Serial killer white-out

Posted by Guest Blogger on Sunday, 18 March 2007 00:36.

by GT

One of the little blessings of civil rights and the fight against evil white racism has been an explosion in serial killings.


Note why Marxists and feminists include in their databases serial murderers from as long ago, in some cases as far back as 1800.  They are interested in inflating the number of white males relative, of course, to Africans.  Real life, however, is not that easy to ignore.

An Anatomy of Serial Murder

Fox 2004

Notwithstanding these cautions, Figure 3.1 displays counts of serial killers, partnerships, and teams each year since the beginning of the 20th century, using the midpoint of a killer’s career as a reference point.  That is, for example, Theodore Bundy, whose murders spanned the years 1974 to 1978, having a career midpoint of 1976, is counted in the 1970s. Unabomber Theodore Kaczynski, who was at large from 1978 to 1996, had a career midpoint of 1987 and thus is included among killers of the 1980s, even though he operated both before and after this decade.

The trend is relatively flat for the first half of the century, hovering around 10 serial killers per decade. The pattern emerging in the second half of the century is radically different. In the 1960s, the number of killers or killing teams reached nearly 40.  Remarkably, over the course of the next two decades, the 1970s and 1980s, the number of killers or partnerships quadrupled, surpassing the 150 mark in the 1980s.

Although rapid growth into the 1980s clearly suggests significant shifts in the prevalence of serial murder, these results are vulnerable, at least in part, to alternative explanations related to changes in data accessibility and quality of record keeping.  As interest in serial murder increased, so did the likelihood that case histories would be published in some fashion.  Additionally, as law enforcement became better equipped to identify linkages between victims slain by the same killer or killers, the detection of serial crimes and criminals became more likely.  Notwithstanding these concerns, the trend in serial killings into the 1980s is quite consistent with a more general rise in violent crime, including homicide, as well as in resident population, strongly suggesting that the rise in serial murder is more than just an artifact of increased reporting and improved detection.

Now see why the FBI’s Behavioral Unit in Quantico, VA, falsely profiles serial killers as white males:-

Forensic psychaitrists will address limitations regarding FBI profiles of serial killers

UC Davis Health System
October 27, 2006

When the FBI develops profiles of serial killers, Scott said the bureau is relying on interviews its investigators have conducted with 36 convicted sexual or serial murderers.  Scott said a shortcoming with the database is that it does not include a single female serial killer.  Consequently, its applicability to someone like Wuornos, portrayed in the 2003 movie “Monster” by Charlize Theron, “just isn’t there,” Scott said.

“The database’s relevance to non-Caucasian serial killers is also lacking, Scott said, as 90 percent of the men interviewed were white.  It also doesn’t explain a “very rare subset — children who serially kill,” Scott said.  Probably the most well-known in this category, Scott said, is Jesse Pomeroy, a Massachusetts boy who, in the 1870s, brutalized other boys when he was only 12 and who killed a 10-year-old girl when he was 14.

So, is the false profiling of white males intentional?  Could be!  Editor John E. Ott of the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin and D. KIM ROSSMO, Ph.D., author of article Criminal Investigative Failures Avoiding the Pitfalls (Part Two), are clearly aware of the fact that African-Americans are disproportionately represented among serial killers:-

FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin

October 2006
Volume 75
Number 10
Editor John E. Ott

A lack of understanding of base rates can lead to misinterpreting research ?ndings and forensic results.4 Consider the oft-quoted fact, “Serial killers are usually white males.”  While technically correct, at least for the United States, this statement is incomplete.  To understand it properly, the relevant base rates also must be considered.  Three different studies of serial murderers found black offender proportions of 16, 20, and 20 percent, and female offender proportions of 9, 10, and 16 percent.  According to the 2000 census, the U.S. population is 75 percent white and 49 percent male.  So, while disproportionately male, the only reason most serial killers in the United States are white is because most of the population is white. More important, all else being equal, serial killers are less likely to be white in predominantly black or Hispanic areas.

Now, let’s take a look some studies.  Pay particular attention to the dates of the data included in each study’s database and its affect on the percentage of African-American serial killers:-

Serial Murderers and Their Victims

Eric Hickey
Wadsworth Publishing 1996

With a database of serial killers from the 1790s to the 1980s compiled in 1991, Hickey found 13% of known cases were African-American.

In another study Hickey was a very, very, very naughty boy.  With the decade of the 1790s removed and data from the entire 1980s through 1995 included, please note the sharp upsurge in black serial killers:-

With a database of 399 serial killers from 1800 to 1995, Hickey found:

(1) 20% of the killers were black.
(2) 17% were women.

And here’s more:-

Century of Slaughter 1992

Michael Newton

With a database of 800 serial killers from the 20th century, Newton found 16% of cases were African-American

And more:-

Extreme Killing: Understanding Serial and Mass Murder

James Alan Fox and Jack Levin
Crime and Justice, Vol. 23, 1998 (1998), pp. 407-455
Sage Publications 2005

With a database of 558 offenders operating in the United States since 1900, Fox and Levin found:

(1) 86% of the killers are male.
(2) 82% are white.
(3) 15% are black.
(4) 4% are Hispanic.

Nowhere’s  the study that more or less proves my point.  Introducing Anthony Walsh, whose research covers a 58-year period from 1945 to 2004:-

African Americans and Serial Killing in the Media: The Myth and the Reality

Anthony Walsh
Boise State University
Homicide Studies, Vol. 9, No. 4, 271-291 (2005)
DOI: 10.1177/1088767905280080
© 2005 SAGE Publications

There were many expressions of shock and surprise voiced in the media in 2002 when the “D.C. Sniper” turned out to be two Black males.  Two of the stereotypes surrounding serial killers are that they are almost always White males and that African American males are barely represented in their ranks.  In a sample of 413 serial killers operating in the United States from 1945 to mid-2004, it was found that 90 were African American. Relative to the African American proportion of the population across that time period, African Americans were overrepresented in the ranks of serial killers by a factor of about 2.  Possible reasons why so few African American serial killers are known to the public are explored.

In another abstract referring to Walsh’s work the same database from the past 58-years suggests that the breakdown of African-American serial killers is 21-22% and provides safe, conservative-lite reasons for the continuation of the White male stereotype as well as detrimental societal effects:-

The major source of information on serial killers was the encyclopedias of serial killers written by Newton (1990, 1992, and 2000) and by Wilson and Seaman (1983, 1990), as well as the works of other authors. Newspaper and Internet sources were used for cases that occurred after 1999.  The study identified 90 African-American serial killers and 323 White-American serial killers within the time frame of the study. African-Americans were represented among serial killers at a rate approximately twice their average percentage in the population (approximately 10.5 percent) across the 58-year time frame.  Why, then, does the media limit its coverage of African-American serial killers?

In answering this question, this study suggests that the media’s fear of racism accusations constrains its coverage of heinous crimes committed by Africa-Americans, compared with the zealousness of its coverage of such crimes committed by Whites. Also, African-American serial killers may have been more hidden from the mainstream culture when their victims were other African-Americans, particularly in the early 20th century. Criminological studies of serial killers also neglect to point out Black overrepresentation in crimes generally considered a White domain. The myth that serial killers are rarely African-Americans has had two detrimental effects. First, Whites tend to argue that Blacks are not sufficiently psychologically complex or intelligent to commit a series of murders without being caught. Second, police tend to neglect the protection of potential victims of serial killers in African-American communities.

Last we have Philip Jenkins of Pennsylvania State University, who quickly puts to rest the myth that serial killers are white males and provides a list Black killers you may not have known anything about:-

African-Americans and Serial Homicide

Philip Jenkins
Pennsylvania State University
“[…] in the mid twentieth century, black offenders were among those claiming the largest number of victims. During the 1930’s and 1940’s, there was a group of such cases including Jarvis Catoe, Jake Bird, and Clarence Hill, all of which can be described as fitting the classic stereotypes of serial murder {Jenkins 1989, 1994}.”

Cases of Extreme Serial Homicide (8 or more victims) by African-Americans:-

Nathaniel R. Code Louisiana 1984-1987
Alton Coleman and Debra Brown Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Illinois 1984
Carlton Gary Georgia 1970-1978
Kevin Haley and Reginald Haley Southern California 1979-1984
Calvin Jackson New York 1973-1974
Milton Johnson Illinois 1983
Devernon LeGrand New York 1968-1975
Michael Player (Marcus Nisby) Southern California 1986
Freeway Phantom? Washington D.C. 1971-1972
Southside Slayer Southern California 1983-198

Important points to remember

1. Marxist and feminist professors continually pick at the FBI’s definition of “serial killer.”  They are uncomfortable with the fact that no matter how it’s defined African-Americans are disproportionately represented among offenders. These slightly different definitions could explain the variance of 13-22% in African offenders found in my survey.

2. Here’s another reason for the variance. Many databases from which the racial breakdowns are derived contain data from 1800 to the present. Others go back to 1900. In either case Africans were segregated from American society and among them serial killings - if any – were not reported.  Depending on how far back a researcher goes, this would lower the African-American percentage of known offenders.

3. With the exception of Fox and Levin’s findings of Hispanic offenders at 4%, all studies in my limited survey seemed to include Jews, Arabs, Mestizos, Mexican Indians, and other forms of mystery meat in the ‘white’ category.

4. The FBI is fully aware of the disproportionate representation of African offenders among serial killers.

Thank you and enjoy!




Posted by Lurker on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 01:01 | #

Ive read in books on serial killers/criminal profiling that the ‘classic’ serial killer tends to target within his/her own racial group. So far so good, but many serial killers are in some sense sex killers. Since blacks seem to have few qualms about raping outside their own group why would black serial killers draw the line?

Ive never seen this questioned anywhere and its something Id thought to mention here and never got around to but this article brought it to mind.


Posted by GT on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 03:29 | #

Lurker asks, “Since blacks seem to have few qualms about raping outside their own group why would black serial killers draw the line?”

Good question.

Let’s take a look at one African serial killer from Indiana, in 1983:

“Serial killer Milton Johnson fatally stabbed Marilyn Baers, 45; Barbara Dunbar, 38; Anna Ryan, 75; and Pamela Ryan, 29, in a ceramics shop near Joliet Aug. 20, 1983. Johnson already was on Death Row for the July 17, 1983, kidnap and murder of Anthony Hackett, 18, and the rape of Hackett`s fiancé. He ambushed the teens on Interstate Highway 55 after their car became disabled.”

At least one of Milton Johnson’s victims, Hackett’s white fiancé Patricia Payne, was raped:


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 05:06 | #

In answering this question, this study suggests that the media’s fear of racism accusations constrains its coverage….

Do people ever stop and think before writing?  This suggestion can’t be right because only the mass media can make a meaningful accusation.


Posted by racist white male on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:39 | #

“The myth that serial killers are rarely African-Americans has had two detrimental effects. First, Whites tend to argue that Blacks are not sufficiently psychologically complex or intelligent to commit a series of murders without being caught.”

Yes sir, this is a serious problem.  Indeed, the first, and major. problem in covering up black serial killing is that it make people think blacks are stupid, and we can’t have that.

In other words, white racism is the most serious cause, and byproduct, of media manipulation of racial crime statistics.

Got it.  Blacks kill, and the problem is white racism.


Posted by St. Louis CofCC Blogmeister on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 16:40 | #

We keep a registry of BSKs:

I will be adding that Milton Johnson with 4 kills commented on earlier in this tread pretty soon.


Posted by GT on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 18:26 | #

Lurker & StLCoCC,

Just as “most” serial killers are White due to the larger White population, it’s becoming apparent to me that “most” serial killers stay within their race simply because “most” serial killers are White.

I’m willing to bet that more African serial killers venture outside of their race than White offenders.  In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if most of them do:

Calvin Jackson

Despite it’s name, the Park Plaza Hotel was nothing close to high society. It was located in a crime-ridden section of New York and catered to older, poor people. In 1973 it became the hunting ground of small-time criminal turned slayer Calvin Jackson.

The youngest victims was first. Theresa Jordan, 39, was found suffocated in her room in April, 1973. Next was Kate Lewisohn, 65, found bound on her bed and strangled with head injuries. It wasn’t until April 24, 1974 that the third victim was claimed. Mable Hartmeyer, 60, had been raped and strangled. Just days later Yeria Vishnefsky, 79, was found bound with her own stocking with a butcher knife lodged in her back. On June 8, Winifred Miller, 47, was killed and eleven days after, Blanche Vincent, 71, was suffocated to death.

July brought the killing of 69-year-old Martha Carpenter On August 30. Eleanor Platt, 64, was suffocated to death. Finally Jackson broke pattern and struck at a nearby building, killing Pauline Spanierman, 59. She had been strangled, and like all the others, raped. Her television was found in another room of the building. That room was occupied by Calvin Jackson, who was living there temporarily. When it was found that Jackson also worked at the Park Plaza Hotel, police knew they had their man.

Jackson confessed quickly and was tried for the string of homocides. Evidently, after killing his victims Jackson enjoyed raping their corpse and sitting down to a meal before taking advantage of the situation and stealing some valuables. He was sentenced to eighteen consecutive life terms.


Jarvis Catoe

It is significant that one of the most notorious African-American serial killers of the mid–twentieth century, Jarvis Catoe, only got caught after he began to target white women. In March 1941, a twenty five- year-old newlywed named Rose Abramowitz approached Catoe, who was loitering outside her Washington, DC apartment building. Abramowitz hired him to wax the linoleum floor of her kitchen. Once inside her home, Catoe strangled and raped her, then made off with twenty dollars. A few months later, twenty-three-year-old Elizabeth Strieff got into his car during a rainstorm, mistaking it for a taxi. Driving her to a nearby garage, Catoe raped and strangled her, then dumped her nude body in another garage a short distance away. His final victim, also Caucasian, was a twenty-six-year-old Bronx waitress named Evelyn Anderson. A watch belonging to Anderson was recovered from a New York City pawnshop and traced back to Catoe. In custody, he confessed to having strangled ten women with his bare hands and raped at least four others during the preceding three years. The majority of his victims had been—as the newspapers put it—“Negro women,” a fact that undoubtedly accounted for the initially lethargic response of the police in pursuing the culprit. Convicted of the Abramowitz murder, Catoe was sentenced to death and electrocuted on January 13, 1943.

Carlton Gary

Carlton Gary, another notorious black serial killer, had particular tastes when it came to victims. He only killed outside his race, limiting himself to female Caucasians. He also liked his women old. Abandoned by his father and shuttled from pillar to post throughout his hardscrabble childhood, Gary accumulated a long rap sheet for robbery, arson, and drug dealing while still in his teens. His combination of exceptional intelligence, glib charm, and psychopathic cunning made him especially dangerous. At one point in his life, he was even dating a female deputy sheriff while pushing drugs and committing serial murder on the side. Arrested in May 1970, as a suspect in the rape-murder of an eighty-five-year-old Albany, New York, woman, Gary managed to pin the blame on an acquaintance. Eventually after several stints behind bars on lesser charges, he escaped from prison and made his way back to his native city, Columbus, Georgia. Between September 1977 and April 1978, that city was rocked by a string of murders committed by a shadowy intruder dubbed the “Stocking Strangler.” His victims were seven white women, the youngest fifty-nine, the oldest just shy of ninety. After embarking on a string of restaurant holdups, Gary was arrested for armed robbery in 1978 and sentenced to twenty years in jail. Four years later, however, he escaped. He wasn’t nabbed for good until May 1984. Charged with three of the “Stocking Strangler” murders, he was convicted on all counts and sentenced to die in Georgia’s electric chair.

Celeophus Prince, Jr.

Unlike most serial killers, Prince preyed exclusively on victims outside his own race. Between January and September 1990, he brutally murdered six women in the San Diego community of Clairemont, stabbing one of them more than fifty times and leaving bloody circles smeared on his victims’ breasts as a “signature.” His MO involved following unsuspecting women to their homes, then breaking in and butchering them with a kitchen knife. Like Alton Coleman—whose victims included an Ohio woman and her ten-year-old daughter—Prince murdered a mother and daughter, then bragged about the double killing to a friend and took to wearing the dead woman’s wedding ring on a chain around his neck. Dubbed the “Clairemont Killer” during his nine-month reign of terror, he was the object of the largest police manhunt in the history of San Diego. Arrested in September 1991, he was eventually convicted of six counts of first-degree murder, twenty counts of burglary, and one count of rape. He remains on San Quentin’s death row, awaiting execution.

Alton Coleman.

During a fifty-three-day period in the summer of 1984, Coleman, along with his female accomplice Debra Brown, murdered eight people in five Midwestern states, beginning with seven-yearold Tamika Turks of Gary, Indiana. After raping the little girl, Coleman jumped up and down on her chest until her rib cage fractured and punctured her vital organs. His other victims, all black, ranged in age from fifteen to seventy-seven. Some were strangled, some stabbed, others bludgeoned or shot.  Besides serial murder, Coleman committed at least seven rapes during this period, as well as three kidnappings and fourteen armed robberies. Arrested in July 1984, he was tried and convicted in three different states: Ohio, Illinois, and Indiana. He managed to delay his execution until April 26, 2002, when—after devouring a last meal of filet mignon, fried chicken, corn bread, biscuits with brown gravy, french fries, broccoli with cheese, salad, onion rings, collard greens, sweet potato pie with whipped cream, and butter pecan ice cream—he was put to death by lethal injection. Relatives of his many victims watched on closed-circuit TV.


Jake Bird

On October 30, 1949, Jake Bird (1901-1949), a 45-year-old transient, breaks into the home of Bertha Kludt and her daughter, Beverly June Kludt, and hacks them to death with an ax. Two police officers, sent to the Tacoma residence to investigate reports of screams from inside the residence, see a man run out the back door and give chase. Bird is captured and taken to the Tacoma City Jail where he confesses to the killings, claiming it was a burglary gone bad. On November 26, 1947, after a three-day trial, a Pierce County Jury convicts Bird of first-degree murder and recommends the death penalty. While on death row, Bird confesses to committing or being involved in at least 44 murders during his travels across the country. He is hanged at the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla on July 15, 1949. Although the case fails to capture the attention of the national press, history marks Bird as one the nation’s most prolific serial killers.


1939: A shotgun killer stalks lover’s lane

By JON BLACKWELL / The Trentonian

They had driven to Duck Island to make love in the back seat of a Ford, sheltered by pitch darkness and the scraggly boughs of the sycamore trees.

In their gossipy Trenton neighborhood, the man and woman had to keep away from prying eyes. Frank Kasper, 28-year-old husband and father, lived at 15 Elm St.; Katherine Werner, 36-year-old wife and mother, at 5 Elm St.

But on this crisp, fall Saturday night, Sept. 30, 1939, Mr. Kaspar and Mrs. Werner caressed and kissed each other like a couple of teen-agers, excited to finally be alone. Outside the steamy windows, the only sounds were wind whistling through the marsh reeds and mallards quacking softly.

Out of the trees came a man, and in his hands was a shotgun.

One blast tore into Mr. Kaspar’s face and neck, killing him instantly. Mrs. Werner, her lusty passion turned to survival instinct, broke from the car. She made it only a few feet before the birdshot blew off her right arm.

Another pump of the shotgun and a squeeze of the trigger, and she too was dead.

The police who combed the murder scene for evidence the next morning had a sickening sense of deja vu. A year earlier, a couple had been shotgunned to death on this very same, lonely roadside. Now the cops realized they had a serial murderer on their hands.

No one knew his name, so the papers invented one for him — the Duck Island killer.

For three more years, he would prowl the lover’s lanes of Hamilton Township and Bucks County, Pa., gaining perverse pleasure every time he emerged from the bushes to surprise petters in their parked cars. He might steal something — but mostly, he just wanted to kill.

By the time he laid down his 20-gauge shotgun in 1942, he had accounted for six murders — and had young lovers throughout the Trenton area quaking in fear.

Under closer questioning, the 34-year-old Hill spilled the whole, cold-blooded story of why he stalked lover’s lanes.

“I just went there to see if I could see any parked cars there with girls and fellows in them screwing and to see if I could get a chance to bother around with a ... girl,” he said.

This was his calm description of murdering Kasper and Werner in 1939:

“I took a peep inside the car to see what was going on in there. I saw a fellow and a woman. They were on the back seat. To me, it appeared that they was having a screwing party.

“I jerked the door open and they both jumped up and I shot the fellow and the girl ran out the other side screaming ... I shot her, I hit her in the arm, and she went down ...”

It took a jury five hours to find Clarence Hill guilty. The prosecution said he should die; the jury recommended mercy.


Kevin and Reginald Haley

The Haley brothers made a lethal team. Born in 1960 and 1964, respectively, Reginald and Kevin did everything together, sharing drugs and women, ultimately joining forces in a two-man crime wave that would terrorize Los Angeles. Spurred on by what detectives called “a burning cocaine habit,” the brothers would participate in an estimated 500 burglaries, 60 rapes, and eight murders over a five-year period ending with their arrest in 1984.

The first to die, in the official tally, was 90-year- old Isabel Burton, beaten to death by the men who looted and ransacked her home on April 20, 1983. Exactly one year later, celebrating the event, 78-year-old D. Robinoff was beaten, raped and murdered in her small L.A. apartment. The brothers missed Willa Gerber, bungling a streetcorner abduction on May 12, but they rebounded five days later, gunning down 15- year-old Jodie Samuels as she ran to catch a school bus.

After their brief excursion into street violence, the brothers reverted to type, victimizing older women in their homes. Laverne Stolzy, 56, was raped and slain on June 26, followed by the beating death of 79-year-old Elizabeth Burns and the strangulation of 89-year-old Elizibeth Karp. August’s victim was T. Okauchi, 88, bludgeoned to death in her looted home, with 55-year-old Dolores Clement raped and murdered on September 27.

Arrested on October 11, 1984, the brothers cracked swiftly under interrogation, providing graphic details of previously unreported rapes. In addition to Kevin’s various murder charges, the Haley’s would rack up 42 felony charges involving 24 separate victims. Reginald led the field, with four counts of robbery, two burglaries, two rapes, two counts of sodomy, two of oral copulation, two sexual assaults, one kidnapping, and one auto theft. Kevin faced trial on thirteen burglaries, one robbery, one attempted rape, and one count of oral copulation. The brothers were jointly charged with six robberies, two kidnappings, one rape, and one count of sodomy. On August 8, 1987, Reginald Haley was convicted on 20 counts, drawing a sentence of 60 years plus one term of life imprisonment. While theoretically eligible for parole after 30 years, it seems unlikely he will ever walk the streets again. In June 1988, brother Kevin was convicted of murder, rape, sodomy, robbery and burglary in the Dolores Clement case, his jury fixing the penalty at death.


Posted by Anon on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 22:26 | #

Great work.  You ought to write a book.  I have to say I am pretty surprised about the serial killer in the Trenton area.  I grew up down there and never heard a thing about it. Best ignored I guess.  Don’t want anyone making snap jugements about the behavior of blacks Trenton used to be a pretty nice place, but that was long before my time.  Now it is a cesspool. GT, is there any reason you decided not to include the Zebra Killings in San Francisco or the Yahweh ben Yahweh cult in Florida? 
Just as with the Beltway sniper killings, who were at one point blamed on skinheads or neo-nazis, the press and authorities tried the same strategy with the Wayne Williams(who killed all those black kids back in 1980) investigation in Atlanta and investigated the Klan for the murders.


Posted by St. Louis CofCC Blogmeister on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 23:01 | #

I have updated the BSK registry again to reflect the new BSKs I found out about through the comments above, and the confirmation per above that one of those already on the list had more confirmed kills than I had previously known.


Posted by GT on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 01:48 | #

Anon asks, “GT, is there any reason you decided not to include the Zebra Killings in San Francisco or the Yahweh ben Yahweh cult in Florida?”

Most here at MR are familiar with Zebra and Yahweh.  Take a look at the St. Louis Council of Conservative Citizens link (above) or for e,xample. My focus has been on busting the myth of the White male serial killer and locating White-killing, African offenders not known by the general public.  All here are free to use this information in any way they see fit.  As far as writing a book, I really haven’t time for it.  Besides, there are several MR contributors who are far more qualified than I for the task.  Hopefully I’ve provided one or two of them with incentive to do so.


Posted by Rnl on Mon, 19 Mar 2007 05:40 | #

Colin Wilson has several pages (45-48) in his _Serial Killers_ about the curious preference of Black rapists and serial killers for elderly victims. Sexual assault of the elderly is a characteristic Black crime, and it shows up often in the killings of Black serial killers.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 19:52 | #

GT, thanks for the post. The connection between Lou Calabro and the Zebra killers was unknown to me. It’s quite the saga.


Posted by GT on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 22:51 | #

Thanks Desmond.

Hopefully, the following information will clarify some of the above:

From Serial Killer Typology (Part I)

“In the United States at least, serial killers are most often white males (as described above and below according to Vronsky: pp. 8-37).”

This is due to the fact that whites are presently the largest subset of the population.

“Other ethnicities involved: African American, Hispanic, Native American, Arab, African, and Asian. Females have consistently only accounted for 16% of all serial killers known since 1800. The African American incidence is rising, from 10% of the total in 1975 to 21% of the total in 2004.”

The percentage of African American offenders is rising due to the following factors:

1.  Most databases for white serial killers include data from 1900, with many databases going back as far as 1790 – 1800.
2.  The explosion in crime which followed the integration of black and white populations and the cultural liberalism of the civil rights era led to significant procedural and technical improvements in crime reporting, and greater equality in the application of these improvements to both populations.
3.  With improved reporting since the 1950-1960s, the incidence of black serial murder compared to the total for the white population since 1790 has increased with each passing year.

An accurate determination of black and white serial murder rates can only be made by comparing the offenders in both populations since the era of the 1950-1960s.  Such “apple-to-apple” comparisons are likely to show relatively consistent percentages in the rates for both populations.

More, later…


Posted by GT on Wed, 21 Mar 2007 23:34 | #

In addition to falsely perpetuating the stereotype of the white serial killer the media rarely, if ever, distinguishes between Organized and Disorganized Offenders.  The police do, so why not the media?  The answer is relatively simple once the characteristics of both types are noted.  I’ll leave it to MR readers to discern which offender type is black or white.

From Serial Killer Typology (Part 1):

Characteristics of Organized, Nonsocial Serial Murder Offenders

1.  IQ above average, 105-120 range.
2.  Socially adequate.
3.  Lives with partner or dates frequently.
4.  Stable father figure.
5.  Family physical abuse, harsh.
6.  Geographically/Occupationally mobile.
7.  Follows the news media
8.  May be college educated.
9.  Good hygiene/housekeeping skills.
10.  Does not usually keep a hiding place.
11.  Daytime habits.
12.  Drives a flashy car.
13.  Needs to return to the crime scene to see what police have done.
14.  Usually contacts police to play games.
15.  Police groupie or wannabe.
16.  Doesn’t experiment with self-help.
17.  Kills at one site, disposes at another.
18.  May dismember the body.
19.  Employs seduction leading to restraints.
20.  Personalizes victim, holds conversations.
21.  Leaves controlled crime scenes.
22.  Leaves little physical evidence.
23.  Responds best to direct interviews.

Characteristics of Disorganized, Asocial Serial Murder Offenders

1.  IQ below average, 80-95 range
2.  Socially inadequate.
3.  Lives alone; rarely dates.
4.  Absent or unstable father.
5.  Family emotional abuse, inconsistent.
6.  Lives and/or works near crime scene.
7.  Minimal interest in the news media.
8.  Usually a high school dropout.
9.  Poor hygiene/housekeeping skills.
10.  Keeps a secret hiding place in the home.
11.  Nighttime habits.
12.  Drives a clunky car or pickup truck.
13.  Needs to return to the crime scene for reliving memories.
14.  May contact victim’s family to play games.
15.  No interest in police work.
16.  Experiments with self-help programs.
17.  Kills at one site, considers mission over.
18.  Usually leaves body intact.
19.  Attacks in a “blitz” pattern.
20.  Depersonalizes victim.
21.  Leaves a chaotic crime scene.
22.  Leaves physical evidence.
23.  Responds best to counseling interview.

Of course the media wouldn’t want to perpetuate “false stereotypes” by distinguishing between the two types of offenders!


Posted by GT on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 05:16 | #

The following appear to be African-American serial killers:

Ralph Harris
See page 9 of the following: Harris.pdf

Authorities believe Harris allegedly committed four murders in 1992. The murder spree was interrupted in August 1992 when Harris was convicted and sentenced to seven years in prison for a 1991 armed robbery. Harris was paroled from prison on Jan. 20, 1995. A month later he started raping and robbing women at gunpoint. Harris also was charged with killing two men in 1995. Most of victims Harris allegedly murdered were older men. Harris robbed, raped and murdered to feed a drug habit, police said. In total Harris was charged with six murders, 13 armed robberies and six sexual assaults.


Hubert Geralds Jr.;=&q="Hubert+Geralds"++serial&btnG=Search

Hubert was arrested in the summer of 1995 and charged with killing six prostitutes and drug addicts in Chicago’s South Side. The string of murders began in December 1994 and continued through mid-June 1995, when Geralds was arrested after his sister turned him in.  On November 13,1997—the day of his 33rd birthday—Geralds was convicted of first-degree murder by a Chicago jury after 12 hours of deliberation.


Henry Louis Wallace.
From 1992 to 1994, Wallace murdered nine black women in Charlotte, N.C. Despite the fact that each of the victims lived within a five-mile radius of his home, all had been murdered by the same method of strangulation and all knew Wallace, he was initially not connected with the crimes. […] Wallace didn’t fit the profile: He was black, whereas most serial murderers are white.


Benjamin (Tony) Atkins

“Benjamin (Tony) Atkins, 29, was convicted of the murders. He died in September 1997, just four years into the 11 life terms he was serving for the slayings. Atkins said he was driven by a hatred of prostitution.”
The Encyclopedia of Serial Killers by Michael Newton (2000, p. 261)


Kendall Francois


William Hance

“Authorities were in a pressure cooker because of the racial ramifications of the crimes. Evidence showed the killer was black, which proved to be true, and all the Colombus victims were white. Adding to the difficult situation was William Hance, another black serial killer stationed at nearby Fort Benning, who was posing as a white radical group called “The Forces of Evil” in letters to police. Hance threatened that the fictitious group would begin killing black women if The Strangler was not stopped. One of the letters also named a woman who was supposedly being held by The Forces but Hance actually had already killed the Colombus prostitute. Though it was all a concocted to draw attention away from his own killings, in the end it basically accomplished just the opposite and Hance was apprehended.”


POSTEAL LASKEY aka Cincinnati Strangler






Craig Price


Posted by GT on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 05:28 | #

Marxist/Feminist skewing of serial killer data to perpetuate the stereotype of twisted white males (does not include all methods, of course)

•  Narrow the definition of Serial Murder:
  o     Exclude incidents which include financial gain. Victims robbed, raped and murdered? So sorry, data excluded in some studies!
  o     Exclude incidents occurring within a small geographical location. Women and blacks excluded in some studies!
  o     Exclude incidents which include the killing of family, friends, neighbors or acquaintances. Women and blacks excluded in some studies!
  o     Exclude African-American and Female methods of murder. Victims’ breasts cut off, forced to gargle Drano, victim poisoned,, strips of skin removed? So sorry, data excluded in some studies!
  o     Exclude hit men, terrorists, the politically or religiously-motivated, and (female) Black Widows.
•  Make “apple-to-orange” comparisons of Black and White databases:
  o     Include data from as far back as 1900 in the White database. Some databases go back to 1790 or 1800!
  o     Exclude data from pre-Civil Rights decades with high levels of African American serial killer activity (1930-1940s, for example).
  o     Select data from police jurisdictions which are suspected or are known - due to financial, managerial, or political considerations - to have provided incomplete or unreliable reports and/or classification information to the FBI for its Uniform Crime Report.


Posted by JB on Sat, 05 May 2007 03:18 | #

most black murderers are serial killers except they’re too dumb to avoid getting caught after the first


Posted by tanya davis on Sun, 16 Dec 2007 21:37 | #

I need help finding information on the freeway phantom in washington, d.c.  This happended back in the early 70’s.  he killed girls around the wasington metro area.  please help me find info., on this.  the girls middle names stared with a d or was denise.  physical 37.


Posted by Edward P. Ciesielski on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 15:00 | #

I am a retired police officer from the Prince George’s County Maryland Police Department, having served from 1970 until 1990.  I was a Homicide Detective for five years there and investigated one of the “Freeway Phantom” cases.  Feel free to contact me at my home office, 301-464-1205 or by email.  I will be glad to impart the information I remember about the incidents. 

Ed Ciesielski


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 16:08 | #

Detective Cielsielski,

I commend you for your twenty years service as a law enforcement officer.  I wonder, did seeing up close and at street level the differences in the frequency of crimes commited by Whites vs. non-whites lend itself in your mind to the possibility that there may be intrinsic racial differences?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 17:14 | #

Maybe by enough behind-the-scenes pressure brought to bear, the Jews (the ADL, the SPLC, and so on) can still get his pension cut off, Captainchaos — perhaps he’d better not answer that question ....


Posted by Team ID at Discovery on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 10:05 | #


I am a producer with the Discovery Channel’s new network, Investigation Discovery, and I wanted to let you know about some cool new features on our Website, which is about true crime, serial killers, investigations and forensics.

We recently put together a new page on the site devoted to the show Deranged.  In case you haven’t seen it yet, Deranged is a show that goes inside original investigations of popular cases, getting the step-by-step stories from eye-witnesses, the original investigators, forensic scientists and the killers themselves.

Within the new section of our site you can check out the “FearBook” and find out which killer was voted class clown and you can also follow their every move, along with timelines detailing their crimes, capture and punishment. 

While you’re there, check out the section on Notorious prisons and also see how many points you can score on our Serial Killer quiz.

Check it out:

You might also enjoy our new crime blotter page, where you can read about new and developing true crime cases as they happen:

There are plenty of other interesting features on the site, including video, games and a variety of other interactive content that you can explore!  Check it out:

Feedback is always welcomed, so if you have any suggestions for future content you would like to see on the site please feel free to let us know!


Team ID at Discovery


Posted by GT on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 15:59 | #

La Griffe du Lion writes:

“In 2003 … blacks were imprisoned for violent crimes at approximately 7 times the per capita rate of whites, but only 4 times the white rate for property crimes. Consequently, black serial murderers should, per capita, outnumber their white counterparts by at least a factor of seven. In actuality, the factor is closer to two.”

Question: Why are black men only twice as likely as white men to be serial murders? 

“Criminality distributions provide the answer. 

“The mean criminality of black males is 1.3 SD greater than the white.  But, with a black-to-white variance ratio of 0.46, white men display greater variability.  At the extraordinarily high level of criminality peculiar to the serial murderer, white representation increases.”

Answer: White men display greater variability.

Will Team ID at Discovery honestly represent and address La Griffe’s findings?

I’m not holding my breath.


According to the FBI,

A serial killer murders three or more people with “cooling off” periods in between.

This definition is more characteristic of White than black serial killers.

If the FBI changed its criteria to “two or more” people, would black representation increase?  How about “one or more” people?  What about those “cooling off” periods?  How are they defined?  If they were shortened or lengthened, would black representation increase?  Is there a correlation between the length of a “cooling off” period and the intelligence of the serial killer?  Is there a correlation between the number of victims murdered in each instance and the intelligence of the serial killer?

Will Team ID at Discovery answer these questions?

Once again, I’m not holding my breath.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 23:51 | #

Negro serial killer Coral Watts.


Posted by SM on Sat, 28 Mar 2009 03:45 | #

The bump in the 70/80s is the side effect of the bad child rearing specific to female “emancipation” and divorce really getting rolling (which is a symptom of infantlie males cajoled by migrant jew demagoguery/sophistry).

A little WWII ‘peace dividend’ for ya. A victory that keeps on giving.

I agree that studies are bunk and deeply steeped in the zeitgeist of their age.

Curious the way “liberalism” understands that phenom when it comes to the prejudical thinking of the past but not it’s own time. Hmmm…


Posted by Risé Manka on Sun, 03 May 2009 23:50 | #

In the early 1980’s in Spring Valley, California there was a man who killed at least seven women. His girlfriend found their purses in her closet and he was caught. He would offer his victims rides in his truck and then drive them to a remote location where he would strangle them. I was intended to be his last victim. I actually knew him from my job where he was a frequent customer. I don’t know what made me decide not to accept a ride from, but I am glad I did. I wonder if you could help me find out what happened to him as I have been having disturbing dreams lately.
Thank You, Risé Manka


Posted by Tyrone on Sat, 19 Sep 2009 18:55 | #


1. White Serial Murders
2. White Abortion
3. Bank Robbeies
4. White Greed..
5. White Cops Murdering Unarmed Americans
6. White Child molesting
7 White Incest
8. White Student Cheating in School
9. White Underage drinking and driving
10. White illegal car racing (That has cause innocent DEATH)
11. White hatred of America and it’s promise
12. White money scams that have cause million to suffer
13. White on white crime
14. Whites welfare in America
15. Missing white children
16. Murdering of white children by their white parents
17. White children disrespecting white parent
18. White children praying to the devil
19. White hate groups
20. White terrorism of America!
21. White kids shooting up their schoools
22. White women and men fear of non-white
23. Whites misuse of Authority
24. White wife beating “FAMILY ABUSE”
25. White teachers having sex with students
26. White pastor having sex with young boys and girls
27. White in politic taking kick back
28. White murdering white pregnant woman and cutting their children out their bodies
29. White pure hatred of non-whites
30. White hate radio and the evil of it
31. White hate tv and radio like..Hannity…Glen Beck..and Rush…etc
32. White going oversea to have sex with children.
33. White men abducting children for sex (GIRLS &BOYS;)
34. White Postal Worker shooting up their work place killing innocent people.
35. White children running away from home.
36. White women that marry racist
37. White men that marry racist
38. White that discriminate in the work place
39. White marry couple that sleep with each other
40. White men that use GOD to promote hate


Posted by Frank on Sat, 19 Sep 2009 19:01 | #


are you going to stay to debate any of that, or is this a preach and run?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 19 Sep 2009 19:26 | #

Tyrone?  Are negroes really called “Tyrone”, or is this a troll hiding behind the mask of a black racist?


Posted by Clyde on Sun, 27 Sep 2009 05:10 | #

I don’t know if Tyrone did a “preach and run”, but he is just stating the obvious.  White serial killers outnumber black serial killers 4 to 1, and we are having a debate at why black serial killers aren’t covered more by the media - a ‘coverup’ by the media?  What a joke - any time a black commits a crime the media is all over it.  Just watch any local news - you would think that blacks commit all the crimes in this country if you just paid attention to the media.  A media ‘cover up’, what a joke - I’m expecting a Klan rally to break out any time here now.


Posted by Frank on Wed, 30 Sep 2009 06:10 | #

this is happened every where in the world.

Everywhere blacks are…


Posted by danielj on Wed, 14 Oct 2009 23:31 | #

Funny you mention bank robberies. I just looked saw a chart on them somewhere…

It was here… Looks like niggers, who are well less than half the white population perpetrate more than half the bank robberies in America.


Posted by Q on Wed, 14 Oct 2009 23:39 | #

“It was here… Looks like niggers, who are well less than half the white population perpetrate more than half the bank robberies in America.”

WOW! Who would have thunk it?


Posted by Pamela on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 11:58 | #

ROBERT RESSLER states that 80 to 90 percent of the serial are WHITE MALES

That’s my list of solo African-American serial killers in USA.

1. Tony Ables. St. Petersburg. victims +4…ny Ables.jpg

2. Howard Arthur Allen. Indianapolis. 3 victims: elderly White women

3. Quincy Javon Allen. 4 victims

4. Joshua Julius Anderson (teen) Oklahoma, 7 killings

5. Benjamin (Tony) Atkins. “Woodward Corridor Killer. Detroit, Michigan . 11 victims. 9-month period in 1991 and 1992.. Women.pdf

6. Anthony Balaam 4 victims. 1994-1995…y Balaam.jpg

7. Clinton Bankston. 1987-1987. GA . 5 victims

8. Howard Milton Belcher . Atlanta. 3 victims. 2002 Belch…er.jpg

9. Norman Bernard. 4 victimcs NC, CA
“ A black drifter from Fayetteville, North Carolina”

10. Jake Bird. Tacoma. Washington. 2 WHITEwoman in the Tacoma area in the 1940s and a total of 44 nationwide.

11. Rodney Troy Bixler . 3 victims…y Bixler.jpg

12. Terry A. Blair. Kansas City area. 9 women, 2003-4.

13. Arthur Bomar. Philadelphia and Nevada. 4 or 5 victims. 1996…ur Bomar.jpg

14. Donald Eugene Borders. 3 WHITE woman. 2003

15. Luciuos Boyd. LA. Victims 3+

16. Eugene Victor Britt. Gary, IN. 11 +. Sara Snellgrove Harrington, 8-year-old Sarah Paulsen , Tonya Dunlap, 23, of Knox , Maxine Walker, 41, of Gary ,

17. John Brooks 9 victims. New Orleans

18. Shelly Andre Brooks. Murdered 7 prostitutes in Detroit Cass Corridor)

19. Curtis Don Brown. 3+victims

20. Vernon Brown. Airlington,Foth Worth. Victims 3.…OWN_vernon.php

21. Eugene Broxton. 5 victims. April and May 1991

The press is politically correct when they report the news. I arrested Eugene Broxton in ‘92 and he was only convicted of one capital murder altho he committed 7 capital murders…iams/500005193

22. David Bullock. 6 victims…age&q;=&f=false

23. Charles Lendelle Carter. 6 known murders. Atlanta !!!!

24. Jarvis Catoe. New York City. 9+ victims. 3 white woman. 1941-42.…849445,00.html

25. Elroy Chester. Port Arthur. 5 victims WHITE people

26. Sam Chinn. New York, Fort Worth. 3 victims .

27. Leonard Christopher. Philadelpha. 7 victims. 1980s.…slasher/5.html

28. Gregory Clepper (not Klepper) Southside Chicago. 8 victims. Strangulation. Clepper.jpg

29. Nathaniel R. Code. Louisiana 1984-1987. 12 victims.

30. Dellmus Colvin.

31. Samuel James Cooper jr. 5 victims.

32. Juan Covington. Number of victims: 3. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Span of killings: 1998–2005.

33. Louis Craine. 4 women. Los Angeles…AINE_louis.php

34. Andre Crawford. Chicago – southside. 11 women.…men-in-Chicago

35. Brian Ranard Davis. Houston. 6 women 2006-2007 inc. WHITE victims

36. William Howard Davis, Atlanta, 2007. victims 3+…storyid=137523…13093849_Davis William dob 7-26-1942 (2).jpg

37. Jerome Dennis. East Orange and Newark. 5 woman. Dec 1991- April 992…e Dennis.jpg

38. Charles Lee Duffy . Atlanta. 3 victims…es Duffy.jpg

39. Paul Durousseau. Jacksonvile, Florida; Georgia. 7 victims, two of which were pregnant women. Between 1997 and 2003.

40. Walter E. Ellis. Milwaukee. 9 murdered prostitutes. 1986-2007…ings_cops.html

*** Steven Fason was acquitted – charged 2 women Memphis, 2006.…2/?partner=RSS

41.. Lorenzo Fayne. East St. Louis, Illinois. 6 victims (5 children). 1989-1992

42. John Bill FLETCHER jr. 3 victims

43. Kendall Francois. Poughkeepsie, NY and surrounding areas. 8 prostitutes 1996 to 1998. With the exception of one black, all the missing women were white

44. Carlton Michael Gary “The Columbus Strangler.” The Stocking Strangler. 7 elderly white women…ton Gary.jpg

45. Louis Bernard Gaskin The Ninja Killer (1967 - ) Killed 8 people in Florida - 1 in 1986 and 7 more in 1989.

46. Alfred J. Gaynor. 4 woman between Nov. 1, 1997, and early 1998.…d Gaynor.jpg

47. Hubert Geralds Jr. . 6 prostitutes and drug addicts in Chicago’s South Side. Il Geral…ds.jpg

48. Lorenzo J. Gilyard. Kansas City, MO. 13 victims. 1977-1993

49. Mark Goudeau. Valley of the Sun, Arizona. 9 murders. women and a man in 2005-2006. “Baseline Killer.”

50. Harrison “Marty” Graham. North Philadelphia city. 7 victims, possibly more.

51. Ronald A. Gray. Killed 4 women and raped at least 8, North Carolina)…60_375586a.jpg

52. Vaughn Orrin Greenwood “Skid Row Slasher” . Louisiana. 11 victims. 1964-1975 2006.,pdf

53 . Geoffrey Griffin. “Roseland Killer”. 7 victims

54. Richard Grissom Jr. 3 MO…ars-later.html

55. Vincent Darrell GROVES. Denver. 14 victims Kille…rs.pdf

56. Jeffery Lee Guillory. Victims: Florida Edwards, 36, Sylvia Cobb, 36, Renee Newman, 46.

57. William Henry Hance. All three the Strangler’s victims had been elderly white women.

58. Dewayne Lee Harris. Killed three prostitutes and transient women in Seattle.…e Harris.jpg

59. Ralph Harris. Southside Chicago. Murdered 6 people between 1992 and 1995, along with 13 armed robberies and 6 sexual assaults.…RRIS_ralph.php

60. Lester Harrison 7 victims IL. 1951 1973 cannibal.…SON_lester.php

61 Thomas W. Hawkins jr. PA . 3 victims

62 Timothy Andrew Hawkins. 3 victims

63. Monroe Hickson. Nick: Blue Boy. 4 victims. 1946-957…SON_monroe.php

64. Clarence Hill. “Duck Island Killer.” 6 victims, three pairs of “lovers lane murders ” couples. 1939-42. Bucks County, PA)…Killer&f=false

65. Ivan Jerome Hill. Los Angeles. “60 Freeway Slayer.” 8 women. 1993-4.

66. Willie James Hodges.…GES_willie.php

67. Raymond HOPEWELL. West Baltimore. 5 murders…LL_raymond.php

68. Vincent Hudson. Chicago. 3 victims…ON_vincent.php

69. Michael Hughes . 8 woman in California.

70. Samuel Lee Ivery 4+ CA, AZ, IL, AL victims 4+

71. Calvin Jackson. New York State. 9 victims, possibly more.

72. Charles “Junior” Jackson (at least 8 women dead, maybe more)…netic-evidence

73. Elton Manning Jackson Norfolk, Virginia area. 12 gays victims.…on_manning.php

74. Richard “Babyface” Jameswhite New York State; Georgia. 15 victims.

75. Wilbur Lee Jennings. The ditchbank killer. Fresno & Sacramento, CA – 6 victims Two WHITE WOMAN:.

76. Alvin Johnson. 3 victims. 1972-1983

77. Johnny Ray Johnson. 5 victims. Houston and Austin.…-executed.html

78 Melvin Johnson, 3 victims or more…-59394917.html

79. Milton Johnson. Joliet, IL. 5 victims. 17 victims…Html/85134.htm

80. Vincent Johnson. the Brooklyn Strangler 5 victims

81. Anthony Joiner. Philadelphia. Elderly home of horrors.
Victims: Margaret Eckard, Margaret Eckard, Elizabeth Moore, Lillie Amlie, Abbie Mortimer, Eugenia Borda, Mildred Alston.…108/111608.pdf

82. Bryan Maurice Jones. 4 victims east San Diego.CA…meta=&aq=f&oq;=

83. Daniel O Jones. Kansas City. (Killed four women while on parole for raping a highschool teacher)

84. Henry Lee “ Bum” Jones. Southern Florida; Bartlett, Tennessee. 4 victims, possibly more.

85. Sydney Jones. 13 + victims. In 1900 . Eleven of his victims were reportedly black men; the two Whites.…enkiller_j.php

86. Arhon (MALIK) Kee. Harlem, New York City, New York. 3 girls. Late 1990s.…rhon Kee.jpg

87. Horace Edward KELLY . victims 3 1984 CA…ace_edward.php

88. Anthony Kirkland. Cincinnati. 5 women and burned their bodies.

89. POSTEAL LASKEY Jr aka Cincinnati Strangler . Number of victims: 7. Span of killings: 1965–1966. State: Ohio…l Laskey.jpg

90. Derrick Todd Lee (8 victims inc .White woman) Southern Louisiana.

91. Devernon LeGrand. “Bishop”. 6+ NY

92. Matthew Emanuel Macon. 7 victims (Murdered and Raped 5 WHITE Women in Lansing). Central Michigan.

93. Bobby Joe Maxwell , 10 victims . Los Angeles

94. Edward George McGregor . 4 victims . Houston

95. Anthony McKnight. 5 girls and young women) 1985

96. LaMarques Devon McWilliams, 10 victims

97. David Middleton 3 CO Beware of the Cable Guy: From Cop to Serial Killer (9780976861737): Jeff Kaye
98. Hulon Mitchell, a.k.a. Yahweh Ben. Florida. 20 victims, possibly more.…ult/index.html

99. Cory Morris “Crackhead Killer”, 5 Phoenix women between 2002 and 2003. \…z_morris_c.htm

100. Eddie Lee Mosley Southern Florida. 25 to 30 victims, all women.



Posted by Pamela on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 12:01 | #

101. Winston Moseley. 3 wictims: Kitty Genovese, Barbara Kralik, 15, Annie Mae Johnson, 24.

102. Donald Murphy 5 MI. Detroit

103. Ivan L. Page – Flint, Michigan. 3 victims; Deena Brown, Lisa Price, Patricia Peeler…icult_cal.html

104. Gerald Parker. “The Bedroom Basher.” Southern CA. 6 WHITE WOMAN,

105. Reginald Wendell Perkins. 4 female victims

106. Christopher Peterson vel Obadyah Ben Yisrael.…(serial_killer)

(***. )Antwan Maurice Pittman

107. Michael Player vel Marcus Nisby. 10 drifters 1986…l?pagewanted=1

108. Craig Chandler Price (Brutally murdered 3 women) Warwick, Rhode Island. 4 victims.

109. Cleophus Prince jr. San Diego, California. 6 victims.

110. David James Roberts. 4 victims IN…age&q;=&f=false

111. Alfred Lee Robinson 4 victims…alfred_lee.php

112. Robert Rozier (7 killed in, Miami) Robert Rozier. Miami, Florida. 7 WHITE people. Robert Rozier 7+ FL, NY, MD

113. George Russell. (George Walterfield Russell, Jr.,) . Mercer Island Washington State. 3 victims, all women.…rial-1991.html 2005.pdf (pic)
114. BEORIA SIMMONS. 4victims: Robin Barnes, Shannon House, Nancy Bettman. Kentucky
Simmons would abduct white females at gunpoint, rape them and then shoot them. They were killed in 1981, 1982 and 1983.…ia-Simmons.htm

115. Ray Dell Simms. At least five young women.

116. Gary Sinegal. Texas. 6 victims…NEGAL_gary.php

117. Robert Franklin Smallwood Jr Rocky Mount 3 victims…t_franklin.php

118. Lemuel Warren Smith. Upstate New York. 4 victims.…_smith/15.html

119. Morris Solomon, Jr. Convicted of killing six of the seven women on August 29, 1991.,_Jr.

120. Anthony E. Sowell. Cleveland. 11 victims…2.1290708.html

121. Timothy W. Spencer. Arlington, Virginia and Richmond, Virginia. 5 victims. All of the victims (with the exception of Cho) were White

122. Winford Stokes. 3victims MO Missouri. Ruled insane on two counts of murder 1969. Escaped from asylum, 1978. Murdered again. Executed for this murder, 1990.

123. Kevin Taylor. Death toll 4…n Taylor.jpg…YLOR_kevin.php

124. MICHAEL TERRY Homosexual serial killer…RY_michael.php

125. Brandon Tholmer “the Westside Rapist” . Killed possibly 34 women in LA between 1981-84.
victims: Dorothy Fain, 72; Mary Pauquette, 72, Woolloomooloo Woodcock, 66, and Rose Lederman, 80.…rnian_murders/

126. John Floyd Thomas, Jr. 6+ 1975 and spring 1986.

127. Richard Tipton 11 victims Kille…rs.pdf

128. Maury Troy Travis (17 and rising, St. Louis and possibly Atlanta area (?). 17 victims, possibly more.

*** Emerson Tucker alias John Turner

129. Chester Dewayne Turner. Los Angeles. 13 dead women and two fetuses linked to his DNA

130. Clarence WALKER 1929. victims 14 1945 1966 TN OH MI…R_clarence.php

131. Henry Louis Wallace. “the Charlotte Strangler”. Charlotte, North Carolina. Raped and strangled 5 women to death 9 victims. 1992-1994

132. ALEXANDER WAYNE WATSON JR . 5+ victims…2004Jul13.html

133 Coral Eugene Watts. Sunday Morning Slasher (11 women in Texas & 1 in Michigan). Texas; Michigan; Canada.
He has confessed to 13 killings, but is suspected in as many as 80 killings.) WHITE VICTIMS

134. Nathaniel White .

135. Edward Charles Wilkins, Jr. Savannah. 1999 and 2000. victims: 3 prostitutes…type=printable

136. Nicholas Wiley, Syracuse. 3 woman: 18-year-old Tammy Passineau, 22-year-old Hannah Finnerty, and 31-year-old Lottie Thompson

137. John Williams, Jr. Raleigh, North Carolina. 5 victims. 1990s.…MS_john_jr.php…age&q;=&f=false

138. Wayne Williams . Atlanta area. 23 victims.

139. Anthony Wimberly 3 CA

140. Donald E. Younge, Jr. (killed 4), East St. Louis, IL; Salt Lake City, UT. Donald E. Younge, Jr. East St. Louis, Illinois; Salt Lake City, Utah. 4 victims.…-donald-e.html

I think,  and it is probably true, there are many, many more African_american serial killers.


Posted by Lurker on Fri, 08 Jan 2010 14:24 | #

Clyde said -

I don’t know if Tyrone did a “preach and run”, but he is just stating the obvious.  White serial killers outnumber black serial killers 4 to 1

Clyde you do realise that whites outnumber blacks by more than 4 to 1 (in the US)? Therefore you’ve just made the case that blacks are more likely, statistically, than whites to be serial killers. Thanks for clearing that up.


Posted by jamesbrownfuhrer on Thu, 28 Jan 2010 17:33 | #

Hay Tyrone, you stated that white serial killers outnumber the black serial killers 4 to 1? And if that were even true, by your own account, your suggesting that blacks are represented as 1 of those 4 parts. In otherwords, .01 / 4 x 100 =.25!!!! So what your concluding is that 25% of the whole serial killer population is in-fact black. But what you don’t realize is that blacks are only 12+% of the U.S. population! So 25% of the serial killers , divided by 12 = 2.083! Meaning that black serial killers are twice out of proportion per-capita to their white counterparts! Because whites represent 75% of the general population, and as you’ve already said, “white s-killers out number black s-killers 4-1”. So if we gave 1 of the whole to the black s-killers, and the other 3 of the whole to the white s-killers, it would be the white s-killers that are NOT over-represented: [100-25=75%] =A dead match in contrast to the white-pop! What this really means is that your approximately 2-times as likely to be the victim of black s-killers than white because the black ones are committing these crimes at twice their population-rate when compared to whites or the general population!

.......................Even if you meant 4-1 to equal 5 as the whole? Black serial-killers would still be placed at 20%!! Still well above, and out of proportion!!!!


Posted by Ann on Fri, 14 May 2010 02:07 | #

Asian, Hispanics, and Native Americans are missing from serial statistics. But overall, it is mostly white, single males.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 14 May 2010 03:35 | #

This link’s contents may be challengingly abstruse for you Ann, but please do your best.

Also, danielj’s observation regarding Nigger numbers in the crime of bank robbery vis - a- vis their percentage of the overall US population, is, of course, true.

However it is not as relevant as the realisation that the Black pests constitute more than half of America’s criminal fraternity, irrespective of their percentage representation in the country’s total population


Posted by Tuncils on Sun, 24 Oct 2010 21:13 | #

Guys, come on !!
why debate about what race commit more murders ... or commit more crimes, while to me every race has their own share in the crime world, either to their own race or against other race ...
statistically, you may see that the caucasian people commit more people in numbers, but only if you collect the numbers in one country only.
In Africa land you’ll find the statistic will turn upside down, and of course in Asia you will find it more likely since not many caucasian or african people commit such crime in asia land ...

be more objective, use your research for something more useful such as based on the demographic-geographic and population, how can society recognize such kind of perpetrators among them.

if you read, in my country recently they caught a guy who sodomized and dismembered kids for about 2 decades, and overlapped with other serial killer who already died while waiting for his execution. (find : Babe Baeduni - Indonesia; Robot Gedek - Indonesia)
I’m doing the research, taken data from all over the world, comparing each case to another, find the patterns based on the socio-anthropology, psychology and culture-local customs ... not to judge, but to help my community to prevent such cases, ...

I’m so appreciated with your forums, help me with my research ... keep up the good work .. and again, stop debating on who killed most, but let us start on how to recognize the psychopaths among our own community.

God Bless


Posted by Edward P. Ciesielski, Jr. on Thu, 12 Jan 2012 00:23 | #

In March, 2008, while writing my debut novel, IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING, a serial-killer murder mystery, circa 1944-1983, I posted my experience on this website with one of the murder investigations involving the ‘Freeway Phantom:’ the infamous serial killer who terrorized the Washington, DC and Prince George’s County, Maryland area from April, 1971 until September, 1972, of which all the cases remain unsolved.   
In August, 2011, All Things That Matter Press, published my work, and is now available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  To purchase, type, IN SHEEP’S CLOTHING CIESIELSKI, in the search box on either site and my page will come up.  Also, the first two chapters are available for review on my webpage/blog: .
Suffice to say, the FP case I dealt with is explained fully in the book.


Posted by Louisa on Thu, 03 May 2012 06:41 | #

Sorry, but most of you are racists and it doesn’t worth speaking to them it’s like speaking to a wall… (btw I’m from Germany, remember history!!! very sensible to racism…)
However, I’ll do it either:
1. Don’t you EVER say nigger/niggro or something else! Unbelieveable how you people call your land a land of freedom for everybody…
2. believe it or not, crimes have no realtionship to the color of the skin… people are what society wants them to are! Funny how whites always said in past “well a jew/ a black one, they’re BADBADBAD and the victims were always these BADBADBAD people
3. I don’t care what you say, my best friends are jews and moslems and blacks and they never tried to kill me or themselves o.O and I’m going to write to a man in death row because nothing gives human beings the right to kill people even if they’ve killed someone (well sometimes there is no prove and they’re killed either…)
  at last forgive me, my english is very bad…


Posted by Pamela on Thu, 21 Mar 2013 06:55 | #

Rise of the Black Serial Killer


Posted by Lacey on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 09:21 | #

LOLOL . . . you people really need to find a better hobby . . . this is a bunch of hate-mongering and you’re a bunch of people looking for a reason to hate . . .good job!!! No wonder this country is going to hell . . .


Posted by Rise of The Black Serial Killer on Thu, 30 Mar 2017 03:12 | #

The Rise of The Black Serial Killer - Justin Cottrell

Why we haven’t heard about them..


Posted by Orson on Sat, 17 Feb 2018 20:58 | #

When you live in a country with majority anything the numbers should be higher obviously when will you idiots realize this. But when your 12% of the population responsible for 30% of rape and over 50 of murder. Then that’s a problem. What do you expect from people with low IQ and no respect for life or themselves. Fucking savage. Fyi. It’s not the 60% of the population. Fucking animals.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
