Cameron on Griffin and the MultiCult

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 28 February 2010 23:57.

David Cameron gave a speech sans notes to his party’s Spring Conference today (ie, it was more sincere than usual).  It included a jaw-dropping three-minute passage that makes very satisfying listening for every BNP member.  His theme was “winning it for Britain”.  I won’t write anymore.  Just listen for yourself - in particular for the loudest cheer.

Hat tip to Simon Darby




Posted by Matra on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 00:52 | #

Even Polly Toynbee is better than David Cameron:

Our borders are porous

Check the comments from readers of Britain’s most left wing daily.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 01:34 | #

From the first 50 comments of the Toynbee/Guardian article that Matra refers to, inevitablism on steroids:

27 Feb 2010, 10:11AM
What with Pol suddenly discovering this “news” and letters going out from Balls to his white constituents promising to put things right, one would almost imagine there is an election in the offing and that a certain party was worried about losing votes.
Crocodile tears, I fear, after 13 years.

27 Feb 2010, 10:12AM
Great article, shame you didn’t write it ten years ago.

27 Feb 2010, 10:13AM
Crikey, Polly sees things (almost) as they are. However, to say that Labour did not will this uncontrolled immigration is ridiculous. Almost every other country in Europe took steps to prevent people from the accession states rushing in from Day One.

Labour set out to destroy something that might be described, very loosely, as ‘Englishness’. They succeeded, not least by driving countless English people away (such as my sister and her husband) in despair.

27 Feb 2010, 10:14AM
Oh, and it may have escaped notice , but we live on an island with no borders adjacent to another country ( Eire excepted). “Porous” borders really, really should’nt be a problem.
It’s the will that’s missing.

27 Feb 2010, 10:20AM
The headline says : “Our borders are porous. Why can’t our politicians admit the problems of immigration?Migrant numbers matter. They depress wages and determine where state funds go. This can only be addressed with honesty”

Most of us have been struggling to openly discuss these very obvious points since the late 90’s, but we’ve repeatedly been called fascists, racists, xenophobes, right wingers, and every other insult going. All debate has been relentlessly censored and controlled in a truly sinister fashion, whilst new labout transformed our whole society from top to bottom.

British people have been cheated.

Can we ever pick up the pieces and mend out decimated society

27 Feb 2010, 10:23AM
I have worked in building sites in London which are run almost entirely on illegal foreign labour and I always assumed that everyone concerned was perfectly happy with the arrangement, including the government.

I lived 20 years ago in a house of Brazilian ‘students’ who in theory were here to learn English and they and their friends all worked here with no apparent problems.

If the government actually wanted to do anything about it, they would have done it long ago.

27 Feb 2010, 10:23AM
So after 13 years Polly has finally woken up. It’s a shame that she won’t admit that Labour’s open-door immigration policy was a way of gerrymandering more votes among the 1.5 million foreigners to whom it has given British citizenship; all of which should be revoked at the earliest opportunity. Additionally, New Labour needed and still does need immigrants to sustain its New Landlord friends and keep the property bubble inflated. The backlog of ‘asylum’ cases could easily be dealt with by rejecting every one without delay. It is time to reclaim our country without recourse to the BNP.

27 Feb 2010, 10:24AM
The Unite union recently commissioned a telephone poll of its activists to identify those issues that most concerned members in the run up to the election. They got a shock when 80% of activists put the phone down and 75% of those who responded declared immigration as the biggest issue among their members. They promptly buried the poll.

27 Feb 2010, 10:27AM
Still talking about immigration in a British context - it’s England that takes 90% of immigrants. Actually I suspect it’s more like 95%.

As for an amnesty on illegal immigration - what message does that send? Come illegally into our country and stay hidden for long enough and we’ll give you citizenship? That’s hardly going to discourage more immigration is it?

England is full. Not enough jobs, not enough housing. Health education, transport - all at breaking point.

Decades of labelling anyone saying “too many” as racist have led us to this point.

I’m sorry about this because there isn’t a nice or good way of doing it but illegals should be deported not given citizenship. Asylum should begin at the first safe nation (and we should support those nations) not half way across the world in England.

Our politicians aren’t capable of making a decision like that. So I say, put it to the people. Let’s have a great big referendum for England to find out where the people stand on immigration legal and otherwise, on the EU, on recognition and representation for England etc.

I guarantee a 90% turn out.

27 Feb 2010, 10:30AM
My God. Tea has splattered all over the screen as Toynbee admits the truth - Labour has quite happily opened the borders and shouted “racism” at anyone who dared to question them.

The question is, can you see Labour doing anything about it when, for example, they are quite happy to do deals with the French over Sangatte?

27 Feb 2010, 10:43AM
Polly, they don’t see it as a problem it’s all been quite deliberate.

It’s perfectly possible to control migration on an island without turning it into a fortress.

It was ridiculous to suggest it was ever a level playing field anyway. It’s perfectly possible for a Pole to come to the UK with or without skills. It was never true in the other direction for the simple reason living standards meant wages would be too low to send anything home and secondly the work didn’t exist in the first place - otherwise presumably the Poles would not be looking in England (and it is England, not Gordo’s fiefdom).

What amazes me for all the “Polish plumber” rhetoric is that only 1/3 of our immigration is EU. Why do we have so much non-EU when we’re perfectly in our rights to say no? 500,000 a year is simply too many in any circumstances,

27 Feb 2010, 10:45AM
NuLabour set out to ‘rub the noises of the British People into multiculturalism’ they succeeded in their mission, any decent from the British people was branded as racism and put down.

NuLabour ploughed taxpayers money into creating opportunities for multicultral agencies to put down the British people, to turn them into second class citizens in their own land, it gave honours to ethnic minorities to promote them above their ability and short listed whenever possible.

For most people living in leafy suburbs or part of the system which feeds off multiculturalism there is no problem - for others there is a problem as they see their way of life being erroded, changed and dumbed down.

Mass uncontrolled Immigration is a problem - we just can’t afford it.

27 Feb 2010, 10:51AM
Labour tried hard to prevent it?!!??!?

I don’t know which planet Polly Toynbee has been living on. Mass migration was a deliberate policy of the Labour government.

The words of their former advisor Andrew Neath:

“Mass migration was the way that the Government was going to make the UK truly multicultural…..I remember coming away from some discussions with the clear sense that the policy was intended - even if it wasn’t its main purpose - to rub the Right’s nose in diversity and render their arguments out of date.”


Posted by Borvo on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 04:24 | #

Nowadays it doesn’t really matter whether you are a conservative or a left-wing extremist. Personaly I am a Pan-European Nationalist and I don’t believe conservatism can do anything for our Nation, basically for 1 distinct reason: Christianism. Most conservative politics are Christian influenced and Christianism is NOT European, it is a religion imposed on Europe by the Roman Empire in a time when that same Empire was already seeing it’s final days. Christianism therefore is an anti-european religion that promotes race-mixing, weakness and sexual abstinence.
As a matter of fact considering sex, a true Pan-European Party must follow our pagan ancestors example and be a very open party when it comes to sexual orientation issues. Lets be honest here, it’s indiferente if there are gays or not. There have always been gay people and their will always be gay people, putting gays aside is putting aside one more group that could fight for Europe and for the mighty Euopean race. If you know history you’ll know that the ancient greeks didn’t care if a guy was gay or not, because that was indiferent to the Greek civilization, even the Spartans had gays in their society and that didn’t stop them from being mighty soldiers and even admired by Hitler.


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 06:28 | #

I definitely get the feeling from this clip that this is the real Cameron. I think it will help kill a few lingering doubts that the Conservative party will do anything to stop our slow-motion genocide. It’s also interesting to pause just after the comment about Griffin and look at the faces - those fully on board like the gargoyle Gove and those whose teeth seem more gritted.


Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 06:44 | #


Pan-European Nationalist is the reason why there were two world wars and European civil conflict and why we have NATO bases and US missiles in Eastern Europe.

I fail to see how you could possibly have a Pan European Nationalist consensus.


Posted by Alaric on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 07:46 | #

No, jamessUcK, it was British Zionism that caused two fratricidal wars in Europe, certainly not Pan-European Nationalism. It was the Anglos who caused two World Wars to erupt on this planet, not Pan-European Nationalism. Are you deliberately twisting facts, or are you really that stupid?

Ethnic Nationalism must be buried if our race is to live on.


Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 10:10 | #


No, jamessUcK, it was British Zionism that caused two fratricidal wars in Europe, certainly not Pan-European Nationalism

How exactly did they do that.

It was the Anglos who caused two World Wars to erupt on this planet, not Pan-European Nationalism. Are you deliberately twisting facts, or are you really that stupid?

Ethnic Nationalism must be buried if our race is to live on.

Apart from the fact that WW2 started because of the conflict between Poland and German and the Polish govrnment fleeing broad leaving no government for which the Germans or the USSR could negotiate which as agreed upon in the speres of influence to protect Belarus and Eastern Ukraine from Nazi agreession as stated in the M-R Pact.

Also like when most people talk about WW2 they seem to forget the Japanese occupation of China.

Nationalism is ethnic and following a dead belief system is retarded.


Posted by Alaric on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 10:41 | #

I see you are a helpless liar. WW2 started because the British Zionists (= you) did not want to see a strong, Jew-independent Germany. Thus they, along with the Soviet Zionists, declared war on Germany. Germany was sandwiched between two sets of Jews who sicced their ignorant British and Russian goyim peasants on other Aryans.

I also agree that following a dead belief system (Jew-conservatism) is ‘retarded’. We’ll either reach the stars together, or not at all. How can Brits be so unbelievably thick, one would expect their Aryan genetics to push through, but no. Too much Celtic/Jewish blood in there, I suppose.


Posted by stagedramay on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 18:24 | #

its realy a nice speach this is a intelligent man


Posted by Odoacer on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 19:52 | #

Ethnic Nationalism must be buried if our race is to live on.

Wholeheartedly agreed.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 20:10 | #


So what (anti-white) ethnic nationalism do you profess, hypocrite?


That German ethnic hatred is your prison.


Posted by Borvo on Mon, 01 Mar 2010 23:46 | #

Ethnic Nationalism must be buried if our race is to live on.

To meu there is no doubt that any form of ethnic Nationalisms in Europe will only contribute to undermine the great European family and destroy any hope of a great and united Europe in the future. My Europe is the Europe from Lisbon to Vladivostok, not a Europe internally divided and cut to pieces like the big capitalist corporations want. Divide and Conquer - that is what big economic interests want to happen to Europe. Look at history, we had 2 bloody wars that brought us to ruins and made american interests plunge Europe under the excuse that we needed “external help” to rebuid Europe. In fact the United States have been the great winners of European wars and since World War I they have always capitalized on that.
If we want a great Europe capable of confronting the United States, China, Islam and any foreign menace, then we have to unite urgently, it is our only hope. It doesn’t matter if you are English, French, Portuguese, Spanish or Russian. What matters is that you are European and that you have with you the great European heritage behind you.
As for the Jews, I really don’t care about them, we true Europeans have the will of European National Union and to me our true enemies are those that opose European Pan-Nationalism, whether Jewish or not.


Posted by PF on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 00:29 | #

That German ethnic hatred is your prison.

American revisionist neo-nazism isn’t german. Its the product of one-fourth german and one-eight german American wanna-bes.

There is nowhere, in any of this, any real experience of the English or life in England, and nowhere, in any of this, any real experience of the Germans or life in Germany. One could reasonably wish to revoke their ability to even use these terms, since they have no actual knowledge of the underlying realities which the terms represent.

The names of these nationalities are only useful for post-hoc voodoo doll torturing, because it is on the outcome of this war that these german-american mischlingen blame their loss of any possibility of being reified as a nationality. They see that their one hope of belonging to something besides “America”, to which all but the Anglo-scots-irish have problematic relationships (if one is not lured in by simple notionality), passed with the passing of Germanocentric racialist ideology. That framework is the only one in which their ambiguously Germanic/celtic/slavic/british origins could be successfully brought together without subordinating them to the originators of their culture, which are the English or at least the British. (language, industrial revolution, common law, empirical scientific analytical philosophy, etc.)

The pin must be inserted into the fair-skinned voodoo doll, the caresses lavished on the square-headed one. It is a consolation for rootless persons, awaking into a knowledge of their non-belonging, and being unable to accept the ambiguity of their heritage, opting instead to fit their face into the grimace of a german death mask, because its their only hope to connect to something grand on the historical stage with any legitimacy.

German-Americana is watered down, unmilitarized, notional, largely deracinated, ambivalent, and a heritage which simply cannot offer any response to the storied idea-content which is projected onto thousand-year old European nationalities. It has to be shallow, it has to be local, and it has to be finely grasped with respect to its ambiguity. Because these people have not left a long-standing footprint and the moment of their arrival is the beginning of their admixture into the other elements. There is no escape from this ambiguity of heritage, not even in embracing the death mask, that is a false embrace.

It takes guts to admit to this watered-down-ness, and accept the ambiguity. Not exactly possible, when you are obsessively strategizing weaponization gambits and trying to “squeeze the last ounce of combativeness out of the populous”.

Anyway, I see many people eager to trample more delicate and authentic loyalties in the name of fitting into their continental cousin’s leather shorts. No amount of rhetorical hysterics and insults will cover over the lie of this artificial self-relation.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 00:58 | #

It takes guts to admit to this watered-down-ness, and accept the ambiguity. Not exactly possible, when you are obsessively strategizing weaponization gambits and trying to “squeeze the last ounce of combativeness out of the populous”.

An ‘American’ is himself today an ambiguous, deracinated and deracialized entity.  I hardly think accepting that is to our benefit, and without a doubt not the stuff of courage.

That framework is the only one in which their ambiguously Germanic/celtic/slavic/british origins could be successfully brought together without subordinating them to the originators of their culture, which are the English or at least the British.


And just why is it that we should subordinate our conception of what we are to a British cultural legacy if indeed we are not predominantly of British ancestry?  That’s got straw-man written all over it.  Don’t overexert yourself now PF.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 01:06 | #

Evidence of European Pan-Nationalism in play…the Germans must pay… too funny.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 01:20 | #

the Germans must pay… too funny.

Whether de facto or de jure, Germans, Europe’s foremost people, and how it rankles the English.  Perhaps Germany should be once again split up into its component states, as seems to be Dare’s unstated wish; whatever we can do to make Brits feel more comfortable is called for.


Posted by Borvo on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 01:38 | #

@Desmond Jones

Evidence of European Pan-Nationalism in play…the Germans must pay… too funny.

I don’t understand what European Pan-Nationalism has to do with revenge over Germany or any other European Nation. I’m a European Pan-Nationalist myself and if their is something that I can tell you is that we Pan-Nationalist are an example of European Brotherhood. Therefore I must by principle defend an equal treatment of ALL European Ethnic groups, and not putting any European Nation above or behind any other.
It is sad to see this sick XXth century Nationalist Imperialism still poisonig the minds of so many Europeans. Wake up, European Nations were created by economic interest permanently divide white brothers and sisters based on totally stupid rhetoric. Europe must unite if it is to survive - UNITE OR BECOME EXTINCT.
Making any type of revenge policy upon a Nation of Europe, whether it be Germany or any other is not only totally anti-European, but it also goes against anything defended by true Pan-European Nationalists, and goes totally against the necessary preservation of European Ethnicity.


Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 02:40 | #

If i was one of our mutual enemies i’d think three of the most important conditions for an eventually successful genocide of the entire white race would be:

1. Continued anglo-german division.
2. Continued anglo-irish division.
3. Continued and increased Euro-US division.

Personally i’m all for putting internal hatreds on hold until we’ve completely annihilated our mutual enemies and then we can go back to fighting each other afterwards.


Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 02:52 | #

Perhaps Germany should be once again split up into its component states, as seems to be Dare’s unstated wish;

Not a few taxpayers in the former West Germany might also harbour similar thoughts when they do their taxes this year and note that they are still paying the so-called Solidaritätssteuerzuschlag (Solidarity Tax Supplement) imposed almost twenty years ago as a ‘temporary’ measure to assist in the cost of absorbing the former DDR.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 02:59 | #

The English are being taught their place in what was, until recently, their own country :

The above newspaper’s editor panicked and disabled the ‘email - a - friend’ function for obvious reasons.


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 03:40 | #

I see you are a helpless liar. WW2 started because the British Zionists (= you) did not want to see a strong, Jew-independent Germany. Thus they, along with the Soviet Zionists, declared war on Germany. Germany was sandwiched between two sets of Jews who sicced their ignorant British and Russian goyim peasants on other Aryans.

Stalin tried to avoid war with Germany to the point of ignoring warning of a Germany assault.

Drawing on evidence never before seen in the West, including combat records of early engagements, David Glantz claims that in 1941 the Red Army was poorly trained, inadequately equipped, ineptly organized, and consequently incapable of engaging in large-scale military campaigns—and both Hitler and Stalin knew it. He provides a complete and convincing study of why the Soviets almost lost the war that summer, dispelling many of the myths about the Red Army that have persisted since the war and soundly refuting Viktor Suvorov’s controversial thesis that Stalin was planning a preemptive strike against Germany.

WW2 happened because Britain and France wanted to push Fascist axis powers mainly Japan and Germany to invade the Soviet Union fragment it and seize strategic natural resource areas of the Caucasus and Siberia but it also did not want a strong German alliance of German states as a result so Germany and the USSR would exhaust themselves fighting each other in WW2 and support partisan guerrilla warfare against the victor.

No such thing as a Soviet Zionism in fact Stalin created an exclusively Jewish state in the USSR to encourage Jewish support away from Zionism to Communism and the Zionist worked with the Nazis until WW2.

Pan-nationalism and Nationalism itself is ethnically based. So it is doomed to fail.


Posted by Selous Scout on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 04:11 | #

I hate these people with a pure hatred. Their self-righteous anti-white hatred, advocacy of anti-white ethnic cleansing and genocide, and unadulterated smugness are intolerable to sane people who love their families and country.

I’m sure there is a special guillotine-like device for stinking traitors and enemies such as these smiling their smug smiles in the video, and, if an uprising civil war should come to pass and a National Liberation/BNP government prevail, I will personally make sure these traitors put it to the test.

We can rant and rage against the jews, negroes, and muslims all we want, but our real enemies are our fellow whites. Civil war is the only answer.


Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 04:27 | #

JamesUK’s USSR was so agin nationalism that the action against Germany was called ‘The Great Patriotic War’ and those living symbols of anti-nationalism, the Orthodox Clergy, were called upon to bless newly rolled out tanks and other armaments before battle.

The Russian leaders were smart enough to recognise the value of nationalist feelings, even if JamesUK clearly isn’t.


Posted by MGLS on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 05:04 | #

And just why is it that we should subordinate our conception of what we are to a British cultural legacy if indeed we are not predominantly of British ancestry?  That’s got straw-man written all over it.  Don’t overexert yourself now PF.

English ancestry in the United States is probably significantly underestimated.  Many who identify as German likely have a significant degree of English ancestry, if not actually being more English than they are German.  People who are 1/4 Irish or 3/8 German may identify as Irish or German because that’s more “exciting” than being a boring “WASP.”

Here n/a posted a paper on how intermarriage has aided Irish and German ethnic identification but diminished British ethnic identification.

n/a also commented:

What’s to explain? Identify as Irish and you get to be a colorful victim, diametrically opposed to the evil, dull WASP television and public schools have taught you to hate.

Aside from that effect, British-Irish and British-German mixes may simply be more aware of the origins of their more recent immigrant ancestors.

As an example, I have a small amount of German ancestry but I am mostly (about 3/4) English.  My English ancestry dates back to colonial times while my German and Scandinavian ancestry is from the 19th century.  I take great interest in race and ethnicity, and I am very aware of and take pride in my colonial English ancestry, but I think it’s quite likely that someone whose ancestry is similar to mine but who is uninterested in such issues might identify as German for the reasons mentioned by n/a and the paper he posted.


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 05:20 | #

@Al Ross

True but that is different from the nationalism of pre-WW2 states like Italy, Poland and Germany it’s more like how the US invokes Christianity (Christian Zionism) and Patriotism for these foreign wars especially in the Middle East for Israel.

Look at the situation since the collapse of the USSR of nationalism in the Balkans and other states like Ukraine and the effect that has.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 05:46 | #

Most of my ancestors settled in the Midwest in the 19th century upon having immigrated from Europe.  I am 50% German, 25% Dutch, 25% English/Scottish.  I think it would be absurd for me to identify as English.  And I"m certainly not inclined to.


Posted by Dan Dare on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 06:35 | #

Most of my ancestors settled in the Midwest in the 19th century upon having immigrated from Europe.

In my experience it’s more or less obligatory for Americans to claim at least 1/8th Chreokee descent. What is it that causes you to go into denial on that front?

On the other hand I have never encountered an American who described himself as English-American, and there have been thousands of encounters over the years. The place teems with Irish-Americans, Italian-Americans, Jewish-Americans, Chinese- and Japanese-Americans and, yes, not a few German-Americans (although they seem to be somewhat reticent in coming forward) but nary an English-American. 

What could we put that down to, do you think?


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 07:36 | #

but nary an English-American. 

What could we put that down to, do you think?

Good taste.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 09:21 | #

What could we put that down to, do you think?

They’ve been replaced.  wink


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 10:07 | #

Speaking of Nationalism I take it MR won’t be discussing the upcoming Karadzic trail in The Hague where the US worked hand in glove with Islamic militants and Bin Laden who the Bosnia president personally meet in his office in referenced at 2 hours 25seconds ( or the fact that Atta and KSM fought in the Bosnian war as well as the first WTC bombing and used Bosnia as a base to launch the 9/11 attacks who a Bosnia official responsible for transferring foreign terrorist financing into Bosnian during the war through the Islamic front charity the Third World Relief Agency NGO transferred funds to Atta in the US and Bosnian officials help set up Islamic training camps in the US in Shanksville, PA.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 10:21 | #

Speaking of Nationalism I take it MR won’t be discussing the upcoming Karadzic trail in The Hague

That’s right, this is tacitly a Nordicist site.


Posted by Cameroon a part-Jew on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 13:05 | #

I didn’t know this.

David Cameron could be a direct descendant of Moses, a Jewish scholar has suggested.
Political commentators have long known that the Conservative Party leader’s paternal great-great-grandfather was a Jewish immigrant who became a successful businessman.


Posted by Alaric on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 18:11 | #


That German ethnic hatred is your prison.

Just stating the facts, GW. The facts which are, that the British have started two brother-wars in the last hundred years which ended up killing and maiming tens of millions of our races best men and women, and that the British have been working directly for Jewish interests for the past two, perhaps even three hundred years. Both which are not in any question.

American revisionist neo-nazism isn’t german. Its the product of one-fourth german and one-eight german American wanna-bes.

I agree. Anglo-Americans are the same way as the British, in fact they were key in starting these two fratricidal wars. Thankfully, I am not an Amerikwan.

Not a few taxpayers in the former West Germany might also harbour similar thoughts when they do their taxes this year and note that they are still paying the so-called Solidaritätssteuerzuschlag (Solidarity Tax Supplement) imposed almost twenty years ago as a ‘temporary’ measure to assist in the cost of absorbing the former DDR

This tax is necessarily in place because the Soviets, who you assisted, occupied and completely ran down the Eastern part of Germany for decades. If you British Zionists hadn’t started this massive war (yet again) and given gargantuan aid to the Jewish Bolsheviks in Russia, the tax would be unnecessary. The West-German taxpayer has only you Anglos to thank for this sorry situation.

Stalin tried to avoid war with Germany to the point of ignoring warning of a Germany assault.

What a crock. The unveiled Stalin-era documents tell us clearly that he was building up for a massive attack on Europe, assisted by Anglos and their Jewish overlords in New Yawk.

Personally i’m all for putting internal hatreds on hold until we’ve completely annihilated our mutual enemies and then we can go back to fighting each other afterwards.

I am also, but the first step to recovery is to admit the problem. The Anglos need to apologize. Then, we will work together because after they apologize, all will be forgiven.

Evidence of European Pan-Nationalism in play…the Germans must pay… too funny.

You must be joking. Nobody can be this stupid. The European Union has absolutely nothing to do with Pan-European Nationalism. It is a globalized entity working for the interests of Jewish big money.


Posted by Matra on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 18:43 | #

American revisionist neo-nazism isn’t german. Its the product of one-fourth german and one-eight german American wanna-bes.

There is nowhere, in any of this, any real experience of the English or life in England, and nowhere, in any of this, any real experience of the Germans or life in Germany. One could reasonably wish to revoke their ability to even use these terms, since they have no actual knowledge of the underlying realities which the terms represent.

The names of these nationalities are only useful for post-hoc voodoo doll torturing, because it is on the outcome of this war that these german-american mischlingen blame their loss of any possibility of being reified as a nationality…

The pin must be inserted into the fair-skinned voodoo doll, the caresses lavished on the square-headed one. It is a consolation for rootless persons, awaking into a knowledge of their non-belonging, and being unable to accept the ambiguity of their heritage, opting instead to fit their face into the grimace of a german death mask, because its their only hope to connect to something grand on the historical stage with any legitimacy.

Very well said. I haven’t been around Germans to know what they think of such people (assuming they exist beyond WNist/Nordic cyberspace) but the Irish American who calls himself Irish is universally mocked in Ireland. Even the born in Ireland expat who has been away so long he’s developed an accent isn’t always considered fully Irish. Ethnic Croats from Canada were welcomed as returning sons when Croatia needed them but today unless they speak the language they are just foreigners to most in Croatia. The ordinary person does not see blood and genetics as everything.

However, for the deracinated ethnic Irish (or perhaps German) in the diaspora in the US while it may be too late for him personally to ever reclaim his ancient identity not all hope is lost for his children and unborn grandchildren.  If he ‘returns’ to Ireland with his children when they are at a young enough age so they have no outward signs of another nationality, they will likely be accepted as fully Irish even if the mother isn’t Irish herself (though she’d surely have to be from a European background). I’ll guess it’s the same in most European countries. Of course, that would require him to go beyond nationalist romanticism and frustrated complaining online about the horrible Anglos and give up the familiar comforts of his life in sacrifice so future generations can reclaim the national identity his ancestors gave up. I would admire someone who did so but I don’t think there will be too many takers.


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 19:16 | #


What a crock. The unveiled Stalin-era documents tell us clearly that he was building up for a massive attack on Europe, assisted by Anglos and their Jewish overlords in New Yawk.

What nonsense de-classified Soviet archive material totally refutes this theory and Victor Suvorov has been debunked by most senior expert historians.

Suvorov’s view that a Soviet invasion of Germany was imminent in 1941 is not shared by the majority of historians.

A noteworthy rebuttal of Suvorov’s thesis is contained in Colonel David Glantz’s work Stumbling Colossus: The Red Army on the Eve of World War. Glantz views Suvorov’s argument as “incredible” on a variety of fronts: first, Suvorov rejects without examination classified ex-Soviet archival material, and makes highly selective picks from memoirs. Glantz points to this as a serious methodological flaw. Further, Glantz argues, Suvorov’s thesis is strongly contradicted both by ex-Soviet and German archival material, and the facts do not support the argument that the Red Army was prepared to invade Germany.[1] On the contrary, the appalling lack of readiness, poor training level, and abysmal state of deployments show that the Red Army was unprepared for static defense, much less large-scale offensive operations. Glantz’s conclusion is that “Stalin may well have been an unscrupulous tyrant, but he was not a lunatic.”

Commenting on the existing plans for Soviet preemptive strike Robin Edmonds argues that “the Red Army planning staff would not have been doing its job if it had not devoted some time between 1939 and 1941 to the possibility, at some future date, of a pre-emptive strike against Wehrmacht”[2]. David Brandenberger notes that recently published pre-1941 German analysis of Soviet military readiness also do not support the major Icebreaker’s thesis demonstrating that Soviet preparations were assessed to be “defensive” by German intelligence.”[3]

Although Suvorov claims that an attack date of July 8, 1941 had been selected, this is contradicted by the evidence as presented by Glantz and others. There were no stockpiles of fuel, ammunition, and other stores held in forward areas as would have been needed if an invasion was about to be mounted. Major ground units were dispersed into small garrisons rather than being concentrated at railheads, as they would have been had they been preparing an invasion. Units were not co-located with their own transportation assets, leaving, for example, major artillery units immobile. Air Force aircraft were parked in neat, tightly-packed rows along their airfields rather than dispersed. Over 50% of all Soviet tanks required major maintenance on June 22, 1941. If an invasion were being planned, these maintenance tasks would have been completed. Most Soviet armor units were in the process of re-organizing into new Tank Corps; the German invasion caught these units in the midst of this reorganization. Such a large-scale reorganization is inconsistent with an impending invasion.

The origin of Suvorov’s thesis may lie in the fact that Marshal Zhukov did suggest a pre-emptive strike on Germany early in 1941. Zhukov recalled this plan later but claimed either that the plan was rejected by Stalin or didn’t reach the leader at all. This doesn’t sound too convincing, though, as military historian Mikhail Meltyukhov has pointed out. First, it is hard to believe Zhukov’s claim that he had given the top secret document to a secretary so that the latter could deliver it to Stalin. Second, the claim by Suvorov rejectors that the document doesn’t have signatures really proves nothing. It is known that during those years official military documents were almost exclusively passed without proper formatting.[4]

Another major Icebreaker’s issue in a lack of documentary evidences.[5] Cynthia A. Roberts notes that the book contains “virtually no documentary sources”, and therefore “has been viewed in the West as an anti-Soviet tract”. [6]

Summarising the western scholars’ opinion on Icebreaker Hugh Ragsdale concludes that the book is “generally considered discredited” by now,[7] whereas Jonathan Haslam notes that Suorov’s claims “would be comical were it not taken so seriously”.[8] According to the latter, “there is a significant segment of opinion in Germany that wishes to rehabilitate the Nazi past, and the end of the Soviet regime created an atmosphere favorable to the publication of the book.”


Posted by Alaric on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 19:31 | #

Yes, the Jewish Soviet apologist Glantz is a reliable source. LOL!


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 20:46 | #


That’s right, this is tacitly a Nordicist site

It’s the Nordist countries that help set up an international sex, drugs and international Islamic terrorism network in Europe and behind the NWO whose financial and banking system is collapsing and the Serbs who were being genocided where the Bulwark against this fighting the Islamic hordes in Bosnia then later Kosovo and the largest economic and military alliance the world has ever seen fighting NATO’s war of aggression.


Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 21:00 | #


Yes, the Jewish Soviet apologist Glantz is a reliable source. LOL!

And every other major historian who cites the archives and there is no reference to him being Jewish in his wikipedia biography.

Yet you seem to rely on one book by one person who is not unbiased that has been rebuked by real expert historians with documentation and facts.


Posted by Alaric on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 22:48 | #

there is no reference to him being Jewish in his wikipedia biography

Here’s another good, reliable article from the highly-acclaimed and trustworthy Wikipedia:

Jews and Romani ... were systematically killed in gas chambers

Read and learn, shegetz!

@Dasein: Yes, NS will work and DID work. Not only is it futile to question if it would work, it’s downright counterproductive, since NS is the only political system that accounts for the race and the natural laws of creation.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 02 Mar 2010 23:16 | #

Even the born in Ireland expat who has been away so long he’s developed an accent isn’t always considered fully Irish.

An interesting observation which in effect says that ethnic identity is acquired through language and/or how language is spoken. My Grandfather moved his family to New York in the 1920s. He spoke with an accent that very much resembled the Irish accent. He got work immediately, because the New York Irish, who dominated the city, believed he was Irish.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 00:42 | #


Ozy is living in another man’s land.  It takes a generous heart to grant that man his sway.  Ozy disguises his lack of generosity by making a show of his concern for how “others are dying on the Old Kent Road”.  He means negroes, who populate that area of my city.  But, of course, no negroes are dying on the Old Kent Road because of “the old monopoly principle”.  It’s a deceit.

So yep, I guess I have given up on him, though I’m not sure how much I ever believed in him, save that I believe everyone deserves to hear the truth at least once in their lives.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 01:03 | #


National Socialism was a form of political terrorism that worked on a people whose national psyche was traumatised by defeat in war and subsequent social and economic humiliation.  As an organising idea, it could never work a second time because those circumstances will never again apply.  Nor is there any possibility that it or anything even vaguely like it will ever be acceptable to Europeans.  You would not even want it yourself.  In fact, you would no doubt be among the first to be picked up by the Staatspolizei and liquidated.

We are not suffering national defeat and humiliation, and the pursuit of a palingenetic cure will not do.  The threat to us is existential in a way it never was to the Germans, Italians, Romanians and Croats who developed fascist forms in the 1930s and 40s.

Let’s put this nonsense behind us forever.  Even if we are German, or think we are.  It’s dead.


Posted by Alaric on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 01:21 | #

You’re correct GW, I must admit. We are not in the process in national defeat and humiliation. It already happened. We are post-humiliation at this point. Our racial identity is completely dead. Do tell us, why would I be “liquidated” by the Gestapo? Another anti-NS canard and nothing else. Libertarian simpletons can hardly do better. They have their lovely Jew-generated image of what Nationalsocialism is, never mind that it does not correspond with reality. Brits need to admit their chronic addiction to the Jew, like a crackhead to cocaine. NS is (currently) the final expression of the Germanic racial spirit. This is why it works, and will work, or we will cease to exist. Simple as that.


Posted by Q on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 01:37 | #

Cameron is a scumbag.

A turnaround would likely come about when someone in the crowd jumps up on stage and co-cocks Cameron as he repugnantly extols the hideous virtues of multiculturalism. If someone acually does that, and a live audience enthusiastically cheers that act whilst it’s broadcast on national TV, then that could very well stimulate a turning point in our struggle.  Oh I wish!


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 01:41 | #


You would end up on a piano wire because your spirit is too free and you would find the conformity impossible to bear.  You have the desire to challenge authority in you, not to agree with it - your entire attitude is one great challenge to authority.

NS was not true to the European self.  It could not be stable unless it conservatised very quickly once it was through its revolutionary phase.  Of course, it never got through its revolutionary phase, so that’s easy for me to say.  All the same, there was very little of the modern model of the European mind which sociobiology has given us - its moral forms, its individualism, its altruism, etc - that was accomodated within NS.  People cannot live by exhortations to be great, to march, to conquer or die, and so on.  It really is desperately poor food for the mind.

What was good was the powerful sense of kinship and some of the economic ideas.  All the rest was harmful, and would never be acceptable to us today.

You’ve got to think criticially here, and that means questioning yourself as to precisely why these dead ideas mean so much to you.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 03:15 | #


I am also, but the first step to recovery is to admit the problem. The Anglos need to apologize. Then, we will work together because after they apologize, all will be forgiven.

I’ll never apologize for anything my ancestors did as long as at the time they believed it was for the good of the tribe.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 03:38 | #

Anyway, something on more recent wars.

Cameron is bought and paid for as was Blair before him.

It’s amazing really when you read and think about something like this how easy it is for them. All it takes is a few million pounds buying politicians and then those politicians spend billions of their tax payer’s money and thousands of lives of their own young men fighting other people’s wars for them.

It’s an incredible return on their investment when you think of the scale of it all.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 04:08 | #

Do you really think NS would work for all, or most, of Europe?

Dasein, I do not believe the intensity of NS could have been sustained after the passing of Hitler.  The position of Fuhrer was not merely an office, a slot to be filled.  Hitler became the Fuhrer, the spiritual leader of the German people, per personal qualities and external circumstance that may only coalesce once in centuries.  Hitler understood that, which is why he acted to get all that he needed to get done while it was still within his power to do it.  NS as historically manifested was the revolutionary, upward struggle for the existence, and against the degeneration of, our race.  So no I will not pretend that it was a picture of the eternal polity.  It was, whether the authors of it intended this or not, the struggle for Final Victory, or the creation of the space in which a permanent, abiding order for the existence of our race can come into being.  The need for Final Victory has not been obviated, only postponed.  Therein lies the utility of NS - in the struggle.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 06:00 | #

My problem with NS thinking is mostly tactical. I think the paramilitary form that Fascist movements took in the 30s was a product of so many men having been in the army in WWI. I wasn’t involved in nationalist politics in earlier decades (except on the other side) but looking at it now it seems a lot of nationalist groups were completely fixated on the marching with flags and uniforms stuff from the 30s which i feel is and was completely pointless and counter-productive in a era of small professional armies and decades of relative peace. I think some of the people attratced to NS are attracted by that counter-productive aspect.

However i do think Germans need to reclaim the Nazi era to some degree because the guilt laid down by the official version of history is designed to keep them down. What i have a problem with is the “i want to be a victim too” aspect. It reminds me of Anglo-Americans who like to pretend they’re Irish so they can be white victims. I despise the desire to be a victim.

Personally i think it would make more sense for Germans to focus on the Bolshevik holocaust in Russia from 1917 onwards combined with the continuous threat of the communists taking power in Germany. When people are threatened they lash out so in that context the rise of the Nazis isn’t some evil aberation but an understandable defensive reaction to a threat.


Posted by PF on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 06:57 | #


Posted by PF on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 06:59 | #


Posted by PF on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 07:07 | #

Halt, green pipe! I will destroy you yet!

That last video clip reminds me of National Socialism. Something about him wrestling with the hose while being all tangled up in it himself, captures the essence of that phenomenon.


Posted by PF on Wed, 03 Mar 2010 20:16 | #

more video clips contributing to my historical understanding of WWII:


Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 04 Mar 2010 06:08 | #


Personally i think it would make more sense for Germans to focus on the Bolshevik holocaust in Russia from 1917 onwards combined with the continuous threat of the communists taking power in Germany.

Why? it was with the help of German intelligence and Warburg bank that helped Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks seize power in Russia to undermine the Russian WW1 war effort and helped gave traditional Russian territory to Poland were Poles were a minority. Even mainstream historians acknowledge this.


NS would never work in any of today’s world as was not very realistic as a governing system in the long run because like any other theocracy it depends on everybody thinking and having the same outlook as you do on issues.
Better to base a western country on the modern Asian model like Japan or South Korea.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 04 Mar 2010 07:09 | #

NS would never work in any of today’s world as was not very realistic as a governing system in the long run because like any other theocracy it depends on everybody thinking and having the same outlook

Theocracies do not work that way. They are 10% belief and 90% stick. The Gestapo were little different than Charlemagne, Mohamed, the Maccabees or the Taliban.


Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 04 Mar 2010 07:18 | #

Why? it was with the help of German intelligence and Warburg bank that helped Lenin, Trotsky and the Bolsheviks seize power in Russia to undermine the Russian WW1 war effort and helped gave traditional Russian territory to Poland were Poles were a minority. Even mainstream historians acknowledge this.

So? That’s not relevant to a German man standing on a street corner in Berlin in 1930-whatever deciding whether or not to support the Nazis.

The official narrative is that the Germans supported the Nazis for no reason other than anti-semitism and general kraut nastiness. From a WN point of view it is neccessary that the Germans replace that narrative with something that isn’t designed to make them suicidal. I think the best narrative from a WN point of view, and also to me the one that makes most sense, is the Nazis as a rational defensive reaction to the communist threat. That, although it may have all got out of hand later at least up to 1938(ish) it was pure self-defense.


Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 04 Mar 2010 16:29 | #


So they should focus on the Bolshevik takeover that they created. That makes sense.

The official narrative is that the Germans supported the Nazis for no reason other than anti-Semitism and general kraut nastiness.

True but even revisionists never mention the Communist-Jewish connection in Germany plus the Nazis were saddled with the racial dogma and things like Eugenics of killing of disabled children that has nothing to do with Communism.

From a WN point of view it is neccessary that the Germans replace that narrative with something that isn’t designed to make them suicidal. I think the best narrative from a WN point of view, and also to me the one that makes most sense, is the Nazis as a rational defensive reaction to the communist threat. That, although it may have all got out of hand later at least up to 1938(ish) it was pure self-defense.

Apart from the fact that in Miens Kampf he talks about seizing control of Russia and basically colonising it.
Actually it would be wiser to highlight the fact that the Nazis came to power through support of foreign intelligence and William Randolph Hearst the pro-fascist news mogul linked to British and US intelligence Hearst hired Mussolini to work at his newspaper as a foreign correspondent which we now know as it has been revealed was in the pay at that time of British intelligence) provided foreign news service to the Nazi regime with anti-Soviet propaganda like the serial on the man-made famine hoax in Ukraine by phoney journalist Robert Green using the alias Thomas Walker and images from the Red Cross bulletins from the 1921 Volga famine.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 05 Mar 2010 07:39 | #


So they should focus on the Bolshevik takeover that they created. That makes sense.

There is no “they”. I’m talking about a German standing on a street corner in Berlin today thinking about their grandfather joining the Nazis after watching a communist march from the same street corner in the 1920s. “They” didn’t create the Bolshevik takeover.

We’re looking at the same events from different view points. You’re looking at it as history. I’m looking at it from the point of view of a political narrative that produces a desired end result e.g survival. For me the ideal narrative would be such that it provides les krauts with a way out from under the officially applied guilt while at the same time not provoking internal WN conflict.

It’s why i would never deny the holocaust*. It provides the motive.

*The details of what “the holocaust” actually entailed being a separate issue.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 05 Mar 2010 10:40 | #

Off-topic but i thought people might be interested in this: American 3rd position


Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 05 Mar 2010 12:37 | #


There is no “they”. I’m talking about a German standing on a street corner in Berlin today thinking about their grandfather joining the Nazis after watching a communist march from the same street corner in the 1920s. “They” didn’t create the Bolshevik takeover.

The German government at the time was a nationalist government with the support of the German populace.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 05 Mar 2010 18:00 | #


Yes, but we’re talking about different things. I’m talking about a political narrative that affects how some random individual feels about their situation, feels about their history, feels about their ancestors which then effects them politically in a way that’s helpful to the survival of white rabbits.


Posted by FB on Sun, 07 Mar 2010 03:17 | #

Wilders regards support for Israel as the litmus test to decide with whom he is willing to cooperate.

Wilders in inarguably the smartest man in Europe. He has shown the way implicit Whiteness can succeed in a post-W.W. II.

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