Jan The White Uniter

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 11 November 2014 16:33.

Jan The White Uniter has initiated a new website and will be talking to MR soon.. 

The Spontaneous Abortion of the 100 day Reich in Leith, ND

MAEd, from The White Voice and Nova Europa.

As a White Advocate who rejects this Marxist multicultural soft totalitarianism and who believes in the God given right to free association – a caveat of that being the right to peacefully live and associate with whatever neighbors one desires – I was pleased months ago when I found out about Craig Cobb’s intention to create a white identarian community in Leith.


Frankly I wasn’t very keen on the choice of North Dakota though I did not express my sentiments to Mr. Cobb. For the record, yes, he did offer me a parcel of land. The winters in my own “deep southern” Indiana are severe enough for my taste. I don’t think I could maintain my sanity during those dark freezing ND winters where temperatures often plunge to 30 degrees below zero.

Before continuing I must rise to Mr. Cobb’s defense. He is routinely described in the Bismarck Tribune and other controlled media elements as a “white supremacist”. As a former officer in the US Army I understand that “supremacy” means dominance over another. In the military one frequently speaks of “air supremacy” or “naval supremacy” over the enemy. In the military “supremacy” is a valid term but this whole notion of “white supremacy” in 2013 is a red herring.

I’m not saying that there aren’t “white supremacists” hiding somewhere who want to put the shackles back on the black man and return him to the plantation. But it’s not my job to disprove a negative. All that I can say is that in my years of being a white community organizer – apparently Barack Obama and I have something in common – is that I have never met anyone who wishes for a return to James Crow or the “good ole days” of “beatin’ slaves and pickin’ cotton.”

There is a common denominator among all people who call themselves “pro-white” from obnoxious circus clowns wearing historically incorrect nazi outfits to those of us at The White Voice who do our best to act normal, dress normal and behave normal while involved in White Advocacy: the simple wish to drop out and remove ourselves from this multicultural (social) experiment, which is nothing less than a prescription for White genocide in North America (yes, that includes Canada) and Western Europe.

Suffice it to say that the European race of the human species Homo sapiens is facing obliteration from this planet. We are the true world minority, only 8% of the world’s and our numbers are decreasing in every country due to insufficient reproduction.

At the same time our genocidally-inclined NWO rulers are massively importing people from the 3rd world. If the law of averages holds, 4000 Mexicans jumped the US border last night. That’s the equivalent to ¼ of my town’s population. In a recent video production entitled “The Myth of the White Majority” I proved conclusively that White Europeans in the United States are now a minority; that the 2010 census reporting “62% White” is a total fabrication as it neglects to count the 30-50 million illegal aliens residing within our borders with the bipartisan connivance of Democrats and Republicans. The oft repeated “11 million illegal aliens” is likewise a media and political lie supported by the entire political class regardless of political affiliation which we quickly shatter in this presentation.

Mr. Cobb has never expressed any sentiment in speech or writing that he wishes to re-enslave the black man. We recently interviewed him on our flagship radio show, The White Voice. I joked with him and asked him if he planned to import some black people to work on his “Cobb Plantation” after he had established Leith (Cobbsville?) as a “White Nationalist Preserve”.

The idea of Mr. Cobb being a “White Supremacist” should be rejected as laughable by any thinking person. Why would one go through the effort to create an all-white enclave only to import darker skinned people to pick one’s cotton? Sorry, I don’t know enough about North Dakota to know what their major crops are.

Then there is the oft repeated lie that Mr. Cobb is a “hate crime fugitive” from Canada. Those media maggots who repeat this are indirectly showing their utter contempt for our 1st Amendment. In America we can express any opinion we wish as long as we don’t threaten others or plan crimes, something better known as conspiracy.

But there is no such 1st Amendment in Canada. That means that those parliamentary potentates in Ottawa can pass any law restricting what comes out of your lips. So if I was sitting in Toronto and wrote on my blog, “Eskimos are the dumbest people in Canada and engage in reindeer sex when they’re not molesting children” I’m going to be brought up on “hate” charges because I insulted an identifiable group of people.

Actually that is not my view of Eskimos or Inuit as they prefer to call themselves. In reality I believe “the dumbest people in Canada are white euro-Canadians”. And No!, I’m not taking that back!

But understand the law is applied selectively. While my first statement about Eskimos would earn me a criminal indictment, my second statement would be laughed at by the same prosecutor. So what did Craig Cobb do in Canada? He wrote something non-complimentary about a non-white ethnic group in Canada. He did not call a Canadian African a n****r. He did not harm anyone. He just wrote some words. But that doesn’t stop the Bismarck Tribune from calling him a “hate crime fugitive”.

When I first talked to Mr. Cobb before the controlled media had descended like a pack of heart-pecking vultures I thought he was doing the right thing. Many of us have read the book Nova Europa by Arthur Kemp. It is about strategies to create a European ethnostate … somewhere.

All of us in North America, Western Europe and Australia are on a sinking ship. We’ll call it the Titanic which would be very apropos since the author of this book is better known for his seminal work on European history, March of the Titans.

Well, it appears the Titans are about to go under and our only life boat is to create our own autonomous homeland somewhere. Please obtain this book immediately. It is only 88 pages in length so nobody will be able to opine that it was “too long to read”. It lays out international law and treaties which openly state the rights of indigenous peoples worldwide including their right to a homeland of their own. Our Eskimo friends are doing well. Have a look at the present Canadian map. Nunavut is theirs. And there’s no question that we Europeans are indigenous to Europe. I don’t care if the most popular boy’s baby name in Belgium is Mohammed!

The key lesson in Nova Europa is that “political power flows from majority occupation”.

To call Leith a town is an insult to the word since Leith has at best 30 residents. If Mr. Cobb had done this experiment the right way, he would have quietly and discretely had 30 or more White Advocates move to the village (?) and then had himself elected mayor in the next election. As mayor he could have enacted ordinances which would have accelerated white immigration to the village. As mayor of Leith he could have given our people great hope.

Rest assured, my friends, a European homeland is coming but it’s not going to be in Leith.

That Reich bit the dust on Sunday November 17, 2013 when Mr. Cobb and his associate were arrested for brandishing firearms. Those Hollywood caricature neo-Nazis of the National Socialist Movement who came to Leith with Mr. Cobb’s permission idolize a man who promised a thousand year Reich but blew his own brains out twelve years into it.

I don’t expect Mr. Cobb to follow suit. He’s been disarmed. As I write this piece Mr. Cobb is in the county jail. You may have seen video of him and his associate Kynan Dutton walking though the village while holding rifles in a menacing fashion. North Dakota is a “right to carry” state but that means that pistols are to be holstered and long guns are to be over your back. My prediction is that the two men will be charged with felony brandishing at a minimum.

My gut feeling is that this error in judgment will be Mr. Cobb’s coup de grace. This was just the final act in a tragedy of epic proportions.

I’m going to take Mr. Cobb at his word that he was discretely trying to get White Advocates to move to Leith when the evil “Jew press” got wind of it. It matters not who owns the Bismarck Tribune. They were the first to do hit pieces on Mr. Cobb and his plans for Leith. Investigative journalists investigate and we can’t blame media maggots for acting according to their nature but we can blame Mr. Cobb for his mistakes in doing damage control.

Shortly after the story broke I spoke with Mr. Cobb by phone. I told him to stick to the facts and to stay on topic. “That means you don’t answer questions which don’t relate to Leith,” I told him.

In a televised report I later heard him answer questions about the Holocaust ® What in the hell does an event that took place in 1940s Germany have to do with Leith in 2013? He was eagerly talking about religious issues and Judaism. Totally off topic. It appeared to me that he must like to hear himself talk.

And to a certain extent many of us in the higher IQ range display this tendency. While we are taught knowledge in the classroom, few of us are taught the rules of discretion. In personal conversations I have found Mr. Cobb to be an intellectual heavy weight. His knowledge of our people’s history is formidable. But there is a difference between knowledge and wisdom.

The next thing that went wrong is that Mr. Cobb invited these circus freaks called the National Socialist Movement (NSM) to come to Leith. The real truth may be that the NSM injected itself into the controversy.

Based on their past behavior they seem to be attention seeking whores who ride piggyback on controversies started by other more normal acting pro-white groups. They are much like Al Sharpton and his chanting negro brigades which jump on and exploit a perceived injustice against a black individual (most recently Trayvon Martin).

It’s my opinion that Commander Jeff Schoep is an FBI operative. Before you sock me in the kisser remember that longtime member and 2008 NSM candidate for President of the United States, Brian Holland, outed himself on February 26th, 2012 as an FBI informant during an appearance on Coast to Coast AM. He has admitted to being on the government payroll for 11 years and at times was paid $8000/month. How’s that for a cush federal job?

That must infuriate Hal Turner, the neo-nazi shock jock who extoled violence on his radio show and only brought in $2000/month from Uncle Sam. Mr. Schoep’s former wife, Johanna, has admitted that she has a biracial child from a previous relationship with a black man and that this child lived in the home shared by her and Mr. Schoep. Doesn’t sound like a “white sup” to me. Forgive me if I’m starting to think that the NSM is a quasi-government organization along the likes of the Post Office and the Federal Reserve.

Schoep and his historical re-enactors were quite a sight to see. They put up swastika flags. They put on a speaking act at the Leith public building. But Schoep was not the only part to exploit the controversy for their benefit. The group Anti Racist Action (ARA) an anti-white group financed by the communist party organized a rally and march against Mr. Cobb and his followers. It was much like a Village People concert with commies carrying communist flags, Indians in head dress and brain numbed white people marching to “end hate”.

The NSM soon left Leith, off to their next assignment but even now Cobb’s various properties fly swastika flags. There is a sign hanging in a tree adorned with a swastika and the words “Village of the Damned”. The weeds grow higher and higher in front of Mr. Cobb’s home. Mr. Cobb must think he’s very smart to have all these swastika flags flying. But unfortunately he went for the icing before eating the cake. Political power flow naturally from majority occupation. But Mr. Cobb couldn’t resist celebrating prematurely.

Then we had Kynan Dutton heavily under the influence go off on a tirade against the city council, all on video for you to see. I’m just sure that normal white people watching him scream “Heil Hitler!” with his hand raised at forty-five degrees will be moved to make the trek to Leith. It took the police to remove him and he was charged with disorderly conduct.

What Mr. Cobb and the NSM fail to understand is that the swastika is a turn off to our prospective audience, white and normal people who find modern multicultural America to be intolerable.

Perhaps they do understand that the symbol is loathed in Middle America but they persist in this folly out of some magical thinking. The fallacious idea is that if you don the uniform and symbols of a long lost era that somehow it will return; that the Reich will be reborn in the wilderness of North Dakota. We also see such imaginary thinking at Tea Party rallies. There are these men dressed up in these 17th century ‘patriot’ outfits. It’s not going to work for them either. There will likewise be no return to 1776. Time only marches forward. Reactionaries always lose. It is the revolutionaries who set the tone of the future.

Our prospective audience is quite familiar with rising black crime, white flight, racial quotas, push 1 for English, Mexicans jumping the border, etc. They talk about such matters everyday over their dinner tables. They know that there is no future given this present anti-white regime on the Potomac for their children and especially for their grandchildren.

They would like to come out of the closet and work toward legitimate white collective interests and aspirations. They would like to openly state their grievances in public and work with other responsible adults for a resolution.

But one thing they will not do is to come out of the closet and take the hand of some wacko with a swastika on his armband. It doesn’t matter if the real Hitler was a misunderstood angel. They have been programmed by a box in their living room to hate this symbol.

Many such as myself had grandfathers who rightly or wrongly fought against this symbol. If I could have brought my two grandfathers back to life a year ago, they would probably have jumped on the Leith bandwagon. But with the arrival of the hooked crosses they would have switched sides.

Our time with people is limited. Their attention span is short. Do we want to waste our time trying to convince them that Hitler was a swell guy or do we want to talk about the impending white worldwide genocide and the absolute necessity for creating a European homeland somewhere on this planet?

To be honest, I’m really not sure who Hitler was or who put him in power. Was he an illegitimate Rothschild? A British agent indoctrinated at Tavistock in 1912? I’m not concerning myself with such intellectual masturbation. At this time all I care about is a future for white children.

One thing I do know is that we’ll never know the truth about the man until our people liberate themselves and open all the archives which at present are closed to inquiring minds. We have to liberate ourselves, then re-write the history books. And in that order!

Yes, I know that the swastika has been used all over the world and the Europeans scribbled it in their caves thousands of years ago. That’s fine and dandy but it your average white person today is conditioned like one of Pavlov’s dogs to go into a convulsion when he sees it. Effective propaganda demands that we stop shoving it in his face if we desire a positive outcome.

Many in this non-existent White Nationalist Movement are clinically insane. Insanity is defined as repeating that which failed in the past hoping this time it just might pay off. Joe Six Pack, Jane Doe and the rest of Middle America have puked time and again at the sight of your swastikas. They are our target audience. They are the people who need to be helped out of their closet.

Other than being on the government payroll why do you miscreants persist in your error? If you can’t stop your compulsive behavior, for the love of God please go save something else like the spotted owl or the dolphins!

As I pen these words I see the mug shot of Mr. Cobb wearing a swastika tee shirt. The idea of a white identarian community in Leith is evaporating in front of our eyes. Let Mr. Cobb’s example serve as model for how NOT to create an all-white community.

Be discrete in your actions and remember that until your people constitute the majority of the population, you have no political representation.

Keep out the crazies, the circus clowns and the historical re-enactors.

Be a good neighbor to those around you.

Treat people with kindness and they will be compelled to respect you.

Demonstrate that what you do is for the Glory of Love for all those white children and not out of hate for others.

Act and dress normal.

Had I been carrying out this experiment I’d be walking around with a shirt and tie. I would address ladies as “ma’am” and men as “sir”.

Even if the towns’ folk disagreed with my plans they would be obligated to say of me, “John King is a really friendly guy” or “He picked up my groceries when I dropped them.”

I’d keep my grass cut and remove any garbage off my property.

I wouldn’t get into drunken screaming rages at town meetings.

I wouldn’t click my heels and do nazi salutes.

I wouldn’t carry rifles around town with the barrels facing down.

In short, I would act normal because I am normal!

There is a white homeland in the works. It’s coming. And there’s nothing our enemies can do to stop our quest for self-determination. But sorry folks, it’s not going to be in Leith.


by John M. King, MAEd

ENDING WHITE SLAVERY is the first book authored by Matthew F. Hale, J.D., America’s foremost prisoner of conscience. Its recent publication shows that even eleven years (and counting) of solitary confinement in a six foot by ten foot cell in the USSA’s neo-Alcatraz, Supermax in Florence, CO., cannot break the spirit, intellect nor the resolve of an upright (and innocent) man, whose cause is, frankly speaking, the most important on the face of the earth. In a world where europid Whites make up only 1/14th of the world’s population, are decreasing in number due to insufficient ‘replacement level’ reproduction, and are facing demographic displacement in every ‘nominally white’ country of the world, all other causes seem trivial and meaningless compared to the cause to which Mr. Hale has unselfishly dedicated his entire adult life, namely, will White people survive for their existence into the 22nd century or will black, brown and yellow school children view us as stuffed exhibits in museums of the future alongside exhibits of extinct dodo birds, saber toothed tigers and dinosaurs?

Throughout the text one finds a repeating theme: that White minds are in chains. “… can we even utter the words ‘White people’, today? Have not the chains upon our minds become so tight, so fixed, that the very notion of a ‘White people’ has become anathema to us? Are we not in fact imbued with the idea that we shouldn’t even utter or contemplate such words, that there are Whites, yes, and there are people, yes, but ‘White people’, together? Such a notion as ‘White people’ is a mistake, a misfortune, a moral failing, we have been told. We are not supposed to have an identity as White people; rather, we are supposed to be individuals who just happen to be White.” (p. 3). On p. 55 the author expounds on this theme by writing, “We have been propagandized to believe that ‘White’ is a misfortune, and thus to celebrate White people as ‘White’ people is tantamount to holding a dance for a witch. The doors are shut, the shades are pulled, and supplications made. The minds of our people are in chains.” Mr. Hale if anything is a realist and looks at the dismal situation with courage. Towards the end of page 1 he writes, “What a sickness to behold, a sickness of the mind. I wish it were untrue – I would dream that it were so – but true it is: a people is today unwilling to believe that it even exists. It would rather think its existence away, to wish it away, to banish from its hearts and minds its very name.”

ENDING WHITE SLAVERY comprises 209 pages and is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 entitled “Our Minds are in Chains” is perhaps the most comprehensive compendium of the symptomology of the White collective mental illness ever to be assembled. Here in the United States, where both Mr. Hale and this writer were born and raised, Whites comprise a slight majority of the population but are widely infected with a psychopathology – a virus of the mind – which falsely tells them that their race occupies the driver’s seat of global social evil. According to the enforced narrative Whites have invaded, enslaved and genocided everyone of a darker hue. Thus our only redemption comes in an act of collective mass racial suicide. Only by denying our children their inheritance and handing over our ‘nominally white’ countries to the ‘underprivledged’ children of the third world can Whites atone for their grievous historical sins and become good people. As Adam and Eve were born into sin, Whites and only Whites are born into ‘racism’ in this twisted atheistic version of the Biblical narrative.

Chapter 2 is entitled “Exhortation” in which the author uses his superior skills of logic, oratory and common sense – recall he was trained to be a lawyer at the University of Southern Illinois at Carbondale – to break down the claims and tenets of the existing anti-White propasphere. Even with his advanced level of knowledge on this subject, this writer was able to learn a lot. Clearly people of European origin have a natural right to exist and persist upon this planet just as much as any other endangered animal species. Even if we were really the most vile and wicked race ever to live – we get a daily booster shot of this mind poison every night on the ABC/NBC/CNN/FOX Evening News and in every establishment newspaper and magazine – we would still have a right to persist simply because we are part of the biosphere (flora & fauna) of this planet. By the end of this chapter Hale smashes the ‘chains’ presented in the first chapter to dust.

Chapter 3, entitled “Towards the Racial State,” presents the only solution to avert the extinction (in progress) of planet earth’s true ‘minority’ race. Namely, we must create our own (White) racial states ie. homelands where our people will be able to live exclusively among their own kind and where they will exert total autonomy and control over their own affairs. Just like the mountain gorillas, of which there are less than one thousand and declining in the wild, Whites need their own exclusive habitats if they are to have a fair shake at surviving the next century. Demographics are destiny and current demographic projections show Whites becoming a minority thirty years out in the US, Canada, Western Europe and Australia. It is to the vanguard of White advocates that Hale preaches. Our current ships (of state) are about to hit their respective icebergs. Creating new (White) racial states somewhere on the face of the earth is the equivalent of manning the lifeboats while the vast majority of dumbed down Whites drown unaware of the rising water (better said: rising tide of color) until the water shorts out their TV sets and their favorite athletic match flickers off.

This is a book which every White person should read, for most White minds are in chains of mental slavery. It should be a part of the personal library of every White advocate and put into the hands of White youth. Rather than this middle aged reviewer, it is the youth who will go down as heroes or zeroes in the century at hand, which in 2015 is still young. Only those youth whose mental chains have been cast aside will recognize the existential threat the White race faces and what the only solution to this impending train wreck is. Recalling that Mr. Hale was a minister prior to his incarceration, this book reads like his longest and finest sermon. Thus the language and tone are appropriate for even children and the reading level is quite comprehensible to any high school student. Whether viewed from his vantage point as both an attorney and a minister, Mr. Hale hammers his themes home using various modes of persuasion, extensive documentary evidence and ample repetition. Anyone with an open mind who reads this book will be freed of their mental shackles before he/she reaches the back cover.

This book should be read in conjunction with Arthur Kemp’s “Nova Europa”, which offers practical advice on how a (White) racial state could be founded in the near future. Reading Mr. Hale’s tome, this writer was refreshed to see how he avoids falling into the ‘victim mentality’ which abounds in much pro-White literature. Adopting a victim mentality and blaming others for one’s problems never works. Witness the steady societal devolution of America’s favorite victim group, blacks. Indeed, the majority of the White race is in chains but the author avoids blaming Jews or any other group for the situation at hand. There already exist at present a plethora of contemporary scholarly books on this subject namely those of Dr. Kevin MacDonald and Dr. David Duke. Mr. Hale’s interest lies in showing the breadth and depravity of White mass psychopathology (‘chains’) and how to break them. He is not concerned particularly with how these chains were forged and who put on the hands/minds of Whites. By avoiding the ‘J word’ in a negative or conspiratorial context throughout his book, Mr. Hale has made it readable to a wider audience, namely conservative Judeo-Christians, for whom ‘anti-semitic’ language – whether justified or not – would elicit an immediate knee jerk reaction.

A particular strength of ENDING WHITE SLAVERY is Mr. Hale’s ability to cut through the agitprop and weaponized language of the anti-Whites. This may not be the court of law but it is the court of public opinion. And like a bare knuckled scrapping lawyer Matthew ‘The Hammer’ Hale objects to and smashes every exhibit put forth by the prosecution. His deconstruction of the loaded terms ‘racism’, ‘discrimination’ and ‘White privilege’ stick out in this reviewer’s mind.

In a speech decades ago it was John Tyndall, former chairman of the British National Party, who remarked that the epitaph of the 20th century has already been written: “The Great White Racial Retreat”. Tyndall also remarked that the most powerful weapon of that century was not the atom bomb but rather the epithet ‘racism’. But what does ‘racist’ really mean? On p. 32 Mr. Hale offers his insight. “Other than a biased and false dictionary definition, it is a word that is bandied about without anyone bothering to explore its actual meaning and, as a result, it is one of the most ill-construed words that there is. All ‘racism’ in reality means is the practice of racial distinctions and thus the ‘racist’ is one who makes racial distinctions, whether positive or negative. Thus the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is plainly a racist organization because it distinguished between ‘colored’ people and White people. In other words, it is concerned with race and thus is ipso facto ‘racist.’ The use of ‘racism’ and especially ‘racist’ as pejoratives is quite simply misplaced. Whether the NAACP like White people too, thinks that White people are equal or whatever is irrelevant; since it is concerned with race, it is racist, and so is every other of the thousands of non-white organizations that exist. Racism itself has nothing to do with hatred, race superiority, or any other perceived negative sentiment. The black NAACP is racist, the brown National Council of La Raza (“The Race”) is racist, the White Ku Klux Klan is racist, ‘affirmative action’ policies are racist, and even the U.S. census is racist (as it too makes racial distinctions) since all of these groups and policies make distinctions on the grounds of race. There is nothing negative about racism, inherently.”

Listening to the incessant blathering of the mainstream media it would seem that ‘discrimination’ is a tool of the devil. At the same time the U.S. government, whose public relations division is the aforementioned media, actively discriminates against Whites with its ‘affirmative action’ policies. At least in the United Kingdom the government is a tad less deceitful, calling such anti-White policies ‘positive discrimination’. But this begs the question what is ‘discrimination’? Declares Mr. Hale, it is simply a word “… that means the making of choices. Whenever you go to a grocery store, you discriminate as to which products to buy. When you marry, you discriminate as to whom you believe is desirable as a mate for life. When you drive to work, you discriminate as to the route you think is the best to get there. When you watch television, you discriminate in your choice of channels … All life involves discrimination, the making of choices … To ban all ‘discrimination’ in society would ban all choosing and thus render men total slaves, for is it not true that the slave in chains has likewise been deprived of all choice in how to live.” (p. 33)

The newest weaponized term in the anti-White arsenal is ‘White privilege’. This term was coined by the nefarious Dr. Peggy MacIntosh. This agitprop is being actively pushed at today’s college campuses or better said, shoved down their throats. Stories abound of ‘White privilege’ bulletin boards being put up in dormitories with the expressed desire of shaming and demoralizing impressionable young White adults. The idea is that all that White people have is unearned and that’s not fair to the blacks and browns! “… how often have we heard the word ‘Privileged’”, argues Mr. Hale, “as a sort of code word for White people, with it sometimes even being said that simply by being White, we are ‘privileged’ in life? Tell that to the White man who is working two or more jobs just to keep his family fed, housed, and clothed. Tell that to the White single mother who struggles to find a babysitter who doesn’t charge nearly as much as her own wages. Tell that to the White men whose job is that of digging coal from the bowels of the earth whose wage is a pitiful fraction of that of black actors, black sports players, and black talk show hosts. The word when used in regard to our White people implies that we didn’t work for what we have, that what we have came from the toil of others. Is it not though the black man who makes (not earns) tens of millions of dollars per year by bouncing a ball on a floor and tossing it into a basket, privileged? Is not a certain black talk show host whose ‘net worth’ is over a billion dollars privileged? Are not the thousands and perhaps millions of blacks who have their employment and position of employment due to government discrimination in their favor, privileged? Are not the millions of illegal Mexican invaders who could have been met at the border with gunfire by the U.S. Army privileged to instead be given a job, free education, and free health care?” (pp. 46-47)

Those White people who aren’t content to imbibe media bread and circuses but rather express concern about the White demographic demise are routinely derided by the political class and their ‘mainstream media’ presstitutes as ‘haters’ and ‘white supremacists’. How does Mr. Hale view this boob tube babbling? On p. 78 he writes, “Let it be clearly stated that the matter is not, and never has been, about hating or disliking non-whites but rather that White people should not hate or dislike themselves. Thus the propaganda that has attacked any sense of White self-love has always wrongly labelled that self-love as ‘hate’ when the reality is that the true hatred actually rests with those White people who do not care about the continued existence of White people as a people. In other words, amazingly enough, White people are smeared as ‘haters’ for daring to love their own race but it is the White people who do this smearing who actually are motivated by hate even if the hate is so deeply within their subconscious that they do not recognize it. This was intimated earlier but let it be explicit. Now, after generations of this mind subversion, attacking White loyalists as ‘haters’ has become almost second nature, routine, and automatic without giving any thought to what is really at issue.” Sinister semitic organizations such as the ADL and the SPLC spend their waking hours spewing hate at White advocates for being ‘haters.’ Mr. Hale finds this situation to be logically deficient at best. On p. 41 he writes, “In sum, harboring a negative emotion towards someone for that someone allegedly harboring a negative emotion is problematic, to say the least, and it becomes downright sad when it turns out that the person was misjudged in the first place! The prime motivation of every White man who loves his White Race and its culture is none other that the preservation of the same. Should he really be a target of hatred for feeling this love? If he were really a hater, he would not attach himself to his race and culture, for attachment is a form of love, not hatred. The current society has totally missed this fundamental point and slashes its own hate-driven swords at a phantom largely of its own making.”

Mr. Hale’s rhetoric is aimed squarely at the youth of today. On p. 113 he boldly declares, “… I tailor this exhortation to the mindset of the young. Let them lead the way for the chains upon their minds have not been so fixed, no so locked, as otherwise. They know that the present painting need not be painted with the same strokes of the brush for ever and ever, that we can paint differently as we choose. The world is their oyster, after all, not their straightjacket! The concrete has been poured but has not yet hardened with them – or with me either if I can dare to say that I am still young.” As a seasoned observer of Western Civ’s downfall under the multiculti regime, this writer cannot help but think that political movements—much like the empires of old—come and go and that the anti-white propaganda has likely reached its state of max saturation. With ‘gay marriage’ having been forced upon the country by unelected judges all that remains on the ‘social justice warrior’ agenda is the decriminalization of pedophilia. On p. 80 Mr. Hale writes, “… the so-called ‘modern’ world of today is the old world of tomorrow. The supposedly enlightened opinions of today applauding the degradation, devaluing, and dispossession of our White people may well be considered foolish, backward, and insane tomorrow. The haters of White identity, White pride, and White advocacy are matched with their ignorance only by their arrogance in the thought that some kind of ‘Brave New World’ has been reached that will never be questioned, never be critiqued, and never be discarded. Their recency in time does not give them potency of right. No so-called ‘end of history’ has been reached as history has no end. The world of White emasculation has lasted a few decades but a few decades do not dictate to eternity.” Mr. Hale has faith in the youth; that they will rebel against the demented society that their parents have bequeathed upon them by their passive collaboration and obeisance to an anti-human system whose obvious but unstated goal is a world without White people. On pp. 121-122 he lays out the kind of youthful rebellion which is needed to reverse the present genocidal situation: “The youth, especially, know that tomorrow need not be like today. There is no path of egg shells that they fear traversing for fear of upsetting rotten eggs! Their will is their command, not the stone tablets of yesterday that were already brittle when they were being etched. How joyous the youth will find it to say yea! to that which their elders (currently) demand a nay! How distasteful, how discontent they will be with the phony equality dogma who drink they want imbibed. What better way to rebel, what better way to revolt, than to be racial in the sea of the raceless, the periscope amidst the quarry, the lightning bolt in the field of drab! For make no mistake my young Brothers and Sisters, there is no dynamism in the status quo, there is no revolution in reaction, and there is no idealism in emulating your parents! You need not to be their clones, and you need not carry their pitchers of water. If their minds remain in chains, yours need not be alongside.“

The central thesis of Hale’s book is that White minds are in chains. On p. 4, he lays out multiple examples of White mental enslavement: “You think I exaggerate? Then let me ask you this: would you feel comfortable donning a T-shirt in public that says ‘I’m proud to be White’ upon it? If you are a political leader, would you be comfortable stating on camera that you are concerned about the future of White people? If you are a wealthy businessman, would you be willing to publicly announce and endowment to create a United White College Fund? If you are a ‘community organizer,’ as our current president was, would you be willing to openly organize Whites as Whites? If you were a college student, do you feel free to create a White Student Alliance alongside the Black, Latino, and Asian? Do you feel free to open your mouth in class to defend the so-called ‘dead white males’ as they are being castigated by a professor? Do you feel free to proclaim to the world that you are proud to be White and see no reason to apologize for anything your ancestors supposedly ‘did’ to the other races? If not, you are indeed in chains, your actions fettered by the enslaved minds of others – or by the chains that grip your own mind.” Throughout the ‘nominally white’ world a glaring double standard is being perpetrated in the open and is obvious to all but the blind. Non-whites are encouraged to show racial solidarity and tend to their own while there are negative taboos and indeed consequences associated with Whites showing loving advocacy for their own kind. Writes Mr. Hale on p. 78-79, “Every White man in his employment, and every White man especially on television, knows that if he dares say anything that could violate the societal dogma of White self-immolation, he faces almost certain firing or worse. Thus our White people are trained to think that such thoughts are bad, indeed reprehensible, when they are not, for we are psychologically predisposed to believe that only that which is bad is subject to be punished. In other words, if caring about the future of White people as White people weren’t bad, why would people face punishment (persecution) for expressing thoughts along those lines? Through repeated “examples” being made of anyone who expresses any White loyalist feelings (firing, arrest, verbal condemnation, etc.), our people are deluded into believing that White loyalty is wrong the same way that societal oppression determined what was deemed right and wrong in George Orwell’s 1984.” Not only are White people, as a group, frightened to speak up for their own legitimate self-interests, it seems as if they are unconsciously acting out some sort of mass suicide pact. Who knows? Perhaps aborting their own children and adopting children of other races is their version of drinking Jim Jones Kool Aid? Writes the author, “No creature on earth, past or present, has ever been as willing to sacrifice its own best interests as has our White people. Indeed, we are now practically programmed to not even consider those best interests after decades of media, government, and classroom propaganda. Indeed, with a White people that is today unwilling, and perhaps even unable, to conceive that it has a separate, unique, and important independent existence, how can it conceive that it has ‘best interests’ to protect at all?” (p. 76)

Mr. Hale maintains that the collective anti-white mental illness known as ‘multiculturalism’ is akin to a house of cards waiting to be blown over; that it is nothing more than an airwave-born phenomenon, spread from television screen to White mind. “Had there never been television, there never would have been any particular regard for multiracialism. And even today, were television to cease to exist, all regard for multiracialism would quickly follow suit! For that was the conduit of your manipulation, my Brothers and Sisters! You were bombarded by images of those not of your own race and thus of course, the multiracial, mongrel society seemed “normal” to you! Your thoughts followed the images; your world was created for you through a boob tube! And today those of our people, our race, our kind who are filled to the brim with hate for what we lovers of White Life love, only harbor that hate because of their manipulation through the screens of their living rooms, their bedrooms, their kitchens, and elsewhere! Expose the manipulation, my bretheren!” (p. 142)

As of this writing Whites are already a minority in the United States. True, the 2010 U.S. Census declared that non-hispanic Whites constituted 62% of the population but this same census fails to document the estimated 40-50 million illegal aliens residing within our borders. They are as the mainstream media says “undocumented”. Our legal immigration policy allows in excess of one million persons per year, of which less than 10% are White. Similar scenarios are playing out in Canada, Australia and Western Europe. Our children’s inheritance is literally being given away to the people of the Third World by traitors within our midst. On p. 171 Mr. Hale opines, “Today our White race is in fact dying … the despoilment and humiliation of the White race is everywhere. Our culture is being taken from us, our genes are being destroyed through rampant mongrelization, and we are being assaulted and killed by non-whites on an incessant basis.”

The only solution to the White races impending genocide and extinction is the creation of White racial states, ethnostates created for the express purpose of shielding Whites, the world’s true minority group, from the growing brown tide. On p. 172 Mr. Hale takes aim at those sinister forces responsible for the global White genocide campaign: “We do not, for example, accept the idea that anyone has a right to a “liberty” that includes conduct that destroys our racial life. On the same page he expresses the guiding principle behind creating White racial states. He writes, “To create a Racial State that would end such a destruction of our racial life is thus justified by any decent moral standard and yet even if it weren’t, we would still be entitled to work towards it simply because we find it more desirable that the present situation. The ‘life, liberty and pursuit of happiness’ of our race is much on our minds.”

A look at historical maps shows that empires rise and fall. In the last century we saw the Soviet Union, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire come unglued only to be replaced by numerous monoethnic successor states. A similar fate awaits the American Empire, which today is mindlessly ‘diversifying’ itself into oblivion. Mr. Hale points out that we are White people first regardless of where we live. And regarding the United States, he writes on p. 178, “To be blunt, why should we give a fig whether the United States of America continue to exist in their continued political form when the survival of our culture, our genes, and our very lives are at stake? So we no longer have fifty States. So what? For most of our history, we didn’t have fifty States either. So what if the union of States might end up being changed to something else? What’s more important, our name or our existence as a race? Do the people exist for the States or do the States exist for the people? We lovers of White Life say the latter as people throughout history have done the same. No ‘values,’ as the conservatives would say, or ‘civil liberties’ as the liberals would say, can possible trump the value of our very existence.”

The author makes no concrete suggestions of where to establish White ethnostates. On p. 181 he remarks, “In the United States for example there are several States whose populations are nearly all White and thus, with a few changes of law and policies, they can with little difficulty indeed become Racial States within the same border as exist today.” This reader sees such rhetoric as naïve given the current political order. Montana, given its current demographics, would fit the bill but the rising police state powers of Washington DC would quickly retaliate against any public movement to create a White ethnostate there. We would see the FBI quickly move to arrest movement leaders on trumped up charges – a tactic which Mr. Hale well understands – as do-gooder church groups import Somali ‘refugees’ into Helena, Bozeman, Great Falls and Butte. Looking back at the collapse of the world’s great empires of the past, one notices that the dissolution into smaller ethnically unique states came after the glue holding the various captive ethnic groups together weakened. The Roman Empire, for example, broke up into Spain, Italy, Britain, Germany, etc only after the political power of Rome had ceased to be a dynamic unifying force. At present the political power of Washington DC appears to be at its zenith but at one time Rome too boasted of its invincibility.

After identifying a White Racial State as the only way to avert the White race’s planet wide extinction Mr. Hale concludes his book by giving us a glimpse at the bright future available to our posterity once they have reassumed control over their destiny. To younger readers whose entire lifetime has been spent under the thumb of the multicultural regime, Mr. Hale’s lengthy analysis of the benefits of a Racial State offer a bright shining beacon on the horizon. Those “leftists” concerned with racial oppression, if they were sincere, would support a White Racial State because as Mr. Hale writes, “… it is not racial separation that causes oppression but rather it is racial integration, for only when the races are mixed together can one race oppress another.” (p. 185)

This reviewer highly recommends that everyone over age thirty reading this review obtain a copy of ENDING WHITE SLAVERY for him/herself and help the youth, tomorrow’s potential ‘greatest generation’, by purchasing copies for all youth in his/her circle of influence. Ideas have consequences. From this generation will arise the heroes who shall slay the multicultural beast and they need every weapon at their disposal. When put into the hands of impressionable youth, Matthew Hale’s common sense and persuasion will banish multicultural lies and its resultant suicidal thinking. Together we can unchain one White mind at a time.





Posted by NoWhiteFlight on Fri, 14 Nov 2014 21:53 | #

H.Avenger –

The enemy is moving openly toward the “Anti-White Proposition”: There can be no all White Countries anywhere.  And there can be no all White areas in the formally all White Countries.

Anti-Whites have become so fanatical and in such a hurry to enforce the Anti-White Proposition.  Everyone is starting to notice the giant Pink Rabbit in the Room and…. #WhiteGenocide.

h/t White GeNOcide Project


A new law which will be finalized by the Obama administration in December will allow the Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD) to chase down any areas which are ‘too White’ and force them to bring in non-Whites.

To do this, HUD will be mapping every US ZIP code, neighborhood, and block by its majority racial group. The data would then be used to force “White suburbs” to change their zoning laws.

New York Post explains zoning laws would be changed so that cheap housing would be built “to bring more low-income minorities into ‘white suburbs’.”

White areas are being chased down as part of the government’s goal to eliminate “racial segregation”, but you will not hear about this law in your mainstream media – this law is not meant to be headline news.

White Genocide is not alone carried out by bringing millions of non-White immigrants in White countries, because those non-Whites tend to stick to the cities, while White people move out into the suburbs and towns.

So, these anti-Whites in power make laws – or sometimes break laws – which forbids any area from being ‘too White’.

This law for example, while its goal is supposedly to end “racial segregation“, it specifically targets White areas for ‘diversity’ whether they want it or not.

That’s because ‘diversity‘ is just a code word for White genocide.





Posted by Jan's Review of Matt Hale's book on Sun, 26 Apr 2015 00:20 | #

by John M. King, MAEd

ENDING WHITE SLAVERY is the first book authored by Matthew F. Hale, J.D., America’s foremost prisoner of conscience. Its recent publication shows that even eleven years (and counting) of solitary confinement in a six foot by ten foot cell in the USSA’s neo-Alcatraz, Supermax in Florence, CO., cannot break the spirit, intellect nor the resolve of an upright (and innocent) man, whose cause is, frankly speaking, the most important on the face of the earth. In a world where europid Whites make up only 1/14th of the world’s population, are decreasing in number due to insufficient ‘replacement level’ reproduction, and are facing demographic displacement in every ‘nominally white’ country of the world, all other causes seem trivial and meaningless compared to the cause to which Mr. Hale has unselfishly dedicated his entire adult life, namely, will White people survive for their existence into the 22nd century or will black, brown and yellow school children view us as stuffed exhibits in museums of the future alongside exhibits of extinct dodo birds, saber toothed tigers and dinosaurs?

Throughout the text one finds a repeating theme: that White minds are in chains. “… can we even utter the words ‘White people’, today? Have not the chains upon our minds become so tight, so fixed, that the very notion of a ‘White people’ has become anathema to us? Are we not in fact imbued with the idea that we shouldn’t even utter or contemplate such words, that there are Whites, yes, and there are people, yes, but ‘White people’, together? Such a notion as ‘White people’ is a mistake, a misfortune, a moral failing, we have been told. We are not supposed to have an identity as White people; rather, we are supposed to be individuals who just happen to be White.” (p. 3). On p. 55 the author expounds on this theme by writing, “We have been propagandized to believe that ‘White’ is a misfortune, and thus to celebrate White people as ‘White’ people is tantamount to holding a dance for a witch. The doors are shut, the shades are pulled, and supplications made. The minds of our people are in chains.” Mr. Hale if anything is a realist and looks at the dismal situation with courage. Towards the end of page 1 he writes, “What a sickness to behold, a sickness of the mind. I wish it were untrue – I would dream that it were so – but true it is: a people is today unwilling to believe that it even exists. It would rather think its existence away, to wish it away, to banish from its hearts and minds its very name.”

ENDING WHITE SLAVERY comprises 209 pages and is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 entitled “Our Minds are in Chains” is perhaps the most comprehensive compendium of the symptomology of the White collective mental illness ever to be assembled. Here in the United States, where both Mr. Hale and this writer were born and raised, Whites comprise a slight majority of the population but are widely infected with a psychopathology – a virus of the mind – which falsely tells them that their race occupies the driver’s seat of global social evil. According to the enforced narrative Whites have invaded, enslaved and genocided everyone of a darker hue. Thus our only redemption comes in an act of collective mass racial suicide. Only by denying our children their inheritance and handing over our ‘nominally white’ countries to the ‘underprivledged’ children of the third world can Whites atone for their grievous historical sins and become good people. As Adam and Eve were born into sin, Whites and only Whites are born into ‘racism’ in this twisted atheistic version of the Biblical narrative.

Chapter 2 is entitled “Exhortation” in which the author uses his superior skills of logic, oratory and common sense – recall he was trained to be a lawyer at the University of Southern Illinois at Carbondale – to break down the claims and tenets of the existing anti-White propasphere. Even with his advanced level of knowledge on this subject, this writer was able to learn a lot. Clearly people of European origin have a natural right to exist and persist upon this planet just as much as any other endangered animal species. Even if we were really the most vile and wicked race ever to live – we get a daily booster shot of this mind poison every night on the ABC/NBC/CNN/FOX Evening News and in every establishment newspaper and magazine – we would still have a right to persist simply because we are part of the biosphere (flora & fauna) of this planet. By the end of this chapter Hale smashes the ‘chains’ presented in the first chapter to dust.

Chapter 3, entitled “Towards the Racial State,” presents the only solution to avert the extinction (in progress) of planet earth’s true ‘minority’ race. Namely, we must create our own (White) racial states ie. homelands where our people will be able to live exclusively among their own kind and where they will exert total autonomy and control over their own affairs. Just like the mountain gorillas, of which there are less than one thousand and declining in the wild, Whites need their own exclusive habitats if they are to have a fair shake at surviving the next century. Demographics are destiny and current demographic projections show Whites becoming a minority thirty years out in the US, Canada, Western Europe and Australia. It is to the vanguard of White advocates that Hale preaches. Our current ships (of state) are about to hit their respective icebergs. Creating new (White) racial states somewhere on the face of the earth is the equivalent of manning the lifeboats while the vast majority of dumbed down Whites drown unaware of the rising water (better said: rising tide of color) until the water shorts out their TV sets and their favorite athletic match flickers off.

This is a book which every White person should read, for most White minds are in chains of mental slavery. It should be a part of the personal library of every White advocate and put into the hands of White youth. Rather than this middle aged reviewer, it is the youth who will go down as heroes or zeroes in the century at hand, which in 2015 is still young. Only those youth whose mental chains have been cast aside will recognize the existential threat the White race faces and what the only solution to this impending train wreck is. Recalling that Mr. Hale was a minister prior to his incarceration, this book reads like his longest and finest sermon. Thus the language and tone are appropriate for even children and the reading level is quite comprehensible to any high school student. Whether viewed from his vantage point as both an attorney and a minister, Mr. Hale hammers his themes home using various modes of persuasion, extensive documentary evidence and ample repetition. Anyone with an open mind who reads this book will be freed of their mental shackles before he/she reaches the back cover.

This book should be read in conjunction with Arthur Kemp’s “Nova Europa”, which offers practical advice on how a (White) racial state could be founded in the near future. Reading Mr. Hale’s tome, this writer was refreshed to see how he avoids falling into the ‘victim mentality’ which abounds in much pro-White literature. Adopting a victim mentality and blaming others for one’s problems never works. Witness the steady societal devolution of America’s favorite victim group, blacks. Indeed, the majority of the White race is in chains but the author avoids blaming Jews or any other group for the situation at hand. There already exist at present a plethora of contemporary scholarly books on this subject namely those of Dr. Kevin MacDonald and Dr. David Duke. Mr. Hale’s interest lies in showing the breadth and depravity of White mass psychopathology (‘chains’) and how to break them. He is not concerned particularly with how these chains were forged and who put on the hands/minds of Whites. By avoiding the ‘J word’ in a negative or conspiratorial context throughout his book, Mr. Hale has made it readable to a wider audience, namely conservative Judeo-Christians, for whom ‘anti-semitic’ language – whether justified or not – would elicit an immediate knee jerk reaction.

A particular strength of ENDING WHITE SLAVERY is Mr. Hale’s ability to cut through the agitprop and weaponized language of the anti-Whites. This may not be the court of law but it is the court of public opinion. And like a bare knuckled scrapping lawyer Matthew ‘The Hammer’ Hale objects to and smashes every exhibit put forth by the prosecution. His deconstruction of the loaded terms ‘racism’, ‘discrimination’ and ‘White privilege’ stick out in this reviewer’s mind.

In a speech decades ago it was John Tyndall, former chairman of the British National Party, who remarked that the epitaph of the 20th century has already been written: “The Great White Racial Retreat”. Tyndall also remarked that the most powerful weapon of that century was not the atom bomb but rather the epithet ‘racism’. But what does ‘racist’ really mean? On p. 32 Mr. Hale offers his insight. “Other than a biased and false dictionary definition, it is a word that is bandied about without anyone bothering to explore its actual meaning and, as a result, it is one of the most ill-construed words that there is. All ‘racism’ in reality means is the practice of racial distinctions and thus the ‘racist’ is one who makes racial distinctions, whether positive or negative. Thus the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is plainly a racist organization because it distinguished between ‘colored’ people and White people. In other words, it is concerned with race and thus is ipso facto ‘racist.’ The use of ‘racism’ and especially ‘racist’ as pejoratives is quite simply misplaced. Whether the NAACP like White people too, thinks that White people are equal or whatever is irrelevant; since it is concerned with race, it is racist, and so is every other of the thousands of non-white organizations that exist. Racism itself has nothing to do with hatred, race superiority, or any other perceived negative sentiment. The black NAACP is racist, the brown National Council of La Raza (“The Race”) is racist, the White Ku Klux Klan is racist, ‘affirmative action’ policies are racist, and even the U.S. census is racist (as it too makes racial distinctions) since all of these groups and policies make distinctions on the grounds of race. There is nothing negative about racism, inherently.”

Listening to the incessant blathering of the mainstream media it would seem that ‘discrimination’ is a tool of the devil. At the same time the U.S. government, whose public relations division is the aforementioned media, actively discriminates against Whites with its ‘affirmative action’ policies. At least in the United Kingdom the government is a tad less deceitful, calling such anti-White policies ‘positive discrimination’. But this begs the question what is ‘discrimination’? Declares Mr. Hale, it is simply a word “… that means the making of choices. Whenever you go to a grocery store, you discriminate as to which products to buy. When you marry, you discriminate as to whom you believe is desirable as a mate for life. When you drive to work, you discriminate as to the route you think is the best to get there. When you watch television, you discriminate in your choice of channels … All life involves discrimination, the making of choices … To ban all ‘discrimination’ in society would ban all choosing and thus render men total slaves, for is it not true that the slave in chains has likewise been deprived of all choice in how to live.” (p. 33)

The rest and full article is now in the body of the post, above.

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