News from around the MultiCult

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 24 July 2010 01:16.

So why would David Aaronovitch justify Joseph McCarthy?

I mean.  Why?

McCarthy: There Were Reds Under the Bed
Sunday, 13:30 on BBC Radio 4 (FM only)

David Aaronovitch thinks the unthinkable about the McCarthy period.

The hunt for the so called ‘Reds under the beds’ during the Cold War is generally regarded as a deeply regrettable blot on U.S history. But the release of classified documents reveals that Joseph McCarthy was right after all about the extent of Soviet infiltration into the highest reaches of the U.S government.

Thanks to the public release of top secret FBI decryptions of Soviet communications, as well as the release under the fifty year rule of FBI records and Soviet archives, we now know that the Communist spying McCarthy fought against was extensive, reaching to the highest level of the State department and the White House.

We reveal that many of McCarthy’s anticommunist investigations were in fact on target. His fears about the effect Soviet infiltration might be having on US foreign policy, particularly in the Far East were also well founded.

The decrypts also reveal that people such as Rosenberg, Alger Hiss and even Robert Oppenheimer were indeed working with the Soviets. We explore why much of this information, available for years to the FBI, was not made public. We also examine how its suppression prevented the prosecution of suspects.

Finally, we explore the extent to which Joseph McCarthy, with his unsavoury methods and smear tactics, could have done himself a disservice, resulting in his name being forever synonymous with paranoia and the ruthless suppression of free speech.

Hearing from former FBI, CIA and KGB operatives as well as formerly blacklisted writers, David Aaronovitch, himself from a family of communists tells the untold story of Soviet influence and espionage in the United States.

The lesson of Ian Tomlinson’s death

... the Establishment does not care that, as a nation, we grow cynical and resentful.  It will do what it wants anyway.

Family alleges cover-up as police officers escape charges over G20 death
CPS says conflicting post-mortem findings rule out criminal trial

The police officer captured on film striking Ian Tomlinson during the G20 protests will not face criminal charges over his death because of conflicting opinions about the cause of death among the medical experts who conducted post-mortem examinations.

Dr Freddy Patel conducted the first post-mortem on Mr Tomlinson’s body and ruled he had died of a heart attack. That was contradicted by two subsequent autopsies, which both found that the 47-year-old died of internal bleeding caused by a blow to the abdomen.

Yesterday the Crown Prosecution Service said that this contradictory medical evidence was the reason it could not bring a manslaughter charge against PC Simon Harwood, the Metropolitan Police officer who pushed Mr Tomlinson to the ground shortly before his death.

The CPS also said it could not bring a common assault charge against the officer because such a charge must be brought within six months, and it had taken 11 months to reach a decision. A charge of misconduct in public office was also considered, but rejected.

Mr Tomlinson’s family reacted to the decision with fury. The dead man’s son Paul King accused the authorities of a cover-up and warned that his family would fight the decision.
He said: “Words can’t describe how we feel; we feel very let down, very disappointed. It’s outrageous. We feel like it was not a full investigation from the beginning. It’s a big cover-up.”

Referring to the Director of Public Prosecutions, Keir Starmer QC, Mr King said: “He has just admitted on TV that a copper assaulted our dad. But he hasn’t done anything. He’s the man in charge… why hasn’t he charged him?

“They knew that if they dragged this out long enough, they would avoid charges. They knew just what they were doing. They’ve pulled us through a hedge backwards – now we have to go on living our lives.”

Probably not the green ray for Les Blues

Not even excepting mussulman Ribery and friends, who are otherwise engaged just now, the entire French squad from the World Cup has been punished for its revolutionary spirit in South Africa.  A little.

The French Football Federation has suspended all 23 members of France’s World Cup squad for their next game.

New France coach Laurent Blanc requested that no member of the squad be selected for a friendly against Norway in Oslo on 11 August. France failed to win any of their three group games in South Africa.

The campaign included players boycotting training in support of Nicolas Anelka, who was sent home for insulting coach Raymond Domenech.

The sanction means France’s opening qualifier for Euro 2012, at home to Belarus on 3 September, will be the first opportunity for any of the 23 to feature in a Blanc squad.

Blanc said: “I obviously cannot act as if nothing had happened in South Africa.

Rupert Murdoch’s Times website strategy not an epic fail

I don’t know why, because on the front page right now they are running an article on the Google gangland maps of London, which was a story that broke four months back.  But since The Times website very bravely went pay-per-view, on-line readership has dropped by 66% - not as bad as industry-watchers predicted.

The Times newspaper’s website has lost two?thirds of its audience following the implementation of a paywall, according to data published yesterday – a dramatic decline, but not as steep as many had forecast.

Readership figures for the site will be keenly scrutinised by the rest of the media industry, and particularly by rival newspapers, which are still struggling to work out a viable business model as readers migrate to online news and circulations decline.

Rupert Murdoch, who controls News International, the owner of the Times, announced the decision to install a paywall around the paper and its sister, the Sunday Times, last year, pitching him against many in the industry who are banking on the idea that drawing a mass audience with free news will eventually deliver strong advertising revenues.

The data from Experian Hitwise, which monitors internet traffic, showed that in the week following the introduction of the paywall on 2 July, visits to the Times site fell to 33% of its pre-registration level. The site had been expected to lose 90% of its traffic.

Even a toxic Subcon writing in the Guardian gets the message about Griffin and the garden party

It can’t be hard.  But once again the elites show they don’t care what we think.

Allergy to BNP is undemocratic
Barring Nick Griffin from the Queen’s garden party ignores his mandate as an MEP and allows the BNP to play the victim card

... It would appear that the guests who would have felt rather uncomfortable due to his presence are of the same ilk as those who walked off the platform back in June 2009 in protest at Nick Griffin’s democratic victory in the last MEP elections. Such aversion to Nick Griffin due to his contentious political beliefs sadly counters the democratic principles that this country has upheld until now. It allows the BNP to play the victim card, and to draw more support from the disgruntled middle England, something which is being tapped by the more radical EDL in the recent past.

Tags: Media



Posted by Mike Loftgent on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 09:21 | #

You said the Times strategy wasn’t an epic fail after all.
Do you have any other strategies you think they should have used?


Posted by Bill on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 12:25 | #


Finally, we explore the extent to which Joseph McCarthy, with his unsavoury methods and smear tactics, could have done himself a disservice

Sounds familiar, where have I seen this before?  This must be a joke surely.  Kettle-Black.

Murdoch’s pay as you go.

It would be interesting to compare the number of site hits against those who actually go on to avail themselves - at a price.

Ian Tomlinson’s death

The list is growing of numbers of police victims.  The establishment now see themselves above the law.  (Probably always have)


Forget G20, forget unruly crowds, forget police - just forget the whole scene that day and imagine Tomlinson is on his normal routine journey home on any day.  Apparently, according to the police investigating team, they conclude that he,  (Tomlinson) would have fallen down dead at that very spot at that very time with the same injuries.  Hmm!

Griffin refused by palace in the Nick of time.

This has boiled down into who has gained most kudos from this debacle and by extension, who came off worst?

The BNP itself.

Nick Griffin Himself.


Andrew Brons MEP.

Eddie Butler.

The establishment.

There’s no such thing as bad publicity.


Posted by John on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 13:10 | #

Finally, we explore the extent to which Joseph McCarthy, with his unsavoury methods and smear tactics, could have done himself a disservice

I call McCarthy the Jane Fonda of anti-Communism. He did the movement much if not more disservice as Fonda did to the anti-Vietnam War effort. I think he was a controlled opposition useful idiot by people using the “poison the well” disinfo technique


Posted by John on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 13:14 | #

The 10 planks of the Communist Manifesto mostly in place in the US when McCarthy was in the Senate. He would have done much better to bring that fact to peoples’ attention and advocate reversing them.


Posted by John on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 13:23 | #

GW: do you think maybe he wants to use a neo-McCarthyist approach against the enemies of the State du jour?


Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 14:17 | #

The decrypts also reveal that people such as Rosenberg, Alger Hiss and even Robert Oppenheimer were indeed working with the Soviets.

.. David Aaronovitch, himself from a family of communists tells the untold story of Soviet influence and espionage in the United States.

Hmmmm, I think I am begining to see the obvious connection. 

This scumbag was the one parading the Serbs as Nazis and the Islamic terrorist regime in Bosnia and mass murdering warlords who the 9/11 hijackers were given Bosnian citizenship, fought in the war and Bosnian government official transferred money to Atta in New York prior to the 9/11 attacks. 

Protested when Israelis where equated as Nazis during Operation Cast Lead.

Wonder what his opinion is of this.

Same with that other clown Christopher Hitchens. 


From what I understand he worked with and was aligned with the ADL and was to root out Stalinist Communists rather than Trotskyite ones.

If he really was against Communist infiltration then he would expose the civil rights movement, all the banks that funded the Bolsheviks prior to WW2 and infiltrate and list all the leading Jewish instituations and indivisuals and the bogus Communist threat would be nil and void.

He is a phoney as the John Birch Society.


Posted by Des Nilsen on Sat, 24 Jul 2010 16:27 | #

A few points.
Porn King (and tribalist) Richard Desmond has just bought Channel 5 Television - simulateously he runs several hard-core pay-per-view porn channels.
Freddy Patel is a useless, incompetent brown cunt.
Apart from the Tomlinson fuck-up, Patel is under investigation for yet other instances of incompetence.Serial killer Tony Hardy (remember him?) got away with it and shuffed two further brasses* in his London flat (their bits were fund stuffed in a wheelie-bin), after the fuck-wit paki Patel said that a dead whore found on Hardy’s bed died of a heart-attack and was not strangled - strange but true.Google the story.
Just another one of those ‘highly skiled’ pakis who ‘keep the NHS running’ no doubt.


Posted by Michael Rogers on Sun, 25 Jul 2010 17:51 | #


Hosted by: PastorLindstedt

Title: TMT—Episode #28 - Whiggers & Mamzers & jews, Oh My!!!Time: 07/25/2010 11:00 PM EDT

Episode Notes: TMT—Episode #28 - Whiggers & Mamzers & jews, Oh My!!! Jesus Christ predicted that the poor we will have amongst us always. He should have warned us about something far more common—and dangerous—especially those turds within our White Nationalist [bowel] Movement. Now that means critters like Alex Linder, TraitorGlenn Miller, sundry anglo-mestizo CreaTards—all the hue-mamzer debris that infests the ZOGland, and adheres to our Movement. Much of it is frentic and idiotic and packs itz tents in the night—like the Roid Rage Retard Jim Giles who got a shitty new v-bulletin license and hid the turds in his crown of all the radio shows. But that also means that Christian Identity has an overflowing toilet bowel chock full of whigger nuts and mamzers and jews, which need to be periodically flushed. Just as in the daze of Ezra and Nehemiah, you get all manner of ‘Sored-Mamzers’ and Delaneys and Kaplan/Quests infesting Christian Identity like jew-flies and fleas on whigger dogs. Tune in tonight for a Zyklon-B flea-bath upon Genesis 3:15 detection


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 Jul 2010 18:52 | #

Has everyone noticed that the quickest, surest way for a budding young starlet to receive the most favorable, warmly-worded free publicity in the newspapers, publicity she or her agent simply could not buy, is to get herself a Negro boyfriend and be seen around town with him?  You are forced to endure this warmly-approving free publicity continually: .

Clearly someone in the hierarchy of these newspapers has taken it upon himself, or has given the order to staff, to always single out miscegenating young actresses for warmly positive photo-publicity and praise, helping them greatly and boosting their careers.  The message to white starlets of course is that an extremely helpful career-move is to go out and get themselves a Negro b/f and to white girls and women in general that miscegenating is right, normal, cool, admired, and wins praise.  Those messages of course are what is intended. 

If we onlookers don’t know exactly who has given such an order at these newspapers we are left with no alternative but to surmise the kind of individual it must be (Jewish?  Homosexual?  Affirmative-action Negro appointment?  Etc.).  If the person responsible would step forward and say, “Yes I gave that order, and I’m damn proud of it!”, we wouldn’t be reduced to surmise-by-connecting-the-dots.  (We would then simply look into his ethnicity and so on:  Jewish?, etc.)  But he never will, you see, and we all understand why.  So we’re left guessing as to who, what kinds of individuals, are behind it all.

Luckily we’re excellent guessers.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 28 Jul 2010 07:26 | #

Et tu, Oliver?

Hollywood director and all-around repulsive weirdo Oliver Stone is now officially pronounced an “anti-Semite” and yes, when last seen was groveling very nicely indeed at Abe Foxman’s feet, thanks for asking: .

(Hat tip: )

Are the Jews powerful or what?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 28 Jul 2010 12:38 | #

Steve Sailer discusses Jewry’s pronouncement of Stone an “anti-Semite” (I didn’t know Stone was half-Jewish — maybe all-Jewish? Sailer doesn’t say what his French mother was) and wryly alludes to the comical aspect of Jewry’s denying it controls stuff even as it effortlessly forces the most powerful dissenters to abjectly grovel in contrition: .


Posted by John on Wed, 28 Jul 2010 17:02 | #

Fred: We could sure use some good stand-up comedians, at least in lands where they wouldn’t get thrown in jail. Stories like that one—I hope to see a thread on it here, btw—(and much other current stuff) would be a goldmine for jokes. It would be a dangerous occupation, though, the more so the more talented the comedian.


Posted by Jewish Media Mogul on Wed, 28 Jul 2010 22:57 | #

Mr Stone, I am outraged that you would suggest that the media is controlled by Jews. You should know that is an antisemitic canard. I want you apologise and acknowledge that you were wrong about it—otherwise, YOU’LL NEVER WORK IN THIS INDUSTRY AGAIN!

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