Britain, centre of world terrorism By David Hamilton If anything defeats common sense it is trying to understand how the “Establishment”, the “elites,” apprehend the world around them. They really seem to believe that somehow out of this ghastly racial chaos a sweet multi-racial harmony will emerge. It is a neo-Marxist view that after chaos or breakdown there will come not the workers’ paradise of previous Marxist fantasies, but a multi-racial utopia. Margaret Hodge, then Employment Minister, made a similar point two years ago when she acknowledged problems in her Barking constituency, then added it will be alright when we become a multi racial-society … as if this would appear by magic. In practice though, they are destroying innocent people’s lives but don’t care because it makes them feel morally superior over those who do suffer.. On BBC Radio 4’s Moral Maze in August 2007 the multi-racialist panel talked and talked about an ideal future … but never faced what is happening in the world around them. In Alien Nation journalist and economist Peter Brimelow, described these people as “immigration enthusiasts” - like religious enthusiasts the emotion is more important than thinking rationally. They almost have an orgasm when talking about asylum seekers or granting amnesties. They do not take human nature into account when discussing race-relations as they do when running their personal life, and can only deal with reality by pretending that ethnics are assimilating or have given up their identities and traditional loyalties. If they do discuss events they employ a little verbal sophistry to avoid the stark reality. Con Coughlin, daily Telegraph columnist and author of books on the Middle East and terrorism wrote on 16 December 2008, of “young Britons” attacking their own country:-
Why the need to state that they are Britons? It’s as if he has to convince himself. Would he have emphasized “Britons” if they were young white lads? They are not part of our nation but Coughlin cannot face that, and writes of them as if they were young lads going on a picnic or visiting their nan’s! But these lads have never taken on our affections and their deep sentiments were never ours. If the country you have affection for is attacked you fight for it and they are fighting for their Islamic homelands. As Enoch put it during the debate on the 1981 Nationality Act “Your nationality is who you will fight for.” Coughlin mentions that 400,000 go to Pakistan every month, which shows they still have strong family ties there, and repatriation could easily be activated without detriment to these Asians. Their hostility to us is exhibited in other ways. Muslim police officers repeatedly sue the police for discrimination, for example, as many Muslims sue their British employers. But the Establishment dutifully fails to draw any negative conclusions. The BBC told their correspondents to refer to Muslim terrorists as militants; Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, wants Muslim terrorism to be called “Anti Islamic activity.” But Muslim terrorists are pleased with what they are doing and want to die for it. The Bali bombers were ecstatic, always smiling and looked forward to death. They had a strong commitment, and we deceive ourselves to pretend that the cause is poverty or lack of jobs. That is avoiding the truth of how we are made - we form rivalries and opposing groups and fight for them. The British government advertise for more to immigrate (pdf) here as if somehow everything will turn out nice, like a fairytale, and we all live happily ever after. The Independent Catholic News Times of 26 Dec 2007 quoted Cardinal Cormac Murphy-O’Connor calling for the nation to be more welcoming to immigrants:-
This is the man who refused to act when children were being abused by priests! His excuse was naivity! Now he compounds his evil and tries to ruin the lives of innocent English people by encouraging them to expose themselves to hostile elements. Just six months later the Daily Mail of 2nd June revealed that two Christian preachers were told by a Muslim police community support officer that they could not preach in Alum Rock, Birmingham, and that trying to convert Muslims to Christianity was a hate crime. The community officer added:-
A police constable also told the preachers not to return to the district. It takes foreigners to see what is really happening. In January 2008 Michael Nazir-Ali, the Pakistani-born bishop of Rochester, told the Daily Telegraph of a method that Muslims employ to dispossess us:-
The police were denying this charge years ago. Right now, that dedicated Anglophobe, Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, has been doing the same thing, attacking the Bishop of Rochester. But perhaps she has not yet visited the Sonali Gardens, a project of 40 homes built by Tower Hamlets council in London and Circle 33 housing association. It is a sectarian Muslim-only state-subsidized estate. It is officially justified on the grounds of special services such as halal meals, Bengali-speaking carers, and Islamic praying facilities. In Dudley an exclusively Muslim “village” called the Pride of Dudley received £150,000 funding from taxpayers, out of the £15 million cost, from the Neighbourhood Renewal Fund. The awarded was made by the Dudley Community Partnership. The project, has a large mosque, sports halls, fitness room, health clinic and computer center. In 2005 a block of flats in Bristol was built by the Aashyana Housing Association using public money. The 16 flats built for £1.7 million contain various features said to be attractive to Muslims - including toilets specifically not facing the direction of Mecca, powerful extractor fans in the kitchen, outsized kitchen cupboards, and a designated area of worship. The Government-backed Housing Corporation paid for the project, with contributions from Bristol City Council and Aashyana’s parent body. The council’s spokeswoman, Kate Hartas, explained the preferential treatment for Muslims:-
This inevitable and unavoidable tendency towards separation has dangerous consequences. British Muslim communities have always harboured warmongers like Abu Hamza al-Masri, who advocating the murder of Jews and whites, and Syrian-born Sheikh Omar Bakri Mohammad, spiritual leader of Al-Muhajiroun. Bangladeshi immigrants in the East End of London have connections with the Communist Party of India (Marxist). France, has many Bangladeshi immigrants, as does Germany. Bangladeshi and Islamic Terrorists are moving into the West. The immigrants, who don’t settle in Bengal, work as overseas agents of CPI in Europe. Some of them organise Labour vote banks to influence our elections, and some set up organisations for cash collections in the UK to send CPI in India money and terrorists. A website titled “Holy War – Al Qaeda’s Luton & Dunstable war front” declared Luton a “frontline in Islam and Al Qaeda’s war against Britain”. As in other enclaves, Muslims are ethnically clearing non-Muslims. The historian John Connor went to have a look for the Times. In Bury Park, a white couple in their eighties, have had bricks through their windows; a West Indian widow , 70, has had four attacks one involving a metal beer keg through her bay window while she was watching TV. The reality was too much for Connor who took refuge in fantasy:
RAF Nimrod intelligence-gathering aircraft in Afghanistan heard Muslim fighters speaking in Yorkshire and Midlands accents. As well as a supply of fighters, groups like Lashkar get funds from the UK raised by Muslim communities. As I write, three suspected Libyan members of al-Qaeda are being hunted in Birmingham and Manchester where they have come to recruit fellow Muslims and raise money to finance anti-Western attacks. According to police they are being harboured by local sympathisers. Interpol classifies them “most wanted”, and they are on a 500-name list of suspects drawn up by the UN. But if the British police welcome al-Qaeda people as officers they will hardly fight terrorism with much determination. The British National Party reported to Yorkshire police that young Muslims were weapon-training with guns in local woods and fields after being alerted by local farmers but the media disarmed the news by mockery and the police refused to investigate. MI5 has warned in the past that suspects with “strong links” to Al Qaeda have tried to join the British security services, and in January 2007 Omar Bakri claimed that Islamist extremists were infiltrating the police and other public sector organisations. There about 8 members of al-Qaeda in the police! Some money donated for the Pakistan earthquake disaster relief in 2004 was used to fight our troops. Lashkar, previously known as Jaish-e-Mohammed, has links to al-Qaeda and, in Pakistan, has shared training camps. One recruit was Rashid Rauf, thought to be in the plot to blow up transatlantic airliners, who was killed in an American missile strike. British Muslims have been involved in other conflicts. Asif Hanif, 21, from London, killed three people and injured 55 by blowing himself up in Tel Aviv. A companion, Omar Somalia’s transitional government accused Britain of being the main source of money and soldiers for the fighters of the Islamist Courts Union (ICU), a fundamentalist group. Deputy prime minister of the time, Hussain Mohammed Aideed, stated:-
The Independent, discovered a significant number of young Somalis who had returned to fight for the Islamists from the nations within nations in the West. Bodyguards of Sheik Yusuf an Islamist commander included two brothers from Wood Green in north London. One, Hamid, said: “The true Muslims are the only ones who are honest and who are patriots. We are doing our duty by fighting for the cause of Islam, which is above all countries.” The Home Secretary knows all this. She told the News of the World on 13/04/2008 that security forces are investigating thirty terror plots which threaten Britain:-
But she is allowing them to enter the country!
Mustapha Boutarfa, who was involved in the Paris Metro bomb attack, was allowed to work as a traffic warden in the UK. Islamist agents have infiltrated Government and public utilities to gather information for terror attacks. London Underground, Gatwick Airport and BT are targets by people linked to terrorists as revealed in intelligence reports circulated to the Home Office, police and Whitehall officials. They are trying to get information on what the law enforcement agencies know about the activities of fellow Islamist extremists, and how to evade the attention of police and the security services. They may also try to obtain information or intelligence to help them to carry out acts of terrorism or information which is of “indirect use”, like access to banking information to raise money through fraud, gaining insider knowledge about airport security and surveillance measures on the London Underground. The majority are British nationals and the remainder, with a few exceptions, are admitted legally. Around half were born in the UK, with others migrating here later in life. Some of these fled traumatic experiences and oppressive regimes and claimed UK asylum, but more came to Britain to study or for family or economic reasons and became radicalised here. UK terrorists are usually male, but women support them and usually know of their husbands’, brothers’ or sons’ activities. The most dangerous terrorists in the world have been sheltered in the UK and allowed to encourage war against us by distributing booklets on their intentions outside mosques. Britain is used as a transitional safe-house for Muslim fighters. Most fighters from the West trained in Afghanistan and went through London to Pakistan, then from Pakistan to Afghanistan. There are camps in Pakistan specifically to train British Muslims. Groups attend the camps for periods of up to three months, and return to the UK or stay in the Middle East on active service. Brown has only just publicly admitted these links! There were terrorist attempts in France in 1995, financed from the UK, General Massoud’s assassination on 9 September 2001 was financed in the UK, and the kidnapping of Western tourists in the Yemen was organised in London - and probably by Abu Hamza as his son was involved with it. There is no practical or common sense reason not to repatriate all these or All over Europe people who are losing faith in their governments to protect them will protect themselves. War is becoming inevitable in Britain, as it is wherever Muslim populations become large enough. As Rear Admiral Chris Parry, a senior military strategist warned:-
Somalis pirates are capturing ships as I write! Lord Boyce, the former Chief of the Defence Staff, commented on the report:-
But as we have seen, far from taking Parry, seriously Government is encouraging that fearful situation. Racial war in Europe is going to very nasty. Bosnia will appear to have been just a taster. This is we why need a peaceful divorce from Islam and Muslims, to avoid a brutal civil war where “cleansing” and murder of the other will become normal. We need to begin repatriation as the lesser of the two evils. It is not the fault of individual Westerners or even of Muslims, but the fantasizing Western elites who encourage Muslim leaders to bring the Infidel under the sway of Islam in Eurabia.
Posted by Homelander on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 08:47 | # (more) How does this “bait and switch” work? If you’re tired of Moslems, why not get a bunch of African blacks? African blacks speak European languages (maybe), and are Christians (maybe), and AREN’T Moslems (maybe), and are SO poor they’ll gladly work (maybe). African blacks haven’t been slaves, and needn’t come from ex-British colonies (maybe not). When Cameron gets his turn, perhaps this will be his cool idea - dilute one group of non-whites with another! After all, these brothers will be regular blokes. They’ll like to drink beer, and they won’t mind if the white girls wear short skirts! 3
Posted by the Narrator... on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 12:18 | #
Not only that, but they’ll stand in the center of a city that is 30% black, 25% brown, 15% Asian, 15% White, 10% mixed and 5% “other”, and talk about the need for more diversity there. And of course a predominantly black, brown or yellow city/town/area never has a need for diversity… . 4
Posted by Wanderer on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 14:31 | #
See here for more along these lines: 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:17 | #
The other side needs to understand when we finally get out from under their boot heel there will be arrests and trials — all completely according to law, I’m not talking about murders like what the Jewish Bosheviks specialized in after 1917, but legally constituted trials, due process, competent lawyers furnished to the accused, no ex-post-facto shenanigans such as the Jews pulled at Nuremberg. None of that. In any case, the laws against genocide are already on the books and the punishments already established by the Nuremberg precedent: for genocide or aiding and abetting it, the gallows. The charges we’ll see once we get out from under these people’s oppression? Capital crimes against humanity for the most part; where the accused won’t be on trial for their lives but face lesser penalties it will be solely because they were accessories, not principals or ring-leaders. Why can’t this be settled amicably? Because the laws are already on the books: these criminals know what laws they’re breaking. Because it’s gone too far. Because genocide isn’t settled amicably. Just so these people know where we’re coming from. 6
Posted by Matthew Roberts on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 15:38 | # The western elites will never see sense and it is therefore pointless expecting them too. They are either incredibly stupid or naive beyond imagination. They have no understanding of how human nature works and clearly think that we can all live together in peace and harmony in a wonderful Marxist New world order. Race war is inevitable and we need to prepare for it. We must try to raise whites racial awareness some how but I am not optimistic that we can. Liberalism has such a hold on too many of our people and increasingly the state is introducing draconian laws to silence those who are prepared to dissent from the multicultural orthodoxy. Any dissent is swiftly dealt with. The BNP are a persecuted party and their members face constant threats of arrest and intimidation. They are infiltrated by Special Branch and monitored closely.
Posted by Dasein on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 17:48 | #
And if they change their religion (a la New Christians), can they stay? Does Europe keeps ‘its’ Negroes? Not sure if Islam and Muslims are code words, although the article was explicitly racialist at the start. It seems this is the most racial awareness Whites are officially permitted before they get put into the Nazi camp. It’s almost always tied to support for Middle Eastern wars and the Tribe. 8
Posted by Armor on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 20:03 | #
I think the hostility of non-whites (non-Chinese) is apparent when we walk past them in the street. Their demeanor is frequently rude and intimidating. (You wonder sometimes if it is your imagination).
I think we are being destroyed, not just undermined, by crazy governments that have zero allegiance to us. The problem is the replacement policy, not muslim terrorism. Muslim terrorism is great for waking people up in the nick of time, before they are replaced.
They used to call them ‘rebels’ (in Iraq). 9
Posted by caveman on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 13:28 | # The muslims might provide the spark to start some sort of counter attack, but the negative to this is people will more than likely side with the jews, and essentially it is the jews who changed the immigration laws in most of our nations to allow the non white threat in. We need to prepare for race war, you’re right, but we also need to double our efforts to make people aware of the jewish role in allowing this scenario to happen in the first place. They need to be expelled first and foremost. The negroes and the asians will probably want to leave of their own accord once the native populations of Europe are free of the oppressive jewish media and political correctness. The jew is the instigator of all these problems and they need to be dealt with first and foremost as enemies of all white nations! 10
Posted by Dasein on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 13:48 | #
Many of the scum will already be further along in their putrification. For the more vindictive, Charles II’s treatment of Cromwell’s remains could provide instruction. 11
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 14:53 | # Caveman puts things that are fundamentally correct in stark, rough language. The stark, rough language doesn’t alter the fact they’re fundamentally correct.
This is correct. It may be unpleasant to contemplate. “Race-realist” Jews don’t like contemplating it. I’m very sorry. “Jewish Race Realist” who comments over at Ian Jobling’s denies it and rejects Kevin MacDonald but you have only to look at who’s the strongest force today, right now, keeping the 1965 law from being overturned: it’s the Jews. Forget Kevin MacDonald. Forget he ever existed: this is “It’s A Wonderful Life” and Kevin MacDonald was never born. Kevin MacDonald? Who’s he? Never heard of him. OK now look around you. Who’s the biggest obstacle to rectifying the racial disaster currently engulfing Eurodom? The Jews. So we don’t need Kevin MacDonald. We need two functioning eyes.
Also correct. It would be best if as many people as possible became aware of the Jewish role, and the main reason it would be best is if everyone were aware of it this could all be resolved peacefully through elections, referendums, a free press and internet unconstrained by Jewish control, and other democratic means: no one would be fooled any more if all were aware of what’s been making the central gears in this machine turn. This, by the way, is something I myself didn’t see when I first came to this blog. I see it now. One of the elements that has brought about this perfect storm of highly destructive Jewish hegemony over Euros is Euros’ innate unsuspicious, trusting nature and automatic expectation of basic fair play from those above them, a nature and an automatic expectation which utterly disarm them before the Jews who are totally different in ways I don’t need to spell out, who see Euros as the enemy, and who feel absolutely no obligation of fair play in dealing with Euro populations; quite the contrary.
Jews and Euros must not live in the same countries because when they do the Jews always sooner or later set about to try to annihilate the Euros. Even before that stage is reached Jews and Euros make each other miserable. They ought to remain separate. Jews have their own countries now (two of them: Birobidzhan and Israel; Biro, part of Russia, is not independent, but it enjoys lots of autonomy and functions absolutely as a Jewish autonmous republic where the official religion is Judaïsm, the population is expected to be Jewish, and Jewish identity is official in all ways) and they should be offered a third parcel of land of sufficient size if they need one, a parcel carved out of the continental United States for example. But they need to be kept separate from Euros. Unfortunately, while Euros have no need of Jews living among them whatsoever, Jews feel a need to live among Euros, so they will strenuously resist this idea of living separately. Euros must not take no for an answer, and in the process of “not taking no for an answer” must simply explain to the Jews that they’ve finally had enough of being genocided by the Jews and are no longer going to leave themselves in a position to be victimized in that way. Jews out of Euro lands! 12
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 15:34 | # A situation in which a trusting population is ruled over in part by an élite which sees it, that trusting population, as the enemy and schemes to harm it is immoral, intolerable, an outrage, and must not be permitted to continue. That élite must be lifted from off that population and an élite sympathetic to that population’s interests allowed to grow. Imagine Hamas or Hezbollah in a position of hegemony over the nation of Israel. That’s the situation that obtains when Jews are in a position of hegemony over Euro-race populations: there’s no difference between the two. Jews see Euros as the enemy. Jews who don’t see Euros as the enemy will be outraged by that claim. They need to open their eyes like the rest of us and have an honest look around. They’ll see that, by whatever means it comes about, and no matter whether anyone fully understands those means or not, Jewish élite behavior always without fail is characterized by seeing and treating Euros (Eurochristians) as the enemy. 13
Posted by Armor on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 16:26 | # We are not going to get a territorial separation between Jews and Europeans in the immediate future, but here is something we can do now: we should ask for quotas in central institutions: no more than 5% of Jews in the media and universities of countries where Jews are less than 2% of the population. It is something that we can demand now. The idea is not to help brain challenged Europeans to get jobs, it is to prevent anti-white policies by the Jewish elite. When the whites are being replaced at the bottom by Mexicans and Arabs, the solution is not to try a baby race against the non-whites. We need to use the law to reverse the population replacement. 14
Posted by John on Fri, 02 Jan 2009 23:34 | # Arabs in the Middle East are Israel’s enemies. The moment Arab immigrants arrive in any Western country (many of them refugees from Middle East wars with or on behalf of Israel), they become Israel’s military assets/weapons against her other enemy as well as occasional convenient patsies for Mossad false flag operations. Do what you can about the paw but you’ve got to deal with the cat. 15
Posted by Glyn Roach on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 08:58 | # caveman, that is interesting but how do we free ourselves? 16
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 09:50 | # Glyn Roach: “caveman, that is interesting but how do we free ourselves?” Pssst, Glyn. Johnny Cash was not a Jew. “Cash was of Scottish royal descent but he learned this only upon researching his ancestry.[2] After a chance meeting with former Falkland laird, Major Michael Crichton-Stuart, he traced the Cash family tree to 11th century Fife, Scotland.[3][4][5] Scotland’s Cash Loch bears the name of his family.[3] He had believed in his younger days that he was mainly Irish and partially Native American (he had been told he was one-quarter Cherokee). Even after learning he had no Native American ancestry,” 17
Posted by Glyn Roach on Sat, 10 Jan 2009 13:07 | # Don’t you even know what Jewish people look like? You moron! If you are on the level of Wikepedia history you are beneath talking to. I note you can not answer my question. Post a comment:
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Posted by Homelander on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 08:36 | #
Doubtless Europeans should be concerned with Islamification…but I would also suggest you beware of BAIT AND SWITCH.
It goes like this: in the 60’s, when Europe still scarce had a problem with minorities of any kind, white Americans were getting alarmed by both the growing numbers, and increasingly dubious behavior of blacks (and to a lesser extant, Puerto Ricans).
It seems incredible to recall this now, but the solution offered was…lets get a bunch of Mexicans!
Mexicans aren’t Moslems - they’re Christians, and speak a European language. They prefer to think they’re white. Mexicans are hard workers, who came here to work. And how could immigrants nurse a sense of grievance - as ex-slaves plausibly could - against an American society which welcomed them when they voluntarily elected to come here?
So now there are more Mexicans than blacks in the US, black population growth has long since leveled off…but the Mexican birth-rate INCREASES when they jump the border. Mexicans actually exceed blacks when it comes to school drop-outs and illegitimacy, and they’re catching up on violent crime and welfare dependency.
And (surprise!) Mexicans have a deeply-rooted national consciousness - not the phoney-baloney ‘Afro-centrism’ invented by Jewish intellectuals - founded on geography and race-ancestry going back through millenia. And it specifically has a bone of contention, historically, with the United States.