europeans” out of, anyway?  The way I see it, perhaps half the “native” people of some half that (sub)continent are “non-European” (to a significant degree, certainly if “purity” is the standard).  But even if I’m wildly over-inflating it and the real proportion is only 10%, what world do you live in that you imagine that the citizenry of those countries is just going to shave off 10% of their own ethnic flesh and blood because the high and mighty Leon Haller demanded it? (Silver)

I understand PR, far better than you might think. It’s a portion of what I do for a living.

But this is a WN site. I’m trying to get WNs to recognize what we should be rallying ‘round. The goal is population removal, not oppression, enslavement or extermination - nor endless whining with no action.

Note, I would like all nonwhites out of America, too, but that isn’t going to happen. Even though whites built America, we effectively invited the immigration invasion, plus we are a New World, and hence, retroactively open to all, considered ‘ontologically’ (ie, we cannot legitimately describe North America as an inherently “white continent”, though we can obviously lay claim to American civilization). That’s an ethically subtle point. We whites had a moral right to refuse immigrant admissions, on any basis we chose, and we still have that right (I mean, from a Christian moral standpoint; there always must be some final moral ground upon which to stand). Obviously, we have the right to expel all illegal aliens, and to employ whatever defensive means we choose to prevent further illegal entry. We might even have a right to retroactively deny citizenship to some of those who have only legally arrived recently. But wrt the bulk of legal immigrants, I cannot conceive of a Christian argument justifying their coercive expulsion - unless obviously as the endgame in a civil race war initiated by them against us. Then most bets would be off.

Europe is wholly different. No other race lived there or (even possibly) evolved there. The lands are ancient; the civilization and culture wholly the products of whites. Nonwhites, moreover, are only resident there because disloyal governments imposed them on the native born, without the latter’s consent. A kind of auto-genocide has been perpetrated against the European peoples. By what moral theory must they tolerate its effects forever?

Of course we are a long way from having any political breakthroughs, nor will we by failing to “soft-pedal” our real goals. But we need first to be clear about those goals, which are:

1. immigration stoppage

2. nonwhite repatriation from Europe

3. “De-multiculturalization” of the culture, return to tradition

Obviously, building support for this agenda is likely to be slow. We start with immigration, the devil we know, before attempting to construct an entirely new philosophy to replace the existent one which could not prevent public brainwashing and indifference to race replacement.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 07 May 2011 13:28 | #


We are not going to make it. The West was the highest realization yet seen of man’s potential for excellence in all the virtues. There is, furthermore, no empirical reason to believe that civilizations can be perpetuated by groups too genetically dissimilar from their founding stocks. Thus, the West deserves to live, but its immigration and coercive racial integration policies guarantee that it will eventually die (unless science fiction comes alive - one can imagine hardy whites venturing to alien worlds, to start the West anew; but the technology is so far distant, and the colonization so far along, that such options will likely remain mere fantasies during the remainder of the epoch in which whites continue to exist).

Power, today more than ever, resides in the (muddled, brainwashed) masses. Our task is to convince a sufficient number of them of the ethical allowability and moral value of preserving their race and its territorial control as the mechanism for preserving the civilization of unique excellence that we were, and might be again. I believe the only way this can happen, given the speed of our devolution, is for whites to be brought to a heightened awareness of the hitherto only latent potential for a racialized Christianity; that is, a Christianity made aware that the pursuit of excellence and the striving for particularistic virtue is part of the Christian man’s proper end, and that the multicult throws obstacles to that pursuit, and thus defeats that end.

GW is correct about the need for a reformulated ontology; that is, unless we understand ourselves and real natures much better we will continue to maintain the social and political structures which, by their very essence, are driving our extinction. Where he is wrong is in failing to recognize first, that the time in which to accomplish this reformulation is running out, assuming effective real world action to halt our racial extinction is the final goal of the new ontology; second, a wholescale reformulation is unnecessary, because the theoretical tools are already contained latently in the Christian tradition, properly understood in its application to racial and historical problems; and third, Christianity for the foreseeable future has a grip on the imagination deriving from its history that it would take centuries for any new ontology to approach in intelligibility, and white acceptance.

I’ll try to make this clearer later.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 May 2011 15:06 | #

Ivan @ Abba Dabba:

do you still want to play or are you just working your job?

I’m not sure if the head rocket scientist from the local fireworks factory is a Mossad agent or not, but I do think he, in effect, functions as a cointelpro agent for the muzzies.

My theory about the trash talkin’ troll is this: His underlying motivation is to spread Islam. His agenda is to break down resistance to the Muslim invasion of Europe and elsewhere. He sees “White Nationalism” (or whatever you want to call it) as a nascent movement that has the real potential of becoming a VERY popular revolutionary movement. Moreover, he sees it as a threat to his religion and fellow mooslims.

But you must admit the little muzzie boy, Ivan, is clever.

Notice how he has great affinity for, and finds common cause with, the most egregious and repellent nazis that post here. He is quick to align himself with them whilst simultaneously degrading, smearing, and slandering anyone who he arbitrarily judges as insufficiently anti-Semitic. What a dickhead!

Therein lies the rub. Most of us who’ve been around long enough know blatant anti-Semitism is roundly rejected by the white masses. That will not change no matter what!  Moreover, the white masses are the very people we are trying to win over to our white-preservationist cause. This task is hard enough as it is. It becomes insurmountable—as history has already taught us—when we allow double-dealing muzzies and sick twisted nazi wannabes to associate with us, or operate under our banner.

Again the rhetoric of duplicitous bastards like Ivan is precisely why we are prevented from moving our cause into mainstream politics where it rightfully belongs.



Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 16:17 | #

I’d like to enlighten the gallery to part of the reason for strangeness of this conversation

You have enlightened the gallery, all right. Ah, Grimoire, Grimoire ... what god has done to his chosen people?! How severe the crimes of the tribe should be in order to justify taking away the mind and the soul from the entire tribe? Presumably god does not need justification for any of his actions, but, I guess, it is rather difficult for humans to see things other than from the human perspective.

My conjecture, that Thorn’s tribesmen, here @Majorityrights, are a bit brighter than Thorn, does not seem so plausible to me any longer in view of the new evidence coming from Mr Lier who is trying to catch Ivan The Terrible by lying. One does not catch, or try to catch, light beam with a fish net, butt-head.

Poor Grimoire, how could I explain to you in simple terms what’s your problem? Stated precisely and concisely: Your problem is in your ethnicity. One of the deepest differences between jews and gentiles is this: Lying and hiding in the dark is the best tool in the struggle for life for the jews. Jews simply cannot survive without this tool, and, as such, lying is not something to be ashamed of doing. Quite the opposite - lying is kind of an art to the jew, it is something to be perfected and to be proud of.

On the other side, the attitude of gentiles to lying, in general, is the direct opposite of the jewish perspective. Gentile peoples don’t have to lie in order to survive, because they are not parasites feeding off the blood and the labor of other gentile peoples. For gentiles, lying is something to be ashamed of; they try their best to avoid lying as much as possible, because lying makes them uncomfortable, makes them lose self-respect, which is very important to them. Why? I don’t know. My best guess: It is part of their genetic heritage from which they cannot get away without becoming something else. Same for the jews - the way they think and the way behave is part of their genetic heritage from which they cannot escape without becoming something else.

Do you understand what I am talking about, Grimoire?


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 17:22 | #


We are not going to make it. -Leon Haller

Ironically this is a true pronouncement. Perhaps it is the only statement by Leon I agree with wholeheartedly, without any reservations: Grimoires, Hallers, and Thorns are not going to make it. I have explained elsewhere why: The world dominated by the jew is not sustainable; it must, and it will, collapse.

Of that I am certain.


Posted by Mr Voight on Sat, 07 May 2011 17:28 | #

Enough guys.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 17:37 | #

Hmmmm….................I smell smoke….................does any one else smell smoke?.................Oh, I know why I smell smoke.  Look over there…......... Jivin’ Ivan’s pants suddenly burst into flames!

No, Thorn, I am sorry, I don’t smell any smoke. But I do smell rat - I have nose for it. The stench is overpowering.

Speaking of stench, General Patton had a good nose for it too:


Patton’s initial impressions of the Jews were not improved when he attended a Jewish religious service at Eisenhower’s insistence. His diary entry for September 17, 1945, reads in part: “This happened to be the feast of Yom Kippur, so they were all collected in a large, wooden building, which they called a synagogue. It behooved General Eisenhower to make a speech to them. We entered the synagogue, which was packed with the greatest stinking bunch of humanity I have ever seen. When we got about halfway up, the head rabbi, who was dressed in a fur hat similar to that worn by Henry VIII of England and in a surplice heavily embroidered and very filthy, came down and met the General . . . The smell was so terrible that I almost fainted and actually about three hours later lost my lunch as the result of remembering it.”


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 17:55 | #

Mr Voight, who agrees with Chomsky on 9-11, is giving a good advice to his folks, if they can take advantage of it, which, considering their genetic nature, is altogether doubtful.

Let me interpret Mr Voight’s wise advice for you, butt-heads: Don’t initiate a fight with someone you are poorly equipped to handle, for it makes us look bad.

The freak-show must go on.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 May 2011 18:49 | #

“Let me interpret Mr Voight’s wise advice for you, butt-heads: Don’t initiate a fight with someone you are poorly equipped to handle, for it makes us look bad.”  (—Jivin” Ivan)

HAH! We’ve caught Jivin’ Ivan in yet another one of his sand-nigga lies. If anyone would care to see who ACTUALLY initiated the “fight”, they can go back and see it was the sneaky muzzie, Jivin’Ivan, who actually instigated it.

It just goes to show you, liars and deceivers like Ivan always get tripped up by their own words.



Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 19:33 | #

Ivan, a chess game, or any game. I would drop you like a bad penny. You are a child to me. Better sling your hook my incompetent Circassian friend - you’ve been blown by your own big mouth.

Ok, Grimoire, I’m gonna take advantage of your generosity in willingness to play any game against me. Here is a game, which I will state in the form you, as a representative of the moneychanger tribe, can understand best.

You and I sit at a regular table, i.e. of rectangular shape at the top, each with a huge bag full of pennies. Each player takes his turn to put a penny from his bag on the table so that it does not overlap with any other coin on the table. The game ends when no free space is left on the table, big enough to put the next penny. Whoever puts his penny on the table last wins the game and takes home all the pennies on the table.

I want to return you generosity and give you the right to have the first move, or the second - whichever you chose. Can you win this game against me, if so, what would be your strategy?

P.S. I challenge all other moneychangers, and whites as well, around here in this game. Let’s see how good you fair against the Circassian muzzie in mathematics.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Sat, 07 May 2011 19:37 | #

Hesper wrote:

The northern slopes were constantly assigned to Sarmatia Asiatica and this is no mere abstraction as it agrees with the dress, manners, origin and history of your people: Iranian, Oriental, brave, hardy and proud.

Hesper, did you mean the Circassians are ethnically Iranian or have been acculturated to Iranian culture?  It’s my limited understanding of these people that they don’t speak an Iranic language or any other Indo-European language for that matter, but rather native caucasic type languages.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 07 May 2011 19:52 | #

Speaking of muzzies and pennys:

Q: How was copper wire invented?

A: Two muzzies fighting over the same penny at a regular table.



Posted by Finn on Sat, 07 May 2011 22:25 | #

A winning strategy in Ivan’s penny game is to choose to go 1st and occupy the exact center of the board, with each subsequent move being a reflection of the opponents’s move about one of the board’s central axes (or bisectors).  This guarantees that the player to move first will always have a playable move in response to the player to move second, with obviously only a finite number of total moves. Thus player 1 has the last move.


Posted by Hesper on Sat, 07 May 2011 23:23 | #

Guest Lurker: in the broad sense of the word ‘Iranian’ in social culture much like Ossetians but a common racial spring is not an untenable argument even if only intermixture. Language is so often a poor standard of judging origins. The Sarmatians of this region (the names Scythian and Sarmatian referred to a multitude of nations and tribes, some discernibly Celtic, others nomad Iranian on the steppes, a few - the Massagetae - probably at times as Mongoloid) were consistently portrayed as Iranian in their racial affinities, institutions and worship. The later evidence of archaeologists and ethnographers confirm the attribution. Classical knowledge is relevant to the matter as so little has changed despite the passage of nearly two millennia: for say Italian or British affairs the Ancients are more of a curiosity than a guide as almost everything has changed in those countries.
The Hellenistic king of Pontus Mithridates the Great (Iranian name), sent embassies and projected to found settlements in the region between the Black Sea, the Caspian and the Rha (the Volga as known to the Ancients; again of Iranian etymology). This is one of the last parts of the northern Asiatic wilderness where the native pastoral or nomadic peoples have not been replaced by Mongoloid nomads as happened in Turkestan and Sinkiang. But none of this has relation to Europe. Thank you for the question.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 23:31 | #

        a) Yes we are going make it. You don’t have a clear picture of what is going on the continent. The jews are not powerful, they only have those things which create the illusion of power. This power is a cloud of smoke which disappears with a wave of a hand. The minute you clear your head and become strong, you forget the jew because of his insignificance without your attention. Without your attention, then the jew appears wretchedly weak, he draws back your attention by limping in a ditch complaining how you have beat him. This is how he stays tied to you, attached to your ankle, and then your throat. It’s time to send him off on his own and attend to important business.
          b) Christianity at this time is not an effective tool for the mobilization of masses. The church has been totally compromised and penetrated. It has no fangs left of it’s own. To utilize Christianity you must first fight the church. We can’t spend our precious time fighting each other, whether Christian vs. materialist, Nazi vs Communist/Capitalist, British vs. Continent. If we fight each other and we will pay very dearly for this stupid habit.
We stand on our own on this and will be effective on our actions and worth. A persons faith is a private matter, which is the way it is meant to be.
          c) GW is correct about the need for a reformulated etc. However he will not produce one. GW is a fine fellow,  his perceptions paralyze him. He started this as a forum for specifically the British to discuss the problems at hand and mobilize towards a solution. Others are welcome to comment. However the solution decided on here may not be appropriate or constructive to you if you are not British, living in Britain or British, not living in Britain but invested in Britain’s survival.  If you agree a reformulated ont - etc. is vital….begin now. It is getting late for such tangential projects.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 07 May 2011 23:50 | #

          Forget about Ivan. His type will always be here under one name or another. His trick is to get you hating something, jews, muslims, himself if need be, and he will expand on that and drain all your productive energy. Thats his job.
  He is a non entity - a trash bin. I kick his ass in 4 posts and humiliate the man of learning….and he is still here, posing, hoping no one noticed. A clown without self respect.
When you are walking down a path and you see some vomit on the side of the way, you do not stop to stare and inspect the contents - or you will vomit yourself. Instead you completely ignore the puke and stare at the tree’s or the sky and the birds. Things that do not assault the senses with vile and noxious grossness.
You must think like an athlete on a team determined to win. Put aside all negative thoughts and stupid things and focus on the game.
Lets show these prehistoric bitches how we do things uptown.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 07 May 2011 23:51 | #

You see, Grimoire, there are smart people out there, like Finn, who do not boast and ramble like mad dogs, but can think.  You would be well advised to learn something from such people.

Ok, Finn, I know now that there is at least one deserving opponent out there. Here is another tough nut, can you crack it?

Why kinetic energy of a moving body of mass m and velocity v << c (i.e. v is much much lower than the speed of light c) is to be measured by formula:

K = mv^2/2 ?

In other words, is the above formula for kinetic energy:

(1) Simply the definition of physical notion of kinetic energy, or
(2) An experimental fact, or
(3) A logical implication of some postulate, some law of physics, other experimental fact(s), other definition(s), etc, or
(4) Some combination of all the above, or
(5) None of the above, or
(6) Still something else ?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 08 May 2011 00:06 | #

But Grim, I offered you the opportunity to present this grand narrative of European honesty ... how many times?  I lose count.  But then, in an unguarded moment, you speak of power and clouds of smoke, clearing one’s head, and so on, and now I find you are agreeing with me!

But as I have said to you before, you do not know why you agree, or disagree, with me, for you do not possess what, for example, PF possessed and wrote about and what Jimmy Marr understands, which, in my terms, is a critique of consciousness as absence or presence, in which all suggestibility and enslavement and all self-possession and freedom lie ... and of the “stillness” and “attention”, whatever those words might portend, which transport the collective-as-subject from the first state to the second as historical acts.

It is not immersion in tradition or in faith or in morality or in any particular human quality - heroism, say, or “greatness” or honesty - which robs the oppressors and deceivers of power.  Neither it is enough to merely slough off these dross.  For immersion implies the same state of intoxication as before, and subservience to something will quickly hove into view if we are not masters of ourselves.


Posted by Finn on Sun, 08 May 2011 00:42 | #

In short, the formula for kinetic energy is the integration of Newton’s second law F=ma over a distance, i.e. (3).  Thanks for the puzzles.  I have some work to attend to, although I might come back to quibble if I got this one wrong.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 08 May 2011 01:02 | #

GW is the real mystery to me. On one hand, I do not see any significant signs that he is a jew, or crypto-jew (kind of British Marrano), or bought by the jew. His tolerance for opposing opinion is nothing short of remarkable. He thinks, speaks, and acts like an English gentleman, not too quick to be straightforward or open.

On the other hand, he does not see, or so it seems, people like Grimoire and Leon Haller for what they are. He takes them very seriously, and he is willing to argue with them and engage them in endless, incredibly boring, and, to be honest, simply stupid debates. He does not appear like a naive person, but he doesn’t understand, or so it seems, that even if, by some miracle, he was given the ownership of BBC and all the other major media outlets of the Great Britain, for him to do whatever he wants, and preach whatever he wishes without any restrictions whatsoever, 95%, or perhaps even more, of his own Englishmen would have no idea what GW is talking about and what exactly he is trying to communicate.

A real mystery indeed. Winston Churchill’s famous quip about Russia comes to mind - a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma .


Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 08 May 2011 06:29 | #

            You and I have always been in agreement, but come to this from different perspectives and so misunderstand one another. When I began the ontology project, a flood of vile invective and propaganda against my country flooded this forum for weeks in the form of reported official British views and outlooks, out of context of the purpose. This was started by the neo nazi’s…and the response against them.. At first I mediated…patiently, then it made me angry…. I reacted to this.  On reflection, I could see my comments on British elites and their system was easily construed as an attack on the British people - I was checkmated. Pot meet kettle.  In defending my cause, homeland first,  then brother nations, I offended the exact cause I fight for.  I offended it as a guest in your forum.  At this point, it was difficult for me to carry on with the project -  which requires labours difficult in such depressing circumstance.
A forum is by definition ‘out of doors and public’ and open to all. This definition, to which you have remained faithful , despite all -  I respected, but no longer agree. I think now it is abused by those who hate our cause. It is a contradiction to what we believe in.

I was WRONG, when I interceded on behalf of Silver and others, and you were right. I should have held my tongue, I was amused by their contrast and fooled time and again.. They are the thin edge which divides us though we are in agreement. They exploit any chink in our unity and sympathy. They thrive on our better natures. They give in return for our hospitality, only contempt. Their presence is an affront. They are a plague.

Britain must remain a free and open country for the BRITISH RACE -  NO EXCEPTIONS. All others are guests on parole with no claims or status except that granted by the Sovereign people. The same my country, the same for Europe. Let others fight their own battles. We do not want or need them. There is no time left for fighting each other.  Interaction with foreigners or those who do not share our cause should be limited to ejecting them from our presence.  Let us set an example..  Let all know we mean what we say. We live by what we say.

A forum dedicated to the cause of National sovereignty in Britain or Europe is no place for Circassians, Pakistani’s, Serbs, Jews, or Muslims. to discuss Jews. They degrade our purpose and abuse our generosity and consider our open minds as an invitation for them to sow corruption and disunity.  They post in our forums an account of themselves as vastly superior while they sit at machines which are only wonders to their cultures, wearing clothes and sitting on implements of our design, aping our customs, while holding us in contempt as guests in our own lands, patiently awaiting our destruction. One good one, brings ten corrupt ones, We have done enough for them.  They are a plague.

I can only do work for a civil and respectful forum. There is a need to throw out all the foreigners, restrict Guests, of which I am one, to parole, and set standards that reflect the British civilization, not post modern or American civilization, no multi-culturism anywhere..  Then,  I can finish writing what you ask.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 08 May 2011 07:16 | #

In short, the formula for kinetic energy is the integration of Newton’s second law F=ma over a distance

I am impressed. You are doing pretty good so far, Finn. Indeed, if we apply a constant force, F, to a body of mass, m, originally still until it gets accelerated to a certain speed, then from Newton’s second law we get the following chain of inferences:

F=mdv/dt   ?  Fv=mvdv/dt   ?  F(dS/dt)=(m/2)d(v^2)/dt   ?  FdS=d(mv^2/2)  ?  FS=mv^2/2

And therefore one could reasonably argue that the expression mv^2/2, which we can denote by K and call kinetic energy, is simply a logical implication of a physical law, namely Newton’s second law.

You would probably get an A for such an answer at any university’s physics test.

But what I am after is not to check how well you have absorbed what you have been taught at school. What I am interested in is the ability of a man to think truly independently, when he starts questioning everything that does not follow directly from the ordinary common sense, which is rooted, in final analysis, in some basic rules of reasoning and experimental evidence.

Why FS has to be the measure of energy? Just think about it. We all have some intuitive notion of what energy is, but why in heaven it has to be measured by force times distance? Why energy, for example, is not to be measured by FS^2, or SF^2, or something else? Does your common sense tell you that FS is more appropriate as the measure for our intuitive notion of energy than FS^2, or F?S, or anything else?

By the way, it wasn’t obvious at all even to Newton and Leibnitz what was the most appropriate measure for our intuitive notion of kinetic energy. One felt that kinetic energy should be proportional to mass times velocity, while the other argued for mass times velocity squared.

I think I have the answer to this question, but you will not find it in the famous Feynman Lectures on Physics, and probably anywhere else. I will not announce it here and now. If I am right, there are very basic common sense arguments coupled with some elementary experimental observations from which follow that kinetic energy MUST be proportional to mass times velocity squared.

The beauty of my solution is that one doesn’t need at all differential and integral calculus to arrive at this unescapable conclusion. What’s more, one can proceed from there and actually derive Newton’s second law!

That’s how fascinating becomes this, dear Finn. I want you to take your time to think about all this and share your thoughts afterwards.

P.S. If you don’t mind me asking, are you a university student or research scientist?


Posted by Silver on Sun, 08 May 2011 09:03 | #

Europe is wholly different. No other race lived there or (even possibly) evolved there. The lands are ancient; the civilization and culture wholly the products of whites. Nonwhites, moreover, are only resident there because disloyal governments imposed them on the native born, without the latter’s consent. A kind of auto-genocide has been perpetrated against the European peoples. By what moral theory must they tolerate its effects forever?

Technically, Europe isn’t wholly different at all.  It’s a patch of dirt, just like everywhere else.  But I’ll agree that it should be treated differently—just as all continents should be treated as though they were not merely patches of dirt.

Problem is, Europe isn’t racially whole and has not been for a good couple thousand years.  This has always been the source of my extreme annoyance with you. It’s really not hard to understand.  Stick to your own portion of it and I’ll see little (but not nothing) to complain about.  Overreach into parts your ideology doesn’t belong and guarantee yourself opposition.

Of course we are a long way from having any political breakthroughs, nor will we by failing to “soft-pedal” our real goals. But we need first to be clear about those goals, which are:

1. immigration stoppage

2. nonwhite repatriation from Europe

3. “De-multiculturalization” of the culture, return to tradition

I see it differently.

(1) Racial group consciousness, including the readjustment of lifestyles to reflect it.

(2) Pursuit and expansion of racial interests.

What differentiates Europe from America is the endpoint of (2).  Extreme versions (which I’ll accept your Christianity-based version isn’t) have no endpoint.  It’s just expand, expand, expand, putting all humankind back at square one:  interminable group conflict, meaning we’ve learned nothing from the misery it causes.

That’s why I counsel that (2) be pursued within the context of some form of “enlightened groupism” (eg your Christian variety).  It’s not just words.  It entails recognition of both one’s own group interests and the other party’s, working together to safeguard and satisfy both.  It doesn’t mean no conflict; it means that we manage the conflict, rather than the fact of conflict managing us. 

Ultimately, what is it you really want, Haller?  Isn’t it a future for your kind, in which it can be safe and flourish, on lands traditionally its own?  Isn’t that enough?  If so, is it really beyond belief that racial others might consider that acceptable and, moreover, appreciate how their own interests could be satisfied under similar conditions?  And if you disagree with that, would you at least agree that it makes tactical sense, as a way of drawing attention to the issues?  (Ie, let’s establish this first; we can always kill each other later.)


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 08 May 2011 18:30 | #

Listen to this woman. Listen to her voice, watch her gestures, pay attention to the expression on her face. That’s what I call genuine! This is real stuff - a human tragedy unfolding right in front of your eyes:

Even the obsessive lier Harold Covington, even this not so bright hobbyist, fully understands the fundamental importance and profound implications of this case and keeps his listeners updated on the case on regular base. I commend him for that.

Dear commenters, can you tell me why the jury in this case is comprised of 11 women and 1 man? And who is that one man? What is his ethnic background, what is his capacity to think independently, what is his belief system? Does your common sense tell you anything about all this?

I can’t think of a better way of introducing Edgar J. Steele to those of you, who have never heard of this name before, other than directing you to his best ever known nickel rant:

It’s the Jews, Stupid!!!


Posted by Chechar on Sun, 08 May 2011 22:36 | #

Matt Parrott’s recent “Cranks and credibility” on the 9/11 conspiracy mindset at TOQ Online, here:


Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 08 May 2011 22:50 | #

Ivan Abba Ka Dabba:
                          my compromised, buffoon friend. That is very tragic,old news. But you have a point , Each of these cases represent an outrage and injustice not avenged,.The criminals escape justice and remain at large, with reputation intact - while the victim is seen as a social failure, unable to deal in an acceptable way with their unfortunate fate.
That is why these tragedies need to be posted, again and again on these sites, intentionally,  by metsada employees. The intention is to create rage, channel it, and direct it into failure.

Your relative understood this well,  and used it in the ring. He named it ‘Rope a Dope’. To his white opponents, he was a flash talking nigger.  In the ring-side interviews before these matches, his accent and inflections became southern and afro-american, he took the muslim name ; Muhammed Ali’, in a Christian country, and had Black Panthers,  and Muslims ringside…..With black opponents, in interviews before his matches, he appeared with white entertainment celebrities, Jews,  and spoke with a proper mid-atlantic accent,  he was seen as a rich black sell-out, a lawnboy, He understood his opponents mind,  he had in fact a thermometer stuck in his opponents mind, and used it…. to become ‘Champion of The World’ .

  This is why you are so easy for me to play you.  I own you now.  But I was surprised, shocked really, how openly you reveal yourself. How you consider yourself a freak, a traitor and a travesty, to your own people, in your own words. In your comments to Hesper, you were not careful, and revealed your faked confidence receding, your strength ebbing…quickly. I read you felt inside at that time you were drowning. I assume ‘drowning’ is a particular pyschic, imaginative or symbolic trauma. I saw more that I did not like. You are not a trustworthy. A traitor, and an idiot.

So tiresomely,  you fall back on the resilient character of a man of learning, capable of broad study, imagination and intelligence, of bon homme’ ,  which is useful to build trust and make friends, celui qui, par finesse ou pour son intérêt, affecte la bonté, la simplicité, le désintéressement.  But is it false,  ? Your comments show this clearly, . Ne vous fiez pas à son air patelin, ce n’est qu’un faux bonhomme.  An trustworthy fellow.

And every comment you make, only tells me more, of the feeling of failure is inside you. You blame Europeans, and wish for them subjection, that your own, experience.

I do not want to crowd these forum with the constant deconstruction and humiliation of a Circassian dog. But if you persist in your jew-baiting - or using the jew as bait to distract Europeans who interact with intelligent comment , then I must use you to serve as an example. If you have any self respect, and I suspect you have little, you should leave here. There is nothing for you here anymore but humiliation.  I am humane, and do not enjoy turning a person into a laughing stock, and will say nothing regarding your comments if you confine yourself physics, your people, or intelligent comments regarding germane issues. But if you continue with this European baiting disguised as jew baiting, then the image you present here, will be of a muslim fellow who is collared and turned into a dog - and I kick this dog, and study his whimpering,  when I want to show others how to deal with arrogant muslims. In this way, and perhaps only in this way, can you provide useful information, if that is what you choose.


Posted by Rogers on Sun, 08 May 2011 23:47 | #


Do you ever actually address the claims and views of those skeptical of the official 9/11 narrative, or do you just talk about how you used to subscribe to some skeptics’ magazine and attended some conferences on religion and the paranormal as if that were a sufficient response and argument?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 09 May 2011 00:29 | #


I do not see any significant signs that he is a jew, or crypto-jew (kind of British Marrano), or bought by the jew

Thanks.  Best laugh I’ve had all week.

On the other hand, he does not see, or so it seems, people like Grimoire and Leon Haller for what they are.

In this game it helps to like people, Ivan.

He does not appear like a naive person, but he doesn’t understand, or so it seems, that even if, by some miracle, he was given the ownership of BBC and all the other major media outlets of the Great Britain, for him to do whatever he wants, and preach whatever he wishes without any restrictions whatsoever, 95%, or perhaps even more, of his own Englishmen would have no idea what GW is talking about and what exactly he is trying to communicate.

To each in his own tongue.  If the language is holocaust revisionism, then I will speak it.  If it is high politics, or if it is hard-driving (the four-wheeled kind), or if it is ontology I will speak it.  The only definite exceptions are the languages of religious exoterism and, alas, mathematics.  You are a complete mystery, obviously!


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 09 May 2011 01:57 | #

I am sure glad you’ve had a good laugh, GW.

I think I understand you a bit, just a tiny bit, better now. The fog and mist are lifting up. Instead of a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma , I see now just a mystery inside an enigma. Still two more layers of puzzle to plough through. No worries, I’ll get there grin .


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 09 May 2011 03:46 | #

In this game it helps to like people, Ivan.

All right. I’ll take your word for it, GW. But I am a man of science (yes, Thorn, I am sorry, but I am a rocket scientist - literally), so every hypothesis in by book is to be tested before it can be accepted as the truth. I am going to test this, I am going to subject it to a really severe test.

Grimoire, you lied about me and you keep lying about me, but I like you.
Grimoire, you put me in shit and treated me like shit, but I like you.
Grimoire, you lied about my people, the Circassians, and you shit on them, as you have admitted yourself, but I like you.
Grimoire, you lied about the religion of my ancestors, and you demonized the followers of Islam, but I like you.
Grimoire, as far as I can tell, you are a not a good man, and your intentions are not good, but I like you.
Grimoire, your intelligence is at the level of chimpanzee’s, but I like you.

Grimoire, I am convinced that you are a jew, but I don’t, and I will not hold it against you, because it wasn’t your choice to be born a jew.
Grimoire, you are who you are, and I forgive you, for you cannot change your nature.

The jury is out for deliberations.


Posted by Grimoire on Mon, 09 May 2011 04:32 | #

I welcome and extend my hand to a friend.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 09 May 2011 05:39 | #

Dear Grimoire,

Could you please clarify for the members of the jury the name of the newly acquired friend you are welcoming and extending your hand to. And what do you hold in that hand of yours, Grimoire?

Have you ever seen the national flag of Abkhazia, Grimoire? It has stripes on it and stars, just like the American flag has. But it has something very important on it, which the American flag does not have. Do you know what it is, Grimoire? Do you understand the meaning of it? Do you know why the American flag does not have it, and if it had, why would it be a big lie and gross misnomer? Take a good look, Grimoire:

The jury is still out.


Posted by danielj on Mon, 09 May 2011 06:03 | #


Are you childless?


Posted by Grimoire on Mon, 09 May 2011 06:04 | #

To the Jury:.........and then the accused struck me right in the fist with his face, Your Honour, causing this cut on my ring finger. And then when he asked me what was the problem with my hand…I knew his next move was to attack my boot with his ass.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 09 May 2011 06:37 | #


Are you childless? - danielj

This particular question seems to have paramount importance to you grin . No, danielj, I have 3 kids. Would you like to know how many wives I had in my life as well?

Would it make you happier if I had none? I am sorry, if I have disappointed your expectations.

Are you a pretty non-jewish woman, danielj? If so, would you like to bare my child?


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 09 May 2011 07:12 | #

Your Honor, may I present to the jewry ... I beg your pardon, Your Honor ... I mean to the jury exhibit number 6 as the proof the defendant is lying:

You may proceed. Ladies and Gentlemen of the jewry… dammit… of the jury ... I instruct you to keep in mind: the defendant is a jew. That’s all what you need to know about this case.


Posted by Grimoire on Mon, 09 May 2011 08:13 | #

      You are a rare man of exquisite, mathematical intellect… I would like to get your opinion on some statistical anomalies that puzzle me….. Is it not true that 99.9% of the so called ‘Russian’ immigrants to the US where Jews?  Did not the Jews struck a deal with the Reagan administration to allow Russia to shit out its Jews and flood the world with their talents?  And is it not commonly known that to disguise the fact of this mass immigration of Jews from the rest of the populace, they never mention the fact that ordinary Russians, which a muslim would be considered, are almost never allowed to immigrate to the US for security and economic reasons by treaty agreement with Russia, as Russia does not want to lose its educated workforce to mass immigration to the US….. but is happy to lose Jews… unless the Jews bring the the ordinary Russian in as petty assassins or drug couriers or prostitutes ......the statistical probability of a Circassian Muslim working as a Rocket Scientist are….?

I mean 00.01%, at the absolute roundest figure to start sure….but there are other factors at play here… of that 00.01% - 99.99% are part Jews, certainly work or trade for Jews to even sniff a visa, and have Jewish connections, how else could they jump que ?

Now since the US has zero need for Russian rocket scientists, what are the chances a Circassian Muslim getting a job in an Academy, when the quota of immigrants allowed to take a paying job away from an equally trained American is zero, unless that immigrant is a Jew and uses his connections ?

Pretty close to infinity isn’t it ? Almost as rare as a Unicorn flying up your ass? Rarer?

And what type of fellow, makes a patently dishonest, weasel apology, but when you offer your hand in friendship,  allowing them to retain some sort of personal dignity, starts wheedling, conniving and chiseling immediately?  Sound like someone we know of?

What are the chances that person is a Muslim? As Muslims by their religion are commanded to accept a hand in friendship with magnanimity .....a very, very,very low percentage?

I mean who is it, you beat them like a dog for good reason. In fact you must beat them, for as snakes, they understand only a boot on their throat - would ask for friendship with the language of a snake, and when you extend your hand, start inveigling and weaseling immediately?

Now, I don’t want to make any accusations here….but I tried to make some calculations, and my calculator exploded in flames - but what is the likely hood of such person not being a Jew? And not a Muslim? But a Jew pretending to be a Muslim?

Now, this is rocket science obviously. This takes probability to levels way, way, way beyond anything I could compute, and probably NASA also. I mean this is a wild herd of Unicorns and the entire cast of Disneyland flying up your ass and out your ear doing the conga as being a guaranteed 0 certainty before the other likelihood..

But as your a Rocket scientist, perhaps you could look at the problem and give some ballpark figures on what the likelihood would be. I actually came up with a figure here, under my hat, and I would like to see how close it is to what you calculate.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 09 May 2011 08:52 | #

I’m really busy right now, but will respond to comments directed my way in a day or two. There are several here that need addressing.


Posted by danielj on Mon, 09 May 2011 13:57 | #

This particular question seems to have paramount importance to you.

It is definitely up there.

No, danielj, I have 3 kids. Would you like to know how many wives I had in my life as well?

How many wives? I think I would.

Would it make you happier if I had none? I am sorry, if I have disappointed your expectations.

You have exceeded my expectations.

Are you a pretty non-jewish woman, danielj? If so, would you like to bare my child?

I’m not a pedophile, so I wouldn’t like to bare any of your children wink


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 09 May 2011 14:37 | #

You have exceeded my expectations. - danielj

You are not paying attention, butt-head. I repeat my question for the slow-witted: Would it make you happier if I had none?

I’m not a pedophile. - danielj

Again, pay attention to the question: Are you a pretty non-jewish woman, danielj?

The statement “I’m not a pedophile” has as much logical connection to the statement “I’m not a pretty non-jewish woman” as to the opposing statement “I’m a pretty non-jewish woman”.

One thing is clear though: You certainly not acting like a man.

How many wives? I think I would. - danielj

Excessive curiosity to matters related to a man’s personal life of sexual character is a good sign of a ... how should I put it ... not so manly man.


Posted by danielj on Mon, 09 May 2011 18:50 | #


I’m suspending judgment. I don’t know you well enough to make a determination about counterfactuals concerning your parental status.

The statement about pedophile was directly related and perfectly logical. I’m sure everybody understood my response.

I’m not jewish and I’m not a female.

I am not interested in your personal life. At least, I don’t think I am.  But, perhaps our understandings of the term vary.


Posted by Grimoire on Mon, 09 May 2011 21:17 | #

Ivan you are completely exposed. It is your nature. You do not fool anyone.

No one clings to ones heel and endures humiliation like a dog, as you have. There is only one type who feels the need to elicit such disgrace. Take your corruption and go away.


Posted by me on Tue, 10 May 2011 00:00 | #

You have outwitted Ivan to be sure, but the use of dog beating analogies are the language of the non-European.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 10 May 2011 00:30 | #

I’m not jewish and I’m not a female. - danielj

Thank you very much. That addresses my question in precise and straightforward manner. And I tend to believe it, for if you were jewish you wouldn’t be able so quickly to correct the wrong course you have originally set yourself on by asking inappropriate question. I am sure you know what I am talking about: your question was inappropriate, it was unfriendly, and it wasn’t called for.

I am glad you have chosen not to go down that path.


Posted by JJ Randolph on Tue, 10 May 2011 00:41 | #

Muslims are the stampeding cattle. Jews are the ranchers.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 10 May 2011 00:45 | #

I am sure you know what I am talking about: your question was inappropriate, it was unfriendly, and it wasn’t called for.

I’m not sure there is such a thing as an unfriendly question. I prefer to refrain from anthropomorphizing dialog since I find it to be spectacularly feminine tact.  But, if you feel you’ve been slighted by a query, you can always resort to my standard response to lines of inquiry that I find annoying and simply reply with a forthright and direct “Fuck you!” to your inquisitor.

Ivan, I don’t walk on eggshells. You don’t like pork? That’s fine with me bro. With finger off the trigger though, is the best way yet I’ve found for approaching the camps of others.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 10 May 2011 01:07 | #

That’s cool, danielj. I have no problem with that.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 10 May 2011 01:13 | #

Diletto mio me,

If your taste for wit is fulfilled by the likes of Grimoire and Thorn, god help you. And don’t be afraid, boy, be precise, call a spade a spade:

the use of dog beating analogies are the language of the jew when he gets angry, becomes emotionally unstable, and loses it completely.

It looks like you haven’t absorbed the important message yet, so let me repeat it expressly for you:

It’s the Jews, Stupid!!!


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 10 May 2011 01:31 | #

Judge: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, have you reached the verdict?

Jury: We have, Your Honor. We found the defendant ... jewish.

Judge: The defendant is free to go - he’s been punished by god already. This court is adjourned.


Posted by HoneyBadger on Tue, 10 May 2011 04:06 | #

I read down to the end here and can almost say I enjoyed it smile  A comment on a post up by Grimore—I am a qualified ame,  studying avionics and aerospace engineering, there is no occupation called ‘rocket science’ in the US,  perhaps N.Korea or Iran.  That would be ‘aerospace engineer’. You are right, if there is a Russian emigre sitting in any asci faculty in the US,  they are Jewish. I have never met an Russian emigre in applied science who was not there but for that reason.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 10 May 2011 05:36 | #

All right, HoneyBadger, if you are a qualified ame, studying avionics and aerospace engineering, you sure must be a reasonable man. You certainly should understand by now who the jews are - they are natural liars. Can you point me to a place on this thread, or anywhere on the Internet, where I have claimed that I am a Russian emigre sitting in any asci faculty in the US, or implying that I hold a job in the US as a “rocket scientist”?

Yes, I am a Russian emigre living and working in the US. Yes, I was graduated from the Aerospace Engineering and Space Exploration division of the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology founded by the famous physicist P. L. Kapitsa, who in 1978 won the Nobel Prize in Physics for the work in low temperature physics that he did in the Cavendish Laboratory in Cambridge in 1937. Yes, back in the USSR I was involved in the Soviet space program at one point. And yes, I am a Circassian.

If you enjoyed reading this thread, I suggest you to visit the following page, where another jewish dog, who goes by the name Mr Murray, is attempting to discredit me by cherry picking out of the context quotes from my posts on VNN:

Scroll all the way down on that page to find a letter I have received from NASA, asking for my papers in the area of interest of the Langley Research Center in Hampton, Virginia.


Posted by Grimoire on Tue, 10 May 2011 06:03 | #

Posted by Ivan on May 09, 2011, 02:46 AM | #

  In this game it helps to like people, Ivan.

All right. I’ll take your word for it, GW. But I am a man of science (yes, Thorn, I am sorry, but I am a rocket scientist - literally)


Posted by Grimoire on Tue, 10 May 2011 06:05 | #

Posted by Ivan on May 10, 2011, 04:36 AM | #

All right, HoneyBadger, if you are a qualified ame, studying avionics and aerospace engineering, you sure must be a reasonable man. You certainly should understand by now who the jews are - they are natural liars. Can you point me to a place on this thread, or anywhere on the Internet, where I have claimed that I am a Russian emigre sitting in any asci faculty in the US, or implying that I hold a job in the US as a “rocket scientist”?


Posted by Grimoire on Tue, 10 May 2011 06:58 | #

I come to the conclusion that you are batshit crazy Ivan. And you do this to yourself, for whatever reason, and do not have much of a choice in the matter. For that reason, I apologize for everything bad I have said to you.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 10 May 2011 07:19 | #

I apologize for everything bad I have said to you. - Grimoire

You should, and I am glad you did. After all, maybe I am wrong, maybe a jew can have a shame.

The science of logic is a subtle one, Grimoire. No offence, but even people on your level of intelligence should understand that the statement “I am a jew in tooth drilling business - literally” does not imply “I am a jew holding a dentist position in US”.

I didn’t have the time to answer your post, very interesting one by the way, where you asked me to run for you probability estimate that I am not a jew. It would take an essay to answer very interesting questions you raised there. And I am willing to write that essay, where I could introduce the reader to Probability Theory as Extension of Aristotelian Logic envisioned by one the most penetrating minds of the entire 20th century - physics professor Edwin Jaynes.


Would you post such an essay, provided I can find time to write it?


Posted by Grimoire on Tue, 10 May 2011 09:14 | #

Thank you indeed for your helpful assistance in the subtle arts of ratiocination. I think I understand now, or at least, pondering your words, it is clearer than before. I am positive all would be delighted to read such an essay. I, of course cannot speak for GW. But I do know he is always looking for work from the masters of the dark arts of probability and logic.

May I make a suggestion? Often, when speaking of the ‘J’ question…the audience can anticipate the solution and thus are robbed of that moment of wonder and amazement that is a result of a slow, methodical accretion of fact and logical induction. There is no pleasure like the intellectual pleasure of deduction and discovery, wouldn’t you agree?
I find…, often the best, and most memorable Orators and Lecturers actually hold back the crucial evidence and identities of the guilty, actually tormenting the imagination of the audience which cries with desperation for answers that would release them from the intellectual suspense of a masterful and intricately spun fine spidersweb of the most delicate deceit, and perplexing obscurity.
Well Sir, I’ve seen them fall in the aisle and beg! Grown men and respectable women beg on bended knee, hats in hand,  while from the gallery is heard a whistling from between the teeth and schoolboys caps thrown to the floor, whilst a tumult rises and and the forum cries for release from their abnormally aroused sense of anticipation and wonder!

This is all I was suggesting, earlier. Often, an audience feels disappointment when just given the answers. What they really want is to roll up their sleeves and actually manipulate the data, corporeally squish it between their fingers like clay, or muck rolled into tubes between the palms, or squashed into a very flat pancake beneath one’s shoe. That’s all.


Posted by Ivan on Wed, 11 May 2011 23:44 | #

That’s all. - Grimoire

That’s what you think. No, baba, it’s just the beginning. That was just the warm-up stretch.

You change your colors so fast, baba, one gets dizzy. At first you flash your pinky arse and explode with monkey laughter, next you apologize for your obnoxious behavior, then you become angry again to only end up depressed like an adolescent boy rejected by a classmate girl.

Too much horseshit coming out of the mouths of Grimoires, Thorns, Hallers, and zillions of their ilk. There is much barn-cleaning to be done here at Majorityrights and in the world at large.

There will be no shortage of work to be done by conscientious people like Ivan for foreseeable future.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 12 May 2011 00:43 | #


There’s absolutely nothing wrong with being batshit crazy.  Personally, I wouldn’t have it any other way.

Yes, I will publish an essay if it doesn’t breach any laws, contain nudity, bad language or banality, or recommend a short-cut to Olam Ha-ba ... and if it is a good read, of course.  Just mail me through the contact button under the header.


Posted by Ivan on Thu, 12 May 2011 01:35 | #

I wouldn’t expect anything less from a man of virtue like yourself, GW. Personally, I would be very disappointed if I was proven wrong in my expectations.

I can assure you that my essay will not breach any British laws or the laws of decency, contain nudity, bad language or banality, or recommend a short-cut to Olam Ha-ba. But there is no way I can guarantee it to be a good read, for it depends not only on my writing skills, which are quite modest, to put it mildly, but also on the taste and intelligence of the reader.


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 12 May 2011 02:23 | #

Generally, I think most find you quite stupid Ivan, but I’m encouraged to read you’ve promised to make a special effort of it.


Posted by danielj on Thu, 12 May 2011 03:25 | #

I love it.

Erudite personality conflicts. MR is the best. It is like Springer for the racialist intelligentsia!


Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 12 May 2011 04:29 | #

well danielj, MR I believe should be grateful when those like Ivan put time and effort into humiliating themselves in public.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 14 May 2011 17:46 | #

My essay titled Probability Theory and Survival of White Race has been mailed.


Please let me know if it did not reach the right email box.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 14 May 2011 18:06 | #

Yep, it’s there.  Thanks.  Will read this evening and hope to post immediately.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 14 May 2011 20:27 | #

The magnificent Ernst Zundel tells Israeli Journalist: Jews of the world have Holocaust coming

Why Germans did turn on the jews, and why that is bound to happen again in America? (@ 12:50 into the video):

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
