Guessing Thursday - the English and Welsh elements

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 01 May 2007 22:45.

This evening the BBC News website is running an article headed Violent immigrants fuelling crime:-

Young immigrants from violent and war-torn countries are fuelling mayhem and murder on London’s streets, according to a new report.

Research from Scotland Yard says increasing numbers of youths with significant post-traumatic stress are having a negative impact in the city.

There are currently 171 street gangs operating in London says the report.

... Some 43% of gangs are estimated to have more than 20 members, while 18% have more than 50 members.

Although 90% of gang participants are male, there are believed to be three female gangs operating in London, and women are often used “to mind weapons” for brothers and partners.

The document states that half of gangs identified by police intelligence are based in the African-Caribbean community.

Now, I checked the Met’s website to see if there was a press release about this rather interesting new research.  There wasn’t.  But there were seven “news headlines” listed to the right of the front page, on each of which I clicked.  The first link was to an all too typical “triple success story”.  That was followed by two links to the jailing of the Crevice terrorists, then one to another six charged with terror offences, one to a top-brass speech on counter-terrorism, one to the jailing of four bank-robbers and, finally, one to a typically surreal PeeCee campaign the Met is running under the name of Communities Together.

Elsewhere on the front page, and in true soviet style, the Met talks up its role in making London one of the safest cities in the world with, apparently, falling crime and rising detection rates.

Meanwhile, the BBC website’s leading front page news story concerns growing pressure for a public enquiry into MI5’s handling of 7/7 intelligence.  The lead story on the “England news page” ventures outside the capital to vibrant and unhideous Gorton in Manchester, where a “youth” managed to kill his 12 year old sister by shooting her in the head.

Alone against this relentless torrent of diverse horrors, the BNP is putting up 880 candidates across the 10,500 council seats to be contested this Thursday in 312 English local authorities.  That is immeasurably more realistic than the 1,000+ claimed by UKIP and the 1,419 of the Greens, and, of course, only a fraction of the effort being mounted by the three diversity-celebrating, mainstream parties.  But it still represents a great step forward from the 363 who stood a year ago in that tranch of Britain’s 21,892 council seats where elections were then due.

Media-wise, there has been some speculation that BNP councillors in Sandwell could increase from four to ten, and maybe snatch control of the council in the process.  But by and large the concentration of the press and TV has been elsewhere, and little has been said about Nick Griffin’s boys and girls.  The party itself, though, is brim-full of confidence from the warm public response it is receiving - even to the extent of running an article on its website advising giddy activists to keep their feet on the ground.

So how high can they do?

Well, the propitiousness of the


times is something wonderful to behold.  The BNP is a party of the old, white Labour heartland.  Once, a cross against the Labour candidate on the ballot paper was guaranteed.  Now a rank hatred burns for Blair - and Brown, too, is unloved.  Working people know the meaning of what Labour has done to their towns and cities.  They live with the consequences every day.  Throw in Iraq, the pension grab, the culture of spin and the rest, and something much more final than the usual mid-term, stay-at-home blues - a “kicking at the polls” as Blair himself put it - is a foregone conclusion.  The question is, to what extent will that benefit the BNP?

Let’s acknowledge straight away that the higher the number of candidates the party puts up, the more it is venturing onto unpromising ground.  It must do so, of course, in order to grow.  But real electoral growth - the building of political loyalty - is, as I’ve observed before, a slow and difficult journey through certain stations.  Durable political parties do not arrive on the scene like Athena leaping from the head of Zeus, fully-armed. 

We do not know in how many of the 880 wards previous party work has been done, perhaps not many.  The party appears to adopt anyone who will stand anywhere in its name.  But based on the sums from last year, and making no allowance for the more propitious political climate, my guesstimate is that about 80 seats can be won this time round.  I think that 14 BNP seats are up for re-election.  So the net gain would be 66 seats.

And then we have to factor-in “propitiousness versus difficulty”.  My gut feeling, which is all it can be, is that the net gain may reach 80 seats, taking the Party’s holding to around the 130 mark.

This would be a quite staggering achievement, and it might easily not come to pass because of the first-time factor in many of the wards.  But that’s my bet.

And the other parties?  When the last count is completed on Friday afternoon the plain unavoidable story will be of Labour meltdown - though, in truth, they have done that already in the local government arena, and more doesn’t amount to much.  The real news will be reported and commented upon behind closed doors in quietly worried tones: “130 seats!” ... “How can they vote for racists and thugs?” ... “Must listen to what people are telling us.”

They will not listen.

Now ... Wales.  Yes, the Welsh Assembly election is on Thursday, too - in case you had not noticed.  So ... erm.

Wales, sadly, is largely going to buck the national anti-Labour trend.  The Welsh don’t believe they are capable of standing alone, so they don’t really take Plaid seriously enough to elect it to power.  There will be a general holding on to nurse, though less tightly than in the past.  Labour and the LibDems will form the next administration in Cardiff.

I wonder what a Labour-free England will do about Wales when it achieves its independence in 2010.



Posted by calvin on Wed, 02 May 2007 14:59 | #

“Detection rates” are up are they? Thank God I have been saved from fifteen year-old girls chalking on pavements and “homophobic” pensioners calling into talk radio. Ian Blair’s statistics on crime in the metropolis are about as convincing as Joseph Stalin’s five year plans for agricultural and industrial development.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 02 May 2007 15:37 | #


Why is Vox Celtica dormant?  Your voice should be heard.


Posted by gongstar on Wed, 02 May 2007 20:36 | #

Our enemies (mentioning no names, fellow goyim) have always known that “Every little helps”. Every sneer at the BNP, every vibrant immigrant, every day lost has been another ching! on their bash-the-fash register. If the BNP had had even slightly positive coverage from the media, it would be doing far better. How many times have Socialist Workers Party members or similar appeared on Question Time, for example? Yet they represent no-one but themselves, while the BNP, never allowed to appear at all, are far closer to the majority than the One-Party-With-Three-Names.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 02 May 2007 21:46 | #

So it’s come to this.


Posted by gongstar on Wed, 02 May 2007 23:37 | #

This is worth a listen: a white liberal tries to get blacks to understand tricky white man’s concepts like morality and social responsibility. One of the blacks is the father of the leader of the gang who murdered Mary-Ann Leneghan:

“Why didn’t you use contraception if you didn’t want to father these children?”

“Listen, sweetheart, contraception doesn’t always work.”

Factual: Peckham’s Lost

Tuesday 1 May 2007 20:00-20:40 (Radio 4 FM)

Repeated: Sunday 6 May 2007 17:00-17:40 (Radio 4 FM)

Winifred Robinson investigates what more can be done to tackle the increasing violence seen on the streets of Peckham. She asks why youngsters get involved in gang culture and what happens to them as they grow older and take more risks.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 03 May 2007 00:42 | #


Thanks for the link.  Just finished listening to that.  Truly, there is no hope.  These creatures cannot redeem themselves because they cannot control themselves, or even understand that they should try.  It is another country.


Posted by anon on Thu, 03 May 2007 04:25 | #

Fred, I live in Britain.
I will not be voting BNP.  They aren’t standing in my area anyway.

It is ‘not’ time we did our duty, the time has already passed, 49% of London babies are born to foreign mothers, and that obviously doesn’t include 2nd-3rd generation immigrants and mixed races so the reality is English people are already set on the unstoppable path to minority status, as soon as they grow up.
Voting BNP isn’t going to change that basic fact. The only way to stop it would be a campaign of ethnic cleansing and there is no way anyone but a handful of nutters is going to support that.

Britain,  and American were beaten when abortion was legalised which caused a dramatic aging of the population.  Old people are quiet peaceful and ‘wise’ having no appetite for a fight, a young population does fight for dominance as the Muslims do now.
The West is old tired and weak and will be taken over by something younger fresher and with a greater fighting spirit.

I while ago I read Guessedworker say he thought France and Canada wouldn’t survive (or may not, not sure the exact words) but that he thought England would get bad its bulldog spirit etc,  well I really don’t understand how you come to think that. I see no evidence, far from it.


Posted by Top on Thu, 03 May 2007 05:56 | #

Good answer Fred.

There is always that one ‘common sense’ voice in a discussion that tells us it’s not worth trying. Just let go they say - it’s over - for whatever reason.  It’s ‘too difficult’, it’s ‘too overwhelming’,  ‘too personally challenging’, ‘the solutions are too complex’... they have a myriad of reasons why any effort to fight our race-replacement is useless. 

When you think about it though they can only be one of two things - a coward or a traitor.  What else can they be?  Notice they don’t say: ‘maybe we need to fall back and re-group’.  They don’t say: ‘X hasn’t worked, let’s try Y’.  Their idea is to just give up.  As if that is the noble thing to do.  That must kind of courage and conviction that western civilization was built on - right?!  I am sure all those people who died to secure European homelands would be so proud.

Anyway - they are wrong.  These type of people make the false assumption that just because there is a trend amongst the decadent intellectual elite towards something than it must be (a) irreversible and (b) good.  Europeans are ‘dying’, third worlders are ‘taking over’ - it must somehow be destiny.  Why resist?  And from that it becomes…  it must be morally wrong to resist!  Only the ‘nutters’ resist!  That is always the (d)evolution of this sort of talk. 

The assumption in their thought pattern is that of a brainwashed prisoner whose only option becomes to hang themselves.  Why fight?  Life is too tough… the way of the cowards.  Is that healthy???  Is that morally right?

  Maybe this person wants to die.  Let them!  Living is not for everyone.  Stop speaking for us though!  I for one would rather go down fighting than as a coward in a failed, decaying society. 

The logic is simple:
Our intellectual elite is corrupted and no longer speaks for us as a people.

Forced race-replacement is real and it is pushed by Euro-hating aliens and corrupted elements.

Race-raplaced Euro homelands are not some sort of moral destiny! 

It is not morally wrong to oppose forced race-replacement in principle!

and by extension:
It is not morally wrong to side against those who push the extermination of the Euro-race through forced race-replacement.

(Hitler, Nazis and all the other Euro-bashing psych weapons have nothing to do with the above points.)


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 03 May 2007 06:16 | #

Given the political will, Western nations (and not only Western ones) can repatriate huge numbers of Thirdworlders back home. Over the past 3 years about 6 million refugees have, according to the BBC, left their temporary places of residence and returned to Afghanistan.

If the UK population is, say 60 million and we can send home the same number as were sent back to Afghanistan, that would constitute a cause for celebration.


Posted by Wunderhund on Thu, 03 May 2007 15:31 | #

I’ve been reading majority rights for the past two months.  Great site!

great comments by Fred Scrooby to Anon.  Right on!
I read Anon and I got the sense that he’s using the power of suggestion to affirm defeatism.  He reminds me of the ‘Borg’ in Star Trek:
“Surrender.  Resistance is futile.  You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile….”
Yesterday I had a talk with one of the guys at the lumber yard when I went to pick up materials.  He had the same attitude as Anon. “It’s hopeless. Give up.  It’s the way of history. Adapt.  Make the most of it.”  Then I had a talk with a student who was offended by my insistence upon Europe for Europeans.
I felt completely dejected after this.  What is wrong with these people?  Have we been so completely ‘politically corrected’ that we cannot feel instinctive outrage at this looming disaster?
It’s time to get mad.  A cold, hard silent anger that will forge a new sword of action.  Lead, follow, or get the f***k out of the way!


Posted by anon from above on Thu, 03 May 2007 16:00 | #

No Fred you got me all wrong.
If I could choose the government today I would certainly select the most nationalist and patriotic group of people I couild find, who would put Britain first and redress the unfairness against England.

* The BNP have no chance because they don’t stand in many areas.

* If you look at the children in London racereplacement has already happened, its not a question of stopping it from happening, it ‘has’ happened.

When we are the minority of the 15 to 45 age group (overall stats don’t matter) we wont be deporting anyone.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 03 May 2007 16:31 | #


Try for one moment to hold in your mind the idea of revolutionary zeitgeists and the revolutionary elites they sustain.

We have two decades during which liberalism, which is the source and carrier of all our ills, will certainly continue to decay and, finally, collapse from within.  That is the time which is left to us to organise and fight politically.  After that, if liberalism and its elite is not replaced with a philosophy of European survivalism and with a political and cultural leadership that stands foursquare within it, we shall all enter a new and still more dangerous phase.

We do not want to get to that stage.  We want to win well before then, conclusively and peacefully but with a revolutionary finality.

The minorities are grist to our mill in this effort.  They are not in control of their future, as we are not currently in control of ours.  But some of us have a developing understanding of how we might assume that control, and that’s the vital difference.

Don’t give up yet.  Put your hope and effort in the right place.


Posted by anon from above on Thu, 03 May 2007 17:02 | #

I agree Guessedworker, liberalism will collapse, not least because liberal people don’t have enough children. But I think it could take another 25-50 years and the country will be totally changed by then.


Posted by anon from above on Thu, 03 May 2007 17:08 | #

Personally I think this has been a large part of the problem:

As women have had less children they have become overprotective of those they did have.
Peter Pan Syndrome:


Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 03 May 2007 17:16 | #

“When we are the minority of the 15 to 45 age group (overall stats don’t matter) we wont be deporting anyone.”—anon from above

My two cents worth:

I think anon is facing the grime reality of our situation. Here, today, in the USA, we as whites are measurably worse off demographically then we were just one year ago. There are at least one million more illegal non-white invaders ( and their still pouring in by the tens of thousands per month) plus one million more non-white legal immigrants…and an amnesty Bill is close to becoming a reality.

Where are the positive trends?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 03 May 2007 17:34 | #

Why don’t you move to Soweto right now, Tommy, instead of hanging around here boring everyone to death with your stupid defeatism?  Go away.  Leave the country.  Get out of here.  Put your money where your mouth is.  (And be sure not to come back after the rest of us will have gotten things sorted out with no help whatsoever from your sad defeated-before-you-even-start ilk ...)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 03 May 2007 17:36 | #

Your “two cents worth” aren’t even worth two cents.  They’re worth zero, zip, nada.  Keep them to yourself; no one’s remotely interested.


Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 03 May 2007 18:03 | #

“(And be sure not to come back after the rest of us will have gotten things sorted out with no help whatsoever from your sad defeated-before-you-even-start ilk ...)”

Sorry Fred, my point is we better get things “sorted out” yesterday. We are in a race against the clock! What can I do besides writing my elected representatives and local newspapers (which I do)  to stop amnesty from passing? We can’t deny the rapid demographic changes, can we? How can we fight and defeat the Beast?


Posted by gongstar on Thu, 03 May 2007 18:12 | #

Fred—IMHO you talk too much and too loudly. If I weren’t already converted, the number, length and aggression of your posts would confirm or re-awaken my prejudices and drive me away. I almost wonder whether that’s your aim.

guessedworker wrote:

Thanks for the link.  Just finished listening to that.  Truly, there is no hope.  These creatures cannot redeem themselves because they cannot control themselves, or even understand that they should try.  It is another country.

Even if they weren’t imported as weapons against whites and dissolvers of civil society, it’s now clear that’s exactly what they are. But I think the usual excuses for their behaviour are wearing thin, even for liberals.


Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 03 May 2007 18:36 | #

Another-thing Fred, if your so intent on sorting things out you can start by sorting out this little problem!

I’m right with you baby!


Posted by Kulturkampf on Thu, 03 May 2007 21:53 | #


The key point here is that things will get worse, unless people decide to act.  If people fail to raise their voices against mass immigration, the non-white proportion of Britain will continue to expand and expand. According to the last census, it stands at 9%; we all know the actual figure now will be appreciably higher; and we know that the differential birthrates between natives and immigrants will lead to a further increase in the short to medium term future.

However, if you had the choice, would you prefer to live in a Britain where the non-white population rises to, let’s say, something like 15% (a grim enough prospect) - or a Britain where number creeps up and up - to 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, and perhaps even 90% (a complete reversal of the status quo)?

It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the scale of what’s happening to the country and to believe that the blind stupidity of our elites leaves us with no recourse.  But change can be secured with enough determination, even within the current political climate.  There are small things we can all do – write letters to the paper, leave comments on internet newsites, tell friends and neighbours about the problem, donate money to MigrationWatch and/or the BNP.  How hard is it to do these things?  You don’t have to storm the Houses of Parliament.  If you engage in any of these modest activities, you can at least say that you’ve done your best as an individual to influence the national question, and to serve your country.  And perhaps you also might feel less despair.


Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 03 May 2007 23:56 | #

My aim, you limp-wristed little twit?  It’s scaring all the lisping transvestites away.  You for instance.  Now go give yourself some desperately-needed hormone injections.

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 10:32 PM | #

Fred, when was the last time you got any?


Posted by Wunderhund on Fri, 04 May 2007 00:14 | #

Just because something ‘has happened’ doesn’t mean it’s set in stone.
It happened, that I lost all my money and went broke.
Well, I worked my way out of that hole.
Plus a few others…

Right now the trend is all in favor of the immigrants and race replacement.
Part of their advantage lies in the fact that most white folks are blissfully ignorant of this situation.
I know that I was.

Yes, it looks grim, especially once you really see what’s happening when you wake up from media la-la land.


Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 04 May 2007 05:08 | #

Have we been so completely ‘politically corrected’ that we cannot feel instinctive outrage at this looming disaster?—Wunderhund

In all these years, I can’t recall seeing “politically correct” used as a verb.  In my first comment after encountering this usage (at durham-in-wonderland), I managed to use both “politically corrected” and the noun “political correction”.

Thank you, Wunderhund.


Posted by Tommy G on Fri, 04 May 2007 14:27 | #

“Now Tommy starts in.  I’m fighting a two-front war here.”

Fred, first of all I’m in accordance with your overall outlook on our future prospects as a race. But I’m still pessimistic in the short term because we haven’t come up with a viable/workable stradegy to reverse the flood of color that is about to drown us. All the brilliant theories floating around are useless unless they are practical and more importantly we put them into action. I’m hoping one-day a watershed event will serve as the catalyst to start a chain reaction that will reverse our race replacement. Until then, brother Fred, we of like minds must continue to stick together, aye?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 04 May 2007 17:21 | #

Daniel J’s mistake is in thinking because he doesn’t have all the answers right here, right now, there isn’t hope.  We can’t know what will happen next or what will turn this thing around finally:  no one has all the answers or can have.  You play it as it lays every step of the way, unwavering in your conviction.  There never was a movement whose supporters or whose opponents had all the answers every step of the way yet assuredly every movement had an outcome, one which was unpredictable until it actually happened.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 04 May 2007 17:45 | #

you are a little bit abrasive in our exclusionary and friendly company Fred.”  (—Daniel J.)

Put this in your “abrasive” pipe and smoke it, Daniel:  I don’t see The Cause as best served by fragile, uncertain, or otherwise less-than-fully-dependable or “high-maintenance” allies.  (And let Gongstar take a puff on that thing.)


Posted by gongstar on Fri, 04 May 2007 18:09 | #

Fred—When you get out of your teens (or into them—I’m not sure which it is), you might understand the points I’ve tried to get through your narcissistic bubble. But I doubt it. Your verbal diarrhoea is neither intelligent nor amusing nor likely to appeal to anyone but your fellow narcissistic halfwits.

Now let’s see if you refrain from responding. I doubt that too. Self-control is not characteristic of your type.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 04 May 2007 18:13 | #

The Welsh Assembly elections have turned out pretty much as expected.  Labour lost three seats, Plaid gained three.

Labour 26
Plaid Cymru 15
Conservative 12
LibDem 6
Other 1


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 04 May 2007 18:46 | #

I had my speakers on as I read that last comment, gongstar — got the falsetto and vibrato (they sounded GREAT, by the way, some of your best ever) but I couldn’t hear the solo uke.  Your style is so much more effective with it — please don’t omit it next time.  Anyway, BRAVO!  What a tour de force!  (Any plans to bring that out as a CD? ...)


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 04 May 2007 23:47 | #

I dont know yet that the UK is a lost cause. If Scots (or Welsh) voters were so hot for independence they would all vote SNP (or PC). In most constituencies, even ones where the nationialists won, most voters in total still voted for pro-Union parties, and in both cases the total of nationalist MPs is less than the pro-Union.

(Im assuming that a Conservative/Labour/LibDem/BNP vote is a vote against independence.)

In fact the BNP did quite well in Wales, the liberal left and nationalists are insistent that the BNP is really an English party. Well there is some truth in that but we dont know how these things will pan out. Five years more heavy immigration from now the BNP could be looking a lot more attractive in Scotland.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 04 May 2007 23:47 | #

No, Fred, I think it’s more mixed than that - certainly in England.  There is no advance in terms of seats despite the most propitious circumstances ever.  In a sense, it’s not unlike the NF in France, after the riots.

Much number-crunching needs now to be done to establish whether in fact there was a good pay-off, but it figures at the level of 2nd and 3rd places instead of wins.  That’s not impossible, given the growth of the party into new and hitherto untested areas.

But I don’t know yet whether that was the case.

In general, I think there is a great sense of deflatedness at the BNP, which will no doubt be disguised for public consumption.  The party strategists must now turn to planning a way forward.  My concern is that, actually, there are no party strategists, just Nick Griffin.

Earlier today on a BNP candidate’s blog I left this message:-

... my immediate impression is that the party has not moved forward as one hoped, and certainly not as the public mood suggested.

It may be, of course, that the real advance is there, below the water line; and is to be measured in increased public (and even media) acceptability that simply has not translated into electoral first places.

Still, I think there must be other lessons to be drawn. One is that better minds are required around NG, specifically to harness the rising tide of constitutional nationalism, to clean up the economics issue (a reliance on distributism and anti-globalism aren’t enough, and don’t suggest a serious POV) and to flesh-out the wider social platform.

From what little I can see Johnathan Bowden is the only intellectual in a position of any kind of influence. That has to change. New Labour was built by four clever men, and Cameron’s thusfar successful makeover of the Tories is the brainchild of the scarcely more numerous but highly cerebral Notting Hill Set.

Serious political parties are not built by activism alone.

I will blog at length on their performance over the coming weekend.


Posted by Thus spake natural law on Sat, 05 May 2007 03:14 | #

The struggle hasn’t even begun yet!  We’re at square zero.

But what was Hitler’s Germany? What happened was that Hitler was beaten by a higher IQ tribe using superior methods unknown to the Germans.


Posted by Tommy G on Sat, 05 May 2007 12:25 | #

“I agree with Svy. If we could just get a t.v. station… if we could just… if we could just…”

“If freedom is short of weapons, we must compensate with willpower.”
—Adolf Hitler, Landsberg, 5 November 1925


Posted by Wunderhund on Sat, 05 May 2007 16:44 | #

The forces of multiculturalism and pc clearly understand one thing:

how to shape, form and move the mass mind via the suggestrive powers of pictures, sounds, entertainment aka the media.

This is the key to their power.  They have induced a sort of ‘trance’ state in the average Westerner.  This is all aimed at creating a universal consensus reality that multiculturalism, universalism, globalism and pc are the natural, normal, ‘progressive’ norms for today.  The enemy has consciously created the automatic ‘default’ state of mind for the average Joe and Jane.

We break out of this trap by first seeing through it, then removing ouselves from its baleful influence, then building up our own core conviction (which may take some time) and then acting upon this new inspiration.  All this takes effort. 

The pc default trance state equals death to our folk and our culture.
The default state is easy to fall into because, by its very nature, it is easy, relaxing, entertaining.  To paraphrase Marx:

‘Entertainment is the opiate of the masses’

To wake up requires EFFORT.  There is no easy way.  If it was easy, everyone would be on board.

We can and we will win.  And, it will not be easy.  It will be very difficult, challenging, fruatrating, painful, despairing, humiliating, galling,........and, if we but commit, in the long run, we will win.


Posted by Wunderhund on Sat, 05 May 2007 16:46 | #

sorry about the spelling mistakes
i’m digitally challenged.


Posted by gongstar on Sat, 05 May 2007 17:45 | #

Emotionally continent, that’s our Fred.

He’s a race-killer, a race-murderer, a race-replacer.  Just replying to him turns my stomach.  I’m getting up to go wash my hands, having soiled them typing a reply to this ordure.
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 03:59 AM | #

In a just world this dreg, this filth, would be run out of Britain, sent packing, given 48 hours to gather his belongings then frog-marched onto the plane with a one-way ticket to anywhere-but-here in his pocket and it’s Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish!  Vile insect!  This germ, this infection, this uncleanness makes me vomit!
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 04:10 AM | #

Laconically masculine, that’s also our Fred.

Anon is merely someone who has no problem with forced race-replacement of the English nation.  In his view voting for “racists” is worse than a policy of moratorium plus humane repatriation.  He says or implies the reason he’s against trying to do something now is it’s gone too far, so either is irreversible or impossible to reverse humanely.  But his kind - and this should be crystal-clear to everybody - would have had some other excuse for opposing remedial action back when things had gone only half as far, a quarter as far, a tenth as far as now.  They’d have said, “Why take corrective action for a problem that’s so minimal it poses no threat?” and “I oppose any attempt to repatriate folk who’ve come here to better their lives and have lived here a number of years, on grounds it’s cruel.” So this ilk opposes any remedy when one’s easy to implement and opposes any remedy when one’s hard to implement.  They oppose any remedy, period.  In other words, they want race-replacement.  That’s what one is dealing with here:  the crowd that wants race-replacement.  He says Britain and America were beaten when abortion was legalized but doesn’t explain why Japan wasn’t.  No one should be fooled:  this piece of excrement signing as Anon ardently wants race-replacement, adores it, silently rejoices that it’s in progress.  He’s so low he hasn’t even the honesty to come out and state that, but hides behind a façade of resignation before a fait accompli he would have opposed doing anything to thwart no matter at what stage of the process, early or late.  Words simply cannot describe what a piece of shit this individual is.
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 03:55 AM | #

No wonder our Fred has no hang-ups about effeminacy.

Gongstar of the pale, delicate, moist hands, mincing gait, and oh-so-fragile psyche… Grow a pair, you testosterone-challenged pansy… My aim, you limp-wristed little twit?  It’s scaring all the lisping transvestites away.  You for instance.  Now go give yourself some desperately-needed hormone injections.
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thursday, May 3, 2007 at 10:32 PM | #


Posted by anon from above on Sat, 05 May 2007 20:04 | #

No I think you are wrong Wunderhund,  they don’t have the masses in a trance.
It amazes me why in most political debate people always look for the complicated conspiracy answer to why something is happening while avoiding the obvious.

The main reason Muslims and immigrants in general have a stronger more agressive and defensive culture attitude compared to native Brits is because abortion has wiped out so many young Brits the average age has increased dramatically.
Throughout history societies have been directed by young men at the age of sexual competition fighting with anything that was a threat to their position and sometimes fighting elsewhere for ‘glory’, there is no longer large numbers of young ‘natives’ in Britain, there is a very old population (by historic standards) who wont do anything to rock the boat because they are afraid of losing their pensions.

As well as abortion the ‘welfare’ state has been used to pussify many other people who would previously have been competing in society.

To solve the problem you need to fix the native demographic which would then change political attitudes.
Ban abortion.
Abolish the welfarestate.  I support helping people ofcourse but the current welfarestate is used as a tool to pacifiy the natives.

It would be amazing how fast political attitudes changed imo.

Svyatoslav Igorevich says we only need a few to ‘awake’ and then the situation will change pretty fast, but the truth is if you look at the school demographic in London the English becoming minority is already inevitable. You guys are behind the curve.


Posted by anon from above on Sat, 05 May 2007 21:45 | #

Because they didn’t have large scale immigration and aren’t part of the EU with open borders rules.
They aren’t going to get out competed by younger immigrants which are not even in the country. However it may happen to Japan if some kind of ‘libertarian’ gets in power and tries to open up the economy, with their very old population they are vulnerable to rapid change.

There is no use pretending we can go back to how Japan is, too late for that, without a civil war.

There is also a new ‘issue’ scientists have made a cheap test to find out the sex of a baby at 8 weeks, so some groups may use that to produce even more young men.


Posted by anon from above on Sat, 05 May 2007 23:30 | #

No, the blame lies with the combination of abortion and immigration.
Sure you can say without immigration there’d be no problem but without 8 million dead babies I doubt there would have been much space for 8 million-ish immigrants in the last 30 years to have moved into.
Japan is not out of the woods they could quite easily end up in the same situation.


Posted by Count Sudoku on Sat, 05 May 2007 23:37 | #

“I agree with Svy. If we could just get a t.v. station… if we could just… if we could just…”

If we could just get a TV station the government would find away to shut it down. Nothing less than complete control of a nation’s government will suffice and even then we still aren’t totally free to do what we want as other governments will meddle in our affairs.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 05 May 2007 23:50 | #


To explain ...

My view is that a soft-revolution is possible over the next two decades.  Beyond that liberalism will have decayed further, possibly to the point of Leviathan - but certainly it will have moved in that direction.  Government of that order at home, the end of cornucopianism (probably), the absence of a political option through which the majority can express its genetic interests, and - importantly - the consequences of European ethnic failure visible elsewhere (it is true that I have suggested Canada and France as the first and most likely models, but Sweden is coming up on the rails) ... the combination of these things will pressage a more dramatic revolutionary moment.

I do not thin this is the most likely future.  But it is one of the stronger possibilities.


Posted by anon from above on Sat, 05 May 2007 23:51 | #

haha Fred, keep up the bad aittutide, doesn’t bother me.

Ofcourse in principle those Muslims who felt so unhappy that they want to blow themselves up should be helped to relocate somewhere else.
But your idea of large scale repatriation is not viable because very large numbers of people will fight against it and therefore it wouldn’t be as benign as you suggest.
You can argue for repatriation all you want but if you are claiming it can be done without a fight and serious social strife you are either a fool or being disingenuous.

Yes I know the starting point was before large scale immigration happened but thats irrelevant now, its happened.  Although in the begining it was small compared to now and it wouldn’t have got so big if we hadn’t lost so many of our own young people.

I was not describing myself, I am actually very young and pissed off that the 60’s/70’s generation are going to leave us with a civil war sooner or later, I think it will be later but will happen as Muslim terrorists become more and more emboldened.


Posted by Wunderhund on Sun, 06 May 2007 00:57 | #


TV is a mind control tool.
The programming is being used to shape attitudes, thought, feeling i.e mind.
It’s a very useful tool to do just that, probably the best ever invented.

Is it a conspiracy or just the good intentions of bleeding heart liberals?
Maybe both.

As for the obvious, in-your-face growth of multi-racialism;
you’re right.
They’re here, and there’s more of them all the time.

I live in California.
We have been invaded by Mexicans here.
It wasn’t an issue in the past
It is now, and the awareness is growing.
At the same time, the media is constantly demonizing anybody who opposes the notion of ‘universal, global, equal humanity’.
‘Diversity is our strengthy’ and other such media mantras constantly droning in the background.

That would be wonderful if it really worked.
The alternative, at this stage, is very dark.


Posted by anon from above on Sun, 06 May 2007 05:53 | #

To quote gongstar “Fred—IMHO you talk too much and too loudly. If I weren’t already converted, the number, length and aggression of your posts would confirm or re-awaken my prejudices and drive me away. I almost wonder whether that’s your aim.”

Yeah I’ll second that.
If I wanted to read comments from a bunch of teens pretending to be tough guys I’d go play CS.
I came here to read what guessedworker was saying about the election, I know my first comment was a little provocative but the situation is that bad, guessedworker knows I’m right.


Posted by Might makes Right on Sun, 06 May 2007 06:05 | #

a number of ways can be found by which it will work nicely, humanely, and to everyone’s satisfaction

Nice failing, swivel a gun barrel at them and order them out.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 06 May 2007 06:50 | #

Germany repatriated Turks in 1984 with an incentive.

In November 1973, there were 910,500 Turks living in Germany. At this point, the Federal Government ordered that recruitment of foreigners from outside the European Community would have to stop. The long-term goal was to reduce the number of migrants in Germany.

In fact, the total number of foreigners living in the country was reduced over the next couple of years. However, the Turkish population kept on growing.

Now, workers who left could no longer return to Germany. Many of them, therefore, chose to bring their families here instead of visiting them at home.

In 1983, the Kohl Government passed the so-called Voluntary Repatriation Encouragement Act. This law offered migrants financial incentives to return home.

Legislators based this approach on economic considerations as well as on the belief that the Turkish population would never be able to integrate into a Western European country of Christian tradition. Neither the government nor society in general had accepted that the Federal Republic had already, de facto, become an immigration country.

By mid-1984, approximately 250,000 foreigners – most of them Turks – had left the Federal Republic. The act allowed repatriation grants of up to 10,500 Marks per adult and 1,500 Marks per child. Although these payments were anything but generous, the fact that they were paid at all stirred up feelings of envy among the German work force.

There appear to be a lot of folks willing to return home if only they had some sort of incentive:

Atiqa Ilmas’s dark eyes are rimmed by fatigue.

Her smiles are slow and spread softly across her face but don’t surface often during the course of the interview.

She has just confessed that if she could do it all over again, she would not immigrate to Canada.

“If we knew the true picture of how hard it would be, maybe we would have thought otherwise,” she says.

She came to Canada nine years ago with her husband and two young children in tow. They had been living in Saudi Arabia for 12 years and decided to forego returning to their native Pakistan in favour of Canada—the land of “big beautiful houses and nice cars.”

“In the beginning we were so excited. We thought things will work out in the end. But as time passes, you slowly realize no, it’s not going to happen.”


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 06 May 2007 07:13 | #

In fact the BNP did quite well in Wales…

The Welsh have complained before about bus loads of Poles taking jobs in British Steel, Port Talbot or Aberavon. Wrexham, apparently has a big Polish community.

“He told me that there was a large immigrant population of Poles, Romanians and Bulgarians and that they were ‘taking our jobs’ and if they carry on they will be ‘taking over the town’.

“He was making statements saying the government was giving immigrants free cars, free telephones and £5,000 when they turn up to the job centre to register for work.

Wrexham, it appears, is a hotspot for racial tension. The Welshies and Iraqis went at it in 2003 and then the lads turned on the Peelers. Sweet.

he Caia Park riots occurred on the Caia Park Estate in Wrexham, Wales, on 22 June 2003 and involved violence between Iraqi Kurds, local residents and police. The violence began when Hoshank Baker Kader (an Iraqi) was set upon by local residents. Approximately 20 of the Kurdish immigrants in response armed themselves and attacked the Red Dragon pub at about 20:05 GMT believing that the perpetrators of violence to their compatriot were inside. The drinkers inside returned the violence using bar stools and snooker cues. From then on the riot began with local residents taking an active response and attempting to get to the Kurdish area of the estate.

Police were called by the landlord of the pub and proceeded to round up troublemakers. The riots against the police happened the following night when a variety of missiles were thrown by a crowd of angry locals, including petrol bombs, stones and bottles. At the height of the incident a crowd of approximately 200 youths attacked about 25 police officers. This assault lasted for three hours.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 07 May 2007 00:44 | #

Well, I got fed up of waiting for the BNP to produce some stats from its still incomplete result log.  I’ve just totted up the published placings, ignoring the wins which we know about.

Seconds account for 13.2% of results, thirds for an impressive 46.5%, fourths for 23.3% and fifth or lower 17.0%.

Now, there are all manner of oddities in the BNP’s published results, and they are not the most straightforward and complete data-base from which to extrapolate a useful overview.  But by and large, the BNP faced four or more competitors in each ward, and came 2nd or 3rd in well over half the seats fought.

In terms of seats won/lost, the base number was too small to be meaningful.  But it is instructive that the Greens, aided no doubt by the near-collapse in Labour and LibDem votes and by the enormous publicity accorded to global warming, did extremely well.  So it is not right to say, as the BNP has claimed, that the protest vote happened to go to Cameron’s Tories, and there was nothing anyone could do about it, gov.

That said, the BNP result is a lot more solid than it looked at first, and represents steady progress.  But the question has to be asked why the highly promising results the party has been achieving in ward by-elections were not carried over here.  They do claim, after all, that in by-elections the opposition parties pour an inordinate amount of effort in that cannot be replicated under wider electoral conditions.

One possible answer for the lack of first places is what could perhaps be called “the nationalist wall” ... that percentage of the vote that seems to lie between 20 and 25%, beyond which so few racial nationalist parties get (VB aside).

This time last year I analysed a rather more remarkable performance by the BNP, and wrote, “The general range of third-place percentages was 11% to 25%.  Seconds ranged from 20% to 30%, and one or two even higher than that.  A first place required about 35%.”

I haven’t totted up the entire vote and broken it down as an average.  But it looks to be as though it is below 20% of the total votes cast - perhaps around 17.5%.  That is nudging up towards this supposed electoral barrier for single-issue racial politics.

It’s something to ponder, and something I hadn’t factored into my completely over-optimistic pre-election guess of 80 seats.  But then, who forecast that the Tories would pick up very nearly 900 seats?  Not me, for sure.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 07 May 2007 01:02 | #

How many actual votes did they get?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 07 May 2007 02:40 | #


Nick Griffin was born in North London and grew up in Halesworth in rural Suffolk, England.

Griffin has mentioned he has a farm in Wales, however, he is not Welsh born. No, the results in Wales appear directly related to the size of the Polish community in the constituency and their direct impact upon Welsh jobs.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 07 May 2007 03:16 | #

Thanks, Desmond.  I’d simply assumed because he lived in Wales and had a Welsh family name he was Welsh, but I never thought of looking it up.  I stand corrected.


Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 07 May 2007 05:20 | #

I think Britain is the opposite of the concept of Greater Germany. Großdeutschland is the idea that the Germanic Volk were/ are living in invented states and should actually be united under the same flag, in one political entity.

What has happened with the United Kingdom is the inverse: several peoples have been ‘married’ together, who, naturally, should have their own states.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)
