MR Radio: Jan the White Uniter of United White “Political power flows from organisation. No organisation, no power” So says Jan the White Uniter, the director of a new organisation United White, which seeks to generate the unity that is key to any real advance for the white cause. On the Radio page now, Jan talks to DanielS and GW about his background, awakening, intellectual influences, and his motivations and hopes for United White and for European peoples in all their homelands.
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 20 Nov 2014 06:11 | # The editing was quite good, GW. Thank you. The podcast is a success. Jan says that he will distribute it through a myriad of Facebook contacts. There were only a few minor content mistakes on my part - e.g., “on their way to Russia” when I meant to say “on their way to Berlin.” A talk-over where Jan wanted to re-emphasize that Hitler did not just want the territory up to the Urals, but what he thought of, and had in mind for, the Slavs in those lands. Trying to sneak in a point at the end was also a bit of a mistake - the point I sought to make was about “the team metaphor being where empirical philosophy becomes myopic and unable to take a perspicuous overview of coordinating parts (therefore hermeneutics being necessary for a view of protracted team, systemic coordination);” that was a good point to try to make but maybe not there as it was a both academic for Jan’s tastes and opened a can of worms when we were trying to bring the podcast to an end. So, my ending contribution is a bit enigmatic once again, but this time you were able to end the podcast cordially. In terms of style, I will correct my stammering as listening back makes me aware and thus able to control it, at least do better in that regard. Nevertheless, the content is there and significant. It is a worthwhile podcast. Thank You. 3
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 20 Nov 2014 09:22 | # The inspiration part is not hard once the motivation and incentive is provided for participation though matching the total nation with the leftist classification. After that its about pubic celebration of the rewards and heroism of the justly underpinned society. Thereby providing additional incentive. GW, knowing what’s afloat in WN, I was frustrated that the pro Hitler-holes were inadvertently given a handle - they will take and run with anything that they can latch onto. The Nazi-A hole, BlutundBoden, responded to my comment on Carolyn’s blog, saying that I am “mimicking people”: BlutundBoden, 19/11/14 DanielS mimics Metzger, WWS and Troy Southgate
“carolynThu, 20/11/14 I’m glad you’re commenting on it. DanielS is an avid follower of this website (, An avid follower? I think not. I check there to see what BS that pro-Hitler assholes are trying to pull. “as well as others, of course. He uses it to feed his anti-Hitlerism, to get ideas of what to be against.” No I don’t. I know my position exactly. You have a nerve calling people dishonest you disgusting old bag. How many times do I have to repeat that I am a half Italian half Polish American?
I’m not trying to find myself you old pig. ”(Well, he’s also desperate for something to write about.)” Nor am I desperate for something to write about. Your site and ones like it only make more garbage that has to be cleaned and shoveled away from normal White/European advocacy. Coming up with ideas is your problem, because you don’t care about reality, you care for your illusions. And that is why when Bob mentioned that there needed to be care for Slav-Germanic relations you absconded the topic to go in the opposite direction, to your nasty ends of smearing entire Slavic peoples (“they do this, they do that, they can’t do this, they don’t have that.” So stupid you are Carolyn). But you will continue to try to create conflict between Europeans. Carolyn, you will be dead before too long and that is good. Good riddance you old bag. BludundBoden will miss you! ha ha ha! 4
Posted by Eikos on Thu, 20 Nov 2014 16:40 | # Sorry but that was painful. I hope you don’t feel like you need guests on to justify making more shows. There’d be nothing wrong with just you MR guys having discussions on a regular basis (like they do on Right Stuff). Really, I don’t see the value of having guests on at all unless they have an equal or superior understanding of the situation. 5
Posted by teamwork on Thu, 20 Nov 2014 17:58 | # Jan has a long history in the struggle, a reasonable understanding of the basic problems facing European peoples, has left behind some cranks and read-into some serious thinkers on the issues. The relevance of speaking to him is not about quanta of knowledge in particular, but of his concern - always problematic but particularly important to get right as we set out fundamental premises at this juncture: rather than being at odds with one another as Europeans we need better coordination with each other - to have European peoples working toward the same ends. Ethnostates are a project that most should be able to live with. Not only is Jan reasonable enough to pursue those ends but crucially, he is willing to revise or negotiate his thinking where need be in the effort of coordination. He has shown that reasoning ability as a pattern. Its nothing to dismiss as trivia. When a guest has a qualitatively sound outlook in seeking the defense of all Europeans and their distinct kinds - not looking to pit one group of Europeans against another - and has enough understanding to present ideas, even if mistaken, it is an opportunity and occasion to shape them into something finer.
Posted by Mark2 on Thu, 20 Nov 2014 20:55 | # At least Jan or David Duke don’t hide behind a computer screen. Robert Mugabe, the great son of Africa, is for Black Rights and does not hide behind a computer. Let us debate in the light not shadows. Maybe we can do a deal. Like you give us your Blacks and we give you back our Whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa. You see we can come to some understanding. 5 million whites for 1 million blacks in Britain. I am not hiding. 7
Posted by Graham_Lister on Fri, 21 Nov 2014 01:58 | # Nice talk and an echo much of my thought on the ethical and political basis of ethno-communitarianism: its key axis of variation is difference & differential differentation within a nested hierarchy, not silly cod-Nietzschean crap about ‘supermen’ and ‘undermen’ etc. MR should not be allowed to employ or commission debates with people who deal in such asinine drivel (F folks & Hitler loving wankstains). Even if my life (and the life of my community) is by some mysterious non-political criterion deemed ‘objectively’ inferior etc., it would stil be valued by me simply by the fact that it’s my individual life and our collective life! To echo the Scottish novelist James Kelman, ultimately our politics is concerned with survival. For whatever value our culture and people has it is ours, and like Sorely MacLean once said about the Gaelic language, even if it was a poor thing, it would still be loved, and those who used it would still have the desire to see it flourish. Or in even simper terms one loves one’s children more than anything else in the world no matter how ‘objectively’ better or superior the next door neighbours kids are. And yes suicide (individually or collectively) has no place in any form of ethics or politics. On other matters folks outside of the UK might like to look at this: The likes of Thornberry don’t look down on people like the white van man with the St George’s flags on their homes primarily because they are (or might be) on a low income. It’s about the core majority of Labour MPs who in the Fabian liberal tradition sneer at working-class people’s values, with their genuine concerns about immigration and about dramatic cultural and ethnic change in their neighbourhoods. It’s about Labour MPs, earning a very nice living from their parasitical sinecure on the back of the native working-class, by having successfully colonised and now totally transformed a party originally founded to meet the political needs of working-class Britons. Labour MPs who, from their lofty upper middle-class professional bubble, dismiss those very people as “bigots” and “racists” and view their sentiments as illegitimate, wrong and inherently ludicrous. The uncouth outpouring of troglodytes etc. The fact that likely as not the white van man may be trousering £40-£50K a year as a plumber or an electrician is neither here nor there. It’s that he is proud to be English and actually wishes the world to know it that so mystifies the modern liberal Labour elite like Thornberry. Thornberry knows the square root of fuck all about w/class struggle, politics, history etc., and cares even less. Labour has contempt for Mr & Mrs Average, we, in all parts of the UK, are now reciprocating that contempt via the SNP, UKIP etc. Political death to these dismal neoliberal ‘globalists’, whatever their ‘act’ is: the red one or blue one or yellow one. No more Red Tories. Or Yellow Tories, or indeed the Blue version. Another world is possible; there IS an alternative. 8
Posted by Eikos on Fri, 21 Nov 2014 14:54 | # How exactly is this guy who writes off several different WN strains as crazy or immoral (ugh) going to bring about White unity? 9
Posted by That'sHow on Fri, 21 Nov 2014 15:35 | # By espousing the rejection of those projects which are divisive of European coordination, and marginalized anyway for good reason, normal, reasonable European peoples will feel more free to participate. 10
Posted by voznich on Sat, 22 Nov 2014 06:31 | # To Lister: You’re Scottish, right? Are you SNP or UKIP? I assume you wouldn’t like Tories or Labour, the first for neoliberalism, the second for its multiculturalism. But is there even a UKIP presence in Scotland? And aren’t UKIP free market liberals minus the pro-EU and pro-immigration? Is BNP gone? What about Paul Weston’s party? 11
Posted by Deal on Sat, 22 Nov 2014 09:15 | # # 6 “Mark2” It’s a deal. Let’s take it further. You can take all the blacks in Europe back to Africa and we would take all the Whites in Africa back into Europe. We’re not hiding either. At least Jan or David Duke don’t hide behind a computer screen. Robert Mugabe, the great son of Africa, is for Black Rights and does not hide behind a computer. Let us debate in the light not shadows. Maybe we can do a deal. Like you give us your Blacks and we give you back our Whites in Zimbabwe and South Africa. You see we can come to some understanding. 5 million whites for 1 million blacks in Britain. I am not hiding.” 12
Posted by John on Mon, 24 Nov 2014 12:29 | # Most of these internet movements function in the same way as an evangelical pastor with their small congregations; and so the key aspects are ‘deification of subject matter’ and ‘donations’. To think that any of them are really intent on parsing truth or reaching a ‘mainstream’ level is laughable. Why? p.s. even Red-Ice is now drinking the Hitlerian kook-aid claiming that peaceful Germanic tribes were colonized and forced-converted by other Europeans for thousands of years. Is this because they picked up a history book and discovered these ‘facts’ or is to appeal to their ‘audience’ and ‘contributors’?
Posted by jamesUK on Wed, 26 Nov 2014 13:40 | # At least he does not have a Hitler fetish and criticises it but does promote the standard victimology of genocide through immigration that you could tell he was from the US as they think immigration on the scale it is in the US is similar in Europe that I have debunked before with most of the immigration coming into from the new EU countries with most countries in Europe like the former Soviet Eastern bloc states Finland and Scandinavian countries having little external immigration. United Europe is a myth. There were times of war and conflict especially against the Ottoman Turks where European countries have allied with each other but most disputes between European countries whether it be war or financial disputes or both are among European powers. Here is the list according to Wikipedia of the various separatist movements in Europe. 14
Posted by JamesISR on Wed, 26 Nov 2014 18:34 | # James"UK”, you never seem to want Europeans to get on. For all your posts you seem quite the Jewish troll. We ARE separatists and UNITED in our separatism both. Jan agrees with that. 15
Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 27 Nov 2014 02:43 | # @JamesISR
Just pointing out the facts man. Jewish troll?
So Euro-nationalists would welcome and recognise the various separatist movements in there host countries?
Posted by OptimalSeparatism on Thu, 27 Nov 2014 05:17 | # So Euro-nationalists would welcome and recognise the various separatist movements in there host countries? Recognizing and honoring autonomy to as large extent as feasible could be an ideal, yes. Actually, that translates to separatism to an optimal extent as the ideal. Cooperation and maintaining part in the full nation is necessary to some extent as well. Maintaining the native population (and culture), economy and defense is the critical issue, of course. If its a matter of neighbors spilling over from another nation and colonizing a region, that would be a less sympathetic reason. It is a matter to look at case by case. Some of these separatisms are more legitimately motivated, i.e. nationalist, than others which are more imperialistic. The Basques are an ancient people in their ancient place. In other cases, regionalism seems to be promoted for disingenuous reasons, to camouflage imperialistic motives - “you don’t want any of that nationalism, do you?” In still other cases it could be an unfair throwing under the boat of a neighboring region that should be worked with for both its situation to be improved and so that a hostile neighbor and spill over effect is not created. What do we do, separate France, Holland, Sweden, Italy and England from Europe because they have too many immigrants, old people, not enough native babies? They are still in the continent and will not go away by putting our heads in the sand. These compartments flooded will take the whole continent down eventually. On the other hand, the matter is one of optimality - the regions and states need to be autonomous and separatist enough in order for their borders to be maintained and alien elements that have sneaked in to a particular region not have too easy a means to overwhelm a neighbor. 17
Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 28 Nov 2014 02:05 | # @OptimalSeparatism The Balkans wars put an end to the myth of any unified European nationalism that Euro nationalism was created in part by previous conflicts between other European states/powers. Even today you have different volunteers from different countries for whatever reason fighting in Ukraine on behalf of the western align government in Kiev or eastern separatists backed by Moscow. 18
Posted by Despair on Fri, 28 Nov 2014 02:30 | # You might try to breed despair of defending native European peoples AND their distinct kinds, but what is the point of despair for we who care? There is none. Once people get the idea that ethno-nationalisms can work together, they will see that it can be a reality. The only supposed ethno-nationalist war now is that sponsored by the YKW and their cold war dinosaur flunkies in Ukraine. The authentic ethno-nationalisms there are being used. This essay might well place you in the subversion industrial complex camp: The author does well until the end, when he proposes Christianity as the answer. The comment on the article is particularly worthy in that critical regard.
Originally published at The Soul of the East; republished Alternative Right Comment Paige1987 •
Posted by Angelo John Contradiction/ Horace The Condescender on Tue, 14 Apr 2015 23:44 | # Moving backwards with Angelo John Contradiction 041215.mp3 Angelo boasts of his “uniting of all Whites, anti-supremacist” platform and then obliviously speaks to Sven Longshanks at Daily Stormer, telling him that he welcomes NS people (read, supremacists who advocate only segments of Europe) into his “non supremacist” advocacy. Don’t think Sven is a supremacist? here is the podcast he made just prior:
Maybe that’s what Angelo (coming from one of those hopeless nations) gets for taking advice from Horace The Condescender. In the prior podcast, Sven just finished saying how he wouldn’t want his daughter marrying your kind, Angelo (not that he should want that).
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Posted by DanielS on Wed, 19 Nov 2014 18:40 | #
There was a point in the interview when GW was citing Hitler’s capacity to inspire great enthusiasm..
I don’t know that enthusiasm to that extent is good of itself - and especially not for Hitler of course who, in the end, betrayed the motivating genesis for the participation that became swept up in that sort of enthusiasm.
The motivating genesis of Hitler’s popular support was in appeal to a leftist means, where the whole people are the class - I advocate the same concept in that part:
In that manner, with people united, the rank and file is accountable, has less reason to betray, and has motive to remain loyal and participate as they will have their fair necessity and incentive to go beyond duty where they can mage it.
But especially as vigil is maintained toward any potential betrayal of the powerful elite.
Hitler betrayed his elite capacity exactly with imperial and supremacist aspirations while demonstrably betraying the trust, authentic and honest motivation of the rank and file in the night of the long knives.
That’s why the level of enthusiasm for him was dubious - because he went beyond accountability. He had only used the notion of uniting the full group of people as a fully accountable leftist class in order to gain popularity among Germans. It was that holistic notion of the nation as synonymous with the leftist class union, and the popular understanding of that, which provided the authentic motivation.
In his exceptionalism from the class Hitler betrayed that sincerely motivated participation.