Violence shocks socialist mayor Michel Pajon, the socialist mayor of Noisy-le-Grand near Paris, has gone on state radio to denounce the appalling violence which has occurred in his town. He said, “Women have been made to stop on the streets of my town. They were dragged from their cars by their hair, they were practically stoned and their cars were set ablaze… “The situation is absolutely dramatic and unacceptable. This is a real scandal. I sound the alarm bell in my town. If the state is incapable of defending us, we will have no choice but to defend ourselves. “My town has a psychiatric hospital which has been attacked with molotov cocktails. This is beyond comprehension. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life. I do not ask for the resignation of the Interior Minister [Nicolas Sarkozy]. I want him to do his job. At the moment he is not doing his job. “Send in the army? I do not know, for a socialist to say that the army has to intervene is an inconceivable admission of defeat, but what I can say is that one cannot abandon the people like this. At some point we need to know whether this country still has a state.” Women dragged from their cars by their hair and then “practically stoned”? Hospitals attacked with molotov cocktails? It sounds as if in some parts of France the situation on the ground has been much worse than the mainstream media is letting on. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 13:38 | # “ ‘The situation is absolutely dramatic and unacceptable. This is a real scandal. I sound the alarm bell in my town. If the state is incapable of defending us, we will have no choice but to defend ourselves. My town has a psychiatric hospital which has been attacked with molotov cocktails. This is beyond comprehension. I have never seen anything like this in my entire life. I do not ask for the resignation of the Interior Minister [Nicolas Sarkozy]. I want him to do his job. At the moment he is not doing his job.’ ” (—quote from the log entry) The ones who didn’t do their job, Monsieur Pajon, are the voters, who didn’t elect Le Pen in 2002. This is the result. There will be more of it, and it will be worse, les Français. Do your duty next time there’s an election, or you’ll have no one to blame but yourselves! Men like the race-replacing Tranzi Chirac or the race-replacing Jewish Neocon Sarkozy will never solve the problem! Never! Of that you can be sure! Moratorium-plus-Repatriation! 3
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 17:22 | # Where is the robust French will to face the enemy as demonstrated by the blowing-up of Greenpeace’s ship ‘Rainbow Warrior’in New Zealand? The clueless French are running around like a bunch of eunuchs in heat. 4
Posted by The other guy on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:18 | # Brave Scrooby aux barricades. As if he was doing anything for the cause. Yeah he’s telling em how to do it from his cubicle. 5
Posted by Truth Be Told on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:34 | # No word from the political elite or mainstream media yet about the need to reform an oppressive, patriarchal, male-dominated Islamic culture. Of course we’ve heard plenty about how the white, Christian French need to change their laws, society, and even thought patterns to accomodate malcontented Africans. I look forward to the day this anti-white double standard is buried in its grave, with a stake through its heart, and our white cultures can begin healing themselves. Tomorrow’s Kipling may well be forged in our current crucible of hypocrisy. 6
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 19:53 | # Great comment, Truth be Told! “Brave Scrooby aux barricades. As if he was doing anything for the cause. Yeah he’s telling em how to do it from his cubicle.” (—The Other Guy) Don’t you have old issues of Soldier of Fortune magazine to pore over, The Other Guy? Why waste time here reading my comments when you could be out playing real-life commando complete with sniper rifle and scope, Kevlar vest, night-vision equipment, Bowie knife, Mohawk hair cut, nighttime black face camouflage, and the rest? Short of that, aren’t there at least some computer games you could gin up that would satisfy your need to form a heroic image of yourself? Do what you want but just stop boring me to death, will you? And get yourself a good psychiatrist, would be my sincere advice. In the meantime, look—if you need an IQ-boost I know where they’re on sale this week ... (might make a new man of you! ... or at least allow you to take digs at the people here with some wit and style, instead of boring everyone to death ...) Now, run along, there’s a good lad, and go get a life ... Moratorium-plus-Repatriation! 7
Posted by The other guy on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 21:24 | # We did hit a nerve there. Sad, boring fellow. Considers his little diatribe action in his Crusade. 8
Posted by ben tillman on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 23:14 | # Where is the robust French will to face the enemy…? The rioters are not the enemy, at least not the enemy of the government. They are in fact the government’s allies, and this whole thing is a prolonged negotiation for a greater share of the loot plundered from the French taxpayer. 9
Posted by AD on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 23:23 | # Mark, re: that earlier post about the mussies bashing the cameraman, seems they’re having problems at their place of employment now from co-workers, and the company is protecting them. To ‘harrass’ the darlings means people will lose their jobs.,5478,17204895%5E661,00.html At a crisis meeting yesterday dayshift workers were warned they faced the sack if caught bullying or harassing the men. But one angry worker told the Herald Sun he could not understand why parent company Woolworths was protecting them. “We don’t want them here,” he said. “Not all Muslims are terrorists, we know that. But beating up television crews . . . that’s just un-Australian. One worker at the centre said a group of colleagues had to be talked out of a plan to take the law into their own hands. “Some of the guys wanted to bash them,” he said. “They were going to wait for them to knock off and get them. They’re edgy about working alongside these blokes.” 10
Posted by AD on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 23:55 | # Brave Scrooby aux barricades. As if he was doing anything for the cause. AS…IF! WHATEVA!?! YOU DON’T KNOW ME! Is this the bitchy-teen-talkshow-makeover messageboard? 12
Posted by Kubilai on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 00:44 | # Let us not lower ourselves to quarrel. Igor, good recommendation though a day or two late. AD, thanks for that link and thank God for Aussie gumption. I hope that you(collective) are strong enough to turn back the tide of the nation destroying ideology that we find ourselves in. 13
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 00:55 | # “The rioters are not the enemy, at least not the enemy of the government. They are in fact the government’s allies, and this whole thing is a prolonged negotiation for a greater share of the loot plundered from the French taxpayer.” (—Ben Tillman) Ben, this must be right, and the reason it must be right is simply that what’s going on and the solution to it are obvious to any eleven-year-old, so all this pretending not to know is play-acting. Why would the government be play-acting, pretending not know precisely what’s going on and exactly what needs to be done( * ) unless it had ulterior motives and what could those ulterior motives conceivably be if not complicity in, approval of, welcoming of, the whole thing? ( * Namely: send the bastards home and don’t let any more in, which would instantly be recognized by every eleven-year-old on the face of the earth as the only conceivable solution—yet we hear things like, “We must let more of them in—the French racists haven’t yet learned how to be multi-culti enough, and the only way to teach them is to bring many more of them in.”) Moratorium-plus-Repatriation! 14
Posted by Steve Edwards on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 07:54 | # Holy crap! Ben’s right. I can’t believe I missed that. They most certainly are acting on behest of the government. So, tell me, who is the government working for? 15
Posted by Mark Richardson on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 12:46 | # AD, I’m glad you posted a link to that story (which was also reported on 3AW radio, but not, I believe, in the Age newspaper). At least it does show a spirit of resistance amongst Australian workers. The arrogance of the 5 Muslim men who beat up Matt Rose has not just been quietly accepted but has led to a workplace revolt. No spirit of dhimmitude just yet. 16
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 14:45 | # Steve Edwards, look at <u>the following log entry</u> I happened to see over at <u>Paul Belien’s blog</u>. Reading through it, including reading “between the lines,” one gets a sense of the rightness (or at the very least, the plausibility) of Ben Tillman’s view that, far from working against the government, the rioters are working for it, rendering a service. Think of the reaction of the guests seated around the table at Thanksgiving as the huge turkey platter is carried in by the hostess and set on the table amidst all the other dishes, the mashed white and sweet potatoes, the gravies, the bowls brimming with mushrooms, cranberry sauce, chestnuts, peas and carrots, the apple juice and ciders, the egg nog, the whole feast ... That’s how the bureaucrats and government officials react to these riots: not with horror as we do, but with the mouth-watering anticipation felt by the guests sitting around the Thanksgiving table as the turkey platter is brought in: for them it’s the opening of a feast. Just read the piece below—with bulging eyes, they’re right now seeing discussion of all the goodies that are soon to be set on the table before them, and in a little while they’re going to start digging in and scarfing it down, all the increases in social spending that will go right into their pockets, the higher taxes to be squeezed out of the tax-paying white population to pay for it, the increased hiring of personel for their government departments—more secretaries, more assistants, more colleagues, more offices, all the increases in their power and prestige ... Look, think of John Bolton saying they’re doing it because they want more power: this gives them more power. Think of Jim Kalb saying the same thing: the government officials, bureaucrats, élites, and experts are all in favor of this stuff—in favor of the hysterical official vigilance against anti-racism, in favor of the imposed multi-culti, the mandatory diversity-worship, the forced race-replacement, the draconian suppression of religion, in favor of the lot—because it gives them more power. They see these riots as leading to increases in their power through heightened imposition of all that—all those things that are the source of their power, prestige, and income. Just when the public was perhaps beginning to wonder how necessary these bureaucrats were, the proof of how essential they are for the working of French society suddenly waltzes in, in the form of these riots. When governments actually want to crush what they view as domestic resistance or potential threats to their power and rule they don’t fool around: think Ruby Ridge and Waco; think the IRS; think the pre-dawn arrest of Nick Griffin; think David Blunkett’s absolutely unbelievable threat to arrest Le Pen when he came to England to give a speech. When they fool around and refuse to get control of a problem and solve it—as, for example would be done in this case by controlling immigration and putting an end to race-replacement—it can only be because they don’t feel threatened whatsoever by it. (con’d next comment) 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 14:49 | # (cont’d from previous comment) Here’s the Brussels Journal log entry: André Labarrère, a Socialist senator and mayor of the south-western city of Pau, said he was “totally opposed” to the state of emergency. “It is a form of discrimination that will be very badly received.” Communist Party leader Marie-George Buffet warned that the decree could enflame rioters. “It could be taken anew as a sort of challenge to carry out more violence,” she said. The largest teacher’s union said that M Chirac’s decision would be seen as a “message of war” to disaffected youths who already see the riot police as an army sent to humiliate them. The leftist Paris daily Le Monde declared: “Exhuming a 1955 law sends to the youth of the suburbs a message of astonishing brutality.” Meanwhile, the great unwashed masses feel a bit differently than their leftist betters: A poll taken on Tuesday showed that nearly three-quarters of people approve of the curfews, as do mayors in the suburbs roiled by unrest. As the riots continue, French PM Dominique de Villepin is wielding the only weapon eagerly embraced by the socialist-minded among us, the checkbook: Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin unveiled a raft of social and economic measures designed to improve conditions in France’s tough, low-income neighbourhoods that have spawned unrest raging across the country. The intiatives are: Numbers 1 through 4 are more government, more taxes, more of the “ideas” which have led France into the prone position it now finds itself both socially and economically. What is of interest is number 5. The one idea of the lot that may work to some degree is the setting up of special economic zones. What is the appeal of special economic zones in the first place? Special economic zones work due to the cutting of high taxation and the cutting of government regulations in order to induce businesses via positive incentives. Inducements work both ways. The above is a positive inducement for positive activity. There is also the possibility of negative inducements creating negative activity. For instance, caving into rioters with a raft of government-run proposals paid for with government (ie. taxpayer) funds. The rioters are rewarded for negative activity while the taxpayer is punished for positive activity (ie. generating the wealth only to be taxed even further). Activity which is rewarded is reinforced. Activity which is punished is pursued less and less. As our regular reader Rob Read would say, “give us more of what is killing us.” 18
Posted by Svigor on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 18:04 | # When governments actually want to crush what they view as domestic resistance or potential threats to their power and rule they don’t fool around Bingo. 19
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 03:45 | # Brenda Walker expresses a few very appropriate thoughts on this Veteran’s Day: “[<u>...P]oliticians today</u> strive to give away the borders and sovereignty that many thousands of Americans died to protect. (One such scheme is the ‘<u>North American Community</u>’ planned by the Council on Foreign Relations.) [Scroob note: I’ve read about that scheme for combining the U.S., Mexico, Central America, and Canada into one country without internal borders, clearly the blueprint Tranzis like Bush and Rove are following. But who the F*** are the Council on Foreign Relations??? Who the F*** elected them to anything??? Since when were they elected to so much as dog catcher anywhere??? Where do they come off sitting behind closed doors and arrogantly planning the demise of the U.S. as a country separate from Latin America??? The Council on (Unnatural) Foreign Relations can take their “North American Community” and shove it up their ass!—end of Scroob note] “[...] Today, elderly French ladies in Normandy (who likely lived through D-Day) fear Muslim boys from the local school. [...] ’EVREUX, France — Three white-haired women stood before the burnt wreckage of their beauty salon, reminiscing about the days when they still felt safe walking the streets of this Normandy town after dark. “We were happy here,” said one of them, an 80-year-old. “Now we’re afraid.” Another looked at her watch and reported it was almost 4:30 p.m. the time that school lets out and when this group of older ladies makes sure they’re at home, behind locked doors.’ “[...]We Americans share specific values [...] and do not comprise a “universal” nation as envisioned by Ben Wattenberg. Americans gave their lives in war so that we citizens could live in freedom in our sovereign nation, not so Juan and Ahmed could enter at will for better job opportunities or the advance of jihad. “Veterans’ Day should renew our committment to being a national community, and renouncing the universalist global flophouse envisioned by elites in Washington and beyond. As Veterans for Secure Borders notes, ‘They didn’t die for open borders!’ “ Post a comment:
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Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 10 Nov 2005 13:22 | #
Islam + North African mean IQ + Sub-Saharan African testosterone + Sub-Saharan African mean IQ = a much better explanation for dragging women around by the hair and throwing molotov cocktails into psychiatric hospitals than the leftist meme of white racism.