Iowa Straw Poll: Reagan in 1979 vs Paul in 2007 The results of the Iowa Straw Poll are in and the question is whether Ron Paul’s overwhelming Internet popularity translated into not just boots on the ground but effective boots on the ground. Various humorous (herd of angry cats) and sometimes derogatory (escaped mental institution inmates) epithets have been hurled at Paul’s supporters. What they really are is a not very well-regulated nascent militia—in the early stages of formation at that—with all of the attendant organizational problems. But this is not yet a violent revolution—it is still politics where the bottom line is not territory but votes captured. Given this standard, it is important to look at the most recent “revolution” in America’s conservative movement for comparison: The Reagan Revolution. In 1979, Ronald Reagan garnered 11% of the vote in the Iowa Straw Poll and went on to win not only the Republican nomination but the Presidency whereas Paul garnered 9% in 2007—so they are comparable with Paul at a slight disadvantage in the comparison. A few things stand out about Reagan in 1979 vs Paul in 2007: What this says is that Paul’s conservative revolution is credible (despite an Old Media blackout that will continue) if during the next few months Paul’s committed boots-on-the-ground Internet militia and Paul’s own commanders learn to better coordinate their mutual resources. Comments:2
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 16:40 | # I see Ron Paul and Tom Tancredo (and Duncan Hunter too) as the candidates American white people were waiting for in 2000, to replace the Clinton nightmare, and thought they were going to get in George Bush. Christ, how wrong we were about Bush! If any of them makes it, it’ll be a case of picking up where the Reaganites left off, and finishing the work they started, after a nightmarish radical left-wing Clinton-Bush interregnum. 3
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 17:41 | # The point about marijuana is important and not simply because it points out a population of young white men who are particularly targeted for prisoner rape, but because it exposes the larger issue of ethics of human experimentation at the root of medical as well as political ethics. When “minority rights democracy” supplants “vote with your feet secession”, a fundamental shift has taken place in the ethical basis of society to a violation of medical ethics. The resulting “therapeutic state” is the new form of the theocratic state—wishing to diagnose our very thoughts as medical conditions to be treated. It sees itself as having rights to experiment on us to validate its theories—rights limited only by enumerated “minority rights” which it will interpret on our behalf given our inferior status as psychotheraputic subjects. So we get to be diagnosed as “racists” and subjected, without our consent, to experimental medical treatments of our “pathology” in the form of enforced diversity in our preferences for immigration, our preferences for community and even our private contractual relationships. We, on the other hand, believe we have a right to “self-medicate”—as do the marijuana users. I’m no fan of marijuana, but I’m less of a fan of the therapeutic state. 4
Posted by Maguire on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 19:35 | # How long is Ron Paul likely to be “in the field”, and potentially competitive for the GOP nomination? The whole process is now being front loaded into one month, and with ‘Blue States’ dominating the process even for the nominally ‘Red’ GOP. This is why elite coasters like Romney and Giuliani are so prominent. Welcome to the first non-white majority election in the late grate USA. And it’s being organized to maximize Jewish money and media leverage. Most of the Ron Paul Militia will have to disband before they even get a chance to mobilize. The best case would be for Paul to run an Independent Presidential candidacy. This would provide a nationwide opportunity for longer term organizing. This will result in a Hillary Presidency, of course. But so what? Judeo-Bore and Judeo-Gush is always the choice from the two so-called major parties. Another benefit of front loading is to allow maximum time to organize an independent candidacy if necessary to manage the election properly. But Hillary’s always been the plan since 2000. Why does anyone think Jewess INS Commissioner Doris Meissner and Judeo-Lesbo Janet Reno - from Miami, Florida - staged the Elian Gonzalez Gets Deported Back To Cuba drama in Y2K to begin with? They knew what political effect that would have on the emotional Cubans of Dade County and Broward. Say what you want to about the Clintonoids. But they do know how to organize elections. It’s their only real competency. The Elian Gonzalez Affair is not something an Administration that was genuinely trying to elect Al Gore would have staged. And Gore was fully aware of it. Q. Where did the Gore-Lieberman campaign finish up an hour before the Y2K polls opened in November, 2000? A. They finished with Jew Joe Lieberman standing on Miami Beach, Florida, surrounded by a gaggle of Jews and their biologically degenerate rabble of shabbas goy sodomites, whores and non-whites. Just don’t imagine the 2008 ‘election’ is subject to less management than Y2K was. ps My daughter remembers election night well. She remembers hearing me laugh my a** off all night long watching Dan Rather display his idiocy. 5
Posted by GT on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 22:18 | # “Most of the Ron Paul Militia will have to disband before they even get a chance to mobilize.” In the past month more than a dozen people from my neck of the woods signed up to help Ron Paul on Ther.e’s been no word from the group’s organizer since early July and his email address is bouncing. Today I offered to host a meeting of area Ron Paul supporters. It’ll be interesting to see the response. Would love to be proven wrong, but I suspect Ron Paul’s Internet supporters are extremely reluctant to put feet on the street. “The best case would be for Paul to run an Independent Presidential candidacy. This would provide a nationwide opportunity for longer term organizing.” Leading to the development of permanent, local anti-system campaign organizations at less cost. Problem is, it’s “easier” to place one’s faith in the Republican Party and spend supporters’ money on jewsmedia advertising. 6
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 23:50 | # Anecdotal experiences are data points. The best thing to look for are aggregate data like this 9% number—which is far higher than the old media “scientific” polls were predicting—and he achieved it with virtual old media blackout and a week or two of in person campaigning. How did he do that? I didn’t go into the “front-loading” of the primaries because I incorporated that reality into the prior statement about proper coordination and deployment of resources. They basically have to pull off a political coop in Iowa and/or New Hampshire under an Old Media blackout. Yes, of course, the election is rigged—and it is rigged in more ways than one but there are two sides to that coin: 1) Yes it means that there is very little time for the militia to “well-regulate”. 2) It also means that the militia is increasingly difficult to placate since they have the New Media to contrast with the Old Media’s rigging. 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 00:24 | #
And around a tenth to something like one-eighteenth the budget of the big rivals for the nomination. 8
Posted by Maguire on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 01:41 | # “They basically have to pull off a political coop in Iowa and/or New Hampshire under an Old Media blackout.” “1) Yes it means that there is very little time for the militia to “well-regulate”.” Yes. That’s the whole point of front loading so many primaries. Will even a ‘coup’ in just one of those states be enough? I think not. Too little time will remain to react and organize, using New Media to pull together organizations to face the standing Old Media and the political mercenary organizations already deployed everywhere else. Less than four weeks remain by the time a ‘coup’ occurs. And of course Old Media will be in there pitching to discredit either/or as ‘atypical’ and ‘not representative’. “2) It also means that the militia is increasingly difficult to placate since they have the New Media to contrast with the Old Media’s rigging.” Their implacability is irrelevant unless they have a continuing focal point to organize around until November. This means one of two things. First is Ron Paul, Independent. So far the indications are Paul is preparing a concurrent reelection run as a Republican for his House seat. Second, someone else steps forward to fill that focal point role, and who can command the transferred allegiance of a good number of suddenly ex-Paulists. In either of these cases a genuine heartland political opposition could emerge. Red State America is unlikely to be enthused by the GOP candidate Blue State America picks for them. Otherwise the show’s over in early February and everyone can go back to being a disorganized internet virtual opposition of disgruntled peons. If Option 1, Sustained Campaign to November, is exercised then a great deal is possible. This starts with 50 state level organizations getting the registered voter lists for each state and then proceeding to ballot qualify the man via signed petitions collected door to door. Having these databases in hand opens a universe of New Media and internet leveraged local campaign organizing possibilities. A campaign opening Jan 1 and closing Feb 5, and not even extending to most states, fails to offer enough scope and time. 9
Posted by JB on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 15:43 | # looks like he only needs exposure to convince people I wish I would live in the US right now to help his campaign. 10
Posted by GT on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:19 | # Maguire, Re: Effective Boots Does R. Paul’s Internet “militia” have the intestinal fortitude to lead or actively participate in neighborhood campaigns on his behalf as a Republican presidential primaries candidate? Does the “militia” have the intestinal fortitude to lead or actively participate in neighborhood campaigns on RP’s behalf as an Independent presidential candidate? I am not optimistic. 11
Posted by Maguire on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:27 | # The Ron Paul candidacy has a permanent structural problem so long as it resides inside the GOP. Huckabee and Brownback together polled 35% in Iowa. They’re the candidates of the Falwell-Hagee Zionist first and last megachurches. (note to Wintermute and others; this group is also the one that is politically actuated by the Masoretic OT of the KJV, as amended by Cyrus I. Scofield’s marginal pro-Zionist interpretative notes in his “Study Bible”, since updated by other hands. Both editions brought to us by the Oxford University Press. Now old boy, start spamming this thread to death with your divergent cut ‘n paste fossils from past millenia). Romney-Giuliani-McCain come from the Judeo-Bush globalist wing, generally mislabled as ‘moderates’. Here’s another 35%. The above blocks describe the modern GOP today. It’s unsurprising they polled a combined 70% plus. Paul is presently dividing the remaining old line Reaganite Conservative vote with Tancredo, plus attracting additional people who would not normally participate in GOP primaries. It doesn’t matter that Paul isn’t naming the Jew, because he’s naming key Jew policies. The preceding 70% bloc will eventually unite on a single candidate to oppose him. If necessary the elites pulling the strings will throw the election to a Democrat to ensure continued execution of those key policies. It is very difficult to discern an imminent ‘coup’ in the above GOP landscape. The bulk of potential Ron Paulists reside outside the GOP already. Even those GOPers fed up with the current system can support Paul more easily as an Independent than as a Republican primary candidate. Meanwhile ‘GOP’ remains an emotional block for many other Independents and Democrats who would otherwise be inclined to support much of Paul’s platform. About the only GOP “infrastructure” that Paul could capture are the federal matching funds due to a GOP presidential candidate, plus automatic ballot placement. The Zionist Church activist infrastructure of pastors flogging on sheeple with promises and threats of heaven and hell goes away with Paul’s nomination. The country club globalist wing also goes away with their deep pockets and corporate media access, too. Paul therefore has to replace that infrastructure with newly built New Media infrastructure no matter what label he runs under. The Judeo-Globalist group will simply combine on the Democrat candidate even if a miracle occurs and Paul mounts a coup inside the GOP. From this viewpoint alone he’s better off running the main campaign as an Independent in a three way race. Meanwhile the continued residence of Ron Paul’s campaign inside the Republican primary process is actively retarding the New Media mobilization and organization of dissidents in most states. This is wasting a lot of time and sidelining a lot of potential activists. Time and local presence are the areas a “New Media” type movement actually has intrinsic advantages in. My view is that if Ron Paul is really serious about what he says, then he’ll go ‘Independent’ sometime prior to January 1, 2008. 12
Posted by Maguire on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 17:56 | # “Does the “militia” have the intestinal fortitude to lead or actively participate in neighborhood campaigns on RP’s behalf as an Independent presidential candidate?” I think so. There are yard signs out in my town already. The problem right now is General Headquarters is limiting action to the wrong battlefields and battles. According to these polls, Paul is doing much better in larger states outside of New Hampshire & Iowa. As you know, it makes some sense to stay with the GOP process so long as this yields public speaking venues and old media publicity. But the moment of truth approaches when the Ron Paul Declaration of Independence has to be issued if the mobilization and campaign is to go on. It would be ironic, and ironically stupid, if one of the few anti-Iraq GOP Congressmen were to acquire a weakened GOP after an internal war, and then go forth carrying a war guilt flag. 13
Posted by GT on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:11 | # Good talking points, Maguire. In the Iowa Straw Poll: 1. 35% (Huckabee, Brownback) represent the Falwell-Hagee Zionist first and last megachurches. Thus RPaulists should buy walking shoes, prepare for an Independent candidacy, target the voting and non-voting disaffected, build a permanent network of collaborating local units, and otherwise prepare to completely eschew the jewsmedia at some point. Of course, the above is predicated on the assumption that more than a handful of the “militia” is willing to drive to the polling booth or stick a sign in their front yard. “It would be ironic, and ironically stupid, if one of the few anti-Iraq GOP Congressmen were to acquire a weakened GOP after an internal war, and then go forth carrying a war guilt flag.” Yes, indeed. His long-term objective should be to destroy the GOP. 14
Posted by Scimitar on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:24 | # Found this at Auster’s VFR: 1. Mitt Romney—4516 votes, 31% 15
Posted by GT on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 19:36 | # “5. Ron Paul—1305 votes, 9.1%” That’s the 9% Bowery was referring to. Rather than get too jazzed we should remember that it’s only a data point of unknown significance. 16
Posted by Maguire on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 20:05 | # “destroy the GOP.” Of course. The GOP is the peer competitor with any white inclined movement for political power. The existing political parties are just shell legal franchises anyway. The true people infrastructure and organizational power resides outside them and always has. Even the most successful ‘insurgency’ will capture very little. And a good part of that, such as the brand name, has accompanying brand name pollution after eight years of this Administration. It’s better left alone just for that reason. Tasks that have traditionally appeared to be onerous, such as ballot qualifying via registered voter petitions, are actually wonderful opportunities to organize and exercise local organizations using New Media. A petition drive is a great excuse to knock on doors and jawbone people. The traditional door to door canvass will have to be a major tactic for such a movement. 17
Posted by GT on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 22:34 | # Maguire, “Tasks that have traditionally appeared to be onerous, such as ballot qualifying via registered voter petitions, are actually wonderful opportunities to organize and exercise local organizations using New Media.” Yes indeed, especially in White rural environs where the voter signatures required for a petition is generally – but not always – considerably less than that required in urban locations. Imagine proto-White nationalist organizations throughout the country led and trained by sane, circumspect White nationals of reasonable intelligence! In time these organizations might incorporate other matters into their political agenda: Microcommunities, eBarter, local nig on human slaughter like that of the Wichita kids or of Channon and Christopher. For example, messages like this one given at Kalamazoo … “Alex rises toward his apotheosis at Kalamazoo” ... could not be easily deflected through nepotistic acts of local and national media-government collusion: “KALAMAZOO - Local police are hailing their handling of a white supremacy rally last Saturday, and handing part of the credit to the local media for that success. “Sgt. Joe Taylor, public information officer for the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, said following the rally, “A lot of that has to do with the media’s agreement to blackout stuff before the event,” he said. “Wait, don’t use blackout. Their cooperation.”” 18
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 22:58 | # Clearly a third party needs to emerge if the current political system is to survive but the damage wrought by the “minority rights democracy” system is so profound that I don’t think there is any reason to preserve it. It really must be replaced by a “vote with your feet secessionist rights” system and that is not something the current system can deliver. There needs to be another war for Independence and this time no Constitution should be adopted without the right of secession clearly provided as a primary function of the Constitution. 19
Posted by GT on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 23:24 | # Maguire, “A petition drive is a great excuse to knock on doors and jawbone people. The traditional door to door canvass will have to be a major tactic for such a movement.” I agree. But is RP’s Internet “militia” up to the task of going door to door? Pardon my lack of faith, but we’ve been down this road before. Is there a residency requirement for the Iowa Straw Poll? Was voter residency verified? I read, somewhere, that one or more candidates bused voters in from other states. Is that true? Although RP may not have bused anybody in, that doesn’t preclude voluntary carpools comprised of slightly more dedicated keyboard warriors from other states. After all, if residency requirements are non-existent or not verified there is nothing to lose by carpooling except the shared cost of fuel. “Militia” members carpooling from elsewhere to boost RP’s showing likely vote multiple times in online polls, as well. I recommend caution against excess exuberance. Hopefully my concerns are groundless. 20
Posted by Cassiodorus on Mon, 13 Aug 2007 23:45 | # Maguire and James, while I agree with you entirely on supporting Ron Paul, I *do not* agree that Ron Paul running as an Independent in 2008 would be a good idea—certainly not yet at least. You seem to brush off the idea of an election of Hillary Clinton as being “not so much different from the election of a Romney or Giuliani.” While I seriously dislike those 2 Republicans, they would be nowhere near as dangerous as Hillary is to White society anywhere. (McCain OTOH I couldn’t stomach at all, but thankfully, he’s toast.) Most other elections I’d just sit out, or write in Ron Paul, but if Hillary Clinton is on the Democratic ballot, yes I would vote for Giuliani/Romney on the GOP ballot. Hillary has all but promised to grant full amnesty to all illegal aliens *and* to drastically increase the legal immigration numbers especially of Latinos and African Blacks who consistently vote Democratic—and give them instant voting status, preventing a conservative candidate from ever again gaining power in the USA with our current demographics. This on top of a host of other measures to grant privileges and indulgences to non-Whites and stigmatize and encourage hatred against Whites at every turn, while appointing federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would just plunge the knife in even further against what’s left of US White civilization. So while I would be hardly enthusiastic about voting for Romney or Giuliani, I would do it since as irritating as they are, they would be far less dangerous then a Hillary candidacy, choose better Supreme Court justices, and in general at least provide a window of opportunity for us to organize. OTOH a Hillary election would spell the permanent destruction of Western society in the USA. I’m sorry, but 2008 just isn’t the time to let the perfect be the enemy of the good. If we’re going to survive here in North America, we have to have patience and embrace sensible strategy, and having Ron Paul run as an Independent in 2008 and pave Hillary’s path would be an absolutely catastrophic idea, and he would lose the support of myself and millions of others who respect him. If necessary we’ll have to fight tactically in 2008 and vote in somebody like Giuliani—to keep Hillary out, more than pushing Giuliani in—and then organize to support someone like Ron Paul thereafter, springing up from the grass roots as we’ve done thus far. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 00:23 | # What an odd comment by Cassiodorus. Is he aware that everything he says Hillary would do Bush has done and/or is doing and all mainline GOP candidates including Giuliani, Romney, and the others are Bush clones in these regards and would do exactly as he’s done and exactly as Hillary would do. There’s no difference between Hillary and Bush on race-replacement. Both parties, Dems and GOP, have as a top priority the forcible transformation of the U.S. from white to non-white in the shortest possible time. THAT IS NOT HYPERBOLE OR ANY SORT OF EXAGGERATION: IT’S WHAT THEY’RE BOTH STRIVING VERY AGGRESSIVELY TO PULL OFF. The Tories under David Cameron are doing exactly the same: making it a top priority to transform Britain from white to non-white in the shortest possible time. BETTER BELIEVE IT.
All of that is exactly what Giuliani and Romney would do. Don’t cite the “conservative” justices Bush appointed: for one thing he didn’t want to appoint them but had to be dragged kicking and screaming to do it, and for another, we’ve yet to see how “conservative” his appointees will turn out to be. Remember David Souter, endorsed by John Sununu as being “conservative”? He’s turned out to be one the most radical left-wing justices in history. Ron Paul definitely SHOULD run as an independent in ‘08 if he fails to get the nomination. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT. My top pick isn’t Paul, but Tancredo. But Paul would be EXCELLENT. 22
Posted by Maguire on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 01:15 | # Scimitar’s results list shows where the winnowing is most likely to occur. 1. Pat Robertson, John Hagee et al will bring intense behind the scenes pressure on Brownback & Huckabee to fold one tent before the IA caucuses. This way the Mega Church Zionists can focus their resources on a remaining single candidate. If they can’t nominate their boy they at least want maximum bargaining leverage. They can’t get this with a divided vote that leads to both their candidates dropping after Iowa. That will only lead to Romney immediately starting to campaign against Hillary for the triangulated center. 2. One reason for #1 is the Tommy Thomson vote will tend to go to the Globalist wing. This moves the Globos up to around 45% already, no matter who the globalist finally is. 3. The GloboBush elites will put great pressure on McCain and likely Giuliani to quit. Two New York based presidential candidates ain’t gonna fly without triggering a serious Independent Candidacy based in the Midwest, whether by Paul or someone else. New York and Massachussetts is bad enough already. This leaves Romney (with Fred Thompson as a conscious Manchurian candidate backup in case Romney stumbles) leading with 45% of the GOP already bagged. 4. Which brings us to Paul vs Tancredo. Tancredo is running for Secretary of the Dept of Homeland Security, not President. Even in the best case scenario Paul can only improve to around 25% in the Iowa caucuses, and then only if Tancredo drops out. 23
Posted by Tommy G on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 01:27 | # “This on top of a host of other measures to grant privileges and indulgences to non-Whites and stigmatize and encourage hatred against Whites at every turn, while appointing federal judges and Supreme Court justices who would just plunge the knife in even further against what’s left of US White civilization.”—Cassiodorus Yes indeed, if Hillary becomes president we can predict with certainty she will appoint federal judges similar, if not worse, than Ruth Bader Ginsberg or Stephen Breyer. Correct me if Im wrong, but it has always been the leftest lawyers and judicial activists that has got us to the precarious position we find ourselves in. The Judicial branch (if stacked with leftist judges) can serve as the Achilles heel that can bring down western civilization. Can we at this critical juncture to allow Hillary “rodman” Clinton to become president? As bad a the GOP candidates are, they aren’t nearly as dangerous to the white race as the liberal Democrats. 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 01:48 | #
Bush isn’t? They’re all just like Bush. As for judges, Bush wanted Harriet Miers. He had to be dragged kicking and screaming into appointing someone else. I guess you can say, “Yeah but at least we succeeded in dragging him kicking and screaming, which we wouldn’t be able to do with Hillary.” Well, OK, but that’s the absolute best you can say about Bush or any mainstream GOPer, all of whom are Bush clones and fanatical race-replacement advocates. I hope it goes without saying I’m not advocating voting for the likes of Hillary. I’m saying the GOPers are just as bad as Hillary. Bush is just as bad as Hillary. 25
Posted by Tommy G on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 02:24 | # “Bush is just as bad as Hillary.” I agree, Fred. The difference between the GOP and the Dem’s. is very small indeed. Bush and Hillary are acceptable to the “tribe” that controls both the Republican and Democratic Parties. Only candidates that are pre approved by the “tribe” will make it on the final ticket. Ron Paul is definitely not approved by the “tribe,” therefore he has zero chance of winning. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 02:53 | #
Neither was Ross Perot but if he hadn’t been such a borderline paranoid wacko he’d actually have won the presidential election (and we’d have been stuck for four years with a borderline paranoid wacko as president). Ronald Reagan wasn’t approved by the tribe either, but pulled off the nomination and the election. This last Bush illegals amnesty bill defeated just weeks ago was badly wanted by the entire establishment. Thanks to our mobilizing against it, it bit the dust, to the Beltway’s utter amazement. Look, yes, it’s hard for someone not pre-approved by the Usual Suspects to prevail but it’s not impossible. If they ever take away our internet access, by the way, it will be impossible. That’s why we should fight any such move on their part with everything we’ve got, down to our last ounce of strength. That would be a life-or-death issue for us. Come what may, we have to keep the other side from taking away our unfettered internet access. They’re going to try, and try hard. It’s coming: they’re going to strike us as starkly as they can to wrest that access away from us, on “hate” grounds, “sedition” grounds, “Homeland Security” grounds, or what-have-you, whatever they can think up. When that strike comes we have to be ready and we have to beat it back. Truly, truly, this will be one case where Failure is NOT an option. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 03:40 | # Jim Kalb’s first draught of a tradcon version of the “I Have a Dream” speech genre:
I believe if Ron Paul were to be elected president we’d finally, at long last, take our first steps as a country back in the direction “dreamt of” in this “I Have a Dream” speech. It’s possible. It’s doable. In fact, one day we definitely will get there. It’s only a question of when. The reason we’ll get there is truth and normalness always win out, in the end, over lies and degenerateness. Always. No exceptions.. 28
Posted by GT on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:14 | # Maguire, “This leaves Romney (with Fred Thompson as a conscious Manchurian candidate backup in case Romney stumbles) leading with 45% of the GOP already bagged.” Crap. Fred Thompson completely slipped my mind. So, the election campaign is presently a New York City affair with a (possible) Bloomberg independent candidacy to go with it. This will 100% marginalize the Ohio-Missouri-Mississippi River Valley; i.e. ‘Arcadia’ land between Appalachians and Rockies. This is risky business. If the blowback proves too great, the GOP can always activate Fred. He’s a trained actor and needs only mass media access and the money turned on to do well. The Limbaughtomized will respond to him very quickly, due to programming. 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:50 | #
The Old Media blackout in action:
Posted by GT on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 05:55 | # Bowery, “... the damage wrought by the “minority rights democracy” system is so profound that I don’t think there is any reason to preserve it. It really must be replaced by a “vote with your feet secessionist rights” system and that is not something the current system can deliver.” There is not time to cure the present system, even with a Ron Paul victory. Our only hope is to exploit the remaining opportunities it presents until such time that we are ready to exercise our secessionist rights, with or without the system’s acquiescence. We must find the strength to face reality, eschew the con in all its guises, and save ourselves. 31
Posted by Maguire on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 12:51 | # James, “I don’t think there is any reason to preserve it… During the Russian Civil War the French Field Marshal Ferdinand Foch made an observation of the White Russian Armies of Kolchak and Denikin: “These armies will soon disappear because they have no civil government to sustain them.” This mistake cannot be made again. Ever. Meanwhile political campaigns provide a perfect opportunity for local organization and to start validating alternate civil leadership cadres. The Committees of Correspondence preceded capture of the colonial legislatures. It was these legislatures which carried through the revolution. The Declaration and War of Independence followed an already completed political revolution. It’s not a question of the perennial delusion of ‘take back your country’ at the ballot box. It’s a question of building one. The ballot box can play a role in that process. M 32
Posted by Maguire on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 13:22 | # Fred, “The Old Media blackout in action:” You’ll notice they also listed Fred Thompson, even though he hasn’t officially declared and was at the bottom of the heap. Trained actor, Jewish media employee & CFR member Fred Thompson is this year’s conscious Manchurian Candidate. Turn on the spigots of Old Media + Money and his apparent legs will grow. The millions of the Limbaughtomized will respond per their psychological conditioning. M p.s. Dear Casual M-R Reader, are you also perhaps a ‘Republican Conservative’ who listens to Rush Limbaugh? Don’t despair. Scientific research has shown this mental disorder can often be cured 100%. Help is available. Crisis intervention teams are standing by. The technique of Limbaughtomy Reversal is improving every day. 33
Posted by Maguire on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 14:00 | # “Sgt. Joe Taylor, public information officer for the Kalamazoo Department of Public Safety, said following the rally, “A lot of that has to do with the media’s agreement to blackout stuff before the event,” he said. “Wait, don’t use blackout. Their cooperation.”” Yep. Life as a Jewsmedia extra sure is rough, isn’t it Alex Linder? Years and years of crummy minimum wage jobs, minor uncredited walk-on roles, one disappointment after another, answering casting calls and then not even getting to audition, all the while hoping for that big breakthrough to Oprah, Jerry Springer and stardom. Alex, when you say ‘no way out but through the Jew’, are you referring to the ones sitting in the producers’ offices? Maguire 34
Posted by Tommy G on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 14:52 | # “p.s. Dear Casual M-R Reader, are you also perhaps a ‘Republican Conservative’ who listens to Rush Limbaugh? Don’t despair. Scientific research has shown this mental disorder can often be cured 100%.” Rush Limbaugh is first and foremost an entertainer; he makes no secret about it. He states clearly his primary purpose is to gain as much market share as possible, so he can charge confiscatory fees from his advertisers. Keep in mind, Rush has to operate within the PC constraints of the FCC. Too, if Rush really pushed hard to promote race realism on his show, what do you think the advertises would do?...You guessed it! They’d pull their ads as fast as they did when Don Imus made a racially insensitive remark about the “nappy headed hoes.” Don’t blame Rush, blame 50 years of PC tyrany created and forced on us by the lunatic/maniacal white-liberals. The self-hating white liberals that facilitate our forced race-replacement. Fred Scrooby said: “If they ever take away our internet access, by the way, it will be impossible. That’s why we should fight any such move on their part with everything we’ve got, down to our last ounce of strength. That would be a life-or-death issue for us. Come what may, we have to keep the other side from taking away our unfettered internet access. They’re going to try, and try hard. “ Here’s a text of the “Hate Crimes” legislation. You can bet the internet will be high on the Fed’s priority of prosecutions. 35
Posted by GT on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 15:27 | # Maguire, “You’ll notice they also listed Fred Thompson, even though he hasn’t officially declared and was at the bottom of the heap.” Yeah, Fox News listed the Manchurian candidate Fred Thompson while censoring Paul and Tancredo, both of whom received many more votes: “These armies will soon disappear because they have no civil government to sustain them.” Assuming the Internet Brigade has the intestinal fortitude to do so (and frankly I am dubious), the Ron Paul campaign presents us with a perfect opportunity to organize. The objective of such organization is NOT to resucitate the dead Republic, but to socioeconomically dominate the less populous countryside with eBartering microcommunities, capture rural civil governments both local and state, make socioeconomic inroads into White suburbia, and isolate the cities in preparation for secession. 36
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 16:57 | # So the question is not really whether there is a militia that would support a “vote with your feet secessionist rights” paradigm shift, but how it is to become “well-regulated”. The techniques used by the Founders may not work without substantial modification in the present circumstance due to the geographic proximity of the tyranny’s standing army. Moreover, by aggressively turning the US’s military over to mercenary ethnic gangs of color, as it has during the Iraq intervention, we now face a more hostile military than did the Russians when they were attempting to throw off the Soviet yoke. This is why I have suggested leveraging the Internet to synchronize completely independent individuals to go after systems disruption targets to bring down the tyranny. The Beast is _not_ robust in the face of peak-load failures. 37
Posted by Tommy on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 17:22 | # “This is why I have suggested leveraging the Internet to synchronize completely independent individuals to go after systems disruption targets to bring down the tyranny.” What the hell does that mean? Are you acually suggesting the use of Cyber-terrorism as a means to accomplish revolution? 38
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 18:46 | # If I knew what the hell you meant by “terrorism” it might make sense but I may as well try interpreting a word like “genocide” without clarifying commentary. I’m not talking about “terrorism” in the sense of a military tactic designed to elicit terror, if that’s what you meant. Nor am I talking about “The Beast” being the Internet. The peak-load effect is something that affects all systems, and when I use the word “synchronize” and “independent” I mean them. The synchronization message should be a time for action with the message “If you transmit this message, do not act. If you act, remember the goal: Independence.” 39
Posted by GT on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 19:02 | # We know Ron Paul will not save Whites or resuscitate the Old Republic. RP will disavow us and the meaning of free association within a heartbeat. Our advantage in participating in his campaign is organizational. We can use it to: 1. Create local proto-White national organizations in almost every rural and White suburban neighborhood. 2. Identify, educate, and train steadfast members sympathetic to our program. 3. Create informal networks of these individuals within the organization. 4. Steer the organization’s activities to complement our program. 5. Pursue our program with a much larger, competent base of individuals who have proven themselves willing to put feet on the street. 40
Posted by Tommy G on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 19:58 | # James, I think I now understand what you mean… you’re very cleaver. Btw—that’s a great definition of ‘genocide’ you provided us. However, I’m to the point where I’m going to vote for the very worst candidate possible (It’ll probably be Hillary but maybe Obama or Kucinich would be better). My reasoning being: the faster this whole corrupt system crashes and burns the better. Let the Phoenix rise from the ashes…! 41
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 22:56 | # I think James Bowery’s article on genocide (linked in his comment above) deserves to be posted:
Ben Tillman and Andy, are you taking notes? This sort of material will be central to going after the likes of Noël Ignatiev and Alon Ziv in the courts for the exact crime Julius Streicher was hanged for at Nuremberg. 42
Posted by Tommy G on Tue, 14 Aug 2007 23:53 | # “James, I think I now understand what you mean… you’re very cleaver.” Correction: I meant to say James is clever, not cleaver. Cleaver would connote—- James “the butcher” Bowery…a WWF wrestler. 43
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:07 | # No matter what Huckabee says about immigration or controlling the borders, incidentally, he is on record as an open-borders fanatic and race-replacement advocate and no one should in his wildest dreams consider supporting him for any reason whatsoever. Underneath whatever window-dressing he conjures up for appearances’ sake he’s every bit the race-replacer Bush and Rove are. Read some of his incriminating statements carefully, here. If you like the immigration views of Abe Foxman, Morris Disease, George Bush, Grover Norquist, Spencer Abraham, Hillary, Max Boot, Tony Blair, Ted Cantle, and Johann Hari, you’ll LOVE the immigration views of ... you guessed it: Mike Huckabee! 44
Posted by DavidL on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:19 | # While there are many great and good ideas being presented Let me quote the French author Jacques Ellul twice from “And the extraordinary thing is that according to these paraphrasing Christ ” do not be so concerned about fighting And for Maguire, GT et al from Richard Hoskin’s Report “The traditional Self-Sufficient Farm (SSF) provided wealth, Just seems a waste of time to ponder national politics. DavidL 45
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 01:48 | # Nice to see you paraphrasing “Jesus” and telling us that the parasites will leave us alone as long as we leave them alone. It sounds like your stuff is virtually uncut pure. PS: I have it on good authority that Bobby Mcferrin is the second coming of JayEEEZus! 46
Posted by GT on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 04:37 | # DavidL, We are not interested in recapturing the regime through the ballot box or revolution and reanimating the carcass of the Old Republic. Our goal is the creation of a new nation. Our strategy is to socioeconomically dominate the less populous countryside with eBartering microcommunities, elect civil governments at local and state levels, make socioeconomic inroads into White suburbia, and isolate the cities in preparation for secession. Secession is necessary because parasites require hosts, not other parasites, for survival. 47
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 05:28 | # They ought to call that Iowa Straw Poll the Iowa “Last Straw” Poll: truly, the way they ran that thing then reported the results, it was the last straw. (I only wish it were the last straw literally ... but some day, some stunt they’ll pull will be, literally, the last straw, and then ... well, let’s just say better times for our side are coming and leave it at that, shall we? ...) 48
Posted by Tommy G on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 13:11 | # “We are not interested in recapturing the regime through the ballot box or revolution and reanimating the carcass of the Old Republic. Our goal is the creation of a new nation. Our strategy is to socioeconomically dominate the less populous countryside with eBartering microcommunities, elect civil governments at local and state levels, make socioeconomic inroads into White suburbia, and isolate the cities in preparation for secession. Secession is necessary because parasites require hosts, not other parasites, for survival. “
As David Duke says: Fight your battles where you’re at. Running away from the problem and setting up all-white communities is not the answer. The Federal Government will soon, by force, integrate your newly formed all-white communities with non-whites. 49
Posted by GT on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 17:08 | # Tommy G, “How would you stop the Federal Government from building ‘Section 8’ housing and relocate non-white refugees to force diversity on your communities? That’s what the they’ll do, you know. They’re systematically doing it in every all-white enclave in the country.” A “microcommunity” is an association of interdependent individuals and families living in close proximity to one another who are engaged in the business of pursuing common social, economic, and political goals independent of the larger community. There is no “block to bust” unless the government goes into the business of forcing White property owners to sell and move. “As David Duke says: Fight your battles where you’re at. Running away …” Running away? David Duke isn’t a military man. The formation of eBartering microcommunities is an active step in the direction of survival. Our strategy is to socioeconomically dominate the less populous countryside with eBartering microcommunities, elect civil governments at local and state levels, make socioeconomic inroads into White suburbia, and isolate the cities in preparation for secession. 50
Posted by Anonymous species-hater on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 17:29 | # GT, your e-Bartering plan’s a big disimprovement upon using Jew Reserve Notes. So you save 2% a year in inflation on cash holdings, approximately, at substantial inconvenience. THe rest of your plan sounds good, but is still only purely descriptive. 51
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 17:54 | # e-bartering works because it is based on locally produced goods and services, which means your economy can’t be strangled by central banks. It also means you know the people forming the base of your economy. You don’t make your mortgage payments to some disembodied “institution” but to local people with faces you see on the street, known reputations as individuals and generally known genealogies with their own reputations. 52
Posted by Tommy G on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 18:06 | # “A “microcommunity” is an association of interdependent individuals and families living in close proximity to one another who are engaged in the business of pursuing common social, economic, and political goals independent of the larger community.” That sounds similar to what the Hippies tried in the 1960’s. That didn’t last too long; too much infighting. “There is no “block to bust” unless the government goes into the business of forcing White property owners to sell and move.” The Government does that all the time. Eminent Domain gives them the legal power to cease land anywhere as they see fit. If they decide they want to break up a micro-community, they’ll concoct a legal reason to do so. “Running away? David Duke isn’t a military man.” Duke meant it in the political sense of the word. Only a fool would take up arms against the US military, or even the local police force for that matter. Look at what happened at Wacko, and Ruby ridge. Maybe we should form our micro-communities within the large metropolitan areas. Isolating ourselves in the countryside only make us more vulnerable to attack. 53
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 18:34 | # Communes started with the idea that you had no internal economy and instead based relations on fictive kinship and were frequently headed by a cabal of Jews. See, for example, the longest running commune in the Haight Ashbury area, Kerista headed by a WW II military intelligence Jew and an elite harem of Jewesses who inducted goy females, frequently heiresses who had to turn over all their assets to the guru, to dangle in front of goy males for sex if the goy males would get vasectomies—the Jewish guru, of course, siring his own children before getting a vasectomy. e-barter communities start on the opposite footing: reciprocal altruism. Moreover, since they specifically renounce fictive kinship and look directly at ethnic genetic interests, they are less likely to suffer defection even if they didn’t have the reciprocal altruism protecting them. If you think that urban such communities are less vulnerable to legal gaming than rural such communities, you must be Jewish or Mediterranean. 54
Posted by GT on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 20:11 | # “GT, your e-Bartering plan’s a big disimprovement upon using Jew Reserve Notes.” I agree. My hope is others will help us find a way to bring the cost down. “THe rest of your plan sounds good, but is still only purely descriptive.” Maguire and I have many technical details to share – that is, assuming we can ever get past the inappropriate comparisons to what was nothing more than an excuse for suburban boomers to enjoy communal sex and drugs, or the repetitious “your running away” and “we’re helpless against the government” tripe that passes for wisdom in the non-movement. Still, huge gaps remain in our plan – gaps requiring the expertise and assistance of others. Unfortunately, the non-movement has proven itself to be unreceptive to new ideas. This is due to the foundationally conservative nature of its individual members which is reinforced by cultists who require a dues-paying membership for economic sustenance. I’m coming to the realization that it is a waste of productive time to introduce, much less discuss or implement, worthy new ideas with people who are foundationally unwilling to get off their asses, experiment, or except any form of risk. Perhaps the salvation of our people may be hidden within a program designed to appeal to a larger group of people. In other words I think Maguire and I can generate more enthusiasm for this idea and receive more help from Ron Paulists than White nationals. 55
Posted by Tommy G on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 20:22 | # “If you think that urban such communities are less vulnerable to legal gaming than rural such communities, you must be Jewish or Mediterranean.” James, I sincerely extend my best wishes to you and all the rest of your Bowery boys. Please keep us informed about the progress and successes of your micro-community. Btw—you need a haircut! 56
Posted by GT on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 21:04 | # An imaginary conversation between myself and a foundationally conservative racialist: “Microcommunities? That sounds like that 60’s hippie shit!” Actually, it’s not. “Besides, you’re only running away from the problem.” Actually we’re preparing to wage a secessionist war for survival, if it should prove necessary. “I mean that in a political sense. By the way, only a fool opposes the government. They can take what they want from you at any time. Remember Ruby Ridge?” Okay, so who should we vote for? “There’s no point in voting at all!” Then what should we do for our people? “Send money to David Duke!” 57
Posted by Maguire on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:35 | # “assuming we can ever get past the inappropriate comparisons to what was nothing more than an excuse for suburban boomers to enjoy communal sex and drugs” Which behaviors have too often extended to old National Alliance, NSM and other non-movement cells. Sometimes this has been a product of dysfunctional behaviors that low quality adherents indulge in habitually. And sometimes it’s the result of intentional use of cultic organizational models to cohere the ‘group’. “Perhaps the salvation of our people may be hidden within a program designed to appeal to a larger group of people.” All of our concepts arose from an analysis of ZOG-NWO as it really exists at the economic grass roots. And those grass roots are a series of centralized ‘hydraulic despotisms’ covering money and exchange, fuel and energy production/distribution, retail distribution of consumer goods, food, most manufacturing and education and pyramid Old Media. The legal shell franchises called the “Democratic” and “Republican” parties occupy about 1% of the above landscape. Apart from the above, ‘pro-white’ resolves to pro-white infants and physical security for them. IOW, it’s breeding advice at this point in time. There is one advantage in the above. This is the notorious disinclination of cultists to engage in sustained study and work. And this is true both of unturned and paid police informer cultists. 58
Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 00:45 | # Maguire, I hope you didn’t have to strain your brain to come up with such useless, irrelevant nonsense? 59
Posted by cladrastis on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 02:39 | # GT & Maguire, One issue I wonder about w/ respect to your microcommunity idea is how folks w/ professional careers (who can only find employment in cities) can contribute to the growth and development of nearby microcommunes (in the short-term). Certainly most folks involved in the sciences, medicine, law, and arts (as well as most blue-collar workers) need to be near cities the size of a Louisville or Nashville to work (so they can later afford land in the country on which to help build or expand existing microcommunities). When the time comes for these folks to leave the cities, they will probably make valuable contributions to the communities in which they choose to reside (esp those in medicine), but until then, how can they contribute to the success of the microcommunities? One idea I’ve thought about is including a system whereby these people could “plug-in” to the group (by paying the equivalent of a tithe) to strengthen the microcommunity so they have a viable place to go when they are ready to flee the cities. This could also entail larger contributions (say $10,000 or more, for example) that would reserve a spot for that person/family in the community. This idea would obviously depend on strong leadership and ties of loyalty (esp on the receiving end of the donations). But for those of us who do not attend church and are frugal and circumspect enough to know that such microcommunities are our future, it makes a lot of sense. Not to mention, the money would be put to WAY better use than any church donation ever could (church tithes generally paying for heating, electric, and debt on ugly churches, outrageous preacher salaries, and third world reproduction/survival) and would probably contribute to relatively high fertility rates among our kin on the communes (something we could all celebrate). It would also allow those of us on the outside who are not yet ready to make the economic sacrifices associated w/ homesteading to feel like we are contributing NOW. What do you think? 60
Posted by GT on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 07:20 | # cladrastis, First of all, thanks for giving this project serious consideration. We understand the need for professionals to live near populous areas until they are able to “win the lottery” or retire. A microcommunity can exist in any environment; i.e., urban, suburban or rural. For security reasons a typical microcommunity would consist of family or long-term friends. It needn’t be a commune, although it can be. It needn’t consist of households located on adjacent properties, although it can be. It should, however, be comprised of people who live relatively close to one another. It needn’t be 100% independent of the mainstream economy, although that would be our goal over time as microcommunities spring up across the country and engage in trade. Professionals may donate services to the microcommunity, or provide them at reduced cost or in trade. In time, as the professional and the community members come to know one another the professional may be “adopted” into the community – that is, allowed to enter the community upon his retirement and subsequent relocation. Charitable contributions are allowed, but should be limited so as not to buy influence and primarily directed to benefit children; i.e., advanced education and training, medical and dental care, toward the purchase of a home. Financial contributions to “reserve” a spot in the community should be allowed only after sufficient time passes for the professional and community to establish a familial relationship - five years in some cases, ten years in others – through repeated visitations and communication. This type of contribution would have greater applicability, I think, in a “commune” – type community where land is shared by family members and long-term friends. It may have less applicability in communities comprised of near- or adjacent households located on separate properties. I would certainly like to hear from others on these matters. 61
Posted by Maguire on Thu, 16 Aug 2007 15:41 | # Cladrastis, I also want to thank you for your interest. “would probably contribute to relatively high fertility rates among our kin” The biggest bangs for the ZOG buck are a) investing in human software, followed by b) relatively minor capital investments in land and key tools. High productivity and the retention of that production is the sine quo non of high fertility rates for whites. “Certainly most folks involved in the sciences, medicine, law, and arts (as well as most blue-collar workers) need to be near” They need to be near productive land, physical plant, equipment, all situated in an environment that supports productive activity. This describes the standard ZOG ‘burb less each day. These urban/suburban complexes are now consciously organized as reservoirs of paper flippers and consumers. “sciences…arts” Prior to Gutenberg’s printing press those universities that existed had few books, and invariably only one copy of each title. The ‘lecture’ back then consisted of the learned professor reading from the school’s Book to the class, along with rote memorization and recitation. Martin Luther once described his first collegiate experience at the University of Erfurt where he studied law. He called it a combined beer house and whore house. Some things are pretty consistent. One of them is what happens when you gather a large number of post-puberty boys together in one place away from their parents. (I concede there is the M-R Parallel Universe where a medieval text’s greater influence in such conditions is proven by the increasing rarity of surviving manuscripts. This isn’t relevant to us here. I only mention it because some people might feel left out, and also because D&D Dungeon Masters might want to incorporate this principle in their designed game worlds.) Educational bricks and mortar, along with the publishing and sale of sacred texts to captive markets, are still very profitable for those involved in that process. And they are very expensive for the serfs who pay taxes and fees for it. But upon completion the actual environments are no more functional for human learning and education than the specialized animal environments maintained at Busch Gardens. GT & I believe the internet will replace 95% of this with Distributed Learning at about 0.9% of the financial cost and 10x the results, and is already doing so. There are already ‘professors’ teaching accredited and degree generating ‘college level’ solely via internet. I know one locally. In a broadband regime which environment - city or microcommunity - is more productive for such a distance learning professional to live in day to day? This field itself will become an important ‘export’ for physical micro-communities. “but until then, how can they contribute to the success of the microcommunities?” Contribution in kind - sweat equity - is infinitely more important than paper money. ‘Sweat equity’ in professional services first of all, but also in physical labor. The Amish community barn and house raising model is a proven method for defeating the Federal Reserve’s paper money and usury interest system. I see no reason why ‘professionals’ should be any more exempt from this than others. We have enough Jew-minded and physical labor averse ‘professionals’ already. The particular ‘professionals’ also have to be a good fit to the developing community. And quite honestly, they need far more emotional attachment than can be generated by treating such an endeavor as another Real Estate Investment Trust. “(esp those in medicine)” Of course. And also ‘law’. Contrary to mythology, we will still need courts and lawyers. Maguire 62
Posted by Maguire on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 17:50 | # Texas GOP Straw Poll: Ron Paul Places 3d After Hunter & Thompson “Hunter got 534 votes, or 41 percent of the vote. Former Tennessee senator “The Texas straw poll is only for party activists, and those casting ballots This result deserves careful thought. The first observation is the heavy Fred Thompson is a useful Judeo-Bush ZOG proxy in this case. Pro The second observation is R-P’s relative weakness inside the GOP activist Given R-P is still campaigning *inside* the GOP primary process, a very reasonable question at this point is, “If not there and then, where and when?” The real question is whether this election can become a 1964 moment when the ‘White Party’ is redefined. A Ron Paul Declaration of Independence will be more credible before January 1, 2008, not afterwards 63
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 19:28 | # Good post by Maguire. Humble suggestion to Ron Paul’s handlers: Your man just might have the potential to pull off the nomination or if not that to do something big as a third-party candidate. Number one: DO NOT breathe a word about legalizing marijuana. No you haven’t so far, but just KEEP IT THAT WAY. Number two: RON PAUL MUST COME OUT WITH AN UNEQUIVOCAL STATEMENT OPPOSED TO FORCED RACE-REPLACEMENT. Word it whatever way you want, but JUST GET IT ON THE RECORD. SOON! Yes, of course, do taxes and everything else. But immigration/race-replacement is the thing that, added to everything else we out here are sick of, can PUT YOU GUYS OVER THE TOP. DO IT! DO NOT EQUIVOCATE ON OPPOSITION TO FORCED RACE-REPLACEMENT, HOWEVER YOU WANT TO WORD IT! WORD IT AS DIPLOMATICALLY AS YOU WANT BUT: DO NOT EQUIVOCATE! 64
Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 19:43 | # Ron Paul’s most credible independent shot would be with unity08 (not to be confused with unity2008). If he runs as a conventional independent, his electoral function would be similar to Perot’s guarantee of a Clinton victory. However, an independent run might have another function: Form a militia to institute a new government in accord with the Declaration of Independence and Second Amendment. 65
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 20:06 | #
Absolutely. If Ron Paul (or even Tom Tancredo but Paul’s potential is greater, obviously) plays his cards right 2008 could be the year something major happens, such as 1) creation of a permanent new party resulting in putting the GOP on the road to extinction; 2) conceivably a Paul presidency though that’s a very long shot (but it’s not impossible and they should work their tails off to try for it!); or 3) good men, ordinary white husbands, fathers, brothers, and sons finally having enough and spilling into the streets, and marching. In any event if not 2008 it’ll come not long after: we’re near a breaking point, and the internet has a lot to do with that, and that internet effect, unstoppable (unless they find a way to restrict our access, which we should repel as if our lives depended on it if ever they start), that internet effect will only grow. They know that, and in your mind’s eye you can just see the beads of sweat forming on their foreheads as they face the alternatives open to them, which range from few at best to non-existent at worst. What they’re trying to accomplish before things explode, of course, is speed up race-replacement of whites with non-whites, but things will explode before that’s gone past the irreversible tipping point. 66
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 20:16 | # Again, we don’t need Paul or anyone else to openly declare as a racialist. To do so, furthermore, would be suicide. We don’t want that. What we need is someone unequivocally opposing the machinery that reserves all power to the race-replacers and renders those opposed powerless. That’s all. That machinery has been built very carefully and deliberately. Once the oppressive pro-race-replacement machinery painstakingly constructed since WW II has been dismantled we’ll take it from there. We’ll be all set. And the dismantling of that machinery is one hundred percent within the purview of classical libertartianism, so no one can call its dismantlement “racist.” It’s not the Negroes and Mexicans who are race-replacing whites. Negroes and Mexicans can’t do it. It’s that post-WW-II federal-government machinery the Jews built that’s doing it. Dismantle that, and whites will reverse race-replacement quicker than you can say “Anti-Defamation league.” Yes there’ll be some tidying-up to do after that. But that’s where we have to start. 67
Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 20:29 | # Ron Paul is 72 years old already. In 2008 he´lll turn 76… Shouldn´t they be looking around for a replacement? A sound semitically incorrect small government conservative? 68
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 20:30 | # Don’t forget, those building that fed machinery never admitted openly it was to race-replace us, though clearly that was the intent because grown men can’t build such a machine without realizing the effect it will have. In like manner, we don’t need to say openly that in dismantling it we intend to end forced race-replacement. Just dismantle it. The other side, knowing perfectly its dismantlement will end its cherished race-replacement project, will fight tooth-and-nail to keep it in place. We simply have to fight harder, that’s all. If we want to live, that is ... If we don’t, well then ... leave it in place and we’ll get our wish ... 69
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 20:32 | # Proofreader we have to go with what we’ve got and he’s the best prospect right now. (Don’t confuse 2008 with 2012 by the way.) 70
Posted by Proofreader on Sun, 02 Sep 2007 21:12 | # Don’t confuse 2008 with 2012 by the way. 71
Posted by Maguire on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 14:22 | # “However, an independent run might have another function: Form a militia to institute a new government in accord with the Declaration of Independence and Second Amendment.” I think this is the only useful outcome of the political process at this point; use it to organize locally and validate alternate civil leadership cadres. “an independent run” This would have the advantage of allowing local groups to put forth additional Independent candidates. The Texas Straw Poll outcome does illustrate which *issues* - apart from candidates - have real traction; Anti-NAFTA, anti-free trade and anti-immigration are all inherently populist. These three could be easily bundled up to produce broad appeal across party lines. R-P is consistently handicapped ideologically on these. Unfortunately the Hunter/Tancredo affinity for pro-Zionism constitutes a built-in self-destruct feature ensuring their anti-NAFTA and anti-free trade slogans will remain empty words. And they are very much ‘Republican’ in a way R-P is not. Ron Paul unfortunately looks more like a political Rohrschach ink blot test every day. The R-P reality is unimportant. The individual voters’ perception of R-P is everything. 72
Posted by danielj on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 16:10 | # I think this is the only useful outcome of the political process at this point; use it to organize locally and validate alternate civil leadership cadres. Indeed. We should simply “drop out” of their political process, establish local control and secede by default in various locales as opposed to an all-encompassing “second revolution” from the top. To Maguire: Do you have anything to do with the FAEM (First Amendment Exercise Machine)? I read somewhere, something that implied you did. 73
Posted by GT on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:25 | # DanielJ, “Do you have anything to do with the FAEM (First Amendment Exercise Machine)?” Yes, he does. 74
Posted by danielj on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:36 | # Thanks GT. I hate to do it on the comments section, but everybody is understandably reluctant to plaster personal e-mail addresses all over the Internet. 75
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 03 Sep 2007 20:44 | # Ron Paul unfortunately looks more like a political Rohrschach ink blot test every day. Not really. Federalism allows genuine diversity—a choice of human ecologies—not just the degenerate human ecology frequently called “diversity” which is naught but what I’ve termed heterosity. It is, for that reason, legitimately appealing for all the reasons the rhetoric of “diversity” is legitimately appealing. Federalism seems to be a Rohrschach ink blot test because so many people see so many different things within it—but rather than merely presenting a wide diversity of images, it presents a wide diversity of realities. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Sikorski on point by Guessedworker on Friday, 28 March 2025 18:08. (View) Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 20:46. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 17:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 28 Mar 2025 12:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) |
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 12 Aug 2007 16:33 | #
The Libertarians’ achilles heel: the number of their rank-and-file supporters who are in it solely for marijuana legalization. Ron Paul is very wise to not mention that at all. If he once starts in on that to appease his supporters he’s toast. A lot of libertarians are pro-abortion and Paul isn’t, he’s pro-life, and that’s good — that strengthens his campaign. A lot of them are pro-Second Amendment, and he is, and that’s good: it strengthens him, of course. A lot of them are for replacing the federal income tax and he is, and that’s good. But if he succumbs to a temptation to appease the large number of them who are single-issue marijuana legalizers, that’ll spell instant death for his campaign. I think he understands that. I hope he does.