Non-white headmaster + 98% white school + virulent anti-racism = what, exactly? Doctor (of?) Anthony Edkins is not English. He is, however, headmaster of the very English Harrop Fold School in Worsley, Manchester. He is really rather keen on anti-racism, and appears to have taken to himself and his staff the task of instilling this charming philosophy in his lucky pupils. The result is that Harrop Fold is rapidly becoming the most heavy-handed, notoriously white-hating school in the country. Last April, a 10-year old boy who, allegedly, had called an 11-year-old mixed-race pupil a ‘Paki’, ‘Bin Laden’ and ‘nigger’ during a playground argument was charged with “a racially aggravated public order offence”. When the case came before the court, District Judge Jonathan Finestein remarked, “This is how stupid the whole system is getting. I was repeatedly called fat at school. Does this amount to a criminal offence? It’s crazy.” (For this opinion, let it be said, he received the due amount of contumely from the educrats). It is a law of liberal life, though, that extremists, left unchecked, will unfailingly push their luck too far. The brown-skinned Edkins, who inevitably describes his school as “vibrant”, has succeeded in this mighty ambition. It’s surely all downhill for neo-Marxist fanaticism at Harrop Fold from here:-
And there it is: “Fewer than two per cent of pupils ...” That means, say, 20 non-white pupils on a school roll of 1200. Edkins cannot be pushing his ruthless anti-racist agenda because his school is striving every day to contain boiling racial tensions, ethnic and religious division, and gang warfare. He can only be doing it because he hates the normal, healthy defensive barriers we English, like all peoples everywhere, erect against aliens. He is, after all, himself an alien. It’s not political. It’s not educational. It’s a personal crusade. And it may even be racism. Comments:3
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 14:00 | # GW, I was so blood-boilingly enraged by your excellent post and its reference to the police detention of a 14year-old White girl caused by this cretinous Congoid Edkins, that ,from the relative safety of my expat residence, I expressed the hope that he would receive some physical chastisement including,but not limited to Gay Black Aids-ridden sexual ingress, together with some casually random violence, again preferably administered by one of his racial cognates. 4
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 14:29 | # Well, you are right to be angry. The cold formalities of police arrest procedure alone would have been extremely frightening for a 14-year old girl who has never been in trouble before. I can’t imagine how much the child must have suffered emotionally from being locked in a cell for so long and then having to declare her innocence of the supposed “worst crime in the world”. Our legal system is itself half-criminal for abusing our children in this appalling way. Edkins and his helpers at Harrop Fold School deserve whatever is coming to them from the LEA and the PTA, and we must hope that something is coming. But ... I would not want to think that my humble and gently-worded missive caused any of this dreadful race hate stuff to arise in your, I know, cultured and pure heart. You’ll get me arrested, you see!! 5
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 16:01 | # GW,I very much hope that my outburst of anger will not result in your arrest. Indeed, I had not thought such a travesty possible until you mentioned it. However, as your role was limited to the provision of the website address of this appalling press report, I’d have thought you safe from the depredations of UK’s idiotic ‘racism’ laws. Also ,no mention of this blog was made by me in my email. As for the ‘race hate stuff’, it is directed only at those who infest White countries and was engendered by the foolishly suicidal immgration policies of successive UK governments. 6
Posted by Matra on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 16:31 | #
What I find equally enraging is that there are so many whites who do not feel the same way as Al Ross. I don’t care how much PC a person has been indoctrinated with there ought to be some kind of primal reaction to such reports that overrides all the propaganda. Perhaps there is before people regain their focus on appearances and feel-good platitudes. 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 18:30 | # Matra, There’s a pretty typical “Daily Mail” thread attached to the linked article. That should tell you that some primal reaction certainly ensued. Also, I don’t think that feel-good platitudising in a Grauniad sense is the place to which briefly disturbed sleepers return. Rather, I see that another kind of virtue attaches ... that of endlessly being put upon, of forebearance beyond the call of duty. All terrible English, don’t you know? The sign of a stout fellow who, yes, may be sent early to his God by these little coloured blighters, but by golly he’ll go there justified. Moral inflation belongs to the self-hater of the left. Burdensome saintliness is the preferred poison of the right. 8
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 18:54 | # Here’s another “educational” tale you really couldn’t make up.
So the children, who are of primary school age, couldn’t hear this mumbling bint inside her big black tent. Wtf! She’s in the wrong job. Might as well try her luck as a fashion model. On the inside only, of course. 9
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 21:22 | # Just when I think the USA has cornered the championship belt for stupidity,the Brits have to go an additional round.If I had read some of the crap today 30 years ago,I would have thought it a Stanley Kubrik screenplay[and portrayed as a fantasy] Evidently,education,in a pure form,is secondary to personal {Turd World} practices and overall PC.JUST HOW THE HELL IS A FRIGGEN MUSLIM TEACHING ENGLISH???? And I thought Blacks teaching a science class was hilarious,not to mention American History,calculus,astronomy,or physics. THE WINNER___BRITON! 10
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 22:32 | # Thank you AL ,for the E- mails for the HNIC and the PO-LICE-As for now I cannot be prosecuted for “hate crimes"in the UK,but the dick-wads were probably purple-faced upon reading them.Keep up the good work-at least there are a few good men left in the UK.Cheers and Semper FI ! As an aside-Semper Fi simply means “always faithfull”,which in USMC jargon means never leave your wounded or dead on the field of battle;fight to death,if neccessary,to protect your comrades;and never give up your principles.Ergo,I appoint you an honorary USMC staff sargeant-Can’t go any higher-the gunneys would crucify me.LOL Nick T 11
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 00:43 | # Thanks, Nick. I’m honoured to be in the same company as one of my personal sporting heroes, former World Middle Weight Boxing Champion and ex US Marine, Terry Downes. 12
Posted by Frog on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 01:45 | # The White English need to implement a program of passive resistance. The underlying philosophy being a refusal to support or fund institutions that do not openly and fully support other Whites. Do Blacks, Asians or Muslims off the street ever donate money to White victims of disasters? Ask your fellow Whites that. It is a rhetorical question that will cut through to their natural selfish proclivities. Pull yourself out of all community organisations unless 99.9% of the output supports other Whites, or you are there for ulterior purposes. For example, don’t allow your kids to join the army, Never ever impart wisdom to foreign kids or adults. Let them educate themselves (to lower standards). Aim at all times to undermine organisations that are capable of waging propaganda campaigns against Whites. Work to undermine the status of organisations and institutes cherished by the elite. Surreptiously sow racial resentment within community organisations and churches. Talk in code to your fellow whites. Most importantly think radically as it is not a crime yet. 13
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 05:23 | # Frog,as an outsider looking in,it appears your “passive resistance"has led you to the present state of affairs-Londonistan,Muslim heads of schools,more mosques being built than Christian churches,burkas on school teachers,peculiar garb for Moslem women in hospitals,cabbies that refuse to accept fares carrying alchohol,gang rapes on “white whores”,muggings,murders,and assorted mahyem.A “stiff upperlip"in not going to get you thru this,as it will not we in the USA.Only a mass uprising of the citizenry ,aimed at throwing the shit-heads THEY[WE] elected,and re-establishing the common goals of White society.Here in Florida,my lawn man [for several years],has been forced to lower his monthly rates[which are reasonable and not changed in three years],to keep customers who change to cheaper[and ILLEGAL]beaners swamping our building trades,service jobs,and dope entreprenaturs[Here we call them Ni66ers].Keep your gun loaded,your powder dry,and Semper Fi! 14
Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 12:40 | # Guessedworker makes light of an MR contributor sending a personally threatening and offensive email. But he deems it largely a waste of time for us to fight the good fight patiently, persistently and courteously at ‘enemy’ websites. Or am I missing something? 15
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 13:39 | # Missing what, Matt? What are you trying to say? 16
Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 13:51 | # Matt O’Halloran, I didnt personally threaten either of my email recipients with violence but I pointed out to one of them why,in his case, I thought such a happy outcome would be warmly welcomed. Guilty to offensive, though. 17
Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 18:04 | # Matt, Why are you seeking GW’s approval? Your bright, articulate, calpable and if you wish “to fight the good fight patiently, persistently and courteously at ‘enemy’ websites”, then you are loaded and good to go. GW has taken a beating here for the last six months at least, at his own site, by his own people. His cup runneth over. A less resolute spirit would have chuck it in by now. I, like you, enjoy travelling to the enemy camps and have bumped into MRites, like Matra, banging his head patiently and persistently against the calumniator’s wall. I stick mostly to Canuck sights, because, although the issues are the same, by and large, the particulars are different. Bonne chance, mon ami. 18
Posted by Western Jihad on Sat, 14 Oct 2006 23:16 | # Add this up with the current Neocon/“compationate conservative” love and appreciation of our police. We laugh at dumb criminals; who bring screwdrivers to rob gun stores; the stupidest “criminal” of all is the one who brings his mouth to the Western Noachide court. 19
Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 10:42 | # Desmond: I wrote that GuessedWorker ‘largely’ avoids taking the fight to the enemy, since I know he has occasionally done so and here’s hoping he will again. But most of his claque are too lazy or scared to try. Their names are unknown in the enemy’s camp, and they could score palpable hits; but all we get is dog-ate-my-homework or let-them-come-to-us apologies for absence. Are such foemen worthy of the race deniers’ steel? Pah! My latest skirmish, as if you lot cared: 20
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 11:23 | # That link’s dead, Matt. Look, old man, google for my handle and then yours. You are, apparently, a footballer playing for Boston United. But let that pass - or, maybe, type “blog comment” after your name to strip out at least some of the background noise. Now compare the entry numbers: my 23,000 to your still very “noisy” 19,600. I’ve done my share of rock-busting around the internet, and still do a little. As a matter of fact I just joined the Indy’s on-line Q&A session with Postmaster General and super-feminist Harriet Harman. In answer to an earlier question she offered the obligatory:-
An upright and true-hearted fellow by the name of John Standing, who mysteriously shares this blog’s e-mail address, has offered the Indy’s no doubt horribly PeeCee editor this thoughtful submission for her highness:- You say you do everything you can to fight against racism and Islamophobia, but do you accept that the English were never consulted by any mainstream political party on Third World immigration, and have no cause to welcome their own dispossession and displacement. John Standing, London We will see whether the lady deigns to answer - though if not, we will never know if the Indy declined to give her the opportunity. It’s not that I don’t venture outside MR but that after a lengthy period of that sort of thing I came to the conclusion that realists really needed a more stable and condign platform on which to put forward the case for European survival. I haven’t regretted the decision for one instant, not even with all the editorial difficulties we have had to face. We have to own our own intellectual spaces in which we can speak our truth freely and not be subject to the whims and prejudices of secretive Jews and primadonnas such as de Havilland. It’s as simple as that. 21
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 16:43 | # That 19,000, is that just as M O’H or were you checking all the handles (at least three more I can think of)? 23,000 GW, I’m impressed. 22
Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 18:26 | # Lurker, “Phillips” scores 93,800,000! Effra 60,300. Amalek 429,000. The difficulty is trying to pear back the vast quantities of peripheral rubbish when names are not of a Gwagglethumpa order of specificity (in which case “Your search did not match any documents”). Lurker, btw, brings up 6,160,000 entries. 23
Posted by Jimbo on Mon, 16 Oct 2006 21:26 | # Check out “Matt’s” Linder-ite contributions to Harry’s Place in the comments section for the “Time up for Jenny Tonge” thread. Very useful! 24
Posted by Andy on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 00:07 | # I’m getting confused by all these commenters with multiple handles. Are you saying that Matt O’Halloran is Amalek? 25
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 07:30 | # Andy, One of the PCs they use has the same IP number, though there all similarities end because Amalek generally posts from a PC using IP-hiding software. 27
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 10:49 | # Well, er, Jimbo ... One of the HP regulars noted this:-
If this is indeed true there does appear to be a great lack of right-wing, non-Phillipian blog commenters. Perhaps - terrible thought - we are all figments of the divine Phillipian imagination, did we but know it. WJ seems to have developed a blogging technique a bit like the Red Chinese Army fought the war in Korea. The brave Gloucestershires, defending their hill, open up as the awful, endless human wave charges towards them. The barrels of the British machine guns glow hot. The wave breaks short of their position. Bodies scatter the hillside. A gentle breeze lazily stirs the long grass. Birds sing. Then some bugger out among the corpses blows a whistle and the whole bloody army springs up and charges forward again. In the process WJ has, if that HP thread is anything to go by, succeeded in creating a certain sense of embattlement among the tired, tattered defenders of the blog. It is an extraordinarily demanding if somewhat eccentric thing to do. But of itself it doesn’t provide the detached reader - his true quarry - with a natural point of focus to which the poor chap may look for further signs of life. Which, surely, is The Point. In any case, I think WJ’s chronic blog-schizophrenia may now be drawing to its end. The game is up, and he risks relegating the content of his arguments to second place by becoming the principal issue himself. There is something cynical and vaguely abusive in WJ’s blogging that really should now be brought under control. I hope he will clean up his act. 28
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 13:40 | # I rather like the multi-faceted chap’s dramatis personae, and enjoy their permanently shifting guises. I think of the composite character as being a combination of Spengler and Buddha with a sprinkling of Chesterton and Orwell. Impossible to control,of course, and all the better for that. 29
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 00:10 | #
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 00:16 | #
The image evoked there by Nick reminds my of a poem which hearkens back to an age when men were men, soldiers were soldiers, duty was duty, honor was honor, nations were nations, and wars somehow weren’t as dirty:
Posted by Andy on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:13 | # Other than the fact that both are clearly very articulate and knowledgable, I can’t say that I noticed any similarities between O’Halloran and Amalek. They seemed (to me at least) to have distinct writing styles and personalities. As amusing as I find the idea of the one man army that Phillips has created, I can’t help but think that there has got to be a better way for him to use his prodigious talent. I think his strategy of bringing the fight to the unconverted is ill-conceived. Hijacking blog-comment threads in an attempt to turn the conversation towards the defense of our EGI will tend to stir up hostility among blog regulars. Waiting around until there is an opportune moment to throw in a pertinent race-realist comment is a waste of time. 32
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Wed, 18 Oct 2006 03:29 | # FRED=I cried as I read that poem-I never read it before,but is now framed and on my computer room wall-Thanks for sharing-It’s nice to know that basic values are not forgotten,nor un-remembered by ALL intelligentsia.Those that bled and died,sometimes for reasons they did not themselves understand,are why the pomposity of todays” learned scholars"are allowed their “nuances” and ego boosting valuations of others not in P iled H igh and D eep category.Again,thanks-I always appreciate your postings,and this one in particular. N. Tamiroff 33
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Fri, 20 Oct 2006 13:24 | # Does anyone here know the PhD thesis subject of Dr. Antony Edkins? 35
Posted by Andy on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 03:12 | # The more time I spend at, the more clear my thinking becomes.
J.W. Holliday—who later became On Holliday—is Michael Rienzi, who wrote some outstanding pieces for American Rennaissance. If only he still blogged here. Every positive comment directed at a John J Ray post was actually the work of the mad Australian himself under a host of different handles. He felt he needed to balance things out, what with the considerable animosity many MR regulars directed at him. This is obviously false, of course, because we know that JJR doesn’t even visit the comment threads. He doesn’t have the time, as he posts daily on no less than 12 different blogs, including a blog devoted to leftism, one devoted to cooking, and one devoted entirely to his son’s Asian girlfriend. WJ Phillips posts under the handles Matt O’Halloran, Amalek, Nick Tamiroff, Al Ross, James Bowery, Guessedworker, Lurker, Rnl, Desmond Jones, Phil Peterson, Steve Edwards, Matra, J Richards, and June Gorden, among others. 36
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 07:21 | # ANDY-I take virulent and personal exception to my name being called a “blind"for someone else.It might do a dis-service to him,and definately pisses ME off! Check me out-I’m in Florida,the only Tamiroff in the USA,and feel free to call me @321-253-8070 any time of day[I’m retired]. GW-I have been grouped with some excellent company,of which I’m honered-but I’m afraid this nut-case is off his Ritilin. Also how did “June Gorder make his cut?That one bothered me-JEEZE! 37
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 08:47 | # GW-Just who the hell is W.J.Phillips that this imbecile is talking about? This “andy"is approaching character assasination and secondary idenity theft[in ascribing one individuals name to another].I,for one,will not put up with it,as I value my name,and stand for what I believe-even though repugnant to some.Another reason I believe anyone who posts here should be properly vetted,and firewalled IPs not accepted.Or is he just another JJR hater-almost all names listed have come to Dr.Ray’s defence at one time or another.THATS why June Gorden made the list!!!!! Cheers! 38
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 09:18 | # Nick, Andy is clearly a characature of WJ Phillips’ Jewish analyst, a fact made plain to all by that sneaky choice of the Hitlerite “Wooster” in his handle. June Gordon could only ever be the projection of those menacing, lavender-scented memories all Jewish psychologists continually try to dredge up. I, meanwhile, appear to be entirely fictional ... a composite of Dr Smith from Lost In Space, WJ’s favourite TV series, and some rude, lumpen proles he once met outside the walls of his castle. I thought you, at least, were real. But now ... 39
Posted by Andy on Sun, 22 Oct 2006 21:05 | #
Nick doth protest too much, methinks. 40
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 00:39 | # Hang on! I know I’m not WJP! But then I would say that wouldnt I. 41
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 00:54 | # I did wonder if the entity who claimed to be me, now trading as Lurker mk2, was WJP but I thought he had more class than that. 42
Posted by Lurker Mk II on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 01:09 | # I never claimed to be you, only that I’d been using the nick longer than you. 43
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 01:18 | # OK, fair enough, poor choice of words on my part. This could just be WJP arguing with himself of course… 44
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 03:31 | # ANDY,OR WHOEVER YOU ARE-You have pissed off the wrong person. I do not take lightly the mis-use of my name;if you choose to castigate me as an individual,fine,but to involve other posters is a gross portrayal of ignorance. I,and others,would like an apology[you do know what the word means?],My phone# is posted above-call for a classic USMC ass-ripping.PUKE! 45
Posted by Andy on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 23:26 | # Nick—- My apologies. Please believe that no offense was intended. I was merely trying to spoof WJ Phillips’s posting habits. I’ll be sure to leave you out of any future jokes. 46
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 07:38 | # Andy-apology accepted-It’s just that I have a certain self-respect for my identity,and do not allow others to high-jack it.It is also why I will Not use an alias on Any blog/web site. As Popeye says"I yam who I yam”.If one chooses to disagree with me,at least they know I’m real,and am availiable for off-site discourse,as is Dr.Ray,Phil Pederson, and GW.Mike Adams is one of my favorite columists[tenured professor@UNC/CH]but is always under fire for his commentaries in Town Hall.He still fights the good fight,but it has cost him a full professorship ,but his integrity allows him to sleep well at night.Anyway-thanks,and case closed as far as I’m concerned. Nick T 47
Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:19 | # Mike Adams is extremely sound, Nick, on various topics including guns, feminitwits and infirmative action. However, for a conservative criminologist, Adams doesnt throw his admirers much red meat in the debate over the obvious necessity for racial profiling in law-enforcement. His fellow criminologist (and lawyer) Heather MacDonald represents the gold standard on this subject and is, of course, a still small voice in the Mosaic wilderness. 48
Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 11:41 | # Al-you mispelled “femnitwAts”;and yes,I try to follow Heather Mac Donald also,and totally agree with you,but Prof.Adams is more amusing at times.LOL 49
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 15:55 | # Here is the a VDare piece by John Derbyshire on the case of Cody and the race warrior Edkins. As an aside, two thoughts occurred to me about professional journalism. 1) There is a somewhat meretiricious tendency to indulge in linguistics, presumably to justify the fee. Derb took 2259 words to lovingly craft his message, and bits of it are very good. But, to be honest, I don’t know what he actually said that I didn’t in 842, most of which was a near-complete press report. 2) “The Derb” celebritises himself in a way I find petty and annoying, and I think this is quite a common phenomenon among journalists of the right. In Britain Boris Johnson is a shocker at this. But Peter Hitchens, Littlejohn and one or two others are also prone to it. Apparently, they have been told one too many times that they are the reader’s best pal, and they say everything the reader would like to himself, were he only as gifted and downright wunnerful. I suppose being paid for one’s scribblings isn’t enough. 50
Posted by rm on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 13:05 | # “And it may even be racism” 51
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 25 Oct 2006 15:09 | # The polity is liberal and has been progressively culturally Marxised since the mid ‘80’s. The policy of integrationism is, of course, a road to panmixia - which I think may fairly be described as a racial kind of communism in which the property of the hegemonic class in terms of land and genetic integrity is redistributed to oppressed groups. Post a comment:
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Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 13 Oct 2006 13:06 | #
Send the stupid Black interloper an email explaining why he should be shot, fucked and stabbed. I did.
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Also a word of criticism to the boneheads at Greater Manchester Police can be sent to :
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