Posted by Our Definition of Aliens on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 06:35 | # Our definition of Aliens Aliens Aliens Aliens Aliens Aliens Aliens Alien Emmanuel Celler - sponsoring 50 years of Aliens with the 1965 Immigration and Naturalization Act, a.k.a. the Hart-Celler Act: 3
Posted by Ranking the Muslim problem on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 09:11 | # Greg Johnson on The Muslim problem and its relative place among problems:
Posted by Mick Lately on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 12:06 | # They know that we know. Why are we so sure that they won’t apply hot genocide? 5
Posted by Edgar Steele on anti-semitism on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 18:27 | # Edgar Steele in defense of anti-semitism: Audio file - Text Excerpt
Posted by White GeNocide on Sun, 01 Feb 2015 02:25 | # White Genocide: 7
Posted by Nick Griffin interview on Sun, 01 Feb 2015 02:29 | # Nick Griffin discusses Putin, The US and strategy for White Nationalism. 9
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 08:58 | # What’s with the censorship? Duke is one of one of the most prominent WN leaders in the US. As for the content of video it highlights one of the main points of critique I listed about the WN movement of an imaginary persecution syndrome that a) most populations of Europe are still overwhelmingly the ethnic white majorities and b) internal immigration from new EU member states into Britain. The video is factually wrong as other non-white countries like United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have higher number of immigrants than European countries. UAE 87.3% 10
Posted by "only White countries" on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 10:40 | # Posted by jamesUK on February 02, 2015, 03:58 AM | # What’s with the censorship?
Critique of Duke is valid, but talk of aliens and what not, as if that is our standard fare, is not; more, having watched your comments for a while it is clear generally that your intentions here are not constructive. As for the content of video it highlights one of the main points of critique I listed about the WN movement of an imaginary persecution syndrome There is no imaginary persecution. Non-White immigration has not been popular in America or Europe. It has not been voted for (just the opposite). It has been imposed upon Americans, for example (number one on your list), by stealth of Jewish phraseology, by Jewish lobbying, legislation, lawyers and judges. that a) most populations of Europe are still overwhelmingly the ethnic white majorities “most”? Why shouldn’t they all be, and why shouldn’t they be truly “overwhelmingly” White - 100% of those holding citizenship? Instead of several slated to become native minority in decades? “and b) internal immigration from new EU member states into Britain.” We don’t advocate that kind of immigration in any significant number either. The video is factually wrong as other non-white countries like United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have higher number of immigrants than European countries. UAE 87.3% Note that I entitled the post “destruction” of European peoples. There is no part of that that we should not be able to challenge. Not one European person should be sacrificed for your false god race. The genocide argument is valid, but the bugster’s mantra - “White countries and only White countries” failed me as too complicated to defend the very first time I tried it - when I was challenged that India had significant immigration. Thus, I do not use it personally. True or not, the mantra is not my argument. Nevertheless, it is true enough in spirit and it has energetic activists working with it. Even if other countries have immigration, that does not mean that native Europeans are not being destroyed and that there are not catastrophic numbers of non-Whites and miscegenation being promoted to the destruction of European peoples. 12
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 13:04 | # @14 That’s does answer any of the questions raised in the link I provided that you deleted (got something to hide?) from a Duke associate and insider and an investigative journalist that wrote a book on Duke. 13
Posted by Edgar on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 15:35 | # Nothing to hide, there can be criticisms of Duke, it is just that your motives and the spin that comes along with your posts are clearly not meant to serve White interests, but rather meant to divert and diminish our advocacy. I suspect that it is you who is trying to hide and divert attention from comment #5:
Text 14
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 21:38 | # @Edgar Seems you like to deflect from the issue of David Duke that in my previous post I just referred to allegations of Duke being a con man and COINTELPRO. No mention of aliens that we can discuss at a later date. 15
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 21:53 | # @Edgar Don’t know why my comment was cut off that I posted so I will try to comment again on the issue that Edgar Steele raises. Isn’t Edgar Steele the dude that was sent to and died in prison for conspiring to kill his wife? The high representation of Jews in professions and academy in the US is no mystery as Ashkenazi Jews have the highest IQ of any other ethnic or racial group. that you will find high representation of Jews in high profile/higher education positions where they have a sizable majority whither it be in the US, France, Britain, Ukraine or Russia.
That quote was debunked coming from Palestinian sources.
Posted by JewishJamesUK on Wed, 04 Feb 2015 01:39 | # “Isn’t Edgar Steele the dude that was sent to and died in prison for conspiring to kill his wife?” Correction, he is the one who was set up as supposedly designing to kill his wife for insurance money (when, in fact, she was not even insured). “Don’t know why my comment was cut off” Because you are a troll, a Jewish troll - at least that is perfectly clear now. But now that that is clear, accountable for your position and prejudices known, your status registers less a troll and more one whose comments might be deleted for being out of bounds. Here you are not quite out of bounds as you throw softball contentions. Everyone knows Steele was set-up and framed..
The i.q. factor has been adjusted for to show that they are vastly overrepresented due to nepotism and other corrupt means. As for the quote attributed to Sharon, even if shown to be false as a quote, it is a trivial correction since what is being attributed to Sharon is more than true enough as a generality. The Senate, the Congress etc, does not go against AIPAC etc. 17
Posted by jamesUK on Wed, 04 Feb 2015 04:03 | # @JewishJamesUK
Why? Wikipedia entry does not mention insurance as a motive just that he was unhappy in his marriage and was seeking a relationship with a Ukrainian woman.
I seriously doubt that seeing how the same pattern can be seen in other countries where they have less influence in state positions like in Russia. What about Duke? His best friend Don Black has a shady past as well. 18
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 04 Feb 2015 06:06 | # Jewish James says: Why? Wikipedia entry does not mention insurance as a motive just that he was unhappy in his marriage and was seeking a relationship with a Ukrainian woman.
I seriously doubt that seeing how the same pattern can be seen in other countries where they have less influence in state positions like in Russia. Your serious doubt is wrong. Regarding Duke and Black, we are not here to defend them, they can defend themselves. We are here to defend Whites and White patterns that need defending. Now then, developing what Edgar had said: Anti-semitism is a disease, you catch it from Jews - Tanstaafl Age of Treason Radio Pathology and Pathogen
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 14:55 | # @DanielS
I don’t think so.
They are the most high profile leaders of the WN movement in the US so they are the political representation of what WN believe in the US. Other WN’s include Pierce and associates who are a mix of terrorists, mass shooters, a would be wife killer and a paedophile. These are people representing the white cause in the US that consists of talking about immigration and complaining about Jews. Lol! Perhaps instead of bitching and moaning about Jews, WW2, “white genocide”, etc. all the arm chair warriors who couldn’t even be bothered to attend the conference in Hungry encase it got banned actually got physically politically active perhaps they might have achieved something. 20
Posted by WikipediaForJews on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 17:36 | # osted by jamesUK on February 05, 2015, 09:55 AM | # @DanielS Wikipedia is censured to protect Jewish interests. Proof? You don’t even try to camouflage your trolling. Everyone knows wikipedia is a Jewish controlled operation. Just try changing any article that has to do with pro White interests or a pro White personage and it will very quickly be returned to smear and negative spin. I was blocked from submitting an article on the obvious phenomenon of “mulatto supremacism.” It even has notable historical precedent in Haiti. But the proof is to be found on videos which reveal Israeli boiler rooms - groups of people paid to spin wiki articles in a jewish way.
I don’t think so. Well, you are wrong and not worth arguing with.
They are the most high profile leaders of the WN movement in the US so they are the political representation of what WN believe in the US. You don’t get to say who is represented by them. They represent themselves, or anybody who wants to be represented by them, which is not us.
Steele was not a would-be wife killer. That was a set-up.
“complaining”, as if its trivial - what a jew you are. They aren’t complaining about immigration and jews, they are noting a blockage to our sovereignty and a deliberately imposed threat to our survival.
You think we should have gone to Hungary? It must have been a good thing to Not do. According to you we should vote for Republican neo cons and your Jewish war complex. Go to hell. 21
Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 01:37 | # @DanielS
I don’t now what Wikipedia’s policy is on creating entries on its site so I can’t comment on that it. Where are the videos? I heard of Jewish commentators on YouTube like to Israel but not Wikipedia.
Seeing how it is an opinion either way there is not much to discuss.
I don’t but they do running on an openly white political agenda and members of openly pro-white organisations for decades.
Facts say otherwise hence his conviction. “complaining”, as if its trivial - what a jew you are. Not Jewish but it is like Blacks complaining about racism with problems in there own community.
Apart from the US other western countries especially Eastern Europe do not have significant immigration to come anywhere near close to threatening the actual survival of the host countries that as I said before most are economic migrants from new EU countries.
Yes that admittedly some did and got media attention that the few media outlets that covered it admitted it looked favourable towards the organisers on the issue of free speech.
I said you should have went that I don’t know how you come to the conclusion that I support Neocons or the military industrial complex.
Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 01:52 | # I forgot to check my comment before posting it so there are a few mistakes that need correction. I don’t now what Wikipedia’s policy is on creating entries on its site so I can’t comment on that. Where are the videos? I heard of Jewish commentators on YouTube linked to Israel but not Wikipedia. I don’t but they do run on an openly white political agenda and are members of openly pro-white organisations for decades. 23
Posted by DanielS on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 03:18 | # See answer in next comment - response to Jewish troll JamesUK 24
Posted by ResponsetoJewishtrollJamesUK on Fri, 06 Feb 2015 04:30 | # Posted by jamesUK on February 05, 2015, 08:37 PM | # @DanielS But the proof is to be found on videos which reveal Israeli boiler rooms - groups of people paid to spin wiki articles in a jewish way.
Where are the videos? I heard of Jewish commentators on YouTube like to Israel but not Wikipedia.
I will provide just one example of that which you act as if difficult to find - a ready example of a Jewish Wikipedia manipulation center: DanielS DanielS
JamesUK DanielS Steele was not a would-be wife killer. That was a set-up. JamesUK
What motive was there for Steele to kill his wife for insurance money that did not exist? On the other hand, if you listen to or read Steele’s, “In defense of anti semitism” (the text is in comment #5 above though the link to the site where the audio and text were is no longer available - I wonder why?), there was plenty of motive for Jewish interests silence Steele. You say WN are “complaining”, as if its trivial - what a jew you are. JamesUK You are doing the bidding of Jews at any rate. We are not “like blacks complaining about racism” around here. At MR we survey all concerns - centering on our own human ecological systems first and attending to problems and antagonists as they emerge relevant. Jews happen to be salient among antagonists in their genetic pattern and in 7 power points. WN aren’t complaining about immigration and jews, we are noting a blockage to our sovereignty, destruction of our well being and even a deliberately imposed threat to our survival. JamesUK DanielS JamesUK DanielS JamesUK DanielS You think we should have gone to Hungary? It must have been a good thing to Not do. According to you we should vote for Republican neo cons and your Jewish war complex. Go to hell.
I said you should have went that I don’t know how you come to the conclusion that I support Neocons or the military industrial complex. Yes that admittedly some did and got media attention that the few media outlets that covered it admitted it looked favourable towards the organisers on the issue of free speech. DanielS 25
Posted by Thunder on Sat, 07 Feb 2015 22:39 | # This is all so depressing. is it inevitable? Is there any hope on the horizon? Is there anything effective I can do? Please cheer me up. I look at my children and fear for the future. 26
Posted by Chasing down last Swedish enclaves on Mon, 09 Feb 2015 10:46 | # Swedish integration minister will chase down White areas by law
............................................................................................... “People like the idea of diversity. They just don’t like being around different people,”
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 11 Feb 2015 05:16 | # Tanstaafl critiques “White pathology and becoming like the enemy” The “White pathology’ argument is a favorite of Tim Wise . I’ll leave it to WN’s who use this term to wonder why they share the term with him. “Monocausalism’ (Coined by someone upset with Tan’s critique of the ‘suicide meme’) - it is another way of saying ‘anti-Semitism’; more psycho-analysis. It’s stupid and crazy to find fault with Jews. Thus, Jews cultivate a truly pathological fear that siding with our race wholeheartedly is stupid or crazy. Instead we are encouraged to do something truly stupid or insane, that is blame our own race. Not ourselves personally, mind you. They appeal to self esteem as opposed to group esteem - our poor race is ill but not us enlightened individuals.” An interesting new point that Tan makes is here: “The next fallback for Jews to prevent Whites from consciously recognizing the pathogen of Jewish parasitism is to say there is a danger of Whites becoming just like the Jews, as bad as the Jews. The host will become the parasite? It is based on the same trick upon which Boasianism is based, that our genetics are superficial, plastic and infinitely malleable. “ This is in the realm of a critique that I have submitted to James Bowery regarding his concern that Whites may be transformed into eusocial organisms - here. Tan goes on to contend - “we will become like the parasites? How will that be worse than blaming ourselves into extinction?” Now, eusociality is not wholly the same as parasitism, but the argument of “becoming like the enemy” IS James’ fundamental concern. I believe James would counter that we might lose that which makes us European, our northern individualism lost in the matrix of civilization and eusocial reaction - e.g, in being herded into collective war headlong, destroyed running after the red cape of Jews collective game. However, while I do think these scenarios which James is concerned to anticipate are possible, and should be taken into account, with a well conceived battle strategy they are not an overriding matter. 28
Posted by Morgoth on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 00:21 | # The police have raided the only charity to help English people exclusively and it looks like there’s a tv show coming up to follow: This worthy activity carried out by the Trust is under a sustained attack by the Metropolitan Police. This included a raid on the family homes of two of the Trustees last month. 15 heavy handed police officers took part in each raid and personal items such as mobile phones, computers, printers and routers were seized. The Trustees were taken in for questioning and we understand that the nature of the interviews by the Met officers was truly bizarre and included questions suggesting that anyone interested in early English history and culture is an “extremist”. Authoritative historical works by scholars such as Tony Linsell and Stephen Pollington were cited as “encouraging extremism”. The Trustees have not been charged with any offence but are on strict bail conditions preventing them undertaking any work on behalf of the charity and restricting their personal movements. In addition the Met are now actively contacting hundreds of donors and Friends of the Trust. For many Friends and supporters this will be a humiliating and distressful activity, but as the Trust has not broken any laws there should be nothing to fear. It is recommended that a simple, polite and sustained “no comment” to any questions posed by investigating officers is made. Always seek professional legal advice if you have any concerns and submit formal complaints against officers who are abusive, aggressive and who utter racist comments. It is believed that the Met’s investigation into the finances of the Trust has arisen from an approach made by an individual in 2014 who expressed an interest in the Trust and its work and befriended some its Trustees and donors. However the individual turned out to be a sneak reporter working for Hardcash Productions; a London based documentary production company. The desperately pathetic attempts to smear and ultimately seek to have the Trust deregistered as a charity, as a result of the “undercover” work are planned to be broadcast on ITV next week. The documentary unoriginally untitled “Charities Behaving Badly” goes out on ITV Weds 18th February 10.40pm It is not a crime to make donations to the Trust and in solidarity with the Trust we would encourage our readers to make a contribution here. 29
Posted by Femen: Boobs and Rich Jews on Fri, 13 Feb 2015 03:04 | # Femen: Boobs and Rich Jews 30
Posted by History of Jihad on Fri, 13 Feb 2015 09:13 | # Bill Warner on the history of Jihad against Europeans and Europeans astounding head in the sand response: 31
Posted by Walter Dennis: White inspiration on Mon, 26 Oct 2015 09:06 | # TT features and inspiring speech by Walter Dennis (min. 11.00 to 42.20), highly recommended listening for White inspiration: Post a comment:
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Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 05:40 | #
What is your take on the Nordic aliens theory?