It is happening again

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 07 August 2011 01:02.

At Occidental Dissent.  The time before last it happened - again at Occidental Dissent - I offered Prozium (or was it Scimitar) a guest-slot at MR because he was producing some very good conservative-going-on-WN material.  Someone I respect explained privately that this had all happened before (as Fade the Butcher), and to become involved in any way with this guy would be a mistake.  But it didn’t matter because Scimitar (or was it Prozium) started Odessa Syndicate.  When it happened again at Odessa Syndicate in 2008 I expressed the hope that Scimitar-Prozium would now understand his limitations, tragic as they are, and not attempt to operate in a lead role anywhere in the future.  But he started Occidental Dissent again.  Hunter Wallace’s newly muscled, Imm-friendly, Tea Party-friendly, lets-do-politics Occidental Dissent.

I wish Hunter well, but I also wish he would respect his situation and his readers, and not put himself and them through yet another cycle of destruction.  He surely will, though.  He says he’s fine.



Posted by Trq on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 01:44 | #

He sounds manic.  Soon he’ll disappear for a month while he’s depressive.


Posted by FB on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 02:21 | #

He’s very bright and bright people often have problems. Hunter is not a leader of anything, he’s just a blogger. Relax. Incidentally, when he’s good he’s much better than MR. If sense some jealousy.


Posted by FWM on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 03:12 | #

Strange or unusual thoughts or perceptions
  Paranoid thoughts and ideas
  Delusions — having false, fixed beliefs
  Hallucinations, such as hearing voices
  Unclear or confused thoughts (disorganized thinking)
  Bouts of depression
  Manic mood or a sudden increase in energy and behavioral displays that are out of character
  Irritability and poor temper control
  Thoughts of suicide or homicide
  A speaking style that others sometimes can’t follow or understand
  Behavior at extreme ends of the normal spectrum (catatonic behavior) — either appearing to be in a coma-like daze, or talking and behaving in a bizarre, hyperactive way
  Problems with attention and memory
  Lack of concern about hygiene and physical appearance
  Changes in energy and appetite
  Sleep disturbances, such as difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep


Posted by Chechar on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 07:00 | #

To be fair to Hunter, see what Pat and I are saying at Age of Treason here, where by the way none other than Fjordman has been outed.


Posted by Chechar on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 07:17 | #

P.S. The next MR article’s title could perhaps be: “Is Fjordman a half-Jew?”


Posted by Trainspotter on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 07:24 | #

“He’s very bright and bright people often have problems. Hunter is not a leader of anything, he’s just a blogger. Relax. Incidentally, when he’s good he’s much better than MR. If sense some jealousy.”

The guy can indeed write, but is that in dispute? 

He is also a pathological liar, and has given considerable evidence of serious mental illness - time and time again.  When he is of sound mind, he is of poor character. 

GW is being quite charitable in speaking of Hunter’s “limitations.”  I was once foolish enough to believe that Hunter had real promise, and did what little I could to help build his blog.  Never again.

It is true that bright people often have problems, and that can be understood or forgiven within a certain context.  That’s the reason I was willing to overlook his breakdown at Odessa Syndicate and give Occidental Dissent a chance when he, shall we say, recovered.  But eventually the character issue killed what sympathy and patience I had.  My mistake.  The guy will shamelessly tell the most brazen and fabricated of whoppers without hesitation, making “facts” up out of whole cloth.  It really was mindblowing for me, because I had never been on the receiving end of something like that. 

It should also be mentioned that, like it or not, our movement at present is primarily intellectual and online.  So whether a blogger considers himself a leader or not is rather immaterial, just as it is irrelevant whether he meets some technical definition thereof.  If such a blogger is dishonest, all over the map, and prone to mental breakdown, it in fact reflects poorly on the movement and inevitably causes a great deal of bad blood.  Energy is wasted that could have been invested profitably elsewhere.  I for one invested countless hours making quality posts to a site that I can no longer recommend, and is no longer an asset to the movement. 

Instead of contributing to a valuable body of work, I found that I had contributed to a madhouse.  Total waste. 

Bright people with mental problems should limit themselves to the comments section, or maybe the role of occasional contributor.  That’s assuming that they are of good character, though perhaps of somewhat erratic mind.  Someone like Hunter doesn’t even meet that standard, and should be shunned.  I was blown away when recently AltRight ran a piece by Hunter.  Yes, it was a decent piece (not great, but decent), but having that name on your masthead is not worth it by a long shot.  A general rule of thumb is that anything that Hunter is prominent in will be transformed, in time, into a madhouse.


Posted by Chechar on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 07:37 | #

Elsewhere I have posted the link to my collection of the very long discussion between Hunter and Trainspotter, but not at MR (here). Skip the Covington interview if you like —the H/T exchange is fascinating!


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 08:04 | #

Hunter is reasonably intelligent, but there are many, many of us here at MR who are clearly and obviously far more so (including, inter alia, Trainspotter).


Posted by J Richards on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 11:19 | #


Hunter’s behavior isn’t craziness.  Why would an intelligent, educated “white nationalist,” clearly aware of the nature of the Federal Reserve, throw around terms such as “black-run America,” focus mostly on blacks, not post any reasonable solution to the problem of the Federal Reserve and other private banks massively counterfeiting money, such as this one, and resort to his antics?  After all his insights, he proposes the use of gold, most of which the bankers have, and history shows that bankers have forced a gold standard and taken it away, as it suits them, even having the government confiscate people’s gold. 

The diagnosis is controlled opposition.  The prognosis is ruin for nationalists giving him a platform or any weight.  The prophylaxis is excommunication… ignore him, shoo him away if he comes close.



Please tell your Jewish handlers to relieve you from commenting at MR as it won’t work here.  There’s a moderator’s opening for you at stormfront; get in touch with Black or Duke.


Posted by Selous Scout on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 16:38 | #


I’m certainly not one of those chaps who sees a Jew everywhere he looks, but the instant I saw Fjordman’s photo I thought the same thing.

It should also be mentioned that, like it or not, our movement at present is primarily intellectual and online.

True, but it’s quickly moving into the real world, where, I suspect, some of the much-vaunted online intellectuals might have difficulty fitting in.

Thinkers and doers…let’s work together.


Posted by Chechar on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 18:09 | #

If you found that pic intriguing, you will love these photos of Fjordie’s father.


Posted by lo on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 20:35 | #

At one time I thought Hunter was HAC but I don’t remember why. Anybody else speculate on that. If out of the question, please advise.


Posted by Harold Covington on Sun, 07 Aug 2011 21:34 | #

“At one time I thought Hunter was HAC but I don’t remember why.”

That’s nothing. Back in the early 2000s there was a whole taradiddle about how I was supposed to be Bill White. No seriously. This went on for about a year. If memory serves it was the Strombones who were pushing that one.

Of course, as we all know, my novels were all really written by Christopher Marlowe.



Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 00:45 | #

Somehow a scene from a David Lynch film seems highly apposite.


Posted by CS on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 03:32 | #

It is not good strategy to personally attack people who are basically already on your side. None of us are perfect and none of us are ever gong to be anywhere close to it. It is of course possible that Hunter suffers from mental illness on occasion in which case the proper thing to do would be to suggest in the mildest terms that he should pay a trained professional a visit to be tested.

I highly recommend that every WN person reads “How to Win Friends & Influence People” as that is a large part of what we are trying to do. One thing I like about Harold’s radio podcasts is his tendency to try to rebuke other people on our side in relatively mild terms. We do not have the luxury to spend most of our time engaging in infighting.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 03:33 | #

Today, I heard someone say that Obama’s popularity has sunk so low that even the Kenyans are saying that he was born in the United States.


Posted by Chechar on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 04:22 | #

@ “in which case the proper thing to do would be to suggest in the mildest terms that he should pay a trained professional a visit to be tested.” - CS

This is precisely what Hunter should not do. The clinical side of the mental health professions is largely iatrogenic (see e.g., here). There are very very few clinics I would recommend. As a researcher I visited the Ross clinic in 1997 (see the article I wrote for Wikipedia here).


Posted by CS on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 04:50 | #


Okay, what should he do then?


Posted by Chechar on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 05:08 | #


At Age of Treason I advised him yesterday (if he was watching) to read the foremost author on psychological trauma, who died last year by the way. It is a pity that the bulk of my writing on this subject is not in English. If the crisis is not serious I’d still recommend Hunter starting to become familiar with the writings of Alice Miller, which have been translated from German to English (see my Wikipedia article here; the best introductory book on the subject is this one). If it gets really serious, the Ross Institute (linked above) is the only available option in the States (there are Soteria-like Houses in Europe, but as we know Hunter lives in Alabama).


Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 05:48 | #

Worth a read


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 09:00 | #

Worth a read (Lister)

Kidding? One of the most sheerly ignorant and idiotic pieces I’ve read in many years. Nearly every sentence contains either gross errors, exaggerations or, worst, omissions. Re the latter: Note how Hedges says absolutely nothing about 3rd World immigration’s role in American working class wage stagnation since the 70s?

I have two iron provisos re two types of leftists. I will listen to (not necessarily agree with) any environmentalist who acknowledges that immigration must be terminated for population stabilization/carrying capacity concerns.

Likewise, I will listen to (not necessarily agree with) any anti-corporate complainer about neo-liberalism or globalism provided he denounces immigration for its aformentioned role in wage stagnation.

In other words, you know an environmentalist and a protectionist are serious when they denounce immigration - and unserious when they do not.

BTW, the crack about the world’s people getting poorer as a result of globalization is ABSOLUTE HORSESHIT. It is an empirical fact that billions in the Third World in recent decades have been lifted out of poverty by global capitalism. Whether that fact should be applauded by white men is another issue.

If there are still billions of poor, this is in no small part due to the ongoing Population Bomb. It has nothing to do with Western corporations, which make life much better for the poor around the globe (though, again, the cost of this foreign investment and outsourcing has also been the (other half of) stagnating Western wages - Mises talks about this tendency towards wage rate equalization in Human Action)).


Posted by CS on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 09:30 | #


Let’s not worry about economics until we’re in position to actually do anything about it. Let’s focus on the White Zion project which we can start right this second. Don’t worry, I’m not asking anyone to quit their job tomorrow and start packing their bags. All we have to do is pick some countries. Pick some cities in those countries. Then we get the word out and hope that some of our people who are close to moving anyway choose these locations.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 10:05 | #

CS, I’m more and more ready to leave. Have you been reading about the increasing flash mob attacks on whites: eg,

I really hope I can get out of CA permanently within a decade at most, maybe sooner. I just don’t want to sell my house in this crummy market, plus I have family issues.

What do you think about a White Zion / Racial State - specific website? It would not be for debating finer points of nationalist theory, but for committed WNs to discuss the specific issues surrounding WZ, whether theoretical (and there would be a lot, focused on convincing whites of the precariousness and hopelessness of their situations, now and in the future), or legal, practical, etc?

I like MR, and have nothing but respect for GW, but I think the basic issues have been resolved, at least as regards WZ. There is nothing unethical about WNs congregating in a place or places of their choosing (the gays did it in the 60s and 70s wrt San Francisco), nor about us then seeking to increase the white population of the chosen WZ area (after all, nothing improves a place more than white influx!), nor about us seeking eventual legislative hegemony. Moreover, apartheid/WZ is the culmination of all discussions of genetic interests, rights of peoples, ethnocommunitarianism, etc.

The human condition is immensely complex. There will always be room for philosophical elaborations. But I think most of us know what we want, at bottom as pertains to nationalist issues - “non-diverse living”. So the only broad area of debate at the primary level is whether we should strive to reconquer for nationalism various ancestral homelands (the European nations) - or push for a new, postmodern, if you will, WZ.

For European nationals, I can see that being a difficult question. Why should an Englishman want to divest himself of his heritage, which includes his land?

But for whites outside Europe, there are only pragmatic issues to be resolved, like the all-important issue of where to go.


Posted by CS on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 17:29 | #


I’m glad to hear your already thinking of moving.

Yes I know all about the blacks rioting all over the place. Wisconsin and now the UK.

A website is an excellent idea. It needs to be done for sure. The website should explain what we are trying to accomplish and all the advantages which will accrue if we succeed. Trust me, the advantages will fill up an entire page at a minimum.

I don’t think the housing market is going to pick up in CA. In fact, it will probably get worse. That entire state is turning to shit. This is not my opinion, this is something economists I respect have said. Respect because their predictions are usually right.

Some white countries are a write off as far as I’m concerned so yes we’ll argue on the website that leaving them is the only sensible option. Hopefully in the future we will be able to reclaim them.


Posted by MOB on Mon, 08 Aug 2011 17:35 | #

TrainSpotter: ”It should also be mentioned that, like it or not, our movement at present is primarily intellectual and online.”

Sealous Scout: “Thinkers and doers…let’s work together.

Everything that brought American pro-White, anti-Jewish activism to a halt and has kept it there is contained in the two quotes above.

The large number of intelligent, well-informed activists of 8 and 10 years ago who were enthusiastically engaged in a variety of preferred forms of activism appear to have closed shop, as I did, when Kevin MacDonald—most honorable star whose writings I was the first to distribute all over the Internet in 1997—and his super-secret CMS group–imposed a “top-down” template that made “creating a new elite” the Goal . . . and themselves the Chosen Elite.  The need for this “elite” to self-segregate is due to its members’ “higher level of sophistication.” as a well-known Nordicist put it.

In 2001, I made this comment:
‘“Intellectual” is a word that has risen from mere buzzword to bona fide fetish among Jews.  Irving Kristol used it to refer to himself and his fellow Jewish “ex"communists 19 times during a one-hour Booknotes interview.  On an earlier interview, his wife Gertrude Himmelfarb had used the word so continuously within the first 15 minutes that I had switched the program off in disgust, so this time I decided to actually count the times.’

I still read KM’s peerless writings.  But I’ll no longer distribute them, nor will I donate to the cause of a group of people who, as a matter of policy, hold themselves too high above the people who circle around them and create the illusion of a “movement” to actually interact with them, but not too high to ask for their donations.

“Thinkers” and “Doers” are not mutually exclusive categories.  That you don’t know that is a problem.

In passing, I’ll say that Hunter Wallace continues to impress me as highly intelligent, lucidly analytical, and productively rebounded from the near capsizing he underwent, primarily at the hands of the homosexual wing of the super-elites (and those who think there’s some mileage to be gotten by joining in).



Posted by Lew on Tue, 09 Aug 2011 04:15 | #

“when Kevin MacDonald—most honorable star whose writings I was the first to distribute all over the Internet in 1997—and his super-secret CMS group–imposed a “top-down” template that made “creating a new elite” the Goal . . . and themselves the Chosen Elite.  The need for this “elite” to self-segregate is due to its members’ “higher level of sophistication.” as a well-known Nordicist put it. “

I find it hard to believe anyone doing productive work closed up shop because of anything KMD did or did not do.

What is this super secret group of which you speak?


Posted by ATBOTL on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 09:22 | #

It looks like he’s really losing it now.  The whole top page is filled with pressured speech ramblings.  We’ll have to see if this develops into full blown paranoid psychosis again.  In the past, he’s made the absurd claim that his previous psychotic episode was a merely minor annoyance due to “stress” and not indicative of any psychiatric disorder.

Looks like OcD has lost most of its readers from the paucity of comments. 

On another note, it’s absolutely pathetic that HAC is tolerated here.  A textbook psychopath like this who has been exposed countless times over decades could not get the time of day anywhere else.  It’s crap like this that prevents WN from being taken seriously.  Why do the people in this “movement” have such low standards of who they will associate with?


Posted by johnking on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 12:24 | #

Hunter is not psychotic. He is just leading people up the garden path to - no where.

That is his job.


Posted by MOB on Wed, 10 Aug 2011 22:53 | #

Hunter is probably not psychotic, and it’s probably not “his job” to lead people up a garden path, though his last few days do suggest he’s having a hard time.

That there is a group, CMS, that has as its policy extreme secrecy that is elitist in nature is a simple fact.  I learned of it on Kevin MacDonald’s private list, to which I was invited to subscribe in 2001.  Having come up through the ranks, and extremely committed to contributing to a struggle against the Jewish takeover, I thought, happily, that now, with all this brain power, we would work collectively on quality projects and activities.  After 2 or 3 years of verbal participation, I finally had it drummed into my head by the absentee moderator who spent his time at a more exclusive list (dueling with scientists, he crowed…actually Jews), that “we are not a group, we are not a group.”

I stopped posting when I learned of the existence of the group upstairs—they could see us, but we couldn’t see them—they were too important to interact with anyone but each other.  Apparently our function was to provide fodder for our betters to use in their writings; other than that, we should go off and form groups on our own.  MacDonald’s list still exists, but of its 178 subscribers, only half a dozen post; that’s been the case for years.  In 2002, CMS had less than 50 members; today it has twice as many.  I know from insiders that if a member divulges a word about what they speak of, how many or who they are, anything about them, they’ll be removed.  That would, of course, be worse than death.  Last year, in my second (and last) brief email exchange with Greg Johnson, I happened to comment, “I support Kevin MacDonald, but not CMS.”  Like a scalded cat, Greg replies, “How do you know about them; it’s supposed to be secret!”—the next day his first article was published there; God forbid that people should not realize he’s an insider.

Any group of people has the right to set themselves up as a secret group and declare itself “elite.”  And a lot of people, maybe most, have no problem with hierarchy - across the ocean Jonathan B. and Troy S. seem to favor it, too.  Tom Sunic now refers to “my colleagues” in his broadcast and his new website is invitation-only (, A few years ago, Ted Sallis did the same—a great loss to those on the outside who had been learning such much from his writings.

In small-town America, big fish in small pond syndrome is an ugly and corrupting fact of life.  It is here, as well.

A quick tour of Links sections of websites engaged in nationalist “activity” tells the story of CMS gravity: Age of Treason is a good place to start.  Maybe there are other centers or forms of American nationalist activity in existence, but I don’t know of them.  I’m not privy to the internal shufflings of the constellation that includes CMS, TOO, TOQ, NPI, AR, AltRight, A3P, etc.  so I only mention the one.  For me, the form obscures, or at least distracts from, the function.


Posted by Aesop on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 01:36 | #

“The fox who longed for grapes, beholds with pain
The tempting clusters were too high to gain;
Grieved in his heart he forced a careless smile,
And cried ,‘They’re sharp and hardly worth my while.’”


Posted by Yggdrasil on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 04:29 | #

Lighten up guys!

CMS is hardly a “secret” organization. It is a corporation with public corporate filings, and a 501(c)(3) charitable org with public IRS filings.

It is a “confidential society” simply because we want to be able to attract successful people who might have a great deal to lose if their identities were revealed.

We are confidential for very practical reasons which have nothing to do with snobbery or elitism.

And we are certainly not a “hierarchy” that orders others about or passes judgment upon them in some way.

We mind our business, empower our members, and work as a team. There is no supreme leader and never will be. We are very careful about who we invite for membership for several reasons. First, because there are so many informants and government agents lurking around in the movement; second, because there are so many disruptive kooks in the movement; and third, because there are so many people in the movement with out-sized ego needs that disrupt group cohesion.

Do we do a good job - or even an adequate job - of recruiting all those who ought to be invited based on skills, talent and resources?

Absolutely not. We simply do not have the time or resources required to get to know everyone in the movement.

But we are making steady progress.


Posted by MOB on Thu, 11 Aug 2011 15:09 | #

Aesop is a favorite of mine, too.

To the poster who stole his name, I say this:  I don’t suppose you’re able to see how perfectly you demonstrate my point with this fable.

You depict CMS is a cluster of grapes that hangs high above those below, including, in this case, me.

From within that mindset—as firmly rooted as any Jew’s mental outlook is rooted in and warped by supremacy—you are declaring me necessarily aggrieved with longing.

Whereas I’m saying a bunch of high-hanging grapes is an okay model for creating a new elite - but not for creating a revolution.

Kissing ass, I mean jumping for grapes, is not for everyone.


Posted by meh on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 15:15 | #

“Linder’s error was assuming that he was the smartest person in the world who had it all figured out. For years he wasted his time on Hitler and Vanguard News Network.”

Pot calling the kettle black: “Hunter” always thought he was the smartest and had it all figured out; he still does. He’s still wasting his time on the internet playing at being a leader. Say what you will about Linder (who certainly has a lot of serious faults), but he at least has done real things in the real world under his real name. Has “Hunter” even worked a real job in his life? Earned his own money? Done anything real?

Not that there’s anything wrong with internet anonymity, but anonymous internet drama queens like “Hunter/Fade the Butcher” shouldn’t be accusing others of wasting time. 

“The smart people out there have always fantasized about being Crusaders and Roman Senators and Knights Templar and Dominican Order.”

Oh, lord, he really is losing it. No, the smart people out there have not always fantasized about being Crusaders and Roman Senators and Knights Templar and Dominican Order - that’s just “Hunter” talking about himself again.

You really have to be pretty unobservant not to notice the raving bipolarism, fantasy projecting and mania that “Hunter/Prozium/Fade” have been going through - again. Now the new crowd at OD is getting an eyeful; seeing this happen once should be enough; seeing it happen two or three or four times now should put this issue to rest for anyone paying attention. Apart from being untrustworthy, Fade isn’t well, and he undermines his own work via these periodic crackups (which aren’t always as obvious as his last one, prior to this).


Posted by anon on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 19:20 | #

CS and Leon,

Don’t worry, I’m not asking anyone to quit their job tomorrow and start packing their bags. All we have to do is pick some countries. Pick some cities in those countries.

Well friend, I haven’t yet seen any suggestions from you. I think I made pretty damned good case for giving Belize serious consideration as a very open society with no language barrier and plenty of inexpensive land, of moderately permeable government. Put your cards on the table some. Will make it easier for you: send me an e-mail if you prefer. @ gmail (NOT the one from OccidentalDissent!)


Posted by CS on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 19:58 | #


Actually Anon, I chose Malta and Leon chose Australia. I think I got through to Leon that Australia is simply too big population wise to conquer or maybe I’m wrong about that. One reason I repeat myself over and over again is to make sure everyone reads what I write and because it is necessary to get it to sink in to people’s brains.

Ultimately it won’t be my decision. People will vote with their feet. I just hope our people mostly vote for the same place. Belize, Malta, Australia, whatever. As long as it isn’t something stupid like the USA or the UK. Let’s get this GD thing started already.


Posted by anon on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 20:39 | #


I missed both, then. I agree that Australia fails; but I understand why it should be attractive to Haller. Anyplace too is of course enemy territory.

Malta is a decent prospect, but I don’t about “conquering” it. It is Old World, close to the EU. They have bizarre laws and crowding.

Beyond these I don’t know what else there is except islands and Hispanic & Muslim nations. Or Africa, LOL. If Germany weren’t so fucking frighteningly 1984, and Germans so impossibly cagey, east German Orten would be natural candidates for demographic influx. 

Belize welcomes you. Trust me. wink


Posted by anon on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 20:39 | #

* too Anglo


Posted by CS on Fri, 12 Aug 2011 20:51 | #

- Australia is controlled by ZOG just as much as the USA. It is quite an attractive target though. Lots or resources, still mostly white, great economy, and the whites their are definitely more racially aware than those in the UK or Canada. If we do manage to take over a country we will immediately start on taking another.

I don’t know much about Malta or Belize. The crowding in Malta actually works to our advantage because it means there won’t be a flood of Africans coming in. When we move in, it puts pressure on the natives to move out. And since it is part of the EU, they can move out easily enough. When we have numbers, we will split from the EU and tell them to go F themselves. It doesn’t matter what their customs are. We will be creating our own enclaves, cultures and customs just like Somalis who can’t even speak English do in our countries.

As far as I know, Belize is majority non-white. That is not a deal breaker but it isn’t a selling point either. I guess it has more land and resources than Malta so that’s a bonus. Like I said, it will be our people voting with their feet who decide. I’ll probably end going wherever everyone else goes even if it isn’t Malta, Australia or Belize.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 04:36 | #

Please note,

I’m not a White Nationalist anymore.

I parted ways with the White Nationalist movement last summer. The Greg Johnson experience was the last straw. My loyalties are to my nation, my race, my state, my city, my culture, my religion, my own kin, my neighbors and the truth. The last thing on earth that I am loyal to is a fantasy ideology.

The White Nationalist movement itself is a historic commentary on the weakness of “ideology” to unite groups of disparate people (in shattered suburban and working class communities) who otherwise have nothing in common.

The vast majority of White people who are racially conscious in the American South have never heard of the White Nationalist movement. The White Nationalist movement has existed since the 1970s and in forty years has failed to win over its own constituency.

I don’t care what White Nationalists have to say about me. I work for the State of Alabama, not for the White Nationalist movement.

Note: This explains why I don’t write about the White Nationalist movement anymore.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 04:43 | #

As for GuessedWorker and Majority Rights, OD and SBDPL had been discussing the “flash mob” phenomena in elaborate detail for months before Great Britain was torched by “flash mobs.” GuessedWorker has spent years lost in his own metaphysical morass.

That’s his own business. I was content to mind my own business.

^^ We’re talking directly to the liberal establishment in Washington. We’re also talking directly to the conservative establishment. Not to marginal characters like HAC. We are writing a script for the big dogs and the play makers who have it within their power to end this madness.

That’s my strategy.

I talk directly to the establishment now. I don’t waste my time on fighting with people like Trainspotter. He can continue to do his acrobatics over here for all I care.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 05:00 | #

For non-Alabamans and other unenlightened types, SBDPL stands for Stuff Bi Polar Disordered People Like.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 05:08 | #


It is touching that a Neo-Nazi devotee of Harold Covington thinks that I am crazy. That’s a good reason why I had to leave the White Nationalist movement behind.

No, there is a substantial difference between crazy and inspired. If you are crazy, you sound crazy all the time (for example, you think Cass Sunstein is out to get you), but if you are just inspired (say drinking a few beers,  figuring things out, having a spiritual revelation, and making a difference at the same time), you are okay.

People who are kooks look like kooks. They sound like kooks. They talk like kooks ... all the time. They hang out with kooks ... all the time.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 05:23 | #

Sorry, Hunter. I’m pretty much an equal opportunity smart ass.

I don’t think you’re crazy. I think bipolar is probably a fairly accurate guess, and I think you’re right about being very inspired at times.

Hang in there, brother.


Posted by Philosopher King on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 05:49 | #

CS, Haller, anon:

Recently I’ve been giving a lot of thought to the idea of moving to Quebec after college since it has many of the advantages we’re looking for in the White Zion Project including: a strong sense of national identity, a great degree of autonomy when compared to other Canadian Providences, virtually no minorities, and a non-English official language. I’ve only recently begun to take up learning French and I’m sure that it will be a time consuming process over the next few years, but this got me thinking: what is the greatest impediment to moving to a foreign country? The answer: language. If you do not know the language, it is extremely difficult to obtain a skilled job required for a healthy degree of sustenance.  Learning a language is a herculean task, one which requires intelligence, devotion and time; very few people will devote themselves to learning a foreign language, as a result very few people can assimilate themselves in foreign lands.

I think we’re looking at this all wrong. We don’t need national autonomy; all we need is land and the opportunity to create our own communities, and what kind of community will be most restrictive to outsiders? Answer: a community with a rare or unique language. America probably has the most people willing to pursue the White Zion Project anywhere, how many more will pursue it if it is here in America? Furthermore, such a project is less willing to attract kooks if it requires a person with the motivation and intelligence required to learn a foreign language. Immigration to America is easier than virtually anywhere for the educated and the skilled (i.e. the very people we need), and so whites from around the world can easily participate in this project. As for logistics, we need to choose a language which has no colonial history, is of moderate difficulty (no Esperanto), and is rarely spoken in America; my ideas: German, Czech or Latin. Over time we could even create our own dialect to make immigration even more restrictive. If we conduct our businesses, schools, and local government in a foreign language then nobody except the speakers of that language will be able to participate in public life, and since we’ll be the only speakers, we’ll be the only people able to live in our communities.

Anyway, I know I’m not the first to suggest this idea, but I feel that it too often neglected. By staying put we will spare ourselves from great disagreement and mammoth logistical problems, while at the same time allowing us to undermine America (unfortunately the root of many of our problems) from within as a collective and organized group.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 08:59 | #

No, I am not bipolar.

I have a much better explanation: I work tirelessly as an analyst (especially in times of great historical crisis) because I am driven by curiosity and my passion for the truth. When people are searching for answers, I try to capitalize on the situation and provide them with answers, in order to advance the cause of my own people.

In doing so, I have succeeded (I know this for a fact) in getting influential people to pay attention to what is going on in the world around us. I’m trying to “change the discourse.” That’s my goal. I want to remove the taboo on White racial identity and White racial grievances.

I know for a fact that the White Nationalist movement isn’t much assistance in this project.

Finally, there is a difference between having a spiritual experience (i.e., getting saved and realizing something important) and suffering from bipolar disorder. In March 2008, I was similarly analyzing up a storm when Bear Stearns was tottering on the precipice of bankruptcy.

I had the same vision then that I had recently. Because I was observing the same thing happening on Wall Street. The revelation was that what we call “money” is nothing more than a piece of paper (like monopoly money) that we have faith in and use as a medium of exchange.

Faith is money.

The reason we use Federal Reserve dollars instead of Confederate dollars is solely because the former has legitimacy whereas the latter does not. What is legitimacy? It is faith in something. It is a narrative, a story, that uses symbols to legitimize power.

I don’t know anyone who is “bipolar” (and I know tons of such people) who burn with a passion for truth or who are moved by righteousness to write as much as I do. No, I am someone who is a Calvinist in the true sense of the word, someone with a religious calling, who is just now realizing it.


Posted by CS on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 10:41 | #


I appreciate the excellent work you have done and are doing. The money system is indeed a giant scam which certain families have made billions and possibly trillions off of over the centuries. They are probably the source of all are problems and they are also probably behind the deaths of JFK, Garfield, Lincoln who threatened to change the money system.

Anway, I do know a few people who are bi-polar. I have no idea if you’re bi-polar or not, however I do know that people who suffer from it have “religous experiences” and have major problems sleeping. So if you have either of those symptoms, I highly recommend you see a doctor immeidately.

Please continue your fine work and don’t pay any attention to the idiots who criticize you or your work.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sat, 13 Aug 2011 21:08 | #


Hi there. Personally, I self-describe as an ethnocentric communitarian and think of post-liberal politics as being a re-imagination of the ‘radical centre’. I reject the toxic right-wing liberalism of unfettered ‘free-markets’ and consumerism as the defining activity of society at large; equally I reject the toxic left-wing liberalism of PC and life-style liberalism, and post-modern cultural relativism. The sustainability of our physical and social environments is the key concept.

Just on the money issue may I recommend John Searle’s “The Construction of Social Reality” which has an interesting discussion of what money is and how money works as a socio-philosophical phenomenon.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 09:16 | #

No, I don’t have bipolar disorder.

I have never exhibited any of the symptoms of bipolar disorder. People who are really bipolar have to put up with their mental illness on a daily and weekly basis. They have to take prescription medication for their illness.

I know tons of people who are bipolar. I know enough about them to know that I am not bipolar myself. Especially after having been misdiagnosed and forced to take those awful medications for a few months.

There is a difference between a spiritual experience and bipolar disorder. God lets you know when you have been saved. He moves you to do his will. When you have been saved, God makes sense to you. Something has been revealed to you.

This has happened to me twice in my entire life. It happened on exactly the same occasion too. I was watching Wall Street like a hawk in 2008 and 2011.

The last time it happened was the week that Jim Cramer said Bear Stearns was fine. I was struck by a vision that incapacitated me. I had the same vision the other day. Because I was seeing the exact same thing all over again. smile

I was fine then. Just as I am fine now.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 09:23 | #


Many years ago, I studied “social constructionism” myself. I was very heavily influenced by Michel Foucault. I still have the three volume “Essential Works of Foucault.” It has been flaring up in my recent essays.

Far from being “anti-intellectual,” I spent many years studying philosophy. My interests in recent years have turned more toward state and local history (a new subject of interest), but I know plenty of philosophy.

When I write about “symbolic power” and “narrative power” and how “narrative power” is used to control discourse and establish legitimacy, I am writing in a Foucaultian vein. Michel Foucault himself wrote a lot about “power/knowledge.”

Good stuff.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:53 | #

“symbolic power” and “narrative power” and how “narrative power” is used to control discourse and establish legitimacy

That is why we must breed out the “faith gene” and why the faithful must be made to wear a yellow patch on their clothing so that they can be properly marked as untermenschen.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 10:56 | #

I don’t think Hunter is possessed of a lesser character than Greg Johnson.


Posted by CS on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:12 | #


I know some people with bi-polar disorder. They don’t take medication everyday. In fact, they only take it once in awhile when start having trouble sleeping. Then again, I do know some people with it who have to take medication every single day.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:21 | #

So Hunter is a man who experiences the spiritual euphoria of a manic episode once in a while, gets depressed now and again, yet does not suffer from manic depression.  Glad we have that settled.  LOL!


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:49 | #

I parted ways with the White Nationalist movement last summer.

Which is why Hunter continues to work along the fringes of the Regnery outfit which pretty well is the White Nationalist movement for all intents and purposes.

The Greg Johnson experience was the last straw.

For my money the Johnson-Wallace Catfight for the Ages was mutually annihilating.  Yet both are still standing, each having intentionally made his Rousseauian Confessions through the other man.  By exposing one’s weaknesses, being forced to experience the death of one’s shame, one can be reborn to power.  Nietzsche standing naked before the god Dionysus.  At least that’s how Johnson would attempt to spin it.  In reality, they both came out looking like shitheads.  LOL!


Posted by Wandrin on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 11:50 | #

HW has a talent for populist journalism.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 12:50 | #

That is why we must breed out the “faith gene” and why the faithful must be made to wear a yellow patch on their clothing so that they can be properly marked as untermenschen.

No seriously (no, not seriously), let’s get down to nuts and bolts.  England should be the first in the West to implement a one child policy, with forced abortions for expectant mothers if this is superseded, like they have in China except for carriers of the “faith gene”.  There is no way the faithful would rise up against their unbelieving betters to see the latter swinging from lamp posts thus defeating the point of the exercise in the first place (no, not seriously - ‘fraid there would be some hangin’s).


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 18:45 | #


(1) Your advice that your fellow citizens are “untermenschen” for their belief in God is duly noted. They believe in Jesus Christ and you believe in Adolf Hitler. Clearly, they have lost their minds.

(2) I’m not a White Nationalist anymore. I am a Christian conservative. I work for the State of Alabama, which is my home, not for any abstract “White ethnostate.”

(3) I don’t spend my time fighting with Greg Johnson anymore.


Posted by Mr Voight on Sun, 14 Aug 2011 19:40 | #

You can’t rebrand yourself into the mainstream.

I’m sure the Klan would like to be known as Christian Conservatives working for their respective states too.

You can bob, weave and cloak it, but the second you mention white interests, you’re a white supremacist. Being called a white nationalist is the least of your worries. They want you to distance yourself from whiteness completely. Nothing short of that will normalise you in the current Zeitgeist.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Mon, 15 Aug 2011 02:20 | #

Mr. Voight,

(1) “Mainstream” is a bullshit term. A “main stream” is a river of thought. When the herd is thoughtlessly moving in one single direction, disaster always strikes at some point.

(2) There is no “mainstream” anymore. The “mainstream media” doesn’t have narrative power over vast swathes of the countryside.

(3) I can talk directly to the “mainstream” and win them over to my point of view.

(4) I’m not a member of the Ku Klux Klan. In any case, guilt by association is an irrational argument, and reasonable people can see that.

(5) There are plenty of people in the State of Alabama who believe in White interests. I was raised in an area where there is no real taboo on White racial identity. In 2008, 92 percent of Whites voted against Obama in Alabama.

(6) I’m on the side of my state and my hometown. People who live here who understand our culture know where I am coming from.

(7) I’m really and truly not a “White Nationalist” anymore. I had to many bad experiences with “White Nationalism” over the years.

I began to see that “White Nationalism” is a secular ideology. Ideologies are too weak to bind people together in a common cause. White Nationalists are too divided to agree on anything.

(8) I’m quite sure we are moving into a new Zeitgeist.


Posted by Chechar on Mon, 15 Aug 2011 02:22 | #


Have you read at least one of Covington’s novels? What do you mean by the “psychopath” label you use?


What you say, that you are only undergoing a spiritual experience, reminds me very strongly what Peter Breggin said in a chapter of <a href=“>Toxic Psychiatry</a>. Don’t miss this book: an antidote against those advices in this thread that want to push licit drugs on you. And don’t forget Miller (cited above): lithium can never be the answer to such experiences.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 15 Aug 2011 02:42 | #

Your advice that your fellow citizens are “untermenschen” for their belief in God is duly noted.

I was being sarcastic.


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 01:51 | #

Hunter Wallace,

Why do you use “black-run America” in spite of being aware of the nature of the Federal Reserve?  Surely, America is neither run by blacks nor run for blacks.

And why do you endorse gold-based money when bankers have most of the gold and history shows that they can get the government to confiscate people’s gold and have forced upon or taken away a gold-based standard to suit their money-grubbing schemes?  Any chance of you promoting proper monetary reform?

I don’t care what you identify yourself as.  If you know what makes the enemy powerful and thus the solution——taking away their control of the money supply——then the test of how genuine you are is what you write about the money situation.

I don’t think you’re insane, but if you’re not controlled opposition, then you owe us some answers.


Posted by FB on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 03:52 | #

J Richards is the only poster on MR and elsewhere not duped by international Jewry and working independently of Jewish handlers. It’s too bad men in white coats are always out to catch him.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 04:32 | #

J Richards,

(1) I use “Black Run America” because America has been run for the benefit of black people since 1965. The racial etiquette of “Black Run America” has been encoded into our culture, our laws, and our financial system. It is an inversion of the “Jim Crow South.”

(2) If America is not run for the benefit of black people, explain the Brown vs. Board decision, the Civil Rights Movement, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, TANF welfare, the EBT card, affirmative action, the relentless promotion of diversity, the election of Barack Hussein Obama, the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday, the Rodney King Trial and Los Angeles Riots, etc.

(3) I don’t recall advocating “gold based money.” The price of gold has surely risen since 2008. That is a symptom of the collapse of faith in the dollar. Gold is just another object of faith that people use as a medium of exchange.

(4) The U.S. dollar is a source of great power of Dixie. The people who live in my race nation work for that dollar. They are psychologically damaged by working for that dollar. That pisses me off.

(5) Money is nothing but faith used as a medium of exchange.

(6) That is why the CSA needs its own currency. To get out from underneath Washington and New York City.

(7) I’m not sure how I can explain to a clearly paranoid person that I am really not engaged in a conspiracy against you. Maybe I am just a blogger in cyberspace? Until now, I haven’t saw fit to respond to you.

I’m not a White Nationalist. I don’t see you have gotten in your mind that you have to be a White Nationalist to be “pro-White.” There were people who were “pro-White” in state for at least 145 years before the “Civil Rights Movement.”


Posted by anon9823 on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 05:40 | #

Hunter Wallace has gone through many ideological changes over the years, but one thing has remained the same: he’s always trying to take attention off the Jews.  Very interesting.

(2) If America is not run for the benefit of black people, explain the Brown vs. Board decision, the Civil Rights Movement, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, the Voting Rights Act of 1965, TANF welfare, the EBT card, affirmative action, the relentless promotion of diversity, the election of Barack Hussein Obama, the Martin Luther King Jr. federal holiday, the Rodney King Trial and Los Angeles Riots, etc.

Right.  See, none of this has anything to do with Jews.  How could it possibly?


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 06:19 | #

I’m not foolish enough to believe “Jews did it.” That is a superficial understanding of the problem. Jews are only one angle of the whole story.

In the Brown decision, there was 1 Jew on the Supreme Court and 8 Gentiles. It was JFK who forced the integration of Ole Miss and the University of Alabama. It was Judge Frank Johnson who integrated everything in Central Alabama.

Of course Jews had nothing to do with the 14th Amendment either. They weren’t responsible for Reconstruction and the War Between the States. IMO, some Whites exaggerate the Jewish role in our decline in order to avoid taking responsibility for their own problems.

In 1964 and 1965, 85 to 95 percent of Northern representatives in Congress voted for the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act. Was it a Jewish conspiracy or was it simply the desire by the North to force integration on the South?

For the second time in American history.


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 09:16 | #

Hunter Wallace,

Good to hear from you.  Let’s look at BRA (black-run America).

BRA (black-run America)

Surely, someone of your intelligence couldn’t possibly think that Brown vs. Board, the Civil Rights movement, affirmative action and many other handouts given to blacks at the expense of whites are examples of America being run for the benefit of blacks. 

What about jails and prisons?  They’re full of blacks, mostly there for drug-related offenses.  Why doesn’t BRA make illegal drug possession a civil violation to keep many of these blacks free men?  Why doesn’t BRA legalize relatively less harmful drugs such as marijuana to keep black pot dealers out of prisons?  Then there’s heroine, which has fewer side effects than other opiates, especially prescription opiate pain killers (the inclusion of acetaminophen makes them especially toxic to the liver), and couldn’t make more than 5% of the population addicted to it.  So why doesn’t BRA make possession and sale of heroin a civil violation, only classifying DUI and other instances of endangering others while operating under the influence a criminal offense?

At one point American black women had it good.  They were paid to eat, get fat and give birth, which lead to a black population explosion.  So why the welfare reforms of the 1990s that made the terms less favorable to blacks?

Why doesn’t BRA extol the beauty of the black woman?  Why are the beautiful black women mulattoes with nose jobs, straightened hair and bleached skin?

Since you know the nature of the Federal Reserve, you know that the international Jews behind it are the ones that hold the power.  These are the people who played the [instrumental] role in the trans-Atlantic shipment and trade of black slaves.  Now why would they be interested in running America for blacks?

You know the answer, but for those who don’t, examples of affirmative action and other handouts for blacks are a straightforward example of weakening whites, not to benefit blacks, but to benefit Jewry.  Jewry’s using blacks.  Blacks benefit in handouts but they also go to prison for actions that should be civil, not criminal, violations, and they also disproportionately suffer when there’s a recession and handouts become less feasible.  Why?  Because a massive criminal justice system translates to the government borrowing a lot of money, from the money changers, to run it, and then there are lots of jobs for lawyers, many of whom are Jewish.  Because criminalizing a variety of drugs creates jobs for the criminally-inclined Jews.  Because… it benefits the Jews.

There’s no BRA!


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 09:17 | #

Hunter Wallace,

I see, you don’t think Jews have much to do with issues that you hold dear, such as the civil war, the reconstruction-era issues, forced integration, civil rights, etc.  Since it starts from the civil war, let me address it in brief.

The American Civil War

Since you know the nature of the Federal Reserve, you surely know the history behind it——the extensive attempts by international Jewry to establish a central bank in America.  Impoverished British colonies in America experimented with debt-free paper money and became prosperous.  The money changers forced a gold standard and impoverished the colonies again.  A war of independence started, and the money changers failed to prevent the colonies from becoming independent.  Plan B was to acquire control of the new nation’s finances.  There were a series of bank wars that culminated in a solid defeat for the money changers when Andrew Jackson killed the central bank for the foreseeable future, in the 1830s.

The money changers saw an opportunity in America around the mid 1800s, when rivalry developed between the north and south.  They had northern industrialists use protective tariffs to prevent southern states from buying cheaper European goods.  Europe retaliated by stopping cotton imports from the South.  The Southerners were thus forced to pay more for necessities while their income from cotton exports plummeted.  The money changers exploited the situation to the point of civil war.  If America remained a single large nation that attained economic and financial independence from the money changers, then European nations might look into the nature of this success and relate it to the absence of control by the money changers.  America thus had to be split and weakened.

The money changers had the French army stationed at the northern Mexican border and the British army stationed at the southern Canadian border, ready to pounce on a weakened America.  Controlled by the money changers, the French would’ve taken the south and the British the north. 

The Tsar of Russia, who had just emerged from the Crimean war, where the money changers had the major European powers attack Russia because of the royalty refusing to allow them to control Russian finances, came to Lincoln’s aid by sending parts of his fleet to San Francisco and New York, in a show of strength, warning France and Britain to not intervene.  Lincoln successfully maintained the Union, and in the process learned the nature of money when his debt-free greenbacks worked, but before he had a chance to repeal the National Banking Act (1963, 1964), which he was forced to sign, to have his finances in order, to maintain the Union, he was assassinated by the money changers.

This is a very short history of the civil war, and it’s clear what it had to do with.  This isn’t the right spot to go into the reconstruction and later related-events that you hold dear, but it started with the goddamned Jewish money changers and has continued with their substantial involvement.  The National Banking Act merely established a series of national banks.  It took several financial panics and deception to establish the Federal Reserve in 1913.

I could give you the benefit of the doubt assuming ignorance (I myself was ignorant only a few years ago, and look back at myself and my deeds with shame and great embarrassment), but you know about the Federal Reserve and the history behind it.  So don’t call me paranoid if I think you’re controlled opposition; it’s more like a logical inference.


Posted by J Richards on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 09:18 | #

Hunter Wallace,

I take back my misreading of your comments on confederate gold as an advocacy for gold-backed money.  Your comments are apparently illustrations of what could be used as money or not, based on mutual agreement, but surely you do realize that the U.S. Constitution prohibits anything other than Congress from issuing the nation’s money——this authority can’t be delegated to a different entity.  Private Banks therefore cannot lawfully create money in America, whereas in practice they create almost all the money, as debt.  The solution’s the monetary reform act that I linked, which replaces Federal Reserve dollars with debt-free United States dollars issued by the Treasury.  What’s your stance on it and do you intend to promote it?

Again, I don’t care whether you identify as a white nationalist or not.  What I’m interested in are arguments that you aren’t controlled opposition, and I don’t see these.


Posted by Republicrat on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 13:31 | #

BRA is definitely a silly term. Blacks don’t run America except as tokens in various ceremonial positions of power (Obama, Holder, etc.) and often times only as mulattoes.

America run for blacks (or minorities in general)? Yes, definitely. But that’s a far cry from Black Run America. Blacks are too mentally incompetent to run a modern technocratic state.

I really fail to understand why Hunter continues to use this term despite himself admitting that they don’t run the show.

And it isn’t just blacks - it’s minorities, women, and whoever else fits into the cultural Marxist paradigm of the modern-day oppressed proletariat. Blacks just happen to be the most absurd exemplars of what modern society presents as Holy given that they’re so civilizationally incompetent in contrast to their holiness. The so-called “BRA” doesn’t prefer Blacks over any of the others.


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 17:56 | #

J. Richards,

I appreciate your input on Fed history. I visited moneymasters about a month ago and got their DVD which I have really enjoyed and shared with friends.

The DVD also came with a small, newly published book, Crisis by Design, which contains some good practical advice, but is willfully opaque on the JQ, and even goes as far describing the system as “Nazi”.


Posted by ic1male on Tue, 16 Aug 2011 18:02 | #

I listened to Hunter Wallace being interviewed on the Jim Giles show. Not very impressive at all. Certainly not in the same league as Alex Linder.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 00:28 | #

Richards, was it the Jews that faked the moon landing?


Posted by Jimmy Marr on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 01:14 | #

New moon, Jew moon.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 11:33 | #


Let’s keep the moon landings out of this discussion.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 11:38 | #

Jimmy Marr,

I know that Patrick Carmack, the brains behind the money masters site, doesn’t address Jews, but I’d be terribly disappointed if he did.  A presentation as brilliant as his deserves a wide audience.  It’d be a terrible shame if he addressed Jews truthfully as the Jews would go after him for anti-Semitism and deflect attention from fractional reserve banking to anti-Semitism, old canards, the Protocols, the persecution of Jews, the Holy hoax,... the usual.  As of right now all they can do is pray that few people come across Carmack’s work and have controlled opposition dole out enticing tidbits on the nature of money to deceive the recipients into solutions that won’t work…  killing Carmack won’t work as we’re past the point where Jews are up against individuals; now they’re up against CDs, DVDs, blogs, vlogs, the internet,... 

Another way of looking at it is that most people dislike bankers whereas the same can’t be said of Jews.  So it’s better to strike at the root of Jewry’s power by tackling banking and have fewer people that don’t even read the arguments because they couldn’t be anything other than garbage.  If you’ll recall, Steven Pinker trashed Kevin MacDonald’s work on Jews without reading it because it had to be garbage that he wouldn’t waste his time with.  Carmack easily matches the intellectual prowess of MacDonald and is capable of a superior argument on Jews because of his superior knowledge of the nature and history of money.  So should Carmack produce impressive work on Jews or on money?

Yet another way of looking at the matter is accuracy vs. precision.  Carmack isn’t very precise by omitting Jews, but he’s essentially accurate because he makes a clear case of conspiracy and major crimes by international money changers.  Take away their control of money and their crime network is destroyed.  Carmack has this passage about some prominent banking families:

Most commentators are of the opinion that the Rothschilds are definitely the dominant partner; citing for example, the 1950’s appointment of J. Richardson Dilworth, partner of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (a satellite of the Rothschild family) who left to take control of the Rockefeller family purse strings, where he managed the investments of Rockefeller descendants in as many as 200 private foundations.

However, the operative relationship described by Georgetown historian Carroll Quigley is “feudalistic”, that is, analogous to the relationships between a feudal king and the aristocracy consisting of dukes, earls, barons, etc., all mutually supportive, while safeguarding their own turf and “independence”, expanding it when permitted without violating the fundamental hierarchical relationships – violations can result in wars.

Lesser members of this “feudalistic” international banking plutocracy include or have included, the Sassoon’s (in India and the Far East); Lazard Freres France; Mendelsohn (Netherlands); Israel Moses Seif (Italy); Kuhn, Loeb (U.S.); Goldman Sachs (U.S.) Lehman Bros. (U.S.); Schroeders (Germany); Hambros (Scandinavia), the Bethmanns, Ladenburgs, Erlangers, Sterns, Seligmans, Schiffs, Speyers, Abs, Mirabauds, Mallets, Faulds, and many others.

Inquiring minds can find out how many of them are Jews… e.g., the Rothschilds are Jewish Bauers who changed their name.
A fourth way of looking at it is the case of an interesting long-term commenter at MR, who’s either retired or he retired his moniker.  He could be described as “Joe blame-it-on-the-Jews Public” or “Jack Jew-this-Jew-that Hack.”  Yet, when some serious crimes by Jewry were mentioned, he chickened out, and when fractional reserve banking was exposed, he cited resources maintained by Jews that economists have a different view!  Whatever the Jews are compelled to expose to establish rapport and minimize damage in the age of the internet, they have to draw the line when it comes to money or else it’s over for these folk.  So is it better to invite public denunciation by fat Abe [Foxman] by a “blame-it-on-the-Jews” argument or make an officially Jew-blind strike at the root of Jewish power and let nature take its course regarding the Jewish question?


Posted by Croydon on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 12:36 | #

Which is why the Positive Money crowd* are interesting as they have done more to advance the idea of global debt and monetary reform than any group since perhaps the Social Credit movement: regular meetings up and down the country, active university groups, MPs on mailing list and as contributors and so on. But what happens when they become the default cheerleaders of this critical edge, this political WMD?

The benefit of this argument being led by those broadly in sympathy with our wider objectives was that other closely allied elements could be intruded into the discussion to build a fuller picture. With a mainstream breakthrough for monetary reform arguments then the directing of this critical edge is potentially lost to us.

Sadly, as you describe above the harnessing of the monetary reform argument to the radical right has allowed the argument to be comfortably spurned for too long.



Posted by Lew on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 15:57 | #

The White Gentile Senator from Rhode Island William Aldrich was instrumental in getting the federal reserve act passed.

There were no Jews serving in the US Senate or the House of Representatives to vote in favor of the federal reserve act.

The federal reserve act was signed into law by Woodrow Wilson, a White Gentile not a Jew.

Every Jewish victory in the United States since 1913 was attained with the assistance of White Gentiles.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 17:52 | #

J Richards,

(1) First, I live in Alabama.

(2) Second, I can definitively say that a large section of my state (i.e., the black majority counties) are indeed run for the benefit of blacks through the Voting Rights Act of 1965. I can definitively say that every business in Montgomery is run for the benefit of blacks because of the integration required by the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

I can definitively say that our integrated public schools are run for the benefit of blacks which forces Whites in my area to construct massive private schools. I can definitively say that our culture proscribes White racial identity while ennobling the racial identity of blacks.

(3) Third, the “War on Drugs” provides employment for countless drug dealers. It raises the price of drugs on the street. Drug abuse rots the character of blacks and whites. It keeps the ghetto preoccupied with the drug trade and engaged in warfare mostly with itself.

As for prison, the drug laws keep hatching murderers, rapists, and thieves off the street. It is an indispensable form of segregation that allows the black elite to prosper in our society while mandating prison for the “bad blacks.”

(4) Fourth, I am not sure what you are talking about. Black people are more dependent than ever before upon the welfare state. They are dependent upon the Democratic Party.

(5) The beauty of black women is relentlessly extolled ... so much so that that the Japanese researcher who recently said they were ugly was fired for his politically incorrect comment. Miscegenation is relentlessly extolled.

(6) The Supreme Court nullified our anti-miscegenation laws in the Loving decision.

(7) No, I do not believe that “international Jews” were responsible for the transatlantic slave trade. There were certainly Jews involved in the slave trade, but they operated mostly in the Caribbean and Brazil in shipping slaves from the Congo to sites like Barbados and Brazil.

(8) Only a small fraction of the total slaves that were transported to the New World came to the United States.

(9) BRA is actually the second time in American history that America has been run for the benefit of blacks. The first time was Reconstruction when the United States passed the 14th and 15th Amendments not to mention the “civil rights acts” during Reconstruction like the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

(10) Affirmative action is a straightforward example of an attempt by White liberals to uplift blacks and make them “equals” in our society. If you seriously believe the “legacy of slavery of segregation” has held blacks back for generations, then discriminating against whites is a sensible position.

(11) I don’t understand how affirmative action is a Jewish conspiracy. Perhaps the Jewish conspiracy was started by JFK, LBJ, and Richard Nixon?

(12) Blacks are simply allied with Jews in the Democratic Party. But so are homosexuals, so are White liberals, so are Asians, so are Hispanics, so are public employee unions, so is most of the Wall Street money, etc. It is an alliance of powerful groups, not a shadowy conspiracy.

(13) I was unaware that trial lawyers were all Jews, but I learn something new every time I come here.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 18:12 | #

J Richards,

My references to “Confederate gold” was an insightful look at the very nature of money itself. Why do we use these Federal Reserve notes instead of Confederate dollars? Simply because we have “faith” in the Federal Reserve notes.

The Federal Reserve notes have legitimacy. They are stamped with the right symbols. That is all these Federal Reserve notes really are: a medium of exchange that people have faith in which has various stamps of legitimacy like the face of Abraham Lincoln.

Think about it: these Federal Reserve notes are an object of faith. Gold is an object of faith. These objects of faith are used in trade. Their value rises or falls on any given day based on the faith that human beings have in these medium of exchange.

Is it possible to print faith and call it money? Print something with the right symbols on it and have millions of people work for it?

This is a very old story. It actually goes back to the earliest days of the Israelites when the people of Israel worshiped the Golden Calf. They had turned their back on God.

God is the original object of faith, not money. If you love God’s Truth, you will serve God, not Mammon.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 22:26 | #


Regarding Aldrich being instrumental in getting the federal reserve act passed, no Jews serving in the US Senate or the House of Representatives to vote in favor of the federal reserve act, and Woodrow Wilson signing the federal reserve act into law… a very superficial way of looking at it.

Aldrich was part of the banking cabal.  He was part of the international team that formulated the Federal Reserve Act, and this team included Jewish families such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Schiffs, etc.  In the years preceding the passage of the act, Kuhn, Loeb & Company, a Jewish entity, had employed Paul Warburg and Jacob Schiff to lobby for the passage of a privately-owned central bank in America.  Jacob Schiff was also in the process of spending $20 million to finance the overthrow of the Czar of Russia.

Of the group, Aldrich was the American Senator and he introduced the Aldrich bill to establish the central bank.  The bankers pooled an “educational” fund of five million dollars to finance professors at respected universities to endorse the new bank. 

Congressman Lindbergh immediately recognized the Aldrich bill as the bankers’ bill and denounced it, and the Bill was never brought to a vote.  Roosevelt denounced it, too.  So it was plan B.

Woodrow Wilson was a Princeton student who was misled into believing that a central bank was necessary to stem financial panics; he was considered tractable by the bankers.  Wall Street financier Bernard Baruch (Jew) was put in charge of Wilson’s education.

The bankers funded Teddy Roosevelt to split the Republican vote, helping the Democrat Wilson become President.  During the campaign, the Democrats were careful to pretend to oppose the Aldrich Bill.

When Wilson became President, Warburg, Baruch and other Jews quickly relabeled the Aldrich bill and presented it as the Federal Reserve System under the “Owen-Glass” bill, only slightly different from the Aldrich bill.

Some lawmakers recognized the similarity to the Aldrich bill, and raised charges of deceit and corruption, particularly Congressman Lindbergh.  But Jewish/money changer funding won, some were misled and others were agents already… the Owen-Glass bill was rammed through the House and Senate and passed on 12/13/1913 when many Senators and Representatives had left town for the Holidays. 

Three years after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act, President Wilson realized what he had done by signing the bill during his first term in office.  He said:

“We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled governments in the civilized world – no longer a government of free opinion, no longer a government by ... a vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.

Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it.”

Before his death in 1924, President Wilson realized the full extent of the damage he had done to America by signing the Federal Reserve Act, when he sadly confessed:  “I have unwittingly ruined my government.”   

Dig deep and Jews are the heart and soul behind the Federal Reserve System and many other schemes where only a very superficial look would suggest that non-Jews have played a major role, and you know this immediately when you note that it wasn’t Aldrich who decided all of a sudden to establish a central bank in America.  International Jews waged five bank wars since around 1776 to establish a central bank under their control in America to get to their Federal Reserve System.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 22:29 | #

Hunter Wallace,

Do we really use Federal Reserve notes because we have “faith” in them?  No, we don’t have a choice.  It’s been forced upon us.

“That is all these Federal Reserve notes really are: a medium of exchange that people have faith in which has various stamps of legitimacy like the face of Abraham Lincoln.”

A medium of exchange?  Debt is more like it.  While exchanging goods and services with it, we keep getting more indebted to the bankers.  The face of Abraham Lincoln isn’t on the money to give it legitimacy, but to mock the leaders who were staunch and mortal opponents of the money changers acquiring control over the nation’s money (hence also Andrew Jackson, James Garfield, Thomas Jefferson, etc.). 

I again don’t see your opinion on the monetary reform act at the money masters site, and I take it that you don’t intend to promote it.


Posted by J Richards on Wed, 17 Aug 2011 22:33 | #

Hunter Wallace,

#1-2, 9, 10.  Again, you don’t see that the system isn’t run for the benefit of blacks, but for the benefit of Jews as they weaken whites in this manner.

#3. Your explanation of the war on drugs and how devastating it’s on the blacks is that BRA is apparently the work of the black elite who want to keep the bad blacks locked up and make it safe for themselves.  What’s this?  Few blacks could count themselves in the elite.  Many elite blacks like Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton are house Negroes.  They remain cool with Jews and they get to be house Negroes.  They speak the truth about Jews, like Louis Farrakhan or Michael Jackson, and Jews would rather have them as field Negroes working inside Negro University (behind bars).  Jackson, Sharpton and others like them are all concerned about ghetto blacks; the black community in general is more racially cognizant and whatever beefs they have among themselves, if it’s time for elections, they’d mostly vote for a black mayor with a lengthy criminal record any day over a squeaky-clean white candidate for mayor.   

#4.  I was very clear about what I meant.  I wasn’t talking about blacks being dependent on welfare.  The welfare reform of 1996 made welfare terms much less favorable to blacks.  Verify this if you don’t believe me.  Why would BRA do this?

#5.  How is black female beauty extolled when those promoted are mulattoes?  The Japanese researcher wasn’t fired from Psychology Today because he called black women ugly, but because black women chimped out when he called them less attractive than other women.  BRA wouldn’t have allowed the publication in the first place, whereas the reason for his firing was… when you have a groidal of wild creatures coming after you, you fling them bananas to mollify them.

Yes, miscegenation, with whites in particular, is promoted, but the MSM doing the job are in Jewish hands. 

Why would lots of black women have to complain about limited dating opportunities in BRA?

#6. Regarding the Supreme Court nullifying the laws against white-black marriages, see the general priniciple behind my reply to Lew.  Jewry was the driving force behind the socio-legal environment within which the Supreme Court acted. 

  #7-8. You may not believe that “international Jews” were largely responsible for the transatlantic slave trade of blacks, but let the facts speak for themselves:;.html

#11-12.  So you don’t understand how affirmative action has a very Jewish character.

For your reading pleasure:

#13. A strawman.  Did I say that trial lawyers are all Jews or that there are lots of Jews among lawyers?


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 18 Aug 2011 08:37 | #

Richards, how does the influence Jews exercise over the Federal Reserve in this day directly translate to more money in Jewish hands to steer the political process towards the ends they desire?  That venal and gullible White individuals can be bought with Jewish money is hardly a mystery to us.  To put it another way, how much of the money that fills the war chests of Jewish activists comes from Jewish bankers active in the Federal Reserve?  Do you contend and can you demonstrate that Jewish bankers active in the Federal Reserve consciously and specifically set monetary policy as calculated towards bringing about economic conditions that will enrich other financially active Jews so that in addition the latter can have more money on hand to influence the political process?  The significance you tout your thesis as having would seem to stand or fall upon the answers to those question.


Posted by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 08:39 | #

The final solution to the “Hunter Wallace” Question:


Posted by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 08:44 | #

“People who are kooks look like kooks. They sound like kooks. They talk like kooks ... all the time.”

Tetragrammaton, anyone?

(I can personally verify Our Hunter has been acting like a kook since at least 2002)


Posted by Kevin Riley O'Keeffe on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 09:03 | #

“The guy can indeed write, but is that in dispute? 

He is also a pathological liar, and has given considerable evidence of serious mental illness - time and time again.  When he is of sound mind, he is of poor character.

GW is being quite charitable in speaking of Hunter’s “limitations.” I was once foolish enough to believe that Hunter had real promise, and did what little I could to help build his blog.  Never again.

It is true that bright people often have problems, and that can be understood or forgiven within a certain context.  That’s the reason I was willing to overlook his breakdown at Odessa Syndicate and give Occidental Dissent a chance when he, shall we say, recovered.  But eventually the character issue killed what sympathy and patience I had.  My mistake.  The guy will shamelessly tell the most brazen and fabricated of whoppers without hesitation, making “facts” up out of whole cloth.  It really was mindblowing for me, because I had never been on the receiving end of something like that.”

Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie, a pose, and/or an exercise in masturbatory sociopathy. Our Hunter’s great gift is living in the moment ie., he skillfully feigns sincerity and commitment to whatever he claims to believe today, so much so that unless you’ve been exposed to his pontificating for a few years, you’d never have an inkling of his consummate shallowness.

It always ends the exact same way with this guy:  The people he warmly endorses and pats on the back today, will all have knives sticking out of them a week from next Thursday.

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