“Idiocracy” is now on DVD and all I can say is Wow!
Well, maybe a mite more than that…
I haven’t read any reviews that do justice to this movie and I don’t expect I’ll be the first to do so.
Suffice to say, Mike Judge has done more than violate taboos against discussing the consequences of dysgenics. There is a lot more in this movie to keep it out of the theaters. Judge has concocted a vaccine to the mind-numbing meme machine running the West. You can’t watch “Idiocracy” and then not laugh at the garbage coming out of the mass media in the guise of “news and entertainment”. Indeed, the DVD opens with a mountain range of garbage about to avalanche, and it is such a perfect metaphor for what has been done to the mind of Western Man that one doesn’t know whether to split a gut or sit in awe.
It’s such a relief to watch this movie. I can empathize with the audience instead of seeing the audience as a potentially dangerously dumbed down army of marching morons programmed with zombie morals who (see the movie to get this) are destroying their food production because they believe a sports drink must replace irrigation water “because it has the electrolytes plants crave”.
Now I’m the first to admit that there is more than mere stupidity going on in the world—that some of the destruction is the result of a peculiar kind of stupidity one might call “unenlightened self-interest”. Indeed, my counter to those who say “Never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity.” is “Never attribute to stupidity that which can be attributed to unenlightened self interest.” Nor does Judge’s storyline do justice to such unenlightened self-interest when he portrays everyone from street hookers to to corporate executives as exhibiting this particular kind of stupidity. The worst unenlightened self-interest we are now experiencing utilizes high intelligence of a kind—a sort of narrow and intense intelligence that just can’t keep its fundamentals straight even as it solves problems that are the equivalent of proving the four color map theorem. Is it possible to describe someone with a 180 IQ as merely “stupid” when they grab control of high office and positions of influence while raking in hundreds of millions or even billions of dollars? Of course not—even if they cause the needless deaths of hundreds of millions, including themselves, it is hard to describe them as stupid, although I will admit I do so quite frequently when speaking of them. Indeed one of my main motives for working on artificial intelligence is my sincere hope that the “intelligent” idiots will hear the truth when a machine tells them, with encyclopedic detail and a bibliography-on-demand miles long, exactly how they’re being so abysmally stupid in key dimensions.
So the movie Judge won’t make is the one where some transhumanists start engineering themselves for greater intelligence in zero-sum gamesmanship simply for the purpose of enjoying ever greater dominance over others, while they lose track of the fact that they needed those “stupid white trash hicks” to make the food.
Posted by Robert ap Richard on Thu, 11 Jan 2007 14:06 | #
It’s in the mail to me now, from Netflix. I should have it by tomorrow and will watch it Friday or Saturday night.