Redefining “English” Tonight Channel 4 broadcast their dishonest and/or technically ignorant DNAPrint stratagem, 100% English. I am in no doubt that the purpose of the programme was to soften us up for what will be a sustained assault on our Englishness. It is culture war of the most blatant kind. Anyone wishing to post a response to the programme can do so by joining the Channel 4 Forum here. It would be as well to read JW’s post on (willful) misunderstandings of DNAPrint technology. It dates from 1st August last year and it’s here. JW’s snapshot of the argument, which I have lifted with his consent from correspondence between us, runs as follows:-
Earlier today the BBC was already working on a softening-up process of its own. The subject matter was English patriotism. But lurking clumsily in the background was a non-prescriptive and, therefore, non-English English identity:-
“The English people, regardless of colour,” they say. So that’s it, then, for the genuine English. They no longer have any right to their own name (a gripe I recognise has no meaning to the liberal mind since it considers all identity to be descriptive - without which consideration liberalism’s great lodestar of the unfettered will has no meaning). Now, Progressive Patriotism is not a British-authored notion. American readers will know that it is a reaction to the rank abuse of patriotic sentiment by the Republican electoral machine. It isn’t a particularly clever or convincing reaction. Basically, it says: if you, as a liberal, snipe at the status quo your whole life that’s only because you care about your country deeply and want it to progress. Dissent is patriotic, and true patriotism is measured in progressive terms. Apparently, the architects of Progressive Patriotism did not notice that this neat little trick rather unfortunately exports love of country to a place that does not yet exist. It is an eternal longing for a land of unobtainable liberal values. It is a counsel of distaste and rejection, the sole underpinning for which is the blinkered and highly debatable linear concept of progress. As Thomas Jefferson put it:-
Whether or not Jefferson, a slave-keeper, would have considered himself barbarous to enlightened beings such as our 21st century selves is an interesting question. Probably not. The liberal mind does not take well to being looked down upon … even by other liberals … even by other liberals two hundred years away in the future. Anyway, Billy Bragg and the BBC liberals who entertain him have no need of barbarians in the English genepool. They have the BNP in the electoral system instead. Indeed, they have all of us who understand that love of country flows directly from the ancient, practical necessities of group survival. The Braggish love of other “values” simply does not correspond. How could it when those values tend to the very loss of living space and subsequent racial destruction that genuine patriotism exists to prevent? Ultimately, of course, liberalism as the pursuit of individual freedom is uninterested in group dynamics. Inclusivity - or equality - is a goal meant to remove obstructions to individual freedom. It looks directly away from love of kind and has next to nothing to do with love of country. The (probably self-written) blurb to Billy’s little book states:-
A generally approving review of The Progressive Patriot by Guardian journalist and Ex-static Decca Aitkenhead makes it plain which Billy wants it to be:-
So the great 18th, 19th and 20th century recognition in society of merit - a classic process of strengthening the group - is somehow expected to translate to an out-group altruism that says: “self-defence no longer matters”. It doesn’t to Billy, of course. He traded his obligations to kind for leftist moral superiority long ago. At this point it should be crystal clear that good old, right-on Billy – a professional bloke from Barking - only wants black blokes to feel they belong. He reasons that lots of black blokes play Premiership football … lots of white blokes follow Premiership football teams. Ergo, black blokes and white blokes can all get along. White blokes can be best mates with black blokes. They can all be English. They can all belong together in England. It’s all so easy when you think about it. Let us hope that Billy’s white blokes would rather stay among their own kindly friends and avoid blacks as much as possible. I wonder what Billy would do for our wickedly excluded Pakistani Moslems. None of them get to kick a ball in Premiership football. They haven’t got the athleticism. Neither do the Chinese. Nor, much, the Jews - who have better things to do. Nor Filipinos, who have the floor to clean. I don’t know how many floor-cleaning Filipino mates Billy has. But if we can just get along together we can pretend that “ethnicity, like class, no longer matters”, and give ‘em all a flag of St.George to use for polishing. Comments:2
Posted by john rackell on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 06:46 | # I guess Daly Thompson didn’t bring the races together then. But that was only the decathlon, and who cares about that, but now there’s football to be progressive with. I’m starting to feel sorry for the left now that their spin, their control over our perceptions are starting to unravel. It must be awful to have spent the last 50 years despising your country and then suddenly out of the blue - thanks, Nick - you’re forced to start sounding and acting patriotic. Progressive patriotism isn’t designed to give “new” Britons an identity to root for. It’s for the Establishment worthies who are having to hold their noses over that corpse called patriotism that they thought they had left dead and buried long time ago. Now it’s been disinterred. PP is a palliative, about all that they can take right now with a fake show of good cheer. It’s patronizing to the rest of us - really the majority who never gave it up - and they aren’t good enough actors to fake it. Maybe after a bit of conditioning with the right patriotic attitude they’ll fake it with a bit more gusto - but it’s self defeating. At some point they would just morph into the BNP or a credible alternative, which is psychologically impossible for them. I mean patriots do patriotism - that’s their thing.
Posted by Alex Zeka on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 09:21 | # john, They won’t be able to pull it off, it’ll be psychological torture: Cognitive dissonance. Who knows what synthesis they’ll come up with to cure them of it. Integrationism? How much longer until the elite start speaking of the white working class needing to integrate into the new, multiculti nation-less nation? 4
Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 11:45 | # The presumption among liberals is that the more we are together, the merrier we shall be: familiarity with other races breaks down ‘ignorance’, ‘bigotry’ etc, replacing them with acceptance, miscegenation and eventually beige bliss. How we will laugh then as we look back at the quaint fetishising of those accidental and superficial biological divisions, that once divided our hearts and minds as well! However, it is also popularly remarked that familiarity breeds contempt. It is not implausible that growing, diurnal awareness of the existence of historically separate races through confrontation with the Other—as opposed to abstract knowledge from picture books—makes whites more aware of their own specialness and less willing to submerge it in the name of hospitality, particularly since the guests are gatecrashers. We may find that beholding them in collars and ties or trainers and tracksuits—‘Why, they’re just like us!’—is refined by familiarity into ‘Oh no, they’re not so like us after all’. Several decades of exhortation and coercion by our NWO masters have not yet broken down resistance. We might look around the globe and enquire where such a policy has worked: certainly not in the USA, once the poster child of multiracialism, where the waters under the earth are now stirrring towards a second dissolution of the union. Nor in the old colonial empires, which all dissolved, nor in ‘progressive’ jumbles such as the USSR and Yugoslavia, nor in the arbitrarily demarcated, omnium-gatherum nations of tribal Africa. If there are any convincing large-scale examples of major races living together peaceably and coalescing into some higher national synthesis, I have missed them. Why should the UK set the precedent? After 40-50 years of mass coloured immigration into Britain, the race relations industry laments that so few whites have many coloured friends, and that districts are voluntarily segregating as the whites obdurately regroup among their own kind. Even if assortation on the basis of equal average IQs were more feasible within the British mix, other factors such as differences in culture and religion might inhibit true mixing. As it is, discrete groups of immigrants, nursing mutual suspicions, are present in such quantities that they are now able to form their own self-sustaining communities. Disregard and distrust are busting out all over. The racial whiggism of the likes of Bragg, based on a quest for shared symbols, pastimes and habits, therefore seems as dubious as its onward-and-upward political forerunner. But this, as I pointed out in the thread below, is an ideal shared by *all* political parties, including the BNP. Apparently some clever tactical move to pull in further votes among disgruntled whites lies behind Nick Griffin’s swing from racial to cultural appeals to Britishness, according to his defenders. I am a simpleton. I think Britain is best off with as few non-Britons as possible, not by harbouring blacks and browns in whiteface. I think the future for indigenous Britons is bound up with the permanent, bodily removal of aliens from these islands. 5
Posted by Beowulf on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 13:21 | # I’m glad you brought this topic up, because this has also been a raw nerve of frustration for me: “multicultural” Britain and England basically deprive indigenous Britons and English people of title to their own name and identity! An analogy would be, e.g., the appropriation of the name “Egyptian” by the people who reside in modern Egypt—mostly Berber and Arab—and the Egyptian history, despite the fact that the current Egyptians are of a very different lineage from e.g. the Egyptians of Ptolemy’s time. The indigenous people have lost title to their own identity. There’s another interesting little twist to this: English as a language once denoted a language used chiefly by Western, European, and very much White peoples. It was a Western language spoken by Westerners. However, in about 10 years or so with the ridiculously massive 3rd world immigration levels to the US, Canada, Britain and Australia, the majority of global English native speakers will be non-White! Even our own language as White Westerners in the US and Britain is about to be taken away from us—English will soon become a Third World language itself. This is one of the reasons why I abhor the English-only proponents who sometimes infiltrate WN and immigration reform meetings. Many of them are actually open-borders, massive 3rd-world immigration supporters in disguise, using that moronic Tamar Jacoby argument that “immensely high immigration levels from the Third World are fine, so long as they learn English”—which is obviously specious and downright idiotic. Moreover, these people are generally slaves to superficiliality—they focus too much on Band-Aid solutions, on fixing the symptoms (the language that the invaders speak), rather than the root problem itself, which is the too high immigration levels and the transformation of Whites into minorities in our own lands. The irony here is, the current global appeal of English—combined with open-borders stupidity—may well be the chief factor that kills English as a language of world importance. When it was firmly a Western language used by accomplished Westerners, it was associated with achievement and high civilization. But as it descends to the level of a Third World language itself, it loses that appeal, to Whites and even to non-Whites. That might be why some clever observers I’ve been reading have been suggesting that in 50-60 years, German will probably take the mantle as the most important White, Western language as English slips into decline (though Italian and probably French, Dutch and Russian will also be important), the way, for example, Brazilian Portuguese is viewed today—an originally European language with quantity but not quality, and definitely not a marker of Western peoples anymore. If English is no longer considered to be an identifier of White Western peoples—if it becomes a mainly non-White language—then it falls forever off its pedestal. This is yet another way that the suicidal policies of the ruling classes and the media barons in the US, UK, Canada and Australia do so much damage to us in such a fundamental manner. Not only have we lost our social and economic potential, our political power, our right to identify as a common social group with common interests, our right to be free from the crime that trails these massive inflows—we have even lost one of the most precious rights of any people, the right to our own ethnic identity and language as integral descriptors of who we are, currently and in the historical trail that leads to us today. It’s one of the most subtle and pernicious attacks on our very identity. 6
Posted by Tonarl Shrivel Frudickis on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 13:41 | # DNAPrint bears some responsibility for this. They could easily dispel the misconceptions, but choose not to do so and seem to encourage it. A look at their far-left statement on race and discrimination on their site tells much about their political agenda. That being overtly political may hurt business by offending potential customers hasn’t quite crossed their “minds”, it appears. Maybe that is why the market price of their stock hovers at about 1 cent/share. More disturbing is the utter stupidity of the people involved. That the anti-racists crowing over the results are stupid comes as no surprise. But, what to make of the pro-English identity activists said to be taken aback and flustered by the results? Are they really so stupid? One does not need to be a population geneticist to clearly see the obvious flaw in this exercise in PC. For example: ‘English’ was not a specific category of the test. Therefore, there was no way to know in advance whether or not a particular result was ‘typically English’ or not. In the absence of a specific English category the only way to determine what is ‘English’ would be to sample a large number of (recently unmixed) persons of English ancestry and observe the results. This was not done. To make it even simpler – if the results were “unexpected”, what then were the *expected* results? Surely, if the results were a “surprise”, then there should have been an assumed expected result. What was that, and why was it expected? What reason was there to assume such a result should be expected? Perhaps someone would say, “I expected to be 100% Northern European.” That, at least would be a start. However, even a cursory look at the ethnic data at the DNAPrint site shows that no group is 100% of anything, proving that the expectation was unrealistic and an automatic set-up to “surprise.” Further, a more detailed look at the site – which should have been a prerequisite for comments about the results – shows us that the company does not know what the “Euro 1.0” categories truly represent; the name “Northern European” was given by the company to a set of gene frequencies found at the highest level in Northern Europeans. There is absolutely no reason to assume that Northern Europeans have to be, or “should be”, 100% of that, or any other, DNAPrint-named ancestry. Proper interpretation of the tests has been, as linked to by GW, discussed here before, and in detail. Why not an alternative test: compare Englishmen with South Asians and Africans living in England? After all, if everyone is “really all the same”, that would be the surest way to show it, no? For some reason, such comparisons never seem to enter consideration for media exploitation of genetics. This underscores the importance of scientific literacy, not to mention logical thinking, among activists. There is no excuse for activist leaders not to have sufficient grounding in science so as to hold their ground on these issues. It is not necessary to go back to university; layman-level explanations can be found on the internet (including here), in journals such as American Renaissance, and elsewhere. The Englishmen here should do two things: 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 15:09 | #
Way back near’s beginning someone posted (I’m pretty sure it was at a reader’s comment linking to simple computer thought-experiments some academic had done (I think the academic was somewhere in the Rocky-Mountain West — Colorado? something like that) which showed that voluntary racial segregation took place where people holding very high opinions of other races merely didn’t want to live entirely surrounded by them. Plug that into your computer program — they like them fine but simply don’t want to live entirely surrounded by them — and what comes out is a pattern of segregated communities, not homogeneity. (I’ve since lost the link, to my regret, and haven’t been able to find it on google.) That bit of research debunks the claim the usual suspects always make that segregation reflects “racism.” It debunks it by showing that folk who don’t have a “racist” bone in their bodies and truly, sincerely like Negroes and other races perfectly will voluntarily self-segregate provided they have merely a preference for not living surrounded on all sides by Negroes but want at least half, let’s say, of their neighbors to be their own race—an understandable, legitimate, and wholly innocent preference. This shows how draconian laws will have to be if they aim at forcing fully integrated communities and nothing but. No law aimed at that has ever been able to bring it about in the U.S. The people pushing such laws are of course a combination of the malignant Joseph Stalin types who know exactly what they’re doing and the simple-minded types who live in dreamy la-la land but with a totalitarian streak.
It’s true that the racial nettle ultimately has to be grasped, so might as well start getting used to the ways of doing that right now. There is no way around it. The only way around is through. It has to be grasped or ... no more white races.
Words more true cannot be written — never were, never will be. It’s as simple as that. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 15:25 | # There never will be racial homogeneity, by the way: thermodynamics prevents it (and, as Prof. Einstein said, the laws of thermodynamics are very strong laws that cannot be contravened). Nodes of inhomogeneity will always spontaneously form, if not based on white-black or some such, then on different shades of beige or any other characteristic. Thermodynamics decrees it and you might as well go against that as go against earthquakes, comets, or the planets in their orbits. All programs aimed at bringing about racial homogeneity will fail. So that’s that on racial homogeneity. The only question remaining is, what races will go out of existence in the attempt and what won’t. We’ve got to make it that whites won’t, once all the dust has settled and the Stalinists and la-la-landers have finished their truly evil, infernal meddling. 9
Posted by Grunting Brute on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 15:49 | # “There never will be racial homogeneity, by the way: thermodynamics prevents it (and, as Prof. Einstein said, the laws of thermodynamics are very strong laws that cannot be contravened). Nodes of inhomogeneity will always spontaneously form, if not based on white-black or some such, then on different shades of beige or any other characteristic. Thermodynamics decrees it and you might as well go against that as go against earthquakes, comets, or the planets in their orbits. All programs aimed at bringing about racial homogeneity will fail. So that’s that on racial homogeneity.” With all due respect, Frederick, I’m not sure what you mean here. I guess it depends on your definition of homogeneity. If what you mean is a near clone-like level of similarity, then you are likely right. If, however, homogeneity means mono-ethnic or mono-racial states, it is not quite clear why that is impossible, given the right political circumstances. The “right political circumstances” meaning the establishment of ethno-nationalist regimes and a paradigm shift away from globalism and minority rights towards nationalism and majority rights. Of course, if all we can hope for is voluntary segregation in a multiracial America, you may be right, but hopefully that’s not the ultimate endgame. 10
Posted by yllica on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 16:26 | # Fred, that sounds like “Seeing around corners” by Jonathon Rauch. 11
Posted by Primitive Grunting Brute on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 16:35 | # “Progressive Patriotism” is just another form of Constiutional Patriotism, one of the deadliest enemies of ethnic interests. Vaccination against constitutional patriotism is assisted by getting a hold of ‘On Genetic Interests.’ Any chance you English guys can send Griffin a copy, assuming he has not already read it (which I doubt). 12
Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 16:58 | # Griffin mentioned EGI in his speech to the Amren Conference. It’s likely he has read Salter. But Griffin is up to his elbows in culture-based realpolitik, and a switch to a broader, interests-based strategy might be the wrong move at the present time. While culture is working - and the signs are definitely there that it is - he has every right to continue with the existing strategy. 13
Posted by Primitive Grunting Brute on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 17:36 | # My point about Griffin is that perhaps by talking about EGI he can get into race without *directly* offending any group and hence, getting himself in more trouble. Question. What if Griffin made a speech in the UK in which he: The question is - would such a speech cause him trouble? If no, then eventually he needs to make a speech like that, culture will get him only so far. If yes, then you guys got a problem much bigger than we thought, and you’d better tackle the speech issue right now. 14
Posted by Matra on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 18:05 | #
Those liberals should be aware that in Northern Ireland it was increased segregation - often behind walls known as ‘peace lines’- that helped bring about an end to much of the violence in the mid-90s. With each community having its own space that was secure from the ‘other’ and its people having fewer scars from physical altercations with the ‘other’ the sting was taken out of the ethnic dispute. Despite occasional talk of tearing down the ‘peace lines’ virtually everyone in NI - including liberals - agrees that if that were to happen people would feel less secure and there’d be an increase in intercommunal violence. I should hope that English liberals are aware of all this. Billy Bragg should be as he once told a Canadian reporter he was reading a book on the Troubles by an Irish-American about life in a working class Catholic area. I’ve read the book too and it discusses the ‘peace lines’ It wouldn’t surprise me if we eventually see such ‘peace lines’ in England to separate whites, Muslims, and blacks, with the liberals reluctantly agreeing to their necessity for the sake of stability. At least it would reduce miscegenation. 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 18:52 | #
Sorry for my clumsy wording. I meant the world’s people will never consist of a single worldwide uniformly beige race, which is what the Stalinists and la-la-landers are trying to impose—or say they are. The division of the world’s people into races is an arrangement that isn’t going anywhere: it’s here to stay. Let’s make sure Euros remain part of that in all their racial distinctness. The point is, if we don’t go out of our way to make sure, they won’t remain part of it. It won’t happen by itself. We have to go out of our way to make it happen because we have racial enemies constantly pushing in the opposite direction. The racial nettle has to be grasped. Euphemisms like “culture” won’t do the trick forever: at some point, race has to be explicitly addressed (in clear, sober, always respectful language). A lot of people don’t like doing that. The penalty paid by those who refuse will be the disappearance of their race—sorry to be blunt. If you like your race and don’t want to see it disappear, you’d better get cracking. 16
Posted by Brutally Primitive Grunting Cad on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 19:24 | # Frederick - thanks for that clarification. I understand, and I agree. Place like Brazil are an example. 17
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 21:12 | # GW at his eloquent best, hammering nails into Dangerouslysubversivedad’s head.
Read the whole thread. 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 03:41 | # RACE REPLACEMENT. DON’T LEAVE HOME WITHOUT IT.
Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 11:23 | # “But Griffin is up to his elbows in culture-based realpolitik, and a switch to a broader, interests-based strategy might be the wrong move at the present time.” I keep reading these imputations of subtlety and strategy behind Grffin’s vagaries. Being a simpleton, I prefer to assume that either he makes it up as he goes along, or that he is a controlled agent of the State, helping to control the agenda. However Guessedworker reposes endless faith in Griffin’s serpentine cunning, and a rather more fulsome estimate of the BNP’s achievements up to date than I can perceive from its handful of councillors, falling membership, near-insolvency, internal ructions, neo-Nazi yob image… and its continuing pariah status among conservatives. 20
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 13:27 | # Erm, nope ... that’s not me you’re talking about. I refer you to this post, and in particularly to the wise comments by Amalek in the thread. Of course, Matt, as I have said many times, if you would like to prosecute your opinions of Griffin et al from the top of the page instead of the thread you need only have a word with Amalek and, er ... well, whichever 1950s Chinese Infantrymen are on duty, and let me know. 21
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 13:38 | # One shocking ‘revealation’ was that none other than the tatooed high-priest of the skinhead revival and the ‘Oi!’ music scene, Garry Bushell, was according to the programme 8% Wog. 22
Posted by Tony Shrivel Mark FruDICKus on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 14:25 | # Ken, see here: What would be most useful is if the actual results - including error bars, etc - were posted for each of these people, so we can see what’s what. “was told rudely and emphatically that she was basically ‘pure Romany Gypsy’. “ Excuse my “French”, but that is utter bullshit. Is “Romany Gypsy” one of the categories tested? No. Whomever told the lady that is a “pure F***ing Idiot.” Again- what were the results? That is what we *need* to see, not BS PC interpretations, but actual data. 23
Posted by Kenelm Digby on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 14:48 | # In the Rod Liddle article, quoted by Fred Scrooby, it is clearly shown that the majority of immigrants to Britain are sub-Continental Indians, (as it has been for decades), with the inflow apparently impervious to control. 24
Posted by BGD on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 21:27 | # A chap on the train in today was reading an article in a magazine that reviewed two or three books on the racial background of the English. It was titled something like Pedigree Chums: the Mongrel Gene in the English.. Any ideas? couldn’t see it by Google, on the New Statesman site or The Ecomonist though it was that type of magazine 25
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 15 Nov 2006 22:07 | # Master Holliday explains the contradictions quite facundly:
In other words, 8% sub-Saharan African or mongrel gene matters not. It’s not about racial purity but the “predominant distinctive gene frequency patterns” shared with the majority population group. Look again at Prof. Mark Thomas’ Anglo-Saxon apartheid theory. Clearly, he was able to establish a pattern of Germanic ancestry in central England that differentiated that group from the predominate genetic pattern of men in North Wales. The distinctive Englishness of the study group did not make them purely Germanic, but showed a predominantly Germanic trait. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 00:37 | #
Yllica yes, thanks: that’s the article. (This time I’ll be filing it in a more secure place!)
______ ... So much for the leftwing claim that the voluntary, spontaneous formation of racially-segregated neighborhoods by folk having the freedom to choose where they live is “the result of racism.” Post a comment:
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Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 14 Nov 2006 04:00 | #
The BBC piece is a typical example of what used to be called ‘Mikado journalism’ after Pooh Bah’s line in the Gilbert & Sullivan operetta : ’ Merely corroborative detail, intended to give artistic verisimilitude to an otherwise bald and unconvincing narrative’.