Murder in Athens

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 02 November 2013 10:45.

Here is the official statement by George of Golden Dawn’s New York division about the murders of two GD members outside the party’s Athens offices yesterday evening.

From the Guardian article:

Crisis-plagued Greece was thrown into further turmoil on Friday after two members of the far-right Golden Dawn party were shot dead in what police called a “terrorist attack” outside one of the organisation’s offices in Athens.

Two men, described as a 20 and 23-year-old, died instantly in the drive-by shooting, according to a statement released by the extremist group.

“Two helmeted terrorists on a motorbike stopped in front of Golden Dawn’s offices in [the northern Athens suburb of] Neo Iraklio while the office was open and a lot of people were [gathered around] its entrance,” said the party.

“The co-rider got off [the bike] and in cold blood executed two young men at a distance of about half a metre. Before leaving the terrorists fired again … they literally emptied their weapons [of bullets] on top of them.”

A third Golden Dawn member, identified as a 29-year-old father of one, was fighting for his life in an Athens hospital after being severely injured in the hail of gunfire.

“His situation is very critical,” the country’s health minister Adonis Georgiadis told Skai TV.

Police said the attack, conducted with an MB5 machine gun, bore all the hallmarks of a well-organised terrorist operation although government officials insisted they were not ruling out any scenario.

And the singing of the the Greek national anthem on the evening of 2nd November at the memorial to the fallen,Giorgos Foudoulis and Manos Kapeloni :

I shall always recognize you
by the dreadful sword you hold
as the Earth with searching vision
you survey with spirit bold

From the Greeks of old whose dying
brought to life and spirit free
now with ancient valour rising
let us hail you, oh Liberty!



Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 12:47 | #

It will be interesting to see who gets the blame for this, whether immigrants or Anti- Whites or ‘‘Zionists’’ etc.

My money is on a UAF type group. As if to remind us of the fanatical hatred we have to endure RamzPaul linked to an interesting piece. The Anti Whites, it seems, are being worn down by ‘‘the mantra’‘, they simply can’t deal with it. This blogger called ‘‘Solomon Wong’’ says the way around it is to admit that multiculturalism and Anti Racism ARE Anti White and that Whites fully deserve to be eradicated.

‘‘The white race is a reification of supremacy. Its very foundation is the power that whites wield. To assert the white race’s right to exist is to defend its place of dominance in the world, because its dominance is the ESSENCE of the race. To protect the white race is to protect inequality, colonialism, exploitation, racism. It IS oppression. It IS racism. It IS injustice. And it is dying. Anti-racist practices are killing it.’‘

‘‘Anti-racism is anti-white, and we should embrace that. As for the charge of genocide? Accept it. You can argue against it, but what’s the point? Any conscionable person should want the white race destroyed. Who cares if the definition of genocide is being twisted to make people feel bad about doing the right thing? The point is that anti-racism, multiculturalism, any attempt to equalize the races is a strike against the white race. And once equality is truly reached, it will be dead. WE ARE TRYING TO DESTROY IT.’‘

‘‘The white genocide is carried out through interracial sex, righting wrongs, and the consequences of the white race’s sins. It is the kindest, slowest, most consensual genocide ever to take place. It’s better than anything whites have afforded the people they stepped on to build their race, people they envy, for they have been afforded the right to their own identity and homeland. Because those people have a true national identity. They have a culture. The only culture all whites share is that of the destruction and subjugation of others. So good riddance.’‘

It gives one a jolt to remember what we’re up against, and with people like this around killing a couple of young Nationalists will hardly be seen as a crime at all.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 17:47 | #

It would be a great achievement and step forward if, as a consequence of the war of discourse, the enemy was forced to reveal its true face, which is the face of hate.

This quote (by, I suppose, a Han mischling) will come in handy when the antis try to deny the nature of their enterprise.  Thanks very much.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:41 | #

Great post, Morgoth.

Let no one suppose, of course, that our race is going to survive without violence. There WILL have to be war for survival. Therefore and yet again, the ethics of our survival (ie, of taking the extreme measures that must be taken to ensure our perpetuity) must be formulated, and widely disseminated (and thus the asininity of Lister or DanielS attacking instead of coopting Christianity is almost too much to bear). And this must be accomplished even as we fight the political battles (eg, against immigration) to build up (or, these days, merely preserve) our physical power.

Ultimately, henceforth, ALL elements in a nationalist agenda must be oriented around the belief that race war is coming, and that total white genocide will be the result of loss in that war.


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 19:47 | #

I’ve already posted it on Daniel Hannan’s blog at the DT. lets see if his civic values and Anglosphere free trade utopia can counter such seething and openly genocidal hate.

My main aim is to scare the living hell out of Middle England and stuff like this comes in very handy.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:50 | #


I want to thank you again for that link! WPs needs to assemble collections of these essays advocating white genocide (hint, hint GW- an MR file? can MR actually be ... useful?). They are the best possible recruitment tools! Much better than learned disquisitions written by white patriots.

Also, I myself am uninterested in trolling the leftist-net (though I do scan The Nation online, and am a decades long subscriber to the left-intellectal New York Review of Books, but not even these impeccably PC publications would dare to print such filth), so I myself never come across these ejaculations of hate. Thanks for doing the detective work.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:53 | #

A reply To Solomon Wong I posted:

To Solomon Wong:

Thank you for this outstanding post! I LOVE it when nonwhites express the truth of their hatred for (and world-historically profound ingratitude towards) whites. Whites built the world; whites have done and produced everything of value in history (including foolishly giving the gift of life itself to billions of dysgenic, parasitic, utterly unnecessary nonwhites); and nonwhites, marinated in, ironically, white-traitor-theorized egalitarianism, just can’t handle that truth.

Envy: perhaps the oldest sin.

I intend to repost this essay widely. These types of posts are the best possible recruitment tool for end-running white-liberal-racetraitor propaganda, and waking deracinated and deluded whites to the very real threats to our existence that the mere presence of nonwhites occupying our living spaces poses to us.

Wong is wrong (heehee - that’s a good meme) in everything he says. Race is a BIOLOGICAL REALITY, and it correlates with alternately positive and negative traits and behaviors. White societies are superior because whites are superior (or were - today most whites are race-liberal douchebags, lemmings allowing themselves to be herded into the fire). The white race is the Earth’s most valuable resource (not to mention literal protector: ONLY whites ever evince willingness to sacrifice for environmental preservation; just look at the ecological behavior of the dirty Chinese (including in the US)).

But Wong’s words must be heeded. Let no one suppose that our race is going to survive without violence. There WILL have to be war for survival. Therefore and yet again, I say the ethics of our survival (ie, of taking the extreme measures that must be taken to ensure white genetic purity and perpetuity) must be formulated, and widely disseminated (and thus the asininity of some white nationalists attacking instead of coopting and cleansing Christianity is almost too much to bear). And this must be accomplished even as we fight the political battles (eg, against immigration) to build up (or, these days, merely preserve) our physical power.

Ultimately, henceforth, ALL elements in any white nationalist or European ethnonationalist agenda must be oriented around the belief that race war is coming, and that total white genocide will be the result of loss in that war.

The battle lines are clear. It will be Whites v. the World (of course the beautiful thing will be the coming extermination of white race-liberals en masse, caught as they will be between the nonwhite ‘genocidaires’, and the Last Real White Men, who, I assure the little man Wong, will incinerate the planet before we tolerate the extinction of its highest human life form).


Posted by Silver on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 20:59 | #


You can’t be blamed for feeling anxious about the existence of those types, but the truth is his views are outstandingly good pro-white propaganda.  Whites who unthinkingly consider themselves “anti-racist” because they are convinced that by so doing they are taking a stand against the mistreatment of other races (a stance made all too easy to justify by the behavior of earlier generations of racialists themselves, of course) can hardly help but reconsider their racial views when jarred by the unhinged lunacy of the anti-white left.


Posted by Silver on Sun, 03 Nov 2013 21:08 | #


The battle lines are clear. It will be Whites v. the World

Lol.  I once said on here regarding the legendary ineptitude of WNs that “Sun Tzu would have your guts for garters.”  That statement probably applies more to you than anyone I can think of.  Good grief.  Even to merely assume that it’s necessarily a case of “Whites v. the World” is boneheaded enough, but to go on to announce that view, considering the severely compromised position you’re in, I honestly ask myself whether I’ve ever witnessed an act of political stupidity of this scale by an otherwise lucid thinker.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 00:18 | #

A stark example of the psychological aspect of the war on whites:

Pentagon Inflicts White Guilt Brainwashing

By Dave Blount

The most destructive weapon in the leftist arsenal is the concept of white privilege, a euphemism for white guilt. You are weakest when you are turned against yourself; consequently progressives employ this race-based version of original sin to convince members of the white majority that they have no right to hold their heads high, much less to defend their interests.

Not content to let this ideological toxin seep into our heads through the media, the ham-fisted Obama regime is hammering it home wherever it is in a position to indoctrinate captive audiences — for example, in the military:

A controversial 600-plus page manual [the Equal Opportunity Advisor Student Guide] used by the military to train its Equal Opportunity officers teaches that “healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian” men hold an unfair advantage over other races, and warns in great detail about a so-called “White Male Club.”

“Simply put, a healthy, white, heterosexual, Christian male receives many unearned advantages of social privilege, whereas a black, homosexual, atheist female in poor health receives many unearned disadvantages of social privilege,” reads a statement in the manual created by the Defense Equal Opportunity Management Institute (DEOMI).

There was a time when the military’s emphasis was on winning wars. Now the priority is inculcating divisive cultural Marxist dogma.

Troops are actually exhorted to “support the leadership of people of color.” That presumably refers to race hustlers like Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and of course Barack Obama himself, who owes his presidency in part to his ability to exploit racial neurosis.

DEOMI instructors have also been involved in teaching troops that mainstream Christian organizations are “hate groups” that should be regarded as domestic enemies.

The propaganda spewed in the DEOMI manual is so starkly opposed to reality that it could easily pass for parody. Whites are attacked for being treated favorably by the liberal-run media and even for their implied criminal inclinations. The concept of equal opportunity (as opposed to special set-asides for non-whites) is denounced as a “tactic of denial”; whites want to pretend that their fiendish “atrocities are all in the past.”

The last time demonization indoctrination went this far over the top, the Wilson Administration was brainwashing us into hating the barbarous Hun. But hatred and dehumanization of the enemy have long been essential aspects of warfare.




Posted by DJ on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 00:29 | #

BTW, Morgoth, I’ve been spreading that RamZPaul link around at the “conservative blogs I hang around at.

Good find!


Posted by Thorn, not DJ on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 00:33 | #

OOPS! That RamZPaul link is:


Posted by Perun on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 02:01 | #

The battle lines are clear. It will be Whites v. the World

It will probably be an Islamic West vs. China, perhaps Russia as well. The West will be less white, but it will still be Caucasoid, with more Middle Easterners and North Africans in a theocratic society, and it will still be an Abrahamic theocracy.

It will be like a continuation of how the Roman Empire spread Middle Easterners and North Africans into Europe, which was followed by theocratic medieval Europe:


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 02:28 | #

I’m talking about the race war within the West. It will be all nonwhites (except Jews, who will find themselves caught in a very vicious crossfire) against whites, albeit for different reasons and objectives. Nonwhites tend to hate each other, but they easily unite around hating whitey.

Globally, China will take harsh advantage of the West’s internal weaknesses, deliberately inculcated (invited). The global exceptions will be - oh, the irony for WNs! - the Israelis, who will have no choice but to make common cause with the whites (whether that alliance will cause WNs to forswear retribution on Western Jews is unclear); the Japanese, and possibly the Koreans and Taiwanese, who want a strong West, and certainly do not identify themselves with blacks and Arabs; and some (but only some) of the genetically whiter elements within the Latino Nation, who themselves will see their privileges threatened by race-based neo-Bolivarianism (as has already been happening in Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia). The newly bankrupted Brazilian ex-billionaire Eike Batista is certainly a man of the West, and seen by those in las favelas as such. Maybe a few other Christian Caucasoid outcroppings (Maronite Lebanon, Armenia) will side with us. The Hindus will probably stay out (maybe). Basically, we’re on our own.

This will be good for us. A lot of white talent is wasted living out varieties of liberalism. When race becomes uppermost, the hardcore white antifa have been liquidated, and Joe Progressive White Tolerant Dude is being hunted by mud savages, he and his will have literally no choice but to ally with WNs. And when whites are thus unified, we will do damage. Major damage. It is our destiny to do so.


Posted by Thorn on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 13:20 | #

That’s quite a prediction there, Leon. From a logical viewpoint it looks like it could very well play out as you’ve described; however, there are too many unknown variables in play to accurately predict future events of the magnitude you’ve described. Or as Yogi Berra most eloquently said: “Prediction is very hard, especially about the future.”

Anyways, I think it’s a safer prediction that Israel, governed by obstinate paranoid fanatics, will, in the not too distant future, exercise The Sampson Option. What happens after that is anybody’s guess.

In the mean time, we have to concentrate on the thing that is the main potent existential threat to White people: Jewish perfidy and all it entails.


Posted by Silver on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:31 | #


I’m talking about the race war within the West.

It’s not the location of the predicted race war, it’s your declaration of it and your insistence on its parameters (White vs World) that I take exception to.  Of course, this is nothing new.  WNs have been angrily shaking their fists at the world for decades.  Revilo Oliver, your spiritual godfather, was of this bent.  Fat lot of good it did your cause. (Interesting tidbit: I can’t help conjuring his visage when reading your posts.)

It will be all nonwhites (except Jews, who will find themselves caught in a very vicious crossfire) against whites, albeit for different reasons and objectives.

This is different.  Here you are predicting conflict rather than inciting or initiating it.  I disagree with your prognosis but you’re certainly entitled to form a view of the future. 

Nonwhites tend to hate each other, but they easily unite around hating whitey.

It’s important to distinguish between the defensive and offensive reasons underlying this pattern if you hope to break it—which is a big “if” in your case, because you seem to revel in the prospects of a war of whites against all.  It seems fairly obvious to me that if you’re going to threaten people with a life or death, winner take all bloodbath then they are going to unite against you as a matter of simple survival, and warily steer clear of any association with you before tensions rise to a point where such a conflict becomes a real possibility. 

Globally, China will take harsh advantage of the West’s internal weaknesses, deliberately inculcated (invited). The global exceptions will be - oh, the irony for WNs! - the Israelis, who will have no choice but to make common cause with the whites (whether that alliance will cause WNs to forswear retribution on Western Jews is unclear); the Japanese, and possibly the Koreans and Taiwanese, who want a strong West, and certainly do not identify themselves with blacks and Arabs; and some (but only some) of the genetically whiter elements within the Latino Nation, who themselves will see their privileges threatened by race-based neo-Bolivarianism (as has already been happening in Venezuela, Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia). The newly bankrupted Brazilian ex-billionaire Eike Batista is certainly a man of the West, and seen by those in las favelas as such. Maybe a few other Christian Caucasoid outcroppings (Maronite Lebanon, Armenia) will side with us. The Hindus will probably stay out (maybe). Basically, we’re on our own.

It can be interesting to speculate along these lines, but it’s a great mistake to consider your conclusions as facts of reality set in stone, particularly when looking at things globally.  Your remarks here prompted me to reread Thomas Chitum’s “Civil War II.”  I dismissed it as alarmist nonsense the first time I read it some years ago, but on this second reading I agree he raised some points that cannot be easily disregarded.  Still, on the whole I have to regard his prognostications as too confident by far, which does one’s credibility no favors at all when events fail to conform.  That’s a trap definitely worth avoiding.


Posted by Silver on Mon, 04 Nov 2013 22:39 | #

One more thing, favelas are what Brazilians call their slums.  The term isn’t used in the rest of L. America, so “las favelas” is incorrect in the context you used it (the definite article should be the Portuguese “as,” not the Spanish “las”).


Posted by wobbly on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 01:55 | #

on-topic: RIP those two guys. sounds well organized for antifa but possible i guess.

horst wessel 2013. the baddies never learn because they need to lie to themselves about their history to maintain their persecution culture.


Great find. Their persecution culture requres them to believe they’re the victims and not the perpetrators so the mantra is really messing with their wiring and bringing out their inner hate-filled desert sociopath.

@Leon Haller

It’s Whites vs the World

That may very well be how it turns out but that’s not what it is. That’s just what Jews want it to be.

What it is is Jews versus White people *using* the world as a golem - they always use golems, Turks against Byzantium, Moors against Spain, Persians against Babylonians etc.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 11:12 | #

The dross of Revleft discuss the murders:

RationalWiki on the dross (to get the full flavour of the site be sure to read “Purges” and “Criticism”):


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 12:09 | #

Revilo Oliver, your spiritual godfather, was of this bent.  Fat lot of good it did your cause. (Interesting tidbit: I can’t help conjuring his visage when reading your posts.) (Silver)

That’s the nicest thing anyone on the internet has ever said to me. Oliver, Samuel Francis, James Burnham and Wilmot Robertson are my true “mentors”. Also loved Lothrop Stoddard.

Re predictions, we’ll see. Envy is one of modernity’s great motivating forces, and no one (except the Jews) excites greater envy than the white race. Our altruism, Christian or secular, has been totally wasted on the Third World. It hasn’t even earned us much in the way of goodwill. It’s better to be try to be feared than loved, at least for peoples.

I stand by my assertion. It would be much better for Aryan EGI if all the world’s races tried to gang up on us. The greatest danger to whites remains white ideological disunity (though it is rapidly becoming actual nonwhite power).

On the grammar of the Brazilian shanties, you may be right - I know no Portugese, though I have been to Brazil - but Latin American publications routinely refer to “las favelas” (I can’t recall if that was always in the context of a discussion of Brazil).



Posted by Thorn on Thu, 07 Nov 2013 13:01 | #

I stand by my assertion. It would be much better for Aryan EGI if all the world’s races tried to gang up on us.

To one extent or another we are already in the midst of being ganged up on. From what I’ve witnessed, the ganging up on whites has been going on since post WWII.

Oliver, Samuel Francis, James Burnham and Wilmot Robertson are my true “mentors”. Also loved Lothrop Stoddard.

All good men. Too bad their ideologies were undermined and overshadowed by the ideologies concocted by The Frankfurt School Jews. Unfortunately, and to the great detriment of Euro-Christians, those insidious Frankfurt School’s anti-White ideologies have been tightly woven into the vast majority of White peoples consciences.

Can MR’s ontology project serve to unweave those destructive ideologies?


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 06:25 | #

Morale Boosting Dept: What We Fight Against:

Letty Wapad: The rape that didn’t shake a nation
30 OCT 2013 14:22 SARAH EVANS

While Anene Booysen’s rape and murder caused an international outcry, Letty Wapad’s similar case went under-reported and almost unheard.

Her name is Letty Wapad. She was a 24-year-old mother and when she died, it seemed like no one outside of her community even noticed. Her attackers stabbed her many times, raped her repeatedly, cut her open from chest to abdomen, removed her intestines, shoved a fist-sized rock into her vagina and left her for dead.

She died three years ago, disemboweled and alone, under a pepper tree at a cemetery in Kimberley in the Northern Cape. Her killer were the brothers Archibald Itumeleng and Moleko Chweu, Thabiso Majama, and a 15-year-old.

It was as if she refused to die, said experts during the trial of her attackers. She lived in agony for 20 more minutes after the four men left the scene.

The ABC Cemetery is surrounded by houses. No one heard Letty’s screams, or if they did, they did not listen.

The forensic pathologist who conducted Wapad’s autopsy would testify in 2010 that this was the most gruesome case she dealt with in her career of 16 years and 10 000 bodies.

“It was the first time I’d had to leave the room to pull myself together,” Dr Denise Louwrens told the court.

Tania Birch, the NPA prosecutor assigned to the case, is dogged and rigorous. Three of Letty’s killers are serving three life sentences plus 10 years each (the extra 10 for the violation of a corpse). The fourth was a minor and a first-time offender at the time. Lawyers think he might be eligible for parole in five years.

None of them accepted guilt for Letty’s death. Like Anene Booysen’s killer, Johannes Kana, none expressed remorse.

Anene’s intestines were dumped in the sand at the construction site where she was attacked. Letty’s intestines decorated a gravestone.

The detective who found her, Detective Captain Doggie Magugu, told the court how he cried at the sight.

Questions with no answers

No one knows why 15-year-old Michael* and his friends weren’t satisfied with raping and stabbing Letty, and why they tore out her innards and strew them over a gravestone. Michael may not have confessed to the police, but he confessed to his mother and she went to the cops.

She became a witness for the state. With her clutched handbag and steady resolve, she told the court about the night Letty died.

Michael came home from the tavern at sunrise. Something was wrong. Almost immediately he told her that he had been involved in something terrible.

The first crime he would ever commit would be the most violent in Magugu’s 25-year institutional memory.

Sources close to Wapad’s case, who asked not to be named, said Michael had a “professionally-done” tattoo on his ankle at the time of his arrest. It was the sonop (sunrise) tattoo: the mark of the 26’s. But he had never been to prison.

“He was not a hardened criminal and he made absolutely no attempt to avoid a lengthy prison sentence. Maybe he wanted to go to prison. That’s certainly the way it looked to me,” said a source who interviewed him.

Yet a neighbour who grew up in Michael’s community found the idea laughable.

“You can get those tattoos under a tree in Roodepan for R10. Guys want them because they are cool. It means nothing to them. The gangs aren’t pure anymore.”

When Anene Booysen’s case became international headline fodder, the source’s ears pricked.

“It’s the same modus operandi as the Wapad case.”

This journalist has made several attempts to talk to Michael. The department of correctional services has ignored these attempts. He is the only one of the four killers who can be interviewed as he is not serving a maximum sentence.

The gang theory is also refuted by a criminal lawyer in Kimberley who regularly sees clients at the Kimberley Correctional Centre.

Yes, he said, murders are planned from the inside. And yes, there are 26’s on the outside. But they are mostly car thieves. They bring money into the prisons. They are not killers.

Besides, to kill a woman is nothing. To become a general in the gangs you must kill a man, he says.

Nothing but thugs

​So if the four were not gangsters, why did they disembowel her?

Ancient Samurais would disembowel themselves as self-inflicted punishment for the worst crime a Samurai could commit: dishonour. Legend has it that during the Cambodian revolution, and the time of Pol Pot, women were disemboweled so that their attackers could see their livers, a sign of fertility.

The lawyer insists Letty’s killers didn’t care about any of that.

“They cut her open because they are thugs. Don’t read too much into it,” he says.

Another theory touted in police circles during the Wapad trial was that the killing was a ritual act of the occult. The theory meant nothing to the court: it was not raised in any serious sense. At best, it was an early attempt by the police to try and profile Letty’s killers.

At worst, it was a poor attempt by a relatively conservative community to locate the horror of the murder within a context that was acceptable. If the devil made them do it, and the devil is real, then the crimes are fathomable. The devil is more fathomable than the depths of human evil.

Nevertheless, there was no conspiracy about it during the trial, no mitigating factors either. This was no fault of the accuseds’ lawyers. The accused who put forward almost no defence. They didn’t even try.

Letty’s mother, Sanna Wapad, cried every single day of the trial.

The long evidence table in the courtroom was eye-level with the accused bench. As if it was possible to forget how Letty was tortured, the rock, extracted from Letty’s corpse, stayed on the evidence table until the trial was over.

The four didn’t flinch. The older of the two brothers, Archibald, slouched easily, staring at his shoes. The prosecution believed he was the ring-leader; he stabbed Letty first, passing the knife around to the other three.

Michael hesitated.

At the end of it all they left behind a bloodied hat and All Star shoes.

Haunting case

Magugu is a formidable detective. It was dark when he arrived at the cemetery scene on March 29. He kneeled down under the pepper tree, at Letty’s body now covered with a blanket, and as the sun rose to illuminate the true horror of Lettie’s death Magugu wept into the red sand.

He did not sleep for days. His team searched night and day for the killers who matched the hat and sneakers.

In an interview in the Diamond Fields Advertiser, shortly after the sentencing, Magugu was proud, but only just. This case would always haunt him, because he had not been able to prove which of the four performed what act. Who picked up the rock? Who cut her open? Who was the butcher who manhandled her intestines and, like a string of Christmas lights, decorated a gravestone?

He would never know, Magugu said.

If the cynics’ theory holds true, that victims must compete for space in the public discourse with only the most violent crimes grabbing headlines, then Letty’s death should have won.

But it did not, and she remains mostly unknown. She is not a rallying call for activists or a martyr. She died in pain, on a hot summer’s night, naked and alone.

* Not this real name

Graham Lister can keep his beloved Negroids. Real nationalists aren’t fighting Big Business; we’re fighting the forcible imposition, via racial integration, of savagery into our lives.

At least this poor girl wasn’t white. That really would have taken the prize.

14 Words




Posted by wobbly on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 07:23 | #

@Leon Haller

Letty Wapad: The rape that didn’t shake a nation

Yes. If the media told the truth the multicult would collapse in weeks under the sheer weight of child-brained but adult-bodied savagery they’d have to report - not because of the white victims but because of the black ones.


Posted by Dylan on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 08:42 | #


Why do you say that Jews excite the greatest envy in the world? I’ve only ever heard Jews themselves say that.


Posted by GuestLurker on Fri, 08 Nov 2013 20:34 | #

It will probably be an Islamic West vs. China, perhaps Russia as well. The West will be less white, but it will still be Caucasoid, with more Middle Easterners and North Africans in a theocratic society, and it will still be an Abrahamic theocracy.

    It’s as if there is something enervating about the climate and geography of Europe that lends itself to Europeans periodically getting re-invaded by more aggressive peoples from the south and east. This process seems to have been recurring since at least the initial near eastern carriers of ElB1 and J2 during the neolithic migrated into Europe. Same story different day.


Posted by wobbly on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 08:05 | #


It’s as if there is something enervating about the climate and geography of Europe

Weakened by some kind of parasite maybe?

Judging by this map they seem to have mostly shaken it off from c. 1300 to c. 1880s

and then got re-infected.



Posted by GuestLurker on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 08:26 | #

Wobbly, I’m not sure what your map indicates.

As to infection, if that’s the case, then obviously the European immune system is weak and susceptible to it.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 10:40 | #

If the analogy taken is immune deficiency, then parts of the system that serve that function are being suppressed.

I suspect that some “rational and objective” parts of the system can correspond to certain national patterns, leaving them susceptible to the infection as they react late in recognizing its important difference.

Similarly, those parts having subjective and relative immunity are not enamored of its difference, (can either allow it to pass on or keep it out) but are not able to perform the function of blocking it out on behalf of the system as they are killed-off by the attempt of the rationalizers and objectifiers to extend their influence; or in their over reaction to the infection, not seeing the difference that makes a difference, say, between a Belarusian and a Russian or an Asian. Whereas over rationalizing differences say, between Poles and Germans, where there is symbiosis. Not seeing the difference between an Italian and a Jew or a north African, such that Italians are prevented from asserting their “irrational” function, and so on.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 10:47 | #

But wherever the genetic carrier of this immuno-deficiency come from, objectivism and over ratonalization of differences and sameness are what leave us susceptible. And these characteristics can come from either religion or science.


Posted by wobbly on Sat, 09 Nov 2013 12:24 | #


Wobbly, I’m not sure what your map indicates.

European Empires.

As to infection, if that’s the case, then obviously the European immune system is weak and susceptible to it.

Susceptible for sure. However the gap in potential between the infected and uninfected states is very clear.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 10 Nov 2013 15:09 | #

Here’s a damned good assessment of what we’re up against and where we as nationalists stand.

Serbia: A Lesson for the Modern World

by David Yeagley –

To this day, because of liberal, biased media, most people in the world still do not know what has happened to Serbia. The fraud, the corruption, and the international robbery of a nation go unrecognized, unjustified, and unpunished. Is this to be the fate of every country facing the same issues?

[...] has written numerous articles on Serbia, pointing out the ironies and agonies, and the stark shame due the United States government under President Bill Clinton and his NATO commander, Gen. Wesley Clark, as well as President Bush following, and the Obama administration to date.

It was all about crime, heroin, and Albanian Muslims. That’s how Kosovo became an “independent” nation, a heroin haven for world corruption, with such renowned leaders as former Finnish President Martti Ahtisaari. The media never once pointed out these underlying evils. “Ethnic Albanians” who had migrated en mass into Serbia’s Kosovo province were presented as victims! Whoever helped them was heroic, just, and to be greatly honored, regardless of reality.

Serbia was branded barbarian, when the Serbians were simply white Christian nationalist patriots, trying to protect and preserve their own. The liberal West wouldn’t have it.

Yet, there are still Serbian patriots, even in the norther area of Kosovo, some 40 to 50 thousand of them. They refused to vote for the integration into Kosovo, and disrupted the recent mayoral voting process in Mitrovica, in northern Kosovo.

Of course, the new, liberal-leaning Serbian government in Belgrade is trying desperately to get Serbia integrated into the European Union, and wants all Serbians to acknowledge the independent Kosovo. Thus, the new Serbian government has betrayed Serbians, calling them ulta-nationalists, instead of patriots, non-cooperatives, hold-outs, hardliners,etc., condemning them as the problem for the rest of Serbia. Kosovo plans another election, in defiance of such patriotism.

Serbians of Kosovo are being presented as those needing to be integrated into the new “foreign country” of Kosovo, created by masses of migrated Albanian Muslims who moved in on Serbian territory. Imagine, being “integrated” into a new country on your own land–robbed from you by a liberal, Western world united against you.

The last of the Mohicans, I’ve called these Serbian patriots. They are Christian, Serbian orthodox. They are denied by Muslims, liberals, and Western drug machines. White Christian is out, Muslim tyranny is in. Western governments, including the United States, prefer it this way.

It is an international disgrace, this betrayal of Serbia. That the United States should have had such a profound role in it only shows just how corrupt the United States government has become. Bi-partisan betrayal, indeed. It is nearly unfathomable.

Mass migration of foreigners, enemies of the culture they invade; international government cooperation with the invaders, business cooperation, criminal pay-offs; and utter misrepresentation of liberal media; these things create cosmic crime. These are the lessons of Serbia to the world. Beware.

No nation is safe today. No, not one. International forces have gained the ascendancy. Whatever your nation has that is valuable to the internationals, it will be taken from you, by coercion, by government force, by arms if necessary. Whatever it takes.

We can only pray for divine intervention. When the patriots are outnumbered by the world, how can they defend what’s theirs? When the patriots are out-manned, out-monied, out-gunned, the most they can hope for is “reservations,” like the American Indians. Is that where all true honor ends, on reservations?

- See more at:


Posted by Hymie in Afula on Tue, 12 Nov 2013 04:50 | #

targeted two obscure young men because…  they were the ones they had a clear shot at.

Not a professional operation. Not done by a State Apparatus

Mossad will kill when needed, but it’s a lot rarer than Hollywood imagines. It’s quite expensive; there’s always risks of mishaps; and it has very limited utility in terms of actually preventing future attacks against us

And it eliminates the opportunities of learning plenty of secrets via an “enhanced interrogation”


Posted by wobbly on Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:39 | #

Not a professional operation. Not done by a State Apparatus.

German state apparatus did this recently targeting immigrant roadside vendors from motorbikes as they wanted it blamed on an amateur far-right group.

Mossad will kill when needed, but it’s a lot rarer than Hollywood imagines.

Doesn’t have to be Mossad - much more likely to have been ultra pro EU elements in the Greek state.


Posted by Whitestone on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 22:00 | #

The Whitestone intelligence group has identified those parties responsible for the material found at the following location.

We are releasing this information as a public demonstration of our capabilities.  We will not tolerate incitement to commit genocide against our people from these unwanted invaders to our lands or their willing accomplices.

It will be made abundantly clear to anti-Whites and their sympathisers that there will be consequences to their actions.

The author of the offending article has been positively identified as:

Stan Masahiko Sakai
b. 25th May 1953

Aliases: Moguera, Solomon Wong


Stan Sakai is a third generation Japanese resident of the United States.  He currently lives in Pasadena, California and works as an artist and writer.  He produces comic books based on samurai characters that are portrayed by anthropomorphic animals and has done so since 1984.  His trademark comic book series is entitled Usagi Yojimbo which translates to English as ‘Rabbit Bodyguard’.  Sakai’s work is distributed through Dark Horse comics, which is located in Milwaukie, Oregon.  Sakai has been the subject of many awards for his culturally and racially subversive work, most recently from the Japanese American National Museum.


Sakai exhibits an extreme resentment and hostility towards Whites.  This is likely as a result of his boyhood experiences that followed the defeat of Imperial Japan.  He has a pathological inferiority complex and also exhibits petty jealousies revolving around what he perceives as competition from White males.

The accomplice of the author of the offending article has been positively identified as:

Jocelyn Christine Frazier
b. 6th April 1974

Aliases: Joss Frazier, Ari Laurel, Ari Usni, Ari Usnigh, Laurel Ari, Scribe Ari
Nee: Jocelyn Christine Hinkle


Jocelyn Frazier is a native born American citizen.  She currently lives in Tucson, Arizona and works as a marketing manager for a local company.  Her activities revolve mainly around her family and hobbies that include various arts and crafts and costume play.


Jocelyn exhibits little resentment or hostility towards Whites.  Her behavioural tendencies likely result from the indoctrination she received during her time studying cultural anthropology at the University of New Mexico.  Sakai has exerted significant influence on Jocelyn since they met at a convention in the summer of 2009.


Sakai’s activities constitute direct and public incitement to commit genocide and complicity in genocide against members of the White race.  He has expressly and willingly admitted the necessary element of intent that is required for a conviction to be obtained and is therefore presumed to be guilty of these crimes.


Jocelyn Christine Frazier

Stan Masahiko Sakai


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 09:53 | #


Excellent work and approach! I am only surprised that this guy is Japanese. The Japanese in Japan tend to be pretty pro-American and pro-white (anyway, very race-realistic). Also, although Japanese-Americans, like all non-whites, tend to vote liberal, my experience with American Japs has generally been positive; ie, I’ve never felt much racial resentment (again, except against blacks).

Of course, I’d still prefer to live in an all-white apartheid republic, and I hope someday I shall.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
