Everything you ever wanted to know about the Eurozone rescue fund As conceived by Guardianoid. Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 10:36 | # The mechanistic monotone is one of the most eloquent and truthful messages in these cartoons. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 11:16 | # The AP/NYT view of the crisis and its effects on nationalism and Euroscepticism in Europe: http://www.nytimes.com/aponline/2011/10/29/business/AP-EU-Europe-Financial-Crisis-Skeptics.html?hp
Posted by Alex on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 13:20 | # In response, the Commissars have just sued all twenty-seven Member States as a show of dominance. 5
Posted by Lew on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 14:41 | # I’m an American and don’t follow Europe closely for lack of time. But from what I can ascertain, it appears the net effect of this debt agreement will be a enhanced European super-government with a new central banking authority empowered to borrow money and new taxing powers to support it activities. It looks a lot like the US Federal government which is bad news for European nationalists. 6
Posted by Dan Dare on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 16:13 | # Predictable choices of avatar for the ‘subject matter expert’ and the ignorant fool. 7
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 16:55 | #
It is the differences that are the good news for European nationalists. The US Federal Government so far does little bailout of spendthrift states and municipalities. The obvious reason is the political firestorm that would result. And if this news is to be believed: the EU souper geniuses once again failed to really firewall Greece and its rising number of molotov cocktails. All of these bailouts and fixes have been followed by temporary pauses that rarely last more than a quarter. There are two primary groups who have been benefiting from these transfer payments coming by way of the Greek pass-through: 1. Mainly French banks that are really insolvent. 2. US credit default swap writers like Bank of America owned Merrill Lynch, American International Group and Rothschild-sponsored DTCC only knows. The good news is the reductions in Greek principal debt are “Voluntary” and don’t constitute a “credit event”. This means CDS writers don’t have to immediately start paying out losses on CDS written on semi-sovereign eurozone bonds. The various parties can instead look forward to many years of litigation over this in New York City and French government courts. The three major rating agencies are going along with this. By sheer coincidence Moody’s and S&P are based in NYC while Fitch is HQ’d in Paris. Not germane. It’s just the magical invisible hands of Leon Haller’s free capitalist state markets at work.
Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 17:01 | #
The avatars’ dark hued skins looked like typical diverse Londoners, Parisians and German urbanites to me. 9
Posted by Papa Luigi on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 22:28 | # This whole ‘crisis’ is really nothing of the sort. What we are witnessing is a power play in which the EU pressurises the Eurozone countries into a single fiscal system, i.e. into taking one further step down the road of becoming a single unified nation state. Since time immemorial, whenever a nation has begun to run out of money, the simple solution has been to print more money. This is what the UK and the US did following the Credit Crunch in 2008 and what the UK has done again more recently. On these occasions, we have not simply printed more money. Having printed it, we have used the new money to buy back government bonds, thereby halting momentarily the rise in our national debt, and just so that the common people don’t understand what has been done, we have called this process by the euphemistic title of ‘Quantative Easing’. If countries like Greece, Italy etc., still had control of their own currencies, then they would have simply printed some more money and would have extricated themselves from their current liquidity crisis very quickly and easily. However, the Eurozone countries cannot print Euros without the approval of the European Central Bank and the ECB, under the direction of the European Commission and our new European President, have resisted granting their approval of the printing of more Euros until the southern states of the Eurozone agree to the establishment of a common fiscal policy, something they have hitherto been reluctant to do. It is through the use of artificially contrived crises such as that we have just witnessed, that the EU will attempt to extend its central control over the all of the member states of the EU. 10
Posted by Trainspotter on Sun, 30 Oct 2011 08:06 | # “There seems to be an unwritten rule: Everyone who makes one of these cartoons must use dripping sarcasm, which plays on the monotonic delivery for maximum effect.” There seems to be another unwritten rule in the making of cartoons about the economic crisis: at least one of the characters must be non-white. Apparently aspiring to dizzying new heights, the video maker above decided to go for a twofer. Very avant-garde. On the other hand, the more traditional template of the dusky hued African or Asiatic carefully explaining the complexities of world finance to a clueless and dimwitted white, well, certainly it has a lot to be said for it. Why change a winning formula? But our video maker above has daringly done so. Bravo! We can all understand the constant racial attacks launched against us by the mainstream media, with its wise and knowledgeable black judges and rocket scientists. Never mind that such types don’t actually exist in the real world; the system sees to it that we are treated to an endless stream of such, albeit in digital form. Most have also probably noticed the rule, especially in commercials and college brochures, that one can’t have more than a group of two or three people without at least one being a non-white, preferably a stylish and hip negro that is infinitely cooler than his goofy and lame white companions. But when this nonsense comes, not from Madison Avenue or Hollywood, but from some dweebish internet guy (presumably white), it really makes one wonder. What goes through the guy’s head when he is choosing racial types for his videos? Alone in his room, just the internet and his lonesome, maybe an empty pizza box or two, no pressure at all. No money on the line. No big bosses. Yet he invariably makes at least one of his characters black, or at least a non-white of some sort. This despite the fact that our dusky hued bretheren NEVER have such conversations. Why? Why does our internet hero do this? The reason is that the rot has run deep indeed. The dweebish white has so internalized the message of his media and system masters that he can’t help but follow it…yet he manages to keep up the belief that he is a “subversive,” spreading truth to the world. We see this in “patriot” fiction as well, where evil tyranny and oppressive government are resisted by gun toting chinese constitutionalists in Idaho, jewish second amendment believers, various interracial couples who obsess about James Madison, and traditionalist blacks who revere the Founders. It’s so far beyond ludicrous that one might imagine it to be a gag, but it’s not. How can one take such clowns seriously? Perhaps they imagine that they are being clever, but if so their imagination has very much gotten the better of them. The reality is that even our self imagined subversive elements, whether they be oddball survivalist types or those interested in economic reality, have essentially been swallowed whole by the system masters they claim to oppose. They fundamentally follow the system template, but are either too dim to realize that they are doing so, or perhaps simply too cowardly. They cannot bring themselves to oppose the system’s core values. Like it or not, and scary though it may be, the only real resistance to the system can come from white nationalism, because only white nationalism rejects the most fundamental and important premises of the system. For example, you can’t fight globalization and its attendant evils by promoting the liberal idea that people are fungible and interchangeable - that race and tribe and tradition don’t matter. Such a person doesn’t fight Wall Street and globalization, but merely carries its water. He barks and yaps at some excess or another, while heartily endorsing the core worldview that makes globalization possible. Sure. Only white nationalism understands what should be obvious: if you accept liberal premises, liberal conclusions will inevitably follow. Too bad the typical “subversive” can’t grasp that. 11
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 30 Oct 2011 17:24 | # In reference to what Trainspotter is saying please check out: Preaching to the converted here but if more people just woke up and looked at the media, saw it for what it was and its antiwhite/antiwhite male agenda. 12
Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 30 Oct 2011 18:51 | # Some people have done very funny things with xtranormal. One here for football fans, Newcastle Utd in particular. 13
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 31 Oct 2011 23:58 | # In mid-January the Greeks are to be given a chance to reject the bail out: http://www.athensnews.gr/portal/8/49894 To do that they have, in effect, to reject the entire debt system, including the Euro. That would put pressure on the other governments in the south, especially the Italians who will struggle to keep the lid on their problems until the Greek situation clarifies. 14
Posted by Stephen Wordsworth on Tue, 01 Nov 2011 05:35 | # Here is another video on this subject. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=5CZr17HLH5U Post a comment:
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Posted by Hail on Sat, 29 Oct 2011 02:50 | #
There seems to be an unwritten rule: Everyone who makes one of these cartoons must use dripping sarcasm, which plays on the monotonic delivery for maximum effect.