Referendum on Scottish Separatism

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 10 September 2014 13:23.

18 September 2014


Kelly MacDonald has the eye-thing










Posted by uKn_Leo on Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:00 | #


You are witnessing the murder in broad daylight of an entire nation and it’s people.

Brits killing off other Brits. Neighbours.

We will probably be the first country to go down completely, as our ‘friends’ from north of the border so gleefully like to remind us.  Watch and learn so that something positive can be gleaned from this experience.

Whites can, and will, merrily sacrifice their own.

The Scots are more Jewish than Jews themselves.

Nobody will come to your aid when it is your turn.

As the lights go out.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:41 | #

It will be yes, and here is why:

Mr Salmond said: “Last Monday I saw something which I did not ever think I would see in my political life. In Dundee, I saw people queuing up – and it was not a short queue, it was a long queue – to register to vote.

“Almost reminiscent of the scenes in South Africa that some of us of a certain age remember from 20 years ago or so when people queued up to vote in the first free elections. I saw people queuing up to put in their registration forms to vote.

“People who frankly couldn’t give a stuff about political parties or any politician are now engaged joyfully in this electoral process, and, just for the absence of any doubt, they weren’t queuing up to vote No, they were queuing up to vote Yes.”

A poll published this week suggested that as many as 84 per cent of Scots aged 16 and over will vote in the referendum next week – far in excess of the numbers who normally vote in elections.

The no campaign cannot reach these new voters.  The pollsters don’t canvass their opinion.  They will decide it for Scottish independence, and that will have far-reaching effects in England, the principal political beneficiary of which will be UKIP, as the old parties lose all direction and their structures disintegrate.  UKIP can now re-position as the party of renewal, of tomorrow, and of the people.  They can seize the high-ground on a new constitutional settlement for what remains of the Union.  They will have an outside chance of breaking the system with one hit on May 7th 2015, and of not having to wait another five years to complete the job.

At that point, English nationalism, too, will have its opportunity, as the general furore frees speech from its present fetters.  We do, after all, live in interesting times.


Posted by DanielS on Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:02 | #

Guessedworker and uKnLeo,

I had hoped to kindle this topic - betrayal, fratricide, the unreliability of people closely related here

But it has surfaced serendipity on this post. Alright, better late than never.

The request is in, hopefully Salter will help us to address these matters among others…


Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 11 Sep 2014 17:01 | #


You are witnessing the murder in broad daylight of an entire nation and it’s people.

Brits killing off other Brits. Neighbours.

Hyperbole much?

We will probably be the first country to go down completely, as our ‘friends’ from north of the border so gleefully like to remind us.  Watch and learn so that something positive can be gleaned from this experience.

Whites can, and will, merrily sacrifice their own.

The Scots are more Jewish than Jews themselves.

How so? If anything Jewish interests would be interested in keeping Scotland under its rule and City of London/Rothschild dominion.

Nobody will come to your aid when it is your turn.

As the lights go out.

Seeing how we have enough natural resources including fresh water and are not burdened with all the problems England has with overpopulation and large ethnic minority populations I think we will be just fine.



Posted by DanielS on Thu, 11 Sep 2014 18:57 | #

I didn’t mean to start a fight.

I thought we were all ok with the Scots and English and vis a versa.

Hopefully this thread can take a productive direction.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Thu, 11 Sep 2014 23:56 | #

JamesUK and Dr Lister sharing their thoughts on Scotch independence here (beginning @ 40 seconds):

This fight started centuries back Dan, it’s not your fault. The Scotch gained the upper hand by unleashing their inner Jew and England has been torn asunder as a result.

Seeing how we have enough natural resources including fresh water and are not burdened with all the problems England has with overpopulation and large ethnic minority populations I think we will be just fine.

~ James"you can stick your independence up your arse"UK

Oy vey.

The characteristics of the Scotch and the Jew are indistinguishable (see above).

The reason you don’t know anything about this and assume that all is well demonstrates how silenced and suppressed the will of the English is from an international perspective.

The ‘settled will’ of the English people demonstrated accurately here:

The reply to this post from JamesUK will have all the credibility and honesty of an IDF spokesman justifying the bombing of Gaza.

Only the superior character of the English stands in the way of Scotland being reduced to rubble in a horrific bloodbath the likes of which the world has never known.

It is this superiority that engenders such jealousy and hatred from our Scotch ‘brothers’.

The infiltration of Westminster by stealth Scotch assassins (almost half of all Labour MP’s sitting in English seats are Scotch for example) and the ensuing strangulation of English national sentiment has lead to events such as Rotherham (industrial scale sex slavery by Muslims of English girls).

The Scotch response, even from those who claim to be our friends, is to mock and crow whilst safely ensconsed somewhere within their barren, cold, windswept wasteland of a ‘country’.

They are more Jewish than Jews.


Case closed.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 01:37 | #

Well since GW has given control over the site to others all I can say the idiocy level has reached new depths.

Not that it has ever been that far from the site - always waiting to pounce it seems.

Take it easy on whatever illegal drugs you’re imbibing uKn_Leo.

After you sober up (if that ever happens) you might like to read a history of the British (note not English) Isles by Norman Davies called ‘The Isles’.  Which might, I admit, be a difficult task as it would require an IQ above room temperature.

Davies is also an excellent historian on Poland and Eastern Europe.

But if you think a ‘win’ for the Westminster establishment and the multi-cultural loving elites of London is a good thing (meta-politically) then I can’t really say anything to you.  I cannot believe anyone is that stupid or intellectually dishonest, hence I assume such views arise from ‘epistemic closure’ - no possible conceptual argument or empirical evidence will change your view so why should anyone bother to debate your particular form of nonsense?

As if the Spectator’s blogs represents ‘sophisticated’ political thought. Oh well never mind.

This is our country - let’s take it back.

‘Here Lies Our Land’ by Kathleen Jamie

Here lies our land: every airt
Beneath swift clouds, glad glints of sun,
Belonging to none but itself.

We are mere transients, who sing
Its westlin’ winds and fernie braes,
Northern lights and siller tides,

Small folk playing our part.
‘Come all ye’, the country says,
You win me, who take me most to heart.

How any European nationalist (with a brain and a heart) can think the notion of those that most take their country to heart in order to win it ‘objectionable’ is beyond my ken.

Your country is England - Britain is an awful inorganic construct way beyond its use by date.

P.S. Danny it’s about Scottish independence and statehood - its resumption - we are not some small part of England getting all ‘uppity’ and being ‘separatists’.


Posted by jamesUK on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 01:47 | #


I tell you what as a peace offering you can keep George Galloway.


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 02:52 | #

Graham, separatism is not a bad word in my book.

I imagined it could have good effects for both sides - but judging from the reaction, I’d better keep quiet. The last thing we need is internecine fighting. Though this post did manage to bring that problematic topic, which I had otherwise tried to invoke, into discourse. 

Even so, I do wish that you would do a bit more than criticize. You are and have been, free to contribute to the elevation of the discussion and remedies, to comment and to post here. A bag of books and a pedant who assigns them is not enough. The time is nigh and as you may have cultivated opinions of your own from your erudition and experience it is time to bring them to bear on the commons and be accredited as worthy conduit if not a hero.

You have already provided excellent direction to the discourse here: for example, attention to the importance of social capital, the dangers of The US, its Lockeatine individualism and neo liberalism - which call for vigilant guard.

We’ve got a request in for an interview with Salter. He is not below your station. With your background you could be of great help. Addressing these very issues of relative infighting would be of monumental help.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 03:01 | #

The no campaign cannot reach these new voters.

Salmond may be blowing smoke.

The Scots won’t go.,_2014#2014


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 09:11 | #


“97% of Scots sign up to vote in referendum as independence poll is set to be the biggest in country’s history”

The total number of people who have registered for next Thursday’s referendum is 4,285,323, more than for any previous election or referendum in Scotland, according to the vote’s ‘chief counting officer’.
Nearly 800,000 of those applied for a postal ballot - meaning they are likely to have already cast their vote.

Official statistics released this year indicated that the total population of Scotland is around 5.33million, with 4.42million of those aged at least 16 - the minimum age to vote in the referendum.

That means that just over 97 per cent of eligible voters have signed up to cast a ballot next week.

By contrast, fewer than 2.5million Scots voted in the 2010 general election, a turnout of 63.8 per cent - and in the 2011 Scottish Parliament election which brought the SNP to power, turnout was just 50.6 per cent.

Nobody knows how that mass of new or irregular voters will behave, what their nominal political preferences are, or even if they have them.  This is a jump into the unknown, psephologically speaking, but I think Salmond’s instinct that so many would not turn up to vote for stasis and a negative is correct.  If that’s wrong, well OK.  We will work out the reasons for it.  But now is prediction time, and mine is that Yes will get it.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 16:21 | #

We already have George Galloway JamesUK. Yet another Scottish MP in an English constituency causing untold harm to the English people.

The Scottish reacted with venom to even the merest hint of outside interference from ‘English’ political leaders travelling north of the border to take part in the independence debate.

How do you think it feels for the English to have our entire political and cultural life so dominated by Scots whose main priority is the promotion of Scottish interests at the expense of England?

You don’t know do you? You have no idea. You can’t even consider this as your only concern is for the Scottish and what is best for you (‘is it good for Israel’) whilst gloating about the destruction and devastation of my country.

Absolutely disgusting.


Dan, true separation would be a good thing for England and Scotland. No group is more pro-Scottish independence than English patriots.

The overriding concern of the UK’s ruling elite is the continuing enslavement of England and her people. Anything and everything but English self-determination (our own parliament and governance in our own self-interest) is on the agenda.

The debate between all sides has been brutal but very few outside of these isles seem to be aware of what is going on. The UK establishment has to keep hidden their oppression of the English whilst they race to destroy us before we can react.

Note the lack of English response to events such as Muslim mass rape. That should give you an indication of how controlled, voiceless and powerless we are now.

The Scots are on the side of wider white interests in the same manner as are the Jews.

They are allies in the same manner as are the Jews, ie is it good for them? Can they make a shekel out of it?


Dr Lister.

The Kraken awakes.

Thank you as ever for the superb links and leads for further study.



The will of the English is fairly clear.

As ever it will be ignored in favour of our white, European, British, ‘Celtic’ masters.

Given the consistent No lead in all recent opinion polls, there has been surprisingly little scrutiny of what the pro-union parties are promising after a No victory.

Scotland has been promised that it can maintain its current advantageous position in terms of per capita public spending, and that there will be no change in the status of Scottish MPs at Westminster.

But English voters clearly do not support this.

There is strong English support for reducing levels of public spending in Scotland to the UK average – a development that would lead to savage cuts in public services north of the border. There is also overwhelming English support for limiting the role of Scottish MPs at Westminster.

The question for Scottish voters is whether they can rely on pledges about the consequences of a No vote, when such pledges do not seem to be supported in the largest and most politically important part of the union? The truth of the matter is that the English appear in no mood to be particularly accommodating however the Scots choose to vote in their independence referendum. ~ Professor Richard Wyn Jones of Cardiff University


It is striking how tough people in England are on Scotland whatever the referendum outcome. There appears to be little appetite for the Scottish Government’s vision of independence amid continuing partnership with the rest of the UK on the pound, Europe and NATO. If anything the message appears to be: ‘vote Yes by all means, but if you do, you’re on your own.

But if Scots vote No, there’s something similar at play. Here the message is: ‘by all means have more devolution, but you can’t then have the role at Westminster you do now, and don’t expect any funding to flow northwards from England’.

Interestingly UKIP supporters are among the toughest of the lot. They appear to have little time for defending the UK so clearly proclaimed in their party’s title. They are the least opposed to Scottish independence, the most likely to disagree it would reduce the UK’s standing in the world, and the most likely to think England and Scotland will still drift apart if the Scots vote No.

As their party matures, UKIP supporters look less and less like supporters of the UK’s independence and more and more like England’s national party. ~ Professor Charlie Jeffery of the University of Edinburgh


Posted by Wolf on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 18:56 | #

What seems to have been forgotten here is that the Scottish Nationalist Party is in no way nationalist in the sense that anyone here understands the word.

They are left-wing, pro-EU and pro-immigration.

You think things are rubbish tied to England? Wait until the lunatics get the keys to the asylum!


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 12 Sep 2014 20:11 | #

I think Salmond’s instinct that so many would not turn up to vote for stasis and a negative is correct.

And you may be correct, however, the same pattern appeared in the ‘95 Quebec referendum where there was a 94% voter turnout. It also saw a surge in the yes vote, only to abate at the point of casting a ballot.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 13 Sep 2014 04:35 | #


One last prediction.  If it’s a No, the reasoning afterwards might go something like:

The three constituencies where the No camp was always likely to hold a substantial lead were older voters, postal voters, and the English, Welsh and Northern Irish expat contingent - the latter two numbering around 800,000 each.  There was quite a bit of overlap between older voters and postal voters, obviously.  “No” might easily have had a lead of 500,000 votes in these sectors.  Against that, the No campaign was pretty chaotic and panicky over the final three or four weeks, and was characterised throughout almost exclusively by threats to jobs and the economy.  It did not produce a single positive argument.  But it scored one major hit, on the currency question - doubts on which it exploited relentlessly.  In contrast, the Yes campaign was optimistic and professionally executed, and appealed much more to the young.  But it never appeared to have thought through the whole business of independence, which was amazingly negligent given the hard-headed, money-wise reputation of the Scots.


Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 13 Sep 2014 17:16 | #


We already have George Galloway JamesUK. Yet another Scottish MP in an English constituency causing untold harm to the English people.

OK I’ll sweeten the deal you can have Niall Ferguson as well.


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 03:22 | #

I wonder if the ‘No’ campaign, like immigration enforcement, is designed to fail while looking like a well meaning but shambolic attempt to persuade the voters. See also McCain’s attempt to be elected POTUS.

The people who told us that UKIP would gain almost no votes in Scotland in May seem to be the same ones predicting a ‘Yes’ vote now. Yet UKIP got more than 10% then.

And if the ‘Yes’ vote is so big, why did the SNP only get 30% back in May? Surely they should have been knocking on around 50%? Why was the tory/UKIP/BNP/Britain First vote larger in total than the SNP vote? Most of those (not all I know) would be unionist votes. Never mind the Labour and LD vote.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 05:36 | #

@16 JamesRabCNesbittUK

Throw in a box of Tunnocks Caramel Waffers and it’s a deal.

Aye, surprise surprise five minutes before the referendum a YouGov poll puts the Yes vote ahead and the British Establishment immediately offer DevoMax (yet more largesse for Scotland at the expense of English taxpayers) and federalisation of the UK (the break up of England into its EU regions).

The whole thing stinks and has done right from the start.

The selfishness and greed of the Scots makes my head spin like a Keppochhill glue sniffer.

‘online poll showed 54 per cent of Scots who have made up their minds planned to vote in favour of independence, with 46 per cent intending to vote against’

Roger Scruton on English Independence:




Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 10:23 | #


While not being British, and thus existing in a state of relative ignorance about all this, I nevertheless cannot fathom why you would not WANT the Scots to exit. Lister is right about the ethno-inorganicism of the UK. Why shouldn’t we be encouraging the dismantling of such agglomerations? Anything which relocalizes politics would open up new political ‘spaces’, which cannot be any less hospitable to nationalists than what obtains currently.

Yes, there will be horrendous problems accompanying the breakup if it happens (I predict NO wins by a squeaker, but dearly hope I will be wrong), markets will tank for a bit, etc. But overall, think how wonderful it will be for the cause of ENGLISH nationalism to get rid of these leftist Scots. They remind me (ok, just slightly - the situations are not really comparable) of leftist New Englanders back in the 70s-90s, gleefully supporting leftist Democrats for economic “justice” reasons, with the latter then supporting mass immigration, the brunt of which was felt by us not-so-lefty Americans in the Southwest (today, of course, the immigrant hordes are infiltrating everywhere, so not even Vermonters or Maineites are insulated anymore).

Scots vote Labour because they idiotically blame Thatcherism for hollowing out the old northern industries (as though evolving economic realities had nothing to do with their increasing unprofitability); Labour has gone for full-throated immigration treason; and where do 90% or more of the savages end up? Merrie Olde England!

I strongly suspect that freeing Scotland will have profoundly positive consequences for England, opening up a real space for electoral nationalism (either through UKIP becoming completely anti-immigrant [once immigration has been halted, the promotion of repatriation can commence - but not before], or the rightwing of the Tories growing much stronger politically, and thus ideologically emboldened wrt racial issues). Certainly, with Scots continuing their monomaniacal leftist voting habits, and the immigration invasion (of England) proceeding apace, how will nationalists ever have a chance to take back their country? Everyday, the possibility of reclamation recedes a bit.

OTOH, I suspect independence will be an utter disaster for Scotland, for two reasons. First, economic reality is not a function of political will, and thus is not subject to it, except in the short run. Economic laws inhere in reality itself; violate them, and eventually you will immiserate yourself. Scotland free is going to become a very socialist society very quickly (there is a reason why polling data suggest wealthier Scots are heavily on the NO side). Their entire politics seems to be divided between Marxist/multiculturalist Labour and socialist/multiculturalist SNP. Without the pound (and even with a continuing English military “security blanket”); without all the Westminster subsidies (which will not be replaced by dwindling North Sea oil, which itself will become dramatically less valuable over time as American shale oil and gas resources become fully commoditized, esp once Obama leaves office); and with Salmond’s idiotic shiiite about building a “more equal and fairer” economy, Scotland will become ever poorer over time.

Worse still, the TRAITOR Salmond actively supports the transformation of Scotland into a “vibrant, modern, multicultural society” (his words, not mine). The SNP’s nationalism has NOTHING to do with ethnonationalism. It is more a kind of rancid leftist “civic nationalism” along the lines of “we would be sooo much more progressive/socialist without those nasty Tories south of the Tweed and their horrid Thatcherite economy”.

I hope some blood-and-soil sentiment arises among the Scots post-independence. But whether it does or does not, you English will be much better off without ‘em.


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 11:58 | #


It is as if you went to a WN site in the US and said that Reagan and Austrian school economics were not complicit with immigration and border rupture. You would be looked upon as a giant fool (or the troll that you are) and they would be right.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 19:38 | #

Don’t be too hard on Leon, Daniel.  Overall, that’s a pretty astute assessment of the situation in the (present) British polity.  However it comes, political and constitutional instability and change will benefit the struggle for an English life.  Yes or no, such instability is coming.  We are in for a two-year roller-coaster ride, with sudden new possibilities that could arise no other way.  The Scots will benefit too, especially with a yes; because that, in time, will release Scottish national feeling from its anti-English focus and enable a truly ethnic nationalism to take hold.

The United Kingdom does not represent a value in itself to raise above that of the advantages of its constituent countries and peoples.  The English people will have the first opportunity to assert their identity when the political class offers us English regionalism once again:

... because that’s what coming down the turnpike.


Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 14 Sep 2014 22:14 | #


Throw in a box of Tunnocks Caramel Waffers and it’s a deal.


I don’t know why you are so upset about Scotland possibly leaving the Union you still have Wales, Northern Ireland and Londonistan.



Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 15 Sep 2014 02:00 | #


I support Scottish independence (is it good for England).

And I live in South Devon pal, y’all can rip each other to shreds for all we care.


‘We will look to restore and increase the number of Indian students at Scottish universities…it’s a result of sheer prejudice, negativity and a backward looking policy from the Westminster Government which we certainly shall reverse’ ~ Alex Salmond in the Milngavie (and Bearsden) Herald

Open door immigration into gay marriage utopia.

“The best laid schemes o’ Mice an’ Men,
Gang aft agley.
An’ lea’e us nought but grief an’ pain,
For promis’d joy!”
~ Mel Gibson






Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 01:43 | #


YOU don’t know much about US politics (or much else, as far as I can see). The Austrian School has and had nothing to do, either theoretically or obviously politically, with the immigration invasion of the USA. Few Austro-libertarians have had much to say about immigration. To the extent they have discussed it, they have reached no consensus about its value or harm.

My references to Thatcher, the best postwar PM by far, were not about her stance on immigration. Note, however, that she was not notably pro-immigration; indeed, the historical/rhetorical record suggests she was mostly against nonwhite immigration. As such, she was to the nationalist Right of Reagan. Her error was in not using her PM power to do something to stop the invasion, possibly because she, being of an earlier, less brainwashed, and instinctively patriotic generation (as well as insufficiently intellectually curious, perhaps), did not understand the extent to which postmodernity is anti-organicist, and that failure to instantiate The Racial Principle is tantamount to leaving the nation vulnerable to eventual conquest-by-immigration. But contrary to what you ignorantly and therefore (because your abysmal lack of knowledge is self-imposed, itself a product of a lack of humility) ungenerously imply, Thatcher was a true British patriot, and did her best to put the “Great” back with Britain.

Reagan is still more complex. In him, conservatism and libertarianism rested in an uneasy, if not ultimately incoherent, mixture. On the 1980 campaign trail, he declaimed against illegal immigration, stating that “a nation that has lost control of its borders can scarcely be called sovereign at all”. He always, unfortunately, had a soft spot for legal immigration, perhaps due to his own conscious ethnic, Third Wave immigrant Irish-American-ness (this despite the oddity of his not being Catholic, a traditional staple of Irish-American ethnic identity). Reagan liked the idea of poor masses reaching the American Promised Land, and then struggling through hard work to reach the middle class or higher (ok, ok, he was a bit of a simpleton, but he could sure move the people, perhaps because they are simple, too). He was also overly open to pro-business arguments from both a capitalist ethical perspective as well as a practical politics / financial donations one.

Thus, it was easy for the anti-nationalist (heavily Jewish) pseudo-cons to persuade Reagan not to listen to the always comparatively few America Firsters in his Admin. Even so, his Attorney General Ed Meese has stated very emphatically that Reagan had to be “dragged” into signing the 1986 Illegal Alien Amnesty. Sadly, by that point the never very intellectual Reagan was an old man who had survived a late-life gunshot, was possibly experiencing the beginnings of his later dementia, and was preoccupied with securing his ultimate deft victory in the Cold War. His mind was really not focused on the immigration danger. I think it should have been, and mine in a similar position would have been, but I cannot abstract myself from the generation and Southern Cal life experiences that are my own, and which were quite different from Reagan’s, born more than a half century before me, and into an unimaginably different and better (and pre-PC, pre-multiculti) USA.

To blame Thatcher or even Reagan (let alone free market economic theory) for the immigration disasters which followed is simply unfair.


This is a very good point I had not thought of:

a yes; because that, in time, will release Scottish national feeling from its anti-English focus and enable a truly ethnic nationalism to take hold.

Perhaps without the English to fixate upon, a true “Scottish NATIONALIST Party” will arise, esp once Salmond starts bringing in the immigrants. I hope so. I recall Scotland from my last trip there two decades ago as being very white. I would hate to see it go dark.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 04:24 | #

Leon Haller, the troll, says:

Posted by Leon Haller on September 15, 2014, 08:43 PM | #


YOU don’t know much about US politics (or much else, as far as I can see). The Austrian School has and had nothing to do, either theoretically or obviously politically, with the immigration invasion of the USA. Few Austro-libertarians have had much to say about immigration. To the extent they have discussed it, they have reached no consensus about its value or harm.

My references to Thatcher, the best postwar PM by far, were not about her stance on immigration.

Leon, you are full of shit and I want to remind you that you are not welcome here. With that, you said that you would not be participating in Majorityrights comments anymore. GW granted you the opportunity to Guestblog for a last head-post to spew your disinformation; that, after I informed you that you would have to leave for your threatened Sampson option to torpedo Majority Rights if it did not go along with your retarded neo-con/neo-liberal, pro-Jewish agenda.

Yes, Austrian school economics effected borders and immigration. Reagan and “no-such-thing-as-society” Thatcher as well.

But are these things good for Jews? Indeed they are.

It is apparent, Leon, that you are here to make MR look bad by gunking-up threads with “conservative” (American version, so called) nonsense (as is WVS, “VanSpyke”), to run interference for Jewish interests and to distract from serious efforts at organizing E.G.I.

You won’t be allowed to do it anymore.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 10:38 | #

It’s time the people of England had a say in their nation’s future

‘If there is to be a federal UK then surely we need to step back and work out how it might look…but, of course, this process is all being factored through a tartan prism with little thought given to what it would mean to the biggest part of the kingdom.

It is clear that the leaders of the main parties do not want the most coherent solution, which is an English parliament…if Scotland is given full fiscal independence, it would continue to send MPs to Westminster, where they would be able to help set income tax rates in England but not in their own constituencies. How can this possibly be justified? Where would the accountability lie? The American revolutionary cry of “no taxation without representation” would be heard across the land…why should England be balkanised in order to allow Scottish national identity to flourish within the Union…

...the British political class is very uncomfortable in dealing with England as England…whatever happens on Thursday, the time is coming for the people of England to have a say in their future as a nation.’



Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 13:59 | #

Leon, you are an idiot and a troll.

You have been asked to leave now please do.

Go to a Catholic site etc, but get out of here


Posted by XPWA on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:19 | #

I lean slightly to Leon & GW’s analysis.  Overall this event will only rate a footnote or chapter end note in histories of the white race two hundred years hence, assuming such histories are still being written.  It’s obvious this episode is merely part of the concluding chapter of the section covering the decline and fall of the white British Empire.

I couldn’t pass this next tidbit up.

Today The Guardian reports on referendum inclusiveness for the retarded (‘learning disabled’)

And the results: 37 workshops went for yes, 10 for no and five were a dead heat. The total count was:

yes – 400 (56%)

no – 207 (29%)

don’t know – 114 (16%).

The retarded were decisively pro-Yes.

This farce is increasingly playing out like an old Monty Python skit, “Man Turns Into Scotsman”

@2:15 we are informed that Scottishness is associated with an inadequate brain capacity.  The Guardian’s report today certainly confirms this.

@3:10 we can see the future African component of “Scotsmen” that childless Alex Salmond promises his retarded supporters he will flood newly independent “Scotland” with.

Both the 40 year old skit and the Great Referendum run entirely inside multigenerational political constraints laid down by Judeo-Marxism.  Therefore the results will no more consequential than the Monty Python skit. 




Posted by XPWA on Tue, 16 Sep 2014 14:28 | #


Leon wants to start up a site somewhere else. Go there with him.


Posted by jamesUK on Wed, 17 Sep 2014 03:22 | #


I assume you will do a post immediately when the results are in on the Scottish referendum on early Friday morning.


I support Scottish independence (is it good for England).

Good. I’m sure Scottish independence would bring to the forefront a renewed English nationalist spirit for you to rally behind.


It’s obvious this episode is merely part of the concluding chapter of the section covering the decline and fall of the white British Empire.



Posted by Reginald Thompson on Wed, 17 Sep 2014 19:40 | #

Maybe the Scots want to leave because the English are “disgusting beasts”?

“Portuguese Professor João Magueijo, Who Teaches At London Uni, Writes Book Calling English ‘Disgusting Beasts’”

One professor is sure to be met with stony silence from his students when he returns to university after penning a book describing English people as “disgusting wild beasts”.

João Magueijo, who teaches physics at Imperial College, London, wrote Bifes Mal Pasados - which translates as undercooked beef - to rather viciously lays into his host country’s culture.

In the novel, which is dedicated to the Queen, the charming professor writes: “When you visit English homes, or the toilets at schools or in student lodgings, they are all so disgusting that even my grandmother’s poultry cage is cleaner…

“The English are unrestrained wild beasts and are totally out of control.”

According to the Portuguese 47-year-old, we are “always fighting”. “I never met such a group of animals. English culture is pathologically violent.

“It is not unusual to drink 12 pints, or two huge buckets of beer, per person. Even a horse would get drunk with this but in England it is standard practice.

“In England real men have to drink like sponges, eat like skeletons and throw up everything at the end of the evening.”

Magueijo takes aim at one female Cambridge University student - where he was once a don - who vomited during a formal dinner and continued eating “as if nothing had happened”, the Telegraph reported.

In fact, English women are blasted for their promiscuity.

“Oral sex is not considered a sexual act among the English. It is something a woman can perform on a stranger whose name she doesn’t even know… No one cares.”

Describing a four hour wait in an A&E department in Blackpool one Sunday, he describes it as a “field hospital after battle”.

And it’s not his only issue with Blackpool, whose beaches he says are an ideal place to spot “human whales”.

“They say ‘it’s grim up north’... and now I see why.

“People in the north are incredibly obese, men and women with three-metre waists made of fat and lard.”

Magueijo also ponders the “deplorable” English diet, saying the food is “based on greasy stuff and unspeakable artificial lard”, the Daily Mail reported.

Even fish and chips does not escape the learned chap’s biting tongue, being so greasy it “makes you want to wash it with detergent before eating”.

“[It is] a thin layer of the animal covered in many inches of batter, sometimes ten times bigger than the actual fish.”

The book has sold 20,000 copies in his native Portugal, but unfortunately is not yet available in English.

When asked if he was worried about a backlash, Professor Magueijo told The Sunday Times he was sure the British would see the funny side.


Posted by Guest Blogger on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 04:55 | #

‘Stick your license fee up your a***!’ Pro-indy Scots denounce ‘liar’ BBC journo in protest

Pro-independence Scots rallied outside the BBC’s Glasgow headquarters on Sunday to protest the public broadcaster’s pro-union “bias” and demand the resignation of political editor Nick Robinson.

Waving Scottish flags and “Yes Scotland” banners, protesters chanted, “You can stick your license fee up your a***!” while banners read “Auntie Beeb, anti-democracy, anti-truth”.

One giant banner read: “Sack Nick ‘The Liar’ Robinson, a totally corrupt journalist, these days typical of the British Biased Corporation.”

The BBC faced accusations of anti-independence bias after Robinson produced a report that wrongly claimed Salmond had ignored his question during a heated press conference in Edinburgh last week.

Calling into question the impartiality of the license fee-funded broadcaster, the veteran BBC correspondent edited out Salmond’s lengthy answer, in which the First Minister claimed the BBC had skewed facts and colluded with the Treasury to undermine the “Yes” campaign.

Salmond has repeated his allegation that the BBC is “absolutely” biased for the Union. The Scottish National Party (SNP) has proposed replacing BBC Scotland with a Scottish Broadcasting Service after independence.


Posted by Guest Blogger on Thu, 18 Sep 2014 06:26 | #

A Public Bank Option for Scotland

By Ellen Brown

  Intriguingly, North Dakota has not suffered the way much of the rest of the US—indeed much of the western industrialised world—has, from the banking crash and credit crunch of 2008; the subsequent economic slump; and the sovereign debt crisis that has afflicted so many. With an economy based on farming and oil, it has one of the lowest unemployment rates in the US, a rising population and a state budget surplus that is expected to hit $1.6bn by next July. By then North Dakota’s legacy fund is forecast to have swollen to around $1.2bn.

  With that kind of resilience, it’s little wonder that twenty American states, some of them close to bankruptcy, are at various stages of legislating to form their own state-owned banks on the North Dakota model. There’s a long-standing tradition of such institutions elsewhere too. Australia had a publicly-owned bank offering credit for infrastructure as early as 1912. New Zealand had one operating in the housing field in the 1930s. Up until 1974, the federal government in Canada borrowed from the Bank of Canada, effectively interest-free.

  . . . From our western perspective, we tend to forget that, globally, around 40 per cent of banks are already publicly owned, many of them concentrated in the BRIC economies, Brazil, Russia, India and China.

Banking is not just a market good or service. It is a vital part of societal infrastructure, which properly belongs in the public sector. By taking banking back, local governments could regain control of that very large slice (up to 40 per cent) of every public budget that currently goes to interest charged to finance investment programs through the private sector.

Recent academic studies by von Mettenheim et al. and Andrianova et al. show that countries with high degrees of government ownership of banking have grown much faster in the last decade than countries where banking is historically concentrated in the private sector. Government banks are also LESS corrupt and, surprisingly, have been MORE profitable in recent years than private banks.

Young wrote:

  Given the massive price we have all paid for our debt-fuelled crash, surely there is scope for a more fundamental re-think about what we really want from our banks and what structures of ownership are best suited to deliver on those aspirations? . . .

  As we left Thursday’s seminar, I asked another member of the audience, someone with more than thirty years’ experience as a corporate financier, whether the concept of a publicly-owned bank has any chance of getting off the ground here. “I’ve no doubt it will happen,” came the surprise response. “When I look at the way our collective addiction to debt has ballooned in my lifetime, I’d even say it’s inevitable”.

The Scots are full of surprises, and independence is in their blood. Recall the heroic battles of William Wallace and Robert the Bruce memorialized by Hollywood in the Academy Award winning movie Braveheart. Perhaps the Scots will blaze a trail for economic sovereignty in Europe, just as North Dakotans did in the U.S. A publicly-owned bank could help Scotland take control of its own economic destiny, by avoiding unnecessary debt to a private banking system that has become a burden to the economy rather than a pillar in its support.


Ellen Brown is an attorney, founder of the Public Banking Institute, and author of twelve books, including the best-selling Web of Debt. In The Public Bank Solution, her latest book, she explores successful public banking models historically and globally. Her 200+ blog articles are at


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 19 Sep 2014 03:26 | #

It is not unusual to drink 12 pints, or two huge buckets of beer, per person

12 pints? Pah! Lightweights!

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