Debtocracy and default On 6th April this year Katerina Kitidi and Aris Hatzistefanou released their documentary Debtocracy into the gathering popular protest in Greece. Public viewings were organised in the central square of most Greek cities, and the film has played its part in educating Greeks to the nature of the neoliberal project and its system of credit, debt, and endless payment. It contains some damning commentary. But it is shot through with the hypocrisies of the socialist left. It does not visit the destruction of personal freedom and the end of self-improvement which debt-slavery implies, these not being issues of interest to radical left intellectuals. In the same vein it does not venture an opinion upon neoliberalism’s sister project of the Third Worldization of European peoplehood. Even with a partial political analysis, though, it is plainly the left which will gain when the demos withdraws political legitimacy from the current political class. Nationalism is not competing at this heavyweight level. The film is 1 hour 14 mins, but it bowls along at a good pace and will repay your time. Its message, in the end, is simple: don’t pay. Comments:2
Posted by South on Sun, 10 Jul 2011 16:55 | #
I’d say. Still very informative and thank you for putting it up. It makes clear the flimsy house of cards the entire global system is and the repugnant vultures the “elite” are. It also brings into focus the One World Government crap with debt slavery and withdrawal of basic necessities of the population, distracted with mere survival. 3
Posted by North on Sun, 10 Jul 2011 20:50 | #
It appears “they’ve” forgotten Greece, unless those low mean IQ Albanians are considered third worlders and non-European. 4
Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 11 Jul 2011 00:30 | # Talking of repulsive ‘elites’ here is a very interesting take on England’s latest grubby scandal Does the idea of the network defeating the hierarchy have value? 5
Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 11 Jul 2011 21:46 | # Why the Euro is not worth saving 6
Posted by anon on Tue, 12 Jul 2011 04:13 | # Top this, Jimmy: 7
Posted by anon on Tue, 12 Jul 2011 04:23 | # Friends, do watch that video, for therein occurs this priceless piece of American doggerel: “Six million Jews’ lives were taken / A lot of Jews were fried like bacon / Now the world is back in the makin’.” I shit you not, as they say. 8
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 12 Jul 2011 04:42 | # Holy Mother of Christ! Their stuff is way funnier than mine, and I don’t think they’re even trying! Strange is truther than fiction? 9
Posted by anon on Tue, 12 Jul 2011 04:57 | # I sense that with this, American whites have reached a plateau of propagandized banality — the schoolkids collecting six million paperclips wasn’t nearly enough — which shall characterize them for decades, possibly a century or more to come. If there is any light at the end of this long graffito’d tunnel into racial oblivion, any hope at all, it lies with 10th grade nitwits like this, blandly rhyming “Holocaust” and “toe frost”. It’s a step down from ” / int? the furnaces tossed “, and just that is our salvation! 10
Posted by anon on Tue, 12 Jul 2011 04:59 | # Shit — let me beat you to it, buddy — WHO SAID THERE AIN’T GONNA BE NO POETRY AFTA AUSCHWITZ!? Hey-ohh! 11
Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 12 Jul 2011 06:37 | # I think you’re probably right, Anon. I used to work and hope that people would wake up and take a serious look at the likelihood that the big H is not indicated by the forensic evidence, but I see something far worse happening. Continuing to believe in the hoax, people are becoming emotionally immune to it. If they get pissed off about the Jews, they may feel perfectly at ease in repeating a scenario that the Jews appear to have easily withstood. “There is something of its own punishment in all Jewish activity” - Fyodor Dostoyevsky 12
Posted by Thunder on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 03:42 | # Thanks for this GW. I think your assessment is fair nevertheless there is alot of truth and anger directed at the banks. IMO this could be a good thing for all of us if we can get the rest of the world to realise whither goes Greece goes us..or however that word is used. 13
Posted by Jawake on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 20:43 | # Here is a review of this economically illiterate piece of third-rate, left-wing garbage. What a waste of an hour an half of my time. MJ’s appeal to conservatives who are grounded in reality is over! Take your pleas to the fantasists and the crypto-homosexuals who want to wear motocross jackets and riding breeches and delicious shiny patent leather boots while joining with the left in the street to fight against people who are actually being productive in their lives. 14
Posted by anon on Wed, 13 Jul 2011 21:38 | # I did find the appeal to odious debt rather desperate: America repudiated debts directly inherited from Spain and the Ba’athist regime in Iraq. The producers of this docu evidently see in this alleged proof of American perfidy some justification in repudiating debt inherited from their own history as a nation. If the Greek nation required loans to even become a nation, then they might as well abjure their nationhood as such. Not a bad idea, actually. Note that the “historical figure of the Greek left” is allowed merely to point out that the German occupation forced Greeks to lend (how was that possible?); we don’t know the old gentleman’s opinion of this. The passing of governorship of a territory from one nation to another either ought or ought not to imply transference of debt, as in liens upon property, or payments on a vehicle, etc. Insofar as this process can be defined as the passage of economic dominion to another political entity, it can be argued that passage of debts outstanding follows from that. But to my mind it is a different thing entirely. A nation is not movable property and is not market real estate. In the case of the American conquest of Iraq, economic motive is difficult to argue, meaning it was not a nakedly economic transference of domain. As far as Stack’s own definition of odious debt, this —
would rather classify the expenditures on the Iraq and Afghanistan wars as odious to Americans themselves — as the assumption of debts in Cuba and Iraq would have been. Anyhow, the video makes some cheap shots. The demos cannot “withdraw political legitimacy”. It can make a big noise until .0001% of the political class takes off in a chopper bound for Paris. 15
Posted by lolgreece on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 00:08 | # Thanks for citing @Jawake. More background on the legitimacy of the Greek debt, plus a more meaningful moral for the story, can be found here: 16
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 08:27 | # 17
Posted by You Can't Borrow Away Debt on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 20:18 | # they will be overwhelmed with immigrants from North Africa as well as sub-Saharan Africa The idea that Southern European countries are going to be overwhelmed with immigrants from those places before Northern European countries will is faulty. There are countries in Northern Europe where it’s clear from the trends relating to immigration that they’ll be overwhelmed by non-European immigration long before the Southern European countries will be. All the same, Southern Europeans need to start having more children, perhaps via some measure like banning birth control for citizens whose ancestors have been in country since before 1950. That would exclude all but a handful of the non-Europeans in Southern Europe from getting their fertility boosted by the measure, while the Southern Europeans would get the demographic help they so desperately need. 18
Posted by You Can't Borrow Away Debt on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 20:39 | # lolgreece, You agree some of the Greek debt is illegitimate, and even you want some of the debt to be defaulted on. But you can’t partway default any more than you can be a just little bit pregnant. In that sense the documentary makes sense. It’s putting out a way of Greeks looking at their debt problem which will get them out from under the suffocating weight of dependency on foreign creditors who don’t even come close to having their best interests at heart. They need a clean break from the nation destroying international bankers, not a partway measure which will (due to how markets work) cause them as much harm on a material plane as a full-blown default. In for a penny in for pound, as the saying goes. Total self-reliance, total freedom from debt, is the only way forward for Greece. They need to start paying for their government with their own money. If that means a reduction in their standard of living so that there down to the economic level of Turkey, then so be it. The Turks survive and thrive on that kind of money because they have something more important than money: sovereignty and the willingness to the use what brains God gave them to decide which alliances they need to make with various countries to protect their military interests, using their brains instead of mindlessly allying with the members of whichever military alliance some government of the past allied with them. Why can’t Greece form a military relationship with a power outside of NATO? The talk in the remarkably poorly thought out article Leon linked too was laughable. China couldn’t get to Greece even if it wanted to, much less turn their country into a Chinese theme park. They couldn’t get to Greece among other reasons because they’d have to trespass on Russia’s sphere of influence to get there. As for the other countries Greece owes money to, they’re even less likely to try to use guns to get their money than the Chinese are. The only real threat to Greece is Turkey, and as long as Greece has one military alliance with a nuclear power they don’t have to worry about them. Finding one nuclear power willing to take the Greek side of things won’t be that hard at all, as long as the Greeks grow the testicular fortitude to break free from NATO. That would be the sign of good faith which get the Greeks plenty of chances for a meaningful alliance with a nuclear power. Greece is currently aligned with the nuclear power France, America and England; but this is the sort of merely nominal alliance built on accidents of cold war history rather than anything real and relevant to the world as it is at this moment. The nominal nature of the Greek “alliance” with NATO can be seen in the way that they’ll never back Greece up on Cyprus, the most basic sort of thing you’d expect real alliance partners to do for you. 19
Posted by You Can't Borrow Away Debt on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 21:01 | # As for the other countries Greece owes money to, they’re even less likely to try to use guns to get their money than the Chinese are. Indeed, the non-Chinese countries would only “punish” Greece for by throwing them out of the EU and Eurozone. Some “punishment”!!! The EU is working to take over and destroy all the European nations they can get in their deathgrip, and freedom from those people would in truth be the best thing to happen to the Greeks in a very long time. They don’t have to worry about foreigners using guns to try to get the money they would be defaulting on; they don’t have to worry about defending themselves against foreign military powers as Russia would love to have an ally within non-Russian Europe other than Belarus and would gladly give them a mutual defense pact in exchange for that. The Greeks have nothing to worry about and nothing to fear from total default beyond the merely economic effects, economic effects they’re going to have to go through even if they didn’t default. The proper choice for the Greeks is therefore obvious. 20
Posted by anon on Thu, 14 Jul 2011 23:29 | # Very percipient remarks.
Correct. Immigrants view southern Europe as a conduit to “Europe”. That does include northern Italy and southern France, but not most of the remaining Italian, Spanish and Balkan territories. The blight is all over France however. And it would be wishful thinking to imagine it won’t ever spread to the deep south. As the recent reverse-exodus of black Americans to the southern States makes plain, parasites are willing to share poverty if they can’t share richesse. Sicily for example is “successfully integrating” Africans at Agrigento and Palermo. They were driven from Rosarno but elsewhere are keeping their heads down as they repopulate Calabrian ghost towns just as the Moroccans blend into Provencal towns without fanfare or controversy — until you’re waiting for a train one morning and a “youth” in an Adidas jumpsuit decides to put you in his way to relieve his ennui for a few minutes. I recommend in this regard a French movie from a few years ago, Lila Says, about a Berber youth of poetic temperament who falls in love with a young blond girl who moves into his ghetto.
Naples can’t even solve its rubbish problem. The bourgeois northern Italians with aspirations for jobs at the Hague will forever stifle active attempts to encourage population growth (passive being pay-outs for surplus children, which, as far as I know, hasn’t worked anywhere though it may take a decade or more to appear if it is working). We must not underestimate the SWPLs of Europe. They are more numerous than their American cohorts. They listen to Phil Collins and like skiing & clubbing more than rearing children. This is the human stuff of modern Europe, and it’s no wonder it isn’t propagating itself aright. I asked a Cretan man who’s been in America for decades what he thinks of the debt crisis, and, though obviously no economist, he railed against the Greek youth which spends its weekends partying, its Mondays hungover, Tuesdays sleeping in, Wednesdays helping at the family shop, and Thursdays planning for the weekend. This wasn’t the schedule for Greek young people sixty years ago. These people are too in thrall to vice to properly manage themselves insomuch as they are able with what opportunities are available or devisable. Greece is a poor landscape. Has been since Hesiod’s day. Why don’t they embark on a national project of reforestation? Well, because that isn’t how Greeks operate. That’s how northern peoples operate. Heck, it’s how Belizeans operate too. Darkies of my country are quite industrious — owing probably to the presence of American industry. Greeks, as you say, will have to adjust to a lower standard either way. But we have to ask how much they are actually pissing away on commitment to drink, or cigarettes, or drugs. Same may be asked of America and every other Western nation, and of course Russia. 21
Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 01:24 | #
Interesting, I’ve never spoken with a Belizean before. The above point illustrates why it’s important not to get too carried away with the racial hierarchy schemes because, while it may be true that in most cases “darkies” are not prosperous, there are also cases where they are (I’m told the Caribbean also has prosperous black states, and there are a few African states which are industrious like Botswana and Cameroon). Anyhow, I am very glad to hear that they are engaged in conservation projects down there, because many third world countries give no regard to such things. One of the things that I find absolutely lamentable about the modern white world is the absolute callousness toward the natural world that it displays, and while in the old days I would have attributed this state of affairs to Judaised values, I now understand that the extreme anthropocentrism of the modern world is something which sprang from the Western world view with minimal help from the world’s most narcissistic tribe. 22
Posted by anon on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 05:11 | # It is a pleasure. I’m stranded doing some business in the States for a while longer and am counting the minutes until I’m home.
I can’t comment on the latter two, but I suppose those Caribbean states would be the Bahamans and Barbados. Barbados was the Judenpresse’s little darling for a moment last year — a prospering economy in a nation over 90% black!!! — because they overcame recession with a savvy programme of aggressively promoting tourism, signing bilateral treaties with First World states, and most critically telling the IMF to bugger off. And yes, a few black politicians were responsible for that. The Bahamas is supported entirely by tourism and fishing, which is basically what inspired the Bajun programme. Otherwise the Black Caribbean is, like its cohorts elsewhere, an abject failure. Parts are docile, Saint Lucia and Suriname for example, but these have escaped total ghettofication by their non-anglo culture. Saint Barth and Guadeloupe are just French playgrounds. Guyana (actually Georgetown) vies with African states for murder capital of the planet.
But that’s due precisely to Belize’s anglo culture, you see, which allows greater ease for northern white conservation projects. If it weren’t for that the mestizos would have slashed and burnt the entire Cayo to nothing years ago, as some mestizo and negro squatters are doing even now. The gov (Belize is really “Black Run!”) either drives them off or settles Belize City negroes among established mestizo squatter communities, causing predictable trouble. Anyway, Anglos are mostly a blessing for Belize; if it’s a choice of Anglo conservation and development projects, however obnoxiously Christian or one-worldly, or total unchecked pollution of the environment by mestizos à la Guatemala (a huge rubbish dumb posing as a state), I’ll side with my loathsome Anglo brethren. In fact, it’s funny and sad, the “beach” of Punta Gorda draws in much of the rubbish from the Guatemalan coast across the water, though of course the negroes and Hindus also pollute; but there is a real public campaign against polluting everywhere one goes, usually the work of school children.
Quite so. But as we have been the problem, we are also the solution. The mestizos are an immense problem though; they have consumed the north and the west, and can only expand with the looming prospect of a mestizo Prime Minister. 23
Posted by anon on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 05:18 | # The point though is that darkies, be they creole, negro, mestizo or indian, can be made to function in a small society not given over to urban anti-culture. I believe that’s much of the cause of black mischief everywhere these days, American ghettoism and victim culture has spread to every negro population turning them into aggressive hip hop zombies with revanchist ideology. Belize City negroes have been thoroughly colonized in that respect, as elsewhere, but there is an even mix in other towns of zombies to mostly docile Rastas and laboring half-castes. 24
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 11:29 | # Pure white separatism is the only answer. No exceptions, no excuses, no bullshit. Pure-blooded whites living on racially cleansed territory, heavily militarized, authoritarian conservative morality, alliance of Church and State, with added twist of militant eugenics policy considered as patriotic act. Whites cannot live with honor under any other situation; indeed, considered over the historical long-term, they otherwise cannot live at all. All WN energy must be put into acquiring and populating and building up the Racial State. 25
Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 19:38 | #
The sad thing is that the globalists and liberals of the first world have allied with the ‘coloured revolt’ which Stoddard predicted, to the ruin of just about everything. One would think that the prospect of a habitable planet 200 years down the road would trump these narrow-minded people and their vanity (or revenge) projects, but it hasn’t been the case in practice. I do think that certain cultural influences can mitigate the worst of what you call ghettoism and revanchism (which are accurate) of the coloureds, but they are rare and exceptional states that manage to instill these influences and America and most Western countries are quite behind the times in this sense - indeed, the current state of most of these lands is fanning the flames of racial conflict and ressentiment ever further. It is a strange irony that, for all practical purposes, it is multicultural states in the tropical belt showing more sanity in the realm of race relations than the lands which remain - for the time being - majority white. I do not hold my breath waiting for a collective return to a more sane order here in the northern latitudes. 26
Posted by Gudmund on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 19:46 | #
The biggest hurdle as I see it, Leon, is not so much the non-whites in and of themselves, but the nature of the modern state. Don’t get me wrong, I think separatism here in America would be a far preferable arrangement than the one we now live under. But the state itself is the main hurdle, for it is the one enforcing open borders, mandatory racial ‘integration’, section 8 and mass welfare dependency, speech limitations, the multiculturalism-as-religion mentality, etc. The non-whites are secondary in influence, because while they support the current condition, they are not the ones enacting it and would have no power to do so absent the state. How does one challenge a state which has the tremendous reach and power of modern America. I suppose its legitimacy would have to be totally undermined, or it would have to be usurped (and I don’t necessarily mean violently, mind you - the inherent weakness of public rule is that it can be hijacked by the right sort of populism, but it has to be sophisticated, i.e. not like the ‘tea party’). This is a tall order, obviously. Thoughts/ideas? 27
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 20:43 | #
Oh they will, it’s just not the kind of children you are hoping for. South Euros males are too busy lusting after Nordic girls and wanking to Rocco Siffredi tranny porn, while their females are running away in the arms of North African males. South Euro males won’t have any children aside from the lucky few who would manage to entice the few Nordic women ignorant enough to lay in bed with a south euro mutt, south european females will be having plenty of children with north africans and other afroasiatic male immigrants.
Right, they are absolutely worthless, the only reason Greece is not a third world country since it’s “modernization” is because it is part of the European Union which is what kept it afloat and let us not forget that if it was not for US, Greece would still be part of the Turkish Empire. It did US no good to “liberate” a bunch of mutts, we liberated the Iberians from the rule of Islam (Moors and Berbers), we liberated the South Italians from the rule of Islam (Saracens), we liberated the South-Eastern “Europeans” from the rule of Islam (Turks) and what did we get in return a bunch of lazy and smelly mongrel horde who’s sole goal is the defilement of Nordic females and destruction of the Nordic lands and ideals. Victory Through Strenght! Empowerment Through Will! Nordic Above All! 28
Posted by Dirty Bull on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 21:04 | # I’m sorry but when did the USA ever ‘liberate’ Spain or Greece? 29
Posted by WOGS OUT!!!! on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 21:08 | # ‘Something’ is telling me that ‘Anti-WOG Alliance’ is a subcon troll who is mesmerised by this site, its content and its contributors, but knows he is not and will never be, so he’s taking out his frustration by writing pure crap. 30
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 21:22 | #
“Us” as in “we” (the eternal Northmen), you are confusing US for U.S.A. The modern greeks are basically chritianized turks, when WE “liberated” them they couldn’t even rule themselves so WE had to send one of our own (Otto of Bavaria) to rule their country in their stead.
This sentence is poorly written and makes no sense, something obviously written by a tribesman of the mongrel herd. 31
Posted by Anti-WOG Alliance on Fri, 15 Jul 2011 21:30 | # Plus what is a subcon troll? It doesn’t even make any sense. 32
Posted by lolgreece on Mon, 18 Jul 2011 02:41 | # @You Can’t Borrow Away Debt
This must be news to the creditors of nearly every country that defaulted in the 90s and noughties. See exhibit 10, page 12 here: And with that I must take my leave. I’m not too happy debating on a white supremacist site, even if it does cite my blog in passing. 33
Posted by You Can't Borrow Away Debt on Mon, 18 Jul 2011 03:21 | # This must be news to the creditors of nearly every country that defaulted in the 90s and noughties. You mean that the creditors of those countries got some of their money back? That wasn’t my point. My point was that the economic effects of even limited default, especially with Greece and its economy which flounders on an Euro influenced trade deficit that’s 10% of GDP, are probably going to be nearly as large as the effects of total default. So why not just have total default, wiping the country’s slate clean and setting it on a path to self-reliance? Post a comment:
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Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 10 Jul 2011 10:19 | #
GW - looks interesting, will give it a watch later today.