Charity and the savage By The Narrator There is an old, outdated saying that goes, “Charity begins at home”. I say outdated because, obviously, today charity begins at least a thousand miles from home. Whether it is flying half-way around the world to bring their self-righteous selves to the savages or just simply bringing the savages back home, the missionaries and charitable types love to seek out those who are least like themselves and take the opportunity to bask in their own benevolence. And to note, I use the word “savage” in the true spirit of these people who travel about the globe and dazzle various primitives with their presence. After all, charity automatically requires one person to be in a superior position and another to be in an inferior position. No wonder then that the most charitable people often strike us as the most arrogant and pompous. So referring to the beneficiaries of such self-aggrandizing types as savages or primitives is only done in deference to the social vantage point the aggrandizers enjoy. Actually, this kind of super-charity (as opposed to the kind that flows naturally back and forth between peoples of similar racial, social and cultural standings) finds its greatest acts of giving through indirect compulsory sacrifice on the part of others. For example, if you and your church/charity arrange to bring a savage into America, you are, through force and cohesion, compelling other members of your community into giving as well. Their taxes and resources will be automatically re-distributed to the savage through healthcare, education, housing and so on. This also happens when tax dollars are sent abroad for charitable purposes. This, then, is not the community giving but rather the charitable taking. Thus charity has now become an act of aggression which ultimately leads to the despoiling and plundering of communities and (eventually) nations. We can see this playing out in places like California where dozens of hospitals have been closed due to the financial strain caused by the rapid influx of the poor and needy from Latin America. Or in once peaceful neighborhoods turned into violence-filled ghettos. Or in the spread across the nation of new and renewed (once defeated) diseases. It can also be seen in Africa where charity (in the form of food and medicine supplied by The West) has allowed/facilitated the already violent and starving populations of dysfunctional nations to explode, increasing the violence and poverty by a factor of ten. This modern mutation of charity has appeared in two separate yet markedly similar groups: White liberals and White Christians. Both groups have a strong compulsion to send other people’s tax dollars across the sea to non-Whites while at the same time importing other non-Whites into the West, compelling the rest of us to fork over even more tax dollars to pay for their housing, medical care, education and (probably later) imprisonment. They are two groups with the same Achilles’ heel. Narcissism! I once saw a documentary in which a young man described his aspiration towards rock-stardom and what he hoped that would bring to him. He said, roughly, “I’d like to be a famous rock-star so I could, like, go visit some sick kid in a hospital who’s dying wish was to meet me.” That completely sums up the motivation for White Christian/Liberal Charity. Egotistically, the sky is the limit! It’s amazing how much moral superiority an act of overt humbleness can generate. And, of course, Corporate America loves this kind of “charity”. In fact, its motivations and cost-displacement mirrors the White Christian/Liberal. It imports cheap labor which works at half the wage citizens do while transferring the costs onto those very same citizens (taxpayers) in the form of, yes, housing, medical care, education and (probably later) imprisonment. Adding to all of this are the people who are seemingly hypnotized by the concept of The Poor.
Now, needless to say, there are people less fortunate than others. But what I am speaking of is The Poor, not a fact of global economic life but a spiritual condition: those who, in the mind of the White Christian/Liberal, have no other quality but being The Poor. Never are The Poor the present or future thieves, drug-dealers, rapists, murderers and crack-whores who we see in real life as comprising the permanent underclass. Never do White Christians/Liberals think of what hideous abuses and atrocious behaviors they will likely enable when they “give to The Poor”. Nope, to the White Christian/Liberal the means justify the ends. And if that involves importing a group of refugees from a ramshackle country who will, once here, go about raping and/or killing American citizens, well then, so be it. For the White Christian/Liberal, that warm fuzzy feeling of “having done the right thing”, of having procured the requisite satisfaction with self, is far more important than some rape or murder on the distant horizon. Ironically, and even when they are sincere, White Christians/Liberals are replacing themselves by bringing refugees into the West and aiding population growth in the Third World. Their beneficiaries do not share their charitable inclinations. The White Christian/Liberal has no non-White counterpart. So what of healthy, in-group altruism? Obviously, it replaces the narcissistic version with a more general notion of paying into the pot from which we will all draw a wage of comfort one day. The cost stays with the giver … or volunteer, since volunteering is a highly sincere form of in-group altruism. In this, the more alike two individuals are the more honest the exchange of assistance will be. Historically, when two parties of dissimilar race/ethnicity engage in assistance, it more often than not leads to usury. Reciprocity is beautiful. Helping and aiding those of your own kind ensures greater community harmony and a better chance for the spread of your genes which those of your kindred will share. Assistance given to those outside of your own kind, meanwhile, provides no physical benefit to the giver. In fact the dispersal of aid to those outside your own group diminishes such resources amongst kindred peoples and, therefore, is detrimental to the community. In the strongest terms possible Charity is, at best, plain old fashion hubris and at worst a deep seated pathology. The White Christian/Liberal will drive past their local nursing homes, homeless shelters, etc, where far too many elderly Whites wither away poor, sick and alone, and head for the airport to fly off to exotic locales to find someone more deserving (non-Whites) of their glorious selves. Charity then, if it is to be motivated by anything other than narcissism and arrogance, must not only begin at home but stay at home. But since the very concept behind the word will always appeal to the pride of fools, it doubtless never will. Arrogance will nurture it till it bears its ultimate fruit, the desolation of Western communities. And that is hardly hyperbole, since we can see that very thing happening to the West, and a portion of the despoiling of our nation at the hands of non-Whites has been justified in the name of charity. And so there is a contemporary analysis of the motivations of the modern manifestation of the Charitable. Their actions are not done in the name of love, kindness, mercy or benevolence, for those are gifts that can never be given to strangers but, with a sincere heart, only to those of your own kin. Their actions are done with as much societal pomp as possible to adorn their own self-image, while the civilization that raised them up slides into a semi-functional state. In conclusion … if you have something with which you can afford to part, then give it only to those whom you know (as in close friends and family) ... and those who you know will actually need it, and will use it well. The Narrator blogs at Signals From The Brink Comments:2
Posted by apollonian on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 17:07 | # Virtue Of Charity In Proper Context Of Reason, Christianity, Hence Self-Interest Narrator brings up most excellent subject: proper nature and purpose of CHARITY, properly understood. Thus charity ought not be thought as different fm any other strategic activity meant to enhance one’s person or people—it’s properly just another way of benefitting oneself and one’s people—perfectly consistent then with same general rational self-interest as of Hobbes, Locke, and Adam Smith. But then of course, there’s slight detail that our culture has been hi-jacked by Judeo-conspirators (see for expo/ref. on CFR-Bilderberg conspiracy) who take advantage of HUBRIS of people and culture who and which pretends to general subjectivism and PERFECTLY FREE human will, thus God-like creation of reality, etc., but especially then that horrific HERESY of Pelagian “good-evil” by which people, now so hubristic and heretical become so obsessed. Thus one can look back in history to verify onset of this hubristic “Decline of the West,” by Oswald Spengler in specific neo-Pelagianism (“good-evil” delusion/fallacy/heresy) of Rousseau, Eng. Utilitarians, and esp. Immanuel Kant (and German Transcendental Idealism—GTI). Thus we see socio-biologic (ck phenomenon by which over-populated, hubristic gentiles are now victimized by Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity with their lovely lies, the culture then ultimately dominated by COUNTERFEIT conspiracy as US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)—see for expo/ref. Thus we students and observers confirm once again the CYCLIC nature of history fm life-giving Western OBJECTIVITY, reason, honesty, and liberty, to peak-apogee and over-population, this over-population now being reduced by means of Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity, subjectivism, Pharisaism-moralism (and “charity” of sort, subject of this blog), Orwellian socialism and “perpetual war for perp. peace,” etc. Thus stupid, inferior, weakling gentiles are steadily killed off and now Jew parasite disease-of-opportunity begins to become over-populated, present Israeli mass-murderers now beginning to lose for public-relations as they steadily slaughter Palestinians in Gaza like fish in a barrel—even Walt-Mearsheimer CFR agents pointing “finger” at “The Israel Lobby.” For note once again, “there is no honor among thieves”—including Jews, topmost masterminds (“bankers”) always ultimately willing to sell-out the lower-level Jew bolsheviks—and Zionists and Israelis too. So it goes; life sucks (Greek Tragedy), and our patriot task is to best “go with proverbial flow” and “manage.” My recommendation is to take heed of history and original anti-semitic Jew-expulsion accomplished by St. Constantine the Great, early 4th cent. Thus present-day Patriots must understand a revived, resurgent rationalist Christianity which upholds forthright anti-semitism (anti-Talmud, as Gosp. MARK 7:1-13), rejecting present Jew-funded and -financed “Judeo-Christianity” (JC—see and for expo/ref.), remembering that Christ most forthrightly upheld TRUTH (Gosp. JOHN 8:32, 14:6, and 18:37) against Jew lies (JOHN 8:44). CONCLUSION: And the great pt. then for patriots is Christianity is thus seen properly as most forthright aestheticalist champion for Greeks and esp. Aristotle and objectivity, necessary criterion of such TRUTH. That’s simple revolution for today: Christianity understood properly—as champion of OBJECTIVITY against Jew lies, subjectivism, hubris, narcissism, and hystericism, not to mention homicidal psychopathology. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian 3
Posted by Dante on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 17:26 | # I’m reminded of Kevin Myers’ piece, “Africa is giving nothing to anyone - apart from AIDS!” To summarise my own views on the matter: - Food aid to the Third World only succeeds in creating dependency, at best. At worst, such efforts magnify the scale of future famines. The futility of traditional attempts at charity are apparent to anyone even tenuously connected with reality. Anyone who, like me, has experienced the Third World first-hand will know that, if anything, I understate the irredeemable hopelessness of its situation. Still, something must be done, even if only to keep ecological damage and proliferation of parasites to a minimum. I suggest, as the only practical solution, humanitarian intervention addressed to the ultimate source of the problem; the relatively unevolved genes of Third World populations. Instead of sending them our money, we should send them our seed. As an incentive, give money or a meal to every woman who accepts such a donation and, over the generations, global inequality of outcome will be increasingly neutralised. Such a strategy is win-win, being of proximate and ultimate benefit to The Vaunted Poor, as well as increasing the EGI of contributing First World nations. I’ve sent Bono a formal invitation to get onboard with this initiative, and await his reply with bated breath. 4
Posted by torgrim on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 18:42 | # “We will sleep without hearing gunshots”—spoken by the Somali, Osman Yarrow. Yeah sure, for now…. Notice they are placing the Somalis in mostly White areas, New England, Minnesota, Tucson. Must be alot of White libs in those areas. Had they dropped Osman Yarrow in say, Salinas or Watsonville Ca., the gunshots would remind him of home, and being that the mestizo has no illusions of out-group altruism, the Somali would not fare well in that part of Ca. A White Christian Liberal once told me that she would probably be, ” found dead on her kitchen floor, one day”, after the third burglary of her home by mestizos…..martyr like, almost arrogant, in her resolve. And this is a person, educated in Berkeley in the late ‘50’s, a major organizer for “immigration rights” and wealth redistribution. 5
Posted by Dharma Chakra on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 20:23 | #
But who would be raising them? Nurture is just as important as nature. Family people know that. 6
Posted by Dante on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 21:39 | # It’s not a perfect solution, DC, but it’s better than throwing money at them. Of course, I didn’t expect anyone not of a supremacist inclination to take my suggestion seriously. It directly contradicts the right to genetic continuity the ethnonationalist seeks to extend to all nations. The sad irony, as perhaps indicated by my reference to Bono, is that it remains one of the few things with a chance of alleviating the miserable savagery of the Dark Continent. Perhaps the transhumanists will have some promising technology to help us out this muddle. Cognitive augments perhaps? 7
Posted by Armor on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 23:02 | #
Myers later explained that the headline was not his own choice: “I was sure that my column would arouse some hostility: my concerns were intensified when I saw the headline: “Africa has given the world nothing but AIDS.” Which was not quite what I said—the missing “almost” goes a long way; and anyway, my article was about aid, not AIDS.” Myers took a personal risk writing his article, and the newspaper’s editors, who run no risk, and maybe disapprove of Myers, chose a headline that would encourage negative reactions. 8
Posted by Aun Doorback on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 23:16 | # Today I watched the retirement speech of the great Australian cricketer Matthew Hayden. An integral part of the great, “hideously white” team that deposed the swaggering thuggery of the West Indians to become the world’s greatest. A fine man, with a beautiful young blonde wife and three lovely children by his side. In front of an adoring white crowd he was explaining his retirement plans. Enjoying the best of the splendid country his people built from nothing? Spending more time with aforementioned family? No. He will dedicate himself to some dismal “Aboriginal cricket” venture. Why does this man waste his time fruitlessly trying to lift hopeless cases out of the gutter? People who would bring real misery to his family in a heartbeat given the slightest chance? 9
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 23:47 | # Among journalists, Kevin Myers and Leo McKinstry are uniquely and equally honourable - men for whom the profession of truth weighs immeasurably more than all the “sensible recommendations” to write safe, inane filler about nothing in particular. Of course, even they have their limits - we can’t possibly have anything said against diaspore Jewry! But they are to be encouraged with praise (which we must hope other writing, but not yet fighting, men will see and take courage from). 10
Posted by Fr. John on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 18:35 | # I have just written on this: It would seem great minds think alike, or something like that…. Post a comment:
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Posted by Diamed on Tue, 13 Jan 2009 04:36 | #
This seems to be a genetic flaw in the white genome, ‘deranged altruism’. Amren discussed the matter as ‘competitive altruism’ in one of its monthly issues.
One solution is to simply throw all such infected whites to the wolves and found our own nation with whoever’s left. Another is to take state power and force whites not to act on their instinctual stupidity. A third would be to use genetic engineering/eugenics to simply weed it out of the white race.
I think the most beautiful example of what you are talking about came out in the CoCC website today:
What can be more charitable than giving your virgin daughter over to a gang of bantus for their own personal pleasure after seventeen years of caring for her with all your heart? Her parents must be proud.
These are the kind of stories that get to me. What did that girl do to deserve this? Why can’t we try her parents as co-conspirators to the rape? Why must we allow south africa, a country we settled, to belong to simians who rape every white girl in the country within 4 days multiple times? Why do liberals think they are good people? Why don’t men wish to protect women anymore? Why aren’t we willing to kill and die to prevent these sorts of stories from happening?